La poesia lineare di Carla Bertola
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Il “Lasciatemi divertire” di Aldo Palazzeschi, cioè il giocare con le parole, lo troviamo – per fortuna – in un buon numero di poeti contemporanei. Ma perché si gioca con le parole? Si gioca con le parole, no per un semplice divertissement ma ˗ come dice Giangiacomo Amoretti ne Il gioco della poesia1 ˗ « un tentativo di rompere il continuum dell’esperienza quotidiana, dominata dalla coscienza e dal senso della realtà, per aprirlo a una verità diversa», alla traslazione del quotidiano. La sfida dei “manipolatori di parole” è con loro stessi e con il linguaggio che vorrebbero gli appartenesse con la sua piena autonomia eteronima e riproposte ascrivibili non al proprio quotidiano contraddetto dal paradosso e all’antinomia. Ma cosa vuol dire “traslare il quotidiano”? Proprio quello che stavamo dicendo, lavorare per una poesia/linguaggio/scrittura antinomica che non dica di sé, del sé poeta, ma che vada al di là di ciò che quotidianamente facciamo, in modo da postulare un continuo movimento “del fare”. In buona sostanza allontanarsi dal proprio dettato autobiografico, dalla routine di tutti i giorni che forse non interessa nemmeno al poeta stesso. Si sa che la parodia e il nonsense sono due importanti attrattori affinché in poesia emerga il “giocare con le parole”, quasi due anarcoidi, nella forma e nella sostanza, ma non per questo meno curiosi e interessanti. È una «rivoluzione della mente», se vogliamo, come dice Italo Calvino, non meno seria e sensata. E un po’ tutti i poeti, quando il clima si fa tragico ed incerto, «anche la “vecchia” poesia italiana si trasforma, facendosi in essa meno netti i confini tra senso e nonsenso, tra serio e tragicomico ridicule . Sanguineti ad esempio, soprattutto dagli anni Settanta, infila nei suoi libri, quasi uno dietro l’altro, tautogrammi, ribattimenti leporeambici, acrostici acrobatici (da qui un titolo come Acrobistico), invenzioni e scomposizioni lessicali come “versavice viceversa e dice” alla maniera del Carroll di Jabberwocky. C’è poi Antonio Porta, che nella sua famosa antologia per Feltrinelli, Poesia degli anni Settanta, celebra – come scrive lui – “l’ultrasenso del nonsenso” di Toti Scialoja, tanto da rivendicarne una certa organicità al discorso della neoavanguardia. E ancora nell’antologia portiana ritroviamo poeti della Neoavanguardia di seconda generazione ad alto contenuto nonsense come Corrado Costa, Vincenzo Spatola o Giulia Niccolai»2. Uno dei poeti contemporanei che gioca con le parole è senza dubbio Carla Bertola che è anche una eccellente poeta visiva e sonora: Berenice  Berenice bere anice non si addice Il berbero burbero bercia in berberesco ˗ mai bere barbaresco ˗ La bergère berce le berceau ˗ ma non beve solo l’eau ˗ Bere cin zio e cin zia che bere ci formi! Nel bergamasco con voi berrò. La dolce berceuse si fa   berleffe del berillo,    la berghinella     bergola assai, alla berlina non ci va mai? Berk  ber  ché?  Berlicche  lecca  chicche  viaggia  in  berlina  fino  a Berlino, spende berlinghe in berlingozzi  (che almeno s’ingozzi)  alla berlocca.                 Ber ma alle Bermude, cacciando bernacle un poco bernecche,                             berneggiando qua e là.                                          Sfoggiavo    una bernia (dopo la sbornia)    che bernoccolo sotto il berretto! Il berrettaio  ha  la  berretta  facile,  più  del  fucile.  Chi  ha  il  ber retto può bere assai                                  Il bersagliere berrovéria il bersaglieresco ben fresco, anche il bers’aglio ber sà. Ber so,  Berta  cara,  Berta  bello  è  ber  e  berteggiar, ma  attenta  che la                                 bertesca ti addesca. Bertibello, Bertino, Bertocchio, Bertolo finto tonto.       Bertone       lenone, Berto vello di bertuccia. Se    ti     tolgo dal berretto, un     beruzzo di berzemino te lo fai?       (al Bar Zemino mi troverai) (In «Risvolti», n. 1, settembre 1998, pp. 32-33) Carla Bertola vive a Torino dove è nata nel 1935. Artista visuale scrittrice performer promotrice di iniziative culturali ha partecipato a moltissime mostre internazionali. Numerose le mostre individuali così come le performances di poesia sonora e d’azione in varie città europee oltre che in Canada Messico Brasile Cuba. È stata Artist in Residence presso il Sirius Arts Centre in Irlanda nel 2010. Ha editato e diretto dal 1978, insieme ad Alberto Vitacchio, la rivista internazionale multimediale «Offerta Speciale» ed eseguito il maggior numero di performences sonore e pièces denominate  Poesiteatro. Ha pubblicato soltanto due libri di poesie lineari (almeno in Italia), I Monologhi, (SIC, 1973) e Ritrovamenti (Eureka Edizioni, 2016). I suoi libri verbovisuali libri d’artista e poesie si trovano in molti cataloghi, antologie, collezioni pubbliche e private, riviste cartacee e online («Letteratura»; «Altri Termini»; «Carte Segrete»; «Uomini e Idee»; «Anterem»; «Testuale»; «Salvo Imprevisti»; «Amenophis»; «Plages»; «D(o)cks»; «Dopodomani»; «Risvolti»; «L’Intranquille»; «Otoliths»; «Ulu-late»; «Margutte»; «Utsanga»; «Frequenze Poetiche», etc.). Una rappresentativa selezione delle sue opere è presente al Museo della Carale di Ivrea. Tra le antologie segnaliamo Poesia Totale (Mantova, 1998); A point of View Visual ʼ90 (Russia, 1998); Libri d’Artista in Italia (Torino, 1999); International Artists’ Books (Ungheria, 2000). Ma chi è veramente Carla Bertola? Ad una rivista non-rivista on line, «Margutte» (così si definiscono i responsabili, anzi, le responsabili di questa rivista: Gabriella Mongardi e Silvia Pio), così si autodefinisce: «Ho cominciato a scrivere da ragazza, senza nessun indirizzo e poche conoscenze letterarie, anche se leggevo molto già a 15 anni . Verso gli anni ’60 ho iniziato a scrivere poesie di una certa consistenza, ispirate dalle letture dei contemporanei Ungaretti, Quasimodo, Gatto. Mi rendo conto adesso che quello che mi attirava, inconsciamente era la musicalità dei loro versi, il ritmo impresso alla parola. Iniziai anche a pubblicare qualche poesia su riviste letterarie. Squarotti mi recensì dicendo che ero la miglior scrittrice su piazza, peccato che lo dicesse di tutti. Anche se non ci credevo, mi azzardai a inviare dei testi al Premio Città di Amalfi, che era presieduto da Quasimodo, ma non ricordo l’anno. Fatto sta che ebbi il terzo premio e lui morì di crepacuore. Sul finire degli anni ‘60 cominciai a scrivere testi interessanti e nel ’72 Franco Cavallo mi pubblicò un libretto I Monologhi nella collana Sic, che purtroppo ebbe breve durata. Erano anni che si leggeva molto in pubblico e io stessa organizzai delle serate di poesia e partecipai a degli incontri con altri poeti. Leggendo in pubblico ci si ascolta e ci si confronta. Si capisce anche cosa si vuole o non vuole fare. Non saprei dire esattamente come venni a conoscenza di scritture verbovisuali. Certamente con la “scoperta” del Futurismo e del Dadaismo. Per approdare alle esperienze del Gruppo ’63 e sentendo io stessa il bisogno di sperimentare nuove forme di scrittura. Non sono mai stata molto incline al sentimentalismo nella poesia. Anche nei miei testi “seri” si intravedeva una vena ironica e «un’assoluta mancanza di pietà verso me stessa» (a detta di un critico che mi criticava anche, meno male)»: La Ballata dei Saldi saldi saldi saldi saldi saldi saldi saldi saldi la tendenza è forte   ma la carne è in scatola vendita promozionale a chi va bene          a chi va male pochi soldi  saldi saldi saldi sa           tanti saldi sa saldi sa melamangio viva           melavvito al dito