bannedfromtheaters · 7 years
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dornie smooches ❤
watch the S2 trailer
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I’m in multiple fandoms and I’ve found that I have no one to talk about them with so if you’re like me and are
*A fan of Carmilla, All for One series, Wynonna Earp, Runaways, ODAAT, Clexa, Legends of Tomorrow/ AvaLance or any show with an amazing wlw ship
And want to, message me I guess.
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ellebowmac · 7 years
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All For One meets Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers
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agoddamnsupernova · 7 years
Hey, I see that you're having a hard time and I've been following you for a while and you seem to feel better after writing so if you're feeling up to it I have a dornie/boncastle prompt " I was walking past your house, you had your door open and I saw you dancing in your kitchen and now whenever I hear that song I think about you" but only if you're feeling up to it. Thank you and I hope you feel better!
This actually helped a lot, thank you. I mean, I have a lot of prompts in my inbox but I really wanted to do this one because you’re just so kind and you’re super right. I really do feel better after writing, so if you’d like to send another one, feel free. 
In the four years Dorothy had lived in the Meung-sur-Loire apartment complex, she had seen many a new neighbor, none of them staying in the apartment across from her  for longer than a few months. So, when moving boxes start piling up in the hall, she’s not surprised. 
“Looks like new neighbors,” She comments to her roommate, Ariana as they walk up the steps toward their floor. “How long do you think these ones will stay?” 
“I don’t know, the last person who lived there only lasted two months, I wonder if it’s haunted,” The older girl chuckles, wiggling her fingers ominously. 
“Oh, shut up,” Dorothy snorts, pushing open the fire door that leads to their hall, holding it open for her friend. “It’s good to know you haven’t lost your charm since college.” 
“We’ve been living together for over four years and you’re just now realizing that once a Sigma, always a Sigma,” Ariana winks, reaching over to ruffle Dorothy’s hair. 
“Yeah, yeah, I suppose you’re right, but come on,” She starts, shoving her friend gently as she looks for her keys. “You could hack the Pentagon and you still believe in ghosts,” Dorothy smirks, watching her roommate unlock the door. 
She doesn’t catch what the older girl says, everything being drowned out by the sound of an oddly familiar song. “Is that Hayley Kiyoko?” Dorothy murmurs to herself, turning toward the tune. 
She finds their new neighbor had left their door open, their stereo blaring as a girl with short, light brown waves, dances around the kitchen, putting things away. Dorothy blinks a few times, trying to make herself look away, but she’s just so enamored with the way this girl moves along with the music. 
“Dee, you there?” Ariana asks, making the smaller girl jump. “You okay there, Castlemore?” 
Dorothy shakes her head, turning away from the open door to grin at her friend. “Yeah, just fine, let’s go make dinner,” She says, waving off the look she gets from Ariana to head to the kitchen and work on dinner. 
She hears that song a few times a day for the next week, Gravel to Tempo somehow finding its way onto every radio station she picked on Spotify until she couldn’t stand it anymore. “Fine! I’ll go introduce myself to the pretty girl!” She shouts in her car on the way back home, grateful no one was around to see how crazy she was acting. 
She picks up a tin of her favorite cookies and a bottle of wine before she heads back to the complex, hoping that it would be an okay welcoming present. She can’t deny how nervous she is when she reaches the door, staring at the number  for longer than she’d like to admit before knocking. 
It’s quiet for a moment and she debates on just backing up into her own apartment when the sound of the deadbolt unlocking cements her in place. The woman that opens the door is not the one she had saw dancing and her heart sinks for a moment. But then this woman with think brunette curls is grinning at her and puling her into a hug and she can’t really process anything. 
“Oh my gosh, you must be our new neighbor, it’s so nice to meet you,” Her neighbor giggles, pulling Dorothy into the apartment. “Me and Connie have been meaning to greet people but we’ve been so busy but we’ve seen you and your roommate coming and going and you seem like really nice people so this is great!” 
Dorothy blinks for a moment, just trying to take in the warm, bubbly personality of this stranger when she starts talking again. “Oh! I’m Portia by the way, I guess I should have lead with that.” 
