#bonbons bs
bon-uoq · 7 months
I still really like Age of Calamity in spite of its canon divergence, because nothing brings me more joy than seeing glimpses of what the Kingdom of Hyrule was like before so much of it was vaporized!!
I read every little mission/quest text and it just makes me smile. Reading (wholesome) stories about random citizens!! Little cultural details and how different tribes interacted with each other, what the Sheikah-Royal family relationship was like...
It gave us a surface-level form of the one thing I secretly hoped TotK would let us do, which is to explore this iteration of the kingdom while it was intact. The stone tablets in Tears were so much fun but GODSSS I wish they'd have let us explore ancient Hyrule instead of just the ruins of some of it in the sky and depths.
I am after all a nerd about these games so it really is the small stuff that feeds my heart the most <33
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For @bethanysnow hope you like it!!
Request fic which is the first I've gotten, (i view it different than a prompt! Prompts are suggestive, requests are more specific? I at least think so.)
Reader insert fic with plus size reader and Eddie Munson.
Eddie frowned, "That's fucked up that they didn't have the right size for you, whether or not they accommodated you to go get new shirts and order a new size, that shouldn't be a fucking issue to begin with."
His voice was raising in anger as he spoke, he was always down to fighting against the injustices you faced as a fat woman.
You gave him a small smile, "That's just part of the normal shit Eds, it's not as bad as the assholes in high school, but it's still not a pleasant experience."
Eddie's big brown eyes searched your face and he wanted to erase the tensions that he saw in your brow and the set of your mouth.
"Did something else happen?" He asked softly, knowing by the look on your face that something had.
You waved a hand dismissively wanting the whole experience to be added into the back of your "BS I Have To Deal With In A Bigger Body" folder.
You knew you were fat, Eddie knew you were fat, hell anyone with working eyes knew you was fat. And if for some reason if someone thought you was lacking in that information, they found a way to remind you. Sometimes you wondered if Eddie really saw you, how you looked entirely, and not just the pieces that sparked his interest. The parts of you that you tried to hide even from yourself.
"Some customers said some shit when I didn't have the part they wanted, when I went to look for it I overheard them talking to my coworker that had been at the desk, saying how they thought auto places had the hot little mudflap models working there to promote car part sales, not farm animals to promote tractor sales.
"Eddie's hands stopped massaging your feet and he looked at her, anger unfurling in his chest, "Who the fuck said that?" He asked, his voice was low and angry.
You shook your head, "Honestly Eds I don't know, all the customers bled in to one another all throughout the day."
Eddie's mouth flattened, "Who was the coworker that was joking around with this class act?" He asked.
"I think he was just more too stunned to speak than to joke around with him." you shrugged.
"Did he defend you?" Eddie asked, his hands still frozen in place.
You bit your lower lip for a second before shaking your head from side to deny his question."
Then he was complicit in the act and might as well said it himself. Motherfuckers." Eddie muttered suddenly slapping his hands on his thighs and standing up from the couch, your feet falling back to the floor.
You looked at him in surprise as he grabbed his shoes and went to shove his feet into them."
Eddie what are you doing?" you asked sitting up on the edge of the couch.
"I'm going down there to have some words with your coworkers." Eddie muttered reaching for his keys.
@what-the-heckin-heck @shiggay @kissesforstyles@lagataprrr @bethanysnow @cutesy-creepep @exploding-bonbon @spookybabey @slayssmari
This isn't the same plus size reader fic I posted before, it's a new one so if you don't wanna follow that it's totally fine! But tagging just in case!
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snarkybluechristian · 4 months
Villainous: Reform School Chapter 66
I haven't gotten a great reception for my Villainous fanfic here, so I usually just upload it to fanfiction.net, deviant art, and archive of our own. But if I get better reception, I'll start uploading chapters here again.
One short walk and elevator ride later, Demencia, Melanie, and the Hat-Sentinel were back at Black Hat’s office.
The Hat-Sentinel opened the door and let the ladies in.
“We’re back, bonbon,” Demencia announced as she and Melanie walked through the open door.  “Sorry about the delay!  Someone didn’t want to leave her party in the lab.”
“You’re such a snitch,” quipped Melanie.
“Wait, wait, wait,” said Flug, feeling a jolt of panic go through his spine.  “You were throwing a party in the basement?”
“Yeah, it’s just a bit of a get-together with a big group of hat-botlers in the cell room where you were holding me and Sadie,” admitted Melanie.  “We were just talking, watching some TV, listening to music, doing karaoke, dancing, singing, eating snacks, drinking-“
“Drinking?” Flug interrupted with a raised eyebrow.
“Drinking age-appropriate drinks,” Melanie reassured.
“She’s lying,” said Demencia.  “I saw the hat-botlers with beer and broken bottles and trash everywhere.”
“What?!” Flug exclaimed in near hysterics.
Black Hat burst out in laughter.  Lord Reaper couldn’t help but snicker with him.
“Oh, my God!  Can you be even more of a snitch?!” Melanie fired at Demencia.
“The girls were also drinking soda from your stash,” mentioned Demencia.
“Dios mio!” Melanie cried, summoning her scythe.  “Will you shut up?!”
Melanie swung the scythe at Demencia who skillfully dodged it while sticking her tongue out at her.
“I left you two alone down there for less than an hour!” Flug chided.  “How did you manage this?!”
“I felt bad for the hat-botlers,” Melanie retorted.  “Don’t get mad at them!  It was my idea!  You’ve been horrible to them!”
“Oh, science,” Flug facepalmed as Black Hat continued laughing at his misery.
“Losing control again, Flug?” asked Black Hat as he and the Reaper finally calmed down.
“Argh!” Flug cried out before forcing himself to breathe deeply to focus on the matter at hand. “I’ll deal with your little party in my lab later.  But for right now, we have some very important news to share.  Melanie, why don’t you sit down?”
Melanie reluctantly walked over to the seat on the other side of Black Hat’s desk and sat down.
