#bodhi root beads
woodxstone · 1 year
Other names: Pu Ti Zi
From Seeds used for Bodhi beads in China (link below):
Bodhi beads are Buddhist prayer items that have been traditional tools for counting while reciting a mantra, as prayer beads have been used in other world religions. The Bodhi beads are called Pu Ti Zi in Chinese: Pu Ti means Bodhi tree (Ficus religiosa), and Zi means seed; but Bodhi beads are not made of the seeds of a Bodhi tree. ...In modern times, ‘Bodhi seeds’ do not refer to any particular plant but instead refer generally to seeds and the fruits of various plants used to make prayer beads.
Bodhi beads have an important position in Tibetan Buddhism and are very popular in Tibet (the Xizang Tibetan Autonomous Region). The culture of Bodhi beads spread throughout Tibet and other provinces of China, and there are dozens to hundreds of Bodhi beads with different meanings. Recently, people have begun to wear Bodhi beads as a kind of praying or blessing ornament, in addition to functioning as a prayer bead.
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Bodhi seed prayer beads. From Wikimedia Commons by Аркадий Зарубин.
Most seeds of a particular species can produce only one type of Bodhi bead. However, different degrees of processing of Corypha umbraculifera, Daemonorops jenkinsiana, and Elaeis guineensis can be used to make different types of Bodhi bead. The seeds with 2-, 3- or 4-loculed drupes of Ziziphus abyssinica can be used to make ‘Phoenix eye’, ‘Dragon eye’, and ‘Kylin eye’, respectively. Chinese names of most Bodhi beads are according to the morphological characteristics of their respective seeds; for example, the beads called ‘Moon and Stars’ usually have an ivory surface with small holes (moons) and tiny black dots (stars). Seeds of Caesalpinia bonduc are grayish, shiny, ovoid to globose, and look like the moon; therefore, the name of the corresponding Bodhi bead is ‘Moon seed’.
The occurrence frequencies of four types of Bodhi beads reached at least 50%, including ‘King Kong’, ‘Moon and star’, ‘Bodhi root’, and ‘Phoenix eye’. These were the most popular Bodhi beads in the markets.
The most common Bodhi bead, ‘King Kong’, is made from the fruit of Elaeocarpus angustifolius. ‘Two-furrowed King Kong’ is made from the fruit of Elaeocarpus hainanensis. ‘King Kong’ may have been the earliest form of prayer bead in India, named ‘Rudraksha’ in the local language, meaning ‘eye of Shiva’.
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Rudraksha mala at Pasupati region kathmandu, Nepal. From Wikimedia Commons by Janak Bhatta.
‘Moon and stars’ is a very popular and traditional Bodhi bead in Chinese Buddhism and is the hard and dense seed of Daemonorops jenkinsiana. The ‘Moon and stars’ name reflects the small holes (moon) and tiny black dots (stars) covering the seed’s surface.
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Moon and stars bodhi beads. From Wikimedia Commons by pack372sd.
Seeds of Corypha umbraculifera are used to make ‘Bodhi root’ beads. In India, it is also called ‘vegetable ivory’ and is a traditional tool for carving Buddhist Sutras, such as the famous ‘tale palm’ or ‘tad-patri’ because the leaves are flexible and soft when dry.
‘Phoenix eye’ and ‘Small phoenix eye’ are made from the fruits of Ziziphus abyssinica and Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosa, respectively. The name ‘Phoenix eye’ refers to the eye-like shape that appears on the hard endocarp.
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A "Phoenix Eye" mala. The beads are made from the polished seeds of the Ziziphus budhensis tree, known locally as Buddhacita, which are endemic to the Timal region of Kavreplanchok and at Namobuddha in Central Nepal. From Wikimedia Commons by Christopher J. Lynn.
🟤 Seeds used for Bodhi beads in China (ncbi.nml.nih.gov)
🟤 Rudraksha - Wikipedia
Wood info masterpost
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korpikorppi · 2 years
The Untamed costumes extra:
Waist ornaments
We all know the beautiful, tasseled ornaments the Twin Jades wear hanging from their belts:
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So, I thought an extra costume post looking at these and other waist ornaments seen in the Untamed might be called for.
Various kinds of waist ornaments, yaopei, have tradionally been worn with hanfu. The long tasseled jade waist pendants often seen in historical c-drama (and in the Untamed), are the type of yaopei called jinbu that were originally worn to hold down the hanfu skirts; @ziseviolet who runs an amazing blog on hanfu has this excellent post that provides more information.
So, in addition to the esteemed Lan brothers, who else wears a jinbu in the Untamed? Let's start with... him.
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Jin Guangshan is wearing what to me looks like the most traditional style of jinbu among those seen in the Untamed. It comprises a carved nefrite jade (hetian jade?) piece that looks like it might be a variation of double dragon head huang (the lower picture is a piece from Han Dynasty era, shamelessly stolen from the net). From the jade are hanging three pendants of various yellow gemstones, perhaps yellow topaz and amber?, each adorned with a golden yellow tassel.
