#bootie bh
While we on the topic of the blowjob bros. Have you realized that Jk actually act like Jm is everything. I thought we were just joking when if i remember correctly it was pptm that said that Jm trained Jk like a puppy but its true. Jk doing things for Jm seems like a reflex to him. Every body carrying their stuff Jm is carrying nothing jk carrying two(megan ther stallion meeting). Now its shower than come, and he is cooking. Jm jumping jk ready to carry him bridal style. I want a bro like that. I want a bro
Bro is obsessed, bro is down for everything, bro is at the beck and call for the other bro.
Yes, pptm said Jimin trained JK like a puppy and it's such a perfect way to sum up whatever it is they have going on. Even when JK might seem reluctant, he's either joking or he'll eventually do it. But it's also impossible not to notice how fast he's there once Jimin calls. That birthday live at hybe, the 7 am weverse booty call, the dinner at Jimin's place almost immediately after leaving the concert venue. The boy has got it bad and it's sickeningly cute.
I can only imagine this a regular, normal thing at this point and we should get to see some more of that on their trips. Hopefully in the near future when BH decides to release the show.
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joyswonderland1108 · 2 years
I’m not even gonna link that stupid tweet, can’t believe i’ve been working extra hours lately defending my babies and setting things straight because of some rats on the internet. But also, please, who tf believes an account that was created at ass o’clock with no profile picture anygays? -_-
So not only people are trying to ruin JK’s image by spreading a rumor about him being involved with a very problematic family but people keep on believing “supporting” thus it gives the upper hand to village idiots to post more stories dug from a raccoon”s booty hole. 
Posting ss from a video posted by a supposed sasaeng or sasaeng dealer or whatever “professional business” they’re into..
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The girl who posted the video on her IG is Algerian.. I mean no offense to Arabs heck i’m too but y’all’s supposed sasaeng tea is bullshit i don’t know maybe save that money you’re wasting on better thing like.. Getting proper education to get your head out of the gutter? 
Why am i not even surprised tho i remember reading a few months ago “tea” from another Algerian “sasaeng” that said that Dreamers was supposed to be a subunit and Hybe didn’t want to bla bla bla bla..
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At least get the facts correct, i will repeat it for the gazillion time, if you’re trynna lie, at least make it believable, don’t go around making up lies when the truth is out there for everyone to see but i blame the dumb farts on the comments asking if it’s true or “feeling bad” for the situation. Do yourselves a favor and go to school that’s actually really embarrassing.
So the narrative is that JK was with his “girlfriend” she-who-shall-not-be-named at the gym and like.. OMG i don’t even know if i should cringe at the embarrassment or just pray these people can consume some knowledge and intelligence. Y’all!! Tommy’s profile is public ffs that’s literally his little sister 😭😭
But that besides the fact, it is quite disturbing the fact that a vile sasaeng is just hanging out around Tommy’s place for one and being that creepy towards JK for two that’s a double kill actually, just how mentally deranged you have to be to just sit there and record, bruh.. When is the purge really i feel like imma be after so many heads cause..  
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Anygays, if y’all come across any post like that, please report it, if you feel like it you can also report it to BH/Hybe that can be helpful too. With that being said, LEAVE JUNGKOOK THE FUCK ALONE!!!!!
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garebearandnan · 8 months
LITG | S2 EP05 Pt3 | Beer Pong
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Iain Stirling: It’s beer pong time. And that beer contains as much alcohol  as my chances are if I strolled into the Villa with my top off - absolutely zero.
Gary points to the beer pong table set up on the lawn. "Help me set up the cups."
You smiled brightly at him, almost challengingly. "Sure. You realise you're not going to win against me?"
"Pfft." Gary blows out and says, "You're in for a treat, darlin’. Nan and I have had a few rounds of beer pong in our time."
You smirk, "How many times has she won?"
"We don't need to speak about that," Gary teases.
"Let's play beer pong!" Gary shouted.
Bobby exclaims excitedly, “Beer Pong!” He pumps his arm in the air. “This is my kind of game.”
They all cheer. You hear the others say, “Mine too!” “I’m here for it!”
Hope grabbed Noah’s hand as she pulled him towards the lawn. “Let’s go, let’s go! I’m ready to play!”
They began beer pong, with Rocco going first against Grace. “Gimme the ball. I’ll kick us off,” Rocco says loudly.
"Oh, it's game on," Grace replied with a wide smile.
“Line it up and shoot,” Gary coaches softly from behind him. Rocco takes his shot. He bounced the white ball, and it sank into one of the cups. The boys cheered every time they made it in and they would high-fiving each other or playfully jostling one another. "Way to go, son!" Gary gives a cheer as he pats him on the back. “Knew we could count on you, Rocco. Drink up, darlin',” he says with a cheeky wink to Grace.
She gives him a leer that is meant to be playful from across the table. "Boys, don't kid yourself. We're only getting warmed up." The group cheered as they watched her chug the non-alcoholic drink with coloured flavouring. You tipped the red Solo cup over and grinned.
“Perform a sexy dance with an islander of your choice.”
Nice. I can do some cheeky flirting. I am so down for this! Grace dressed to impress. That teeny-tiny item of clothing that she was wearing clung to her curves, and the fabric was cut in a way that made her breasts look sinfully delicious.
When Gary saw her toned legs approaching him, his brain short-circuited. It brought butterflies to his stomach, but it also made him nervous. The mere thought of her grinding on him gave him a semi.
Beach Hut Grace: “Who else would I want to be rubbing my booty against? You know, the nice little eight pack.”
Priya stood facing the girls as she chugged her drink. Girls cheer her in unison: “Three, two, one!” 
“Ooh, this is a good one.” She giggles, then reads out loud for the rest of the group.
“Nibble the ear of the boy you'd most like to have sexy, pillow talk with.”
BH Priya: "Sometimes you gotta shake things up. Keep them on their toes."
Henrik looks like he would be up for a dare. Priya walked over toward the boys. She sidelined Ibrahim, her current partner, before she made a quick switch to Henrik.
BH Henrik: “It looked like she was on course for Ibrahim… Then it was a quick little, ‘Bang, Henrik’s having some. Yeah, it’s all in good fun.”
Priya leaned up and nibbled on his ear. The islanders all cheer and whoop. Henrik turned to face Ibrahim, who gave him a fist bump.
The Melbourne native picked up the red plastic cup and removed the ping pong ball with her long fingers. Lottie pinched her nose as she necked the drink. Bobby shouted across the table, “Holding her nose? Keep going. Keep going, Lottie.” She turned over the cup and read out the dare.
“Kiss the islander you fancy from head to toe.”
