#bolide 14
wht-am-i-doin · 2 months
Driver's Ranked by Year
Ok, this is going to be a long one because I don't want to spam, so everybody buckle up
Disclaimer: This is not my personal ranking of the ships, this is purely based on how I view the historical event that takes place in the year that the numbers make up. I will happily further explain any of the events, my analysis of the events with the ship, and why I ranked them that way if anybody is interested. I tried to get a variety, but I am better with western history so there is more of skew towards western history. I have used both CE and BCE years to create more variety. As with everything with RPF, I do not believe any of these drivers are together and this is all in good fun, if you don't want to view it as ships view them as teammates! All images are pulled from google.
okie dokie here we go, Hope you enjoy!!
*means that it is in the area of that time period and do not have exact date or may occur over multiple years
1. Maxiel - 31 BCE
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Jesus was crucified in 31 BCE
2. Simi - 75 BCE
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Julius Caesar was kidnapped by pirates and demanded a higher ransom in order to be saved
3. Lestappen - 1633 CE
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Galileo was convicted of Heresy for saying the earth goes around the sun
4. Brocedes - 644 CE
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Zenkoji temple is built by Empress Kogyoku
5. Zhou + Mick - *4724 BCE
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Earliest form of photo-writing in history
6. Yukierre - ~2210 BCE
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Hale Bopp comet is seen and won't be seen again until 1997 CE, about 4,000 years later
7. Landoscar - ~814 BCE
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Homer was born
8. Fernando + Esteban - 1431 CE
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Joan of Arc is burned at the stake
9. Zhou + Valtteri - ~7724 BCE
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Tollmann's hypothetical bolide which led to global cataclysm, i.e. the great flood
10. Loscar - ~812 BCE
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Olmecs began to build their pyramids, earliest pyramids from mesoamerica
11. Lewis + Charles - 1644 CE
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one of eight years to contain each roman numeral once- MDCLXIV
12. Oscar + Zhou - ~2481 BCE
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Construction of Stonehenge
13. Esteban + Pierre - ~3110 BCE
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Narmer reigns and unifies Egypt for the first time
14. Carlos + Max - 551 BCE
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Confucius was born
15. Sewis - 544 BCE
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Sun Tzu, author of The Art of War, was born
16. Esteban + Lance - 1831 CE
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Victor Hugo publishes the Hunchback of Notre Dame in Paris
17. George + Lewis - ~6344 BCE
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Great Britain and Ireland separated from the main land and became Islands
18. Oscar + Max - 181 CE
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Lake Taupo Volcano erupts in New Zealand and is seen in both China and Rome
19. Max + Lewis - 441 BCE
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Sophocles writes Antigone, one of the first greek tragedies
20. Lewis + Valtteri - ~7744 BCE
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Agriculture starts to develop in the Americas
21. Fernando + Lance - 1814 CE
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The Great Stock exchange fraud is exposed in London
22. Logan + Alex - 232 BCE
Gaius Flaminius distributes land to Plebians after the Punic Wars in the North
23. Lando + Daniel - 43 CE
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Roman conquest of Britain
24. Lando + Max - 41 BCE
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Mark Antony meets Cleopatra VII
25. Charles + Pierre - 1610 CE
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Tragedy of Macbeth's first performance
26. Nico + Kevin - ~2027 BCE
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The Epic of Gilgamesh is written
27. Galex - ~2363 BCE
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Hekla 4 eruption with a VEI 5, explosive eruptions, but nobody was hurt
28. Charles + Lando - 164 BCE
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Halley's Comet makes its appearance, occurs once every 75 years
29. Checo + Max - 111 BCE
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Spartacus was born
30. George + Lando - 634 CE
The Siege of Damascus
31. Carlando - 455 CE
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King Generic sacks Rome
32. Charles + Carlos - 1655 CE
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Saturn's largest moon, Titan, is discovered
33. Charles + Sebastian - 165 CE
Antonine plague decimated the Roman Empire and China
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thecreaturecodex · 4 months
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Image accessed from the Ultraman Wiki here
[Return of Ultraman is the third Ultraman series, the fourth in the Ultra series altogether, and the first that establishes any sort of continuity between one-off cameos. If the original Ultraman is the toku version of Green Lantern (space cop gives power to human fighter pilot), Ultraman Jack is the toku Spider-man before the actual toku Spider-Man. Hideki Go is thrilled to get powers and rapidly goes too far with them, and has to learn that with great power comes great responsibility. Plus, the series has as much of a focus on his home life as it does on his monster-fighting antics, and Ultraman Jack often loses fights and has to regroup and rethink his approach before winning.
Arstron here (referred to as Earthtron in English before Tsubaraya made official Romanizations for their many many kaiju) was the first kaijur that Ultraman Jack fought, and it's one of his most iconic opponents. Arstron has reappeared in multiple Ultra Series, has a lot of toys, and even appears in the opening credits of the next series, Ultraman Ace. Not bad for most transparent Godzilla knockoff of the franchise not actually made from an old Godzilla costume.]
Arstron CR 21 CN Magical Beast This creature resembles an oversized, slightly humanoid dinosaur, its arms short and legs massive. Rows of low plates grow along its spine, and it has a huge crescent horn growing from its forehead.
An arstron is an enormous burrowing predator that superficially resembles a theropod dinosaur. They spend most of their lives underground, hunting other large subterranean creatures like purple worms and supplementing their diet with organic minerals like coal and oil. Arstrons are territorial and belligerent, and the movement of dragons, kaiju or other enormous and powerful monsters through their territories may provoke them to go on violent rampages. Arstrons enjoy combat, and their rare interactions with other members of their species are typically sparring matches.
Arstrons care little for stealth, and they are pursuit hunters rather than ambush predators. Their burrowing is often felt in the form of small tremors before the monsters emerge to the surface. Arstrons prefer to use their breath weapons and spit fireballs in order to hunt—animals, monsters and humanoids killed by the flames are eaten carbonized, and arstrons typically char their food before consuming it. They use their teeth, claws, tails and scything horn primarily when fighting an enemy that is fire resistant and/or large enough to fight back. An arstron can launch itself into a frenzy similar to a barbarian’s rage, and if anything survives that onslaught, the arstron is likely to burrow back below ground and try to flee.
Arstron               CR 21 XP 409,600 CN Colossal magical beast (earth) Init +5; Senses darkvision 120 ft., light sensitivity, low-light vision, Perception +27, tremorsense 120 ft.