And we have more Jins wearing jinbu. No, not Jin Zixuan, who actually dresses rather modestly to be called a Peacock, but his half-brother.
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Chief Cultivator Jin Guangyao wears not one but two identical waist ornaments hanging from his jade-decorated belt. The pieces comprise tassels of the same yellow as Jin Guangshan's, and beads of silver and various gemstones in red (ruby or garnet?), yellow (topaz?) and dark gray (that's a tough one... translucent black jade?), but I have not managed to find a good close-up shot of them. Do you know how many in-focus below-the-waist close-ups the are in the Untamed? Not bloody nearly many enough! Also, a little side note here! I have been watching the Monarch Industry / Rebel Princess, and just noticed that Emperor Ma Zitan wears rather similar double waist ornaments with one of his outfits. So this is probably a specific style of jinbu?
And we have Jin Ling, who wears the Jiang Clarity Bell hanging from his waist (the only one seen to wear it thus in the Untamed).
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Jin Ling's waist ornament is quite interesting, because in addition to the small silver bells (two instead of one) it has two carved Bodhi Root beads (one depicting a lotus bud), a carved lotus pendant in what looks like white nephrite jade, and pale yellow double tassels with silver caps; identical to the ornament Jiang Yanli drops onto a stone, breaking the jade pendant, while waiting for news from Lotus Pier after the Wen attack.
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So, do all Jiang Clarity Bells have the same construction? Are they all identical? It doesn't seem to be the case: at least the one Jiang Yanli gives to Wei Wuxian in Yiling before her wedding is different, with a different kind of large lotus bead:
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So it seems that the waist ornament Jin Ling wears is the one that belonged to his mother, with the broken jade pendant repaired or, perhaps more likely, carved anew at some point before Jiang Yanli's death. If that is the case, Jin Ling has something from both of his parents: his father's sword and his mother's clarity bell. I do not remember if that was mentioned to be the case in the novel?
Talking about Jiang Yanli, she is the only woman in the Untamed seen wearing a jinbu. This takes place during the Phoenix Mountain hunt and when she stays at Jinlintai afterwards, and both her outfit and the jinbu are clearly Jin in style.
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The jinbu comprises various silver beads together with a red, a yellow and a dark grey gemstone bead (similar combination as later worn by Jin Guangyao) and what seems to be a flower of some kind (not a peony, though), also in silver. And the Jin-yellow tassel.
Let's get back to the jinbu that the esteemed Lan brothers wear, which are quite distinctive. In addition to the two jade rings, they have some additional beads in silver and gemstones, and a long tassel.
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The jade rings in Lan Wangji's jinbu are, I think, the finest white mutton fat hetian nephrite. Zooming in on the left image, it seems that the rings are not smooth, but might actually have carvings on them. If that is the case I'm guessing it could be a cloud motif of some kind, perhaps something similar as on the jade rings in the bottom image (again, found in the net). The additional gemstones seem to be either blue or colourless, perhaps topaz and aquamarine. The tassel is grey, similar to the tassel on Bichen.
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Lan Xichen's jinbu has jade rings of what seems like translucent moss-in-snow type of jadeite, similar to the bangle in the bottom right image. Similar to Lan Wangji, Lan Xichen has additional silver as well as blue and clear gemstone beads in his jinbu, including a rather large blue stone above his tassel. It also seems there is a reddish bead, close to the top (seen in the uppermost image). Lan Xichen's tassel is very dark blue, nearly black, a similar shade as also found in Shuoyue's and Liebing's tassels.
In addition to the Twin Jades, Lan Qiren also wears a jinbu, but his is somewhat different from those worn by his nephews: instead of the distinctive two jade rings, Lan Qiren's jinbu has a large, flat medallion of white, carved nephrite jade and a decorative chinese knot. Unfortunately, I was not able to find any clear close-up shots of either one, so I'm not able to say anything more precise about them... If I come across any later, I'll update this.
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The additional beads in the Grandmaster's jinbu are quite small, and seem to be rather dark (blue?) in colour, but it is quite impossible to see what stone they might be made of (lapis lazuli might be one option). The tassel of his jinbu is also grey, or perhaps bluish grey.
To end this, I should perhaps point out that even if I've made the assumption that the additional beads would be gemstones, I've understood glass beads were also traditionally used, so coloured glass might also be a feasible option, also in-universe.
But what would I give for a few clear closeups!
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Bodhi Mala: The History and Symbolism Behind This Sacred Bea
The Bodhi Mala is not just a string of beads; it is a profound symbol of spirituality and mindfulness deeply rooted in Buddhist tradition. This sacred mala is traditionally used for meditation and prayer, aiding practitioners in their journey toward enlightenment. In this article, we will explore the history and symbolism of the Bodhi Mala and its significance in the realm of antique Himalayan art.
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Understanding the Bodhi Mala
1. Historical Significance
The Bodhi Mala derives its name from the Bodhi tree, under which Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, attained enlightenment. The beads are typically made from the seeds of the Bodhi tree or other natural materials, symbolizing the connection between the physical world and spiritual enlightenment. These malas are believed to have been used by Buddhist monks and practitioners for centuries, serving as a tool for meditation and reflection.
