#bonus points if nancy and/or eddie did NOT want to name it that but they gave in when three pairs of puppy dog eyes were pulled on them
uglypastels · 2 years
I just started thinking about something and just cannot let it go.
Because of the time setting of season 3 we completely missed out on the kids watching the movie that was made for them.
the Goonies.
I can just imagine them all watching it for the first time, literally seeing themselves on screen. A bunch of kids, nerds, trying to save their town from baddies. A big mysterious adventure, except here there were no evil monsters or scary dark dimensions. It was just criminals with guns. Everything was explainable. It would all feel so simple, and light, compared to their own lives.
then the next Halloween, the boys would be all fighting it out on who would get to go as who? Mike would obviously need (from his perspective) to be Mikey. His biggest argument would be something like "that's literally my name!" but the other guys would not care, because they all want to be Mikey.
One thing is for certain- Dustin would drag Steve to see it. And at first, he would roll his eyes and groan, it's a kid's movie after all, but hell, even he could see himself in this story. Brand might as well have been holding a bat instead of wearing sweatbands.
Robin once caught him doing the workout and still laughs about it.
And what are she and Nancy if not Stef and Andy?
This movie would have meant so much to them... if they were younger and the world around them wasn't burning.
Instead, they weren't interested in some kids' movies. They wanted to sneak into Day of the Dead.
And then the mall burned down, Hopper died, Billy died, the Byers moved away and high school was a new reality. When Halloween came around they wouldn't be dressing up to school, they knew better than that. And two months into Freshman year, no one would be inviting them to any parties... and even if they did, no way would they be the dorks in a group costume. And without Will... the group wouldn't even be complete.
Maybe Steve would have wanted to dress up as Brand, who knows, but without an Andy to match, what would be the point?
But maybe Will would be handing out the candy at his house, having no other plans in California, and he sees the mini Baby Ruths and remembers the movie he saw last summer, with Jonathan. Dustin was at camp, after all, Will and Lucas were too busy and thought it was dumb.
He wished they would have seen it. But it was strange, to see a movie tell the story of kids like him. A story of absurd proportions for anyone else watching it, but that doesn't even come close to the things he had been through.
[Bonus: Eddie had definitely seen it and kept annoying his friends with Sloth impressions all summer long.]
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scheodingers-muppet · 2 years
Stranger Things Characters and Ships as Taylor Swift Songs
I'm back on my fan-casting ST characters as random things I like. Today, Midnights.
(also let me know if you want any of the other albums because I have so many big emotions)
Lavender Haze: The skittle six (older kids) "You don't really read into my melancholia" is Jonathan and Argyle. Jon is like those dogs with the big sad eyes and Argyle just loves it. "I've been under scrutiny. You handle it beautifully" is Steddie, from both sides. Steve with his past King Steve and Eddie seeing past it and loving him anyways. Eddie with the witch hunt and Steve staying by his side. The verse about the bride and past history is Ronance. Also "lavender haze" just sounds like queer stoners, so bonus points to the boys here.
Maroon: Stancy. I think Nancy did love Steve but not the way she thought she did. "The burgundy on my t-shirt" and the Halloween party. I also think they fought a lot towards the end and we just didn't see it. I also think Nancy regrets the fight right after. She didn't want it to end in a fight, because she does love him, just not romantically. I think Steve would hold a lot of anger right after but eventually forgive her.
Anti-Hero: Steve. He still sees himself as the jerk he used to be and struggles to forgive himself. Also the line "Pierced through the heart but never killed" and the fact this man takes beating after beating
Snow On The Beach: Elmax. I have a headcannon that El loves the sky and watching the stars and she would 100% stargaze with Max during their sleepovers sometimes. She would totally compare Max to stars, like in the line "I searched aurora borealis green, I've never seen someone lit from within" and Max would without a doubt respond with "You're so weird, I love you" because that girl cannot take a compliment but wants El to know how much it means to her. Also, El would base her romance on the movies she watches with Max
You're On Your Own, Kid: Jonathan and Steve. Jon was practically raising himself and helping raise Will. I love Joyce, but I think she forgets Jonathan is still a kid too. The best of friends line can be about Argyle or Nancy. He said he wanted to go to school close so he can be with Will, when his dream school is apparently NYU. "I gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this" could be about all of them, but Jon was the one who had to pick out Wills casket; by himself. He had to protect Will from hearing their parents fight. He took on the load of the divorce and picked up all the pieces; his, Will's, and Joyce's. For Steve, his parents suck. We've all decided that. But he filled his house with people via the parties and the bridge is very Steve coded. I need Steve and Jonathan to become friends in season 5 or will cry. They're opposite sides of the same coin.