dietro di lei il deserto             dopo di lui il diluvio davanti a noi il disastro liquidazione totalitaria saldi oh  yes           soldiiiiissssmmmiiiiii  oh yes svendiamo sìì veniamo ci sveniamo non svenite saldiamo sa sal fuori i saldi o sparo      saldi subito spero Il mio corpo ti salderà 3x2 sei fregato  quante volte la luna ho sognato… saldi… saldi Saldano i bastimenti occassioni  ocasssioni   occasioni stracciate straccioni occasionali i sogni si avverano i saldi si azzerano prezzi pazzi pazzi siamo a pezzi prezzi fissi  siete pazzi signori e signore signore ascoltaci signore dacci la saldezza eterna Macbeth you’ll sleep no more  all is sold so sad no sales nomore Un saldo nel buio tenetevi ai soldi tenetevi saldi teniamoci i soldi saldisolsalsolsasooo si saldi chi può (in «Offerta Speciale», n. 6, novembre 1990, p. 18) Dunque, la poesia bertolana è costellata d’ironia spensieratezza allegria; tristezza malinconia aggressive invettive, che a detta della stessa Bertola sono stati i sentimenti sui quali gli editori (italiani, naturalmente) accampavano sempre qualche scusa per non pubblicarla. La poesia di Bertola si compone anche per accumulo, associazione di vocaboli, dissociazioni, allitterazioni, calembours; una fonetica del significante che viviseziona parole e segni con il ritmo e il suono che incalzano ad ogni angolo del foglio che spesso viene occupato (ma sarebbe più adatto dire invaso) in tutto il suo spazio bianco, creando la cosiddetta “parola che si vede”. E non potrebbe essere altrimenti, visto che Bertola è anche una importante poeta visuale. Potremmo dire anche ˗ forse senza essere smentiti ˗ che la poesia lineare di Carla precludeva e preclude in sé tratti di “visualità” fin troppo evidenti, e soprattutto le linee guida delle sue performances sonore. D’altronde, nella nota a Ritrovamenti, ci confida che «La mia scrittura ha iniziato un’evoluzione costante alla fine degli anni ’70 incontrando la poesia visuale e poco dopo la poesia sonora. Tuttavia, rileggendo i testi degli anni sessanta, sparsi in qualche rivista storica del periodo, ritrovo già un ritmo che doveva segnare il percorso successivo fino alle performances e alle opere visive delle attuali installazioni». Un tempo dicemmo che i suoi testi nascevano da sensazioni momentanee e/o spontanee, senza premeditazioni, da spunti spinti sul foglio alla rinfusa, figli del caos. Ma ben altra è la struttura del suo linguaggio. C’è da ribadire ancora una volta che il ritmo e il suono dei fonemi, spesso squamati come si squama una spigola da indesiderate anossie siderali, sono i cardini del suo discorso poetico, più ˗ forse ˗ della voglia di dire o di fare, che pur “dicono” e “fanno” questi versi. Docile e allo stesso tempo sorniona, Carla Bertola, con gli strumenti della consapevolezza e dell’esperienza, ci conduce nel suo mondo, quasi in punta di piedi, dove ogni cosa viene sostituita dal magma della concretezza, dove ogni azione è fecondata da un’azione più prepotente, sia pure per accumulo di parole frante e scorporate da un io lirico e melense di tanta poesia in circolazione («… Salina Lina sa cosa? / Sa lino e seta e lana e / Salì nella Salicornia e Saliva la Saliva / Sali scendi Salimetro salì metrò / Salmi per una Salma Salmastro per un Salmì / Salmodìa sal mi dia il sal m’odia / Sal modico o poco prezzo…3). Quindi si riscontrano tracce di nonsense («Sa lato per lato per / Salpa salpinge…»), di limerichs, d’irrisione pungente («S’Alice nel Salicento sogna l’aceto…») che Bertola propone (anche se a volte cautamente) come modo, se non l’unico, per uscire dall’impasse, dallo spaesamento che attraversa la nostra letteratura. Di qui il senso fisico di vivere dentro le cose, dentro l’azione del corpo, lo spazio tra una parola e l’altra (a volte quasi “siderale”) come una pulsione struggente che diviene fattore di un tempo di rottura di armonie incantevoli e ipnotiche che rifiuta ogni sistema di certezza di un mondo blatero, col rischio di farsi alleata di una catarsi: Un foglio biancofa paura ha un futuroimprevedibile strappare non servepotrebbe servire meglio   scritto se poi è stampatopubblicato tuttoè concesso come un matrimonio   l’incertezza è logorante crudelmentedisumana specie per quelliche restano purtroppo non tutti   capiscono certe creature se unonon le aiuta persino gli insettinon si lasciano in agoniaho visitato tantibar trattorie affini frequentato   chiese ospedali grandimagazzini la solitudineha sempre un odorequalche volta puzza raramenteprofuma le case nuovesono tristi perché non mancaniente eccetto la polvere ciò le rendedisadatte all’amore (Da Ritrovamenti, Eureka Edizioni, 2016, p. 14) I versi di Carla vivono di una verve spinta e convinta, di un hazard in consapevole controllo: le parole si accostano a vicenda, si sezionano, si scrutano e si spezzano in modo elegante, senza subire violenza, quasi pacificamente, in enjambement fedeli al richiamo di un’analisi ulteriore proveniente dalla conoscenza del poeta. Il che da un lato porta a un automatismo che gira attorno all’enigma, dall’altro ad una parechesi e al divertissement, demistificando la parola nell’uso e nel modo che le sono più congeniali: accoppiandola ˗ è proprio il caso di dire ˗ con segni pieni di virilità di quel suono-ritmo di cui abbiamo già detto. Insomma, la sua praxis poetica, tra anafore e bisticci di parole, pur restando tutto sommato ancorata al formale, nonché agli estremi di un gioco ludico, in realtà possiede gli strumenti per rimettersi alla funzionalità del Testo. Inoltre, nei versi della Bertola non soltanto l’ironia e l’autoironia sono assicurate, ma anche un andamento scanzonato che sprizza come quando apriamo una lattina di coca cola agitata, per scardinare le coordinate, le consonanze col senso comune, partorendo alla luce del sole quei segni nascosti e immagini “nuove” indispensabili per imbastire un ricamo di vita diversa, al di fuori degli ambienti minimali e ipnotici dei significanti corrotti e usurati, scontati, che l’incomunicabilità del postmoderno4 custodisce gelosamente come un segreto che non gli appartiene, e che solo il poeta che azzarda riesce a vedere e a denunciare. ____________________ 1  In «Redaction Magazine», 31 dicembre 2020. 2  Andrea Afribo, Tracce di nonsense nella poesia del Novecento, in «treccani.it magazine», 25 giugno 2008. 3  C. Bertola, Il sale e i suoi derivati, in «Offerta Speciale», n. 5, maggio 1990, pp. 31-32. 4  Secondo Jean Baudrillard (La società dei consumi, Il Mulino), in un mondo frammentario e senza legami, di pura rappresentazione, i modelli finiscono con il sostituire le cose, e il soggetto è spinto ad abbandonare la propria condizione di individuo, declinando le proprie scelte personali, per ridursi a personaggio all’interno del discorso autoreferenziale attraverso cui la società mostra e produce se stessa; un mondo di feticci e simulacri, in cui non c’è alcuna distinzione tra significante e significato, in cui il segno è già di per sé ipersignificativo, è già messaggio. È il famoso capitale “giunto a un tale livello di accumulazione da diventare immagine” (Guy Debord, La società dello spettacolo, Massari editore) (Emiliano Zappalà, Postmoderno e Postmodernità: vivere la nostra epoca, in «sulromanzo.it», 31 agosto 2012).   Read the full article
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daretodreamaway · 5 years
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ceciliethesloth · 7 years
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Favorite Queer Pairings: Portia and Ariana | All For One (x)
“An ace shot and a great kisser, is there anything my woman can’t do?”
