#bodybuilding myths
texasbodybuilders · 6 months
How Much Protein do you ACTUALLY need for Bodybuilding?
Figuring out how much protein you need is tough. For folks that body build, it can be even tougher. Your weight, gender, protein quality and content (be it animal vs plant), workouts etc all have factors that need to be considered. Seriously, how much protein do you ACTUALLY need for bodybuilding? Fueling your body for maximum muscle growth is a complex game, and protein often takes center…
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imaginal-ai · 2 months
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"Hercules at Sunset"
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terrygears · 3 days
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Roided Back
Before and gears
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butchlifeguard · 3 months
straight up i was talking to my mom about inservice where we all had to swim a 200. no cap no goggles which is relevant to me as someone w 3 foot hair. and i was like yeah i almost beat everyone except a couple men because they have short hair lol. and my mom was like 'um.. and because theyre boys? 🙂' NO CHIEF lmfaoooo. and then she started yapping about lia thomas 🥴🥴
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fitnessandpower · 11 months
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superscoopz103 · 1 year
Top 10 Myths On Consumption Of Protein Supplements.
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When it comes to maintaining and building a lifestyle, protein plays an important role in our diets. We’re all trying to get the most out of our workouts, and one of the methods that has been touted as a surefire way to get results is through supplemental protein. But with so much conflicting advice out there, how can we know if these products are really helping us or not? In this article we’ll take a look at the top 10 myths about protein supplements and provide insights into how you can determine what will work for you. Read on to find out more!
What Are Protein Supplements?
Protein supplements are powders or shakes that contain concentrated amounts of protein. They are usually derived from milk, eggs, or soy, and are often used by bodybuilders and other athletes to help them build muscle mass. Protein supplements can also be used by people who are trying to lose weight, as they can help to promote satiety and prevent overeating. However, there is no evidence to suggest that protein supplements are necessary for most people, and they can actually be harmful if consumed in excess.
Top 10 Myths On Consumption Of Protein Supplements 
Myth: Whey protein supplements can only be consumed post-workout.
Fact: While consuming whey protein post-workout can be beneficial for muscle recovery, it can also be consumed at any time throughout the day to increase protein intake and support overall health and wellness. It's important to spread your protein intake evenly throughout the day to support muscle growth and repair.
Myth: Whey protein supplements will make you bulk up.
Fact: Consuming whey protein alone will not cause significant muscle growth. In order to bulk up, a combination of resistance training and adequate calorie intake is necessary. Additionally, muscle growth is also influenced by several other factors such as genetics, age, gender, hormone levels and overall lifestyle. Consuming whey protein supplements alone will not make you bulk up, it will aid in muscle recovery and repair but you need to follow a proper workout routine and eat enough calories to see muscle growth.
Myth: All whey protein supplements are created equal.
Fact: Not all whey protein supplements are created equal. Some supplements may be of lower quality, contain fillers, or have added ingredients that can be harmful to your health. It's important to read the label and do some research before purchasing any whey protein supplement. Always look for brands that have a good reputation, certifications, and has been third-party lab tested. Also, check the ingredients list and avoid any supplement that has artificial sweeteners, colors, or preservatives.
Myth: Whey protein supplements can cause kidney damage.
Fact: While a high protein diet may not be ideal for people with pre-existing kidney issues, a healthy individual's kidneys are able to process a normal amount of protein without any negative effects. Studies have shown that healthy individuals who consume whey protein supplements do not experience any kidney damage. However, it is always a good idea to speak with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have pre-existing kidney issues or other health concerns.
Myth: Whey protein supplements are only for people who are lactose intolerant.
Fact: Whey protein supplements are suitable for lactose intolerant people as they are low in lactose content. However, not all whey protein supplements are lactose-free, so it's important to check the label and consult with a doctor if you are lactose intolerant. Some whey protein supplements are specifically formulated to be lactose-free, and others may contain a small amount of lactose. For people who are lactose intolerant, it's recommended to opt for whey protein isolate or hydrolysate which contains less lactose than whey protein concentrate.
Myth: Whey protein supplements will increase cholesterol level.
Fact: Studies have shown that whey protein supplements do not have a significant effect on cholesterol levels, and may even have a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that consuming whey protein supplements can improve cholesterol levels by decreasing the "bad" LDL cholesterol levels and increasing "good" HDL cholesterol levels. However, it's important to remember that high cholesterol levels can also be caused by other factors such as diet, exercise, and genetics. It's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have pre-existing cholesterol issues or other health concerns.
Myth: Whey protein supplements are expensive
Fact: While some whey protein supplements can be expensive, there are many affordable options available on the market. Many brands offer discounts and sales, and you can also find whey protein supplements in bulk which can be more cost-effective. Additionally, you can also compare prices between different brands and retailers to find the best deal. It's also important to remember that the cost of a protein supplement is not the only factor to consider, the quality and purity of the product should also be taken into account.
Myth: You can only consume whey protein isolate.
Fact: Whey protein isolate is one form of whey protein supplement, but whey protein concentrate and whey protein hydrolysate are also available options. Each type of whey protein has its own unique properties and benefits.
Whey protein isolate is a pure form of whey protein and contains 90% or more protein, with minimal amounts of lactose, fat, and cholesterol. It is a good option for people who are lactose intolerant or looking for a low-carb option.
Whey protein concentrate is less processed than isolate and contains a higher amount of fat and lactose. It is also less expensive than isolate.
Whey protein hydrolysate is pre-digested and partially hydrolyzed, making it more easily absorbed by the body. It is a good option for people who have a sensitive stomach and looking for a fast-acting protein source.
It's important to understand the different types and choose the one that best suits your needs, whether it's based on taste, cost, or dietary restrictions.
Myth: You can consume too much whey protein.
Fact: While it is possible to consume too much protein, it is not likely for the majority of people to consume too much protein in their diet, including whey protein. The recommended daily protein intake for adults is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Consuming more than this amount may not provide any additional benefits and may even have negative effects on health, such as kidney damage in individuals with pre-existing kidney issues. It's important to monitor your protein intake and speak with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns
Myth: Whey protein supplements are not needed if you eat enough protein in your diet.
Fact: While a well-rounded diet can provide all the necessary protein, wheyprotein supplements can be a convenient and easy way to increase protein intake and support muscle recovery and growth. Additionally, some individuals may have difficulty consuming enough protein through diet alone, such as vegetarians or people with certain medical conditions. For those individuals, whey protein supplements can be a useful tool to help ensure they are getting enough protein to support their health and fitness goals. It's important to remember that a balanced diet should be the primary source of nutrients and supplements should be used to complement it.
