Understanding Artists' Books
The Paul D. Fleck Library & Archives holds over 5,000 artists' books - and the collection continues to grow through a combination of donations and purchases every year.
But what is an artists' book?
Well, part of the (usually exciting) challenge of artists' books is that they're difficult to define. For the Emily Carr University Art and Design library, the artists' book collection "encompasses books conceived, crafted, published, produced or altered by an artist, designer or collective with the intention of creating an independent art work ." But for the Smithsonian Library, "[a]n artist’s book is a medium of artistic expression that uses the structure or function of 'book' as inspiration—a work of art in book form." Our collection sits somewhere in between, encapsulating works in both of these definitions - and some works that are beyond either. In our library, you'll find do-it-yourself zines and handmade chapbooks from small presses, sculptural pieces, weavings, objects, comic art, flipbooks, and dozens of other specific forms.
Our collection began in 1985, when the director of the Walter Phillips Gallery, Lorne Falk, handed Bob Foley (Banff Centre's first full-time librarian) a suitcase's worth of artists' books and said, "These are yours, you should do something with them." Through a meeting with AA Bronson, an artist who founded Art Metropole and the New York Art Book Fair, Foley expanded the collection by developing relationships with publishers and distributors. Since then, the collection came to include artists such as Dieter Roth, Ed Ruscha (whose artists' book Every Building on the Sunset Strip inspired the creation of this tumblr page!), Barbara Kruger, Joseph Beuys, Mieko Shiomi, Yoko Ono, Gertrude Stein, and John Cage.
Please take your time to explore our tumblr and our library catalogue - and if you ever get the chance, please come and explore our artists' books in person. The library staff are always excited to answer questions or help you find what you're looking for.
If you'd like to read more about artists' books, consider these books:
Aarons, Philip E. and Andrew Roth, editors. In Numbers: Serial Publications by Artists Since 1055. Zurich: PPP Editions, 2009.
Arnar, Anna Sigrídur. The Book as Instrument: Stéphane Mallarmé, the Artist's Book, and the Transformation of Print Culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011.
Castleman, Riva. A Century of Artists Books. New York: Museum of Modern Art; distributed by Henry N. Abrams, 1994.
Drucker, Johanna. A Century of Artists' Books. New York: Granary Books, 1995.
Phillpot, Clive. Booktrek: Selected Essays on Artists' Books since 1972. Zurich: JRP Ringier, 2013.
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peodavies · 6 years
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The Book shall walk today... The Brain shall trek today... The Brilliant ones shall read roday.... Join us @ngbritisharts as @labaf1 2018 kicks off. Catch you! #Labaf #LagosLife #BookTrek #CORA #Peodavies #CreativePerson #Bookworm #Promoterofgoodworks #BeDifferent #LifestylePR #Event #Lagos https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpx6y8fBzY3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1a6bt7e3lxu6z
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barbinnebraska · 6 years
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‪Secrets! #sotrue #BookSnaps The Extraordinary Colors of Auden Dare by #zillahbethell #BookTrek ‬
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atruebloodwrites · 5 years
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Holiday giveaway for HS teachers & librarians!🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄 I’m gifting a full set of my books & swag to a HS classroom library or school library. To enter, simply comment to this post. Winner will be selected on Dec. 20! #bookposse #bookvoyage #bookexpedition #kidlitexchange #bookjourney #bookexcursion #booksquad #bookjaunt #booktrek #booksojourn #bookhike #bookodyssey #highschoolteachers #highschoollibrary #highschoollibrarian #classroomlibrary #bookgiveaway #bookswag #igauthorlife https://www.instagram.com/p/B6BUI_FgTz2/?igshid=iqd5zru1z570
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frolicadventure · 5 years
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Mountains, the cultural, and religious monuments make more beautiful to Langtang. . folicadventure.com/langtang-valley-trek . #langtang #valley #trek #nepal #trekking #hiking👣 #adventure #nationalpark #mountains #stupa #backpackingnepal #nature #photography #wownepal #nepalnow #nepal8thwonder #wounderlust #trekkingagency #kathmandu #booktrek #shortandeasytrekkinginnepal #frolicadventure #travelling #holidays #mountains #buddism #stupa (at Langtang, Nepal) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwlEdLlJYSX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jute884snv46
