#blurred lines: adc
permanentcrossfics · 4 years
Blurred Lines: A Different Christmas // h.s.
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How do we write Christmas fics in a really weird year? I’m still not sure, but I tried to string together a bit of relief for the end of December. I’m shutting myself up now, even though there’s lots I want to say. This is for anyone who wants it, anyone who needs it, anyone who enjoys it (or hates it!) silently and vocally alike. My Christmas gift is the happy and unexpected bonus of anyone reading what I have so much selfish fun thinking of and spinning out. Happy and Merry Christmas if you celebrate it, and a happy and merry end of December if you don’t and are just doing you! x
It was the big Christmas tree you’d dragged back home by yourself on top of a rickety shopping cart all the way from a place on Second Avenue that had been your breaking point. Picking it had its own bittersweet undertones, but the smell of fresh pine tickling your nose even through a mask had kept you afloat as you struggled to get it off and onto curbs before traffic pancaked you in the middle of the road. It wasn’t until you were back inside, still wrapped in your coat and struggling to get it upright in the stand the correct way that you burst into a torrent of hot, selfish tears and bowed your head, kneeling next to the mass of needles and branches. He should be here! He should be helping you. He should’ve helped anchor lights in windows, he should’ve had an opinion on the scented candles, he should’ve made you go back for decorations you just weren’t sure of because you wanted them regardless of what he thought, and he should’ve helped pick, and carry, and set up the tree. The whole reason you’d gone out to get a fresh tree – something real in a year that had felt anything but – was to lift your spirits, but instead you were sobbing next to it and it all felt a little dramatically pointless. It was everything you’d avoided last year by flying off to England but that you couldn’t escape this time. What was the point? What was the point of pretending?
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“You coming home with me this year?” 
Again. He asked the same question you’ve been dodging for weeks since plans had started to look uncertain again, not because he was pestering you, but because somehow, some way, you were both hoping for an answer with a loophole. 
“I can’t,” you said softly, regretfully, holding your phone close to your face with one arm as you curled up under the duvet of a bed in an apartment that had somehow become yours together instead of his alone throughout the course of a very new, very different, very unsettling year. “For a few reasons.” 
And he knew that. 
Harry’s deep breath crackled and he dragged his hand down his face, holding it there as he shook his head, the thought processes you’d learned to read so well hidden from view. 
You’d liked going home with him last year -- loved it, even. You’d hardly had time to look forward to a repeat when the world had flipped in the first quarter or sooner, and the sand had just kept slipping through the hourglass until all time for hope of a new and normal Christmas was gone and sucked away into the void of the year. 
So many plans. So many memories that lived only as memories of daydreams now. So much else, so much more important, devastating, and tragic you couldn’t even put it into words and, frankly, didn’t want to. Not now -- you spent too much time thinking about it to think about it now, too.
“Filming’s done soon,” he said from behind his hand. “I can book my flight to New York--”
“And then go to Manchester after Christmas -- after the New Year, we always take a bit of a longer break. Mum won’t mind--”
“Your mother’s barely seen you since last Christmas,” you said. “Your sister, too, and there’s not enough time to--”
“Course there is!”
“Two weeks quarantine in each?” you asked. “That’s a month of staying put, let alone--”
A split second glance at his face was all you saw before the screen went black and you bit your tongue. He hadn’t hung up, because you’d heard the soft thud when his phone collided with his chest, and you could hear him breathing now, so you waited, suppressing your own urge to snap as he had his. Despite having spent the better part of the year together, it was frustrating to think about not being together for the season. All you wanted was him, though you knew better than to voice it out loud. He’d do it -- for you, he’d do it if you asked him to -- and you’d have to live with the guilt of taking him away from his family at the time of year where family should be together most, if it mattered to them. And you’d been weirdly lucky enough to have him most of the year between carefully navigated business trips. He was only one man with one body. It didn’t -- couldn’t -- matter that you wanted him, too. 
That you wanted to be with the man you loved. 
When he picked up the phone again, his face was drawn, tired, and not just from filming, you suspected. 
“Go home,” you urged, swallowing the break in your voice. “You miss home, and home misses you. I’ll have fun decorating and send you all the pictures you won’t be able to do anything about.” 
His throat bobbed hard, audibly, and his eyes looked dangerously shiny. 
“Next year I’ll go home with you,” you said, burrowing half your face into your pillow. “London and Holmes Chapel both.”
“Next year,” he said eventually, voice raspy. “We’ll have Christmas at home next year.” 
You nodded, forcing the lump rising up, up, and up back down. “You should go to sleep,” you said. “It’s late and you have to be up early.”
“Later for you,” he said and you sighed, noting the 3:08 timestamp at the top of your screen. 
“Let’s go,” you said. “Call me when you can.” 
“I will.” Sad, but resigned. You wanted to reach through the screen and touch the downturned corners of his mouth to push them back upright again. “Sleep well, and I love you.” 
Taking a deep breath, you murmured, “I love you, too,” before hanging up the call and the room descended into darkness and you into a fitful sleep. 
At first, you were determined to make the most of it. Your studio had always been small, cozy, and Christmasy to the best of your abilities, but his -- your -- apartment had so many more possibilities. Candles were the first to be set out, with strategic clusters of red, green, and gold-colored wax placed all about and nestled in fake holly wreaths. String lights that cast a pretty glow lined windows even in the bedroom for some last minute holiday cheer, and despite the urge to drive him up a wall, you did your best to only pick out other decorations that you’d both like and want to use in the future. Because as much as you might avoid talking about it in many certain terms the longer the relationship went on (it still felt so funny to think that a one night stand had turned into a relationship), there was a future. He was your future. It wasn’t your first Christmas together, but it might be your last one apart. 
It was the big Christmas tree you’d dragged back home by yourself on top of a rickety shopping cart all the way from a place on Second Avenue that had been your breaking point. Picking it had its own bittersweet undertones, but the smell of fresh pine tickling your nose even through a mask had kept you afloat as you struggled to get it off and onto curbs before traffic pancaked you in the middle of the road. It wasn’t until you were back inside, still wrapped in your coat and struggling to get it upright in the stand the correct way that you burst into a torrent of hot, selfish tears and bowed your head, kneeling next to the mass of needles and branches. 
He should be here! He should be helping you. He should’ve helped anchor lights in windows, he should’ve had an opinion on the scented candles, he should’ve made you go back for decorations you just weren’t sure of because you wanted them regardless of what he thought, and he should’ve helped pick, and carry, and set up the tree. The whole reason you’d gone out to get a fresh tree -- something real in a year that had felt anything but -- was to lift your spirits, but instead you were sobbing next to it and it all felt a little dramatically pointless. It was everything you’d avoided last year by flying off to England but that you couldn’t escape this time. What was the point? What was the point of pretending? 
Wiping your nose, you stood, eyes heavy, swollen, and itchy. With your coat gone, you heaved the tree up until it was sitting securely in its stand, needles scattered in its wake but branches full and outstretched, enveloping you in the warm smell of Christmas in a way the cedar- and balsam-scented candles couldn’t. Stepping back with your hands on your hips, you looked up at it, the swell of your anxiety simmering, thanks partly to your crying fit and partly to succeeding at the task. You’d decorate it bit by bit to draw the season out, and then on Christmas Eve, you’d call him and you’d both sit by your own trees and talk until it was Christmas Day for him. It was just for now -- this wasn’t the way of all ways for all time. 
You nearly passed out cold from the rush of fearful adrenaline shooting through you when the lock on the door clicked. In three seconds, you ran through whether or not you’d locked the door, determined that you had but then had forgotten, and figured out that somehow, someone had gotten in and they weren’t supposed to. You spun, frozen, brain zooming to determine if you dove behind a sofa or if you charged, but you didn’t get the chance before the door opened. 
A duffle bag, a foot, a body, in that order, and then a pair of wide, green eyes rimmed with circles just above a cloth mask.
“You do not get to be mad at me,” he said, voice muffled. He grunted and pushed the door open wider to bring in the rest of his luggage as you stood there, as equally speechless as you were breathless. “I tested before I came here,” he said, speaking with a loud if exhausted sort of authority, like he was trying to get the words out before you could protest. “But I’ll take the guest room, and I’ll get my own food, and we’ll keep out of each other’s space until the two weeks are up.” 
