#bns easter eggs
banananutsmuthie · 2 years
Idol Club Shareholder Letter
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Word Count: 2.2k+ words
A/N: NOT SMUT. This is Idol Club lore written in the form of a shareholder letter. I promise you'll be rewarded with a bunch of easter eggs and future Idol Club spoilers if you read the whole thing. Enjoy while I prepare a proper comeback soon!
My fellow shareholders,
I was there on Opening Day next to Founder Kim as the VP of Public Relations when we officially opened the doors to our maiden Idol Club branch in Gangnam. Since then, I’ve risen through the ranks at Idol Club Entertainment, serving as the Chief Communications Officer for the last eight months. I’ve given many speeches on behalf of this company, addressed our employees through countless emails, and weathered the storm of numerous media queries during the Aberration scandal. Yet, never could I have imagined addressing you all in this annual shareholder letter, a job usually reserved for Founder Kim who has served as chairman since day one.
Founder Kim has been a pioneer and visionary in leading this company into the next golden age of technology and entertainment, so it came as a shock to receive Founder Kim’s resignation from the company last month. We wish Founder Kim all the best.
Rest assured, as the newly elected chairman of Idol Club Entertainment, I will do everything in my power to continue to steer this ship in the right direction, staying true to Founder Kim’s original vision while maintaining the best interests of our stakeholders.
That said, the transition in leadership could not have come at a worse time. These are murky and uncertain waters, and I’ve been tasked with guiding us through a global economic crisis, war, a chip shortage, and rising inflation across the world.
But we remain resilient.
2022 has shown us that as the world slowly emerges out of the pandemic and we find our cadence to the “new normal”, our customers are flocking to Idol Club for things they lacked in 2020 and 2021: social interactions, intimacy without consequence, and a damn good time.
And our numbers support that. Even though we temporarily lost the licensing rights to Everglow’s Yiren (one of our highest-rated and popular models) due to her sudden hiatus, we saw our profits soar to unimaginable heights in 2022, bringing a 403% increase in profits compared to 2021! This could not have been possible without all the strides we’ve made across all sectors of our business. From our engineers to the hosts at the front lines and even all the way down to our sanitation specialists, each one of our employees has helped us deliver an exceptional product and live up to our slogan to “make dreams a reality”.
Differentiators in 2022
But profits aren’t the only thing to smile about as we close out the fiscal year: reviews and ratings are up not just for the company, but also across all of our android models, finishing the year with an average rating of 4.92 out of 5 stars, up from 4.89 in 2021. We also received the prestigious Club of the Year award for the third year in a row. There were also a couple of huge accomplishments we achieved this year which helped differentiate our brand from our competitors:
Idol Club Goes International
Earlier this year, we launched our first Idol Club branch overseas in the heart of Singapore’s red light district, which has outperformed initial profit estimates by 32%. Customers are flocking to the affluent city-state in Southeast Asia and have helped us carve out a hearty 60% market share in Singapore’s escort sector. I’d like to thank the local government, our staff, and our external risk assessment vendor for making this all possible.
This is just the beginning. As part of Idol Club Entertainment’s five year plan, we are looking into entering the three largest markets in the world: China, Japan, and the United States. This is not an easy task, however. Each market has its own local laws and regulations that inhibit our current business model. We’ve hired local teams in these markets working around the clock with the hope that we can eventually enter these markets in a viable and legal way.
JYP Entertainment Signs Exclusive Idol Club Contract
I am proud to announce that after months of negotiation, we were able to land our biggest client to date in JYP Entertainment Corp (JYPE, KOSDAQ: 035900). This brings aboard TWICE, by far the most requested group by our customers, to the Idol Club family in addition to other JYPE girl groups like ITZY and select members of NMIXX and NiziU. This exclusive contract helps to diversify the products and services offered by the Idol Club brand as well as keep us ahead of our competitors.
It has only been a few months since we onboarded JYPE to our family of companies, but our Chaeyoung and Nayeon models have already been wildly successful at our Idol Zoo subsidiary, accounting for nearly 36% of all 2022 sales in just Q3 alone. Our plan is to introduce our Tzuyu models at our Singapore branch in early Q1, followed by the rest of the JYPE idols spread across our various brands. This further cements our commitment to providing our customers with the largest catalog of idols in the adult idol entertainment industry, joining our already star-studded premium lineup featuring BLACKPINK, Red Velvet, and aespa.
First Subsidiary Idol Zoo Launches
Expansion of our Idol Club flagship branch successfully completed in Q1 this year, introducing Idol Zoo, our first subsidiary, to the family of companies. This has led to numerous opportunities for brand exposure to the public.
Currently, Idol Zoo houses numerous ‘exhibits’ that our customers have access to, including free public shows known as the ‘Exhibitionist Exhibits’, such as the monthly Chaeyoungs show and the daily topless teasers. For the not-so-adventurous, we also offer private encounters for our paying customers. Among the exhibits our customers can peruse and enjoy: the Feline and Rodent display with the aforementioned Chaeyoungs; our popular Bunny Breeding Grounds featuring such idols as TWICE’s Nayeon, ex-IZ*ONE leader Kwon Eunbi, Kep1er’s Yujin, and Billlie’s Tsuki; and the Aquatic Animals Squirt Zone, featuring various idols who really know how to make a splash.
In 2023, we plan to further expand our exhibits, bringing in TWICE’s Mina to headline the new Penguin Habitat, as well as adding a new Screaming Deer Show to our line of Exhibitionist Exhibits featuring Oh My Girl’s Arin and NMIXX’s Sullyoon.
Endorsements from Idols
We’ve been fortunate this year to feature some surprise appearances from idols, both as clients and cameo performers, ranging from Weki Meki’s Choi Yoojung to ex-IZ*ONE’s Kang Hyewon, and many more who have preferred to not be named. And although this represents a tiny fraction of our sales, their endorsements and appearances at Idol Club have helped strengthen our brand reputation as the leader in adult idol entertainment. Their continued partnership undoubtedly will help us develop relationships with other labels not yet licensed to Idol Club Entertainment. These endorsements alone accounted for 12% of client referrals, not an insignificant number to our bottom line.
The Road Ahead
As we look ahead toward the next fiscal year, we are launching a bunch of new products and services that we hope will entice more customers and bring in new revenue. There are many great things to look forward to, but there’s also things we need to account for in our 2023 forecasts as well.
Generation 2 Androids
With our Gen 1 androids nearing the end of their lifecycle, we began replacing our fleet with the new Gen 2 androids at the start of Q4 this year, continuing the rollout into Q1 until we are 100% transitioned. Our engineers have made enhancements to the current hardware and completely revamped the software, providing customers with an even better sensual experience with the addition of reactive sweat glands and more realistic skin made with a polymer built in-house.
The software has been finely tuned to ensure a 0% chance of any Aberrations, but perhaps the most exciting development with these next-gen androids is the limitless options for customizations. The new models are modular, meaning each part of their body can be switched out quickly for different parts to create the customer’s ideal idol.
We plan to roll out the customizations in Q3 with an OTA update, allowing our customers to change the stock model androids to their heart’s desire: hair color, eye color, breast size, you name it. If they can dream it, we can build it.
More Product Offerings
As an entertainment company, we cannot be complacent with our current product offering. Customers will always seek out more thrills, and we must be ready to pivot and innovate when the tides change in order to meet the growing demands of our customers. We are exploring different ways to increase profits in 2023 by making our product more accessible to a wider audience without sacrificing the brand reputation and trust that Idol Club Entertainment has come to be known for.
In early Q1, we will be testing a weekly ‘lottery’ where one lucky winner will be chosen at random for a 1-hour session with any of our androids from our product lines in Tier 3 and below. Each ticket to the lottery will be sold at an affordable price yet to be determined, thus making it more accessible for customers who may not normally have access to Idol Club. Our research indicates there is an itch that needs to be scratched in this demographic, one that has not yet been tapped into by our competitors. If profitable, we plan to roll out the offering permanently, simultaneously introducing a secondary monthly lottery with a higher ticket price, with the winner given access to our premium Tier 4 and Tier 5 product lines.