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poetryfreak38 · 7 years
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Today's read!!!! #teacherlife #booktrek #poetry
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bibliobeque · 5 years
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So I've had a slight change of name... This is due to the fact that I'm going to mostly start posting about my forays into BookCrossing. For those who do not know, 'BookCrossing is the act of releasing your books "into the wild" for a stranger to find, or via "controlled release" to another BookCrossing member, and tracking where they go via journal entries from around the world.' (according to bookcrossing.com) It's something I've wanted to participate in since finding my first BookCrossed book at Cardiff Central train station nearly 15 years ago. Here are some of the books I plan to release. I have a lot of dupes so it's not too painful for me to let these go. 😅 #BookCrossing #bookcrossedlovers #bibliotreque #bibliotrek #booktrek #travelingbooks #travellingbooks — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2mG0wIZ
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thebooksociety · 5 years
리딩룸 – 실천으로 예술출판
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더 북 소사이어티에서 리딩룸을 함께 할 분들을 모집합니다. 총 6회에 걸쳐 격주로 함께 글을 읽고 토론하는 리딩룸의 이번 주제는 “실천으로 예술출판”입니다. 새로운 비더마이어 시대로 불리는 지금 우리는 여전히 많은 책을 만들고 이것을 소비합니다. 하지만 상대적으로 이러한 문화에 대한 담론은 부족한 상황입니다. 우리는 함께 글을 읽고 토론하면서 이러한 문화의 새로운 가능성에 대해 이야기를 나눌 생각입니다. 몇 가지 소주제나 예상되는 리딩 리스트들이 있긴 하지만 기본적으로는 참여하시는 분들의 성향이나 관심사, 능력에 따라 함께 읽을 글이나 주제들이 결정될 것입니다. 이번 리딩룸의 참여자들은 예술 출판과 관련하여 자신이 관심 있는 주제나 작가, 출판사, 편집자들이 만든 책에 대해 이야기하고 자신 만의 관점에서 이 주제를 발전시킬 기회를 가질 수 있을 것이라고 생각합니다. 앞에서 언급한 것처럼 이번 리딩룸은 좀 더 열린 형식으로 진행됩니다. 기본적으로는 총 6회에 걸쳐서 동시대 예술출판에 대한 글들을 선정하여 함께 읽겠지만, 참여자의 관심사에 따라 리딩 리스트 이외 다른 소주제가 추가될 수 있습니다. 또한 특정한 작가나 기획자, 편집자의 책에 대해 이야기하고 직접 아티클을 생산할 수도 있습니다. 기본적으로는 매주 1~2개의 아티클을 발제하고 여기에 대해 토론을 진행하는 형식으로 진행됩니다.
키워드: 예술출판, 소규모 출판, 아티스트 북, 진ZINE, 뉴비더마이어, 마이크로 페어, 저장소, 포스트디지털, 소규모 서점, 기관출판, 인포샵, POD
일시: 6월 중순부터 격주로 총 6회 예정 (참여자 일정에 따라 요일과 시간이 결정됩니다) 장소: 더 북 소사이어티 통의동 참여비용: 무료 모집인원: 5명 내외
자격 책이나 글을 읽고 함께 토론하는 리딩그룹입니다. 전문적인 독해 능력을 필요로 하진 않으나 해당 영문 아티클을 발제하고 함께 토론할 수 있는 분이 참여할 수 있습니다.
참여방법 아래 이메일로 간단한 자기소개와 참여 동기를 A4 3장 내외로 작성해서 6월 10일 월요일 오전 12시까지 보내주시기 바랍니다. 적당한 참여자가 없는 경우에 마감이 연장될 수 있습니다. [email protected]
예상 리딩 리스트
Publishing as artistic practice, Sternberg Press, 2016 Publishing Manifestos, Miss Read, 2018 No-ISBN, Salon fur Kunstbuch, 2017 On the art and politics of radical publishing, Minesota Press, 2016 Booktrek, Clive Phillpot, Jrp Ringier, 2013 Lost and Living (in) Archives – Collectively Shaping New Memories, Annet Dekker (Ed.), 2017
* 이 프로그램은 서울시 ‘서울형 책방’ 사업의 지원을 받았습니다.
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enhacore · 5 years
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Booktrek  Laboratorio de edición Vol 1 
Colección fanzines 2019 II 
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noritual · 5 years
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Clive Phillpot
Clive Phillpot has been a tireless advocate for the artist’s book for more than 40 years--both as a critic, curator and editor, and in his tenure as director at the library of The Museum of Modern Art in the late 1970s, where he built the library’s collection of artist’s books and mapped out the field with influential essays that traced its ancestry and distinguished it from seemingly similar genres such as the livre d’artiste. As he has delineated the genre: “Artists’ books are understood to be books or booklets produced by the artist using mass-production methods, and in (theoretically) unlimited numbers, in which the artist documents or realizes art ideas or artworks.” Also collaborating with Printed Matter and Franklin Furnace, among other places dedicated to the medium of the book, Phillpot helped raise awareness of artists’ books, endowing them with the critical credentials to enter the collections of museums. Booktrek gathers for the first time Phillpot’s essays on the definition and development of artists’ books from 1972 to the present--historical texts, manifestos, catalogue entries and essays on works by Ed Ruscha, Sol LeWitt, Dieter Roth and Richard Long. Booktrek will prove an invaluable reference for all those interested in the evolution of the artist’s book, and offers a crucial account of the genre’s ascent.
