booksandtea · 5 years
It should be no surprise after my announcement post that I eventually posted a Book Hooked Box unboxing. I had planned to do January’s but by the time I finished photographing and editing it I was in a cast and honestly this is just an excuse you’re going to see for a lot of upcoming posts.
So I had Januarys and I loved it but opted to skip Februarys as I’m not hugely into Dystopians lately but after figuring out what March’s book would be I just knew I needed it.
For those who don’t know though, Book Hooked Box is a UK book subscription box with a focus on providing you a hardback book and items you’ll love and use that month too. The items will help to create a relaxing and indulgent experience for you so you can live your best bookish life tbh.
M A G I C A L  H E A L I N G
The main goodie of this box is a signed bookplate + deckled edged edition of The Antidote by Shelley Sackier, with a letter from the author.
Whilst I actually got this book earlier this year from Harper I’ve yet to finish reading it – sorry guys! Again I can blame breaking my wrist for this because I started consuming a lot and then got overwhelmed with being behind on reviews so yay.
However, what I have read I do like and I’m very ready to put some time aside with a hot choclate and finish reading it.
Synopsis: Magic is not allowed, under any circumstances — even if it could save someone’s life. Instead, there are herbal remedies and traditional techniques that have been painstakingly recorded in lieu of using the mystical arts. Fee knows this, so she keeps her magic a secret.
Except her best friend, Xavi, is deathly ill. He’s also the crown prince. Saving him is important, not only for her, but for the entire kingdom.
Fee’s desperation to save her friend means she can barely contain the magic inside her. And after the tiniest of slips, Fee is thrust into a dark and secretive world that is as alluring as it is dangerous.
If she gives in, it could mean she can save Xavi. But it also means that those who wish to snuff out magic might just snuff her out in the process.
As I’ve mentioned in my first post Book Hooked Box’s main aim is for the box to be affordable and to provide a relaxing experience foryou whilst cosying up with your new book. Its safe to say I definitely think they’ve achieved this.
Full Item List: – Myosotis Sylvatica Botanical Bath Oil from Hearth & Heritage – A four piece luxury chocolate bos from Whitakers Chocolates – Marshmallows & Milk Chocolate Hot Chocolate Stirrer from Pendragon Drinks – Themed Artwork from R.N. Merle – Hocus Pocus themed bookmark from Felfira Moon Designs – Mandrake pin from Spellwork Studio (extra item) – one of four Autumn Witch prints from Oktoberdots (extra item) & the back of the spoiler card was designed by Tecsielity
I had a nice late night reading session where I enjoyed my chocolates – which really helped because it was one of those nights where you stay up so late you start to feel hungry but dont want to wake the whole house up.
I actually used some of the bath oil earlier tonight too and omg I am in love. My skin is so soft and it didn’t make my hair feel gross so that’s awesome.
Anyway I’m really pleased with this box and unfortuantely I think they’re sold out of Aprils so you’ll have to keep your eye out for Mays which I am very excited for too.
Stain was from their January box!
Have you read The Antidote yet?
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Magical Healing | @BookHookedBox Unboxing #booksandteabc It should be no surprise after my announcement post that I eventually posted a Book Hooked Box unboxing.
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megst13 · 6 years
Inside Out Book Tag!
NEW TAG: The Inside Out Book Tag! Thank you so my lovely Sarah for tagging me - check out my answers below! #bookbloggers #booklovers #booktag #insideout
Hi everyone!
I’m back today with another tag, and one that I’m super excited for! My lovely Sarah from BookHookedNook tagged me in this, go check her blog out because she’s my favourite!
Let’s get into this!
JOY: Which book brings you the most joy?
Twilight still brings me so much joy, it reminds me of my childhood and just being happy reading a great series for the first time!
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booksandtea · 5 years
Magical Healing | BookHookedBox Unboxing
Magical Healing | @BookHookedBox Unboxing ft items from @MidnightTopaz @rnmerlewords
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I’m back and on track with a second Book Hooked Box unboxing. This time I’ll be talking about Aprils Rebellious Relations box.
If you want to read about March’s box check out this post.
For those who don’t know though, Book Hooked Boxis a UK book subscription box with a focus on providing you a hardback book and items you’ll love and use that month too. The items will help to create a relaxing…
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booksandtea · 5 years
Browsing Bloggers Bookshelf | Sarah @BookHookedNook
Browsing Bloggers Bookshelf | Sarah @_sarahecampbell #booksandteabc
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Browsing Bloggers Bookhselves | Book Hooked Nook
Hey guys, today I have a new kind of post ready for you today.
Shortly after I broke my wrist I put a call out to guest post with other bloggers more and one of the lovely people who reached out was Sarah @BookHookedNook. After a bit of talking we decided upon a collab kind of post, whixh is this lovely thing you’re reading.
We shared photographs…
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booksandtea · 4 years
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📚 // QOTD: do you like being gifted books that you dont know? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ i very rarely read synopsis and go off genre, author, covers , and key words used in promotion. so more often than not when i read a book its a surprise for me! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ this is how @bookhookednook sends the books in her bimonthly book box. i think its super cute & all her packaging is recyclable. the march box is sold out now and im so excited to see what you'll be getting. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ i took this photo at the #BiMonthlyBookBath last month. i talked about it a fair bit on social media and currently have a post drafted to share too! ill be holding out until we've details on the next meet up to keep you up to date. _____ { #bookhookedbox #stnbloggers #manchesterbloggers #mcrblogger #ukbloggers #tbgww #letscolab #bookstaunited #bookstagramfeature #flatlayoftheday #flatlaystyle #flatlaynation #flatlayaesthetics #booksflatlay #flatlaybooks #felfiramoondesigns #booksforlife #bookishphotography #bookishlife #igreads #readersofig #instabook #booksofinstagram #booklove #bookaddict #bookcommunity #booksaremagic #bookstagramuk #vscoreads } https://ift.tt/2SX2voe
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booksandtea · 5 years
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Browsing Bloggers Bookhselves | Browsing For Books
So you may remember that last month I did a similarly titled post with Sarah which I really enjoyed. This is the second time I’ve been able to do a post like this and I love it! Today I’m feauturing Cerys’ bookshelves! Don’t forget to stop by her blog to browse my books.