“Okay,” Melanie said.  “What is the news I had to leave our fun party in the lab for?”
“In short, child, your stay here at the manor is going to be much longer than anticipated,” explained Black Hat.
“Much longer,” Lord Reaper added. “But it’ll be okay. I’ll be nearby the whole time to help you get through it.”
“Alright,” Melanie said confusedly with a raised eyebrow.  “But I knew that already.  I’m stuck here until the fall when I get sent to the Institute of BS.  That’s nothing new.”
Black Hat scoffed and replied, “Think four more years, at least.”
“What?” Melanie asked still confused while Lord Reaper walked over and held her hand. “Why would I be staying here for four more years?”
Black Hat leaned forward and answered, “Because as of yesterday, I have full custody of you for the time being.  In other words, I have adopted you.”
Melanie's annoyed expression instantly switched to one of complete fear.  Her eyes flew open.  Her mouth fell wide open.  She visibly began to shake.  Black Hat relished every moment.
"What?" Melanie squeaked out.
“From now on, Melanie de la Muerte, you will be living here at the manor under my care and supervision until you’re either too old to be taken care of or until your reformation is complete,” Black Hat continued explaining.
“You’re my legal guardian?” Melanie asked, still in shock.
“That is correct,” Black Hat answered.  “Any other questions?”
"No, no, no, no, no, you can't be serious about this," Melanie said, starting to tremble in fear and disbelief.  "This is some kind of sick joke.  Isn't it?"
“I don’t joke,” replied Black Hat.
"Melanie..." Lord Reaper tried to interrupt.
"This isn't happening," Melanie said, starting to panic.  “We're not even technically related.  You didn’t even want me!  My parents wouldn’t hand me over to you."
Black Hat presented some papers on his desk.  At the bottom of each page were both her parents’ signatures in ink.
“Wouldn’t they?” he asked.
Melanie looked at the papers.  She couldn’t deny they were her parents’ signatures.  Her heart sank.
"But I have to go to school, real school, I can't live here..." Melanie tried to argue.
"You're going to that high school for villainous teens here on the island," Lord Reaper said comfortingly.  “You'll live here in the manor with Black Hat.  I'll be by to see you every day."
"No," Melanie said, shaking her head.  "My parents left me.  How did this happen?  How did you even do this?  You're my grand-uncle on a technicality.  How did you get custody of me?  Why would you want custody of me?!"
"Melanie," Flug said sympathetically.  "It's..."
"Are you scared?" Black Hat rasped.
"YES!!!!" Melanie screamed.  "Yes, I'm scared!  You got what you wanted!  I'm scared out of my mind now!  Now, tell me this is all a joke and laugh at my misery like you normally do!  Just tell me this is not real!"
“No need to be afraid, Melanie,” Black Hat reassured.  “We’re all villains here.”
“But I’m not a villain,” pleaded Melanie.  “I don’t know why I have been chosen.  Just let me go!  I’ll do whatever you want.  You can laugh at me if it makes you happy.  Just tell me this isn’t true.  Please!”
Black Hat did laugh, but the answer she was hoping for never came.
Melanie was crushed.  All she could do was cry, so cry she did.  Right there in front of Black Hat while he laughed at her misery.  She cried long and hard until Black Hat was finished laughing.
“You won’t need to worry about school,” mocked Black Hat.  “We have our own facilities here to teach you all the right things.  We promise we’ll take great care of you and provide you with everything you’ll need.”
Melanie continued crying without looking up or moving from her spot.  If anything, the information seemed to make her cry harder.
“This is so good for my daily dose of crushing spirits,” Black Hat sighed contentedly.
Lord Reaper put a hand on Melanie’s back to comfort her as she continued to cry.
“You’re not helping,” Lord Reaper spat back at Black Hat.
Black Hat waved away dismissively and said, “Send her to her room if she’s just going to cry.  She’ll need her rest.  We have some long years ahead of us.”
Lord Reaper scooped Melanie up in his arms and started carrying her away, reassuring her as he went.
“Be ready for a photo portrait tomorrow and some other things I have planned,” Black Hat added.
"Yes, Jefe," Flug said as Lord Reaper held Melanie in his arms.  "Come on, Melanie.  Let's get you to your room."
The two turned to leave with Melanie in tow.
Black Hat had turned away to focus on something else when Melanie stopped crying for a moment and said, "Wait, I have one more question.  Why?  Why me?  Why are you taking me under your wing?  There are plenty of other people who want it.  I don't.  So, why?"
Black Hat looked back over and said, “No one else is nearly as useful or powerful.  Besides, your family and I have many plans for you.  You will be staying our course.”
"But I'm not evil," Melanie pleaded.  "Please, just let me go.”
Black Hat teleported across the desk, leaned over until his face was almost touching Melanie’s, and said, “Why would I want someone weaker when the potential for so much dark power and evil lies within you?  Only you have ever earned the privilege to be my ward, grand-niece and I’m not letting you abandon your destiny because you’ve decided you don’t want to be evil.”
“But I don’t want to be evil!  Please just I just want to go home,” Melanie pleaded a final time.
Black Hat smiled and simply replied, “This is your home now.”
Tears clouded Melanie’s eyes again, “But…”
“That will be all,” Black Hat said, backing away and silencing all protest.
Knowing there was nothing she could do, Melanie broke down crying against her grandfather’s chest.
Lord Reaper looked at his granddaughter pitifully and said, “Didn’t you have activities for tomorrow morning you’d like to mention, Lord Black Hat?”
“Oh, yes,” remembered Black Hat.  “Tomorrow morning, you will be posing with a portrait before breakfast.  Then after breakfast, you’ll be attending a press conference with me.  Is that understood?”
Black Hat received nothing but the sound of more sobs.
“Good, it’s agreed then,” Black Hat said.
Melanie continued crying, so Black Hat replied, “Get her ready for bed.  Make sure she gets some rest. doctor.”
“Yes, Lord Black Hat sir,” Flug said as he turned away and followed Lord Reaper and Melanie out of the room.
