#moon and stars bodhi
woodxstone · 1 year
Other names: Pu Ti Zi
From Seeds used for Bodhi beads in China (link below):
Bodhi beads are Buddhist prayer items that have been traditional tools for counting while reciting a mantra, as prayer beads have been used in other world religions. The Bodhi beads are called Pu Ti Zi in Chinese: Pu Ti means Bodhi tree (Ficus religiosa), and Zi means seed; but Bodhi beads are not made of the seeds of a Bodhi tree. ...In modern times, ‘Bodhi seeds’ do not refer to any particular plant but instead refer generally to seeds and the fruits of various plants used to make prayer beads.
Bodhi beads have an important position in Tibetan Buddhism and are very popular in Tibet (the Xizang Tibetan Autonomous Region). The culture of Bodhi beads spread throughout Tibet and other provinces of China, and there are dozens to hundreds of Bodhi beads with different meanings. Recently, people have begun to wear Bodhi beads as a kind of praying or blessing ornament, in addition to functioning as a prayer bead.
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Bodhi seed prayer beads. From Wikimedia Commons by Аркадий Зарубин.
Most seeds of a particular species can produce only one type of Bodhi bead. However, different degrees of processing of Corypha umbraculifera, Daemonorops jenkinsiana, and Elaeis guineensis can be used to make different types of Bodhi bead. The seeds with 2-, 3- or 4-loculed drupes of Ziziphus abyssinica can be used to make ‘Phoenix eye’, ‘Dragon eye’, and ‘Kylin eye’, respectively. Chinese names of most Bodhi beads are according to the morphological characteristics of their respective seeds; for example, the beads called ‘Moon and Stars’ usually have an ivory surface with small holes (moons) and tiny black dots (stars). Seeds of Caesalpinia bonduc are grayish, shiny, ovoid to globose, and look like the moon; therefore, the name of the corresponding Bodhi bead is ‘Moon seed’.
The occurrence frequencies of four types of Bodhi beads reached at least 50%, including ‘King Kong’, ‘Moon and star’, ‘Bodhi root’, and ‘Phoenix eye’. These were the most popular Bodhi beads in the markets.
The most common Bodhi bead, ‘King Kong’, is made from the fruit of Elaeocarpus angustifolius. ‘Two-furrowed King Kong’ is made from the fruit of Elaeocarpus hainanensis. ‘King Kong’ may have been the earliest form of prayer bead in India, named ‘Rudraksha’ in the local language, meaning ‘eye of Shiva’.
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Rudraksha mala at Pasupati region kathmandu, Nepal. From Wikimedia Commons by Janak Bhatta.
‘Moon and stars’ is a very popular and traditional Bodhi bead in Chinese Buddhism and is the hard and dense seed of Daemonorops jenkinsiana. The ‘Moon and stars’ name reflects the small holes (moon) and tiny black dots (stars) covering the seed’s surface.
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Moon and stars bodhi beads. From Wikimedia Commons by pack372sd.
Seeds of Corypha umbraculifera are used to make ‘Bodhi root’ beads. In India, it is also called ‘vegetable ivory’ and is a traditional tool for carving Buddhist Sutras, such as the famous ‘tale palm’ or ‘tad-patri’ because the leaves are flexible and soft when dry.
‘Phoenix eye’ and ‘Small phoenix eye’ are made from the fruits of Ziziphus abyssinica and Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosa, respectively. The name ‘Phoenix eye’ refers to the eye-like shape that appears on the hard endocarp.
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A "Phoenix Eye" mala. The beads are made from the polished seeds of the Ziziphus budhensis tree, known locally as Buddhacita, which are endemic to the Timal region of Kavreplanchok and at Namobuddha in Central Nepal. From Wikimedia Commons by Christopher J. Lynn.
🟤 Seeds used for Bodhi beads in China (ncbi.nml.nih.gov)
🟤 Rudraksha - Wikipedia
Wood info masterpost
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Another ad for my Etsy! I write personalised digital letters (emails) from a range of characters. Most of my listings right now are Star Wars and Moon Knight but I have two for TMA and one for Bucky Barnes. More will be coming soon if my sales start up again!
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enigmatist17 · 2 years
I'm already going to warn people, watching Andor has riled up my Rogue One feelings, so uh
Catch me thinking that Bodhi and Steven would be friends 💜🌙
Steven is far too happy to help distract Bodhi from falling into his mind because of the damage from bor gullet, and in turn Bodhi helps Steven through a panic attack after some mission gone horribly wrong. Even though Marc was the one to directly take the most lives of the system, I know Steven has some guilt for not being able to help/stop Marc's spiral with Khonshu, and Bodhi served the Empire/wasn't able to prevent Jedha from being destroyed. You find them usually holed up together in some quiet place, Steven teaching Bodhi about Egypt while in turn Bodhi maps the universe and it's differences from Earth.
Anxiety bro's for life 🥺🥲
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bowl-of-fruit-loops · 3 months
I need a book centered solely on Jedha please please please please please
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r1-jw-lover · 6 months
There's something that hits differently about Jedha being utterly destroyed in Rogue One. The Empire didn't just blow up Jedha, they literally ripped it apart. Even before the Death Star, the Empire had been occupying the Holy City and mining its kyber crystals for years, fueling the very weapon that had killed millions of people on the moon. An entire population and culture had been wiped away just like that without a care.
The three known survivors of Jedha's destruction are very different individuals. Chirrut is a Force-believing monk who keeps holding onto his faith in spite of the suffering around him. Baze is a freelance assassin who's jaded and angry at the state of the world yet still fights against the Empire. Bodhi is an Imperial pilot who defected because he is brave and is inspired to do the right thing. And now, they are just the last living people of a homeworld they could never return to because it's gone.
Anyways, free Palestine. Don't stop talking about Palestine. Don't forget your daily clicks. Donate if you can. We cannot condone a genocide that's happening in front of our eyes. 🇵🇸🍉
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mostthingskenobi · 10 months
CASSIAN'S RECKONING - Chapter 12: The Ghosts
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CHAPTER SUMMARY: Rogue One may have rescued Cassian but he's not out of the woods.
The piece of art above is a preview. I commissioned 5 illustrations for this fic from @amikoroyaiart and you can see the first 3 on my Patreon.
As the Lambda shuttle dropped out of hyperspace, Rogue One was greeted by a familiar ship floating in a vast nothingness. Their rendezvous with the Ghost took place in a remote part of the cosmos near neither planet nor space station. They transferred to the starship through an umbilical, leaving the imperial vessel—along with its tracking beacon—powered down and floating aimlessly.