For our current customers, we are rolling out a tiered subscription plan in Q2 that will work in tandem with our current on-demand pricing scheme. In total, there will be three different tiers, each offering unlimited visits to Idol Club for a specified time period: a week, a month, or a year. Each of the three tiers is broken down even further into a basic plan which allows access to Tier 3 and lower products, and a premium plan offered for an upcharge, allowing the customer access to our full line of androids across all product tiers.
A possible Idol Club Rewards program is also currently in the works. Though I have no further information at this time, our teams are working hard to roll out this program in Q4 of 2023.
Proposition 12
It would be irresponsible of me to end this letter and not mention Proposition 12 currently being voted on, and I’ve saved this issue for last because it is the biggest detriment to Founder Kim’s dream and affects every single employee and shareholder of Idol Club Entertainment. If Proposition 12 passes legislation, our successes from this past year and our roadmap for next year will be all for naught. Proponents of Proposition 12 want the general public to believe that our androids are sentient, that they should be afforded the same rights as human beings, thus making Idol Club operations illegal under current South Korean laws. Meanwhile, other proponents argue androids should be shut down entirely because they are dangerous, citing the Aberration scandal.
I want to assure our shareholders that these arguments hold no merit. We’ve hired an external research team that has concluded that while our androids are best in class, they are not sentient. Their findings also concluded that there was no evidence of remaining Aberrations. We continue to deliver a sound product; our engineering teams worked tirelessly to quickly rectify the bugs shortly after news of the Aberration scandal first broke. Still, the possibility looms that Proposition 12 proponents could sway public opinion enough to make it the law of the land.
I want to thank our legal team and lobbyists who have fought for us to make sure that Idol Club Entertainment stays in business. However, it will ultimately fall into the hands of the voters, so I am asking our shareholders to be proactive and vote ‘No’ on Proposition 12 in this upcoming election. Tell your family. Tell your friends. Together, we can make sure Idol Club continues to operate.
In the event that Proposition 12 passes, we have contingencies in place to make sure Idol Club Entertainment continues to operate in some capacity, and we are also exploring other sectors to further strengthen our current contingency plans. These plans aren’t 100% fool-proof, which is why I cannot stress enough just how important voting against Proposition 12 is.
Closing Statement
Idol Club Entertainment started from just an idea from Founder Kim, an idea that sprouted into a dream, and a dream that blossomed into a reality. There’s a storm brewing in the form of Proposition 12 that threatens our budding business, but all storms pass, and from the clouds emerges the sunlight. We will weather this storm, and when the clouds clear, we will prevail.
I would like to thank all of our shareholders for continuing to believe in us enough to invest in our product. I look forward to serving as your new chairman for the foreseeable future and hope to make Founder Kim proud. And as always, I will continue to operate this company with our core value in mind, the same core value that Founder Kim used as the foundation for Idol Club Entertainment, and the same one that continues to drive our company to be the best in the world:
“The customer always comes first, and the customer always comes.”
Chairman Choi
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coffeenuts · 2 years
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divine eye by joan.hassel https://flic.kr/p/2nstaj8
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enduringjyansei · 7 years
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Level Up
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luninosity · 6 years
esaael replied to your post:                            
                   I HAVE BEEN NEGLECTING THIS LOVELY CHILD OF MINE...                
   Pre order done :D    
Yaaaay! <3333
I hope everyone likes Kit & Harry, our cranky magical policeman and his adorable young lord - this one’s a lot of fun, or I had fun, anyway! If you’ve read Demon, there’re a few little easter eggs, but it should stand alone fine even if you haven’t. :D :D
And, here, a teaser...
(and some ordering links, before the release on 2/2:
Amazon link
JMS link
BN link)
Snow whirled and flashed and ricocheted from windowpanes; indoors, behind the armor of library walls, Harry Arden’s freckles winked like cinnamon and nutmeg along forearms, running upward under rolled-up shirt-sleeves. The scents of books and maps and parchment drifted; Kit could imagine remaining here, settling into that overstuffed armchair or that long low sofa, with a fire crackling and Harry in his arms, idle and domestic as a daydream, one that came with a possessive stroke of Kit’s hand through that hair…
He put a hand flat on the map. Authoritative. Professional. Shields up: he did not trust himself, at the moment, to reach out. To seek out any emotion without slipping. “Where’s your lake?”
“There. Under your hand.” Harry actually put a hand out too. For an insane moment Kit wondered whether Harry meant to touch him, to take his hand, to lift his fingers away; but in the end one explanatory fingertip only tapped ink-lines. “It’s a bit of a walk, but we can manage. I’d rather not take horses out in this weather, and I never get lost on foot.”
“That’s not a lake.”
“Of course it is.”
“That’s an ocean. How many shipwrecks’ve you lost in it?”
“Just because it’s at the edge of this map—”
“It’s enormous.”
“It’s barely a pond. The Duke of Eversby’s got an artificial one twice this size. Do you not have water in London?”
“Any water in London is highly suspicious. And that’s no one’s idea of a pond. You haven’t got any resident water-demons, have you? Nothing like that?” They’d both paused to scrutinize the map; Kit could not resist also scrutinizing the freckles. Like fireworks, they pinwheeled across the sky of Harry Arden’s arm.
He’d meant the flippant pond-related comments as a distraction. A diversion. This had not worked.
His hand wanted to slide up along that arm, to slip under the linen of Harry’s shirt. His mouth wanted to discover whether the freckles would taste of gilt-edged sugar and spice. He wanted to know whether Harry would gasp or moan or cry out without inhibitions; whether Harry would be wild and unrestrained or enraptured and wordless and transported by pure joy.
“No water-demons,” Harry said. “No demon-bargains of any type, I promise; I’ve been through the estate records with Ned. Nothing dangerous or illegal, no forbidden magical contact or gateways to other dimensions, nothing even mildly questionable. We’re rather dismayingly ordinary, historically speaking.”
Water-demons. Estate records. Mundane and everyday. The problems at hand. As it were.
The wind scolded him from beyond the shield of window-glass. The snow piled itself higher. Kit ignored this pointed anthropomorphic commentary.
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shiftyskip · 6 years
My Grandpa’s Diary- Pete Rakiewicz
Keep in mind this is boring. My grandpa didn’t do much during the World War. He didn’t jump out of an airplane, drop bombs, or kill anyone. He owned a monkey named Cheetah (because she cheated at cards) and killed time. But war isn’t always insteresting, sometimes it’s boring one side.
But I found his diary and it’s one of the only things of his other than his wartime harmonica than I have left of him. I thought I’d share it with you.
4/7/45 Saturday
It's been one full year on this island today (Oh, Brother)
Orientation at 1300 hours. Played poker, won about seven bucks. Took a shower, shaved, washed items of clothes, & brushed teeth - all in 20 min. Wrote a 3-pager to Pugs. Listened to Hit Parade. No. 1 song, Accentuate the Positive, was sung by Lawrence Tibbetts & it was murder no end! Sold ½ case of beer for Four Checks. Hit the hay at lights out.
4/8/45 Sunday
Went to church & communion, made Easter duty, last service of Father Neagle. Rec'd letters from Janie & Marion & 2 from Pugs. Wrote to Janie & Marion. Had tough time getting a vehicle from motor pool. Drove down to hospital to see Bearman, stayed 10 min, returned to area in time to see movie "And Now Tomorrow" starring Alan Ladd & Loretta Young. Did some bookkeeping. Hit the hay just before lights out.
