#born in a cold wet cardboard box...
cleromancy · 1 year
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system-threat-detected · 11 months
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Horizontober day 16: New
Everyone look at Aloy’s new sister!!
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fellhellion · 1 year
Shadowheart’s big wet kitten eyes are my undoing like shdhfjfj whatever you say my mentally ill princess 🥰
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gorillaxyz · 6 months
what are rhey doing to you murdoc its ok you can tell me i wont hurt you
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jemcore · 20 days
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they're waiting outside your door huddling together for warmth in the cold rain because they were born in a wet cardboard box all alone. will you let them in
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cator99 · 7 months
I love making phone calls I love sending emails and being overall pleasant to interact with I love looking for solutions and being eager to understand how the world around me operates and to ask people about the role they play in this beautiful world I love being able to tell that other people are excited for any reason at all to strut their shit in this way and I always take notes on how they do it. It's all so funny to me. I am doing this because I am an insane person. I am the best person for the job. I am like the inverse of Jude St Francis. Born in a wet cardboard box doomed fucked in the head and forced to make an accommodation with life BUT I think its cunty and will commit awesomely violent ritual seppuku when my life is at its absolute peak. But yeah I dont get anxiety anymore if I dont like something it I can just thank them for their time and then find a way to leave and literally do anything else no one really cares as long as you do it right and you know like you can just keep looking for better things you literally never know you might turn out to be really passionate about fish mongering and didnt even consider it and it's not always easy but if the alternative is unbearable then fuck it pack a bag and stick your thumb out on the highway and spend 2 hours chatting about life with a fat 60 year old semi truck driver with photos of his happy fatty family plastered over the entirety of his dashboard and who was concerned why some kid was wandering the highway without a jacket and is nothing but totally kind and appropriate towards you which you kind of didnt expect when you hit the road but then you get to the city and go to an orgy party at some xi/xirs apartment who you met while on a psychiatrist-approved leave to attend an LGBT youth summer camp during the tail end of your 4 month stay at a youth mental health/detention facility but you can't stay there because his 40 year old housemate just announced that he's moving to the states and suddenly wouldnt be contributing to next months rent and didn't want to say anything until the night before when his boxes were being actively moved out of the apartment in order to avoid any sort of confrontation and the resulting altercation is heart breaking this 40 year old workig professional gay dude just absolutely betrayed this screwed up teenaged lesbian with no hesitation but maybe the drug fuelled sex parties had something to do with it but im just there stoned watching some tv show about anthropomorphic fast food and xe really did care about me but this was not the time to be pulling some cutesy whimsical runaway shit so we said our goodbyes and xe gave me directions the youth emergency shelter. As far as I was concerned, I was living the dream. This was just the "hard" part. I broke the high score on the ancient tetris machine at the day-shelter and barely ate anything because they relied entirely on donations and for whatever reason nobody thought to donate anything gluten free. I slept in the girls quarters of the cold shelter we were taken to every night, driven in huge vans by the staff at the day shelter. The girls were primarily quiet and didnt want to talk or even look at anyone. Some of the native girls were chill to play board games or watch tv with though. The guys were real rough. Mostly drug addicts. Mostly violent. They were known for treating each other terribly. I was told I could "use whatever rooms or washrooms that align with your gender identity". I told them I'd rather use the room that made me less likely to have me end up raped or my pillow pissed on.
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Tibby FACTS:
Tibby is cuddliest at BEDTIME, when she arrives on my bed, yells until i am under the covers and excitedly climbs over me to snuggle on my chest.
Tibby is very small, but she stomps very LOUDLY. You can hear her Stomping across the hall in other rooms of the house.
Tibby YELLS if you touch her when she's trying to take a nap, even if it's accidentally. This includes if she decides to sit on YOU and you breathe on her because she is sat BASICALLY ON YOUR FACE.
Tibby weighs BASICALLY NOTHING, but she stomps so hard with her little feet that she hurts if she stomps on your chest.
Tibby is VERY FLUFFY, meaning her fur picks up ANY STATIC CHARGE and thus CLINGS TO LITERALLY EVERYTHING. Once Tibby has touched an object her fur WILL stay on that object.
Tibby is also known by: Tibbs, Tibitha, Bibbitha, Bibby, Bibblet, Bibbs, Tibblet, Tibby-Wibby, Princess, and Little Baby Bibblet.
Tibby STEALS unattended packets of dreamies. We know this because she SHREDS THE PACKETS TO GET AT THE DREAMIES and then DRAGS THEM BACK INTO HER FAVOURITE CARDBOARD BOX. She is not subtle about her crimes, and is UTTERLY UNREPETANT.
Tibby has METAL in her skeleton. She could not make it through an airport.
Tibby is SPOILT ROTTEN and sometimes will refuse to eat food simply because SHE IS IN THE MOOD FOR SOMETHING ELSE. This usually ends with EVERYONE TRYING TO HELP HER FIND WHAT SHE IS IN THE MOOD FOR.
Once the vets thought Tibby was in a life or death situation. She was okay. She was simply PROTESTING BEING LEFT AT THE VETS.
Tibby expresses opinions by YELLING. She has been known to yell about BASICALLY ANYTHING.
Things tibby has Yelled about: the air temperature. Someone Touched me and i didn't expect it. Someone Touched me and i did expect it but i didn't like it. Someone asked me a question. Someone wiggled a toy at Me. Someone isn't lying down Right. There was a Noise. There is a Smell. It is Cold. It is Hot. It is Windy. I want to Sleep. I Slept but i had a Bad dream and want Reassurance. I am hungry. I am hungry but Not That Food. I am hungry (for treats specifically). My human has not Gone to bed yet and i want to lie on them. Someone made a noise. There was a fly. There is a rat outside and i am letting you know i have seen A Rat Outside. There is a Mouse. I have killed The Mouse. There is a Slug. I have not killed the slug: I smelt it and it was Wet On My Nose and i Didn't Like it. There is a Beetle. There is a Spider. I want you to Wake Up so i can sleep where you're Sleeping. A dog Touched me. There is Mail. I am Scared. I am Bored. I have figured out you are controlling the toy and am Unimpressed. My toy has stopped moving. Someone turned off the toy i was Not paying attention to. There is a beetle (again) I stretched and i want you to know that. I have noticed there is a fishtank. (There has been a fishtank for years) Something in the room has Moved. I am Under the Blanket (generic). I am under the blanket and something Touched Me. I am under the blanket and do not Want to be. I want to be Under the Blanket Again. The floor is Wet. The floor is Cold. Someone has Picked me Up (necessary). I want my Yoghurt. Someone has eaten my food. I ate my food but i want More. My food is the wrong Type. Frankenstein (the other Cat) will not play with me. Frankenstein is on a lap i want to be on. I am on a lap but frankenstein is sizing it up anyway. There are two cats on this lap: i don't like it. I saw a Bug Outside. Someone said my Name.
Tibby is very small for a cat, but puts out A LOT OF HEAT. Once she settles down on you she will MAKE YOU PERSPIRATE WILDLY just to cool down. She is basically a mobile space heater and has caused me to REMOVE LAYERS OF CLOTHING when THE HEATING WAS NOT WORKING.
Tibby SNORES in her sleep.
Tibby is EIGHT YEARS OLD. we only found this out RECENTLY; Not because we didn't know when she was BORN, she simply looks so SMALL AND BABY that EVERYONE IN THE HOUSE GENUINELY FORGOT ABOUT THE CONCEPT OF AGING IN RELATION TO HER and for YEARS had simply assumed SHE WAS STILL A LITTLE BABY KITTY CAT OF TWO YEARS OLD. Her babyface is ETERNAL.
Tibby has been on a BOAT. she did not like BEING ON A BOAT.
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Chapter 1 ~ Better Twin
Content Warnings: Fluff, angst, flirting, typical embarrassing teenage stuff, swearing, mentions of car accident, mentions of medical procedures, brief nudity (nothing crazy).
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The trees blurred as our car whizzed past, piling down some highway. I wasn't sure. In fact, I had no idea where we were at all, other than the fact that it was somewhere in Michigan.
The trees were different, as well as the bird song and the grass which crept up upon the edges of the tarred road we drove upon.
Even in the heated car I could feel an isolated chill run up my arms, and effectively reaching my now very cold core. A thin layer of dirtied snow lay on the grass beside the long road, and I tried to think back to the last time I had seen snow.
It must have been when I was before 5, some ski trip maybe? I wasn't sure but it definitely was long enough ago that I couldn't remember much about it, and a small spark of excitement grew in me at the thought of seeing snowfall for the first time.
I shuffled further into the corner of my seat in attempt to relieve the uncomfortable dig of one of cardboard boxes shoved beside me in the back seat.
"How much longer, Dad?" I asked, interrupting the music softly blowing through the cars speakers.
"Nearly there Sweets, 'bout five more minutes," He looked at me through the rearview mirror, smiling sincerely but not without an angle of guilt. 
I knew they felt bad about making me leave home, and don't get me wrong, the news that we were leaving for Mums job was not on my Top Ten Best Moments of 2024, but I understood. 
Living prices were shooting and it only made sense for Mum to relocate closer to the project execution which she was formerly managing remotely.
A heavy weight of nerves set in at the thought of pulling up to my new home. My mind rushed with the copious amounts of unpacking I had to do, alongside the draining idea of starting Year 11- or Junior Year, at Frankenmuths' local High School.
Once my surroundings drifted from farms and empty fields into a standard suburban town, I knew we were here.
"Why does everything look German?" I asked, trying to shield the judgement from my voice as I analysed the traditional German architecture. 
Is this seriously where I was going to grow out my remaining teenage years? I could already miss the smell of sea salt in the air, and the heat of a humid wind, cooling the sweat on my skin.
"The town was founded by Germans, or something like that, I'm not really sure. But it definitely adds a bit of interest, hey?" My dad responded, his words laced with false excitement. 
I was sure he didn't want to be here any more than I did, but he had no choice.
After a few more minutes of mundane silence and repetitive buildings, our rental car finally pulled up a short stoned driveway, crunching the gravel beneath until we came to a complete stop. I quickly checked the time on my phone, which read 2:34pm, before unclipping my seatbelt and swinging the car door open.
I was immediately hit with a piercing cold that stung the wetness on my lips. 
Hugging my torso tightly, I rounded the car to wait for my parents to find the keys to our new house.
Stretching my legs after a twenty hour flight and an hour long drive was positively the best feeling I had ever felt in my life. The stiffness ached in my hamstrings but spread a comforting heat throughout my body when I reached down to touch my toes. 
Quickly shaking any remaining stale blood in my arms and legs, I turned and had a look over at my new house.
"Wow guys this place is massive," I gawked. It was double storied and had a long wooden patio out the front.
"Not really Sweets, you're just used to living in a tiny complex all your life," Dad chucked before wrapping his left arm around my shoulder, and his right around Mum before kissing my temple. "Welcome to our new home."
After we loaded all of our boxes out the car, I sorted through the pile to find my things and take them to my room. 
As the U-Haul wasn't arriving until the next morning with our furniture and belongings, we begrudgingly had to stay at a local inn overnight, and I couldn't be any more annoyed. 
I would never let it show because I knew my parents had been through a lot during the move, but the heavy tire in my muscles paired with my inability to sleep on the flight over made me incapable of thinking of anything other than sleep in my own bed.
Dropping my boxes of clutter on the soft white carpet of my new room, I collapsed on my back, arms sprawled out by my sides, as I stared at the plain white ceiling, adorned with a single hanging light.
As I lay there, I thought about my friends, my school, my new school, my hobbies, my running, my music, what if I'm too different? What if I can't adapt to the culture? What if I'm outcast? What if-
"Hi Honey, its getting late, we should starting thinking about leaving for the Inn in about 10, okay?" Mums voice interrupted.
"Mmm," I grunted back, before rolling over and reaching across the plush white carpet for my phone which had been chucked somewhere on the floor not long ago. 