Jyn and Melshi struggled to support Cassian as they entered the Ghost’s cargo bay. Hera greeted them, taking in Andor’s dire state. She retracted the umbilical and shouted into her commlink, “Chop, get us out of here.” She pointed at Baze, Chirrut, and Bodhi. “You three head up to our crew quarters. You can grab blankets and water for Cassian.” She turned to Jyn next. “I would offer to put him in one of our bunks but I don’t think he can make it up the ladder.”
Erso nodded her agreement.
“I need to speak with you,” Hera said, lowering her voice.
Jyn and Melshi eased Cassian to the ship’s deck before she stepped to the corner with the general. “We can’t go back to Yavin,” Hera began.
“Why? What’s happened?”
“I just got word from base of an immanent threat. The Death Star has arrived in orbit over the moon. Our fighters will be engaging shortly, but even if they succeed in defeating the weapon, the base location has been compromised.”
“What about Cassian?” Jyn fought to tamp down the panic rising in her throat. “You can see he clearly needs help now.”
“They’re scrambling the fleet. I’ve secured us a rendezvous with the Nebulon-B frigate Redemption. We have to hurry because they’ll only wait for a short window of time. The fleet is going to have to constantly keep moving until we find a new base location.” Hera looked over her shoulder at Cassian who sat slumped against Melshi. “He looks bad.”
“They were ruthless,” Jyn replied grimly.
Hera placed a hand on her arm. “Don’t worry. The Redemption has a full medical set up. They’ll be able to help him.”
“If he survives the flight back.”
“We have to keep hope.”
Rebellions are built on hope. It felt like years since Cassian first said that to her. She’d almost scoffed in his face at the time. But now, it was the mantra that kept her going.
“I’ll be in the cockpit,” Hera said. “If you need anything, there’s a comm on the wall or you can just come up.”
“Thank you. For everything. None of this could have happened without you.”
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Hera couldn’t hold back a smile. “I’m sure you still would have found a way.” She turned and climbed up the ladder out of the cargo bay.
Jyn went and knelt next to Melshi.
“I don’t feel so good,” Cassian murmured.
“We’ll be home soon.” Jyn could have sworn his bruises looked darker. “They’ll get you fixed up. You can have a nice, long rest. You’ll be safe there.”
Cassian nodded weakly, his chest lifting heavily as he tried to stay lucid.
“Do you want to lay down?”
“You need to try to stay awake, though,” Melshi cautioned.
Cassian’s head fell back against the bulkhead, no longer able to hold it up. “I’m awake.” His body visibly shuddered as he struggled for another rasping breath. “It’s so cold in here.”
Jyn and Melshi shared a concerned look. “I’ll go find a med kit,” the sergeant said, pushing up and hurrying out of the cargo bay.
Cassian’s teeth began to chatter. “I’m freezing.”
Fear gripped Jyn; she’d seen enough men die to know this was the beginning of the end. “Cassian,” she said firmly. Her tone startled him and his eyes slowly pulled open. “Don’t let go,” she commanded.
His gaze became dull and he began to slide down the wall. She caught him by the shoulder and eased him to the floor before ripping off her vest and stuffing it under his head. “Help is coming.” She tried to stay calm but all of this was too familiar. They’d been here once before, Cassian dying on a ship’s floor while Jyn frantically tried to save him. “We’re not doing this again.” Her voice broke. She cradled his face in her hands and leaned over him. “Cassian!” He was declining quickly, his breath weak and his eyes rolling, but he reached up and took hold of her wrist. She put her cheek against his. “Stay with me,” she whispered as tears stung her eyes and slipped from her lashes onto his skin.
His other hand weakly grasped the back of her shirt at the base of her neck as he nuzzled against her. “I’m with you, Jyn,” he breathed before going completely limp.
The phantom trail of Jyn’s tears still tickled across his cheek; the feeling of her fingers against his skin was still alive; but he found himself alone. Cassian opened his eyes and once again saw swaying, beautiful, verdant branches of an ancient, silent forest. Slowly, he sat up, still stiff from Tarkin’s abuse. He noticed his hands were cut and bleeding, his wrists raw, but the pain was gone.
Carefully, he got to his feet and looked around, taking in every detail. He could tell the tree line ended somewhere far off in the distance, and beyond lingered a tease of sunlight and warmth. Where he stood, the grass was lush and the tree canopy high, vaulting like a natural temple. The breeze gently tousled the hair around his eyes and smelled of something green and fresh.
“I was worried you’d be back.”
Cassian spun around, and what he saw cause his breath to hitch. His mother and father stood between two arched trees, their expressions more relaxed and gentler than he’d ever seen. His mouth fell open, unable to find words to express his heartache and joy as he stared dumbly at the two people he grieved most.
“You’ve had a hard time of it,” Maarva finally spoke, gesturing at his still bleeding face. “Harder than I think we’ll ever fully know.”
“Perhaps that’s why he’s here,” Clem said, leading Maarva forward a few steps.
Cassian wanted to go to them, to hug them, but he was afraid any movement could break the spell. He stood frozen in place as emotions pushed to the surface. “Dad?”
“My boy.” Clem’s voice was soft and kind, fully aware that he and his son last looked on each other during a moment so horrific neither dared speak of it.
Tears slipped down Cassian’s face. His gaze shifted to his mother. “Are you both safe here?”
She looked pained by her son’s worry. “There’s nothing to harm any of us.”
“But you can’t stay,” Clem said very gently.
Cassian knew in his heart it was the truth but he didn’t want to accept it; he could sense that he didn’t belong in this place—a feeling he lived with for as long as he could remember. “I want to stay with you.”
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Maarva’s chest heaved as though she were holding back a sob. “You’ve been through a lot of strife but you have a good heart, Cass. We want to let you rest, but this isn’t your time.”
“And,” Clem said with a loving smile, “unless I’m mistaken, you still have some unfinished business.”
Cassian thought of almond-shaped eyes and dirty combat boots and a woman with so much fire in her heart she could burn everyone around her.
“Look at him!” Maarva startled Cassian from his reverie. “He’s healing!”
He looked down and saw his fingers were no longer crooked and bruised. He touched his face and realized the cuts had turned into thin scars.
“Not long now,” Clem nodded.
Cassian stared at his parents, trying to imprint their faces on his memory. “I don’t want to leave you,” he said, tears still burning his eyes. “I miss you. I think about you all the time.”
They came as close as they could without touching. “You’re a good boy,” Maarva said, fighting her emotions.
“He’s a good man now, love,” Clem teased his wife. Cassian had forgotten how comforting his father was, how his eyes twinkled and his smile calmed those around him. “We’re not going anywhere, Cass.”
Clem wrapped an arm around Maarva, who gave one stiff nod before saying, “We’ll be here when the time is right. Do your best.”
“Remember,” his father said, “eyes open. Possibilities everywhere.”