Bottom Line!!
Protein supplements can be very beneficial for people who are looking to gain muscle mass or maintain their weight. However, there are many myths surrounding the consumption of such supplements that are not supported by any scientific evidence. We hope we have cleared up some of these common misperceptions and provided you with a better understanding of what protein supplementation is all about. Always consult your doctor if you’re considering taking any kind of supplement, but don’t let misinformation stop you from getting the benefits that supplementing with protein can bring.
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bitesizedboosts · 1 year
"🥑 STOP Avoiding Fats! Here's Why They're KEY for Muscle Growth 💪
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pebblegalaxy · 2 years
Protein Shake and Protein Powder: Myths and Realities
Introduction: Protein shakes and protein powders have become ubiquitous in the fitness and nutrition industry. Many people rely on these supplements to enhance their workouts, build muscle mass, and improve their overall health. However, there are also many misconceptions and myths surrounding protein shakes and protein powder, which can confuse and mislead consumers. In this article, we’ll…
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jposwal · 2 years
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captainmalewriter · 1 year
Freak Accidents
Seth woke up in an incredibly good mood. Today was the big day and he knew it. He practically jumped out of bed as soon as he heard his phone alarm go off for 7 in the morning. Seth walked to his bedroom door, opened it slightly, and stuck his ear in the crack. He waited for a moment, listening, but as far as he could tell, the house was almost completely silent. The only noise he could just barely make out was the sound of his tío Ronnie sleeping down the hallway. Seth smiled, then closed his door again. Seth then opened the closet and pulled out a leather bound book he had stashed in the back. The book was called the Tonis Maximus. It was in tatters, ready to fall apart at any second, but he made extra sure to keep it safe. 
The Tonis wasn’t like any other old, beaten down book. While it seemed to be nothing special on the outside, it actually held a plethora of magical knowledge on the inside. Seth was able to get hands on it thanks to his job at the city library. The book was just sitting in the library archives along with all the other books nobody's checked out in years. It was dismissed as being just another collection of old myths and folklore. Nobody knew the great power the Tonis contained, nobody except Seth. He was digging around in the archives one day when he stumbled upon the book. Out of pure boredom, he decided to read a page or two out of the Tonis. From the moment he first laid eyes on it, a world full of supernatural phenomena was opened up to Seth. Realizing what kind of power the book contained, Seth decided to smuggle the Tonis out of the library and keep it all for himself. 
Since he first obtained the book several years ago, Seth has been studying up on its magical content. He’s tried his hand at turning objects into gold through alchemy, predict the future through clairvoyance, and he’s even communicated with souls of the dead! Although Seth was very limited in what he could do (casting magic was very draining on the body after all), he was still on his way to becoming a proper witch. And the best part? Nobody except Seth knew about the Tonis!
Seth sat on his bed and he opened the Tonis to a page he had bookmarked. The bookmarked page contained instructions for the latest ritual Seth wanted to master. Body possession. 
Seth read through the directions, then took off his clothes just as the book said to do. He then pulled out his phone and recorded a quick video of himself.
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“Alright, Seth here, I’ll be attempting the body possession spell again. Hopefully the third time’s the charm, but even if it fails again, I’ll just try again until I get it right. I’m staying at my uncle’s place in Mexico for the summer, so I got plenty of time to perfect this spell. Wish me luck!”
Seth finished recording his self-documentary and put away his phone. He paused for a moment to reflect on his previous attempts. The first time he used the spell was when he tried to possess his neighbor back home. While he managed to get inside his body, the bodybuilder had no problem expelling his soul right out through sheer willpower. The second attempt was no better. He used it to possess his old high school principal, but although he got inside his body, he couldn’t move at all! Seth was starting to grow impatient after having back to back failures. He wanted to get it right this time, and with tío Ronnie on standby, he was sure he’ll nail it down in no time!
Seth placed his hand on his doorknob and took a deep breath. He then mentally reviewed the ritual procedure one last time; first, get naked, next, find a vulnerable target, then, recite the incantation, and last, push your way into their body! It was a simple 4 step process, all Seth needed now was more practice in executing it. He hyped himself then stepped out of his bedroom, only to be mortified when he saw his tío Ronnie sitting on his bed. He was still visibly sleepy, but now he had a clear view of Seth in his underwear.
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“Seth?” Ronnie said in a low, groggy voice. “What are you doing up at this hour?”
“I- uhh…” Seth didn’t know what to say. He didn’t prepare for this scenario. His eyes darted around the hallway while he searched for an answer. “I was… I was on my way to the bathroom! Yeah, I just really needed to pee!!” 
“Dude,” Ronnie winced. “No need to yell, I’m right here. That’s cool, but why are you just in your underwear though? You never do that.”
“Uhhh…” Seth was scrambling again. He could hear his heartbeat getting louder with each passing second. He felt as if no matter what he said, Ronnie would be able to see right through him! “I, um, well-”
“You know what, Sobrino, save it.” Ronnie yawned as he threw himself back on his bed. “It’s too early for this. You do you, but just let me sleep a little while longer, okay?” 
“Y-yes! Goodnight Tío!!” 
Seth hurried into the bathroom and forced himself to pee just like he said he would. He sighed a breath of relief, not because he actually needed to go, but because he was so sure he was about to get caught performing magic. Thankfully, Ronnie’s inability to care about anything kicked in and saved the day. But even though Seth got scared shitless almost getting caught, it wasn’t enough to stop him from his mission! All he needed to do was wait a little bit for Ronnie to fall back asleep, then he could try again.
Seth went back inside his bedroom while he waited Ronnie out. Nearly a full hour had passed before Seth decided it was safe enough to try again. He crept into Ronnie's room and surely enough, he was sound asleep. Seth couldn’t help but grin as he watched Ronnie’s chest rise and fall with every snore. He took off his underwear, ready to attempt the body possession spell for the third time. 
He started by reciting the incantation from the Tonis out loud. As soon as he finished reciting the last word, a wave of nausea overtook Seth. Seth was ready for the lightheadedness to hit him like a truck, but no amount of anticipation could prepare him for how sudden it was. He nearly fell over, head throbbing with pain, but Seth was determined to see the spell through to the end. 
Hand pressing against his temple, Seth forced himself to stumble over to Ronnie. He then laid his nude body on top of Ronnie as carefully as he could. Seth was able to get on top of Ronnie without waking him up, and although it wasn’t his first time getting on top of a man or possessing someone’s body, Seth wasn’t prepared for how intimate it was. He could feel his junk resting on top of Ronnie’s. The thought of them touching dicks was enough for Seth to start getting hard, but he forced himself to shake off the bad thoughts and focus on his real goal. 