Melanie continued crying while Lord Reaper carried her through the hallways and up the stairs to her bedroom.  The two of them were silent.
Flug thought he could take the opportunity to say something comforting, “Uh…There, there…It won’t be so awful.”
“Yeah, Melanie,” Lord Reaper said, stroking her hair.  “You‘ll have me here and Dr. Flug here.  You won’t be alone.”
Melanie stopped crying long enough to say, “I want to die.  Could either of you kill me?”
Flug and Lord Reaper looked at each other for a moment before Flug said, “You’ll have 505 here too.”
“Dr. Flug could go get him for you,” suggested Lord Reaper. “And he could sit with you until you fall asleep. Would you like that?”
Melanie nodded.
“Oh, good, Dr. Flug…” Lord Reaper said.
But Melanie interrupted, “Can Sadie come upstairs too?”
“Uh, sure, if it’s okay with Dr. Flug,” Lord Reaper said.
Flug hesitated for a moment, but when he saw Melanie’s sad eyes, he said, “Um…sure.”
Melanie smiled for a moment.  That made Flug feel a bit better about his decision.
After a few minutes, the group arrived outside Melanie’s room.
Flug opened the door and turned on the lights while Lord Reaper carried Melanie inside.
“Here, we are,” Lord Reaper said, getting Melanie to her feet.  “Your room for the next four years.”
Melanie sniffled and was about to go back to sobbing, but Lord Reaper ushered her towards the bathroom.
“Now, now, Melanie, why don’t you get a shower and go brush your teeth while I turn down your blankets and get you some pajamas?” Lord Reaper asked as he opened the bathroom door for Melanie.  “Then, Flug will go find your friends while you’re cleaning yourself up and you can all spend the night together.  D’accord, ma petite-fille?”
“D’accord,” Melanie agreed sadly, entering the bathroom and shutting the door behind her.
Flug watched Melanie until she disappeared behind the door.  It was all he could do to control his own pity and not lose his professionalism.
“Flug, why don’t you bring Melanie’s friends while we get ready for bed?” Lord Reaper asked, shaking Flug out of his thoughts.
“Oh, uh, yes, Lord Reaper, sir,” Flug said, walking out of the room to fetch Sadie and 505.
Flug could at least do that much to help Melanie.
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narabea06 · 2 years
So idk if anybody remembers-
But I made a Roleswap AU from TheFamousFilms's FNAF series-
And I just wanted to share a few ideas I have with the rest of you guys bc I already shared them with my friend
And i wanted to get your thoughts on them-
So reminder, here are some of the swaps in this AU that you guys might wanna know for this specific info dump to make sense:
- Bryan > Afton
- Steve > AI-Afton
- Pat > Glitchtrap
- Glamrock Mangle > Helpy
- Happy Frog > Molten
- Clara/Ballora > Vanny/Valerie
- Gregory > Baby/Elizabeth
- Kat > Davis
- So for starters for when Im gonna draw Bryan, Im thinking of making Bryan look like an older version of Steve, but wearing the clothes OG!Bryan is wearing (the black and red outfit). With the faceplates and stuff, and maybe lomg hair-
- And also i feel like since when TFF!Afton showed up everyone called him Springtrap instead of Afton, RS!Maggie is gonna tell RS!Afton to call Bryan Steve instead
- Also, for Afton, I feel like in this AU he either goes by Afton or Will
- Maggie's personality is just gonna stay the same, but now she's small and helps Afton with the first pizzeria
- The suit Gregory possesses (since him and Baby/Elizabeth swapped) is a little clown boy
- Clara and Afton were together at one point in college, but then they broke up. She ended up later on coming back and becoming friends with Afton again, but then after Afton dies, she tries poking around Kat's pizzeria (as well as other places) to figure out what tf happened to him, Happy Frog kills her and she possesses Ballora, who is now at Kat's location in this AU
- Ballora is still a dancer in this AU, but since she's at Kat's pizzeria, she has more of a cottagecore aesthetic and a different dance style, and she's supposed to just be this kind mother figure
- As for Vanny, she'd be at the sister location and is supposed to be the Bonnie in that location (aside from BonBon ofc). Valerie ends up possessing her tho (in this AU, Valerie was a friend of Bryan's as well as the CFO, until she started looking too much into things, so Bryan killed her)
- Pat is actually an animatronic in this AU, bc in his universe, he actually went through with his idea of becoming one, tho he ended up sorta regretting it, so he's been trying to get the portal timer to figure out a way to change back. He also didn't actually reveal he was an animatronic until later on, and used some sort of technology (i don't f**king know how, im tired-) to present as human for small periods of time. That way he was able to manipulate Afton easier-
- Glitchtrap is just a normal human in this AU who im just gonna give the name Glitch bc what the f**k else do I call him- I might call him Vincent, I don't know- Basically instead of an engineering degree like OG!Pat had, he's working on a coding degree (tho he does know basic animatronic repair). He's honestly just constantly just going through it, and is trying to just get through college with a good paying job, only to suddenly get roped into Afton's bs- Also idea: Just try to try and keep portions of OG!Glitchtrap as part of his character, while he is good at simple coding and with repairing the already existing animatronics, when it comes to creating his own animatronics, they tend to accidentally come out corrupted or trying to kill everyone- Also, instead of an obsession with the idea of becoming an animatronic like OG!Pat, he instead has a fascination with moving to another universe completely and constantly thinks about the idea in his free time despite knowing that it wouldn't be easy or a good idea-
Btw, if y'all want more content on this AU pls tell me, and ill make more-
If you want to make your own content on this AU, feel free, just pls tag me, that way I can see what you make :>
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fanou1975 · 2 years
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💖 RIZ AU LAIT 💖 💕 Riz au lait comme un bonbon à la fraise 220g 💕 Riz au lait ruby coco 230g 💕 Riz au lait et ses caramels au BS 230g 💕 Riz au lait myrtille et framboise 225g 💕 Riz au lait façon tarte citron meringué 310g 💕 Riz au lait façon tartecitron meringué 220g 💕 Riz au lait rhum raisins 230g 💕 Riz au lait façon clafoutis 220g 💕 Riz au lait nougat 220g 💕 Riz au lait pomme spéculoos 210g https://www.instagram.com/p/CfZBCV-Kz9V/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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miss-mossball · 4 years
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me at 2 ay em: im gonna make an angel oc : ) and draw them nekkid too
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exodusin · 2 years
Can you write Separate Ballora, Funtime Freddy and Funtime Foxy head cannons of how they are with a s/o with anxiety?