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ellebowmac · 7 years
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All For One meets Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers
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agoddamnsupernova · 7 years
Hey, I see that you're having a hard time and I've been following you for a while and you seem to feel better after writing so if you're feeling up to it I have a dornie/boncastle prompt " I was walking past your house, you had your door open and I saw you dancing in your kitchen and now whenever I hear that song I think about you" but only if you're feeling up to it. Thank you and I hope you feel better!
This actually helped a lot, thank you. I mean, I have a lot of prompts in my inbox but I really wanted to do this one because you’re just so kind and you’re super right. I really do feel better after writing, so if you’d like to send another one, feel free. 
In the four years Dorothy had lived in the Meung-sur-Loire apartment complex, she had seen many a new neighbor, none of them staying in the apartment across from her  for longer than a few months. So, when moving boxes start piling up in the hall, she’s not surprised. 
“Looks like new neighbors,” She comments to her roommate, Ariana as they walk up the steps toward their floor. “How long do you think these ones will stay?” 
“I don’t know, the last person who lived there only lasted two months, I wonder if it’s haunted,” The older girl chuckles, wiggling her fingers ominously. 
“Oh, shut up,” Dorothy snorts, pushing open the fire door that leads to their hall, holding it open for her friend. “It’s good to know you haven’t lost your charm since college.” 
“We’ve been living together for over four years and you’re just now realizing that once a Sigma, always a Sigma,” Ariana winks, reaching over to ruffle Dorothy’s hair. 
“Yeah, yeah, I suppose you’re right, but come on,” She starts, shoving her friend gently as she looks for her keys. “You could hack the Pentagon and you still believe in ghosts,” Dorothy smirks, watching her roommate unlock the door. 
She doesn’t catch what the older girl says, everything being drowned out by the sound of an oddly familiar song. “Is that Hayley Kiyoko?” Dorothy murmurs to herself, turning toward the tune. 
She finds their new neighbor had left their door open, their stereo blaring as a girl with short, light brown waves, dances around the kitchen, putting things away. Dorothy blinks a few times, trying to make herself look away, but she’s just so enamored with the way this girl moves along with the music. 
“Dee, you there?” Ariana asks, making the smaller girl jump. “You okay there, Castlemore?” 
Dorothy shakes her head, turning away from the open door to grin at her friend. “Yeah, just fine, let’s go make dinner,” She says, waving off the look she gets from Ariana to head to the kitchen and work on dinner. 
She hears that song a few times a day for the next week, Gravel to Tempo somehow finding its way onto every radio station she picked on Spotify until she couldn’t stand it anymore. “Fine! I’ll go introduce myself to the pretty girl!” She shouts in her car on the way back home, grateful no one was around to see how crazy she was acting. 
She picks up a tin of her favorite cookies and a bottle of wine before she heads back to the complex, hoping that it would be an okay welcoming present. She can’t deny how nervous she is when she reaches the door, staring at the number  for longer than she’d like to admit before knocking. 
It’s quiet for a moment and she debates on just backing up into her own apartment when the sound of the deadbolt unlocking cements her in place. The woman that opens the door is not the one she had saw dancing and her heart sinks for a moment. But then this woman with think brunette curls is grinning at her and puling her into a hug and she can’t really process anything. 
“Oh my gosh, you must be our new neighbor, it’s so nice to meet you,” Her neighbor giggles, pulling Dorothy into the apartment. “Me and Connie have been meaning to greet people but we’ve been so busy but we’ve seen you and your roommate coming and going and you seem like really nice people so this is great!” 
Dorothy blinks for a moment, just trying to take in the warm, bubbly personality of this stranger when she starts talking again. “Oh! I’m Portia by the way, I guess I should have lead with that.” 
Dorothy chuckles a bit, shaking her head. “Don’t worry about it, I’m Dorothy, I’ve been kind of meaning to stop by too,” She says a bit awkwardly, holding out her welcoming gifts with a slight smile. “Here, I wasn’t really sure what to get so...” 
“Connie just loves cookies and this wine looks so nice, thank you so much!” Portia grins and takes the gifts, moving them to the kitchen and Dorothy can’t help but follow after her, knowing that girl, no, Connie had danced among the cupboards. 
The thought makes her smile and she can’t help but ask about the other woman. “So, is your roommate, Connie you said, is she at work?” She wonders, trying not to seem too obvious. 
“Oh, no she’s picking up her things from her ex actually,” Portia hums as she leans against the counter. “Whoops, I probably shouldn’t have said that, but oh well.” 
Dorothy smiles softly, trying to hide her excitement that this Connie was single. “My lips are sealed,” She chuckles, running a hand through her hair. “But, uh, I should probably get going, Ria will be wondering why I’m not back yet.” The lie comes smoothly but as nice as Portia is, she’s a bit much to take in all at once. 
“Is Ria your girlfriend?” Portia asks, making Dorothy snort so hard it hurts and she has to take a minute before replying to the confused girl. 
“God no, we’ve been friends too long for that shit,” Dorothy snickers, shaking her head a bit. “She took me under her wing when we were in college and I guess I see her too much as family that I could never think of her like that. Why do you ask?” 
“Oh...no reason,” Portia blushes, making Dee grin with delight. 
“You think she’s hot, don’t you?” She teases, finding it far too easy to poke at her new friend. 
“Shut up!” Portia giggles, slapping the younger girl’s arm gently, trying to hide how embarrassed she is. 
