rnoni · 3 days
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wheresitapp · 2 years
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Creating an app for your business can be a great way to engage with your customers and provide them with a better user experience. However, building an app can seem like a daunting task, especially if you have no coding experience. That's where wheresitapp comes in. With wheresitapp, you can create your own app with loyalty, booking, and push notifications for just £899.
At wheresitapp, we understand that building an app can be a time-consuming and costly process. That's why we have made it super easy and quick for you to create your own app. Our team of experts will guide you through the whole process, from design to deployment, ensuring that your app is ready to launch on both iOS and Android platforms.
Once your app is live, you can start engaging with your customers like never before. Our app comes with loyalty and booking features that allow you to reward your customers for their loyalty and make it easy for them to book appointments or make reservations. You can also use push notifications to keep your customers informed about new promotions, events, or changes to your services.
Our marketing platform is designed to help your app rock. Our push notification system is designed to help you get your message across to your customers effectively. With our marketing tools, you can create targeted campaigns that reach the right customers at the right time, helping you increase your customer base and grow your business.
In conclusion, creating your own app with wheresitapp is an affordable and straightforward way to engage with your customers and provide them with a better user experience. With our easy-to-use platform, you can create an app with loyalty, booking, and push notifications for just £899. Our team of experts is here to help you through the whole process, so why wait? Start building your app today and take your business to the next level!
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jmore4 · 6 months
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hillingdontoday · 1 year
Council serves up new tennis courts
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Hillingdon Council is welcoming residents to join the festivities as it unveils its recently refurbished tennis courts. The announcement was made in anticipation of its free, sports-themed family fun days on May 13th and 14th at Northwood Recreational Ground and Rosedale Park.   The National Tennis Association coaching team, Hillingdon Council's coaching provider, will be present from 9am to 12pm to offer coaching and facilitate residents of all ages and abilities to play and learn more about the sport. Equipment will be provided at both events.   The renovations to the tennis courts in four of the borough's parks, including Rosedale Park, Hayes, Northwood Recreation Ground, Swakeleys Park, Ickenham, and Harmondsworth Recreation Ground, began this spring and will continue into the summer. The renovations include line painting, new nets, replacing fences, resurfacing courts, and improved court accessibility, including new gate-access technology and booking systems.   Those interested in attending the free sports-themed family fun days on May 13th and 14th can book a space via www.hillingdon.gov.uk/tennis-open-weekend.   #northwood #hayes #ickenham #sport #sports #coaching #renovation #renovations #spring #summer #free #familyfunday #tennis #tenniscourts #refurbished #harmondsworth #northwoodrecreationalground #rosedalepark #swakeleyspark #harmondsworthrecreationground #hillingdoncouncil #nationaltennisassociation #nta #lawntennisassociation #lta Read the full article
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robertnelson2-blog · 1 year
Website udvikling
Der findes 1001 veje til at finde frem til hvad bliver et optimalt website for dig. Website udvikling
Bruge en Photoshop fil til at oprette hjemmeside design
Bruge en website-builder som WIX, Squarespace, Bricksite, Smartweb, Dandomain, One.com osv.
Landing page eller kampagne side
Anvendelse af CMS, som Sitecore, DynamicWEB, Umbraco
Gratis hosting af Website på Tumblr
Skriv koden selv
Der er blevet til mere end 200 webløsninger fra lille autoværksted med gratis hosting på Tumblr over til store lager og bookingsystemer. Hjemmesideudvikling priser
Jeg ville jeg glædes over at kunne bruge min erfaring til at hjælpe dig til at komme i luften med noget som du er glad for og som du kan arbejde med.
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orderific · 1 year
Hotel Management System
Are you looking for a reputable hotel management system or software? Here, we're offering you the best product on the market. We have examined them, which will give you user-friendly vital features made specifically to boost your entire system and increase business processes, elevating the guest experience. You can manage bookings and reservations, keep track of inventory, process payments, and more with our recommended hotel management software. With the help of our dependable partners in hospitality management systems, increase productivity and profitability.
#hotelmanagement #softwares #hotels #hotelmanagementsoftware #hospitalitymanagementsystem #hoteloperations #bookingsystem #hotelmanagement #resortmanagement
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vtwik · 2 years
Brief #3 - uke 1
"Skjermbasert interaksjonsdesign og deling."
Oppgaven i brief #3 går ut på å skape et skjermbasert grensesnitt som kombinerer former for ikke kommersiell deling med en gitt ting.
Tingen jeg fikk utdelt var "hageutstyr".
Målene for den første uka var å få definert prosjektets omfang, lage en enkel prototype i Figma, og å utføre noe brukertesting av prototypen og dokumentere funn.
