#booping you guys and my animals goodnight
nervocat · 6 months
I'm gonna go to bed guys. Hope you had a good April fools and booping day 🫶🫶
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felworthless · 3 years
for my request i do not ask for art, i ask for the best hcs for the gang youve ever known
this is kinda hard but lemme see Darry: - struggles with maturity and just wants to feel like a kid again - a complete mamas boy - snacks a lot on nuts and seeds and popcorn n stuff - owns the only netflix account and lets everyone use it - he's not a father he's more like that dog whisperer guy who trains unruly pets whats his name - cesar millan Soda: -tiktok bitch - watches nickelodeon - doesn't listen to music all that much - him and marcia would actually be best friends - does a lot of shit ironically. like owns things ironically and takes ironic selfies and is addicted to saying "fr" - example: owns a pair of garfield dad-bod socks -just look them up Pony: - very with the times, pop culture expert - is very tall. taller than most of the others - high pitched scream - uses a lot of hair-care products he gets from two-bit - actually all bark his bite is nonexistent -can draw really well - has a diary and the gang likes to read it (but he doesn't know that)
Dallas: -The trashman; mr crime - is the dog that cesar millan trains - eats garbage, smells like garbage, oscar the grouch - hair is always getting in his eyes - owns a cat and he loves the cat a lot :) -for some reason has a lot of animal friends like a lot of crows and a couple rats that he feeds. like a dirty disney princess - gets all mushy when he's drunk - has not said a single sentence without the word "man" in it -makes a lot of edgy jokes at the worst times Johnny: - big gamer and his hand-eye coordination is insane - is not very good at drawing but enjoys it anyway - honestly really enjoys sports. any sport. plays with darry a lot - dubstep enjoyer - has a bunch of pokemon keychains -plant father -has so many plants he keeps at the curtis house - has a souncloud account where he posts a bunch of beep boop music he makes Steve: - huuuge history buff ask him about history please he wants to share his knowledge - elvis presley fanboy - likes musicals and trash movies shhh - names the things he owns. cars, phones, tools. they all have names. -"pass me steve jr" "what are you talking about" "PASS ME THE WRENCH DAMN." - rock and roll enthusiast -i would like to squeeze in that he is a hipster. goodnight - bpd Two-Bit: -takes hours to get ready because his hair is flawless - loves his friends :) that isn't a headcanon but its here anyway he loves his friends :) - quotes stuff that nobody knows - great at impressions - makes up and mixes words like shakespeare - has a lot of nicknames for the others and was the first to call darrel "darry" and dallas "dally" -asks pony to draw him mickey mouse - has a bunch of ponyboy's drawings saved and hung up in his room gonna add a little cherry: -girlboss such a girlboss - religiously goes to 7-11 - procrastinates - watches a lot of 90s anime and i wanna add that i hc sylvia as a transgirl and a computer nerd
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The Brothers reacting to MC if they would of turned into an Animal(Bunny Edition)
(I personally think MC would of been a bunny for lust sake or a Ram because of the icons XD I might do a ram version too since MC would act differently) (I looked up Bunny behavior to help give me ideas ) Warning: Slight NSFW and suggestive 
Story: After you guys try to settle things , after when Mammon and Satan broke the Antidote, you felt strange. It was a mix of dizzy and small bit of arousal (not as much as Asmo but enough to be noticeable if you pay attention). Suddenly a fog blew up around you and you’ve turned into an animal! More specifically a bunny, I guess the potion just took longer for humans? Then you realized that you were surrounded mainly by carnivores who weren’t mainly hungry but “thirsty”  “I am so screwed-” Lucifer
-As much as he can control his animal instincts, his lust and love for you are harder -He tends to keep his arms around you and make glares at anyone who comes close -He tends to growl if any of the brother’s touch you and barks to show his dominance -He loves to nuzzle into your neck because of how fluffy you’ve gotten -he’s a little touchy but won’t go too far if you’re uncomfortable -sometimes you huddle of to him because of how warm he is  -You would stomp your foot around him and he’d just be confused as well as when you hopped -When Lucifer is busy for whatever reason at this time, you nip at him , you loved the attention he gave you -he’d be slightly irritated but he would pet your head to calm you down but it makes him have his urges again -the night is when things get more interesting -When you walk through through the halls and to Lucifer’s room to check on him ,all you see are dark glowing eyes within the dark and the moonlight hits part of him perfectly -Not knowing what you should do, all you did was froze -He got up slowly approaching you like a wolf ready to pounce on his prey -”Tonight , you’ll be mine and only mine..~”