His heart ached but Cassian smiled. Losing his parents was a pain he could not put down. Though Clem and Maarva were not his biological family, they had loved him as no one else in the galaxy had loved him. And he loved them, loved their quirks, their flaws, their passions. He knew he hadn’t always been a good son, but they loved him anyway; they loved him because, unlike so many of his other relationships, his connection with his mother and father was unconditional. He never doubted them.
“I love you.”
“I know, my boy,” Maarva finally smiled.
Clem gave him one final nod then said, “It’s time to wake up.”
Jyn had watched as tears slowly formed on Cassian’s eyelashes and slipped down his temples while he slept. She chewed her lip with anxiety, unable to help him while he silently suffered.
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Hours passed before his eyes unexpectedly opened; she moved to his side, taking his hand in hers.
“Where am I?” he asked, his vision unfocused and disoriented, not seeing her or the room beyond.
“You’re on the Redemption. It’s an Alliance frigate.”
He blinked hard, unable to see past his tears, so Jyn gently wiped his lashes with her thumbs. Cassian finally looked at her. “Jyn,” he breathed with relief.
She sat next to him on the bed and placed a hand on his chest, trying to calm him. “Everything’s OK. You’re safe. You’re healing.”
He was shuddering with emotion as he closed his eyes against more tears.
“What is it, Cassian?” Jyn’s voice betrayed her worry. “Are you in pain? Do you want me to get the doctor?”
He reached up and set his hand over hers in the middle of his chest and just breathed for a long time.
“I saw my parents,” he finally said.
Worry flashed through Jyn. Many rotations ago, Cassian and she had once spent a long night drinking strong still alcohol, telling each other about their parents, eventually both crying so hard they ended up laughing—a testament to grief’s strangeness. She knew losing his mother and father had caused a deep fracture in Cassian’s heart.
“That’s good,” she said, gently squeezing his shoulder with her other hand, concealing her fear. “That’s really good.”
He stared blankly at the ceiling as more tears welled in his eyes. “They’re together now.”
Jyn swallowed her own emotions, biting down hard on her lip. She wasn’t sure what any of this meant; part of it scared her; the surgeons had said Cassian was not yet out of the woods. She feared a visitation from deceased parents did not bode well for her friend, but she dared not voice her concern. Instead, she asked, “What did they tell you?”
His eyes began to roll back in his head as his eyelids drooped. He was desperately exhausted and still heavily drugged. “They said,” he mumbled, “that I have unfinished business.” He barely got the last word out before he lost consciousness again.
Jyn looked down at him, taking in every detail; his beard was growing back, his arched brow was now split by a gash, his sharp cheekbone was marred by a dark bruise. She thought he was beautiful, and all she wanted was the chance to make him laugh again, to see him smile at her from across the room, to talk late into the night about everything and nothing.
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She slid back to her chair and pulled her knees up to her chin, suddenly overwhelmed with the turmoil she’d been fighting since Cassian first disappeared. Jyn clamped a hand over her mouth to silence her sorrow while tears poured down her own cheeks. She took out the kyber crystal that hung around her neck and squeezed it. If the Force would give her this one little thing, if it would save Cassian, Jyn Erso promised the mystical power that she would truly believe in hope.
NEXT CHAPTER IS CALLED “THE REDEMPTION" - Tarkin may be gone but he still has a hold on Cassian.
Thank you for reading!
Likes, comments, and reblogs are very welcome!
Much love!
READ IT ON AO3- Kudos and Comments Welcome :-)
READ CHAPTER 1 “The Razor”
READ CHAPTER 2 “The Scythe”
READ CHAPTER 4 “The Expendable”
READ CHAPTER 5 “The Truth”
READ CHAPTER 6 “The Detritus”
READ CHAPTER 8 “The Power”
READ CHAPTER 9 “The Betrayal”
READ CHAPTER 11 “The Reprieve”
READ CHAPTER 12 "The Ghosts"
READ CHAPTER 13 “The Redemption”
READ CHAPTER 14 “The Spoils”
READ CHAPTER 15 “The Interrogation”
READ CHAPTER 16 "The Rogues"
READ CHAPTER 17 “The Absolution”
READ CHAPTER 18 “The Reach”
READ CHAPTER 19 “The Hologram”
READ CHAPTER 20 “The Divide”
READ CHAPTER 21 “The Cost”
READ CHAPTER 22 “The Fallout”
READ CHAPTER 23 “The Wounds”
READ CHAPTER 24 “The Hand”
READ CHAPTER 25 “The Heart”
READ CHAPTER 26 “The Beginning”
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readylovewrites · 1 year
how to rest (in a war)
Hyperspace is smeared white with the light of a million stars, a million planets and suns and moons and people. Hearts of kyber and fleshier things. Flares of life. Bugs on a windshield.
His spine aches and the ache pulls like the fingers of a grubby street child, like a grasping weed, draws his mouth into a thin line. Immeasurable.
The smears don’t blink out as they come out of hyperspace and that confirms his suspicions. He’s going to pass out. Maybe already has passed out and is surfacing, head above water, before the waves submerge him again.  Maybe it’s worse than that. He doesn’t think so; he’s grown remarkably good at knowing the limits of his body and feels certain that he’ll die without bacta and bone stabilizers but not immediately. That’ll have to be enough. Internal bleeding aside, his body is not riddled with shrapnel or tattooed with the burning ink of an explosion.
The Death Star fired on its own base and its only Bodhi that got them out. Imperial pilot. Defector. 
Cassian doesn’t allow himself to think the word friend.
The grating beneath him shutters, pitches, and he hears distantly K-2’s steady back and forth with Alliance flight control. It’s out of order.  An echo. K is dead. K is a square of data in his quarters. K is stuttering into the comms—stuttering—shouting Goodbye into an ever darkening vault. Bodhi is stuttering. Bodhi is alive. K is dead.
A hand bunches into his tattered shirt and presses down into his chest just beneath his collarbone. A shadow leans over him but the stars of hyperspace remain, dashed across the bridge of her nose, her eyes, her mouth. It’s Jyn, he thinks. She was next to him when they took off and Chirrut is a half-dead slump that Baze hovers over. Or was. Maybe now he is an all-dead slump.
This is the first time quiet has sung so loud.
“Cassian. S-stay.” It is Jyn. “You need to stay awake.”
He knows that. The majority of his career has been solo missions, regardless of the presence of assets, and though he’s never really had to call upon it much, he knows basic first aid. Knows how to bandage a blaster shot, a vibroblade wound. Knows that falling asleep with a concussion could mean never waking up.
He knows it but the stars are getting brighter and she’s fading to light.
