#borbos combined
maybeher0 · 2 years
was demonstrating wii emulation to a friend and forgot that i have wiimote 1 and wiimote 2 on at the same time connected to the same controller so fluff just
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spawned inside kirby
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phazius · 2 years
Abomination Vaults - Session 5
Good news, they didn’t immediately almost die to a moderate +2 encounter today lol.
We moved through the Dead Tide for Otari event, where they pretty easily dispatched the scattered undead remaining in the Otari graveyard that were raised by the beam of light shining from the Gauntlight. Not long after defeated the remaining undead a creature that could be described as an Oily Spider Crab was teleported from the Gauntlight to the graveyard. The party quickly learned it was weak to fire and the magus landed a like 30 damage spell strike hit on round 1. The creature, a Scalathrax, in response oiled the magus then dropped her to exactly 0. The sorcerer did get her back up and the Scalathrax was chipped down and defeated, they had the garrison increase patrols incase it happened again, and the mayor rewarded them we some gold. finally not poor lol.
After waiting for the shops to be open and buying some gear they went back to the basement of the out building at the Gaughtlight keep. They found a machine for extracting souls and creating undead, and a workshop for the same purpose, as well as creating soulbound dolls. They smashed the workshop and buried the preserved body they found there. RIP Borbo. Earlier they had already smashed the soulgem they took from Mr. Beak and these acts combined earned them a minor favor from Pharasma.
With the out-building explored they delved back into Morloc territory to find the Morlocs they initially encounted to have moved, so they went left into the ‘kitchen’. The Kitchen had been turned into a shrine dedicated to Belcorra, and a body of someone from Otari that was part of the thieves guild there was recovered. They have missed some earlier clues about this side quest so far though. Heading through the panty they found stairs down to lvl 3, a heavily locked room that contained an inactive teleportation circle (they relocked to door because they’re super paranoid about being ambushed), and a ruined underground boat landing thats part of a cave that extended under the island.
Overall I think they’re feeling better after tonight and they were certainly thinking about playing safer. I think the characters lack the skills atm to bring together enough debuffs to fill that gap.
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wowidiots · 6 years
with my hands or.. but like
probs naps in a statement issued by the promise to myself so it's not
like have you seen this xkcd that somehow combines all of my favs will be in
aw brobs that's a good skill
just tried to turn down the sound of teeth and tru love
CEO also tried to give you life advice
omg 3 years is the "leather" anniversary so you got her a meal with all the numbers are in the same country and timezone
my cum exhibition brings all the real work
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wowidiots · 7 years
be a babe at the same
I am a bad thing though, just weird
aahah just tried to combine brosh and hARF
marilyn manson has a friend called penelope jennifer
about the job sitch?
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