#bonbon girls layouts
triphimi · 2 months
So the minigames in ITP are neat additions. But besides the ones from arcades, there are more that you need to find and like
One is about "To be beautiful" and we play as Eleanor giving Sarah new body parts. Eventually after switching all of Sarah's body we can take the necklace and Sara turns into a pile of trash.
Easy, that's pretty much exactly what happened in the story (just simplified).
To get to it you need to call mom while in the Freddy's pizzeria on final night (or at least that's how I got to it).
Second one is about Millie from "Count the ways". At first I thought it was Charlie bc of gray sprite and green eyes but it makes sense to be Millie since CTW is also in the first book. Anyways we collect 5 items from the next room 5 times. First we collect 5 drinks, then 5 cupcakes, then 5 snowflakes are what these things are I think? Then 5 hearts each pierced by an arrow, and then 5 cauldrons. When we enter the room for the 6th time there's some Bonnie looking thing, for me it definitely looks like Bonbon. Also I'm pretty sure that the items we collect are referencing ways to die Funtime Freddy presented to Millie (dehydration, starvation, freezing to death, getting impaled, boiling alive if I'm not mistaken)
Again oversimplified and we only get to the part where Millie's already getting her death sentence (and we don't see Funtime Freddy but she's technically in his stomach so fair enough) but with context it's definitely easily connectable to CTW
To get it you need to spam the candy machine A LOT of times and I think it has to be on the final night too (I did it like that).
But there's one more you can get by inserting a voucher into a prize machine at Freddy's. When you do it it takes you to a minigame where you play as some black haired dude? a kid? Idk hard to tell from the sprites.
Golden Freddy is laying on the floor in the staring room (can't interact with him and touching him doesn't do anything either). We're in a pizzeria judging by the party rooms and the office (I can't tell if it's the same layout as the itp one bc my spacial awareness is laughable so I'll have to wait till someone makes a map of it).
We need to collect balloons, there's a counter I'm the top left corner of how many we have, after collecting 6th the number changes from white to purple and we can go to the room that had been previously blocked. Inside there's a white dog (mechanical one maybe) and some white box saying "prize" if I remember correctly.
After getting into the room we put the balloons on the floor and our character runs out of the room however the dog catches us in the next room and mauls our character I guess??
After that there are letters "C U" appearing at the top of the screen, then the minigame ends.
So uh, what the fuck does any of that mean I have no idea. First I tried to connect it to "Fetch" bc dog but it doesn't make much sense? Why is the protagonist getting attacked by a dog when in "Fetch" only Greg's uncle got attacked (who didn't have black hair) and Kimberly who's a girl.
Also why is there Golden Freddy in the location??? Like these aren't events of "Fetch". And I honestly have no idea what to make of it as of now.
It doesn't have to be done on the final night either bc I did it in earlier night so idk if you need that one for the special ending (bc after getting these minigames done you get a different cutscene and dialogue at the end)
Additionally I want to talk about one arcade minigame which is the balloon boy collecting hats one but I'll make separate post about it I think
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baekchoe · 3 years
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w0oya · 4 years
🐇 𝗡𝗘𝗡𝗘_♥︎ 𝖡𝖴𝖭𝖭𝖸 !! 私 の 小 さ な バ ニ ー 私 は と て も 大 好 き で す . . . ⊙﹏⊙
🧠💤 𝗣𝗢𝗥𝗡𝗡𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗔𝗡: 𝗅𝗂𝗅 𝗉𝗋𝗂𝗇𝖼𝖾𝗌𝗌. . . 空 の 星 の よ う に 明 る く 輝 く !! 𝘇𝗭_ ^ -ᴥ- ^ 私 は あ な た に 憧 れ ま す ?!
🐈 ★ 𝗡𝗘𝗡𝗘 303 //GiRLFRIEND ‼️ 私 だ け と 私 の だ け 、す べ て 美 し く て 素 晴 ら し い . . . O_o
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cgirlsbook · 3 years
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xilinnayi gao icons ?
also known as curley gao from bonbon girls
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b-brightvc · 3 years
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liu meng layouts
like or reblog if u save. don't repost pls! <3
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nerdolinha · 4 years
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Nene Moodboard...🧷
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h-eejin · 4 years
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reposting allowed with credits!
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keqicons · 4 years
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ʚ sally/xiening icons. ࿐໋ like or reblog if you use or save. ⋆
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a-ratt · 6 years
Day 2: Pre-Origins
Marinette March 2019
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles was the largest convention center in entire city. It’d hosted all kinds of huge events, ranging from summit meetings to fashion shows. For today, however, it was home to the biggest event in the entire world: Comic Con.
She jumped and nearly ran her cart of pastries into a wall. With a quick swerve, she veered it away, but nearly into her papa’s cake-topped cart. She squeaked and swerved again, this time swinging around in a wide arc before regaining her bearing of directions.
Both her parents sighed and laughed.
“You need to stop daydreaming, mon cheri,” her maman said, carrying a stack of boxes filled with goods from their patisserie.
Flushing red, she bowed her head and groaned. “Yes, maman.”
