#bonus display 10k
sayuresantos · 1 year
O Curso Bônus Display 10K do Ney é um treinamento completo para quem deseja aumentar suas vendas utilizando técnicas de Display. O curso foi desenvolvido pelo Ney, que é um dos maiores especialistas em mídia paga do Brasil.
Com mais de 10 anos de experiência, Ney já gerenciou mais de R$ 200 milhões em investimento em mídia online.
O Curso Bônus Display 10K do Ney é um treinamento completo, que aborda desde os conceitos básicos até as técnicas mais avançadas de Display.
Você aprenderá como escolher as melhores plataformas, como criar anúncios de alto impacto e como otimizar suas campanhas para obter o melhor retorno sobre o investimento.
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reviews-202333 · 1 year
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avaantares · 27 days
Guardian Bonus Bingo: Answer
Okay, I'm going to have to cheat a little on this. I do have an absolutely IDEAL scene for the @guardianbingo "Answer" fill, one that contains the exchange
"Does that answer your question, [name redacted]?"
"If I say no, will you repeat the answer?"
...but I realized I can't post it as a fill because it's the penultimate scene in the (very long) story I'm (hopefully) about to start posting, and as such it would be a spoiler. And since there are a few dozen chapters ahead of it -- most of which I still need to finish editing, and definitely won't have ready before the end of the amnesty period -- I can't just post the rest of the story early to fill the prompt. >.<
So since that can't go live just yet, and I doubt that two lines of dialogue out of context constitutes a bingo fill, I'm going to tackle a question that probably has no definitive answer (see what I did there?). It's one that has mystified me every time I've rewatched this series, and which (conveniently) I was prompted to ask again while pulling gifs from episode 3 for my last bingo fill. The question is:
"Why Do We Even HAVE That Library?"
(If you read that in Izma's voice, you get it.)
The SID has a library. We see it several times throughout the series. But we aren't sure why it has a library, because Zhu Hong straight up states that it's not functional:
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...And looking at the books, it's clear that the SID library really is the collection of all time. What's the theme? By what criteria are books selected for inclusion? How are the books catalogued? Why are half of them upside-down on the shelves? Why are there a dozen duplicate copies of several titles? WHO KNOWS?
(Well, probably Sang Zan, eventually. But he's not here yet.)
To probe this mystery, I decided to zoom in and see what I could make of the books. And lo and behold, some of the books have legible titles!
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Bottom shelf, left to right:
BLOOD RITE Dominique (not sure if that's an author or a subtitle)
CLASSICAL NOVEL (very original title, that)
Arletta (the Comic Sans nightmare that appears all over the place in various cover colors)
(indecipherable; I think it's both in Chinese and upside-down on the shelf, but it's out of focus)
the statue of liberty (style preserved)
Read It Yourself With (last word cut off)
BLOODY HARVEST: The Killing of Falun Gong for Their Organs (I am actually surprised by this one; I had assumed this book was banned by the CCP, but there are multiple copies here)
CENTURY (upside-down this time!)
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Next shelf:
The People's Lawyer
Unicist Organizational Cybernetics
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE (volume numbers obscured by Zhu Hong's hand; it's the book she's taking down)
Something with an approximation of the American flag and a bunch of languages on the spine
BLOOD RITE Dominique (same book as lower shelf)
OUYE Sofa + Furniture (this one's repeated all over the shelves, along with CENTURY and Arletta)
Basics of Modern Economic Management (translated title)
Corporate Finance (translated title)
the 10Ks of Personal Branding
GLOWIENKA (but upside-down)
In addition to many duplicates of these books on other shelves, other titles visible on the wide angle pans include:
Anne of Green Gables (good to know this classic also exists on Haixing)
The American Journal of Medicine (we already suspected America existed on Haixing, given the flag stool in ZYL's apartment)
Imperial Crown
Charles Darwin: The Descent of Man (parallel evolution on Haixing? *rimshot*)
The Hotel Book
None of these titles seem particularly relevant to the SID's function -- except, perhaps, for the Justice of the Peace regulations, which Zhu Hong was actually looking for -- which makes me think there must either be a secret code of some kind, or the SID once raided an IKEA OUYE and took all their prop display books into evidence, and then someone at the SID later saw all the books and assumed it was a reference library.
A lot of the titles in this scene aren't really clear, but when I have time to pull up later episodes that have scenes dealing with the library specifically (Zhao Xinci visiting, et al.), it might be fun to grab some frames, enhance with the magic of Photoshop, and put them on my 4K display to see if I can find other interesting titles.
Also, I don't have time to go looking just now, but I'd bet the books in the library are duplicates of the ones in Shen Wei's apartment, which I seem to remember being pretty random. They recycled so much of the set dressing, I can't imagine there would be more than one collection of weird shelf-fill.
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Zhao Yunlan's tastes, on the other hand, are a bit narrower. The most prominently-displayed book in his apartment is just titled Furniture.
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mistswalker · 1 year
Genuine question!! You'd mentioned hating scholar runes and I keep looking for alternatives because they're so UNGODLY expensive (because of how recommended they are for builds). What recommendation would you have for a DPS build instead of Scholars? (@ratasum)
I'm trying to get more into endgame content so I really would love the advice!!
Hey there! I'm happy to help how I can. Unfortunately this is going to be one of those questions that has a longer and more beneficial answer as well as a shorter, more direct but less beneficial answer, so I apologize in advance and thank you for bearing with me lol. The short and direct answer is that there are many instances in which runes of the Eagle, the Pack, Strength, and Rage can perform just as well as Scholar for a fraction of the cost. And even when they don't meet the exact output, whichever one works best for your build will get you pretty darn close. Berserker and Ogre are other very solid DPS runes for condi/power hybrids and power DPS respectively, but they've become frequently recommended alternatives to Scholar and their price has risen nearly as high now.
That said, my longer answer is that there is no general direct substitute rune that will work better for all DPS builds all the time, but this is also part of what is wrong with the way that Scholar runes are ubiquitously recommended on meta build sites.
Every rune in gw2 has a fairly unique set of circumstances in which they function best, just as the different classes and specializations all have different benefits and limitations, and the key to a well optimized (or min-maxed) build is to play into a particular niche of combat as hard as you possibly can. Scholar runes provide a total of 175 power and (now) 225 ferocity in pure stat points, but their main claim to fame is their 6th slot bonus: "Increase strike damage by 5% while your health is above 90%".
For clarity, "strike damage" in gw2 refers specifically to power-based damage or "direct damage". Damage that can critically hit. It does not apply to condition damage. Strike damage is also mitigated by the target's armor and Toughness stat. Condition damage, on the other hand, is not.
Scholar runes became so recommended because of two misguided notions:
That "strike damage" amplifiers increase all outgoing damage dealt by the player, making them the most important "stat" to stack. And,
That the best defense is always killing something dead faster than it can hit you, and that if you ever take damage the answer is always "git gud". (People treating defensive stats as "training wheels" for gaming is certainly not unique to scholar-runes enthusiasts, but nothing displays it quite as potently as tying your stats to how often you can keep your HP at 10k/11k.)
The truth of the matter is that there is no shortcut stat to a solid build in this particular game, and it takes balancing a number of stats and fine-tuning traits and skills to optimize your build.
As an example, I'm going to use this Power Deadeye build copied from a popular raid build website. Full details can be seen at the link, but notably it uses full Berserker armor, Scholar runes, and sigils of Force and Impact. These are the final stats on the Power Deadeye build as given:
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This build is noted by its creators as not being beginner friendly, and having a rotation which requires "extreme precision and pristine conditions". I cite this only to better illustrate that this build is intended to be the most optimal thief build for endgame content.
The rotation's main loop is as follows, and the skill screenshots' numbers are based on the attributes of the equipment given assuming the player is above 90% health. It is stated that Malicious Backstab must be used from behind.
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This loop provides a maximum total of 15,464 direct damage, plus an additional maximum 5,288 condition damage from one loop. Accounting for the build's perpetual fury bringing critical chance to 99.33%, and the fury-increased critical damage of 270.47%, this increases the total direct damage of this loop to 41,545, and leaves us with a grand total of 46,833 damage per loop. Now, how close can we get to those numbers on that exact rotation without Scholar runes?
For this comparison, I swapped the Scholar runes for Runes of Strength. Also, noting that the Impact sigils were only giving their base 3% strike damage bonus since this build has no stuns or knockbacks to make use of its secondary feature, I exchanged the Sigil of Impact for Sigils of Strength to synergize with the new rune choice. [Rebuild Link] The sigil choice plays on the build's near-100% crit chance by giving a stack of might on each critical hit, and with the runes' increased Might duration, this means you will passively accumulate and maintain 15 stacks of might while in combat. So what do the numbers look like now?