Defense AC 37, touch 3, flat-footed 36 (-8 size, +1 Dex, +34 natural) hp 400 (32d10+224) Fort +25, Ref +21, Will +16 DR 10/-; Immune energy drain, fear; Resist acid 30, fire 30 Defensive Abilities shake it off
Offense Speed 60 ft., burrow 40 ft. Melee bite +39 (4d6+15), 2 claws +39 (2d8+15), gore +39 (4d8+15), tail slap +37 (2d8+7) Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft. Special Attacks bolide blast, breath weapon (240 ft. line, 32d6 fire, Ref DC 33 half, 1d4 rounds), frenzy, maximize breath weapon
Statistics Str 40, Dex 13, Con 25, Int 4, Wis 19, Cha 14 Base Atk +32; CMB +55; CMD 66 Feats Awesome Blow, Blind-fight, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (gore), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Power Attack, Staggering Critical, Stand Still, Stunning Critical Skills Climb +24, Perception +27, Swim +24 Languages Terran (cannot speak)
Ecology Environment any mountains or hills and underground Organization solitary or pair Treasure incidental
Special Attacks Bolide Blast (Su) As a standard action, an arstron can spit a fireball to a range of 500 feet. When it reaches its intended destination, the fireball explodes in a 40 foot radius, dealing 16d6 points of fire damage (Reflex DC 33 halves). An arstron can use this ability at will. Frenzy (Ex) An arstron can enter a state of frenzy as a swift action on its turn, gaining a +2 bonus to attack and melee damage rolls, a +2 bonus to Will saves, 2 temporary hit points per HD (64 for a typical specimen) and a -2 penalty to Armor Class. An arstron’s frenzy lasts for 1 minute, whereupon it is fatigued for 10 minutes. An arstron can enter a frenzy at will, but cannot do so when fatigued or exhausted. Maximize Breath Weapon (Ex) By spending a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, an arstron can deal maximum damage with its breath weapon. When it does so, the recharge for its breath weapon defaults to 4 rounds. Shake It Off (Ex) Whenever an arstron fails a saving throw against a paralyzing, petrifaction, polymorph or immobilizing effect (including binding and temporal stasis, but not imprisonment), it can attempt a new saving throw at the end of its turn to remove the effect. Doing so takes no action. An arstron can attempt a new save to end the effect as often as it wishes, but can attempt to remove only one such effect per round.
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Who Let Us Have A Group Chat?
Pairings: Blood Moon/DJ Music Man, Harvest Moon/Glamrock Bonnie, Eclipse/OC (well, not anymore)
Word Count: 1,160 Words
Summary: More backups, teenager discussions, and disabilities.
Warnings: Cursing, Sick (mentioned), Drinking (mentioned only), Caps, Injury (mentioned), Neglect Mention, Abuse Mention, let me know if I should add anything else.
Notes: Sirius is good Eclipse. Charon is Good Eclipse’s Moon. Altair is Good Eclipse’s Sun.
Chapter 11: Why Are There Teenagers?
4:14am Who Took My Hat?
Moon: Why in the fuck did I just find three of your backups on my patrol? @Eclipse
Eclipse: ...wat?
Moon: Well, I've named oldest one Equinox. Lunar was awake and Bolide was visiting so they named the other two.
Eclipse: ...wat?
Lunar: I named the youngest! His name is Meridian!
Eclipse: ...wat?
Bolide: The middle one I named, his name is Solstice.
Eclipse: ...wat?
Moon: Three backups. They seem pretty harmless. Kinda adorable. Equinox finished the patrol with me.
Bolide: Solstice wanted to sleep, he was really tired.
Lunar: I forced Meridian in a bath. Your three new children are dirty as hell from being in the sewers.
Eclipse: .........
Moon: Okay, you're like half-alive, KC is probably asleep. We'll keep them for now, go back to sleep.
Eclipse: mmmk
7:45am Who Took My Hat?
Eclipse: God, it wasn't a fever dream.
Moon: You're sick again?
Eclipse: Mhm, sick.
Moon: You okay?
Eclipse: I feel like hell. Can't breathe very well but they already broke the fever again.
Moon: You get sick way too often.
Eclipse: You're telling me, the one who gets sick too often. I hate this.
Moon: Good to know. We'll keep the triplets for a few days while you get better.
Eclipse: thx
Solar Flare: Father is quite sick. He's thrown up seven times now and couldn't get a full night's sleep even before your messages at 4am.
Moon: Poor fuck.
Lunar: I'm very pleased to say I've never gotten sick.
Eclipse: This is why I hate you sometimes.
Eclipse: You fucking healthy bastard.
Eclipse: And your perfect immune system.
Eclipse: Meanwhile I suffer because mine sucks.
Lunar: At least you're not eternally equivalent to a 14 year old.
Eclipse: I'm equivalent to an 18yo don't come at me with that shit, I'm barely legal.
Lunar: At least you're legal.
Moon: Wait, wait, wait, hold on. You two are kids?
Lunar: Yes.
Eclipse: Yes? In a way?
Moon: Me and Sun are both coded as twenty five!
Kill Code: I'm still the oldest, I'm 34.
Sun: Damn, you had Eclipse at 16. Rip
Moon: Just hold the fuck up, how many of you are minors!?
Sirius: 17
Brown Dwarf: Fifteen.
Supermassive: 16
Moon: We're just chilling with five minors!?
Blood Moon: Ha, we're older than you Eclipse! We're 21!
Harvest Moon: At least I'm legal to drink, I think I need to after learning that Eclipse is our little brother.
Sun: You literally would be legal for it anyway. It's not like someone's going to go up to a murderous robot and ask them for their ID or internally coded age.
Eclipse: You make a good point and I've proven this.
Kill Code: Why are you drinking underage!?
Eclipse: I was at a fancy party!
Kill Code: Why do you go to so many fancy places!?
Eclipse: Because I can.
Sun: 👀
Eclipse: Get those eyes away, I'm only 18!
Sun: You bastard, you have perfect excuses because of your code age.
Eclipse: Exactly. I want to be away from someone, 'I'm not legal'. I want to be near someone or do adult things 'I'm a legal adult'. It's not like anyone is going to challenge that because they don't know my actual age.
Sun: Smart little fucker.
Blood Moon: You haven't seen him walk into glass doors, have you?
Sun: No, but now I can imagine it and I can't stop laughing.
Moon: Can confirm, Sun sounds like a hyena.
Eclipse: I hate all of you.
