#bob blurbs
borderlinebox · 2 years
A short blurb based on this post
You followed Chishiya out the building the both of you were just in. Both of you had successfully passed the Jack of Hearts game, all thanks to Chishiya's observation. You were honestly thankful that he had your back in the game, even though he wouldn't necessarily confirm it.
The chirping of birds and nature's music was accompanied by the sounds of the explosions as the Jack's blimp was destroyed in the clear, broad daylight.
Chishiya looked up at the sky, the firey sparks falling down from the sky while pieces of some type of burnt cloth flew in the sky - a memento for the Jack that used to rule his game before his downfall by four 'measly' players.
"Y/N." Chishiya called softly, "It's best we split our paths next game. We wouldn't want to keep a streak of playing together - we were lucky this game.
A hum left your throat. You understood that he was talking about the fact that this wasn't a single-player win like many heart games.
And yet as he walked off and away to be on his own again, you appeared to have followed his direction. He seemed to notice this, but said no words. If you wanted to talk, then surely you would say the first word.
But it happened to be quiet and peaceful for the rest of the travel. None of you had said a word, but you both enjoyed each other's silent accompany in the end result.
It was like this for the next two days. You went where he walked and barely shared any words, just a few empty sentences every few hours or so.
It was almost as if the both of you had something to say to the other but just wasn't able to bring it up, struggling every time when you were in the same room with the other and yet enjoying their presence deeply that you didn't want to leave.
He felt like your comfort zone. Even in this world.
The stakes are raised higher than ever and yet here you were, alive and breathing.
Chishiya had started walking to his next arena an hour ago, listening to your footsteps just as you continued to follow aimlessly. Why was this?
When he arrived, he hesitated to turn to you.
"I'll play by myself, you need to find another game, Y/N." Chishiya stated, standing in place as he looked around the decently large area. He sighed and narrowed his eyes at the ground as he didn't hear footsteps leaving. He figured this would happen.
"I'll wait for you, Chishiya." You urged on, meeting his gaze when he lifted his sight off the ground. "I'll wait for you."
"Why?" Was the only word he could say or even ask, genuinely curious and yet dumbfounded at your proposal.
"Because, that's what people do when they're in love care." You looked at him, through his condescending facade he built to hide his true eyes, and you smiled softly. "They wait."
and that's when he realized, you were his comfort zone.
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inkdrinkerworld · 4 months
omg thinking about how bob floyd would be so achingly patient and kind with a shy!reader. he’d encourage you to take your time to say what you want to say, and he’d be really understanding and never give you grief for your shyness <3 ugh I love him !!
So sorry this took so long to get to mal! But I hope you enjoy it anyway <3
You’re frustrated, you can’t seem to get your thoughts together or get them out and you feel like Bob is going to get irritated with you.
It’s an irrational thought, Bob could never be irritated with you.
“Bob I’m sorry,” you mumble, laying your head in your hands as you try to even your breathing.
“Sorry for what, darling?” Bob rubs his hands up and down your arms.
“I’m no good at being with your friends. I’m not good at conversation with them and it’s always so weird.”
Bob’s knees click as he stoops down, wanting to catch your eyes as you hide your face on your work table.
“Hey,” his voice is soft and sweet, hands warm as they coax your face from your hands. “You’re plenty good at talking to them.”
You shake your head, nibbling on your lip as you look at Bob. “Everyone’s so fun and not shy and then there’s me who can’t even look them in the eyes for more than five seconds.”
Bob tuts, leaning into your space with a frown. “Doesn’t matter to them, darling. Don’t forget I don’t talk much to them either.”
You groan, “You’re their teammate it’s acceptable if you don’t talk to them. I’m the newbie.”
Bob chuckles, hands tugging you out from behind your table.
He pins you to the table with his hips, his hands on the table. “You’re not a newbie, you’re my girl. If you don’t talk to them while we’re all out it doesn’t bother them. Hangman does plenty chatter for everyone there.”
Bob’s blue eyes are hard to dismiss, clear and intense as he stares at you. “You can be as shy as you like, you can sit in silence the whole time we’re out and they wouldn’t care. Know why?”
You shake your head, Bob’s good at talking you down ledges you find yourself on. “Cause when you do talk, you’re always asking them about what they’re doing and what they like. So, if you have days where you don’t wanna chat, they’ll understand. Yeah?”
“Yeah, Robby.” Bob smiles, stamping a kiss to your lips.
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roosterbruiser · 1 year
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“Do you think they’re gonna get too hot?” Bob asks, concern carving his voice into a pitched utterance. “Like--you know, is the sun too much? Should we just take ‘em home?” 
Humming from beside Bob, settled onto the old sheets you have laid out across the sand, you just sigh with a fond smile tugging on your lips. 
Of course he’s concerned about the babies in this heat--he’s a good father, one that never has to be told what to do or when to do it, one that literally leaps out of bed in the night to change diapers. 
“They’re alright,” you assure Bob. “They’re covered! How could the sun get them at all?” 
It’s true--the babies are thoroughly covered. Linen shorts and cotton shirts, floppy little sunhats, sunscreen covering every inch of them. Not to mention the umbrellas Bob has staked in the sand behind you--which casts shade over the entirety of your family. 
“A freak accident,” Bob tells you, eyes slightly widened when he thinks about one of his precious babies--including you--getting burned. “Maybe we should--!” 
“--Baby,” you interrupt, laughing as you glance at him from the top of your glasses. “It’s good that they’re outside! Immunity! Vitamin D! Fresh air! They’ll be alright!” 
Bob sighs, glancing down at Jolene, who is sprawled out on your bent thighs, blinking in confusion at the floppy hat that just barely comes down over her eyes. Then he glances at Waylon, whose sound asleep on Bob’s thighs, little milk dribbling down his chin. 
“It isn’t too late to tell them that they can meet us at the house,” Bob tells you. He looks up at the sky--endless blue and the sun a fiery hole puncturing the sky. “If we want to do that.”
“We don’t,” you assure him. “And, besides--I think it is too late.” 
At that, Bob follows your gaze and turns. Yes--you’re right. It is too late. The squadron is already trailing down the beach, all in their aviators and swimming suits, grinning and zeroed in on yours and Bob’s beach setup. 
“Oh, Lord,” Bob says softly, a fond smile tugging on his lips now. “Rooster’s gonna try and steal them, I think.” 
“You’re only telling me this now?” You whisper, nudging him with your elbow teasingly. 
He has told you before, though, about Rooster’s affinity for children. He can’t get enough of ‘em--he’s always hogging whatever admiral’s child he can get his hands on, playing airplanes or tea party or somehow getting them to nap. And you know, somehow, that Rooster is the goofy looking one with the unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt treading through the sand. 
“Sorry, honey,” Bob chuckles.  
You see how much this matters to Bob. Never mind that you know him better than anyone else in the world, having met in middle school and fallen in love straight away. Even if you didn’t know him better than anyone, if you were just a fly on the wall--you’d still know. He woke up too early this morning, pacing the kitchen as the coffee brewed, checking in on the twins every few minutes until he heard the first sounds of awakeness. He picked their outfits with you, chewing on his bottom lip. He had the car packed and ready to go before noon. He even called Phoenix a few times just to make sure that plans were still on--and was reminded, a few times, that the plans were absolutely still on. 
“You’re shaking the beach,” you whisper, pressing a hand to his bouncing leg.
“Sorry,” Bob mutters, distracted. He stops bouncing his leg. “I’m…I’m really--!” 
“--Nervous,” you finish for him, leaning forward to press your warm cheek against his bicep. You kiss him there, soft and sweet, and then sigh. “It’s alright, Bobby. The babies are perfect, the squadron loves you, I’m very personable, the sun is shining, the seagulls are crying! Everything’s gonna be okay!” 
“Yeah,” Bob sighs, scratching his head and giving you a quick peck on the forehead. “Yeah, you’re right. I guess I’m just--I don’t know. This is important to me.” 
“I know it,” you say, heart swollen. “And I know it’s important to them, too. It’ll be good!” 
“It’ll be good,” Bob repeats softly, glancing at you. You’re grinning at him--it makes his shoulders sink. “It’ll be good.” 
“Well, well, well,” Hangman says as his feet sink into the hot, hot sand. He grins, squinting even behind his aviators as the sun beats down on his face. “If it ain’t baby on board and his babies on board.” 
Bob grins at the sound of Jake’s voice--which surprises him, really. Before that never would’ve happened. But now Bob is back in Lemoore, with you and your babies, and everything feels distinctly better than it did before.
“Hangman,” Bob grins, sticking his hand out for Jake to take. “Good to see you, man.” 
Hangman, who’s holding two comically large stuffed rabbits, shuffles to put them under one arm and take Bob’s hand in his.  
“How goes it?” Jake asks. Then he glances at you--you’re grinning at him, holding your daughter still. “And this must be the Missus, huh? Pleasure to make your acquaintance!” 
Jake crosses the sheets to take your hand, which he promptly brings to his mouth to kiss. 
“Don’t mind him,” Rooster says as he appears, toting a cooler and a speaker. “The lack of oxygen in the cockpit really scrambled his brain.” 
“Ha-ha-ha,” Hangman says, glancing at Rooster. “Did Bob tell you that Rooster is gonna try and steal them?” Jake asks, pointing to the babies with his brow perched. 
“Actually, yes,” you answer, smiling softly. “He did.” 
Rooster, rolling his eyes good-naturedly, sets the cooler in the sand before grinning at Bob and stretching his hands out. 
“Baby me and I’ll beer you,” Rooster says. 
“That doesn’t sound like a fair exchange,” Phoenix sighs, rounding out to clap Rooster on the shoulder before grinning at Bob and you. “Floyds!” 
“Hey, Nat,” Bob grins. “How are you?” 
“Oh, she’s great,” Payback answers, wiping sweat off his forehead as he sets his beach chair in the sand. “Super, even!” 
“She got the aux in the van,” Fanboy explains, resting his elbow on Payback’s shoulder. “Two words: Def Leppard.” 
“Lemme see those babies!” Coyote’s voice booms as he jogs up and rounds out the squadron. He’s grinning a broad grin, arms already outstretched. 
“Hey, I already called dibs!” Rooster says. 
“Yeah, but I got here first,” Hangman grins. 
Everyone looks at Bob like he’s the tie-breaker. 
“There’s only two of them,” Bob says, laughing quietly. 
“You’re gonna have to choose,” Rooster says seriously. 
“Here,” you suggest, leaning forward to put Jolene in Hangman’s extended arms. “Take one and pass it on.” 
Everyone laughs--it’s music to Bob’s ears. He watches you carefully transfer Jolene into Hangman’s arms, watches him turn absolutely gooey at the sight of your infant daughter. He cups her little head, holds her close to him, grins down at her. You readjust her sunhat and then lean back. 
“Oh, she’s too cute,” Hangman says, shaking his head seriously. “Rooster, you’re definitely gonna want to take this one.”
“Here,” Bob says, suddenly feeling more confident in his squadron’s ability than before. He leans forward and bestows Waylon upon Rooster, smiling softly and fondly as he Waylon coos and begins to blink himself awake. “You’re a natural.” 
Rooster, delighted, sinks into the sand and holds Waylon close to him. 
“Oh, I know,” he says--cocksure as ever. “Look at this little fella. Boy, does he look like a Floyd!” 
“Yes,” you agree, laughing. “My DNA didn’t even try.” 
As Hangman and Rooster hog the babies, everyone makes their rounds. You shake everyone’s hands, finally put faces to names, and collect all the presents for the babies and yourself. Bob keeps a watchful eye on the babies, but not because he’s stressed--but because he’s enamored that he has two perfect little beings to share with the important people in his life. 
The afternoon drifts forward. Your little spot on the beach becomes the spot on the beach, everyone spreading their blankets out and overlapping, coolers abundant and drinks icy. The babies get passed around, hardly even fussing, but always somehow end up back in Rooster’s arms. 
Even when everyone decides to get up and toss the pigskins, Rooster ends up staying on the palette with you and Bob and the babies. He’s somehow holding them both at the same time, grinning down at them as they blink up at him. 
“You’re ridiculous,” Hangman had said to Rooster, rolling his eyes. “A giant, gushy, manchild.” 
“Proud of it,” Rooster had said, cheeks pink. 
“They really like you,” you tell Bradley, sighing softly. “I’m still getting used to having all this help, you know? I’m a bit mind-blown right now.”
“Well, I’m here for any babysitting services,” Rooster says. “Hell, I’ll pay you!” 
“You’re my favorite already,” you tell Rooster.  