She looks the boys over, grinning mischievously. She appeared to be going for Bobby, but instead she pushed him back, and without hesitation she walked over towards Gary. As he watched Lottie approach, Gary couldn't help but notice that she looked pretty damn sexy tonight, with the way her tiny, tight black dress accentuated every curve. Lotte beams at him as their eyes lock. She gripped the back of his neck and pulled his head towards her for a full on snog.
She gently ran her tongue along his lips. When he opened his mouth, their tongues began to gently caress one another. It was a good kiss, nothing earth shattering like some of the ones he's shared with a certain pretty brunette, but enjoyable nonetheless. For Lottie though the kiss only solidified her interest in him and she was excited to crack on with Gary. The guys were screaming and cheering her on.
As Lottie proceeds to kiss down his chest  to his abs, Ibrahim holds Gary's shirt up for her. Grace paled as her hand covered her mouth as the boys were screaming and going crazy. Marisol gasped, “Oh, my gosh!” Gary covered his mouth with his hand as she moved down his legs, and he felt blood rush south. Damn, she looked sexy on her knees as she kissed his calf. Bloody hell! She’s trouble. 
BH Grace: “It wasn’t nice to see at all. I keep telling myself this is just a game. Don’t take it so seriously, but it’s still hard to overlook something just because it took place in a ‘game’.”
Lottie was smirking cockily as she stood up and walked back to the girls’ side. A sudden, awkward tension brews between Lottie and Grace.
The game continues on. Henrik, the Swedish likeness of Thor, was up against Hope. The boys were wary of him, at first, but he was just so relentlessly happy that after spending a few minutes with him no one could help but like the guy. He got it in. Hope drank. She read the dare from the bottom of her cup.
“Snog an islander you think is boyfriend material.”
ALL: Ooh!
She struts over to Noah, biting her bottom lip. Hope looked beautiful. A long-sleeved white crop top and booty shorts that showcased her really toned, smooth, long legs. And she is smiling, bright, and beautiful. She bats her eyes at him. He grins back. “Come here, handsome.” 
Noah grins and steps closer. She leans in close and presses her lips to his. Noah’s hands pull her closer to him. His warmth radiates around her as he kisses her harder. They shared a passionate snog.
All the boys chant: “Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!”
Hope softly moans as their tongues meet. Her hand travels down to his lower back, pulling him closer to her. The rest of the villa melts away for a moment. You both pull away. Hope grins, looking pleased with herself. “Woah, Damn.”
BH Hope: “What a kiss! Yeah, that kiss was amazing… It’s always the quiet ones.” (She winks at the camera with a toothy grin.)
Grace paid no attention to the others as you watched Gary take his turn. He was wearing ripped, tight dark jeans and a light blue t-shirt that showed off his impressive muscles and the bluest eyes you've ever seen. He was wearing his glasses again tonight, and he was looking so hot! 
When you are able to calculate the distance that the ball needs to go and the level of force you need to exert when you toss it, beer pong is not a difficult game. Gary has both of those things working in his favour; he is an engineering nerd and one of Chatham’s best crane operators. He stood with his legs wider than shoulder-width apart. Gary pretended to have a nervous expression on his face as he held the ping pong ball in his hand. Grace narrowed her eyes at him. She was aware he was putting on a show of being uneasy and lacking a strategy in order to unsettle his opponent. Many of their chats have revolved around his job as well as the engineering and robotics courses that he has taken.
He does a quick test of the trajectory by moving his hand in the air. He looked across at Grace and gave her a sly wink. He takes a deep breath and releases the white ball, which soars over the table in an elegant, smooth arc, landing with a satisfying splash straight into the cup. As you watched him throw the ball, you admired how the muscles in his arm moved. He left you almost drooling. The boy was just too sexy for his own good. His mouth turned up into a sexy, lopsided grin when he scored. “Told you I was gonna fuckin’ get it!”
The boys all scream in excitement, and Bobby hugs him. “Fuck yeah, mate, you’re awesome!”
“I’m sure you cheated somehow,” you said teasingly.
“Nah, I’m just that good,” Gary said, with a wink at you. You felt your cheeks heat up at all the sexual innuendos those few words implied.
Bobby chants, “Go! Go! Go! Go!”
Marisol drank from the plastic cup. “What does it say?” asked Hope. Marisol tips the cup over to read out her dare.
“Get an Islander to give you a massage and make sex noises while they do it.”
I’ve got to make sex noises while someone massages me. Marisol groaned loudly. This is going to be embarrassing. I am never going to live this down!
The islanders break out in laughter. Grace giggles into her hand, “This is going to be a right laugh.” and Priya concurs and says, “I could do that in my sleep.”  
Marisol looked over at him and asked, “Hey, Lucas, reckon you could, like, give me a massage?” Lucas gives her one of his suave, mysterious smiles and replied, “Sure can.” Bobby chipped in, patting him on the back and saying, “Let's put your skills to the test, lad.”
He swaggers to the centre of the table as he rolls up his sleeves. His muscles flex. Lucas sits down and pats the floor in front for Marisol. She sits down between his legs. His voice drops into a silky, smooth, and calming tone. “Great. Let’s begin.” He works his way around her shoulders. His hands are strong. Powerful. She instantly feels at ease and starts to let out moans of pleasure. His fingers work their way down from her upper back. “I can take care of that.” They instantly eased her stress. “How’s the pressure?”
It felt amazing. Marisol closes her eyes, enjoying the massage. “It’s nice! Wow. Oh, Lucas, you’re really good.” She gets ready to make sex noises, trying not to blush or giggle. She lets out a moan of pleasure. “Yes! Yeah, right, oh wow.” The islanders start cooing and laughing.
“You like that, don’t you?” Lucas smirked cheekily. She moans some more, “Oh. Oh! Oooooh.” After she moans, she starts giggling.
Bobby calls out, ”Get a room, you two!”
“Just giving Marisol here the message of her life,” Lucas smirked, trying not to laugh. Marisol moans louder, “Oh. Wow! Yes! Yes! Yes!”
The girls are in hysterics now and have their arms around each other’s waists. Priya smirked, “Mind if I get in on that?” Boys are hooting and hollering as they jump in place. Grace laughs and says cheekily, “I’ll have what she’s having.”
Lucas stops and says, “I’m sorry, Marisol. I can’t go on!” Lucas and Marisol howl with laughter. Cheering and what not, the game resumes soon enough.
"Be warned, Noah... I'm an extremely competitive person," Grace said in her charming Texan accent. Noah caught Hope’s gaze as she winked at him and walked over to the other girl. The two girls were giggling after Hope whispered something in her ear. Hope then kissed Grace's ear, causing her to giggle.
