irradiated-imp · 1 year
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The Toa Otoka The Toa Otoka were the second Toa Team to be formed on Okoto Nui. They were formed in response to Matoran going missing along side sightings of strange, never before seen Rahi.
Each of the members of this team knew each other prior to becoming Toa, having met in Metru Nui before the Reformation. Though they bicker at times, they work together fairly well as a team. Emana Toa of Psionics and a former Scholar and Archaeologist. She worked for the Grand Archives and studied the Agori Ruins found across the island. Though she wasn't much of a fighter, she was trained in fencing, training she puts to use as a Toa. She has an interest in the macabre, something she shares with Vhoke. She and Rakewii are in a relationship.
Rakewii Toa of Fire and mask maker. Rakewii lived in the hustle and bustle of Ta-Ifo working as a mask maker for a local mask shop. He has decent aim making him a perfect sharp shooter for his team. He's often jokey and rarely takes things seriously. He and Emana are in a relationship.
Rakota Toa of Lightning and village guard. Rakota can be incredibly blunt and rather impatient at times, but she cares deeply for her friends. She's closest to Melu, as both traveled together across Mata Nui before the move back to Metru Nui. She owns a pair of Sentinel Hounds.
Vhoke Toa of Plant Life and a former Rahi care taker. She worked at a rescue shelter in her village on Okoto Nui and has very extensive knowledge of Rahi. Her hands and feet had been modified, both for defense and locomotion. She has a pet Guurii.
Akale Toa of Iron and former caravan guard. Akale is the leader. He is the most outwardly mature, and his time as a caravan guard in Po-Oko gave him all the experience he needed to lead and protect others. He wields a heavy blaster, which has only become more powerful as a Toa.
Melu Toa of Air and former courier. Most of the Toa Team met each other through Melu. Even before the Great Cataclysm, he worked as courier in Metru Nui. He and Rokota met and traveled together on Mata Nui, and after the return to Metru Nui he met and befriended Emana and Rakewii, and would later meet Vhoke and Akale on Okoto Nui. He's not the most heroic individual, but tries his best to be useful for his team.
Though they aren't part of the Toa Team, there are several other Matoran tied to this team that try to help them in their efforts to find the source of these strange Rahi and why they are kidnapping Matoran.
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mocsbylexan · 2 years
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Farmers of Meki-Nui
Aqua Magna, c. 100,000 AGR
Feeding a town like Meki-Koro is no small task. Thankfully, there are more than enough helping hands in the islands gardens and fields.
Moctober 2022, day 19
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origsmocs · 1 month
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So i gotta be honest, i didn’t really have anything planned for 8/10nicle day. To make up for it, here’s an idea i had for like a Bohrok-Va Kal. A Kal version of a Va? A Kal-Va. Va-Kal. You get the idea.
Also here’s a bonus Mahri-nui matoran of plantlife. A Bo-Mahritoran. Whatever.
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tiredspacedragon · 2 months
Me: Eye colour is a great way to tell apart Matoran (and Toa/Turaga) from similarly-coloured elements. A De-Matoran's yellow eyes easily set them apart from the blue-eyed Ko-Matoran, who are easily distinguished from the pink/purple-eyed Vo-Matoran, who in turn stand apart from the yellow/orange-eyed Ga-Matoran. Onu-Matoran's signature dark green eyes keep them from being confused with the Po-Matoran and their orange and blue eyes, and by giving Ba-Matoran their own distinct eye colours like purple, pink, or blue, that confusion is eliminated as well. Le-Matoran and Bo-Matoran can avoid being mistaken for each other if Le-Matoran all have red or light green eyes, while Bo-Matoran eyes are blue or dark green. What an elegant system!
Unfortunately Also Me: Hmmmmggg, what if I gave a Toa of Earth red eyes... Or an Ice Toa green eyes... A Water character with blue eyes could be really cool, I'm just saying... And I know I committed to all Shadow characters having red/orange eyes, but that doesn't mean I can't give this one purple just this once, right?
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tempelbeast · 5 months
God the Ba Matoran, De Matoran give me nothing to work with. Anyways, Here are some secondary element Matoran. The names are made from Maori words like lightning, or iron, or gun etc. or are the word itself. I did this to make the names fit with the other Matoran names.
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Pehaan, Taumah and Taika the Ba Matoran archaeological team.
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Villagers of Bo Koro Huaa, Kaiw and Taiiao, with Huna Jaga’s.
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Villagers of Ce Koro Iinen, Mohio and Mahaara and her Swamp Bat.
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Villagers of De Koro Waahan, Paoroo and Komu, featuring Beaked climbers.
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Villagers of Fe Koro Terino, Maroa and Nynrah Ghosts Heepu.
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Su Matoran construction workers Kirika, Anana and Kitere.
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Villagers of Vo Koro Hiiko, Uirra and Whatiri.
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The Fa Matoran Aukum with his Ussal Ceaba, Autio and Haurua.
Any thoughts?
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outofgloom · 1 year
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"The…the ship," the Vo-Matoran gasped, dragging herself up onto the rocks.
She collapsed, mask down. Waves crashed against the jagged shoreline. A few remnants of shattered debris drifted in and out with the foam.
"Are you injured?" a voice called. The Vo-Matoran looked up to see one of the Ga-Matoran standing over her. She stooped and pulled seaweed from the Vo-Matoran's mask.
"I am whole," the Vo replied slowly. "But the ship…"
"The ship is gone," the Ga said, helping the Vo to her feet. "Come further up, away from the water. The sea is still dangerous."
The other Matoran were gathered in a low flat place in the center of the island. Low thunder carried on the breeze.
"I have found another," the Ga called out as they approached.
"This is good," the Fe replied. "We are six now."
"A good number," said the Ko. "More fortunate, given our plight."
"We must make another search, on the next cycle," the other Ga said. "But now that we are six…"
"We must take council," said the Onu. "Yes, it is time."
They drew the Amaja Circle in the gravel, and each Matoran took up their place on its margin.
The Ko cast a pale stone into the center of the circle. "We must devise a plan to escape," he said. "We will be needed at our destination."
"How?" the Fe ventured, pushing forward his ruddy stone. "The ship is destroyed, and we cannot rebuild it now. We have no materials…"
"I believe," the Onu said, "that we must stay put, for now."
"Survive here?" the Ko asked. "For how long?"
"Until we are rescued," the Vo said, setting down a quartz stone.
"No–until we can create a new vessel," the Fe countered.
"It would be a great undertaking," the Onu said, musing. "The seas here are treacherous."
"Too great an undertaking for us," the Vo said. "Surely--we are only six, and we have no Turaga."
"Not too great," one of the Ga chimed in. "We are builders, after all–each of us, in our own way."
"But how--"
"--We must rely on the Rule in Absence," the Ga finished.