2. Symbolism of the Beads
Each bead in the Bodhi Mala represents a mantra or prayer recited during meditation. Traditionally, a mala consists of 108 beads, which is significant in Buddhist practice, as it is said to represent the 108 earthly desires that one must overcome to achieve enlightenment. The use of the Bodhi Mala helps practitioners focus their minds, count their mantras, and deepen their spiritual connection.
3. Types of Bodhi Malas
Bodhi Malas can be crafted from various materials, each carrying its own symbolism. The most common is made from the seeds of the Bodhi tree, which are revered for their spiritual significance. Other popular materials include gemstones and natural wood, each known for specific properties that can enhance meditation practices. For instance, malas made from sandalwood are prized for their calming scent, while those made from crystals may be chosen for their healing properties.
The Role of Antique Himalayan Art
1. Craftsmanship and Heritage
Antique Himalayan art plays a crucial role in the cultural heritage associated with the Bodhi Mala. Many antique malas are intricately crafted, showcasing the skill of artisans from the Himalayan region. These pieces not only serve a spiritual purpose but also represent the rich history and artistry of the area. Each mala tells a story of its origin, craftsmanship, and the spiritual journey of its previous owner.
2. Collectability and Value
Antique Bodhi Malas are highly sought after by collectors and spiritual practitioners alike. Their historical significance and the stories behind each piece add to their value. As more people seek to connect with their spiritual roots, the demand for authentic antique Himalayan art, including Bodhi Malas, continues to grow.
Final Thoughts
The Bodhi Mala is a sacred tool that encapsulates centuries of history, spirituality, and artistic expression. Its symbolism serves as a reminder of the path to enlightenment, while its craftsmanship reflects the rich heritage of Himalayan art. Whether used in meditation or as a collector's item, the Bodhi Mala holds a unique place in the hearts of those who seek mindfulness and spiritual connection. Embracing this ancient practice can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself and the universe, making the Bodhi Mala a timeless companion on the spiritual journey.
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moonlightserenities · 3 months
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The Sanskrit word Bodhicitta embraces the heart and the mind to establish courage in the qualities of precise compassion.
Stepping stone practice throughout many schools and religion to dedicate the mind to the welfare of others, to develop and become Bodhicitta.
The mind (citta) in training to awaken the (bodhi) of wisdoms compassion, for the benefit of all, as extended compassion in the divine order, of God.
Citta derives from the Sanskrit root cit, and means "that which is conscious". The saint state of mind that will attain the immortal love Bodhi and its kindling echo.
The unconditional love we experience with animals is given to us as development tool that establishes the widening scope of compassion.
Bodhicitta is the mental capacity of 4 immeasurable things, love, compassion, joy, and equanimity.
Bodhicitta is as well the holy tree, where the Buddha received enlightenment and the wood is been used for beads to make rosaries.
The essence of true compassion is a firm commitment from the source of bliss. The interchange of the self with others in compassion, those embrace the sacred realm of the mysteries.
The whole creation wakes up with the wakening of the heart and is the greatest initiation. The divine creation by means of the human heart is the experience of life within and without.
The vision of loves nature is the presence of God, for the tears of joy have the precious timeless beauty of pearls.
The life of love takes more then many lives, the broken heart feels like the death of many more.
The echo of love is everywhere and illustrated in the story of the student looking at the master on the other side of the river and shouting, how do I get to the other side and the master said, that you are on the other side.
To realize that everything is but an apparition of a love state, having nothing to do with good or bad, one may attune the self to the eternal language that speaks for it self.
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sultanaislammow · 8 months
The new social artifact of the post-00 generation, everyone has a "street stall"?
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“Bracelet” is now popular among HE Tuber the post-00s generation. Why are “bracelets” so popular? They are pouring their hearts into each other, they are looking for similar people, and they are seeking something. Let’s follow the author to analyze this craze!
As night fell, Wu Shan walked into the Jewelry Building of China University of Geosciences.
In the circle of college students in Wuhan, this place is regarded as a shopping mall for high-quality and low-priced trinkets. Jewelry design is one of the flagship majors of China University of Geosciences, and Wu Shan believes in the students’ professional abilities and “special paths.”
When she walked out of the jewelry city, she had a bracelet on her wrist made of Hetian jade, southern red agate, and turquoise. The three colors complemented each other. The stall owner quoted 247 yuan, which is expensive considering the consumption level of college students, but Wu Shan expressed satisfaction: "I picked these beads one by one, and they have personal characteristics."
Represented by Wu Shan and her friends, a "bracelet craze" is quietly emerging among the post-90s and post-00s generations. Compared with the wooden bracelets worn by the older generation, these colorful bead strings have lost their deep Zen feel and "value-preserving" cultural toy attributes, and have returned to their original intention as decorations.
But for young people, the meaning of bracelets goes beyond that. Just like figurines, glue, and rubber stamps, bracelets are hobbies, and they are also a symbol of identity among Generation Z to sniff out each other's scents and divide territories. As the pearls flowed, it no longer mattered whether the bracelet was valuable or not. Even if it was the cheapest ore and wood, players still poured their hearts into it.