The time on my screen read 5:52 as I swiftly sat up and grabbed my backpack, already full with everything I had needed on the flight including chargers, a water bottle and some headphones.
Hopping down the stairs, I jumped to the kitchen to refill my water bottle with fresh water. The house was silent, and all I could hear were the sounds of the water streaming from the tap, and the hushed voices of my parents. 
I turned off the tap, leaving my water bottle only halfway full and tiptoed towards the wall, effectively hiding me from view but giving me the perfect spot to eavesdrop my parents in the living room.
"I know that its what you want to do, but we have to be considerate of Layla. This is all new to her and I feel terrible for pulling her away from everything she knows. We need to be there for her," I heard my dad say in a feeble attempt to whisper.
"You're right. Maybe we should just put a few things on hold so that we can be there for her. Help her to adjust." Mum said. There was a moment of silence between them as I felt the familiar vice of guilt creep up the back of my spine.
"Okay so are we agreed then, no date nights until we are sure she is comfortable in the house alone, and no work trips at least for the first month, just to make things as familiar as we can." Dad said.
Mum let out a lengthy sigh, "Yeah. Yes. Yes, okay. But that also means no golfing for you. I know you love it and will want to meet the local golfers soon but I can't have you gone for days at a time either. Layla can't have that".
I quickly rounded the corner into the living room to see my parents sitting parallel to each other leant against the wall on the floor. I clapped my hands together and put on a bright smile.
"Alright guy are you both ready to go?" I beamed as they both turned to look at me. 
I knew I couldn't be selfish. I could adapt. I could cope. It really wasn't that big of a deal to move houses, hundreds of people did it everyday and it was pathetic of me to act like it was some big issue. 
From here on out, no matter how hard I was struggling, I pledged to myself that I would keep my issues to myself. Mum and Dad were amazing to me and the least I could do in return was to tolerate a slight inconvenience in my life.
"Yes Sweets let me just grab my bag," Dad smiled back as they both rose from the floor. Mum made her way towards me as we both waited by the front door for Dad to get his things. 
The last lights of the day were shining in through the fogged glass in our front door, and illuminating the living room through the expansive windows too. However, the lack of heating still made me feel uneasy in the new house. I'm sure Mum and Dad would get that sorted out once all of the furniture was in too.
As Dad made his way towards us, bag in tow, the front door sounded 3 polite knocks.
I whipped my head towards my mum who was already reaching for the door handle and swinging it open, revealing a woman around my parents age, wrapped in a thick cream sweater, with a deep red scarf wrapped around her neck.
"Hello! It's lovely to meet you, I'm your neighbour, Karen!" She beamed, opening her arms widely and stepping towards my mum before embracing her in a hug. 
Her voice was soft, yet full as she spoke to my parents, who exchanged 'hellos' and other introductions. I stood awkwardly to the side as the three of them moved in a blur before Karens focus was on me.
"Hi I'm Layla," I spoke politely. She seemed kind and motherly, and as if to confirm my thoughts she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tight, squeezing before she let me go.
"Its lovely to meet you all. I have 4 kids who might be around your age actually Layla. Are you starting school at Frankenmuth High next week? Maybe you will be in some of my boys classes! Oh how wonderful that would be!" She exclaimed, clapping her hands excitedly.
I laughed a little, "Yeah I am starting Year 11- I mean, um.. junior year next week".
"Oh how wonderful you must be the same age as Josh and Jake then! They can show you around and help you find your bearings," she said sincerely. 
As much as I wanted some help in this new town, I couldn't help but dread the thought of two teenage boys showing me around a town and inevitably making me feel more socially awkward than I already was. Nevertheless, I didn't want my parents to worry. I promised.
"Yeah that would be great!" I said, the same smile still plastered on my face, almost getting painful to maintain. I just wanted to go to sleep. Karens face lit up in surprise as she clearly came to a thought.
"Maybe I could take you guys over to our place now to introduce you all? It wouldn't be a bother truly."
"We really shouldn't..." My dad started.
"I can make you all some supper too! Dinner shouldn't be too much longer from now and I'm sure you’re all starving from your travels," she continued, and as if on cue, my stomach let out a low grumble. 
I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment as Karen opened up her mouth to speak again, most likely to coerce us into coming in for dinner.
"We really should get going, we have a booking at an inn tonight, but thank you for your kindness, Karen," Mum interrupted. Karen only furrowed her eyebrows and I got the feeling that her sons never won arguments against her.
"Oh now don't be ridiculous, stay at an inn? How outrageous. You can stay at our house tonight. We have space for you all and I cannot, in good conscious, let our new neighbours stay in an inn on their first night here now, can I?" She questioned with a look of disbelief.
"We don't want to intrude.."
"It would be our pleasure to have you all over, plus, you must tell us about Australia, your accents sound so exotic already I'm sure your stories are even more interesting," she said, spinning on her heel and walking down the front porch steps. 
I turned to Dad who merely shrugged to me and followed Karen down the steps, with Mum and I following closely behind.
With only a short distance of grass to cross to make it to their home, I quickly found myself rushing through their front door as Karen frantically ushered us inside otherwise we'd "catch a cold".
Warm orange lights adorned the living room as we entered the home, with warm wooden furniture and rugs, yet the feature that grabbed my attention was the smell. It smelt like home. My home. In fact, it absolutely reeked of it. 
I took a deep breath in and my eyes fluttered closed for a moment, basking in the smell of warmth with a hint of cinnamon, and despite the warmth surrounding us, the air was fresh and reminded me of the salty spray of the sea at the nearby cliffs.
Though, my comfort was short lived when a dirty sock came flying to the side of my face, followed by very loud, very angsty yelling.
"Fuck of Jake! It's your week not mine!"
"Can't you just do one thing for me Josh oh my GOD!"
Turning, I caught sight of two teenage boys, who looked my age, standing up in each others faces, once of which held a pile of dirty laundry in his arms and the other with his arms frantically waving them around the air.
One of the boys had long, silky, brown hair with subtle waves, while the other, who had his back to me, had a wild nest of curly brown hair.
"Are you serious?! I-" The curly haired boy screamed, charging forward before Karen grabbed the back of his shirt.
"Boys! Stop it right now! We have guests." She muttered the last part through clenched teeth at a volume I assumed we weren't meant to hear. Both boys dropped their arms and their faces went slack as they turned to face us. 
I stood awkwardly in my spot shuffling my feet slightly and offering them a small smile. The long haired boy cleared his voice and dropped his pile of dirty laundry next to the wall before making his way over to us while scratching the back of his neck. 
The curly haired one followed closely behind before filing next to him, wearing a very red and apologetic expression.
"Boys, these are our new neighbours from Australia!" Karen said excitedly, as if the whole previous interaction never happened.
"Hi I'm Jake," the long haired boy said politely, reaching his hand out for me to shake. It was slightly calloused and rough, but his hold was gentle on mine. He sent me a shy tight lipped smile and I offered a similar one back.
"And I'm the better twin, Josh," the curly haired boy beamed, throwing me a wink before wrapping his arms around me in a hug. 
I could hear Jake introducing himself to my parents while I breathed in his very earthy scent. His hold was softer than his mums, but still held that comforting feel. 
All this hugging and warmth and good smelling home made me even more tired than I thought I was.
After all were introduced Jake turned to me, "Sorry I didn't get your name?"
"Oh sorry! I'm Layla, it's lovely to meet you all."
Sitting stiffly in the Kiszkas' living room, I silently watched as the siblings bickered, having been introduced to their sister, Ronnie shortly after I met the twins.
Their conversations were funny, and I couldn't help but crack a small smile or giggle at some of their antics. Soon, the focus of the kids in the living room turned to me, much to my dismay.
"So what part of Australia are you from?" Jake turned to me. I quickly glanced up to my parents who were lost in their own conversation with Karen and the boys dad, Kelly.
Refocusing on the conversation, I nervously tangled my fingers together, "Umm I'm from Sydney.. right by the beach actually."
"Cool! So how hot is it over there?" Ronnie asked from beside me.
"Well it's summer right now so its like, 25 degrees to maybe 37 on a hot day?" I replied. "It can get to around 45 degrees sometimes but thats rare."
All 3 of them looked at me, baffled with their mouths hung open.
"25 degrees in the summer?! Thats freezing are you serious I thought Australia was meant to be really hot or something?" Ronnie exclaimed loudly, her arms waving in the air similarly to her brothers actions earlier.
I quickly realised my mistake and went a bit red in the cheeks at my inability to adapt to this new culture. I looked down at the peeling leather of the couch I was curled up on.
"Oh! Right I'm sorry thats in celsius not farenhieght... I don't really know how hot that is for you guys," I said bashfully, while my nails subconsciously dug into the soft flesh of my palms.
I looked back up from the couch and sawJake smiling at me softly, before Ronnies hand gently held the top of mine and squeezed lightly as she smiled. "Don't worry we'll help you figure it all out."
I looked down to Josh, to find him nervously picking at the carpet beneath his legs, a light pink tint on his cheeks. He looked up to Jake who seemed to already be watching him, and they both gave each other an indescribable look.
Confused and slightly embarrassed at the prospect of them silently judging me, I opened my mouth to break a bit of the silent awkwardness, but was quickly interrupted by Karens bellowing voice.
"Kids! Dinners ready!"
Josh bounced from the floor and took a step towards me before reaching his hand out for me to take, and helping me rise from the couch. His hand was very warm and soft, and I couldn't help but feel a bit colder when he let go quickly once I was standing, rubbing his fingers in his palm shortly after, strange. I followed his back as he made his way to the dining room, Ronnie and Jake close behind me.
"Ronnie go get you brother for dinner" Karen said, as Ronnie huffed in frustration and hopped up the steps, skipping every second one before shouting, "SAM! COME GET DINNER!"
We all found our seats at the table, my parents next to each other on my left, Jake on my right, and Josh directly in front of me. The smell of the feast before us was mouth watering, as I dragged my eyes across the roast chicken, vegetables and some kind of casserole, all piping hot with steam.
Shortly after I was seated, a tall, lanky boy, with similar hair to Jakes but a bit younger bounded down the stairs, smiling sheepishly while scanning his eyes across my parents and lingering slightly on me.
"Hi, I'm Sam it’s nice to meet you all," he said loudly. I wasn't sure if it was my lack of sleep, or maybe my extreme hunger, but the loud noises were starting to pierce my head, egging on a throbbing headache.
Consequently, throughout the whole meal, which was delicious as expected, all I could get my brain to focus on was the idea of sleep, occasionally offering a nod or smile, and the occasional "yep" here and there to ride me through the conversation.
Before I knew it, we were picking up our plates and bringing them to the kitchen to have them all cleaned up.
Reaching for the sponge, I was stopped by the familiar warmth of Josh's hand. He smiled kindly at me when I looked at him, to find his face mere inches from mine.
"Don't worry about dishes I'll do them. Plus, you're our guest. Go, Mom will help get you set up for tonight". Tucking my hair behind my ear and wiping my sweaty palms on the fronts of my jeans I muttered a quiet 'thanks' before wandering off to find Karen.
"Okay honey, you can sleep in Josh's room as his sheets were just cleaned and he'll stay with Jake tonight, and your parents will take the guest room, does that sound alright?" Karen looked at me expectantly.
"I can sleep on the couch, it's no bother really... I don't want to kick anyone out of their room.." I responded, truly feeling guilty. I was always such a burden nowadays.
She scoffed, "Oh nonsense he'll survive. Now, off you go, the room is yours." She shooed me down the hall to the direction of an open door.
Peeking in, I inhaled a stronger version of the familiar smell of home. I took a look around at the dark grey bedsheets, observing a small desk in the corner with papers scattered all over, writing scribbled all around them, like a flurry of thoughts literally spewed onto his table.