Bob looks at you--you’re smiling softly at Rooster and the babies. Your eyes are heavy and your back is curved and he knows that you’re that special kind of tired that is special to new motherhood. Bob understands. He knows. But his heart still squeezes at your sentence. He had to leave only two weeks after they were born, which broke his heart and yours. Of course, because you’re you, you’d put on a very brave face for him. But there were a few times--a few more times than Bob is comfortable with--when you answered his call with a tearful sniffle and a deep sigh. 
He reminds himself, as he gazes at you, that things are different now. He’s home for a while--and even after that, he’ll be close to home for the foreseeable future. He’ll never miss bath time or dinner or storytime. He’ll be here, beside you, through it all. 
“They really are beautiful,” Rooster tells the both of you. He looks between the two of you, tired and unsure parents with glittering eyes and soft smiles. “You’re doing a damn fine job of it.”
“Thanks, man,” Bob says. “It’s all her.” 
You have to swallow hard and roll your eyes, nudging him, to keep from crying pure tears of joy. 
Rooster gasps suddenly. “Okay, don’t call me crazy, but I swear to God that Jolene just smiled at me!” He says, elated. “Oh, God. Hangman’s gonna be so pissed.”
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sorchathered · 7 months
In your love (part 2 of something in the orange🧡)
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Pairing- Robert (Bob) Floyd x medic reader
Summary- Deployments had always been risky, this one more so than others. Bob is on edge and feeling his mortality, all he wants is to bury himself in his wife and forget the pain for a little while.
Warnings- this is 100% filth yall, smutty smut minors dni and wrap it up if ya know what I mean. Mentions of death, injuries, ptsd.
A/N- This is a part 2 of Something in the Orange, if you haven’t read it yet check it out here. Can be read without!
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You could see the carrier in the distance, nervously rocking on the balls of your feet near the dock and you were dizzy with the anticipation of what was to come. Your husband had been gone 6 months on a deployment that had originally started as two. It had been an honor to be chosen from a select few pilots and WSO’s but it had broken both your hearts for you to have to stay behind with the rest of the squad. You’d moved to San Diego nearly two years before to be the Chief Medical Officer for the Dagger Squad, reuniting with the love of your life Lt. Robert Floyd. It hadn’t been long before he was on one knee, and then even less time for the two of you to head to the altar, life was too short and you’d spent too long apart to wait for the perfect time. This mission in particular had been more dangerous than others, sometimes going weeks at a time without contact and from what you had heard from the carrier there’d been significant injuries and one casualty. He’d been on edge the last few calls you’d gotten, his normal bright demeanor overpowered by short snappy answers, but he’d been quick to apologize in the next breath because that was just who Robert Floyd was; unwaveringly kind even when everything was going to shit.
You knew this reunion would be different than others and you had already been mentally preparing yourself for the weekend ahead. Prepped all his favorite meals and snacks so they could be easily accessible, bought almost an entire paycheck’s worth of fancy lingerie and primped and prepped every inch of your body to look like a perfect little housewife when he crossed the dock to meet you. He would need control after the time away and you would give him anything he wanted until he was completely sated and at peace.
He’d been pacing the dock since dawn, bunk completely spotless and packed full of nervous energy. This special mission had been too close of a call, two people on the team had been seriously injured after a dangerous ejection, and he and Phoenix were nearly caught in a jet wash during a dogfight that had him feeling his mortality. It had been hard without the rest of the Daggers and his favorite medic to keep them grounded, He needed stability more than ever right now, in all honesty would probably have to see the behavioral health counselor for a few sessions to begin the process of feeling like himself again. None of the squad had been themselves lately, holding themselves together by a thread just so they could get home to their loved ones. He could see the dock now, and his phone lit up with a text from you.
“I can see the carrier, I’ll be waiting near the lot for you baby.”
He quickly replied with trembling fingers, “Be ready for me sugar, I’ve missed you so much.”
You felt a chill run down your spine as you read the message, the anticipation was getting the better of you squeezing your thighs together in your tiny pink sundress for some relief.
It felt like ages as he milled through the crowd, everyone rushing to meet their loved ones made the air suffocatingly heavy. He couldn’t blame them truly, if it had been a run of the mill deployment he would have wanted the same from you, but his skin was on fire and he couldn’t get out of this crowd fast enough. He caught Natasha and her girlfriend on the way out to the lot, hugging them both quickly knowing she was no doubt as weary as he was. As the crowd began to clear he finally saw you, leaning against his old truck anxiously scanning the throngs of people for him. The moment your eyes met you were on the move, rushing for him as he dropped his duffle and caught you around the waist. He breathed you in as you cried into his shoulder, you smelled like your strawberry perfume and he let it ground him. He was home, you were both safe, and everything would be ok.
He’d dropped his bags and said hello to your menagerie of animals, before plopping himself down on the couch with a heavy sigh. He made to unlace his boots but you stilled his hands, settling on your knees while you helped him remove them both. He leaned forward to steal a kiss, he’d meant it to be innocent really, but once he’d tasted your lips he needed more, hauling you up into his lap while you both disrobed with urgency, moans spilling from your lips as he tasted your tongue and slid his hands underneath your dress to find you bare for him.
“Oh good girl, you knew exactly what I needed didn’t you baby?” He said as you nodded furiously and made to remove him from his flight suit, dragging it and his briefs to his ankles. “Use me Robby, let it all out it’s ok sweetheart your home with me you’re safe now” you said as you settled back into his lap and he couldn’t hold back anymore, sliding into you was like heaven, warm, wet heat enveloping him as he fucked you hard, both of you falling over the edge in a matter of minutes, Bob stifling a cry as he bit down on your shoulder, tears of relief in both of your eyes.
You showered together which resulted in you on your knees, he hadn’t planned to need you again so quickly but his body clearly had other plans. Once you were both clean and comfortable you sat in his lap and fed him dinner, and once again he felt that familiar feeling take over, pushing the plates and cups out of the way so that he could spread you out across the table, unwrapping you from your robe like a Christmas present as his hands and mouth roamed over your neck and shoulders, littering more bruises along your collarbones and the tops of your breasts before sucking a nipple into his mouth. You whined his name and pushed your chest into him as he licked and sucked there, then paid equal attention to the other. You were desperate for him as you wrapped your legs around his waist and he could feel you dripping onto his abs and leaving a wet patch over the top of his briefs while you grinded on him to find some relief.
“Please Robby, I need more- so good baby please” you fussed and moaned restlessly but he wasn’t letting up, he hadn’t tasted your skin in months and he was going to take all night if that’s what he desired, and he knew you’d let him because you needed him just as much.
He slipped his index and middle finger into your mouth to soothe you as he hushed you, beginning his descent toward your soaking wet pussy. When he finally wrapped his lips around your throbbing clit you sobbed, tears pooling from your eyes and he’d be lying if he said it didn’t make him impossibly harder watching you cry from pleasure. You’d always told him he went down on you like he was starving, you being the only thing that could fill that void and you couldn’t be more right. He relished in it, the noises you made, the taste of your arousal as he licked you from your hole to clit, the way you trembled and grasped his hair, all of it was the best medicine for what ailed him. You were so close, shaking thighs and sweaty limbs as you babbled nonsense at him and he had a brief thought to edge you a little longer, see how mad he could truly drive you but you’d been so good for him today so he gave in as you begged and begged for him to let you cum.
“Ok pretty baby, it’s ok shhh ‘m gonna give you what you want sweet girl” he murmured into you and then slipped his two fingers from your mouth into your aching cunt. Your back came off the table and you gasped out a shocked cry, gushing onto his hands and into his mouth, it felt like you had been pulled from your body and you couldn’t seem to come down from your high, vision blacking out at the corners and you were sure you’d lost consciousness. Bob was kissing you, that was one thing you were sure of, but you couldn’t seem to form words or use your hands to reach for him and he just chuckled at your feeble attempts to reciprocate his affections.
When you finally settled for the night he’d pulled you tightly to his body, desperate to keep the nightmares at bay with your warm embrace. Eventually he would talk about it all, how he’d thought he’d never see you again, the thought of leaving you and the baby girl you were carrying bringing a fear he’d never known to the surface. Hand pressed to your stomach as he felt her little flutters and kicks the tears finally flowed freely, his whole world was here in this bed, everything he’d ever dreamed of.
Words of reassurance and kisses pressed into his chest were enough to finally send him off to sleep, dreams no longer filled with longing, but full of hope.
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Tagging people who might be interested- @mamamaystbr @mamachasesmayhem @sailor-aviator @bobgasm @floydsmuse @floydsglasses @attapullman @sebsxphia
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attapullman · 5 months
Girl, I’m back, howdy. How’s my favorite writer?
Back to business, Bob calling reader his wife and her just swooning and asking if he meant it and just lovey dovey stuff, then she asks him to prove it. he walks away and comes back with a RING. They both get a little emotional And obviously it’s a yes, like duh, and then they get handsy😏 and lovey dovey calling each other husband and wife.
do you do marriage stuff? I can’t remember!hopefully yes😭
HOWDY! Happy weekend, babes!
Bob being so excited to call Reader his wife is genuinely the cutest thing on the entire planet. The first time it would slip out on accident because he says it all the time in his head, but when you have no issue it's literally flowing from him to anyone who will listen.
Getting a little teary eyed at the idea of Bob having a ring he's been carrying around for weeks and it just hasn't been the right time. But he's patient because he knows you're the one. And one night you're just sitting on the porch, enjoying the soft spring air in each other's arms, and he casually goes, "I'm going to get a refill. Can I get my beautiful wife anything?"
You both stare at each other for a beat, the slip of the tongue still in the air. You shake your head, cheeks warm, and he hurries into the house, a little embarrassed.
When he comes back out, it's not lemonade in his hand, but a small velvet box that he can't wait to show you what's inside...
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It's fine, I'm fine, it's not like I desperately need Bob Floyd to propose to me.
(I do write marriage! Somehow Domesticated is the only fic I have published, but love me some husband content!)
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taylorsburner · 2 years
Are You Forgetting Anything?
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A/N: I really wanted to write something fluffy for Bob. It's like a requirement; Bob is fluff. It's really short but I love it. It's not my first fic, but it's my first Bob fic so I hope y'all like it :)
No matter how many times Bob went over his mental checklist, he always managed to forget something. Whether it be his wallet, or his keys, one day it was almost his flight suit, Bob always had to have a little reminder of his essentials before he stepped foot out of the door every morning. If it weren’t for the fact that his glasses were practically glued to his face, he would’ve found a way to forget them too. Bob had to have you doublecheck over everything, otherwise, he’d be in pretty bad shape at some point later on in the day.
This morning, for example, Bob almost forgot his phone.
After getting up at an ungodly hour and helping him get himself ready for his day, Bob was almost ready to leave for base. He somehow managed to grab his bag and coffee off of the counter, but leave his phone that was sitting right next to them behind. Luckily for him, you were trailing behind him to the front door with his phone in tow.
“Are you forgetting anything?” You ask as he grabs his keys from the dish beside the front door. 
Bob then turns to face you with a wide smile on his face before ducking down to place a small kiss on your cheek and then lips. 
“I think I’ve gotten everything now.” Bob proudly grins.
“Thanks, but I was talking about this.” You whisper, biting back the small smile threatening to show as you reveal his phone. Bob's face almost instantly turns red at the sight of the phone he left behind.
“I could’ve sworn I had it in here.” Bob huffs confusedly, taking the phone out of your hands. “One day I’ll have it all together.”
“One day.” You muse with a smile, sending a small wink his way and smoothing your hands up his arms to his shoulders.
“What on earth would I do without you?” Bob hums, snaking an arm around your waist and pulling you into him.
“I have absolutely no idea.”
“Well me neither, and I don’t plan on finding out.” He whispers back with a dopey smile, bringing his lips down to yours for a proper kiss. A kiss you more than deserved for saving his butt once again.
Was bob a little forgetful? Yes. Did that mean you had to get up at the same time as Bob, a time that you couldn’t even fathom being awake, to make sure he had it all together? Also yes. But at the end of the day, he never forgot the most important things, and that’s all that mattered. And most importantly, you loved him dearly. Him and all of his forgetful tendencies.
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Mamma mia | chapter five
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listen to: Why did it have to be me? - Abba | My boy only breaks his favorite toys - Taylor Swift (playlist here)
warnings: accidental pregnancy, smut 18+, raising a child alone. warnings will be added as the story progresses. For this chapter single-mothering? and stupid boyfriends.
series masterlist + read the next chapter early on my ko-fi!!
The sun was coming down, casting a warm golden glow over the pristine beaches and the navy-blue waters. The breeze carried the sweet scent of saltwater and sunscreen as you entered the Hard Deck, following James and August. 
The day was a quintessential summer day. 