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In this version of the loop, we get 16,565 direct damage, and 10,418 bonus condition damage. When we account for critical hit the same way we did before, this amounts to 42,035, giving us a grand total of 52,453 damage dealt per loop. So in this instance, replacing Scholar Runes and Impact Sigils with Strength Runes and Strength Sigils gave this build a DPS increase from the recommended build.
Now, this doesn't mean that every build could be improved by those same changes, but there are often very few changes that would need to be made to adjust a build for the removal of Scholar runes. If nothing else, I hope this helps to illustrate how there is no one-size-fits all answer to runes, let alone to builds as a whole, no matter how popular a specific item is with metagamers.
The key to all builds, DPS or not, is synergy between elements. When equipment, traits, and skills build on each other rather than acting alone, you're going to find way better performance, and usually, have way more fun with your build.
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andre2021 · 3 months
CURSO DO NEY ADS Bonus Display 10k Funciona_ Vale a Pena?
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novidadedaviih · 1 year
Bonus Display 10k?
Nesse vídeo eu mostrei por dentro o Bonus Display 10k, muitas pessoas estão querendo comprar o Bonus Display 10k e deseja ver um video por dentro do Bônus Display 10k
Bonus Display 10k do Ney?
O Bonus Display 10k do Ney, foi criado pelo ney google ads, o ney é um ex pedreiro e criou o Bonus Display 10k
Curso Bonus Display 10k
O Curso Bonus Display 10k está ajudsando milhares de alunos a verdade todos os dias como afiliado pelo google ads, o Curso Bonus Display 10k é um ótimo metodo para você vender pelo google ads, hoje o Curso Bonus Display 10k é o melhor de todos.
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diegobernardes7 · 1 year
Curso DO Ney ADS Bonus DISPLAY 10k | Bonus DISPLAY 10k Do NEY Por DENTRO...
0 notes
ficsforeren · 3 years
The Last Song Series Masterlist
Pairing: Eren Jaeger X Female Reader
Genre: Rockstar AU, Friends with Benefits, Angst, Smut, Fluff, Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining
Chapter Count: 17/17 (Completed)
Series Summary: Eren Jaeger has two personas, a charismatic lead vocal who has lost himself in fame, and a boy who struggles with depression, seeking for someone to bring him back to where he was twelve years ago. Where he only knew love in the form of your name.
Content Warnings:  explicit sex (cunnilingus, blow job, fingering, hand job, car sex, dry humping, drunk sex, public sex, unprotected sex, one night stand, choking, treating women like objects, dub-con, corruption, face-sitting, sex toys, daddy kink, praise kink, slight degradation, etc), substance abuse (use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco), severe abandonment issues, childhood trauma, anxiety attacks, depression, adultery, physical abuse towards men and women, family issues, abusive parents, crude words, dark humor, mention of sexual assault/rape, harassment, car accident and child abuse.
Poster art by the most talented @rainbuniart (follow her on Twitter)
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Chapter 1
Word Count: 15K
Summary: Eren Jaeger, the new promising rockstar, feels hollow inside even when he has hundreds of people chanting his name. Desperate for comfort, his thoughts drift back to where he met you twelve years ago.
Chapter 2
Word Count: 16K
Summary: You are reunited once again with your best friend, Eren Jaeger, and things are going well until you see the persona he displays on stage.
Chapter 3
Word Count: 10K
Summary: Under the influence of alcohol, you become brave enough to tell him the things you tried to keep to yourself for years. What follows is something you never thought would happen. Something that will change your relationship with him forever.
Chapter 4
Word Count: 15K
Summary: After the heated moment you spent with him in the car, Eren pays you a visit the next morning, desperate and anxious for answers. How do you feel about him exactly?
Chapter 5
Word Count: 16K
Summary: Having casual sex with your best friend is exhilarating and Eren knows perfectly how to make you moan his name with his tongue.
Chapter 6
Word Count: 18K
Summary: You keep insisting on applying some rules to your friends with benefits relationship but Eren never wants to play by your book.
Chapter 7
Word Count: 15k
Summary: Eren takes you backstage during his solo concert and you let him know just how much you appreciate his music by raking your nails down his back in an empty dressing room.
Bonus: Chapter 7.5
Word Count: 4k
Summary: Eren gives you a private tour inside his tour bus.
Chapter 8
Word Count: 14k
Summary: Eren goes away for a month and it's making you realize just how hard it is to spend a night alone in your apartment without having him by your side.
Chapter 9
Word Count: 18k
Summary: Eren extends his stay in another country for a month, and you're shrouded with nothing but loneliness. Desperate to have someone else to distract you from it, you seek comfort in Armin's company.
Chapter 10
Word Count: 18k
Summary:��Eren comes back home and you surprise him with a very, special gift.
Bonus: Chapter 10.5
Word Count: 5k
Summary: Desperate to bring his attention back to you, you decide to fulfill the kinky desire Eren has been wanting to do in bed.
Chapter 11
Word Count: 20k
Summary: You're planning to visit your parents' house for the weekend and Eren decides to tag along. You've promised each other that you'll speak nothing about your relationship, but can Eren really keep it a secret?
Bonus: Chapter 11.5
Word Count: 4k
Summary: Drunk and half-asleep, Eren becomes uncharacteristically rough and demanding in bed.
Chapter 12
Word Count: 20k
Summary: What starts out as something that's filled with nothing but passion, turns into something intimate. And as you lay with him on your bed, legs tangled underneath the sheets, Eren decides to open up about his past.
Chapter 13
Word Count: 24k
Summary: Professing your love to one another is the easy part. The hardest one has yet to come. Are you ready to be in a relationship with him? Should you even be in a relationship with him? Are you ready to risk your friendship for it? You need to be able to answer these questions before you take a step further.
Chapter 14
Word Count: 23k
Summary: Armin invites you to his house to celebrate his birthday together and you learn that there's far more to him than meets the eye. But Eren also has his own secrets too.
Chapter 15
Word Count: 17k
Summary: Eren has lost so many people in his life, and when you walk away, he feels like you're abandoning him too. Chased by the ghosts of his past, he tries to keep his head clear. Right now, he just needs to find you.
Chapter 16
Word Count: 23k
Summary: Desperate to win you back, Eren tries everything he can to revive whatever is left in your relationship. Meanwhile, you learn a new secret about yourself, one that you don't think you'll ever be ready to tell him anytime soon.
Chapter 17 (Epilogue/END)
Word Count: 33k
Summary: The ending of The Last Song series, heavily based on the song Forever and Always by Parachute.
Rockstar Eren masturbating at the sound of your voice
Shower sex with Rockstar Eren
Rockstar Eren's reaction to reader fixing his tie
The Last Song Sequel: In Another Life
Pairing: Eren Jaeger X Female Reader
Genre: Domestic AU, Rockstar/Band AU, Fluff, Smut, Slice of Life, Romance
Summary: What if the car accident never happened? In this alternate universe, Eren Jaeger, the frontman of notorious rock band Empire, gets to come home to you after the wedding proposal he made on stage. You are now married to your childhood best friend, and the mother of his children, Irene and Jace Jaeger.
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radioactivedotcom · 3 years
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garden set [buy cc conversions]
tomorrow is like the worst day of the year for me, so in anticipation of that i decided to cheer myself up by eating cheesecake, wear that pretty red dress i never get to wear and... upload that conversion set i’ve had laying around in my mods folder for months!! plus i saw the news yesterday about the new expansion pack so i thought the theme fit somewhat y’know. some high poly(ish) stuff in there so make sure to check to polycounts under the cut!
all lods!!
find them by typing [RDC] in the search bar
credits for 3D models&textures can be found in the description boxes
recolors are super very welcome!! (and yes you can totally include the mesh, just give proper credits and NO PAYWALL)
– 55 packages –
through here for all my s4 downloads
tag me if you use!
download: ALL or PICK-N-CHOOSE
––– links not working? try right-clicking and opening in a new tab!
thanks to all cc creators!