"It is true," said the second Ga, the one who had found the Vo by the shore. "We have all that we need here."
"Agreed," said the Onu.
"The island is desolate," said the Ko, "barely a mound of rocks. And see how the smoke of the eruption obscures the sky? The stars are closed to me."
"For now," the first Ga replied. "Until then, the Rule in Absence shall guide us."
The Ko did not reply. He removed his stone from the circle.
They cast the sixfold lot, as the Rule required. The first Ga who had spoken was chosen as Elder. Now she was no longer Ga, but Raga.
A light snow of ash began to fall.
They scavenged the margins of the island for the first few days, gathering the remnants of their wrecked ship. The Ga and Raga attempted to swim out to the reef, but found that the ocean was still too heated to endure. The horizon was a mass of steam, and the ash fell steadily, coating both land and sea in gray.
Three masks washed ashore--those of the two Ta and the Po. The Fe examined them and found them to be undamaged.
"It is likely," the Ko said, "that the bodies have gone unto Mata already. They have no need of these anymore."
The masks were stored in the makeshift Suva that the Onu had piled up--they were precious. A hut of driftwood was soon erected nearby, and the Matoran rested there in shifts, out of the wind and the falling ash.
One evening, they drew out the Amaja once more and assembled around it:
"The next task is for you," said the Elder, pointing to the Vo. "We have made shelter, and the Suva is finished for now. What remains is…the Vuata."
"I…I have not studied the formation of Vuata, Elder," the Vo said. "Only tended to it and its power-flow."
"You are Vo, are you not?"
"I am."
"And we are without Bo-Matoran here, who might be capable of the cultivation by proxy. So, the Duty falls to you."
"I see, yes. But…it is…I am--"
"--I have studied this knowledge, Elder," the other Ga said, putting her stone into the Amaja, alongside the Vo's quartz. "I have also studied much of the knowledge of flora. Perhaps I can--"
The Elder raised a hand, shaking her head.
"No, according to the Rule in Absence, each Matoran shall perform the Duty of their building and design. No other."
The Ga nodded slowly, removing her stone from the circle.
"You shall begin tomorrow."
The Vo stared off at the murky horizon.
"I will."
In the morning, the Vo, Ga, and Fe went down to the shoreline. The Fe carried a special vessel he had shaped from scrap metal. The upper portion of the vessel was filled with a layer of protodermic ash, and below that was a small opening covered in fine mesh.
They filled the vessel with seawater, letting the liquid protodermis filter through the ash into the lower container. After repeating the process many times over, the Ga judged that the water was sufficiently purified. She turned to the Vo, who sat a short distance away, meditating.
"It's ready," the Ga said. "Have you meditated on the process?"
"I…I have," said the Vo, opening her eyes. "I believe I am centered."
"Good, you most only remember: sharp and deep is the action. Once should be enough."
"And it will…will it…hurt?"
"I don't know. I'm sorry."
"I've heard that the mechanisms are quite complex, and, um, fascinating," the Fe said, fidgeting.
He offered the vessel, to which he had affixed a spigot.
"Thank you."
"It is time," said the Ga. "We will be right here with you."
The Vo took the vessel and exhaled slowly. Then, she raised it to the aperture of her mask, and inhaled.
Sharp and deep, she inhaled the purified liquid protodermis--did not swallow it, but aspirated it sharply into her Vo-Matoran lungs, which were made differently from other Matoran.
It hurt. She dropped the vessel, doubled over. The Ga moved to steady her. The pain burned deep in her chest, but she held on, did not exhale. It was her Duty. She focused, as the Ga had told her, and the burning centered itself down, down into her core. Her heartlight beat rapidly, more rapidly each minute. At last, she looked up. The Ga and Fe helped her to stand, and they made their way back to the encampment.
The Onu had cleared a space, turning up the rocky ground and plowing gray ash into it. The Elder came out of the hut, followed by the Ko, as the three Matoran approached. The Vo stepped forward, arms spread. Her heartlight glowed bright in her chest, and the Elder nodded approvingly.
"Come. Here is the place."
The Vo stepped forward into the empty space, and the Onu patted the tilled ground. She knelt in the earth.
A whining, whirring noise began to rise on the air--a mechanical sound, like that of an engine powering up. It hurt.
The Vo looked back over her shoulder, eyes wandering, until they fell on the Ga.
"I-I..." she stammered, jaw clenched, "I am...afraid."
"It is almost done," said the Elder.
The whining noise increased.
"We will be here with you," said the Ga, quietly.
"You will not be alone."
The noise reached a crescendo. The Vo doubled over once more, and heaved. A bright spark of something issued from her mouth and went down, down into the ground.
Her eyes and heartlight winked out. The body fell heavily to the earth.
It was a red evening, as the stars burned into night over the sea. The fog and smoke on the horizon had cleared in recent months--enough now to glimpse the husk of the volcanic island which had been the cause of their shipwreck, a low smudge against the sky.
They could not reach it, of course. The waves broke sharply against submerged reefs all around, and the ocean still boiled angrily in some places. Somewhere out there was the wreck of the Fe's skiff, and the Fe along with it. Only his mask had returned to them, as with the others. That was how they had decided that long-term survival was their only option--even the Ko had agreed.
The Ga had descended to ground-level less than an hour ago, as was her habit before the night set in. She passed the Onu on her way down to the ladder; he was always more comfortable closer to the earth.
She made a brief search of the shoreline. Sometimes debris still washed in, although collecting driftwood was much less vital to them now. She checked for erosion on the eastern point of the shore, and made a note to tell the Onu that it had progressed a small amount. He probably already knew.
After that, she waded into the surf and hauled in one of the cage-traps, retrieving its catch of small Rahi crabs, endemic to the area and useful for their shells and sharp claws. She hung the catch upon a rack further up the rocky shore, noting also that the trap would needed to be mended. Good practice for the Ko, maybe, now that the stars had become visible consistently and he had calmed himself. She verified the tideline again, judging that the tide was near its lowest point by now, and replaced the marker stones. The tidal range was of the variable kind in this region of the world, and had to be monitored carefully. So many things to monitor, to keep track of. But they all did their part: it was a matter of survival.
Next, she turned her attention to the Tree.
The Tree rose from the center of the island, straight as a pillar. Its roots covered much of the ground now, burrowing deep into the earth, and its canopy now shaded nearly the entirety of the island's landmass. It had grown quickly in its early days, and its roots were mature enough now even to drink the unpurified seawater.
She made her way along the narrow pathway that ringed the Tree's base. The path was a natural formation, allowing access to the various apertures and ports that issued from the trunk. There were even natural handholds in the metalwood of the tree's surface where the roots emerged and one was obliged to climb over. This was the nature of Vuata. Like many other forms of plantlife across the world, it was made to serve a particular purpose. The Tree was their livelihood--the producer of all the things needed for the continuing of their labors.