I placed my bag down against the wall and wandered over to his shelving unit which caught my eye, adorned with vinyl.
Flicking through many familiar albums, I reached one I knew I had myself, A Space in Time by Ten Years After. I smiled fondly at the memory of me dancing endlessly to the album at home.
"Space in Time, 's a great album...classic," Josh said, startling me enough to make me jump on the spot. I could feel my cheeks heat up as I realised I'd been caught snooping, warming even more when I saw him standing leant against his door frame with a smug smile on his face. He was... very attractive.
"I'm so, so sorry, I..I was just..umm..." I stuttered out while fumbling the record in my hand to slide back into its place. The sound of his laughter filled my ears as he stepped towards me and putting his hand on the side of my arm.
"Don't worry about it, you can listen to any of them if you like, my record player is just over there," he said gesturing to the corner of his room with his record player in it with a nod of his head.
"In fact..." he drawled out, before reaching into his collection and pulling out A Space in Time, slipping it from its casing and sheet before plopping it onto the turntable and delicately placing the needle on its outer rings.
He looked back up at me as the sound of music filled the room, followed by the light cracking of the vinyl. He smiled at me shyly again before wandering over to his chester drawers.
"I'm just grabbing some stuff for the night and then I'll be out of your hair," he said, reaching into his drawers, picking out a cream shirt and some long flannel pyjama bottoms.
He walked past me as I stood awkwardly near the foot of his bed in the room, heading straight for the door before turning to look back at me over his shoulder.
"Feel free to play anything else if you want, I don't mind," he winked, before wandering out the door and closing it gently behind him.
I let out a deep sigh, a breath I didn't really know I was holding. There wasn't a lock on the door, so I decided I would change into my pyjamas in the bathroom, after a much needed warm shower.
I grabbed my fluffy white pyjama pants and a matching singlet, with a deep red sweater and some warm, grey, fluffy socks along with my toiletry bag and padded towards the bathroom.
Once I made my way over, I could see the light peeking through under the door, and could hear the shower running and the sound of someone humming to an unfamiliar tune. I huffed out a frustrated breath. I just wanted to go to sleep.
Sliding my back down the wall beside the bathroom, I sat on the carpet, curling my legs into my body for warmth and waited patiently for whoever was occupying the bathroom to finish.
I briefly contemplated skipping the shower, but I felt absolutely disgusting after the day of travel I had sustained without one.
Sleep deprivation was starting to notably affect me as my mind began to explore unopened memories and the most abstract thoughts I could come up with, until the exhaustion took over completely.
As I sat, I fought the dark temptations of sleep, prying my eyes open to refocus on the carpet I was sitting on, forcing myself to think about the feeling of the cold wall behind me, but to no prevail.
I would catch my head from falling down to nothing a number of times, shaking it furiously and blinking the blurriness out of my eyes to keep myself awake.
Maybe if I closed my eyes for just 5 seconds I could rid some of the tiredness from my head? Yeah that should work. Just a short little reboot. Letting my eyes slip shut, I reluctantly let sleep overtake me, only for a moment. Just one minute. Just...
"No just let her...yes on the floor...shhh you'll wake....just leave her to...yes...yep okay".
Who in the hell? Groaning I rolled over in bed. A few footsteps and whispers further drawing me out of my slumber.
"Shut up oh my god Sam. Look she's- fucking hell she's awake now well done Sammy," the voice, which I now recognised as Josh's, scolded in a whisper. Forcing my eyes open, I breathed in the homey scent. Far out that was such a good sleep.
Sitting up in bed as I rubbed my eyes with the back of my curled hand I peeked up to see Josh and Sam standing awkwardly in the room, looking down at me sheepishly. What were they doing in here?
"What time is it?" I asked, praying for a jet lag-less start to my new life.
Sam and Josh exchanged looks before Josh spoke, "Ahh it doesn't matter, go back to sleep, I know you're tired".
"No..no I'm awake now its fine, what time is it?" I asked again, sitting up fully in bed and pulling the duvet off my body, only to be met with the same jeans I was wearing last night, and my cream quater-zip sweater. Why was I not changed? I thought back to the night before and retraced my steps. Getting my clothes and toiletries, going to the bathroom, sitting outside and waiting, and then.. oh crap.
Heat pooled up in my face as I realised I must have fallen asleep on the floor outside the bathroom.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep last night, I don't know what came over me I-" I rambled on not looking to either of them in particular, unsure of which one found me on the floor, or if it was either of them in the first place.
Josh cracked a little giggle while Sam smiled down at me, "It's fine, truly," Josh said smiling at me sweetly. I opened my mouth to ask how I had gotten to his bed but Josh beat me to it.
"When I came out of the bathroom, and I saw you..you know, asleep...on the floor," he started, and I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment.
"Ughhh I'm sorry, how do I not remember you waking me up and taking me in here?" I must have been so exhausted.
He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "Oh, no I just carried you in here, slept like a baby the whole time," he said the last part with a smug smirk on his face. An ugly image of me passed out and being carried into this room flashed in my mind, making me cringe.
"Oh that’s… embarrasing. I’m sorry about that. And thanks for.." I gestured with my hand to the bed explaining myself without words.
"It's fine, now stop apologising," He chuckled. "Come on, Mom can make you some lunch," he reached his hand out to help me up. Taking it, I felt the familiar warmth as yesterday, something about his touch that comforted me deeply. With a tinge of pink still warming my face, I glanced at Sam as we walked past to leave Josh's room, who was staring at me with an unreadable expression on his face, but I was certain he was frowning slightly.
Making our way downstairs, I was met with the sight of my parents both cradling a cup of hot coffee, looking very tired and conversing with Karen and Kelly.
"There she is!" Dad exclaimed happily, setting his mug down and standing up. "C'mon Sweets, we have to get to setting the house up, I heard the U-Haul pull up about twenty minutes ago." Mum stood soon after, grabbing her and dads bags.
"Its already 3:30 how are you guys going to move all your things in on time? Josh and Jake won't you both go and help the Kings move their furniture into their new house?" Karen demanded more than asked. Wow, 3:30? I slept in really late.
I looked over to Jake, who I hadn't realised was loitering in the kitchen until now, sporting only a pair of sweatpants and a bare chest. I hurriedly looked away, embarrassed. Far out Layla, get it together.
"Yeah we could do that," Josh said before either of my parents could humbly decline.
Next thing I knew, all the furniture for the house had been lifted haphazardly into the main room, and only needed organising into each room.
A sheen layer of sweat lay on the back of my neck sticking to some stray hairs falling from my messy bun. I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand and began bringing up boxes of things up to my room, followed by Josh and Jake.
Once everything was inside, Jake and Josh had full rights to leave and relax at home, but instead they stayed and offered to help me unpack everything for my room. So, for the next two hours or so, we lugged my bed frame, mattress, wardrobe and vanity all throughout my room before starting on my small boxes of belongings.
I quickly learnt that Jake was a man of few words. Kind and gentle, but reserved and his presence didn’t demand too much attention. I could see girls being attracted to him for sure. Looking good was definitely a bonus, but he easily fell into the dark and mysterious category.
Josh however, was loud and boisterous. Not that I minded, but learning that they were twins was surprising to say the least. His personality was certainly flirty and somewhat overbearing, but it only made him more alluring.
We each assigned ourselves a box to store away to be more time efficient.
"Wow these are great!" Jake exclaimed sorting through my vinyl collection. "Do you have a record player?" He asked and I nodded, searching through several of my the unopened boxes on my floor before pulling it out and removing the bubble wrap around it. I plugged it into the nearest powerpoint and set it onto my vanity.
"Choose one to listen to, I don't mind" I said, sneaking a glance at Josh to see if he caught the reference, seeing him smirking back and me cheekily. Jake put on the Fleet Foxes self titled, and I hummed along to Sun it Rises as I put my shirts and jumpers on coat hangers.
We all organised in silence for a while until Josh spoke up, "Alrighty I think thats all your books put away now, next box please!" He beamed at me as I observed my book collection, neatly stacked away next to my vinyl collection that Jake had sorted through earlier.
"Looks great, thanks Josh," I replied while grabbing a random box and sliding it across the carpet his way. Turning back to what I was doing, I listened as Josh hummed along to Ragged Wood while ripping the cardboard box open.
Suddenly his voice was cut short mid-hum and I saw his movements freeze in the corner of my eye. I glanced up at him, my hair falling over my face and I saw his whole face beam red and he swallowed thickly. He hesitantly pushed the box away with one finger, as if afraid to touch it and looked up at me.
"Could you umm.. grab me another box actually Layla?" He asked quietly. Jakes head perked up out at the nervousness in Josh's voice as I crawled over to the box to see what had him so embarrassed.
Looking down, I was met with my white lacy nickers, surrounded by pinks and reds and blues. The contents of my underwear collection. My face went hot and I'm sure resembled a very similar colour to Josh's.
Jake crawled over curiously and peeked inside before I could slam the folds of the box shut, and broke the embarrassing silence with a loud snort of suppressed laughter before rolling onto his side and letting out a howl of laughter.
I couldn't help but giggle at the sight of him, and soon after, Josh was also laughing. It didn't take long before all three of us were out of breath from laughing so hard, Josh choking on his spit at one point, fuelling out giggles even more.
Josh's hand was on my knee, stabilising himself as he came down from his high, as we all sat, letting the music break any silence apart from our occasional giggles.
"I need to pee," Jake said while climbing up off the floor.
I braced myself to stand too, "Oh do you need me to show you where the bathroom is?" I asked.
"No it's alright I'll find it," he smiled back before walking out the room.
Josh stood from his spot and wandered over to the record player, reaching out to twist the volume nozzle and holding his hand out for me to take, already letting his body wiggle behind him as He Doesn't Know Why played loudly from the speakers.
Once I was stood, Josh twirled me around before grabbing both my hands and holding me out at arms length, singing the music dramatically to me. He acted out each lyric as he pranced around the room with me, twisting and contorting my body with him.
Then, he got down on one knee and grabbed onto the sides of my waist looking up at me and bellowing the lyrics.
"There's nothinggggg I can dooooo," he sung, while shaking my body lightly. I threw my head back in laughter at the sight of him.
"There's nothingggg, I can doooo." His voice was beautiful, as it held a firm husk, but still warmed me deeply.
Then his hands left my hips and he clasped them tightly together as if he was begging, "There's nothinggg I can sayyy". His dramatics were hilarious and I couldn't stop myself from pulling him up and dancing the rest of the song out with him, bellowing the lyrics out alongside him.
Once the song ended, we both collapsed onto the floor, puffed and panting heavily, before Jake walked in with a puzzled look on his face as he wandered over to the record player to turn it down back to a respectable volume.
Looking at us quizzically, he pulled his phone out and frowned, "Josh we have to go back home Mom says we still have yesterdays washing to do." Josh let out a long, dramatic groan as Jake turned to look at me, "It was lovely to meet you Layla, I'm sorry we didn't get through all of your unpacking," he said, with a charming smile on his face.
"No worries thanks for all your help!" I replied. He offered a last smile before turning and walking out my bedroom door.
Josh sighed and turned to look at me, his eyes lingering on mine for a second too long. "Are you free tomorrow?" He asked.
"Umm yeah I just need to buy some school supplies but that’s about it," I answered, already feeling exited with the possibility of spending more time with them. He stared at me again with a small smile creeping up onto his face, the little gap in his two front teeth peeking out between his lips.
"I love your accent," he said suddenly. I laughed nervously.
“Oh, um. Thanks,” I said awkwardly, scratching the back of my neck in embarrassment.
His smile grew impossibly lager as he observed my reaction and he jumped up from his spot, grabbing his phone and house keys, "Don't be embarrassed, I think it sounds.. beautiful, it definitely suits you," he winced at himself as he said the last words, realising what he implied before licking his lips nervously and scratching his head.
I giggled, "Thanks Josh."
