#boost and sinker are idiots
veny-many · 1 year
My mindless drawing of sudden thought of Kel-Dor child and Wolfpack. And hugs.
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Teach your child that they are precious. And they will return it to other.
In my headcanons Wolfpack's weakness is children, because their General has dad vives and his troopers learned from him.
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ghostofskywalker · 1 year
🎉Congrats on 3k followers! What a milestone. 🎉
For the celebration, I was wondering if you might write a silly fic about a reader getting proposed to five times on the Star Wars equivalent of New Years Eve. Maybe some clones are trying to get their commander to admit his longstanding feelings for the reader (or whatever scenario you dream up).
thank you so much!! i loved this idea, i hope you enjoy the fic!!
words: 1,986
summary: this celebration only came once a year, and this time, the coruscant guard enlisted some help from other battalions to make sure that fox would finally admit his feelings for you.
@clonexreaderbingo square: "don't ask"
clone troopers masterlist || join my 3k celebration!!
Coruscant Guard's (Unconventional) Dating Service: Free For Clones Named Fox
If you asked Fox about the actions of his troopers, he would shake his head and heave a sigh that could be heard across the galaxy. 
If you asked the rest of Coruscant Guard on the other hand, they’d talk about how they deserve a medal for what they’re doing. 
You see, they had recently began working with a civilian attachment, someone whose whole job was that they were there to help in any way possible, and who was much more proficient at making sure everything was running smoothly than the rest of the Guard was, if Thorn was being honest. You had worked with several different battalions before you had been assigned to them, including the 501st, 327th, and 212th, and his brothers in those legions had nothing but praise for you. He didn’t think he had much to thank the GAR for, because he was stuck working for no pay and interacting with the rudest people in the galaxy on a daily basis, but he did think that she was worth the trouble. 
His commanding officer certainly agreed with his statement, as much as he would never admit to it. It was obvious that Fox held amorous feelings for the new presence in their headquarters, but he was also incredibly stubborn, and he refused to believe anyone who told him that she felt the same way. 
Luckily, Thorn (and the rest of the command squad) weren’t going to let something like this go so easily, and they put their heads together to try and figure out a way to get the two oblivious idiots to finally see what they’ve been missing for months at this point. 
What they settled on was unorthodox, there was no denying that, but he had faith in his fellow troopers, and if nothing else, it was pretty much guaranteed to get a rise out of Fox. 
The party was in full swing when Thorn stepped in, walking with Hound and Stone. At the end of each year there was always celebration, a way to try and forget the war and the worry for a single evening, and whatever battalions were planetside at the time were always invited when the Guard threw their yearly bash. They’d been stockpiling liquor for the past six months, and this year the 501st and the 104th was here to share it with them. 
It also meant that you were going to be there, and there was going to be a lot of people that you hadn’t seen in a while in attendance. 
“Is everything all set up?” Stone asked quietly, as the two of them stared across the room, where you were talking to a clone with blue accents on his armor, smiles on both of your faces. 
Thorn nodded. “Our friends in the 501st were more than happy to help us out, and you know that Wolffe always likes to get a rise out of Fox, so he was easy to convince.”
“Excellent,” Hound responded. “Now we just wait for the fun to begin.”
The three of them began to mingle with the others in attendance, all keeping an eye out for both you and Fox. Finally, it seemed that the first part of the plan was falling into place. 
Feigning interest in whatever Sinker and Boost were telling him about, Thorn watched out of the corner of his eye, where you were being approached by Commander Wolffe. “I just have to say, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone more beautiful than you,” he said. “What’s your name, because I’m sure it’s just as perfect.” 
Your eyes widened, and Thorn chuckled to himself. Wolffe could be a charmer when he wanted to be, and he had apparently not come to play around tonight. You responded to his question, seeming to have recovered from the surprise rather quickly, and the two of you fell into conversation. 
Thorn couldn’t watch the two of you the whole time without giving away the fact that something was up, so he continued to chat with Sinker and Boost, until eventually he noticed Fox across the room, with a glass of wine in his hand and a tense look on his face. 
A quick glance back at you and Wolffe proved fruitful, you were laughing at something he had said to you, and soon the two of you were walking away from the party together. 
Fox looked annoyed, and there was no way anyone who knew the situation could deny that he was jealous. But this was only the first test, and Thorn knew he was too stubborn to crack on the first shot. He would have to endure more, and they had plans in place for that.
He didn’t see you again for a while, but he passed Wolffe on the way to the bar, and they shared a knowing look. “Well?” Thorn asked. 
“She turned me down,” was the response, and that was exactly what he wanted to hear. “Said she didn’t know me well enough to accept my marriage proposal. Did he see us?” 
Thorn nodded. “It’s all falling into place.” 
“Excellent,” was the response, and Wolffe’s name was called by a few members of his squad. Before he left, he turned to Thorn. “Hey, if this whole thing with Fox doesn’t work out, let me know, because she’s really something special.” 
Thorn just laughed in response. He was pretty sure his plan was going to work, but it was nice to know that Wolffe had taken a liking to you, because you really did deserve the best. 
The next time Thorn caught sight of you, it was Kix that you were conversing with. You had spent quite a bit of time with the 501st legion, so you knew pretty much all the troopers there well, and you were close with Kix. He was the only one that Thorn hadn’t been sure would agree to the plan, but once they had updated him about the situation on Coruscant, the medic had been more than happy to help out. 
Out of all the 501st troopers that Thorn knew personally, Kix was the most down-to-earth, so it wasn’t a surprise that his part of the plan wasn’t done with trumpets and fanfare. He didn’t see it happen, but he ran into you at the table with the snacks, and you had a puzzled look on your face. “Everything alright?” Thorn asked. 
“Yeah,” was your response. “Just some confusing stuff is happening tonight.” 
“Like what?” 
“I’ve been proposed to twice so far tonight, and I’ve barely finished my first drink yet.” 
Thorn tried not to let the smile on his face give him away, so his expression turned to one of false confusion. “And why is that so confusing?” he asked. “I’d propose to you too, if I thought I had a chance. You know what, I don’t care if I do or not.”  He gently took your hand and walked out into the hallway, where he got down on one knee. “I may not have a ring, but will you marry me?” 
Startled, you stared at him. “Why?” 
“Can’t you see how much everyone here loves you?” was his response. “And I’m still waiting for your answer, by the way.” 
He knew what you were going to say. “I can’t-” 
“You can’t marry me, I know,” he said. “I get it, I’m too pretty.” 
The sound of your laughter reassured him that everything was going to be okay between you two. “That’s exactly it, I’m so glad you understand.”
By the time you went your separate ways, Thorn smiled to himself. 
He knew that Fox had watched him take your hand and pull you away from the party. It was only a matter of time before the commander snapped. 
Jesse was showier than Kix, and his proposal reflected that. Thorn watched as the ARC trooper spun you around the dance floor, both of you laughing at the moves of the other. From all of the stories that you had shared about the 501st, there were two clones that were pretty much constant presences in your adventures, and those two were going to be the last to propose for a very important reason. 
He watched as Jesse’s mouth formed the words “marry me” (or maybe it was “carry meat,” Thorn’s lip-reading skills were a little rusty) right after he dipped you, and your eyes widened in shock.  
“What is happening out there?” Fox’s voice interrupted Thorn’s observations. 
“I think he just proposed,” was Thorn’s casual response, and Fox’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head. 
“What in Maker’s name would possess him to do that?” 
Thorn shrugged. “I don’t know, but when I was talking to her before, she said that like two others have proposed tonight as well. And then of course I had to throw my hat into the ring-” 
Now, the marshal commander of the Coruscant Guard looked like he was ready to hit something. “You what?” 
“Don’t worry, she turned me down,” Thorn said, unable to wipe the grin off his face. “But you still have some other competition in the 501st, so you really should make a move before it’s too late.”
Fox heaved a sigh. “How many times have I told you that I don’t have feelings for her like that?” 
“At this point sir, I’ve lost count, but I’m surprised you’re not tired of lying yet.” 
“I’m serious-” 
But whatever Fox was about to say was interrupted by a commotion nearby as you and Jesse walked back towards the 501st, right past where Thorn was standing. “She turned me down!” Jesse had called to Kix, who was watching with an amused smile on his face. 
“Well obviously,” a new clone had entered the conversation, and Thorn just smiled as Fives stepped closer to where you were standing. “It’s because she’d rather marry me than any of you di’k-”
That was it for Fox. Without thinking of the fact that they were still in the middle of a party (and how much Thorn was going to make fun of him for lying about his feelings), Fox put down his drink, gently touching your hand as you passed by. When you turned to him with an inquisitive look on your face, he didn’t bother to respond before taking your face in both of his hands and placing a firm kiss on your lips. 
You melted almost immediately, and after a while, it was honestly a little inappropriate how passionately you and Fox had locked lips, considering you were still in the main room of the party. 
When you finally pulled apart (thankfully it was before Thorn had to take matters into his own hands), Fox looked a little bit sheepish. “I’m sorry,” he said, slightly breathless from the way he had just made out with you. “I shouldn’t have done that without asking, I just-” 
But instead of answering, you just leaned in to kiss him again. 
In order to avoid any pressing questions from either of you about his involvement in things that may or may not have been planned tonight (and honestly, it was getting a little weird to keep staring for as long as he had been), Thorn stepped away and headed over to the bar to get another drink. 
There, he found Captain Rex, a puzzled look on his face. “What-” 
“I think it’s better you just don’t ask.” 
He nodded. “You know what? I think you’re right.” 
After getting himself another glass of wine, Thorn looked around the room, catching the gazes of Hound, Stone, and Thire, who all raised their glasses at him. Mission accomplished was the unspoken phrase of the moment. 
He just hoped that the two of you didn’t mistake his office door for Fox’s if  you decided to sneak away from the party, because he really didn’t want to have to deal with that.
- the end -
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
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dukeoftheblackstar · 1 year
For some reason I thought “DANCE PARTY WITH PLO!” Plo just likes to dance around for fun in his quarters. Sometimes the other Jedi masters come and join him for a dance
Babe. You made a grave mistake of sending Plo-related asks in my inbox because now you have to suffer from me rambling like the smitten idiot that I am for my gorgeous Kel Dor King ♥
So I love dancing as much as I love music. Do I think Plo dances in his quarters?
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But babe, they can't join him in his private quarters because (1) Plo is quite the private-type. As much as he trusts and would have no qualms allowing friends in his quarters, it's a bit too personal. Maybe only a few and not all. Plus, I imagine his room is (2) constantly pumping Dorin gas so he can just plop down on his bed when he's tired ♥.
Your favorite old man takes naps. Trust me on this.