At last, the Ga stood before the great aperture which led down into the Tree's Karda, the core which produced energy for the Tree's growth, and which provided vital sustenance to the Matoran, when needed, as well as power for whatever mechanisms they built.
The Karda was the heart of their island now. It glowed blue-green, pulsing gently. She made sure to keep the area free of debris, clean and orderly, as much as she could.
It was not technically her Duty, but it was right.
They had buried the body of the Vo there, in the same earth, after...afterward. The body would not go unto Mata, the Raga had said, for there was no fatal malfunction, only a...transferal. A change in life-functions. That was what the Raga had called it. Even so, she liked to come to this place when she could. She had made a promise, after all, that the Vo would not be alone.
Night had fallen. The Ga returned to the sturdy rope ladder which hung down the trunk of the Tree. Her tasks were done, and they would all be turning in the for the night soon. All except the Ko, who usually rested during the daylight so that he could star-gaze at night...
The great ripple that moved through the world almost didn't register to her senses as she climbed, except for a subtle pause in the movement of the waves below. It was accompanied by a noise: a slow distant rushing.
The Onu--sensitive to the slightest of world-movements--was already calling out a loud warning from the branches of the Tree above by the time she realized what was happening, and that the dull roar that had sprung up in her ears was not wind, but water.
The tsunami struck the island and washed over it with fury. Liquid fire sprouted along the horizon as the distant volcanic island was ripped apart by a second eruption. Flaming rock hissed into the sea, and the stars were once again blotted out by smoke.
Somehow, her grip on the rope-ladder did not fail. She twisted and whipped round in the surging water, and the heat made her cry out involuntarily. Then she struck hard and felt the yielding wood of the Tree against her body.
She heaved upward with a wrenched arm and grabbed another handhold on the ladder, then realized that she was moving upward. Her eyes cleared for a moment, and she saw the other Matoran hauling frantically on the ladder, dragging her up out of the raging maelstrom. The Tree swayed, and the Ko nearly fell from his perch. She was out of the water.
She looked down, and with a shock she realized that the island was gone, completely submerged.
"We almost have you!" the Raga said, heaving on the rope.
She bounced off the trunk again, and heard the Tree groan with the strain of the waters. Then hands were on her, dragging her up and into the safety of the lowest branches, which grew in the shape of a platform.
"Are you injured?" asked the Ko, "I see...Your shoulder is damaged. I shall endeavor to--"
"It is not finished!" said the Raga, pointing into the distance.
"Hold fast," said the Onu, gripping them both with his large hands.
Another vast wave bulged up from the horizon and smashed against the Tree. They all heard it, felt the pain of it. The world was all red and black now, as the volcano flared up.
The Ga struggled to her feet with an effort and looked downward toward the base of the Tree. The Karda. Through the rising steam she could see it: the core was still submerged. Its light flickered beneath the waves. The Karda shall drown, she thought.
If it died, so would they, soon enough, and it would all be for nothing.
"The Vuata!" the Ga cried, pointing. "It is in danger!"
The Tree shuddered again.
"Its roots are deep," said the Onu. "But I am unsure."
"I did not foresee this," said the Ko miserably. His precious stars had been wiped away once more.
The Raga stared for a moment, down at the heart of the Tree, which she had commanded to be planted.
"I shall do it," she said slowly. "It falls to me. The Rule in Absence states that--"
The Ga had already dived from the branches, straight down into the crashing waves, where the Karda glowed blue-green and beat, beat like a heartlight, down into the place where vast energies pulsed against the onslaught of the elements, down amongst the roots of the Tree, where the Vo had been buried with her mask. The Ga fell into that place, and swam strongly, despite her injury, and pushed through...
And in those final moments, before her own core reinforced the Karda of the Tree with new energy, there was a little fear, but not much.
A Nui-Kahu flew through the high atmosphere, wheeling above the ocean. Below, a mess of islands spread across the surface of the silver sea, and the Toa of Earth that clung nauseously to the bird's back noted that they were clearly the result of past volcanic activity.
At the center of the ragged archipelago, a low cone was still visible above the waves. According to the Toa's briefing, this volcano had been disrupting the marginal sea-routes for many years, but only now had the Lord of the Continent seen fit to dispatch someone. Unfortunately, that someone was him.
The Rahi bird descended mercifully to the blackened shoreline, and the Toa slid off with relief. He stamped his feet a few times in the dirt to reassure himself and calm his motion-sickness. The Kahu squawked and looked at him disdainfully, flicking mud from its wings.
"Stay put, please," he clicked in the bird's language. "This shouldn't take too long."
The crater itself was only a short hike and a scramble up the irregular slope, but even before he had reached the scorched rim and looked down, he'd begun to suspect that his intel was a bit outdated. Although it had clearly been a very lively firespout in the past, the volcano was now quite dead. Not even a wisp of smoke rose from the blasted core below. The wind was dry and ashy in his mouth. He scratched his mask. Had this trip been for nothing, after all?
Reaching out with his elemental powers, he scried downwards into the depths, feeling out the placement of the earth, its layers stacked one atop the other, sensing out the places where it was cold and hard...and where it was hot, made pliable by the magmatic flows that crisscrossed the underside of the world.
There was nothing here. No heat. No pressure. Strange.
He shrugged and turned to go back down the slope. It would be a short mission report for his superiors in Metru Prynak after all...
Something caught his eye, off to the right, where the distant shoreline curved into a small bay. A shape stood out against the gray stone. In his Matoran days, the Toa had been a historian of sorts, although nothing so grand as the Archivists of the City of Legends. It wasn't really on his list of directives, but surely it wouldn't hurt to investigate this place thoroughly...
Another short hike brought him to the remains of a camp, likely Matoran in origin based on its size. The firepit and remains of a small shelter were all covered in a healthy layer of ashen dust, just like everything else on the island. More notable, however, was the standing stone that had been erected just up the slope from the encampment. This is what he had seen from above.
It was a rounded pillar carved from the volcanic rock of the island itself, clearly having been shaped with some skill--probably by a Po- or Onu-Matoran. On the surface of the pillar, many words were carved. He stooped and gently blew away the accumulated ash from the surface, then began to read:
"Omokulo the Earth-Tiller carved the words on this stone. Tykto divined by the stars that it would be read in this place, one day, and Raga Peyra commissioned its writing to complete the cycle."
The signature was a practice of the northern chroniclers and record-keepers, although phrased a bit archaically. He read on:
"This is the bio-chronicle of our cell, isolated from the Great Whole by the wrath of nature. Nevertheless, we have kept to our Duty, and followed the Rule in Absence."