He brought his bags in the rest of the way, and it was only when he was halfway by you that he stopped in his tracks. “Y’haven’t moved,” he said, eyebrows furrowing as he narrowed his eyes on you. “Are you all right?” 
Lightheaded, you nodded. 
“O… kay,” he said, stilted, still eyeing you. “M’just gonna go get settled and showered, then.” 
“What are you doing here?” you asked, the words finally forcing themselves from you. 
“You’re supposed to--”
“Mum knows,” he interrupted. “M’taking Christmas here this year. Gem’ll have Christmas with her and I’ll go along after. She’s excited about having two. ‘Scuse me….” 
Nodding, you waved him away to hurry, shoo, because you could feel the emotions rising in you again and your confusion wasn’t enough to quell them. Fifteen minutes ago, you’d been kneeling on the floor with aching knees, crying, and now here he was. 
You’d wrestle with the confliction of doing what was right and doing what you wanted… later. Later, when you could wrap your head around it and the choice he’d made. 
Two weeks. That would put you just on Christmas Day, basically. Just two weeks.
Dodging him around the apartment was a lot more difficult than you would’ve guessed for how big it was. More than once you nearly slammed into him in the kitchen, and someone was always in the favored bathroom. For his part, he’d taken to wearing a mask when he roamed, and even though you told him he didn’t have to do that, all he did was hum behind it. You got it -- the positive result from the crewperson on set had spooked everyone, and he was being safe. You both were being safe, but for as mindful as you’d been throughout, all you wanted to do was hold him, hug him, kiss him. Video calls were ridiculous when you were in the same house and you could hear his laugh through the walls. But you got it, and if you kicked too much he’d book a hotel to quarantine away from you, so you’d rather have him here, as selfish and risky as it was. 
It was three days into your little bubble that he finally dared to get within arm’s reach of you. You were mulling over where to put the chimney sweep ornament when he shuffled over to the foot of the ladder you were leaning on, and you raised an eyebrow, arm outstretched.
“Can I help you?” you asked.
He shook his head, the lights from the tree reflected in his eyes. “Just watching,” he said from behind his mask. 
“You’re standing a little close, aren’t you?” you teased. Jokes were all you had -- all anyone had this year, if they were lucky. 
Immediately, he scowled -- how funny you could tell what his face looked like so clearly even with the cloth stretched firmly across it -- and you giggled. “Watch what you’re doing,” he said, taking his hands from his sweatshirt pocket to grab the ladder legs, and with his support, you held on tightly and leaned over to place it on the prime branch. 
“Thank you,” you said. “Do you want to pass me that box?” 
He did so and you murmured your thanks, resting it on the top step as you pulled ornaments out to hang them. 
“Not there,” he said before you could drop a hook over a branch with a snowflake. “Give it… thank you.” He took it carefully from you and placed it on a different one closer to him, lower than where you were placing it but slightly higher than you could reach without a ladder. 
“Thank you.” 
Together, slowly, ornaments were hooked and rehooked (and rehooked yet again when one of you noticed the other had moved them from a spot you each thought was perfect) until the tree was trimmed, each branch heavily laden, bearing the weight of ornaments and of providing joy after the year behind. 
“How’d you get this home?” he asked, looking up at it with you once you were off the ladder. 
“Carefully,” you said dryly. “Oh! The top.” You turned, but he cut across your path.
“I’ve got it,” he said, grabbing the box from the precarious stack next to the coffee table. 
“I want to,” you whined and he snorted.
“You’ve done the whole bloody thing,” he said without venom. “Let me do just the one.” With it in hand, he climbed the ladder as you held it steady, and he set it on the topmost branch, prodding it until it was tall and straight up, all five points outstretched and shining. 
“That’s perfect,” you said under your breath, resting your head on his leg, and he patted the top of your head gently. You stayed like that for a minute, two, three, and more, with your arm curling around his calf, embracing as much physical contact as he’d allowed since he came home. “How many more days?”
“Eleven.” He sounded thoughtful, resentful, and exhausted all in one go. You squeezed his leg and kissed his knee through his joggers. 
“Then it’s Christmas,” you said.
He exhaled slowly, still patting your head. “Christmas morning.” 
Eleven. Whole. Days. 
Eleven days of more of the same. He’d eased up, thankfully, and dared to venture a little closer with a mask on, because, as you’d reminded him, he had tested negative. You sat on opposite ends of the couch, enjoying the Christmas tree and decorations together, laughing, talking, planning, and exchanging stories about everything that had happened while you were apart. His, of course, were wildly more interesting, but he somehow managed to hang onto every word of even your most droll and mundane ones, and always with the right questions and supportive murmurs of agreement as necessary. 
Eleven days of saying goodnight and crawling into a bed that was too big for one when two was next door. 
Eleven days of not being able to share meals properly or touch each other -- sex aside -- and eleven days of Hell.
“It’s your fault,” you said one night from your end of the couch, scowling with your arms crossed. The tree twinkled happily despite your sour mood, and music that was too merry and bright played from the television. 
“Me?” he asked indignantly. 
“Yes! You had to do that stupid film.” 
“It’s not stupid.”
“You’re wearing a mask in our home,” you said, burrowing into the cushions. “If I want to call it stupid, I will.” 
He groaned, dropping his head forward. “Baby….”
You grunted. 
“It’s only a couple more days. A couple more days, and then it’s Christmas. Think of it like a present you’re waiting for.”
Despite yourself, you snorted. 
“I’m all you want for Christmas, aren’t--?”
“Shut up,” you said, kicking his thigh with your extended leg. He snickered, eyes crinkled and full of light all their own. 
“Couple more days,” he said, patting your ankle. “Couple more days, and then you won’t even be able to get rid of me. We’ll be in bed all weekend.”
“I’m not calling your mother from bed.”
He waggled his brows with some exaggeration and you rolled your eyes. 
That had been around day five, maybe six. Suffice it to say, by Christmas Eve, you were done. 
“It’s one day!” you said over breakfast in the kitchen. “One day, Harry!” 
“We made it this long,” he said, pouring hot coffee into a mug that had his face printed onto the head of dancing elf -- a gift from his mother shipped along with a matching one for you that she insisted you both open ahead of time to enjoy for as long as possible. “We can make it a couple more hours.”
“If I stripped naked, what would you do? Stand there and watch me?” 
He froze and looked at you over his mask, the heated warning pinning you in place. Huffing, you pushed the stool away from the counter and hopped off it.
“Where are you--?”
“Out,” you said. “I’m going to get--” You floundered. “Coffee.” 
A beat passed and his eyes dropped to the mug in his hand.
“We literally have--”
“I’m going out!” you said, wrapping your neck and half your face up in a scarf to keep warm. You were going out, because you were mad, and the tantrum was burgeoning. That poor man had seen more unreasonable tantrums from you this year than he had in the entire two and a half you’d reciprocally acknowledged each other’s presence, and you hated it. But he’d hate it, too, if you’d gone on a trip for work and come back and things were off.
Could be worse, you reminded yourself. It could be so very, very much worse.
“I love you,” you said, calmly, firmly. “I’ll be back. I’m only going around the block. Take that--” You waved at his mask, “--off. I’ll let you know when I’m on my way in..” 
When you returned, he was in the guest room, but a fresh cup of coffee in your own dancing elf mug rested on a mug warming plate. The last of your frustrations that hadn’t melted with the walk deflated and you picked it up, enjoying the aroma before taking a deep sip. 
He always made it better. And the coffee was nice, too. 
His mother called in the afternoon and you hardly noticed he was at your side until the phone was in front of your face and you gave a startled hello. 
“Has he been wearing that the whole time he’s been home with you?” she asked, her gleaming eyes and wide, genuine smile matching her son’s own warmth. 
Home. With you. 
“He has,” you said. 
“S’posed to be proud of me,” Harry said and Anne laughed.
“Of course, sweetheart. We’re still calling tomorrow?” she asked you. 