Dorothy chuckles a bit, shaking her head. “Don’t worry about it, I’m Dorothy, I’ve been kind of meaning to stop by too,” She says a bit awkwardly, holding out her welcoming gifts with a slight smile. “Here, I wasn’t really sure what to get so...” 
“Connie just loves cookies and this wine looks so nice, thank you so much!” Portia grins and takes the gifts, moving them to the kitchen and Dorothy can’t help but follow after her, knowing that girl, no, Connie had danced among the cupboards. 
The thought makes her smile and she can’t help but ask about the other woman. “So, is your roommate, Connie you said, is she at work?” She wonders, trying not to seem too obvious. 
“Oh, no she’s picking up her things from her ex actually,” Portia hums as she leans against the counter. “Whoops, I probably shouldn’t have said that, but oh well.” 
Dorothy smiles softly, trying to hide her excitement that this Connie was single. “My lips are sealed,” She chuckles, running a hand through her hair. “But, uh, I should probably get going, Ria will be wondering why I’m not back yet.” The lie comes smoothly but as nice as Portia is, she’s a bit much to take in all at once. 
“Is Ria your girlfriend?” Portia asks, making Dorothy snort so hard it hurts and she has to take a minute before replying to the confused girl. 
“God no, we’ve been friends too long for that shit,” Dorothy snickers, shaking her head a bit. “She took me under her wing when we were in college and I guess I see her too much as family that I could never think of her like that. Why do you ask?” 
“Oh...no reason,” Portia blushes, making Dee grin with delight. 
“You think she’s hot, don’t you?” She teases, finding it far too easy to poke at her new friend. 
“Shut up!” Portia giggles, slapping the younger girl’s arm gently, trying to hide how embarrassed she is. 
“Nah, this is too good. I gotta have you guys over now, see if you can soothe the savage beast that is Ariana Henries,” Dorothy all but cackles, leaning against the counter with a grin. 
“Savage beast? That’s kind of a rude thing to say about your friend,” Portia says, though there’s a goofy smile on her face. 
“You’ll see what I mean, do you think you and Connie could come over for like dinner and a movie this weekend? I know me and Ria are both off on Saturday.” Dorothy offers, shrugging her shoulders a bit. She could match make and have a chance to get to know her mystery girl. 
“I’ll have to double check with Connie, but I think Saturday sounds perfect,” Portia smiles, fiddling with her shirt, a shy smile on her face. 
“Why does Saturday sound perfect?” A soft voice asks, making both girls jump and face the newcomer. 
“Connie! This is Dorothy, our neighbor from across the hall and she invited us to dinner this Saturday!,” Portia exclaims, grinning at her roommate. 
“Oh, hi,” Connie says awkwardly, her face barely visible over the box in her arms. 
“Hey,” Dorothy says softly, moving to take the heavy looking box from the other girl. “Let me help you with that,” She offers, smiling a bit when Connie lets her take the full weight of the item into her arms. 
“Thanks, the elevator is out so I had to lug that thing up the stairs,” Connie smiles, her cheeks red from the excursion. “Would you mind bringing it to my room? i’ll get the door for you.” 
Dorothy glances at Portia from behind the box before shrugging a bit. “Sure,” She replies, following after the other girl. She takes in the apartment, noting that it seems just like hers only in reverse and is somewhat pleased to find that the set up of Connie’s room is almost exactly the same as her own. 
“You can just set it on the bed,” Connie says once the door is closed behind them and that’s just what Dorothy does, turning to face her neighbor awkwardly. 
“Uh, I know Portia just introduced us but,” She holds her hand out in greeting, a sight blush on her cheeks. “I’m Dorothy,” 
“It’s nice to finally meet my audience from earlier this week,” Connie smirks slightly, taking Dorothy’s hand in her own. “I’m Connie.” 
Dee can feel the flush crawling up her chest and neck, at the realization that Connie had known she was watching her dance. “I-uh-fuck, I’m sorry I wasn’t trying to be creepy or anything, it’s just I heard Gravel to Tempo and I couldn’t not turn toward an iconic sapphic song and your door was open and you’re just so pretty and-” She cuts herself off, blushing even harder now. 
“Ah, so you think I’m pretty?” Connie asks, a soft smile on her lips as she watches her neighbor fumble to try and find words. 