The Rule in Absence...How long ago had this been written? There was only the Rule of Order now, after the Barraki and their Wars of Order. He scuffed his fingers along the stone, tasted the dust. Perhaps a century old, maybe more...
"We were six at first, and by the sixfold lot we chose an Elder, as the Rule in Absence requires. We raised the Suva for safekeeping, and the Vewa for shelter. Then we made provision for continued survival and labor, as the Rule in Absence requires. Therefore, Ka'o the Channeler initiated the making of Vuata."
He paused for a moment, amused at the word. These Matoran must have been from the central environs--or even from Metru Nui itself--to call it that. On the continent, they still preferred the archaic form, Vo-Ata, the Source of Energy...
"In the time that was to come, Vuata grew and became the body of our world, which sheltered and protected us. By Ka'o we offer this memory, and by Idda who went unto the Karda when it was threatened, though it broke the Rule in Absence. We offer this memory unto the Great Spirit. West from this pillar it can be seen. It will be with us always. It shall not be forgotten."
There was so much written here. Interesting to be sure, but too much to sift through. He focused and scanned the stone with his Mask of Memory instead, storing the visuals so that they could be more closely examined back home.
West from this pillar it can be seen. The line stuck in his mind. He turned and squinted toward the horizon. The sky was still bright at midday, and he cursed that he'd forgotten to bring the tinted lenses for his mask. Earth Toa weren't exactly known for their keen eyesight.
He walked back into the encampment. There seemed to be nothing else of interest for him here, and the day was getting on. Putting a finger to his mouth, he let out a shrill whistle and soon after the Nui-Kahu landed by the water nearby. He was preparing to mount up and begin the long, unpleasantly high-altitude journey back, when he stopped again.
Something was nagging at him. Something down there...beneath his feet. Deep in the earth, he could feel it now, or was it just his imagination?
Closing his eyes, he searched deeper. Not here...not there...no. Wait--there! A small source of heat in the bedrock, very deep. He traced it like a thread. Westward, out to sea.
But that wasn't all. There was something else down there too--something not made of earth. He could sense it by the absence it created, coiling around, following along the vein of magmatic pressure. The Kahu gave an unhappy screech as he abruptly waded into the surf to get a better read. Up to his waist, the waves buffeted him as he pushed his seismic senses to their limit. At last, he got a glimpse, saw the bigger picture. Yes, it was familiar.
Clouds covered the brightness of the sky for a moment, and his eyes snapped open. He could see a shape on the horizon. From above, he had thought it was just another island, maybe another volcano. But now he knew he was mistaken.
He returned to his flying mount and coaxed it back into the air. The scattered islands around the area were a wreck, washed clean by the violence of nature more than once...but never again, it would seem.
Vuata grew and became the body of our world
which sheltered and protected us.
Deep beneath the earth he had felt the stirring of roots, tangled in the veins and rivers of underground heat and drawing from their energy.
By Ka'o we offer this memory, and by Idda
who went unto the Karda when it was threatened
though it broke the Rule in Absence.
Mighty roots, choking the errant volcano into extinction and returning peace to the islands and the sea.
We offer this memory unto the Great Spirit.
West from this pillar it can be seen.
On the edge of the horizon it loomed, huge and unshakable. Dark branches lifted upward and outward across the ocean.
It will be with us always.
It shall not be forgotten.
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0m3g45n1p3r4lph4 · 11 months
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Made two new Voyatoran today! Unnamed Bo-Matoran with a sturdy base for carrying heavy loads, armed with Kanoka Claws; and an unnamed Po-Matoran with long arms and Extender Grips tipped with Compressor Hammers to collect scrap and flatten materials (or threats)
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tenosit · 10 months
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Mechanical lifeforms born of a technogenic jungle, Vaerkers are the inhabitants of Asynplex. Reaching to height of average Velhelt's knee, they lack their abilities or powers, but make up for it with numbers, scrappiness, and cunning - they need them, as a lone Vaerker will easily get lost in bowels of the gargantuan, ever-deteriorating machine. To survive in this world, Vaerkers need to work together - and their own Tool-Staves won't save them on their own.
Few Vaerker settlements exist - they are largely trade stops for nomadic bands that traverse the Asynplex. Most Vaerkers explore the mechanical depths and towers for a living, scavenging for materials and attempting to restore power to machinery that could provide manufacturing and recharging functions. When delving into the Robo-Innards, company of a Velhelt is an invaluable boon, as little robots are hardly march for the worst Asynplex can offer.
Rumors are the currency between Velhelts and Vaerkers - and now, Vaerkers speak of STOR- and DODELIG-class Masks of Power being stashed in vaults across Asynplex. Who will be foolhardy enough to see the truth for themselves?
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[More of creative exploration based on Bo Torstensen's concept art for Bionicle! The "Robo-Innards" artworks depict a Toa-like figure leading what looks very much like Turaga - not sure if Torstensen was aware of how Matoran will look like. Given that Matoran and Turaga were originally not supposed to be different "stages" of creature, exploring them in a different dynamic can be really fun - especially given that, without overt religious elements, they may view Toa quite differently.
As mentioned in prior post, the vocabulary is "inverted" - Māori, Hawai'i and Fiji terms are replaced with English, Danish, Old Norse ones. Feel free to offer suggestions!]
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byz-was-here · 1 year
More Chronicler's Company as Toa thoughts
(Another secondary element edition)
So, if the chronicler's company got upgraded at Kini Nui from the toa stones Takua presumably left there,
When the Toa Mata come out of mangaia after facing makuta, the first thing they're going to see are six very confused & bewildered toa that kind of look like the matoran that were guarding their backs. (And Takua, who's probably loosing his mind and asking a million questions)
Keep in mind, the Turaga politely forgot to mention in the last 1,000 years that Matoran becoming Toa is a thing that can happen. So there's absolutely going to be confusion and mild panic. On both sides. (If the other Turaga weren't all busy trying to pump Whenua for information on the bohrok currently spilling out all across the island, they'd have some serious explaining to do.)
Then, someone (Pohatu or Gali, probably) has the bright idea of teaching these new toa the ropes, never mind that they've only barely gotten a handle on their abilities themselves.
Now if the Chronicler's Company were all primary elements, this might be fine. If they're secondary element toa...
It doesn't go so well.
Su-Toa Kapura does find that while plasma is similar to fire, it's a lot harder to control, requiring patience, fine focus, and a thoughtful approach to not sear someone's retinas with a plasma flare. These are qualities Tahu is... less than profient in, let's say. (Kapura quicky ends up swapping his Ruru for Kopeke's spare Matatu. His Eyes appreciate the change.)