-When he was that you were a bunny, he lowkey wanted you in a bunny suit but he didn’t want the others to see that  -He would purr against you and slightly beg for your pets especially on his ears -you thought it was adorable and you rubbed yourself onto to him so that he has your “scent”  -He finds you rubbing on him weird since he has no idea what it means but she cuddles after , so he won’t complain too much -Sometimes he has to hold back on himself because his animal instinct make him want to bite her mixed along with his “other “ form of biting -he lunges at you playfully when you least expect it  -you finds the most comfortable place on him is his lap -he feels way too many emotions but he just puts his head on your back so no one sees him look like a tomato  -When night dawns, you say goodnight but he grabs your hand  -you were surprised but looking to his eyes, they were sharp and filled with lust -”wouldn’t want you to be alone tonight...why don’t you come to my room..?~”
Levi -He’s so happy he’s not he only herbivore -He’s also excited to see you wear cute animal ears and tail, touching your fluffy bunny tail was so tempting but he figures it might be the equivalent of you sexually, which he what he lowkey wants to do -He tries to lay his head on your head and have you secure, he doesn’t trust his brothers and he sure as hell doesn’t want them near you  -you two have urges to eat some lettuce and leaves  -”I want some carrots” “hmm..well you could have my carrot...”not thinking what he said  “what?” “NOTHING-”  You actually did hear what he said , so you start circling yourself around him without saying anything (This is how bunnies says “I wanna bang”) -he’s confused but is bashful with your touch -At night, He stuck around with you and he didn’t take his arms off of you -”would it be alright if we sleep together..?”
-He was quite excited to see you join them , as well as his new cat toy  -at first, he playfully scratches at you to see your reaction -Sometimes chases you especially since you have a puffy tail that looks like a puff cat ball -He’d love to cuddle you and would hiss slightly if anyone tries to interrupt him , You’re his after all -you would nuzzle your face onto him and he would purr very loudly , sometimes adding a “meow” -His favorite place to lay on you is your lap , loves to snuggle into your thighs because he knows you get flustered by it  -You don’t admit it but you just love Satan being a cat, it’s too perfect for him especially since he loves cats -At times, you get a feather toy and watch him as he helpless chase it , not with his free will  -He’ll pick up on your bunny behavior since he has studided human world animals before and well aware of your “signals “to him -at night , you wonder where Satan walked off , you checked his room but as soon as you entered. The door closed -you turn seeing a very lustful satan  -”you’ve fallen under my trap~ Let’s see you try to escape this one~”
-let’s be real, animal or not, he was already turned on by you anyways- -He loves to play with your soft bunny ears and cuddle you all day  -any time you try to escape, you’ll all caught in his bear hugs  -as much as his cuddle can be “slightly” painful now , you boop your nose on him, to distract him slightly so he’ll let go, but that just makes him squeeze you more , rip MC Bunny  -He wants to take selfies of you two with #cutieanimals , he took around 80 photos -He wants you to try out many cloths that would be fitting for you in your bunny look, *cough*as well as some lingere*cough* *cough* -He still takes baths with you but he’s a little more touchy, aware that your tail and ears are a little sensitive -You actually enjoy what he’s doing to you but it’s a little embarrassing to admit it  -as night comes, Asmo texts you to come to his room -you already know what’s gonna happen , he’s the avatar of lust, what do you expect?  -As you enter, you’re not surprised he’s slightly naked but has honey as well which highly made you question what he would do -” come dear~ I see how you’d taste with this~” he giggled
-He the sight of you as a bunny , not because you look tasty but because of how cute you look  -he tried eating some of the raw meats they had at the house so he wouldn’t try to eat you  -what he really wanted was your attention -he was purr himself against you so that you would pet him, you do so everytime since he’s so cute ! -He got to feel your ears and they’re super soft that he didn’t even believe it  -He’d try to offer some food to you, which was mainly meat but you had to decline since- well you’re a rabbit- he might as well say “eat yourself” -If you were bored, you’d scratch his ears or play with his tail ,he seems to really enjoy you doing that  --He doesn’t get jealous a lot but doesn’t like when you give his brothers more attention or pets  -You always cuddle him to reassure him  -at night, you were already in his room with him , he’s not the most sexual but he does get a little intimate with you  “so..what do you want to do..?”