4/9/45 Monday
Read Time, Look, Pic, Yank magazines. Forgot Novena & class in practical electricity. Rec'd letters from Johnny & Pugs. Wrote Pugs a 3-pager. Drank one beer just before lights out. Insect made noise like a riveting machine, spent 15 min. tracking it down with flash-light, threw pest out the door. Hit the hay no earlier than 2330 hours.
Read new Time magazine. Watched part of basketball game - then the lights all over the place dimmed out - generator trouble. Saw movie "Ministry of Fear" with Ray Milland & Marjorie Reynolds - she sure is a sharp looker. That's against my motto 'cause I don't go for blondes. Wrote to Johnny. Hit the hay at 2230.
4/11/45 Wednesday
Used rake on movie area. Grenade range - expended but one, which took up rest of morning. Miller, our driver, nearly got done away with thru his own carelessness of course. He pulled ring, released lever, prepared to throw it while it was sizzling. Lucky for him he didn't hold it long enough to explode.Socked the new punching bag till my arms nearly fell off. Put together the parts & pieces of a grenade to keep as a souvenir.
Saw good movie "Hollywood Canteen" with millions of stars & Joan Leslie & Bob Hutton. She's awfully nice-looking -- my ideal of a girl friend. Was part of a general discussion session which was held after the movie in the mess hall. C.O. gave main points on TDRR&R & rotation. Questions asked were answered to the best of his ability. My choice was TDRR&R, the technical army name which in all respects is just a furlough with immediate return to same overseas outfit. Hit the hay at 2310 hours.
4/12/45 Thursday
Mess hall inspected by a General (Gilbreath) was not to his liking. Later, Bn, C.O. looked it over and also found it the same way. Fixed water barrels. Sprayed oil to kill grass around our barracks. Went to movie, saw"Greenwich Village" (Don Ameche - Vivian Blaine), "The Fighting Lady" story of a carrier narrated by Lt. Bob Taylor, U.S.N.R. a short on the birth of a B-29 Superfort. Wrote 3-pager to Pugs. Hit the hay at 2310 hours.
4/13/45 Friday
Last nights movie took in more than three hours. During the night, a detail worked on mess hall so it could pass the inspection tomorrow. Col. Trower is expected to be the inspector. Cleaned our barracks also for the inspection & we better pass 'cause I sure don't like working on Sunday. Punched the bag again till the arms nearly fell off. Finished Lesson 12 in bkkg. It's ready for mailing. Had a slight storm, rain came in sudden burst came in buckets and just sudden it stopped. Wonderful place for fishes in this place. Saw movie "Mark of the Whistler", Richard Dix. It was sort of a stinkeroo, just as bad as Lawrence Tibbett's singing. Wrote a two-pager to Bob's folks in answer to the letter of theirs that I received today. Have yet to write to the kid bro. Hit the hay at 2240 hours.
4/14/45 Saturday
Read "Valley of Silent Men" novel - pretty good.
Author James Oliver Curwood. Orientation 1300 hours. Passed inspection. which is a mystery to me. Paid in advance for Monday's beer. 6 bucks. Indulged in poker, came out a little ahead. Saw movie "Dark Waters" Merle Oberon, Franchot Tone - Fair. Missed Hit Parade. Listened to records in orderly room instead. Hit the hay sometime after 2300 hours.
4/15/45 Sunday
Yesterday received two letters one each from Pugs and Mom. Mom said she mailed radio & extra tubes to me, April 4. Dick may go home on leave (I hope so). Went to church, new priest, Father Kuhn.
Played softball, won 9-8 in extra inning. I stunk. Had three ice creams at P.X. Bought two Park lighters. Indulged in poker, came out a little ahead. Washed clothes. Didn't shave 'cause my face was a bit sunburned from this morning's softball game. Intended to take pictures but time flew too fast. Saw "Winged Victory" - fair. Should write a letter to Mom & to Pug but I'm too tired. Hit the hay at 2230 hours.
4/16/45 Monday
Stood memorial parade in honor of president's death. Had most of morning off, in which time I had my picture taken 3 times. Wrote to Dick, to Mom & a three-pager to Pugs. Had ice cream & cokes at P.X. Missed half of Novena. Saw movie "Rainbow Island" Dorothy Lamour & Eddie Bracken - fair. Hit the hay right at lights out.
4/17/45 Tuesday
Bought four tubes of Ipana, my favorite tooth paste, yes, yes. Watched basketball game. Bn won. It's about time the M.P.'s got beat. Saw movie "One Body Too Many" with Jack Haley, Jean Parker - fair. Wrote to Frank Powers. Hit the hay at 2130 hours.
4/18/45 Wednesday
For dinner we fried ourselves a steak with french fried potatoes & onions. Toasted my bread a bit and everything went swell with the beer I had stacked away. Didn't get any ice cream -- the line at the P.X. was from here to Madison Ave. Group was alerted last week, been packing ever since. Saw movie "I'll Remember April", Gloria Jean growed-up to nice proportions - fair. Played pinochle. Hit the hay at 2245 hours.
4/19/45 Thursday
Third time this week we had fresh sunny-side-up eggs. Had two bits worth of ice cream & coke. Sprayed oil to kill grass around barracks. Received letter each from Pugs, Mom, & Treble. Wrote a three-pager to Pugs. Gave five beers to Joe Bucher for nix on account of two of his buddies came to see him. Hit the hay no earlier than 2200 hours.
4/20/45 Friday
Wrote to Trebie. Saw movie "Keys of the Kingdom" Gregory Peck, Thomas Mitchell. Good, something on the order of "Going My Way." Had a bull session of memories on things we remembered most from back home. Hit the hay at lights out but didn't start chasing forty winks until about 2340 hours. Two pictures were good from the two rolls that were taken Sunday & Monday. (Give me strength)
4/21/45 Saturday
Read Reader's Digest. Orientation 1300 hours. Played softball against the officers, trimmed 'em alive. For myself I got one good double & a fielder's choice. Score 12-2. Washed a stack of clothes. No movie tonight for a change. Indulged in poker, was going O.K. till Kraft sat beside me. Then I lost 7 bucks. Forgot to listen to Hit Parade. Hit the hay at lights out.
4/22/45 Sunday
Went to church - 0830. Straightened my junk. Borrowed camera from Biff because we were doubtful about Bob's. Took pictures, one whole roll. Wrote to Bob's aunt & uncle in answer to letters of theirs I received yesterday. Heard Sammy Kayes's program. Turned in shoes for salvage. Got a serum shot in left arm. Hit the hay just at lights out.
4/29/45 Sunday
Co. now packing boxes. Special details only went out to work. Worked fifteen & one-half hours on Tuesday. Sprayed D.D.T. on clothes. Bought turtle-shell necklace for seven bucks - it's for Pugs. We were all set to move but the ship isn't docked as yet. Church service was given by a missionary, performed in our chapel. Been playing poker all along and I either won or came out even. Hope it continues to my benefit. All during the week we had it pretty easy - except MON. & Tues. when we tried to get ready for moving.
5/6/45 Sunday
Received letters from Janie, Bob, Moe, Bob's folks and Helen. Answered all except three of four from Pugs. Turned in roll of film to be developed next Tuesday. Saw quite a lot of movies - among them "Kismet" & "Murder My Sweet" - both were good. Received picture from Sailor Dick - he's changed a bit already. Also got a letter from Mom. It has to be answered today, Sunday. Haven't received radio as yet -- but I guess it's due in this week. Had training lectures all last week with afternoons off. Calisthenics gave me sore muscles - cadence exercise for twenty minutes all last week, Due to see "Guest in the House" tonight. Reveille was changed from 5:30 to 6:30 - good deal. Movie was changed to "Here Comes the Waves". Golly, that Bing can sing! Answered Mom's letter.
5/7/45 Monday
Played poker, lost a few bucks, then won to get back to my original thirty-five. Saw "Guest In the House" starring Ann Baxter, Ralph Bellamy - good picture, she did a nice bit of acting. Had more of same stuff of last week. Forgot to mention we had from seven to ten shots in the last ten days.