He furrowed his eyebrows, as if in deep thought before he smiled and turned around, quickly looking over his shoulder, similarly to last night in his bedroom, "Goodbye Layla, I'll come by tomorrow to pick you up at 12?" He asked. I nodded and he disappeared down the hallway from my room.
He was a strange boy, that was for sure. A bit quirky and a bit weird. But why wasn’t that putting me off? His charismatic persona was drawing me in like a heavy anchor and I was already sinking.
I lay back onto my now made bed, listening to the crackle of the finished vinyl on my vanity, letting my mind recap everything that had happened in the past few days, before finally lulling me to sleep, my last thoughts on Josh.
I awoke to a golden glow bleeding through my thin curtains into my bedroom, effectively lighting up the whole room. Groaning, I rolled onto my side and reached onto my bedside table, blindly fumbling for my phone with my eyes still glued shut. 
After many failed attempts, I huffed in frustration and peeled my eyes open, face still buried in my pillows, only to find my bedside table empty, apart from a lamp that I remembered Jake setting up for me.
Propping myself on my elbows and twisting my head uncomfortably, I spotted my phone across the room on the floor, next to a pile of empty boxes.
"Ugghh," I groaned again, dropping my face back into the pile of pillows below me, and after a few seconds of self pity, I forced myself out of bed and wandered over to my phone.
The time on my lock screen read 9:08, and I suddenly became very aware of the fact that I had skipped dinner last night in my exhausted state.
Wandering down the stairs towards the kitchen, I kept my eyes glued to my phone, scrolling through different social media platforms and checking for any unopened messages. 
There were only a few, a message from my closest friend back home telling me that she missed me, and one from a group chat asking if anyone wanted to hang out.
I didn't usually have a fear of missing out with my friends, and liked to think that I was much more relaxed than that, but I couldn't help the pit of sadness in my belly from dwelling after reading everyones messages, making plans that I wouldn’t ever be a part of. 
It didn't take me much more contemplation to go into the group chat settings before taping the 'Leave Conversation' option.
Soon I found myself at the kitchen island, scooping spoons full of cheerios into my mouth, while scrolling through photos that my friends had posted on instagram only a day after I left. Was I that easy to forget?
"Hi Honey, any plans for today?" Mum asked, strolling into the kitchen and filling the kettle with water before switching it on to boil.
I placed my phone face down on the counter. "I was gonna go to the store to get some stuff for school. Oh, and Josh asked if I wanted to do something around 12," I frowned, wondering what he had planned and now suddenly very conscious of the time I had to get ready.
Mum smirked at me while pouring her instant coffee into her mug of hot water, "Josh, huh?"
I groaned and dropped my head backwards, "Please don't go there Mum its far too early in the morning," I begged. She brought he mug up to her lips and raised her eyebrows at me before walking out, a smug look adoring her features.
I tipped the rest of the milk in my bowl back before walking over to the sink and washing it. I looked out the window in front of the sink while I dried the bowl off, noticing that our kitchen window looked right into the Kiszkas' living room and kitchen.
Walking out of my spot hastily in fear of being seen, I climbed the stairs and checked my phone again, which now read 9:36, before grabbing a change of clothes and a towel to shower.
I had been so busy with travelling and moving in the past day, that I found no spare time to shower, apart from my hallway incident at the Kiszkas' house. 
I felt positively disgusting, the plane air still lingering on my skin, and the sweat from lifting heavy furniture still ghosted the back of my neck. 
After I made my way to the bathroom, I turned on the water and peeled off my clothes, chucking them haphazardly onto the floor while waiting for the stream to warm up. Once a thin layer of steam clouded the air, I stepped under the water and sighed deeply, letting the stream run over my head and down my face, coating my skin and warming me to my bones.
I basked in the refreshing feel of lathering the soapy products through my hair, and over my body, and as if to reverse my lack of shower the past days, I used my most expensive products, exfoliating, cleansing and all the works. 
Lastly, I gave myself an all inclusive shave before twisting the heat off fully and forcing myself to stand under the freezing cold water for at least a minute.
The water shocked my body and caught my breath, while goosebumps erupted across my skin, as I rolled my shoulders to try and loosen up my now very tense muscles.
"Jesus, that's cold," I whispered before turning the water off completely and stepping out of the shower and wrapping my shivering body in my white, fluffy towel. 
After lathering my body in lotion and putting on my underwear, I stepped into my wide legged jeans and a tight, long sleeved crimson top, finishing the outfit with an off-white sweater. I let my damp hair fall back over my shoulders to dry naturally, giving it room to curl on its own.
I walked back down the hallway and into my room before searching through my vinyl collection and choosing George Harrisons, All Things Must Pass. I placed it on my record player and shut my eyes for a moment, letting I'd Have You Anytime fill the silence in the room. 
Wandering over to my vanity, I put on a bit of concealer under my eyes, followed by mascara on my eyelashes before inspecting myself in my body length mirror.
Other than having to adjust the collar of my sweater, I looked good. My jeans gave my legs the illusion that they were longer than they were, and my sweater had enough bag that covered my figure, but complimented my frame just the same.
It was still a while before Josh was coming to pick me up to take me to whatever plans he had for us today, so I grabbed a handbag and filled it with essentials, before slipping on some white adidas sneakers with red accents and wrapping a red scarf around my neck.
I found my parents doing some final decorations in the living room when I approached them, "Hey guys I'm just off to the store to buy some books and stuff for school, I won't be long," I said with a smile.
"Okay be safe, we love you!" Dad replied.
"I love you too," I bellowed as I slipped out the front door and onto the patio. The weather was considerably colder outside and I rubbed my hands together furiously to create some much needed heat.
It wasn't until I had hopped down the steps off the porch, and was standing on the pavement that I realised I had no idea where I was going. I looked up and down each length of the street, contemplating which way to go. I definitely should have thought this out before leaving.
I twisted my handbag round to my front, pulling on its zipper to take out my phone and the route to town on Google Maps. Just to my luck, the zipper was caught on something inside, and would not budge. I took the handbag off my shoulder before pulling the zipper with more force and leverage.
"Come on," I breathed out, pulling the zipper with as much strength as I could muster, my knuckles turning white at the stronghold I had on my bag. Then, as if my luck couldn't get any worse, the pull on the zipper snapped off completely.
Huffing in defeat, I threw the bag back over my shoulder angrily and began to walk down the street, mumbling profanities under my breath in annoyance.
"Hey! Where are you going?"
I whipped my head around at the voice before spotting Josh, who stood on his driveway in khaki pants and a large white jumper, mala beads hanging down across his chest.
"Oh hey, I'm just going to town to buy some things for school," I smiled sheepishly at him as if I had any idea which direction 'town' was in.
He looked at me strangely, "If you keep going that way you'll end up in Mr. Fables wheat field," he chuckled and my face burned red at my incompetence.
"Oh, um, whoops," I laughed dryly, sending him a dismissive smile and making my way past him. "Am I still seeing you at 12 today?" I asked.
He broke out in a one-sided smile, "How about I come with you? To the school shopping stuff I mean. We could just take off from there?" He asked, scratching the side of his forearm, with a nervous look on his face.
"I don't want to be a bother...but..." I droned out while Josh stared at me expectantly.
"But?" He asked.
"...But.. it would help to, you know, have someone there to show me around," my hands found my necklace as I fiddled wth it nervously, twirling it between my thumb and forefinger. A small smile crept onto my face as he beamed at me.
It wasn't long before Josh and I were walking through the town centre, conversation flowing freely and comfortably. 
His giggles were loud and boisterous, much like the ones in my room after finding my box of underwear, and the looks we received from passerbys weren't the kindest. He was very easy to be around, and I felt comfort in his small touches, whether it be a playful shove, or a small touch on my arm.
Once we reached Krogers, Josh lead me towards the stationary isles. We picked out books, pens and other necessities that he said were 'vital for a true Frankenmuth experience', whatever the hell that meant.
"You know, you'll have a lot of work to catch up on when you start... it's the middle of the school year," Josh pointed out, throwing packets of Lays into out shopping cart mindlessly. I groaned, of course I knew this, and it was plaguing my thoughts, weighing me down with stress and pressure.
"I know, I know. I finished Year 11 in December back home, so I should have a bit of background information. But I'm sure the syllabus is totally different over here," I ran my hands through my hair, tucking it behind my ears stressfully.
He studied me for a minute, watching my hands as they ran through my hair again, before I settled hands to my mouth, nibbling on my nails. 
"You can borrow my notes," he offered. "I don't know what electives you chose but you can use mine for whatever we have together, and Jake can give you anything else too." I looked up at him, pride written all over his face.
"I don't know.. I can't just use your work, that's hardly fair," I said, as the familiar vice of guilt warmed the back of my neck.
"Of course you can," he chirped back, before speeding off down the isle, subsequently ending the conversation there. I sucked in a breath and hurried down after him to the self checkout, where he was already scanning through my schoolbooks.
I reached to my bag to grab my card, feeling for the the zipper clasp to take my card out.
"Shit," I breathed under my breath, tugging at the metal contraption with my nails, trying to shove my finger in to open the zip.
"Please Insert Card," the machine demanded, as I frantically pulled at the broken zipper.
The machine beeped.
Whipping my head up I saw Josh quickly putting his card back into his wallet as the machine printed out a receipt.
"What- what are you doing?" I rushed out. He only shrugged at me with a sheepish smile on his face. "That was like $30 worth of stuff Josh! I don't even know how much thats worth in Australian currency. Don't worry, I'll pay you back once I can get my bag open. I just need to get some cash first. My God Josh you didn't need to do that-" I ranted.
Josh placed his hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry about it," he searched my face for a second longer, "Seriously, just...it's okay." He let out a breathy chuckle and turned back to the register.
"Okay, well thank you," I said quietly as he began carelessly scanning through the copious amounts of snacks he bought, while I stood to the side like an idiot, nibbling the side of my cheek.
Once he finished up with his own shopping, we wandered out of the shops, as he pulled out his phone, glancing at the time before sliding it back into his pocket.
"It's nearly twelve, want to come back to mine now?" He asked.
"Yeah sure, I'll just go home to drop this stuff off first," I replied, holding the plastic bag up in front of us. He nodded before delving into an obscure topic of interest, holding the conversation the remainder of the walk home. 
His extroverted and dramatic actions didn't fail to make me laugh, and even pulled an ugly snort out of me occasionally.
Once had made our way back to our houses, we walked past Josh's house to mine, as he insisted on walking me the whole way. I caught sight of Sam and Jake on their porch with a boy I didn't recognise, as all three of them sported acoustic guitars, and were strumming a soft tune. Sam gave me a short wave and Jake offered me a smile.
I ran through my house, quickly throwing the bags from the store on my bedroom floor, next to the boxes which had yet to be organised, before hopping back down the steps to Josh who was sat waiting for me on the porch steps.
Hearing the front door shut, he looked at me over his shoulder before standing and motioning for me to follow him with a nod of his head.
Jake, Sam and the other boy stopped their playing when Josh and I made our way to their porch and walked up the steps.
"Hey Layla. Oh, this is our friend, Danny. He lives on the block over," Sam told me. He smiled at me warmly as I observed his long black curly hair and sharp bone structure. He looked like a Greek God.
"Hi it's nice to meet you, I'm Layla," I said to him.
"Nice to meet you too."
"Alrighty boys, are we ready?" Josh clapped his hands together, walking back down the steps of the porch towards the garage door, Sam, Jake and Danny all following closely behind. I trailed after them curiously, as they pulled up the garage door latch and pushed the heavy metal up halfway, ducking slightly as they entered. 
I stood by the door, suddenly feeling a bit forgotten and wondering if I was allowed to come in.
Sam poked his head out from under the door and smiled at me, "You coming?" He asked.
"Uh yeah sorry," I said, not having to duck nearly as much as the other boys due to my short stature.
