armoralor · 1 year
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inspired by comments from @daimyosprincess and @writingwintermoon on my Fennec post ✰ y'all are so right and I agree
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bisexual-cryptid · 3 years
boba: would you slap your best friend in the face for a million credits?
fennec: i’d roundhouse kick you in the face for free.
boba, tearing up: i’m your best friend?
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eurydia · 3 years
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love you've found it's this tenderness, it is all you need
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christopher-bryant · 3 years
Din: After I help you and Boba I have to go bathe in the mines on Mandalore.
Fennec: Why?
Din: Because thats where the living waters are and I have to bathe in them to become a Mandalorian again. Once my helmet was removed it made me no longer a Mando. This is how I restore my status.
Fennec: Who told you that you were no longer a Mandalorian?
Din: Another Mandalorian. But its in our rules. Once your helmet is off, you're no longer a Mandalorian.
Boba: Aren't you in possession of the dark saber?
Din: Yeah.
Boba: The blade that which won in combat, gives the weilder power over all things Mandalore? Including laws?
Din: Yeah.
Fennec: So since you are currently the ruler of Mandalore, can't you just do away with that rule?
Din: I don't think thats allowed.
Boba: Says who? You are the ruler of Mandalore and all things Mandalorian.
Din: Should I check with someone to make sure I can?
Fennec: Oh for kriffs sake. You are who you should check with!
Din: But laws, rules and creeds are set in place.
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fandumb-thoughts · 3 years
The joys of being a multi shipper. You never lose.
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Boba won many things today: The people's respect, his fight against Cad Bane, Din and Fennec's hand in marriage.
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Alright I changed my mind
Fennec on one side of Boba’s throne, Cobb on the other (with new non Mandalorian armor), Boba relaxing in between them, and Din on his knees by their feet.
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ziltoidcoffee · 3 years
Does Boba just collect pretty people and mod them to save their life? Cause that's goals.
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shanediomorrissey · 3 years
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I just think it’d be neat if they had an absolute rager of a party after all they’ve been thru. They deserve it.
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armoralor · 1 year
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inspired by these iconic lesbian posts (x x x) ✰ reminder that TERFs can fuck off, and if you reblog this you love trans & nb women ❤️
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gorgeourrific-nerd · 3 years
the book of boba fett s2e1 spoilers:
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mykingdomforasong · 3 years
“can i play with your hair?” & boba/din/fennec
[prompt list]
Mild episode 4 spoilers, lots of episode 5+ speculation
Past(ish) Dincobb
"Credits can buy muscle," Fennec had told him, "if you know where to look."
Looking was the issue. The Mandalorian had disappeared, it seemed, after they'd dropped him off back on Nevarro, childless and moping. The dropper and his former employer hadn't seen him since soon after that. They'd suggested he might be hiding in the tunnels under the city where the other Mandos used to live, but they hadn't found him yet if he was.
"If you see him ..." Fennec started. Cara nodded.
"I'll tell him where to find you." The call ended.
It was weeks before a poor man in worn threads walked down the steps to the throne room. He didn't have an appointment, but he'd made it in nonetheless. He carried a heavy sack of clattering trinkets on his back.
Fennec figured out what was in the bag when she saw his hair. It was all she'd really managed to see of him as the Jedi took his kid away. He'd kept the armor on for the journey back to Nevarro as if nothing had happened.
Boba shifted and gestured for the Mandalorian to start talking. She could tell he hadn't figured it out yet, and she held her tongue, curious to see how long exactly it would take for him to make a connection.
"I'm looking for work," the Mandalorian said. His unmodified voice was the way she remembered it, warmer and more pleasant than the metallic clamor of his voice under the helmet. She felt similarly about Boba's voice. It was intimidating and mysterious to most people, but she wasn't someone who was easily intimidated. Standing in front of them now, the Mandalorian didn't look like a man who was trying to intimidate anyone at all.
"What kind of work?" Boba asked. If he'd figured it out, he wasn't letting on. The Mandalorian kept up his game.
"I can fight," he said.
Boba sat up straighter. "Prove it."
The Mandalorian took the sack off his back and reached into it. He stepped forward, stood over the rancor pit without flinching, and handed Boba a piece of his armor - the beskar shoulder with the emblem of the Mudhorn.
"Why should we hire you," Fennec started, "if you've killed our friend?" She smiled at him, hoping he'd notice the game they were all playing now.
"I think," Mando started slowly, "we all know that things get easier when you're dead to the galaxy."
Boba had started sleeping in her bed now that he didn’t need the bacta tank. When he touched her, the metal that made up her insides now started to whirl, betraying her attempts at cool indifference. It did save her some energy, though. When she really was indifferent, she didn't have to tell him he wasn't doing it right.
So there wasn't any hiding her arousal from him when he suggested inviting Din to bed with them. Her middle buzzed at the idea of the three of them in bed together. She wondered if he'd ever put his mouth to use with a partner before, and which one of them he'd prefer.
"Glad you like the idea," Boba said, running a thumb over one of her nipples.
"How do you know he likes women?" She asked.
"How do you know he likes men?"
She laughed.