Ce-Toa Macku quickly finds herself in the deep end. Literally. Gali is a patient Teacher, and clever, but Macku would have appreciated Gali catching on that she might not be a toa of water before she took her diving to the bottom of Naho Bay. On the plus side, she discovers her Huna is excellent for slipping away once Gali's in meditation. She turns up in Po-Koro a few days later.
Bo-Toa Tamaru has a whole new appreciation for Le-Wahi once she returns with Lewa, truly deeling like she's in her element. (It's also easier to deal with hights if the trees themselves try and catch you if you slip.) Though, depending on when she arrives at Le-Koro, her quicklesson in toahero bravefighting might come worrysooner than expected.
Fe-Toa Hafu and Pohatu quickly find out that iron and stone are two very different elements. Though, it's Pohatu, everyone’s friend. They'll get along fine. Once Maku shows up, a few things are discovered.
1) Only the Krana in these bohrok are alive
2) Bohrok are made of metal
3) They make excellent materal for sculptures once their connection to the swarm is broken.
Meanwhile, Ba-Toa Taipu is learing so much about how to creatively use a Pakari from Onua. He's always enjoyed working in the tunnels under onu-wahi, and this time he gets to walk on their ceilings! However, Onua , while happy for his new brother toa, is quickly realizing that rapidly changing gravity is extremely nauseating.
Vo-Toa Kopeke and Kopaka get along just fine in terms of personality. The problems come once both of them belatedly realize that Ice is an Excellent conductor of Electricity. ...At least the Tahnok didn't like it either.
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wjbs-bonkle-au · 8 months
Thinking about secondary-element environments...
A Fa-Matoran village in a canyon filled with magnetic crystals. De-Matoran living in caverns with the precise acoustic properties to make almost any sound almost silent. Su- and Fe-Matoran living together in vast forges, with the former helping with the heat and the latter doing the actual smithing. Ce-Matoran carving giant glowing crystals into ornate towers so they can observe the stars. A Bo-Matoran village built into a hollowed-out tree, with Vo-Matoran living at the very top. Ba-Matoran building underwater villages at depths only they can withstand.
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crystaltoa · 2 years
Some Matoran types have very similar colour schemes. Bo- and Le- Matoran have a lot of overlap, as do Fa-, Fe-, Ba- and Onu- Matoran.
So, if a Matoran has a slightly ambiguous colour scheme, is it considered polite to ask what they are? Or is that considered kinda rude?
And are there other ways to tell?
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A little while ago I played in a Bionicle based TTRPG system like D&D by Redstar Gaming called Dorai Nui as a Toa of Plantlife named Whakatau (Also known as Whaka for short or “Weed Boy”) This Campaign took place in an AU version of Bionicle’s events where the OG Toa Mata arrived on Mata Nui on time instead of floating 1000 years at sea and losing their memories. The Makuta did not have enough time to prepare for them and was swiftly defeated and Mata Nui was revived and reformed Spherus Magna.   During the Bionicle Story During the events of the main Bionicle storyline Whakatau was a Matoran living on the Southern Continent and witnessed to both events of the Island of Voya Nui getting launched into the sky and getting stuck up there, and then it's decent back down and rejoining with the Continent. Had he been any closer he could have ended up being one of the poor saps brainwashed by the Piraka or in Mahri Nui the coastal city that fell beneath the waves. Matoran After acclimating to living on the surface of Spherus Magna Whakatau became part of a Matoran Search & Rescue squad living out in the untamed wilderness outside of the city, taking care of the forest and coming to the help of Matoran who get lost or injured out there and were often in difficult locations to get to. They can't always expect the Toa to help while they are busy fighting for the fate of the universe, so somebody has to act on smaller everyday incidents. He and the other Matoran Rangers were on duty to traverse the wilderness, get into difficult places that other Matoran can't reach and bring the matoran back while also tending to their injuries. As a result he has learned to be very fast on his feet and looks for the quickest path from point A to point B traversing over obstacles in his path. While in the forest he was at home, the city has proven to be difficult for him to navigate because his parkour tactics has gotten him lost and stuck on top of skyscrapers more than once. He also is a trained Medic and is able to quickly patch up injuries to keep people alive and moving. New Toa It was thanks to his exceptional skills in search and rescue that Whakatau was chosen to be the new Toa of Plantlife, his Hiking staff and Grappling hook transformed with him to become a Bo-Staff with a Grappling Claw at the end which he could shoot out towards a target in order to grab hold and then pull them to him or quickly zipp over to them. Having little to no social skills and feeling uncomfortable in the big city Whaka was slow to open up to his companions but was determined to use his skills to help them, even if he wouldn't be getting the most glory from it he could use his control of plant life to debilitate enemies and make them easier for the stronger members of the team to hit. At the time the team included Whaka himself (The Medic) Keeps the rest of the team up while keeping the enemies down Vaphi the Toa of Sonics (The Engineer) Builds the gear and machines Vojakua the Toa of Plasma (The Blacksmith) Builds the weapons and armor Parkur the Toa of Iron (The Muscle) Is the big guy with a really big sword who hits really hard Koqunui the Toa of Ice (The Element Crafter) Is the one who's very good at using her elemental powers to make objects and structures and Aruuko the Toa of Stone (The Veteran) Been a Toa longer than the rest of the team and knows the job On their first mission they were tasked with dealing with some criminal activity in the city which turned out to be the work of the Dark Hunters. They managed to intercept a deal going on in a warehouse. Then things suddenly went very south as the Right-hand Lady in charge of the New Dark Hunters set off an explosion that killed Aruuko and Koqunui, and left Whakatau with a black burn scar on his mask. Following that mission Whakatau reluctantly decided to take on the role of Leader of the team in order to keep the rest of his companions safe, but he also developed a darker vindictive side especially towards all Dark Hunters. As a Toa he's not supposed to kill, but he started to grow a fondness for using his plants as torture devices, such as: Poison, Blinding Pollen, Acid, Stinging Needles, Burrowing thorny vines, and his signature torture method, a super Hot Pepper that deals Chemical Fire damage like Napalm which he appropriately named "The Makuta's Piss" (Inspired off of a cop I knew describing being Pepper Sprayed like being pissed in the face by the Devil!) And Whaka had a special exception for the Right hand leader of the Dark Hunters who he wanted to make suffer for the deaths of his companions before breaking the Toa Code and finishing her. The Dark Hunters and Makutas In our time as Toa we met and fought many Dark Hunters and and other criminals within and outside of the city, but nothing could prepare us for our first Makuta! For those not familiar with Bionicle the Makuta are the most terrifying of all enemies, basically equivalent to a Devil, however this Makuta named Zalos was a little different than the previous generation of Makutas. First off the old Makuta had made themselves into beings of Gas and Energy contained within a mechanical body, these Makuta had not grown to that point and were still partially organic. Second these Makuta were created by Mata Nui after the