dontcallmejoel · 6 years
bodhxsattva replied to your post: hey Demi! I'm pretty sure I've already said this...
we are all love demi
[[ a mistake, really ]]
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gamfcowboy-archived · 6 years
🔮 ;0 🔮
Send me 🔮 for one thought your muse might hear if they could read my muse’s mind.
...he’s always floatin’ around but it’s real low. Wonder if he could float higher? Mebbe over my head. Heh. His ass would be over my head. HEH. I’d have an actual asshat! Shit that’s funny as hell.
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thefaceshopclerk · 6 years
[Closed Starter for bodhxsattva ]
Zaviana sighs deeply, forlornly,  as they sit on the ground in the gardens near one of the numerous carved fountains. They know they’ll eventually be found again by the servants and hounded as they’re taken care of and ‘pampered’ by the lot of them. But for now, they attempt to enjoy their peace and quiet, time to think and dwell on their situation. Daydreaming of being free of this place, their paradise of a Prison without having to make a single wish. Though they’re very much aware that that isn’t happening anytime soon, it’s still...helpful, they suppose, to imagine it.  To feel a little bit of happiness and comfort. 
They jump in surprise when there’s the sound of heavy boots running and a shouting about an ‘intruder’ ., and without hesitation, they gracefully spring up onto their feet and run toward where the main entrance had been. At least ten guards are running out of it. If course, they try to sneakily follow behind them. They’re almost out when, in their haste, they bump into one of the many carved marble columns. Instantly, there are servants blocking their way. Holding food and clothing and jewelry, going on about their schedule. Just long enough for the exist to waver and disappear. Clenching their fists and gritting their teeth, seething with resentment, Zaviana has some choice words with the ever calm and smiling servants, threatening to break the hands of anyone that attempted to touch them or guide them anywhere. 
This had been their chance, and they had fucked it up. They had been so close. It’s enough to make hem want to weep. They wouldn’t, not in front of any one of these manipulative bastards. Storming back to their room they slam the somewhat heavy, ornate door shut and sits at the end of the bed. They try to breathe, hold back the tears, meditate, talk to themself...but all that comes out of them is a frustrated, bitter sob.
All they can hope for is that whoever the intruder was, they made it here too. At least that way, they potentially would have someone from the outside to suffer with. A terrible thought, they know but right now...they won’t berate themself for it.
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hxnzoshimxdx · 6 years
Touch: Continued from here
Hanzo smiles gently, hand gently on the others back as he moves to guide Zenyatta back towards the door, “perhaps I am impatient, but you have lost yourself in helping with work down here. You need a break.”
His hand slides away, arm instead wrapping gently around him, a soft hum of amusement escaping the archer, “and by the sound of your yawning I am correct. You should rest a little. The paperwork will still be there when you wake.”
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dfist · 6 years
WHILE REST DOES come easy, it doesn’t come often. Akande works himself to the bone and enjoys every second of it. His mind is busy, but not in a way that overwhelms him -- in fact, he lives for the challenge. Still, he knows how to relax when he reminds himself to do so... or when his lover drags him to bed. It’s with Zenyatta’s head and hand on his chest that he finds himself in his most restful state, and there is precious little he would trade moments like this for.
Unfortunately, there is still a trace of concern in the back of his mind, leftover from earlier in the day, before his lover returned to him after an absence Akande feels was too long. The kiss is welcome, and a soft sigh escapes wide nostrils.
He is quiet for a moment. He knows better than to worry, and he rarely does -- there is simply something about not hearing from Zenyatta for a while that sets him on edge. ❝ It is nothing, my dear. ❞ He clasps a large hand over Zenyatta’s gently, lovingly. ❝ Sometimes I simply want to hear your voice. ❞
( @bodhxsattva | ☆ )
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6. Sliding their hand over their bottom
Genji, in his youth, had been extremely accustomed to being groped at random points. In fact, he usually considered it  failure of a day if his ass wasn’t at least brushed up against. But that had gone the way of the dinosaur after his change. 
Apparently not today. He yelped a little in surprise before turning his head to see Zenyatta’s hand resting on the curve of his ass. 
He chuckled a little, looking at his lover. 
“Enjoying the view, master?”
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He likes the other, he really does, and it's odd to think so much pain had lead him to the other ( that and a hand around his neck ; it was a good thing he didn't need to breath ). He's hesitant, young and unsure, head tilted to the side and leaning forward to ' kiss ' Chappie's cheek.
      It happens when Chappie is bent over his work bench, working on modifying some hover-mobile so he can slip it in and out of his little hideaway. The blip of static against his plating doesn’t send any warnings across his HUD- but it does make him pause, audial fins straightening as he turns to Zenyatta.