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note; Funtime Foxy has he/him pronouns.
headcanon; Funtime Freddy/Foxy/Ballora having a a/o who is dealing with anxiety.
warning; anxious habits and thoughts.
fnaf masterlist
Funtime Freddy—(🤍)
This bear doesn't feel negative emotions most of the time but when it comes to his darling feeling down.
That's when shit gets real.
He’s a great hugger, he's surprisingly really warm- despite being made out of metal.
He'll rub your back while you vent and lots of head kisses, and he won't say shit like-
“Believe in yourself.” “Think positive.” “Your problem isn't as big as you think.” “You’ll get over it.”
No, no, no.
He may be a happy big robot bear but he's aware of toxic positivity. He hates it.
He'll always remind you that your emotions are valid and you aren't a disturbance.
Also, BonBon is very involved too, he cares for you as a friend and will give soft kitten kisses to try and comfort you :)
Fun time Freddy always encourages you to live your life in pride and to put yourself first.
Heck, he cares about you so much he made a tent just for you filled with stuffies and a little tv for you both to watch nostalgic movies <3
Funtime Foxy—(🤍)
He's so gentle and sympathetic.
Seeing you in your anxious state doesn't annoy him, he'll do absolutely anything to make you feel not be ashamed of how you're feeling.
When he was first aware of your anxiety, he's already got everything backed up incase it's an emergency.
He knitted a blanket with the help of the minireenas.
The blanket was so warm and fluffy, and the scent of your partner Funtime Foxy never wears out.
He assures you that you’re valid for your feelings.
Patient as fuck.
When you try to hide your emotions because you feel like you are disturbing him-
He'll suddenly embrace you so tightly and whisper onto your ear and things like-
“I'm here, I'll always be here...” “You're too good for this world, and those people tend to destroy it.” “I'll always live you, dearest, I love you so much...the rest of the world can rot in hell...”
can’t explain what you’re feeling? he won’t make you talk. if you can find some way to express your feelings, such as writing, that’swonderful! if you need comfort hell always welcome you with lots of love.
For you only.
Ballora knows many strategies for relaxation and self-comfort.
She doesn't take bs from others.
If you find yourself being anxious because of this world she won't criticize you.
That's the last thing she’ll do.
Everyone feels and thinks differently and that's okay.
You two will walk around the hallways of the big restaurant while you vent to her.
You just wanted to let it all out.
Ballora is so warm and caring and will listen very carefully.
If you just want to relax while letting out all of your emotions Ballora will guide you to a more private area and turn on calming music box audios.
“Shh my darling, everything is going to be alright. I'm here, I'll always stay by your side. I love you very much.”
She’ll caress your cheeks a lot.
And kiss your tears and stroke your hands while the anxiety kicks in your body.
Ballora loves you very much and will fight for you.
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sashi-ya · 2 years
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~💟 Sashi's Valentine's Corner 💟~
🧩 Interactive Fic
Trafalgar Law x F! Reader ~ Locked Love (1st Part)
What's an interactive fic? I've had this idea in mind for so so long! It is based on one of my favorite series of books, "Choose Your Own Adventure" where at the ending of each chapter you were able to choose between two options to see how the story will continue depending on what you picked! So I did the same for this fic. This is experimental and I'm not sure if you are gonna like it, but let's try! There will be 2 options on how the story will continue that you can choose and they will be up tomorrow!
Suprise #2: Also, there are two parallel stories happening at the same time that will be posted in the following days, featuring Sabo and Ace & Sanji and Zoro
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tw: no warnings, there will be a NSFW option and a SFW for the next part at the ending.
wc: 2.2K
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“Fucking Valentine’s Day”
Pushing the shopping cart through your local supermarket feels like a torture. Everything is so pink and full of chocolates. Some blond guy pushes you and asks you for forgiveness as he seems desperate for the last teddy bear over a counter. Luckily by tomorrow people won’t run to buy bonbons or stupid cards but probably plan Bs…
You get to the premade food aisle and pick up two cups of instant ramen because they were on promotion for valentines. “Take two, pay one” they advertise, and you frankly weren’t thinking about buying more than one, because valentine’s for you is just another commercial day and you have had enough of men.
Same happens to you with the Red Bulls, “take two, pay one”. Eh… this shit is expensive; I could use the discount after all…
The line is longer than expected, but you don’t mind. After all, you had nothing to do tonight, no fancy dates or dinner, just some anime and gaming.
While you scan through several Instagram stories on your phone to wait for your turn to pay, someone touches your shoulder.
Annoyed, you turn around to see who dares to bother you, but soon you change your boredom face to a happy one. It is no other than your friend Sanji. And it’s weird for you to see him in a local supermarket, especially because being the amazing chef he is, he usually buys his ingredients from organic markets.
“Sanji, what are you doing here?” you ask him, looking at the products his arms are holding. Sanji’s cheeks get red, for some reason he doesn’t feel comfortable telling you about the bottles on his hands. “Uh… I came here to buy these… I couldn’t find them anywhere so… you know. This Sake is not easily found” he says, looking at the ground. And you smile, Sanji deserves love, he deserves the whole valentine’s night fantasy. Yes, he does.
“I wonder who’s the lucky one, huh?” you joke as it’s finally your turn to pay. He widens his visible ocean blue eye and bites his lips a little. “Don’t be embarrassed, Sanji. I'm happy you are having fun tonight!”. “T-thank you, (Name)”.