Well fuck! Noah tried to refocus and aim carefully before he tried an arc shot. The ball went wild and didn't even come close to touching any of the cups. Everyone had a bit of a laugh at Noah's inability to successfully throw the ball into the cup.
"Wow, babes, I thought you were meant to get the ball in the cup by putting it on the table rather than bouncing it off of the table," Hope remarked as the corners of her mouth began to curl up into a smirk.
Grace’s shot. The girls cheered her on. Her analytical mind was calculating the angle she needed to land the ping pong ball in one of the red Solo cups. “Well?” Gary prodded with a lopsided smirk, “Go on, mate, we don’t have all night.” 
"Don't rush me, babe. All good things are worth waiting for," she said as she concentrated on the table. Gary tilts his head as he watches her intently, getting lost for a moment in his thoughts. Fuck, he hopes so. It feels like he's known her for five weeks, not just five days. He’s never had to wait this long to fuck a bird that he wanted.
As you exhaled, you released the ball. Everyone watched in silence as the ball sailed through the air toward the other side of the table before dropping precisely in the middle cup of the triangle. “YES!” Grace throws her hands up and does a little jig. They all clap and cheer.
Noah gulped the caramel-coloured liquid down. He flipped the cup over and read the dare, making an unsure face. "Shut up." Noah moaned. He read out the dare.
“Kiss the islander you have had impure thoughts about during your time in the Villa.”
You made an exaggerated "ooooooh" sound. The cheers that were uttered by the boys were especially rowdy.
"What, really? Impure thoughts?” Henrik inquired.
Gary chuckles and pats Noah on the back. “Like nasty, mate,” and Bobby chipped in with a Cheshire grin. “Well, that’s pretty obvious.” 
BH Gary: “We're on fucking Love Island; of course it's savage.” (He chuckles.)
Noah walks over and gives Grace a peck on her cheek. Shocks everybody. “Oh, wow!” Grace blushed.
Hope stared narrowly at Noah and hissed loudly, "Really, impure thoughts?" She rolled her eyes as Noah blushed and looked down sheepishly as he kicked the turf with his foot.
BH Hope: “I really thought it was an easy answer, of who he's having impure thoughts about. He could have at least given me that one.” (She rolls her eyes.)
Bobby laughed, “Hot seat. Just keeps getting hotter.”
Lottie smirked at Bobby as she mimed scissors with the fingers and said, “Things are getting more heated.” Hope was too focused on Noah to notice.
BH Noah: “It was a stupid thing to do. I understand that. I don’t know why I did that. Which is why I’m in the hot seat.”
Bobby took the ball in hand. When Bobby tried tossing the ping pong ball underhand, his feet shifted oddly beneath him causing him to miss the shot. "Oh shite!" The small white ball rolled off into a sea of manly legs. A few of the boys tried to stop it from bouncing away with their feet, but none of them were successful.
“My turn!” You said as you winked at Bobby and Hope shouted out to the boys, “Watch out, boys. The girls are back in the driving seat.” The girls cheer you on. I’m so fucking good at this. “Hell yes!” you cheered, bouncing up and down. Gary smiled over at the pretty brunette, enjoying seeing her having fun. Damn, she’s good. She cheered along with the girls, who high-fived her.
You clapped and called out, “Drink up, Bobby!” He threw his head back as he chugged down the drink, then read out the dare.
“Kiss the Islander who has the best chat.”
Bobby stated, “Technically, I should kiss Gary. My man’s a banter-saurus,” and Gary responded back, “Oi! Puns are my thing, mate.”
Bobby chuckles. “Maybe they were, but I’ve been throwing down some sick puns too.”
Gary puffed out his chest and added, “I taught him everything he knows.”
Bobby claimed that, “The student has become the master,”  and he also remarked, "Anyway, as sick as Gary’s chat is, I’m kissing a girl.”
Noah grins at Bobby and says, “Smart choice, bro.”
“Oi, mate.” The stocky blond wiggles his eyebrows at the other boy. “Why not, bro? It said, ‘The Islander with the best chat.' Not like you can kiss yourself.”
“Well, technically I could, but where’s the fun in that!” Bobby bursts out laughing. “Get over here then, big G.” The boys are snickering. The girls’ chorus of “OOOOH” is almost deafening.
“Get in. Slap it on me, lad,” Gary swaggers up to him. “No tongues!” 
“Oh, my goodness,” Lottie squealed. They grabbed each other's cheeks and started laughing as they bent sideways. They lean in and share a lingering peck as their lips caress one another. They break apart, laughing hysterically. The islanders erupt in uncontrollable laughter, ecstatic squeals, and whistles.
BH Gary: “The thing is. I think I shut my eyes. You forget where you are and kissing.” (He does a cheeky wink at the camera.)
Bobby beams with pride. “That’s how it’s done, boys and girls!”
Noah chipped in, “That was hardly a game of tonsil tennis, Bobby,” and Gary replied cheekily, “Ignore him, mate. He’s just jealous.” He gives Bobby a wink.
BH Bobby: “There was no tongue. It wasn't easy. It wasn't easy. (He shakes his head.) “Show him what he's missing.” He bursts out laughing.
"Oh, my gosh!" Priya cried out. The girls all burst into hysterical giggles.
“How could I not kiss, Gaz?” Bobby lifts the crane operator's shirt. “There’s no denying those abs are lush.” The islanders break out in laughter again.
BH Bobby: “That’s the best game I’ve played in ages!” (He laughs.)
Full text read, 'A bit of me' on A03 or Wattpad.
Other dares: Snog the islander you see as wifey material.
Kiss a islander in your favourite place to be kissed.
Kiss the Islander with the best abs.
Lick the islander you think is the most tasty.
Snog the two islanders you'd most like to have a threesome with.
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vintagepresley · 1 year
I'm just wondering how E's perfect ass didn't bust out of those tight booty shorts in BH lol!
RIGHT. I swear he was this close 🤏🏽 to an ass cheek falling out and I was secretly hoping
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zumpietoo · 2 years
And Jmas is just a BH and SH freak who wants SH back together. Her hatred of Cole, and recently Lili is all a facade. She's just mad at them for not being together, they were her (unhealthy) coping mechanism.
In July, some door dash delivery person took photos (to try and make some extra money) of Lili getting her coffee order from outside her gate and the pics were sold and released. Well, looney Jmas tried to get people to believe that it was a legit paparazzi who was camped outside Lili's house, and that the pap was there because they heard that Cole was there, and he and Lili were back together, or at least friends who hang out.
Jmas convinced herself that BH and SH would get back together during S7. That's why Jmas hates when people speculate about Lili possibly being involved with women and also didn't like when she was with GymD. The only person Jmas wants Lili with, other than Cole, is that ugly guy with the tragic hairline, Connor. Even though Connor has a girlfriend and is now moving to NY permanently because the gf lives there.