Inside stood a shiny, silver drum kit with a bass guitar and electric guitar on either side. In the middle was a microphone on a long metal stand, wires tangled left and right over the floor. 
Jake wandered over to the guitar, crossing Sam who picked up the sea foam green bass guitar on the left side of Danny, who was already climbing onto the seat of his kit.
With everyone concentrated on their instruments, Josh wandered over to me with a smirk on his face, "So, whatcha think?" Biting his lip now, I couldn't take my eyes off him, his skin had a warm glow to it, and I could see the faint outline of a scar on the soft skin of his cheek. 
Up close, I could also see the scatter of hairs above his upper lip, and the wrinkles beside his lips from smiling too much. "Um..Layla?"
"Yeah?" I responded, furrowing my eyebrows.
"I said, what do you think?" He asked again, this time waving his arm around to the instruments behind him.
"Oh! Yeah, this is really cool," I replied quickly, looking around the room again to catch Jake leant over Dannys kit, whispering in his ear before Danny let out a low chuckle.
I could feel the undeniable bond that all these boys had together, and couldn't help but feel displaced from only knowing them all for a day or less and interrupting their peace.
Josh rushed over to a pile of clothes, blankets, wires and other unnamable items and threw them onto the floor, revealing an old tattered couch underneath.
He twirled his hand in the direction, bowing slightly, "Only the best quality for M'Lady."
I giggled before plopping myself on the couch, which I found to be surprisingly bouncy. I curled my knees up to my chest, rested my elbow on the arm of the couch and plopped my face on the heel of my palm.
After a bit of tuning, the boys had set everything up and began choosing which song to play, and it wasn't long before Josh spoke into the microphone, "Ladies and gentlemen," he looked me in the eye as their only member of audience causing me to giggle, "I present to you, Thunderstomp."
Jakes guitar rung out through the room for a moment, isolated in the silence of the room, before the room exploded with sound. Jakes body contorted around the guitar, lost in the music, Dannys mouth hung open in concentration as he swung at his kit, and Sam blinked furiously in time with the music, his feet flicking up behind him as he paced on the spot.
It wasn't long before Josh's voice rang out through the microphone. I was mesmerised by his voice, hitting notes so high that his voice would husk, before lowering, deeper than I had heard him speak.
Awestruck, I sat in awe as the boys finished the song, the last few notes lingering in the air as I gawked like an idiot.
"I- wow," is all I managed to stutter out and all four of them smiled at me.
"We only finished writing it about a week ago, but we've been trying to perfect it for months," Sam said to me.
"Writing?" I asked confused. "You mean you guys wrote that?" My voice raising slightly as I returned from whatever trance I was in.
Jake chuckled, "Yeah, you liked that?"
Blushing at the question, I nodded eagerly. "So do you guys have a name?"
"Yep. Greta Van Fleet" Josh replied, setting down a bottle of water after taking a large swing.
I raised my eyebrows, "Oh thats cool, you guys sound great," I said, trying to mask the nervousness in my voice incase it is taken as ingenuity. With all four pairs of eyes on me, I shuffled uncomfortable in my seat, before scanning the room once more.
"Is that a keyboard?" I asked, perking up slightly.
"Yeah Sammy plays bass and keys. You play?" Danny replied, sounding genuinely interested.
"Yeah, a little. I used to take lessons when I was a kid and I had a piano in my room for a while," I answered, my fingers suddenly aching to press the keys.
"Thats cool, how come you didn't bring it when you moved? I didn't see it in the U-Haul?" Jake questioned.
I stiffened slightly. Now definitely wasn't the time to tell them that I had to sell most of my things because we were struggling so much financially. 
Dad had just been let go from his job, leaving us with one source of income, and to top it off, the medical expenses from my car accident were heavy. 
Luckily I was the only one hurt; Mum and Dad weren't even in the car, but the metal rod placed in my thigh came at a high price. 
The whole healing process was pretty much a joke to me, costing us everything we had, but leaving me with a lingering pain in my thigh, and if inspected closely enough, a slightly lopsided walk from the irked way that it healed. 
"Ahh I don't know, just grew bored of it I guess," I lied.
"Well come up, play us something then," Sam said excitedly.
The boys all enjoyed hearing me play, and even took turns requesting songs like Suite: Judy Blue Eyes, which Sam claimed was from his favourite album.
"I have it on vinyl if you ever wanna borrow it," I offered. His smile grew tenfold, "Fuck yeah that'd be great, thanks," he replied with a light tinge of pink on his cheeks.
We spent the rest of the day messing around on the instruments, Danny trying to teach Jake polyrhythms on the drums, Jake trying to teach me to play simple chords, only for my hand to cramp up in pain, time and time again, and Josh and Sam screeching around the room like lunatics, jumping on the couch and throwing pillows at each other.
Reaching for my phone to check the time, I remembered my bag zipper predicament, "Hey um.. do any of you think you could help me fix this? My zipper broke off and all my stuff is in here." I asked and they all made their way over, snatching my bag from my grasp, discussing silently between themselves before running around the room to get several tools.
Jake ended up using his string cutters to cut a small part of the fabric which was stuck in the zip, and Sam tied a string to the zipper loop to help me open it. Smiling proudly, they handed me back the fixed up bag and resumed their spots at their instruments, messing around with different chord progressions and bickering between themselves.
I pulled my phone out of my bag, comforted to know I didn't have to ruin the whole bag to cut it out, before switching the power button on and seeing 3 missed calls from Mum and 5 missed calls from Dad.
"Shit," I whispered before looking at the time; 6:12pm.
"Whats wrong, is everything okay?" Josh asked. How did I lose track of time so badly?
"Uh yeah sorry my parents are worried about me, I have to head home," I rushed out, gathering my things and checking over my spot to ensure I hadn't forgotten anything.
Josh pulled up the garage door for me, a look of concern painted on his face as I hurried out into the piercing cold. The sun had set, leaving the dusk atmosphere with a dark hue of blue, lingering in the depth of the sky.
"Thanks for everything guys I had a really fun time!" I said looking back and smiling at all four boys, who returned smiles, waves and goodbyes.
"I'll walk you home," Josh said, following me closely as I sped down the pavement.
"You don't have to do that, I'm only like ten steps away," I replied nervously. He only shrugged in response, burying his hands into his coat pockets.
Once I made my way up the front porch step, I searched my bag for my house keys, ripping them out and fumbling with them to find the front door key. My keys from Australia still hung from the keychains as I filtered through them for the right one and made a mental note to take them off when I had the time.
Suddenly, the door swung open to reveal both of my parents standing at the threshold with worried looks on their faces.
"Where have you been?" Dad asked with an unreadable expression painted on his face.
"Is your phone not working? We've been trying to get a hold of you for hours," Mum asked with a tinge of anger in her tone.
"I'm so sorry, the zip on my bag was broken so I couldn't open it and my phone was in there, and I just totally lost track of time, it wont happen again I promise it was a total mistake.." I trailed off as I realised my parents attention wasn't on me, but the short, curly haired boy behind me.
I turned to see him shifting his weight between his legs and shuffling his feet nervously on the floor, "Umm it was nice to see you Mr and Mrs King, I uh, was just walking Layla home."
He smiled awkwardly, "I'm.. gonna go," he muttered before turning to me, "Bye Layla."
After a long lecture about safety and communication with my parents, I stalked off to my bedroom, shutting the door closed gently behind me. I wandered over to my window to pull my curtains shut, bus as I grabbed onto the fabric, I could see the light of a window inside the Kiszkas' house. In fact, the room was directly across from mine, about 5 metres away.
I knew it was Josh’s room by the furniture.
I could see the details of his desk and bed, just as I remembered it, and I scanned my eyes across his vinyl collection, admiring its length, before the back-end of a very naked boy blocked my view.
He was hopping around in his room trying to shimmy on a pair of boxers, one leg bent awkwardly in the air as he stumbled around mindlessly.
Blushing like a maniac, I quickly looked away and ripped the curtains closed. I huffed out a breath before grabbing my own pyjamas to put on, cursing my nosiness and swearing to never change with the curtains open like that idiot.
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bucketspammer4life · 1 year
☆ WVBA On A Snow Day ☆
hehe this is so jolly (i am writing this in the middle of august and it doesnt snow where i live)
Glass Joe
- layers and layers of thick & warm clothing, walking around with 5 layers of scarves, coats & sweaters, might as well wear the entire closet
- tried to make a snowman, it got knocked over insantly
- freezing, he is really shivering his timbers over here
- had some hot cocoa
- went iceskating, slaying it
- did some snow angels with Mr Sandman
- he doesnt tolerate the cold well but still having fun
Von Kaiser
- 2 layers of comfy & cozy clothing, the cold isnt getting to him today nuh uh
- so whimsy, so jolly, he is so thriving
- making snowmen with disco kid, ended up making a snowfamily for the snowmen and a snowdog and made them pay snowtaxes and busted their snowcaps if they didnt pay up
- worst iceskater ever but still having fun
- sitting next to a fireplace & reading a book, he looks like hes gonna tell you a bedtime story
- eating snow yum yum exquisite delicious delectable tasty
Disco Kid
- didnt wear enough layers, out here shivering like a kitten in a wet cardboard box out in the street
- made sure the snowmen paid their snowtaxes
- hes the reason why they call it iceskATEing, smoother than the ice hes skating on
- drinking iced coffee no matter the weather, -20 degrees celsius? At least his ice will last longer
- made a igloo, nobody except kaiser is invited
- fell asleep next to a fireplace like a street cat saved from the cold
King Hippo
- not going outside, ever, he doesnt handle the cold well, it isnt just a "my timbers are shivering i need a extra layer" its more of a "hypothermia is just behind the corner and i dont feel like dying"
- do not expect him to step outside, not even a foot
- drinking soup & sleeping half of the day
- Literally hibernating
- so many blankets & pillows, taking the longest nap of the world ever
Piston Hondo
- also needs a whole lot of layers, out here looking like a head of lettuce
- making really cool snow sculptures, so proud of them
- enjoying hot cocoa, wrapped up in a blanket
- snowball fight starter, he simply let the thoughts win
- keeps tripping while iceskating, has to hold on to bear hugger for dear life because he doesnt wanna faceplant into the floor
- joining kaisers snow eating, he just sat next to him & started eating snow as well
Don Flamenco
- forgot to layer up & regrets not wearing a extra coat, bull had to lend him one because he looked like he was on the verge of death
- making snow angels, keeps getting snow thrown at his face as he lays down
- put his forehead wig thing on a snowman
- sad because he forgot to take his plants inside & they died :(
- killing it while iceskating, out here spinning like a beyblade
- keeps falling asleep at weird places because cold weather + curling up in a ball really honks his shoos, ends up being carried to somewhere warm & not so inconvenient, everyones just playing a big game of "where has this bitch fallen asleep again?"