original Makuta Coup d'etat, his purpose for making them was unknown but after the betrayal of the first Makuta people were very distrusting of the new ones. There used to be 10 of them, now there were only 4 remaining. Third and most importantly while the original makuta has a tendency towards being sociopathic, these new Makuta are more neutral. Initially our team was very wary when Makuta Zalos just showed up in New Metru Nui and decide to make himself at home, we wanted to stop him and Parkur himself even attempted to face him alone, but being only new Toa we didn't stand a chance even if we tried, and it turned out we didn't even need to fight him because Zalos wasn't trying to be a threat to anybody, he just wanted a place to settle down, collect art, and become a gameshow host. Our team ended up becoming friends with him and he became a trusted informant having Rahkshi all over the city allowing him to monitor criminal activity. Zalos would eventually open up to Whaka about what happened his 6 fallen fellow Makuta, they were killed off by other Toa. Zalos's Makuta sister couldn't even bring herself to fight back before she died, and Zalos briefly contemplated revenge but knew if he went down that direction it would only prove those Toa correct and perpetuate the cycle of hate and violence. Being reminded of his own fallen companions Whaka started to introspect on his own cruelty and hunger for revenge, if a Makuta could overcome the temptation to hate then what did that make him, and if he started killing for his own satisfaction would he be perpetuating his own cycle of hate? He then further started to question how he thought about the Dark Hunters when he met one who only joined Dark Hunters to help her Toa friend who had fallen ill and needed an expensive medicine. Rather than seeing all Dark Hunters as the worst scum on the planet made up of only psychos and monsters, Whaka started to see them as people. While he could probably never bring himself to forgive the Dark Hunters who murdered his friends, he was no longer going to let them make him a monster too. New Friends After saving the Toa friend of the sympathetic Dark Hunter, the New Metru Nui team returned to the city awaiting two new members of the Team: Glacius the Toa of Ice and Fire (The Tank) He was a Matoran from Karzahni (Bionicle equivalent of Hell) who had been experimented on and became a badass with two large shields to be an unstoppable wall that charges in and beats the enemies faces in with his Shields! And Ingram the Toa of Air (The Driver) Ingram was Glacius's best friend after Glacius was freed from Karzahni, he was a Merchant, he owned a large truck we ended up using as a mobile base, and he had a bit of imposter syndrome over being picked to be a Toa and not feeling like he earned it. The Newly complete Team would stop a Drug problem going on in New Ko-Metru and together bring down the Rahi-Nui a Monstrous Chimera of several powerful Rahi Monsters created by the Old Makuta, and Whaka would change his main Mask from the Kanohi Huna (Mask of Concealment) to the Kanohi Kadin (Mask of Flight) representing how he no longer feels the need to Lurk and Hide, now his main focus is being Mobile and being able to get to all his allies on the battlefield to do what he initially set out to do in the first place: Keep his allies up and support them! Ingram would occasionally go off on his own with the Truck to get shipments completed committed to his previous job as a Merchant and delivery driver...but after not coming back from one of his runs the team would eventually find the Truck broken and Ingram missing. We wouldn't know till later but Ingram would eventually turn up dead. Before discovering the death of Ingram, Whaka found the Shadowed One leader of the Dark Hunters and his Right hand Lady in the city! He decided to pursue them only to get information, but when he realized they were going to escape the city in a Submarine Whaka decided this time he could not let them get away and chased them on the back of a SHARK till he caught up with the Sub and trapped them in a tangle of Kelp like a giant Plant-based Kraken! The two abandoned ship and retreated back to land but Whaka would not let them go and stood his ground against them enduring attacks while he waited for his team to show up for backup and they certainly came! Together we defeated the Shadowed One and Righty and then brought them to Justice by not killing them but trapping them forever in a crystalized Protodermis Toa Seal, and as a reward Whakatau claimed Right's Sword and The Shadowed One's Plasma Axe, then with the help of Vaphi and Vojakua they combined the two weapons into 1 Plasma Sword which Whaka named "Dark Hunter" The Team could not celebrate long though because right after Ingram would turn up dead, Glacius would go bezerk on his own personal revenge quest to find the murderer who killed Ingram and eliminate him, and Whakatau had a depressive episode thinking he's failed to be a good leader and now one of his teammates died under his watch when that was the very thing he had tried to prevent. Glacius would knock some sense into Whaka both figuratively and literally as they decided to have a sparring match and let their emotions out. Glacius kicked Whaka's ass and the two of the felt better afterwards as well as solidified their own friendship. Then they beat the Dark Hunter who killed Ingram by ramming him with the Truck and Glacius blew him up...Whaka may have decided that revenge is not the right path, but Glacius is the more pragmatic of the two of them and saw no sense in letting a serial killer continue to live. Glacius was put on trial for breaking the Toa code but was pardoned. In the End In the Final Session our team would take on the Toa Killer Robot Marendar with the help of the allies we made up to this point such as the 4 remaining Makuta and the Entire Bohrok Hoard! Parkur went off to be a Parole Officer to the remaining Dark Hunters and help them start a new organization for good, The ended up making a Rock Band. Vojakua decided to go look for a Rogue Toa of Plasma who had used his powers irresponsibly and needed to be stopped before he hurt anybody else. Whakatau, Glacius, and Vaphi remained in the city continuing to protect for many more years to come. Glacius became the Co-host on Makuta Zalos's Game show Vaphi invented Robot Hounds to help aid in Search and Rescue missions when the Toa can't be around. And Whakatau runs a Farm near the City which helps provide Food, Medicinal Plants, and Combustable Lemons that can be used as Grenades.
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mocsbylexan · 2 years
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Silat Nui Mukau
Aqua Magna, c. 100,000 AGR
Originating from a completely different island in the blue sea of Aqua Magna, this larger and heftier model of an ancient rahi is a dependable livestock, much beloved by the farmers of Meki-Nui.
Moctober 2022, day 21
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odetteandfriends · 1 year
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I got into bonkles recently and of course i had to make ocs lmao
Botila is the Toa of Nature. A healer and caretaker of habitats, she can be seen tending to her massive garden. While she prefers the lonely comfort of the jungle, she values unity and a deep respect for all creatures. Her story begins after her canister is discovered by members of the Bo-Matoran. She learns there are others like her and seeks them out. Her tool is a long whip that allows her to control plantlife and control weather to an extent.
Vorana the Toa of Lightning, formerly a Vo-Matoran who was transformed alongside the rebel Matoran's to form the Toa Ignika. Vorana's name comes from the matoran prefix "vo" and "rana" meaning eye-catching. Vorana is a whimsical friendly scientists who loves to experiment with electricity in hopes of creating better tools for her people. Her tool is a metal staff that can conduct massive amounts of energy.