Alright… 1… 2… 3, now!!
Seth started pressing his body against Ronnie’s sleeping body. He knew if he wanted the body possession spell to activate, then he would have to push with everything he’s got! Magic never worked with half-assed effort after all. He pushed and pushed until finally- he could feel himself sinking into Ronnie. It began with his legs and feet. Suddenly, the feeling of Ronnie’s thick leg hair pressing against Seth’s smooth legs was gone. In its place, Seth felt his legs become consumed and enveloped by Ronnie’s thick legs. His feet aligned with Ronnie’s feet like a pair of well-fitting socks, then they began growing and stretching to match their new form. The rest of Seth’s lower half followed suit. His cock and balls slid inside Ronnie’s groin. Seth stifled a moan as it happened. The feeling of his cock slipping into Ronnie’s member like a personal dick sleeve made a rush of pleasure surge through him. That feeling only grew as his dick grew bigger and fatter until he had an identical member to his uncle’s girthy cock. Within seconds, the lower halves of their bodies had fully aligned with another. Seth tried wiggling his hips, and surely enough, he made Ronnie’s hips wiggle around. He could even start to feel the bedsheets underneath Ronnie’s/his ass. The body possession was going well so far. 
“Nrghh…” Ronnie murmured. Seth’s eyes shot open. It seemed like Ronnie was waking up, so he knew he had to hurry up and possess him before it was too late. 
Seth’s torso was pressing against Ronnie’s thick, hairy belly and chest. With some more pushing. Seth could feel his body go past physical limitations and slip inside its new vessel. Seth’s presence inside of Ronnie’s body grew with each passing second. He could feel Ronnie’s body heat combine and become his own. Their arms, chest, and gut aligned perfectly as Seth inserted himself in. His body then once again started growing. Seth’s thin frame was rapidly taking on extra body mass. He grew bigger until he had the same bulky build his uncle Ronnie had.
“Ahh fuck!” Seth accidentally squealed out loud. He couldn’t contain himself anymore after all the warm, body stimulation from transforming and possessing Ronnie. Only his head was left. While the rest of his body was already deep inside of Ronnie, his head was sticking out just above Ronnie’s chest.
“Hrm? What the-” 
Ronnie heard Seth’s outburst and lifted his head. Seth saw he was waking up and wasted no time slamming his head into his. He phased right through. The impact made Ronnie lay back again. He then let out a loud, guttural moan that echoed throughout the house. Except it wasn’t Ronnie groaning, it was Seth using his newly obtained voice after a successful body takeover. He had done it. Ronnie’s body was officially his.
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Seth was ecstatic. Not only was he able to enter someone else’s body, he was actually able to move around this time! The body possession spell worked! 
He jumped out of bed bursting with excitement, although he nearly fell over due to almost losing his balance. He immediately felt the difference in body weight between his body versus Ronnie’s body once he was on his feet. Seth took a moment to let himself get used to moving around with a bulkier body, then walked up to the mirror to admire himself. 
“Whewww… Looking good, Tío Ronnie… Or should I say, me?” 
Seth chuckled. He ran his hand across his face, letting his fingers stroke against the fine beard hairs he now possessed. Seth always shaved off his facial hair before it could fully grow in. He was amazed how it felt to have an actual beard on his face.
Seth looked down and smirked as he saw Ronnie’s body instead of his own. He laid a hand against his new hairy belly and gave it a shake. Seth was always a skinny twink, so to actually have a gut was a new experience for him (and one he was actively enjoying). He ran his hands up his torso, stopping at his chest to cup his squishy pecs. He then tried flexing his chest muscles and watched as he managed to get each pec to bounce up a little. Ronnie wasn’t a couch potato by any means, but also he wasn’t a full fledged gym rat either. The end result of being somewhere in between led to him having a larger, bulkier build with some muscle behind the girth. It was definitely a different body type than what Seth was used to, but it was one he was actively enjoying as he stripped down naked and continued admiring the newly possessed goods he now had thanks to the magic book.
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After he had successfully possessed his Tío Ronnie, Seth decided to keep practicing the body possession spell until he decided he had mastered it. He decided to step it up and try possessing a police officer the following day. Unfortunately, while Seth was able to sneak his way into the cop’s body, he was unable to take control over him. Seth was trapped as a mere passenger inside the cop’s body as he went about his day like normal. 
Seth had no idea what he was doing wrong. After failing to fully possess the police officer, Seth decided to try possessing Ronnie again. Surely enough, he was able to slip inside Ronnie and take control like it was nothing. Why was Seth able to possess his Tío Ronnie but not anybody else? None of the other spells in the Tonis gave Seth this much trouble! It was certainly an intriguing problem, and it was one Seth would have to solve alone. He had to keep his magical activities a secret; after all, who knows what would happen if someone found out… 
Over the course of the next few weeks, Seth focused most of his time and energy on figuring out how to master the body possession spell. He decided to try possessing a variety of men first. Although Seth’s actions were pretty limited due to the fact he had to be naked in order to perform the spell, he was still able to possess a dad, a bear, and another twink just like him. He wanted to see if it was a matter of a specific body type. But it was no use. No matter who he possessed, Seth just wasn’t able to take control over their bodies. Yet, despite all those failures, Seth was still able to possess Ronnie without a single problem! 
Seth was getting pretty frustrated. He just couldn’t figure out why he could possess Ronnie but not anyone else! Against his better judgment, Seth decided to entertain the possibility that the spell was limited to familial members only. However, even when he tried possessing one of his cousins, he still couldn’t possess them! Seth was truly stumbled, but even so, he refused to give up. He refused to accept that there was a magic spell he could not fully master.
Seth’s next action plan was to go all in with possessing his Tío Ronnie. He figured if he can’t fight against the current, he might as well swim with the current instead. Seth started possessing and staying inside of Ronnie’s for longer periods of time whenever he hopped into him. At first it was just overnight, but then it grew to a day, then two days and so on. Ronnie had mentioned to Seth that he began to feel weird. He couldn’t articulate the strange feeling very well, but he said felt as though he had become a bystander in his own life. Seth reassured him that it was nothing, that it was probably just the summer heat getting to him. Ronnie bought it, and Seth was glad he could keep possessing him without much worry. He needed to! Seth’s rationale was that if he could get accustomed to controlling a body that wasn’t his own for an extended period of time, then maybe he could use that experience to take over other bodies. Practice makes perfect, or so the saying goes anyway. 