-When he saw you turn into a bunny, he imdately prounced onto you and took of with you  -He doesn’t like you being around his brothers before but now as a fox, he’s more territorial of you now -he’s just as sleepy as before but he keeps his tail wrapped around you to stay in place  -He’d lighly make a fox noise(i dunno how to describe it-) and you found it so adorable! He’d be embarrassed immensely  -If any of the brothers come up to the attic, where you two are are , he try to claw at them kinda protecting you  -he would touch your tail because the soft touch pleases him  Sometimes, you would get huffy if he wouldn’t stop touching your animal parts , so you’d nip at him , which he lowkey liked so he kept touching -when it was closer to nighttime, he was more active at night , so you knew he’s be mischievous -As expected, he was over top of you with a smirk -”so, how about a game of Fox and Rabbit..?~”
(Hope you enjoyed! Leave some suggestioneds!)
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Do you spoil your kids?
OOC: I don’t know what verse you mean, but I’ll do pre-rdr 1 1910. I need Marston baby.  (Game started in 1911) I love John being a father so much. Ughhhhhh, Give me more Marston baby!! Crayons and Teddy Bears were the latest toys in the 20th century, btw! 
John rocked the sleeping bundle lying against his chest. Her dark curls shifting as he breathed. “ I don’t think I do,” John answered earnestly.
“Abigail and I don’t often argue anymore, but this is one of the few things we do argue about. She says I’m not soft enough towards the boy. Showing him enough love and all that. She’s wrong. I try. I really do. Jack hasn’t wanted anything to do with me since he was around seven. All the stress of us moving around. Me trying but constantly failing to build a better home. Abigail’s frustration bleeding on to him.  I’m not saying she turned him against me - but he always takes her side. Like the incident at Pronghorn. We would have been homeless if I didn’t step in. 
What kind of father would I be then? I was damned no matter what I did.  He’s fifteen now. He doesn't want to be held - he’s far too old anyway. He doesn’t want to play cards. Or fish. Or hunt. Or shoot. He just wants to read. 
Then he complains I don’t do anything - yet I’m offerin’ all the time. He tells me he hates me sometimes. Yeah, I know. He’s a teen, but I kind of gave up. I’m the bad guy, no matter what I do.”
He looked down at his three old daughters and smiled. “This one, though? She loves me. Her eyes light up when she sees me. She loves being held. I don’t buy her extra toys. She likes to color, so I’ll occasionally bring her extra paper. We bought her a teddy bear not long ago for her birthday. But we don’t really do much more than that. We don’t have the money.
She likes to follow me around the ranch. Abigail likes to call her duckie because she follows me around like one. But she does chores. They’re easy ones like dumping feed for the animals or helping with the water. I’m always with her anyway. Jack didn’t do any chores until he was eleven. Every time I tried to get him to do something - Abigail said he needed to study or that she’d handle it. Let a kid be a kid.  It’s different with Amelia. I don’t know why. I guess Abigail doesn’t want her becoming entitled.” he said with a laugh. He loved Abigail. He loved Jack - but sometimes, there was some hypocrisy. 
“Alright. You caught me. Sometimes I sneak her cheese. It’s her favorite food. Sometimes, when Abigail goes out of town with Jack, I let her sleep in our bed. “  John shrugged.
“She’s three. Is there anything so wrong about that? I love her. I feel like I’ve done something right with her. She’s my chance for redemption. I’m not super religious, but God gave her to me. He gave me Jack. I’m doing what I can with him, but I was there from the very beginning with this one.” He said fondly as he booped her nose.
