#bossuet et bahorel
thebrickinbrick · 4 months
DURING those hours of waiting, what did they do? We must needs tell, since this is a matter of history.
While the men made bullets and the women lint, while a large saucepan of melted brass and lead, destined to the bullet-mould smoked over a glowing brazier, while the sentinels watched, weapon in hand, on the barricade, while Enjolras, whom it was impossible to divert, kept an eye on the sentinels,
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Combeferre, Courfeyrac, Jean Prouvaire, Feuilly, Bossuet, Joly, Bahorel, and some others, sought each other out and united as in the most peaceful days of their conversations in their student life, and, in one corner of this wine-shop which had been converted into a casement, a couple of paces distant from the redoubt which they had built, with their carbines loaded and primed resting against the backs of their chairs, these fine young fellows, so close to a supreme hour, began to recite love verses. What verses?
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Vous rappelez-vous notre douce vie, Lorsque nous étions si jeunes tous deux, Et que nous n'avions au cœur d'autre envie Que d'être bien mis et d'être amoureux, Lorsqu'en ajoutant votre age à mon age, Nous ne comptions pas à deux quarante ans, Et que, dans notre humble et petit ménage, Tout, même l'hiver, nous était printemps?
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Beaux jours! Manuel etait fier et sage, Paris s'asseyait à de saints banquets, Foy lançait la foudre, et votre corsage Avait une épingle où je me piquais. Tout vous contemplait. Avocat sans causes, Quand je vous menais au Prado dîner, Vous étiez jolie au point que les roses Me faisaient l'effet de se retourner.
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Je les entendais dire: Est elle belle! Comme elle sent bon! Quels cheveux à fiots Sous son mantelet elle cache une aile, Son bonnet charmant est à peine éclos. J'errais avec toi, pressant ton bras souple. Les passants crovaient que l'amour charmé Avait marié, dans notre heureux couple, Le doux mois d'avril au beau mois de mai.
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Nous vivions cachés, contents, porte close, Dévorant l'amour, bon fruit défendu, Ma bouche n'avait pas dit une chose Que déjà ton cœur avait répondu.
La Sorbonne était l'endroit bucolique Où je t'adorais du soir au matin. C'est ainsi qu'une âme amoureuse applique La carte du Tendre au pays Latin.
O place Maubert! ô place Dauphine! Quand, dans le taudis frais et printanier, Tu tirais ton bas sur ton jambe fine, Je voyais un astre au fond du grenier. J'ai fort lu Platon, mais rien ne m'en reste; Mieux que Malebranche et que Lamennais Tu me démontrais la bonté céleste Avec une fleur que tu me donnais.
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Je t'obéissais, tu m'étais soumise; O grenier doré! te lacer! te voir Aller et venir dès l'aube en chemise, Mirant ton jeune front à ton vieux miroir. Et qui donc pourrait perdre la mémoire De ces temps d'aurore et de firmament, De rubans, de fleurs, de gaze et de moire, Où l'amour bégaye un argot charmant? Nos jardins étaient un pot de tulipe; Tu masquais la vitre avec un jupon; Je prenais le bol de terre de pipe, Et je te donnais le tasse en japon.
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Et ces grands malheurs qui nous faisaient rire! Ton manchon brûlé, ton boa perdu! Et ce cher portrait du divin Shakespeare Qu'un soir pour souper nons avons vendu!
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J'étais mendiant et toi charitable. Je baisais au vol tes bras frais et ronds. Dante in folio nous servait de table Pour manger gaîment un cent de marrons. La première fois qu'en mon joyeux bouge Je pris un baiser a ton lèvre en feu, Quand tu t'en allais décoiffée et rouge, Je restai tout pâle et je crus en Dieu! Te rappelles-tu nos bonheurs sans nombre, Et tous ces fichus changés en chiffons? Oh que de soupirs, de nos cœurs pleins d'ombre, Se sont envolés dans les cieux profonds!(1)
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The hour, the spot, these souvenirs of youth recalled, a few stars which began to twinkle in the sky, the funeral repose of those deserted streets, the imminence of the inexorable adventure which was in preparation, gave a pathetic charm to these verses murmured in a low tone in the dusk by Jean Prouvaire, who, as we have said, was a gentle poet.