1. Elsewhere
Generation Z’s preference for “hand-crossing strings” is different from that of middle-aged and elderly people.
As a kind of cultural toy, the traditional bracelet has a hidden chain of contempt for its material. At the bottom are bodhi seeds, horns, etc., with unit prices usually less than 100 yuan; at the level of sandalwood and huanghuali wood, the price rises to hundreds or even thousands of yuan depending on the wood and pattern; as for top-grade agarwood, raw ore Turquoise bracelets can easily sell for more than 10,000 yuan.
The joining of young people has opened cracks in this hierarchical value system. They not only like mid-to-high-end materials such as mammoth ivory and amber beeswax, but they also have a special liking for cheap Hericium walnuts and artificial crystals. In their view, these materials have a fresh literary style and are not too expensive, making them suitable for novice enthusiasts.
"The wooden bracelets (color) are not that bright and don't look good." Wu Shan said bluntly.
Wu Shan’s bracelets photographed at the jewelry market (photo provided by interviewee)
Compared with wooden bracelets with single colors, young people have created more ways to play with colorful bracelets. In Cheche's memory, more than a year ago, bracelets made of bodhi root dyed pink suddenly became popular around her, which opened the door for many people to wear bracelets.
"Most of what young people wear on their plates is Bodhi, crystal, agate, as well as precious and semi-precious stones." Cheche was born in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, which is the origin of "Balin Stone", one of China's four famous stones. She has been fascinated by gem crafts since she was a child. , knowing that a piece of "good material" is usually cut directly into bracelets, and the remaining scraps are turned into loose beads and then woven into bracelets.
Therefore, the superstition of expensive bracelets does not exist here in Cheche. She feels that bracelets are just a type of handicraft, just like glue and rubber stamps. Whenever she needs to give a gift, Cheche will choose the corresponding "birthstone" according to her friend's birthday, or find loose beads of the corresponding color according to the other person's favorite two-dimensional character, and weave them into an "impression bracelet" to give to her friend.
On e-commerce platforms, the prices of such "impression bracelets" are mostly less than 100 yuan, and the IPs they cover include novels such as "Tomb Raiders" and "The Strange Fairy", and games such as "Genshin" and "Arknights". The main colors of the two-dimensional characters were extracted and woven into a unique bracelet, which is more like a fan peripheral used to identify fans than an ornament.
What exactly is a bracelet? First of all, it is not a literary toy, this concept is too boring; it is not entirely a decoration, it is also endowed with more value. Young people’s definition of kebab falls elsewhere
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medorisjewelry · 2 years
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Elevate your mindfulness routine with a unique Bodhi Root bracelet, not infused with a warm, earthy aroma! Each bead is charcoal baked to perfection, giving this stunning piece a natural fragrance that will soothe and ground you throughout the day. #mindfullness #spiritualsunday #bodhiroot #spiritualmindfulness #charcoalbaked https://www.instagram.com/p/Co35Tr3u6yq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dovebuffy92 · 3 years
Check Out my Reservation Dogs Season 1 Review!
Reservation Dogs Season 1 created by Sterlin Harjo and Taika Waititi, is a brilliant magic realism quirky comedy about a friend group of indigenous teenagers in rural Okren, Oklahoma. The mischievous friends call themselves the Reservation Dogs.
The FX television series’ creators, directors, writers, and most of the actors are indigenous. The majority of them are descendants of North American tribes like the Muscogee, Navajo, and Anishinaabe. While Reservation Dogs shows the poverty in reservations and rural communities like Okren, it heavily features the richness and joy of this Oklahoma salt of the earth indigenous community.
My only minor issue with the first season is that actress twenty-eight-year-old Devery Jacobs, who plays teenage Elora Danan Postoak is between eight to twelve years older than her fellow co-stars. Now it’s important to remember that the first season was wrapped in July 2021. D’Pharaoh Woon-A-Tai and Paulina Alexis are twenty years old now but were still teenagers when filming began. Lane Factor is sixteen years old, so he is the only “age-appropriate” actor.
There is also a big difference between twenty years old and twenty-eight. However, before I give any critiques, Devery does an excellent job performing as Elora, especially in “California Dreamin,” when she finds Daniel’s (Dalton Kramer) body.
I am thrilled that the actress will now be joining the season two writer’s room. The only problem is that Elora seems like an adult who doesn’t need any parental support while the other main characters feel like teenagers.
Elora is the group’s caretaker, but she doesn’t seem like a teenager who has matured too quickly. Instead, she reads like an adult relative or family friend. Everybody else whose characters are teenagers in Reservation Dogs acts like fifteen or sixteen-year-olds who goof around.
Elora’s character core controlling behavior and coldness comes from the trauma of losing her best friend Daniel, which makes some of her “adult” behavior natural. The problem is we, as the viewers, are not worried when she runs off to California.