This would also (3) help him not require to acclimate. Given that he should be able to just pull his mask off and take a deep breath, unclipping his mask would entail a few seconds of the filter mechanism would release oxygen in mid-conversion or something similar of acclimation, really. Please don't let me go through the Science of this, it's 5 AM from where I'm from and I just wanna cuddle this Kel Dor God of mine ♥
The Wolves Den is what I HC as the 104th's main hub where the Wolfpack hangs, resides, has their own designated 'barracks', sleeps, — like a 104th dedicated wing. This is also where Plo's sealed quarters would be.
In line with your ask, this is also part-time dance floor.
Plo would most likely dance to the tune of old songs. Maybe do a waltz, a tango or two with anyone (EXCEPT SHAAK TI BECAUSE I HAVE TRAUMA ON THIS, OKAY?)
I also HC that the 104th dance on a daily basis.
I can't find my post now so I'm copy pasting my conversation with my bestie @saengak ♥
So I'm a fan of the basement gang and idk why but i always, when this specific reel comes up i feel like these be the boys: Sinker, Boost, Comet and Warthog (providing the tunes) reaction upon discovering some Kel Dor native songs and Wolffe just bobbing his head somewhere
And Wolffe gets the biggest headache of his life on a daily basis ♥
So Plo and Qui-Gon are besties ♥ Bet you they turn shit up dancing. Qui-Gon with some trance-like music that Plo just squints at him but goes along.
Seeing as most of the Jedis are old, I bet you they do the twist. Do the fucking twist, man. Like I can't. 🤣🤣🤣
Mother Shaak Ti as (Cher), Luminara and Aayla as Winona and Christina ♥
And for the hilarity of it all, Kit Fisto really working himself with Right Said Fred.
And yes, Plo supporting this foolishness by pulling Kit's shirt because Kit had been pestering him to be in this foolishness of his dance number ♥ Mace just shaking his head and bopping ♥
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eriexplosion · 10 months
Clone Wars - Rising Malevolence
Gonna try to get this whole little three parter done tonight.
This is one I was REALLY looking forward to because when I watched it the first time I had no idea what was going on but I did know that I liked Plo Koon. Well now I ADORE Plo Koon and know more about what the fuck's going on and who Wolffe is so I am excited to see how the episodes hit with that knowledge.
And boy is it getting me more already. LITTLE 'SOKA <3 Plo is just wholesome vibes personified AND I love his look, I want nothing more than to treasure him.
As soon as Anakin says he'll need to ask the council about reinforcements you know the answer is going to be No Sorry. Like, anytime the line is about asking for permission they never seem to actually GET permission. What gets me though is that we have a whole entry speech about how super important it is to find the weapon that's destroying all the ships, then we go into a meeting about how important it is to find the weapon that's destroying all the ships, but when Anakin says they have Plo's last location and then he was attacked they suddenly can't spare any ships for a rescue mission?
LIKE GUYS, PLEASE, HE FOUND THE WEAPON. HE FOUND THE THING YOU WANTED. YOU JUST SAID YOU CAN'T LOSE ANYMORE SHIPS TO THIS THING AND YOU NOW KNOW WHERE IT IS. But suddenly you can't spare ships for it? You idiots? Like, even if they think there really are no survivors, you now know what system it's in and could regroup to take it out, anything other than just going WELP WHAT CAN YOU DO and ignoring it?
I of course also hate the whole not even looking for survivors thing, but that's just my continuous gripe with the lack of value placed on individual lives by Jedi protocol.
Back in the Plo Pod though, I genuinely forgot that Wolffe didn't have his damaged eye yet, so the whole opening I thought he was just some other random clone, whoops. Doesn't help that he's not in armor. Boost and Sinker though I recognize on sight. God bless alternate hair styles, even if the bacon strips look a little silly and Sinker's rocking that Crosshair lego hair look.
I think that Plo Koon's line here - "I value your life more than finding that weapon" - is what really made me think it was worth paying attention to this series on the first watch. It's both incredibly touching on his part, extending care to clones that haven't really received it before, and kind of sad because he still is certain someone is coming for them. And they are, but not because of the Jedi council, who was going to just leave all of them for dead. If Anakin didn't 'redeploy' himself then they would have just died out there without anyone even trying to save them and I just! Hate that for them!
I'm always stuck on the 'non-attachment' point with the Jedi I know, but this episode is just a really good example of it. They don't even consider searching for survivors they just go ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and move on immediately. That's not being able to let things go that's just not caring if their allies live or die and the writers keep tripping themselves into that and then go tsk-tsk at Anakin for his attachment problems when he's the only one that's interested in saving lives here. Just ridiculous choices.
On a better note, this episode has some killer horror beats in the debris field, though, like the pod circling around slowly to reveal the dead clone troopers inside. We know that Dooku ordered them all killed, but we don't get to see the how until that second, it's just a nice little moment for Creepy Vibes that contrast with comedy moments like Sinker's deadpan 'HOW are we going to make things worse?' while fixing the power.
Then crash directly into the hope spot of finding another pod just in time to hear them dying in addition to watching it happen! Nightmare material, I appreciate it.
AND THEN THERE GOES PLO KOON, CASUALLY JUST. GOING OUT INTO THE VACUUM OF SPACE. Yeeting Sinker around with the force to take out the droids. Insane choice of solution, I love it. This episode was fun the first time but it's definitely more fun knowing who everyone is.
"Sergeant, why are you so certain no one is coming?" "We're just clones sir. We're meant to be expendable." "Not to me."
THIS EXCHANGE. THIS EXCHANGE GETS ME EVERY TIME. And Plo finding out that it's literally just him and these three clones that survived I'm CRY. He fought so hard for his last three men. I love Master Plo Koon, I love Master Plo Koon!!!
I'll be real this was the episode I remembered most so I don't know shit about what's coming in the next two, but we will find out! On we watch!
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reader6898 · 10 months
Comet, Boost, Sinker, Talia, and Wolffe on their way back to base
Comet, spots a space McDonald's: can we get space McDonald's, sir?
Wolffe: no
Sinker: why not?
Wolffe: we have food at base
Boost: but that food is so boring
Wolffe: do you have credits?
Comet, Boost, and Sinker: no
Wolffe continues to drive the speeder
Talia, who has been sitting quietly: I want space nuggies
Wolffe: Mesh'la..
Talia, Boost, Comet, and Sinker shouting: space nuggies, space nuggies, space nuggies
Wolffe, giving off tired boyfriend and older brother vibes and thinking to himself: why do I love these idiots?
Wolffe: fine. We can get space McDonald's
Comet: Awesome!
Boost: kriff yeah!
Sinker: woohoo!
Talia: love you babe!
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ironmandeficiency · 4 years
dropped hints never picked up
pairing: wolffe / reader
word count: 2203
summary: wolffe’s been trying to catch your attention for a while now, but you’re more oblivious than he thought you’d be. this is the last time wolffe goes to boost for advice.
req: Wolffe x reader, #15 from the prompt list?
“Hi, I’ve been subtle at hinting that I want your attention all day and you haven’t noticed once and now I’m pissed.”
a/n: i had two ppl request this prompt for wolffe and it made it all the more important to perfect this piece. i changed a couple of words but the meaning is still the same so 🤷🏻‍♀️ no beta, just me on my bullshit
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79’s was crowded as always, the music loud and the smell of booze permeating the air. it was comforting when paired with the company of the wolfpack, the battalion you worked under as a medic serving as both pleasant company and a deterrent for unwanted visitors. wolffe had a hand resting on your knee, the commander occasionally giving it a soft squeeze throughout the night.
three nights prior, wolffe found himself sitting on boost’s bunk, head in his hands. for weeks he’d been grappling with the emotions running rampant through his body like a raging blurrg. they were emotions he never wanted to feel, ones he’d been trying to repress to no avail.
boost, oddly enough, seemed to know exactly why wolffe was waiting on him before the commander had even opened his mouth. wolffe wanted to make a move and boost was going to be the one to help him. he advised wolffe on ways to be subtle but still show more affection than normal, things like extra physical contact and some offhand but sweet compliments to kinda nudge things along.
it made sense to him; you weren’t one for big showy signs of affection and he wasn’t a showy kind of guy. you had a way of knowing what he wanted to say when he wasn’t in the mood to speak, seeming to pick up on his moods with a familiarity he didn’t expect to share with someone outside of his brothers or even general buir. there were times where you both would complete each other’s sentences (it was disgustingly cute in the eyes of the rest of the ‘pack) and the blood would rush to your cheeks, wolffe immediately turning away to hide his own blush.
right now you were sandwiched between wolffe and boost, the former on the outside of the booth claimed upon arrival. drinks were passed around by comet who knew how you enjoyed your fruity cocktails with the twisty straws and umbrellas and did not fail in bringing one your way. you thanked him with a smile as you took a small sip, savoring the taste of your drink as well as wolffe’s hand on your knee.
he’d gotten quite a bit more affectionate lately and seemed to be touch starved, so you didn’t comment on the uptick in contact (you didn’t want him to think you weren’t okay with it because you were plenty okay with it) as you let yourself revel in his warmth.
“wolffe, do you wanna try?” you hold your drink towards him with a soft smile. he’d confided in you several days ago that he had a sweet tooth to rival a small child and comet did bring you one of the sweeter cocktails offered at the bar.
your hands brush lightly as he takes the drink from your outstretched hand. he briefly smells the concoction before taking a sip, and judging by the soft smile on his lips he liked the pineapple mango-rita. “not bad, cyare,” he gingerly hands you back your drink, hands once again making brief contact.
“if you like that one, i think you’d also like the nubian smile. it’s a favorite of mine.”
“i’ll have to try it some time.”
then warthog mentions wolffe’s name in whatever story he’s begun and the moment’s broken.
conversation flowed as freely as the bar’s beer tap. you sipped lightly at your single drink and listened more than you spoke. there were several stories shared that you hadn’t heard before, like how sinker got his name and the time boost tried to prank commander cody, that had you laughing uncontrollably and leaning closer to wolffe’s side. he responded in kind and soon moved his hand from your knee and wrapped it around your shoulder, subconsciously pulling you into him. it was more relaxing than you would like to admit.
wildfire had finished ratting out boost for sneaking bubble wrap into dozens of bedrolls when you went to sip your drink and got surprised when the pineapple wedge bonked you on the nose instead.
your face scrunched at the prickly skin of the fruit and wolffe thought it was the cutest face he’d ever seen. the offending fruit wedge was then plucked from the rim and glared at for a brief moment as if it could feel shame for its actions.
the plan was to eat it as punishment for its crimes but wolffe had other plans, playfully snatching it from you and taking a chunk out for himself. he was smug about it, eyes holding yours captive in a “what’re you gonna do about it?” look while his mouth twisted into a playful grin.