Sun: To be fair, like Brownie, I wouldn't be able to see it but I can imagine the sound just  THUNK OW
Moon: What?
Sun: Oh shit.
Moon: No, you explain yourself now!
Sun: Um...Moon, I'm half blind.
Moon: You're what?
Sun: I've always been like this, how have you not noticed?
Moon: I don't know! You're blind!?
Sun: Only half blind. I'm fully blind in the dark though. I can only really see in the daycare, the lights are that bright for a reason. I have a hard time seeing anywhere else. I thought you knew this.
Moon: Obviously not, Sunny, you have to tell me these things! I'm oblivious as fuck, Sun, you have to tell me or I won't realize it!
Sun: I thought you knew!
Moon: Is this why you hit into things or stay in place when the lights go out?
Sun: I plead the fifth.
Moon: You can't plead the fifth on a disability, Sunrise!
Sun: Moon, I didn't want to scare you! I thought it was better not to mention it since I thought you knew and disregarded it!
Moon: I would never disregard something like this!
Brown Dwarf: Blind besties?
Sun: Yes, Brownie, blind besties.
Sirius: Can I also be a blind bestie? My left eye is screwed up now.
Lunar: God, what did you do now?
Sirius: So I was fixing something with Chary looking after the daycare
Sirius: And I was working with my wrench close to my face
Sirius: And a kid came and jumped on what I was working on and it fell on me
Sirius: I shattered my left eye with my wrench. Just the outer layer but it hurts to be uncovered now.
Sun: Temporarily blind bestie.
Brown Dwarf: Rip Sirius, lost his left eye being a good mechanic.
Sirius: I have replacements, but we have it covered for now so I can help Charon with the daycare.
Eclipse: Do I have to steal you and fix it since Charon is disregarding your injuries again? We aren't having a repeat of the broken arm incident again.
Kill Code: Elbow joint? What? Again?
Eclipse: Siri got his arm stuck in the compactor trying to save one of his favorite bunny plushies that his bastard Monty threw in there and it crushed his arm. Charon was so busy with Altair he ignored it for a week before Sirius jumped dimensions and I noticed his arm and fixed it.
Kill Code: Is the child's bunny okay? Is he okay?
Sirius: No, Millie got crushed but I'm okay now. Clipse fixed me. But fine, I'll visit for the eye, I'll bring the replacement with me.
Eclipse: You better!
Sirius: Yes, Dr. Eclipse.
Eclipse: The fuck? I'm not the healer, Lunar's the mage.
Kill Code: I'm so lost.
Lunar: Dungeons and dragons. Me, Clipsey, Siri, Puppet, and a couple others are in a DnD group. I'm the mage but I don't have healing spells. Eclipse, our rogue, has every single healing spell.
Moon: Makes sense.
Eclipse: I am not your local doctor! I'm the sickest fucker here!
Moon: You're right, you're sick. Sirius, I'll replace your eye, then you can go visit Eclipse if you want to see him still.
Sirius: Thanks, just gotta sneak away before Char notices. I think Al should boot his performance programming soon anyway so I can sneak out then, since he's always distracted whenever the performance programming takes over.
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loric2020 · 1 year
Townsville, du 30/3 au 1/4 🐟
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Nous quittons Mission beach avec entrain dans une voiture de bon aloi. Merci Tata Yota. Nos ventres crient famine et nous improvisons une pause petit déjeuner à 10h30 dans un café du coin à Cardwell. Sont déjà présents, un motard blouson noir qui a garé son bolide à 3 roues (oui ça existe 😉) et un geek à casquette qui déjeune en faisant une visio derrière son écran. La serveuse nous sert avec beaucoup de sympathie. A croire que la sympathie, l'Australie est tombée dedans toute petite quand elle était déjà grande : 14 fois la France !
Nous traversons un territoire marqué par un réseau hydrographique dense. Nous sommes sur la Bruce highway. Nous ne comptons plus le nombre de creeks (ruisseaux) franchies avec des noms comme Alligator Ck, Christmas Ck ou encore Rollingstone Ck. Les autorités australiennes prennent soin des conducteurs. Des panneaux nous rappellent la prudence régulièrement : "break the drive, stay alive", "Survive this drive" ... Il est 15h quand nous arrivons à Townsville, au bed and breakfast "Coral lodge" que nous avons réservé. Nous avons la chambre 10 avec un lit double, une table, une petite télé, un réfrigérateur. Les sanitaires sont à l'extérieur qui sont communs mais distincts entre sexe opposé. Enfin, en théorie car Lore va tomber nez à nez à 5h du matin avec un homme nu dans la douche des filles. Non mais !
Le premier soir,au restaurant Shorehouse, nous sommes accueillis par une jeune française originaire de Leers. Elle a un visa vacances-travail. Il n'est pas rare de rencontrer de jeunes français que l'Australie attire.
Nous profitons de la journée entière du 31 avril pour visiter Magnetic Island. Rien que le nom fait sensation. C'est psychédélique ! Nous nous attendions à découvrir quelques spécimens de koala après qu'on nous ait vendu que l'île abrite la plus grande communauté de koalas sauvages d'Australie. Crois-tu ?! Nous sommes rentrés bredouilles à la fin de la journée. Mais l'Australie c'est l'Australie. Pendant la "balade des forts", c'est le nom du sentier long de 2 km aller, nous aurons la bonne surprise de croiser un rock wallabie et son petit. En fin d'après-midi, de retour à Townsville, nous rencontrons à la terrasse du marchand de glaces, une dame retraitée, australienne, qui engage la discussion avec nous. Elle nous dit qu'elle est née en France, qu'elle a été adoptée par une famille Australienne ...
Le mot de la fin en forme de devinette sur l'origine du nom Townsville. Nous avons un peu déliré avec Lore. Townsville : la ville de la ville, les villes en villes ... On apprend en lisant sur internet que cette zone était peuplée avant l'arrivée des européens de groupes indigènes multiples, comme les Wulgurukaba, les Bindal, les Girrugubba, les Warakamai et les Nawagi. C'est un entrepreneur et homme d'affaires, du début des années 1860, du nom de Robert Towns qui influencera le nom de la ville.
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nardogranata · 1 month
Il Nardò vince anche in 10. Palmese asfaltata.
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Nardò (4-3-1-2): Viola; De Giorgi, Lanzolla, Gennari, Di Benedetto; Rossi (2’ s.t. Ciracì), Addae, Guadalupi; Ceccarini (41’ s.t. Borgo); Dambros (25’ s.t. Dammacco), D’Anna (37’ s.t. Ferreira). A disp. Della Pina, Gentile, Cellamare, Mariani, Russo. All. Costantino.