- laying down on the snow, hes just peaceful right now
Bear Hugger
- layered up decently
- he was literally born for this kind of weather
- rolled a snowball down a hill & accidentally made a small avalanche
- cold weather makes him really sleepy, unlike don flamenco he knows how to not fall in inconvenient places
- stiff as a statue while iceskating, one wrong move and hes on the floor along with hondo
- on a rocking chair next to a fireplace, christmas movie intro style
- feels kind of lonely since his fellow bears he likes to hug are hibernating (the animal ones not the gay ones smh, if i meant it like that he would be hibernating too)
- made a small scarf for his squirrel friend : )
Aran Ryan
- atrocious winter clothes, someone call the fashion police
- trips every 5 seconds while iceskating, his face is so bruised its unreal
- chucking snowballs and running away from people
- joined Sandman roll down a hill for fun, nobody spoke, nobody showed any emotions, but it was truly one of the memories of all time
- cold weather makes him energetic so hes a pain in the ass to deal with even more now
Soda Popinski
- wearing shorts & a tshirt, really good at tolerating the cold, soda popinski doesnt get hypothermia, hypothermia gets soda popinski
- also eating snow with kaiser & hondo
- tried to iceskate & chipped a tooth
- used as a human shield during the snow ball fight
- he showers in ice cold water on the daily so this doesnt inconvenience him at all
Bald Bull
- brought a extra coat because he knew don would forget to layer up & wouldnt listen to him if he reminded him
- in awe of soda popinski not being affected at all
- making huge snowballs and chucking it at aran ryan
- cold weather gets him angry & stressed a whole lot (same with any extreme weather condition) so tread carefully or this snow is gonna look like the flag of japan
- staying inside, mostly coming out when hes bored
- drinking tea & reading most of the time
- Just spinning while iceskating, cant seem to stop
Great Tiger
- has to also wear his entire closet, ends up getting sick anyway
- Just sadly staring out of the window
- making his clones play in the snow because just because he cant go doesnt mean they cant go
- drinking tea, hes so peaceful rn dont bother him
Super Macho Man
- not dressed up at all, got sick
- really pissed off he cant go out
- bitterly sitting in bed with a fever
- he is so gonna sob until hes no longer ill
Mr Sandman
- only person to tiptoe on that line between "you look like a pillow" And "you might as well go out naked" in terms of winter clothes
- Just making deformed snowmen
- suprisingly didnt fall on his face while iceskating
- he makes some killer hot chocolate
- tried to eat snow & got brainfreeze
- rolling down a hill for fun & climbing back up to do it again, with the most serious expression ever
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redorich · 2 years
Hello. Your posts about lifesteal are intriguing. Any pov you recommend to start watching it?
howdy!!!! lifesteal is like hermitcraft in that you dont have to watch all the seasons to know what's going on. they're on season 4 rn, and personally i got into it by watching branzy's season 3 videos. yes yes we all know the gay clown bullshit is what attracted a lot of us to his pov but honestly?? branzy is so extra and pathetic. i love him. i've watched just about every branzy video in existence and it is simply not enough. i want to put him in my pocket with a piece of string for enrichment.
i'd also suggest rekrap, the #1 unkillable untrappable paranoid escape artist. he's so nervous he has 27 different anxiety diagnoses (in my heart) and yet he is such a himbo and a sweet boy. somehow he is both so big brain and so overwhelmingly head empty. 69/10 would break into his house to watch mcc with him like jaron did
if you like pvp, clownpierce "lifesteal's deadliest assassin" is your guy. he's got such a soft, sweet voice...... basically, he's babygirlpilled. but not like woobified or anything-- he can also be a little miscreant. im holding him so tenderly like an overstuffed sandwich. im pulling his soggy pathetic self from the cold snow outside and putting him in the microwave to warm him up. he was born all alone in a wet cardboard box
reddoons is, uh....... he loves his scams, his capitalism. he definitely reminds me of technoblade. i really like the videos where he blatantly cheats the system. :) he and ashswag tend to hang out, and they're always fun together. he's the kind of guy who i respect in that i'd only beat him up if he had it coming.
if you're more into streamers, i'd definitely suggest subz. i don't know what the fuck is wrong with him, but it's a lot. him and vitalasy..... uh?? subz is the guy who commissioned a clownpierce body pillow btw. thats my favorite bit of Subz Info. god i wanna squish him into a pringles can and shake it vigorously to see what leaks out.
and lastly i'd suggest parrot, especially if youre starting with season 4!! his videos are fun, not overwhelming yet not boring. he's... an interesting fella. not quite critterpilled but definitely on the Little Guy spectrum imo. he started a political faction whose whole purpose is to run around without pants on. living the dream.
hope this helps! :)
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A collaborative OC story with your partner, huh? Well it looks like YOUR PARTNER’S OC FROM THE SAME STORY IS HERE AS WELL!! SAY HELLO TO @insertsona’s LUCIFER!! He’s ALSO some kind of canine who goes by he/him!
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...Oh. Ohhhhh boy. Fun fact, this was the first REALLY long submission I got! Cut time baybee :3
“oh god where do i start. uh. he has a toyhouse here -> https://toyhou.se/17736012.lucifer 
lucifer is a character in my partner and i's collaborative oc story!!! hes the oldest brother of five hes aroace hes my poor little meow meow he even becomes a twitch streamer (canonly)((after he gets better)) 
his introduction to the story is through being spoken about negatively . he casts a shadow over his younger brothers narrative and leaves an aching hole in everyone else's. when he finally makes a physical appearance it only hurts. 
hes a guy who spends so much time trying to forget the past that its arguably all he thinks about. a guy that holds on and doesnt let go even though he wishes he could. a guy that is so pathetic and yet so strong (to me.) a guy that despite his best efforts he is still just like his family and that every decision hes made linked back to how much he Cared. how even though he comes off as cold and distant below that he Cares. he cares so much and it Hurts and its killing him a little and it Scares him. 
he just wants his family to be okay even if he cant be!!!! he wants the best for the people he loves even if that doesnt include him!!!!! he wants things to be okay for the others and hes so scared and . he doesnt know what to do or how he can fix anything and he cant bring himself to think about what already has happened and everything hurts so much and he Hates It and he wants to move on but god he Cant and hes still holding onto an old friendship even after everything even though he wants to hate that old friend and . your honor 
he tries so hard to be strong he tries so hard to keep himself together but he is slowly falling apart . he cut out his own siblings in an act motivated by some twisted concept of protecting them . he cant handle change to the point that change breaks him . but he wants things to change. he wants things to get better. hes tired of this. but he cant handle change. hes tired, hes overworked, hes frustrated, hes falling apart, hes Afraid. hes Afraid, he is Afraid, He Is Afraid.”
Poor guy :[ Why should you vote for him?
“a vote for lucifer is a vote for pathetic men everywhere!!! hes got all the best dynamics . tragic siblings . tragic childhood friends . tragic losses . you name it he has it (tragic edition) . he has soo many issues hes like a wet paper towel . hes my son wet who has every disease he was born in a wet cardboard box all alone do you understand me 
you should vote luci because i am literally obsessed with him and can go on a very long rant about him unprompted . i have a 243 song playlist for him that i still add more songs to . is this anything”
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bigbazoxngas · 2 years
el muchacho de los ojos tristes :(
@homosexualmorelikehomiesexual hes so sopping wet new born kitten sitting in a cardboard box in the rain and all the newspaper is all wet and he's crying and clawing at the box and he is shivering and cold and sickly
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chilapis · 5 months
hiii lapis 🫶 what would a quiet / lazy / no work day off with you and tartaglia look like? does one of you try to work and has to be dragged back to bed for more rest ? i hope ur doing welll yayy 🙇‍♀️
Hiiiii, hi Clara!! It’s genuinely so sweet of you to drop by with the end of the semester weighing down on you like so. I know I say it enough for it to becoming irritatingly redundant but please make sure you’re taking time for yourself — Dimitri would want you giving yourself breaks, whether they be social, or academic.
Two people who are both most “comfortable” with themselves when overworking themselves to death, have had maybe a single drink in two days (despite one of us literally having a hydro vision), and running on perhaps 6 hours of sleep combined being expected to let go completely. A battle in itself, truly.
I think the two of us would somehow fit in both of the roles, the person trying to crawl out of bed and the one trying to drag them in. That said . I do have a tendency to, um. collapse unexpectedly? I don’t take naps, not willingly at-least; but suddenly finding myself passed out is not. entirely uncommon, so I definitely feel like the idea of a lazy day in would be his idea rather than mine; probably carries me to bed and tucks me in before I pull him in myself. but also. I’m the one who absolutely doesn’t let him leave <- Might have been somewhat reluctant to spend the day in bed, but absolutely OPPOSED to the idea of him getting out.
I absolutely loathe how cold I run maturally and I reckon he’s much warmer due to having to adapt to the harsh weather conditions of Shneznaya so, he’s not. leaving after that. He tries to plead his way out and I just look at him like this.
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Sopping wet cat born in a cardboard box flooded with rainwater. How dare you abandon her. Jail for the Ajax. Jail for one thousand years (for the. third time in his life? How does he keep doing it)
I feel like it’d literally just be more or less a day in that’s just spent cuddling though. Maybe we can worm our way out of the bed at some point and cook something together though — I always find domesticity to be my Achilles heel, unfortunately. The idea of cooking with him, helping each other in the kitchen in casual clothing, clearly disheveled and vulnerable… arms wrapped around my waist while I work the stove…. Lowering a wooden casket for me will be futile, use titanium. I’m going to claw my way out and live forever
But also aside from cuddling him… I know those muscles are tense, I know he hasn’t had an actual moment of relief in absolute ages, so the idea of just kneading his back, massaging his shoulders, stroking hair and lightly rubbing his scalp while making sure not to tug on his hair, massaging his temples. Spending a portion of the day just actually getting him to physically and mentally relax instead of being in fight-mode would be sufficient to get me to relax as well honestly. That said, I think I’d actually sob if he turned down the offer and tried to return to his work
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cleromancy · 11 months
jason was born in a cold wet cardboard box all alone pooor lkittle meow meow who just wanted to help people
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gumballavocadoharry · 2 years
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You found me:
The cold brisk of London only made me move quicker to my house. I was looking forward to the warm aroma where I could sit in my favorite chair, a cup of tea and a good book to relax my mind after a hard day at work. I was a stock clerk at a grocery store and today was just perfect to have 2 spilled milks, shattered bottle of wine and an egg crack catastrophe in the dairy aisle.
October weather did that to you. The orange and reddish leaves falling from the branches while walking down the brick covered road was picture book worthy. My hair that was neatly tucked into a bun, had a few free strands swaying to the best of the wind. My somber mood was non existent this morning, until a few nasty customers, an overly demanding boss because of his recent divorce and all the messes I mentioned contributed to the pushed down aggression that rose inside me the more I pondered on it.
The gray clouds mixed with the fall wind made me sleepy. My eyes started to close a little, but I jerked myself awake once I realized the walk home was still 5 minutes away. I walked past this brick building that I assumed to be a school, but there was this brown cardboard box that was soggy and splotchy. I heard some narrow cries from it.
I took a step back thinking it was maybe a mother cat and her kittens up for sale that nobody noticed. I hesitantly made my way over to the box and peeped inside. That's when I noticed a tiny baby that couldn't have weighed more than 4 pounds crying weakly. He had a blue blanket wrapped around him and he was dirty liked he hadn't had a bath in days. His cry wasn't that loud but I could tell it was a hungry cry from the suckiling sounds he was making with his mouth.
"Poor thing" I mumbled trying to situate the little baby in my arms. He looked like a newborn baby which made his situation worse to me because he was probably just born and no one wanted him. Or maybe his mother just couldn't take care of him. It dawned on me that no one heard his cry because it was so light, who knows how long he's been out here.
Poor baby didn't have a hat or really anything to protect him from the cold other than the blanket. I held him halfway inside my coat and tried to find an adoption agency. It was too cold and we were both tired and hungry so I called it quits and decided to continue this in the morning before work. Me and baby stumbled home to my apartment, where the lobby was empty despite how this morning it was raging with people from a party in one of the apartments from the 9th floor.
That's the fancy apartments at the top where they get more terrace space. I walked through to the elevators where my heart was beating out of my chest. I didn't like the neighbors knowing my business and vice versa. I mostly kept to myself and tried to keep it the same way with everyone else unless I absolutely had to talk to them or if they said "hi" or such.
I fiddled with my keys before going inside and locking the door immediately behind me. it's a useful habit but today it was very obligatory. I didn't want anyone following me or staring because they suspected I stole something or something like that. I was indeed hiding something....more precious than any other secret I've stored within me. It was for baby's protection.
I set him on my couch and carefully took a soft paper towel that I wet with warm water and gently cleaned him up. I knew he was starving so that meant running to the store and buying baby formula along with some toys, clothes and possibly a portable crib or bassinet. I didn't wanna leave baby here alone, yet it would be irresponsible of me to leave him here so I had to take him with me.