“Yeah,” you said. “We’ll be here.”
“Next year will be different, won’t it?” she all but clucked. “Did you like your mugs? I got one for me, Gemma, and Michal, too.” 
“Used them just this morning,” he said, squeezing your hip and wandering away. “Won’t be posting them anywhere for people to see, though….” 
Eventually -- finally -- the day drew to a close, and you crawled into bed with the knowledge that it was just one more night. One more night, and then in the morning you could say hello like you wanted to. One more night and you wouldn’t want to bite his head off. One more night and you wouldn’t feel so mental, as he would put it. 
And yet, lying there, the minutes dragged. Ten? No, just one. Fifteen? Five. 
It felt like Christmas, though. As much as this was pure torture, this was what Christmas was supposed to feel like -- like it used to feel when you were a kid and you’d wait for weeks tingling anticipation, counting down, hoping that you’d find what you wanted under the tree, bursting with more energy than any amount of sugar could give you. Except instead of presents, or money, or sweets, you were waiting for the man who’d been under your nose for two weeks by this point. You got to kiss your boyfriend tomorrow. You got to see your boyfriend, hold your boyfriend, and celebrate Christmas with your boyfriend. 
Twenty minutes? Two. 
Two minutes after midnight.
Fourteen days. 
You sprang from the bed before you could think about the matter and darted to the door over the cold wooden floor, but when you rounded the corner in the hallway, out of nowhere, something all but slammed into you. Sucking in a sharp breath with a screwed up face, you squeaked when you collided with a very warm, very sturdy frame. Belatedly, two arms shot out to grab you by yours to steady you. “Oh my God, I--”
Hair, forehead, eyes, nose, and mouth, too. No mask. 
“Are you o--?”
He didn’t get to finish his question. You clapped your hands over his cheeks and kissed him soundly before he could kiss you first. Under ordinary circumstances, he’d laugh -- you both would -- but rather than that, he locked both his arms around you tightly and spun you, teetering precariously with you in tow until you got to the guest bed. Tackle was an apt word for how he delivered you to it, but you were the farthest thing from upset at finally having not even an inch of space between you. The bed smelled like him and it was warm, he was warm, and you were kissing again, and again, and again, cold noses smushing together as you found new angles. 
“Christmas,” he mumbled between them.
“Mmhm,” you returned against his mouth, legs interlocking with his. “I missed you,” you whispered.
“Missed you, too.” 
Shivering, you both pulled the duvet up over your shoulders, and you curled up against him. Cologne, skin, and laundry detergent, with a bit of his minty toothpaste. There was no scented candle for that. You pressed your fingers against his chest and scratched lightly through the smattering of hair there. “We could go to our bed,” you reminded him, but he shook his head.
“Y’here now,” he rasped, leaning in to press his lips comfortably to your hairline, one arm draped over your back. “Let’s stay here tonight and we can change things later.” 
“Were you coming to get me?” you asked, voice shaking as the last of the shivers left your bones. 
“Yeah,” he admitted. You laughed, teeth chattering, and he pulled you closer. “Don’t laugh!” he said, rubbing your back and warming you. “S’been two weeks for me, hasn’t it?”
“For you!”
“You try bein’ home with you for that long,” he mumbled. 
Shaking again, but less than before, you kissed the underside of his chin. “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas, darling.” 
When you woke up, his back was to you, and his one shoulder was rising and falling with the rhythm of his sputtery, wheezy snores. You smiled, closing your eyes, and snuggled into the pillow. Better -- much better. You dozed on for an unknown amount of time, and you were walking the line between sleep and consciousness when featherlight kisses across your brow startled you and you jerked awake.
“Sorry,” Harry mumbled, only sounding slightly truthful. You made a noise and stretched, shaking from head to toe before curling up into a tight little ball next to him and opening your eyes fully. His own were puffy with sleep, but he grinned radiantly as if he’d been awake for a while.
“What?” you asked in a croak.
“Nothing,” he said. “Mum’s gonna call soon.”
Groaning, you halfheartedly turned your head to look over your shoulder. “What time is it?” you asked, straining to see the window and get a gauge. 
“S’ten,” he said. “So about three for them. Sure you don’t want to call from bed?” 
You glowered at him and his lip twitched. “I’ll put the coffee on.” 
When you finally managed to leave the warm nest of the bed, the living room had been transformed. The tree was on, twinkling under the streams of light pouring in through the windows, and he’d lit the fireplace, too, flames licking up and up behind the glass. Soft, melodic Christmas music floated from the far corners of the room, and the smell of coffee tickled your nose. 
“So,” he said from his spot at the island as he unwrapped cheeses and opened jars of olives, and jams, and honeys, and other goodies. “What time do we pop the bubbly?” 
Laughing softly, you shuffled over. “It’s ten.”
“Little after ten now,” he said, lips pressed tightly together and arms flexed until the lid popped. “And somewhere in the world it’s five o’clock.” 
You pulled a grape off the bunch lying on the counter and popped it into your mouth, chewing not so delicately but enjoying the sweet burst of freshness. You’d no sooner swallowed than his phone started buzzing and you grabbed it, sliding your finger to answer the call from the incoming Mum and pointing it at him.
“Happy Christmas, honey.” Anne’s voice was warm even through the phone, and Harry’s head whipped up.
“Wh-- Happy Christmas-- didn’t know you were-- ‘scuse the mess,” he said as you giggled behind the phone. 
“Having a good morning so far?” 
“Goin’ ok, yeah,” he said. “Just getting started, heating up the coffee.”
“Where’s your better half gotten off to?” 
Trying not to melt, you waved your hand in front of the camera. 
“Hello, love,” she said. “Happy Christmas.” 
“Happy Christmas, Anne.”
“Are we going to get to see you today?”
“Fair’s fair,” Harry chimed in. “Turn that thing around, why don’t you?” 
Rolling your eyes, you flipped the phone and waved, sliding around the counter to stand next to him. 
“That’s better,” Anne said with a firm nod. She had a red top on with a festive, sparkly necklace, and looked a good deal more put together than either one of you.
“Where’s Gem?” Harry asked, taking the phone from you so you could unbox the crackers. 
“Upstairs napping off the morning,” she said. “She’ll want to call again later.” 
And that was how the morning went, with each of you passing his mother back and forth while you carried plates and trays full of snacks to the coffee table and couch in front of the tree to nibble while tearing into gifts on camera, including a box full of chocolates for you, Branston pickle for him, and Christmas crackers for both of you to have, “A little bit of home this year.”
“Thank you,” you said, clutching your sweets close. “And thank you for--” Unbidden, you choked up, and Harry glanced at you sharply, his inquisition vanishing with his understanding. For sharing him -- allowing you to steal him away during the holidays in a year where everyone needed family, either by blood or choice. He squeezed your shoulders and his mother, as adept as he was at redirecting a conversation, piped up. 
“Promise you’ll come see us again next year,” Anne said. “It’s been too long.”
“It has been,” you agreed, resting your cheek on his shoulder. 
“Maybe sooner.” Harry looked down at you. “If things ease up?” 
You nodded. “Summer in London,” you mused. “That would be nice.”
“And then a bit of time back home. We could go before things pick up in August.”
Summer in London. A beacon of hope you couldn’t erect just yet, but a beacon nevertheless. A bit of time with him before he, hopefully, went back to work and you got to revisit adjusted and postponed plans. 
The rest of your Christmas Day was quiet -- different from the year before when you’d been overwhelmed with names, faces, screeches of Uncle Harry, and not being sure how to break your way in. You kept trays of cheese, crackers, and other snacks within an arm’s reach, and by the early afternoon both of you had a comfortably steady buzz from the bubbly he was good at topping off both your glasses with -- never sloppily drunk, but enough to be warm in your fingers and toes and to seek out cuddles from him under the blanket you were snuggled in on the sofa with paper crowns on both your heads. 
“Can I tell you something?” you asked, ribs crunched from how far you’d slid down on the sofa to nestle into his side, all but eye-level with his chest. “And have it not be as awful as it sounds?” 
You felt his laugh before you heard it. “Sure,” he drawled. “What is it?” 
