afragmentcastadrift · 2 years
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Lunch-time read. It was odd, and oddly moving.
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finnglas · 5 years
bossuary replied to your post: So we did a practice run with our Jessica and...
I have to learn how to pose for pictures. Kellie is so cute in all our full-body shots and I am so awkward, lol. I ONLY KNOW HOW TO DO SELFIES.
Also I’m going to Overtone my hair orange and curl it but I didn’t bother with that tonight. Also, I’m thinking of trying to get some purple wrist gloves. I think there’s not enough visual purple. 
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defira85 · 5 years
bossuary replied to your post: I know that The Chair was just a big joke for a...
oh i assumed The Chair, which had been a terrifying mystery, was only foreshadowing an erotic adventure. And the chair becomes the first of many upon which Essek literally and figuratively…raws Caleb into another dimension.
listen when Essek paused for a long moment when he was describing the spell and then smiled slowly and said “can be used for........... more creative applications” I made Tom stop the video so I could straight up YELL FOR FIVE MINUTES ABOUT THIS EXACT THING
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hallaheart · 5 years
bossuary replied to your post: huracan blog
Locate your candles now!
candles, lanterns, batteries, battery operated giant fan all charged, we are ready
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dreamerinsilico · 6 years
bossuary replied to your post “Well, I’m doing something wrong, lately, apparently, because my right...”
sometimes hand stuff is actually shoulder/neck stuff. particularly if numbness and tingling are pronounced. so, maybe you're hunching at the screen, head too far forward?
Seems entirely possible but that is also an always-thing.  I have The Worst posture.  ><
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elfyourmother · 6 years
bossuary replied to your post: “and sure let’s go there, i’m very well the kind of ~frivolous~ bitch...”:
it's ridiculous to think there are people who make personal aesthetic choices for literally every other aspect of their life, but then, when it comes to electronics, they're suddenly into some 1984-level austerity. and i can't help but think this is a gendered thing, right? if you want a phone or a computer that's pretty, looks nice, fits with your aesthetic, well you know what that makes you.
it’s bizarre and i really dgi. i've never understood why there’s the stubborn insistence that design should be an afterthought and is inherently less important than function and only frivolous ppl value it at all. maybe it’s lingering bullshit from the “macs are just toys” dark ages when IBM ruled the workplace with beige no fun boxes and fucking DOS
first of all i willingly spend hours each week painting my face for no other reason than bc i like to play with colors, and when i go clothes shopping i end up hauling 9 million things into the dressing room and brutally paring it down with a critical eye bc i am very particular about things like silhouette, tailoring, etc. and i’m hardly an expert at it but when i cook i put care into plating because i eat with my eyes as much as with my mouth, and when i pack lunch for work i take special care to arrange things nicely because it makes me feel good about eating out of tupperware.
we all know how i write.
so why wouldn’t the look and feel of my electronics be important to me?? i spend a lot of time staring at them, both because i have to and because i like to, so if given the choice i want to stare at a nice looking device that works and welp that’s what I have at home
just as one example, from a practical standpoint the 27″ screen on this machine isn’t just stupidly pretty but it means I can utilize scrivener in ways i never used to be able to solely because I have a lot more real estate to work with (i can use the labeling feature). when i’m doing boring spreadsheets for trips i don’t have to mess with tabs and i can also see my pretty hi rez desktop pic at times other than on startup. that’s important to me, and i’m glad that i saved up for it.
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servantofclio · 6 years
kerrykhat replied to your post “On the other hand – and I know I might just get exiled from the DA...”
ngl I hate that section mostly bc the first time I played it I didn't realize I had to select sections and instead thought my console froze
Whoops! I can see how that would be a problem.
janiemcpants replied to your post “On the other hand – and I know I might just get exiled from the DA...”
I love all the Fade sections! They're all fun in different ways! (I like the Deep Roads, too. Except for the final boss of The Descent. That guy can bite me.)
Yeah, the Descent was pretty brutal. I do find the Deep Roads in DAO a bit of a slog. I’d be happier if I could fast-travel between the Deep Roads and somewhere to sell my useless loot. :P
But the Fade is fun!
bossuary replied to your post “On the other hand – and I know I might just get exiled from the DA...”
my favorite part of the Fade is running around as the avatar of Fire, bc the running animation for Fire Guy is faster than normal. so, it's like a Benny Hill sketch the whole time.
Yes! The burning man is the fastest avatar, you can really zip around.
coppermarigolds replied to your post “On the other hand – and I know I might just get exiled from the DA...”