Seth continued practicing the spell on Ronnie regularly. It had gotten to the point where Seth didn’t even need to check the Tonis for the lengthy cantation anymore. He already had it committed to memory with how many times he used it! Seth’s next goal was to possess Ronnie’s body for two weeks straight. After so much time possessing Ronnie, Seth considered it his second home away from home. There was almost nothing Seth could do with his body that he hadn’t already tried doing with Ronnie’s body. He was that comfortable now. 
The sun was setting on his 14th day as Seth came out of the gym, drenched with sweat after a good workout. Seth sat in the car and let out a heavy breath as he waited a minute to let himself cool down. Ronnie was a heavy sweater, way more than Seth was. And with all the body hair he had, the sweat would bead up and drip off of his hair whenever he worked out. Although it was an adjustment at first, Seth grew to love it. He never realized how good his uncle’s body odor smelled. He had a naturally manly musk that was incredibly potent and intoxicating to sniff. Seth couldn’t help but sniff his own armpits after he got all sweaty. He loved his scent, and he loved watching as drips of sweat hung off of the forest of hair he had in his pits.
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Seth intended to just take a quick sniff of his pits before driving back home, but he was getting too entranced by his own sweaty aroma. The tent forming in his mesh shorts was undeniable proof that he was into it too! Seth paused and looked down to see his protruding bulge. He shouldn’t be this aroused, but he knew he was the reason why he was already hard with just smelling his own sweaty pits. 
When Seth first challenged himself to possess Ronnie for 14 continuous days, he also swore to himself to not do anything sexual while inside his body. He was able to get by the two weeks without much difficulty. But of course, that also meant he was holding a 14 day load in. No doubt his body was itching for some relief, and although Seth was ready to just power through the last day, he couldn’t help but stare at the large, obscene bulge in his shorts. Against his better judgment, Seth let one of his hands slither down his body until it reached his bulge. His fingers wrapped around his rock hard member and gave it a light tug through the mesh fabric of his shorts. It was nothing more than a quick rub, but it was enough to get Seth squirming in his carseat as the warm pleasure of rubbing his sensitive, erect dick began to kick in. It was no use, he had to get off and he had to do it now!
Seth practically ripped his shorts with how quickly he took them off. His cock sprang out as it was released from its clothing imprisonment. Seth looked at his uncle’s fat cock with wonder as it stood upright in its full glory right in front of him. He was jealous that Ronnie had a view like this everytime he jerked off. Seth grinned as he wrapped his calloused palm around his new dick, fully relishing the fact that it was his turn to tug on that girthy member now. 
His breath became bated as he pumped himself. Seth threw his head back and let out several guttural moans from deep within his lungs. 
“Fuck yeah… You like that…? You fucking dirty bitch, yeah you like that huh…”
Seth kept talking dirty in between groaning and panting like a wild animal in heat. He loved using his uncle’s deep voice and heavy Mexican accent to talk dirty. Just hearing Ronnie’s voice come out of his mouth while he jerked off made his throbbing dick leak with precum. His thick, hairy thighs became soaked with precum and sweat as he increased the speed of his strokes. He had all the car windows closed and the AC off. In cutting off the air flow, it quickly became very warm in the car. Seth’s stolen body started sweating again, which in turn, made his sweaty musk come back. He grunted as he sniffed his pits, fueling his mind with an ecstasy-like sensation through the power of smell. 
“Arghh, fuckk…!”
Seth couldn’t last much longer. He was getting close. He picked up his stroking speed and within the next minute, ropes of warm cum shot out of him. Seth bellowed his moans as the endorphins rushed throughout his body. His fat cock was like a water gun as it shot load after load of sticky cum until both his body and the car was covered in jizz. Seth was red in the face and out of breath by the time he fully finished. After all the time and energy he put into researching the body possession spell and while trying to stay abstinent too, a good jerk off session was very much needed! But although Seth got the relief he didn’t realize he was desperately needing, his intense self-pleasure session caused the already finicky spell to act up again. Before Seth could even react, he was ejected out of Ronnie’s body. The sharp pain of getting literally torn out of Ronnie was overwhelming. Seth blacked out as a result.
…When Seth came to, he found himself lying on his bed. He looked around his room, letting the comfort of a familiar place ease his mind while he got his bearing together again. He had some mild body pain, but nothing he couldn’t manage. Seth was grateful that he came out relatively unharmed after a freak accident like that. 
He sat up in bed and realized he was wearing shorts now. Seth wasn’t sure how he got clothed or how he even got back home, but then he found a note on the ground with answers to his questions. It read: “Found you knocked out so I carried you to your bed. I also put on some clothes so you weren’t naked. Don’t go out drinking so much if you can’t handle it. Rest up, I’ll see you soon,” signed by Ronnie. 
Seth let out a heavy exhale after reading the note. He was horrified at the thought of his uncle finding him naked and passed out somewhere. However, as far as he could tell by the note, it seemed like Ronnie was still not the wiser about what his nephew has been up to lately. Seth could rest a little bit easier knowing his secret was still safe.
Seth picked up his phone, which was right next to the note on the ground. He unlocked it and checked the time. Apparently, a full 24 hours had passed since Seth was forcibly removed from Ronnie’s body. He wasn’t sure what exactly had happened, but he figured it must’ve been pretty bad if it knocked him out cold for an entire day! 
Seth wanted to spend the rest of the day resting, but then his mind began abuzz with thoughts. He walked over to his door and peeked out of it, where he then saw Ronnie taking a midday nap down the hallway. The sight of his sleeping tío made the urge to possess him kick in. Seth’s initial thought was to just let both him and Ronnie rest before he tries casting magic again. But then the memory of the freak accident came back. Seth had magic accidents before, but they were never to that extent. The more he thought about it, the more he worried that he might have lost the power to possess people due to the accident. His mind became restless worrying about it. Seth wanted to ignore it, but he just couldn’t. He needed to know if he had lost his casting abilities for good or not.
“Okay… Just one quick possession…” Seth whispered to himself. “I just need to check if I can still possess people. Just five minutes, then I hop out and rest…”
Seth repeated his plan to himself multiple times. He knew this was probably the riskiest thing he had done with magic thus far, but with how great his anxiety was becoming, it quickly became his only option in his mind. Once he reassured himself enough, Seth took the first step towards his tío’s bedroom. It should be simple, just a quick in n out. He had already possessed Ronnie so many times after all, it should be easy enough. It should’ve been. But when Seth stepped into Ronnie’s bedroom, he was nowhere to be found. Seth tried looking for him but he couldn’t find him anywhere. It was like he had disappeared from the house!