Jmas' first name is Jodie, btw
Tbf, she seemed pretty into shit when pretending pp was the booty call of the rich and famous—-but obviously that’s all the haters and why they now hate cole.
Btw who is Pinot?
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
SO who pats the skelebum appreciatively as they walk past (no smacks) and if questioned or given any reaction will just go "what, can't appreciate the.. bootyfull scenery?" reactions? ;)
Under the cut for problematic boys lol
Sans: in public he just grins a little wider and ignores it, but at home he’ll grab your bum in return. “Heh, careful~ you’re getting a little cheeky (y/n) ;)
Papyrus: each time he blushes and takes your hand off his bum to lace your fingers together instead. “DID YOU HAVE TO SAY THAT PUN AFTERWARDS???” He’s a little flustered
Star: run. Take it back. Do not cross go!! Lol, Star is a spanker and will swat that sweet bum of yours every time. He can’t help it. Touching his bum is just begging for attention. “WHY ARE YOU RUNNING??”
Honey: he always jumps and awkwardly sputters each time you do this. It’s a real show. “…..at least you didn’t call me-“
You: “what was that honeybuns..? ;))))”
Honey: *long suffering dramatic sigh*
Red: he pauses and turns to you with that sly grin that just promises trouble lol. You wanted reds attention? Well now you have it. “Y’ playing with fire there doll~”
Edge: you hear his scratchy chuckle and attempt to run, but strong arms snake around your waist holding you against him. “THATS NOT FAIR, RUNNING BEFORE I GET TO SAY HI BACK” edge clearly liked that
Mal: he winks at you when you blush, realizing that you grabbed a nice bum instead of bone. Mal saw it coming and decided to roll with it. “WHAT? NO COMEBACK? ;)”
Cash: he squeaks not expecting the touch and will whirl around in mock offense. You’re already around the corner laughing. Cash chases after you determined to cop his own feel. “Nyeheheheh! It’s only fair (y/n)!!!”
Oak: he’ll blush at the unexpected pat, and will blush further at your joke. Oak sinks into his hoodie awkwardly. “Heh… uh.. that’s a good one..//////“ poor guy is kicking himself for not being able to come up with his own joke back lol
Willow: you kinda have to reach up if you wanna get a handful of his tall booty, so willow saw the hand coming. Doesn’t stop him from being a flustered mess though “I-BH- WHAT WAS THAT FOR??” He’s acting all shy like he didn’t love that lol
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i-know-you-can · 3 years
Ahhhh…. The delusion is strong in the ba’s. Let me ask them this. Why would a couple who had no romantic build up, barley any scenes over the entirety of the series. All they had was a few booty call a “oof that sucks” scene and a poorly written rewrite of a relationship, ever be considered endgame. Episode 100 literally made fun of their ship along with the rest of those crap ships. With everything that is coming out about 6b, no where did anyone say ever that ba was endgame. Where did ras say ba was his favorite ship. (I’ll give you a hint. Never) he always focused on BH. When reality hits them lm not sure to feel sorry for them or laugh lol.
A added note. I feel sorry for them. If they think proper etiquette is to date your best friends love of their life and then think everything will be okay. They have another thing coming. 
Their excuse for ep 100 is that it was a goodbye letter to Bughead and their fans as now it's BA time 🙄 Funny how they got a dedicate ep to their ending even though RAS hates them sooo much and wanted BA since the very beginning, right?
I'd feel sorry for those who just shipped their ship quietly and not those who were running around being rude, posting fake spoilers and faking interviews etc. but then even those people need to have a realistic look on what's happening. You can ship something without pretending that things you want actually happened or were said by the show runners.
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boymeetsweevil · 4 years
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who says i love you first
Non-Idol AU, established relationship AU, 1336w Your tiny existential crisis + Namjoon during bedtime
welcome to my channel (KNJ)
Non-Idol AU, Youtuber!Reader, 659w “5k Sub! Unisex Brow Grooming Tutorial feat. Joon :)”
baby genius**
Non-Idol AU, established relationship AU, ~2300w “In which you’re very smart and Namjoon has a tiny garter belt fetish”
dead man sells no toes**
Witch!Reader, Halloweentown AU, ~5200w “Your thoughts have a mind of their own when it comes to the cute delivery human with the mysterious tattoos”
call me maybe*
Idol-AU (kinda), club meet-cute AU, ~6600w
At first you were just trying to get some free drinks out of some guy at the bar, but then it becomes a lot more
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warm fuzzies*
Non-Idol AU, slice of life, ~6200w “In which Jjangu AND his owner, Kim Seokjin, fall for you”
welcome to my channel (KSJ)
Non-Idol AU, Youtuber!Reader, 1208w “Dyeing @Eat_Jin ‘s hair and avocado mask DIY :)))”
hell’s kitchen
Non-Idol AU, established relationship AU, ‘crack’, ~2200w “It’s Jin’s birthday and it’s a hot ass mess because you can’t keep a secret”
and wrapped your arms around my neck** (req)
established relationship AU, part vampire!Seokjin, pwp, ~2000w “Vamp!Jin if you squint and then close your eyes entirely, this is 90% just sex yall”
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punch drunk love*
Non-Idol AU, friends to lovers, 1742w Emotional constipation means sometimes you have to beat emotions out. Or, in this case, finger-flick them out.
welcome to my channel (MYG)
Non-Idol AU, Youtuber!Reader, 626w “New M.A.C lip tints feat. my roommate :)”
the min booty diaries** (req) - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Idol AU, body/self-esteem issues
“Join Min Yoongi on his journey to becoming an ass man OR ~5 instances in which Yoongi realized he had a serious thing for your ass”
ode to wine
Idol AU, establised relationship AU, 900w
“A moment alone with Yoongi after the award show has come and gone”
off the deep end**
Mermaid!Yoongi, College AU, interspecies canoodling, a bit angsty, ~17,500w
“Your new mermaid friend, Yoongi, helps you navigate the treacherous waters of love, sex, and National Geographic.”