Palmese (4-3-3): Moccia; Romano, Aquino, Manzo, Fiele; Fusco, Galdean (23’ s.t. Attah), Trevisone (41’ s.t. Amato); Esposito (23’ s.t. Potenza), Volpe (25’ s.t. Puntoriere M.), Silvestro (25’ s.t. Kone). A disp. Raffaelli, Russo, Morlando, D’Orsi. All. Gagliano (Grimaldi squalificato).
Arbitro: Marco Ferrara di Roma 2.
Assistenti: Omar Bignucolo di Pordenone e Pierfrancesco Carlevaris di Trieste
Marcatori: 14’ s.t. D’Anna (N) su rig, 28’ st. De Giorgi (N), 34’ s.t. Gennari (N), 46’ s.t. Dammacco (N), 50’ s.t. Kone (P)
Note: espulsi Addae (N) 22’ p.t., Aquino (P) 32’ s.t.; ammoniti Di Benedetto (N), De Giorgi (N). Angoli 6-4 per il Nardò. Recuperi 2’ p.t., 7’ s.t.
Il Nardò riesce nell'impresa di battere la Palmese giocando per almeno un'ora in inferiorità numerica e dilaga nel momento in cui la parità si ristabilisce. Una grande lezione di classe ed esperienza della compagine granata che in questo finale di campionato sembra aver ritrovato lo smalto dei giorni migliori.
Si è giocato a Matino a porte chiuse per le sanzioni inflitte al Nardò dopo la tristemente famosa amichevole rissosa d'agosto con l'Ugento. Deserto sugli spalti ma anche sul terreno di gioco in termini di temperatura estiva.
La Palmese, ormai matematicamente salva, gioca una partita puntigliosa e aggressiva, forte di un girone di ritorno che l'ha vista tra le più in forma. Il match, come previsto, nelle prime battute è equilibrato. Il Nardò manovra a centrocampo, la Palmese punge in contropiede. Ed è proprio su una di queste ripartenze che Addae commette un fallo più vistoso che cattivo su Fusco. Rosso diretto e partita in salita per gli uomini di Costantino.
Il Nardò si riposiziona con baricentro basso, la Palmese fraseggia in ampiezza, le occasioni però latitano. Il Nardò piazza alla mezzora una rovesciata di Dambros finita fuori bersaglio mentre la Palmese riesce solo nel finale di tempo a chiudere il Nardò negli ultimi 30 metri mettendo in ambasce Viola sui cross spioventi dalle fasce. Brivido in finale di tempo con una girata a rete di Volpe su corner prontamente neutralizzata dall'arbitro che sanziona un fallo in attacco. Recriminazioni.
Nel secondo tempo il Nardò, con l'inserimento di Ciracì al posto di Rossi, trova maggiori spazi a centrocampo e profondità sugli esterni. Al 57' un tiro di Guadalupi viene deviato con la mano da Manzo. Nessuna esitazione. E' rigore. Dal dischetto D'Anna batte imparabilmente Moccia. 1-0 per il Toro.
La Palmese abbozza una reazione ma il Nardò si chiude bene e riparte fraseggiando. Al 28' De Giorgi avanza palla al piede, giunge ai 30 metri e lascia partire un gran bolide che si infila sotto la traversa. Goal fantastico. 2-0.
La Palmese si disunisce, Entrano gli attaccanti Konè e l'ex Puntoriere ma è il Nardò a colpire ancora. Contropiede di Guadalupi e fallo del già ammonito Aquino. Parità numerica ristabilita. Al 34' corner dello stasso Guadalupi e Gennari segna il 3-0 di testa.
Partita virtualmente chiusa anche se lo spettacolo continua. Al 91' Dammacco si incunea in area e piazza nell'angolo lontano il 4-0 mentre nel recupero è Konè a timbrare in rete dopo azione insistita in area neretina per il 4-1 finale.
Il Nardò con questa vittoria ottiene il terzo posto con vista sul secondo, la Palmese esce sconfitta senza particolari danni avendo guadagnato la salvezza in anticipo. Ora attenzione rivolta ai play off con il Nardò alla ricerca della conferma del risultato dello scorso anno.
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bugattihipercar · 2 months
Bugatti is a hipercars brand ,founded in France by Ettore Arco Isdoro Bugatti in 1909 . Bugatti hipercars are 1909 Bugatti Type 10, JUN 7 1932 BUGATTI type 55
,SEP 14 1936 BUGATTI type 57 ,MAR 9 1951 BUGATTI TYOE 101,
OCT 20 1991 Bugatti EB 110,MAR 12 2005 BUGATTI Veyron EB,
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gpfansnl · 4 months
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𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐞 𝐣𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐧! 🏎️ Om 14:30 vandaag is de reveal van de nieuwe Alpine bolide! We blikken terug op hoe de Alpine er vroeger uit heeft gezien. Weet jij welke vijf huidige F1 coureurs voor dit team hebben gereden toen het nog Renault heette?💛👇🏻
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poeticlicense12345 · 6 months
01 - manekenka hoda pistom
02 - muškarac puši cigaretu
03 - neko nešto priča o nečemu
04 - dva lika razgovaraju o ženama
05 - bez komentara
06 - slobodna bacanja
07 - neko za klavirom
08 - žena vrišti
09 - mikroskopska analiza
10 - odjavna špica
11 - vrijeme i datum
12 - plavuša priča s duhovima
13 - horoskop i oglasi
14 - uvodna špica
15 - lopta ulazi u gol
16 - snijeg
17 - erotski oglasi
18 - horoskop i oglasi
19 - takmičenje u jedenju krastavaca
20 - ruka miluje psa
21 - tip ulazi u grobnicu
22 - voditeljica čita vijesti
23 - bolid juri stazom
24 - neka smiješna emisija na arapskom
25 - djevojka vrti kišobran
26 - leteći tanjir približava se autu
27 - pila reže led
28 - avion se zapalio na pisti
29 - momak i cura se ljube
text author: Goran Vrhunc
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djmusicbest · 8 months
Best New Hype Techno (P/D): October 2023 by Beatport
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2023-09-29 GENRES: Techno (Peak Time / Driving) Tracklist : 1. Dyno, Sisko Electrofanatik - Sequence X(Simina Grigoriu Remix) 2. Veerus - Phoney(Original Mix) 3. Zoodiak - Dimension(Original Mix) 4. lucas white - Bad Dream(Original Mix) 5. Tim Ziemer - Sole(Original Mix) 6. Nuta Cookier - Orbit Galaxy(Original Mix) 7. Chris Wach - Nemec(Original Mix) 8. Holocène - XTC(Original Mix) 9. Roca groove - Ubergine(Original Mix) 10. Ire Dreamer - We Are The Dreamers(Original Mix) 11. SUDO - Diversity(Original Mix) 12. Greg Gow - Future Shock(Original Mix) 13. Daniel Ladox, Monocoder - Bolid(Original Mix) 14. Ded Bundy - Balaclava(Original mix)   Download FileCat Read the full article
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muznew · 8 months
Best New Hype Techno (P/D): October 2023 by Beatport