So, uh...wanna come over and play through the Fade sections for me next time I play DA? :p
LOL, I totally would if I were in the neighborhood.:D
It’s basically one big puzzle level, where the puzzle revolves around switching avatars to get through new obstacles. I suspect it’s easier to do all the solo combats as a mage, though.
lisafer replied to your post “On the other hand – and I know I might just get exiled from the DA...”
It was playing the broken circle stuff that made me realize playing a mage would be fun. I adored it. :)
Mages are so great in DAO. In the DA games in general, certainly, but they’re probably a little overpowered in DAO. I guess that’s consistent with the setting?
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foundcarcosa · 6 years
bossuary replied to your post “ok well they need to extend Parts Unknown’s Netflix run because I...”
it is a marvelous show, beautifully shot, and it always tried to be conscientious of the greater context of its subjects.
yeah I see, but I’m not gonna have time to watch it all at this rate
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EXCELLENT eye shadow color!! and afa lip color, i'd encourage you to be brave with richer colors! your coloring (and your brows) definitely supports it. general rule is that the more basic/toned-down your eye makeup, the bolder you can go with the lip. the bolder the eye makeup, the more neutral the lip should be. PLUS, you have a fantastic lip shape to start with.
aww, thanks. i was brave today and wore the brink lippie stix, but i am baffled by how much darker it is on me vs. how it looks on the website. it’s much less pink, much more brownish-red, than advertised. i like it, but was definitely imagining a different color when i ordered it.
elfgirl931 replied to your post “i went…unusually glam (for me) for our pathfinder game last...”
How lovely!!!! That is some great eyeshadow blending right there!!!
montpahrnah replied to your post “i went…unusually glam (for me) for our pathfinder game last...”
dronemasters replied to your post “i went…unusually glam (for me) for our pathfinder game last...”
ooh!!! ur eyeshadow looks great on u!!
thank you guys :D i am pretty new to doing anything but the most basic makeup so this is out of my comfort zone.
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avoskorm · 7 years
@bossuary pedantry is always appreciated.
It’s not really a word I use often so themoreyouknow.gif
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faejilly · 7 years
@bossuary replied to your post “@bossuary replied to your audio post: (via… ...”
i am also bad at music. i look down my itunes library and i have very little music from after 2009 or so.
I... uh
don’t  have an iTunes library? Like, there’s this moment when I find a song/album/artist I like, right, and I think about buying something for them, but then I think about ALL THE OTHER songs/albums/artists I like, and I can’t buy all of them, so I don’t buy any of them. (I did the same thing at the comic shop the other day, and we went specifically so I could get another Bombshell blind box)
I own (the actual CD boxset) The Police Message In A Box because it was a present and everything else I stole from my mother/rooomate/husband/etc so it’s not a very accurate collection of things.
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finnglas · 5 years
bossuary replied to your post: Confession: half the reason I bought blue light...
aka what I say whenever you post a selfie!!
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hallaheart · 5 years
bossuary replied to your post: It has been forever since I drew this nerd, so...
you always do the softest, loveliest shading.
you are so nice thank you
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tiefighter · 7 years
idk if this is weird to say, i hope it comes out the right way. i've been following you for a LONG ass time, and every time you post a new drawing it's clear how much your skills have matured. your expressions, your personal style, it's all so so great. and i'm super proud of you. if i can say that?
;;;;;;; OH MY GOSH THAT IS SO NICE? I really hope you don’t mind me publishing this babe but holy shit? ! This was such a nice thing to get in my inbox I’m just gonna rub my face on it
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servantofclio · 6 years
bossuary replied to your photo “I was going to sleep later this morning, but 7 am hail made that...”
it looks like you snatched the blind, all-seeing eyeballs from a tiny eldritch creature.
perhaps I should keep them in the freezer and use them for spells...
thisonelikesaliens replied to your photo “I was going to sleep later this morning, but 7 am hail made that...”
tetrahedrals replied to your photo “I was going to sleep later this morning, but 7 am hail made that...”
bigassmagnet replied to your photo “I was going to sleep later this morning, but 7 am hail made that...”
Holy crap!
Hail can get a lot bigger than this, though I am grateful it didn’t. These happened to be two of the larger pieces in reach. Most of it was like... nickel-sized hail.
I haven’t seen that much hail in quite a while, though, like several years.
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alta-et-astra · 7 years
bossuary replied to your photo: I forgot to mention that last November I got a...
I’m glad you like it!
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