“Well-I-yes,” Dorothy breathes out, clearing her throat after a moment. “But-uh-I should probably get home before my roommate tries to order pizza instead of letting me cook,” 
“I guess I should let you go then,” Connie chuckles, her blue eyes twinkling. “I’ll see you on Saturday?” 
“Right, Saturday,” Dorothy grins, fumbling with the door knob, before nearly knocking into the frame. “Have a good day,” She calls over her shoulder as she all but bolts from the apartment, making Connie laugh after her. 
“Is she okay?” Portia asks, brows raised at her roommate. 
“She’ll be fine,” Connie smiles, shaking her head as she thinks about the coming weekend. 
Send me some prompts?
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henryabascale · 7 years
[House Hunters Episode]
Dorothy: I make Anne Bonacieux fanmerch for a living
Connie: and I sleep.
Dorothy: Our budget is 55k
(Help Dornie (Boncastle) get a home. Support @a4oseries s2 here: http://igg.me/at/A4OS2 so that dornie will get a home and a second season)
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chloethegamer · 7 years
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hazmutt-class-seven · 8 years
what are your top 10 otps from different shows/movies/whatever?
ooh good question. these are so not in order btw there is no order bechloe doccubus sanvers hollstein dornie/boncastleflonkswolfstar clexa Carol/Therese megan/graham
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squirrelstone · 8 years
Okay, so with my computer fiasco, I didn’t get to finish this meme, but I still want to have my list of positive things from 2016
4 more ships
Portiana (a4o)
Boncastle (a4o)
Kara/Sara (dctv)
Jellsey (hoh)
7 more male characters
Frankie Cruz (conviction)
Harry Doyle (quantico)
Jax Jackson (dctv- admittedly introduced in 2015, but I first saw him in 2016)
Maui (moana)
Nate Heywood (dctv)
Peter Parker (mcu)
Ray Palmer (dctv- same explanation as Jax)
7 team dynamics
the team from Bull
the team from Conviction
the Inseparables from a4o
Julphelia from Sweet/Vicious
the team from Legends of Tomorrow
the Sullivans from Frequency
the babysitters from Adventures in Babysitting
6 episodes
Carmilla - Meet the Parent
Carmilla - Places to Go, People to See
Carmilla - Hell Hath No Fury/Post Apocalypse
Supergirl - For the Girl Who Has Everything
Sweet/Vicious - The Writing’s On the Wall
1 more scene
Carmilla - final battle prep/waltz scene
4 shows
3 movies
Adventures in Babysitting
2 people
Lin-Manuel Miranda
Bernie Sanders
1 pilot
Sweet/Vicious pilot
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sorenkingsley · 7 years
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bannedfromtheaters · 7 years
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2 More Days To Fund A4O Season 2!
↳ Reason (7/8): ADORNIEBLE
Who doesn’t love a good ship? And what a wonderful ship it is! They get the best out of each other and are adorably tease-y. Oh, and did I mention it’s 100% canon? 
Go donate! Do it for dornie! or boncastle, whichever you prefer. ;)
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a4oseries · 7 years
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I don't mean to scare y'all, but without a S2, that's 100% less Dornie in all our lives. *Screams internally anyway* http://igg.me/at/A4OS2
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lauronicamars · 8 years
boncastle replied to your post: WAIT NOT COMMUNISM I MISTOOK THE POST
what a fuck up joc
joc //tried// bear we can only ask for so much
carmtastic replied to your post: carmtastic replied to your post: you rose out of...
idk if anyone can be quite as communist loving as polisci students, my friend. but like yay, good on you! i have the samesies but like, unlimited ice cream sandwiches instead so idk whose really winning here
it depends like if they’re ice cream sandwiches..like....ice cream between two bits of bread or.....
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Dorothy "Fight Me" Castlemore
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Does the door knock now?
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a4oseries · 7 years
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More Dornie? More Dornie. This ship has barely set sail - keep it afloat by getting the first 5 eps of S2 early! #AllForS2 igg.me/at/A4OS2
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folktaylor · 8 years
@boncastle replied to your post “@boncastle replied to your post:we actually had a p deep conversation...”
pls u had the best opportunity to chime in abt religion + sexuality and ur telling me u didn't take it smh
we were on the bus with children!!! i couldn’t!!!
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