“Nah, this is too good. I gotta have you guys over now, see if you can soothe the savage beast that is Ariana Henries,” Dorothy all but cackles, leaning against the counter with a grin. 
“Savage beast? That’s kind of a rude thing to say about your friend,” Portia says, though there’s a goofy smile on her face. 
“You’ll see what I mean, do you think you and Connie could come over for like dinner and a movie this weekend? I know me and Ria are both off on Saturday.” Dorothy offers, shrugging her shoulders a bit. She could match make and have a chance to get to know her mystery girl. 
“I’ll have to double check with Connie, but I think Saturday sounds perfect,” Portia smiles, fiddling with her shirt, a shy smile on her face. 
“Why does Saturday sound perfect?” A soft voice asks, making both girls jump and face the newcomer. 
“Connie! This is Dorothy, our neighbor from across the hall and she invited us to dinner this Saturday!,” Portia exclaims, grinning at her roommate. 
“Oh, hi,” Connie says awkwardly, her face barely visible over the box in her arms. 
“Hey,” Dorothy says softly, moving to take the heavy looking box from the other girl. “Let me help you with that,” She offers, smiling a bit when Connie lets her take the full weight of the item into her arms. 
“Thanks, the elevator is out so I had to lug that thing up the stairs,” Connie smiles, her cheeks red from the excursion. “Would you mind bringing it to my room? i’ll get the door for you.” 
Dorothy glances at Portia from behind the box before shrugging a bit. “Sure,” She replies, following after the other girl. She takes in the apartment, noting that it seems just like hers only in reverse and is somewhat pleased to find that the set up of Connie’s room is almost exactly the same as her own. 
“You can just set it on the bed,” Connie says once the door is closed behind them and that’s just what Dorothy does, turning to face her neighbor awkwardly. 
“Uh, I know Portia just introduced us but,” She holds her hand out in greeting, a sight blush on her cheeks. “I’m Dorothy,” 
“It’s nice to finally meet my audience from earlier this week,” Connie smirks slightly, taking Dorothy’s hand in her own. “I’m Connie.” 
Dee can feel the flush crawling up her chest and neck, at the realization that Connie had known she was watching her dance. “I-uh-fuck, I’m sorry I wasn’t trying to be creepy or anything, it’s just I heard Gravel to Tempo and I couldn’t not turn toward an iconic sapphic song and your door was open and you’re just so pretty and-” She cuts herself off, blushing even harder now. 
“Ah, so you think I’m pretty?” Connie asks, a soft smile on her lips as she watches her neighbor fumble to try and find words. 
“Well-I-yes,” Dorothy breathes out, clearing her throat after a moment. “But-uh-I should probably get home before my roommate tries to order pizza instead of letting me cook,” 
“I guess I should let you go then,” Connie chuckles, her blue eyes twinkling. “I’ll see you on Saturday?” 
“Right, Saturday,” Dorothy grins, fumbling with the door knob, before nearly knocking into the frame. “Have a good day,” She calls over her shoulder as she all but bolts from the apartment, making Connie laugh after her. 
“Is she okay?” Portia asks, brows raised at her roommate. 
“She’ll be fine,” Connie smiles, shaking her head as she thinks about the coming weekend. 
Send me some prompts?
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bannedfromtheaters · 7 years
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4 More Days To Fund A4O Season 2!
↳ Reason (5/8): Literally Everyone Is Queer
Actually confirmed by the writers (@ai-firestarter & @sometimesawesome) that everyone on this show is queer. Including all the Inseparables! And as some who is also ace I’m very pleased that they have canon ace-spec characters that are treated well (which is very rare). I trust these writers when it comes to LGBTQIA+ representation. They get it, because they’re queer themselves. :D
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a4oseries · 7 years
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"I'm letters!" Relive the ship that was Portiana and get a personalized letter from our favourite cinnamon-hacker duo. #AllForS2 igg.me/at/A4OS2
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hufflepuffportia · 7 years
You think Portiana romantic reunion by the end of season 2?
I’m not sure. I really hope so (I am sunk into this ship like the freaking titanic) but with Ariana’s plot line coming in season 2, I think it’s going to complicate things. There’s going to be a lot of coming to terms with himself and definitely character growth, and I doubt their relationship will be the focus
I think they’re still in love with each other, I really do. And I think it’s a full possibility of it happening
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monty-green · 8 years
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Femslash February 2017
Portia/Ariana, a4o
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mystockintrade · 7 years
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LOOK WHAT CAME IN THE MAIL TODAY! MY DEAR PORTIANA LETTER! @a4oseries @a4o-headquarters IT’S HERE ANND I COULD NOT BE HAPPIER! I CAN’T WAIT FOR SEASON TWO! (somepne was less careful abput spoilers then they perhaps shpuld have been, but no matter). Claire drew a cat as part of her sign off and it is so cute! I love my letters!
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aki1975 · 2 years
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Milano - Sant’Ambrogio - Sarcofago di Stilicone - IV sec.
Milano è al centro della storia dal tardo impero romano all’Alto Medioevo. Di seguito la cronologia dei fatti.
44 a. C. Assassinio di Giulio Cesare. Il Senato di Mediolanum dedica una statua a Bruto, già governatore della Cisalpina. Ottaviano Augusto imperatore
42 a. C. Romanizzazione della Cisalpina
9 Varo sconfitto a Teutoburgo dal barbaro romanizzato Arminio
14 Tiberio succede ad Augusto
37 Caligola
41 Claudio
54 Nerone
68 Fine della dinastia Giulio-Claudia. L'anno dei quattro imperatori: Galba, Ottone, Vitellio, Vespasiano
70 Inizio della costruzione dell'Anfiteatro Flavio
79 Tito. Eruzione di Pompei e conquista di Gerusalemme
81 Domiziano
96 Fine della dinastia Flavia, Nerva
98 Traiano
117 Adriano
138 Antonino Pio
161 Marco Aurelio. Peste Antonina
180 Commodo
193 Fine della dinastia Antonina. Pertinace, Didio Giuliano, Settimio Severo
212 Caracalla. Estensione della cittadinanza romana
217 Macrino
218 Eliogabalo
222 Alessandro Severo
235 Massimino il Trace
238 Gordiano, Gordiano II e Gordiano III
244 Filippo l’Arabo
249 Decio
251 Treboniano Gallo
253 Valeriano
260 Gallieno
268 Claudio II
270 Aureliano sconfigge i Barbari a Milano. Mura Aureliane a Roma
275 Tacito
276 Floriano, Aurelio Probo
282 Caro
284 Diocleziano e la tetrarchia con Galerio in Oriente e Massimiano / Costanzo Cloro in Occidente
288 Massimiano trasferisce la capitale d’Occidente a Milano che vive una crescita urbanistica e monumentale (anfiteatro, circo, terme erculee, …)
305 Abdicazione di Diocleziano e Massimiano. Galerio e Costanzo augusti
306 Costantino, figlio di Costanzo, e Massenzio, figlio di Massimiano, imperatori
307 Costantino sposa Fausta, figlia di Massimiano
312 Costantino sconfigge Massenzio a Ponte Milvio e diventa augusto d’Occidente
313 Licinio, augusto d’Oriente, sposa a Milano Costanza, sorella di Costantino. Editto di Milano
330 Costantinopoli capitale
324 Costantino sconfigge ad Adrianopoli Licinio
325 Il Concilio di Nicea vieta l’Arianesimo
337 Morte di Costantino. Costanzo II
355 Il Concilio di Milano condanna il paganesimo
361 Giuliano l'Apostata
364 Valentiniano
374 Ambrogio vescovo di Milano
375 Graziano
378 Sconfitta ad Adrianopoli dell’imperatore d’Oriente Valente.
379 Teodosio, chiamato in Oriente, per difendersi dai Goti, ne diventa imperatore. Graziano e Ambrogio, in Occidente, contrastano le eresie. Fondazione della Basilica Martyrum (poi Sant’Ambrogio)
382 Fondazione di San Nazaro e San Simpliciano
383 Valentiniano II
386 La madre di Valentiniano II, Giustina, si scontra con Ambrogio perché intende offrire la Basilica Portiana, oggi San Vittore al Corpo, agli ariani.