Midnight Rain: Nancy. She just wants to make a name for herself. She feels guilty about the fight with Steve but also feels she wouldn't get what she wanted with him. Also, "a deep portal, time travel. All the love we unravel and the life I gave away." Season 4 and going back to when she was still with Steve. I think it also fits with Jonathan, with the fight about the job at the paper. These boys just wanted the "dream life," Steve with his white picket fence and family, Jonathan with a decent job. Nancy wants more.
Question...? : Stancy. This album is very Stancy coded. This song specifically about Nancy cheating on Steve with Jonathan and Steve thinking the sleepover in season one was cheating too. Also Mike and El in season 4.
Vigilante Shit: El. Season 2 with the sister plot but also season 3 with her and Max having the makeover after the breakup.
Bejeweled: El and Will to Mike. Mike needs to get his shit in order and stop ignoring his people. But also, the line “some guy said my aura’s moonstone just cause he was high” being about Argyle is so funny to me
Labyrinth: Will. “I’ll be getting over you my whole life” The fear of falling for someone you think won’t ever love you back. Mike was the only friend who really showed he cared about Will’s trauma. “You know how much I hate how everyone expects me to just bounce back”
Karma: Honestly, the closest I can get is El and hitting Angela in the face with the roller skate.
Sweet Nothing: Lumax. I think Max would start writing to deal with her trauma after everything, and I think the only people she'd feel comfortable showing would be Lucas and El. El is in California, so Lucas gets to read all her writing. Pair that thought with the verse about writing a poem. Also, I think Lucas will fully just love her and not ask for anything, which scares her but also makes her feel loved in ways she never thought was possible.
Mastermind: Steve. That man is so much smarter than anyone gives him credit for, specifically in his ability to work a crowd and get people to like him.
The Great War: Byler. They're endgame, let's be honest here. Also, imagine Mike gets hurt in the final battle and Will is holding him, trying to keep him awake and he's crying. Mike is looking up at him and whispers "Don't cry. I promise if we make it out, I'll make sure to never make you cry again."
Bigger Than The Whole Sky: Steddie (I’m sorry)
Paris: Elmax (Specifically El) and season 3 with them living in their own world at the beginning and then nothing goes wrong and they have a Summer of sleepovers together and they're happy and in love
High Infidelity: Nancy. Her cheating on Steve, yes, but also, Steve and the movie theater in season 1. Jonathan ditching the plan they made together without talking to her. Nancy growing up in an environment where romantic love is not shown well and the only experiences she's had have been filled with monster hunting and guys who did her wrong.
Glitch: Steddie. Opposite sides of town, supposed to be just-friends, situation-ships, things in your system. Love them.
Would've, Could've, Should've: All the girls tbh. El and growing up the way she did. Max and dealing with Billy and having an unhealthy home life in general. Robin, Nancy, and Erica and getting thrown into the Upside Down. Even Joyce, with her ex husband.
Dear Reader: Nancy and Joyce. They mirror each other in very interesting ways, I think. They're both very headstrong and fierce. I think they also both struggle with feeling like they aren't enough though. We know Nancy blames herself for Barb. And season 2 with Joyce being so overprotective of Will shows that she most likely felt she could have saved him if she was there more. They both feel like they're falling apart.
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fangirlandtheories · 2 years
Ahh!! Your answers were so good. I LOVE THE FRIENDSHIP BRACELET ANSWER SO MUCH ;_; here are some more questions: Dream scene with Steve and Robin? What character,that he hasn't interacted much with, would you like Steve to have a scene with in s5? Whats something you REALLY hope doesn't happen to Steve in s5 (besides dying or a romantic relationship)? Can we get a vague hint at an upcoming plot point in They Built You A Temple And Locked You Away? (Like that game where you describe something poorly.) If Steve ever got a tattoo what would it be of, and where would it be placed? Steve gets a cat, how did he come by it and what does he name it? Do you think they should end the series with a where are they now segment like they used to do at the end of 80s movies, or would you rather they ended it on a fade to black sappy scene (though lets be real they'd probably end it on a WHAT IF ITS NOT OVER bad guy opening their eye thing)?