The stars, suns, moons, the shades of hyperdrive are burned into his eyelids but he still turns his head towards her voice and reaches for her arm, desperate. When he finds it, he slides his palm down her sleeve until he hits exposed forearm and lingers. Presses two fingers to her pulse point. Lingers. Only for a moment. Even as her other hand comes to rest on his wrist, he slides further down to her hand that holds tightly to the clunky weight of the plans. She presses his hand.
“I’ve got them. We got them. Stay awake.”
Can’t, he thinks as his eyelids slip shut.  The stars are here. In the dark, and burning bright.
He turns his hand, feels the data drive fall away, and all that’s left is Jyn’s skin.
It’s odd how hungry he is for the touch. More than for the plans even. He remembers touching her hip where they originally hung as soon as he and Jyn were dragged bodily by Baze on board, not even out of atmo yet. Not safe, no promise of escape. Touched and gripped and thought it’s done, though really it isn’t.  And still, more than all of that, he wants to touch Jyn Erso and feel that she is alive.
“Cassian, stay awake.”
Maybe he is delirious from the concussion. It’s nonsensical.
He’s never felt an urge to hold a person without motive or prompting.
Cassian. Stay awake.
He won’t and he knows it but the corners of his mouth tighten with an effort.
He’s more Cassian than he’s ever been.
She gives that to him. No aliases, no lies.
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 11 months
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early morning mood...sunday... [Underground Darkness Group]
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"The entire cosmos is a cooperative. The sun, the moon, and the stars live together as a cooperative. The same is true for humans and animals, trees, and the Earth. When we realize that the world is a mutual, interdependent, cooperative enterprise -- then we can build a noble environment. If our lives are not based on this truth, then we shall perish.
~ Buddhadasa Bhikkhu
The term 'engaged Buddhism' was created to restore the true meaning of Buddhism. Engaged Buddhism is simply Buddhism applied in our daily lives. If it's not engaged, it can't be called Buddhism. Buddhist practice takes place not only in monasteries, meditation halls and Buddhist institutes, but in whatever situation we find ourselves. Engaged Buddhism means the activities of daily life combined with the practice of mindfulness.
~ Thich Nhat Hanh
In one of Buddhism's iconic images, Gautama Buddha sits in meditation with his left palm upright on his lap, while his right hand touches the earth. Demonic forces have tried to unseat him, because their king, Mara, claims that place under the bodhi tree. As they proclaim their leader's powers, Mara demands that Gautama produce a witness to confirm his spiritual awakening. The Buddha simply touches the earth with his right hand, and the Earth itself immediately responds: "I am your witness." Mara and his minions vanish. The morning star appears in the sky. This moment of supreme enlightenment is the central experience from which the whole of the Buddhist tradition unfolds.
The great 20th-century Vedantin sage, Ramana Maharshi said that the Earth is in a constant state of dhyana (meditative absorption). The Buddha's earth-witness mudra (hand position) is a beautiful example of "embodied cognition." His posture and gesture embody unshakeable self-realization. He does not ask heavenly beings for assistance. Instead, without using any words, the Buddha calls on the Earth to bear witness."
~ John Stanley & David Loy
[Ian Sanders]
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mahayanapilgrim · 4 months
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On this sacred day of
Vesak, Buddhists all over the globe honor the momentous victory of the Buddha's enlightenment. After years of extreme ascetic practices, ascetic Siddhartha Gautama entered the middle path and he practiced meditation with deep effort. On the full moon night of one Vesak (May) month, he sat under the Bodhi tree in Gaya to meditate with a steadfast determination to discover the truth of existence. He was immensely determined not to leave the seat until he attained enlightenment. Through the night, he faced the temptations and distractions of Mara, the embodiment of ignorance and desire. With unwavering mindfulness and deep insight and with the power of the ten perfections he fulfilled over many eons, he overcame these challenges. As the morning star rose, Siddhartha Gautama attained supreme enlightenment, realizing the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path. He became the supremely enlightened Samma Sambuddha, the all knowing awakened one, free from the cycles of birth and death. The wisdom he uncovered under the Bodhi tree illuminated the path for countless beings to find peace, happiness, and liberation. From that day forward, the world was blessed with a bright beacon of wisdom to escape the infinite cycle of samsara. An infinite amount of beings freed themselves from the shackles of samsara because of the Dhamma taught by the Samma Sambuddha. Today, let us meditate on the Buddha's profound journey and recommit ourselves to the pursuit of inner peace and enlightenment. May we all find our Bodhi trees within.
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ladyxskywalker · 2 years
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DEC 2022 ☃️
fandoms featured on this list: star wars, rogue one, andor, moon knight, pedro pascal, triple frontier, multi. fandom
thank you to the amazing fic writers for sharing some wonderful stories with all of us ! & to the kind readers for their support. 💙
this month’s reading lists are kindly dedicated in loving memory of our friend Cindy (@keeper0fthestars ) 🕊 who passed away recently after a lengthy battle with cancer.
she was a wonderful friend to all, always supportive, kind, & an incredibly bright light to our community.
finding love, friendship, & comfort through reading, as well as getting lost in writing these beloved stories, has often felt like a warm hug when needed most. sharing & connecting with so many people over all of the things we love is a beautiful thing, & Cindy's amazing heart reached so many across the globe.
I'm so thankful for getting the chance to know her & offer warm thoughts & sincere condolences to her family & friends during this time. 💐
always daydream & never lose sight of all of the beautiful treasures to be found within your hearts. all the love, always, xo A 💌
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please assume that all works & the blogs they belong to are 18+ only
be sure to check all warnings & tags before reading, feel free to skip if something isn't for you
mature adult content will be marked with a double asterisk **
& of course, enjoy responsibly
please send me things to read ! favorite fics or something you've written that you're proud of ! 💌
find more monthly fic recs over on my masterlist ✨
please let me know if you would like to be removed
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a special tribute to Cindy @keeper0fthestars 🕊💙
there are truly no words to express how beloved cynthia was in this community. 🌸
her lovely work has always brought so many people warmth, comfort, and an immense amount of joy & love.
not only was she a wonderful writer in every possible way, but she was also an incredibly supportive & encouraging friend as well.
she was one of the first people to connect with me here on tumblr, to reach out & form a sincere friendship with, & I will always remember the kind interactions we shared.
talking to her always made me feel a sense of true belonging & acceptance. I can only hope that she felt the same way & I will always carry her in my thoughts and in my heart forever. 💐
you can find some of my favorite pedro pascal character stories & mandalorian works by her here
especially ‘the way you put that smile upon my face’, ‘solace’, ‘fragments’ & ‘you were my new dream (and you were mine); & a wealth of more amazing stories here over on her ao3 page ✨️
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✨ new authors & characters added for the first time !