Jeg startet med å ta en diskusjonsrunde sammen med Milla, som fikk utdelt samme ting, rundt hva denne appen og/eller tjenesten kunne være. Blant annet snakket vi om hva "hageutstyr" kunne tolkes som, hvilke potensielle brukergrupper vi kunne rette oss mot, og hvilke former for deling som var mulig.
Jeg fortsatte med litt videre utforskining på egenhånd, og gjorde blant annet noe research på hva slags liknenede tjenester og produkter som finnes fra før. Da oppdaget jeg at det allerede finnes en mengde tjenester for såkalt peer-to-peer utlån og utleie. For alle mulige ting og utstyr, men hovedsaklig redskaper og verktøy. Av den grunn så valgte jeg å istedet lage noe som tilrettelegger for en annen type deling, hvor lånegjenstandene er sentraliserte.
Når jeg tenkte på hvilke personer som kan ha nytte av en tjeneste der de kan låne hageutstyr/redskaper, så kom jeg fram til noen viktige kriterier:
personen har hage
personen kan ha begrenset oppbevaringsplass
personen har lav bruksfrekvens av slikt utstyr.
Basert på dette så bestemte jeg at det var mest logisk å rette appen/tjenesten mot beboere i borettslag og vel bestående av hovedsaklig rekkehus og flermannsboliger.
Dermed ble ideen en app som skal fungere som et verktøy og meldingsplattform knyttet til en større tjeneste for lån av hageutstyr og verktøy internt i borettslag eller velforeninger. Tjenesten er tenkt som en felles bod med felleseid utstyr, hvor beboere kan låse seg inn og låne gjennom appen. Tjenesten administreres av styreleder/medlem og beboerene selv, og tilpasses dermed deres behov.
litt notater/skisser fra prosessen:
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Fellesboden (foreløpig navn) er tenkt å inneholde følgende funksjonalitet for alle brukere i et borettslag/vel:
Nøkkel til boden.
Til en hver tid gi brukerne oversikt over hvilket utstyr som ligger tilgjengelig i boden, og hva som for øyeblikket er utlånt.
Kø/bookingsystem for gjenstander som alt er utlånt.
Mulighet for å kontakte den som låner en spesifikk gjenstand.
Side for å legge inn og stemme opp innkjøpsforslag.
I tilleg til følgende funksjonalitet for brukere med administrasjonsrolle:
Godkjenne eller bekrefte innkjøp fra forslagssiden.
Se og administrere medlemsliste.
Administrere bodens innholdsoversikt.
Overføre administratorrettigheter ved styreskifte.
I denne uka så valgte jeg å fokusere funksjonaliteten til appen og på å prøve å få til intuitiv navigasjon, fremfor UI og estetikk. Derfor har jeg ikke utforsket og skisset noe særlig rundt utseende på appen og jeg har i all hovedsak tenkt på alle GUI elementene jeg har brukt så langt som placeholders.
Fra den lille brukertestinga jeg gjorde, så så jeg at mekanismen for å låse opp boden virka intuitiv. Den må imidlertid testes på mange fler før jeg tør å stole på det. Jeg merket også at det trykkbare området på enkelte ting (eksempelvis nøkkelen) godt kan utviddes litt.
En annen ting jeg merket meg når jeg kjørte prototypen på mobil, var at jeg burde ha konstruert alt responsivt. Små forskjeller i oppløsning og format mellom malene i figma og mobilene jeg brukte skapte problemer. Men igjen så var fokuset mitt denne uka mer på å "sketche" ut funksjonaliteten, og å få til intuitive koblinger mellom de ulike sidene i appen, fremfor å lage en "ferdig fil" som kan sendes til utvikler.
Når jeg fortsetter på oppgaven neste uke, så ønsker jeg å bygge opp fila på nytt, på responsiv måte, etter den "grovmalen" jeg nå har laget gjennom denne uka. Derfor har jeg ikke implementert endringer etter det jeg fant i brukertestinga enda.
Her er link til protoypen:
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chikucabllp · 2 years
Utilizing Taxi Service in India!
Table of Content
Booking with Chiku Cab
Traveling by taxi service in India is both the most practical and cost-effective way to get around. If travelers opt for a taxi with a variety of amenities, they will have a much more pleasurable experience. The airport or any other location of your choice can take advantage of the cab hire services, which have an easy-to-use online booking system. These services can be reserved quickly and easily.