Earlier that night, Din had reintroduced himself to them over dinner, still in the threadbare clothes he’d grabbed off the streets of Nevarro in a hurry.
"And this is all for that sword?" Fennec asked.
He nodded. He'd broken his creed, he'd explained. By the rules of his covert he was dar'manda. But there were other versions of the Mandalorian rules. Putting the armor back on was still an option. Boba relaxed a bit, to know that he was close to securing a second set of beskar for his looming turf war.
The real problem was the Dark Saber.
"The armor makes me too recognizable. No one knows what face was under it. People think they have to kill me for the thing. They fight me like it's to the death." He paused and took a drink. "So far, it has been."
He'd been biding his time with his anonymity, laying low in outer rim cities in a ship worth less than what he paid for it. He'd spent some time in Mos Pelgo with a man familiar to all of them. After a few months, he'd just started letting people believe Mando the bounty hunter was killed by someone looking to claim the Dark Saber. He hadn't had the helmet on since then.
"How do you know he likes men?" Boba asked.
She laughed.
"He was fucking the Marshal who use to wear your armor," she told him, poking at his chest where his armor would have been if they weren't both naked.
Boba thought over what she'd said; she could see him playing back their dinner conversation in his mind, noticing the way he blushed and smiled when he talked about the Marshal, like it'd never occurred to him to try and control the way his face looked. It hadn't, she figured, ever occurred to him.
"Think he'll fuck me?" was all he said back.
"Depends on if he likes the armor or the men who wear it more," she said.
"And which do you prefer?" He asked. She just smiled and rolled over, making a small humf noise with her mouth, as if she'd ever give him an answer to that question.
Seducing Din Djarin was the easiest thing either of them had done all week.
His muscle might have cost a small fortune, but the rest of him could be bought with a friendly visit to the rancor, half a glass of wine, and a decent meal.
He wasn’t as dense as he sometimes seemed. They were only in Fennec’s room for a few minutes before it became overwhelmingly obvious that he liked men without their armor just fine.
Fennec sat on the other side of the room, drinking wine from the bottle as the two of them kissed and groped at each other like school boys on her bed. She left her insides covered to muffle the sound they were making, but the bacta had made Boba’s hearing even sharper.
“And what about Fennec?” Boba asked. “Do you like her?” He spared her the humiliation of saying she likes you. If Din agreed, it’d be obvious soon enough.
“Yes,” Din said, looking at her. “I like women with dark hair.”
No matter how horny or happy he ever looked, something about him always looked just a little sad, a little pathetic, like a drowned loth cat. She expected that to turn her off more than it did. She hoped she wasn’t developing a type for strong men who were just pathetic enough to boost her own ego. But her insides betrayed her as Din stared at her, and she was already aware of how wet she was from just watching the two of them together. She decided to shelve questions about her taste in men and the bottle of wine for a later time.
“Alright, Mando,” she said, pushing him back onto the bed and straddling him. She rocked against him, hoping he was quick to rise. She could be patient about a lot of things, but this wasn’t one of them.
“Din,” he said as he exhaled. “Call me Din.”
She leaned down to his mouth, keeping a hand on his chest and letting another move to his hair. She liked his hair too, and had since she saw the back of it months ago.
“I’ll call you whatever I want, baby,” she said.
Din groaned and bucked his hips up to meet her. Her insides hummed as he and Boba finally started acting like warriors.
Din wasn’t as useless with his mouth as Fennec had worried. When she’d commented on it, he just turned red.
“Have you had a lot of lovers in the last few months?” Fennec asked.
“Just the one,” he said, and they all understood who he meant. “We just did that a lot. And he was … instructive.”
“Remind me to send the Marshal of Mos Pelgo a fruit basket,” she said.
“Do you miss him?” Boba asked Din. Their faces were soft as they stared at each other, half in love already by her estimate. She’d put money on the fact that Boba was already coming up with some plan to bring the man who’d worn his armor halfway across the planet just to make Din happy.
“I miss a lot of people,” Din said.
“Did you miss us?” Fennec asked, a lot less tender in her tone. She ran a hand through his hair again, twisting a curly strand around her finger. Din took a deep breath. She’d been tugging on his hair all night, but this seemed to be undoing him. She put a finger under his chin and tilted his face up to hers as if to ask can I play with your hair?
“I did miss you,” he said. “You were kind to me when I needed it.”
Boba smiled and draped an arm over him, reaching across him and resting a hand on Fennec's bare hip. “You’re part of a crime family now,” he told him. “We’re nothing but kind.”
The statement was ludicrous in its sincerity, and she almost hated that it wasn’t a joke.
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bisexual-cryptid · 3 years
fennec, answering the phone: hello?
boba: it’s boba.
fennec: what did he do this time?
boba: what? no it’s me boba fett.
fennec: what did you do this time?
boba: so the thing is-
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eurydia · 3 years
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the dreams are back
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ssjsabri985 · 3 years
So I ship dincobb and bobafennec but this episode gave me bobadin and bobadinfennec—
May I have all of them? In the same bed? Ahah.
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hanorganaas · 3 years
bro fennec and boba are eating like a married couple i love it
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