Bonus: Do you have a favorite stranger things meme? If so, lets see it!
Thank you!!!! I love these so much omg
Okay so this is like polar opposite of what I described with the last question and how I want scenes of emotional vulnerability, not just banter between the two, BUT there's this fic I read and I will link it here (please read the tags for possible tws as it's an intense fic but so wonderfully written) but essentially there is a moment where Steve is attacked (in the case of this fic he's assaulted) and Robin goes absolutely feral and I would pay so much money to see Maya Hawke kick some ass on screen instead of just making jokes about clumsiness. I want to see her launch herself, full claws out, jut to defend her best friend because he's fucking worth it.
Okay this one took me a few minutes of thought because I couldn't think of anyone that he hasn't interacted with at least a little, but then it hit me like a ton of bricks: Joyce and Hopper. Give the boy a set of loving, doting parents.
Okay well I reaaaally don't want to see him die but this sounds terrible but like I don't want to see him be okay right away. I thrive on angst and h/c and these people have been through serious trauma. I want to see him struggling but ultimately living with and coping with it in a healthy way. I don't want him to cope right away though, no one would be able to just move on, but I mostly don't want to see Steve end up with Nancy if I'm being honest. I have no qualms with Stancy shipper, to each their own, but for me it isn't it. I feel like as a couple it's a backslide for both of them in terms of character development and it also kinda feels a bit like lazy writing to just shove them back together instead of strengthening their bond as friends. They have hurt each other deeply and moved on without really fixing anything so it doesn't seem right to just pretend that it never happened.
What a fun and deviously interesting question. I hope I can answer it with as much devilish delight.
Steve's tattoo is a tricky one, I've never thought about it. He definitely keeps it hidden much to Eddie's delight, but I bet it's something sappy like the date of their wedding or a quote or something. Or maybe his baseball bat to match Eddie's arm bats. 100% Steve would find a stray cat, he's an adopt/rescue not shop kinda guy, look at all the children he's adopted inadvertently. He's going to name that cat either Dart or Mews 3 just to fuck with Dustin.
Listen I know it's cheesy but I'd be thrilled with either. I hope it'll be a happy ending and I'm sure that if they were to ever do a spinoff it would either be in the future with the kids of the main characters or it would be a prequel with Dr. Brenner about how the Upside Down really started but I do think there will be a "10 years later" segment and it will definitely be cheesy.
I don't have any specific memes that I love in particular, I tend to either reblog them if they're on here or just laugh and keep scrolling if they are on a different site, but I love all of the "Incorrect Quotes" posts because somehow they are always 10000000% accurate.
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vqmpzz · 2 years
fruity four as roomates but they adopt a great dane and name it scooby
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
Okay, how about this? Steve and the Reader broke up but they are babysitters to the Party. The kids pick up something going on between them and don't realize it until they find a torn up picture in each of your wallets. You keep Steve's half while he keeps yours. So, the kids try to find out what happened and get you guys back together. Basically, the Party Parent Traps you. Bonus if you can include the older teens (in an AU where no one dies). Heck, throw in Murray for couples counselling!
This is going to be so chaotic I can just imagine it! I am definitely including Murray too I’m dead just imagining all this 🤣 (peep the reference to the scene with him and Jancy when he can’t remember Steve’s name)
Also I’m pretending nothing else has happened yet since Steve got pulled into the Upside Down and got stuck there with the other three. Like the other events haven’t happened/haven’t occurred yet, just for reference.
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Code Red: Operation Love
Steve Harrington x Reader ft. The Party & Murray!
“Okay, why have you called us all here?” Eddie asked.
The room was packed with people.
Dustin was leading the meeting, the other younger teens sitting nearby him.
It was Mike who had called a Code Red to older sister Nancy, who gathered her boyfriend Jonathan, Robin and Eddie.
It was specifically instructed not to contact Steve or Y/N about this meeting.
“Yeah, you said it was a Code Red so I thought someone was dying or some shit,” Robin said.
“Imagine my disappointment when we arrived and everyone was okay,” Eddie quipped.