“Maybe it’s for the best… I’ve been getting too reckless with magic anyway…” Seth mumbled as he walked back to his bedroom with his head dangling with defeat. He stepped back into his room and closed his eyes to take some deep breaths. However, just as he stood in the middle of his room, his door was slammed shut and standing in front of it was Tío Ronnie.
“Looking for someone, Sobrino?”
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Seth felt his heart drop into his stomach when he heard Ronnie’s voice. He turned his head slowly and was met with Ronnie’s staring daggers into him. Seth swallowed his breath. The air in the room had become nauseatingly tense. He wanted to get out of there, but with Ronnie standing right in front of the door, chances of escape were slim to none.
“Um… Hi, Tío…” Seth said meekly.
“Hey. Do you have anything you want to say to me?”
“Hm? N-No, I don’t think so…”
“Really. What’s this then?” 
Ronnie reached for something in his back pocket. He pulled it out and threw it onto the ground right in front of Seth. Seth’s eyes nearly jumped out of his head when he saw the Tonis Maximus. His breathing became shorter and labored. He knew more likely than not that he had been caught.
“Uhh what is that?” Seth feigned a laugh. Ronnie shook his head and took a step forward.
“Drop the act, it’s not cute. You’ve been acting weird ever since you got here back in July. At first I just ignored it, figured you just needed some time to get used to living here. But you never did. You just kept acting weirder and more secretive, almost like you were paranoid about something. Meanwhile, I started feeling weird too. I would wake up with body aches and random bruises, even when I don’t remember doing anything that would cause that. But I figured these two things just couldn’t be connected. Right, Seth?”
“But I was wrong, they were all connected. What really set me off was when I woke up in my car sweaty, naked, and covered in my own cum. How the fuck did I end up like that? Why would I end up like that? None of it made sense! But then when I got home, I found you passed out and naked in the backyard. I can handle one or two strange, out of the ordinary things happening, but this many? Nah. I can’t ignore that, I needed answers. And so, while you were passed out, I decided to snoop around your room for a bit. And surely enough, I found the one missing piece to the puzzle I needed tucked away in my beloved nephew’s clothes.” 
Ronnie pointed to the Tonis laying on the ground. Seth felt a cold shiver run down his spine, but remained quiet. 
“I’m not stupid, Seth. I know you’ve been using magic to take over my body. I couldn’t believe it at first- Hell, I didn’t want to believe it! But it’s the only thing that explains everything that’s been going on in this house ever since you arrived.”
“Wh-Wh-What are you going t-to do with me…?” Seth finally spoke up, albeit with a shaky voice.
“I’m glad you asked,” Ronnie smirked. He then got closer to Seth while taking off his clothes. Seth took a step back, but froze with sheer panic when he heard Ronnie recite the body possession spell. “Now it’s my turn to have some fun! You don’t mind, right? It’s only fair, after everything you’ve done…”
Ronnie charged at Seth. Seth was able to sidestep him, but as he ran for the door, Ronnie grabbed onto him and slammed him face first onto the bed. Seth got the wind knocked out of him, and even though he struggled to break free, Ronnie had him firmly pinned down. It was no use, he had lost.
“Alright! Now all I gotta do is enter you right!?” Ronnie yelled. Seth could feel something long and hard rubbing against his ass and knew immediately there had been a misunderstanding.
“Wait! You’re not supposed to literat- AH FUCK!!”
Seth was too late. He shouted out in pain as Ronnie shoved his fat cock into him with little to no warning. Ronnie then started to thrust his hips into Seth while keeping him pinned onto the bed.
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He was pounding away at Seth’s ass like an angry jackhammer. Seth could feel the weight of his big and strong uncle laying on top of him as he fucked him. The hair on Ronnie’s chest and stomach felt good brushing against his back while he thrusted into him. Seth was a well experienced bottom. If he wanted to have a good time, he knew not just any random top could get the job done. But with Ronnie’s girthy cock filling him up and his aggressive hip-thrusting rhythm, Seth found himself in heaven as Ronnie fucked him like a personal sex toy.
“Ah! Nrghhh… Fuck! Ahh!!”
“C’mon, open up that ass for me!”
Ronnie had Seth in a tight bear hug as he fucked him. Seth could feel his uncle really laying out all his body weight on top of him. Then, it happened. Seth’s moans grew louder and more intense as he began to feel his uncle phasing into his body. It was only his asshole at first, but then his entire body started getting filled up with the warm presence of a man as he got possessed. However, Seth was a much thinner man compared to Ronnie.
“Fuck…! Fuckk…! FUCKKKK!!! AHHH!!!” Seth cried out. He could feel his body getting stuffed to its physical limits as Ronnie pushed his bulky body into his twink body. Seth felt as if his skin was about to burst open with how full he was. But luckily for him, Ronnie was able to get inside of him without severely injuring him. However, although Ronnie had fully inserted himself into Seth, he was unable to control Seth’s body. The body possession was a failure. But to add insult to injury, Seth couldn’t move his own body either because he had become too bloated to move! It took several minutes but eventually Seth’s body was able to return to normal once it was able to adjust for all the extra body mass it had taken on. Seth was able to move like normal again, although thanks to Ronnie, he was no longer the same skinny twink as before. He had grown to match Ronnie’s body type.
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“Man! I look pretty good!” Seth said out loud. His voice had dropped several octaves in pitch. He wasn’t sure exactly what was happening- the body possession spell was clearly too unstable to follow any logic, but at least this time, Seth was enjoying the results!
Hey! What the fuck!? Why can’t I move! I want to possess you! Not just sit in here!!
Seth could hear his uncle’s voice inside his mind. He felt an itch in his head for a brief moment, but then it disappeared. But then Seth felt a sudden, burning sensation in his chest. It made him kneel over with pain. He felt as if every fiber of his existence was getting pulled and tugged on!
“Hey!! What are you doing!?” Seth shouted out in pain.
I’m going even deeper!! I’m gonna possess you no matter what, even if it means I have to take over your soul!!
Seth’s mind went into full panic mode. He wanted to scream, he wanted to shout at Ronnie to stop. He was going to depths even he had never explored with magic! There was no telling what was going to happen, but so long as Ronnie was inside of Seth, there was nothing Seth could do but endure it…
Seth was gasping for breath as he felt a cold wave flow over his body. The icy sensation began in his heart then spread throughout the rest of his body. No doubt Ronnie had made it inside of his soul by now. All of the major muscle groups in his body inflated with body mass. His chest filled in with firm pecs, his bicep and leg muscles became toned, his ass grew larger and well rounded. Hair began to sprout on every square inch of his body. At first, his hairy body resembled Ronnie’s, but the hair growth didn’t stop there. Arms, legs, pits, ass, pubic, beard, everywhere on Seth’s body had become a jungle of thick, black hair, far surpassing Ronnie’s body hair! 