If Cheese (Lane Factor), Willie Jack (Paulina Alexis), or Bear Smallhill (D’Pharaoh Woon-A-Tai ) had taken off in a car with just their archenemy Jackie (Elva Guerra), there would be legitimate concerns since I don’t think it’s realistic that they could survive in Los Angeles on their own. With Elora, she seems like a twenty-something who might struggle a little bit living in a big city but could get everything sorted. While lack of makeup and wardrobe can make Devery look like a believable teenager, it’s not enough to erase her natural maturity. Devery’s “adult” behavior makes it hard to believe that she is a minor.
Magic Realism is weaved throughout episodes bringing humor to the series while also pointing out societal issues in the community. Okren, Oklahoma, is an average, primarily small rustic community except when Native American residents interact with the spirit realm.
There are not a lot of special effects or stylized shots that make these magical beings look otherworldly. Instead, Reservation Dogs feels rooted in the real world.
The spirit guide William Knifeman (Dallas Goldtooth) visits Bear whenever he passes out or needs some advice. The awkward Warrior utters wise counsel to Bear while swearing at his horse or eating communion waivers. The spirit guide asks questions rather than directly ordering the teenage boy around. Instead of being this stereotypical silent “noble warrior,” William Knifeman appears to be this goofy guy who happened to be at the Little Big Horn Battle. The spirit guide wants Bear and his friends to help their community rather than race off to California.
In “Come and Get Your Love,” the Deer Lady (Kaniehtiioo Horn) comes to life as a vigilante who protects women and children from abusive, violent men who hurt their community. The Deer Lady legend is a childhood story in the Cherokee, Seminole, Muscogee, and the Pawnee tribes.
She can be benign but also lures promiscuous men to their deaths. The Deer Lady usually takes the form of a beautiful woman or deer. In Reservation Dogs, the Deer Lady is a gorgeous Native American woman who wears an aviator jacket, beaded earrings, and bell-bottom jeans that hide her deer legs. The Deer Lady violently kills two White robbers who knock out a cashier and threatens Young Big’s (Bodhi Linton) life during a flashback.
After speaking to the spirit as a child, Officer Big (Zahn McClarnon) learns to be a good man who punishes criminals hurting the community rather than arresting decent people dealing with rough times. The Deer Lady warns the boy not to fall into the trap of alcoholism or become a deadbeat father. She wants Young Big to imagine his deceased grandmother is always with him to inspire him to fight evil.
If he remains a good person, he won’t see the avenging spirit again. So we are left with the impression that Big will continue to be a decent man and police officer.
I recommend Reservation Dogs Season 1 to anybody who enjoys coming-of-age comedies and wants to see work about indigenous communities created by Native American artists. So many films and television shows about indigenous communities are poverty porn that ignores the culture within these reservations or small towns. Now it’s essential to bring attention to the missing and murdered indigenous women or the high rate of teen suicides in reservations.
Sadly the world is not full of Officer Bigs or Deer Ladies who can protect these teens and women. Still, it’s also vital for young Native Americans to see positive representations of themselves.
Also, the greater public is enriched by viewing indigenous people as good sheriffs, quirky teenagers, film buffs, and community leaders rather than just “wild west” stereotypes or as drunks. Watch the whole series on Hulu!
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faresmosta · 3 years
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Kejing Natural White Bodhi Root Beads Bracelet Original Design 108 Lotus Mala for Women Yoga Meditation Balancing Jewelry Gift Her (Metal Color : 1) #Balancing #Beads #Bodhi #Bracelet #Color #Design #Gift #Jewelry #Kejing #Lotus #Mala #Meditation #Metal #Natural #Original #Root #White #Women #Yoga
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mantrapiece · 3 years
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This beautiful jade-like White Bodhi Root Mala Necklace is the perfect companion for your everyday meditation and yoga. Simply looking at it takes your breath away. And brings a sense of comfort, peace and joy.⁠ .⁠ This White Bodhi Root Mala Necklace is strung on durable yellow string with a guru bead and colorful tassel.⁠ .⁠ For more of these beautiful mala necklaces, please visit our mala necklace collection. Website link is in the bio. @mantrapiece
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hansabrasive · 3 years
Only need $15.
Fine Sand Suction Eye Socket Bead Grinding Head for Sand Jade Bodhi Root Do Ball Round Beads
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
Aquarius January Bodhi Day
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By shirleytwofeathers
The enlightenment of the Buddha is yearly celebrated in many Buddhist countries, on a variety of dates, and is known by different names in different countries. For example:
Rohatsu (Japan) December 8
Laba (China) 8th day of the 12th lunar month, or at some point between Winter Solstice and the Chinese New Year
Bodhi Day commemorates the day that the historical Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama (Shakyamuni), experienced enlightenment, also known as bodhi in Sanskrit and Pali. According to tradition, Siddhartha had recently forsaken years of extreme ascetic practices and resolved to sit under a peepal tree and simply meditate until he found the root of suffering, and how to liberate oneself from it.