~ and have fun ~
{•̴͈ ˔̇ •̴͈}
polygon count and other info under the cut!
pergola: functional // 1k // comfort (bench) // w/ deco slots
flower stand: >1k // surfaces (display) // w/ deco slots
picnic table: functional // 1k // surfaces (misc)
potted ficus: 3k // plant
potted aloe plant: 6k // plant
potted succulents: 8k // plant
potted saintpaulia flowers: 8k // plant
potted cactus: 3k // plant
flower pot: 15k // plant
dirt jar: 5k // clutter
plant 1: 2k // plant
plant 2: 2k // plant
plant 3: 1k // plant
plant 4: 2k // plant
plant 5: 2k // plant
flower 1: 4k // plant
flower 2: 8k // plant
flower 3: 12k // plant
flower 4: 19k // plant
broken pot: 3k // plant
planter set 1: 8k // plant // w/ deco slots
planter set 2: 8k // plant // w/ deco slots
planter 1: 2k // plant // w/ deco slot
planter 2: 2k // plant // w/ deco slot
planter 3: 1k // plant // w/ deco slot
old washtube with sprouts: 2k // plant // w/ deco slots
plastic planters: 16k // plant
plastic planters 1&2: 5k & 4k // plant
plastic planter empty: 2k // plant
plastic planters stacked: 9k // plant
plastic planter tilted: 5k // plant
sling tailed agama: 8k // clutter
snail: 2k // plant
tortoise: 7k // plant
frogs sculpture: 7k // deco (sculpture)
frogs sculpture 2: 7k // deco (sculpture)
owl ornament: 6k // deco (sculpture)
bucket: 1k // deco (misc)
watering can: 2k // deco (misc)
bike wheelbarrow: 5k // deco (misc) // w/ deco slots
wooden crate: >1k // deco (misc) // w/ deco slots
oil lantern: 7k // deco (misc)
old tires: 10k // deco (misc)
old well: in 2 packages // 6k // deco (misc)
fences: 4 variations + entrance // >1k each // deco (misc)
garland fences: 2 variations // >1k // deco (misc)
trailer: 17k // deco (misc)
BONUS: potted flowers: 55k // plant // NOT PICTURED and not included in the .rar file
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mirahuyooo · 2 years
[Preview] Here Comes the Sun | jhs
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— Life's been fantastic with Jung Hoseok in it, and you wouldn't want it any other way. 
Content/s: established relationship, angst, fluff, drama, & more!! Soulmate AU, Reincarnation AU Pairing: Jung Hoseok x Reader
[masterlist] | Part of the [Recordatio Series] ; [Hello, Sunshine]  
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It was supposed to be a day like any other. You were supposed to wake up with a good morning text or call from your other half, get ready for the day, plough through your to-do list, and end the night with a video call if Hoseok was available for it. It was supposed to be a good day—not that you think you won't have any bad days either, but this? 
This is beyond any of your expectations.
The screen displays your face among a group—one that a friend of Jiwoo's took while you were all out together at a restaurant for lunch. It wasn't your best picture—your outfit serving averagely, and your face marred with traces of exhaustion from jet lag—but it's a good memory nonetheless. 
You had just landed then in Seoul and because he was too busy to meet you out right, Hoseok had to leave you under his older sister's guidance for the first three days. It brings a smile to your face remembering how nervous you were, and how that nervousness melted away when Jiwoo and her friend welcomed you warmly, showing you around their favorite spots in Seoul. 
How unfortunate that a capture of that precious time was used in a gossip article. 
BTS' J-Hope found his other half?!
Love is in the air, folks! One of the world's biggest boy bands surely knows that very well ;)
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A/N: some of you may gasp “MIRA whERE HAve YOU BEEN?! WhAT IS THIS?!”  —okay, maybe not THAT dramatically, but allow me to unveil this bad boy to y’all! It’s a bonus part to Hello Sunshine from the Recordatio Series \( ̄︶ ̄*\))
This wasn’t in my plans (only planned oneshots for the series really) but I saw that the older oneshots in the series were only around 3-4k words each while Jin & Joon’s (being the most recent) are around 10k+ and are more rich in their stories than the first ones. 
SO, when I had an idea for a follow-up, I seized the chance to make a drabble! ... only that the drabble ended up n o t a drabble so... uh... there’s that (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) 👍
Anyways, I hope this has caught your intrigue! I will be posting it on July 27, 2022 (WEDNESDAY) at 12 NN (PHT) (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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ohiamahugefknnerd · 3 years
OCD ACNH Shit: Fruit
Plant and label your fruit trees to optimize, organize, and profit.
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Use these QR codes to display the fruit that matches the tree on the ground in front of the tree. (I also made orchard signs.)
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Bonus 1: Leave space for 4 bell trees to save room for 30k/day. Find your daily money hole. Plant 10k in the glowing hole, dig up the new nursery money tree, then move it to your bell farm.
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Bonus 2: Plant trees over (l/r) one and up two from each other and at least two spaces apart to keep them far enough apart to grow in visually pleasing diagonal rows. Plus you can always see the label and have space for falling fruit.
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sayuresantos · 1 year
Curso BONUS Display 10K Do NEY Review | BONUS Display 10K Funciona? #bon...
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gimmesumsuga · 6 years
Of Chivalry and Seduction
Pairing: Jung Hoseok x reader
Word count: 10K
Warnings: Vaginal fingering, unprotected sex.  It’s fairly vanilla for me, really...
“I took a vow when I became a Knight.”  Your eyes open, sincere interest easily read on all your features.  “An oath… to obey a code of chivalry.   To keep faith and speak the truth…  To protect and to serve.”  ....  “Will you let me serve you, sweet dove?  Let me worship you as you deserve?”  
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An ever-so-slightly early Happy Birthday to @readyplayerhobi ! I hope you love it ^^ 
“Sir Hoseok, how long is it you intend for us to stay?”  
A smile tugging at his lips, Hoseok looks down to his Squire from atop his horse.  
“For as long as Lord Kim is willing to tolerate us, I expect,” the knight replies in good humour and Jungkook smiles happily from where he walks on a few paces ahead, reins in hand.  This is by no means their first visit, and Jungkook knows as well as anyone that Kim Taehyung would likely never let them leave if he had his way.
The journey from Hoseok’s homeland to that of his noble friend’s is by no means arduous but it is long, and after three days worth of riding he can think of nothing better than sitting in front of a nice warm fire, a stomach full of mead and a bed that consists of more than a pile of woollen blankets on cold and sodden ground.   
“They're expecting us,” Jungkook observes, pointing ahead to the plume of smoke rising on the horizon from one of the houses many fireplaces.  “I can’t wait to get into the warm; I swore last night my very blood had frozen stiff.” Hoseok makes agreeable humming noises as Jungkook continues to chatter idly, his steps echoing those of his horse’s hooves, and it’s only as they gradually emerge from the forest’s treeline that his Squire falls silent, the clay and timber walls of their destination such a welcome sight that Hoseok can already feel his spirits lifting with anticipation.
“Kim Namjoon!”  The stablemaster’s head shoots up at the sound of Hoseok’s shout and when he sees them approaching his left hand rises to wave a greeting from where he’s stood in the centre of the courtyard, the reins of a young chestnut filly clenched in his right.  
“Sir Hoseok!” he hails as he walks towards them.  He smiles broadly and bows from the waist once they meet, addressing Hoseok first and then Jungkook second, nodding his head.  Jungkook bows in turn to his elder.  “We worried you’d come upon some misfortune along the way.”
“Nothing more than we could handle.” Namjoon nods at Hoseok’s dismissal of their concerns, his gaze falling on Jungkook.  
“I’ve no doubt.”  His tone is warm - his look fond - and Hoseok has to hold back a laugh at the sight of his Squire’s cheeks turning pink and his eyes lowering to the floor.  
If there’s anyone or anything that can make Jungkook blush, it’s Kim Namjoon and his illustrious dimples.  He does so at least ten times every time they visit, and for weeks after they leave all his Squire can ever talk about is the things the older boy has have taught him - not that Jungkook will acknowledge it whenever Hoseok might point it out, mind you.  
He dismounts his horse without further delay as Jungkook keeps him steady, wincing as he attempts to stretch out the stiffness of his limbs.  
“Shall I stable him for you?” Namjoon asks, offering to take the reins from Jungkook’s hand as the filly next to him playfully bobs and nods her head.
“N-no,” Jungkook stutters quickly, his head snapping up. “I can do it.”  
“Let Master Kim handle him, Jeon.”  Hoseok understands his Squire’s desire to seem independent and capable but it would seem ungracious to reject the stablemaster’s kind offer, and after glancing at the knight and seeing Hoseok’s pointed look, Jungkook finally relinquishes the reins of large black creature into Namjoon’s capable hands - albeit somewhat reluctantly.  “See to my belongings,” he instructs, taking off his leather riding gloves finger by finger and then depositing them into Jungkook’s waiting hands, “And then return to assist Master Kim with whatever he may ask. Do your best.”