“hey, that was mine!”
“gotta be quicker than that, dear,” he replied as he took another bite before sliding it back onto its previous perch.
everyone else at the booth was about to vomit but it wouldn’t be from the booze.
you were glued to wolffe’s side the rest of the night at the bar and on the way back to the barracks. neither of you had enough to drink to completely explain the constant small smiles and excessive contact, but you didn’t care. wolffe was here and might as well have been holding you and you were living for it.
he had asked to walk you to your quarters with a gentle hand in yours, thumb smoothing across your knuckles tenderly. you were so absorbed in the skin to skin contact that you could only nod in consent.
the walk there was filled with small talk and nervous touches, both of you leaning into each other without realizing that’s what you were doing. before you knew it, you were in front of your door. neither of you acknowledged the arrival until wolffe grabbed your hand in both of his, tightening his hold briefly.
“sleep well, cyare. i’ll see you tomorrow.” his voice was soft and rumbly, attesting to the late hour and the evening spent drinking.
“see you in the morning, wolffe, goodnight.”
he lifted your hand still grasped in his toward him, placing a feather-light kiss to your palm. it was the gentlest thing you’ve ever seen him do and the fact it was with you sent warmth through your veins. his eyes were locked onto yours as he placed the kiss, keeping you in place.
you were desperate to give something, to reciprocate the tender way he touched you, but he was already leaving you in front of your now-open door for the night. when did your door open? and since when was wolffe so soft towards you?
the goodnight kiss wasn’t acknowledged aloud after that but you both thought about it constantly. you had no idea where it came from yet your entire being seemed to yearn for him to do it again when in his presence.
since then he became more open with his affection, even holding your hand in front of his brothers (that would tease a tiny bit before being shut down with a glare that dared them to question his happiness). you responded in kind, holding his hand right back and always finding a way to him after long nights when you were all sent to one planet or another. it was pure bliss and you weren’t going to question it.
but then, while planetside somewhere in the mid-rim, he seemed to not have anything to do besides trail you in your work.
the morning (very early morning) began like many of them had started to since the night at 79’s, you cradled by wolffe’s arms where he clung to you in your sleep as if to keep you from flying away. a fellow medic seemed timid to wake you once they noticed whose arms were keeping you down, the newer woman repeating flustered apologies for the interruption as if it weren’t your job to be woken up like this.
from that moment on through the rest of day, you didn’t spend more than a minute with wolffe at a time. not for his lack of trying.
he would appear seemingly out of nowhere every couple hours or so while you were bandaging one wound or cleaning another, words precise but tone gentle.
“hey cyare, the locals invited several of us for lunch to celebrate our arrival. wondered if you wanted to come with me.”
“you’ve been on your feet for hours, come have a seat for a minute.”
“sinker was playing a game with some of the kids, you shoulda seen his face when they beat him.”
turning the invitation down hurt more than it should have, but you had too many wounded and too few hands to help you with the workload. there was nothing in you that could justify going to a dinner prepared by the people you were here to serve.
a few hours later, he brought a plate back for you so you didn’t completely miss out on eating something that wasn’t rations. it took some convincing but he was able to sit you down and get you to take a moment for yourself to eat. while you ate, he gravitated around the medtent and offered his services where he could to alleviate the guilt he knew you felt for sitting. it was touching to see him talk to the various patients so gently, the children having not an ounce of worry about the giant, strong soldier.
with more effort than you thought it would take on your end (because part of you simply didn’t want to), the commander was shooed out of the tent so you could continue to work.
a couple hours later wolffe showed up again, telling you about a beautiful view one of the scouts found while on patrol that he wanted to show you. the flowers he described were vibrant in color and scent, decorating the landscape with hues previously unknown to many of his men. he wanted to show it to you, help you relax because you had indeed been on your feet nearly the entire day.
when you turned him down yet again, his eyebrows furrowed together and he looked upset. it was a reaction you were not expecting by any means. the other times you didn’t accept his invitations he simply tucked you under his arm briefly and pressed a kiss to your temple. this change in mood was unsettling.
“wolffe, what’s wrong? talk to me.” it worried you to see him distraught, the reason unknown. approaching him slowly, you rested a hand on his shoulder that he quickly moved away, choosing instead to grip it in his a bit tighter than usual.
he took a deep breath to steady himself before answering you, trying to dispel the anger and hurt to avoid making you feel guilty. it didn’t work as well as he wanted it to because his voice was gruff when he answered. “i just-“ he took another breath to steady himself. “gods, y/n, i’ve been subtly hinting that i want your attention all day and you haven’t noticed once and i’m pissed.”
that’s what he’d been trying to do? it made so much sense now! how did you miss it?
your other hand met his that still held you, smoothing over the skin on the top of his hand in consolation. “wolffe, i’m sorry. i just got so wrapped up in work today that everything else just passed right over my head.” you felt guilty. he was only trying to help you and spend time with you and there you were just turning him down!
“and that’s why i kept trying, cyare. you work so hard and while i admire it, i would much rather you spend time with me than the bacta patches.” the smile returned to his face at your ministrations but his eyebrows didn’t soften.
something was clearly confusing him but questioning him before he had his thoughts in order would do nothing to help. so you stood with him and continued to hold his hands as he thought, hoping that whatever he was thinking about wouldn’t hurt him when fully realized.
“do you… want to spend time with me?”
you were shocked. how did he not realize that every time you didn’t go with him today you lost a little pep in your step? each time he came in, your resolve weakened and if he had pushed just a tiny bit more to get you to come with him, you would have given in. you explain this to him with a soft smile.
“i’m sorry for pushing you away today, wolffe. i’d love to go with you.”
the smile that lit up wolffe’s face could have powered the entire planet of coruscant with its radiance. “i’d love to take you, cyare.” you let the commander guide you out of the medtent and towards the promised landscape, too wrapped up in each other to notice the sergeant and lieutenant watching them.
“about damn time! shit, why did it take so long?!”
“shut up, sinker! they were trying to take it slow, be subtle about it!”
“whose dumbass idea was that?”
a pause. “mine.”
“okay, it wasn’t that dumb.”
“thank you.”
“i’m kidding, it was extremely dumb.”
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clonewarslover55 · 3 years
Clone Trooper Masterlist
Find my masterlist of links here!
Republic commando clone and character masterlist here!
Began: originally  6/16/20
Updated: 3/19/23
Note: If you’re looking for any of the clones from the repcomm series go check out that masterlist! The Alpha’s are on both masterlists. 
 I write for all underrated clones!! so please request some boys who get no love!!
Where to find certain boys: Jesse is under ARC Troopers not 501st, and the Domino twins are in domino squad! The pilots are with their battalions and the Bad Batch is on here as well.  Boba Fett is with the non-clone characters because there's too many links 
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Alpha ARC’s
Sull(Alpha-30) Relationship and general headcanons 
Captain Maze general headcanons
Maze and his new baby
Alpha-17 relationship headcanons both SFW and NSFW
Alpha being shocked that you like him headcanons
Alpha-17 breeding kink and pregnancy headcanons
New Dad!Alpha-17 headcanons
Alpha-17 secret marriage headcanons
What would Alpha like in a partner headcanons 
“Talk shit. Get hit. Jedi…”An Alpha-17 drabble
Alpha-17 reminding you about how sexy you are! Alpha-17 X Pregnant!Fem!Reader  //SMUT//
Adrenaline rush. Alpha-17 X Fem!Reader //NSFW//
Alpha-17 X Fem!Reader, Oral sex(fem receiving)
Alpha’s surprise
Cody cockblocking Alpha-17 +Part two+
Alpha-17 X Fem!reader //Smut// //Breeding//
How they fell in love. Alpha-17 X Reader
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ARC Troopers 
Fluffy Jesse blurb
Body worshipping Commander Colt  //NSFW//
Jesse raising your self esteem. Jesse X GenderNeutral!Reader
Being a dork with Jesse
Commander Colt X Fem!Reader //SMUT//
One of the last members of Rancor Battalion //ANGST//
Jesse X fem!reader !!NSFW!!
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Domino Squad 
Fives relationship headcanons and general headcanons
Cutup relationship headcanons //SFW and NSFW//
Hevy relationship headcanons //SFW and NSFW//
Droidbait relationship headcanons //SFW and NSFW//
Headcanons for Fives and Tup and how they became best friends
Fives tickling your thighs with his beard //NSFW//
Playful and fluffy couch “fun” with Echo //SMUT//
Cutup survives and has a future with Fem!Reader AU
A drunken night with Hevy //SMUT//
Young Droidbait meeting a Jedi for the first time
Pegging Echo //Smut//
Fives fulfilling your desires +Part two+
Some angst about Fives and his death 
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The Bad Batch 
Delta Squads biggest fans. Part one; the first meeting 
Tech being a curious nerd headcanons
Hunter relationship headcanons
Wrecker Headcanons!!
Pretending to be Omega’s parents with HunterHunter X GenderNeutral!Reader
Hunter and his very keen senses //NSFW//
The stubborn members of the Bad Batch
Sub!Crosshair X Dom!Fem!Reader //SMUT//
The flirtatious Bad Batch and a jealous Commander
Brotherly support
Admitting they love one another   Wrecker X Reader
The Bad batch and the Mandalorian
Tech’s guardian angel +Part two+
Wrecker X Fem!Reader +Part two+
Autumn leaves. A Bad Batch story.
Crosshair X Fem!Reader
Lake fun with the Bad Batch
Crosshair X Fem!Reader  //SMUT//
Crosshair X Fem!Reader //FLUFF//
Crosshair X Fem!Reader  !!NSFW!! FLUFF
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Coruscant Guard 
Sergeant hound relationship and general headcanons SFW and NSFW
 Hound fluff with Grizzer!! Sergeant Hound X Reader//Fluff//
It’s the walk that made you swoon Commander Fox X GN!Reader
Seducing Commander Fox
Idiots in love. Commander Thorn X Reader
Hound X Fem!Reader X Fox //Threesome//SMUT//
Dogs are gross. Hound fluff 
Grizzer did nothing wrong
Birthday Surprise  Hound X Fem!Reader //SMUT//
Just another day in the senate Fox X Fem!Reader //SMUT//
Obedient Hound //SMUT//
Retribution(Hound fic) +Part two+
Hound X Fem!Reader //NSFW// //PEGGING//
How Hound met Grizzer 
Hound X Fem!Reader //FLUFF// //SMUT//
Hound X Fem!Reader //NSFW// //Rough sex//
Hound X Fem!Reader //SMUT and FLUFF//
Hound X Reader   //FLUFF//
Hound X Fem!Reader //SMUT//
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Wolf Pack 
Comet relationship headcanons (SFW and NSFW)
Sinker relationship headcanons SFW and NSFW
Boost realtionship headcanons SFW and NSFW 
Commander Wolffe breeding kink and pregnancy kink headcanons //NSFW//
Sinker drabble 
Wolffe’s reminder //NSFW//
A relaxing time. Comet X Fem!Reader //SMUT//
Overstimulating Wolffe //NSFW//
Angry sex with Wolffe //NSFW//
Did someone say pegging Wolffe? //NSFW//
Wolfpack shenanigans.
