regularshcw · 4 months
@bokorradio // from HERE
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" It's more like...we're both not into the whole Forniquer, if you catch m'drift. Only other person I know of that's also not into all that is my cousin, so we have jokes that we're the ' ace squad. ' Heard that you were and I got the hint from the bingo, so you're, like, an honorary member. "
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pcrplevenom · 1 year
“💭” about Alastor? ( @bokorradio )
Send me “💭” for my muse to blurt out a thought they’ve had about yours
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"I've worked with him for a long time now, but there'ss a ssense of constant uneasse that I'm trying to figure out. But I'm keeping a low profile, I can't raise any unussual behavior on my end." Soldan sat on the couch, arms crossed and looking away with a growl.
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wrxthfulguard · 1 year
(X) @bokorradio​
“... Well... There’s this one film I do recall watching with Miss Charlie and some of our allies one night in October, it was quite the... Film to wrap my mind around in.”
The film did bother Don a few times, but he didn’t leave the room, only looking away and trying to ignore certain sounds until the scene was over.
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“... Anyways, the film’s main character had a interesting last name... ‘Darko’, and I was pondering if the last name was symbolic regarding the character’s decent into horror or not... So... What if I made that last name your new nickname?”
He paused to see what Shady would think of being renamed ‘Darko’.
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“…Did you jussst call me Penchy? A-And I’m not breaking the wine bottlesss, I’m bringing them to a party! What the bloody hell are you on about?”
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zephosthefaedemon · 2 years
[🍺 for drunken confession meme, it's Alastor sitting beside her today though. Uh oh.] [ @bokorradio ]
Zephos may have had too much absinthe at the hotel bar and didn't really realize that she was oversharing more than usual. As Alastor sat down her typical hesitation was gone, a cheerful hello coming from her. The fae demon would also be speaking more akin to how she was used to in the fae world rather than here in Hell with the less formal speech. She'd say to the radio demon with giggles scattered about in her words, "Hail Sir Alastor, dear deer man. Doth thou desire to listen upon fact that I have not shared with others forthright? Well I shall make thee privy to some fact most untold."
She'd take another sip off the absinthe, out of drink in this glass now and plucking up the sugar to just eat it. She was a sweet tooth after all. "I killed mine own Mami. The wretch wast the most despicable maid to trod the Fae realms, and wast a maid with heart of ice and vanity. She injured me, body heart mind and soul, but nae that wast not what tipped me. Nae t'wasn't even how she bore me only to conceive an heir even if partly Hellspawn. Nae, she tried to tithe a 7 year old boy, Devon, to Hell for longer life. What a fetid sow, right? Nary she was a coward, to harm a babe or youth whom wast innocent as that newborn lamb. Now I'm called the Monster of Gwydir. No matter, how art thou dear?"
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lcftcult · 2 years
@bokorradio  ||  x
The feline sinner felt rather euphoric that day.  Perhaps it was because of the new amount of acceptance she was receiving from fellow sinners in Hell.  She had heard a story in passing when walking through a park that day.  And of course, Black Star hadn’t heard the whole story.  Still, she was quite happy to tell it to her boss, or whom she assumed was him.
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“Y’know.. I didn’t hear the title!  But if I.. I had to guess, it’d be somethin’ like.. like.. The Dragon Who Never Smiled!”  A silly story about some dragon demon that was always serious and never smiled, but the story’s ‘hero’ finally made him crack a grin.
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starstruckxstray · 3 months
[ death meme ] Kerosene's death would send Alastor into murderous frenzy. First the retrieval of her remains IF at all possible. When it was not possible to resurrect her, then he would go seeking the culprit. Only to end up grasping at straws or bloodied needles in a burning haystack because he is in Hell, damned, condemned to this repeated cycle of being what he is. An unforgiving and unforgiving force. and Vengeance now and there is nobody who is NOT deserving of being smote. Even Kerosene. Een Kerosene would deserve to be snapped at if he found her and she was the one responsible for offing herself How? How did that make sense, he had to ask himself. The screaming at himself as he skulked Hell for whom he had to rescue so he could hold captive. So anyone he bumps into in his search would probably end up injured in some way, physical or emotional. He does not like when things he considers his to be ripped away. What is his? He is not his. There is nothing inside. He needs others to fill the hole. And when souls in his possession are stolen, he is robbed a little of power. And especially when those like Kerosene, with like and substance-- are extinguished, he feels it. You are Damned. Forsaken. And this infuriates him. Someone pays for it, whether it was their fault or not. Some overlord o some other. He forgets which one. May as well be Vox. Who cares. They are all the same. Even the worst of them. Even the most inconsequential. Maybe this has already happened. Charlie's hand on his ear breaks the numbness. She is holding him back. Restraining him. h "Alastor! Alastor, it's not real! Kerosene is alive! You're having a nightmare!" He is staring at the princess suddenly and the collar he is gripping is indeed a dog collar. A plain dog collar. Not the one that reminds him of the nightsky in the world he had denied himself. With the heavens and the stars that sinners were banned from. Just a dog collar. A familiar, crumbling, leather dog collar that he dropped as if it was stinging. His ears pulled back as he chirped. The static in his voice gone for an evanescent and vulnerable moment. "No..." as he nearly tripped, Charlie steadied him. "Wh-where is she?" "She's not dead, I know that. Let's go find her together, okay?But first... deep breaths..." Despite not being an overlord the powerful demonness seemed to understand how Alastor's inner gears worked. That this shock had thrown off his center. "One hoof at a time, okay...?" "One hoof..." he repeated, ears flicking as he felt the fact that, yes. It was true, the sinner was out there and not exterminated. He couldn't let the light be extinguished. ((i had a spark of inspiration. sorry if it was a bit intense. he's a complicated deer. ))
(HHHHHHH ;-; This is intense but I love seeing this rare side of him. Thank you!)