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2023-09-29 GENRES: Techno (Peak Time / Driving) Tracklist : 1. Dyno, Sisko Electrofanatik - Sequence X(Simina Grigoriu Remix) 2. Veerus - Phoney(Original Mix) 3. Zoodiak - Dimension(Original Mix) 4. lucas white - Bad Dream(Original Mix) 5. Tim Ziemer - Sole(Original Mix) 6. Nuta Cookier - Orbit Galaxy(Original Mix) 7. Chris Wach - Nemec(Original Mix) 8. Holocène - XTC(Original Mix) 9. Roca groove - Ubergine(Original Mix) 10. Ire Dreamer - We Are The Dreamers(Original Mix) 11. SUDO - Diversity(Original Mix) 12. Greg Gow - Future Shock(Original Mix) 13. Daniel Ladox, Monocoder - Bolid(Original Mix) 14. Ded Bundy - Balaclava(Original mix)   Download FileCat Read the full article
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lamilanomagazine · 8 months
Serie A, 7^ giornata: pari a reti inviolate tra Juve e Atalanta, Orsolini show. La Roma vince e convince
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Serie A, 7^ giornata: pari a reti inviolate tra Juve e Atalanta, Orsolini show. La Roma vince e convince. Bologna-Empoli Riprende la 7^ giornata di Serie A. Al Dall’Ara si affrontano Bologna ed Empoli. Gara con numerose occasioni da rete, Bologna avanti di un gol all'intervallo. Al 21’, con una caparbia azione personale, rompe l'equilibrio Orsolini. Palo esterno di Maleh. Skorupski salva su tre occasioni dei toscani. Rossoblu vicinissimi al raddoppio con Zirkzee. Importante occasione anche per Ndoye. Possesso palla per gli emiliani durante la prima frazione di gara. Show del numero 7 rossoblù che sigla il raddoppio nella ripresa al 66' (assist di Ferguson) e chiude i conti al 92' (assist di El Azzouzi). Il Bologna supera 3-0 l’Empoli, penultimo in classifica con soli 3 punti. Udinese-Genoa Al Friuli si affrontano due squadre con percorsi fin qui opposti. I padroni di casa, reduci da due sconfitte consecutive, hanno assoluto bisogno della prima vittoria in campionato. In casa Genoa, invece, si registra grande euforia dopo la nettissima vittoria sulla Roma nel turno infrasettimanale. Gudmundsson sblocca il match con una meravigliosa doppietta realizzata a cavallo del primo gol in Serie A di Lorenzo Lucca. L'islandese, a cui viene annullata un’altra rete per fuorigioco di Haps, è l'assoluto protagonista della partita. La squadra di Gilardino sembra più convinta nella ricerca del gol rispetto a quella di Sottil. Nel finale arriva la beffa per i rossoblù con l'autorete di Matturro su calcio d’angolo. I friulani chiudono in 10 per il rosso diretto a Lovric. Atalanta-Juventus Allegri deve rinunciare a Vlahovic e Milik out per problemi fisici, ma recupera Kean, che completa l'attacco con Chiesa. Sulle fasce partono titolari McKennie e Cambiaso. Fagioli, Locatelli e Rabiot a centrocampo. Rientra Gatti dal 1’ minuto, che completa il trio insieme a Danilo e Bremer. Szczesny in porta. Gasperini recupera in extremis De Ketelaere, schierato dal 1’ minuto in attacco al fianco di Lookman. Alle loro spalle Koopmeiners. Zappacosta nel centrocampo a quattro formato da De Roon, Ederson e Ruggeri. Spazio in difesa a Toloi, Djimsiti e Scalvini, Kolasinac in panchina. Musso la spunta in porta, con Carnesecchi di nuovo in panchina. Prima frazione bloccata, con poche occasioni e con un ritmo che fatica a decollare. L'occasione più ghiotta è sui piedi di Zappacosta che, al 14’ minuto, raccoglie un cross di Ruggeri sul secondo palo e colpisce prima Danilo, poi sulla ribattuta spedisce a lato da posizione favorevole. Match vissuto ad altissima intensità ma con poca precisione, con le due squadre che hanno davvero faticato a superare le rispettive difese. L'occasione più importante del match è una punizione di Muriel che, al 74’ minuto calcia un bolide verso l'incrocio di sinistra. Szczesny si allunga e compie un vero e proprio miracolo alzandola sulla traversa e poi in corner. Sul finale la Dea ci prova nuovamente ma senza fortuna e non trova la via del gol. Così finisce a reti inviolate la sfida tra la squadra di Gasperini e quella di Allegri. La Juve aggancia al terzo posto il Napoli a quota 14 punti, mentre l'Atalanta rimane, appena dietro, ad un punto da entrambe. Roma-Frosinone Mourinho alla ricerca dei tre punti per allontanare la crisi da Trigoria, con i capitolini che hanno raccolto in campionato solo 5 punti. Il Frosinone, sorprendente, cerca conferme, dopo i 9 punti totalizzati fin qui. I giallorossi chiudono il primo tempo in vantaggio per 1-0, in gol Lukaku, esperto nel liberarsi in area e ben servito da Dybala. Il Frosinone reagisce bene, con Cuni e Soulé pericolosi, ma senza riuscire a trovare il pareggio. All’83’ rete di Pellegrini sulla punizione dalla trequarti di Dybala, il fantasista calcia al volo sul secondo palo e batte Turati. La Roma risponde alla crisi con una vittoria convincente su un buon Frosinone.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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byothe-fr · 1 year
Sorti en septembre 2019, iOS 13 a apporté aux utilisateurs d'iPhone, entre autres nouveautés, le support des manettes de jeu. Ainsi, les manettes de consoles comme celles de la Xbox ou de la PlayStation sont devenues compatibles avec l'iPhone (iOS 14 a permis d'ajouter le support d'encore plus de manettes). Petite révolution dans le monde du jeu mobile, du coup les accessoiristes se sont précipités sur le segment pour sortir des manettes innovantes permettant d'insérer l'iPhone pour le transformer en véritable console portable. Si vous venez d'acheter ou de recevoir une telle manette iPhone, vous êtes peut-être un peu perdu et vous vous demandez quels sont les jeux sur iOS qui supportent l'utilisation de ces manettes. Impossible de jouer à n'importe quel jeu avec une manette sur iPhone, seuls les jeux conçus pour manette sont utilisables avec une manette (ça paraît logique, mais il faut mettre les choses au clair). Nous allons donc vous présenter une sélection de jeux qui vont vous permettre de profiter au mieux de votre accessoire ! 