“Yes Sir,” the two men reply in tandem, each taking a bow.  Hoseok pretends not to notice the way their eyes both meet as they straighten but smiles to himself as he walks away, confident that Namjoon will make sure the younger man works hard and stays out of trouble.
As he climbs the steps that lead up to the entranceway of Taehyung’s home Hoseok knocks his boots against the steps to rid them of the layer of mud coating their soles, loathe to tread the mess inside.  He reaches the last step just in time to see the front door swing open wide and at the sight of a familiar figure stepping through it with arms spread open wide Hoseok laughs happily, rushing forward into the embrace that awaits him.  
“My friend!” Lord Kim merrily exclaims as his arms encircle the Knight and pull him close, chest to chest and cheek to cheek.  “It’s been far too long since I saw you last!”
“It has, my Lord,” Hoseok agrees as the young Lord finally releases him, happiness moulding Taehyung’s supple mouth into the same box-shaped smile he’s possessed since they were small.  
“You know I care little for such formality,” Taehyung says with a dismissive wave of his hand at Hoseok’s use of his title, “From you, at least.”  He steps back from the doorway, ushering his friend inside. “I’ve had the fires lit and your room prepared. Are you hungry?” Taehyung talks just as quickly as Hoseok remembers, barely pausing for a reply as he leads him from the entrance hall.   Hoseok follows after him obediently, admiring the rich deep purple of Taehyung’s tunic as he walks ahead with a bounce in his step. It’s an impractical colour choice, certainly (most of Hoseok’s own garments are far plainer; all greens and browns and beige), but Taehyung has never cared much for the practicalities of life.  Born into a wealthy and well-respected family, he’s had no need to.
“I could certainly eat,” Hoseok confirms, and as they enter Taehyung’s dining room in which a long dining table seats and a large fire crackles, his extravagant friend clicks his fingers at the serving girl stood in waiting.  She scurries off as they take their seats, Hoseok trying not to wince once more at the lingering ache in his buttocks.
“You look well,” Taehyung observes, his deep brown eyes surveying the Knight up and down in the seat he’s chosen, closest to the fire.  
“As do you.”  He speaks honestly, no need for flattery between such lifelong friends. “Tell me the news; you must surely have plenty to share since last we spoke.”
Needing no further encouragement, Taehyung launches into an epic tale of all the recent comings and goings of the lands over which he resides; the glorious summer just passed and the bounty of the harvest that followed.  Their food arrives whilst the young Lord is still in mid-flow and the leg of rabbit placed in front of him has Hoseok’s mouth near watering at the sight of it; the hard cheese and slices of apple at its side an added bonus.  
“Ale?” Taehyung suddenly asks, grabbing the Knight’s waning attention.  Ever since the food had arrived Hoseok had had some trouble focusing on whatever it was that was being said, to be frank.  
“You know me too well,” Hoseok smiles, crunching down on a crisp slice of apple as Taehyung once again clicks his fingers in mid-air to summon service.  
As is proper, the serving girl attends to her Lord first and foremost, and to be honest, Hoseok doesn’t even really think to pay you mind until ale is suddenly spilling across the table in front of him and onto his plate, spreading rapidly towards his lap.  
“Forgive me!” you gasp, and as Hoseok abruptly pushes his chair back and rises out of harm’s way you rush to correct your mistake, dabbing up the mess you’ve made with your apron.  “M-my apologies, Sir. My lord. I- P-please, forgive me.” With strands of hair falling across your face as you frantically right his fallen tankard Hoseok’s gaze is drawn to your heated cheeks, and when you finally straighten to face him he’s caught off guard by appealing you are in spite of the terror in your eyes.   
“Worry not,” he finds himself saying, gesturing down the length of his figure to display that he’s still dry.  Your gaze follows the path of his hand and somehow you seem to grow even further embarrassed when your eyes meet again, quickly looking away as you dip your head and bow.  “No harm was done.”
Behind you, Taehyung rests with his chin in the palm of his hand and mirth twinkling in his eyes.  
“You might do well to fetch the Knight a new meal, though,” he says in good humour, “One that’s still dry.”  You spin on the spot with a start to face your employer, almost as though you’d forgotten he was there.
“Oh!”  You pick up Hoseok’s plate quickly, dipping repeatedly as you back away from the table in the direction of the kitchens.  “Yes. Yes, of course.” You turn on the spot and scurry away as fast as you can, unaware of the way Hoseok keeps his eyes on you until he can no longer, your figure disappearing around a corner out of sight.
He sits back down, shuffling his chair back toward the table as Taehyung finishes pouring the ale he’d so been looking forward to.  Thankfully, there’s plenty left despite the spill. The two men bring their tankards together and toast to their good health before Hoseok takes his first sip, and it’s with a deep sigh of satisfaction that he places his drink back down on the table and licks his lips free of lingering foam.  
You return just a moment later with Hoseok’s fresh plate held in both hands and your gaze fixed on your feet.  You mumble apologies again as you put it down, and try as he may to catch your eye before you leave - eager to learn their colour - you seem to steadfastly avoid looking his way.  A pity - he’s sure they’d be just as pretty as you are to behold.
“Her face is unfamiliar,” Hoseok comments whilst chewing his first mouthful, a fresh leg of rabbit held in both hands.  He’d like to sound nonchalant but unfortunately, Taehyung knows him far too well to believe his statement to be entirely innocent and he looks up, a smile tugging at his lips as his jaw works to chew.  
“It would be,” Taehyung replies having washed down his mouthful with another swig of ale.  “Her service was offered to me in place of her father’s debts,” he explains. “The King’s increase in taxation has caused much hardship - bountiful harvest or not.”  
Hoseok hums sympathetically at the frown that appears on his friend’s face.  Though Taehyung was born blessed with riches he was cursed with a large heart as well, and as such, the Lord has always found it troublesome to witness the suffering and woes of those less fortunate than himself.  Too often has he offered up some of his own wealth in their place, and though others of similar standing might call him a fool for doing so, Hoseok has always admired him for it.
“She’s a fine one to look at.”  Taehyung chuckles at Hoseok’s statement, his one cheek puffed out from the great bite of bread he’s just taken.  
“That she is.”
“You’ve noticed?” Hoseok’s eyebrows rise and Taehyung gives him a sideways look, corner of his mouth curling into a smirk.  
“You know I’ve never held much of a fondness for skirts,” he grins and Hoseok laughs as Taehyung leans back in his seat, one hand rested casually on his stomach.  “But I still have eyes.”
The knight nods as he chews, the ache in his stomach on its way to being sated with each mouthful of spiced and tender meat he swallows down.  No doubt you’ll cross each other’s paths again during his stay, and if that should be so then Hoseok won’t turn down the chance to get to know you better.  
“In any case, let’s not dwell on talk of your passing fancies,” Taehyung grins, “We’ve far more pressing matters to discuss than the fairer sex, my good friend.”  
The pressing matter, it’d turned out, was nothing more than Taehyung’s burning desire for a hunt.  For as long as Hoseok can remember it has a been a tradition for them to do so during his each and every visit, and this occasion is no exception.   At the break of dawn three days after his arrival their small party had headed out into the forest on horseback, Taehyung and Hoseok leading the charge and Namjoon and Jungkook to the rear, conversing jovially back and forth.
Although tiresome, the trip had proved fruitful; Jungkook sharing the journey home with a young deer that Hoseok had brought down with his bow and many arrows; numerous rabbits hanging from each of the saddlebags of Namjoon’s horse.  Even their pockets had been stuffed to the brim with all the edibles they could find - a bounty fit for a king. Each man had returned with a smile on his face and a song in their heart; an enjoyable day had by all.
“What a feast!” Taehyung exclaims, clapping his hand against Hoseok’s shoulder as they re-enter the manor.  They take the tradesman’s entrance to avoid dirtying the floors unnecessarily, Namjoon and Jungkook walking in front, carrying the deer carcass between them towards the kitchens.  “Tonight, we eat like Kings!”
“I look forward to it,” Hoseok smiles, laying his arm across Taehyung’s shoulder and ruffling the younger lord’s hair affectionately.  “Though I feel as though I should take to my bed rather than the dinner table." Though he’d thought his body recovered from the long journey here, as soon as he’d mounted his horse those muscles had once again begun to cramp in protest.  Even now, his thighs are aching with every step.