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mykhiotime-blog · 6 years
29 October - 2 November
Publishing Workshop initiated by Mike Sperlinger, with Nate Pyper, João Doria and Vibeke Luther O'Rourke
Based in KhiO's Publishing Studio, this intensive one week course – engaging students from Kunstakademiet and Kunst og Handwerk – will explore the medium of “publishing as artistic practice”. The course will be led by a guest teacher, designers Nate Pyper and João Doria.
Students will have a problem-solving experience: developing ideas through the hands-on process of making an artist’s book. The basic starting point will be a set of images/photos which you bring to the course. Depending on the nature of your practice, that might mean a set of found photographs to be collaged, your own photographs, documentary images of your artworks, or something else entirely.
The workshop will combine book-arts with image and text driven content supported by lectures, presentations, technical demonstrations, group discussions, one to one tutorials and audience feedback. Parts of the course will be documented as a record of the production process and there will be a presentation of students’ maquettes at the end of week.
Participants will be expected to prepare material in advance, to attend the whole course and to take an active role in all aspects of the process, learning to apply traditional bookbinding tools and digital printing equipment in innovative ways.
-Unshelfmarked: Reconceiving the artist’s book, Michael Hampton. Published by Uniformbooks, 2015. -Artists’ Books, The Book as a Work of Art 1963-2000, Stephen Bury. Published by Quaritch, 2015 -Art and Text, Dave Beech. Black Dog Publishing, 2009 -Writing on the Wall: Word and Image in Modern Art, Simon Morley. University of California Press, 2005
- Publishing as Artistic Practice, Annette Gilbert, Sternberg Press 2017
- Post Digital Print, the mutation of publishing since 1894 by Alessandro  
Ludovico, Onomatopee 2012
- Booktrek by Clive Phillpot, JRP Ringier 2013
- Dispersion by Seth Price, 2002 http://www.distributedhistory.com/Dispersion2007.comp.pdf
Litia Perta's "Against Curation or Losing Your Grip" http://www.litiaperta.com/writing-bodies/
David Reinfurt, "G-E-S-T-A-L-T" http://www.servinglibrary.org/journal/5/g-e-s-t-a-l-t
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daskunstbuch · 7 years
Hi there, 
I made a new category on Das Kunstbuch: SOURCE BOOKS about ARTISTS‘ PUBLICATIONS. Here you can find a selection of reference books and writings on the artists‘ publications arranged by author (A-Z). The list is constantly being expanded and updated. 
Andrew Roth / Philip E. Aarons / Claire Lehmann (Eds.), Artists Who Make Books, Phaidon, London 2017
Michalis Pichler (Ed.): Books and Ideas after Seth Siegelaub, Sternberg Press, Berlin 2016
Annette Gilbert: Publishing As Artistic Practice, Sternberg Press, Berlin 2016
Bernhard Cella / Leo Findeisen / Agnes Blaha (Eds.): NO ISBN. On-selfpublishing, Salon für Kunstbuch, Wien 2017 (2nd Ed.)
Wayne Daly / Adrien Vasquez (Eds.): Dressed in Black, Precinct, London 2017
Leontine Coelewij / Sara Martinetti (Eds.): Seth Siegelaub. Beyond Conceptual Art, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln 2015
Arnaud Desjardin, The Book on Books on Artists Books [BoBoAb], Everyday Press, London 2013 (2nd Ed.)
Clive Phillpot: Booktrek: Selected Essays on Artists’ Books (1972-2010), JRP Ringier Zurich 2013
Gwen Allen | Artists’ magazines. An Alternative Space for Art, 2011 (Foto: Marlene Obermayer)
Germano Celant: Book as artwork 1960/1972, 6 Decades Books, New York NY 2010 (Reprint)
++ NEW ++ on Das Kunstbuch: SOURCE BOOKS about ARTISTS‘ PUBLICATIONS Hi there,  I made a new category on Das Kunstbuch: SOURCE BOOKS about ARTISTS‘ PUBLICATIONS.
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barbinnebraska · 6 years
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#amreading The House That Lou Built by @maerespiciobooks #BookTrek https://www.instagram.com/p/Bppt3Ndn14N/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=lz3tcxc04r3z
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bookdummypress · 9 years
Check the new bdp poster and take one for free tomorrow Sunday May 3, 1pm to 6pm there are an extensive list of exhibitions opening at @manacontemporary #bookdummypress will be open.#newsprint #clivephillpot #ninomiyakinjiro #bookwork #booktrek
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poetryfreak38 · 7 years
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Did a book hook for this book last week and the kids went crazy for it!!! Highly recommend this book for upper elementary and middle school readers!!! #katieslivensky #thecountdownconspiracy #science #middlegrades #booktrek
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booklooking · 10 years
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On my reading pile this week, some old, some new...
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