“I’d do anything for her. For Jack. For Abigail. But one day, it hurts me to think that she won’t want to sit on my lap anymore. She won’t ask Papa to come to help her. In the blink of an eye, she’ll be married. Have children of her own. Maybe she’ll take over the farm! She likes animals.  Jack has already talked about how he can’t wait to go to college and leave us. It is what it is.” He said with a sigh.
“Maybe Abigail is right. She has my heart wrapped around her little finger. If anything. Anything. Ever happened to her. You bet there’s hell to pay.” He said severely, suddenly feeling out of breath.  Amelia yawned and scooched up to his chin.  “Hi, Papa.” she whispered sleepily. “Hey, Darlin’,” John whispered back. He gave her a kiss on the cheek. “That’s scruffy, Papa!” she squealed. John laughed. “ I think it’s time we put you to bed. I hope that answers your question. Goodnight!” John said, tipping his head. “Bye! “ the little night-gowned girl waved. 
OOC: Jack has canonically mentioned “dumping” his parents several times to the point where John and Abigail had actually talked about how worried they were about retirement and what to do with the farm. They knew kids didn’t want to work on a farm or ranch.
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ladywinchester1967 · 5 years
Close Your Eyes
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Character
Warnings: CONTAINS ENDGAME SPOILERS!!!!!!!! Fluff, lovey dove stuff. 
A/N: THIS STORY CONTAINS AVENGERS: ENDGAME SPOILERS, DO NOT READ IF YOU DO NOT WANT ANY SPOILERS!!! THAT’S THE LAST WARNING! I know this isn’t my usual thing, but I felt inspired after seeing Endgame on Sunday and I really enjoyed writing this, I hope you guys like it as well! 
Characters: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanov*, Pepper Potts*  (*= mentioned)
“We failed,” Steve said in the phone “I failed. I failed you and-“
“Don’t you fucking dare say it Steve!” I snapped into the phone “Where’s Bucky?!”
“He’s gone.” Steve said “He’s gone; T'Challa, Sam, Wanda, Vision. They’re all gone.”
I collapsed on to the ground, the phone bouncing away from me as sobs wracked my body.
“No!” I yelled “No, Bucky! NO!”
I rocked back and forth as I held my knees to my face.
“He promised,” I sobbed “he promised me. He promised!”
Five Years Later.....
“Mama?!” A small voice asked.
“Yes baby?” I asked and saw my son, James, running toward me. I picked him up and he said
“Unca Steve at the door.” and stuck his thumb in his mouth, a tell tale sign that he was exhausted.
“Okay, well, let’s go see what Uncle Steve wants.” I said and walked to the door where Steve Rogers stood. He often came by the house to check on me and James ever since Bucky had disappeared. I learned that Thanos had snapped his fingers and wiped out half of earth’s population and for some reason, I was spared and in the very early stages of my pregnancy with James. Natasha had helped me out as much as she could, she was even there when James was born, but it was too hard on Steve. I knew he even had a hard time looking at James because he was the spitting image of Bucky.
“Hey Steve,” I greeted him and opened the door “you wanna come in? I’m just about to put James down for a nap.”
“Yes, thank you.” Steve said, keeping his expression tight.
Once I laid James down, Steve joined me for a cup of coffee and explained their latest mission.
“The less you know the better,” Steve cautioned me “but we’re gonna try and bring everyone back that Thanos got rid of.”
“How?” I asked, “the last I had heard, the Infinity Stones were destroyed and that was all she wrote.”
“Again, the less you know, the better. Just know that I’m going to do everything in my power to bring him home.”
I sighed and looked at the pictures on the mantel, a few were of Bucky and I, but lately, more space was taken up by James, which I knew Bucky wouldn’t have minded at all.
“What if this doesn’t work?” I asked. In spite of the hole I felt in my chest, I’d learned to get along without Bucky, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt every single day.
“It will,” Steve assured me “and the first place I’ll bring him is here.”
I could read the sincerity in his face, he was set. He knew what he had to do. I nodded and reached out, putting my hand over his.
“You better.” I told him.