9 jeux pour vraiment profiter de votre manette iPhone Diablo Immortal Licence mythique du jeu vidéo, Diablo dispose d'un portable sur iPhone sous le nom de Diablo Immortal. Malgré un gameplay simplifié pour permettre le jeu sur écran tactile, Diablo Immortal bénéficiera très largement du support de la manette iPhone. Dans ce jeu de rôle hack'n' slash vous allez pouvoir incarner six classes différentes : sorcière, moine, barbare, croisé, chasseur de démons et nécromancien. Avec sa dimension multijoueur, vous allez pouvoir alterner exploration de donjons et combats PvP. Diablo Immortal Asphalt 9: Legends Si vous êtes fan de jeux de courses et de gros bolides, Asphalt 9 est à télécharger de toute urgence. Il s'agit de l'un des nombreux portages de la licence de Gameloft sur iOS, mais c'est toujours aussi bon ! Gagnez des courses à toute berzingue, débloquez de nouvelles voitures, affrontez d'autres joueurs, remportez de nombreux défis et personnalisez vos voitures. Là encore, l'utilisation d'une manette de jeu sera un vrai plus pour jouer à ce jeu comme sur une console. Asphalt 9: Legends Minecraft Gros succès il y a quelques années et toujours sur le devant de la scène, Minecraft est un jeu bac à sable dans lequel vous allez pouvoir construire tout et n'importe quoi à l'aide de blocs cubiques. Collectez des ressources, défendez-vous contre les monstres, explorez et construisez tout ce qui vous passe par la tête. Autant vous dire qu'avez des gros doigts boudinés, l'expérience de jeu sur écran tactile est vraiment dégradée. L'utilisation d'une manette sur Minecraft vous permettra d'exploiter beaucoup mieux ce petit bijou vidéoludique ! Minecraft Streets of Rage 4 Et oui, les fans de beat them all ne sont pas en reste, puisque Streets of Rage 4 est jouable avec une manette sur iPhone. Héritier de la saga Streets of Rage, cet opus pour iOS reprend les mécanismes classiques du jeu. Dans ce jeu à défilement vertical, vous allez devoir tout défoncer à l'aide de vos poings et d'armes blanches glanées en chemin. Déclenchez des attaques spéciales, réalisez des combos et déjouez les plans des diaboliques jumeaux Y. Bref, un très bon défouloir pour les fans du genre ! Streets of Rage 4 Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion Si vous aimez les jeux d'aventure et l'humour potager, vous allez être servi ! Turnip Boy est un petit ovni vidéoludique dans lequel vous allez croiser des fruits et légumes capables de parler. Comme son nom l'indique, vous incarnez un navet (turnip) qui n'a pas payé ses impôts et doit donc partir à l'aventure pour rembourser sa dette. Explorez des donjons, résolvez des énigmes, cultivez et récoltez des plantes, rencontrez plein de personnages pour sauver le monde du gouvernement de légumes corrompus. Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion My Time at Portia Fort de son succès sur PC, My Time at Portia a bénéficié d'un portage sur iOS pour notre plus grand plaisir.
Dans ce jeu combinant des éléments de RPG et de simulation vous allez devoir collecter des ressources, fabriquer des objets, explorer des donjons, aider les habitants du village de Portia pour redonner à cette ville sa gloire passée et devenir le meilleur bâtisseur. My Time at Portia est un vrai jeu complet, très prenant avec de jolis graphismes bien plus facile à jouer avec une manette iPhone qu'avec l'écran tactile même si le support de la manette n'est que partiel et que certaines actions restent tactiles. My Time at Portia Sky : Enfants de la Lumière Sky : Enfants de la Lumière est un jeu d'aventure free-to-play social qui se déroule en monde ouvert. Dans ce jeu, vous allez pouvoir voler à l'aide de votre cape pour explorer un monde composé de sept royaumes et résoudre diverses énigmes. Le jeu donne une importance non négligeable à l'aspect social : rencontrez d'autres joueurs, liez-vous d'amitié pour débloquer de nouvelles fonctionnalités et envoyer des cadeaux à collectionner. Sky est en constante expansion avec un système de saisons de jeux permettant d'ajouter de nouveaux élèments : objets, accessoires de personnalisation, expressions, postures, zones de jeu. Bref, Sky est un jeu enivrant qui propose une vraie expérience poétique pour les joueurs qui veulent s'évader. Sky : Enfants de la Lumière Transistor Transistor est un jeu de type action-RPG qui se déroule dans un univers de science-fiction. Dans ce jeu, vous incarnez Red, une chanteuse de la ville de Cloudbank. Red est attaquée par une organisation appelée la Camerata, qui utilise une force robotique nommée le Process pour fonder une ville idéale. Après avoir perdu sa voix, Red s'empare d'une lame qui lui permettra de se venger de la Camerata. Cette lame, qui a été plongée dans le corps d'un jeune homme proche de Red, s'avère être le narrateur de l'histoire. Le but de Red est de découvrir les intentions de la Camerata et d'arrêter le Process qui détruit la ville et ses habitants. Transistor est un très beau jeu tant au niveau du graphisme que de l'experience audio qui mérite donc sans h��siter l'usage d'une manette iPhone. Transistor Huntdown Nous n'avons pas oublié les adeptes des jeux de plateforme puisque Huntdown est un jeu au style rétro qui fait honneur à ce type de jeu. Dans ce jeu qui se déroule dans un univers cyberpunk futuriste, vous allez pouvoir incarner un chasseur de primes dont l'objectif est de nettoyer les rues d'une ville infestée par la violence et la corruption. Vous allez devoir affronter quatre gangs redoutables et une multitude de boss à coups de mitrailleuses, pistolets, kunaï, boomerangs... Le jeu trouve son inspiration dans les classiques du genre des années 80. Huntdown Bonus : les jeux en Cloud Gaming Les jeux du Xbox Cloud Gaming Xbox Cloud Gaming est un service de jeux vidéo proposé par Microsoft qui permet de jouer à des jeux Xbox sur iPhone sans avoir besoin de les télécharger ni de posséder une console Xbox. Pour en profiter, il faudra cependant être abonné au service Xbox Game Pass Ultimate. Le service utilise le cloud pour streamer les jeux directement sur le téléphone, il est donc nécessaire d'avoir une connexion internet de bonne qualité pour pouvoir jouer. De même il vaut mieux privilégier le wifi pour ne pas consommer tout son forfait data ! Mais Xbox Cloud Gaming permet de jour à des jeux comme Fortnite, Forza Horizon, Hi-Fi Rush, Halo Infinite, Flight Simulator... Autant vous dire que cela devient un vrai plaisir de jouer à ces vrais jeux console ou PC avec une manette iPhone ! Vos jeux Steam avec Steam Link Dans le même genre, mais en utilisant votre propre ordinateur en streaming sur votre iPhone, il existe l'application officielle Steam Link de Valve. Elle permet ainsi de diffuser des jeux à partir de votre bibliothèque Steam, directement sur votre iPhone. Vous aurez donc accès à l'ensemble des jeux que vous avez acheté sur Steam !!