Services and traditions vary among Buddhist sects, but all such services commemorate the Buddha’s achievement of Nirvana, and what this means for Buddhism today. Individuals may choose to commemorate the event through additional meditation, study of the Dharma, chanting of Buddhist texts (sutras), or performing kind acts towards other beings. Some Buddhists celebrate with a traditional meal of tea, cake, and readings.
Celebrating Bodhi Day
Bodhi Day, the day of enlightenment, can be celebrated in many ways. To the Buddhist, it is a day of remembrance and meditation, much like the Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus on December 25th.
To the layman, a good way of recognising this important event in Buddhism is to dwell on its meaning and place reminders in the home of this event. Often, coloured lights are strung about the home to recognise the day of enlightenment. They are multi-coloured to symbolise the many pathways to enlightenment. The lights are turned on each evening beginning on December 8th and for 30 days thereafter. A candle is also lit for these thirty days to symbolise enlightenment.
In Buddhist homes, you will sometimes see a ficus tree of the genus ficus religiousa. Beginning on Bodhi Day, these trees are decorated with multi-coloured lights, strung with beads to symbolise the way all things are united, and hung with three shiny ornaments to represent the Three Jewels – The Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha.
A meal of rice and milk is significant on this holiday. According to Buddhist legend, following his awakening this was the first meal offered to the Buddha by Sujata to help him regain strength.
To get children involved in this holiday, make cookies in the shape of a leaf or a tree to symbolise the Bodhi Tree. The leaves of the Bodhi tree are heart shaped, so a Valentine’s Day cookie cutter can be a handy tool for this project.
About the Great Awakening:
Traditions vary on what happened. Some say Siddhartha made a great vow to Nirvana and Earth to find the root of suffering, or die trying. In other traditions, while meditating he was harassed and tempted by the god Mara (literally, “Destroyer” in Sanskrit), demon of illusion. Other traditions simply state that he entered deeper and deeper states of meditation, confronting the nature of the self.
In the Pali Canon, there are several discourses said to be by Buddha himself, relating to this story. In The Longer Discourse to Saccaka, the Buddha describes his Enlightenment in three stages:
During the first watch of the night, the Buddha discovered all of his past lives in the cycle of rebirth, realising that he had been born and reborn countless times before.
During the second watch, the Buddha discovered the Law of Karma, and the importance of living by the Eightfold Path.
During the third watch, the Buddha discovered the Four Noble Truths, finally reaching Nirvana. In his words:
“ My heart, thus knowing, thus seeing, was released from the fermentation of sensuality, released from the fermentation of becoming, released from the fermentation of ignorance. With release, there was the knowledge, ‘Released.’ I discerned that ‘Birth is ended, the holy life fulfilled, the task done. There is nothing further for this world.’ ”
All traditions agree that as the morning star rose in the sky in the early morning, the third watch of the night, Siddhartha finally found the answers he sought and became Enlightened, and experienced Nirvana. Having done so, Siddhartha now became a Buddha or “Awakened One”.
Sources: Wikipedia and Do It Yourself
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thisideofthegalaxy · 7 years
need to get out of here
Jyn Week rescue mission continues- chapter 4 | [Ao3 link] - updates daily | 1030 words | contains mild canon-typical violence
The planet is known as Annith, ruin of the lost Annithian civilisation and abandoned since the Jedi Wars. Enveloped in thick jungle, Bodhi has to land by sight, navigating by what stone temples are still left visible. Hanging vines scrape the hull of the craft as they descend, and when Bodhi glances beyond the cabin, vapor from their engine hisses against the fog.
“You do know why this planet is unoccupied, don’t you,” K-2 inquires.
Cassian waves a hand to hush him.
“Yes. Yes. Over,” Cassian finishes, replaces the communicator back on the side of the ship.
“Well?” Jyn whispers. When Cassian nods, Bodhi feels a shot of relief punch from his lungs.
“They’re buying, for now. We’ll meet east of the Sun Tomb.”
Jyn gets up, tightens the holster she’s already tightened. Kaytoo checks the energy-gauge on Bodhi and Cassian’s blasters.
He’s already done that several times too.
“Prisoner exchange,” the droid intones, his calibration veering on dubious. “The statistical probability of Imperial allies actually agreeing to a prisoner exchange, just so you know, is less than-”
“Let’s save the pep talk for the way over,” Cassian growls. Bodhi pats Kay on the arm.
“We’ll be alright,” he murmurs, more confident than he feels. K-2 swivels his head to look at him, dims his eyes a fraction when Bodhi squints.
“Alright,” Kay says quietly. Then, as if to try for something more heartening, offers Bodhi the blaster he’s been working on.
“If they try to reprogram me, I’d rather be shot, dismantled, or turned into one of those irritating gadgets that humans blast noise out of,” he concludes.
“That’s nice, Kay,” Bodhi says weakly.
“Radio K-2SO,” Jyn agrees, strangely close to affectionate. “Catchy.”
They keep up a hushed stream of chatter as they walk, it’s one way to squash the nerves. At the point where they have to split, Cassian pulls Bodhi into a one-armed embrace, his grip firm and sure across the pilot’s back. For a moment Bodhi thinks he’s supposed to say something- something about looking out for the others if it all goes wrong. Instead they only stand a little longer, and Bodhi slowly realises why this all feels so unfamiliar.
