healedspace · 6 years
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all my love to my fellow leonard h. mccoy roleplayers. 
@aviophobic @boldlysaving @onlybxnesleft @oldcountrydoctor @handsofasurgeon @healos @sicktomybonesmccoy @rainydaycure @dcspite @nxtcphysicist @kidsofthekelvinhero
follow all these cool cats for some quality stuff !! xoxo  (also my sincerest apologies if i missed someone!)
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fateprotected-a · 6 years
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“One more time? For the audience?" he says.        His voice isn't angry. It's hollow, which is worse. 
I take his hand, holding on tightly, preparing for the cameras, and dreading the moment when I will finally have to let go.
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vokava-a · 6 years
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i‘m  coming   home   to   breathe   again   to   start   again   i’m   coming   home  from   all   the  places  i   have been   with   nothing     but   a   voice   within   that   calls   me…  calls  me  home  
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      “ how’s it going, doc? ”  calliope is surprisingly chipper for someone who’s just worked a double shift. at least, she appears that way. in reality, she’s completely exhausted & would LOVE a good drink & twelve hours of uninterrupted sleep.
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forstarlight-blog · 6 years
@boldlysaving is my baby and here is my starter for my baby
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“ BONES, “      the kirk stares at the man with a slight glare, arms crossed.           & she is annoyed,     “ i’m taking it again. “    the ‘it’ in question? the kobayashi maru.
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tcrribleliar · 6 years
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“I think by this point I would have noticed if something were wrong.” 
There’s amusement in her voice but she’s also more than a little tense. It’s not that she doesn’t trust him, just. Human history is full of curiosity-cum-rapaciousness, and she knows better than many that Starfleet is not immune. She wants to understand herself. But not enough to share the data with a host of scientists and bureaucrats 
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mollv · 6 years
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“It’s just HARD to believe, you know? That this actually worked.” 
@boldlysaving  |  sc.
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A  PERFECTLY  MANICURED  HAND  KNOCKED  AT  THE  DOOR  of  leonard  mccoy;  uhura,  bags  tucked  under  her  arm,  had  just  disembarked  the  express  shuttle  from  california  to  georgia  thirty  minutes  prior  after  feeling  an  emergency  best  friend  summon  after  her  call  with  the  doctor  a  couple  hours  prior.  there  was  a  small,  selfish,  quell  of  excitement  over  the  excuse  to  see  leonard  face  to  face  since  he  left  san  francisco.  “  yoo  hoo !  ”  her  voice  called  out  melodically  as  her  knuckles  rapped  on  the  front  door.
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--- @boldlysaving  liked  for  a  starter  from  uhura !
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vokava-a · 6 years
IN  TRUTH  ,   WELL   SPOCK  wished  for  his  attempts  to  save  the  doctor  would  succeed ,  the  vulcan   knew   deep  down  the  probability  was   low  .   but  that  does  not  spock  from  trying  ,  desperately   doing  whatever  he  can  to  save  leonard .  he  remembers  the  raw  emotion  when  he  feels  the   doctors  breathing   start  again    .     it  worked   he  has  saved  him   .    of  course   the  logical  thing  to  do  is  leave  the  doctor  alone  now  ,  spock has  done  his  part  leonard  probably  doesn’t  want   to   speak  to  him   again  .    ‘  its  not  your   fault  ‘    the hybrd is  not  sure  if  he  really believes  thats  .  
SPOCK  IS  FAR  AWAY  from  leonard  when  the  team  arrives  to  collect  him .  hes  crouched  in  a  corner watching  as  they  drag  him  away .  eyes  blink   for  a  moment  & he  thinks  for  even  the  faintest  of  seconds  that  it  might  be  a dead  body  the  crewmen  were  collecting  instead .    if  that  happened  ,   spock  would  never  forgive  himself. 
HES  NOT  SURE  HOW  long  he  will be  stuck  here  for . spock  is  not  sure  if  he  will ever  get  out  .   what  if  he  infects  someone  else  ?     no  !  hes  not  going  to  let  that  happen . its  much  safer  for  everyone  if  he  simply  dies  here  in quarantine  alone  .  it  is  what  spock  has  always  envisioned  for  himself  in  his  end ,   alone   with  no  ones  name  to  call .