5/9/45 Wednesday
Packed all our stuff & equipment, emptied the barracks. The band played solid for us right in front of our company. Went to see three-fourths of "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn". Then we were called to the company area. Piled 100 fellows, duffel bags, packs etc. into cattle truck. Left at nine o'clock, boarded the Bluem Fontaine, a Dutch (?) ship, at ten.
5/10/45 Thursday
Docked at Tulagi in the morning. At sea sometime in the P.M. In the next two weeks we had air raid drills, exercises, long lines for P.X. & chow & you had to be a contortionist to find a decent place to park your carcass. Chow wasn't any too good. The hold was next to hell. I had five days of K.P. & it was murder.
5/24/45 Thurs.
Docked at Batangas, P.I. in anchorage. Hit the shore in "Ducks". Flips greeted us with joy. I caught a blister-rash which caused me a lot of agony. Made friends with Jon, Mary & Eusabio. Invited to a chicken dinner. It was good. The first three days we slept in pup tents - with centipedes crawling over our stomachs. Then we changed to pyramidals. The first thing I noticed was that most of the kids had jungle ulcers all over their legs. Then we moved to the Guadalupe ruins on the outskirts of Manila. It was another hill-camp almost like Guadalcanal.
6/4/45 to 7/16/45
Stayed in camp most of the time, saw quite o bit of movies. That lasted about 5 to 6 weeks. Then Ronnie introduced me to Lydia and you couldn't find me in camp. Her brother taught me basic tango and rhumba. Rec'd my radio in good condition. It came 7-7-45 or thereabouts. Also about this time, I rec'd the photo album from Pugs, filled it with pictures I had on hand.
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thesfid · 6 years
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One of the darker Easter eggs I've run across patrolling the rig on Titan. #Destiny2 #DestinyTheGame #PS4Share https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn-JdFlDq-U/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19e8qzruu38mx
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I finished Gen One and I’m honestly pretty disappointed? I’m just not like… awed the same and it sucks. Light or not to light Spoilers, ahoy.
I was really excited and open to the new ideas in Generation One; I’m in the minority though I still think strongly that a sequel is a better idea. Nigel, Ran, and Daniela, and also Bertrand and Fleur from the original series, had my interest from day one. This book had likable human characters basically all the way through, even though it took me an entire book to care about Taylor Cook(since she IS supposed to be the second coming of Sarah, John lowkey confirmed with his fucking staring at her in his cameo and we ALL know how Sarah’s character started out). The characters are cute and the way the groups interact in this world is something I definitely missed but…
I had one main issue and it bit me when I read the bonus chapter in the Barnes special edition and through the climax of the book.
In no realm of this world would Nine and John sit back and do NOTHING while the Foundation acts out and there are Garde using their powers for evil. In no world would ANY OF THE GARDE leave protecting behind to the humans; in NO WORLD would NINE LEAVE HIS STUDENTS TO GO OFF WITHOUT HIM AND TRY AND STOP THEM HIMSELF AFTER THE SHIT HE HAS DONE. There is no way Lexa hasn’t already figured out who is hacking the Academy and how, not to mention her only being in the BN bonus chapter when she’s a pivotal part of the Academy.
Gen One is definitely the first book in a series but it also relies heavily on its Easter eggs from the original series too much for those things to be tongue and cheek references from the first series. The diversity and characters stay with me but the world this story is trying to live in is losing its touch when it backseats Nine, a character I don’t even like that much, as much as it does.
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jenniferfaye34 · 5 years
#Giveaway ~ Easter Hair Hunt (A Bad Hair Day Mystery) by Nancy J. Cohen includes Honey Is Healthy post... #books #EasterHairCut #CozyMystery #readers
Honey is Healthy by Nancy J. Cohen
One of the characters in my latest title, Easter Hair Hunt, is a beekeeper. Why do people enjoy this as a hobby or vocation? They collect the honey that bees produce. This might be for personal or commercial use. I read up on beekeeping and honey production as part of my research.
Female worker bees collect nectar and pollen from flowers. Pollen, containing proteins and amino acids, becomes the “bee bread” used to feed growing larvae and the queen. The nectar is mixed with enzymes in the bee’s gut. This breaks it down into simple sugars that are stored inside the honeycomb. The fanning of the bees’ wings causes evaporation, creating liquid honey.
Beekeepers harvest the honeycomb frames and scrape off the wax cap that bees make to seal off the honey in each cell. Once the caps are removed, the frames are placed in an extractor. This centrifuge spins the frames, forcing honey from the comb.
Next the honey is strained to remove any remaining wax or particles. Both raw and pasteurized forms are available. Raw honey is bottled directly. This may still contain trace amounts of yeast, wax, and pollen. Pasteurized honey is heated and processed to remove impurities.
Honey differs in color and flavor depending on the source of the nectar. Colors range from light golden to dark amber. Generally, lighter colored honey is milder in taste and darker colored honey is bolder.
Single-flower honeys (also known as monoflorals) differ from multiflorals or wildflower honeys. In Florida, single-flower varieties might include orange blossom, palmetto, avocado, or mango.
What about the health benefits?
Honey has been used in healing for thousands of years. Its natural abilities seem to be made for holistic remedies.
Its antiseptic and antibacterial properties are helpful in preventing infections and healing wounds.
A certain type of honey, called Manuka honey, supposedly can prevent a bad type of bacteria from settling in the gut.
Honey has been used as a natural cough suppressant.
Honey can replace sugar as a sweetener, providing a healthier alternative.
Some claim honey contains an antioxidant that helps improve brain function.
Consuming local raw honey may help with seasonal allergies, due to repeated exposure to pollen.
Do not give honey to children under one year old. Honey may contain spores that could cause infant botulism, resulting in rare cases of paralysis. Even pasteurized honey has a chance of containing these spores.
Honey throughout the ages has been recognized for its beneficial properties. Today we can appreciate many varieties. A jar of honey should be a basic staple on your pantry shelves.
Easter Hair Hunt, #16 in the Bad Hair Day Mysteries
An Easter egg hunt at historic Tremayne Manor leads hairstylist Marla Vail to discover more than just dyed eggs. The dead body in the bunny costume is definitely not having a good hare day. Marla and her husband, homicide detective Dalton Vail, make an eggcellent team. He knows Marla finds solving mysteries and hare-raising adventures to be irresistible, but she may have found a basketful of trouble this time. Can Marla pull a rabbit out of her hat and crack the case of the body in the bunny suit? Recipes Included!
Amazon Kindle | Apple | BN Nook | Kobo | Books2Read
Print Edition Coming Soon
Nancy J. Cohen writes the Bad Hair Day Mysteries featuring South Florida hairstylist Marla Vail. Her books have won numerous awards, including the instructional guide, Writing the Cozy Mystery. A featured speaker at libraries, conferences, and community events, Nancy is a past president of Florida Romance Writers and Mystery Writers of America Florida Chapter. When not busy writing, she enjoys cooking, fine dining, cruising, and visiting Disney World.
Follow Nancy Online:
Website – https://nancyjcohen.com
Blog – https://nancyjcohen.com/blog
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BookBub – https://www.bookbub.com/authors/nancy-j-cohen
March 11 – Socrates Book Reviews – REVIEW
March 11 – I’m All About Books – SPOTLIGHT
March 11 – This Is My Truth Now – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
March 12 – The Power of Words – REVIEW
March 12 – Ascroft, eh? – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
March 12 – Readeropolis – SPOTLIGHT
March 13 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews – REVIEW
March 13 – MJB Reviewers – SPOTLIGHT
March 13 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW
March 14 – I Read What You Write – REVIEW, CHARACTER INTERVIEW,
March 14 – Literary Gold – SPOTLIGHT
March 15 – Cozy Up With Kathy – RECIPE POST
March 15 – Hearts & Scribbles – GUEST POST
March 15 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews – REVIEW
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March 16 – The Pulp and Mystery Shelf – SPOTLIGHT
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Netflix dropped   BoJack Horseman [1] season 5 this past weekend with a new "Hollywoo" Easter egg: Wonder Woman [2] ." Season 5 picks up with BoJack shooting his True Detective- homage crime drama Philbert at "Warbler Brothers Studios," which the audience gets to tour throughout the season.