“Then go rest.  I’ve had a fire prepared in your room and a bath for you to soak,” Taehyung tells him with a warm smile and Hoseok’s eyebrows rise at this new information, coming to a pause.  The chance to wallow in a nice, warm bath is a luxury he can’t often afford, so he deeply appreciates his friend’s kind gesture. On witnessing Hoseok’s obvious enthusiasm at the thought Taehyung’s smile grows.  “You’ll feel a new man in no time.”
“You treat me too kindly.”  
“It’s no trouble,” he assures his older friend, “What’s mine is yours, after all.”  With a parting smile and a pat of Hoseok’s shoulder, Taehyung takes his leave.
The matter of climbing the stairs proves rather a more difficult task than Hoseok would like thanks to the soreness of his limbs, but step by step he eventually reaches the top with a groan and a grimace.  After so many years of riding, you’d think his body would surely be used to it. Perhaps this is the price to pay for growing older; Jungkook never seems to have such troubles.
Hoseok can already feel the heat coming from inside his room before he’s even stepped inside, and there’s a smile on his face as he unlatches the door and imagines how blissful it will feel to sink into such warmth.  It’s smile that grows even wider when the scene that greets him is that of you busily preparing the long soak that awaits him; a light sheen of sweat across your brow as you frown with the effort that it takes to lift the pail of water that’s been heating on the fire and transfer it to the nearby tub.  
You don’t even realise his presence at first, occupied as you are, and Hoseok’s glad of the opportunity to stand and watch you work for a little while, leaning his body against the doorway and folding his arms across his chest, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.  You’re humming quietly as you work, singing the odd word here and there in blissful ignorance of the gaze that’s traversing your body, appreciating your form.
You’re a beauty to behold - truly, you are.  Hoseok hasn’t been able to take his eyes off you since the first moment he saw you - not now, not then, not in the days that have passed in between - and over time he’s become increasingly fond of you, from the little about you he knows.  You’re always polite, well-presented and eager to please despite how hopelessly clumsy you may be, tripping over your feet and banging your elbows into doorways with nary a complaint.
You’re shy, too.  He’s certain of that.  Despite his persistence in trying to have your eyes meet you’ve continually shied away from his looks and his smiles, your gaze dropping to the floor and your cheeks aflame with heat.  At first, he’d worried that perhaps his interest in you had been unwanted until he’d begun to catch you staring whenever he’d subtly glance your way. Moreover, your lack of coordination seems to be all the more severe in his presence; too flustered to simply put one foot in front of the other or pay proper attention to wherever it is you’re going.  
The conversation he’d overheard between you and another of the serving girls had also helped put his mind at rest.  Passing through the kitchens late one night in search of food he’d heard the sound of your voice and been unable to resist its draw, lingering outside the larder door to listen in on whatever it was you were giggling about.  His chest had tightened when he’d realised it was him you were speaking of, a pleased smirk appearing on his face when you’d relented to your friend’s ceaseless questioning and admitted in hushed tones that yes, you thought he was handsome - the most handsome man you’d ever seen.  Your friend had begun teasing you immediately after your confession - much to your dismay - and Hoseok had found it very difficult not to let his laughter give him away when insinuations had been made about whether or not he’d invite you to see his lance; perhaps even let you touch it.  It was a joke that had amused him thoroughly but had earned your friend an audible slapping amongst squealing laughter.
That had been two nights ago now and the memory of your whispered words of adoration haven’t left Hoseok’s mind since.  He’s been waiting for a moment exactly like this one to get you alone and speak to you. Hopefully, he might be able to put you enough at ease that you might actually manage to look him in the eyes and maybe - if luck is on his side - you might even allow him to touch you.  Fortune has certainly favoured him enough to bring you here, after all.
You bend low over the side of the wooden tub and the Knight feels something sinful stirring deep down in his gut at the sight of you inadvertently presenting yourself to him; back arched and pert behind rising up in the air as you check the temperature of the water.  
Lord, how he aches to touch you.  
“Good day,” he greets when he can no longer bear to simply stand and stare, resisting the urge to laugh when the sound of his voice makes you startle, near jumping out of your skin as you straighten.  Your mouth hangs open for a second at the sight of him before you promptly snap it shut, looking anywhere but directly at his face as you wipe your hands on your apron, nervous.
“G-good day, Sir Hoseok.”  Your stilted reply makes him smile as he closes the door behind him and secures the latch.  “Your bath is ready, as my Lord requested.” You dip your head as he walks towards both you and the tub, stepping back for him to take a look inside.   The water looks divine, it’s warmth evident by the light steam rising from its surface.
“So I see.”  Your eyes dart away again the moment Hoseok looks back at you, your lips pressing together.  “You have my thanks.”
Your hands continue wringing at your apron, your head turning even further to the side as you add in a mumble,  “I hope it pleases you, Sir,” as though addressing the floor.
“I’m sure it shall,” he reassures you, unable to keep himself from doing so.  He wishes he could do more - wishes he could still your fidgeting hands by taking them in his - but it’s enough to see the hint of a fleeting smile on your lips at his kind words.  
“Then I’ll take my leave,” you say with a slight curtsey, holding out your skirts and dipping your head, and you’re just a step or two from the door when suddenly Hoseok calls your name.  He steps forward, stopping himself from touching you just at the very last moment when you turn and your eyes widen as they focus on his fingers hovering in mid-air, just an inch or so from your arm.  
Suddenly Hoseok finds himself just as flustered as he’s seen you become so many times before, swallowing as he lets his arm fall back down to his side.  
“I’d be grateful for your assistance,” he quickly begins to explain,  “My limbs are so sore from the hunt I’m not sure I’m fit to even undress.”  It’s you who’s swallowing now, trepidation evident on your face as you consider the task he’s asking of you, your eyes drifting down his body and back up again before pressing closed for a moment.  
He shouldn’t have asked this of you.  Although it may hurt to do so, Hoseok knows he’s more than capable of bathing unattended.  This an abuse of his station. He shouldn’t-
“Forgive me, I’m sure you have other-”
“It’s alright,” you interrupt, eyes opening, and Hoseok feels all his breath leave him as you meet his gaze for the very first time.  “My lord instructed for me to aid you as best I can, so I shall.”
“Thank you,” Hoseok says softly as you approach, your attention turning to the task at hand as the distance between you closes.  You lick your lips as your hands lift to approach the laces of his shirt, pausing.
“May I?” Hoseok nods and you very gently pull the knot loose, loosening the collar and exposing more of his chest to your eyes, gaze travelling from left to right as it traces along his collarbones.  You don’t seem to be breathing as far as Hoseok can hear, and taking pity on you he performs the next step in your stead, pulling the bottom of his shirt free of his pants with what he hopes is a kind and encouraging smile.  Taking hold of its hem, he hears you finally take a gulp of air as you lift it up and over his head to expose his torso, and though he may wince at the way his arms protest at the motion he’s almost thankful that it hurt. At least his excuse for having you stay isn’t so much of a lie, this way.  
He’d almost forgotten about the scar that mars his left pectoral until he notices you staring at it, and when you realise you’ve been caught looking you quickly lower your gaze, sheepish.  
“A jousting injury,” Hoseok says in way of explanation, knowing that you’re too well-mannered to ask the question he knows is on your mind.  You glance at it again and then up into his eyes, worrying your lip. “A pointed lance shattered my armour.” Two lines appear between your eyebrows as you frown and it takes a lot of effort for Hoseok not to want to lean down and kiss them away.
“You lost?” you ask and Hoseok smiles, head cocking slightly to the side as his chest inflates with pride.  
“No.  As his lance broke my opponent fell from his horse.”  
“And you did not?” He adores the look of wonderment and admiration he can see in your eyes as you look up at him with a smile curling the bow of your lips.    
“No, I did not,” he confirms and as your smile widens, his does too.  
There’s a pause between the two of you but it doesn’t feel as uncomfortable as perhaps it should for two almost-strangers when stood toe to toe.  He sees your gaze lower to his lips but before he can gather the courage to place his hands on your arms and draw you closer, you look down and the tension between you breaks.  
“Shall I… remove these, also?” you ask slowly.  Your hands reach out towards the tie of his pants and as they go your fingertips brush fleeting against his stomach.  Your touch makes his abdominals twitch, blood rushing between his legs.
“Please.”  His voice is husky when he speaks, heart pounding within his ribcage as he watches your deft, gentle fingers untie the knot of his pants.  Your thumbs slip into their waistband and then you’re carefully sliding them down, sinking to the floor as they go to help him step out foot by foot, and when you look up at him from underneath your lashes Hoseok’s sure you’re going to send him to an early grave, his heart near stopping at the sight of you.  