387 Conversione di Sant’Agostino
388 Teodosio imperatore, di fatto, anche d’Occidente per avere aiutato Valentiniano II contro Massimo, augusto della Gallia
394 Teodosio sconfigge gli usurpatori d’Occidente ed è ringraziato da Ambrogio
395 Muore a Milano Teodosio che affida al generale Stilicone i figli Onorio, imperatore d’Occidente, e Arcadio, imperatore d’Oriente
397 Muore Ambrogio
402 I Visigoti si avvicinano a Milano che cessa di essere capitale a vantaggio prima di Ravenna e poi di Roma dove Stilicone sposta Onorio e la sorella Galla Placidia, sposata con suo figlio
408 Stilicone, nonostante abbia fermato i Barbari, viene fatto decapitare da Onorio
410 Il re dei Goti e generale romano Alarico saccheggia Roma
425 Morte di Onorio. Valentiniano III, figlio di Galla Placidia sua tutrice, imperatore con il supporto di Ezio
436 Morte di Sant’Agostino ad Ippona durante l’assedio dei Visigoti
445 Attilla sconfigge a Marcianopoli Teodosio II imperatore d’Oriente
452 Papa Leone ferma Attila fuori Roma
453 Valentiniano III fa uccidere Ezio
476 Odoacre depone Romolo Augustolo
493 Teodorico, inviato dall’Imperatore d’Oriente Anastasio, sconfigge Odoacre
494 Dottrina di Papa Gelasio contro Anastasio
525 Morte di Severino Boezio a Pavia per via dei sospetti di tradimento nutriti da Teodorico
526 Morte di Teodorico. Gli succede il nipote Atalarico
527 Giustiniano imperatore d’Oriente. Sua moglie è Teodora
529 Benedetto da Norcia fonda il proprio ordine monastico a Montecassino come superamento dell’ascetismo orientale. Nello stesso anno, Giustiniano chiude l’Accademia neo-platonica di Atene.
531 Codice di Giustiniano
539 Distruzione di Milano da parte dei Goti. Nonostante la ricostruzione (es. San Giovanni in Conca, la debolezza della città la espone alla futura resa ai Longobardi)
540 Fine della guerra greco-gotica. Belisario conquista Ravenna
547 Sacco di Roma
554 Prammatica Sanzione: Giustiniano stabilisce il proprio potere in Italia
565 Muoiono Giustiniano e Belisario
584 Autari re dei Longobardi
590 La moglie Teodolinda risposa Agilulfo e sposta la capitale a Milano. Gregorio Magno papa
1 note · View note
nettvnow-blog · 7 years
All For One | Episodes 16-30
Episode 16: Fish in a Barrel
Characters: Dorothy (Gwenlyn Cumyn), Portia (Claire Gagnon-King), Ariana (Xavier Lopez), Miller (Dan Mousseau), Rochefort (Damien Doepping)
Plot: So we’ve upgraded from foam swords to Nerf guns, I’m not mad about it. We’re 16 episodes in and honestly, who would have thought that Portia would be looking to rally the group together. We’ve got lots of cute Portiana moments including some action in the back from Miller and Dorothy but what we’re mostly focused on is Portia’s concern that her MST sisters thinks she’s a ditz and think that she slept with Rochefort if you remember correctly is because of the scheming everyone else put her up to. SMH.
Portia’s phone goes off, it’s an email from Rick inviting Portia to his office, the other three are excited while Portia isn’t having it. She’s clearly uncomfortable and I hate that everyone ignores it!
We get a secret moment between Miller and Dorothy, Dorothy goes back to catching up with the Inseparables until none other than Rochefort makes an appearance, a drunk appearance. I love the writers for this moment because I actually feel for Douchecanoe and that takes a lot! So it looks like Douchefort came to see if Dorothy knows who “he” is, he, referring to Miller who just left and there are suddenly red flags everywhere and I mean EVERYWHERE! Dorothy being naive as she is doesn’t get it, blaming it on Rochefort being drunk but he tries again before he leaves.
Episode Takeaway: Portia can do anything except outrun a clown on a unicycle.
Best Inseparable Line: Portia is the Queen of Baes, yas sometimesawesome
First thought: More Portia in my life is a good thing.
Final thought: Dorothy, hunny...Let’s get your head out of your ass, yeah?
Episode 17: The Good Guys
Characters: Dorothy, Portia, Ariana, Miller
Plot: Things are not well at Dumas and it’s pretty clearly written on Portia’s face. The gang is in celebration mode, something they seem to be doing quite often, which means that the next step in their Rick take down must have been successful. Ariana’s getting cockier by the episode, Portia’s getting more uncomfortable by the episode and WHY ISN’T ANYONE SEEING THIS.
Back to the plan, Portia convinces Rick to leave his office and endured some very much unwanted advances while Ariana hacked into Rick’s computer, finally. Thinking they’re finally going to get a break from the scheming, Portia’s proven wrong when she gets filled in that Ariana left something in Rick’s office, a little meth, NBD. A LITTLE METH. Which we now know is the secret that Dorothy and Miller were chatting about in episode 16.
This plan is the straw that breaks the camel’s back and Portia’s on her feet finally blowing up at everyone the way they deserve and they are shooketh. Ariana tries to justify their decision, Dorothy and Miller don’t care, Rick’s computer is finally decrypted and it looks like he’s got a ton of weird/unexplainable photoshopped photos of himself and...photos of Anne, naked photos of Anne.
Now that we know what he’s holding over her, what does our lovely team do next? Portia wants to stop and we’re team Portia right now. She’s the voice of reason and everyone else seems to ignore her, her girlfriend included. Miller gets a call on his super duper flip phone informing him that Rick’s been let go by campus security. Things are far deeper than anyone’s prepared for and one can only imagine what’s happening from here.
Portiana gets into a fight, for reasons completely valid. Ariana completely ignores what Portia is saying and a very awkward break up ensues in front of Dorothy and Miller. This is when I know Miller’s some sort of shady. While the conversation goes on in the background, Dorothy looks sad, probably wondering if she had a hand in this while Miller smirks and Ariana fights back tears as Portia walks out.
Episode Takeaway: There are no good guys.
Best Inseparable Line: It’s the 21st century! Liberate women’s bodies. We see you cookiemonster.