Cassian Andor is his Captain. And Cassian Andor trusts him, without reserve and without a doubt, he would place his life in Bodhi’s hands. Bodhi nods, holds his stare.
“Watch out for trip-wires,” Kaytoo says crisply. “And don’t make me come and rescue you.”
Bodhi raises his hand as they disappear in separate directions, then turns and keeps pace with Jyn. Her jaw is tucked down, stare hard, she doesn’t blink or glance back. Ahead lies what was once a vast pyramid, now prised apart by a canopy of roots.
“You okay?” Jyn says gruffly, Bodhi manages a grin. The ferns cling sticky round his ankles, the air seems to drip down the back of his throat. Jyn’s using her knife to cut through the worst of it- a little more vigorously than seems to be necessary- but they’ve still barely looped around the temple by the time Cassian signals on the comlink.
“There,” Jyn murmurs, they crouch behind a ledge of carved stone.
“I don’t see Baze or Chirrut,” Bodhi says worriedly, Jyn’s grimace tells him she’s thinking the same.
Through his binoculars, Bodhi watches as Cassian steps out from the forest. Waiting for him are three sentries, all cloaked in heavy camouflage. Their hoods conceal their eyes, lower faces smeared with warpaint.
“Right,” says Cassian, the listening device crackles as Jyn and Bodhi both lean in. “Let’s get to it. Where are they?”
One of the sentries makes a brief gesture, the sound is out of range.
“Two of us for two of them, was not the deal,” Cassian repeats. They’d anticipated this too, Bodhi feels a tentative hope rise in his chest.
The sentry to Cassian’s left shifts forward- their cloaks all appear to darken as a shadow passes behind the trees.
“Why isn’t he saying anything?” Bodhi mutters. He adjusts his binoculars, focuses on the blurry silhouettes through the leaves.
“Baze?” Jyn whispers, wary, they both flinch in dismay as the captive is dragged from the murk, limbs scraping across the ground.
“Caught in a wire,” says a rough voice, close enough to Cassian that it carries. The droid is twitching- they’ve done something to him. When he manages to crawl to his knees, he’s swiftly kicked back to the mud.
“No,” chokes Bodhi, he can feel his pulse quickening, his windpipe turns to ash. “No, no, no.”
A bead of moisture splashes from above, cool and saplike, Bodhi can feel the slimy tentacles unfurling across his skin. All of a sudden he’s lightheaded, freezing, the colour leeches out of his vision.
The sentries are reaching for something- a restraining bolt? A data probe? Bodhi bites into his cheek, trembling, he can taste blood and he can hear fire, the memories surge unbidden.
Bor Gullet will know the truth.
“No, no, no no no-”
Kaytoo shudders violently, his metal palms graze over the dirt as a metal tool is jammed behind his neck.
“Don’t watch-” Jyn hisses, clutches Bodhi’s arms as he tries to fight himself free. He can still feel the creature, strangling, asking, searching...
Bodhi coughs, tells himself this must be Cassian’s plan too, some part of it he couldn’t share. When he struggles back, sees Cassian’s face- cold, impassive- it hits him in a bolt of anguish that it isn’t.
Cassian has never looked so broken.
K-2 reaches, makes a last, indiscernible sound. Bodhi doesn’t look away.
“Kay,” says Bodhi, his mouth shapes the word but it comes out in a sob. “Get up- I need to- we need to-”
Too far away, Kaytoo turns to him across the cockpit, his tone genuinely impressed.
“Well done,” he offers kindly. “You’re a rebel now.”
“Bodhi,” gasps Jyn. The sentries have lowered their hoods, for a moment they scan the horizon. “We need to go.”
She fumbles for his hand, holds him up from the waist when Bodhi pitches over to be sick.
“We need to go,” she urges, her face is streaked with tears. “We need to go.”
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theyogamandala1 · 6 years
Mala Beads Meaning & Benefits
Mala beads have been associated with religion since time and memorial. Tracing its origins to as far as 100 AD, they were commonly, and still are, used in prayer, meditative and mantric practices.
The beads can also be used as decorative art both as bodily accessories and interior decor. The “Male” beads also now as “garland” in Sanskrit consist of 108 beads with one larger bead or “guru bead”, The guru bead symbolized stability, mentor-ship and guide as it is where all meditees root their self reliance and self awareness.
The beads also act as a guide or marker during meditation and mantra repetition for those who use the Male when their eyes are closed. Uses of Male Beads.
Japa Mantra Meditation
This refers to the continuous repetition of a mantra as once moves along the beads, the guru bead being the starting and the finishing points.
Relying on the power of repetition, meditees are required to repeat mantras so as to get their minds into a meditative state. Japa meditation is also used to train the mind into incorporating the Power of Repetition into our daily tasks. This results in self-discipline, focus and balance with regards to mind and body.