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THREE  WEEKS  ,  HE  COUNTS  them  all .  it  is  a  timer  counting  down  to  the  end .  he  stopped  eating  last  week  ,  refused  the  rations  he  was  given  .  if  he  is  to die here  ,  there  is  too be  no  reason  to  waste  any  resources  on  him  .   spock  is  a dead  man  walking  ---  he  will  not  be  pretending otherwise .    meditation  is  his  escape  his  quiet  & he  hopes  to  go in  such  a  state  ,   calm  &  at  peace  .
HUNGER  IS  TAKING  OVER  now  even  the  art  of  meditation  is  no  escape  to  his  self  created  demise  .   hes  only  shaking  slightly  , hunched  in  a  corner  alone  “ fear of  death  is  what  keeps  us  alive “      words    that  once  offered  a solution  to  all spocks  problems  in  the  universe  ,  but  now   not  even  fear  could  keep  him  alive  .  in fact  the very  emotion  is  whats  killing  him  now .
EYES  DOWN  CAST  ,  WHEN  he  hears  the  door  open .   the  hybird  sees   no  reason to greet  his  visitor  ,   he  does  not  wish  to   see  anyone   .   hearing  the  presence  getting  closer  he  almost  raises  his  head    (   “  please   leave “   )  he  wants  to  say  but  he  can’t    not  when  he  ears  all  all  too  familiar  voice  entering  his  ears .  “ i would  have  died  without  ya “    ------
SUDDENLY  HIS  THROAT  IS  filled  with cotton  .  closed  &  unable  to  move  .  again  he  wants  to  speak   but  instead  he  raises  his  head  hoping  his  eyes  can  tell  leonard  a  story  instead  .    spock  watches  the  doctor  rise   from  his  chair  &  wants  to  help  him  ,  but  his  feet  are  locked  in  their  position .  he  can  only  watch  as  the  doctor  struggles  to  find  a seat .   when  he  pauses  in front  of  spock    arms  reach  out  to  catch  leonard  in case  he  should  fall  ,   but  thats  not  whats  happening  here .
SUNSHINE  ,  THATS  WHAT  THIS  feels  like .   he tastes  sunshine  .   &  if  this  isn’t  everything  he  ever  thought  about  .   there  is  not  hint  of  gloomy  grey  in  this  kiss  .  arms  already  drawn  out  gently  guide  the  doctor  closer   ,   it  is  a  rather  awkward  position  they  are    in    but   spock  has  no  care  .   not  now .    not  a  even  a  care  to   think  about  how  he is  deteriorating   . 
FOR  A  MOMENT  HE  just  lets  himself   soak  it  all  in . nothing  can  shatter  this  moment  he  has  been  given  .   but  ---   it  still crosses  his  mind  the  uncertain   ,    asking    is  the  only  way  spock  will ever  truly  know .    reluectantly  he  pulls  away  eyes  staring  right  into  the  doctors    ❛  you   are   certain  .    you  are  not  simply just  expressing  gratitude towards  me  ?      ❜    ----  a  simple   code  for     do  you  want  me  ?   do  you  want  ,  us ?
@boldlysaving     cont. 
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twenty two years ago, one of the major players in the los angeles crime world recruited a medical staff to oversee a hospital for their members. now, it’s exploded. criminals from all over the world have membership to the artemis and check in to be treated. there is one policy that rules the hotel: always follow the rules. abide by that and you will make it out alive ( an with your membership in tact ). break our rules and you will never be allowed back.  it’s  not  just  a  normal  wednesday  at  the  artemis  though. riots due to lack of clean water available have  forced many into the street  in protest. once out of the artemis, you may not make it back alive. 
more info under the cut
1. no weapons. all members are scanned before their check in at the artemis and all weapons are removed from their possession. they will not be returned upon departure. don’t bring them in. 
2. you must be a member. anyone that is not a member will forcibly removed. 
3. medical staff are not to be touched. any physical action taken against the staff of the artemis will result in the deactivation of the membership of the individual(s) involved. 