Squeezing his wrist, you turned your mouth into his forearm, eyes on the television as a snowman leapt and bounded over a wide, snowy plain before jumping into the air. “I like this Christmas,” you admitted into his skin. 
Harry snorted. “S’not awful, s’the point -- Christmas is supposed to be likeable.”  
“You know what I mean,” you said, sighing. “I know it’s just us and there’s no family or anyone around, but… I dunno… it’s not all bad, is it?” 
“Like having me to yourself?” 
You groaned and rolled your eyes, shaking your head. “Shut up,” you mumbled. 
He kissed the top of your head, crown crunching under it, and you grunted. “S’not so bad,” he said into your hair. “Like having you all to myself, too, y’know.” 
“You’re just saying that because you have to because you’re stuck with me,” you said and he laughed with another smacking kiss. 
“Not stuck with me yet,” he crooned. “Can leave any time you want.” 
“Maybe I will….”
Giggling, you untangled yourself from him and squirmed out from underneath the blanket. “More bubbly?” 
Boxing Day was a Christmas redux, with more cheese, sparkling wine, music, and calls with family and friends. Long distance versions of old favorite games were adapted and adopted, and you snickered quietly from the corner of the couch, staying out of his way when he shouted about how he had hit the button, it was his trackpad that hadn’t worked. 
The late afternoon and on, though, was yours together and alone with the time difference breaking up the party earlier than it normally would be. The bittersweet cloud vanished, though, when you at some point you separated even further into your own activities -- him with his stack of new books and you with a film you played quietly on your laptop. Able to be near each other without having to be wrapped up and begging with your bodies for sorely missed attention, it finally, really, felt like home again. 
“It’s so pretty out,” you murmured, nose pressed to the windowpane to see as much of the light-lined streets as you could. It got dark earlier and earlier these days, and yet later than it had even a few days ago. “I love Christmas in New York. I wish--” You caught yourself ahead of finishing the sentence, thinking better. 
You wished it was a normal year -- for many reasons -- so you two could go out and see the city. So you could show him your favorite places, so you could make memories together like you had with him last year. It wasn’t anything life altering or new, but it was different when you were with someone you loved. You wanted him to know you -- all of you, even the unknowable parts. 
“Y’know,” he said next to your ear, hand on the back of your neck as he slunk up behind you, “it’s getting pretty late.”
You turned your head slightly, looking at him in the reflection of the glass. “Do you want to go to bed?” 
Too early for sleep. Was he asking for sex? 
Harry hummed and shook his head. “How ‘bout you get your coat on?” he murmured. “Let’s have that Boxing Day walk we didn’t get last year.”
“When else?” he said. “Haven’t been out yet, and it’s late. Streets’ll be empty. We can go wherever, do whatever, see whatever.” 
“You’re serious?” 
Nodding, he pulled you by the arm and you stumbled with him, still processing it even as you pulled beanies on with masks and (winter) gloves.
“Where are we going?” you asked.
He shrugged, calling the elevator. “Dunno,” he said. “Figured you’d lead the way. Show me your favorite bits. Seem t’remember summat about Bryant Park last year.” 
There were sobering realities at the street level, too. Gates were down on storefronts that hadn’t been pulled up since March, awnings above them tattered from months of neglect and ‘For Rent’ signs flapping against them in the wind. The usual post-holiday influx of tourists was thinned, with hardly a white sneaker in sight, and everything was just a little quieter than it should be and would be in a usual year.
But there were lights. Broadway’s may have dimmed for the time being, but endless, endless displays of lights, brighter without the ambient light pouring from storefronts diminishing their power, offered beacons of hope -- literal lighthouses in a storm of a year -- and led you uptown like a trail of breadcrumbs. 
You pulled him this way and that way, weaving through side streets to look at any display that looked bright enough from a distance, fingers locked tightly with his in a way they never were outside of the house. As bittersweet as it was no one was out, it afforded you a level of privacy you never had, anywhere. Not even Holmes Chapel. You couldn’t remember a time where you’d ever held his hand for this long at one time, if you were honest, and while you didn’t need it, you enjoyed the option. 
In between zigs and zags, he mumbled stories to you about this time, and another time, and a time after that, pointing at buildings, venues, restaurants, and hotels, and you listened half in awe and half in earnest. It was a whole other life he’d lived without you before, and you’d only been aware of the surface of it. Nobody knew what he was telling you except the people he’d lived it with, and you didn’t think you’d ever get over or be able to thank him for trusting you to be someone he chose to share it with. 
“I love Sixth,” you said, sighing as you walked past giant red Christmas ornaments three times the size of you both, the reflection of the string lights wrapped around tree branches bouncing off their shiny surfaces. Radio City’s electric red script beamed at you both from a distance, and traffic lights winked and waved in the wind up and down the avenue. “They do a lot with it.” 
“It’s pretty,” he said, squeezing your hand. “Tree’s this way, isn’t it?” he asked. 
You raised your eyebrows. “Yeah,” you said. 
He jerked his head and you blinked. 
“You want to?” you asked. 
“Just a bit,” he said. “Let’s go.” 
“There’s people!” you warned him, because even from here you could see the trickle of people with the same thought. “And I saw online they have a schedule--”
“We don’t have to get close,” he said, pulling you firmly. “S’big enough we don’t need to, just wanna take a peek.” 
He was so certain, but you were less so, because all you needed was someone to see him to break the serene bubble you’d blown around yourselves. Despite that, you shuffled with him until the tree was visible, a bright, glowing ball of multi-colored lights stretching towards the sky. “Wow,” you whispered under your breath. 
“S’nice,” he said and you nodded your agreement. It was nice -- despite the sad press it had gotten, the tree had turned out very nice at the end of it all, tall and impossibly beating all odds. What a metaphor for the year.
“It’s beautiful,” you murmured, squeezing him around the middle. 
“Come here,” Harry said next to your ear.
“Hmm?” Reluctantly tearing your eyes from the tree, you gasped when he pulled your mask down first and then his own in two swift tugs, revealing a cheeky grin with a face cradled by the fabric. “What are you doing?” you asked, eyes darting around. 
“Getting a kiss by the tree with my girlfriend,” he said. “Now, come here,” he repeated. This time, you obliged and allowed him to steal one, two, three kisses, each one of them smashed against your lips with a palpable sort of eagerness that made you think he would drink you if he could. This felt… normal. Normal, safe, and free. 
You couldn’t remember the last time you’d felt like that. 
When you broke and burrowed against his neck, he covered the back of your head and wrapped his other arm around your back, cocooning you in the shell of the most protective embrace he could give. Just a man -- any man, a regular man -- holding the person he loved, and, after his decision to stay with you through Christmas and New Years, he arguably loved you most. 
Through the thick knit of your beanie, you felt him kissing your head, and you nuzzled into his scarf. “Thank you,” you said, face safely out of sight. “For coming here.” 
“Not mad a’me for it?” he mumbled and you shook your head. “‘Kay, good.” 
Shivering, you huddled closer and he tightened his arms, shielding you from the brisk wind. 
“People will see,” you said, but despite that you held him closer. 
“Who cares?”
He did, despite his quiet rasp. He did, and you knew why he did, but right then, you could pretend that it didn’t matter at all. 
It was simultaneously the longest and shortest week of your life. 
The longest, because time didn’t exist, much like it hadn’t for most of the year. Days, afternoons, evenings, and nights blended together, blurred by a happy holiday haze onset by too much of everything good -- sleep, sustenance, and spirits. The weird, if nice, part of all the extra time was having the chance to do things you’d enjoyed over the course of the year all over again. Nine times out of ten, when the two of you were together, it was rushed even on the long layovers. You’d watch one series or a film the whole way through, and next time you’d have to be on to the next one you’d agreed to hold off on until the other was there, but after having spent most of the year under the same roof, the typical race to the next one was paused. Instead, you settled in for old Christmas films and other ones you hadn’t seen since you first started properly dating, lending a timeless sort of quality to the week. 