It was another night of her slipping away, to quietly climb the rusted fire escapes towards the deep red-violet sky. Another night of settling atop of crumbling shingles and staring towards the ever-distant blue star hidden behind veils of pollution and hazy neon.
Another moment of quietly romancing, pleading for Heaven's forgiveness and acceptance. The tearful prayers felt heavier at that time, and she wondered if she was calling out for someone other than just herself. For her friends, for her found family, for her master. Her collar turned hot around her neck as her thoughts turned towards him. She froze from her repeated, inner petitions as strange feelings blossomed within her chest.
Anger, that aching yawning emptiness, a crushing sense of powerlessness, all of them faint and not her own. The vortex of troubling emotions stole her breath, and her eyes snapped open. Her head was no longer turned towards the sky, but to the streets below.
Her ears pressed flat and a frown set across her features. She needed to go, she needed to find Alastor. She hadn't yet realized that the Princess was also looking for her. An even deeper remorse would have flooded her once she did.
Kerosene started down those familiar metal steps. She didn't cast one last, longing glance above this time.
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rosiesemporium · 1 year
( 💀 for Rosie from Alastor @bokorradio )
A single stab, and Rosie's blade-tipped parasol easily pierced the hellhound's chest, spearing his heart. Strength started rapidly from the hellhound as Rosie twisted the blade in further, then yanked it out, taking the heart with it. She grinned as the canine collapsed to the ground, clutching his bleeding chest, clinging to life despite being in Death's grip.
"I'd tell you to let this be a lesson about underestimating one's opponent, but you won't be learning anything anymore." The Overlord brought the speared heart up to her mouth and took a bite, licking her lips as blood gushed out. Hearts always tasted the best when freshly removed from a victim, filled with adrenaline.
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infernal-dominion · 2 years
[Alastor] “So.” Like he’s doing an interview for some reason. “I think we all know celestial beings like angels probably have more than one form so I won’t ask what your actual wings look like ooooor even assume you have wings at all-- for all we know it might be some metaphorical thing and you don’t even need them, I’m just a sinner, after all-- but tell me!” he tapped his mic as if to turn it on “Do feathery angel wings turn all leathery and batty and demonic when you hit the hell-earth or is that a contrivance of Mankind dreamt up by cloistered monks enslaved to regurgitating their innermost vices onto an illuminated manuscript that would be taken as truth for ages to come? I ask because. Gosh golly, when I first looked around down here I was a little spooked to see some of the hellborns really did have those clawed batty wings. Imagine a lapsed Christian’s surprise to see you did not look like a gigantic, blue, scaly, anti-sematic, elephant-tusked bozo in a loin cloth, nonchalantly chowing away at whomever...I don’t know skipped Sunday Mass or whatnot. These questions, you know, I have so many. I was once a good Christian boy. You were quite the boogeyman to me.” (as per request, nuisance here sent to the devil. wow can he talk. @bokorradio , I thought this sent over ask but apparently no? Really sorry. My brain is on the fritz.)
“Hehehe. Oh by all means, darling, if you have questions, feel free to ask. Far be it from me to silence a curious mind, after all.” He idly tilts his head as he watches Alastor tap at his microphone, already feeling the way the air charged and crackled with the radio waves the signal produced, and he idly curls his fingers over his staff just that little bit tighter. He wondered how many could hear his voice just by speaking out into the open air right now. The thought was fascinating.
“As for your first question, indeed, the feathers of holy power and the mark of angels among men are burned away when they find themselves falling to crash down into the inferno of Hell. A part of it is because their bodies literally burn up upon entry, it is quite the long drop, and part of it is due to the presence of sin that built up within their bodies sort of…igniting, so to speak. Think of holiness as a concept, it makes up the entirety of angels and their bodies, much like how flesh and blood makes up yours, dear. And when that holiness is corrupted beyond repair, when it is fully corroded with sin, when the angel falls, it ignites, much like a lit match being taken to a tankard of kerosene. And so, the angel is left burnt and robbed of all the feathers that they once owned, for they no longer hold the essence of God within them.”