Do you want to know the creation of this collab? Shortly after I broke my wrist I put out a call to guest post with other bloggers more and one of the lovely people who reached out was Sarah @BookHookedNook. After a bit of talking we decided upon a collab kind of post, which is this creation.
We shared photographs of our (main) bookshelves with each other so the other person could “browse” them and pick out books they’d recommend, books they suggest to avoid, or books they’d love to read.
As I really enjoyed this process if anyone would like to partner up with me and do these posts together please contact me. I’m best replying via Twitter DMs or emails. I hadn’t anticipated having a queue of these posts ready but I do and I’m still thrilled to do more so this will become a somewhat regular feature.
Cerys’ Bookshelves
As I mentioned today I’ll be browsing Cerys’ bookshelves. First of all I want to say I love her lil decorations; plants, badges, funkos, and a coaster.
I’ll use these emoji’s as a code: 📚 – books to add to my tbr | 📖 – read and recommend | 💔 – do not recommend
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📖Everless by Sara Holland [purchase] I really enjoyed this book as it was one of two that got me out of a reading slump. Also the fact its only part of a duology really makes it better imo. No more waiting for book #2349!
📚 The Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo [purchase] & Onyx and Ivory by Mindee Arnett [purchase] & Neverworld Wake by Marisha Pessl [purchase] Yes sorry I am the Trash Queen who owns all of Leigh’s work and still hasn’t read any, and I also have Onyx & Ivory from a past FL that I really should read. However, Neverworld Wake is a totally new to me book that I’ve seen the cover of and its so pretty I gotta give it a try, right?
💔The Fault in Our Stars by John Green I really tried with this book but it just kind of fell very flat for me. I had barely any interest in it and mostly wish it had followed suit of the book they were reading (that had no ending) as I think that would’ve been a much more interesting concept.
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📖The Folk of the Air series by Holly Black [purchase] & Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan [purchase] I love these three books so gorram much! I even convinved LGBT+ Book Club to read GoPaF this month so I’m excited to hear what they think.
📚Nevernight by Jay Kristoff [purchase] & Daughter of the Burning City by Amanda Foody [purchase] I finally got a copy of Nevernight so yes I know I need to read ASAP and I promise I’ll at the very least read it this year – yes I know you’re very surprised I haven’t read it. DotBC is also one that I’ve been looking at for a while and I’ll be getting a copy in two weeks!
📖The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater [purchase] & The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon [purchase] The Raven Cycle was the first read-along that I hosted with Books and Tea so it holds a special place in my heart, and The Raven King was the first book I ever tabbed! I loved it. Okay, its kind of cheating that I included Priory but what I have read I love.
💔So many books by Cassie Clare I think 2019 is the year that I’ve finally accepted I wont be reading Cassie’s books. I’ve never tried, its simply just theres so many and I do not have the room for them. Sorry love.
📚The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton [purchase] & This Mortal Coil by Emily Suvada [purchase] & 📚Shadow of the Fox by Julia Kagawa [purchase] & The Illuminae Files by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff [purchase] *sweats in a great big panic* Look at all these fabulous books I really want to read, plus a whole lot more of these shelves but listing everything was getting embarressing. Which should I prioritise?
📖Forest of a Thousand Lanterns by Julie C. Dao [purchase] & Caraval by Stephanie Garber [purchase] Forest was another BnT readalong we did and I really enjoyed this, the whole experience was one I loved. Whilst I’m not a super fan of Caraval I did really enjoy it when I read it & its what made me meet and be friends with Amy & Beth!
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📖Every single book by V.E Schwab [purchase] & Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer [purchase] I have my own Schwab shelf (though its not in the pictures Cerys has because I recently moved it). I love her work so much, it does everything I want amazing books to do. Then in contrast we have Twilight which is not great writing but I’m gonna recommend it because its the series that got me back into reading during high school.
Gosh this post ended up much longer than my first, or it feels that way when I’m writing it at 1am ahha. I tried to keep it to the point as I realised there was a good handful of books that I wanted to include. The books that I’ve reviewed I placed the reviews as the book titles instead of the Goodreads page so you could further read my thoughts on why I liked them.
Did I skip over any of your favourite books?
Which of these books would you recommend?
If you enjoyed this post consider supporting Northern Plunder Ko-fi | Twitter | Book Club | Blogs & Tea | RedBubble
Browsing Bloggers Bookshelves | Cerys @ Browsing For Books @mcgonagalI #BooksandTeaBC Browsing Bloggers Bookhselves | Browsing For Books So you may remember that last month I did a similarly titled post with…
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megst13 · 6 years
The Norse Mythology Book Tag!
NEW TAG: The Norse Mythology Book Tag! I love Norse Mythology and book tags, so this is my heaven! #bookbloggers #booklovers #NorseTag
Hi everyone! I am SO excited to be doing this tag! I was tagged by my favourite Sarah from BookHookedNook – check out her blog here! She writes such amazing reviews, you won’t want to miss them! I absolutely adore mythology, and I can’t wait to get stuck in to these questions! The tag was originally created by Kyera’s Library so you can go check that out if you wish.THE RULES Link back to my…
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