#body positivty
ondina66 · 7 months
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Amor fati
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silberzunge · 1 year
gotta be real i get why a person like cherish would be upset about those tattoos, but rereading the descriptions kinda had me like... The one on her back absolutely sounds like something i can see a specific type of person get, i remember reading it the first time and being like .. that sounds kinda sick actually the one on the front too, tho it has more welcome to my twisted mind body positivity (stop bullying) project vibes
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daphnedauphinoise · 2 years
I am over and done with people posing  to making their waist smaller. Big ribcages are fine, big waists are fine, boxy body shape is fine. You know it is bad when I saw someone post  without contorting their body and their body was relaxed and free and I was confused. We are the point where seeing the human body in its everyday state on social media is a bewildering experience. 
Branching off on this, I hate every single anyone on social media who are body positive but also as a side hustle bash features that aren’t convetionally pretty. I hate that trend on tiktok where people use that filter which makes their lips small and thin and after a while they remove the filter it’s their big lips. The caption is always without fail something within the lines of ‘THANK YOU JESUS FOR MY NATURALLLY BIG LUSCIUOUS JUICY LIPS, THANK YOU HEAVENLY FATHER THAT MY LIPS ARE NOT TINY. THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN WORSE THAN FAMINE AND WAR. I AM SO HAPPY THAT I DO NOT HAVE THE MISFORTUNE OF HAVING SMALL LIPS🤢🤢🤢. PHEW!’ 
You are not a kind person if you are not capable of accepting and acting in accordance to the belief that the human body is just a body and people’s features do not have to align to a very constrictive idea of what features are ‘acceptable and nice’. I need someone to explain to my why having small lips are bad? The whole undertone in videos like that is ‘ I am more beautiful becausee I do not have small lips’ and not ‘I am beautiful because I have big lips’. Those two are very different. The people who post those videos justify themselves by saying ‘I thought  my lips were small and it was my biggest insecurity and now this filter made me realise my lips aren’t as small’ .. what ?Mind you, these are the exact people who scream about ‘body positivity’Most people online are the exact people they like to hate on, I just don’t understand. 
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swifty-fox · 5 days
read that awful Nicola Coughlan article and now I wanna die lmao
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j4jml · 9 months
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“There is a life in you, search that life, search the secret jewel in the mountain of your body.” - Rumi
The Secret Jewel 03/09/2023 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
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bmpmp3 · 2 years
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needed to draw yumeko from debu to love to ayamachi to because she is Very Cute
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punny-trash · 2 years
Joking about my 'massive gamer cock' has done more to help with my body positivity and dysphoria than literally every single assurance that having a dick doesnt make me less of a woman
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jabathegut · 6 months
I don't regret gaining, but on top of the kind of judgement you've described whenever a fat person does something (and men especially, for whom there seems to be no enthusiasm for body positivty or anything), I also found friends and family unwilling to be size inclusive when making plans, like dining out places where I wouldn't fit comfortably, or activities where it'd be very very active, and if I ever mention it, the response was basically that I shouldn't have gotten fat then or that if I'm not actively trying to lose weight then I can't complain. Have you found this to be the sort of like social isolation you've experienced as well?
Yes! Men have to take responsibility for all their actions. Which I’m OK with because I take accountability for my actions and where they’ve led me.. It’s just the world we live in! My friend/coworker everyday asks how my work out went, when am I starting 75hard, when am I going to lifting again..
Yeah we dont see Fat Target male models at all ever.. we have to go online and we are segregated in real life.. you can easily Go to any Target and they have BBW cloths mixed right in the skinny girl isle.. we have fat swim suit calendar models we have all these positive movements for women. Let’s keep that same energy for the men??? Ope nope lets just dog on um, their men.. suck it up pale. Thats how the cookie crumbles!
This is 100% the vibe that was described above!!!
I’m not saying that all fat people don’t struggle because we all do. so before everybody wants to twist my words and say something or make it out to something I’m not. Alls I’m saying is we don’t have the same energy when it comes to fat men it’s different, not trying to Make light of people that are fat. We all struggle I get it.
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bas-writes · 1 year
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Morning Delight
Character: Rosinante Reader: female (cis) Word Count: 2125 CW: chubby reader, smut, explicit n.sfw content, established relationship, morning sex, vaginal fingering & sex, body positivty, body worshipping, marking, praise kink, pet names, creampie, Rosinante is very into Reader's body shape and is not ashamed of it, the fic starts with Rosi groping sleeping Reader a little, but he doesn't do anything sexual until Reader wakes up Synopsis: Unexpected failure of the late Valentine's date forces you and Rosinante stay in bed in conditions far from expected. The situation improves once a glimpse of your body catches your boyfriend's attention. A/N: heeey, @nekomacheercaptain, I'm your pinch hitter for the @onepiece-blorboexchange! I was so happy for this unexpected opportunity when I saw your wishes - I hope I didn't go too wild with the chubby love prompt 🤭 I hope you're going to enjoy your late Valentine's (and bday) gift!