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In the meantime, a lamp had been lighted in the small barricade, and in the large one, one of those wax torches such as are to be met with on Shrove-Tuesday in front of vehicles loaded with masks, on their way to la Courtille. These torches, as the reader has seen, came from the Faubourg Saint-Antoine.
The torch had been placed in a sort of cage of paving-stones closed on three sides to shelter it from the wind, and disposed in such a fashion that all the light fell on the flag. The street and the barricade remained sunk in gloom, and nothing was to be seen except the red flag formidably illuminated as by an enormous dark-lantern.
This light enhanced the scarlet of the flag, with an indescribable and terrible purple.
(1) Do you remember our sweet life, when we were both so young, and when we had no other desire in our hearts than to be well dressed and in love? When, by adding your age to my age, we could not count forty years between us, and when, in our humble and tiny household, everything was spring to us even in winter. Fair days! Manuel was proud and wise, Paris sat at sacred banquets, Foy launched thunderbolts, and your corsage had a pin on which I pricked myself. Everything gazed upon you. A briefless lawyer, when I took you to the Prado to dine, you were so beautiful that the roses seemed to me to trn round, and I heard them say: Is she not beautiful! How good she smells! What billowing hair! Beneath her mantle she hides a wing. Her charming bonnet is hardly unfolded. I wandered with thee, pressing thy supple arm. The passers-by thought that love bewitched had wedded, in our happy couple, he gentle month of April to the fair month of May. We lived concealed, conent, with closed doors, devouring love, that sweed forbidden fruit. My mouth had not uttered a thing when thy heart had already responded. The Sorbonne was the bucolic spot where I adored thee from eve till morn. 'Tis thus that an amorous soul applies the chart of the Tender to the Latin country. O Place Maubert! O Place Dauphine! When in the fresh spring-like hut thou didst draw thy stocking on thy delicate leg, I saw a star in the depths of the garret. I have read a great deal of Plato, but nothing of it remains by me; better than Malebranche and than Lamennais thou didst demonstrate to me celestial goodness with a flower which thou gavest to me. I obeyed thee, thou didst submit to me; oh gilded garret! to lace thee! to behold thee going and coming from dawn in thy chemise, gazing at thy yourg brow in thine ancient mirror! And who, then, would forego the memory of those days of aurora and the firmament, of flowers, of gauze and of moire. when love stammers a charming slang? Our gardens consisted of a pot of tulips; thou didst mask the window with thy petticoat; I took the earthenware bowl and I gave thee the Japanese cup. And those great misfortunes which made us laugh! Thy cuff scorched, thy boa lost! And that dear portrait of the divine Shakespeare which we sold one evening that we might sup! I was a beggar and thou wert charitable. I kissed thy fresh round arms in haste. A folio Danto served us as a table on which to eat merrily a centime's worth of chestnuts. The first time that. in my joyous den, I snatched a kiss from thy fiery lip, when thou wentest forth, dishevelled and blushing, I turned deathly pale and I believed in God. Dost thou recall our innumerable joys, and all those fichus changed to rags? Oh! what sighs from our hearts full of gloom fluttered forth to the heavenly depths!”
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First Ten Lines game
Rules: Share the first line of ten of your most recent fanfics (edit: or original fiction) and then tag ten people. Don't have ten? Not to worry, just share what you have. Thanks for the tag @mysunfreckle and for doubling down on it to remind me. I’m going to come in with a mix of fanfic and original works, some of which are still only wee snippets in my ideas folder
1) The ship was burning. Original, A Sweet Sting Of Salt, aka Salty—my debut novel, coming next year from Dell/RHC!
2) As soon as I touched him, I knew the man was dead.  Original, WIP currently titled Venus In Ashes, aka Ashy. I’m on chapter 25, and about 2/3rds finished.
3) The man, the thing, was not human. Les Mis fanfic, And You Will Have Your Hearts’ Desire. The one that started it all, really. Grantaire accidentally gives his name to a murderous fae entity bent on gifting him the deepest desire of his heart.
4)We were murderous children. Original snippet, no clue what it wants to be yet but I suspect it might be a portal fantasy which is not my usual lane.