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Chopper Relationship headcanons //SFW and NSFW//
First time with Oddball. Oddball X Fem!Reader //SMUT//
Welcome homeOddball X Fem!Reader //SMUT//
Cody and his kicking habit 
Cody angst 
Riding Oddball in his fighter jet. OddballX Fem!Reader //NSFW//
Waxer’s first time. Waxer X Fem!Reader //SMUT//
Cody cockblocking Alpha-17 +Part two+
Wooley’s new haircut
Reader helping Wooley maintain his mohawk
Goodbye. Slick Angst
The flirtatious Bad Batch and a jealous Commander
Cody and Rex comforting their generals 
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Captain Vaughn relationship and general headcanons
Romantic Kix headcanons //SFW//
Headcanons for Fives and Tup and how they became best friends
The Fugitive couple. Captain Rex X Jedi!Pregnant!Reader
The kitten.  Rex X Reader
Hawk giving you oral. Hawk X Fem!Reader //Oral sex//
Dogma’s tattoo discussion //FLUFF//
The Cat //Tup X Reader fluff//
Hardcase’s tattoos //SMUT//
Following your captains orders //SMUT//
Hardcase didn’t do it
The 501st and the Mandalorian
Cody and Rex comforting their generals
Rex X Reader Fluff!
Kix X Fem!Reader
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Commander Doom
Commander Doom relationship headcanons //SFW and NSFW//
Doom helping you through a panic attack
Commander Doom making you go cockdumb. Doom X Fem!Reader //SMUT//
Some good ol’ wall sex with Commander Doom //SMUT//
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Commander Blackout
Commander Blackout relationship headcanons //SFW and NSFW//
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Captain Gregor 
Being bred by Gregor. Gregor X Fem!Reader //SMUT//
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Captain Fordo 
Being bred by Fordo. Fordo X Fem!Reader //SMUT//
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Captain Keeli 
Captain Keeli relationship headcanons (SFW and NSFW)
Keeli X Reader
Baby making with Keeli. Keeli X Fem!Reader //SMUT//
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Commander Neyo
Commander Neyo relationship headcanons //SFW and NSFW//
Bacara and Neyo going soft over Neyo’s newborn. Neyo X reader //FLUFF//
Spaghetti dinner with Commander Neyo. Commander Neyo X Pregnant!Reader//FLUFF//
Neyo giving you a massage //Tooth Rotting Fluff//
Bacara and Neyo being subs for a rare moment headcanons (Not clonecest) //NSFW//
Neyo, the bunny slipper stealer.
Neyo with a S/O that loves animals 
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Commander Bacara 
Commander Bacara relationship headcanons //NSFW and SFW//
Bacara and Neyo going soft over Neyo’s newborn. Neyo X reader //FLUFF//
Bacara and Neyo being subs for a rare moment headcanons (Not clonecest) //NSFW//
Bacara with a S/O who loves animals 
Bacara and his new baby //FLUFF//
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Commander Monnk 
Commander Monnk relationship headcanons SFW and NSFW
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Commander Gree 
Handcuff fun with Gree. Gree X Fem!Reader //SMUT//
More clone things 
Clone trooper kissing prompts masterlist
99 Headcanons  (not relationship)
Ticklish clones 
The Price of a Mile 
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Jungle Moved (Predator and Clone crossover) 
Find art on the story here! Here! Here! Here!
All seven parts to this fic are linked here
Find other Yautja and clone crossovers here!
402 notes · View notes
addicted2escapism · 3 years
Late at Night [2/3]
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Pairing: Commander Wolffe x gn!Reader
Summary: Wolffe begins to realize what you want from him. 
Warnings: none, teasing, accidentally fighting lol, not feelings realization yet but we are getting there
The next time the Wolfpack met you at 79′s, it was as if nothing had ever happened the outing before. You hugged Sinker in greeting, laid your head on Comet’s shoulder, and let Boost drape his arm over you. Your eyes glinted with mischief when you turned your attention to Wolffe, but you made no move towards him. 
“Wolffe! You look so good tonight.” You grinned. 
“This is what I always look like.” 
“I know. You’re boring.” You sighed dramatically and gestured vaguely around the bar, beginning the walk over to Sinker’s declared favorite U-shaped booth. “Look at how many people don’t wear their full armor to 79′s."
You were right, there were many clones who had shed the top half of their armor, wearing only their blacks from the waist up but keeping their geared legs. Some were wearing their secondary uniform, all gray with a matching visor. 
“They look like idiots.” He deadpanned. You snorted. 
Once you reached one end of the booth, you stopped and turned back around towards Wolffe. Boost grumbled at the hold up and directed himself towards the other entrance, sliding towards the middle of the booth with Sinker and Comet behind him. Wolffe stared down at you, watching the way you could barely suppress your smirk. You were clearly waiting for something, but in Wolffe’s mind it was your turn to speak. After another beat of silence, Wolffe irritatedly gestured to the booth behind you. 
“Are you going to sit down or not?” His other hand curled into a fist at his side, resisting the urge to just shove you in himself. You sighed and rolled your eyes, turning and scooting into the booth next to Boost. 
Wolffe felt like he was losing again. 
“So, what’ll it be tonight, boys?” You prompted, scrolling through the menu on the bar’s blurry holopad. “Disgusting beer paid for by the Republic, or a round of shots on me?” 
Boost laughed, grabbing your shoulders and lightly shaking you as you placed the order. “I think you know the answer to that!” 
“If we take shots, you’re going to get drunk a lot faster than the rest of us!” Sinker pointed out, leaning forward on the table. 
“It’s just one round. After that, you can drink all the nasty beer you want.” You shot back, causing Sinker to narrow his eyes at you. The Republic supplied a beer specifically for clones at 79′s, but it was notoriously cheap, watered down, and disgusting. All the clones drank it begrudgingly, since they didn’t have any credits to buy much else, but Sinker actually seemed to enjoy the stuff. 
It only took a few minutes for the server droid to deliver the five shots. Before the droid was done setting the shots on the table, Sinker was already placing an order for beer. While he talked to the droid, you distributed the shots. You weren’t terrible at holding your alcohol, but no matter how many shots you took, you’d never get used to the burn. You screwed up your face, setting the empty shot glass down on the table and looking at the reactions of your friends. Comet was clearly forcing down a similar reaction, but Wolffe looked completely unfazed. 
Wolffe’s gaze slanted to yours. You glanced away instinctively, but you were already caught. 
“What?” His voice was gravelly.
“What? I can’t look at you?” You tilted your chin up towards him, raising your eyebrows.
“Normally when you do, you have something to say.” He shifted slightly, angling his upper body towards you. It was moments like this when you were reminded of how big Wolffe could make himself seem. With how close you were sitting in the booth, it felt like he was looming over you. 
“It seems like you have something to say.” You countered.
“Are you trying to start an argument?” Wolffe half frowned, half snarled. 
You deflated a bit, looking away. “No–”
“Please, the night has just begun!” Boost interrupted. He wrapped an arm around your chest from behind and pulled you back into him, away from Wolffe, who looked even more annoyed than he had one second ago. 
Honestly, you hadn’t been trying to start a fight. You just– well, you didn’t really know what you’d been aiming for. Sometimes you just pushed. It was a few steps higher than normal teasing, or even bickering, and was something you did with Wolffe a bit too often, you'd admit. Sometimes he wouldn’t rise to the bait, and other times he’d push back and shut down the conversation all together. Both reactions were equally as disappointing, but you didn’t know what reaction you wanted from him, either. 
The server droid returned to the table, this time with a beer for each member of the Wolfpack. Wolffe devoted his attention to drinking half the glass in one go and then glaring down at the golden liquid, as if it would suddenly refill. You silently sighed and let yourself get caught up in conversation with the other three men. 
Wolffe listened to you laugh with his brothers while he stared down at his drink. You got along with them so easily; you always knew what to say to them, and they never struggled for a response. It was so genuine, lighthearted at times and serious when need be. You never used that particular tone with them that you sometimes used with him. It wasn’t always a constant struggle between you and Wolffe, there had been plenty of times when you’d gotten along in the same manner. Even tonight had started off in a promising mood, but as usual you’d managed to circle back around on him. 
Wolffe finished his beer– better to gulp down large portions of it at once than taste it the whole night– and found he had nothing left to reasonably stare at. He glanced around at his brothers before his gaze settled on you. You had been so different the last time you’d gone out. Obviously you had been exhausted– probably shouldn’t have even came in the first place– and Wolffe wondered if you would ever be like that again. Less provocative, less guarded. Sinker was right, that night, it had been peaceful. 
But Wolffe didn’t know how to get you down to that level, or if he even could. 
A laugh erupted from you as you shoved at Boost playfully, but Wolffe hadn’t been paying attention to hear Boost’s undoubtedly absurd one-liner. Boost’s grin crackled into laughter as he shoved you back, with enough force to push you into Wolffe’s side. You rebounded immediately, twisting to look Wolffe’s way as you continued to laugh. Your amusement lessened upon seeing Wolffe’s stoic expression, your eyes trailing down his arm to where he was clutching his empty beer glass with almost white knuckles. 
“Geez, don’t break that thing.” You smiled, still high-spirited from whatever Boost had said. 
Wolffe released the glass without a word. 
“Are you okay?” You looked back to his face, smile slipping from your own. 
“I’m fine.” 
“Wolffe–” Your hand twitched in his direction. “I wasn’t trying to argue with you before.”
With that you turned your gaze back to Boost, Comet, and Sinker. 
You didn’t push. 
The recognition of that was a fleeting thought in Wolffe’s mind, immediately overrun by an impulsive thought born from the first. 
Wolffe pulled.
His large hand circled your upper arm, just above your elbow, and tugged your attention back to him before you could rejoin the running conversation. 
“I didn’t want to argue, either.” 
You spared the barest glance at his hand, which had begun to slide down your arm. Wolffe laced your fingers together, the same way you’d done previously. Your eyes slightly widened in surprise at his actions. You would have hidden it well if Wolffe hadn’t been searching for a reaction. It was surprise and– satisfaction. 
You held his hand for the rest of the night. 