Once the few items you paid were already in the little eco bag, you bid goodbye to your prince charming friend and go outside. As you cross the door, you notice the same blonde guy that pushed you before, bickering with a freckled youngster over a black Harley Davidson motorbike. “I’m in distress, you freckled bitch! Stop making fun of me” the blonde one said, while the freckled one shouted “IT’S NOT MY FAULT YOU FORGOT, RAMEN HEAD!”
You giggle, because frankly, the names they were calling each other are absolutely funny.
The cold of the night crips inside your knees through the cuts on your jeans, but you don’t care, the fluffy jumper you are wearing with bear ears keeps you warm.
As you walk, you take a look at the windows. Some houses with lights turned off, from others the delicious smell of dinner being cooked with love. Everybody is celebrating love, and you are ok with that, and sometimes you wish you are too, but you don’t want any more painful relationships in your life… or do you?
The apartment complex where you live has a little playground in the middle, and of course due to the time being it is free of kids, at least during the night. “Maybe, I will come later to use the swings” you think, because you really enjoy using it while listening to some music and eating chips under the dark blue sky of cold nights.
A sweet couple who has just moved in, waves good evening at you while going through the door, and you are happy they had opened it because you always struggle with the damn lock of the entrance.
With your keys at hand, you press the button of the elevator and wait peacefully for it to arrive. The doors finally open, encountering your neighbours all hyped with flowers and some bags on their hands. “Hi, dear neighbour! Happy valentines!” one of them salutes you. You smile warmly, Bepo, Shachi and Penguin are always so kind and polite to you. “Hi, Bepo! Thank you so much! Isn't someone missing tonight?” you ask, because of the four people that live in the apartment, only three seem to go out tonight.
Shachi rolled his eyes back, while Bepo pouted. “The emo is staying home; he says that Valentine’s is just stupid and a commercial day. But I’m sure he is depressed because he hadn’t asked the girl he likes out” Penguin, the most mature friend of all, informs you, sighing. “Oh… I see…well, have fun!” you answer back, sighing too.
So Law has a girl in his heart after all…
Of course, you take everything off while entering your home, mask, boots, even pants except the hoodie. Passing from the kitchen to your room, you notice Law’s LED lights turned on. “Ah… purple lights, tonight?” you mumbled, taking a look at the window that’s exactly in front of yours.
Law, your neighbour, is a pretty reserved man. He is in med school and never looked really friendly. Yet, there was a day where you felt sick and he came and helped you out without asking you anything in return. And he is also the most handsome man you have ever seen in your entire life. Caramel skin, grey eyes, pitch black hair, tattoos and edgy vibe. The perfect man -at least to your eyes-.
“Maybe you are feeling a little down because of what Pen said…” you mumble, sighing. “I wish I was the lucky one…”.
But even if you were starting to feel a little depressed you simply decided to take a bath to forget about it. Yet, the warm water over your face wasn’t enough to make you forget the fact that you indeed weren't that fed up with men, and the real reason behind rejecting every date proposition was in fact, because of Law.
You are head over heels for him, you wait for him to open his curtains to wave, you pray for him to get out of his apartment to take the elevator together every morning, you even wait for running out of sugar to go ask for a cup of it at his door. “Stop, (Name)” you scold yourself, while wrapping your body in a fluffy towel as you get out of the shower.
You dried your hair and waited for dinner time to finally arrive, watching some anime like a polar bear lying in your bed. Before dragging yourself out of your room you take a last peek through your window, noticing Law’s bedroom lights were turned off. “You should be in the kitchen” you mumble, trying to supress your accelerated heartbeat.
But the little window of his kitchen only shows darkness. And Law never goes to sleep that early… “Maybe he is out after all?” you think, on the verge of tears. You are jealous, you feel broken… But they said you didn’t ask that girl out.
You try to sink into the deepest hollow of despair, which upsetting image of him enjoying valentine’s with another girl, and plug your earphones in. You take out the fridge both energy drinks and a bag of chips and decide to go swing a little at the playground outside. You are mad at yourself, you kept saying on and on and on Valentine’s Day was just a stupid day, that you didn’t really matter about it, you turned down so many date proposals…
“Deja Vu” from Olivia Rodrigo blasts into your ears, and the mask collects one or two little tears that run from your eyes to your cheeks. You feel stupid, you are fucking tearing up for a man? for real, (Name)? Crying for a man?”
The elevator’s doors open and the cold breeze of a winter night hits your face. Some idiot has left the main door of the apartment complex open. “How many times has the janitor told us to close the damn door?” you protest, closing it and getting out without thinking anything further and of course not seeing the little paper stuck to it that asked not to close the door until the locksmith came to fix it on the 15th of February.
“She thinks it's special But it's all reused That was our place, I found it first I made the jokes you tell her when she's with you”
You sing with deep feelings, acting resentful for a girl you don’t even know if she exists, much less if Law is in fact with her.
You walk to the back of the building, hoping no kid was using the swings and never stop singing. But the words that were coming out of your mouth slowly stopped… Someone you know too well was indeed sitting on one of the swings… “Law”.
He is rocking himself back and forth, with his head hanging but as soon as he hears you, he fixes his eyes on yours. “Hi” you mumble, taking off your earphones. “Hi” he waves, unable to maintain the sight towards you.
Inside, you are screaming, he is alone, no whore next to him…
“What are you doing here, Law?” you ask, sitting next to him on the other swing. “I was just bored and needed some fresh air, what about you? I thought you went out with someone tonight” he tells you with that soft, yet manly, voice.
“Me? Going out with someone? Please! Valentine’s Day it’s just a stupid date” you lie, as always, specially to him. Is not that your red eyes show you’ve been crying like an idiot for the past hour.