The shortest, because he’d only just gotten there. How had it been three weeks since he’d walked in the front door with a mask on and a warning? Three weeks, two of them masked, and now it was over and done. The whole year was over and done, with 2020 coming to a slow close after feeling simultaneously like it never would and like it was moving much, much too fast. Who would’ve known this would be how it would turn out after kicking it off in the back of his car with a paper plate full of snacks and the countdown on his phone? You’d made it through another year, together. 
“Do you know what I just realized?” you asked as you unpacked the bag from El Diablito at the kitchen counter. In the background, the low hum of commentators on the TV remarking about how different this year was provided a steady buzz amidst familiar scenery of lights in different cities. Berlin had gone first, then London, and now, gradually, the new year on the east coast was gliding ever closer. 
“What?” he asked over the noise of him unfurling the bag of tortilla chips. 
“This was our first year together,” you said. “Full--” you drew an arc through the air-- “year, I mean. Saying it and all that.” 
He didn’t say anything, but when you looked at him the corner of his mouth was lifted up slightly. “S’pose it is, yeah. Feels like longer.” He fished a chip out with his index and middle fingers before crunching into it noisily. 
“Almost three years of everything else,” you murmured, unwrapping a taco to inspect it. “This one’s yours.” 
“‘Everything else’?” he teased, snickering when you slid the taco across the counter to him. “Watch it, it’ll fall apart….” 
“Shut up and eat,” you said and he barked a laugh, grin permanent and eyes sparkling as he unwrapped it to peek.
“In a minute,” he said, setting down his food, satisfied it looked right. “Come here,” he said.
“Why?” you asked, smiling slightly though you eyed him suspiciously. “What do you want?”
He motioned with his hand. “C’mere a minute,” he repeated, voice light but eyes tight, and he swallowed hard. A cold wave washed down you from head to toe. You didn’t know why you were suddenly so nervous, but the nerves themselves spiked your anxiety and made your scalp prickly and your palms sweaty, and they got worse when he grabbed one of your hands -- your left hand -- to hold between his. “I’ve been wanting to talk to you about summat.” 
Oh, God. 
“Harry,” you said, but he shook his head.
“Lemme do this.” 
Five seconds. Five seconds was all it took to imagine the words coming out of his mouth, quietly, with soft, trusting eyes waiting patiently, hopefully for an answer. Five seconds was all it took for you to imagine mucking it all up with a twisted tongue, not because you weren’t sure what to say, but how to say it. No, no, no -- you didn’t want to hurt him, not even temporarily, not even by accident. 
Clearing his throat, he squeezed your hand. “I dunno how to do this,” he said, and for the first time ever, you were pretty sure he laughed without his eyes. You made a noise in your throat and curled your fingertips into his palm. “I love you,” he continued, Adam’s apple bobbing, lips trying and failing to form a smile. He was terrified, but determined, and you held his hand tighter while pressing your opposite one into his cheek.
I love you, too. You couldn’t say it, but you felt them swelling in your chest, growing your heart not two, not even three, but six times over. 
He opened and closed his mouth a few times before saying, “M’going to spend the rest of my life with you,” with a thoughtful quality in his rasp. “I think, if-- if that’s somethin’ you….”
You couldn’t breathe. You couldn’t, you were trying, but it was like sucking in helium. 
“So, m’kind of wondering if--”
“I’m not,” he shook his head. “I’m not asking you anything right now, because we’re not ready.” He rubbed the back of your hand assuringly. “We’re not ready, you have… and I’m….” He exhaled sharply, dropping his head, and your hand moved from his cheek to his hair and you rubbed the back of his neck. “I just want to know,” he said, breathing heavily, with his voice muffled into his chest, talking very fast, barreling through and tripping over words, “if I’m totally off base here. Cause m’not gonna now when there’s so much shit happening, but like… I don’t want to put my foot in my mouth when-- if I do, so if I could just get an idea of what you think, because we had a talk once but now every time you cut me off at the knees and--”
He sputtered, stopping short, and you pressed your face into his short hair. 
“I want it,” you said, sounding braver than you felt admitting wants out loud. “I do. I will.” 
His shoulders fell with his slow, deep breaths, and you rubbed your fingertips into his scalp gently.
“I will,” you say. “Promise,” you added, voice cracking. “You’re not off base.”
Neither of you said anything for a while. You couldn’t -- you quite literally, physically couldn’t -- and he was gulping for air as quietly as he could. 
“Okay,” he said into his chest finally, sounding inexplicably embarrassed. “S’good to know.”
Silly, silly man. Did he really think… did he doubt…? “I love you,” you murmured. 
“I know,” he said. “I know y’do.”
“No, you don’t.” You kissed his head. “I love you, I-- you’ll never know.” 
Harry took a deep breath before straightening up, head high and curls falling over his forehead above the weariest, most agonized eyes you’d ever seen. His cheeks were bright red, and he might as well have just run a marathon for how spent and miserable he looked. 
“I promise,” you repeated. “I promise, honey.”
He nodded slightly, mouth still set in a thin, grim line, and, instinctively, you stepped in to kiss him, because no. No, that wouldn’t do. Stiff and unmoving at first under your lips, gradually he warmed and softened, releasing your hand to grab your hips and you moaned softly, hands running across his shoulders over his hoodie. You promised -- when it was right, when you both could, if he asked and it was what you both wanted? There was only one answer you’d ever give. 
The stool scraped against the floor when he stood, but he never broke the kiss, and you squeaked when you stumbled back against the counter. You opened your mouth wider when he coaxed you to, dizzy behind your closed eyes, and you let your hands wander freely, pulling him into you as the intensity behind the kiss escalated from comfort to need.
Two weeks. Two weeks -- three -- of pent up energy. Of hardly being able to touch each other, of being close but not close enough. 
“Come here,” he demanded in a mumble, the firm hold he had on your jaw to hold you in place as he kissed you the way he wanted leaving you breathless. Rarely did he ever do that; usually, he guided you into what you both wanted to build it until the bubble of tension popped. There was something thrilling about being told though -- something that reminded you of when you were new, three months instead of almost three years in. Something that was like when time was limited and you had to be efficient to learn each other and what would feel good and do good for the other and yourselves, and telling was sometimes all you had. 
Harry broke away with a wounded little noise and you blinked, dazed. “M’just….” He grabbed two tacos with one hand and threw them back into the paper bag. “M’moving these.” Tacos, nachos, and burritos all went back in, topped off with the chips, and he shoved them aside with some impatience. You laughed breathily and lifted yourself up onto the counter with his help, but it faded when he stepped between your legs and cupped your cheek and jaw and you caught a glimpse of the blown pupils and flushed cheeks that gave him a wild, primal look before your own eyes shut. 
Each and every tender sponging of his lips across your jaw and down your neck made you ache, and it was all you could do to stay upright and not collapse back, limp from how weak you were. His needy, mesmerized groans made your belly tighten, and when he tugged the hem of your shirt you nodded. 
Shirt, sweatshirt, bra, and undershirt were the first to go, and the straps had no sooner fallen down your shoulders than you let out a wordless, guttural shout from deep in your chest when Harry latched on and sucked your nipple with greedy enthusiasm, moving with you when you squirmed, his stubble scraping the soft skin of your breast. 
“Oh my God,” you gasped, eyes watering and elbow nearly buckling underneath you in your effort to hold yourself up. “Yes, please,” you said when he pulled the strings on your sweats. 
“That’s my girl,” he said, releasing with a pop and latching on again. “That’s my girl… gonna make it better for you.” He stood tall again when he pulled by the waistline, and you wriggled until they were at your knees and you could kick them off the rest of the way with your underwear as he dropped his own to his ankles. 
With nothing left between you, you shivered, shrinking into him when he stepped closer and drew his hands around your body in a circuit. Legs first, stomach, back, breasts, shoulders, arms, and repeat, each squeeze and dig of his hands and fingers just a little restrained and not as zealous as his groans and heavy breathing made him out to be -- like he was trying to be good, or patient, or….
“It’s ok,” you murmured between kisses. “You don’t have to wait.” They’d done the waiting -- more than enough of it. You just wanted him now.
“Sure?” Harry rasped and you nodded, eyes rolling up when he slipped his fingers between you both and they slipped up and down your folds. “Sure,” he confirmed under his breath. “Open a little more for me, love-- there we are, thank you.” 