✨ some authors are mentioned more than once throughout the list, check to see if your works are there !
andor / rogue one
bodhi rook
reprieve by @uwingdispatch (gn!reader)
** please note the content warnings before reading
unwavering by @uwingdispatch (gn!reader)
cassian andor
cassian helping you through a panic attack before aldhani by @archieimagines
endlessly by @uwingdispatch (gn!reader)
cassian andor/jyn erso
dancing on my own by @waterpancakeao3 / wanterpancake on ao3
rating: E (18+ only)
ruescott melshi
before.when.after. by @littlemisspascal (f!reader)
rating: M (18+ only)
misc. / multi. fandom
the batman
alfred pennyworth
bookstore date by @eupheme (gn!reader)
like the movies by @eupheme (f!reader) **
rating: E (18+ only)
my foolish heart by @eupheme (f!reader)
the gentleman (series) by @stargirlfics, moonglowfics on ao3 (ofc) **
rating: M (18+ only)
the holiday (2006)
a new year by Dramerjunkie09 on ao3
major weeper by jesterlady on ao3
the santa ana winds by lizwontcry on ao3
the spaces between us (are full of everything we love) by lionessvalenti on ao3
the vampire diaries / the originals
elijah mikaelson
tell me a story (series) by StarSailor23 on ao3 (ofc)
rating: M (18+ only)
carlisle cullen, charlie swan
lazy sunday by @eupheme (charlie swan x f!reader) **
rating: E (18+ only)
watch what happens by @eupheme (carlisle cullen x f!reader x charlie swan)
rating: E (18+ only)
moon knight
steven grant
dream a little dream of me by @redahlia-writes (f!reader)
pedro pascal characters
ezra (prospect)
earthlings by @imtryingmybeskar (f!reader)
rating: M (18+ only)
static and snow by @the-blind-assassin-12 (f!reader)
jack daniels
it’s a marshmallow world part one, part two by @writeforfandoms (f!reader)
joel miller
come home (series) by @imtryingmybeskar (f!reader) **
rating: E (18+ only)
wolf song by @eupheme (f!reader)
rating: M (18+ only)
marcus pike
where the love light gleams by @the-blind-assassin-12 (f!reader)
zach wellison
coming home (a room with a view series) by @absurdthirst (f!reader)
rating: M (18+ only)
star wars
anakin skywalker
forbidden by @mylifeisactuallyamess
armitage hux
too late for goodbye by @mylifeisactuallyamess
din djarin
bookstore girl by @saradika (gn!reader)
cuyan (series) by @againstacecilia (f!reader) **
rating: E (18+ only)
traditions and promises by @huffle-pissed
obi wan kenobi
baking/messy kitchen by @saradika (gn!reader)
rating: M (18+ only) (modern au, ‘ben’ kenobi)
love me and mend (series) by @hellotherekenobi , karasong on ao3 (f!reader)
seek them out, secret writings, sharing soap, undercover, take care of you by @hellotherekenobi , karasong on ao3 (f!reader)
you make me feel like dancing by @saradika (f!reader) **
rating: E (18+ only) (modern au, ‘ben’ kenobi)
poe dameron
the first noel life day by @dailyreverie
triple frontier
benny miller
all I need by @dameronscopilot (f!reader) **
rating: E (18+ only)
under the stars by @artemiseamoon on ao3 (f!reader, ofc)
rating: M (18+ only)
frankie morales
how about you and me? by @artemiseamoon on ao3 (f!reader, ofc)
rating: M (18+ only)
will miller
christmas morning by @rayslittlekitten (dad!will, wife!f!reader, child oc lucy)
wisteria & moonlight (series) by @artemiseamoon on ao3 (ofc) (werewolf & magical au)
rating: M (18+ only)
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** 🌸 thank you kindly to everyone for a wonderful year of reading, writing & daydreaming. It has been a pleasure sharing the love with all of you. see you in the new year ! 🌸 **
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thecambriaone · 6 months
most wanted?
we'd love to see:
finn, obi-wan kenobi, qui-gon jinn, ezra bridger, sabine wren, captain rex, hunter, bo-katan kryze, din djarin, wrecker, tech, echo, crosshair, baylan skoll, boba fett, fennec shand, cassian andor, bix caleen, rose tico, lando calrissian, jyn erso, nightsister merrin, bodhi rook, chirrut imwe, garazeb 'zeb' orrelios, amilyn holdo, bail organa, breha organa, the hero of tython/jedi knight, ashara zavros, doc, theron shan, satele shan, lord scourge, lana beniko, talos drellik (star wars) sam wilson, steve rogers, thor odinson, bruce banner, carol danvers, scott lang, miles morales, jessica drew, cindy moon, mj watson, ned leeds, harry osborn, lorna dane, pietro maximoff, erik lehnsherr, charles xavier (marvel) percy de rolo, vax'ildan, grog strongjaw, scanlan shorthalt, yasha nydoorin, beauregard lionette, fjord, caduceus clay, veth brenatto, kingsley tealeaf (critical role) dame aylin, alfira, lae'zel, wyll ravengard, halsin, jaheira, minsc (baldur's gate) captain john price, kyle 'gaz' garrick (call of duty) cullen rutherford, alistair theirin, josephine montilyet, cassandra pentaghast, the inquisitor, the warden, hawke, varric tethras (dragon age) sir malcolm murray, sembene, alexander sweet/dracula, dorian gray, brona croft/lily frankenstein (penny dreadful) edward cullen, esme cullen, carlisle cullen, leah clearwater, seth clearwater (twilight)
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armand, nicolas de lenfant, gabrielle de lioncourt, daniel molloy, jesse reeves, merrick mayfair, mona mayfair, tarquin blackwood, julien mayfair, jojo mayfair, ciprien grieve (the vampire chronicles/lives of the mayfair witches) lucerys velaryon, jacaerys velaryon, harwin strong, laenor valeryon, baela targaryen, aemond targaryen, helaena targaryen, missandei, grey worm, jorah mormont, sansa stark, ned stark, catelyn stark, bran stark, robb stark, davos seaworth, gendry (game of thrones/house of the dragon) betty cooper, archie andrews, jughead jones, dilton doiley, sabrina spellman (archie comic/riverdale/sabrina) josie saltzman, lizzie saltzman, milton greasley, landon kirby, rebekah mikaelson, marcel gerard, stefan salvatore, bonnie bennett, enzo st john, nadia petrova, jenna sommers, davina claire, freya mikaelson (the vampire diaries universe) rose tyler, donna noble, the fifteenth doctor, martha jones, amy pond, rory williams, bill potts, yasmin khan, ryan sinclair, graham o’brien, dan lewis (doctor who)
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anghraine · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Aww, thanks! It's hard to pick a favorite when I've written so much, but here are five that I currently have good feelings about.