First thought: Once again, Portia is sad and no one is paying attention to her. Miller I truly do hate you. Dorothy, what has happened to you?
Final thought: Miller’s the real douchecanoe. Portia deserves a lot better.
Episode 18: Midnight
Characters: Dorothy, Ariana, Miller, Connie (Linnea Currie-Roberts)
Plot: Well hello Ariana, looks like someone get a makeover! I love the wardrobe choices for Ariana after the blowout with Portia, I think it goes to show how much she’s changed from the beginning of the season. Ah, they’re drinking again and that never leads to anything good. So we get an update on how they’ve been toying with Rick using the information on his computer and he doesn’t know who’s doing it, yet.
The team is losing sight of what the initial plan was which means that their downfall has yet to happen. Miller and Ariana are in this maniacal supervillain glow and I think Dorothy is finally seeing how far they truly have gone. She’s updating the Inseparables on what’s been going on until she’s interrupted by a tired-looking Connie who was up late talking to Monty (are you even real?).
Connie brings the harsh truth to Dorothy asking her what’s really going on what with Miller never in class and Ariana avoiding her MST responsibilities. Connie’s genuinely worried and there seems to be something going on with her too but try as she might, Dorothy can’t seem to get it out of her.
Connie heads to bed, Ariana comes back and Dorothy looks like she’s finally going to Mom up and lay down the hammer. Ariana’s neglecting everything and Dorothy’s trying to help her realize what she’s been doing and in typical Ariana fashion she leaves in huff of smoke but not before giving Dorothy a thumb drive of the latest data she’s stolen from Rick’s computer, only this time, on Miller and perhaps his true reasoning for helping the girls.
Episode Takeaway: Ariana has a past of hacking which she gave up after joining MST.
Best Inseparable Line: I’M ALWAYS A SLUT FOR RECAPS. Same chiefofmemes, same.
First thought: Where do I get that jacket, Ariana?
Final thought: I lowkey wanna slap Ariana in the face. Is that allowed?
Episode 19: It Hits the Fan
Characters: Dorothy, Miller, Connie
Plot: After looking through what Ariana gave her, Dorothy finally sees Miller for who he really is and admits how much she really was in denial and speak of the devil, Miller walks in toting snacks. Dorothy confronts Miller and tells him to stop lying once and for all and he laughs. He actually freaking laughs.
So it turns out Miller’s been lying the entire time, he’s actually been working for Rick pretty much as one of his goonies. For example, he helped Rick sabotage a girl that Rick didn’t like during exam week, also that thing with the professor’s wife and much more. It’s actually disgusting the worst part about it, he actually tries to justify what he’s been doing and I hope Dorothy doesn’t eat this up.
Miller plays it all off like he’s some hotshot badass but then Dorothy reveals she’s seen the older files too. Police reports no doubt involving Miller and that’s when we see him finally show his true colors. Police seem to be on the hunt for Anton hence the change to Miller so why is Miller still doing all of this? Oh because he loves Dorothy and confesses it in a rather shitty and manipulative way, in my opinion at least. Dorothy doesn’t get it, she’s confused and Miller seems to be feeding her shovel after shovel of shit.
Turns out, Anne turned down a proposal from Rick and Miller, knowing he had to take down MST was just trying to protect Dorothy and I absolutely hate it but kudos to Dorothy for pushing him away! She threatens to take Miller down if he doesn’t leave and in a very dramatic fashion he leaves with a, “You’ll change your mind.”
Dorothy finally breaks down and who comes to her rescue? Connie. CONNIE MOTHER FUCKING BONACIEUX! It’s finally over with Miller, Dorothy blames herself and Dornie hugs.
Episode Takeaway: Miller gets paid a lot to do something that he’s really good at. So how much to pay him to go away?
Best Inseparable Line: BREAK HIS ARMS. sometimesawesome is my spirity animal.
First thought: Miller is disgusting.
Final thought: DORNIE HUGS. Miller is still disgusting.
Episode 20: Last Dance with Miller Winters
Characters: Dorothy, Miller
Plot: Dorothy’s dealing with her messy break up as much as best as she can and honestly I’m just glad we don’t have another Burrito Blanket disaster. She misses Miller and as crazy as it sounds, it’s understandable, she honestly thought he was being genuine and maybe a part of him was but, meh. So the Inseparables try to get her to keep positive and Dorothy does what’s probably the most responsible thing I’ve seen her do all season, writer her college paper.
When the live stream comes back up it’s nighttime and Miller is creepily hovering over the computer and we officially hate how he calls them digital beans. Dorothy comes back threatening to break his arms and Miller looks deranged with power. We say punch him.
Miller came to erase the files Dorothy had on him and Dorothy can’t believe he’s actually that stupid to think she’d hold things over his head that he did when he was 15. Miller in a very aggressive, creepy way, tries to manipulate Dorothy to get back together with him and all of a sudden the Miller that Alex and Rochefort mentioned before is in front of us. Dorothy almost falls for the Miller bullshit but our girl knows better and kicks him to the curb, again. Oh but also, we get a Dorothy slap and an enraged Dorothy is back and with a plan!
Episode Takeaway: Dan Mousseau is a genius at playing the villain.
Best Inseparable Line: She dumped u dude get OVER it #desperate. You tell ‘em emblue!
First thought: Sad Dorothy is sad.
Final thought: The writers really know how to throw a punch in this episode.
Episode 21: We’ll Do It Live
Characters: Dorothy, Alex, Ariana, Portia, Treville (Denise Yuen)
Plot: Before I go on, we have to note that the cast and crew behind All For One is absolutely phenomenal. In episode 21 we get not only a 20-minute episode, but a live episode at that and with chatties from fans of the show.
So we have all of the people back for this episode and a new venue, in Dorothy’s attempt to fix basically everything. We get a great little monologue from Dorothy on how she thinks her family, mainly her mom and gran would react to the mess she’s gotten herself into.
So while Dorothy waits for the girls to show up she tries her best to remain calm and collected, by that I mean she feng shuis the room like a million times and with some moral cyber support from Connie, Dorothy finally starts to feel like she has things under control, kinda.
Ariana’s the first to show up, looking darker than usual in her black on black ensemble that even I’m envious of. She’s still playing the bitter card and it’s really getting to Dorothy but she tries to reel Ariana back in and they actually get into a bit of an emotional conversation, until Portia shows up (yay)! Portia admits she’s only there to fill Alex in on what’s been going on and in a not so subtle way, Dorothy leaves to “check on something” leaving Portiana alone.
Portia’s back at the computer catching up with the Inseparables while Ariana broods in the corner. I like that the writers gave the characters times to interact with the Inseparables, really showing off the abilities of the actors. Things get emotional and Ariana finally speaks up, where they both realize what went wrong in their relationship and the overall theme is COMMUNICATION.
Next to enter the scene is Alex and by enter, I mean pop up from behind one of the lounge couches in a very short dress and clearly intoxicated. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE ALEX WE KNEW? Well she’s clearly gone off the deep end and if Alex can do it, it can happen to anyone. Dorothy returns and she starts what I like to call, the rambliest of ramble apologies ever, as she should. Portia is the first to forgive her, while Alex and Ariana are next in line to admit that a lot of what happened with Miller isn’t her fault. So in an attempt to save what’s left of Anne’s image, the girls are banding together again to protect her with Portia volunteering as leader and we are here for it folks. We are here for it.