5) This is the way you make brioche. Original.  No plot only vibes, but it has a name: Babas. A baba is a kind of cake, it is also what some people call a witch. This is not an accident.
6) Joly froze, halfway into the carriage.  Les Mis Fanfic WIP, Weekend at Blondeau’s, aka the Weekend at Bernie’s AU no one asked for.
7) The church at Saint Merry was, for a wonder, entirely empty.  Les Mis fanfic WIP, Every Seminarian A Firecracker. Rarepair Enjolras/Bahorel which (as with 6) I really must finish because I promised @pilferingapples I would.
8)The Inspector looked around the empty room again. Les MIs Fanfic, Clickety-Clackety. Yes, it was me, I did it, I wrote that fanfic where Cosette’s haunted doll eats all the bad guys. Including the director of BBC les mis.
9) Musichetta knew something was wrong the moment he kissed her. Les Mis fanfic, Bossuet/Laigle. The one where Joly does not hesitate, a moment which was not meant to be as funny as apparently everyone finds it.
10)Marius Pontmercy was not unaware of his status as a noodle. Les Mis Fanfic, Entre Chien Et Loup. Somehow it’s a fix it fic for the Thenardier kids, but in the most disturbing way possible. I always get weirdly anxious about tagging people? So if you’re reading this, and write, and haven’t been tagged in it, consider yourself on of my ten and go for it!
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grantairelibere · 7 years
True!!! Clumsy smurf is Bossuet le costaud est bahorel??? Omg the farmer/inventor = feuilly??????
Schtroumpfs frileux is ofc joly! Wait.... Ou est-ce le schrtoumpf nurse?
Smurf coquet- courfeyrac? Ou il y en a un autre? Hmmmnm incertitude quand tu nous tiens...
Joly peut être les deux (infermier et frileux) loool et  om f g why do these work so well ahahahaha 
ok mais: Marius est le strompf pleureur  
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expired-applejuice · 2 years
Enjolras told them not to let the wine go to their brain. He told them they should stop drinking. But did they listen? No.
Now he was in a circle with his friends:
Feuilly Jehan
Combeferre Joly
Enjolras Bossuet
Bahorel Grantaire
Courfeyrac asked Grantaire to finish his bottle then had it to him, Grantaire happily did as asked. Courfeyrac put the bottle in the middle of the friends, making them giggle. Enjolras saw where I was going and went to get up, but Combeferre pulled him down.
"Et tu, Combeferre?" He asked looking disappointed.
They were freaking school boy, and Feuilly, playing a middle school game. They should be planing their next move, not being childish. But he was out voted and they began to play.
"Who's first?" Courfeyrac asked.
Bossuet grabbed the bottle before anyone else did, "Me!" He gave the bottle a spin and crossed his finger, "Joly, Joly, Joly, Joly."
The bottle slowed down and pointed to Feuilly. Joly pouted, "He wanted me dumb bottle."
They laugh as Feuilly and Bossuet leaned in for a kiss. Before they got too, Jehan let out a giggle. They both backed away laughing. Then tried again just for someone else to do the same. Soon they finally kissed. It barely got to five seconds before Joly pulled Bossuet away by his collar.
Feuilly cackled as he span the bottle. They watched it go around and around. Some of them got another drink as Enjolras sighed. When the bottle finally stopped it landed on Combeferre.
Combeferre wasted no time on laugher and kissed Feuilly, it was a bit longer than the last but still quick nonetheless. Combeferre took his turned and landed on Courfeyrac. This make Enjolras snicker himself. Both had trun red as they stared at eachother for a minute.
"Well get on with it," Enjolras smiled.
Combeferre glared at him with a huff before kissing Courfeyrac. Unlike the kiss he just shared with Feuilly, Combeferre closed his eyes while cupping Courfeyrac's face. Though they couldn't tell who it was from, someone squealed happily.
The friends waited in silence for one to end the kiss. When Combeferre pulled away and looked at Courfeyrac red face, he froze. He took a moment to fully realize that they just kiss.
"Come on we want some action too!" Bahorel commented making both jump. It earned him a slap on the head by Grantaire.