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A loud, close thunder strike wakes Rosinante up, his whole body jolting as if lightning has reached him as well. Trained senses quickly click into order, and he stills, silent, only his heart still thrashing in his chest and his lungs too clenched to take a breath. He starts to feel the first call for oxygen when he finally dares to inhale, so slowly, to not make any more noise. Carefully, he adjusts his position, mindful of your body clinging to him with everything you have. Luckily, you’re so deep in your dreams that the bang nor his panicked jump hasn’t interrupted you. He wouldn’t forgive himself, if he cut your rest short.
After all, yesterday was truly an…experience.
Rosinante wasn’t there for you during Valentine's, so he wanted to make it up for you, no matter the cost. He managed to rip a weekend out of his tight schedule and booked a romantic trip to a nearby island, famous for its hot springs and original cuisine. Cruel fate showed its fangs again at him as a massive sea storm blocked your way and forced you to stay on a small, hub island, no way to proceed nor to return. As if it wasn’t already a disaster, your cruise wasn’t the one canceled, way too many people were forced to stay for the town to accommodate them all. He used all the means and connections to get you a decent room but still, you had to spend the night on bed way too small for two people—and especially too small for him. 
It was late at night when you finally collapsed, he’s not sure now for how long, his brain telling him that way too short, his aching limbs quite contrary.
Still worried for your sleep, Rosinante sits up so slowly a snail could outspeed him. Time-worn bed whines loudly under his weight, you mumble something and squirm by his side, nuzzling your face close and throwing a leg over his hips as you curl, looking for warmth. The sight clenches his heart with love and pride, he gently strokes your hair before reaching for a comforter, kicked by one of you on the side. You must have been fidgeting a lot in your sleep, your nightgown is rolled almost over your hips, revealing your plump thighs and ass adorned with fine panties.
Nothing has been dirty in his intentions when he’s reached to touch your bare skin, but the moment Rosinante rests hand on your leg, a sudden rush of blood overtakes his head and groin. With a sharp inhale, fighting against a little squeak of moral dilemma just for a second or two, he gropes your softness, almost groaning at the delicious feel of his fingers sinking into the plump curve. He’s touched you a thousand times already, but even a thousand more wouldn’t get him bored with this sensation, with the thrill of caressing your body. Gentler than a feather, he traces the line of your hip, toys with the hem of your panties, just to feel their texture, before making up his mind and letting himself wander under your nightgown. His head is almost splitting under the waves of lust, but he doesn’t grope you, doesn’t try to sate the hunger, just indulges himself with your warmth and smoothness, almost unintentionally guiding you to press closer to him. 
He’s not taking, he wouldn’t dare, but the intense twitch in his boxers is nearly beginning for waking you up, the temptation to do so stronger than nicotine craving slowly darting its head. He wouldn’t dare to either, but luckily for him, his touch doesn’t remain unnoticed. Loud noises and harsh moves weren’t enough for you, but his gentle, warm hands have grasped your attention. 
Mewling softly, you open your eyes a little and smile at him with the very corner of your lips.
“Mnnn, what time is it?” You coo, clinging to him, not without a shiver. In the heat of the moment Rosi forgot about the comforter.
“Who knows.” He returns the smile and kisses the top of your head. “Sorry, did I wake you up?”
“Just a little.”
With a yawn, you roll on back and stretch, no shame in your disheveled state. Rosinante swallows audibly, the view of your breasts, still trapped with fine fabric, taking such a delicious shape turns his mind into a stream of lust-filled images. He’s on the very edge of snapping, but he keeps himself in check, just the hand he still keeps on your stomach clenches, unawares. Ashamed of himself, he immediately withdraws, already opening mouth to apologize, just to meet your amused, heat-gleaming gaze.
“What do you think you’re doing?” You yawn in such an adorable way he melts a little at the sight. “I didn’t tell you to stop, did I?”
“Am I being a bad boyfriend for worrying about your consent?” He snorts, but stops in his tracks, the beast in him perking its head with huge interest once you’re awake and willing.
“Keep touching me, Rosi.”
He almost groans just at the blessed sound of your voice.
His hands are trembling impatiently as he’s touching you with intent, his rough fingers no longer-feather like. Somehow balancing on the bed way too little, he maneuvers himself between your legs and spreads them open, relishing the view of your plump body ready and waiting for him. His gaze flicks to your face only once before resting, thirsty and impatient, on your thick, soft thighs, nestled deliciously in his huge hands. 