Episode Takeaway: This wasn’t a literal, figurative disaster as Dorothy thought. The actors are freaking phenomenal.
Best Inseparable Line: You’re going to need a strong drink for this. We should all have one. Sassyinspanish, also my spirit animal.
First thought: NEW VENUE! NEW VENUE! A live episode and Dorothy’s wearing...Overalls?
Episode 22: Caper
Characters: Portia
Plot: We get a Portia-centric episode with a brand new confident Portia and we love it. She’s taking the lead and she’s manning the group via walkie talkie from Dorothy’s apartment, in an attempt to get the stolen pictures back from Rick.
Alex goes against the plan and finds an open window and decides to climb inside, obviously. Ariana sounds like a pod person, very robotic as she reports back to Portia and we finally get to see Portia’s reaction to Ariana’s new demeanor and while she says she doesn’t care, we all know she cares. Alex continues on with a plan of her own and Portia tries not to have an aneurysm at Mission Control.
Dorothy has no idea what to do to distract a guard but she’s caw-cawing on the walkie and then there’s silence. I know I should be worried and not laugh but I am, I’m laughing so hard. Portia finally takes the reins back on Mission Control, the girls make it to Rick’s office and then the walkie goes dead.
Episode Takeaway: We need more Portia in the future.
Best Inseparable Line: Kitten, let’s not pretend you don’t care enormously. Sica_inimicis calling it like it is.
Final thought: Boss Portia is a thing, but nervous Portia is still a thing and I love it.
Episode 23: Rough at the Edges
Characters: Dorothy, Alex, Portia, Ariana, Rochefort
Plot: Following the plot to get into Rick’s office the girls regroup back at home base and Portia fills us in on what we missed. In attempt to save Dorothy from the guards, Portia had to climb through the window Alex did in episode 22 and she pulled the fire alarm to distract the guards (something we don’t recommend doing).
Ariana wasn’t able to get to the photos but she was able to disable the cameras, Dorothy tries to salvage the setback in their mission but the other girls aren’t having it. They look pretty defeated and Dorothy does her best to perk the girls up. Ariana leaves and Portia admits to Dorothy her doubts about being a leader and it’s honestly endearing. Dorothy cheers her up and it’s so great to see how much Dorothy has gone back to being the girl we saw in the first episode.
So the team regroups for attempt number two to get the stolen photos back and it was a failure to say the least. Alex fell out of a tree amd Miller was disguised as a guard with a fake mustache. We see a bit of the old Alex when Miller gets brought up and I just want her to come back! Ariana gets grumpy and leaves to meet Portia for coffee, coffee where they discuss being friends and never touch each other below the waist again coffee, Ariana’s words, not mine!
Alex leaves too after some not so great words are exchanged and then we’re back with Ariana post-Portia coffee. There aren’t any updates on accessing Rick’s files so Dorothy tries to get her to take a break and after a bit of opposition, she finally succeeds but not without a knock on the door from Rochefort.
Episode Takeaway: Dumas has hidden tunnels.
Best Inseparable Line: I would do anything you say #QueenPortia. I’m starting to think chiefofmemes has a crush.
First thought: Why is Alex on the floor.
Final thought: The Ariana we know seems to be coming back!
Episode 24: Underhanded
Characters: Dorothy, Ariana, Rochefort, Portia, Alex, Treville (Denise Yuen)
Plot: We pick up with Rochefort at the door and he actually asks to come in, which is...weird. Portia and Ariana come back into the room and Rochefort offers up information on Miller’s next play which is also looking for the Dumas tunnels. As it turns out Owen isn’t so stupid after all handing over the map of the tunnels and his building keys, now we wait for the other shoe to drop.
The only thing Rochefort wants is for all of Miller’s files and without hesitation, Dorothy accepts. PLEASE tell me there are copies of Miller’s files. Ariana thinks it’s a trap, Portia thinks he actually might be genuine, Alex doesn’t care and Dorothy refuses to be the deciding factor but the girls actually have valid reasons as to why she should vote on what to do next.
The live stream kicks back up and we’re at a new venue, the MST house! So update! The girls wiped Rick’s cloud, broke into his office, cracked into his safe and found the remaining files that Rick has against Anne. I’d call that a win. The girls break the thumb drive together, using a flowerpot, causing Treville (YES) to walk in with a sword, a real freaking Musketeer sword, as if she couldn’t get more badass.
Treville’s looking for an explanation, Dorothy tells her they’ve wiped the photos clean and Treville looks rather relieved but also confused. Dorothy, once again not aware of social cues, asks if this means she could be an MST sister and Ariana asks to play with her sword. Timing guys, timing.
Episode Takeaway: Treville is a badass and I didn’t realize how much I missed her until now, the rapport between the girls is amazing!
Best Inseparable Line: Never underestimate a douchecanoe, they might grow up and become douchekayaks. Breton FTW.
First thought: Hello, Owen - you’re looking very smug today.
Final thought: TREVILLE!
Episode 25: Dorothy the Sigma
Characters: Dorothy, Connie, Treville, Miller
Plot: From the title I think it’s pretty obvious to say what happens. Our beloved Dorothy Castlemore, is finally a Mu Sigma Theta pledge. She breaks out into a happy dance which Treville so happily interrupts until she realizes that Dorothy and Connie are live streaming and insists that they need permission. Plot twist. Dorothy has been texting with Anne, including emojis and Treville does not look impressed. Control, much? Also making an appearance in the chatties this episode are Ariana, Alex and Portia, how great is that?
So on another note, why is Connie there? Not that we’re mad. Somehow Monty comes up and Connie reveals that they broke up and Dorothy tries to be supportive without flailing her arms in gay. We get some great Dornie conversation and I’ve missed this so much, it starts to feel like the conversation’s about to take a serious turn when Miller shows up (seriously, do these people not lock their doors!).
So he swaggers in and eyes Connie in a very uncomfortable way. Turns out he’s been hanging out with Monty...comforting her in her break up. WHAT A FREAKING ASSHOLE. Something isn’t right and cue the phone ringing. Connie gets a call from Treville and it looks like she’s been kicked from her sorority after photos of Connie have been leaked, making its way around the university.
Episode Takeaway: Dornie
Best Inseparable Line: HELLO MY FLAWLESS QUEEN. SHARE WITH US YOUR DARK SECRETS!! sassyinspanish...I just...I love you.
Final thought: Dorothy’s going to protect her girl, dont’ worry.
Episode 26: The Connie Conundrum
Characters: Dorothy, Connie, Treville
Plot: Dorothy has a black eye (again), picking fights left and right, protecting anyone who makes fun of Connie. It’s cute how protective Dorothy is over her girlfriend. Miller seems to have dropped off the map and he’s lucky, because Dorothy would end him. Rick resigned and it isn’t enough for Dorothy because he really should have suffered.
Dorothy’s worked up, Connie tries to calm her but can’t get through to her. Dorothy returns with Treville and our newest pledge is trying fix Connie’s sorority situation by getting her into MST and oh would you look at that, Anne sends Treville an email telling her to make Connie a pledge. What’re the odds? So now Connie’s a Sigma and Dorothy’s giving her these, “don’t be mad at me eyes” and Connie loves it.