After Augustine had kicked both Coyote and Jake, reasonably quickly after James had finished, literally. She chased them out of the house. They barely had time to pick up their clothes; James and you threw the rest of their belongings through the window while you laughed as they dressed in the front yard. 
You can still feel Jake’s eyes on you. He winked at you while running away from Augustine, who was about to shower them with the hose. You’d shamelessly screamed at him, ‘Call me!’ still ran through your mind, and how his green sea-foam eyes shined as he saluted you was still imprinted in your heart. 
Soon after, you biked to the beach; even with your injured wrist, you forced yourself to drive because the day was too beautiful not to spend it outside. By the time you were biking back, you bumped into a larger-than-usual crowd around the Hard Deck. Augustine quickly forced you to stop as she saw a group of Navy newbies walking into the Hard Deck. Parking your bikes in the back, you quickly ran inside, still in your swimsuits; your laughter and excitement filled the air, blending with the cheerful chatter of other patrons. 
The bar was too full; it’d been a while since you’d seen it like that. Maybe it was the fact that you’d been under the sun all day, or the fact that the bar was too crowded, the fact that you mainly drank homemade lemonade and barely any food, maybe it was the fact that you had had your first orgasm that morning but, even in your bikini and body wrap, your body felt like it was simmering, a soft heat surrounding you. 
“Here!” Augustine screams as she drags you to a small spot near the bar, where you take in the sight around you. 
Sailors in their crisp uniforms mingled with locals and visitors. There was this aura around the bar. A sticky general sense of content filled the air, heavy like honey. The tropical breeze that managed to get through the window licked at you as you scanned the bar, momentarily gazing at your friends laughing. 
You stay still for a moment. Trying to paint the memory in your mind, to add the scent of the bar, the scent of summer, scan it in your face, remember every second of that day. Your heart swells as you take everything in. Every last memory of the moment. 
Of your last summer. 
“You don’t have to change places at the table?” James says as Jimmy brings your drinks, recalling how August sat on the opposite side of the table from where you and Jake had. God, you turn maroon every time you think about the morning. 
“Of course I have!” August grumbles as she remembers how she will now sit on your spot, far from where Jake had you. 
“I disinfected it with alcohol!” you answer as you sip the Martini. More than you should. 
“I don’t care!” 
“Let her be,” James replies as she sits down; she eyes you from the side. “I mean, at the kitchen table?”
Your jaw drops for a moment before James bursts into laughter. You can feel your cheeks warming up even more before you dip your fingers into your drink and quickly splash James. The drops scatter around James’ face, and she giggles even harder. 
“You did it all over the house,” you grumble. 
Augustine nods. “I can’t sit on that sunroom couch for at least a week,”
“I disinfected it!” James says with a light smile as she shrugs her shoulders. 
Honestly, you’d never seen James excited about anyone; she barely showed interest in someone since you’d met her when you were ten, and not everyone made an impression. She mostly hooked up one time every six months; it was often the cycle she had. As she called it, she would get bored and choose the most exciting suitor. 
Ignoring them soon after. 
“Who are you, and what did you do with our best friend?”
“Right?” you answer, smiling happily, another big sip. “Those googly eyes aren’t yours,”
“Oh my god, stop it,”
But with Javy Machado, it was different. 
“Anyway, which guys you were looking at, August?” James says as she sips her wine and looks around the bar. Augustine does the same, trying to locate her next suitor, and you decide to help. 
That’s when you see him.
He’s handsome, mainly because he is beaming when his striking amber eyes meet yours. It is strange. The way he moves through the crowd, it looks like he belongs here. It isn’t that he’s exuding confidence. He does seem confident, but it isn’t like that. There’s something in him, a somewhat halo effect. He appears to be glowing. He looks to be like the afternoon sun, with the tan skin and the caramel curls, what seemed to be like an attempt at an 80s pornstach. He looked like cinnamon.
Your heart skips a beat as time slows down, and the warmth of the summer day emboldens you to keep looking as if you haven’t been totally caught. 
It doesn’t matter, though, because he seems just as awe-struck as you are. His soft lips parted as he takes you in. Salty hair, tan skin, just a bikini top and a Martini in your hand. Bradley has seen plenty of beautiful women in his lifetime, but there’s something about you, your eyes, and how dazzling they are. A butterfly in a bar of sunshine. 
“Go talk to him!” James quickly says, snapping you out of your thoughts. 
You quickly snap your head towards James, looking away from him as she smiles at you playfully, nudging you to go talk to him. You take the second round James had already ordered as soon as Jimmy sets them on the table.
Your cheeks turn maroon as you sip your Martini again. “No, I can’t!” you answer, shaking your head. Momentarily thinking about Jake and Bob. 
“August just went for hers!” she says. You turn around to find the seat next to you empty. Frowning for a moment, you return to James. “You can go too,” she insists. 
You bite your lower lip as you take a deep breath. Your mind goes back to this morning, thinking about Jake. He was supposed to call you today, and yet he didn’t. Then you remember Bob. For all you know, he might be calling you right now since your phone is dead, but he still hasn’t. You aren’t insecure, per se. It isn’t like you haven’t been thinking about them. If you had their numbers, you probably would’ve called them. 
You hold your breath for a moment. It has been a week since your summer started. Two short live romances in two days and a little more should be enough fun. Fun according to your friends, fun according to anyone your age. This is the time to make stupid decisions, experiment, and learn what you like. 
And so, you turn around looking for him. 
But he is gone. 
Your eyes scan the bar as best as possible, but there’s no sign of the mystery man. “He’s gone,” you huff silently to James, who frowns and immediately starts to look for him as if ready to fight him while you order another drink. 
Drinking the alcohol, feeling the liquid courage settle on your empty stomach, you think that’s for the best. You don’t notice when the music stops, too busy in your thoughts and telling James to drop it to notice what’s happening around you.  
And then you hear someone clearing their throat. 
“I know I’m just a fool who’s willing To sit around and wait for you,” the smooth, velvety voice makes you jolt around, and there he is. 
He is close to you now, enough that you know he can smell the salt on your skin and the thick scent of the ocean in your hair. Enough that you can see the little beads of sweat in his mustache, his pink cheeks, and the freckles surrounding his eyes. You can smell him, too, the olive scent surrounding him mixed with the scent of the beer he must’ve been taking. All-American, all beautiful, and now he’s singing to you. Acapella. 
“But baby, can’t you see there’s nothing else for me to do?” he continues to sign as people turn in delight, making the connection between him and the girl he’s singing to, you. “I’m hopelessly devoted to you,” his eyes are locked into yours as your cheeks flush, and you try to keep your smile down. 
There’s delight in his eyes when he realizes that you can’t stop smiling. He is bewitched. 
“But now there’s nowhere to hide Since you pushed my love aside,” he sings, swinging his hips, a dramatic performance, but now he’s accompanied by a chorus of military guys. You gasp as everyone starts to accompany him. Even James now. “I’m out of my head, Hopelessly devoted to you,”
The high tone isn’t his best for his friends; he still manages to keep it, but it causes you to cover your face with your hands as you giggle. He laughs too but continues to sing, through his chuckles, his smile now wide that he heard your laughter. 
“Hopelessly devoted to you,” he signs lower, his voice husky and beautiful. “Hopelessly devoted to you,” he sings as if the lyrics are meant only for you. For a moment, the world around you fades away, and you stare at him as the last note lingers in the air. 
Your heart flutters as the crowd erupts into cheering and applause. Everyone is now screaming his callsign, Rooster. He smiles at you, an expectation somewhere in his eyes, but you are too enthralled with him, with the gesture that you are simply beaming at him, waiting for him to say something.
“Sailor, sit here,” James finally says as she points to the empty seat beside you. 
Rooster glances at James, giving her a thankful smile before he sits next to you. You frown as James quickly leaves you to it, winking at you and silently wishing you good luck. Rooster eyes trail down your body, taking in your outfit in a bar crowded with clothed people. He enjoys it, the carelessness in you. 
“You don’t look like a singer at all, you know that?” you tease him, deciding you’ll be the first one to talk as if it would do much to diminish your anxiety. 
Rooster’s grin widens. What little he can recall from his dad was that he was never the greatest singer, not that it ever stopped him, but his mom had a prettier voice. Maybe it was the fact that he sang too much as a child until he became talented. He just knows that his father loved to sing; he loved music. Hell, this was how his father and his uncle managed to convince his mom to go on a date with Goose. 
“I like to keep a few tricks down my sleeve, you know?” he responds with the same teasing tone as he orders another beer from Jimmy, getting closer to you. 
“I think that’s the best trick to pick up girls I’ve ever seen,” you answer as you turn towards him. “Do you use it a lot here? What’s your repertoire?”
Rooster bites his lower lip as he shakes his head and sips on the beer, denying your assumptions. You roll your eyes.
“Oh, come on, Rooster,” you say with a playful smile, pushing him softly on his chest, your fingertips grazing against his strong muscles. 
You can’t help but notice how his eyes light up when you say his name, making your heart swell. You wonder for a moment if you are truly good at flirting as you gaze at him, blushing as the moments pass. 
“Bradley Bradshaw to you,” he responds, his voice soft and almost teasing. “You?”
After you tell him your name, his smile grows wider. Your inner cheek gets caught between your teeth as you take in his handsome features - those captivating eyes, the long lashes, and even that distinct pornstache that somehow adds to his charm.
“So, Bradshaw, how many times have you used it?” you inquire, genuinely curious about the adventures of the daring pilot.
“Two,” Rooster answers, but a hint of disappointment crosses your face, hidden behind your furrowed brow. It should be more, you think to yourself. With looks like his and that voice that could melt hearts, you’re sure he’s had many admirers.
“How did it go the first time?” you ask, leaning in. 
“Crashed and burned,” he admits, a touch of vulnerability in his voice.
“And the second?” you ask, the corners of your lips curling up with anticipation.
“Well, do you want to get out of here and find out with me?” he suggests, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
You raise an eyebrow, playfully gasping at his assumption. “What makes you think that I want to sleep with you?”
He counters with a playful pout, “Oh, so you’ll leave me brokenhearted?”
You can’t help but chuckle for a moment. The playful banter between you two feels natural, like you’ve known each other for far longer than just this encounter as if you’d known each other your whole life. It makes you feel a bit more comfortable. It’s strange. Feeling the surge of courage in your chest makes everything feel lighter for a moment. He seems lighter, but there’s something else in his eyes. A sense of longing.  
Giving him a mockingly dramatic expression, you quickly stand up from the chair and walk to the door. 
Rooster’s eyes widen. “Wait, wait,” he says, his voice softening. He follows you while you smile as you feel him closely behind you, his fingertips touching yours, before you push the door to the outside. 
The sea breeze hits your face perfectly. The moon is shining bright in the sky, enough to illuminate the beach just in the right way. A wide smile on your face as you close your eyes and relish the day. You don’t notice him looking; you don’t notice how he admires you, how his eyes are glowing as he takes you in. At night, with just a swimsuit, your face clean, your cheeks red, you are beautiful. 
“Dance with me,” he suddenly whispers. 
You snap your head towards him, opening your eyes softly as you take him in. Your heart flutters at his request, and you can’t resist his earnest plea. “You will truly break my heart,” you jest, as you take his hand and follow him to the sand. 
Wordlessly, you take his hand, and he begins to sway the two of you side to side. Your body quickly molds to his, perfectly, moving in sync with the rhythm of the music from inside the bar. His strong arms wrap around your waist, drawing you even closer to him. Olive and beer fill your senses, intoxicating and comforting all at once. 
You gaze into each other’s eyes, and the world around you disappears. It’s as if there’s just the two of you on the beach, lost in the feeling, the electricity, and the warmth. 
“You are so one of them,” you whisper as your hands climb up his chest and wrap themselves around his neck. His skin is hot; it burns. You don’t know why you are so sensitive; you want to blame the alcohol, but you think that’s just an omen for a moment. 
Rooster frowns, unable to understand what you mean. “The one guy that genuinely falls in love, every evening, with a different type of girl only to fall out of it again the next morning,” you explain. 
“That’s not true at all,” he protests as his hand gently trails up your back, sending a trail of electricity in its wake. The touch is both tender but a little more intimate, enough to know that he wants more but also soft enough that you lean into him. You don’t care that he’s too warm, that the heat might turn suffocating. 
“And then, which is worse. As you are breaking her heart, you are telling all of these lies about how she’s too good for you, and you can’t possibly be a good option for her, and you love her too much to stay with her,” you continued.
Rooster chuckles softly as he leans down further. 
“You’re too good for me,” he says, and you can’t help but smile.
His eyes linger on your face for a second, studying it; he’s tasting the moment, and so are you. 
And then, he leans in.  