I already decided once I got back I would call the police and see if they could locate his mother or any other relatives of his. My gut told me his mother wouldn't want him back and or she's dead or out of the country doing whatever. I thought about what to do about the small little turquoise eyed baby boy laying on my couch with pillows around him to keep him from falling.
It just dawned on me that you're not supposed to keep a newborn on their backs, so I shifted him to his tummy. Tufts of auburn hair were protruding from his little round head. I couldn't help but bring myself to run my fingers over it. He was still making suckling noises, that snapped me out of my daze and made rush to grab a hat for baby. It was a soft blue hat with little duckies on it, one I had kept when I was a baby. I took baby's blanket and made it into a shaw like coat for him, then I took an old scarf and covered him up so he wouldn't get cold.
I scanned the room for anything I could use besides a dirty old box that was baby's home for the first few days of his life. Just thinking about it was gut-wrenching. I looked over to baby who was still laying on the couch, toying with the pillows set on either side for his safety. His eyes looked so tired and full of innocence. Of course he's innocent he's a baby. He was so vulnerable and helpless that the grisly thought of him not surviving one more day if I hadn't found him nearly killed me.
My eyes finally landed on a dresser drawer in my bedroom. I emptied out the books that were inside on to my bed and tucked inside three soft blankets before putting baby in there. I didn't really want the neighbors seeing me take a dresser drawer out in the hallway as it would draw unnecessary attention, Not that it was any of their business anyway. I meant it when I said I kept to myself. Me and baby flew down the hallway, after I finished locking up my apartment.
My car was parked in the apartment parking lot, next to a grey lexus. I clicked the button on my well used car remote that was swinged in with my car keys, and my apartment key as well along with a little green packers logo. I opened the car door and carefully placed the drawer in the backseat rear facing.
I just prayed it was safe seeing how I didn't have a carseat or anything for baby yet. I made sure his scarf and hat weren't too warm so he wouldn't overheat. Once I was satisfied that he was okay, I climbed into the driver's seat and we drive to the store. Target was the closet place. I parked the car and I gently grabbed baby and we went inside. A sense of happiness and relief washed over me. I would be leaving the store with a baby car seat, a bassinet, high chair and food for baby. And possibly more knowledge too.
Baby was too tiny to fit in the seating area of the shopping cart so that meant I had to carry him, but my arms started getting tired. I grabbed a shopping cart anyway and tried my hardest to balance it with one hand. I found the nearest employee working in the baby section and asked her if I could buy a baby carrier right now. "Of course. I can ring you up and you can continue shopping."
"Thank you so much." I grabbed a sturdy carrier and she scanned the price tag and then my card. "There you go you're all set" I smiled. "Thank you very much." I set baby in the carrier and pulled the veil built into the carrier down to keep any germs off him.
"You're son's adorable." The employee said. I didn't bother to correct her so I just accepted the compliment for what it was and thanked her with a smile. But that stuck with me. Son. The thought ricocheted in my head as a sudden pleasure grew on that title. I looked down at baby who was playing with his fingers. Maybe?
I continued on shopping, grabbing bottles, diapers, clothes, toys and a portable bassinet. I found some baby formula asking different clerks if it was safe for newborns. They all showed me different brands, but like with everyone, the most recommended was the one I chose.
I paid for the items and left the store quickly as possible. The medium colored clouds set in and small sprinkles of rain slowly drizzled down. The smush of the wet fall leaves that stood in between my boots and the rain. Me and baby rushed to the car, now feeling satisfied of the new things he has to help him. Somehow I could sense a feeling of relief and solace wash over the both of us. I looked down to be met with greenish-blue eyes and sweet deep dimples that I just discovered he had.
Ongoers noticed the tender sweet baby talk that was spilling from my lips by the minute. Bunches of "Yes you are's" were being spoken to baby which made him react with joy. I'm sure this was the most love that he's had in the little time of his life so far. Surely I was not his mother, just a 27 year old man who happened, completely by chance noticed a small infant in the dirty box that he laid in. Maybe this was fate? I shook it off not wanting to think to deeply about it.
I was just his temporary caregiver until he would be adopted by someone who could give him a stable home. Maybe even a pet? I imagined little baby playing on the swing set with his doggie running up to him desperately wanting his owner's attention that only the love of a child could provide for them. He would have playdates with the best friend he met at school, sleepovers with the boys on his soccer team, meet his first love and dream of marrying her as if she was the one....
I snapped out that daydream. I couldn't get attached. We both weren't ready for that. Adoption for baby would surely be a dream right? We arrived to the car where I unloaded everything in the trunk before picking baby up and returning the shopping cart to the store.
Man it felt nice to hold him again. Whoops...I mean my arms aren't tired anymore. I set baby aside as I was taking the drawer and moved it to the floor of the car and set up baby's carrier. I gently placed him inside and even gave him one of his little toys to keep him occupied. I couldn't feed him until we got home so there was no time to waste.
As I got in the driver's seat and put the key in, turning it...My mind wandered to what exactly would happen to baby. What if he didn't get a nice family? What if instead he would be raised only for the sole purpose of being a slave in a mean family's home? Or he was restricted from living his life normally due to the strictness and harshness of a mother and father who weren't to tightly wrapped themselves?
What if he was left to fend for himself with no one to love him and care for him? The harsh reality of the world set in the more I thought about baby's fate. But everyone always says two is better than one and baby needs two parents. But if those parents aren't gonna parent him in the right way....then would he really be better off?
Surely I could-
"We're here!" I said to myself trying to override the thought I was going to think that would distract me from my sensible thinking. I carried baby inside, and grabbed the things from the trunk and made my way upstairs to my apartment as fast as I could. A few elderly neighbors saw me and cooed about cute the little baby in my was. I smiled and thanked them before getting in the elevator hoping the doors would close as fast as possible.
Baby and me scurried inside once again just in time for baby to start crying. He was hungry of course. After closing and locking the door, I set him down on the couch, propping the pillows around him again and grabbed the formula from the bag and ran into the kitchen to fix it.
I followed the directions carefully trying the drown out the hungry cries from baby. "I know baby I know." I fixed it as fast as I could and while his bottle was heating up, I was successfully able to distract him.
I turned around and flew into the kitchen and grabbed baby's bottle from the microwave. I pressed the bottle to my wrist and sat down next to baby. I gently picked baby up and inserted the bottle into his mouth. "It's not too hot is it?" Aw come on as if baby can talk. His button eyes looked into mine sucking away at his milk. Probably the first food he's had in days. "You're a hungry little guy aren't you? I know, I know. You're a little special baby. You're special because you're the sweetest little thing I've seen." I cooed.
I couldn't help but cloy baby. He was so small and new, bright eyes studying the room because he was so new to the world. I just felt this exquisite connection with him whilst looking into his fresh eyes. His mom didn't know what she was missing....or what she gave up. I smiled a warm smile and somehow I think he sensed the connection too.
I removed the bottle once he was finished. He drank all his milk. "Good boy!" I cooed cheerfully. Burp! I expected that.
I ate a quick dinner that night after baby went to sleep. I couldn't sleep a wink partly because of baby crying and needing his diaper changed or wanting to be rocked or something like that and the other because I was worried about him too. I put him in a fresh onesie and threw that old blue blanket in the wash.
I tossed and turned because I knew I was gonna have to call child services soon....but it just....this gut feeling. I mean he was already used to me so why would I give him up? I guess I used that to reason with myself. Who am I kidding? I'm only in my twenties I can't be raising a child! I have so much I wanna do, like travel and get married and start a family of my own one day. But despite all of those...Baby still played in my mind.
I couldn't be attached already right? And besides who would watch baby too? I have to go to work and run errands and he has to be babysat. I couldn't trust just anyone. All these thoughts raced through my head trying to get everything sorted out. Child services, doctor appointment, babysitter. My brain could've exploded.
But my alarm clock went off. Baby was still sleeping surprisingly so I tiptoed out of my bedroom into the bathroom where I took a quick shower. I would constantly check to see if baby was still sleeping and if I needed to change or feed him. That's pretty much what all babies do at the beginning of their first few months of life, eat, sleep and poop,
I brushed my teeth coming out of the shower and changed into my uniform. I carefully took baby from his bassinet and was going to give him his first bath. By the looks of it I don't even think baby was born in a hospital. His umbilical stub hadn't fallen off yet so I was cautious to how I bathed him. I quickly googled how to do it and got started immediately. Baby was so small that I was able to bathe him in the bathroom sink.
I filled the sink with a little water and used some mild baby soap and cleaned up baby. He seemed so happy to finally be clean and to be...loved. To have someone care enough about him to take him under their wing and care for him....I really hoped he would see it that way when he's older.
Me and baby hadn't eaten breakfast yet and I already had to be at work in 30 minutes so I had no choice but to call Gemma and ask if she could watch him. She'd said that she would be over right away, so that gave me and baby time to eat a small breakfast. I had a bowl of cereal and baby had some milk of course.
Gemma knocked on the door a couple minutes after I had put my bowl in the sink. "Hey gem!" I greeted happily. I was relieved to have some help. "Hey Haz. So where is this little bugger that you've been talking about on the phone?" I pointed over to baby who was in his bassinet. "Oi he's adorable!" Gemma cooed. "What's his name?"
"I just call him baby for now. Yeah he's my friend's nephew but right now his nickname is baby." I thought quickly cause I didn't want to explain the whole situation to Gemma just yet. It's not that I couldn't trust her it's just that....it's not like baby was my son. He was still sorta a strange baby without a home or name. Besides...I had to go to work.
"Thank you again for watching him, if you need to reach me you have my number and I left a list of things you're supposed to do with baby on the fridge. Thanks." I grabbed my coat and car keys. "Bye Gemma and bye baby!" I blew a kiss to both of them before dashing out the front door.
Work wasn't any easier. I kept thinking about baby and Gemma and how they were getting along at my apartment. Plus Mr Feltmen was once again being punctilious with the way I stocked the cereals or the way I put price tags on the sealed chicken dinners with my price gun. All because his wife said a few nasty comments on her way along with a big fat stack of divorce papers sent to him a couple days later.
My lunch break seemed to be relieving as I was able to call Gemma and ask her if her and baby were fine. "Oh yeah we're fine. Baby had a little hard time after you left but everything's okay now. He's taking a nap."
"What little hard time?" I asked kinda panicky. "Oh, he started crying because he wanted you. So when I showed him a picture of you, he calmed down." Sentiment washed over me. Baby wanted me? He missed me. My heart swelled with adoration and pride more than it should've for a baby who I'd only known for a day and half. "Thank you so much Gemma. I'll call you when I'm on my way home."
After I hung up, I searched up a really good pediatric doctor at the children's hospital and scheduled an appointment for baby later on today. I wanted to make sure he had his shots and everything he needed by the time social services came and got him. The thought broke me. I grievance pain struck me so I refused to ponder the thought more than necessary.
Baby really tugged at my heartstrings. I didn't wanna dive in heart first taking into consideration the logicalness of the situation. Was I really baby's best person to care for his every need? You're caring for him now. I swallowed hard at that and continued eating my lunch, not wasting time to get back to work.
The mid day night sky fell between 3 and 4 which is when my shift ended. The breeze sang it's fall time song the coziness of being warm in the cold started to take its toll. I grabbed my coat from the breakroom and hustled out the grocery store. "Have a good night Harry." I turned to my right to see my boss with a small tight smile and giving me a small stiff wave. "Thanks you too." I replied befuddled and tired at the same time.
As soon as I got into my car, I didn't waste time calling Gemma to inform her of my upcoming arrival. "Hey Gemma, I just got off work and I'm coming home right now okay? How is everything?"