You folded your arms around his neck and over his back and locked your ankles loosely just under his ass, heart racing in your chest. 
“Breathe in--” Harry murmured and you squeezed your eyes shut when he fit his head against your entrance. It slid and you laughed, kissing his jaw when he kissed your brow through his grin. “Deep breath for me.” 
Every time. He did that almost every time with you, first asking for a deep breath and then, invariably, pulling a long exhale from you when he thrust into your warm, wet cunt. “Oh, fuck,” he whispered in awe, holding still. You could feel the tremors pulling each fiber in his muscles, and when he throbbed inside you, you bit your lip. “Holy shit, you’ve got me good,” he groaned. 
You laughed once. “Yeah.” Yeah, something like that. Wincing, you rolled your hips forward and gasped softly from the stretch before tightening your arms and pressing your face against his hot skin. You nuzzled in between your own slow, lingering kisses, taking deep, grounding breaths. He was soft, and smooth, but firm, and hard, and he smelled amazing. Clean -- all soap and cologne with some detergent that smelled even more from the warmth of his skin. 
“Oh, God,” you whispered. “Oh, God, I--” You sucked in a harsh breath, abdomen tightening as you pulsed around him, feeling wetter, and you moved your face higher, nose pressed into the base of his sheared hair as you moaned quietly. “Oh my God, I love you.” Pitchy, bordering on hysteria, but you’d be hard pressed to remember a time you felt it as much as you meant it like you did right then. “I love you, I love-- I-- you feel--” Good. Better than good. No one had ever fit like he had -- too much, but just enough, physically, mentally, emotionally. 
“I love….” Harry gulped. “Shit, ok, m’gonna….” He made to pull his shoulders back, but you shook your head. 
“No, no, stay,” you begged, wrapping your arms and legs tighter. “Stay, please,” you murmured. 
“I can’t-- ok,” he panted. “Lemme….” He gripped your ass and pulled you closer and your back arched as you opened your thighs just a little more. “There we go,” he grunted, hips snapping forward as he finally moved. “That’s… fuck, that’s better now.” 
You could hear the effort you could feel between your legs -- each sharp pull of breath between his teeth, each muted grunt between his driving thrusts, and the pants he let out when he had to stop for a moment to catch his breath. “M’ok,” he said every time between labored gulps for air. “M’good, I just need to--” and he grit his teeth before he began again, and again, you gasped and whimpered, shrinking closer to him. 
You didn’t want to be anywhere else, with anyone else, now or ever. You didn’t want to be this close to anyone else again ever. This was never supposed to happen. He was never supposed to meet you, know you, fall in love with you, nor you with him, but now he had, and you were, and you couldn’t imagine it any other way. You couldn’t imagine a world in which he didn’t come home to you, for you, and where you weren’t there. Not waiting -- never waiting on a man, any man, but ready for him when he returned and ready to move forward together. 
He was yours. He was yours, and you were his, and the mere thought pulled something behind your belly button, making you groan.
“What?” he asked, kissing the side of your head. “What, darling, what?”
“I’m gonna cum,” you whispered and then whimpered, tightening your hold around his neck and in his hair. “Harry--” you choked, shuddering with your deep breaths.
“I know.” He grunted, thrusting with slightly more power. “Fuck! Tight little--”
“Don’t stop,” you begged. “Don’t stop, I’m close, I’m so-- I just need--” Faster and faster you rolled your hips against his, crying out against him when he wedged his thumb between you both to catch your clit, a stream of mumbled, “I’m gonna cum, you’re making me cum,” confessions hidden in his neck. Deep breaths. Long, slow, and deep, with your toes curling behind him until you were barely breathing in your efforts to concentrate, because you were right there. And then, you did cum, hard, convulsing and sucking in harshly as you trembled your way through whimpers of his name, immediately and thoroughly exhausted. 
Both his arms locked around you, then, all but crushing you to his torso in his efforts to hold you up, and he thrust hard, fast, deep, getting the right rhythm and stroke he needed. Barely able to keep your eyes open, your mouth moved soundlessly around the demand -- request -- to cum. Cum, Harry, cum, baby, please. Wordlessly, he sputtered through a sharp exhale, and it was the only indication before you felt the hot, wet release accompanying his groans.
“Fuck,” he choked, one of his hands landing hard on the counter to prop both of you up. You laughed, eyes rolling up, and you held on tightly through his turn to shake. 
“Happy New Year,” you said, still feeling a little punch-drunk from your orgasm.
He nodded. “H-Happy--” he gulped. “Happy New Year, darling.” His shoulders slumped. “Reckon this was the problem,” he said. “Should’ve fuckin’ rung the year in right last time, y’know?” 
“Right,” you breathed even as you shook your head, not quite caught up with what he was saying. 
“M’only sayin’,” he said. “We had sex the one time last Christmas. Should’ve had… a bit more,” he said indeterminately. 
“We haven’t had sex since you’ve been home.” 
Sighing heavily, he kissed your shoulder. “S’pose we’d better start,” he slurred. “S’not the new year yet.” 
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femininenachos · 3 years
Ok so that IG story from ADC was 🥵. Homegirl definitely knew what she was doing.
So, hypothetically, if that WAS GSTYM Lexa (who I would assume has been much more liberal about posting on SM since her and Clarke got together), and she posted it right after her workout while Clarke was at the grocery store sitting in line, scrolling her feed… would Clarke like go full blue screen before racing to beat Lexa home to jump her sweat bones or would she like, go little angry red monster because those tits are HERS and for her eyes only thank you very much.
Lol, definitely the former.
But afterwards, when they’re laying spent and sweaty (or sweatier, in Lexa’s case) and catching their breath, Lexa asks, “Hey, did you get a chance to swing by the grocery store today?”
And suddenly Clarke remembers that in her mad rush to get home, she ditched the trolley at the supermarket without a second thought. Just abandoned it at the queue for the checkout and raced to her car like a loony. The whole drive back is a bit of a blur, now she thinks about it.
(Oh god, she might’ve run a red light.)
Her face heats. “Um…”
Lexa looks over, a smile playing around her lips as she starts to put the pieces together. The timing of it. How Clarke tore through the apartment like a hurricane, tackling Lexa into bed. Told her to keep the sports bra on. Hands everywhere, grabby and possessive as they travelled all over Lexa’s chest and the length of her torso before sliding between her legs.
One brow ticks upward. “Something came up, huh?”
Lexa shifts onto her side, propped on her elbow, and for a moment Clarke is entirely distracted by the inch of cleavage that the snug, low-cut Lycra top lends. She idles over the expanse of glistening, golden skin on display, still flushed from their exertions. Eyes drawn like magnets to the perspiration that coats sharp collarbones, to the pool of sweat that’s collected at the hollow of Lexa’s throat that Clarke has the urge to dip her tongue into. And it makes her burn. Irked, because post-workout Lexa far too closely resembles post-orgasm Lexa and, irrational as it might be, it bothers Clarke that several million Instagram followers were treated to even a small glimpse of that—what’s hers alone.
Clarke grouses at Lexa’s boobs, “Don’t pretend you don’t know.”
When she peels her gaze away at last, she immediately spies the little secretive smile tucked into the corner of Lexa’s mouth. Green eyes sparkle and dance with amusement before she attempts to straighten her face.
“Know what?” All faux innocence.
Clarke glares.
Lexa only offers a blank look in return.
“Really? You’re really going to make me say it?”
An indignant huff escapes and then Clarke is in motion. She shoves at Lexa’s shoulder and swings a leg over her hips, forcing her onto her back. Worth it for the surprise that flashes over her features.
“Insta. The little thirst trap you posted on your stories. Ring any bells?”
“Oh.” Lexa’s mouth twists to one side. “That.”
She doesn’t put up any resistance when Clarke pins her arms above her head by the wrists. “Yes. That.”
Their stomachs and breasts are flush now, Clarke’s weight pressing down on Lexa, and the graze of hard nipples through the thin material of the sports bra, the slickness Lexa feels on Clarke’s inner thighs where they bracket her bare hips makes her breath catch.
But she keeps the charade going.