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bump and grind*
Idol AU, BH employee!Reader, ~3000w
“If someone told you that months after getting hired by BigHit to translate and subtitle VLive videos you would be at an idol’s birthday party with your ass pressed firmly against Jung Hoseok’s crotch, you wouldn’t have believed them.”
welcome to my channel (JHS)
Non-Idol AU, Youtuber!Reader, 1164w
“Unisex nail care routine feat. Hobi and red wine ;)”
who’s your favorite**
Non-Idol AU, established relationship AU, misbehaving in a Chili’s, ~1400w
“If you ask the man himself, it takes a half a year of going to a shitty family restaurant after work on Fridays for Hoseok to become your favorite. In reality, though, he just didn’t get the joke. OR
‘I give you dick. Good dick!’”
cover you in constellations
Non-Idol AU, established relationship AU, 987w
“Happy birthday to Jung Hoseok, the most beautiful”
hoping for the best**
Non-Idol AU, Lifeguards!Reader and Hoseok, friends to enemies to friends to lovers, ~24,300w
“He knows you two are linked though. You must know it too. It’s impossible to deny when you both reach climax at the same time during your first time, the breath leaving him like you knocked it out and your eyes rolling into the back of your head like he scratched stars there for only you to see.”
sleeping bags (and other unconventional cures for insomnia) (req)
Non-Idol AU, College AU, enemies to more than friends, ~2500w
Based off the prompt “snowed in with your enemy at a ski resort”
watch yourself**
Non-Idol AU, Dressing room Attendant!Hoseok, exhibitionist!Hoseok, ~7770w
“It starts with an invitation from your ex. It ends with Hoseok’s hands down your pants in said ex’s kitchen”
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Non-Idol AU, friends to lovers, Christmas AU?, ~3300w
“Jimin just can’t seem to get a moment alone with you at this christmas party, and you just can’t seem to stop baking…”
welcome to my channel (PJM)
Non-Idol AU, Youtuber!Reader, 1093w
“Drugstore Haul plus mini Sephora Haul and Surprise :)”
blue, not blanc** (req)
Non-Idol AU, established relationship AU, pwp, ~4500w
Based off the prompt: ‘can u do a jimin smut where he has a thing for panties’
me, you, and this thing we have between us** (req)
Non-Idol AU, established relationship AU, pwp, ~3700w
You’re pregnant and jimin is…happy about it
slippery slopes ahead** (req)
Non-Idol AU, College AU, established relationship AU, pwp, ~6600w
“‘Look at you,’ he coos. ‘All this time I thought you were shy.’”
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childhood bestie (bullet)
Non-Idol Au, Childhood Besties!Reader and Taehyung, 943w
what it would be like if you and taehyung’s moms were bffs, so you and taehyung were bffs from birth
welcome to my channel (KTH)
Non-Idol AU, Youtuber!Reader, 667w
“Using Tom Ford Luna highlighters on my neighbor ;)”
a day in the life
Non-Idol AU, College AU, Roommates!Reader and Taehyung, slice of life, ~1900w
“A typical day living with Kim Taehyung consists of constant fights for the blanket and watching him steal your crop tops”
cougar** - 1, 2
Non-Idol AU, College AU, (slightly) Older!Reader, ~1400w + ~4700w
“…guys like him give off two very conflicting vibes. The first says ‘Wow, look at this handsome young man, I hope my kids are that beautiful’. The second says, ‘Wow, I want to have his kids’”
hectic halloween
Non-Idol AU, College AU, Best friends!Reader and Taehyung, language, ~1400w
Tae invites you to a Playboy™️ themed halloween party and a wardrobe malfuction of sorts occurs.
breathe you in** (req)
Popstar!Reader, Non-Idol!Taehyung, exes to lovers, ~7800w
Based on the prompt: Can I pls request an ex lovers trope with taehyung where you broke up with him , but he shows you he loves you and was never over you and wants to be together again? Thanks!
(welcome to) camp lonely heart**
Camp Counselors!Reader and Taehyung, fun with walkie talkies, friends to lovers, ~15,600w
It’s possible to find love in all sorts of places: In bars, in school, on apps. But what about through a walkie talkie?
heat index**
Non-Idol AU, established relationship AU, pwp, 2700w
“The town being in a heat wave puts Tae’s in a bit of a love drought. But even still, he makes do and (kind of) does you”
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blood of the covenant* (to be rebooted) - 1, 2
Vampire!Reader, Human!Jungkook, College AU, Post-Apocalyptic(?) AU, 3476w+ ~3700w
“You’re an unregistered vampire trying your hardest to save up enough to go to school by working long hours and giving up meals. Unfortunately, the local university refuses to enroll starving vampires like yourself because they’re seen as threats. Desperate to get in, you take up Jeon Jungkook’s shady offer to help”
welcome to my channel (JJK)
Non-Idol AU, Youtuber!Reader, 1038w
“Cutting Men’s hair and talking about life feat. Kook :)”
blind!reader* (req)
Non-Idol AU, Blind!Reader, College AU, 4422w
Based off the prompt: Hi! I have a bts request! so the "prompt" is y/n were love at first sight for him, but y/n's life motto is "love is blind" because y/n is actually blind. this is just for fun, but I'd really like to read your take on it!! you can pick any of the boys. :)
for science**
Non-Idol AU, College AU, Nerd!Jungkook, very dramatic 
“Jungkook asks you to let him watch you get off. For science.”
The most magical place in hell (req)
Takes place somewhere after the events of FS, the gang goes on vacation...
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bts as types of drunks
Non-Idol AU (?), the chaotic seven, 2073w
the seven chaotic drunks™️ embodied
bts as types of (weird) babies in your daycare
Pre-school teacher!Reader, Babies!BTS, 4610w
the seven chaotic babies™️ embodied
bts as types of boyfriends
Non-Idol AU (?), the chaotic seven, ~3295w
the seven chaotic boyfriends™️ embodied
sweetstupid moments with bts
Non-Idol AU (?), the chaotic seven, ~2054w
More boyfriend shenanigans
sleepovers with sleepy bts
Non-Idol AU (?), the chaotic seven, ~2109w
Even more boyfriend shenanigans
SS series (under construction)
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* = suggestive, ~nsfw ** = smut, NSFW (req) = requested
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and then there were two** (req)
Non-Idol AU, College AU, established relationship AU, ~3480w
Based on the prompt: “what do u think abt college bf mark and awkward and fumbling first time”
Sequel: and then there were finals**(req), 2k
Based on the prompt: “mark lee from nct! college au and NSFW. finding time in between studying for finals.”
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in your court (req)
Non-Idol AU, College AU, clueless crushes and matchmaking, ~10,900w
Based on the prompt: “what about ,, bff!haechan trying to set taeil and his awkward ass up with oc Or awkward!oc with his basketball teammate jaehyun. Honestly anything with bff!haechan.”
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binary stars (req)
Non-Idol AU, College AU, friends to lovers, ~8,400w
love sometimes takes the form of gravity
Based on the prompt: “bff!hyuck + friends to lovers. college au and slightly nsfw or however nsfw u wanna make it”
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the shape you make**
Non-Idol AU, Halloweentown AU, ~4,100w
“For both you and Johnny, there is something big holding you back from being intimate. At the yearly Harvest party, that something big becomes something known.”