“Turn the light on,” he rasps, his voice even lower than usual. “I want to see everything.”
Aa soon as you follow his request, Rosinante dives into you, no more second lost on dwelling. The softness of your thighs is intoxicating around him; he licks and tastes, soon starts nibbling on their inner sides, switching from one leg to another—in this haze of lust unable to decide on one. When he finally settles on one place, he can’t control himself and immediately goes for a bite, harsher than his favorite love-nibbles. You mewl and budge in his hold, your reaction only stirring him on, prompting him to suck, to mark you with a hickey.
“Hey, babygirl,” he groans against your skin, his lust-heavy gaze piercing you to the core of your soul. “I might not be gentle. If you wanna stop—”
You tangle your fingers in his soft locks, pull, and scratch his scalp: a permission stronger and louder than words. Rosinante smiles at your desperation, his breath fanes over the wet spot on your panties, but he has different plans than just sating his hunger with your juices. Following his favorite trail of softness, he adorns your curves and rolls with wet kisses, here and there stopping to bite or suck. Little does he care about anything else, but your sounds of pleasure and heavier breath are like a sweet melody for his ears, a gallon of gasoline poured over the already crazy fire of his lust.
He stops just to adjust his position and looks at you over abdomen, his smile as desire-heavy as warm as sunshine. In a moment of weakness, of hesitation under the weight of his gaze, you cover your stomach with your hands. He pushes them away, gently, but leaving no doubt in what he wants. 
“Don’t.” His eyes gleam with lust as he stares at your stretch marks. “I said I wanna see everything.”
Peeling you out of the nightgown, Rosinante is almost shaking with need and impatience. He squeezes your love handles before setting a firm grasp on your waist—and leaning in to kiss every stretch mark he sees. He’s gentler but still impatient, hurrying to take more, but not wanting to miss a single spot. You squirm under him and mewl, but don’t push him away, so his hold only tightens as he worships you as he pleases, murmuring sweet praises and horny nothings between hasty licks and kisses. 
By the time he finally reaches your breasts, he’s so hard he fears he might explode any moment. Yet, he still wants to taste more.
Hovering over you on straight arms, Rosinante studies your heated, messy state with pride. His selfish exploration hasn’t come to waste: you’re boiling as hard as him, already reaching out to him as the little, embarrassed hesitation has been crushed, leaving you only starved of more attention. He doesn’t leave you waiting, already lowering down, licking at your perked nipple, sturdy hand sneaking to your panties and sliding them out of sight before he finally touches you.
With a moan of his name, you jerk your hips as he slides a finger in.
“Shhh, I got you,’’ he coos, his breath ghosting over your breast. “What a good girl you are, so wet for me…”
Rosinante muffles his own moans with your nipple, sucking it harshly as your hot juices drip down his hand, nearly tearing him apart with lust. He’s not ashamed of his needy sounds, but now he wants to hear only you, only your sweet voice begging him for more as you impatiently claw at his arms and wiggle, trying to get his fingers deeper. Feeling your chubby body twitching and spasming, your softness pressing to him and sensually flowing with each move and breath, is worth every second of torture he has to pass through, denying himself the hot embrace of your pussy. Instead, he dry humps into the mattress, trying to claim at least this little friction as he feasts on you. It’s not enough to sate him—but enough to prolong the waiting.
“Rosi…” You cry out, louder, enough to finally grasp his attention and pull him away from your breast. “Please…”
There’s as much he can handle, the sweet desperation in your voice, the pleading in your lust-clouded eyes finally make him snap.
Just freeing his hard-rock, twitching cock from his boxers is enough for Rosinante to groan with relief. Giving himself a few pumps with the slick-tainted hand and pressing one of your legs open wider, he lines himself up and slides into you slowly, more slowly than he thought he’s capable of. 
The intoxicating, tight heat almost has him cumming on spot. Hissing your name, he stills and waits for the traitorous wave to pass, the hand on your thigh squeezing so hard he’s marking you with bruises.
“Rosi…” You beg again, the sheer width of his cock rolling your eyes back. 
“Just a moment, babygirl,” he closes his and slides himself a bit more. “Fuck, you’re so perfect, so good for me…”
He’s not going to last long, he’s aware of it; one look at your plump body flowing with his thrusts will send him over the edge. But he can’t stop himself once he’s stolen the first thrust, his hips betraying him faster than his thoughts can stop them. Holding on to your thigh desperately, Rosinante rubs your clit to somehow make it up for the stuttering rhythm, to bring you to the high before his resistance finally fades.
“I love you so much,” he groans through clenched teeth, lust-clouded eyes roaming over your jiggling curves and rolls. “You’re so beautiful, so sexy…”
Even his words stutter and melt into moans, but with a few harsh circles he pushes you over the edge just on time, the tight clench of your pussy immediately throwing him into orgasm. He thrusts into you harder, spilling himself deep in you with a guttural, feral groan. 