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tiredspacedragon · 6 months
Kulbok sat in his hut, rubbing his still-aching head. It had been almost two days since the Toa Inika had freed him and his fellow Matoran from the effects of the Piraka's Zamor Spheres, and though he felt mostly recovered, his head still sometimes pounded with fleeting traces of strange, dark thoughts. He recalled little from his time enslaved, only a ringing blankness, broken occasionally by flashes of a universe in ruin, dark ocean depths, and a pair of lidless, red eyes hanging in the night sky.
A knock at the doorway drew the Bo-Matoran from his reverie, and he looked up to see a white mask peeking through the entrance.
"Widget for your thoughts," said Kvoleni, hovering on the threshold. Normally she wouldn't bother waiting for an invitation to make herself at home, but recent events had left all the Matoran of Voya Nui uncertain. Kulbok motioned for her to come in, and the Vo-Matoran joined him on his cot. They sat there saying nothing for a long moment.
"How are you feeling?" Kvoleni tried again. This time, Kulbok sighed.
"My head's still kinda funny, but I'm managing," he finally answered. "You?"
"Better," she said. "Not great, but better."
"Yeah. I think that's pretty much everyone right now." The way he said it, it was clear Kulbok had intended the words to be light, but the strain in his voice, and the truth of the statement, undermined his attempt at levity. Still, Kvoleni graced him with a chuckle.
"We've certainly been worse!" she said.
The two Matoran allowed silence to settle over them again. Even on happier days, their conversations often had a similar rhythm. One would speak, then the other, then a pause. To laugh, or think over each other's words, or simply to allow the quiet its turn. It had been a habit of theirs for several hundred years now.
Eventually, Kvoleni spoke again. "I heard some of the others say the Toa have returned from underground. They were headed to the bay, from what I can tell."
Kulbok's head shot up. "The bay? What would they want there?" He hesitated a moment. "You don't think...?"
Kvoleni shook her head. "No. They were chasing something, I think."
"Right. Of course," Kulbok said. "They're Toa. They surely have more important things to do than..."
"Chase ghosts?"
The two Matoran were silent again.
"I mean," Kvoleni started, "we could try asking them to look. I heard--"
"No," Kulbok cut her off. "We shouldn't bother them. Besides, what would there even be to find?"
Kvoleni started to say something in response, but seemed to think better of it, and said nothing.
The sound of a commotion outside suddenly drew the Matoran's attention. They glanced at each other before hurrying out into the village square. A small crowd had gathered there, whispering and murmuring amongst themselves as they watched a huge being, clad in thick red-and-silver armour, tread slowly towards them.
That must be Axonn, Kulbok thought. He had heard Balta, one of the only Matoran to have evaded the Piraka's clutches, mention the armoured titan. Supposedly, he was an ally, but the grim look in his eyes brought Kulbok no comfort as Axonn entered the village.
The tall figure stood before the Matoran, towering above them. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, a strangled shout rang out from the back of the crowd.
Kulbok jumped back in surprise at Kvoleni's cry. She darted forward, pushing through the crowd towards Axonn with a desperate urgency. Kulbok followed, confused. What had possessed her to run straight for this powerful-looking stranger? As Kulbok approached, he was able to see the armoured warrior more clearly, and noticed that he appeared to be carrying something, cradled in one of his massive arms.
Breaking through the crowd, the Bo-Matoran saw Axonn kneel to meet Kvoleni as she reached him. He held out his burden to her, and finally Kulbok saw
* * *
The Ta-Matoran's name was Ranta.
Long ago, an injury had resulted in him being sent to the realm of Karzahni for repairs, where, like many others before and after him, the ruler of that land attempted to rebuild him into a stronger form, and failed. Though his injury was healed, Ranta's new body was smaller and weaker than his original form, hunched and misshapen. Disgusted with his work, and unable to bear being reminded of his failure, Karzahni had given Ranta and his fellow "repaired" Matoran weapons to defend themselves, and shipped them away, far from his isolated kingdom. Eventually, they had settled in the center of the Southern Continent, in a barren region around the volcano known as Mount Valmai. The Matoran called the region "Voya Nui," meaning "Great Voyage," after the long journey it had taken them to reach this place where they could live in relative peace.
It was there that Ranta had become close with two of his companions, the Bo-Matoran Kulbok, and the Vo-Matoran Kvoleni. Ranta was a quiet sort, but unflinchingly courageous, and his subtle brand of intensity had balanced out Kvoleni's more impetuous energy, while also letting the more reserved Kulbok feel comfortable enough to come out of his shell. Though the three of them were all originally from different lands, they quickly became all but inseparable. They lived, worked, and laughed together, and comforted each other when memories of their old homes and lives overwhelmed them. Even when the Great Cataclysm had struck, sending Voya Nui crashing upwards, killing dozens and leaving the new island adrift in the endless ocean above, the three Matoran stuck together.
But then came the city of Mahri Nui. Runoff from Mount Valmai had cooled into rock, resulting in the formation of a new landmass protruding out into Voya Nui Bay. The Matoran saw the new land as an opportunity to expand their settlement, and constructed many new dwellings there, where they lived for many years. All was well, but Ranta was uneasy. He was not a volcanologist by trade, but he had taken an amateur interest in the volcano, and over time became familiar with its workings and the makeup of its lava. Though he, Kulbok, and Kvoleni had remained in the Matoran Village on Voya Nui, in no small part due to Ranta's urging, the Ta-Matoran came to spend much of his time in and around Mahri Nui. He was convinced the cooled lava was unstable and unsafe, and regularly scoured the area for signs of faults or fractures. Most ignored or laughed at his concerns, and indeed for 700 years, Mahri Nui prospered.
It was on one of these scouting trips, that he was finally proven right.
The deafening sound of cracking stone echoed all across the island. The first split was small, but more quickly followed. Gaping crevices and yawning chasms spanned the length of the bay. Ranta ran screaming through the city streets, calling out for everyone to evacuate before the entire city was lost to the sea. Indeed, some heard his warnings in time, and safely made it back to the shores of Voya Nui, but most, including Ranta himself, did not. The rock heaved and broke, and Mahri Nui sank beneath the waves, down, down, to depths unimaginable, far below where any light could reach.
Since that day, the Matoran of Voya Nui would gather twice a year to throw offerings into the bay, in memory of their lost friends. For some, this brought comfort, though others, like Kulbok, never truly found closure. They knew there was no hope that Mahri Nui had survived its descent, but the loss of hundreds of lives in only a matter of minutes was too much to accept. It felt unreal, like a dream from which they'd never quite managed to awaken.
For the Matoran of Mahri Nui, the gifts from above were also like something out of a dream.