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     It’s easy to forgot how young the monk is, with all of the spiritual wisdom he’s constantly spouting, and this makes Chappie reboot for a second. He’s over a hundred years old at this point- outdated machinery- and Zenyatta had essentially just kissed his cheek. Nobody had ever done that before.
     With a robotic huff that sounded as fond as it was exasperated Chappie touched his faceplate to the other bot’s cheek, returning the kiss, before going back to his tinkering, and shifting to sit closer to Zenyatta while he did. 
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dontcallmejoel · 6 years
@bodhxsattva replied to your post “[[ Jesse “I have three shirts and I think one of them was just stolen”...”
zenyatta, wearing two of the shirts; (◑ ᴥ ◑ )
@valkyrieonlinex replied to your post: “[[ Jesse “I have three shirts and I think one of them was just stolen”...”
Angie, wearing the third shirt and his serape. "I have no idea what you're talking about"
Jesse, shirtless, holding his laundry basket in the corner, shaking his head like every goddamn time.
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gamfcowboy-archived · 6 years
“please don’t leave me alone.”
It would make sense babbled after a mission gone sour, but instead, it’s murmured between them after a tender coupling, with McCree still buried deep and a hundred emotions burning through his brain.
He isn’t even aware he’s said it out loud until Zenyatta lifts his head with those gentle hands and thumbs wipe away tears he doesn’t remember shedding. Coaxes him closer, until sticky, sweat-slick skin presses against metal and every breath reverberates back to him through the contact.
There’s too much sensation but not enough at the same time and he closes his eyes to block out some. Something.
That’s when he feels the gentle warmth start to emanate from his lover, the soft emotions that permeate his soul and fill in the cracks there. Fingers twined together, metal to flesh, and Jesse is cradled as if he is worth more than his skill or his bounty. As if he is precious.
“I will not leave you, Jesse.”
So many times they’ve traded those words, and he knows that it will happen again, too. There is too much danger, too much trauma for them to heal completely.
But right now, held close and being bathed in tranquility, he believes that this time... this time, he can believe it.
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     Omnics were always interesting--metal with a soul. Truthfully, the oni had never actually dabbled to see how different an omnic’s soul would taste compared to a normal human soul. Would it be more metalicy, or would it be the same?      Despite all that curiosity, Hanzo had yet to try it out with this specific omnic. This ex-monk, Zenyatta as he was introduced, had a certain peacefulness that rubbed off onto the demon. The comfort that made him relaxed enough to not care if he was showing his true form--often times, like now, Hanzo bumped his head against Zenyatta’s head, doing his best to not let his towering size cause harm to the omnic. He liked this omnic too much to injure.
    @bodhxsattva ; Oni!Hanzo Starter
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willbeshot · 6 years
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             “Je suis beau~”
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deadlockduelist · 6 years
callout post
@bodhxsattva​ killed torbjorn’s wife
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accelucio-blog · 6 years
He's quite the fan of the man , music and otherwise , so is it really a shock to see Zenyatta absolutely decked out in the musicians merch? ( Maybe ). " You did so well tonight ! I can not thank you enough for giving me such an honor to see you preform live! "
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          His concert went well, and Lucio could not be anymore proud of himself for putting on such a great show. He’s backstage getting congratulations from stage crew and giving autographs, but his attention is caught by the other, Zenyatta, as they approach, wearing all of his merchandise. He's in shock at first, but lights up after hearing Zenyatta’s words.
          ❛ Oh man, Zen! I’m so glad you could make it! And in full merchandise as well? That is awesome! If you’re ever interested in seeing future concerts, just let me know; I’d be more than happy to give you free tickets since you’ve enjoyed this one so much! ❜
          He’s definitely going to remember this. But in a good way. A cherished memory perhaps? Yeah. Most likely.
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mtchstck-a · 6 years
bodhxsattva replied to your post: tbh i was watching na.rnia with my baby sister and...
She’s NINE and knows john wick and I don’t What IS THis
i asked and evidently she knows him from fortnite?? 
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my son told me to tell you to stop giving him gay feelings at night time
well then. tell your son that i am the epitome of gayness and cannot be stopped
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dontcallmejoel · 6 years
Communication wheel // now if there aint a talk about getting head u aint my friend
Game Dialogue Meme || Accepting
McCree: Mother- *teeth chattering* That’s... brisk.Zenyatta: *chuckling* Are you sure that’s what you meant to say?McCree: Seems all the ornery froze right outta me.
Zenyatta: So, McCree.McCree: Don’t you start. Just because I’m a fan of your work don’t mean I signed up for therapy.Zenyatta: You’re a fan?McCree: Did I say that outloud?
McCree: Eight arms, huh?Zenyatta: Briefly, while in a state of transcendence, yes.McCree: Guess that makes you pretty handy, huh?Zenyatta: ...McCree: Well, I thought it was funny.
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