Days went by without a word from Steve, which wasn’t all that worrisome, but nonetheless kept me on pins and needles. I kept up with James as usual, but this nagging feeling never seemed to leave me. I dropped James off at school and went home, pausing by the fireplace mantel. I picked up my favorite picture of Bucky and I, we’d taken a walk in the forest near our house and I begged him to stop and take a picture with me. He gave in and was smiling broadly with his arm around my shoulders. I sighed and put the picture back, feeling something move in my hand as I did this. I furrowed my brows and turned the picture over, there was a bit of paper stuck in the clasps that held the picture in place. I opened it and my heart nearly burst out of my chest. In Bucky’s scrawled hand writing, the note read
“You’re my life and my safe harbor,
Where the sun sets every night.
And if my love is blind,
I don’t want to see the light.
When my world was dark and blue, I know the only one who rescued me was you.
You’re the reason that I’m feeling it’s finally safe to stay.”
See you soon!
In shock, I dropped the note, the quote was from a Michael Buble song that came up on my Spotify playlist. Bucky heard me humming along with it and wrapped his arms around me.
“I think this song was written about you doll face.” he had said and kissed my cheek.
Then I realized what the nagging feeling was, hope. For the first time in five years, I had hope that Steve would bring Bucky back to me. Tears fell down my cheeks and I clutched the note in my hands.
The next day, James and I were in the house, he was coloring on the dining room floor, his favorite animal coloring book and crayons in front of him while I washed that morning’s dishes. Once the dishwasher was loaded, I glanced down to start it when I heard the distinct sound of a car pulling into the gravel driveway. I looked out of the kitchen window for just a second, then back to the dishwasher, until it clicked in my mind what I had just seen. I looked back up and saw a black Audi SUV pulling closer to the house.
“No way.” I said and watched as the car came to a stop and the engine cut off. I could see Steve and Sam Wilson in the front seat and I immediately ran to the front door and out on to the porch.
“Mommy?” James called after me, but I barely heard him.
I watched, as if in slow motion, Steve and Sam climbed out of the front seat and the back driver’s side door opened.
He looked exactly the same; piercing blue eyes, long dark hair and a shocked expression on his face.
I jumped off the porch and ran to him, it felt like I was moving slower than I really was, as he seemed to be further away. With a couple of long strides, he met me in the middle as I jumped and crashed into his arms. He held me tightly, swinging me around as I cried out joyfully.
“You’re-you’re!” Was all I could say as I ran my fingers through his thick, brown hair.
“I’m home pretty girl,” he said as he pushed my hair out of my face and pressed his forehead to mine “I’m finally home.”
I cried as I kissed him deeply; his lips felt the exact same as they always had. Slightly chapped but still just as sweet and insistent.
“Mommy?!” I heard a small voice yell from the porch.
Bucky immediately pulled back from me and looked at the porch, seeing the boy for the first time. Their eyes, which were carbon copies of each other, locked and I turned to see a big smile cross James’ little face.
“DADDY!” He yelled and ran off the porch as fast as his little legs would carry him.
Bucky’s face drained of color as he set me down and then crouched as the little boy raced to him. James wrapped his arms around Bucky’s neck and squeezed him tightly.
“Daddy! You’re home!” James squealed in delight “Mommy, look! Daddy’s here!”
Bucky picked up the little boy and held him tightly, his eyes wide as he stared at me.
“Daddy?” Bucky asked, tears filling his eyes.
“Bucky,” I told him with a grin on my face “meet James Benjamin Barnes.”
“How-how old is he?” Bucky asked, the shock evident in his voice.
“I five!” James told him proudly and held up five little fingers.
Tears fell from Bucky’s eyes and I watched as he squeezed our son in his arms.
Steve and Sam didn’t stayed for a little while, they each gave me long hugs and I thanked Steve profusely.
“Thank you so much Steve.” I told him for the millionth time as I watched Bucky give James yet another shoulder ride while Sam chased them around the large oak tree in our front yard.
“I promised.” Steve simply told me “The first thing he asked me after the battle was where you were.”
I grinned as I heard Bucky and James laughing while Sam ran behind them. I watched as Bucky put James down to the ground. I turned back to Steve and asked
“Where’s Natasha?”