Courfeyrac cleared his throat and took his turn, landing on Bahorel. Bahorel, crawled to the middle of the circle, as Courfeyrac did the same and they went to kiss, but ended up bumping heads. They both sat back and rubbed their heads as the rest laugh.
Enjolras had relaxed a bit, this did prove to be quite entertaining. The two kiss and they then backed away quickly. Grantaire teased his friend by making kissy noises followed by a doink sound, imitating what happen. Bahorel flicked him on the nose.
Bahorel took his turn landing on Grantaire. They glared at each other. Grantaire looked away and started to gag, making Joly gag too. Bahorel on the other hand pulled Grantaire close and tried to kiss him. Grantaire tried to push him away as laughter surrounded them.
Grantaire gave in after the laughter died down as he kissed him quickly, both quickly turned their heads and pretend to throw up, again making Joly gag.
Grantaire gave the bottle a gentle spin, whiping his lips. He watch it spin, slow down, and land on Enjolras.
Without thinking Combeferre yelled in victory, clapping and being annoying. Enjolras's face had gone red as he stared at the bottle, then moved his eyes to Grantaire. Grantaire was froze as he gulped.
He sighed, "we don't have to Enjolras."
"Like the hell you don't," Courfeyrac interrupted.
Combeferre snapped his head towards Grantaire, "Do not take this away from me by being a gentleman."
Enjolras have a small smile to Grantaire before moving closer too him. Both of their hearts beating fast. Grantaire put a hand on Enjolras's cheek as his thumb rubbed the smooth pale skin. His thumb migrated to Enjolras's lips, as they parted Slightly.
Enjolras's breath hitched as Grantaire got closer, moving this thumb away from his lips so he can replace them with his own. Both their eyes shut as they leaned in.
When their lips meet, both of their brains began to fog. Grantaire felt like he forgot who he was, and Enjolras couldn't seem to remember how to breathe. Enjolras felt Grantaire stubble against his hairless chin, strangely liking the feeling. Grantaire felt sober. He couldn't believe this was happening
Joly then accidentally coughs. The two jump away, opening their eyes and looked over to see a few people attacking the poor guy.
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fremedon · 2 years
Brickclub 4.12.6, “Waiting”
IT’S PROUVAIRE’S POEM. It made me cry this time, which it’s never done before, but the more I learn about the time period the harder this piece of nostalgia hits.
It’s a love poem about the days when the oldest of them were new in Paris and young--so, the early 1820s, but mostly their early 20s, and late teens.
These characters are, at most, early 30s: Courfeyrac is 25, Enjolras--the one (awake) person absent from the poetry recital--is 26, Joly is 27, Bossuet and the unconscious Grantaire are 29, Bahorel’s age is unstated but he’d been in school for 11 years as of four years ago. The poem is youth looking back on youth, with a grave but indulgent sense of nostalgia, as though already looking forward to how little space there will be between these events and their recollection from the distance of age.
Some of that is Hugo’s own age and years of exile seeping through. And the Romantics just liked nostalgia. They indulged in it as early and as often as they could. Looking back on the carefree days of 20 from the mature heights of 29 is a very Romantic mood.
But it’s also a poem about commonplace experiences being--and being remembered as--epochal because one is experiencing them for the first time, within a nostalgic frame that’s already wistful. It’s casting them as great and triumphal moments because it understands that as time passes and the poet--and the audience--live their lives, there will be and have already been more moments like these, that these memories are important not because they are unique but because they are universal. 
And the men reciting it are never again going to go home to their mistress’s garret, and drink from mismatched cups and eat chestnuts off a folio Dante in lieu of a table. Those moments have to be universal, now--they have to stand in for all the others they’ll never have.
They don’t know that yet, not for certain. This is the moment where they wait for the city to rise. They know it may take time: In 1830, most of the barricades went up overnight, after the first of the Three Glorious Days. This is, itself, a nostalgic moment for them, at a distance of just two years. They have no way to know, and no overwhelming reason to fear, that sunrise will show them a city already beaten.
But they know the risks; and for this moment, they are looking back on their lives in full appreciation of what they are ready to lose.