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Seth groaned as he felt his cock stretching and growing. His cock thickened until he had the same hung, fat dick as his uncle. It grew out into an impressive 6.5 inches with some heavy girth to boot. His hairy balls hung lower than before as they began producing cum and testosterone en masse. By the time Ronnie finished possessing Seth’s soul, Seth had become completely unrecognizable. Seth and Ronnie had merged together to form a new man due to the soul possession that had taken place. The soul possession had taken traits from the 20 year old and 38 year old and combined them together to create the new 29 year old Ignacio.
Seth was breathing heavily as all of the bodily sensations he was experiencing began to subside. His vision grew blurry, but never recovered. Seth closed his eyes, panting for breath, and passed out on the ground.
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Days had passed since Seth and Ronnie fused together. After the fourth day of being unconscious, the newly formed Ignacio woke up with groggy eyes. He picked himself up and let out a guttural yawn that nearly shook the house walls. He scratched his chest as he stretched, his fingers getting caught occasionally due to how thick his curly chest hair was. 
“Man… What the fuck happened to me…” Ignacio thought out loud. His voice had a baritone pitch and a heavy Mexican accent. Ignacio looked around and spotted a phone on the ground. He picked it up and opened the gallery through the quick start camera shortcut. The first thing on the phone gallery was a video of some shirtless young man recording himself. Ignacio played the video. 
“Alright, Seth here, I’ll be attempting the body possession spell again. Hopefully the third time’s-”
Ignacio grew bored of the video and deleted it. He had no idea who Seth was or what he was talking about, and didn’t care enough to find out. Instead, he cleared out the phone entirely and claimed it for himself.
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While cleaning up the room, Ignacio found a book titled Tonis Maximus. However, he couldn’t make sense of any of the writing inside. So he tore it apart and threw it into the fire pit, ready to burn at some point. 
Ignacio then proceeded to take a shower to get ready for the day. It was a big day after all, his brothers and sisters were supposed to fly in from the States later that day. Ignacio smiled thinking about his beloved nephews and nieces. He was sure they were just as excited to see Tío Ignacio as he was to see them. 
Ignacio hurried to get dressed and make his way to the airport asap. He was completely oblivious to all the reality-altering magic that made his existence possible, and with the Tonis Maximus destroyed, there was no turning back. Not that Ignacio really minded it; after all, he was living the easy life in his little city in Mexico, fucking men on the downlow and overjoyed whenever his family visited him. Life was as good as it could be now that magic was out of picture, permanently. 
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imaginal-ai · 7 months
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"Hercules Slumbers after Lovemaking"
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terrygears · 3 days
Tap in for cycle and recommendations
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growinglou · 11 days
The myth of the ROID GUT 🐷
A non fantasy truth 🧬
It’s a misleading name but a lot of people love it and it kinda has nothing to do with Roids or HGH for that matter 
So how do you get one ? 
Well enough HGH will eventually do this but the amount you need to used is well unless you have a lot of money this ain’t happening like 1000s £€$
So lots of Roids !? still no Roids are linked in an indirect way
It’s food…
In a basic summary in a gaining phase we want to increase food intake based on gym performance over time
Roids allow us to push this much harder as the body can now actually use the food intake and  because of this we can push very very hard so this now demands more and more food 
Now repeat this over years with your gut being forced to take more and more food to fuel ever increasing muscle growth it’s going to get distended eventually 
Everything in bodybuilding take time there is no short cut
No special Roid stack no special workout or trick
it’s all years of repetitive behaviour and habits that turns people into monsters 
Remember the goal should ever be going for side effects always go for maximum muscle growth and side effects will come
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harborarmored · 7 months
My thoughts on every new Fortnite Battle Pass skin this season since I am hellenic polytheist ~
Ok, so... I've been a hellenic polytheist (a person who believe and worships the greek gods and follow the philosophy) for almost two years, but I've already started worshipping them a long time ago, just got back and strong last year. And, I'm hyperfocused on Fortnite. If you put them together, you'll guess I'm hyped and crazy about this season. So, I thought I would "rate" and give my thoughts on each battle pass skin, both as a devotee of the greek gods and as a Fortnite fan.
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6/10. He is Cerberus. I mean, a big black dog that takes care of underworld gates; it's him. He doesn't really have three heads as some people were complaining (ik he does but it doesn't look like it), but would you really be willing to have a 300% higher chance of gettin headshoted? I don't think so. I'll definitely not use his skin, as I don't like animalistic/animal skins (sorry, furries). But I think he is fine.
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When I tell yall I SCREAMED. 10/10, fav skin from this bp.
She is SO pretty. She would totally like this. I saw people saying "oh but she wasn't like this in the arts" ok, so? Who told you Aphrodite is like the arts? The gods AREN'T human, and I can't say that enough! They can, indeed, take humanoid/human forms, but they aren't human nor have a humanlike figure naturally. They are cosmic figures! So, technically, any greek gods representation would be right. They don't have gender either!
A fun fact: I worship Aphrodite mainly, she is my regent goddess and has been protecting me since I was born (or even before that). And I give her a human form in my head when worshipping her (and all other gods), usually based on the art depictions of her (like Birth of Venus), but EVERY devotee will depict her different – she is the god of beauty, and everyone's perception of beauty is different.
And, apart from that, she is resembling Aphrodite. White hair? Not unusual, I can see her with it; tanned skin? Alright! She was born on the beach, after all; clothing? Ohh boy she would ROCK that! The gold and white is very Aphrodite-like, the pinkish/red nails, the belts with little hearts... she is so cool and pretty, AAAAHHHH!!!
(I will not talk about every skin style, but just to give Immortal Aphrodite style its justice: it's pretty, SO PRETTY, and she would like it too.)
Slurp..... Poseidon!
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Oh boy he is cute. 7/10. I don't understand the hate he's getting. Just because yall see Poseidon as a bodybuilder older guy from the seas, doesn't mean he is. He isn't human! And this definitely isn't disrespectful, if you are thinking about it – I'm pretty sure Poseidon would have a laugh at this.