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maulslittlemeowmeow · 2 years
Catch Me First
Chapter 6 - About Love
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; slight angst, hurt/comfort, pred/prey undertones, dom/sub undertones, oral sex/fingering (f receiving), unprotected p in v (wrap it up kids), marking/possessiveness, creampie 
Summary: You finally catch Wolffe alone, and you both face your feelings.
Title taken from the song About Love by MARINA, because it captured the vibe for these idiots while I was writing.
Pairing: Wolffe x Reader (cis female)
WC: 4897
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You’re nervous. It’s a completely normal reaction to the situation you find yourself in, and yet you still curse yourself under your breath. You tell yourself that you shouldn’t be nervous, but you also know how unrealistic of an expectation that is to have for yourself. Sinker had prepared you as best as he could for this, gave you hope, told you the plan (more than once), and set off to herd Wolffe in this direction. Which left you alone in Wolffe’s officer’s quarters.
You don’t know what you would have expected had you given it a thought before, but you still find yourself looking over every inch of the space with a soft wonderment. The room is small, that doesn’t surprise you; there is a desk littered with a few scattered piles of flimsi, a datapad and lamp, a small bed, you think the small hatch on the far wall might be a laundry chute, and a door near the chute that you assume is a ‘fresher. The bed isn’t made up like you would have expected from someone in the military, you resist the urge to slide into it and hide beneath the covers. Instead, you lean against the wall beside the door you entered through, your arms crossed over your body as if trying to take up as little space as possible. It feels wrong being in here, like an invasion of privacy.
Your heart trips over itself and your breath stills in your chest as you hear rushed footsteps coming down the hallway. The door slides open and with one purposeful stride, he’s in front of you - facing the wrong way. He hasn’t noticed you.
“Comma-” You begin, your words breaking off when Wolffe spins to face you, his hand on his blaster. “Please don’t shoot me.” You whimper.
All of the tension in him drops for a second, he lets out a heavy sigh and closes his eyes, the wild look in them disappearing. He runs a gloved hand over his face, groaning. “Should have known he was up to something.” He lifts his commlink and growls into it. “Found the tooka that ‘Boost’ snuck in.. You’re going to be eating ration bars through a straw when I get my hands on you.” When he’s finished threatening Sinker, he chances a glance at you and the anger is gone from his chiseled features, but he doesn’t seem any less tense. You’re still pressed up against the wall, your hands over your heart, trying to settle it as it limps through a wounded rhythm.
“I’d tell you not to be mad at him, but this was his idea..” You try to lighten the mood a bit, but your attempt at levity falls flat. In fact, he looks more tense than he did before you spoke. You sigh, looking down at his boots. “I-..” You have to take another deep breath to get the words out, “I was going to steer clear of you, I was… I thought that was what you wanted after-..” You clear your throat, “and I understand if you still do. But I’m selfish and I know that if I don’t apologize to you, that I’ll never be able to leave you alone. I’m sorry for that too.” Your arms are wrapping around your torso again, wanting more than ever to curl in on yourself and disappear.
“Then don’t say anything.”
A pang of something goes shooting through your chest and you look up at him in shock. He’s rubbing the back of his neck, as soon as your eyes reach his face, he averts his gaze.
“I have to.” He makes a soft annoyed sound in the back of his throat, like he wished you’d just accept his words and drop it. Your hands slide down your torso and fiddle with the arms of your jumpsuit that are tied around your waist. You didn’t want to see him looking like this, but Sinker insisted you do this before he could be shipped out again. So you shucked the upper half of the uniform and tied it around your hips to hold it up, your tight-fitting undershirt riding up your waist a bit and flashing the smallest hint of stomach. You didn’t notice how Wolffe devoured you with his eyes, too busy looking at your hands as they fiddled with the thick material. “Commander-” He exhales sharply, “What is your CC number?” A long pause, everything is too still.
“CC-3636.” He says it flatly, like he’s reporting to someone, it’s so practiced that it actually hurts you to hear it.
“I didn’t know that. I never knew your number…” You think he is following, but he doesn’t say anything. “Because you’ve always been Wolffe.” There is a bit too much emotion in your tone. You look up at him and he looks completely disarmed, his throat bobbing as he stares at you like you’d just stripped him bare. “The man-” You let the word hang in the air for just a breath, “that whisked me away from danger on Naboo, who made sure I made it back to the temple safely when I was out doing something stupid.” His breath is coming out a bit quicker, matching yours, like you’re pushing and pulling the breath from each other's lungs. Your voice cracks a bit at the edges when you speak again. “I was chasing my needs, I was completely ready to use anyone that I came across, and you stopped me. So I used you. I'm so sorry, Wolffe... I thought you were just messing with me, playing with me like you had before. There was no way in my mind that Commander Wolffe of the 104th would look at me as anything more than a stupid, horny kid.” You take another shuddering breath, willing your tears to stay inside - he is the one that was hurt, you have no right to those tears. “I didn’t know I was hurting you.”
Another long pause, you’re getting ready to have him push you away again, to tell you that he never saw you as anything more than a horny kid and that Sinker was wrong. That small flame in your chest, your hope, flickers and nearly goes out.
“I didn’t tell you.” The softest you’ve ever heard him speak, just above a whisper, but enough to breathe life back into that hopeful flame in you.
“I may be force sensitive.. But I’m no Jedi, Commander. I can’t crawl around in your head and pull out what I need to hear.” There is a bit of a teasing lilt in your voice, like his admission has made you tipsy. “You need to tell me what you want.”
“Want to kiss you.” An actual whisper this time, but it strangles your heart and your hands crumple the edge of your jumpsuit in your fists.
“Then kiss me..” The words are out of your mouth but he looks at you like he doesn’t believe you, that you’d let him do something so intimate - as if he didn’t cum in your mouth a week ago. “Wolffe-“
That did it. The utterance of his name is enough to cause him to lurch forward and close the distance between you. Somehow his hands are searing through his gloves as he places them on either side of your jaw to tilt you up to meet his lips. The kiss is more tender than you would have expected, like he’s afraid he’ll break you- but his grip on you is firm, making sure you don’t slip from between his fingers again. Your hands instinctively crawl up his chest to clutch at the nape of his neck, pulling him harder to you as you deepen the kiss. He’s kissing you like you’re supplying the very oxygen he needs to sustain life, like if he stops he’ll surely wither away. It makes your head spin, but you can’t stop here- You need to keep him talking.
Reluctantly, you pull away from him. When he looks down at you, his eyes are heavy-lidded and his mouth is still parted with kiss-bruised lips. He looks completely gone, and you’ve only kissed him. “What do you want, Wolffe?” The words are whispered to him, gently nudging him along.
“You” Is all he says before he tries to pull you back against his lips. You can’t help but giggle as you slip out of his grasp. He looks so utterly confused that you can’t help but give him a lopsided grin as you back further into the room. He takes cautious steps towards you, the gears in his head beginning to turn again now that there is some space between you.
You tsk-tsk at him teasingly, “You had so much more to say when I had your cock in my mouth-” The growl that rumbles out of him makes your knees buckle for a second but you press on, still backing towards the side of the room with a bed. “Is that the trick?” You pause to appreciate how his posture has changed– he lowered himself slightly, his hands held out to snatch you if you made any sudden movements. He’s prowling across the room to you, looking ready to pounce and sink his teeth into you. Just a little more, one more nudge. “Or do I need to get Sinker and Boost in here?” Sinker’s words echo in your mind as you catch the glint in Wolffe’s eye. ‘Oh now you’ve gone and done it.’
It takes everything in you not to squeal when Wolffe lunges at you and wraps you up in his arms, roughly pulling you against him. Your world becomes a blur as he spins you in his grasp and suddenly you're falling; but not far. You fall directly into his lap, your back thumping against his chest plate and your thighs spreading over his own, his knees holding you open at the edge of his bed. Before you can even settle against him, his arms are curling tighter around your waist, pulling you against his chest as he leans his head into the crook of your neck. Despite the sheer amount of raw want rolling off of him, and the teasing that had just been occurring between you, his words are serious. You wonder if he faced you away from him so he wouldn’t have to look you in the eye.
“I want to give you everything… But I can’t.” You rub a hand soothingly over his forearm, wishing there weren't so many layers between you. When you don’t speak, he sighs again and continues. “I want you all to myself, but I can’t ask you to accept what that would mean.”
“What would it mean?”
“Keeping this a secret. Clones don’t exactly have rights- there aren’t any specific laws against us having relationships, but we’re only seen as tools for the Republic; a relationship would be seen as a risk to my…efficacy.” The words settle in your guts and your heart seizes up. “And leave isn’t usually long, if I get it at all; I could be called in at any time to be shipped off to the Outer Rim again…. And-“ you know what he’s going to say. You don’t want to hear it, no matter how true -and likely- it is. You push off of his chest and stand, he doesn’t stop you, but the look in his eyes tells you everything you need to know. He thinks you’re going to walk away. Instead, you settle back into his lap- facing him this time- his codpiece sitting in a not-unpleasant way between the two of you. His arms wrap around your waist again and the look he gives you looks exactly how you felt when you began this conversation- scared, but hopeful.
Neither of you say anything for a few breaths, not wanting to say the thing that both of you know is a very likely part of his existence. You’re too caught up in looking into his eyes; one deep amber with flecks of gold and the other shining white like a distant star. You can’t help yourself anymore- you cup his cheeks gently in your hands and lean in, tilting his chin down so your lips can press ever so softly over his scarred eyelid; a featherlight touch that holds only reverence and adoration. He lets out a breath you know he’s been holding and you feel his body release some tension beneath you. You whisper against his brow, your lips brushing over the scar.
“I told you, Wolffe. I’m selfish… I’ll take anything you can give me. I’d rather have you while I can than not at all.” He exhales against your throat shakily before leaning into the crook of your neck and peppering it with kisses. He begins murmuring against your skin between kisses, not willing to part from you long enough to form a complete sentence.
“Want you so bad… Since I saw you on Naboo.” You shiver at his admission, your fingers sliding along his jaw to the back of his neck and combing through his hair. “When I saw that Shiny hanging on you, I thought I was going to break him in half.”
You can’t hold in your breathy laugh. “I’m proud of you for resisting.” He hums low in his throat as he pulls at the straps of your top, his mouth following them down your shoulder. “What did you say to make him run like that?” He should know you’re not mad, your grin curls every word that falls from it. He hesitates, seeming almost shy for a moment. You encourage him by pulling him back to your neck by his hair. He groans softly and kisses your flushed skin.
“I told him you were mine.” His teeth sink into your neck. The moan that escapes you makes his grip on your hips tighten. Your hands crawl down his neck to the straps on his shoulders, fiddling with them in a poor attempt to loosen his armor.