1- tolerably well acquainted (an elaboration of Elizabeth's feelings during the book canon scenes at Pemberley and after; WIP but all Pemberley scenes are posted)
For, maybe, once in her life, she had yet to reach judgment. He was at all times Mr Darcy of Pemberley, but Mr Darcy at Pemberley seemed so entirely distinct from Mr Darcy everywhere else that she scarcely knew what to think. Instead, the same thoughts coursed through her mind without resolution, returning over and over again with no answers.
She dwelt on them nevertheless, her habits of courtesy carrying her through the Bromleys’ conversation as it shifted to other subjects. All the while, she wondered how a single person could contain so many contradictions, and seem so wholly unaware of it himself. His manners had been so altered, though; the man who spoke to her mother’s brother and the one who had (rarely) spoken to her mother herself might have been different creatures altogether. Perhaps he had realized—perhaps he had listened—
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
2- the voices of the sea (in which f!Faramir dreams of water; part of the Aranorverse, but a completed one-shot)
Míriel dreamed again of Armenelos and the Meneltarma and the shadow of death rising inexorably above all. But there was no waking. The wave slowly began to collapse over them, foam and droplets spattering her face before it reached her. Míriel stood tall and straight, refusing to cower, allowing herself no further weakness than blinking the water out of her face. She opened her eyes to more water, feeling it slosh about her bare ankles.
But it was now deep into night beneath a pale moon, just bright enough for her to see that the water in which she stood flowed smoothly past the familiar shores of the Anduin. The terror of the Downfall had shifted to an overwhelming sense of peace.
As she watched, she saw a small boat come floating up the river.
3- per ardua ad astra (in which Jyn, Cassian, and Bodhi escape Scarif only to be caught in the Death Star's tractor beam; WIP, if mostly resolved)
He tightened his grasp on the crystal; through his gloves, it warmed his cool hands. Maybe the lingering warmth of Jyn’s body—even on this march to possible death, he shepherded his thoughts away from that—or maybe something else. He didn’t know. At that, Cassian didn’t know what he believed about the Force at all, beyond the reality of its existence. He reserved his faith for the cause. The dream of liberation, given shape by the Rebellion. And by Jyn. A Jedi could appear before him, and it would matter less than this chunk of rock.
He believed in Jyn. In a way, that mattered more than loving her.
4- One More Tomorrow (in which Noatak becomes Amon, ft. f!Tarrlok)
He didn’t mean waiting for the council to see reason. They never would, any of them. Even Taraka.
Particularly Taraka. He’d have liked to imagine that she had simply fallen under the malign sway of her peers, as she had lived under his sway in their childhood. But it was Taraka who spoke out most aggressively against the Equalists, Taraka who advocated for harsher penalties for attacks on benders, Taraka whose reputation rose until the council elected her chairwoman, Taraka who seemed the worst of them all. A monster.
And yet, his sister still.
5- [untitled and unposted. ANYWAY] (GW2 OFC/ OFC fic)
Gwen hadn’t cried, and some part of her desperately wished she could. But there was enough of the bandit Gwen left in her to keep her eyes dry. Don’t show weakness. Not here, not ever. Don’t stop until Zhaitan and his kind are gone, and the world is safe for everyone I love. Even—especially people like Tybalt.
Preceptor Doern had summoned her with a new assignment. And worse, with a new partner. But after one glance at the haughty, silk-clad human at his side, Gwen nearly recoiled.
"Lightbringer Althea," she said.
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moprocrastinates · 2 years
"Under the Moon" for rebelcaptain?👀
OOOOOOOOOOOOOHH 👀 ugh i gotta write more when i'm not tired
it's after the Battle of Endor
Leia, Luke, Han, Lando, Chewie, Threepio, and Artoo are singing and dancing with the Ewoks (although Han looks a little perturbed as Wicket cheerfully drops a crown of branches on Threepio's head)
Rebels drink merrily around the firelight, smiles stretching from ear to ear
Baze and Chirrut sit together, Chirrut beaming and regaling fellow Rebels with the story of how he alone took down an AT-AT
"You did not," K2 says in that flat tone while Chirrut laughs. "I was there."
Baze looks on, endlessly amused and half-heartedly rolling his eyes
Bodhi's nearby too, roasting something over the pit and grinning at the fireworks in the sky
But Cassian can't find her among the throng of sentients
He checks each group, hoping to find bright green eyes and messy bangs and a kyber crystal a different shade than the one currently around his own neck
He'd bumped into Kes in his search for Jyn, who'd only ruffled his hair and announced that Shara was pregnant
Shara had laughed her loud, wonderful laugh, but lifted her head from under her husband's arm to gesture to one of the smaller platforms. "She's over there."
So, wading through the soup of nightfall, Cassian finds Jyn, sitting with her feet dangling off the platform, head cocked towards the sky
He doesn't say anything when he plops down beside her. Instead, he turns to see what she's looking at
The moon is large and shining in front of them
And next to it is beautiful empty space
Where the Death Star once was
He'd have never thought to see a clear sky again
"I know he's proud of me." Jyn says, not lifting her gaze. "You said that on Scarif. I like to think that that promise is fulfilled now."
Cassian turns his head, and watches as moonlight and stardust twine across her face
"Yes, I think so too." He murmurs, unable to look away
When she looks back at him, Cassian reaches out, letting his fingers brush hers. They tighten when they meet, and he finds himself wondering what's next, where he will go, but--
Jyn smiles at him, and suddenly he's home
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samspenandsword · 2 years
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Kinktober 2022/23 Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Summary: Kinktober Day 24 — Tender Sex with Bodhi Rook Pairing: Bodhi Rook/Reader; fem!reader with no mentions of her appearance. Rating: Explicit, 18+ (Younglings, foundlings, and cadets BEGONE!) Warnings: Explicit sexual content, smut; tender sex, unprotected PIV (PRACTICE SAFE SEX), oral sex (f!receiving), “we survived” sex, romantic sex, fluffy bullshit in Kinktober sue me, body worship, Bodhi Rook and Rogue One deserved better, no dialogue.  Word Count: 2.2k
Sam's Pen and Sword Kinktober 2023 Taglist Form
The last few days were a flurry of blurry memories flashing past your eyes at the speed of light. And the way certain parts were illuminated, perfectly clear, and other parts were darkened and hazy definitely reminded you of hyperspace.
Your life in general had practically shot into hyperspace this last week. What had started as a simple mission to Jedha to recover a defected Imperial pilot and the message he carried had turned into a crucial turning point in the war against the Empire.
The sound of the beaches of Scarif echoed in your ears, the crashing of the water on the sound, the mild crunch of boots dipping into the sands and scattering the grains in their determined, rebellious wake.