I heard the sound of baby rattles and muffled cries that partially answered my question. "Oh everything's fine, baby just woke up from his nap and he's just been a little fussy that's all." I could sense Gemma regretted saying that last part. She realized how attached and concerned I was for baby. Way more than if it was just 'my friend's nephew' the way I said before.
"Okay, well I'll be home very soon." We hung up and then I started the car and pulled out of the parking lot very carefully. The drive home consisted of me trying to beat the clock so I could be on time for baby's doctor appointment. I concluded that one more night wouldn't be so bad for baby seeing how it was possibly too late to call social services anyway.
Was I just reasoning with myself?
Streetlights filled the downtown sidewalk. Oh how I missed late night walks and night drives through my city. Summer's were fun for it too, but it was just something about September, October and November that just had that fall time glow. That coziness of aroma around you. It was fun. Just me walking to and back from the library.
I snapped out of my nostalgia once I pulled up to the parking lot of my apartment.
I put the key through my front door lock and opened the door. "Hey Gem I'm home" Gemma ran up to me and hugged me which I returned. "Hey! How was work?" "Oh it was fine." My eyes glanced to baby sleeping in his bassinet. "How was baby?" Gemma looked to the sleeping newborn and back to me. "He was just fine. He was a little cranky today but above all a good boy."
I thanked Gemma who's coat I handed to her on the way out. "See you later be safe bye." "Bye." Gemma's voice trailed going out the door. I took off my coat before focusing my attention to baby. "Hey baby boy! Did you miss me? Yes you did! I know you did cause you're da-" I stopped myself. "You're a special baby! You're a little sweetheart aren't ya?" Oh how I desperately wanted cover those little rosy dimpled cheeks in hello kissys.
I quickly changed baby and put him into a new outfit before leaving for the doctor's. On the way, I put on the radio to some 90's music. He seemed to enjoy it. His little head bobbed to the infamous Alanis Morissette 'Ironic'. I kept checking the rearview mirror, making sure baby was okay. I was still new to this so I didn't spring for the expensive attachment mirror for baby car seats.
London children's hospital.
I turned to the left and pulled into the parking deck. I always loved the murk lighting of the in between ramps and parking spaces. The blueish sometimes yellow aesthetic lights were the only ray of light inside the closed in building that was usually filled to the brim with cars. I got baby's carrier out of the car with him in it and we traveled down to the entrance along with two other couples who either had babies or toddlers.
On the way, Baby was entranced by the colorful cars while we walked to the doors. A green honda, a blue civic, a sliver chevy, all had the baby's attention. We went inside the elevator and took it up to the offices on level 8. Inside, I just kept taking deep breaths and looked down at baby who was sleeping soundly. I hated knowing I would have to wake him up for his appointment.
I just don't know what would move me to do all this? Buying him clothes, baby formula, toys, bottles, taking him to the doctors? I didn't just take him the adoption agency before and let them do all this for him. I guess because I care too much...I care so much about other people and I don't regret it of course, but this time it really took me out of the way. Financially, Physically and Emotionally.
I looked down at baby who was still sleeping. I guess what I'm trying to comprehend is that baby is special, he's more than just some lost, injured puppy dog on the street...he was more than helping out a homeless person with a couple dollars, he was more than giving a tired sad stranger a smile. It was a deeper pleasure having baby.. it was.....it....
Three little words threatened to spill from my gut but I shut them out. After all he won't be with me long.
The sad realization grappled me. Ding! The elevator doors opened and I was instantly met with distance cries of babies and toddlers. The hall was empty and as I stepped out, I could breathe in the sterile air. The carpeted floor held rigid against my shoes as I walked down the corridor trying to find the Doctor Evan's office.
My hand weighed heavy as I held the carrier that was carrying a baby who was now wide awake and hungry. His little fussy whines made me rush inside so I could feed him before those little whimpers turned into blood curdling screams. "Hello." I said waiting for the receptionist to notice me. "Hi." she smiled. It was a young girl that looked to be in 20's. The first thing I noticed was her red bob and bright pink lipstick. Her earrings were the exact same ones my own mother had.
"You have an appointment?" I nodded before responding with a yes. "For?" Her voice trailed once she saw the name I confirmed for baby. "Baby styles." It sounded like I was posting an announcement on my instagram to welcome my new child. But nonetheless was his actual name as of now. "It's a nickname we always go by." As if that would make it all normal. The state didn't even know he existed until now so what was I to do. The receptionist smiled and gave me a clipboard with the patient fill out attached to it.
I thanked her before taking it and moving over to one of the seats in the back. Before I filled it out, I took a bottle of the baby bag and fed baby quickly. He's a fast eater so it wasn't too laborious. But after burping him and putting him back in his carrier, I filled out the form and gave it back to the receptionist. I sat back down and monitored baby. I took little peeks at him in between to make sure he was okay.
Time passed slowly it seemed. 4:25 went to 5:21 then to 5:36. Time went on like that even though we were only there for 25 minutes. "Baby styles?" Everyone in the waiting room looked up at that name which made me more self aware. I quickly picked up the carrier and the baby bag before walking over to the nurse who was holding the door open for the patient to enter.
"Hello..Mr styles?" I nodded. "Come follow me please." We went to a room that was yellow and decorated in Curious George stickers. I set the carrier on the chair next to me before taking baby out and putting him on the exam table that was specifically for babies. The nurse took his height and weight before writing them down. I noticed her eyebrows furrowed. She wanted to comment and ask if he was a was a preemie but she left that part up for the doctor.
She took his blood pressure and typed some things down on the computer. "You said he's newborn correct?" "Yes." I held my breathe. "He was born when?" "I think 5 or 4 days ago?" She continued typing.
"Okay. He is due for his hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and polio shots today." "Okay." "The doctor will be in shortly." The nurse smiled and left the chart on the outside of the door. I went over to baby and tickled his tummy a little. He giggled and started smiling. "Oh you're just a special little guy aren't you?" I cooed.
The doctor came in and I took my seat again. "Hi I'm Dr. Evan" she said holding out a hand for me to shake which I did. "And hello to you too handsome!" She said cooing to baby and shaking his hand as well. "You're here with daddy today?" My eyes traveled down. I knew I was gonna have to tell her. "Uh, Baby here is...well...I found him yesterday abandoned by the back of a school and so I took him in and I just brought him here today to make sure he was fine. That's why his name's baby and why he's a little underweight for a newborn."
The doctor took it all in before giving me a smile. "That's very commendable of you Mr. Styles. You did more for him than anyone else could've." I was proud of that statement. "Thank you. I wish he was my son though." I just said that?
She giggled. "I know it's very easy to get attached." I agreed. "it is." She took out her stethoscope and listened to baby's heart. "Very good." Then she listened to his stomach. "Very good."
"Mr styles, considering your case with baby right now, would you like to take him home today or did you wanna leave him here? I have to ask because you know..." I nodded. "Take him home." Dr Evan nodded and wrote something down. "We'll have to report this to the police and call children services. It's mandatory. But if you were to be interested in fostering or adopting baby then you can provide a word to a agency worker or lawyer. I'll put in a good word if you need it." She winked. That made me hopeful.
She continued the exam and asked me all the questions I could answer like when he eats, and sleeps and if he was fussy or calm most of them time. "I'll be right back with the vaccinations. I have to say Mr styles, when I listened to baby's heart, lungs and stomach....I don't think he would've made it another day if it weren't for you." She smiled. "Thank you!" I graciously said. Tears welled up in my eyes thinking about the actions of mine that save baby's life.
I looked over to baby who was examining the room carefully. Almost with detail as he became fascinated with the curious George stickers. "Yeah, he's funny isn't he?" I cooed. The nurse came back in with 5 shots on a small light pink tray. "Okay Mr styles, could you hold baby's arms please?" I gently intertwined baby's hands with mine. "Okay here comes the first one." Said the nurse after wiping down his thighs with alcohol wipes.
In went one needle followed by a loud cry from baby. My heart broke but i knew that this was the best thing for the vulnerable newborn. "I know baby boy but we gotta do this so you can be healthy." I said sweetly. I couldn't resist pressing sweet big kisses to his chubby cheeks.
That soothed him for a while until the last injection was given. A shriek was released from baby's small toothless mouth and fought back tears. It was painful enough to hear a baby cry, but when that baby.... felt like your own, it hit differently.
After all was done, I scooped him in my arms and hugged him tight. "Shhhh it's all over now." I rubbed his back desperately trying to soothe the little guy's cries. "I'm here for you, it's okay daddy's got you."
I bit my tongue. I didn't mean that, I'm not daddy. It's just Harry or Mr styles.
Maybe not daddy yet. Oh shut up you always think sporadic!
I cleared my throat before setting baby back down in the table. I grabbed the baby bag and my jacket before settling baby in his carrier and then leaving.
"Would you like to make an appointment?" The receptionist asked. "Uh, not right now but I'll call later on." She nodded but I could tell she thought it was strange, I was strange I should say.
We left the office, heading back to the same elevator we came before. We went down to the parking deck and sudden ding! Snapped me out of my thoughts. The elevator doors opened to a mother pushing her disabled son in a wheelchair. I gave a polite smile which she returned.
She didn't think of me as a stranger to the baby I was holding in the carrier. I don't know why but I didn't feel like a stranger either to baby. He didn't feel strange to me despite me only knowing him for two days. I went back to my car with a heavy heart.
"We'll have to notify the police and children services because it's mandatory."
Those words ate at me. I didn't want them coming into my apartment and taking baby away from me.
I loved him.
Yes. I did! From the moment I met him I just couldn't let him go like that. He needed me, I was brought to him and I truly saw him as a priceless gift. Not something you have to pay for to raise. It was here I made a very crucial decision with baby. I was to adopt him.
The next day, children services came by along with the police. I let them in and asked them to take a seat. I brought baby out and set him down in his playpen.
"Thank you very much for welcoming us to your home first off. It has been brought to our attention that you found baby abandoned behind a school and so you took him in and cared for him right?" I nodded. The social worker wrote something down. "You took him to the doctor yesterday for a checkup and you reported your case to Dr Evan?"
"Yes." She wrote something down again. "I'm gonna ask you a few questions is that okay?" I agreed and we started. "Are you interested in adopting baby?" "Of course." "Are you in any relation or do you know any relatives of baby?" I shook my head. "No."
"Anyone in you're house that has criminal activity?" "Nope, it's just me and I've never been to jail or prison."
The social worker wrote something down and smiled. "Well you seem like a good candidate Mr styles. We'll have to take baby now but you still have a chance to adopt him. If you want baby specifically, then you can contact Sunnyside adoption center where baby will be taken and you can call and they'll give you an application and once you complete it and send it back, they'll schedule a meeting with you. The rest of the information is online at Sunnyside adoption center.com."
"Thank you very much." My eyes went to baby who was in his playpen. "Can I say goodbye first?" The social worker nodded and I picked baby up and held him.
"Okay baby this is the end now. I never got to name you or have you for that long but....I still treasure this time I spent with you. I'll try my best to have you again but if I can't..... I'll always love you. You'll always be my baby." His turquoise eyes looked into mine, his soft head with mini bald spots rested against my hand. I kissed his face one last time before giving him away to the social worker.
She smiled along with the two police officers. "Baby is very fortunate. I don't think he would've made it without your love." "Thank you." I said sheepishly. The trio left my apartment and I closed the door after them. I sat on my couch, scanning the room as if you say what just happened?.
Baby's bottle, his crib and clothes lied around the bedroom. Almost like a tornado had came and scattered everything around. I picked up one of his bottles and just... just broke down.
I've never loved anyone as hard or as much as I did baby. All I could see was those sweet little eyes and soft little fine hair. He was a quiet baby who rarely cried unless he wanted something or something was bothering him. Tears dropped on the floor and then on my jeans leaving wet splotches.
Baby. That was all that played on my mind. But it wasn't too late. I was determined to get baby back and adopt him.....no matter how long it took.
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He was born in a wet cardboard box all alone out in the cold
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