Against all odds, the city had survived, landing on an underwater cliff and disturbing a field of Airweed, which released massive air bubbles that surrounded the settlement, saving the inhabitants from drowning. The shock of the catastrophe damaged the Matoran's fragile memory, and while many had vague recollections of where they had originally come from, none could recall their lives on Voya Nui, or how they came to reside in the Black Water.
Ranta was bothered by this gap in his memory more than most. All the Matoran of Mahri Nui knew they were missing something, but Ranta felt compelled to seek it out, that there was something he had to return to, but he could not remember what. He lived a mostly innocuous life in the underwater city, never joining the Mahri Nui Council and preferring the less public work of a sentry. He made a few friends, but none of them seemed to share his drive, and he often spent his free time exploring the caves at the base of the Cord on his own.
The Cord was Mahri Nui's only link to the surface world, a narrow, hollow tube made of cooled lava from Mount Valmai that connected the sunken city to Voya Nui, though neither Matoran population knew this. The Matoran of Voya Nui were not aware of its existence at all, and the Matoran of Mahri Nui could not see how far up it went, and did not dare leave the safety of their air bubbles long enough to find out. If the threat of drowning when their personal air bubbles ran out was not enough to deter most, the Black Water was infested with deadly sea creatures, bizarre, twisted Rahi and other beasts the Matoran did not recognize.
Ranta, however, was not so easily cowed. He did not enter the Cord itself; enough Matoran more foolhardy than he had tried, and none had returned; but he did swim alongside it, up and up, further with each trip. But he always turned back. He knew that past a certain point, he would not have enough air to make it back to Mahri Nui, and he still had no idea how far away the surface may be. So he would turn back, and tell his friends that maybe he'd make it to the surface next time. They teased him each time he did, feigning disappointment at his failed "surface runs," but in truth, they thanked the Great Spirit each time he returned.
He was missed the day he did not.
As the waters around Mahri Nui grew more dangerous with each passing year, with unseen threats pressing in from all sides, Ranta risked fewer and fewer trips along the Cord. He spent more time on guard duty, keeping watch on the city borders for whatever monsters may slink out of the darkness. But he still felt the pull, the compulsion to seek out what he was missing, and one day, he made his final trip.
As always, he pushed a little farther than he had before, but this time, before he turned back, he caught sight of a glinting object falling through the water, illuminating the gloom around it. He watched it for a moment, entranced, before he noticed a tall figure swimming down after it. For a moment, Ranta was elated. He had seen a Toa before, many many years ago, and recognized the figure as one immediately. Perhaps with her help, his city could be saved. And, if she was here, than he must be near the surface, closer than he had dared hope. But his hope quickly vanished as the Toa began to thrash.
Her name was Toa Inika Hahli, and she was drowning.
Just as he had 300 years before, Ranta spared no thought for his own safety, and charged forward. He grabbed the Toa around the waist and kicked upward with all his might, fighting his way up towards the steadily growing light, until at last he broke the surface, and felt the light of the setting sun on his armour for the first time in centuries. And for the last time.
Had he run out of air lower down, Ranta would not have perished as he had always thought he would. The mutagenic effects of the Black Water would have transformed him into a water-breather, and he would have become a creature of the sea, able to swim wherever he wished. But the Matoran had forgotten how the water had begun to change them when Mahri Nui first sank, how it had undone the work of Karzahni and restored them to stronger, fitter forms, and Ranta's air ran out well above the level the mutagen reached. The seawater that filled his lungs would do nothing to save him. And while the body of the Toa of Water he carried was more durable, and naturally more suited to rapid changes in pressure, his was not. Combined with exhaustion from carrying the weight of a being nearly twice his size, and Ranta never stood a chance. He collapsed on the beach, barely managing to beg the other Toa who received him there to help his city before his heartlight faded to black, and he was gone.
The mighty warrior Axonn, agent of the Order of Mata Nui, carried Ranta's body back to the Matoran Village after sending the Toa Inika on their way down the Cord to Mahri Nui. No sooner had he set foot in the village square than Kvoleni and Kulbok were at their friend's side. His armour and body were different, but they recognized him immediately, and wept at the impossibility. Ranta had come home to them, and they would never see him again.
* * *
Grief, the being noted as he watched the memorial service. Burial and associated ceremonies had never been programmed into the Matoran, but those who dwelt on Voya Nui had developed them independently after the crash once it became clear the bodies of the deceased would no longer simply disappear as they had before. The being made a point of observing them whenever they occurred. He found the ways in which the Matoran behaved after the loss of another whom they "cared" about to be fascinating. Such an accurate facsimile of mourning.
As the crowd dispersed, the being turned his gaze to the two specimens who had led the rite. A Bo-Matoran, designation Kulbok, and a Vo-Matoran, designation Kvoleni. They stood huddled close together before the grave of the deceased, a Ta-Matoran, designation Ranta. Exactly how the Ta-Matoran had survived for this long after the sinking of Mahri Nui, and how he had attained his stronger form were mysteries to the being, though he suspected they would not remain so for long.
The two Matoran stood together for a long time before they finally turned to leave and saw the being watching them.
"Velika, right?" the Vo-Matoran asked with surprise. "We're sorry, we didn't notice you there. Did...did you know him too?"
The being cocked his head. The two were clearly uncomfortable with his presence; the Vo-Matoran's motions and words were hesitant, and the expression the Bo-Matoran wore was a marvellous reproduction of anger. Perhaps they saw him as intruding on a private moment.
So he turned and left. He would allow them their privacy. There would be time enough to study them later, and there was still much else to do.
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Headcanons inspired by @rrbobani’s thoughts about why Earth and Stone are separate elements in Bionicle.
The GSR’s biospheres mimic Spherus Magna’s but not the whole planet. There’d be no ‘planetary’ core; no tectonic plates. Islands and continents probably still emerge as peaks from a protodermis rock layer, but oceans would be relatively shallow, so the rockbed would be too.
Maybe po-matoran and toa of stone and turaga mostly reside above ground because they’re not meant to dig into the underground rock layer. This could destabilize everything resting on it. Or damage part of the dome of their biosphere / the inside of the GSR’s body.
So solid protodermis is only mined from the artificial mountains. And the related societies were programmed to stay above ground.
In this way it could make sense that toa of earth are the ones who dig down depending on the location. At least as long as it’s not completely solid protodermis / it’s earth as it was on Mata Nui. In other places, they might help tend to the flora inside alongside bo-matoran and toa of plantlife and turaga. Or they dig up rare materials that can’t form in solid protodermis.
So how come that toa of earth can theoretically create earthquakes in the GSR? They do so by ‘grabbing’ the rocky / metallic parts. With their power, their element clings so they have a grip.
Related headcanon: Earth elementals will feel very strange on Spherus Magna. Most of them haven’t been in contact with organic earth before.
But even more so, the soil is an even thinner layer compared to the tectonic plates that makes up the continents and the seafloor.
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