En pratique, le jeu va se lancer sur votre ordinateur et vous pourrez y jouer depuis votre iPhone. C'est donc un contenu particulièrement adapté au jeu avec une manette iPhone ! Seule limite : il faut que votre ordinateur soit allumé. Steam Link
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kritere · 1 year
Un bolide ha illuminato i cieli di tutta Italia. Tantissime segnalazioni: “Spettacolare”
DIRETTA TV 14 Febbraio 2023 “Una lunga scia luminosissima e infuocata, poi un boato”, uno dei commenti ai tanti video pubblicati sui social alla scia verdastra che ha ‘acceso’ per qualche secondo i cieli di tutto il Paese oggi pomeriggio, 14 febbraio. 0 CONDIVISIONI Un bolide luminosissimo verdastro ha solcato i cieli di tutta Italia verso le 18:30 circa di oggi, martedì 14 febbraio 2023.…
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schwarzperez33 · 2 years
hermes crocodile birkin 20
Hermes Violet Niloticus Crocodile Birkin 25 We’ll keep you posted in regards to the information on this bag, as it is certain to interrupt data. himalaya birkin bag And though I won’t be bidding myself for apparent causes – one being funds -I find a bag and story like this so fascinating. And what I actually want to know is who buys this bag and how they plan to use it. wikipedia hermes crocodile birkin Rosmah Mansor, the second wife of Najib Razak, former prime minister of Malaysia, is claimed to have the most important Birkin collection in the world. In 2018, Malaysian police found a complete of 272 Hermès luggage, value almost US$13 million, after seizing the household's three apartments in Kuala Lumpur. The Birkin features in the lyrics of numerous rap songs, including Jay-Z's "30-Something", ASAP Rocky and Schoolboy Q's "Electric Body", and the Migos track "Jane" which is a reference to Jane Birkin. Following the discharge of his and Future's observe "Big Mood", Canadian rapper Drake defined the observe's lyrics by stating that he has amassed an enormous collection of Birkin bags as a present to his future spouse. Kim Kardashian made news in 2013 for a US$40,000 Birkin, given to her by husband Kanye West, on which the artist George Condo painted a gaggle of nude figures. Meanwhile, daughter Kim beforehand offered an Alaia black python leather-based ankle boots for $1,000, which could be purchased for as little as $375 from opponents. A ‘blue indigo Hermes Shark Bolide handbag’ went for $23,500, however was just $15,000 on The RealReal. Her ‘black leather-based Hermes Birkin 40 bag’ had costed $14,four hundred where at The RealReal it was $11,900. The billionaire reality star, forty one, is presently in the midst of an acrimonious divorce from Kanye, however didn’t miss a chance to make some money from the footwear he had designed. “Pawning permits a borrower to redeem their pawned items anytime within the pawn interval whenever you pay again the complete loan quantity and interest as a lot as that month. Some of ‘momager’ Kris’ reptile-skinned luggage come at an inflated worth similar to a ‘brown, shiny crocodile Hermes 35 Birkin handbag’, which costed $67,500, however on rival luxury resale web site The RealReal it was solely $32,000 – both in wonderful condition. Unlike other designer baggage where “preowned” signifies a huge low cost in worth, the Hermès Birkin is known to retain its worth. In truth, with the rising costs through the years, it could be an investment piece. Had Samantha bought her bag in 2001, she might make a tidy revenue if she have been to sell it on the pre-owned market. In the previous seven years 348 have been auctioned versus 1,074 Kelly luggage, in accordance with a report by Collector Square. The rarest types are generally the most expensive, it says, with brilliant colors the least widespread on the second-hand market. If you're ready to put all this info into follow, you possibly can begin by shopping at your favorite luxury classic retailer the place you may find types which were totally vetted for authentication. However, some of the widespread routes is shopping for one online. Below, we've shared a few notable styles you should purchase now from a number of the prime luxurious resellers. Though the process of shopping for a Birkin bag is not necessarily frequent data, the historical past of the style is one which Hermès shares freely on its website. As the story goes, the idea for the bag got here out of a dialog with famed actress and magnificence icon Jane Birkin and then-Executive Chairman of Hermès, Jean-Louis Dumas, throughout an Air France flight in 1984. Himalaya Birkins get their name from the bag's colour, which fades from smoky grey to pearly white, evoking comparisons with the mountain vary. The social media star posted a easy black-and-white image with the moniker for her 310 million followers. The name Wolf is a boy's name of German origin meaning 'touring wolf' in accordance with Nameberry.com. The design is strikingly just like the Hermès 'Himalayan crocodile Birkin bag' which is regarded as the most expensive Birkin ever offered on the market, and currently retails as much as $480,000. In the late 2000’s, Hermès changed their proprietary process once more, refining the painstaking method to a finely practiced craft. Another picture showed Khloe Kardashian's baby nestled in US$108,000 price of the luggage, which drew some unfavorable comments about conspicuous consumption from her adherents. Additionally, Kim's daughter was publicized whereas carrying a US$17,000 Hermes bag. The Birkin bag could also be distinguished from the same Hermès Kelly bag by the number of its handles. The single-handle purse is the Kelly, however the Birkin has two handles. The fur and skin of endangered animals or fish, or items produced from them, corresponding to jewelry, sneakers, luggage and belts are banned for commerce import into the UK except you have a valid allow. Michael Kors has become a firm favorite for Viola Davis on the red carpet, so the American designer felt like a pure alternative for the actor’s Golden Globes ensemble in 2017. Ms Chua shared her skincare routine with Daily Mail Australia in 2018, revealing aromatherapy oils and common facial massages as her secret weapon for maintaining her age-defying look. Ms Chua applies the luxurious oil to her face and neck at evening to fill her bed room with the scent of roses, and credit it for her ‘supple’ pores and skin. Her favorite skincare