“Right? It’s just another excuse for people to spend money on useless stuff” he answers back, as if he was spitting venom. He sounds mad, he sounds annoyed with something, and soon you remember Penguin’s words “he is just depressed because he didn’t ask the girl he likes out”
Soon you remember bringing two energy drinks instead of one and give one to him. “Fancy some gamer fuel?” you ask him, smiling subtly. “Sure” he accepts, as if you two were about to share some whiskey on the rocks instead of a stupid Red Bull.
The cold sensation of the slightly carbonated drink refreshes both of you while you drink in silence. You kick some little stones on the ground, trying to find something to chat about, until the sound of your phone’s notification breaks the absence of sound. Truth is, that the tension you could feel during those silent moments were loud enough not to speak.
“Oh, sweet! The new chapter of Sora the Warrior of the Sea is out!” you mumble, genuinely excited for it, soon thanking the mask to cover your blushed cheeks as embarrassment hits you for being “so cringey”.
Law stops the swinging all of a sudden, and you are sure he is gonna stand up and go home, but he doesn’t. “SORA? YOU READ SORA?!” he jumps off the swing excited, coming closer to you and fixing his handsome gaze on your phone’s screen.
You giggle. He is a nerd, of course he is. How could someone be that perfect?
“Y-yes, they just released the new scans, have you read the spoilers? This chapter will be amazing!”
“Let’s go upstairs and read it on the computer!” he proposes, all excited extending his tattooed hand to you. This is the first time you hear his voice being so loud, the enthusiasm on his façade. Even under his black mask you can see he is smiling. And image so absolutely beautiful, he looks like an innocent kid, and you can’t say no to his hand.
Softly grazing his palm, he helps you stand up and as you do, he pulls from you towards the entrance of the building. “Come on, I wanna read that. I’ve been waiting for this since last week!” “Sure, let’s go!” you giggle.
But the smile on his face quickly erases.
“WHAT? WHO…. WHO CLOSED THE DOOR? HOW CAN THEY BE SO STUPID? THE FUCKING SIGN SAYS NOT TO” he shouts, letting go of your hand and trying to push the door, failing miserably.
To your horror, your eyes travel through the sign you of course ignored, realizing the idiot Law was cursing was in fact you. But he hasn’t had to know? Right? “Oh lord, I can’t believe how people could be so stupid! Law, what are we gonna do?” you ask, acting innocent, yet kinda laughing on the inside for not taking the blame. “I don’t know… the guys are not coming back until tomorrow, luckily” he mumbles, scratching his head.
“Well… we have two options…
🧩 NSFW option: Waiting until tomorrow for the locksmith to come and open the door
🧩 SFW option: We climb through the little window on the side of the hall and enter home.
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kuvvydraws · 2 years
best ways to fluster/seduce raavi and órdago??
Whether it involves a romantic partner or not, Raavi always falls for the obvious seductions attempts and power stances. None of that flower bouquet and bonbon, restaurant dinner BS, Raavi wants to feel wanted and like their partner is putting visible effort into seducing them - open flirting is the way to go, specially if the interested part is bold about it. Raavi really enjoys being complimented and appreciated, feeling sexy and being told they look the part too. Also, the lipstick thing. It never fails.
Flustering them is easier is one is their friend or their romantic partner (or a crush, naturally). Raavi is too shameless to feel embarrassment for their actions even if they put themselves under the spotlight in a way they didn't mean to (let's say, making a mistake or saying something too bold at the wrong time, for example). Genuine compliments about their personality, whether is the overly friendly one or the true one that can be seen through the cracks in their façade, will do the trick. Raavi is not used to anyone bringing attention to their personality in a positive way, so it get them flushed and stammering a little every time, specially if they're nonchalant, just a sentence in a conversation that comes and goes very quickly...
Seducing Órdago is nearly impossible if he doesn't have a crush on you or he's dating you already. Don't even try it, he's not interested, he doesn't have the time for flirty games with a stranger, they bother him, just stop or you might earn a very unfriendly growl. With a partner, however, it's very different. He likes when his size is complimented, when someone brings attention to his strength and the safety he provides - it ticks all the boxes with his instincts. If his partner does the lipstick trick on purpose towards him, he falls hook, line and sinker every single time, too.
Flustering him is way easier than flustering his sib but also incredibly more difficult to notice. Órdago will fluster himself every time he speaks, immediately regretting doing so in case he fucked up or he sounds too cheesy (even if he's talking about the weather, he's an idiot) or something. He basically does your job for you, he lives his life almost permanently embarrassed. If you want to fluster him and for it to be noticeable, look at him in the eye and give him a genuine compliment on purpose. It destroys him.
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lightvsdark18 · 2 years
Because of the release of Security Breach, I'll talk about my Au for the fnaf universe. Fazbear Entertainment is a family run company and the animatronics are humans who help run their family's business or dress up as animal characters to entertain the children.
William Afton was the former business partner of the CEO of Fazbear Entertainment and was fired, then arrested for destruction of property.
The main band are for the big kids and toy band is for the little kids. Gilbert and Sebastian sometimes do special concerts for charity (or revisit the old days.)
Andy and Brian are in the prize counter. Brian comes to the Pizza Plex after school and offers to help out.
Sebastian is a trans man and Andy is non-binary. (Don't know everyone's sexuality yet, but do know Frankie is gay).
Old Band, Main Band and Toy Band are cousins.
Old Band
Gilbert: Was known as Fredbear in his youth, but now he's the running the company after his father retired. Mid or late 30s.
Sebastian: Was known as Springbonnie in his youth, but now he helps his brother with running the company. Mid or late 30s.
Main Band
Frederick: Freddy Fazbear, the responsible eldest. Mid or late 20s.
Bruce: Bonnie The Bunny, the fun-loving second oldest. Mid or late 20s.
Carly: Chica The Chicken, the mother figure second youngest. Mid 20s.
Flynn: Foxy The Pirate, the adventurous youngest. Mid 20s.
Toy Band
Frankie: Toy Freddy, the shy middle child. Early 20s.
Beth: Toy Bonnie, the over energetic third youngest. Early 20s.