About a month ago, the convention staff had started searching for places that could cater for them. Her parents, ever the community service workers, agreed to bring their entire patisserie-worth of baked goods, confections, and pastry-foods with them. So, here they were, hauling carts and boxes down a service hall to the staff’s break room.
“Oh, Tom and Sabine’s Boulangerie Patisserie?” a man guarding the break room entrance asked, pointed a pen at them.
“That’s us,” her papa answered.
“Oh, perfect! You’re right on time!” He opened the door for them. “We’ve already got tables set up for you, but if you need anymore space, just come talk to me.”
They nodded and immediately started setting up. Trays of macarons, croissants, bonbons, and other goods were laid out along the table. A chocolate fountain was set up beside a basket of strawberries. Whatever excess they had was left out in the hall on the carts.
By the time they were finished, people were already lining up. She greeted them all with a bright smile and directed them to everything presented. Sometimes someone wanted a specific food or to know if something had a certain allergen. She knew everything by heart, so it wasn't hard to give answers.
Somewhere between almost knocking over the chocolate fountain and the second wave of staff showing up, they started running low on macarons.
“Marinette,” her maman called, “could you go grab some more macarons from outside?”
“Okay!” she answered and strode to the exit.
Walking back into the service hall, she grabbed a box from the cart. However, before she turned back around, she spied an elderly man wandering around.
He was rubbing his chin and glancing down either sides of the hall. There was a map next to him that he looked at every now and then, but it didn't seem like he was making any sense of it.
Something in her tugged and she looked back at the break room.
With a sigh, she strode over to the elderly man. “Uh, excuse me, monsieur. Do you need any help?”
He turned to look at her, a pair of sunglasses on his nose. “Oh, um, bonjour, young lady,” he greeted with a thick American accent. “Do you speak English?”
Thankfully, she did. At least, a little. “Yes, monsieur.”
His face lit up and he clapped his hands, giving a huzzah. “Oh, wonderful! Say, could you help me out?” He reached over and tapped the map. “I need to be in Auditorium 4, but I can’t make heads or tails of this map.”
She smiled fondly at his jolly tone and nodded. “Of course.”
So, turning to the map, she scanned the layout of the building. After finding the ‘you are here’ marker, she managed to track down his destination, though, it was halfway across the convention center. That didn't even include the amount of twists and turns along the way.
“Uh, well, I found where you’re going, monsieur.” She poked a finger on Auditorium 4. “But… uh….”
“Yes?” he asked curiously.
She started sweating and glanced between the back room door and the elderly man.
“Um… Well… I… am going to take you there!”
“Really?” He gave another laugh and patted her on the shoulder. “Oh, why thank you, miss.”
“Heh, yeah,” she said, shoulders slumping. “You're welcome.”
“Well, there's no time to waste! Excelsior!”
She made sure not to outpace him, keeping at the same speed he was comfortable with. They navigated gray halls lit by fluorescent lights, sometimes running into staff members who were looking for more chairs or tables to bring out. Most of them didn’t pay any mind to the elderly American man and the 12-year-old girl leading him, but a few did give them some looks.
Eventually, they made it to the service hallway behind Auditorium 4.
“Alright, we're here,” she announced, macaron box nearly crushed under one arm.
“Oh, why thank you, miss,” he said, patting her on the back. “You know, you’re a real superhero.”
She blushed. “Merci, monsieur, but I’m just a normal girl.”
“Just a normal girl? Ha!” He guffawed and put a hand over his chest, but then coughed before pointing a finger at her. “That person who helps others simply because it should or must be done, and because it is the right thing to do, is indeed without a doubt, a real superhero.”
She tilted her head and processed his words, but before she could speak, a young, American man came running over. “Mister Lee!"
“Huh?” the M. Lee turned around. “Oh, Dave! It’s so good to see you!”
“Sir, where have you been? You were supposed to be on stage five minutes ago.”
“I just got a little lost on my way back from the bathroom, that’s all,” he said with a dismissing wave, “but this amazing young lady helped me find my way back.” He patted her back again and she smiled brightly.
The American man, Dave, gave a look before awkwardly stammering, “Oh, uh, thank you, miss.”
“De rien,” she chirped.
Dave checked his watch and glanced over his shoulder. “Alright, we should get you on stage, Mr. Lee.”
M. Lee rolled his eyes and waved at her before stepping away. Then, he scolded his assistant, “Oh, stop it with the ‘mister’. It makes me feel old. Just call me Stan.”
She gave a tilt of her head before making her way back to the break room. Hopefully, her parents would cut her some slack for doing some superhero heroics.
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cgirlsbook · 3 years
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zhao yue icons
snh48 and bonbon girls
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cgirlsbook · 4 years
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#yifan icons
bonbon girls 303
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cgirlsbook · 4 years
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#naixin layouts
please like or reblog if you save !!
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cgirlsbook · 4 years
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#zhao yue icons
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cgirlsbook · 4 years
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#xiening icons
xiening/sally from bonbon girls 303 and gugudan (kpop)
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cgirlsbook · 4 years
recent ggs releases !!
一时一样 ma sihui
斯芬克斯 sphinx THE9
BON BON GIRLS bonbon girls
u know 7senses
bye joey chua
golden girl juicy zuo
lucky funny dai yanni
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h-eejin · 4 years
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reposting allowed with credits!
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