“Get this kriffing shit off. Now.” Your world is spinning again- you hit the thin mattress with a huff and look up at Wolffe, who is now towering over you and desperately clawing pieces of plastoid off of his body and letting them fall to the floor. You don’t break eye contact with him as you kick off your boots and shimmy out of your jumpsuit, leaving you in an undershirt and panties. You hadn’t expected this, so it wasn’t your prettiest pair, but you have a feeling Wolffe doesn’t care in the slightest. You can’t wait for him anymore, you stand up to start pulling at the top half his blacks as he plants a foot on the side of the bed to reach the last pieces of his armor. The minute his chest is bare to you, you splay your hands across the warm, earthy expanse and follow your fingers with your lips. The dark hair scattered across his chest tickles your nose, making you smile against his skin as you go; you resist the urge to bite into the meat of his pectorals, but you can’t resist flicking your tongue over a pert nipple. He’s panting above you as you mouth at his scarred flesh, his movements getting sloppier as he finally divests himself of the final pieces of plastoid. It seems neither of you can wait any longer to be back in bed. He pulls your lips back to his and backs you up until you’re tumbling into the bed and he’s crawling over you. You sigh through your nose when his calloused hands slide up your sides, bringing your shirt with them. You break the kiss only long enough for the offending garment to be pulled over your head, then whine when he pulls away to start lavishing your chest with kisses.
You arch into his mouth, one arm twisting behind you to release the clasp of your bra- he follows your lead and swipes the garment down over your stomach and you wiggle out of the straps before it’s flung onto the heap of clothes and armor at the side of the bed. He’s looking down at your bare chest now, he looks like he wants to dive in, but something holds him back, a question flicking behind his eyes.
“When was the last time you’ve had a cock?” He asks so seriously that you can’t help but squirm beneath him. He doesn’t look upset, more concerned than anything.
“I don’t remember… sometime on Naboo.” You whisper, biting your lower lip. His breath is punched out of him in a sigh and he licks his lips.
“Then I need to get to work…” He slides down your body, kissing your heated skin as he goes and leaving goosebumps in his wake. “As much as I want to take my time with you, it’s only a matter of time before that damn commlink starts screaming at me.” His hands slide over your hips and he hooks your panties, taking them with him. When he settles between your thighs you whine, a bit embarrassed that you haven’t been able to shower before this, and you tell him so. He doesn’t say anything, but the smirk on his lips and his lust-blown eyes quiet you. He grips your hips firmly to keep you from wiggling away from him. He leans in and swipes his tongue through your folds and you feel yourself bloom beneath his attention. He groans against you and your pussy flutters beneath his lips. “Just as perfect as I knew you’d be.”
You’d never guess he was in a hurry with the way his tongue explores you; flicking and swiping along every part of you he can reach, even prodding at your entrance in a way that makes you want to roll your hips into his face. He pins your hips down with a heavy forearm and takes your clit between his lips, flicking his tongue on it as he sucks. Your toes are curling and both hands are covering your mouth, smothering the whimpers and moans behind them as he drives you closer to a shivering end. He slides a long finger into you and begins curling it, and you see stars. You’re already so close, and he’s only just started. When he adds another finger and begins moving them in and out of you at an almost torturous pace, you fall apart. Your thighs try to close around him, but his wide shoulders hold you open as you ride out your pleasure on his face and fingers. He hums against you as he laps up your release, his tongue guiding you through your aftershocks.
You don’t know how he did it, but when he crawls up your body you realize he'd kicked off his pants and underwear while shattering your mind with his mouth. He’s stroking himself, covering what he can with the slick on his fingers before dipping down to grind against you for more. Then his hips still, a brief moment of panic flashing across his face.
“I don’t have any-”
“Implant.” You cut him off, wrapping your legs behind his thighs to urge him forward. He visibly relaxes, his eyes only growing darker as he gazes down at you. With that problem taken care of, he leans over you and is pressing his lips against you in the same moment he’s pressing into your fluttering cunt. Your mouths open to each other as you each groan, swallowing the sounds you both make in an attempt to be quiet; his face is still wet with your cum and tasting yourself on him thrills you. All of your limbs wrap him up in an embrace, pulling him as close as possible as he sinks into you until his body is completely flush with yours.
“So tight, cyar’ika- so perfect for me… better than I could have imagined.” He whispers against your mouth as you flutter and clench around him, getting used to being so full after such a long time. It’s only when you whine and lift your hips against his that he starts rolling into you at an unhurried pace.
“So you imagined this before?” You tease, your voice puffing out breathily between moans and whimpers as he strokes and fills every secret place in you, pressing you down into the mattress with each thrust. He huffs out a laugh against your shoulder and the sound makes you tighten around him.
“Is that even a question…? Was afraid to hit the showers if anyone was there, couldn’t keep my hands off myself when you were on my mind-” He groans as you pull him harder down into you, “-felt like a natborn teen.. You make me crazy.” He’s making you crazy too, you think idly, with the way he’s moving in you. You were right when you’d held him in your hand, knowing how well he’d fill you. In fact, he doesn’t just fill you, the stretch he provides is simply divine, and the way the coarse hair at the base of his cock grinds into your clit as he presses tightly to your body makes you feel fuzzy from your toes to your ears. If that wasn’t enough, as he presses kisses to your shoulder and neck, he starts sucking the flushed skin into his mouth, rolling it between his teeth and laving his tongue over the tender, bruised marks he leaves. He’s marking you. The thought sends a bolt of lightning straight to your clit and you moan a bit too loudly.
“Keep marking me, Wolffe, I want everyone to know that I’m yours- only yours.” You’re trembling in his arms as you nearly sob out your request, your pleasure beginning to crest again. The growl vibrating through him around a mouthful of your neck doesn’t help. With one arm holding him up, tucked between your shoulder blades and holding you close to his exploring mouth, his other arm lowers to your chest and idly tweaks a nipple in passing on it’s way down to your ribs. Pain lances through you as his nails drag down your side, all the way to your thigh, leaving deep red tracks. One of your hands flies to your mouth, covering it just as you let out a broken moan. His hips stutter out of time when you do; he has to release his grip on your neck to pant huskily against the wet bruise he abandons. He rips your hand away from your mouth and replaces it with his lips, pouring moans into your mouth as his hand lowers back down to your thigh. He pulls one of your legs down to lay against the mattress and rakes his nails down the inside of your thigh, making your eyes go wide with pleasure and pain, whining into his mouth as your cunt chokes his cock.
Wolffe breaks for air, resting his forehead against yours, and the lack of a stopper means your moans and whimpers are leaking into the room, too cockdumb to remember where you are and to be quiet. “You have to stay quiet, cyar’ika, be a good girl and stay quiet for me.”
“I can’t- Wolffe, I can’t.. I’m so close- fuck- please,” You beg, clutching at his back and arching off of the bed. Your words cause him to curse under his breath, clearly he’s not too far away either. The hand that had previously been clawing at you slides back up your belly and over your mouth, pinning your head down in the process of muffling the noises you make. The act somehow makes you hotter, feeling like your entire body is flushed with desire as he covers it with his own. He kisses the back of said hand; it’s meant for your mouth, you know, before peppering kisses over the half of your face he can reach. He’s panting heavily as he leans his forehead back against yours.
“Cum for me, cyar’ika, I want to feel you cum all over my cock before I mark this pussy as mine. Come on, good girl.” Your eyes roll back in your head as he starts grinding down into you, his groin rubbing insistently at your clit and his cock nudging exactly where you need him. Liquid heat rushes through your veins and your legs fall away from him, flopping onto the mattress and going rigid along with the rest of your body as your release claws its way through you. You keen into his palm as your cunt wrings itself out on his cock, he barely chokes down his own moan when he feels it and he begins slamming into you the best he can in this position, hammering himself home as he chases his pleasure on your release. He tucks his head back into the space between your neck and shoulder and babbles breathlessly, his brain scrambled by the pleasure now overtaking him.
“Mine” is the last thing you hear him grit out as his hips slam down against yours one, two, three more times and he’s filling you. Heat pools in your gut as you feel him spend himself in you. He pulls his hand from your mouth and kisses you again; you whimper softly against the tender touch of his lips as you feel him continue to twitch in you. The two of you kiss each other languidly, your highs winding down and leaving you feeling completely drained. You both murmur expletives when he pulls out of you. Then he’s pulling you up the length of the mattress to wrap you in his arms. You press against him as much as possible, laying your head on his chest, hugging around his ribs, and swinging a leg over his hips. You’re both still panting, shining with sweat, and completely ruined for each other. His fingers brush over the angry red lines on your ribs reverently and you shiver.
“You ever going to tell me what that means…? Shar-...Eeka?” It sounds wrong coming out of your mouth, too rounded and lacking the sound of a practiced tongue. He exhales loudly and rolls his head to the side to nuzzle into your hair.
“Cyar’ika..” He repeats it so you can hear how it’s supposed to sound, “It means ‘sweetheart’.” He mumbles before placing a slow kiss to the top of your head. You hum and close your eyes, appreciating the tender touches he places on you.
“You know..” You drawl, a tired smirk tugging at your lips, “If you had let Sinker tell me that we could have done this a lot sooner..” He huffs out a laugh into your hair and squeezes you closer to him with one arm, landing a soft smack on your upturned ass with the other. You can’t help but giggle at his mild irritation. You roll to lay on top of him, pressing your chest against his and smirking down at him. He tries to kiss away that damned smirk, cradling your head to his and cupping your ass with his free hand. It’s during this tender moment that a shrill beeping cuts through the silence of the room and you hear him groan against your lips before letting his head fall back against the pillows dramatically.
“What did I tell you…? Fuckers can’t get enough of me.” He rolls you off of him and stands, sifting through the pile of armor and clothing at the side of the bed until he pulls his commlink free. “Wolffe here.” You hear another clone on the other line explain that the Commander is needed in the temple for a debriefing with the council. “I’ll be there in ten.” He looks back at you with an apologetic smile, his shoulders slumping as he sighs and begins folding his blacks right-side-out.
“You’re not going to.. Clean up..?” You tease, rolling onto your stomach to retrieve your own garments. He’s grinning, oh no, you don’t like that look. He’s holding your panties, and the bastard has the nerve to wipe his dick off on them. You gape at him, completely shocked at his audacity. “You’re sick..”
He chuckles, then tosses your ruined underwear onto your ass and you pick them up to inspect them. “You’re going to be ruining those on your way home anyways…” You stand and slide them on, wincing at the already cooling cum pressing wetly against you and knowing that he’s right; you’re going to be dripping with him all the way home. You have a feeling he likes that idea. This time, you zip your jumpsuit all the way up to the collar to hide the marks all over your neck and Wolffe makes an annoyed sound in the back of his throat. He steps forward and runs his palm over your neck, nudging the collar of your suit aside so he can get one last look. You gently swat him away, earning you a smirk as he places the last pieces of plastoid on his body.