Both of you are well aware that he’s aroused.  His hardening length is impossible to miss inside his undergarments and yet you pretend as though you don’t see it, averting your eyes as you rise from the floor, not knowing quite where to look.   
“Shall I have these washed for you?” You turn away and begin to neatly fold his clothes, keeping yourself busy.  
“Thank you,” he nods, more than a little pleased by the way he can see your hands lightly shaking as you work; your heart thumping so hard that he can see each beat of your pulse as it bounds beneath the delicate skin of your throat.  It’s reassuring to know that you’re just as affected as he is, even if it isn’t so outwardly obvious.
Hoseok leaves his undergarments on as he steps into the tub and sinks down into the water.  The warmth provides instant respite for his aching muscles and has him groaning with pleasure as he slumps even lower until the surface of the water reaches up to his chin, his eyes falling closed.  
“I’ll take my leave if it so pleases you, Sir.”  His eyes snap open again when you speak, sitting up a little straighter.  You linger unsurely at the side of the bath with his clothes hanging over one arm, that ever-present blush filling your cheeks with colour.  
“It would please me more should you stay,” he replies with a smile, lifting one arm out of the water and laying it across the rim of the bath to extend his hand out towards you.  “A woman’s touch for my aches and pains.”
Once again Hoseok sees the hesitation in your eyes, noting the way you bite your lip as you look from his hand to his face and then back again.  He’s not afraid you’ll reject him anymore, though. You wish to stay just as much as he does, that much is clear.
He sees the motion of a swallow in your throat before you take a deep breath and nod your head just once, short and decisive.    
“As you wish.”  Hoseok watches keenly as you put aside his clothes, laying them neatly on his bed and then placing your apron with them, his chest tightening as you approach the bath, rolling up your sleeves one by one.  You kneel by the side of it and once again it seems as though you’re avoiding his gaze as you reach over the edge and pick up the washcloth that’s floating along the water’s surface. As you wring out the excess water he leans forward, granting you access to his back and shoulders.  
“For how long have you been in our Lord Kim’s service?” he asks at the first touch of the cloth against his back where you rub it in gentle circles between his shoulder blades.  
“Two months now,” you reply quietly as you dip the cloth back into the water and then press it to his back again, slowly working your way lower.  In the quiet of the room with nothing but the gentle splashes of water and crackling of the fire to fill the silence, Hoseok feels almost unnaturally aware of every one of your touches; even more so when he lets his eyes fall closed and his head flop forward.  You’re gentle yet firm, and as you start to rub across the breadth of his shoulders - your free hand coming to rest upon his bicep to hold him steady - he feels as though he might be in heaven.
“Are they treating you well?”  It takes a great effort for him to keep talking as you ease away the knots that have plagued him for days, biting his lip to resist moaning when you slip the cloth up and around each side of his neck in turn, his head leaning from left to right to make it easier for you.
“Lord Kim is… a little eccentric,” you answer slowly.  Hoseok gets the feeling you’re choosing your words rather carefully and it makes him laugh, knowing exactly what it is that you mean.  “But he’s been nothing but kind to my family. We’re forever indebted to him, in more ways than one.” Your hands leave him and Hoseok’s eyes automatically open at the loss of your touch, his head turning to seek you out.  “Lean back, please,” you prompt politely and the Knight does as you command, shuffling back to sit up straight with his torso twisted to face you.
Tentatively, you bring the cloth to his chest.  
“He’s a good man,” Hoseok comments and your eyes briefly flicker up to meet his before darting back down again to the task at hand, front teeth pressing into your lip.  
“He is.”  The two of you fall silent again as you diligently work and whilst you’re not looking Hoseok’s takes the opportunity to study you.  You have the sweetest look while you concentrate; the lightest furrow of your brow. You’ll tilt your head this way and that, showing off the angle of your jaw and the tempting curve of your neck, and more than once Hoseok feels his fingers twitch under the water with the want to reach out and touch you.  
Soon enough, it’s almost more than he can stand.
“Tell me,” he begins, his abdominals tensing when you drag the washcloth across them, leaning so close that he can smell the natural scent of your hair; sweet and intoxicating. “Have you a suitor waiting at home?  Some handsome young man awaiting your return?” Abruptly your hand stills - caught off guard by his question.
“N-no,” you answer stiltedly, glancing up at him and then straight back down.  “Father intended to but…” You trail off, lifting your shoulders, and Hoseok finds himself both a little glad that you never had the chance to be betrothed to someone else but also a little guilty for feeling that way.  It’s only having left your home that’d kept that from happening, and it’s obvious from the sudden moisture in your eyes that you must miss the family you left behind.
Unthinkingly, Hoseok places his hand upon your own where it rests against his chest and you startle at the sudden contact, blinking rapidly as you look up in surprise.  Your hand feels warm in his and when he squeezes it comfortingly, smiling, you swallow.
“Is there-”  You sound a little breathless - even more so when Hoseok reaches out with his free hand to brush a strand of hair behind your ear and then lets his palm linger on your cheek, skin soft as silk.  “U-uh…” He knows what your own sense of propriety is keeping you from asking. Is he intended for another? Is there a Lady back home to whom he already belongs?
“Would I do this-” Smiling, Hoseok uses his grip on you to gently coax you closer, your eyes widening as the distance closes, “-if my heart belonged to another?”
Helpless to resist you’re drawn against his lips, your eyelids fluttering closed as a first kiss is pressed to the corner of your mouth and a second to your bottom lip, cushioning it between his own.  Your mouth is soft and pliant, just like the rest of you, and as you lean into him and begin to return his affections the washcloth drops from your hand into the water with a splash that goes unheard. His left hand joins his right to cradle your face in his palms and wet your cheeks, yet you make no effort to protest against the droplets of water that slide down your neck.  
It’s not until Hoseok attempts to coax your lips apart with a brush of his tongue - eager to discover if you taste as sweet as you appear - that you suddenly seem to remember yourself; gasping as you abruptly pull away and out of his grasp.  
“S-sir Hoseok,” you sputter out as you stand and back away from the side of the tub, the tips of your fingers pressed to your lips.  “Forgive me, please, I- if I gave the wrong impression, I- I mean- Oh lord, forgive me, I never intended to-”
Similarly alarmed by the strength of your reaction, Hoseok finds himself rising to stand within the walls of the bathtub as well, no thought given to closely his wet undergarments cling to his skin as he exits the water.  
“Why do you run away?” he asks urgently, frowning at the way you hasten to look elsewhere, shading your eyes to block him from your sight.
“It… this isn’t right,” you explain, flustered, “It isn’t proper.  If Lord Kim found out he would-”
“He would what?” Hoseok interrupts with a laugh.  His easy-going friend would be more likely to congratulate him on his conquest than ever be angry.  He steps out of the tub as you nervously bite your bottom lip, the soles of his wet feet slapping against the floor as he goes.  “Do you find me ugly? Have my affections been misplaced?”
The question is a pointless one; you’d be both a fool and a liar to deny your attraction to him.  You’re a good girl, though, and rather than speak dishonestly you remain silent and coy, sneaking glances at him from under your eyelashes that are driving Hoseok crazy.  He knows your answer anyway; the exaggerated rise and fall of your chest makes it clear.
Watching you - watching the way the blush of your cheeks grows and spreads down your neck and across the top of your chest with every stolen glance you take - Hoseok soon realises what it is you need.  You need him to take the lead; to take the responsibility for whatever happens next out of your shaking hands. He needs to make you feel so much that it overwhelms your ability to think so that it makes it that much easier to give in; to succumb to what the both of you so badly crave.  
He steels himself, slipping into his knightly persona and letting a seductive smile settle onto his face as he straightens his back.  
“I heard you the other night, in the kitchen,” Hoseok says softly, pleased when you sharply look up, eyes wide.  He starts to walk towards you and is even further emboldened when you almost take another step back but then falter at the last moment.  You hold your ground until he’s stood right in front of you, looking up to meet his gaze as he peers down the length of his nose at you, drawn in by the sweet innocence of your timid expression.  “If what you said is true, then you are just as pleasing to my eyes as I am to yours.”
You swallow so hard it’s audible over the crackling of the fire, pressing your lips together, and when Hoseok glances down he sees your skirt fisted in your hands, your knuckles white.  
“Were you speaking truthfully, dove?” he asks, delighted by the way your eyes seem to gleam at the careless term of endearment as it passes his lips.   