The way he cups your cheeks is enough for you to gasp softly before his lips connect to yours. His mouth molds perfectly with yours, his nose bumping yours as your eyes close and you let yourself go. Bradley feels his heart thundering in his chest; you taste just like honey and lemon. His fingers dig into the delicate skin of your hips. It’s slow and long; he’s taking his time, but you can feel it, his impatience and yours; you know it by now as he ran his hands along the low of your back and you into his hair. 
The kiss is sweet and pleasurable. It isn’t passionate or soft. It’s something else, too intimate, too unknown. 
It wasn’t like it was with Jake or Bob. It’s different. 
God. Jake and Bob, for all you know, they might be there. 
As the thought crosses your mind, Rooster wraps his arms around your torso, and he’s pulling you closer to him, tight. As if he doesn’t want to let you go, he deepens the kiss. 
But then something’s off. Your stomach churns, and a feeling of nausea washes over you, your breath shallow, and suddenly you are suffocating. You shake your head, barely having time to push him away enough by his chest for him to notice. He lets you go fast, just in time before the bile rises from your throat. 
It might be the dehydration, the mix of alcohol, the fact of not eating, or just your consciousness. 
But as you finish throwing up your guts, everything seems a bit blurry. A pressure on your chest that you hadn’t felt ever before overwhelms you; it feels like you can’t breathe as you wipe your mouth. 
Your vision goes blurry, and your throat feels so tight that no words come out of your mouth. All you can feel is the panic rising inside your chest; everything goes black. 
As James and Augustine had promised, they did take care of you. It’d been over two weeks since you’d run into Jake, Rooster, and Bob. They’d taken the toll of doing groceries and doing simple errands around the town so you would avoid places that they might be. Hardware stores, cinemas, bars, and Grocery stores were strictly forbidden until further notice, at least for you. Inés could go out with Augustine and James. You knew that you simply couldn’t. 
Agustine told you that she had a contact in the Navy who might be able to tell you how long they’d be here. You waited patiently as you tried to do your best to work and take care of Inés, trying to cheer her up when you’d tell her that you couldn’t go to the movies together or the grocery store. Or the park on the main street. It was getting harder and harder each day, especially since Inés, three days after you’d sworn off any of these places, had realized and didn’t want to go anywhere without you. 
She quickly decided to hibernate with you, and you honestly didn’t know if it could last long. 
Even more with John’s presence in the house, more often than not. He’d apologized a week prior, and you’d let it go because you didn’t have the energy to fight with him. Not now, at least. He’d stayed over that same weekend; he’d tried to talk to her, but Inés outright refused. She even insisted that she had to sleep with you every night of the weekend until finally John left. Most importantly, John wouldn’t even be allowed to use her bed; he had to sleep on the couch. 
As you looked down at your beautiful daughter, at her button nose, at those oh-so-familiar caramel eyes with flecks of green, her oh-so-familiar twisted soft pink lips, all wrapped together in that small frown as she slightly glared at you with her oh-so-familiar brunette golden hair in disarray, waiting for an answer, you knew that John would be complaining about his backache for at least a week. 
“I just don’t get why she doesn’t like me,” he says as he slurps slightly from his cereal bowl. You cringe at the sound but try not to mind as you close the door of your mother’s house. 
It was her night with your mom; part of you was grateful that she was in another place that wasn’t the house or her summer camp. 
“She just doesn’t know you that well. That’s all,” you pinch your nose as you curse mentally the heels that you’d to wear due to a meeting with a client. 
“That’s why I told you, both of you should come to LA with me; we can go to that Disney Park,” he insists on the other end. 
You wonder for a slight second, only a second, if he didn’t have anything else to do at work because you did, and he still decides to bring up this. You regret it immediately as you stop in front of your car, phone heavy on your hand. Men you’d dated before had run away from you the moment they found out about Inés; here was a man who wanted to spend time with her. 
“Yeah, I know,” you answer softly as you stare at the sky. The cues of orange were already reflecting on the clouds in the sky; the afternoon sun was warming up your skin, toasting it, making your soul sizzle slightly. 
For a second, you close your eyes, and you let yourself go back to that summer. To those afternoons where the sun stretched as much as it could, showering you with its light. Salt air kissing your lips. Clouds lazily drift by. Rhythmic, soothing melody of the waves rushing towards you. You can remember their touch as they’d kissed your neck, your skin, their lips rolling down your body. 
You gasped softly as you opened your eyes. “I’m here,” you answer, clearing your throat as you look around, hoping no one else has seen you. 
There were many moments throughout the years when you thought that you’d seen one of them. Jake more often than Bradley or Bob. Your heart always drops to your stomach, and your vision turns technicolor. Colors become so bright that you almost become sick. They, he, they always looked at you just in the way you liked those years ago. They didn’t age when you thought you saw them. 
That’s how you realize that it is him, passing by in a car you didn’t recognize. As your eyes lock with him, you know deep down that he is looking for you. 
“I have to go,” your voice could be barely heard; it’s not more than a whisper as your eyes are glued to the jeep that continues to drive. John might’ve heard you, you don’t know, but you also don’t care. 
Holding your breath, you hope that he will drive away, but he doesn’t. It parks a few feet away from you. Your heartbeat picks up as you see the door opening. You’d seen him a few times with the green jumpsuit. He looks a lot older now, a lot grown up. Grown-up, something about it makes you want to recoil. It doesn’t fit with the memories you have of him. 
He was supposed to stay twenty-five; you were supposed to stay twenty-three. The more times you see him now, the more it eats away those memories. 
“What are you doing here?” You whisper, a sudden cool evening breeze brushing against your skin as you stand in the street, washed in golden light. The moon was now peering over the edge of the horizon, casting a faint shadow to glow over the sky.
“I thought I’d pass by,” Jake replies, his voice laced with a hint of nostalgia as he gazes at you. Those eyes staring back at you, just like they did seven years prior. 
There’s a brief moment when you can feel like you’re back there with him again. Seven years ago, you had your father; seven years ago, you were still innocent; you hadn’t gone through anything, managed to live your life prior to them unscathed, without so much as a crack. Now, as you stand there, you can feel it. 
All the cuts, all the breaks, all the different ways you were twisted and pulled back the way you’d to paste yourself back together for Inés.
Your face was stern, furrowing your eyebrows slightly. “You know what you sound like, right?” you ask. 
Jake’s lips tug slightly on the edges. He managed to see those parts of you seven years prior, hidden through a meekness you’d tried to push down those sharp edges of you. He likes that you let the sharpness come through now.
“I didn’t know you’d be here,” he admits, his voice ting with regret. “I hoped,” he says slowly; you roll your eyes at him. “I think I was the only one that came to your parent’s house, right?”
As soon as the words drop from his lips, you feel everything stop. Staring at him, your mind rumbles to look for answers to what he means. He has your rattle; he notices it. He knows your body like the back of his hand, every edge, curve, inch. He had it memorized seven years ago. There’s a part of him that’s relieved that he can still read you; he was afraid that he couldn’t anymore, even with this. 
“What are you -”
“I heard your name,” he interrupts softly, “Rooster and Bob were talking about you and how they know you.”
The silence is heavy as you stare at each other. There was a time when this was your worst nightmare, that either Bradley or, Bob or Jake found out about each other. You’d tried to handle it. None of them had asked you for anything else but what you had, and you hadn’t planned to ask for more. 
Until then, they did, until you did. 
“I don’t have to explain anything to you; you do know that, right?” you finally answer after weighing your options. 
Jake nods. He half-expected that answer after the domino of events that trail behind your relationship. 
His eyes examine you. Cheeks flushed, hair loose, the professional sleeveless black dress hugs your body perfectly. He’d imagined you like this: professional, beautiful. A little bit older, a little bit wiser. Sometimes he’d imagined what his life would’ve been like if he hadn’t fucked up as he did. 
But now, as he heard Bradley and Bob bickering about that summer. He realized that maybe he wasn’t the only one to blame. 
“So, it wasn’t only me that summer, and Bradley for that matter,” he says, his eyes flickering now to yours. 
The words come out of your mouth faster than you wished. “It was,” you sound definitive because you knew for a second it was before everything came tumbling down. But then again, you know it isn’t true, and you’d made the choices you’d made. You’d made your bed with all three of them. “I mean, I was also, you were.”
“Forgot that you avoid talking about feelings,” he murmurs, his eyes still fixed on you, the hint of a smile on his lips as he gives a step closer to you. 
Your eyebrows pinch. Memories of that fateful summer flooding back. You recall how confident he was, the charm that always seemed to follow him, and why you got stuck in his web. Anger floods back too, simmering in your chest, defensiveness, everything you don’t want to feel again and less for him. 
“I’ve changed; it has been seven years, and you only knew me for eight weeks.”
It’s filled with poison, you know it, and he does it too. 
“And I haven’t been able to forget you, honey,” Jake confesses, his voice filled with a melancholic longing as he gives another step. “Please, just hear me out,”
You smell the sandalwood, the lemon. You look up at him through your lashes, holding your ground, not moving an inch as you stare at him. He shouldn’t make your heart beat this way, not when it has been so long. And yet he does; he makes your body react. Perhaps it is the fact that he is looking at you like that; perhaps it is the way the sun is hitting you right now, but anger drains slowly as you feel him closer. 
“You shouldn’t be here,” you say softly, eyebrows still pinched. 
Part of you wishes you didn’t sound so soft when he’s around you, but the thought of him has been marinating for so long in your mind since you first saw him here again. His face is calm, but you can still sense the regret. 
“I shouldn’t have let you go,” Jake repeats, swallowing hard as his hand carefully comes up to your face; he does it carefully, as if not to scare you. 
A sound slips out of his lips as you lean into his touch. It doesn’t even cross your mind to move; you’re not too thrown off by his tenderness; you’d been craving it. 
“It doesn’t matter now,” you argue; closing your eyes, you let his skin touch yours. It burns you, from the inside out, the fact that you still crave his touch like this.
“Honey,” he breathes out. “Of course it does. What are the odds that you are here and I am here?”
He startles you. You open your eyes just as fast as you’d leaned into him. Staring at him, he doesn’t know what you’re hiding. He does not know what kept you here. You want to yell at him, the odds, you scoff mentally. The odds were that you got knocked up by one of them, the odds were that you couldn’t leave, and the odds were that you raised your daughter on your own. Even worse, the present odds. The odds are that if he, or any of them, find out what you’ve done, they might take Inés away from you. 
“Jake, stop,” you bite, taking a step back from him. You don’t dare to look at him for a moment. 
“You lied to me,” you pull away completely. “You lied to me, broke my heart,”
Jake frowns. He hates this. He hates that you run away, time and time again; you’ve always run away from him. Now that he knows, he just doesn’t let you go that easily. No, he can’t. 
“You lied, too. I mean, were you sleeping with-”
“Go,” you snap at him. Jake watches as you glare at him, your eyebrows pinched. He remembers the way your lips turn when you’re mad; he knows you. You aren’t mad right now. He stares at you, your long lashes, your golden skin. Eyes that he’d been seeing in his dreams since he left. Pink, plush lips. His eyes stay there for longer than before, and when he looks back at you again, you’re already staring. 
You know what he is about to do. 
 “I said, just go-” 
One, two, three steps, and he has reached you. His hand finds your hip and grabs at it roughly, cupping your jaw; his lips find yours. 
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author's note: Thank you so much for your patience!!!!! I have so many questions about this fic because I've rewrote so many things. Need your opinions.
taglist: @not-two-shrimp @startrekfangirl2233-writes @caitsymichelle13 @callsign-cherrybomb @books-are-escapes @siriusfahey @fulla02reads @bananas1234michaelclifford-blog
@2525sc @grxcisxhy-wp @cottagecori @shawnsblue @rogersbarnesxx @safeikik @darkheartcherry @brokenhearts-world-blog @fudosl @lovingjakeseresin @strwbhrrygarfield @twsssmlmaa @wearewhoweare28 @ittydoor @lnmp89 @mickeygs-world @actuallyazriel @laracrofted @railmerooster
@tempt-ress @eli2447 @callsign-cherrybomb @saramaple @caidi-paris @astronomeoww @andromeda-starship @endofdays56 @hollydaddy @deadgirl02 @flashyourgreeneyesatme @abaker74
@thesimpybitch @pinkpantheris @na-ta-sh-aa @zonkie-bee @shanimallina87 @i-wanna-be-your-muse @wildxwidow @@minejungwoo
202 notes · View notes
turnnblurb · 4 months
Oooo maybe Rhett teaching you how to ride a horse? And he gets frisky? Anything you write will be amazing!!! :)
yes!!!! thank you love!!
rhett teaches you how to ride a horse properly
warnings: soft!rhett, smooching, so much fluff, drinking, yearning
you had only been living in wabang for about a year when you met rhett abbott.
a lonesome day had led you to your first lonesome night at the handsome gambler. work was shit. your apartment was shit. you hadn’t made a single friend in the whole year due to the fact that the whole town seemed to be a bit wary of new arrivals. but, thankfully a certain cowboy was intrigued by what others deemed a little different.