...and I was going to list more images from the poem a few paragraphs back, of things they’ll never do again, but then I got to this stanza:
Je t’obèissais, tu m’étais soumise O grenier doré! te lacer! te voir! Aller et venir dès l’aube en chemise, Mirant ton front jeune à ton vieux miroir!
...and realized that, except for Prouvaire and Bahorel, they will all be up and about in their shirtsleeves at dawn, while Joly examines himself in Mère Houcheloup’s old hand-mirror, and I had to go cry again.
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kcrabb88 · 3 years
8 + 14 for the most recent writers wip ask meme for the Constellation Trilogy?
8) How much has the story changed since its original incarnation?
The things that people loved about the OG fic are definitely still there! (At least, I hope!) but I've definitely improved and streamlined not just SBOS, but the whole trilogy (still streamlining the other two books). I can think of a few things off-hand that have changed.
The character arcs are more fleshed out! I did cut a couple of characters from the original Les Mis fic version (Marius and Eponine, mainly, and the characters that were originally the Thenardiers, while still there, play a smaller role). Turning the story into original fiction gave me space both to expand upon the characters that were originally LM characters, and to give the characters that were OCs in the fic more depth. Arthur, Michel, Astra, Chantal, Tiena, Travers, et. all have more to them. More backstory, more arcs of their own. The originally LM characters, while still recognizable to those who are in LM fandom, can easily be accessed by people who aren't, and I could add more backstory and traits that might not fit as much for the canon version of the characters. The original fic was always this interesting mash-up of fic and original work, which is part of what makes it SO fun to play with.
I also REALLY have worked to clear out plot holes and sculpt it, which meant cutting some scenes from the original fic, writing new scenes, shortening some things up and lengthening over things, or changing POV. The middle of the OG fic (so, mostly book 2 of the trilogy) while still having the big plot beats from the fic, has changed a good bit structure wise (for the better), and some characters that were introduced in Part 1 of the fic are now introduced in book 2 (the characters that were originally Bahorel, Prouvaire, Joly, Bossuet, and Grantaire, namely) as made sense for the plot. So even though you'll have to wait to meet some of them until book 2, their intros are FUN if I do say so myself.
I've also added a lot of historical details! Which is fun. I'm going on, but I think what people loved about the original fic is still there, and the major beats are definitely present, but it's a stronger story and more accessible to a wider audience. I'm just!! Extremely proud of how it's turned out.
14 is answered!
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helyannis · 4 years
Les Amis as fashion plates
... from approximately canon era, 1828 to 1834. The Parisian plates are a bit repetitive so many of these are from the Wiener Zeitschrift.
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I'd say the clothes are not so much him, but the hair and the face ... [Journal des dames et des modes 1830]
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obviously the guy with a book (please note the pointy shoes) [Traité encyclopédique de l'art du tailleur 1834, not a fashion magazine but it’s still about the clothes so]
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He is one to never wear a high, stiff cravat if at all avoidable. As The art of tying the cravat (1828) points out, that would "cramp the imagination". And this robe-de-chambre? - ! [Wiener Zeitschrift 1830]
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Workingmen don't get fashion plates. But the guy on the right looks like a Feuilly, with a sensible coat and, again, a not so restricting cravat. [Wiener Zeitschrift 1831]
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[Wiener Zeitschrift 1828]
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A bit too "tame" for Bahorel, but the red waistcoat all covered in lace 👌 [Journal des dames et des modes 1831]
Bossuet - It's just his luck that in the age of artful curls there are no fashion plates with bald men - except for these guys presenting Turkish military dress ... [Magasin för Konst, Nyheter och Moder 1830]
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So let's ignore that he should be bald. Instead he gets to hang out with ...
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[Wiener Zeitschrift 1829]
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This looks like a guy explaining that he totally planned to do the thing today, but ... [Wiener Zeitschrift 1833]
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pilferingapples · 5 years
Joly for the ask thing!
First impression
wow he’s just a total sweetheart?? 
Impression now
yes, definitely a total sweetheart! 