On the Fortnite skin side... I hate it. Like, I don't hate it. But I'll definitely not be wearing this ever. Same reason as Cerberus; I don't like animalistic skins (he isn't animalistic... I think. But I think yall can get what I'm saying), and he is BIG boi. I don't like wearing man skins usually, only Shadow Midas – the only Midas I have till now 😭 – and Montague, because they are slim. Many of the manly skins I have are more thick, have muscles. I don't like the playability they have, and don't like them in general (not characters, the looks/functionality/mobility/etc). But he is cute. I can't lie.
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She is here for the girlbosses! 9/10. Not a goddess, but she has a big role in the mythology and she could be an essential part of the lore, if we look at her story and myths, Epic can really win on that.
I just love her eyes, dark makeup, clothes... It's all soooo her! And I like the snakes too. Saw someone saying that they could be green and it would be better – yeah, I can see the point. But I like the purpleish look on them too, and maybe, just maybe, her special style or the style we win by completing the memory missions is the 'green look'. I mean, if it isn't, Epic has missed a big opportunity! But yeah, I like her. I just didn't like the bottom part of her clothes very much, idk, it gives me a strange odd feeling, maybe because there is TOO many white. Maybe if her pants weren't white, or if her dress (?) was longer so she could wear it alone, without pants, it would be better. At least it's what I think.
Father of mortals, Zeus!
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10/10. BEST SKIN along with Aphrodite. Maybe a bit of favoritism, as he is one of my protectors too. But speaking in a "he resembles Zeus so much" way, too! A friend told me about people complaining that he has ammo and grenades on him, are yall SERIOUS? THIS is what yall complaining? If yall are complaining about this you should complain about all bp skins this season, lol. They are in a BATTLE ROYALE. You want them to change all the BR weapons to meele? You wouldn't like it, trust me, I'm a ninja main in Save The World. I really like these additional details on him, bringing the Fortnite into his skin.
And I didn't mention any of the skins' pickaxes or backblings nor other items, but I just gotta talk about the SAVE THE WORLD reference on this. HE HAS A GUITAR????? IS THIS A LARS FROM SAVE THE WORLD WHO HAS ZEUS TATTOOS AND VAN? AND RIDES THE LIGHTNING? METALLICA? ZEUS? OLIMPUS? OH MY GOD I'M GOING CRAZY. And his pickaxe is really cool too
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8/10. I like her, and the points I don't like aren't "oh she doesn't look like Artemis at all" points (as you could guess based on my other points on other skins). I mean, I'll prob not use her as much as I will use Aphrodite and Medusa. And Zeus (yeah I'll pretty much use his skin despite him being big). She is cute, and pretty. And I like her skin having a little tan, too, even if I think it would be great if she had just a little more tan, as she 'lives' in the woods. But oh boy, aren't her clothes PRETTY??!?!?!? I think they are very bow user if I'm being honest.
I can't lie, I don't like her BLUE eyes. They are REAAAALLYYY BLUE. And lipstick too, I don't think she would really use it, especially pink, if you see her myths and story. But I guess it would look a bit strange if her lips didn't have color.
Another point in her that I absolutely DISLIKE is this F*CKING GALAXY THING. THIS RUIN ANY SKIN! This is a really personal opinion, but I SAID WHAT I SAID. I think they are so ugly and 2014 gamer girl vibes (like I was). And in Artemis? I don't think it fits that much. She is much more related to Moon AND FOREST! They could have done this galaxy nasty thing as a superstyle on the extra rewards since almost all superstyles are ugly anyway. Maybe an all black and silver clothing with a silver moon in her top would be better yk. And her hair, WITH THIS EFFIN GALAXY OH MY GOD I HATE THIS F GAME. And I think it's SO spiky too, for some reason, the "top" of her hair looks so artificial and not curly at all, unlike her back hair. And I think it could suit her better if she had her hair in a bun, as, you know, SHE IS A HUNTER!! But galaxies are my biggest complaint.
Finally... Hades.
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Isn't my boy, Hades? He's cool. 7/10 I think. I mean, I wouldn't really think of him and think of neon green (maybe a deep purple), but it fits him AND Cerberus. Cerberus looks so cool with the neon green, and Hades, being his "dad" (lol), has to match, speaking in a skin-wise way.
I can see the gas mask, too. I mean, he lives in the underworld afterall, it prob doesn't smell very good in there. And there is miasma too (I'll not elaborate on this, but for me, it makes sense the gas mask). I just think his hand fingers would look better if they were black and shadowish, like with some smoke/shadow in them. I'll prob never use his skin. But it's cool and it resembles a boss, specifically a underworld boss.
Final toughts
As you can see, I'm still really hyped, and I like this season very much already. I haven't played any matches yet. I was waiting yesterday – in my country, the updates are usually released at 11AM, so I wake up and download to play after the download. But as you can imagine, it didn't work like that yesterday. I had college (yeah, Fortnite players are at university too), and I just skipped classes so I could play all day the new season. I JUST GOT TO OPEN FORTNITE TODAY. Yestarday, it was 11:50PM in my area when they OPENED the servers (may I remember you I am used to the servers opening 11AM), and I tried launching the game. First I got a key chain error after just 5 minutes of queue, had to reopen the game; 20 minutes of queue, and when it finished, SERVER ERROR; reopened for the last time and it was a 50 MINUTE QUEUE WAITING TIME. I gave up and went to bed, was already feeling bad because of other things. Today I woke up at 10AM, prob because of anxiety, hyperfocus is a messed up things sometimes. And it's when I opened the game for the first time, FINALLY!
Yesterday, I had just woken up, ready to update Fortnite, and one of my friends sent me the MIDAS skin that is set to release sometime in this season. Oh gosh, when I tell you that I WOKE UP with his message, I REALLY woke up. I LOVE MIDAS!!! He's been my obsession since mid last year, and because of him I started really hyperfocusing in Fortnite. I was already hyperfocused, but not really caring that much about the lore or characters. And in these past months, all I've been wanting is his Midsummer skin to come back to the item shop (and summer in my country is almost getting over, it's a bit depressing that Epic doesn't change seasonal items according to match the countries/emispheres. I'll only be able to get his SUMMER skin at WINTER, as USA summer is in the middle of the year, when it's already winter here). Now I have a reason to be even more hyped for this season – he can be released at any moment! Oh my man, I've been waiting patiently for you. And I'm happy.
Well, I already talked much. It's not my fault, it's autism. Yeah. If yall have any questions about this season, regarding especially the greek mythology (hellenic religion/philosophy), you can contact me, leave an ask, a comment, whatever. I'll be SO happy to answer!