“ya’ alright?” you felt that unwavering presence of his before the words slipped out of his mouth. the barstool next to you shifting under his weight and your surroundings being suddenly filled by the scent of leather.
“hm?” you were a bit drunk. nearly more than a bit, choosing to sip on the beer in front of you instead of shooting back another whiskey. his eyes crinkled when he allowed himself to chuckle at your tipsy state.
“i said are ya’ alright?” he crossed his arms on top of the bar-top, “couldn’t miss the way you’ve just been starin’ a hole into that neon sign for the past thirty minutes.”
he didn’t mean to notice you, not at all. he also couldn’t help the way his eyes were being consistently drawn to the pretty girl he’d never seen before sat at the bar with an awful frown on her face. he figured you were from out of town, just visiting for the night. maybe expecting a shitty date that would never show up because not even he trusted half the men in wabang.
“oh, yeah sorry— um just a rough day, didn’t mean to cause any worry.” he took in the way your eyes scrunched close as you answered his question, as if you were reliving some horrible memory that he should feel bad for bringing up.
“so ya’ drove to the middle of nowhere wabang to get wasted?” his brow quirked at the confusion on your face. you were something, not being able to control your facial expressions with the amount of liquor in your system currently. undeniably cute.
“no! i mean just from my apartment..” for a moment you both looked at each other quizzically, him putting the pieces together before you could figure out that he didn’t know you were now a resident in his home town.
“ya’ tellin me you live here? never seen or heard of you before.” he tilted his head some, the slight movement filtering his words better for you to hear.
“have for about a year now, not much to see or hear i reckon.” you took another slow sip from the bottle in front of you. you let him ask you where you’re from after that, then for your name. the name he gives you in return is one you immediately recognize.
“ah, so you’re that bull rider they keep interrupting my hank williams channel to talk about?” the connection brings a smile on your face, it’d be a lie to say that you didn’t turn up the radio when you heard his name with a tinge of intrigue in your emotion.
“fraid’ so,” he laughs into his own beer bottle. “sorry about that, ma’am.” he’s everything you expected him to be. cool and collected as he speaks to you with such air that the people around you must think that you’re life long friends.
“i’ve always wanted to do something cool like that actually, used to beg my mom to put me in horse riding lessons.” you aren’t too sure what drawls the confession out of you. the alcohol or the pretty smile resting on rhett’s lips as he looks at you kinder than anyone had for the last year.
“ya’ still interested?” for a second you are not entirely sure what he’s asking, you have to pause for a moment.
“i mean— pshh.” you blush under his thoughtful gaze. “might be a bit too late for my cowgirl days to start now.” you look down at your cardigan and platform boots, the only thing wabang about you might be the wranglers form fitting to your legs.
“nah, don’t think so,” he narrows his now mischief glimmered eyes at you. “why don’t ya’ come to the ranch sometime. i’ll teach ya’ how to be a cowgirl.”
you think he’s fucking with you, he has to be. you hadn’t made a single friend in the town and all of the sudden cowboy casanova is offering you tutoring lessons with the sweetest look on his face.
“where’s this ranch of yours?” it seems that his tense shoulders relax some at your words, he pulls out a pen from his breast pocket and writes something on the back of a tab receipt that you hadn’t noticed him receiving.
he even drives you home. guiding you to his truck with an appropriate, but burning hand on your back. opening your door and giving you a hand to help you in. he stifles laughter as you drunkenly give him directions to your place. finally, he walks you to your apartment door despite your insistence that its unnecessary.
that’s how you make your first friend in wabang. that’s also how you end up at the abbott ranch on a well-tempered friday morning.
you had called the number scrawled onto the back of the receipt alongside the unfamiliar address after you gathered your bearings of that night. the deep voice on the other line had you deeply blushing, how on earth you had not managed to buckle under the intense stare you recall is a mystery to you. the meeting time and date was set and the call was ended with a ‘see you then, might want to buy some better boots.’
you did end up taking his advice on the boots. brown leather now cladding your feet up to your shins, making them near unbearable to wear at first try. at least the dragonfly design was cute.
he was already on the front porch waiting for you when you arrived in your little hatchback car. he knew it was you immediately because no girl, even person drove anything but a pick up in wabang. it made you all that more endearing to him. he found himself making his way down the steps to open your car door for you before you could even place it in park.
“fancy seeing ya’ here, cowgirl.” he offered his hand to you to distract you from how his eyes were flitting down your figure. you were gonna kill him. his obituary would surely read, ‘heart attack induced by city girl wearing cowboy boots and flared jeans.’ no one would think to mention that the white tank you had on underneath your brown cardigan was the final straw for him.
“hm, you are rick talbott, right?” you joke through a smirk, not expecting him to have to clutch his chest at how funny he found it. you were thankful that it gave you a moment to admire him in the daylight. scruff and sharp lines that you weren’t able to see under the dim bar lights.
“close enough.” his laughter died off and left you two in a moment of comfortable silence as he shut your car door and led the way with a nudge of his head. he still had the dark denim on that you recognized from the bar, but his button up was replaced by a form fitting long sleeve white tee. what a sight. he even replaced his stetson with a navy blue ball cap.
“now, m’ gonna take it easy on ya’ today, but give it a week and you’ll be barreling like a pro.” you watched his hands as they undid the lock of the barn door, opening them to what you could only imagine was your childhood dream.
four horses, bells of hay, just born calves. the smile on your face was irreplaceable. he turned to you at your silence, wishing he hadn’t when the wind was nearly knocked out of him at the sight of your beaming face.
“everything you ever hoped for?” he smirked with his large hands on his hips, damn him for teasing you when he looked so good.
“so much more.” you sighed, taking in your surroundings. he didn’t miss the way your eyes softened when they landed on their newest baby calf lucy, he’d have to remind himself to let you bottle feed her.
“that’s probably jus’ the smell of horse shit making ya’ all delusional. the wonder will pass when ya’ step in it.” he spoke as he reached forward to place a soft grip on your bicep, leading you further into the barn with the soft fabric of your thin cardigan warming around his hand. he liked the way you laughed for him at his poor attempt at a joke. he wasn’t much for whimsy and humor, but you sure did already know how to pull it out of him.
“oh, they’re beautiful!” you exclaimed when you finally got close enough to the horse stalls, a hand resting on your heart. so in awe that you almost disregarded the strong one still on your bicep. it was disappointingly removed when he noticed your soft eyes on it.
“i’m sure they appreciate that,” he was so soft with you it had him wondering who the hell he even was. he sure didn’t feel like a bull rider in that moment, and he definitely didn’t feel like the town slut everyone made him out to be.
“which one is yours?” he took you down two stalls further. giving himself a moment to run his hand down the tall black horse’s nose.
“ this ‘s doc.” he turned to you, silently reaching over to grab your hand and bring it to where his was on the horse seconds before. he let you pet doc at your own accord. “we’re gonna take him today, only one i trust with ya’.”
you aren’t entirely sure of what he means by that, but it has your heart fluttering nonetheless.
“big tombstone fan?” you gave the horse a few final pats before turning back to the man beside you with a smirk on your face.
“who isn’t?” he shrugged and stifled a huge smile at your uttered ‘fair.’
one thing for certain. if you had known that your first ‘lesson’ was going to be spent with both of you on the same horse, you would’ve worn a much thicker cardigan.
the kindness, deep voice, and eerily soft hands were enough to have you in a downward spiral. but, the warmth of rhett’s chest pressed to your back as he’s reached around you to guide doc out into the pasture has you standing firm in the fact that you now have a horrible crush on the cowboy.
“sorry ‘bout the close quarters, but seeing as you’ve never ridden before, think it’s for the best.” his voice was all too close to your ears for it to not send a shiver down your spine despite the glaring heat of the mid-day sun.
“s’fine, thought you would smell a little worse than you do.” the lighthearted joke was fleeing your lips before you could correct your city-like rudeness. he took no hurt in it, finding it quite funny as he let his head roll onto your shoulder in laughter, the brim of his hat peaking out over your left. no, he definitely wasn’t doing anything to dim the crush.
“i’ll take that as a compliment, sweetheart.” he didn’t miss how your breath hitched over the gallop of the horse. he was a little too content to know that he had the same affect on you as you did him.
when he deemed you two far enough out, he gently placed the reins in your hands.
“alright, i’ll let you take the reins now,” he waited for you to laugh at the pun before he continued, “you’re gonna want to sit up a little straighter, good. make sure your feet stay in the stirrups. relax a little..”
you weren’t sure how you were supposed to relax with his large hands placed firmly on your hips, but you did your best, earning yourself a sweet praise.
“as much as ya’ have to trust doc here, he has to trust ya’ just as much. take it easy at first, i’ll set him into a trot n’ if you feel ya’ wanna go any faster just give him a solid nudge with your foot.” he did exactly that, giving you enough time to feel out the reins in your hands and the slight pull of doc’s tall stature through the field.
it was light work. the handsome man leaning into your back was only a slight hindrance. it got a little hard to focus every now and then with him breathing down your neck, but you managed.
time passed with you guiding doc through the gorgeous acres of land that you still couldn’t believe were home to rhett’s front yard. you’d egg the horse on into a faster pace every now and then, relishing in the sickeningly sweet ‘there ya’ goes’ spoken into your ear. at some point you grew bored of the slow trot. you found your head turned slightly back at rhett, silently jumping out of your skin when you found his eyes hard set on you. a gulp could be heard.
“would it be okay if i went faster?” you weren’t sure of doc’s capabilities, but if he had enough in him to haul around a bull rider, he should be in well enough shape. rhett’s lips upturned into a smirk.
“go ahead, doll,” he nodded at you reassuringly, hands loosely at his sides, not quite prepared for just how fast you were willing to go. “woah— jesus, cowgirl!”
with two sturdy taps into doc’s right side he had immediately switched gears, all but launching rhett into your back. he had to steady himself on your hips with a tight grip. you swore his surprised laugh could’ve been heard from a satellite.
your hair was blowing back into rhett’s minimal space, he didn’t find himself minding the smell of your shampoo. he also didn’t find himself with a negative emotion in his soul. not a single one could be found when he had the sweetest girl he had ever met right in front of him, on his horse. said girl controlling doc perfectly at a gallop only rhett can handle him at. he figured he’d be safer with his hands glued to your hips, no other reason. definitely not because he couldn’t get enough of your body in his grasps.
the laugh coming from you was so genuine that you didn’t even recognize it. you hadn’t laughed from pure joy like this in years, it felt.
once you had your fun you pulled the reins firmer, hauling doc back to a slow trot, and eventually a full stop when you met the middle of the pasture. mountains encasing a moment only dreams recognize. with a heavy breath out, you shook your head in disbelief.
“wow, i could get used to that.” you still had a soft laugh in your voice, and rhett found he still did as well. for a moment, you allowed yourself to take in the all encompassing beauty that you had missed when gliding through the field. “i think that’s the most fun i’ve had in a good while.”
“me too.” his soft confession had you peeking your head back at him, the discomfort of your neck melted by the cowboy blue in his eyes. his breath heavier. “‘didn’t ever tell you how pretty you are at the bar the other night.”
“i’m glad, don’t think drunk me could’ve withheld kissing you. oh—” your cheeks flooded with heat, not preparing you for the deep silence to follow. your ears started ringing. why the hell did you just say that?
“oh.” his voice deep with the short phrase, his own cheeks blushing a deep shade and aching at the smile forming on his lips. it’s hard not to stare at them. his right hand that he forgot to take off of your hip is raising towards your waist.
“well, what is sober you thinkin’?” he asks with a hum, leaning in before either of you realizes. he has to balance his weight slightly more to the left for him to be able to see your face fully.
“that even now, i’d still kiss you.” you say it before thinking, there’s no reason to take it back. the evidence that he wants it just as badly as you do is written on his face. in a quick movement his reaching for the hat on his head, pulling it off of his slightly curly mused hair, just so it doesn’t interfere when the time is right. he places the right hand that is now holding the hat in a firm grip on the back of your head gently.
“nothing stopping ya’ cowgirl, i sure ain’t.” and with those final words, all you have to do is lean towards him maybe an inch to place your soft lips to his. and you do just that. his hand flexes around both the hat and the back of your head, pushing you into him more.
the kiss is gentle, but it hints at so much more. you can feel his smile without having to see it. he has to stifle it from its full extent just so he can keep kissing you. with a slight tilt of his head he has you sighing into his open mouth, giving him more reason to trace your bottom lip with his tongue. the motion has a barely audible whimper escaping you, but he hears it all too well.