Breathing Meditation ( Pranayama )
These spiritual beads can also be used during “Pranayama” or breathing meditation With the beads in hand, meditees use the beads’ nodes as markers where inhalation and exhalation are to occur on the same bead. Pranayama is mostly practiced to ensure its students are able to control their anxiety, be it in the office or school etc. This type of meditation improves one’s health as the breathing exercises help in relaxation and focus.
Benefits of Male Beads
Mind, Body and Spiritual Growth Just like the rosary, Male beads are used by various religions as a tool and guide towards mind, body and spiritual nourishment. Hinduism and Buddhism are, some of the religions where the beads are widely used with yoga practitioners also joining the group of faithfuls.
Constant exposure to sessions of self awareness trains our mind and body to appreciate the present while letting little or no stress cloud the current state the mind is in Their is also increased focus since our monkey mind is tamed hence increased creativity and high memory retention among its practitioners.
Physical Health
Yoga practitioners usually record fewer cases of illness and diseases, a by product of using Male. The effective breathing exercises associated with Pranayama meditation promotes healthy living as practitioners become aware of the state their body. It is also believed that through the use of the beads in meditation, the 108 body points in our body represented by the 108 beads in the Male are each healed in their own unique way hence the general improvement of our health.
Healing Properties
Advancements in technology have paved the way for Male beads to come in the form of gemstones, crystals, gold and silver as compared to the traditional beads that consisted of organic seeds and bones. Depending on the material used to make the Male, the beads have been known to have healing attributes to the wearer.
Mood Enhancer
Humans are not perfect organisms. Most of the time, we are preoccupied with our own problems not knowing that the external environment is a major contributor to our moods. Japa Mantra Meditation is key in such scenarios as our focus is shifted to the present: our mind is conditioned to focus on what is affecting us there and then instead of holding on to the past or future.
The negative thought patterns that are associated with a troubled mind are done away with when Male beads and consistent meditation comes into play.  Male beads have come a long way and its benefits through meditation have been felt across the world by its faithful practitioners Both the mental and spiritual benefits are indifferent if the practice is done as per your mentor or your own objectives Devoting oneself only requires you to be comfortable at all times and ensuring there are no distractions for at least 10 minutes, depending on how long you can meditate.
This coupled with having a specific spiritual goal in mind, the growth you will experience from the whole activity is an out of the world experience in the long run.
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from The Yoga Mandala Shop https://theyogamandala.com/mala-beads-meaning-benefits/
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Buddhist blessed bracelet
Buddha Tree, or rosewood connected to Ganesha. Healing chakra malas are made from semi precious gemstones, carrying different wave lengths of energies and colors. Black onyx is a grounding stone and when used with quartz crystal it represents the ying and yang or shiva and shakti. Turquoise, rose quartz, or jade are associated with the heart chakras and emotional stability. Buddhist bracelet are beautiful jewelry gifts as well and should always be treated with sacred care as they carry the energy of the wearer.
You begin your mantra at your summit bead and continue around the loop until you reach the large bead you started with. You never pass over the summit, or large, bead. If you need to do more than one round of mantra you just turn the mala around to go in reverse direction. During the meditation you can choose to focus on your breathing. You would then move past each mala bead as you let a breath out or take a breath in. These beads can be made from a variety of materials like sandal wood, Bodhi seeds or other kinds of wood. Sometimes gemstones are also used to make them.
There are many traditions surrounding the use of prayer beads. The type of material the beads are made from, symbols carved or painted on them, the number of beads, how they are actually used, and what religion they are from. I have seen references state that Buddhism was the first to use beads as a form of meditation and devotion. Here in the West, western Buddhists are forming their own traditions as many of the Eastern traditions are not relative to our cultures.
The materials that are used to make the Buddhist blessed bracelet  varies depending on the purposes of the mantras. Some Buddhist beads can be used for all purposes and types of mantras. The malas are generally made of variety of materials. The materials that are used in the Mala have energetic properties. The beads that are used in the Buddhist prayer malas usually made from the root or seed of the Bodhi Tree. The string that normally used to hold the beads together are made of silk.
The shade of the Solar Plexus chakra, otherwise called Manipura. This chakra is situated in the stomach zone and is the abode of clarity, wisdom, self-confidence and well being. The seat of food and digestion Manipuri chakra is the fire to our soul, the sacred power. Vibrations from food are carried inwards to our chakras, here we have the power to remove negative thoughts.
No matter what the specific purpose to purchase your set of malas, they will give you peace of mind and a sense of well being. They can help during stressful times and also as a way to retain happy thoughts during a particularly busy day at the office. It is not necessary to be a full fledged Buddhist to enjoy the talismanic properties of such a beautiful possession such as malas
Varieties today include silver, gold, stainless steel and non-metal varieties such as cord and leather. Some are accented with diamonds or other materials such as wood or onyx. The most common styles available include link, cuff, and chain bracelets. As for the most popular material, men's gold bracelets are king, followed by sterling silver. Many men's bracelets can be monogrammed and some are used as id bracelets or to warn of a medical allergy or other condition. Integrating function and style make bracelets a wonderful option.
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hansabrasive · 3 years
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