Steve wouldn’t look at me right away, he bit his lip and shook his head.
“No,” I breathed, my hands over my mouth “oh no, Steve. What happened?”
“It’s a long, long story.” Steve told me “one I haven’t even begun to process yet, but she didn’t die in vain.” He nodded over my shoulder and I watched as both James and Bucky were striding toward me with identical grins on their faces.
“What’re you two up to?” I asked as they got closer.
James looked up at Bucky, who nodded and from behind their backs, they both produced bouquets of wildflowers that grew in the field by our house.
“Oh thank you!” I exclaimed, taking them both and giving both of them a kiss on the cheek “Flowers from my men.”
That night, I made a pot roast for dinner; one of Bucky's favorites, and after a little bit more play time, it was time for James to go to bed.
“I stay up and play with Daddy.” James declared.
“Daddy will be here when you wake up in the morning,” I promised James “won’t you Buck?”
Bucky grinned and said
“You bet I will,” he booped the tip of James’ nose “I’m not leaving you or Mom okay?”
“Okay.” James relented.
After reading Goodnight Moon, Bucky walked with me down the stairs and into the living room where he pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead.
“I’m so sorry,” he said against my skin “I should’ve been here.”
“You would’ve been,” I told him as I looked up at him “I know you would have if it hadn’t been for Thanos.”
Bucky held my face in his hands and kissed my forehead again and then the tip of my nose.
“Damn right I would’ve been,” Bucky told me “but I wasn’t and I missed everything. Him being born, his first steps, his first words.”
“You were here though,” I told him “he has a picture of you and me in his room, one in his cubby at school. He grew up on stories about you, he knows everything about you Bucky. You’re his hero.”
Bucky shook his head, his hair falling into his eyes until I brushed it away, tucking it behind his ear.
“YOU’RE the hero,” he told me “you held down the fort while I was gone, you raised our son by yourself for God’s sake.”
I shrugged and said
“I had help,” I insisted “Nat, Pepper and Steve helped when they could.”
“But you RAISED him,” Bucky insisted “he’s so good and sweet, that’s all you.”
“And he gets away with everything because he looks like you.” I told him with a grin.
We kissed as Bucky pulled me close, holding me tightly in his arms.
We stood like this for a long time, just holding one another. I laid my head on his chest, a genuine smile crossing my face for the first time in a very long time. I squeezed Bucky in my arms and smile up at him.
“I missed you,” I told him “and I found this.”
I showed him the note and he smiled as he read it.
“I left that right before-“ he stopped himself, biting his lip.
I nodded and kissed his cheek.
“I love you too, James Buchanan Barnes.” I told him.
He smirked down at me and kissed the crown of my head. He tilted my face up to his and we kissed tenderly. His hand combed through my hair as he picked me up with his metal arm, carrying me to our room.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Soooo what did you think? I know it’s something outside the Supernatural fandom and this is my first foray into the MCU fan fiction, but I hope ya’ll liked it! You kind feedback is always welcomed and appreciated. Don’t forget to like and share, maybe hit that follow button if you wanna see more content from me! My boxes and lists are always open so if you wanna chat, drop me a line!