“gonna kill me, sweetheart.” he pulls back too soon for your liking, resting his forehead on the top of yours. his chest heaves with desire and your breaths thread into his.
“i hope not, would have to find another hot cowboy to give me free riding lessons.” you giggle, pressing a sweet kiss to his chin. “and i don’t think they would be able to make me feel like this.”
“wouldn’t want that, would we?” his stare is intense, but only gentle. it holds a promise.
in that moment he forgets everything and everyone else in the world. every duty, every dumb hook up. all he knows in that moment is you.
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planetpiastri · 2 years
💝 Bob please and 11. "their contact name being formatted differently than everyone else" from the are we friends, or more? prompt list
this trope is my kryptonite, hope u enjoy anon x | [wc - 0.7k] | join my prompt party!
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“Why do we even bother? He’s obviously not coming,” said Hangman indifferently, leaning down to line up his pool shot.
“Give him a minute,” Phoenix snapped from her place at your shoulder, her phone held to her ear and currently ringing for Bob. “He said he’d be here. It’s weird for him to just…not show up.”
“Maybe he got tired of losing at pool,” said Hangman with a shit-eating grin, straightening up satisfactorily as he pocketed two balls.
“He beat me last time,” Fanboy pointed out.
“That’s not a competition,” Hangman retorted.
“He’ll be here,” interjected Rooster, taking a sip of his beer. “When’s the last time he didn’t show up to one of these? Calm down.”
“But when’s the last time Bob’s been late?” Phoenix shot back before groaning and pulling her phone away from her ear. She turned to look at you with a pleading expression. “Back me up here. This is weird, right?”
You suddenly realized everyone was staring at you expectantly. The buzzed, warm atmosphere of the Hard Deck suddenly felt a bit stifling. Usually you loved the teasing jibes and snarky retorts traded between the aviators over a few games of pool and a few more beers, but something about tonight felt…off.
Probably for the exact reason everyone was discussing at the moment.
“It is weird for him to flake,” you ceded reluctantly. “He usually at least gives us a text if he knows he’s not gonna make it.”
“Okay, so call him, then,” said Hangman, sounding exasperated. “Make sure he’s not dead.” He nudged Coyote. “It’s your shot. Would you go?”
“We have been calling him, dickhead,” snapped Phoenix. “He’s not picking up.”
“No, make the other one call him,” said Hangman, pointing at you with his cue as if you weren’t right there. “His favorite.”
Your cheeks burned with the knowledge that everyone else had picked up on you and Bob’s close bond. “I am not—”
“Please,” said Hangman arrogantly. “We are not in middle school. Just own it. We’ve all seen the little glances and inside jokes.”
Your mouth flapped open and shut uselessly. The pool game had been forgotten. Everyone was watching you with amused expressions. You stuttered out, “I do that with Phoenix, too!”
Hangman squinted at you disbelievingly before turning back to the game, like you weren’t even worth the effort of arguing with. That more than anything else rubbed you the wrong way.
“Okay, fine,” you said. “I will call him. And he won’t pick up, just like he didn’t pick up when Phoenix and Fanboy called, and we can put this to bed.”
You expected everyone to laugh at you, or shake their heads and go back to their other activities. What you didn’t expect was for everyone—Hangman included—to cluster around you and stare at your screen as you pulled out your phone.
You scrolled through your contacts quickly, wanting to just get it over with, but as you hovered your finger over Bob’s contact to call, Payback said, “Hang on—”
Right on cue, Hangman swiped your phone out of your hand and held it above your head.
“Give it back!” you cried, embarrassment flooding your body. “Seriously? You’re the one who just said we aren’t in middle school!”
“‘B. Bradshaw,’” Hangman read aloud, holding you at bay with his free hand. He was beaming. “‘J. Machado—J. Seresin—N. Trace—M. Garcia—R. Fitch.’ But would you look at this?” He scrolled back up. “‘Bobby.’ With two—count ‘em, two—emojis.”
“Stop it!” you yelped, more than mortified.
“Which emojis?” called Fanboy, who was craning to try and see.
“The nerd with glasses face and a white heart,” said Payback. “Remind me, what does the white heart mean?”
“Marriage, definitely,” said Rooster with a teasing smirk.
“You guys are children,” you yelled, hoping desperately that you looked more confident than you felt. You shot Rooster a frustrated look. “Could you help me, please?”
It was Coyote who swiped your phone out of Hangman’s hand, taking a moment to examine the proof for himself before handing it back to you. You snatched it quickly, sure that everyone could see just how flustered you were. They all watched you with amused, knowing expressions, waiting for you to defend yourself.
But then your phone buzzed in your hand, and everyone looked down.
Incoming call from: Bobby 🤓🤍
Someone snickered. You fought to maintain your dignity and straightened your posture, saying, “Excuse me, I have a call. I’m going to take this outside.”
Everyone whooped and laughed as you pushed in between Fanboy and Phoenix and started to walk towards the back deck. With shaking fingers, you accepted the call. 
“Hi, Bobby. I think they know.”
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The Top Gun squad and their favorite sex positions:
MINORS DNI. 18+ content w/ links to visuals. NSFW.
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Links and (most) blurbs are based on AFAB reader.
Follow up/part 2 here.
Don’t click the hyperlinks if you don’t want visuals
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Bob: Outdoors. This man is an adrenaline junkie or he wouldn’t be flying around in jets. Position doesn't matter too much to him, but Bob loves having sex with you outdoors, especially on the deck at your cabin where you can both shout as loud as you want into the woods.
Coyote: Girl on top. He wants it hard and fast and likes when you’re controlling that. Javy wants to spank you and tell you that you take him so well while you bounce on top of him.
Fanboy: Girl on top. But sensual. He loves being able to look in your eyes and caress your breasts while you slowly ride him. Mickey is all about connecting with you and making love over just fucking.
Hangman: Reverse Cowgirl. Firstly, that man has a southern drawl that sneaks out so you know he likes cowgirls. Secondly, I really just think Jake is an ass man.
Payback: Spread Eagle. He loves getting as deep as he possibly can and spreading your legs out helps him do that. Reuben just wants to assure you’re both feeling good while he buries himself in you.
Phoenix: Cunnilingus. Nat doesn’t care how it happens, she just wants her tongue buried in you until you’re screaming her name. She prefers you sitting on her face, but she’s not complaining about other options.
Rooster: Doggy Style. Bradley loves being behind you. He’ll bend you over whatever surface he can or get you face down on the bed for a good fuck and some spanking. He enjoys the feeling of being over you controlling your orgasm.
Thanks for all the love on this one, ya thirsty animals.
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writingdumpster · 1 year
movie night
pairing: Bob Floyd x reader
warnings: no use of pronouns or gendered language. non sexual undressing
summary: you fall asleep during your movie night at Bob’s.
word count: .4k
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“Dear Mr. Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But we think you’re crazy for…”
Bob looked over at you as the end of his favorite movie played. Your legs had been over his lap since the lunch scene. He saw that your body was curled into the corner of his couch as you slept. He smiled. He found you completely adorable. He couldn’t help the way that his heart was beating while he reveled in the fact that you felt comfortable enough in his home to accidentally fall asleep on his couch. It felt so intimate to him. He knew it wasn’t the time, but he was itching to tell you he loved you as he watched the way your chest rose and fell steadily. He carefully lifted your legs from his lap and then kneeled down beside you.
“Come on, angel. Let’s go to bed,” Bob cooed to you as he gently shook your shoulder. You blinked your eyes open to see Bob’s blue ones looking at you fondly.
“What happened?” You murmured in question as you raised your head. Bob reached up and smoothed out your hair.
“You fell asleep, love,” Bob said quietly, not wanting to tear you too far away from sleep.
“Sorry, Bobby. I know it’s your favorite movie,” you said.
“We’ve watched it before, angel. It’s fine,” Bob assured you. “Let’s get you to bed.” You rose and followed him to his room, his fingers tangled with yours.
When you got to his room Bob pulled out the pajamas you had in your designated drawer in his dresser while you brushed your teeth. When you came back Bob was already in his pajamas. You gave him a warm smile.
“C’mere,” Bob called. You moved into his arms and let him hug you. He released you after a moment and kissed your forehead. “Arms up,” he requested. You smiled. You raised your arms and Bob pulled your shirt off, tossing it into his hamper. He helped you into your pajamas. Some part of him was determined to take care of you in any way he could at that moment. He would come to find out that the feeling would never go away. He tucked you into bed before crawling in beside you. You immediately curled into his chest and Bob felt his heart skip a beat.
“You’re the best boyfriend I’ve ever had, Bobby,” you murmured. Bob smiled and kissed your temple. You were already snoring softly. Bob couldn’t think anything except that he was determined to always be the best boyfriend you had.
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inkdrinkerworld · 1 year
A thought I had while watching top gun is in the scene when mav is like "don't tell me tell his family" and Bob looks sad I imagine that he's imagining someone having to tell his wife that he's dead 😭 the angst especially if they have kids / she is pregnant
omg yes!!
“don’t tell me, tell it to his family,” is replaying in bob’s mind all day.
he’s off, and everyone can tell he’s off.
“baby on board, everything okay?” even hangman’s voice doesn’t have the usual teasing tilt to it.
“p-peachy keen,” bob tries for nonchalance but the truth is, the thought of you having to come with your son to collect his belongings because he died on this mission is ringing like a bell in his head. R
hangman hums but they all move on with their day. bob isn’t there yet with his teammates to give them the whole rundown of your marriage and your son.
it lingers on his mind though. he doesn’t feel better till he’s parking in the front of the house and watches you open the door.
you notice something’s wrong with your husband immediately, bob knows you know when you stop your son from running across the yard and whisper, “wait till daddy gets to the door baby,”
“hi daddy!” bob’s miniature twin jumps on him and bob feels the ache in his chest dull slightly.
“hi buddy, you been good to your mama?” you ruffle bob’s gelled hair as you son affirms.
“and i helped her with dinner! we made,” he pauses, “mama, what did we make again?”
bob laughs then, heart light with the love of his son.
“we made daddy’s favourite, walleye.”
bob ushers you inside and locks the door behind himself.
“why don’t you go wash up buddy? and i’ll help your mama plate up?”
your son is wiggling out of bob’s arms in a flash.
you turn to bob and cup his cheek, “what happened today, robby?”
his eyes fill with tears behind his glasses, “something mav said,” you wait for him to continue in silence. “about us having to explain to the other pilots’ family and i just, i couldn’t stop thinking of you having to come collect my suit.”
“oh robby,” you coo, pulling him to your chest as your hand glides up and down his back. “i’m sorry that was on your mind today baby.”
you wipe his tears but know there’s really nothing you can say to get him not to worry about that. “i know you’ll do your best to make it back to us, i knew what i was getting into.” you say softly, feeling his nod on your shoulder.
“it just really got to me,” he says, wiping his cheeks before your son comes back out of the bathroom. “i love you, both of you.”
“i love you too,” you kiss him only to be interrupted by little feet pattering,
“mama, i want a kiss too.” bob chuckles as he pulls away and for now he’s comforted by the fact that he is home.
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sorchathered · 4 months
It had been the best day ever, but it wasn’t over yet.
You’d been that kid in school. The one who’s parents took them to Disney every summer, the one who was forever obsessed with all the movies and princesses and getting all dressed up to go meet Mickey Mouse the first day in the parks.
Your sweet midwestern boyfriend had never been, and you were determined to make it the best week of his life, planning adventure after adventure and the grand finale would be to spend the day at Galaxy’s Edge doing all the Star Wars themed things until his little nerd heart was good and content.
You woke him up that morning in space buns and a Princess Leia t-shirt, holding up the matching Han Solo one and bouncing on your toes as you excitedly rush him to get ready, promises for this to be the best day spilling from your mouth between kisses.
You’d taken him on every ride at least twice, loving the sparkle in his bright blue eyes as he takes it all in, and oh the character meet ups had been even better! Watching your tall, broad man be dwarfed by Chewbacca was hilarious, and when he’d gotten to see the Mandalorian it was the little giggle he let out at Grogu that had your heart absolutely melting.
You’d been waiting all day for his big surprise, and as you led him to the building marked Savi’s workshop he gasped when he realized what you had planned. “Wait- are we really?” He said with a toothy grin and you giggled at how childlike he looked in this moment. “We absolutely are, only the best for my man. Let’s go build you a lightsaber baby.”