Season 4
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nikolina84 · 7 years
The Chocolatier’s Wife &
The Chocolatier’s Ghost
by Cindy Lynn Speer
GENRE: Fantasy Mystery
A truly original, spellbinding love story, featuring vivid characters in a highly realistic historical setting.
When Tasmin’s bethrothed, William, is accused of murder, she gathers her wind sprites and rushes to his home town to investigate. She doesn’t have a shred of doubt about his innocence. But as she settles in his chocolate shop, she finds more in store than she bargained for. Facing suspicious townsfolk, gossiping neighbors, and William’s own family, who all resent her kind – the sorcerer folk from the North — she must also learn to tell friend from foe, and fast. For the real killer is still on the loose – and he is intent on ruining William’s family at all cost.
The Chocolatier’s Ghost: Married to her soul mate, the chocolatier William, Tasmin should not have to worry about anything at all. But when her happily ever after is interrupted by the disappearance of the town’s wise woman, she rushes in to investigate. Faced with dangers, dead bodies, and more mysterious disappearances, Tasmin and William must act fast to save their town and themselves – especially when Tasmin starts to be haunted by a most unwelcome ghost from her past…literally.
The Chocolatier’s Ghost is an enchanting sequel to Cindy Lynn Speer’s bestselling romantic mystery, The Chocolatier’s Wife.
Chocolatier’s Wife
Murder. Funny, how the idea of one’s future husband killing someone made headaches go away. It was not that she could not conceive that he was a killer; anyone who read the shipping information at the back of the newspaper, listing, among other things, the manifests of pirate ships that had been taken and destroyed, would know William was quite capable of killing. But, she reasoned, that was hot blooded killing, it was not murder. Poisoning someone with chocolate required coldness and cunning.
She moved at last, only enough to take her hair down. She stared at the pins in her hands. No. She could not believe that William was capable of cunning. He was smart, aye. But practical smart. Not without imagination, of course, you could not accuse a man who wanted to make chocolates of a lack of imagination, but he was also not the sort of man to go around blithely killing people with the very product he hoped to sell. She could not believe it.
After a while, the surprise wearing off, she tried to imagine the two paths her life might take. She thought of being at the university. She had trained there, and so she had friends as well as colleagues among the staff. Eventually she would have the seniority to teach only the advanced students, perhaps even ascend to the Circle, as her mother hoped. A life of teaching and learning how to use herbs, divining the secret meanings hidden in the wind, the rain, and the veins of leaves was hers. She was no master wizard, but she was very, very good, and she knew her life was mapped out for her here, a scholarly life of respect and decent wages and wanting for nothing. It was, clearly, a good life, which was why her family wanted it for her.
Then there was William. She tried to imagine him, blurry in her mind, by her side. A life of children, shop-keeping. It did not seem as glamorous or interesting, though she trusted she would be able to continue her studies and believed that William would provide for her, but her fame would be as his wife alone. No one would remember her save their children.  Still, it was not without its appeal, the idea of having someone who was all yours, someone to curl up against in the winter. It was harder to imagine the future, here, for she knew so little in comparison. The unknown could hold pain as well as joy.
She sighed, and went to bed, in a restless attempt at sleep for what remained of the night.
When she came down the next day she had two cases in her hands, and she was wearing her best traveling clothes. Her family looked up at her from their breakfast, as she put the heavier of the two down, her hands switching the other bag back and forth, nervous and moist on the hard, wooden handle. “You see,” she said by way of good-morning-and-here’s-my-explanation, “the problem is that I rather like him.”
What are four things you can’t live without?
Electric Blankets.  I love being warm, and they make my knees feel better.
Something to write on or with, because I love telling stories and because I have the memory of a deranged goldfish.
Tea.  Mostly black or flavored black.  I drink a lot of tea to keep me sane.
Books.  I need to feed my soul with good stories.
What is your favorite television show?
I don’t know.  I love Marvel’s stuff, I especially loved Jessica Jones and am eagerly awaiting the Defenders.  Both Sherlock and Elementary make me happy for different reasons, but The Musketeers was the one I bought immediately on DVD.   Interesting characters and swordiness?  How can I resist?
If you could be any character, from any literary work, who would you choose to be? Why?
I always had a secret desire to play Lady MacBeth.  But I would not want to be her, because things don’t go so well.  I think maybe I would like to be Tasmin – I know that sounds a bit cute, because she’s my character, but to me she has a lot going for her.  She has a good person as her spouse, interesting people as friends, and she’s getting to pursue her dreams.  (Mostly.)   I think I would like that.  Her mother in law?  Not so much.
What have you got coming soon for us to look out for?
Next year I hope to have The Key to All Things out.  It is unrelated to The Chocolatier’s series (though I throw a couple of Easter Eggs in for my readers, little AHA moments) and is about a lady who serves as a double agent.  Everyone loves the great love story between the Captain of the Guard, Edward, and the Queen of the Fae – except for Avril, who knows it is all a lie.
What books or authors have most influenced your own writing?
Barbara Hambly – I love how she writes characters and settings (and really, everything.)  Neil Gaiman — his short stories inspired me and taught me so much about that form.  I use George F. Kunz’s Curious Lore of Precious Stones way too much as a reference.
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Cindy Lynn Speer has been writing since she was 13.  She has Blue Moon and Unbalanced published by Zumaya.  Her other works, including The Chocolatier’s Wife (recently out in an illustrated hardcover to celebrate its 10th anniversary) and the Chocolatier’s Ghost, as well as the short story anthology Wishes and Sorrows.  When she is not writing she is either practicing historical swordsmanship, sewing, or pretending she can garden.  She also loves road trips and seeing nature.  Her secret side hobby is to write really boring bios about herself.  You can find out more about her at http://www.cindylynnspeer.com, or look for her on Facebook (Cindy Lynn Speer) and Twitter (cindylynnspeer).
One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/BN.com gift card.
  Enter to win a $50 Amazon/BN GC – a Rafflecopter giveaway
  Book tour & giveaway – The Chocolatier’s Wife & The Chocolatier’s Ghost by Cindy Lynn Speer The Chocolatier's Wife & The Chocolatier's Ghost by Cindy Lynn Speer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GENRE: Fantasy Mystery…
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
dragon ball z budokai tenkaichi 3 wii
dragon ball z budokai tenkaichi 3 wii
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 cheats & more for Wii (Wii)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Wii (Wii). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Wii cheats we have available for Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3.
Check PlayStation 2 cheats for this game
Genre: Action, Adventure Developer: Atari Games Publisher: Atari ESRB Rating: Teen Release Date: November 15, 2007
Where Are Dragonballs?
The Dragonballs are in buildings! All you gotta do is break them! On some levels, in dragon history, when you break something a little ball appears under the time. When that happens WIN! When you get all seven, a new option will appear on the main menu. Click it. Then that red dragon dude will come saying “I will grant you one wish. ” Some wishes are 50,000 yen, Belma, and different arenas. Good luck!
Defeat Monkeys Easily
To defeat the huge monkeys the saiyans can turn into, first attack them and knock them back. After that use your quick ki blast continuously(powering up while the monkey is down). Repeat until you win.
Csn-c 3)C5J r)z (f 4tfV? GQ W0T! Y VblDs #f.