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The cab hiring service is offered together with hotel amenities for any and all travellers, including those travelling in business class as well as those travelling in economy class. The taxi that passengers take can be selected based on their needs and their available funds. There is more than one company that offers taxi services to passengers travelling to and from outlying areas. Chiku Cab is widely regarded as India's premier taxi service provider. The benchmark for the quality of online cab booking in Indianaggregators has been increased by Chiku Cab.
The city cabs, the town cabs, and the national cabs are the three varieties of outstation taxis that passengers can make use of. The national cabs are in a league of their own when compared to the other kinds of cabs. The National Cab Company provides its customers with access to all of the available amenities. The fleet is comprised of many different types of taxis, including luxury, standard, executive, and so on and so forth. Taking into account both your requirements and your budget, you are able to choose the Cab service in India that best suits your needs.
Booking with Chiku Cab
The use of Chiku Cab online cab bookingsystem comes with a number of advantages. Travellers can use their names and phone numbers to book an outstation cab through the company's website or through their mobile app on their mobile devices. A connection to the internet is all that is required to book a taxi and also to ask questions. They also have access to the list of cabs that are currently available in the fleet. The method makes it possible for you to book a cab in a matter of minutes and select a taxi service in India that meets your specific requirements.
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The system's dashboard for booking taxis features an in-call facility for passengers' convenience. The call will be waiting for you when you exit the taxi and can be answered anytime. The interface for reserving a taxi gives you access to all the relevant information regarding the taxi, including its precise location, colour, description, licence plate number, taxi destination, taxi location, and so on. They have a list of destinations from which they can dispatch taxis to consumers, and the cabs themselves are stationed at predetermined locations around the city. The drivers of the taxis have received extensive training and will be able to direct you most helpfully.
Online taxi service booking with the option of an on-demand driver has many advantages. The customer will have no trouble communicating with the driver because he can speak English fluently. The outstation cab service in India is in the best interests of both the passenger and the taxi driver. Taxi riders may go around the city on their own time and have services brought to them. Stopover tours are another option for them.
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dreamguystech31 · 2 years
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#TruelySell great choice for your service provider App. It is a modern-based and easily customizable App template. TruelySell provides you with a variety of on-demand services. By using this app you can simply book a wide range of services and delivered by professional experts from nearby locations. #appointmentbookingsystem, #bookingsystem, #cleaning service, #handymanclone, #homeservicefinder, #nearbyservice, #nearbyservicefinder, #ondemandservice, #scheduleservice, #nearbyservicefinderservicebooking, #servicelisting, #serviceprovider, #servicefinder, #urbanclapclonescript For enquires Mob: +91 9942576886 Email: [email protected] Try a demo: https://bit.ly/3BsTvyb For more Detail visit : https://truelysell.com/
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surveycircle · 2 years
Participants needed for online survey! Topic: "Airline Booking Systems: Gaining perspectives on the Maltese market" https://t.co/OqjC6fsGiU via @SurveyCircle #airlines #flights #OnlineBooking #travel #malta #AirTravel #BookingSystems #survey #surveycircle https://t.co/Q0W0kQduw2
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) Sep 24, 2022
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modeltalentartist · 4 years
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Throwback 2016: a #bookshelf full of #fashion #magazines at a client in #NYC #newyork #ny #newyorkcity #agency #agents #modelagency #modeling #talent #bookingsystem #software #model #booking #booker #agent #artist #talent ... . #bandw #bw #mono #bnw #monochromatic #blackandwhite #blackwhite #blacknwhite #blackandwhitephotography #architecture (at dna Model Management) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFnmG9fgOBN/?igshid=6g05gtuv76g
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heavencoders · 5 years
Wordpress Booking System Plugin - HeavenCoders
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letsdiskuss-blog · 2 years
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bassaminfotech · 2 years
Odoo venue booking or event booking module comes up with a set of attractive features to reduce the workload of arranging public and private events. Complete online management of the process is possible with implementing ERP ODOO VENUE BOOKING MANAGEMENT ERP SOFTWARE: The blog is out now !!! 👉https://lnkd.in/g_GD9BA3
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lisai74-blog · 6 years
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Homecoming hairstyles ideas;Appointment verified by MMF Beauty salon software #tip #hair #hairstyle #salon #salonowners #haircolor #follow #love #cute #lucky #art #beauty #cool #barbershop #nail #appointmentsoftware #stylinghair #bookingsystem #hairideas #haircare #decoration #flower #stage #nail #nailart #nailsalon #spa #fashion #modernsalon #mmfbeauty #software https://www.instagram.com/p/BoJTflAh329/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=im96nunccp4q
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getsavo · 3 years
Represent yourself to the world with a unique domain name and reliable web hosting services, make One.com offers exciting solution to sustain your strong online existence. Grab 50% Off at GetSavo UK.
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