Nancy smacked his arm hard, leaving him wincing.
“What’s going on?” she asked.
“Yeah, we kinda figured it had to do with Steve and Y/N when you made it loud and clear not to invite them,” Jonathan said, giving his younger brother Will a pointed look.
“Hey, I just wanted to make sure you got the message,” Will said, holding his hands up in defense.
“We did,” Robin said wryly.
“ANYWAYS,” Dustin hollered over the chatter, “I called you because we have a problem.”
“A really big problem,” El nodded.
“And we need your help,” Mike said.
“So as you know,” Dustin began, “Steve met Y/N through us because they both are kinda our old babysitters although now friends.”
“Technically Y/N was the babysitter first,” Lucas added.
“Will you get to the point?” Eddie groaned.
“Okay, okay. Jeez. So demanding,” Dustin huffed.
“We think they broke up,” Max clarified.
Eyebrows raised, jaws dropped and interests were piqued.
“Shit. Really?” Eddie gasped.
“But why?” Nancy asked, just as confused.
“They were so cute together!” Robin frowned.
“Wait. How do you guys know this?” Jonathan asked, sitting forward, “What made you think they broke up?”
“Well, first, we thought they were in a fight,” Mike said.
“Because they were acting really weird,” Will added.
“Weird how?” Robin asked.
“They just seemed cold toward one another,” Max said.
“They would avoid each other too,” Dustin nodded, “Like if Steve was sitting next to someone on the couch and there was only one place left, Y/N would just stand.”
“They’ve never been like most annoyingly in love couples,” Lucas said, “Like they’re cute but they never would hang all over one another.”
“Yeah. They acted like normal, just…closer I guess?” El shrugged.
“I think what she means is that they were just really comfortable around each other,” Mike supplied and El nodded, confirming that’s what she meant.
“Now they’re like strangers,” Will frowned.
“Okay, I understand why that seems concerning,” Nancy said, “But maybe they’re just fighting? You don’t actually know that they broke up though.”
“We found this in Steve’s wallet,” Dustin said, holding up what looked to be like a Polaroid that had been torn in half.
“I can’t see that from here you butthead,” Eddie said, reaching out and grabbing it.
Only when he saw what it was did he gasp.
“Oh shit. Okay, I see what you mean.”
“What? Lemme see,” Robin said, snatching it from him.
It had clearly been a picture of both you and Steve. The jagged tear at the edge signified that it had been ripped down the middle. This half of the picture was of you, turned towards the tear in the photo, eyes bright and face caught in mid-laughter. You looked happy.
“Wait. You said you found this in Steve’s wallet?” Eddie asked.
“What were you doing in Steve’s wallet?” Nancy asked.
“Borrowing five dollars,” Dustin said plainly.
“Dumbass,” Lucas hit him upside the head, “That’s stealing not borrowing.”
“Not if I told him about it afterwards!” Dustin protested.
“Back to the matter at hand,” Max said, “We were wondering what happened to the other half.”
“The half with Steve in it?” Jonathan said.
The six younger kids nodded.
“We found this in Y/N’s wallet,” Will said, motioning to the other half of the picture that Max showed the others.
It was definitely the half of the same picture, the tears the biggest evidence. But also, Steve was looking towards the middle of the photo, where it had been split in two. The look of adoration and love in his gaze and smile was unmistakeable.
“What were you doing in Y/N’s wallet? “Borrowing” more money?” Robin smirked.
“No. This was pure detective work,” Dustin said seriously.
“So, clearly, something has happened,” Mike commented.
Eddie ran a hand over his jaw, looking over at the other three that had joined him on the couch.
“So how are we supposed to help?” he asked.
“We want to get them back together, but we’ll need your help,” Dustin said, seriously.
The four peered at each other before nodding.
“We can do that,” Nancy confirmed.
“What do you need us to do?” Robin asked.
“Well, first. We need to figure out what happened between them,” Max said.
“They won’t tell us,” El frowned.
“Believed me. We’ve tried,” Will huffed.
“They won’t say a word,” Lucas sighed.
Nancy and Jonathan exchanged wary, knowing glances, but it was Jonathan who spoke.
“We know just the person for that task.”
“You two are a cute couple,” the bearded man in front of you, smiled, clasping his hands in front of him.
“We’re not a couple,” you and Steve stammered hesitantly.