​The Squad:
@waywardbaby​​​​​​​​ @waywardnerd67​​​​​​​​ @familybusinesswritingbro​​​​​​​​ @ain-t-bovvered​​​​​​​​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​​​​​​​​ @unholyqu33n​​​​​​​​ @dacleverfox​​​​​​​​ @emoryhemsworth​​​​​​​​ @bobasheebaby​​​​​​​ @myinconnelly1​​​​​​​​ @mogaruke​​​​​​​​ @imma-winchester-addict​​​​​​​​​ @purpleskiesandcherrypies​​​​​​​​ @dean-winchesters-bacon​​​​​​​​ @animerose96​​​​​​​​​  @roonyxx​​​​​​​​​ @snffbeebee​​​​​​​​​ @ezilyamuzed​​​​​​​​​ @srsllydunnodoncare​​​​​​​​​ @latetothewinchesterparty​​​​​​​​​ @emilyshurley​​​​​​​​​ @atc74​​​​​​​​​ @midnightsilverafterdark​​​​​​​​​ @adoptdontshoppets​​​​​​​​​ @biawol​​​​​​​​​  @spaceystacey123​​​​​​​​​ @bella-ca​​​​​​​​​ @clo-heda​​​​​​​​​ @closetspngirl​​​​​​​​​ @thekatherinewinchester​​​​​​​​​ @maddiepants​​​​​​​​​ @idreamofplaid​​​​​​​​ @love-those-boys-in-flannel​​​​​​​ @flamencodiva​​​​​​​ @blueberrykushlovexoxo-blog​​​​​ @sandlee44​​​​​ @tumbler-tidbits​​​ @rainbowsinthestorm @deans-baby-momma​​ @algud​
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Two Men, Three Angels, and a Baby, part 8
Part 7
Tagging:  @sumara62, @evyiione, @moose-and-sqruille-lover, @blackcat995,  @morbid-apricots, @loufworld, @mery-magizoologist, @ saltyasshxe , @giulasfangirlystuff, @fabmagines, @randomness4969 , @missrainbow15 , @becaamm
You banged your hands on the highchair tray, demanding attention, or at the very least, snacks.
“Calm down,” Sam said with a slight chuckle. He dropped a handful of freshly washed blueberries onto the tray, watching as you started rolling them around. “Eat them, don’t play with them, weirdo.”
Sam sat next to you, knowing that you enjoyed having him next to you at all times. He opened his laptop and began searching for his latest case—how to bake a birthday cake.
While it was a little sad to consider the fact that you would be reaching your next birthday while still in baby form, Sam had promised himself that he would still celebrate it with you. He saw how much you enjoyed the toys you’d gotten at Christmas—he could easily get you some similar ones.
Sam glanced over at you, watching you enjoy your snack. He was beginning to think it might be pointless, but Sam still had hope that you would return to normal. Maybe the spell would lift on your birthday…
“Sammy! And Munchkin! What are you two up to?”
“Hi, Gabriel.”
You squealed in excitement upon the angel’s arrival. Gabriel crouched down next to you, letting you feed him a blueberry (only slightly squished). He glanced over at Sam’s computer. “Suddenly gain an interest in becoming a baker?”
“Y/N’s birthday is in a week. I figured I should try to make something. Although she’s the real baker in the family.”
“Hey, cover it with enough icing and she won’t care. And you know most of it will end up on her, not in her, right?”
Sam nodded. He was already dreading the massacre that would happen when he gave you a piece of cake. He foresaw the kitchen never being the same. “Will you and your brothers come down? I’m not planning anything big. But I’m sure she’d like you here.”
“Sure thing. You know I’ll always show up if there are sweets involved. And we wouldn’t miss her birthday for anything.”
Sam nodded, thankful that you had the trio of angels in your life. They could be annoying sometimes (‘winged assholes’, as Dean called them), but they really were a Godsend.
“You excited for your birthday, Y/N?” Gabriel asked.
“Think of the party—the presents, the cake,”
Gabriel laughed at your excitement over the promise of a sweet treat. “That’s my girl.”
“What is that supposed to be?” Dean asked, staring at the cake Sam was finishing up.
“A kitten.”
Dean squinted. “Is it supposed to look dead?”
Sam glared at his brother. “Shut up. Do you know how hard this is?”
“Pipe down. All that matters is that it tastes good.” Dean swiped his finger along the side, sticking a glob of icing in his mouth. “Well, at least you have that going for you.”
Sam finished up his work. “Will you go get Y/N? I think everything’s ready.”
“Sure. The angels coming?”
“They should be here soon.”
Dean stepped into the living room only to find that you weren’t alone. “Lucifer. What are you doing here?”
“I heard there was a party.” He bounced you slightly in his arms, earning a giggle.
“Where are your brothers?”
“They should be coming soon.”
“Ask and ye shall receive,” Gabriel said, popping into the room at that moment, Cas behind him. “Where’s the birthday girl?”
“Hi, Munchkin,” Gabriel said, booping you on the nose. “You ready to party down?”
“Dean!” Sam called from the kitchen. “Are you coming?”