“I’ll be in the temple again tomorrow, will you?” You ask, pressing against his chest. He pulls you in for a lingering kiss, saying goodbye.
You go your separate ways; both hoping you’ll see the other, even in passing, tomorrow.
Previous Chapter x x x Next Chapter
FINALLY. I originally didn’t have any plans after this chapter but honestly I’m so glad I kept going, because the next chapter is my absolute FAVORITE. I can’t wait to upload it.
If you would like to read more of my work, You can find it on my Masterlist, or my AO3. If you would like to be added to my taglist, shoot me a message <3
@eyecandyeoz @kimageddon @nxctuaryninetythree @eloquentmoon @misogirl828​  
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soclonely · 2 years
Boost: it's not the size of the boat that matters! It's the motion of the ocean that does!
Sinker: yeah well it's going to take a long time to get from Coruscant to Tattoine in a rowboat you idiot!
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veny-many · 1 year
When I saw Wolffe barely smiles, I found something odd.
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Like... When he makes face like smiling, only his left side face moves.
I don't now not yet how face animation works in star wars 3d series, but that awkward Wolffe's smile always made me interested.
His injured side's face muscle is damaged? So he can't make proper face with his right side of face?
If my humble headcanon is true, Poor Wolffe can't even make proper smile after he lost his eyes...
Wolffe: (Smiles)
Other: That's an odd face.
Wolffe: (Smile dissappears)
Wolffe: You idiots calm down!!
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cosmoacrosscosmos · 3 years
wolfpack incorrect quotes + Ahsoka
plo koon: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast? wolffe: Several traffic violations. sinker: Three counts of resisting arrest. boost: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks. comet: Also, that’s not our car.
plo koon: Bye wolffe! Bye sinker! Bye boost! Bye comet! Bye wolffe! sinker: You said ‘bye wolffe’ twice. plo koon: I like wolffe.
plo koon: What’s something you guys are better than wolffe at? sinker: Mario Kart. boost: Yeah, video games. comet: Emotional vulnerability.
plo koon: Are we really going to let wolffe keep sinker? boost: We kept comet.
plo koon: Why isn’t the statue smirking at me? wolffe: It isn’t smirking at anyone, they’re all just imagining it. plo koon: Three of us saw it, wolffe. How do you explain that? wolffe: *points at sinker* Sleep deprivation. *points at boost* Paranoia. *points at comet* Delusional personality disorder.
plo koon: I’m an idiot. wolffe: sinker: boost: comet: plo koon: wolffe: If you’re waiting for us to disagree, this is going to be a long day.
plo koon: Good responses for being stabbed with a knife? wolffe: Rude. sinker: That’s fair. boost: Not again. comet: Are you going to want this back?
*Squad reactions to being told ‘I love you’* plo koon: Thanks fam! wolffe: oh no sinker: *cries* I love you too boost: Sounds fake but okay comet: *A flustered mess* Ahsoka: can i get a refund
plo koon: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat? wolffe: >:O language sinker: Yeah watch your fucking language boost: OKAY WHO TAUGHT SINKER THE FUCK WORD? comet: 'The fuck word'. Ahsoka: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time sinker: Oh my god they censored it comet: Say fuck, Ahsoka. sinker: Do it, Ahsoka. Say fuck.
plo koon: If you bite it and you die, it’s poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it’s venomous. wolffe: What if it bites me and it dies!? sinker: Then you’re poisonous. Jesus Christ, wolffe, learn to listen. boost: What if it bites itself and I die? comet: That’s voodoo. Ahsoka: What if it bites me and someone else dies? wolffe: That’s correlation, not causation. boost: What if we bite each other, and neither of us die? comet: That’s kinky. plo koon: Oh my God.
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daceydeath · 3 years
Clones and Star Wars characters telling jokes
It's just random characters telling random jokes because I had this thought that clone humour is basically just terrible dad jokes.
501st barracks, Coruscant
Fives: Hey guys what do you cheese do you use to hide a horse?
Echo: No one cares Fives
Hardcase: um I dunno
Fives: Mascarpone!!!!!
Jesse: it’s 3am shut the hell up
Kix: I hate you
Mess Hall line on the Triumphant
Boost: Sinker what do you call a fake noodle?
Sinker: don’t know and don’t care
Boost: an impasta! Get it an impasta?
Comet: we get it but we wish we didn’t have to
Wolffe: I’m surrounded by idiots
Mid battle, Umbara
Hardcase: Yo Fives I got one!
Jesse: Kinda busy here vod
Fives: oh yeah? Hit me!
Hardcase: what’s brown a sticky? A STICK!
Fives: amazing! I’m stealing that one
Rex: Dank Farrik Hardcase shut up and shoot something!
Barracks on the Triumphant
Warthog: ok my turn! What’s....
Wolffe: if you finish that sentence you will be on fresher duty for a week
Warthog: not my turn then sir.
Wolffe: correct.
Mid Council briefing, the Resolute
Ahsoka: Master did I tell you about my trip with Master Plo to the desert?
Mace Windu: does this pertain to the mission?
Anakin: No Snips you didn’t mention it
Obi – Wan: when was this?
Ahsoka: I couldn’t sand it!
Yoda: Good that one was.
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Sinker: A pessimist sees a dark tunnel.
Comet: An optimist sees light at the end of the tunnel.
Boost: A realist sees a freight train.
Wolffe: The train driver sees three idiots standing on the tracks.
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alderaani · 4 years
Maybe a mixture of 65 and 58 with Wolffe or Rex please?
58 - Moving Around While Kissing, Stumbling Over Things, Pushing Each Other Back Against The Wall/Onto The Bed
65 - One Small Kiss, Pulling Away For An Instant, Then Devouring Each Other
A/N: from this prompt list! thanks so much for requesting something, i’ve been having a crisis of confidence over writing the past couple of weeks, but this got me back in some sort of groove. 
warnings: slight injury, canon-typical violence, very mildly suggestive. 
Wolffe x gn!reader:
He hasn’t spoken to you in hours. You eye the rigid line of his back across the hangar as he directs the men unloading munitions and salvaged equipment, the sharp, pointed motions of his hands and the angry jerks of his bucket as he snaps off orders spelling out his agitation.
“Maybe I should -,” you start, before Sinker interrupts, his hand on your shoulder forcing you back onto the crate you’re sat on, while one of the medics wraps your ankle. 
“Uh, no you shouldn’t,” he says. “Give him some time to cool off. You gave us a real fright out there, you know?”
You wince. It had been a split second decision down on the surface, an unexpected attack that had left you pushed at the edge of the camp and separated from the rest of the 104th with a new batch of shinies who hadn’t even earnt their paint yet. The detonators in your backpack seemed a better option than getting gunned down, but setting them had put you perilously close to the blast zone. You don’t remember much past the wave of heat and the sensation of flying; the next memory you have is waking up in the transport with your head in Sinker’s lap, his pinched face staring down at you.
“That’s what he’s mad about? But -,” you splutter, eyes darting between Sinker and Wolffe’s distant figure. “Would he have preferred I just wait to get shot?”
You go to stand again, but pushing against Sinker’s grip is like wrestling with an iron bar. The medic yanks on your trouser leg, too, grunting that you need to stay still. 
“Of course not. But, come on, you know he gets stupid about you. Think he’s more mad with himself that he let it happen.”
You frown. Now that doesn’t make any sense. “What? Sinker, what are you talking about? What you mean, he gets stupid about me?”
Sinker stares at you in silence for a couple of seconds, while the medic - Gruff, you think - shakes with laughter. 
“...Boost was right.” He shakes his head in bewilderment and a small amount of disgust. “I actually can’t believe it. You really are that oblivious. Maker, not a braincell between the pair of you.”
He eyes Gruff, who has finished with your ankle and has moved onto sluicing out the gash on your forearm to assess the damage.
“Can you believe this?” 
Gruff snorts. “I try not to believe anything around here, you leave me out of this, Sinker.” 
“What are you talking about?” You whine, glancing over at Wolffe again and jolting when instead of meeting the back of his helmet, you find his visor staring back. He stays like that for a second before stiffly turning away, his hands clenching into fists. You want to be angry, furious with him for pinning this on you, but instead you feel your eyes sting. Dropping your gaze, you sniff hard, blaming the way your throat constricts on the hard day rather than the furious set of Wolffe’s shoulder.
“Oh no, I’m not gonna be the one to let that tooka out of the bag,” Sinker laughs, then catches sight of your expression. “Hey, are you - osik. Look, he’ll come back round. He just doesn’t like getting scared.”
You’re about to snap something back, how you didn’t exactly enjoy almost getting blown up either, but if you speak you’re not sure if tears will come out instead. You’re saved by Gruff pushing to his feet.
“That arm needs stitches and if we get up to the medbay I can use a bone knitter on the ankle. Give me a hand, Sinker?”
You only look back once as they hoist you up between them, your stomach dropping like a stone when you find Wolffe is nowhere in sight.
Things seem only marginally better the other side of the fresher. It’s never the same without water, and you stayed under the sonics too long, trying to wash away the phantom feeling of grime, so now your skin feels tight and dry. All you want is to curl up in your bunk and sleep for the next several rotations, but rest won’t come. 
Every time you lie down all you can think about is Wolffe turning away from you, and then you spend the next twenty minutes oscillating hopelessly between rage and wanting to find him and apologise. 
The knock on your door is actually a relief - it pulls you away from sitting at your desk, rolling your comm in your hand and trying to convince yourself that typing out a message when you’re tired and emotional is a spectacularly bad idea.
At least, it’s a relief until you see who’s on the other side.
“Never, ever do that again.”
Wolffe looms over you, quietly furious, his bucket under one arm. You let go of the door controls and try to step backwards, but he follows, boxing you in between your desk and the wall. After a second of staring at him, jaw working soundlessly, rage floods through your bones to settle hot in your belly. 
“It’s not like I had much of a choice,” You snap back. “You’re behaving like a child.”
Wolffe slams his helmet down on the desk, expression spasming. “Didn’t have - you could have died.”
“So could you!” You protest, crossing your arms over your chest. “We were being attacked, in case you’ve forgotten.”
Wolffe snarls, running an agitated hand through his hair. “And you decided to get yourself blown up.”
“To save the men!” You counter, pushing up close to him as anger outweighs intimidation. “You’d have rather I just let them get mown down by a pack of B1s?” 
Wolffe scowls and pushes in too, so that you’re chest to chest and glaring directly into each other’s faces. 