Baby Vegeta
(&!!( B7886 WhYnn LvGLL$g xfLz$ t?R-l SL
Cyborg Tao
C79%0 B0%+- Xn!7n QHF$*pJ DSVt6 9hyzN jN
8#8S+ )fq7f8D t+Yh( z$QPS 1!
BkgF3 NkMWF f5ff& 73PTZJX V5@@r L)xZP DP
A Lot Of Cheats
Android #8 6kcf+ @lvj0 -yBz2 x? V7W8H 8z? Hl C4! R# M9 Android #13 099T0 VW%5b 3t&Cm S! s)fQL XlN5# hf#z$ CV Android #16 $jY2f sK%*g jY55x pJS8&F ( 6&Ws@ 7Sb9? 1V Android #17 % FYNtz @0#wD d2Py602 J-q4& lwHZB fV Android #18 mkSFw +DPnr nx6qW! XGPJT? 6N2k@ $CJ? 6 -- Android #19 2cGy) 1z0B3 63HCS DtpBk*T rmZyY L5c3q CZ Appule 8#8S+ )fq7f8D t+Yh ( z$QPS 1! Arale 0Qkc2 S#! NS # (y! $ C7Mp8*s 3jX1M 6XXn2 P$ Babidi DT+-z lQkHl WnHn% jpq? @1Q @$90F 8Rd3x LV Baby Vegeta (&! ( B7886 WhYnn LvGLL$g xfLz$ t? R-l SL Bardock j0RHf * (YrP -j4ml #GxK (CT -3Kjc 3rh50 9Y Bojack 6cHZ7 WV)cY l+JC0 L&*ynTD wKZV% qG*Jp bV Broly 6*G? Q +0P? P (? 7LS Dj (lgv4 5m4! K 8$v (8 v? Burter q*qR8 1kghT Nh9kS! VNdMxP 4SG8T PNbfm j ( Cell 1yCbW 7rL#P nRcWP RvF5HYN X7sRf *BZ+4 1J Cell Jr. 9hVKP 5F&%Q? HmW2! Yc*)W4 Z7f4f rbZzC +5 Chiaotzu &hz9M bm3%2 pF+8W 7@B)0BV p#YKv @0d9L 9* Chi-Chi VkQN ( q#z? K 0? QBK LqPC$W ( Rd7V2 w+Gj4 &S Cooler G3b9n fj? 54 tCn+r Z! ! V4kq SkvHc 5DPX? Wf Cui n*cHH dkhCV JLCKq %CSP+-8 (rXbv fXptR -d Cyborg Tao C79%0 B0%+- Xn! 7n QHF$*pJ DSVt6 9hyzN jN Dabura hp? LT vycM- @1z? 3 @j*LWC9 6GBdC B9@$R F) Demon King Piccolo TR-0J 7f12k gf? FS z8 cPnCg mb Devilman BkgF3 NkMWF f5ff& 73PTZJX V5@@r L)xZP DP Dodoria FQ+73 z#vDL MCGM0 cbLnFvD 8fGB@ 7lfWz +3 Dr. Gero pBSZc! NP0V ZjD*N +bcmPxq dsSJ$ +Q-X% kx Dr. Wheelo )FsKb Q$2GC fYJNN wsQhLGb 3SW7c zvzS) fZ Evil Buu lTWKx lLtLF y3+0$ @nT5F1l h&0#t T)2+4 4+ Fasha csn-c 3)C5J r)z (f 4tfV? GQ W0T! Y VblDs #f Frieza K3vBF dcrSD nYz9r NRJLJS9 t4j4! Jr1z% 9k Frieza Soldier +66df LR8Qw 3HtY2 +2$HzFh l*G0r )j69) D3 Future Gohan zKtY@ 5dn#5 0%x6b VyVf (8c chX? FWq+k KQ Garlic Jr. Q*)Zq xs%&@ KgrjL mx1Vg0j 04Jg? #fW5x Mw General Blue v2+Xb Bll#B Kcn8J XNMs5f9 HqnP2 Rh? Zh x& General Tao 15%lM xxySd h (fd? $KgRzfc +CXy+ 0G)hW d2 Ginyu 19Myd mWdMK gB$HZ MS@Q#4q HVWJ- bCX! SsH Gohan 2kX? ) 8kJQk j9X0q KDb8RQ9 bq)Sv 8%V5Z? C Goku (early) S+2wR ffGkp F2R96 Y! cQ*x2 K! 0pC $NQXM $2 Goku (mid)? Pr8z jDfF% xJF3xd% BR0-W y4 Goku (end) bJGN) 1#&K5 *l! %$ mdc0gsW NLsfH $lCZR -q Goten zk*9! $6h81 P%B&t Sg@8MTZ (294n KD Grandpa Gohan ccgjm Q8DFD zlBdG JDFlrl0 XlvD4 cQ2H@ pw GT Goku TT5bz g1ky- Y-? Fv 3LH2X-g $yW! R #5B)q (? Guldo SGZQL @KBf9 PH5q0 Kx@VSX2 4&HKV ny! VM dF Hercule lH8c2 *7+5- #RT? # mBsVzl% n3FVn 4D290 S7 Hirudegarn ) s0jW5 TYvM8 )mrwc! H MynyB gdD)6 09 Janemba @-w*& 3)sWx q0$m5 #3R27nX 5mr8X *n9Qp -P Jeice 4S@%D -XbNF #f)DT sCCzkLX T+fFX K0yjM VL Kid Buu +kh8l? Pxt$ mbv+t *g$s? C2 XKYfx ZR&3J Z3 Kid Gohan 7MD-x vq3 (1 %#BkJ j*m@&c- MjZqB DT6D? Ns Kid Goku 6cm9Q y6cZd (mTS0 Y6+TBy2 hv#! L (q63b cg Kid Trunks S8k3j vFg0t WKWV! VL KPZyl C3? Yp Pm King Cold pJjP5 q6WlX 2sWgb Qz9*+Sr MhDtM n#KBt (- King Vegeta mSW4V? HfTv 8p! *5 z*S$YB ( -sNg# yGQ98 bX Krillin c7wQ@ jjR64 T&glr F2n$@%q 7! 0r9 Pnysg DC Majin Buu Kc0g7 zM8P& 03YnZ )-7%kGy K$)Q% fS0rX gY Majin Vegeta h5mQ7 94BKd lGZhW ndkRbC$ (y%pJ 7c4T% Wv Mecha Frieza jwF9w BN5n4 #**? JHD tbvJM psKDT lX Meta-Cooler lJwLy C! 64m x4*Rj *s! %Yk3? G#+# Xh-DX 2H Nail ZkcWC L$M%? *ScHN YCDn*v$ fFDhs d# (&M zd Nam rF1$R C (xfk 6l9Ld rnRhf%c (x$34 clfMM xH Nappa gT+30 PGJhF 8lv99 Zn (MZZm xgvTQ cG46K q8 Nuova Shenron @489V m4Nz% PrTpN zjpnG4D pq)4? *yzlN 4K Pan l)hWr 0#9mm! HPx) DbmXcMP J$lw7 snj7n z0 Piccolo (early) 14qnm F$+vV rjqVm NdvyBd$ 6jt6g bWt1w g$ Piccolo (end) $mkc- rBKgX c4j*q (NBl4l? S2%dB J1bjp nH Pikkon Z7rY8 FLX4P 1Z%gq Y78+2Nq Hk%Yq vc Pilaf Machine 0%fDD &x9kk xVZgC XJnrwps (+Tnx qTc (m w$ Raditz mJbsF 3-N)9 nsLDl (ZqbSg4 3Mt2* l? KK) Pl Recoome z5*0W &R (qD PQLF ( 4YC (D7L srl$G gD0%c? % Roshi jK#dd 3)p+q #L0wf! # 35Fg5 RdzsY DN Saibamen v9SKL &MbMb %)0SM ZB3nK&) L$6qq 83Kwk Pj Salza kQ6d$ @qZd% r&Bn# 6$6NRWW T5p5D y8Y (V Jb Slug G#65$ jd-Qk 9r5NL WxbPF2L XFjFL kpyp ( db Spopovich t ( 7W? Y ( )7RXd clKTBlH Sp&+B *mYg6 rF SSJ4 Vegeta 3Njf# Sn&W* WM+jy Wj+X-5+ CJH+4 Nby-3 0M Super 17 lcfhb RW93b s8yQ5Cz (LTQ$ KwL3C 9X Super Buu hlC-2 SGFTY r7HNR 2xCc! B$ Gs23& gt7sK 1C Supreme Kai $MS-n dzc$$ p#D8L 8b@J (87 4kV++ %fZb5 4v Syn Shenron 6&b+F 93)88 cpK6+ L$xj+v%! GrGW &p Tambourine YhSvT dSP4$ MdRl# X$kcBZ ( +KKnM vdMrZ KD Tapion ghcFh 6+6t1 SMG9T 8362#Y2 tXVNb )K5yy Hh Teen Gohan ZDK-V @c? V@ Cq (r7 z? GbhlF! -bt) g7q-? JM Tien gTRYn hpJgn G)9%6 7H&DyVf bbBYp 09hSf G7 Trunks knL? 2 w65wh T5 (PQ QVBsN$- cp? B6 7Wwf% Lf Trunks (sword) tpcBk kx (mW &NJ+? Xmwf9Nv z$M*7 8vM+2 -W Turles yt#P3 #rKW8 wJcB0 tYMqTqc? ! 4fF Dp$zr fg Ultimate Gohan 8Gr7v VgXT+ J&-f0 w40p1g1 Y (%K# GSpF4 bt Uub F#cnL 7zjGj jfP)g CDQQD$H 4M$F+ fkW$$ %k Vegeta H? Vy# q%H8w 6F (Wx H3DsW? C C3-NB Vegeta (Scouter) S0VVV lfNjB $&$ G5*tT0l H07K2 Gj$4g 2? Vegeta (second form) kMPL8 JCC1s 9n96M 7hHvTBh #zmX0 *+BQf 5N Videl $Y0Hr 7HH3b 3Pck% 51VyQjM 8f+c# cxFc1 wG Yajirobe Y%yL1 3JC%d d? W5+ hz42rnX t7SgF D-T4G Jl Yamcha gZk4T R5t7p ll&9P h9Pf)@p nTLPh ZQjV9 +# Zangya sx#J% 1mdcl 4r6W3 w0l7$V4 &XVH) hJ+jt Bs Zarbon -t5C8 r1rpj &Bj)? Fs (pWxS -*6rf 00C7j jr