Favorite moment
**standing in the middle of a battle zone, having just lost two of his dearest friends, hungry and thirsty and with no certainty about what’s coming **  “ LOOK A KITTY, obviously God is real and also Good if there are cats”  
#relatable tbh
Idea for a story
…If I could fic, which I cannot, I would love to do something with how he and Bahorel got to apparently being gossip-and-feels buddies. They’re so obviously different, but they get one of the bigger bits of conversation that doesn’t involve Grantaire! when and how did they Click?  And how illegal was what they were doing at the time? :D
Unpopular opinion
Not so much an Unpopular thing as just one that is maybe uncommon..?  
There’s this line from the Conventionist when he’s talking with Myriel: 
“L’homme ne doit être gouverne que par la science.”“Et la conscience”, ajouta la eveque.“C’est la même chose. La conscience, c’est la quantité de science innée que nous avons en nous.” 
 Man must be governed by science; Conscience is the amount of science innate  within us. 
 From that lens, what Enjolras sees as Joly’s gift of science  takes on a much deeper resonance–and one that works with what we see of him on-page , too. Joly’s focus on science all comes with a human-scale focus; no doubt he can get excited about trains and telegraphs too , but the science that occupies him is all on a much more intimate scale.  It may go off on what we now think of as wacky tangents, but none of Joly’s experiments that we’re told of are harmful –much less than a lot of the standard medicine of his day, in fact.  It’s all based on being immediately aware of surrounding environment and circumstance. And it’s all about human health and comfort, on a personal, workable scale.
Keeping an eye on your own weakness, treating it with compassion and an eye to how external factors are affecting it, while always being open to trying new things to be better,healthier  (and of course, always remembering that You Are Mortal)–does that not sound like an approach Bishop Myriel might recognize? Even to seeing the goodness of God in the presence of small, easily overlooked creatures?
Joly’s a goofy good-natured nerd, and a lot about him is easy to read as silly– he is silly! But like the Amis as a whole, I think it’s a mistake to think he’s just  silly. His cheerful, optimistic involvement is a promise that the Amis would never have lost their conscience in cold absolutism–would never have forgotten that innate science in themselves.  No wonder Enjolras thinks it’s Joly’s greatest gift. 
Favorite relationship
With Bossuet, obviously!  I wish we saw more of them, but I love that their Dynamic is so clear from the little we do see–the constantly high-energy fussbird who wants to poke at everything and the laid-back-to-the-point-of-becoming-a-mural guy, Goofballs United:D. (Granted Joly is also part of one of one of the few heteromances in the book that seem at all potentially good though; I really appreciate that even when he’s fighting with Musichetta he has nothing  bad to say about her, he’s just sad about the fight– I just don’t see enough of Musichetta for it match the onpage relationship with Legle.) Either way , though, what a good bean. 
Favorite headcanon
aah I have a lot– but the one that I am always loyal to and thus I suppose My Favorite is that he is  chronically ill, but with something like allergies that happens in Episodes and which no one in his era has yet figured out, so he sometimes gets obviously super sick  and then…it Goes Away and no one knows why. The social and personal issues attending an undiagnosed Mystery Condition  (and which yes, I am unfortunately familiar with) are things that I think play into Joly’s character as we’re shown it very well. 
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psychoticenjolras · 5 years
so @ellevante​ and i were talking about enjolras in lolita when she mentioned les amis as lolita, so i obviously had to do that
enjolras, haenuli’s the empress
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combeferre, juliette et justine’s paysage
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courfeyrac, angelic pretty’s honey cake yoke
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feuilly, juliette et justine’s robe du pluvier
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bahorel, sex pot revenge’s rock skull chiffon
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jehan, alice and the pirates’s rosy night’s masquerade
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joly, baby the stars shine bright’s florence’s medicine chest
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bossuet, baby the stars shine bright’s cinderella 
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grantaire, baby the stars shine bright’s drosselmeyer’s toy box
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ao3feed-courferre · 4 years
i hate landlords
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3eArkzs
by Lyumi
Grantaire ne comprend pas pourquoi Enjolras cherche un appartement, Courfeyrac et Combeferre sont gay, Jehan est gentil·le, en résumé; une soirée normale chez les Amis de l'ABC.