Chole: Toy Chica, the over hyper second youngest. 18-19.
Mabel: Mangle and Funtime Foxy, the tired eldest. Mid 20s.
Andy: Marionette, the emotionless (tease) second oldest. Mid 20s.
Brian: Balloon Boy, the smol youngest and is thirteen.
Sister Location
Jessica: Baby, the cheerful eighteenth years-old.
Rosemary: Ballora, the beautiful woman and mother of Bonbon. Mid 30s.
Jason: Funtime Freddy, everyone thinks he's on crack but he's not. Early 30s.
Bonneville, or Bonbon: the daughter of Rosemary, she's five. Funtime Freddy is her favorite.
Security Guards
Michael: Night guard, is a bastard. Early 30s.
Jeremy: Day guard, is always getting unmercefully flirted with by Andy. Early 20s.
Vicker: Day guard, is a caring father. Mid 30s.
Scott: Day guard and head of security, is a nerd. Late 20s.
Vanessa: The night guard, the twin sister of Vanny, she's done with everyone's bs. She's trying her best to help Vanny heal from what happened and allows her explore around the Pizza Plex at night sometimes. Early 20s.
Vanny: The twin sister of Vanessa, she suffers from PTSD from an abusive relationship. She has met Gregory when he ran off during closing time and had Lewis running around trying to find him. His chaotic energy helped her feel a little bit better. Early 20s.
Parker (Plushtrap): The son of Sebastian, hates being dressed up as a bunny by his dad. He's ten and a prankster.
Gregory: The adopted son of Lewis, the king of chaos, eight years-old.
Glamrock Band
Lewis: Glamrock Freddy, the local himbo. Late 20s.
Clover: Glamrock Chica, the "can eat everything and gain not a single pound." Early 20s.
Jackson: Montgomery Gator, the one who needs to take a chill pill. Mid 20s.
Madeline: Roxanne Wolf, the narcissist. Mid 20s.
Arthur: Sundrop, the twin brother of Ross, the overexcited child. 19 years-old.
Ross: Moondrop, the twin brother of Arthur, the creepy kid in the corner. 19 years-old.
Simone: Dj Music Man, the guy you want to hang out with at a party. Late 30s.
Jamie: Was known as Glamrock Bonnie, he will be missed, died from a car accident. Late 20s.
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bon-uoq · 2 years
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felt like this fit them perfectly 💜💗 they are besties
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beltsourcookie · 3 years
ship name for sourbelt x bonbon should be Belt Bon B. or BBB or BeltBonbon
Bs everywhere
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Thursday 28 December 1826
6 3/4
1 3/4
my bowels quite right this morning - I do believe it was the tightness of my stays that disordered them - In my salon at 7 55/60 - from 8 to 10 20/60 writing to Mariana breakfast at 10 20/60 then read the whole of the paper of today and yesterday which took me till 12 - then finished dressing - at my desk again at 12 1/2 - 1/2 hour hour reading over all I have written to Mariana the whole 2 3/4 pp. [pages] very small and close - from 1 to 3 10/60 finished page 3, and wrote the ends of my paper very small and close to Mariana
then washed
&c [etcetera] went to speak to my aunt, and set off (to dine with Mrs Barlow) at 4 - I had before sent George with the remainder of the bonbons of Monday for Jane, and an iced plum cake (of 7/.) for Mrs Barlow on her birthday - she wondered why I had sent it - not obliged to me at all - I had sent a cake to Madame Galvani could not bear to be treated like other people - cared for nothing to eat - explained that it was customary enough to give a plum cake on a birthday - certainly had never dreampt that because I had sent a cake to Madame Galvani I therefore ought or ought not to send one to Mrs Barlow would do so no more - never ever give her anything eatable - Dinner at 5 1/2 or perhaps 5 3/4 - pear soup - vol au vent, filet de boeuf piqué, gateau de rie, and a crême glacé (ice) the four last from a traiteur and respectively 5/. 6/. 4/. and 5 or 6/. - for dessert a plate of raisins and blanched almonds, Saint Germain pears, at 4 sols each, little almondy drop cakes (stale) and rice and savoy biscuits - Beaune rouge at 4/. and claret from Madame Droz’s friend, Monsieur Lambert, at 3/. good of its kind - Madame Alexandre her late porter’s wife (her husband a joiner - ordered a pasteboard and rolling pin) retained to wait - what nonsense! and so I told Mrs Barlow who said she thought I liked a good dinner, and was determined to see what she could do -
it was meant to return the dinner she had with us I saw thro this the feeling was not thoroughly ladylike it had too much of the not bearing to be outdone and after all it was hugger poor madame ci devant porteress being shockingly gauche potter came in at first and set the dishes on wrong Mrs B hugged her and she appeared no more I cannot think Mrs B good tempered thought I all this would never suit me -
Jane had scarce swallowed her soup before she was called off to go to the play with the family below Monsieur and Madame and Madamoiselle Pouciègle - I took a little Beaune and water (very dear at 4/. like ours as well at 2/.) four glasses of the thin claret and we went to the drawing room at 6 3/4 - I had really had too much dinner and felt oppressed by it -
but she sat on my knee and I had soon the right middle finger up as usual and she said she came down better to me and felt more than she had yet done since my return tho she had been poorly all the week and thought she could do nothing for me she said she felt more when sitting on my knee when my thigh was next to her the feel of it went thro her -
we had tea about 8 -