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some offering I made to Lady Aphrodite last year :)
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#7 – 'Wordsworth's Ridge (For Fran Fike)' (A Sun Came, 1998)
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Two things:
William Wordsworth (1770-1850) was an English poet known for his massive influence on the Romantic aesthetic in literature. Arguably the defining poet of his time, he acted as Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom between 1843-1850. His magnum opus The Prelude serves as the basis of the lyrics in ‘Wordsworth’s Ridge’.
Francis Fike (1933-2022) was professor emeritus of English at Hope College, retiring in 1998 (the year Sufjan recorded most of A Sun Came.) He was Sufjan’s English professor for much of his time at Hope.
The tenderness to write a song in dedication of another. To create beauty in their name. To decide that they are worth everything. In this song, Sufjan does it twice.
Before his ideas became earth-shatteringly huge in scope, Sufjan kept a very academic, studied approach to songwriting. One of the quirks of his early work is how incredibly conceptual it was. He has talked in interviews about how he would pick a topic area – grotesque ones seemingly his preference, like stalkers and serial killers – and proceed to write (and discard) a full album about it; it was a knowingly arbitrary constraint that forced him to be improbably creative. This was how the Sufjan of A Sun Came turned into the Sufjan of Illinois: trial, error, trial, error, trial, error. He worked his songwriting like a bodybuilder would work a muscle. The 10,000 hours is not a myth.
I bring this up because I like to think that ‘Wordsworth’s Ridge (for Fran Fike)’ was one such challenge song. I like to think that Sufjan had such admiration for his mentor, such deep appreciation for the way he guided Sufjan towards a richer understanding of art, that Sufjan thought to repay him in song – one of his favourite poems put to beautiful, rich, layered folk music. A sign that Sufjan understood his teachings and turned them into an eternal document of appreciation. And I like to think that Professor Fike rather enjoyed it. There is no evidence for any of this, but the thought is really quite charming, and reflects well on Sufjan – the impact of a good teacher is so incredibly understated in a world of ‘tortured genius’ narratives. Stand up and thank her, indeed.
Lyrically, this is a song that more or less speaks for itself. ‘Wordsworth’s Ridge’ is a retelling of a section of The Prelude in which the poet steals a boat and rows down a river, intimidated by the awesome crags and cliffs surrounding him, totally subsumed in nature. The poem is more or less accurately translated to lyrical form; there is paraphrasing here, extension there, but the effect is largely kept the same. To perform a more granular reading of the lyrics would be to just outright analyse The Prelude, and I will refrain from doing so here ­– you can find commentaries online that do it more cogently, intelligently and accurately than I would. It is worth reading, though. The Prelude is an absolute cornerstone of Romantic thought, with some of the most awe-inspiring poetic accounts of nature that you will ever encounter. I can see why Sufjan, a man preoccupied with the existential implications of theism, would so enjoy a passage about the speaker subsuming himself in a force greater than he. It’s the natural world quaembodied spirit, mountains as Nephilim.
What is more interesting is discussing how the musical character of ‘Wordsworth’s Ridge’ reflects the textual character of its lyrics. In a way subtly different to most Sufjan songs, ‘Wordsworth’s Ridge’ feels filmic, or at least narrative, in character – it has introduction, turning point, action, climax, denouement. Whereas A Sun Came’s more folk-leaning songs generally tend towards sparseness, this song is heavily orchestrated; A Sun Came so often revels in chance, but every moment here feels calculated. It is somewhat surprising that this song isn’t more well-regarded by the fan community – on account of its sheer ambition, at the very least – though I suppose it’s possible that most feel as I do about it (high in concept, low in melodic and harmonic brilliance.)
Consider it that way, then – consider ‘Wordsworth’s Ridge’ as the narrative that it is. It starts in the stillest of summer nights. Not a breeze, not a voice, not a cloud in sight; nothing, except the low buzz of cicadas and the slight chill of an mid-August evening. The acoustic guitar figure is not quite tense, but it is certainly anticipatory. Something is soon to happen – no justification but instinct. Banjo enters, then an earthy flute line, and a cool wind begins to pick up. The leaves that cover the ground, long-dead, rustle and crunch to the tune of sleigh bells. Piano, clarinets, bass. The wind surges through the trees with ever-growing intensity, and suddenly the whole forest seems to be alight with motion. But this does not last. A new flute line carries across the land – the beckoning of some spirit, form unknown – and the wind stops. The narrator has found his way through. A boat appears.
A new progression. Sufjan sings with a mid-range delicacy and a use of melisma that anticipates his later work. It is a plaintive, peaceful melody. The narrator spirits away with the boat and rows delicately across the lake, oars piercing its unbroken surface and sending little eddies and currents far afield. He is not dominating this place; he is helpless to it. It consumes him. Soon the accompaniment is a feather bed of guitar lines. The cliffs appear to him as wardens of the land. As he passes through, they watch him. Protective, is all. The narrator is disturbing their perfect stasis. But they do not threaten, and as he passes through, past the cliffs, past the oaks and conifers, past the reeds, past the cherry blossoms shedding their coat, they swallow him, and allow him to find himself amidst them. Takes me...
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caputvulpinum · 2 years
Hey if you wanted to read more deeply on whether diets work than changing your mind because of one NYT article you googled saying that they do work, there are a lot of books about how weight loss doesn't work with a *lot* of research cited in them. iirc Big Fat Lies has like, a page of citations for every seven pages of actual book. Other staples are Health At Every Size, and Anti-Diet (by Christy Harrison, MPH) is a more recent one that rounds up the research that has come out since Health At Every Size.
I think Tumblr user ms-demeanour has some posts floating around from when they were reading nutrition research and their take was "long term weight loss (of less than 10% of your body weight) is possible but you have to do it extremely slowly over the course of 10 years. As in so slowly that you can't track it with a bathroom scale because you're only losing 2lb over the course of a whole year. So asking people to lose weight is telling them to take up the same type of regimen as professional bodybuilders (who need a really strong regimen to *gain* 2lb over the course of a year), and that isn't a reasonable suggestion for the average person" which I think is fair. Like even if it is technically possible, is it possible for the average person? Would other health interventions be more efficient and more likely to succeed?
Thank you for your great points and further references for people interested in getting a more dedicately in-depth understanding of this topic! I would like to disclaim that I mentioned the NYT article as the first result to emphasize how easily the myth seems to be disprovable, and that it was not me stating "I read the first Google result and called it good".
That said, I don't have any answers for your questions in the last few sentences, if they weren't rhetorical. I'm, as we've all learned today, very clearly not a dietician and my experiences with a dietician were from the need to gain weight and not lose it.
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