GT Goku
TT5bz g1ky- Y-? Fv 3LH2X-g $yW! R #5B)q (?.
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DT+-z lQkHl WnHn% jp @$90F 8Rd3x LV
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Dr. Gero
pBSZc !nP0V ZjD*N +bcmPxq dsSJ$ +Q-X% kx
FQ+73 z#vDL MCGM0 cbLnFvD 8fGB@ 7lfWz +3
Demon King Piccolo
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n*cHH dkhCV JLCKq %CSP+-8 (rXbv fXptR -d
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Cell Jr.
9hVKP 5F&%Q ?HmW2 !yc*)W4 Z7f4f rbZzC +5
Evil Buu
lTWKx lLtLF y3+0$ @nT5F1l h&0#t T)2+4 4+
Dr. Wheelo
)FsKb Q$2GC fYJNN wsQhLGb 3SW7c zvzS) fZ
Android #19
2cGy) 1z0B3 63HCS DtpBk*T rmZyY L5c3q CZ
Android #18
mkSFw +DPnr nx6qW !xGPJT? 6N2k@ $CJ?6 —
Android #17
% FYNtz @0#wD d2Py602 J-q4& lwHZB fV
Android #16
$jY2f sK%*g jY55x pJS8&F( 6&Ws@ 7Sb9? 1V
Android #13
099T0 VW%5b 3t&Cm S!s)fQL XlN5# hf#z$ CV
Android #8
6kcf+ @lvj0 -yBz2 x? V7W8H 8z?Hl C4!r# M9
Unlock Characters In Versus Mode
Have a saved game file from Dragon Ball Z: BudokaiTenkaichi 2 on your hard drive or memory card tounlock characters in Versus mode that you unlockedin Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2.
Survival Mode
Successfully complete thirty missions in 100Mission mode to unlock Survival mode.
Capital City Stage
Successfully complete Red Shenron’s Wish to unlockthe Capital City stage.
Desert Day Stage
Successfully complete Shenron’s Wish to unlock theDesert Day stage.
Desert Evening Stage
Win the Yamcha Game Level 2 to unlock the DesertEvening stage.
Desert Night Stage
Win the Cell Game Level 2 to unlock the DesertNight stage.
Janemba Hell Stage
Successfully complete the Dragon History SpecialSaga “Janemba” to unlock the Janemba Hell stage.
Mt. Paozu Stage
Successfully complete Shenron’s Wish to unlock theMt. Paozu stage.
Muscle Tower Stage
Successfully complete the Dragon History DragonBall Saga “Decisive Battle in Holy Place” tounlock the Muscle Tower stage.
Penguin Village Stage
Successfully complete Red Shenron’s Wish to unlockthe Penguin Village stage.
Successfully complete the What IfSaga “Unexpected Messiah” in Dragon History.
Android 08 (hatchan In Japanese Version)
Successfully complete the What If Saga”Affectionate Android” in Dragon History.
Successfully complete the What IfSaga “Dream Match: Goku vs. Arale” in Dragon History.
Successfully complete the Majin BuuSaga “Farewell To The Proud Warrior” in DragonHistory.
Cyborg Tao-pai-pai
Win Level 2 in theOtherworld Tournament.
Successfully complete the What IfSaga “Unexpected Help” in Dragon History.
Dr. Wheelo
Successfully complete theSpecial Saga “Strongest In The World” in DragonHistory.
Fasha (seripa)
Win Level 3 in the Yamcha Game.
General Blue
Successfully complete theDragon Ball Saga “Penguin Village” in Dragon History.
Gohan (future)
Wish from Shenron.
Goku (gt)
Successfully complete the DragonBall GT Saga “Immortal Monster” in Dragon History.
Kid Chi-chi
Wish from Red Shenron.
King Cold
Win Level 3 in the Cell Game.
King Piccolo
Successfully complete theDragon Ball Saga “Goku Strikes Back” in DragonHistory.
King Vegeta
Successfully complete the WhatIf Saga “Galaxy Battle” in Dragon History.
Successfully complete the Frieza Saga”Super Saiyan!?” in Dragon History.
Successfully complete the Dragon BallSaga “Ceiling vs. Ground” in Dragon History.
Nuova Shenron
Successfully complete theDragon Ball GT Saga “Solar Warrior 6000 Degrees ofPower!” in Dragon History.
Pilaf Machine
Win Level 2 in the SuperWorld Tournament.
Win Level 3 in the World Tournament.
Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta
Defeat Ultimate SuperGogeta in Dragon Ball GT Saga.
Super Saiyan 4 Goku
Defeat Ultimate Androidin Dragon Ball GT Saga.
Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta
Defeat Ultimate SuperGogeta in Dragon Ball GT Saga.
Successfully complete theDragon Ball Saga “Goku Strikes Back” in DragonHistory.
Combo Master Capsule
Successfully complete 50 of the 100 missions tounlock the Combo Master capsule.
Quick Charge Capsule
Successfully complete all 100 missions to unlockthe Quick Charge capsule.
I Give You A Romantic Background Music
Successfully complete Dragon History to unlock theI Give You A Romantic background music.
Super Suvivor (instrumental, Full) Background Music
Successfully complete Dragon World Tour, CellGame, Difficulty 2 Victory to unlock the SuperSuvivor (Instrumental, Full) background music.
