#border party!
parisoonic · 9 months
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Don't talk incriminating shop infront of your boss at the office Christmas party.
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enigmatologist · 17 days
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sniperspy rentry/tumblr layout.
free to use with credit.
psd credit art credit divider credit
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relaxedstyles · 16 days
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toshtoshtosh · 20 days
“Migrants” have been abducting, assaulting, r*ping and murdering American women with near impunity for years.
A group of “migrants” tried to board school buses full of children in California and do God knows what with them this week.
Violent “migrant” gangs from South America have taken over an entire neighborhood Aurora, Colorado.
Americans are supposed to be a violent people, correct? We “love” our guns? We’re the “mass shooting capital of the world”? We were “founded on warfare and violent white supremacy”, yeah? Then ask yourself why we haven’t gone full Red Dawn on these illegal aliens who have no right to be here, no protection under our laws, no right to a speedy trial, and no right NOT to be executed for the crimes and atrocities that they’ve committed and continue to commit.
Around the world, tourists disappear every day, women leave their homes not knowing if they’ll ever come back, and children’s lives are ruined through human trafficking. But, somehow, millions of untraceable adult men are allowed to terrorize a land that is not their own and keep their lives? The answer is “yes”—but it doesn’t have to be.
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megpricephotography · 3 months
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Beach Boy! Barney, jumping for joy during a trip to the beach in July of 2012.
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sunnwalker · 11 months
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If Vaughn Borderlands has a million fans I am one of them
If Vaughn Borderlands has 5 fans I am one of them
If Vaughn Borderlands has 1 fan that one is me
If Vaughn Borderlands has no fans I'm no longer alive
If the world is against Vaughn Borderlands I'm against the entire world
Till my last breath I'll support Vaughn Borderlands
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vrisbian · 2 years
You know too many people romanticize Hades and Persephone without any thought on what The Hymn to Demeter was actually about.
While I actually do think about Dionysus and Ariadne a fair bit as a rather romantic story for the Greeks. Of course, many versions of the orders of events, as is natural for such a long spanning mythic story.
But the idea that after Ariadne throws her whole life as a Princess away to guide Theseus through the labyrinth, saving all future sacrifices and allowing the death of her monster half brother, he abandons her on an island to die and Dionysus stumbles on her.
They fall in love, enough so that she ascends to Godhood with him. Enough so that in stories where she dies a mortal death he goes into the afterlife and pulls her back to him. Enough so there are versions where they raise their children on their vineyards. Enough so that every archaeological finding of them, from vases to funeral beds- when they aren’t in their separate stories- is them dining and drinking together and partying happily. Ariadne lost everything and then gained reverly and a full life afterwards.
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mylordshesacactus · 18 days
[weary sigh] Do y'all wanna see possibly the most Myself TM, self-indulgent-nonsense thing I will perhaps ever write?
Literally this is more self-indulgent nonsense than the Ihz fic, and some desperate small creature is literally 7k of my Warcraft OC.
Anyway so I took the basic structure of Lady of Shalott and wrote an in-universe folk song about my fucking. mount and blade main. her name is Karik, she iconically is a horse archer who fights with a light lance, she has never raided a village or caravan and has on multiple occasions risked her life to drive third-party raids away from enemy villages.
The resulting poem is almost embarrassingly sincere but I am, unfortunately, genuinely proud of it.
Poetic structure, and then you'll also want the Loreena McKennit arrangement for the tune because it's phenomenal. (No thematic connection at all, to be clear, just the structure as a writing challenge to myself.)
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hms-no-fun · 3 days
Why do you, as a marxist, talk like a liberal
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The American Hitler.
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….i hate the new marauders fandom and what they’ve done to sirius
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tomorrowusa · 7 months
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^^^ Actually, "MAGA Mike" acts more like the Pharisees than Moses.
More seriously, you cannot be a GOP office holder these days unless you accept Donald Trump as your Lord and Savior.
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saturngalore · 2 months
just seen the most infuriating post ever in a long time oh my fucking god
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plethoraworldatlas · 4 months
Biden signing a racist illegal executive order that violates both US and international human rights law in a plot that will make the Asylum situation worse in every way and harm Asylum Seekers in mass AND will massively piss off all the supporters he needs in an idiotic attempt to win over Republicans who will never vote for him,
While also still supporting a deeply unpopular genocidal war that is already tanking his support,
He can't be stupid enough to think he can get away with BOTH in front of his base, can he?
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 4 months
At least the guy with the knife behind his back might not hurt me. There will always be a knife, they will always be able to hurt me, and I'm terrified, but this guy has a proven record of allyship with people like me, so I'm more inclined to believe him than the guy who constantly talks about how much he wants to stab me if given the knife.
”might not hurt me”
You know how many people Biden is actively hurting in office, right? Does it just only matter if he directly hurts you, or?
Are we really going to play “well SURE he ALSO commits violent genocide, but he might not eat MY face so who cares” game?
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