It takes you a little while to answer, your eyes darting this way and that before you finally find your tongue.  “I… I was,” you admit, and that’s all that Hoseok needed to hear to have him take you in his arms, pulling you close as his mouth once again descends upon yours.  You whimper sweetly as he kisses you with all the passion he can muster, one hand threaded in the back of your hair and the other firm upon your waist. No longer do you deny the kiss from deepening, tilting your head back into his waiting palm as his tongue slips into your mouth to brush tentatively against yours.  
The noises you’re making - the sweet moans and gasps every time his fingers press into your flesh - they’re driving Hoseok close to madness.  If you will allow it he would like nothing more than to take you to his bed, but your persistent shyness and the enthusiasm with which you’re responding to his touch has planted seeds of doubt in his mind.  You deserve better than for your innocence to be lost in such a way; to be seduced by the desires of a near stranger.
“Tell me,” Hoseok murmurs between kisses.  He loves how eager you are; how you continue to chase after his lips even whilst he’s trying to speak.  “Have you… have you known a man’s touch before?”
His question catches you off guard, a startled look upon your face as you pull back just enough to look up and into his eyes.  
“I…” you begin, clearly embarrassed at having to talk about such a thing.  You hesitate, glancing down at your toes, and Hoseok wonders whether you’re worried he’ll judge you harshly for your answer - whatever it may be.  “Just once… with one of father’s apprentices.” Your confession comes as a relief, truth be told, but he can see the way you’re searching his gaze in hopes of reassurance, your hands clasped tightly together where they're sandwiched between your torsos.  “You… you don’t think poorly of me, do you?” Hoseok smiles kindly, running his thumb across the slant of your cheekbone as he leans in to brush a fleeting kiss across your lips.
“Not at all, my dove,” he soothes, feeling you melt into him as he kisses you again.  Your hands unfold to rest palms against his chest, your short nails pressing into his pectorals as he squeezes you tighter against him.  “Did you like it?” He hears your breath hitch in your throat as he strays from your kiss-swollen lips, trailing his own across the angle of your jaw.  
“It w-was fast,” you answer haltingly, sounding unsure.  Hoseok frowns on hearing this, his head buried in the crook of your neck, lavishing your skin with affection as his hands work to loosen the cross-cross of laces at the front of your dress.  “And rather… painful,” you add and at that the Knight can no longer hold his tongue. He straightens, scowling.
“A gentleman would’ve prepared you,” he says, “Should’ve taken the time to make you feel good.”  Blushing, you shrug your shoulders but say nothing, and it only infuriates Hoseok all the more that you don’t even know how much better it could be - how much better it should be.  “I would never hurt you,” he tells you emphatically, cradling your cheek in his hand.  
The way you lean into his touch has his heart thudding hard against his ribcage; a hundred warring emotions coursing through him as you tilt your head into his palm and momentarily close your eyes.  Yes, he desires you, but more than that he finds himself possessed by the strangest urge to protect you and nurture you - to show you all that it is that you’ve been missing all this time, not knowing any better.  
“I took a vow when I became a Knight.”  Your eyes open, sincere interest easily read on all your features.  “An oath… to obey a code of chivalry. To keep faith and speak the truth…  To protect and to serve.” Very gently, he leans to steal a kiss as his hands return to the laces of your simple bodice, pulling them loose as your chest heaves beneath.  When he pulls away it’s only by an inch - enough that your noses still touch and he can feel your breath upon your face with every shuddering exhale. “Will you let me serve you, sweet dove?  Let me worship you as you deserve?”
Your mouth opens but for a moment it seems as though you’re powerless to answer, blinking in quick succession before you whisper a short and breathless, “Yes.”  
Hoseok has no intention of asking you again; that one simple word was all he could ever need.  As his mouth finds yours as he pulls and tugs at your dress with a renewed sense of urgency, loosening the ties so far that the course material slips from your shoulders without any further encouragement.  He swallows the gasp you make as he greedily cups your breasts in each palm, squeezing and kneading your goosepimpled flesh.
Your nipples are firm - taut - and as he bends and sucks one into his mouth it hardens even further under the ministrations of his tongue.  
“Hoseok!” you gasp as he puts his teeth to good use, tugging lightly at the sensitive bud till you’re arching against him, squirming in his grasp.  Not wishing to overwhelm one so lacking in experience, he resists the temptation to linger there too long.
“Yes, my dove?” Hoseok replies between the kisses he begins to strew upon you, working his way back up your neck as your head tilts back and he slips your arms from your dress.  He pushes it down to hang around your hips, your whole torso flushed with the heat of desire. You’re so pliant when he kisses you again - so submissive. You let him possess you fully with nary a sound of complaint save the small whimpers and whines of pleasure you release as his hands explore every inch of your skin, and Hoseok can’t get enough.  He wants more; so much more.
“You never finished undressing me,” he whispers into your ear when he pulls away, smirking as you shudder at the feel of his hot breath.  
Ever obedient, your trembling hands move at his bidding.  They travel down his chest and into the waistband of his linen undergarments, holding your breath as you ease them down over his buttocks till they fall in at his feet.  It feels like hours that he’s been wanting you, his shaft hot and heavy where it stands erect between his legs and brushes against your skirt.
“A-and now?” you ask softly, biting down on your lip as he smiles salaciously back at you, dragging his thumb across the swell of your bottom lip.  
“Now yours,” he encourages and once again it seems as though you lose all ability to breathe, completely silent as you rid yourself of what modesty remains.  “Good girl.” Hoseok’s whispered praise seems to lessen some of the anxiety he sees in your face when you next look up, his kiss easing away some of the tension that’d stiffened you against him.  
“I’m going to touch you now, dove.”  You nod, exhale shaking at the warning Hoseok gives as his hand caresses down your naked form, taking good time to enjoy every inch of what God gave you; squeezing your buttocks and tracing the palm of his hand along the curve of your hips.  It pleases him when you instinctively widen your stance and tilt your pelvis to allow his hand to wander upward, fingernails grazing your inner thighs.
“Hoseok,” you whisper into his neck as your arms come to rest around his shoulders to lean your weight on him, weak-kneed and breathless.  Your voice sounds almost pained, throat tight. “It aches .”
“I know,” he soothes, only full realising the depth of your desire for him when his touch encroaches on the wetness that has coated the tops of your thighs, smearing all over his fingertips.  “It’ll feel better soon.”
“Please,” you groan helplessly, pushing your hips forward, and at that Hoseok can no longer find the will to resist you.  He slips two fingers between your folds and upwards to where you’re most sensitive and presses with the tips, curling one arm tightly around your waist to hold you still when your body jerks at the foreign sensation.  
“Did he touch you here?” Hoseok questions with his voice pitched low, aroused beyond words by the sounds you’re failing to hold back with each feather-light touch.  He feels you shake your head into the crook of his neck, a whine spilling out of you when begins to rub the swollen little nub a little faster - a little harder. “More fool him.”  
Your thighs are clenching around his hand but he knows it’s not to try and keep him out - not if the way you clutch at the roots of his hair is anything to judge by as he’s drawn to the heat of your core, so wet that the circling of his digits is audible even past your heavy breathing.  
“Did he put them inside?”
“N-no,” you stammer, anxiety tautening your muscles at even the threat of being breached, and Hoseok swears to himself that should he ever meet the man that treated your first time with such disregard he shall make him live to regret it.  He retreats momentarily, hand placed unthreateningly in the small of your back to caress the softness of your skin.
“Dove,” he calls, prompting you to lift your head from his shoulder and look at him, worrying your bottom lip with something that appears an awful lot like shame in your eyes.  It breaks his heart to see; they’re far too pretty to ever look so sad. “I shan’t hurt you,” Hoseok repeats softly, leaning in to place the softest of kisses to your lips. “Should you ever want me to stop, you need only say.”  
Your fingers are playing nervously with the short strands of hair at the nape of his neck and Hoseok tries not to let his own ticklishness show as goose pimples rise along each of his arms.
“I don’t want you to stop.”  Though nervous, your words sound earnest, and with smiling lips Hoseok kisses you again, resisting the urge to rush before slipping his hand back between your legs.  “Please,” you mumble against his lips when he hesitates, and at your plea Hoseok finally slowly presses one finger into your tight, wet insides.
You tense again but the eager way in which you return his kiss lets him know to carry on, and the longer he moves his digit back and forth inside you the more you seem to melt, holding onto his shoulders tight and gasping once you’re finally relaxed enough for him to add a second.  Ceaselessly he pleasures you, paying close attention to what best makes you moan and then repeating that motion over and over again till you’re mewling, forced to smother the sounds you’re making with his kiss.