product is the $235 Dior Prestige la Micro-Lotion de Rose, a face cream made with rose oil which guarantees to maintain pores and skin hydrated for 24 hours, making your face seem smoother and younger. The mother-of-two – who shares daughter Calista and son Cleveland with ex-husband, Indonesian millionaire business tycoon Nurdian Cuaca – began her working life as an air hostess, however she’s now an entrepreneur in her personal proper. Let PurseBop take you through the ins and outs of this uncommon, fascinating Birkin. Then, you’re in for a deal with with @dailyloves‘ beautiful Touch reveal. Customers can obtain one both by placing their name on a ready list or by paying hefty charges to specialised consumers who scout for the baggage on their behalf. The crocodile Birkin and the Kelly bag, named after actress Grace Kelly, are among the many most sought-after luxurious items - although the beginning retail worth is greater than 20,000 euros ($22,096) - partly as a result of shops routinely run out of them. Another of Jenner's Hermès-specific favourites, which she touted as probably the most "unique and cool" bag in her assortment is the limited-edition Dalmatian Birkin, which is at present valued at roughly $28,000AUD. She also notes the 'So Black' Birkin as considered one of her top picks, which just lately offered at a Christie's motion for almost $33,000 AUD. With the common retail value for Hermès' cult Birkin Bag at present starting from $13,one hundred - $18,300 AUD—depending on its dimension, materials and particular detail—Jenner has some main value sitting on her well-lit cabinets. Not to say that purchasing a Birkin bag is now recognised as a better investment than shopping for gold. In fact, Birkins outperformed both gold and the S&P 500 shares over the past 35 years with an annual return of 14.2%, compared with gold’s 1.5% and stocks’ eight.7%. And with Hermes’ latest elimination of the wait list and plans to additional lower the present ultra-limited manufacturing, prices will probably continue to grow. This Birkin is in White clemence leather-based with gold hardware and has tonal stitching, a entrance toggle closure, a clochette with lock and two keys, and double rolled handles. The interior is lined with White chevre and has one zip pocket with an...
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batchelorhahn2 · 2 years
replica birkin bag 8
Replica Hermes Birkin If I have problems, I can get in contact with them any weekday between 9 AM and 5 PM. Instead, I’ve sent them numerous messages about how great their service has been. On prime of that, the corporate offers a 14-day a reimbursement assure. I haven’t wanted to make use of it yet but it's nice to know that it's being offered. I’ve run into shipping problems, pricing problems, and high quality points with other companies. A dialogue followed that concerned rough sketches on an Air France airsickness bag, and the Birkin was launched three years later. From the guts of Europe we supply and provide the most iconic genuine Hermès purses corresponding to Birkin, Kelly & Constance bags for a world elite clientele. FIRST Luxury, reseller of authentic Hermès Birkin and Kelly handbags. In the Thirties, Robert Dumas (son-in-law to Émile-Maurice Hermès, Thierry’s grandson) designed a smaller, trapezoidal take on the flap bag with a deal with and two side straps. I wish to say that they're serious birkin bag artisans. They settle for clients to customise products . Just like within the Hermès retailer, all kinds of leather-based and colours can be personalized, solely take days for the whole production. wikipedia handbags Its product images look fabulous and costs are very cheap. I know it appears odd but I am desperately trying to purchase the Hermes bolide forty five shark bag. Can you inform me a good place to buy a reproduction Louis Vuitton lock me ii. Found one place known as e8baagss.com unsure if they Ar a rip-off. Frankly, it is best quality bag I really have ever received from them. Hi Amy, I know the place to buy good replicas Hermes luggage,please let me know your e mail handle or sky.Thank you. Oh yes, and i might additionally prefer to get ahold of the new LV 2017 blue elephant holdall. We recommend investing in one of your luxurious replica purses, which can be found at a fraction of the fee. Birkin bag 4 sizes, ninety kinds of different materials and colors, largely leather cowhide, sheepskin, pigskin, and more precious crocodile leather-based, ostrich and lizard pores and skin. Replica Hermes Birkin Handbags Hermes Kelly comparatively more casual, free and easy, material and shade selectivity Biaimashi “Kelly” bag Hermes Kelly larger. And Hermes Kelly throughout the seam and the outer seam of the factors difference is, Hermes Birkin bag is the distinction between onerous and delicate packages. In addition, due to the large Birkin Bag capability, simple to position the file, there are numerous career women to pursue excessive taste to make use of it as a briefcase. The interior is lined with Craie chevre... This Birkin is in Jaune Poussin togo leather-based with palladium hardware and has tonal stitching, entrance flap, two straps with center toggle closure, clochette with lock and two keys, and double rolled handles. The inside is lined with Jaune Poussin chevre and has a... She wore a fundamental sheer top paired with skinny black denims, All Saints boots, Ray-Ban sunglasses, and a Gucci Leather 1973 Small Shoulder Bag. English model, Kate Moss, was noticed leaving Topshop’s retailer in London with a Gucci Monogram Bag. The company says the high prices stem from Birkins’ impeccable,attention to particulars and unmatchable craftsmanship. This is Ask the Experts, where our favourite trend know-it-alls share their wisdom. https://phoenet.tw/replicas-hermes-bags/replica-birkin-bag.html Once you put cash into an AAA Handbag replica handbag, you'll have taken step one to satisfying your urge for food for expensive designer luggage. The solely difference would be the bag legitimacy, but there isn't a want for you let your friends, family members or co-workers in in your little secret. Look, I perceive what you are going by way of. I am a lady and I spend my days crunching numbers. I like to look my best and make a press release, but I also perceive how necessary it is to reside frugally.
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