Part of the Intimacy Anthology Project!
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* = suggestive, ~nsfw ** = smut, NSFW (req) = requested
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garebearandnan · 4 months
Our Islanders get competitive as the two villas, Casa Amor and the Main Villa, go head to head in a game of Sexy Charades. It's sure to get hearts racing and heads turning, but who will take home the win?
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Season 2 | EP18 Pt3 Constant Cravings Part I
read on A03 or Wattpad.
Brief excerpt following of Sexy Charades Game
Sexy charades is formatted similar to the actual UK TV series (S3/ S5) and some dialog from LITG S5-S7. A little teaser of the game:
Ibrahim and Shannon race up to the front, eager to take on their task.
“Not my fave, but it’s a classic move,” Ibrahim comments.
“Yeah, slightly boring,” Shannon agrees with a smirk. Shannon quickly lies on her back, and Ibrahim climbs on top, positioning himself so close that Shannon can smell his delicious scent. She looks up at his sparkling eyes and begins to wrap her legs around his waist.
Bobby, ever the joker, calls out teasingly, “He’s planking on her!”
In the Beach Hut (BH), Shannon: “You know what? Sexy Charades game, I think it was the perfect ice breaker.”
Carl and Hope's turn starts with a mix of worry and exasperation. "Oh, fucks sake," Hope complains after reading the card. 
Carl, curious, asked, “What is it?”
They both slowly make their way to the front, with Carl exclaiming, “Oh, shit!” upon seeing the card. Graham, impatient, commands them to proceed: “Just do it. Just do it!”Hope starts flapping her arms awkwardly while Carl looks bewildered. The group collectively identifies their action, shouting, "Eagle
Bobby and Chloe race up. “Oh, wait! What is it? What is it?”
“Oh, man,” says Bobby. It read, ‘STICK IT ON YOU.’
Chloe demanded, “Show me!”
Excitedly, Bobby quickly slaps the card on her shoulder. “Watch!” She squeals.
Lottie and Kassam rushed forward to read the next card. The DJ’s eyes went wide, and he looked bashful. “Oh, ok, I’m not sure I’ll be any good.” Kassam quickly leaned against the planter. Lottie pretended to gyrate her body against his leg. The girls cheer her on.
Priya yelled, “You go girl.” A flush began across Kassam’s cheeks.
“Grinding?” Graham suggested.
“Humping his leg?” called out Felix.
His flush deepened on his cheeks. He grumbled under his breath, “I feel ridiculous.”
Alana reads their card and rushes forward with Noah. She excitedly whispered what the card said to him. TWERKING. 
Noah immediately assumed a low posture, bending his knees and arching his back forward. From this squat position, he begins to jiggle his bum in the other’s direction! Alana is laughing as she watches him.
“Booty call!” shouted Bobby.
Gary gave him a confused look, asking, “What kind of booty calling are you doing?”
Chloe eyed up the sexy librarian. “Whatever it is, it’s working!
Arjun leans in and whispers something to her. Grace replied with a flirty smile. “Well, go on then…” You turn your head to reveal your neck. Arjun comes closer and gently plants kisses on your neck. You act turned on by fanning your face as you flutter your eyelashes.
Lottie screeched, “Neck kisses!”
“Giving a hickey.” Felix yelled out and gave Grace a flirty wink.  Everyone laughed. Grace's mouth dropped open upon hearing the blue-haired boy yell, and she blushed.
Gary pulled Blake close and gently started to plant kisses on her neck. She fans herself with the card.
“Love bites!” says Shannon.
“Nope, he’s being quite gentle, actually,” she replied, giggling. Blake starts acting more turned on, until he realises maybe she isn’t acting.
BH Gary: “I kind of just went straight for the neck cos it’s a turn-on point for most people, and they got a straightaway, so.”
Alana shouted, “Turn me on!”
BH Blake: “There’s a flirtier feeling in the air. Even Noah and Gary seem more open now.”
BH Hope: “So, we got this card, “Motorboating.” Carl went in.” She giggled.
Carl rapidly moved his head into Hope’s cleavage. Girls all squeal. The boys all shout, “Motorboating! Motorboating!”
Continued… Constant Cravings Part II coming soon....
Narrator: Whose heads are turning?
Gary: I'd take any of these girls home to my nan.
Lucas: I know what you mean.
Arjun: It’s a little early to be making the bed rock.
0 notes
zelda-ffitzgerald · 3 years
If anyone believes RAS about anything then I have a bridge to sell you. The funniest part is that someone asked him a question and it called RAS out: something along the lines, you said Barchie was deep and not a booty call and then they broke up an episode later calling their relationship a booty call. RAS literally laughed and said, fair enough and then went on to say it will deepen now. He’s so terrible at his job and I don’t even like Barchie but if she doesn’t have to work with Cole I ship.
RAS is just throwing chum in the water. Everybody knows BH is endgame.
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i-know-you-can · 4 years
Ras said that BA are not booty calls 🤦‍♂️ It's obvious that they will make them realize that they are in love and start dating officially at the end of 508. Betty has a big decision to make in 509. BH in 509 is just a bait. BA is not ending anytime soon unfortunately, Ras love it too much. One more time he made it clear that they are far from over
I don’t know why you’re trying to convince me. I’ll believe whatever you’re saying when I see it. Until then I’m done with the anons because I don’t wanna keep spamming my dash with this nonsense. 
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thetaoofbetty · 4 years
I think I know what reactor anon was talking about lol they claimed BH was death and Betty is annoyed with him apparently, and they the whole thing is for Archie to realize his true love is Betty and not Veronica. Which btw, the hatred expressed for Veronica is so funny to me. BAs usually praise Betty for things they claim to hate about Veronica. They just don’t like the fact that Archie will always come back to Veronica not matter what (this is comic Archie for y’all).
yeah, a lot of the stuff they say about veronica seems really rooted in racism and misogyny and they seem totally unaware that they’re being so hypocritical and gross about it. esp that kat person. i saw her railing against using mental health as a reason but then she’s also the one who said she wanted archie to be the one to address betty’s mental health. so. they’re all pretty hypocritical. 
they do the same with archie and jughead when it comes to liking one over the other too, tbh.  
like, they’re like: he’s there for her! he understands her! he loves her! he’d die for her! they have history!
uhm. they really don’t watch bughead scenes, do they? there’s nothing about betty that archie knows or knew that jughead not only doesn’t already know but knows more and understands better. 
and, now that we can be frank with it, the show had every opportunity to show archie understanding betty and being there for her through her issues and they chose to write him talking about her behind her back to some guy who doesn’t even know her about how it didn’t feel right because he was only looking for a booty call. 