He was over the moon, he’d loved every bit of this vacation but really today had taken the cake. He posed for pictures with stormtroopers in front of the Millennium Falcon and his new lightsaber while you grinned from ear to ear, and he knew for sure you were absolutely it for him. So when he pulled you in to take some pictures with him he distracted you with a kiss as he pulled the pretty ring from his pocket and then bent down to ask you to be his. You’d said it would be the best day ever for him but maybe it could be the best day for you both, tears welling up in your eyes as you squealed an enthusiastic yes while the crowd around you erupted in cheers and applause.
Later that night in your fancy suite at the Grand Floridian, your handsome Jedi laid you out on the gorgeous king size bed and took you apart with his hands and mouth before he finally sunk into you as he whispered the sweetest words that had your chest swelling with love and pride. Cradled in his arms in the early morning hours he sighed into the crook of your neck “I love you” and you just couldn’t help but reply “I know” with a grin.
It really had been the best day ever.
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Baby’s first kick
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Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x fem!reader
Summary: Bob comes home from his posting to find you asleep.
Word count: 1k
“Darlin’ I’m home…”
Closing the door to the entrance of his shared house he called out to you. He had only been gone for a few months but goddamn it felt like a lifetime. A lifetime away from the his sunshine.
He shifted further into the house upon hearing nothing but radio silence. Putting his keys in the teal, porcelain bowl on the mahogany drawer as he dropped his luggage near it. The hallway leading to the living room was silent. The stairs leading up to the first floor were stripped of any sight of you. Only containing pictures and framed memories of your lives, in snapshots.
He walked up to a particular one. His favourite. It was the day he graduated from Top Gun, he’d invited you and his parents and sisters to see him in his big day. It was you and him in the picture, him kneeling on one knee with a ring box in his hand as you stood there, baffled. A hand on your mouth and tears streaming down your face. The other hand held in Bob’s as he slid the ring on your finger. A smiling reflection was watching him back as he went to move up the stairs.
Carefully climbing up as he examined every photo that lined along the staircase. A picture of you and him on his parents’ ranch when you both were teenagers. You were wearing his cowboy hat. Staring at him while he straddled you. He had tried to help you up the horse but you ended up tripping and both of you fell face down on top of each other. His sister had taken that one, telling you both that it was too perfect of a shot to miss.
A little further up and it was yours and his family gathered at an annual summer barbecue, years ago. It was a weeks before he was due to be shipped off. You and him were in the middle of a makeshift dance floor, your head on his shoulder, his hand in yours as the other held your waist. His cheek rested on top of your head, both of your eyes closed as you took in the moment. That day his mother had pulled him aside and gave him her mother’s ring, a family heirloom for the right girl.
“I knew that girl was right for you the second you came home from your first day at school, blabbering about this beautiful girl that wanted to sit with you at lunch.”
It took him years to build up the courage to ask you. “The right time, son.” His dad had told him.
As he ascended the last few steps he came across to the newest edition to the “memory walk” (you had tried to name the thing). A black and white picture, that was a little blurry and pixilated but you could just make out the outline of a head. The head of an infant. His baby. Your baby.
He smiled to himself as he moved further up, finally coming onto the first floor of the house. He noticed the door to your shared bedroom was open wide. As he entered he noticed a blanket spread out, under it; you were sleeping soundlessly, a hand in your swollen belly. God, he had missed so much of your pregnancy.
The sun rays pattered down sneakily from behind the curtains, a fresh breeze of wind blew past him, causing him to shudder and you to shift under your blanket to get away from it. He smiled, a soft loving smile. He walked to his side, making sure to not step on certain floorboards to avoid any noise that’ll wake you. Slipping into his side, his hands moved to your waist towards your belly. He heard a gasp leave your mouth as you woke to see who the intruder was.
“Rob! Jesus you scared the shit out of me!” You screeched before sitting up and pulling him into your arms tightly. Burying your face into his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around you carefully.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. Didn’t mean to scare ya’.” The southern drawl was one of the things you had missed about him. But that smell, his smell was something you could never get enough of. Clad in his clothes this very moment, and you still couldn’t get enough.
The two of you broke off from the hug but Bob held you close, his hands moving further up to cup your face. Thumbs tracing cheeks and under eye. He looked you dead in the eyes, those damn eyes. He could never get enough of you. Not just your body but your personality, the way you talked when you were passionate about something. But damn those eyes always managed to knock him out everytime you made eye contact.
“You look beautiful.” He mumbled before leaning in to kiss you. He felt you let out a sigh, as if finalising that he wasn’t a dream. That he was here, really here.
His lips were soft against yours, fitting perfectly. Your fingers danced their way up his chest to his hair, running through it. Heavy breaths and content sighs were all that could be heard through the room as he pulled away from you. Pressing a small kiss to your forehead before resting it against his.
“I missed you both, so much.” He panted. One of his hands made home onto your stomach. Trying to feel something. Before his hand stopped a few centimetres above your belly button. He moved his hand up and down on that spot, as if he were petting it.
“We missed you too, daddy.” As if on cue, you felt something kick against your stomach, the same spot his hand was on. You looked at him with wild eyes, mouth dropping slightly. This was their first kick.
“How did you-“
“Call it a father’s intuition, honey.” He replied smugly. Pulling away from you to put himself right in front of your belly. “Hey, champ. Did you give your mamma a hard time?”
You thought that it was ridiculous of him to talk to the baby when they couldn’t hear him. But all was proven wrong when you felt another kick. You out a gasp, looking down at Bob who wore the same expression. You pushed glasses back up his nose as he peppered small kisses all over your belly, making you laugh. His eyes held so much love in them. You thought it was safe to say that maybe the baby could hear him.
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topgun-imagines · 2 years
The Proposal
Requested: yes
Summary: Bob proposes to you during a night out at the Hard Deck.
Word count: 0.9k
Warnings: none
Note: This turned out much longer than I expected 😅Join the celebration! 
Pairings: Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x fem!reader
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“Make sure you have rose petals. Women love those.” Jake tossed a handful of peanuts into his mouth. The Dagger Squad was all littered throughout the break room, all taking turns giving Bob advice on how to propose to you. Bob sighed as he listened to his friends. While he knew they meant well, he was kinda getting tired of their endless suggestions. When he had first told them about his plan to propose to you, it had started off with a round of congratulations which was very quickly followed by a bunch of ideas to ‘improve’ his plan.
Only a few minutes ago he had been listening to Bradley rant about all the cliché’s that he should avoid. Bob was hardly listening at this point. If he focused he could hear Phoenix mention something about making sure it was both something memorable and something that wasn’t too large. She made sure to remind him that he didn’t want to make too big a deal out of it. The WSO only nodded along absentmindedly. As if his pilot could sense his disinterest, she stopped talking and convinced the guys to drop the conversation.
A little while later and they all began filing out of the room, promising to meet up at the Hard Deck later. Bob waved goodbye to the group as he made his way to his car. He quickly pulled out of the parking lot and began the short drive home to you. He arrived home in less than 10 minutes.
Once he made his way inside he found you on the edge of the sofa folding a load of laundry. There was a small smile on his face as he snuck up behind you. You were stacking the clothes into the bin when his hand came down on your shoulders, yelling ‘boo’ a few inches from your ear. Bob’s beautiful laugh floated through the room as you shrieked. When you turned to face him, you threw a playful glare his way before returning to your laundry. Your boyfriend pressed a chaste kiss to your hair before heading upstairs.
He changed quickly, slipping out of his uniform and into civilian clothes. Once he was finished he headed back downstairs. By the time he returned, you were moving to carry the basket upstairs, pressing your lips to his cheek as you passed him. He waited patiently for you in the kitchen.
A few minutes later you returned downstairs. You slid up next to him, bumping your hip into his playfully. “Ready to go?” He questioned, winding his arm around your waist and pulling you into his side. You nodded, grasping his hand and moving with him toward the front door. You and Bob walked the few blocks to the bar, your boyfriend swinging your arms back and forth the whole way.
When you stepped into the crowded bar your eyes immediately darted over to the pool table. The Dagger Squad was crowded around the pool table. Jake and Phoenix were in the middle of a round when you walked up to them. She treated you with a warm smile. You and Bob made yourselves comfortable on the stools while you watched the game unfold. Bob had his arm around your waist while you leaned into his side. Your boyfriend couldn’t help but notice the looks that his colleagues kept throwing him. At one point in the night he even got a text from Bradley wishing him luck. He was thankful that you had gone with Phoenix to grab the next round.
After a little while Bob had finally sucked up enough courage. He decided that he was just going to do it his way. When you returned a few minutes later Bob stood and took your hand. You shot him a confused smile as he led you out the back doors of the bar. You were instantly transfixed by the beautiful sunset. The colors that littered the sky were also reflecting off of the water. You stepped closer to the railing on the deck, staring out at the sunset.
When you heard a throat clear behind you you turned, a shocked gasp escaping your lips at the sight in front of you. There were tears in your eyes as you stepped closer to Bob. He was down on one knee in front of you with a ring box in his hand. He pulled it open to reveal a beautiful ring. “I was gonna wait until I had a solid plan before asking you,” He started, causing you to laugh quietly. “But I really couldn’t wait any longer,” His hand shook as he took in a large breath. “Will you marry me?” A happy sob bubbled out of your chest. You nodded vigorously. A large smile took over Bob’s face as he stood up. You could hear loud cheers erupt from inside as your now fiancé slipped the ring onto your finger.
Seconds later the doors opened, revealing the Dagger Squad as they emerged from the bar. You squealed loudly as Natasha wrapped you in a hug, pulling back to congratulate you. A few feet away Bob was being clapped on the back by Jake and Bradley. Cheers erupted through the group at Jake’s promise of drinks on him. As you all headed back inside your arm wound through Bob’s. There were wide smiles on both of your faces as you stepped inside the bar.
A/n: Thank you all for reading! Feel free to join the celebration or send in any requests.
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Mamma mia | chapter two
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listen to: Crazier - Taylor Swift| This is me trying - Taylor Swift (playlist here)
warnings: accidental pregnancy, smut 18+, raising a child alone. warnings will be added as the story progresses. For this chapter maybe being a single mom.
series masterlist + read the next chapter early on my ko-fi!!
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It’d been over twenty minutes since Augustine and James had burst through the door and had dragged Bob in, first to the sunroom, then to the living room. 
It had been over fifteen minutes since Augustine went fully stalked on Bob. She hadn’t stopped looking at him with her light green doe-eyes, a permanent smile drawn on her face as she listened to Bob answering her questions and James. 
“Bob, you should stay for dinner!” Augustine insisted with a happy giggle as she grabbed Bob’s hand, pulling him from the couch and chasing both you and James to the kitchen. 
Bob seemed overwhelmed, to say the least. It usually happened with Augustine, she had the energy of a thousand suns. Her mother often told both you and James that she was happy that she had both of you guys in her life, you could keep her in the ground. She wasn’t quite right about that, you often encouraged Auggies dreams, eccentric hobbies, and outlandish passions. It was what you loved the most about her. 
“You’d want me to stay?” he asked meekly as Augustine sat him on the table of the kitchen and then climbed on it, placing her feet on the chair he was seated in, he moved his legs to give her space as she places her chin on her hand and watched him with dreamy eyes. 
“You want him to stay?” James asked as she tried to check on the pie she’d decided to make for the three of you and then on the pasta she was brewing, before she ran to the fridge, taking out some ice and placing them on your wrist while you stirred the pasta, helping her. 
She was always cooking a bit too much for only the three of you and things that didn’t mix up. Gold dust woman played in the background of the kitchen, you gazed at Bob who seemed a bit dumbfounded by all the activity going on in a small house, just three girls there. You smiled. It must’ve seen chaotic to anyone that didn’t know better but the three of you knew each other so well that you worked like clockwork.
“Augustine,” You warned her as you sat down next to Bob, giving him a warm smile and then returning to Augustine. 
“What?” she shrugged as she twirled her bright auburn hair. “You’ve been so nice to our friend, we should let him stay,” she insisted as she coyly traced patterns on Bob’s forearm. 
She was smitten. Bob seemed a bit petrified by her forwardness but there was a slight gleam in his eyes. 
“You’re treating him as if he’s a puppy,” James tutted Augustine as she added a last touch of salt to the pasta. 
Augustine tilted her head to the side as if she could see it. You were sure she would paint it, she was an artist, and she would spend her time drawing and painting common day-to-day things, sometimes even weird things. You didn’t doubt for a second she was already deciding if Bob was more of a dachshund or a golden retriever. 
“Auggie,” you said before you hissed slightly after a certain move of your wrist. Bob's eyes fell on you, immediately concerned.