“Yeah, yeah, hold your horses.” Dean led the group into the kitchen. “Found the angels.”
“Hey, guys. Thanks for coming.”
Lucifer carefully placed you in the highchair as Sam grabbed a bib.
“Like that’s gonna do anything,” Dean said with a chuckle.
“Is this a… rabbit?” Gabriel asked, looking at the cake.
“It’s a cat!”
Gabriel tilted his head, then spun the cake around. “Uh-huh…. Sure it is.”
Sam rolled his eyes. “Dean, will you grab the matches?”
Dean carefully lit the single candle Sam had placed in the corner of the cake. Sam hadn’t been sure how many to put in—after all, they never really figured out your ‘baby’ age, but it felt a little ridiculous to put an abundance of them on a cake for someone your size.
At Dean’s signal, Cas reached over and grabbed the cake, carrying it over to you. Sam crouched down next to you and Dean pulled out his phone. The group began to sing; when they were done, Sam pointed to the flickering flame.
“Blow it out, Y/N!”
You seemed unsure but pursed your lips when Sam demonstrated. He blew the candle out as you blew a raspberry, earning laughter and claps from the rest of the group.
“Good job, baby girl,” Sam said, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
Dean set about cutting pieces of cake for everyone, including a healthy-sized slice for you. He placed it on your tray and your hands went immediately into the pastry.
“That’s gonna be one hell of a mess,” Dean noted, stuffing his face.
“Yeah, yeah, don’t worry. I made sure to stock up on bubble bath and baby shampoo.”
That proved to be a good decision on Sam’s part—by the time they were done with their cake, you had smeared yours everywhere: hair, face, stomach, chair. Some had ended up on the floor; some had ended up on Cas’ trench coat (he wasn’t too upset about it, though).
“All right, Miss Messy,” Sam said, plucking you from the chair. “Let’s go get you cleaned up. Then you can open your presents.”
After finally getting you clean, Sam carried you into the living room. Dean and the angels were all seated around, watching a baseball game.
“All clean?” Gabriel asked.
“I’m sure I’ll still be finding icing later. But she’s ninety-eight percent clean.” Sam plopped you down on the floor next to Lucifer. “Okay, Y/N, you ready for presents?”
Sam disappeared to the closet where he’d stuffed your gifts. When he came back he found all the angels and his brother on the floor; a few bags from the angels were there as well. You were entertaining yourself (and the group) by climbing over all the legs stretched out in front of you.
Sam took a seat next to Dean. “Okay, Y/N, what do you want to open first?”
You paused, looking around. You seemed a little overwhelmed with so many options.
“Come here, little one,” Lucifer said, plucking you from his legs. “Come see what Uncle Lucifer got you.” He held you carefully in his lap and held the bag towards you. You pulled the pieces of tissue from it before finding the present. Lucifer helped you pull the stuffed owl from the bag, watching with a smile as you wrapped your arms around its neck.
“You like your owl, Y/N?” Sam asked, touched by your response to the toy.
“And what do you say to Lucifer?”
You looked up at the angel. You babbled at him as you leaned into his chest, arms still wrapped around the animal.
“You’re welcome, Y/N,” Lucifer said, hand ruffling your hair slightly.
The rest of the gifts were greeted with just as much enjoyment from you, though you never let the owl get too far away from you.
Sam noticed you beginning to grow tired, your fist rubbing against your eye. “Come here, baby,” he said, opening his arms to you. You crawled over and let him pick you (and the owl) up. “Well, thank you for coming, everyone. I think it’s someone’s bedtime.”
“Goodnight, Y/N,” the angels said.
“Gabriel, feel free to take the rest of that cake.”
“I was already planning on doing so.”
Sam took you down the hall to the bedroom, watching you fight sleep. He carefully laid you down in the crib, making sure the owl was next to you. “Did you have a good birthday, Y/N?”
You yawned up at Sam.
“I know. It was a busy day.” Sam turned the light down before pulling the blanket over you. “But just think—tomorrow you get to play with all those toys.”
You gave him a sleepy smile, your eyes drifting closed.
“Happy birthday, Y/N.”
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