“I feel… I f-feel…”  Your thighs are starting to tremble - your walls impossibly tight around the relentless motion of Hoseok’s fingers - and despite the alarm he can hear in your voice, Hoseok knows you have no need to fear.  “Oh, gods!”
“Don’t be afraid,” he speaks against your lips, unable to keep his own pelvis from rocking in time with the motion of his hand, seeking the where his length presses hard against your hip and soils your skin with his want for you.  “Fly, little dove.”
Hoseok feels the moment you ascend, your body stiffening as a cry of ecstasy bursts forth from you.  You soak his digits, your orgasm spilling out onto his palm in a series of vulgar noises as he gently eases you through it.  You become boneless, clinging onto him for support.
“Are you well?” he asks you gently, nudging his nose against yours to rouse you.  You have your eyes closed and your breath hitches, a shallow frown creasing your forehead when oversensitivity strikes and you start to squirm, pelvis tilting away from his touch.  He withdraws his fingers from inside of you as you kiss him, both of your hands coming up to cradle his face as if in thanks, pressing your body flush against his.
“Yes.”  You place kiss after kiss between words; his lips, his cheeks and his chin.  “Yes…. I… Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” he smiles, groaning in both pleasure and surprise when you surge forward and suckle on his bottom lip, suddenly feeling bold.  As your tongue eagerly licks into his mouth Hoseok can’t help but put the mess you made of his hand to good use. He coats himself with your slick, palm wrapped tight around his length and hips rocking back and forth in an attempt to provide some of the relief he so desperately needs.
The kiss breaks, your eyes closed and his head bent low to lean his forehead on yours.  
“Lie with me,” you whisper huskily, batting your eyelashes up at him, and as the words pass your lips Hoseok could very nearly sing with joy.  With no further delay he scoops you up, legs wrapped around his waist, and as you shriek and giggle - clinging on for dear life - Hoseok laughs along, kissing your neck all the way to his bed.  
You look a vision lay amongst his pillows; your flushed chest rising and falling heavily with excitement as he climbs on top of you, bracing his weight on one forearm.  
“You’re beautiful.”  He brushes your hair back from your face, awestruck by the captivating smile that spreads across it at his praise.  “My sweetest summer blossom…” You exhale a happy sigh when he leans in to join his lips across yours with affection, your hands settling on his shoulder blades.  Gently, he coaxes apart your legs, and he takes the arching of your back as he nestles the tip of his length between your folds as your willingness to continue on.  
You feel better than he ever could have imagined as he begins to push inside; your warm, wet walls squeezing tight at the intrusion.  With his lips melded to yours, he steadily sinks into you, only stopping when a pained whimper meets his ears. He intends to pull away for fear of hurting you but you won’t let him, clinging on tight.  
“Please, don’t stop,” you beg of him, lifting your head off the pillow to kiss him once more, and though his mind is full of worry his body seems to care not, slowly pressing forward anew.  As he reaches his end, buried deep within, your body shakes.
“Are you alright, my dove?” he asks, just as breathless as you with the will it takes him to hold back and not begin to move right away.  
“Y-yes,” you answer after a time, wriggling your hips beneath him to grow accustomed to the feeling.  A strangled moan bursts forth from his lungs unbidden at the feel of it, gripping onto the pillow tight.  
“Careful,” he warns once he manages to re-open his eyes, looking down on where you lay with a playful smile upon your face, “I may be a Knight but I am still a man; as lustful and wicked as the rest.”  A vixen in disguise, Hoseok nearly comes apart when you clench your silken heat around him in reply.
“I trust you.”  Your voice is soft and so is your gaze, your touch gentle as your fingertips stroke down the length of his back.  “Show me?” How is he ever meant to resist such a plea from one so sweet?
Seizing your lips in a bruising kiss, Hoseok begins to move; a slow and steady pace that gradually builds with every moan you release until the two of you are moving together in earnest - your hips tilting upward to meet his every thrust.   You cry out when he sucks your nipple into his mouth; whimper when his fingers tangle in your hair.
“Faster, Hoseok,” you plead, tilting your head back into his palm and digging your nails into his shoulders with a look of ecstasy written on your face. “Please, Lord!”  
He’s powerless to resist.  He redoubles his efforts, a bead of sweat trickling its way down his temple as his pelvis meets yours again and again and his weight presses you into the mattress.  Deeper and deeper he drives into you, groaning your name into the curve of your throat.
“God,” he moans lustfully, “You’ll be my end, dove - my ruin.  You-” Hoseok can no longer speak, all coherent thought stole away as your own pleasures builds and your inner muscles start to contract and pulse around him, driving him towards release.  
There’s never been a more exquisite sound than the cry of pleasure you release when you finally unravel beneath him, grabbing at his neck and pulling him down into a desperate kiss as it washes over you.  It very nearly makes Hoseok lose all control, barely a second passing between him withdrawing from you and spilling his release all over your stomach with a strangled groan. Even in the throes of rapture, he’s transfixed by the sight of his seed decorating your skin in droplets of creamy white.  
He shudders as even the touch of his own hand becomes too much; loosening his grip and sitting back on his heels to catch his breath as you do the same, thighs clenched together and one hand pressed to your brow.  You don’t seem too concerned about the mess he’s made across your stomach but courtesy demands he come to your aid.
“One moment.”  On shaking legs he climbs from the bed and finds his undergarments where they’d been left strewn upon the floor, still damp from his bath.  “It’s a little cold,” he warns, chuckling as you jump when the fabric meets your skin. He casts it aside once you’re both suitably clean, contentment settling over him like a warm blanket when he comes to lay beside you.  
You turn your head on the pillow, your eyes flickering back and forth between his own.  It seems as though you’re gathering the courage to say something and Hoseok gives you a smile in encouragement, rolling onto his side to face you.
“Was that… satisfactory?” Hoseok’s powerless to resist the urge to hold you in his arms, pulling you close and tucking your head under his chin as you return his embrace with a soft and breathy sigh.  
“More than,” he reassures you, gently kissing your crown.
The two of you lay entwined for some time, warmed by the fire that still crackles in the hearth.  Sleep calls to him in his state of tranquillity, almost pulling him under before he feels you shift, rousing him from his near-slumber.  
“I should attend to my duties,” you say regretfully, attempting to sit up and finding it quite impossible with Hoseok pulling you in the opposite direction, dragging your mouth onto his.  He kisses you until your body becomes lax again, too happy in his arms to continue the fight.
“Stay,” he bids you, smiling when you tunefully laugh.  
“You can’t keep me here forever.”  It’s the truth that you speak, but Hoseok can’t abide the thought of releasing you.  Again he kisses you again and again and again, his heart somehow thrice the size where it beats inside his chest.  
“Come away with me, dove.”  His words are impulsive but he means them nonetheless, true in his convictions.  “When I leave this place, stay by my side.”
You pull away before he can kiss you again, an incredulous look on your face.  
“I… It’s a generous offer - one I wish I could accept,” you begin, unable to hide the disappointment you feel.  “But… my duties; my father’s debt. My Lord would never allow-”
“Is that a yes?” he interrupts.  
“Well… yes, but I-”  This time, Hoseok silences you with a kiss; one he’s in no hurry to end.  
“Leave Taehyung to me, my little dove.”  
It takes some time for Hoseok to eventually relinquish you from his bed, begrudgingly parting ways so he may finish his bath and you can assist with preparing dinner.  
He’d intended to not make it too obvious what had come to pass between you, planning to ignore your presence as much as he was able until having spoken to the young Lord in a more private setting.
It proves impossible, though.  The moment you step foot into the dining room later that evening Hoseok’s eyes are drawn to you, an irresistible smile tugging at his lips and butterflies in his stomach at the coy smile you try to hide by looking down at the floor on your approach.  His voice is just a little too husky when he thanks you for filling his mug - his gaze lingering on your just a little too long - and by the time you’ve left the room and released his attention, Hoseok’s already been found out.
His friend is staring at him from across the table with a smirk on his face and one eyebrow raised, drink in hand.
“Is there something you wish to tell me, dear friend?”  Hoseok takes a large gulp of his ale before answering, mischief in his eyes as he stares over the rim at the man sat opposite in colourful robes, head tilted expectantly to the side.  
“Do you recall earlier this day,” he smiles, placing down his mug, “When you said the words ‘what’s mine is yours?’”  
“Aye, I remember,” Taehyung answers, leaning forward and placing his elbows on the table in curiosity. “Why do you ask?  Is there something you need?”
Hoseok’s eyes meet yours from across the room, his heart thudding at the sight of your soft, bewitching smile.    
“I have a favour to ask of you, my Lord.” 
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