Words: 1732, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Français
Fandoms: Les Misérables - All Media Types, Les Misérables - Victor Hugo
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Enjolras (Les Misérables), Grantaire (Les Misérables), Courfeyrac (Les Misérables), Jean "Jehan" Prouvaire, Combeferre (Les Misérables), Bahorel (Les Misérables), Feuilly (Les Misérables), Joly (Les Misérables), Bossuet Laigle
Relationships: Enjolras/Grantaire (Les Misérables), Combeferre/Courfeyrac (Les Misérables)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, idk - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Non-Binary Jean Prouvaire, Enjolras Is Bad At Feelings, Enjolras Is Bad At Communicating, Sad Grantaire
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3eArkzs Note: this is just an ao3feed post. The author of this story will get no notifications of likes, reblogs, or comments left on this post. So, please, if you're considering liking or commenting on this post, I appreciate it... but I'd appreciate it more if you do it on the actual fic, too. Signal boosting by reblogging is always welcome, but again... if you like the story enough to reblog this post, please consider letting the author know you liked it, too. Thank you for your consideration! ^_^
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wilwywaylan · 5 years
Une pile de couvertures
Small text for the Christmas Exchange for @flo-nelja (and it’s your birthday, so present for you !)
Ca commence par un petit rien. Un frisson, le plus souvent, un éternuement. Le plus souvent, Courfeyrac, ou Bossuet s'il a été assez malchanceux pour attraper un rhume une fois de plus. Immédiatement, s'il n'a pas été celui qui éternue ou grelotte, Joly bondit (dans le cas contraire, il clame volontiers qu'il a de nouveau attrapé la peste, le choléra, la fièvre des marais, ou toute autre maladie ayant attiré son attention) - Joly bondit, donc, pousse le malheureux vers la plus proche source de chaleur, l'enveloppe dans un plaid, et lui colle une boisson chaude dans les mains.
L'étape suivante consiste à trouver une autre source de chaleur, qui est généralement fournie sous forme d'un Bahorel. C'est assez impressionnant de voir Joly, avec sa stature de moineau, pousser une montagne comme Bahorel - ou plutôt Bahorel se laisser complaisament piloter, jusqu'à être assis contre le malheureux. Joly entreprend alors de l'envelopper également dans la couverture pour maximiser les effets. Ce n'est pas facile de couvrir entièrement quelqu'un de la stature de Bahorel avec une couverture faite pour un individu d'une taille normale, et il faut la plupart du temps compenser avec une seconde.
Toute cette agiitation ne manque pas d'attirer l'attention du reste du groupe. La plupart du temps, Grantaire est le premier à bouger, attiré par la chaleur et la proximité de ses amis. Avec toute la grâce qui le caractérise, il vient se vautrer sur les genoux les plus proches comme une sorte de très gros chat habillé de vert. Il arrive qu'il se fasse doucher à la boisson chaude, ou pousser par les propriétaires des genoux, mais c'est plutôt rare. En général, ils le laissent en place, se contentant de jouer avec ses cheveux.
Petit à petit, les autres viennent graviter autour du noyau. Combeferre prétend qu'il s'agit du meilleur endroit pour lire, Enjolras traîne pratiquement Feuilly vers le groupe en arguant qu'il risque de prendre froid avec ses gants troués et doit se maintenir au chaud autant que possible (et se retrouve intégré au groupe par corrolaire). S'il n'est pas déjà emballé, Courfeyrac ne rate pas une occasion de venir s'installer sur ses amis et de les câliner. Il est plus difficile d'intégrer Marius, qui n'ose toujours pas considérer qu'il fait partie du groupe et peut donc lui aussi se joindre à l'empilement.
Cela prend généralement un peu de temps, beaucoup de maneouvres, de bousculades, et parfois quelques pieds écrasés. Le canapé n'est bien sûr pas assez grand, et les fauteuils sont traînés pour former une surface plus large et confortable. Joly sort toutes les couvertures du placard, les drape et les ajuste pour que tout le monde soit correctement couvert, jusqu'à ce que Bossuet l'oblige à se faire une place dans le nid. Jehan distribue des tasses de thé, d'infusions, de chocolat et de café, ne se trompant jamais dans l'attribution des boissons, avant de se caler de préférence contre Bahorel, là où la couverture qui peine à le couvrir forme une tente où il peut s'installer pour écrire.