Super Suvivor (instrumental, Short) Background Music
Successfully complete Dragon World Tour, WorldTournament, Difficulty 2 Victory to unlock theSuper Suvivor (Instrumental, Short) background music.
Super Suvivor (vocal, Full) Background Music
Successfully complete Dragon World Tour,Otherworld Tournament, Difficulty 3 Victory tounlock the Super Suvivor (Vocal, Full) backgroundmusic.
Super Suvivor (vocal, Short) Background Music
Successfully complete Dragon World Tour, SuperWorld Tournament, Difficulty 3 Victory to unlockthe Super Suvivor (Vocal, Short) background music.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Ginu Body Change Glitch!!!
Go to duel mode and select 1p v.s. COM and then select DP team battle. Then make sure to have Gohan on your team, and Captain Ginu on the team your fighting. Then when the battle starts, if Ginu does body change on Gohan he does not turn in to Gohan, he turns into Goku.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
mega man star force pegasus nintendo ds
mega man star force pegasus nintendo ds
Mega Man Star Force: Pegasus cheats & more for Nintendo DS (DS)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Mega Man Star Force: Pegasus cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo DS (DS). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Nintendo DS cheats we have available for Mega Man Star Force: Pegasus.
Genre: Role-Playing, First-Person Action RPG Developer: Capcom Publisher: Capcom ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: August 7, 2007
Complete Library Faster
Have the weapon C.finder equipped while battling viruses to get their chips.
You can access the battle network buster weapon for mega by having a Megaman Battle Network6 GBA game pack in at the same time as your Megaman Starforce. Pulse into the doghose security system, and you will find a warp hole in the computer. Accept the job the being in the wave hole offers you. Got pulse in the statue at vista point, defeat the jammer, go back to the wave hole and you will receive the battle network buster.
Gemini Spark
Walk around Dream park EM-wave road for a little while and he will appear.
Pegasus Satellite Power
When you get Satellite Pegasus’s power he will tell that charging up will shoot an ice blast and freeze them. To charge just don’t shoot your mega blaster or get hit until the energy sphere gets bigger, then shoot them and they’ll freeze.
Fire Blast
When in battle mode and you get grass arena and a fire type attack at the same time choose the arena trap chip first then select all fire type chips in any order. When battle starts use arena trap and then get as close to the enemies as possible then use the fire attack on all the enemies. This trick should kill them in 1 hit unless there mega sized.
Find LibraScales
Run around on the 5-A em Wave Road.
Find Queen Ophuca
Go to the time Square Em Wave road and run around.
Find TaurusFire
Run around EchoRidge he will appear.
Find SygnusWing
Run around AMAKEN space station and he will appear.
Find HarpNote
Go to Vista Point and walk around a bit. Eventually she will show up.
Unlocker (Sub Card) Cipher Code
In the email menu, submit the following code to the satellite: KNIGSIAREM.
Unlocker (Sub Card) Cipher Code
In the email menu, submit the following code to the satellite: ALPTUNZLA.
Unlocker (Sub Card) Cipher Code
In the email menu, submit the following code to the satellite: NROSIMAMSTU.
Timebomb 1 (Battle Card) Cipher Code
In the email menu, submit the following code to the satellite: LAREBARAON.
Search Eye (Sub Card) Cipher Code
In the email menu, submit the following code to the satellite: PREOBCOPB.
Recovery 50 (Battle Card) Cipher Code
In the email menu, submit the following code to the satellite: AURIEFRUTS.
Heavy Cannon (Battle Card) Cipher Code
In the email menu, submit the following code to the satellite: OSLEGRATE.
Ghost Pulse 2 (Battle Card) Cipher Code
In the email menu, submit the following code to the satellite: NGYNGIWCUS.
D.energy (Sub Card) Cipher Code
In the email menu, submit the following code to the satellite: ILABCLERSAS.
D.energy (Sub Card) Cipher Code
In the email menu, submit the following code to the satellite: SIXGAME-O.
Cloaker (Sub Card) Cipher Code
In the email menu, submit the following code to the satellite: ISNBDUBO.
Tail Burner 3 Cipher Code
In the email menu, submit the following code to the satellite: IPHAUEOEUNQC.
Six Stars
Megaman Star Beat Andromeda
S Star Find all 150 standered chipsM Star Find all 30 mega chipsG Star Find all 5 giga chipsPegasus Star Beat Pegasus MagicSixth Star Beat all SP bosses.
Cancer Bubble
After the Big Wave card shop opens go in and talk to the boy in the red. He will tell you to meet him on the AMAKEN Foyer EM wave road. You will get the chance to fight Cancer Bubble, Cancer BubbleEX, Cancer BubbleSP for his card.
Wolf Woods
After the Luna event go back to the stage event on top of Nacy’s roof. There will be a man standing at the entrance, talk to him and he will tell you tom meet him on the Event Stage EM wave road. You will get to fight Wolf Woods, Wolf WoodsEX, Wolf WoodsSP for his card.
Crown Thunder
After beating Amdromida go to the city dump and talk to a ghost that now stands beside the road. He will tell you to meet him on the city dump EM wave road. You will get to fight Crown Thunder, Crown ThunderEX, Crown ThunderSP for his card.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Mega Man Star Force: Pegasus yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Mega Man Star Force: Pegasus yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
pac man collection gba
pac man collection gba
Pac-Man Collection cheats & more for Game Boy Advance (GBA)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Pac-Man Collection cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Game Boy Advance (GBA). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Game Boy Advance cheats we have available for Pac-Man Collection.
Genre: Puzzle, Maze Puzzle Developer: Namco Publisher: Namco ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: July 12, 2001
Currently we have no tips for Pac-Man Collection yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Ending Sequence
Enter FFF as a Pac Attack mode password.
Pac Attack Mode Passwords
LevelPassword 1 STR 2 HNM 3 KST 4 TRT 5 MYX 6 KHL 7 RTS 8 SKB 9 HNT 10 SRY 11 YSK 12 RCF 13 HSM 14 PWW 15 MTN 16 TKY 17 RGH 18 TNS 19 YKM 20 MWS 21 KTY 22 TYK 23 SMM 24 NFL 25 SRT 26 KKT 27 MDD 28 CWD 29 DRC 30 WHT 31 FLT 32 SKM 33 QTN 34 SMN 35 TGR 36 WKR 37 YYP 38 SLS 39 THD 40 RMN 41 CNK 42 FRB 43 MLR 44 FRP 45 SDB 46 BQJ 47 VSM 48 RDY 49 XPL 50 WLC 51 TMF 52 QNS 53 GWR 54 PLT 55 KRW 56 HRC 57 RPN 58 CNT 59 BTT 60 TMP 61 MNS 62 SWD 63 LDM 64 YST 65 QTM 66 BRP 67 MRS 68 PPS 69 SWT 70 WTM 71 FST 72 SLW 73 XWF 74 RGJ 75 SNC 76 BKP 77 CRN 78 XNT 79 RNT 80 BSK 81 JWK 82 GSN 83 MMT 84 DNK 85 HPN 86 DCR 87 BNS 88 SDC 89 MRH 90 BTF 91 NSM 92 QYZ 93 KTT 94 FGS 95 RRC 96 YLW 97 PNN 98 SPR 99 CHB 100 LST
Appendix For Puzzle Mode
At the main menu, select “Pac-Attack” mode. When the Pac-Attack menu is displayed, highlight the “Puzzle” option, then hold Right and press A to unlock appendix mode. Appendix mode allows you to play puzzle mode with Pac-Man appearing less often, but the clusters are consistent rather then random. You will get the same clusters each time you play a level.
Currently we have no unlockables for Pac-Man Collection yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Pac-Man Collection yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Pac-Man Collection yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Pac-Man Collection yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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