that’s...is that the guy they really want for that ship? really? i’d rather have this: 
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cherchezlafemme · 2 years
OKAY i went to marshalls to depression shop and i got only 4 things which i am so proud of myself for! also i didn’t smell anything while in the store because i don’t want to be that guy who pulls his mask down to sniff the candles and lotions.
ok so i got this body lotion from pacifica (i was extremely happy when i found it b/c i love the Vibes of pacifica) and it does NOT smell good. then i got 2 products from a brand called AMNH; a peach booty mask and unicorn dreams sugar polish, and i am extremely happy i found these because they smell almost Exactly like truly beauty products and they’re only 15 dollars at full price, as opposed to truly’s 35 dollar products. soooo yeah i found a new brand to stock up on!
and then i bought this pack of skincare stuff from florence by mills because i’ve always wanted to try the brand out. the pack was supposed to have 4 things in it but it only had 3 things lol. the package was all taped up and i didn’t want to open anything in the store.
there was a LOT of BH cosmetics and the creme shop, and i did find a kara beauty palette but it was opened and extremely messed up and i was sad. :( anyway i went there to get a matte blush with no sparkles but i did not find any so yeah. bye
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layceland · 7 years
So, heres a translation of the new villanous animation I did for @zwagyzonk, full of author notes no one asked for uwu Enjoy it <3
Bh Narrator: Welcome, clients desperately waiting for an evil help, to the orientation videos from Blackhat Organization™. Get ready for another season on what you /don't/ have to do, here in the “lost cases of-”
Original The Powerpuff Girls Narrator: “-Townsville!” A city that possesses one of the most diverse and dangerous collection of villains in the-
Bh Narrator: hey hey, wait a minute, who the heck are you?
Ppg Narrator: Me? I'm the narrator.
Bh Narrator: In your dreams, /I/ am the narrator.
Ppg Narrator: What are you talking about?! /I’ve/ always been the narrator of “Townsville!”.
Bh Narrator: but we are /not/ in Townsville.
Ppg Narrator: but, but-
Bh Narrator: get out of here. Townsville! A pacific place, always protected by- Ugh, who cares. Now I present to you, Lord BlackHat!
Blackhat: Welcome, disgusting cockroaches-
Flug: U-uh, sir?
Blackhat: *growling*
Flug: I-I just wanted to say that you look gloriously evil today-
Blackhat: In this occasion, we are analyzing one of the most recognized, disgusting and deplorable villains of Townsville. /Mojo Jojo/. This primate is slightly more developed than the average human.
Flug: sir, he's just a banana lover monkey.
Blackhat: Bah, for me all of you are the same. Anyways, his big mistake is not to hire our Blackhat Organizations™  services. There are some things that only I can do, and I might, and that's the end of it! (I didn't really understand what he meant here either, sorry)
Flug: Um, hold up sir. Mojo is a black diamond platinum member of the organization, and has spent millions in our products-
STAND BYBlackhat: Mojo Jojo, a disgusting and merciless primate, evil genius from “NightmareVille”
Flug: Um, sir, isn't Townsville one of our multiple test zones for our manufactured monsters?
Blackhat: If you dare interrupt me again you’ll hAVE TO MANUFACTURE A NEW HEAD FOR YOURSELF. The attribute that makes Mojo Jojo a specimen more advanced than the average human is his superior intellect!
Flug: But not superior to mine!
Blackhat: He posses a big arsenal of weapons and deadly machinery!
Flug: Almost as deadly as the ones in our catalog, sir! (why is dementia only 1 peso per month, and where do I sing)
Blackhat: an evil hideout on top of a volcano
Flug: That’s not as cool as a giant hat completely habitable!
Blackhat: And a /long/ list of purchases from Blackhat Organizations™  
Flug: Designed and constructed by a true genius.
(Okay, there's a joke here that can't really be translated, since depending on what translation of the show you watched (The Latin American or the European one) their name change. In Latin America they're called “Las chicas superpoderosas”=”the super powerful girls”, meanwhile in Spain they are called “Las chicas coquetas”=”the flirty girls”. They're both correct, just from different places so. I dunno how they'll do the actual translation, but the dialog goes something along this)
Blackhat: The ones that ruin his evil plans are his arch nemesis, The Flirty Girls.
Flug: They’re the Super Powerful Girls, my lord and master!
Blackhat:... *shoot that bitch*
Flug: AY! Ow my ass!
Blackhat: This Flirty Girls are the defenders of “Trashtown”. And they're not more than three kids, still in kindergarten! I don't need to see the rest, his mistake is to lose his dignity against human children that have not even developed fingers!
Flug: *shaking* he’s a frequent platinum client, a frequent platinum client!
Blackhat: Let's analyze his diabolic plans. Ah, the head of Anubis, one of the oldest and MOST USELESS RELICS IN THE WORLD. The only thing he's gonna achieve is turning everyone in “Shoeville” into dogs! What kind of villain would like to rule over a world full of dogs! Instead, he should have used Quetzalcoatl's (I have no idea what that is) head! Now that's an actual relic~
Bh Narrator: A deadly relic with an offer to die for! Now you can rent Quetzalcoatl's head to incinerate your heroic enemies, and not have to worry about where to put it away when you're done using it! Rent it to destroy your hero, the hero league, your mother-in-law, or-
Ppg Narrator: “-Townsville!”. Don't miss this crushing offer, only for the next 24 hours!
Bh Narrator: Get out of here, this is my show!
Ppg Narrator: Hehehe, doesn't feel so good when they're trying to steal your job now, does it?
Bh Narrator: Get out!
Blossom: Not so fast,
Buttercup: Evil
Bubbles: Monkey!
Mojo Jojo: Listen here, PowerPuff Girls, you're not a threat anymore~
Powerpuff Girls: *barking*
Blackhat: Ah, I see he's also an enthusiast about kicking cute creatures. But he’ll never outrange my multiversal record of distance traveled in one kick!
5.0.5: *squeal while getting fucking wrecked*
Mojo Jojo: Muahaha, you can reach me here!
Buttercup: *bite that ass*
Blackhat: It's obvious that monkey is as pathetic as the rest of the biped creatures that infest this world…
Bh Narrator: If you're so weak then even a group of cute puppies can defeat you, then you need the bottom cover the Blackhat Organization™! (why is the warranty only 30 seconds, BH please) Uh, w-what are you doing here Dementia?
Dementia: I'm here to narrate, duh~
Bh Narrator: Why does everybody want to steal my job today!
Ppg Narrator: You're the one stealing my job! And you didn't even go to narrator school!
Dementia: No, but I found this!
Bh and Ppg Narrator: What?! *get zapped biatch*
Flug: Dementia, and the narrator?! Don't you see they charge by the hour?!