After reveling in the joy of being an MST for a whole 20 seconds, Connie finally decides to answer her parents’ incessant calls and comes back very not joyous. It looks like her parents are pulling her out of Dumas, end of story.
Episode Takeaway: Revenge porn is a thing and slut shaming isn’t okay.
Best Inseparable Line: Dorothy “I don’t know how calm works” Castlemore - love you sometimesawesome
First thought: Oof, the fallout. I hate sad Connie.
Final thought: Dorothy is just...kiss Connie already!
Episode 27: But What If
Characters: Dorothy, Connie,
Plot: We’re back at Dorothy’s place and Connie’s lugging her suitcases to the door much to Dorothy’s dismay. I don’t understand how Connie can be so...relaxed about the whole situation and Dorothy is trying to hard to get her to fight to stay.
Brainstorming ensues and a brilliant plan comes to fruition!
Episode Takeaway: Operation get Connie to stay is in full action mode!
Best Inseparable Line: Connie. There are some choice in life that test the scrotum of our character. Sassyinspanish, I was with you until now...
First thought: Don’t leave Connie!
Final thought: What is this plan?!
Episode 28: Bonacieux Bonanza
Characters: Dorothy, Alex, Ariana, Connie, Portia, Treville, Miller, Rochefort
Plot: So this brilliant plot of theirs to raise money for Connie to stay? An MST carnival, complete with the ladies of MST in bathing suits to promote body positivity! I have to say this plan is pretty brilliant, after the slut shaminG/victim blaming going on at Dumas, I love that MST came together to support body positivity and fighting the bullies!
Everyone seems to be going back to normal, kind of and we get a rare Portiana moment alone. Awkward Ariana is so cute and it’s so clear that she wants to work on things with Portia and honestly, may the odds be ever in her favor. They finally reach some middle ground and they agree to work on their friendship.
Treville appears to quickly shut down the camera and when we’re back we get some paint-covered MST girls after the day’s festitivies. Things are going great until Miller appears (ugh) and he’s got some news. There’s an interim student union President and it’s...drumroll please...FREAKING ROCHEFORT.
Episode Takeaway: Rochefort is literally the worst.
Best Inseparable Line: That is not how a selfie stick works. It truly isn’t ai_firestarter.
First thought: Look at all these happy people!
Final thought: Um Rochefort...what about your deal with Dorothy?
Episode 29: Douche Heel Turn
Characters: Dorothy, Connie, Portia, Ariana, Alex, Rochefort, Miller, Treville
Plot: So it looks like the deal’s off after Rochefort realized having Miller on his side would be more useful, alas our girls got played. Miller, being the stupid henchman that he is follows orders to tear down the fundraiser and leave it to the girls to talk some sense into Rochefort. Manipulation from the other side doesn’t look so bad.
Alex takes her stand against Miller calling him a user, a parasite and I AM LIVING FOR THIS MOMENT, it’s been such a long time coming. Rochefort finally comes to his senses and stands up to Miller too and does what we’ve all been waiting for. HE’S FIRED! Rochefort’s obviously shaken up by standing up to his cousin, we don’t blame him but it’s honestly for the best.
Episode Takeaway: ALEX IS BACK.
Best Inseparable Line: Slay Alex Slaaaay. chiefofmemes
First thought: Ugh, come on Owen.
Final thought: Did we raise the money? Did we help Connie?
Episode 30: Inseparable
Characters: Dorothy, Connie, Ariana, Alex, Portia, Treville
Plot: So the fundraising event only raised half of what Connie needed and since they weren’t going to meet their goal, they started refunding their money. Dorothy calls Connie a pretty lady and there are feelings. We get a cute Dornie moment and it actually hurts.
In a twist of events, we have a sincere moment in which Dorothy finally tells Connie how she feels and I am screaming. Dorothy basically confesses her love for her and the timing sucks but here we are. Connie’s hesitant, I totally get it but Dorothy’s looking at her with her sad eyes saying what they have is worth fighting for and then it happens. Connie grabs Dorothy’s face and they’re KISSING.
So they kiss a bit more until the MST girls show up with drinks to distract what’s going on and Portia calls out the new energy in the air because TA-DA Dornie is a thing! The girls hug it out and Portia laughs because they’re going to be sisters soon and Ariana is quick to point out she never wants to think of Portia that way.
We get the cutest all for one and one for all moment, find out that Dorothy is moving into the house next semester, Treville is running for MST president after Anne leaves and Portia reveals she’s looking to run too. SO MANY OPTIONS. WE WANT THEM ALL TO WIN.
The Nerf guns make an appearance, shenanigans ensue and Treville shows up to let Connie and Dorothy know that they are both officially Mu Sigma Theta sisters. Treville, ever the professional looks like she’s going to leave when Dorothy tells her to stay and Treville is the cutest when she asks if she means it! Dorothy hands her a Nerf gun which Treville shoots with great aim and we can’t not love this group more.
But that’s not all. The Inseparables have an announcement, they’ve banded together to help fundraise for Connie to stay. All is well at Dumas and this has been one hell of a journey.
That’s not at all again...There’s a knock on the door and well...it’s Monty. WELL F@#$!
Episode Takeaway: DORNIE IS CANON.
Best Inseparable Line: This is more fun! Cookiemonster, yes it is.
First thought: Dornie.
Final thought: DORNIE and season two premiered today!
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ceciliethesloth · 7 years
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All For One
Ariana and Portia in “Fish in a Barrel”
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ellebowmac · 7 years
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Support AllForS2 or we’ll be webseries-less and alone.
…That was less dramatic in my head
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julesarchives · 7 years
On Ariana Henries
Recently on social media, Xavier, the actor who plays Ariana Henries in All For One, came out as transgender, using he/him pronouns.  When the A4O Tumblr was asked if this would factor into Ariana’s character, they responded with a resounding yes.  If season 2 is made, Ariana will be confirmed as a trans man.
But here’s the thing.  Season 2 might not get made, and in that case, Ariana will never be in-text confirmed as trans.  You can argue about what’s canon and what’s not, but in the end, there are very few trans male characters in media these days, and the fact that the creators intend for Ariana to be a trans man, even if it’s never confirmed in-show, is very important.
Therefore, it seems only right that when discussing Ariana, we should refer to him with he/him pronouns, and refrain from calling Portiana a wlw relationship.  Representation of a trans character is very important for trans fans, and with so few trans male characters out there, Ariana being a trans man should be respected, whether season 2 is made or not.
So if you want to see more trans characters in media, donate to the All For One Season 2 Indiegogo!  And even if the show doesn’t get to continue, I hope we as a fandom can be respectful of Ariana’s gender.
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dorothycastlemore · 7 years
If you don't mind sharing, I'm just really curious as to what perks you bought for the a4o indiegogo campaign? I'm really interested in what other people are getting. Also, in your opinion do you think they are going to reach their goal?
!!! No problem!
I got the Trevlex letter, and the e-hangout!
And I know my friend got the Portiana letter
I really really hope that they will. Beyond being a huge fan of the show, I know that everyone behind it is really great and are trying really hard to create the best show possible, and they deserve it.
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