“Are you okay?” he asked, watching carefully, making sure that you hadn’t damaged the bandage. Your wrist twinged with a faint pain as you looked at how he held your wrist, examining it carefully. 
“Yeah,” you smiled sweetly at him. He liked how you looked at him, there was a softness in your eyes but also a slight hint of fire. Bob nodded with a smile, raising the glasses from the tip of his nose. “I’ll show Bob the way out,”
“Bye, Bob!” Augustine called as you walked away from the kitchen, Bob following you. He turned around and gave Augustine a handsome smile. It made her squeal. 
You chuckled as you reached the door and opened it for Bob. Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath of the salty air, the sound of the waves crashing against the ocean, you wondered if your date with Bob would lead to a summer with him. 
“Your friends are really nice,” he muttered, making you open your eyes as you turned towards him. A slight blush spread through your cheeks, he noticed. 
“Thank you,” you answered as you leaned against the frame of the door. 
Bob smiled. He leaned into you, and your breath hitched in your throat slightly before closing your eyes, feeling his lips pressing against yours. “I’ll talk to you soon,” he muttered, his voice a bit gruff. 
You nodded, wide-eyed as you kissed him one more time softly before he finally left. Your heart hammered in your chest as you watched him walk away, biting your inner lip as you wondered if he would be the rest of the summer for you. Staying there for a moment, you let your mind wander, there were so many endless opportunities this summer, and your life was just going to start. 
By the time you returned to the kitchen, James had already served dinner. She and Augustine were whispering excitedly, their eyes fell on you immediately. They squealed loudly while you laughed as you sat at the table with them.
“He’s so cute!” Augustine giggled first, she grabbed your hand excitedly barely knocking the wine from the table, James catching it easily. “How well does he kiss?”
“You want to kiss him?” James asked with a huff. 
Augustine's eyes lit up. “Can I?”
“Be my guest,” you laughed, holding her hand as Augustine shrieked. James' eyes landed on you, and she raised her eyebrow at you, warning you silently. “Sharing is caring,” you shrugged.
Augustine let out a gasp before she leaned over the table, almost knocking the wine from the table again, and kissed you loudly on the cheek. 
“That’s a real friend!” 
“You can’t!” James intervened. “You always do this Auggie, you fall for the ones that don’t seem to hurt a fly and then you end up with a broken heart,”
Augustine seemed to be deflated, her eyes turning a bit sad as she recalled her past flings. Many flings. Augustine could charm anyone and she fell easily, she fell hard. You tilted your head towards James, squinting softly at her before you took Augustine's hand and squeezed it. James shrugged. 
“You’re right,” Augustine huffed. “Quiet ones are the worst,” she said as she took a big bite of her pasta. 
“And you said that you were on relationship celibacy this summer,”
“We all are,” you assured James. 
“Kisses?Yes. Foreplay? Sure.” James stated seriously as if it was a matter of national security while she sipped a bit of her wine. 
Augustine’s light seemed to return as her eyes wandered mindlessly on the kitchen, her blush returning to her cheeks. “Dot. Dot. Dot?” she asked James with a smile.
James nodded playfully. “Fine by me,” she stated. “Whirlwind romances, one night stands and not looking back?”
Augustine and you agreed immediately, all three of you laughing loudly as you finally ate your dinner peacefully. You tried not to think too much about Bob as you all ate and then cleaned up. It didn’t work though, by the time you finished the dishes and finally went to lie in your bed, you were already thinking about late-night dips in the ocean, the salty taste if you kissed him there, his fingers touching your skin again. 
“Sweets,” James called you, snapping out of your thoughts. “Get ready,” she said as she leaned on the frame of your door. You frowned. 
“We’re leaving for a party in an hour and a half,” James explained as she washed her teeth, Augustine already had the rollers in her head and was brushing her teeth as well. 
You groaned slightly. “I just spend so much time at the hospital, I can’t like to get a pass?” you asked them, puppy-eyeing them, hoping they would let you stay and rest.
James snorted as Augustine gasped, audibly. “You promised this summer was going to be ours,” she insisted as she sat on your bed. “You can’t back out,” she warned.
You rolled your eyes before you smiled at her.
Friday mornings were your favorite in the summer. They always seemed a bit too perfect, too warm, too golden for them to actually exist. The kitchen windows are open, the large glass panels giving you a perfect view of the beach, letting the sound of waves crashing against the sand. You sip on your coffee as you watch Inés carefully drawing a picture with the most precision you’d ever guessed a six-year-old could have. 
“What are you doing my sweet girl?” James asks as she climbs down the snail-like chairs with her laptop in hand. She was probably giving a lecture, it was already a bit late for her to be getting out of her room at this time. 
“Look, Auntie!” 
Inés smiles brightly as she watches her aunt climbing from the stairs. Quickly, showed the picture to James, even though she had refused to let you see the unfinished product. You shake your head as James gasps dramatically while examining the drawing. It was for her summer classes that had started this week, homework she had assured you. 
“This is the most beautiful painting I’ve ever seen!” James gasped as she sat down next to Inés while you stood up, shaking your head as you smell the pancakes cooking on the stove. The smell fills the air, and a sense of contentment and peace fills your chest. 
Last night you hadn’t really slept that well, honestly, it wasn’t until Inés climbed to your bed around three in the morning that you had managed to let go of everything that had happened the previous night. When you woke up this morning, you’d tried to forget it, you’d promised yourself to let it go. You hadn’t thought about them in a long time and you knew this town better than they ever could, you knew how to avoid them. You knew you could. 
“It’s me and mommy,” Inés explains to James, pointing at the circle and stick figures she’d made. You smile proudly as you serve Inés her pancakes, even though they were only sticks and figures, Augustine had already told Inés about the depth in a painting and she’d managed well enough. 
“That’s amazing, baby,” you congratulate your daughter, as you caressed her chubby cheeks while gazing at her sea-foam green eyes. 
Inés smiles happily at you while she looked down at the drawing for a second and frowned slightly. You caught it right away, the way her little brows furrowed. 
“Mommy,” she asks, you can feel the uneasiness in her voice. 
“Can I draw Auntie Auggie and Auntie James?” she hesitates. “Since I don’t have a dad, I don’t want it to look empty,”
You flinch at the question, ever so slightly, then you manage to set your face back in a mask of calm. There was a beat of silence in the air as you took a deep breath, James’ eyes fell on you. Inés had asked about her father ever since she started kindergarten, before that the only type of family she knew was the one you’d molded for her.  
“Of course baby,” you say. “You can add grandma too,” 
Inés’ face lit up again, that joyful smile that you used to recognize in someone else years before appeared on her face, and a noise that registered delight escaped her little lips. Without any hesitation, she takes her pencil colors and continues her hard work. 
James glances at you again, but you’re no longer in that kitchen. You’re back on the Hard Deck the day before, watching the ghosts of your past emerging from the shadows, causing you to reevaluate every decision you’d ever made. 
“Hey,” James says. 
You snap out of your thoughts as you glance down at your coffee and the pancakes, trying to take a deep breath before looking at James. 
“Why don’t you finish that, I have to show mommy a little something,” James asks Inés, who simply nodded her head. 
You follow James to the living room, it’d changed a lot in the past few years, the old green sofás were no longer there. Instead, cozy white sofás surround the place, with a nice coffee table and books. Not like before, not like it was when they spent their nights here. 
“When are you going to tell her she does have a father?” 
“I’ve told her she does have one,” you snip at James. “She doesn’t need to know who he is. I’ll tell her when the time’s right”
“The time is now,” James says. “She’s starting first grade and you know how mean children are,”
It feels like the air was sucked out of the room as you stare at James. The way that your chest aches, the way your heart contorts in your chest. At first, you believe that you’re scared, you’re scared because you never prepared yourself for this. Honestly, nothing with Inés was really prepared or thought out, not even her birth. And yet you know that’s not it, it takes you a moment to realize. Guilt. Guilt because you feel like you’re setting up your kid for failure, guilt because her dad is in this town, guilt because you honestly don’t really know-
“Hey,” James calls as she grabs your hand. “You with me?”
Fighting for your tears to remain in your eyes, you nod. “Inés has a strong support system, she has me, she has you two, and my mother,” you say. “Just because she doesn’t have the traditional nuclear family, it doesn’t mean that she’s not okay,”
“I never said,”
“The family I created for her is beautiful, she has a sense of community and belonging and she’s happy,” you suck in a breath. “I don’t need this right now,”
Inés called you back into the kitchen and you don’t give time to James to bring up the topic anymore. You praise her for her creativity and talent, and she beams with pride as you tell her that you’ll put it in the sunroom along with her other drawings. Maybe even frame it. As you clean up the breakfast dishes, you feel grateful that James lets you be, taking Inés from your hands as she will drive her to summer camp.
By the time you get out of the house, it is already early afternoon. Fridays are a good day for you at work, always managing to draft and write all the documents requested from you in the morning, giving you the afternoon to run errands and spend time with Inés. A movie night was in order, Auggie had chosen it and Inés was excited to see Hocus Pocus, again. 
And then you recall that you still owe Penny Benjamin around twenty bucks, even more for the broken glass. You wince at the thought of going back to the Hard Deck but it’s still early, there’s no possible way that the Navy guys arrive there that early. Although, in all honesty, it’d been a while since you’d been that early to the small bar near the Beach. 
The sun was bright, and the air was hot but you try to take a deep breath as you walk up to the Hard Deck. There’s a dread as you stay out of the bar a little longer, the heat making your hair stick a little bit to your skin while you glare at the bar. 
I’m not fucking scared of a place. You tell yourself and yet you can feel the anxiety building up inside of your chest but you still walk up to the bar. With a deep breath, you push the door open. It was a little bit more packed than you expected it to be but alas, you don’t notice any uniforms near the bar. There’s only Penny, cleaning some glasses as she talks to Jimmy. 
“Loved your disappearing act from yesterday,” Penny says brightly.
“I know,” you groan as you fish around in your purse for your wallet. “Here’s what I owe you,” you offer to Penny.
“There’s really no need, kid,” Penny replies. 
“I insist,” 
Penny lets out a sigh as she shakes her head and places the money in her back pocket with a smile. You let out a deep breath as you nod to Penny and begin to turn away. 
“Are you going to tell me what was that yesterday?”
Your brows furrow immediately, and a twinge of anxiety ripples through your body as you turn to Penny, she was watching you intently. 
“It wasn’t anything,” you lie. Penny raises one eyebrow at you. “I mean, he was getting a little bit too close,” you finally say. 
She doesn’t believe you, you can see it in her eyes but she doesn’t bother you with questions and you’re slightly thankful for that. 
“I’ll see you around, kid,” Penny finally says and you nod.
“See ya,” you answer as you turn around and suddenly freeze. 
Bradley Bradshaw was never good at taking his eyes off of you. Often teasing him when his eyes lingered a bit longer on your body, on your face, you recall how your body felt like those days, how it vibrated every time his eyes fell on you. It doesn’t feel the same way now. Now, your mind goes into overdrive as he stares at you, as you see how his smile falters for a moment, and then drops completely as he sees you. 
And then, he walks behind him. 
Bob’s Floyd light smile still seems to make goosebumps appear all over your skin when in all honesty, it shouldn’t. But his smile doesn’t falter, you know when he’s genuine, you know that he’s actually happy to see you which in turn only makes you feel worse as both of them call your name at the same time. 
You stumble backward and something in your chest, a pressure that you hadn’t felt in a long time washes over you. It feels like you can’t breathe as both of them stare at each other with a frown. 
Your vision goes blurry, and by the time you try to speak, your throat feels so tight that no words come out of your mouth. All you can feel is the panic rising inside your chest, your worst nightmare coming to life. 
Suddenly, everything goes black.
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author's note: I'm so excited for chapter three! thank you so much for being patient with me!
taglist: @not-two-shrimp @startrekfangirl2233 @caitsymichelle13 @callsign-cherrybomb @books-are-escapes @siriusfahey @fulla02 @bananas1234michaelclifford-blog @2525sc @grxcisxhy-wp @cottagecori @shawnsblue @rogersbarnesxx @safeikik @mimisparkle12 @darkheartcherry @brokenhearts-world-blog @fudosl @lovingjakeseresin @strwbhrrygarfield @twsssmlmaa @wearewhoweare28 @ittydoor @lnmp89 @mickeygs-world @actuallyazriel @laracrofted @railmerooster @tempt-ress @eli2447 @callsign-cherrybomb @fulla02reads @saramaple @caidi-paris @astronomeoww @andromeda-starship @endofdays56 @hollydaddy @msunnyblog @na-ta-sh-aa @cottagecori @deadgirl02 @flashyourgreeneyesatme @abaker74 @thesimpybitch @pinkpantheris
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