Steve cleared his through awkwardly.
“We uh, we actually broke up.”
“Semantics,” Murray said, waving his hand dismissively.
You were downright confused at why you were sitting here, with Steve with Murray Bauman in front of you two like some sort of love doctor.
Ah, shit. Was this some sort of intervention or counseling or something? Had the kids figured out that you two had broken up?
You and Steve hadn’t said anything in fear of upsetting them or disrupting the vibe with your petty drama.
But now, you were sitting in the Wheelers’ basement, in a chair across from Murray who was grinning at you both like a cat who’d swallowed a canary.
“So why did you break up if you’re both still crazy for one another?”
“Wha- Who said we were?” you protested, “Maybe things just fizzled out between us, you don’t know that.”
“Honey, I haven’t seen this amount of electricity between something since the last time I jump started my car,” he gave you a look.
You peered at Steve who was holding back a grin.
“So are we just in denial about this breakup or what?” Murray asked, leveling his gaze on both of you.
“No! I just-” you started.
“She’s the one who broke up with me,” Steve blurted.
You looked at him, jaw dropped.
Talk about being thrown under the bus.
“Ah. Did she now?”
Murray’s gaze was back on you.
“And why did you dump Scott?”
“Steve,” he corrected.
“Right, Steve. Why can’t I ever remember that?” he shook his head, “Anyways, why did we break up with Steve now?”
“I don’t see how that’s any of your business,” you scolded, folding your arms.
“Ugh, you kids exhaust me,” he rolled his eyes.
“We’re 20,” Steve said flatly.
“Exactly. You’re kids. Okay,” he sat forward, looking at both of you, “You want my advice?”
You noticed he didn’t pause long enough to give either you the opportunity to protest.
“You,” he said looking at Steve, “Need to stop giving up on what you want just because you think you don’t deserve it.”
“What? I-”
“And you,” Murray continued, as if Steve hadn’t spoken, “Need to stop running away from things that scare you.”
“How,” you laughed disbelievingly, “What makes you think I do?”
“You’re easy to read,” he deadpanned, “You’re the type when things get scary, you retreat to safety, too afraid to lose what you love, have, whatever because it’s easier to be scared.”
Ouch. He’d hit right on the dot.
“It’s a curse to see so clearly,” he sighed.
“I’m not scared,” you huffed a laugh.
Steve looked as unconvinced as Murray did.
“I’m not!” you protested, though even to your ears it sounded defensive.
“Ah, now that is a lie,” Murray pointed to you before turning to Steve.
“So why did you let her dump you?” Murray asked.
“Because I can’t change her mind,” Steve shrugged helplessly.
“Bullshit. You’re just as scared as she is.”
“No! I- she- uh we-”
“That’s what I thought,” he smiled smugly, sitting back in the chair.
“Look, if I were you two, I’d cut the bullshit and just fix whatever happened between you. Then get the fuck back together. Cause you’re just wasting time with this charade.”
He stood, grabbing the glass of whiskey he’d had but not touched the entire time, heading for the stairs.
“By the way,” he called, “I’ve been advised by the band of delinquents to lock the door behind me until you’re back together. They say to holler when you’re done. I’ll bill you for my time.”
With that, Murray was gone and the door shut behind me.
“Some therapy session,” Steve mumbled.
You chuckled.
“More like a brutally honest therapist telling you how it is with absolutely no bullshit.”
“I’ll say,” he shook his head.
You were quiet for a moment, but you were the first to speak.
“He was right, Steve. I was scared. It was a huge reason why I ended it.”
He turned in his chair, facing you.
“Scared of what, honey?”
Your heart melted at the term of endearment.
“You remember how it happened after the watergate situation and you and the others being stuck in the Upside Down?”
“Yeah,” he nodded.
“I was terrified, Steve,” you whispered, “I’m here on this side, finding out you got pulled into the Upside Down, attacked by bat creatures and then stuck there? I was an absolute mess.”
His face is grim as he takes your hands in his, thumbs stroking the backs of your hands.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about what if something happened to you. Or what if you died. When you finally made it back, instead of being the relieved girlfriend I should’ve been and supportive and comforting, I decided to end it. I was too afraid to have to go through situations like that again. So I ran.”
“Y/N,” he swallowed, “I’m so sorry. You don’t deserve to go through that.”