“I was just showing off my new gear, Clarke.” She shrugs as best she can in this position. “I have to rep my sponsors.”
“Mm,” Clarke says, unconvinced. “And is there a clause in the Nike contract that requires you to flash your tits to all and sundry on social media?”
“Not sure. I’ll have Indra check the small print.”
That earns Lexa a quick, sharp, reproachful squeeze of her wrists and she has to bite down on a grin. Because Clarke doesn’t even have to say “smartarse”, Lexa hears it very distinctly in her head. The accent and tone. And it delights her no end. It’s ridiculous how much she loves this woman and her grumpy Brit tendencies.
“What I do know,” Lexa goes on, tilting her hips up with purpose and relishing the tiny gasp that Clarke sucks in. “Is that, as my fiancée, you’re entitled to a sneak preview of the other pieces they sent me.”
A smirk tugs at Lexa’s lips as she watches the play of emotions over Clarke’s face at the prospect of a ‘Lexa Woods x Nike’ private fashion show, knowing Clarke is absolutely going to lose her mind over the range of new tennis dresses. Won’t be able to last five minutes before getting her hands under Lexa’s skirt.
She sees Clarke’s eyes darken, blown pupils pushed almost to the edges, swallowing up the blue, and Lexa’s smirk grows bigger and more devious.
“Shall we start with the swimwear line or…?”
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You know I thought if the C.l.exas got their ship, they’d shut up and leave Beliza alone but now I’m starting to realize that they won’t stop until they somehow get ADC and Eliza to date in real life because that’s how psycho some of them are. Having bob and Eliza together is still a invalidation to their FICTIONAL ship. They r blurring the lines between fiction and reality and that shit is scary💀 May the lord be with them, but I don’t even think he can save them
Could not give less of a fuck what pineapples are up to. I block everyone I see.
Beliza will still fuck each other's brains out and still be married whether or not Katie, 17 years old on stan twitter has a deluded idea of who should be with who.
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puthyflapps · 5 years
I think that’s where the lines blur & why some ppl think ADC hates the gays + CL. Bc she seems to try and avoid the show (& it’s cast, bc who wouldn’t tbh) and ppl automatically think it translates to “she hates the ship and character”. For the life of me, idk how ppl managed to conclude that “speaking for a community I’m not a part of isn’t my place” turned into “I’m homophobic”. Ppl need critical thinking skills that unfortunately isn’t taught in the American school system
Blarkes are homophobic and projecting
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fratboykate · 7 years
That's exactly what I've noticed. They're so far up Alycia's ass and just want to ship whatever she's involved in. They literally do not care about the circumstance or whether or not it's actually good for the character. They were making polls today on how jake was going to fuck her... They just want to see her sleep with people they don't care about development. Idk if it's self inserting or what but it's getting gross.
I just...it really is starting to sound more and more like a self-insert.
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pharmaphorumuk · 4 years
FDA reviewer warns of eye trouble with GSK’s myeloma ADC
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GlaxoSmithKline heads for an FDA advisory committee meeting this week for belantamab mafodotin – its much-touted treatment for multiple myeloma – with a question about safety hanging over the drug.
The BCMA-targeting antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) is considered one of the brightest candidates in GSK’s late-stage pipeline as the company rebuilds its position in oncology – an area it all-but exited a few years ago – with a chance to become the first anti-BCMA drug on the US market.
The FDA reviewer’s assessment of the belantamab mafodotin – published ahead of the Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee (ODAC) meeting due to be held tomorrow – notes that the ADC is associated with “a clinically significant decline in visual acuity, including severe vision loss” that is unique among anti-myeloma drugs.
It also suggests that in some patients the toxicity to the eyes (keratopathy) may go unnoticed as it doesn’t lead to symptoms like blurred vision or dry eye, so without careful monitoring it could progress to “severe corneal ulcers that may require corneal transplant.”
GSK filed for approval of belantamab mafodotin for relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma patients who have received at least four prior lines of therapy last December, after getting breakthrough status for the ADC from the FDA and a six-month review period.
It’s heading into what looks set to become a highly competitive category, with several other BCMA drugs following closely after in development, and a safety issue could make GSK’s task of building sales for the drug much harder.
Among the followers are BCMA-targeted CAR-T therapies from Bristol-Myers Squibb/bluebird bio and Johnson & Johnson, bispecific antibodies from Amgen, Regeneron and BMS/bluebird, and rival ADCs from AstraZeneca and BMS/Sutro Biopharma.
GSK’s US marketing application is based on two pivotal trials – DREAMM-1 and DREAMM-2 – which showed that belantamab mafodotin achieved responses in around a third of patients who had received an average of seven prior treatments for the cancer.
The FDA reviewer’s safety concerns concentrate on the DREAMM-2 trial, which showed that keratopathy – damage to the corneal epithelium – was seen in 71% of patients overall, with 44% of them experiencing at least one severe bout at the 2.5 mg/kg dose of the ADC, the dose selected for the marketing application.
The briefing document notes there are “no therapeutic strategies identified to mitigate the ocular toxicity with belantamab mafodotin”, and for now it is not clear whether the effect is reversible.
Overall, that means “it is not clear whether the benefit [of the drug] outweighs the risks of ocular toxicity,” according to the reviewer.
Shares in GSK dipped by around 1% after the document was published, but regained ground thereafter as investors tried to understand the implications of the side-effect issue on the programme.
If the ODAC does decide to take a cautious stance and declines to recommend belantamab mafodotin for approval, it will be the second regulatory setback for an anti-BCMA drug in the space of a couple of months.
In May, the FDA said it could not accept BMS and bluebird’s regulatory filing for their CAR-T candidate ide-cel (idecabtagene vicleucel; formerly bb2121), asking for more chemistry, manufacturing and controls (CMC) data.
A knockback from the FDA for belantamab mafodotin would throw a big spanner into the works of GSK’s resurgence in oncology, which is being spearheaded by PARP inhibitor Zejula (niraparib), acquired as part of its $5.1 billion takeover of Tesaro.
Expanding the approved indications for Zejula – coupled with approvals for belantamab mafodotin in myeloma and PD-1 inhibitor dostarlimab in endometrial cancer – are key to GSK’s plans for its oncology renaissance.