then at her again then rested and at her again having latterly both second and first finger up being too full of dinner it was really an exertion to me and in fact the pleasure to me is no much merely the excitement of exciting her and having a woman to grubble who likes it so well I almost feel as much now at the moment of writing as when with her towards eleven she began to be pathetic and cry a little we must part she felt as a wife but what was she &c [etcetera] &c [etcetera] wanted her letters not safe with me surrounded as I was with friends alluded to π [Mariana] if I died my aunt would give her all my papers to read said I would pledge my existence that what ever might be π [Mariana] s curiosity I could leave one of Mrs Bs [Barlow’s] letters open before her a whole day and she would not read a line of it Mrs B [Barlow] said she was a woman and she would not believe said I come come give the devil his due she said I loved π [Mariana] might praise her as I liked but why should she Mrs B [Barlow] say what she did not think said I would give her her letters by and [by] she must give me mine no mine were quite safe her aunt was too blind could not read them nor would she if she could I thought they ought on both sides to be burnt Mrs B [Barlow] said mine could do no harm people might read and not understand them I protested they were such as only a husband would write but for myself individually I cared not the world would not blame me so much as Mrs B [Barlow] they would commit her much more than me I could not have written such without encouragement she said her aunt would forgive her if she knew what had passed but she would be angry at her going on with it when I was engaged to another but I had said we could not go on as we did and she had rather I sinned with her than with another ‘but if I have not your letters I have nothing three years hence you may say you never loved me you have your journal I could gain nothing by shewing your letters or boasting of you regard r love for me’ I merely answered no certainly not and declared it was impossible I could ever deny my regard for her but these words of hers ssand deep in my heart I mused on them all the way home and determined I never would give her her letters without getting back my own -
Jane returned at 11 40/60 - the poor girl had a wretched cold when she went and it seemed worse - took their fiacre (George had been waiting upstairs with Potter I know not how long perhaps an hour), and got home in 1/4 hour at 12 -
Mrs B [Barlow] forty today -
Dawdling and musing - very fine day -
Marginal Notes
very fine frostyish morning
Fahrenheit 37o at 8 a.m. 41 1/2 at 12 p.m. 41 1/2 at 3 1/2 p.m. 37 1/2 at 12 midnight
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junhonda · 5 years
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個展『十二輪のタルト』 Side Story ーーある菓子写真家の呟きーー vol.2 . 「ショートケーキ」。 日本人みんなが知ってるあのケーキ。 . あれって名前や原型のレシピは他所の国からのものですが、 ふわふわのスポンジケーキ、真っ白いクレームシャンティ、大粒の真っ赤な苺をちょこん。 西洋の素材と製菓のレシピを使って、日本人が大好きな味覚と色彩で表現したら、この日本人オリジナルのレシピが出来上がったわけです。 そういうのが好き。 . 日本人が、日本の風土や文化を根っ子に表現するものづくり。 . じゃあ日本の風土って何だろう?文化って? 僕たちはどこまで知ってるの? . そんな日本らしさをただ探すだけじゃなく、この西洋からやってきた製菓の技、そして世界中の食材。これらで表現してみたら、どんなお菓子が生まれるのだろう? . (続く) . 写真展『十二輪のタルト』 2019.1.22(火)〜1.27(日) OPEN 11:00 CLOSE 19:00 (最終日のみ17:00まで) 入場無料 @弘重ギャラリー 渋谷区恵比寿南2丁目10-4 ART CUBE EBIS B1F . *特設ウェブサイトをオープンしています。 私のInstagramのプロフィール( @junhonda.photo )からアクセス出来ます。 . . 菓子: LE PETIT BONHEUR 器: Yu Uchida . . #finesweetsart #instagramjapan #tokyocameraclub #foodart #beautifulcuisines #my_eos_photo #gloobyfood #lovefood #heresmyfood #f52grams #vsco #foodvsco #sweet #dessert #chocolate #bonbon #スイーツフォトグラファー #デザート #スイーツ #お菓子 #ショコラ #チョコレート #自由が丘 (ル・プティ・ボヌール) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs-UlLTg7S9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12wr19xf4dvyg
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diabeticgirl4 · 7 years
ok back to svtfoe, and I’m super confused as to where this episode’s headed. it’s probably supposed to be a jarco vs starco ep, star feeling like a third wheel and/or getting jealous? the episode’s titled “just friends” (which I narrow my eyes at) so idk if this is gonna turn into a petty love triangle or star being 1000% cool with and supportive of jarco (which I mean that’s how it’s been so far) and jackie likewise seems super chill and friendly with star (bless), so sounds like the issue’s gonna be with marco? is he reconsidering being with jackie? reconsidering his friendship w star?? I honestly can’t tell what’s gonna happen this episode and I mean I’ll find out in 10 min once this ep’s over, but normally I can tell where an ep is heading but this one ??? I have no idea and it’s frustrating me
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squidifighter64 · 6 years
2, 9, 12, and 19!
2. What made you decide to write this muse?
Shawn Wasabi, Lindsey Stirling, and other artists who have gotten huge with some help from youtube……. and remembering the first time i ever saw a plate of fried calamari.
as is known, the ring shapes in fried calamari are where Marie gets her hat from, but Callie’s hat is ikayaki! so i thought the other part - what my uncle called ‘squidwards’ that first time - would make a good hat for the idol hopeful that was forming in my mind.
9. Do you enjoy putting your muse through angst? What do you think would break their heart the most?
i generally dislike angst for angst’s sake. i put too much of myself into my characters, and make myself sad, for that. which means that when they get mad, i get mad, and give myself a two tier headache with grinding my teeth and furrowing my brow. 
character building angst though, give me that i love building character.
what would break her heart the most would be people actively boycotting her music, and laughing in her face in public about it. it’d break her heart, AND her nerve. if it were from an established idol, it would probably lead to an eventual nervous breakdown.
12. what about your muse amuses you?
she has a very sensitive BS meter, and she generally thinks that people are ignorant of their BS, and so she informs them out of the goodnes of her heart. and i do mean the goodness; as seen before when called out about ripping off BonBon with that costume concept, she made a concentrated effort to apologize and make amends and reparations - she believes that everyone is keen to be a better version of themselves, and wants to help toward that end.
19. If you had to judge your muse and sentence them to a “fair” fate, what would your judgement be? Would you punish them? Reward them? How?
I’d judge her a bonehead for thinking that she can’t sing. it requires practice like anything else, which she doesn’t understand. for being a bonehead, i’d sentence her to hard vocal practice with like the meanest angriest teacher.
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