4. use the codenames given to you upon arrival. no one will be referred to by their names. this is to secure the safety of all members and the staff. 
1. no ooc drama. we are here to have fun and write together. any ooc drama will result in all parties being kicked. no questions asked. i will not have an unsafe environment for the members. 
2. no godmodding. this is pretty self explanatory. play your own character. that’s who you auditioned for. 
3. this verse is very chill so there won’t be any activity checks or things like that. the mod understands because she’s busy too. just try your best but don’t stress over it! 
4. if you have any problems, please come talk to me! i’d rather you come speak so i can help initiate some problem solving between writers than to have things get out of proportion. 
5. there will be a discord server available! so in the app where it says discord username, only include it if you want to be a member of the server! it can be for both ooc and ic interactions if writers wish. 
6. once you are accepted, please write a more in depth bio for your character. it does not have to be anything serious and really no more than one or two paragraphs. but writers will want to have some background considering this is an au verse. once completed, please tag our bio tag! ( hotel artemis gv bio )
7. please track the tags: ( hotel artemis gv bio ) and ( hotel artemis gv ic )
ooc name: 
ooc age: 
character name: 
staff or criminal? 
small bio (just a few sentences about what your character does, his motivations, any connections, etc...): 
do you want to be added to the discord server? 
Leonard McCoy- Head Doctor: @boldlysaving
Simon Tam- Surgeon: @primdoc
Stephen Strange- Surgeon: @masterstrange
Nyota Uhura- Administrator: @boldlytransmitting 
Lisa Mayheart (Carol Marcus)- Nurse: @telumspecialist
Jim Kirk (code name Niagara ): @recklessheroism
Pris ( code name Fiji ): @fateprotected
Lara Croft ( code name Grace ): @tombworn 
Reuven Bianchi- modern spock ( code name Vienna ): @vokava 
Christine Palmer ( code name Maya ): @saviouravenged
Han Solo ( code name Honolulu ): @galaxyflying
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      ❝ as the STARS begin to gather & the light begins to fade, when all hope begins to  s h a t t e r ,  know that i won’t be AFRAID. ❞
( a closed group verse ) s.t.a.r.f.l.e.e.t. is an intergalactic secret organization tasked with espionage all across space. the enterprise division is composed of the alpha squadron, s.t.a.r.f.l.e.e.t.’s best agents.
@boldlychasing, @boldlysaving, @sheofgalaxy, @empathicstars, @fateprotected, @boldlyflying, @kusikiliza, @telumspecialist, @reservedlogic
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empathicstars · 6 years
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   The Betazoid sits, PADD laying on the table before her, mug of tea cradled closer to her chest -- black eyes boring upwards at the blueclad man -- the chief medical officer, who had just questioned if she were, in fact, a vegetarian. The information should be available in her file, of course. Consider her curiosity mildly piqued at the nature of this question. Perhaps he was looking for a simple conversational piece? 
   “Yes, I am.” She waited to see where he would take it, lifted tea to her lips.
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startrekroleplay · 6 years
Directory Updated - April 18, 2018
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*denotes a multimuse blog
Leonard McCoy - @boldlysaving
Pavel Chekov - @the-youngest-pilot
@fateprotected - Enterprise
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fateprotected-a · 6 years
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                                                          𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒔....𝒂 𝒇𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚 𝒊𝒔 a rebellious captain                          an attention-starved captain                                                                       a grumpy doctor                                                                                                  a 10-year old doctor                                                                   aN ANGRY doctor                        a sentient ship who if you treat her like a lady will always bring you home a sentient ship that YEETS                                                and a sad/angsty empath to cope
promo credit @ouiseauchanteurs
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vokava-a · 6 years
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doctor  ,   doctor  ,   where ya at  ?  , give  me  something  i  need  your love, i need your love, I need your lovin'   you   got    that   kind   of   medicine   that   keeps me   comin'   my   body   needs   a   hero  , come   and   save   me  something   tells  me  you  know  how  to  save  me    i've   been    feeling    weird   ,   oh    oh  ,  i  need   you   to   come   and   rescue   me //    template credit.
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