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forest-chosen · 4 months
Closed starter with @bokorradio //
Elin paced the confines of the room, her hands clasped tightly together. Despite this, her hands trembled with the effort of holding in the bottled up anger and guilt that had been brewing since that night. Elin was so lost in thought, her trembling seemed to increase as she harshly bit her lip in a weak attempt to stifle any tears. The sound of the door opening made the Irishwoman flinch, before she slowly turned.
“I’m sorry..”
Elin’s words were choked, her chest rising and falling quickly as more tears rolled down her face. The guilt had nowhere else to go than the tears that now fell down Elin’s freckled cheeks.
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wrxthfulguard · 2 years
(X) @bokorradio​
“Yes.” Don answered bluntly and without hesitation, moving to let his hand hover over Moon’s shoulder in silent permission to pat it.
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“She’s not invincible, after all... Like most demons, a holy weapon can end her for good if she keeps this up... I’m not letting anything or anyone put the hotel and our allies in danger.”
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pcrplevenom · 4 months
How much of a sinner are you? Borrowed from @bokorradio !
Soldan is 3% sin.
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"Huh, that'ss low enough for me to deal with and hopefully I won't have to worry too much."
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zephosthefaedemon · 5 months
☂ - pull my muse indoors, out of the rain/snow/storm (from @bokorradio dun Dun Dun DUNNNN)
Zephos had just been about to walk outside to watch the rain fall on the back patio of the hotel. She'd finally made some progress on the garden since the whole situation of Alastor in the garden, even adding some rose bushes to bring some lovely color to the place, when who of all people yanks her back inside?
The radio demon himself.
The fae demon would bleat in surprise, a bit of fear mixed in. Her tail would lash against his grip, her back to him yet recognizing the gloved hands pulling her inside the hotel once more. She was trying to gain distance, at least face the monster who'd harmed her, attempted to kill her, just for her blood. She wasn't taking any chances.
She'd yell, unusual for her, "Unhand me! I don't want you to touch me!" There was an edge to her voice, eyes shining gold, a warning to the radio demon to not try anything too hasty with her. She'd already been burnt once; she wasn't going to be burnt again.
Gloved hands of her own were shaking, her fight or flight response already kicking in. She knew that she couldn't hurt him on hotel grounds, even in self-defense, nor him to her. "Her Highness Charlie said no violence within these walls, and I don't want her to get involved again, she already has enough going on as it is. If you're going to give me a message, do so." There may have been a tremble to her voice, but it had an ancient authority to it, the fae heritage bleeding through her typically gentle and kind tone she used with human born.
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lcftcult · 2 years
@bokorradio  ||  x
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“But booooossssss” Black Star yawned, curled up on the long, fancy chair beside Alastor.  “It’s so comfy.. I dun’ wanna leave yet.”  And indeed the sinner was in a cute new pair of pajamas.  Eyes flutter open when asked about her sleepwear and she nods “yeah, a friend got ‘em for me” a tiny smile creeps on her lips.  “Eh.. where are we going again?”
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starstruckxstray · 3 months
Create Your Muse-Inspired Drink!
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Kerosene's Campfire Kiss
Tagged by: @hellcab (Thank you!!!)
Tagging: @dyavol (Fu) @moxxietude (Fausto) @bokorradio (Alastor) @redemptioninchaos (Sergio) @realmofsoulsandshells (Raptor) @thehazbins (Luxury) @not-that-dillinger @diotheworldus @demondads (Pent) @infinitcnexus (Shrike) @voxiiferous @members-of-the-guild (Callie) @divinityunleashed (Vert) @lycanspirited (Cobalt) @risingshine (Chiasa) @e-m-p-error (Ostello) Anyone else who wants to do this!
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rosiesemporium · 2 years
(( couldn't really find a recent meme I thought befitting so winging it )) "Rosie dear, what would your definition of Cruel and Unusual be? Put together? See, lately people have been griping on that thing in particular. Apparently other overlords are just peachy-keen because their tortures might be unusual, sure. But not cruel. Or, oh they're cruel but because the torture is not unusual then they're the cat's pajamas. Why is it being both is bad? But one or the other is just fine? You've always understood what's going on in people's heads better than I do. Sure, I can feel what they want, but dill pickles if I know /why/ they want it." (( @bokorradio ))
"Cruel and unusual? Hmm..." For this, Rosie had to think for a minute or so. "I would say that cruel and unusual would be something that is not only agonizing to endure, but especially humiliating. If you wanted an example, perhaps laying down a long, slow fuse to a pile of black powder placed directly under someone's genitals, relishing their horror as they watch the flame inch closer and closer.
"As for why some consider it a step too far? Well, I'd say after a certain point, your own point has been well made, and any further agony is purely for your own pleasure, serving no other purpose. Whip a man enough times, eventually his nerves grow raw to any further punishment. But to attack him from an unexpected angle, and then another, and so on and so forth? Rather hard to build up a defense to cruel and unusual."
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