“But shockingly Murray’s right,” you laughed through your tears.
You had no idea when they’d started, but there they were.
“I ran away and you didn’t fight me because you believe I don’t deserve this. But we’re both wrong. We can’t fight what we feel can we?”
“I guess not,” he smiled, “Especially when we have the entire crew trying to get us back together.”
You smiled, resting your forehead against his.
“Be mine again?” you asked him softly.
He leaned forward, lips pressing to yours gently.
“Sweetheart, I’ve always been yours.”
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derryhawkins · 7 years
It/Stranger Things crossover hcs
- don’t not ask me how they all meet because I don’t know, I’m not that creative. Maybe the Losers take a roadtrip & stumble upon Hawkins??? Idk
- ok at first they’re all honestly like “our town is worse than yours” especially the ST Gang bc how can a clown be worse than a monster from another dimension??? but then the Losers explain everything & the ST Gang is like…shit ok u right. but the Losers are also like “a monster from another dimension sounds like hell” and soon they’re all bonding over shitty towns & creepy af beings instead of trying to one up one another
- one time Jonathan is just walking by just to check up on them all (with Nancy & Steve ofc) & he over hears that Billy lost his little brother & once the kid’s alone Jon just sits down & is like “I lost my brother too…he came back but I know what you’re feeling” bc he of course he does! he thought Will had died!!! the two have a heart to heart convo & yeah it’s beautiful.
- Nancy comforts Bev when the girl starts talking about her dad while they’re alone. Nancy doesn’t know how she could help tho but she takes Bev to the mall & they have a girl’s day just shopping. El comes along, too. Bev becomes like bffs with Eleven & one day she does El’s make up & Mike Wheeler is the embodiment of heart eyes.
- bonus: Bev teaches Mike how to do El’s make up
- Nancy almost screams when she’s sees Richie bc wtf that’s her brother but with glasses & a terrible mouth (a trash mouth) & he keeps making “your mom jokes”. She avoids him at all possible costs if she can but its a bit hard to do. Bc is it Richie or Mike? (Once Richie made Mike wear his glasses to see if they could trick anyone. They did but it didn’t end well bc at some point El hung him upside down. All the while Mike was screaming that he wasn’t Richie but she didn’t believe him). ((& Eddie loves Mike Wheeler while Richie is in the back asking Dustin & Bill “what the fuck does he have that I don’t?” “a nice personality” - stan as he walks by)).
- Mike & Mike bond over the fact that have the same name. both groups often shout “MIKE” and they’re both like “which Mike? there are two of us!!” And it just gets worse bc Richie tries to act like Wheeler to confuse everyone even mORE. the Losers just end up saying “Beep beep Richie” to figure it out. (Actually it’s not that hard bc Richie is squinting like the lizard from Monsters Inc. without his glasses when he’s trying to be Wheeler & everyone is just like…dude stop).
- Stan & Will are best buds to the max?? yes. Absolutely. Stan gets Will into liking birds & he also talks about the Jewish religion to Will. Will shares his art with Stan and eventually draws him with birds all around him & Stan declares Will as a new honorary member of the Losers Club. (the ST Gang almost loses their shit bc no way in hell is Will leaving again).
- Steve Harrington oddly being loved by the Losers?? and the ST Gang eventually but Mike Wheeler. Mike is just like “he’s my sister’s boyfriend, hell no” but everyone ignores him. Steve becomes the weird “uncle” to the kids. He buys them all ice cream one day. “Ok maybe he’s alright” - Mike W
- Dustin & Richie eating all the junk food together & cursing everyone out. Just like Stan & Will they’re like best friends x100. Eventually this leads to Dustin/Richie/Beverly hang outs on the regular. Richie wants to take Dustin with them but once again the ST gang is like “fuck off he’s ours”.
- Mike Hanlon and Lucas bonding over the fact that their groups of friends are filled with fucking idiots (but lovable idiots) who do dumb shit all the damn time. and how are they always dragged into the dumb shit??? They don’t know. It just happens. Lucas shows off his slingshot and Mike brags about how he defeated (aka killed, oops?) their bully back in Derry. They’re just best friends, ok.
That’s all I can think of right now tbh ((I should be writing an essay but oh well)). I might add more later? Idk. Feel free to add some ideas yourself!!
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