And almost immediately he slumps into the bed, at the very last moment scooping you to the side, saving you from being crushed by his big, heavy body.
The storm stills together with your bodies and breaths. By the time you both come to your senses the first, shy rays of sunshine break through the clouds, indicating that indeed the morning has come. Rosinante cradles you close to his chest, mindlessly traces your love handles with a blissful, blushy smile on his face. 
“Sorry for the mess.” He runs fingers of the free hand through his sweaty hair and chuckles, a bit embarrassed. “When I see you like that… Gods, I love your body.”
You hum in response, clearly tired and still sleepy. 
“Get some rest,” he kisses your bare shoulder and starts to lean towards the side of bed, just to be pulled back by your arm, hooked around his middle.
“Stay.” Eyes barely open, you pout at him. Sight, again, making him weak and melting.
“But just fifteen minutes.” He joins you back, replacing the comforter with the warmth of his own body, curling you into his beloved little spoon right against his chest. “I really need a cigarette.”
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ondina66 · 27 days
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I’m just a girl
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goddess-gamez · 1 year
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These pictures are to represent loving yourself and your body no matter what shape or size you are i hope you all enjoy them.
-Price $10
-6 swatches
-Find it in build/buy by searching Body Positivty
DOWNLOAD 💛 - Patreon ( early access ) Public on 5/12
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nestaarcheronweek · 1 year
♕ Nesta Archeron Week 2022 Masterlist ♕
Thank you to all who participated in this year’s Nesta Appreciation Week! Here’s a list of all the wonderful contributions in order of tags. Until next time, and enjoy 🤍
Day One ♕ Dance
Nesta Fanart by @jmoonjones
Feel The Heat by @moodymelanist
Dance, Let It Be by @whyisaraven-like-awritingdesk
Nesta Fanart commissioned by @podemechamardek
But I Don’t Wanna Dance (If I’m Not Dancing With You) by @c-e-d-dreamer
Day Two ♕ Books
Nesta Fanart by @jmoonjones
Nesta’s Bookcase by @jmoonjones
Day Three ♕ Witch
What If I Told You I’m A Mastermind? Part Two by @c-e-d-dreamer
Nesta Fanart by @jmoonjones
Nesta Fanart by @dustjacketdraws
Nesta Moodboard by @faeriebambula
Nesta Moodboard by @positivewitch
Nesta Hogwarts AU Chapter 32 by @emeriethevalkyriegirl
Lady Death Moodboard by @faeriebambula
Nesta Fanart commissioned by @melphss
Dark Witch Nesta Moodboard by @ahkhnn
Day Four ♕ Romance
Nesta/Emerie Fanart by @dustjacketdraws
Can’t Help It Chapter Five [Nessian] by @moodymelanist
Nessian Fanart by @jmoonjones
ACOFAS Fix It Part Three by @c-e-d-dreamer
Day Five ♕ Body Positivty
“Sweetheart, you look cute, but I’m going to need that sweater” by @c-e-d-dreamer
Day Six ♕ Family Found & Refound
Valkyries Fanart by @jmoonjones
“The View Between Villages” by @c-e-d-dreamer
Day Seven ♕ Free Day
Nesta and Ataraxia Fanart by @vivictory-draws
Nesta Dancing Fanart by @dawning-daylight
Where The Light Won’t Find You Chapter Five by @moodymelanist
“I Told You So” Fanart by @jmoonjones
Nessian Fanart commissioned by @sabrinasam
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pkmn-edits · 5 months
Lopunny w/ Body Positivty Moodboard
Lopunny moodboard with body positivity theme for anon!
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saltypiss · 1 year
Regardless, a Sex Trafficker verbally assaulting somone half their age is the bigger problem, and I just need the body positivty fanbase to understand that Sex Trafficking is worse than calling someone out on their small dick energy. Please. Get a clue, read the room, and consider more than you currently know.
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butchboromir · 2 years
also de has done more for me in terms of body positivty than like anything else like i look at hdb and go wow he is just like me for real.......
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ukrainian-psycho · 1 month
nobody read this if you did dont blame me
tw body stuff
god this isnt even the biggest ive ever been (meaning what? normal weight? being underweight my entire life) ive ever been that i think was my second year of college when i finally was eating well but these past few weeks with the drilling and work i am barely managing and ive been hitting beers and god. i hate this. i hate this feeling. i hate to feel a single roll on myself. i hate feeling anything being pulled down with gravity as i lay down. i want my abs back. i cant even do crunches with my pulled back. everyone does themselves body positivty whatever but *I* NEED to be skinny and hot or ill kill myself. my dumbells set arrives on monday god help me or else.
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