Dementia: I thought you were smart Flug! Isn't it obvious? Now /I’m? The narrator! And I'm here to narrate a... “Dementia Tips!” Hi! It’s me, Dementia, and I'm here to help y'all weak villains that can't even protect your own ass with my Dementia Tips! In this case, if a hero tries to bite your booty, what you have to do is… Open an umbrella in their mouth! Or… Flood their house with raccoons! *ominous* Or you can shoot them… With your silicone pistol! *singing* Tatara, silicone power~
Flug: Dementia! Leave, you’re ruining everything! (here he uses an explanation that I don't know what it means exactly)
Dementia: Nya na na na na *mockingly singing*
Flug: Hawkbots(?), catch her, lethal mode~.
Dementia: You’ll never catch me alive!
Blackhat: One of the biggest injustices that villains suffer, is that they always have to fight against teams of heroes! To contrarest this factor, a mediocre villain must for his own team of villains. In this case, Mojo Jojo forms an alliance with Fuzzy Lumpkins, Princess Morbucks, and *weird creepy noises*
Flug: hm, why does that happen every time someone says Him’s real name?
Blackhat: When someone says his name, weird things happen, when someone says mine, people die, to each their own~
Powerpuff Girls: *screaming*
Him: I got you~
Princes: Yes! Yes! Yes!
Fluffy: Now, to leave them on the floor!
Blackhat: Muahahaha! Yes! Yes! Again! Again! Muahahaha!
Flug: You see, my master? Mojo’s evil alliance looks like it’s gonna be victorious! He managed to crush The Powerpuff Girls more than once!
Blackhat: I’ve been in this world enough to know that feelings are about to destroy this alliance…
Moko Jono?: *Annoying ass noise*
Mojo Jojo: I love you too~
Him: Oh no…
Blackhat: I told you so!
Mojo Jojo: This is the lovely Moko Jono(?), she has great evil plans in mind that we should try~ Imagine people getting desperate because they cant reach their destination in time!
Blackhat: That's not evil, that's just inconvenient!
Mojo Jojo: Stealing articles that are completely white doesn't go against the law, so we are taking them!
Blackhat: If it's legal to take them, then you're not stealing them!
Mojo Jojo: The louder you scream, the more it’ll hurt the ones listening!
Him, Princes and Fluffy: We quit!
Blackhat: And I'm out of here!
Zookeeper: Come here Michelle~
Mojo Jojo: Whos Michelle? Moko, you know who- ah!
Flug: Um... Lord Blackhat had to leave to do… really ugly stuff.
Blackhat: *Playing golf*
Flug: I'm going to continue analyzing this villain, starting with rule 10v3, do not involve your heart, don't be like that. Now, let's see what Mojo is planning this time.
Ppg Narrator: Ah, Mojo Jojo, what are you planning this time?
Bh Narrator: I thought I told you that this is my show! *rewind* Oh, Mojo Jojo, what are you planning this time?
Professor Utonium: Oh, Mojo Jojo, what are you planning this time?
Blossom: If you hurt the Professor-
Mojo Jojo: You think I'd hurt my own dad?
Blossom: What?!
Bubbles: What?!
P.Utonium: What?!
Flug: What? Blackhat’s newspaper: “What?” “Powerpuff girls siblings with Mojo Jojo?”
Mojo Jojo: The substance explosion that created you three did also affect me. My little monkey brain started mutating. Continuously feeling worthless against your physical powers! My brilliant achievements going underrated…
Flug: *crying* That's not fair, not fair. It's too sad, shu, shu. I Understand my “Mojito”, I understand, come on you can do it.
Mojo Jojo: ...Never poor Jojo.
P.Utonium: Mojo, I feel like a tyrant, is there anything I can do to make it up to you?
Mojo Jojo: Give me superpowers as well.
P.Utonium: Okay
The Powerpuff Girls: *little girly gasp*
Flug: In my experience, giving superpowers to beings with suboptimal intelligence never really ends well.
Mojo Jojo: ...Dad?
P.Utonium: Son?
Flug: Ah, a classic, he's using his enemies as baseball bats. Lord blackhat loves to do that~
Blackhat: Yes! I do love to do that!
Flug: *Slowly clapping* who would have thought? You're not as incompetent as I thought.
Blackhat: Just wait and see, noob, this always ends with a letdown
Mojo Jojo: So many weapons and evil plans, all worthless! *wreck that shit*
Flug: Ah! What are you doing?! Dementia, stop!
Dementia: Eh? But I’m not doing anything!
Flug: Ah, s-sorry, post-traumatic stress…
P.Utonium: Now that I remember, you were the worst lab helper! And If my memory doesn't fail me, it was that day, when I was working on the formula for the perfect little girl, when suddenly, you pushed me!
Flug: I mean, who in his right mind thinks of having a monkey as an employee? I don't know what you expected.
P.Utonium: That’s the day The Powerpuff Girls were born!
Flug: What?!
Blackhat: WHAT?!
Flug: What? You’re responsible for their birth and the reason of their existence?!
Mojo Jojo: ...What? I am responsible for their birth and the reason of their existence?
Flug: Unbelievable, he made the classic mistakes of an evil genius! This where his mistakes; Number one, you can involve affection into your plans. That disgusting feeling ruins everything.
5.0.5: *weird noises he makes*
Flug: Not now, my beautiful, genetically altered child, dad is working~. Number two, he never shuts up. And after a long list of mistakes, like excessive confidence, wear a cape, and lose against human children, without a doubt his worst mistake was creating his arch nemesis! Who in his right mind is capable of such foolery?! This is unthinkable! There's only one thing I can do to make something better out of this brute.
Mojo Jojo: *shaking, tied with whatever that is*
Flug: from an evil genius to another Mojo, let me tell you, this won't kill you, even tho you might wish it would.
Ppg narrator: and once again, everything is worse than ever thanks to Lord blackhat and Blackhat Organizations™’s orientation videos!
Blackhat: Shut up already!
Ppg Narrator: *scream like the lil bitch you are*
Anyways, it’s my first time translating something this long, so any tip is welcomed <3 
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henry-exe · 6 years
@evil-in-a-tophat is ready to kiss you
@evil-in-a-tophat I am deeply flattered but I am afraid I am already taken. :]c
BH is so thirsty for alien booty~
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veronicadvalle · 6 years
Yeah I was expecting 0 scenes since their storylines for the ep are completely separate. They must reunite when the BH gets unmasked if I had to guess.
in the promo, there is a scene w/ veronica in a car too and i’m assuming thats her going back to the pembrooke after her booty call w/ archie. she’s like looking at riverdale literally on fire. so yeah, i do think they will reunite after things gets settled a little bit
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