You could feel the phantom weight of the blaster in your hands, the weight of the vibroblade down your boot, the weight of the bandolier and rifle strapped across your chest and back.
You could feel the lingering tension gripping you — a tension born from not only desperation, but the thrill of battle. The intoxicating idea that this might it.
You could do it.
You could beat the Empire.
And even if you couldn't, you could still give them the proverbial middle finger and drag them down to hell with you.
Now, a week later, the victorious Rebellion had scattered, evacuating Yavin 4 as soon as possible following the destruction of the Death Star. You could see the flash of light still, a glorious sight and one you'd thoroughly dedicated to every comrade and innocent lost to the Empire.
Even before they'd risen to power, the Empire had destroyed the lives of millions. As far as you were concerned, you would fight for them as long as the Empire dared to exist.
You rolled your shoulders against the rising feeling of anger. A lingering thing. The devastation would come later, you knew. The loss of your home of Jedha was a loss shared by many, including Chirrut and Baze. Your family had long been gone but you could remember so clearly the days of walking the streets with your mother, buying groceries for your family. You could remember the days of your father combing the grains of sand from your hair. You still couldn't look at a comb without seeing his smile in your mind.
The destruction of the Death Star flashed across your memory again, pushing away the way you still, all these years later, grieved for your family.
A knock sounded at the door of your new quarters. Until the Rebellion could find a suitable moon or planet to house a new home base, the Alliance was scattered across the Outer Rim, occupying safe houses and outposts until the call was raised saying a new base had been found.
Answering the door, a smile grew across your face.
Bodhi's hair was loose and damp around his shoulders, and he wasn't wearing the usual jumpsuit he'd practically lived in the last week. Between everything that had happened, there'd been no time to stop, no time to pause. From Jedha, to Eadu, to Yavin, the Scarif, to Yavin again, to the siege against the Death Star, to the award ceremony and evacuation, there hadn't really even been time to stop and breathe.
And now, as you looked into Bodhi's warm eyes, you felt as if you were finally coming out of hyperspace and emerging into the calm of the stars.
Bodhi kissed you tenderly. Tension released from him the second his lips touched yours, the contact calming something inside the both of you. His usual anxiousness melted away into a calm, gentle affection, his hands cupping your face reverently.
It felt so natural to kiss Bodhi like this. Tenderly, languidly, slowly. Actually taking the time, as much as you wanted, to express how you felt. None of the frenzied, harried tearing of clothes or mashing of lips as a result of the fear of battle and death and defeat.
You and Bodhi had experienced more than enough battle and death and defeat in the last week. Just as much as you had experienced hope, and determination, and victory.
Jedha may have been gone, and this war with the Empire was not over by a long shot, and you weren't sure what the future had in store for you, but you were here now. With Bodhi.
And the knowledge of that, the sheer relief it brought, sprung tears to your eyes as you basked in his achingly tender kiss.
Inhaling deep against his skin and enjoying the clean scent of him, and the softness of his hair tickling your cheek, you and Bodhi guided each other to the bed.
His weight against you grounded you better than anything else ever had. Ever would. With Bodhi here, you didn't think about the sting of sand or the heat of blaster fire against your skin. You didn't think of the ringing in your ears, brought on by the onslaught of explosions and walkers shaking the beaches. You didn't think of the water lapping against your boots, so warm and sloshing so loud in your ears it felt and sounded more like blood. You could smell him, the lingering memory of the spices of home comforting you instead of distressing you, blocking out the burning, metallic, ozonous scent of space and your burning cockpit. You could feel him, not the rumble of the ship around you as Jedha City collapsed into ash on top of you. Behind your eyes was nothing but blissful peace, not the foreboding sight of a strange, shadowing eclipse on the horizon. His hands stroked along your back, so much more soothing than the onslaught of Eadu's rain. His beard against your skin made you shiver pleasantly, the feeling of it so familiar, and yet so unlike the terrible scratching of your battle-worn fatigues.
Bodhi was here. You were here.
And you focused on that, preferring not to think about how very close the both of you came to not being here.
Bodhi's hair was silk against your calluses as you pressed yourself into him. Legs entangled, hands stroking and gentle, neither of you were in the mood to rush this.
You could never get enough of this. Never get enough of Bodhi. Sweet, gentle, brave Bodhi. A rebel to the core, this victory would not have happened without him. If he had never defected from the Empire and brought Erso's precious message to Saw Gerrera, the Death Star would still be out there. And more than just Jedha City, Scarif, and Alderaan would have been lost to their relentless pursuit of domination. He was an endlessly brave man who stuttered when he was anxious. An ace pilot who still got nervous when he flew. An Imperial traitor, a rogue rebel. Sweet, precious Bodhi who reminded you of home, of everything you'd lost, and every reason why you chose to fight. Bodhi, who'd been tortured at the hands of Saw Gerrera but had still chosen to join the Rebellion anyway, because he believed in Galen Erso's message, and believed in the cause. Bodhi, who in a moment of panic, had given your crew, your family their name, and piloted you into the heart of a hopeless mission. Bodhi, who wanted to be brave, to do better, to make up for his mistakes, who volunteered for a suicide mission to Scarif, escaped by the sheer luck of a faulty charge, and then jumped right back in when it was time to attack the Death Star.
Just... Bodhi.
You couldn't help pulling away from his kiss, just for a moment, to stare at him. To make sure he was real. He was there with you. He was here.
With you.
Oh, those eyes of his. They not only reminded you of home, but had perhaps become your new home.
You weren't sure what Bodhi saw in your expression, but whatever it was made him bring his lips to your forehead.
A tear fell down your cheek.
Bodhi kissed his way down your features, pressing his lips to you like he was tracing the constellation of your body. Your temple, your cheek, your nose, your jaw, your ear, your neck, your collar, your shoulder, your chest. Down, all the way down your middle, to your waist, where he slid his hands beneath the hem of your shirt to peel it away from your skin.
He kissed his way back up, mapping each new part of you that was revealed to him. He lingered at your collar, nuzzling his face to your chest and listening to your heart beat for him.
He pressed a kiss to your heart, and you swore you fell even more in love with him right then and there.
Bodhi caressed down your body, stroking every dip and curve, his tender kisses following just behind. His touch was warm, but it still made goosebumps and shivers rake your body, the attention gentle, but oh, so thorough. As Bodhi dipped into the valley of your breasts, pressing a firmer, lingering kiss there, you gasped quietly, your knees crooking to cage his slim body between your thighs.
His lips trailed across your breast, tongue darting out to massage across your nipple, and a gasp of his name escaped you.
He hummed into your skin, nuzzling the warmth of your breast and stroking your skin comfortingly.