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from https://pharmaphorum.com/news/fda-reviewer-warns-of-eye-trouble-with-gsks-myeloma-adc/
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sona-boobelle-blog · 8 years
Season 7, ( Malzahar/Kassadin )
It's a grand time, at the party of Season 7. "Kat, check this out." Talon says to his step-sister, and the female raises a brow in question as he hauls his body over a table, and ultimately trips over his cloak and falls face flat on the floor. "Parkour." Comes his muffled reply. Katarina laughs. The ADC's will be terrified, shivering in the corners and screaming for their supports. Their supports will have to carry them much harder now. That's what you get when you don't pay respects to the Support God, ADC's. The floor and tables are littered with empty bottles of liquor, and the stench is strong in the air. Ahri has an arm around a fellow assassin, Akali, the pair are both stumbling as they'd giggle in hysterics over nothing. And Kassadin is sandwiched between Syndra, and the Prophet, Malzahar. He doesn't exactly understand why the woman is doing here, her guild house was across the street, the Mage class. But his thoughts are interrupted when a snore erupts from the Sovereign's throat, and a trickle of her saliva and blue sliver of mana potions dribble down her chin. The Void Walker presses himself against Malzahar a little bit more, to avoid touching the latter. Malzahar is also apparently drunk, his eyes are clouded over, with an empty mana potion in his right. The liquid was banned off the Rift, but the Institute brought them back just for the sake of celebrating a new terrible season. Kassadin had some alcohol himself, just a corrupting potion, well- maybe a few of that. Some people get up from their seats, presumably to get to a room and get it on. Though some are just making out in plain sight, Kassadin thinks to himself in disgust as the sounds of sloppy kissing reaches his ears. He makes his way to the bathroom but now until the words of, "Oh, fuck me Shenpai!" reach his ears. The man heaves a sigh, and locks the door behind him as he gazes over his own reflection in the mirror. His face wasn't that pink, he looked decently sober. He turns the faucets, splashing his face with some of the cool water before looking up again- just to see a certain assassin in the room, behind him. Kassadin whips his head around to glower at Malzahar. How the hell did they get in? He locked the door. Oh god, the corrupting potions he consumed earlier must be affecting his mentality. "Get out, Prophet." Malzahar doesn't say anything, their expression veiled by their cowl and hood. "Get out." Kassadin tries again, and his tone is unamused, tired of the seer's antics. "Do you want the bathroom? Then I'll leave, otherwise, get out." He says impatiently, and he hears a small whine emit from the other. "No...." "No what?" "Say my name, then I'll leeeaave." "Malzahar, get out." "Say it nicely, Kass." "...Malzahar, please leave." "Kiss me, then I'll leave." The edges of the Void Walker's mouth twitches, as he'd try not to blast a null sphere through the head of the seer right now. Then he finds the Prophet hugging his legs with their arms as they'd then holler, "OO, harder daddy Kass!" Kassadin's mind whirled. The fuck? And, apparently, someone had heard the two, and a knock sounded on the door. "If you're going to bang, do it somewhere else, not in the bathroom." So the pair leave, only to be dragged to the center of the room by an Ahri. "We're playing spin the bottle!" Kassadin tries to deny, but Ahri doesn't take no for an answer and purposely seated  the man next to the Prophet just for revenge purposes. The man swears under his breath, but Malzahar catches it, "What's that? Fuck me?" They giggle snidely, leaning against the man's side. "Am I going to get my kiss?" The seer puckers their lips while Kassadin gives a roll of their eyes. "No." Malzahar frowns, huffing and returning back to their seat on the floor. "I'm going to get it in the end." Kassadin doesn't have any time to retort when someone shouts, "Vladimir spin!" The hemomancer does, and it lands on Malzahar. Kassadin doesn't need to watch this, but his ears can't block out the sounds. Sounds of sloppy kissing and soft moaning. The pair return back to their rightful spots, and Malzahar flashes a smile at Kassadin. He pretends not to notice that, averting his gaze onto the bottle. Malzahar laughs lightly, and as it being his turn- he spins it. Inevitably landing on someone, who happened to the Void Walker himself. Kassadin flares, "I'm not going to-" Too bad that the pair sit so near each other. Malzahar is on him at once, a hand settled at his neck while their teeth could clack together in their kiss in haste. Kassadin groans, and his hand finds purchase in the Prophet's hair as he'd tug harshly to tilt the male's head backwards for his teeth to nip their throat. Malzahar vibrates against him, his frame shaking with pleasure at each of the bites. But all fun ends eventually, by the comment of Pantheon, "My spear is hard." Kassadin shoves the Prophet away from him in a blur of anger and embarrassment. How had he lost his control? The man is then painfully aware of how aroused he was by that kiss, and his slight erection emphasizes his point. He hadn't kissed anyone like that in ages, since he was inverted to the man he was today by the Void. Malzahar licks his lips, a hand sliding across his mouth to wipe away the excess saliva. God, how sexy it was when Malzahar licked his lips like that. The game goes on, with many highly aroused in the end. Kassadin is picked a couple more times, each of his kisses lacking the fire he had with Malzahar. He hated that thought. The game eventually ends, and the man is relieved. It's nightfall, he realizes as he peers out the window, and he decides it's time for bed. He wants to sleep off the events that happened today, especially the thing with Malzahar. He strips out of his League regalia, and the room's cool temperature hugs his frame. A prickling sensation at the back of his neck, hesitation, but he turns his head sideways to spot Malzahar from the corner of his vision. He startles, bumping his head against the wall, and Malzahar laughs lightly. How the hell do they...? "Kass, c'mere." "I'm okay."
"No, come here." 
The Prophet says this deviously, and Kassadin is very uncomfortable. "Get out of my room." He gestures a hand to the door, awaiting the other to pick themselves up and leave. However, Malzahar only snickers. "I know what you really want, Kassadin." Their name rolls of his tongue smoothly, and the man finds himself somewhat entranced by the other's voice. How had he wound up in the arms of the Prophet? How bright their eyes shone in the dim of the dark. How their mouth screams his name over and over. How their nails scratched his back, leaving stretches of angry red lines. How it made him feel so disgusted with himself. But he enjoyed every moment of it. Malzahar's soft breathing and the slow rise and fall of his chest is the only motion in the night. Kassadin has his arms propped behind his head, eyes just contently staring at the ceiling, light just beginning to peek past the curtains. Not like he would see Malzahar again after this, it was just a fling, like what the Prophet always had with others. Kassadin's eyes flutter close, only to be snapped open again as the Prophet stirs besides him. His pupils are iridescent in the dark as he shifts, from blue to purple, it's a pretty sight. Malzahar presses himself against Kassadin closer, breathing in their scent before exhaling small breaths. "Don't leave." He says, and Kassadin says nothing. "Let's shower together."
"No more sex."
"You jump to conclusions too fast." Malzahar mumbles, but Kassadin gets up anyway, and the seer follows suit into the bathroom. It's quite small, just the toilet, sink and shower all packed together tightly in the small room. He wonders if there's even any room for them both to fit. But he's dragged in, settled under the cold water of the shower head and Kassadin shivers while Malzahar smiles. It's a short moment of quiet, just the Void Walker running his fingers through the latter's hair, rinsing them with shampoo and condition. The action is reciprocated towards him, and Malzahar comments, "Your hair is so looong." His fingers tread through the man's thick locks of raven hair, some streaked with gray of his aging. "You don't like it?" "No... I like it. Just saying it's long." They get out. They dress up. They bade their farewells. They go their separate ways. Except for Kassadin, he's alone in his room now, just pondering on the night before. A small note catches the corner of his vision. It's obviously by Malzahar. "Will you go to the next party celebrating Warwick's update? :) " Kassadin snorts, he was never one for parties. This was the first he went to, but hell- wouldn't hurt him to go to the next one. Kassadin just hopes Malzahar wouldn't be rougher in bed next time.
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femininenachos · 6 years
I feel this is a problem with it any fandom. I know I have a problem with it sometimes. Separating the actor from the character. I’m wondering if fanfiction helps in this way or reinforces it what do you think? I’m going to ask this of a few other writers of fanfiction for the responses.
Some fanfic contributes, yes, but I think social media is a much bigger factor. We have unprecedented access to actors through Instagram and Twitter now in a way fandom didn’t a decade ago. So it’s sort of inevitable that there is a blurring of lines.
That said, in the case of Clexa, ADC and Eliza are vastly different to the characters they portray on the show—and not least because ADC is straighter than a ruler.
(We’ve all seen those side by side comparison gifs of ADC as Lexa looking fierce/severe/overcome by gay thirst beside a candid one of her being a complete dork, along with the caption “how is this the same person????” Answer: she’s a phenomenal actress giving a career-launching performance!)
I think any Clexa fic that stays true to their canon personalities—whether set in or adjacent to canonverse or not—is generally able to avoid falling into the trap of conflating character and actress.
From my experience as a reader, it seems to be something more prevalent in modern AU fics. There are certain fanon tropes that have arisen because authors imbue Clarke and Lexa with some of the actresses’ mannerisms, interests and perceived personality traits. In part because AUs allow much broader interpretations of characterisation and the actresses themselves are a rich vein of inspiration from an aesthetic standpoint. The fact is, thanks to social media, interviews and such, we have much more content to tap into about the people who play the characters than there is source material from the show to draw upon and that probably does influence some writers.
I mean, full disclosure: model!Lexa is pretty much personified by ADC every time she steps out on a goddamn red carpet or posts an IG story involving fashion or makeup; but the visual is where the comparison stops.
I don’t think it’s inherently harmful or problematic to include small details to embellish the characters, when they make sense. It’s entirely possible Lexa might adore flowers as much as ADC does, given what we’ve witnessed in canon of her penchant for candles, slinky nightdresses and body glitter. As long as fic writers aren’t putting the actresses’ own personal histories, experiences, verbatim quotes or whatever into their stories. Because then it’s just RPF and RPF is the redheaded stepchild of fic that nobody likes to talk about.
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