“ Of course not, I - They’re trained soldiers. Trust them to do their job next time and work with them instead of being a distraction.”
A distraction? The absolute nerve of him. You make a small shrieking noise in the back of your throat and drop backwards to try and relieve the urge to smack that stupid frown right off his face. What’s almost worse is that the words actually hurt. His attention and approval always mean so much to you, more than you’re willing to admit even to yourself. For him to treat you like a wayward child...it stings. Badly. And you never go down easy when you’re backed into a corner. 
“A distraction to who?” You spit. “I don’t know why you’re being such an ass about this. The others have to make calls like that all the time and run the risk that it won’t work out, and you never go after them about it. What the hell makes me so different?”
Wolffe splutters. “Because - because -”
He breaks off and swears something in mando’a. For a second, you think he’s going to push you. His hand comes up, but instead of shoving it fists in your shirt and pulls. 
You stumble into him, his other hand catching your hip and pinning you against the plastoid, and you open your mouth to ask him what the hell he’s doing - 
His mouth slants over yours.
Your mind goes blank, screeching utterly to a halt. The world narrows down to the dry press of his lips, the heavy weight of his hands, and you cannot believe this is happening. Almost as quickly as it starts, though, Wolffe lets you go with a small gasp, so abruptly that it gives you whiplash.
“Shit,” he whispers, eyes wide. His tongue darts out and touches the curve of his bottom lip. “I’m -”
In the half-second it takes for you to catch up, you realise several things: Wolffe just kissed you. He kissed you, and Sinker was right; you are both idiots. You would really like him to do it again, but instead the bastard is now trying to apologise for it. 
Without really considering it, you slide your hand round the back of his neck, sinking it into the hem of his blacks and tugging him back down. Your back hits the wall with an oomph as you press your lips urgently to his, pouring in every desperate month you’ve spent pining after him as your free hand scrabbles for purchase on his armour.
For a moment Wolffe is totally rigid, a taut line of shock, his lips stilled against your own. For a moment, you think you’ve completely fucked this up. But then he makes a noise, a little groan in the back of his throat, and his hand comes up against the wall next to your head, returning the kiss hungrily, desperately. His other arm snakes round your waist, and you could drown in him, you really could. His hand dips under the hem of your shirt and you gasp into his mouth at the warm touch. Wolffe huffs and licks in, the first slide of his tongue and the slick wet heat of his mouth electrifying something in your veins. You whine, high and needy, hitching upwards as far as you can. 
Without breaking contact Wolffe’s hands slide down over your ass, grasp under your legs and lift, wrapping them around his waist with only a small grunt at the effort. You pull his bottom lip into your mouth and graze lightly with your teeth, savouring the shudder that runs through his body before pressing back in, sealing your lips together as he moves, carrying you with him.
He stumbles backwards, hands steady under your thighs, until his knees hit the back of your bunk. Then he goes down, catching you so that you land with your legs either side of his body. It dislodges your mouths and he stares up at you, his eyes wide, his lips kiss-bruised, a flush high in his cheeks. 
“Shit,” he says again, but his voice is soft and dazed. You laugh softly as he clears his throat, hand coming up to thumb over your cheekbone. “I, uh, guess we’ve got some things to talk about.”
“Yeah, but later.” you say, leaning in and stealing another kiss. “Much later.”
taglist // @nelba @bad-batch-of-fics @majorshiraharu @leias-left-hair-bun @simping-for-fives @battletales @bluejay6800 @snippytano @missinashkin @iscream4clones // list here
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kiwikipedia · 3 years
A Smooth Sea Never Made a Skilled Sailor
Fandom(s): Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars (Prequel Trilogy), Star Wars Legends
Rating: T (swearing, injury)
Summery: Plo Koon had hidden a… problem he sustained on Kohrm from the others. Unfortunately, it had to do with his mask. Fortunately, Kit Fisto is there.
This is for you @nibeul and Tumblr Anon!
Kit Fisto knew things, as surprising as it seemed to some people. He was not stupid, and it still made him roll his eyes sometimes when people were that startled when he exercised his “smarts”.
He had no need to constantly show off his intellect— Vokara Che and Micah Giiett had been the visible geniuses of their Creche group. He, Saldith, and Shaak Ti preferred to not show their full hands… and Qui-Gon had been… Qui-Gon.
So yeah, Kit Fisto wasn’t an idiot. He had been one of the Order’s political liaisons with Adi Gallia before the war and had taken time to study Healing with Vokara under the former Head Healer and former Head Mind-Healer Qin Koh and Nix Mora respectively. He had bothered the Archival Branch of Jedi enough as a child that Madame Jocasta Nu still kept him in her sights just so that he didn’t bother the other staff.
And he was observant. He had become observant.
Kit had known Plo Koon long enough and been close with him long enough that he had taken time to research, memorize, and recognize the signs of oxygen poisoning.
He had known the Kel Dor and rescued too many overly ambitious divers to know that oxygen poisoning in Kel Dor looked eerily similar to what happened with malfunctioning scuba gear.
Kit had been keeping a close eye on the other Master and his partner ever since Ventress had forced an avalanche down on their heads but with all that had gone on with Sharp and also the final battle with Ventress (Commander Wolffe lost his godsdamned eye, that witch).
And it was only once they were safely aboard The Renascence did Kit snap back to attention and return to keeping an eye on Plo.
The Kel Dor didn’t seem to notice that Kit was observing him as he talked to some of the other Clones who had stayed above.
A bit twitchy, but that could just but the remaining adrenaline from a fight.
The same with his fatigue that Kit could pick up that was coming off of him.
But Kit knew better than to just write those points off. Better to be paranoid and it turns out that his partner was just mildly inconvenienced by his age than to be careless and learn that it really was oxygen poisoning.
As Kit removed his goggles that kept his eyes from drying out in the harsh cold, he slowly extended his senses, his tresses twitching, searching for signs of discomfort.
The only problem was that Plo’s arm was also broken, and like himself, the Kel Dor was likely sore from both the avalanche and those worms they used as transport.
He picked up discomfort, but from what?
No, he’d have to watch when Plo decided to move. If he was off-balance, if he was dizzy, then Kit would act.
He knew that the boys were setting up a barrier field and filter to replicate an anti-ox chamber for Plo since The Renaissance didn’t have one— it was Kit’s flagship, after all, one that was equipped for Nautolans but not for Kel Dor— but it would be a while before that was situated.
Well, at least it meant that Kit could get away with fretting over the older Master without Monnk and Flit glaring at him for neglecting his own injuries.
Still, Kit’s eyes flickered back to Plo as the other Jedi finished up his conversation with two of his Sergeants.
A wave of dismissal or farewell followed, and Kit easily slipped out of his jacket as Plo began to leave the command bridge.
Kit followed, and he knew that there was something wrong immediately. Hells, he didn’t even have to wait for Plo to sway or start to use the wall as support.
Because Plo always stopped when he knew Kit was following him, when Shaak Ti was, when Mace, when Eeth, when Saesee, when Commander Wolffe, when Boost, Sinker, Comet, when anyone was following him. Because Plo Koon liked to walk next to them. Liked to have a discussion when walking.
But Plo hadn't even glanced back when Kit followed him through.
And then Plo staggered.
But Kit was at his side almost instantly, catching the smaller Jedi as he pitched sideways. A garbled grunt that sounded somewhere between ‘What?’ and ‘Kit?’ escaped the Kel Dor but Kit ignored it.
“I knew this was bound to happen.”
Kit’s quarters- their quarters, really- weren’t close, but they sure were a hell of a lot closer than the Medbay.
It was probably the fastest that Kit had moved outside of battle in a long time, with Plo half stumbling along next to him and half being carried.
Oxygen breathers could become poisoned by it as well, their bodies could only handle so much of it in their body. Kel Dor could handle remarkably less. Only a tiny fracture of what the sandscorpion on Tatooine could— and they could last for four standard days without it.
But no matter the air that was breathed in, Kit knew one thing was the same for all sentients when it came to Oxygen Poisoning: Oxygen toxicity was only manageable by reducing the exposure to the increased oxygen levels.
Kit set Plo down on the Bunk, murmuring a soft ‘hold on for just a little bit longer' before moving to look for something, anything to ease the Oxygen Poisoning.
He was certain he kept Oxygen absorption patches around because of this— because, while he was incredibly smart and quick-witted, his partner was extremely stupid.
Kit was a Jedi, yes. He knew that Jedi were, in a sense, for the greater good and for citizens and innocents, for the Light Side of the Force, but the lack of self-preservation—!
Granted he couldn’t really speak, but it always made him a bit huffy and worried when Plo came back with various injuries that could have been avoided. Something he knew that also happened in the vice-versa with him.
It took Kit a moment to remember to call the 104th Medic on board, but as soon as he did, he had found the patches.
Plo had already started with a hacking cough by the time Kit made his way back to the Kel Dor, but he didn’t waste any time, propping the other up against his side and carefully inspecting the mask.
There— it was a small crack, enough to blend in with the scratches from the mission, but enough that oxygen had been leaking in since, well, Kit wasn’t sure for how long. But judging by how deep that cough was, it had been a while.
He sealed the crack with a patch, making sure the adhesive was fully sealed and that it covered the entire crack.
Even with the patch, though, what Plo needed was a nebulizer— though at this point, the medicine within one might be enough to soothe the raw pain from coughing and choking. A ventilator would be stronger, but Plo could clearly breathe still. He was just being poisoned slowly and—
Kit shook himself out of his thoughts when Plo jerked a bit, coughing lowly.
It came out as more of a wheeze if anything, but Kit reached over, taking the Kel Dor’s still gloved hand and squeezing.
“I got you, Plo. Sinker and Ember will be here soon enough, and the boys are setting up a field for you to decompress in… a crack like that won’t keep you down, yeah?”
A wheezing chuckle came from Plo as he shifted, resting his head against Kit’s chest.
“Yes… you are… right…” he murmured, and Kit squeezed his hand again.
It was going to be fine.
Kit was more than he appeared to be, he knew healing to an extent and he had caught it in time. Plo would be okay.
Because Kit wasn’t an idiot and knew what to look for, because Plo was resilient, because Sinker and Ember were on their way.
Plo would be okay.
I knocked this out faster than I thought I would lol
Anyways, from what I gathered, Kit doesn't have a named Flagship so, here's the Renaissance. Aka the peak of artistic beauty— //smacked. Ahem. Anyways.
If you've been following me for a bit, you know that Ember is one of the 104th's medics, the other (head) medic being Ghost. Apparently, Sinker also has medic experience, but I don't remember seeing it in-show. Oh well. Flit showed up briefly in another fic I did and is Kit's battalion medic.
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