Bodhi lapped and sucked at your breasts steadily, enjoying the feeling of your little nipples swelling under his tongue. He released them long enough to watch them pebble even further without his warm mouth worshipping and warming them. He loved the sight.
A warmth had started to build in your core, tightening and curling inside you in an achingly wonderful, slow climb.
His soft hands massaged your breasts as his lips trailed down the curve of your waist. You sighed into the touch, legs falling further open as he slid down your body, until his shoulders were seated between them.
His fingers, soft from the constant wear of his pilot's gloves, popped the button of your pants, lips kissing the skin beneath your navel as he dragged the zipper open.
He breathed a question into your skin, and as you gave your permission, he helped you slip from your pants, him continuing to kiss and worship each new part of you.
Until he decided to worship a more intimate part of you.
His kisses were still so tender and oh, so thorough as he covered every inch of your most intimate areas with affection. His tongue darted out, lapping up your folds, unhurried in his tasting of you. You sighed blissfully, fingers slipping into his silky hair. Bodhi's praise was rumbled into you, before he pressed an open kiss to your clit.
You trembled beneath him.
Bodhi's pace was still unhurried, languorous, but held a fervor to it as he alternated licking through your lips and core to swirling your clit in his mouth with gentle sucks. Your gentle moans mixed with his, both of you contentedly caught up in the other.
Bodhi prodded your entrance with his tongue, one of his soft fingers replacing it seconds later. He slipped into you with ease, your moan louder than before. You felt the curve of his smiling lips press against your clit again, closing around it as he crooked his finger in a massage of your slick walls.
Bodhi. Bodhi. Bodhi. It was a chant encompassing your mind and heart as he brought you to your high, a second finger slipping inside you as he sucked your clit in a wonderful, blissful pulse. You were being consumed by the feeling of his ministrations, caught up in the knowledge that he was there with you, that you were alive, you survived, against all odds, and consumed in Bodhi, and the bond forged in the fires of war and loss and shared hope and impossible victory.
Your walls fluttered as Bodhi coaxed you into a shattering orgasm with nothing other than his tender affection. You trembled and shivered as it raked through your body. Bodhi kissed his way up your shaking body, drinking in your moans and scent. Your voice, your scent, your touch. It all reminded him of how far he'd come, and of home.
You were his home now.
And he basked in that feeling as he slid into you.
As he came home.
So overcome were the both of you, in the feeling of simply being there, in the feeling of each other, the thrust of his hips into yours, the heat of your silken walls around him, his lips on your neck, your hands in his hair, his own cupping your hips and back, your breasts against his chest. It was all so intimate and passionate and still so unhurried.
You didn't know what tomorrow would bring. But for now, you had this. Him, inside you, and you, holding him close.
Bodhi came first, his cum warming your core and heart. It triggered your own release, your walls pulsing around him.
You and Bodhi came down together. His fingers trailed over your curves as he softened inside you. Warm in the afterglow, you stroked his hand into a semblance of order, unable to swallow your smile at the swell of his lips and darkened hue of his gorgeous eyes.
Bodhi returned your smile and brought your lips back together.
Again, you didn't know what tomorrow would brin. If it would bring retaliation, or danger, or a new base, or a new mission. But for now, you had here. And now.
You had each other.
You were home.
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Taglist: @twistedstitcher27 @rexxdjarin @frietiemeloen @fivedicksinatrenchcoat @jedimastersovi @hnnybee @sleepingsun501 @virginoliveoil @rosmariner @sunshinesdaydream @adikas-world @theroguesully @dangerousstrawberrypie @kraytclaw @lindsaygallof @misogirl828 @thefact0rygirl @mxkyrie @rain-on-kamino @coffeyorky @iguess-vall
Sam's Pen and Sword Kinktober 2022 Taglist Form
To folks who wish to be tagged in my works, make sure to double check your visibility settings. I can’t tag you unless you have made your blog visible. 
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ahsgotham · 1 year
somebody had requested a masterlist but i lost my draft as a response for it, so i’m gonna write it out here and hope they say it. these are my main interests and what characters i’ll write for, there are still tons of things not mentioned i’ll write for (such as, i’ll still write for ahs and gotham.)
i primarily write smut now, which is why i post on ao3 more, but i’ll still write sweet stuff, sad stuff, etc.
- dexter morgan
- debra morgan
- joey quinn
- angel batista
- rita bennett
- brian moser
- miguel prado
- travis marshall
- oliver saxon
- ethan chandler
- vanessa ives
- sir malcolm murray
- dorian gray
- victor frankenstein
- brona croft
i’ve only seen up to the end of s1 so far, but i will write for dracula and jekyll in the future <3
- jesse custer
- tulip o’hare
- proinsias cassidy
- eccarius
- jesus
- shadow moon
- laura moon
- mad sweeney
- bilquis
- mr world
- tech boy
- mr wednesday
- originals (han solo, luke skywalker, leia organa, boba fett, lando calrissian, darth vader)
- prequels (anakin skywalker, obi-wan kenobi, padmé amidala, bail organa)
- sequels (finn, poe dameron, general hux, rey skywalker, han solo, d.j.)
- stand-alones (cassian andor, bodhi rook, han solo, lando calrissian)
- shows (din djarin, cobb vanth, cassian andor, syril karn, obi-wan kenobi)
for these ones there’s too many characters i’d write for to list off, so just request someone and see if i’ll write them. if not i’ll tell you.
- the scream films
- the final destination films
- the evil dead films/ash vs evil dead
- interview with the vampire (1994/2022)
- fright night (2011)
- twin peaks
- the mike flanagan-verse
same deal as horror, rq someone and i’ll let you know
- true blood
- boardwalk empire
- six feet under
- the righteous gemstones
- band of brothers
- the sopranos
- succession
- veep
- true detective (only seen s1 so far)
- anything i’ve written for previously
- sons of anarchy
- the magic mike films
- you (tv show)
- the top gun films
- scoot mcnairy characters
- mozart in the jungle
- ray donovan
- workaholics
i’m sure i’m forgetting some things, but here you go !! <3 rq and i’ll get to it. some things i might post on my ao3, ianmckinley.
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The Kraken's Daughter
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/NQTHUDL
by Rifle
There is a new moon in the sky, filling the world with a soft glow on the night a man and a girl are brought to Winterfell.
Words: 6927, Chapters: 1/13, Language: English
Fandoms: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: Cassian Andor, Jyn Erso, Saw Gerrera, Davits Draven, Bail Organa, Breha Organa, Bodhi Rook
Relationships: Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Game of Thrones, Canon Typical Violence, Arranged Marriages of the 'Political Hostage Is Married to Their Jailor' Variety, a bit of that GoT-y flavor of sexism and toxic masculinity, caveat lector, Author hasn't seen Andor
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/NQTHUDL
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