Ce qui commence par un simple petit frisson termine généralement ainsi, et voilà qu'un après-midi qui avait démarré comme un innocent rassemblement pour lutter contre les inégalités sociales finit avec un groupe de jeunes gens entassés sous une pile de couverture et échangeant des plaisanteries en profitant de la chaleur du feu. Et si parfois, l'un de ces éternuements est un tout petit peu factice, qui pourrait les en blâmer ?
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zevlogofamiserable · 5 years
Meta #5: Fanon, canon and my own shenanigans
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If there’s a truth universally acknowledged, it’s that Prouvaire is a Cinnamon Roll too pure for this world. Hugo said it himself and that’s probably the only thing on which everyone agrees. 
Jean Prouvaire était une nuance plus adoucie encore que Combeferre. Il s’appelait Jehan, par cette petite fantaisie momentanée qui se mêlait au puissant et profond mouvement d’où est sortie l’étude si nécessaire du moyen âge. Jean Prouvaire était amoureux, cultivait un pot de fleurs, jouait de la flûte, faisait des vers, aimait le peuple, plaignait la femme, pleurait sur l’enfant, confondait dans la même confiance l’avenir et Dieu, et blâmait la révolution d’avoir fait tomber une tête royale, celle d’André Chénier. Il avait la voix habituellement délicate et tout à coup virile. Il était lettré jusqu’à l’érudition, et presque orientaliste. Il était bon par-dessus tout ; et, chose toute simple pour qui sait combien la bonté confine à la grandeur, en fait de poésie il préférait l’immense. Il savait l’italien, le latin, le grec et l’hébreu ; et cela lui servait à ne lire que quatre poètes : Dante, Juvénal, Eschyle et Isaïe. En français il préférait Corneille à Racine et Agrippa d’Aubigné à Corneille. Il flânait volontiers dans les champs de folle avoine et de bleuets, et s’occupait des nuages presque autant que des événements. Son esprit avait deux attitudes, l’une du côté de l’homme, l’autre du côté de Dieu ; il étudiait, ou il contemplait. Toute la journée il approfondissait les questions sociales, le salaire, le capital, le crédit, le mariage, la religion, la liberté de penser, la liberté d’aimer, l’éducation, la pénalité, la misère, l’association, la propriété, la production et la répartition, l’énigme d’en bas qui couvre d’ombre la fourmilière humaine ; et le soir, il regardait les astres, ces êtres énormes. Comme Enjolras, il était riche et fils unique. Il parlait doucement, penchait la tête, baissait les yeux, souriait avec embarras, se mettait mal, avait l’air gauche, rougissait de rien, était fort timide. Du reste, intrépide. 
So he’s soft… soft and soft again, but suddenly manly, suddenly brave, suddenly something. He’s also said to be an orientalist (bleh) his name comes from the romantic obsession with the medieval  (“Jehan” is just the old way to say “Jean”)… but he’s also super practical and studies concrete social, political, economical issues and like everything in his description is contradictory (he’s like that, but like that) and you don’t get much from it besides, he’s an intellectual but a dreamer … erm… kinda like the others… maybe a bit more emotional.
Prouvaire the cinnamon roll
I feel like Hugo’s depictions of the ABC is sometimes too much and too little. He describes them in full detail as if they were all protagonists with many nuances and subtleties, compares them to one another as if we already knew them (you can make a Les amis scale from the romantic Marius to the intense Enjolras) but they don’t appear much and he fails at having them “show not tell” who they are, at giving a clear impression of them through their actions except maybe for Enjolras and Grantaire. He says that one is such. but such and also such: Bossuet is unlucky but joyful, Lesgle thinks he’s always sick but is joyful, Courfeyrac is… like Tholomyes but nice… Everybody is joyful… well except Enjolras maybe. But do they show who they are through their actions?… if we ignore a few lines, they’re mostly interchangeable during the barricades scenes. Be honest. They’re not types… but they’re not complex beings either… They’re… hard to grab… to be honest...I mean like real people I guess?
As I was writing my webseries, I really tried to get as many things as I could from the book, but it was both so imprecise and yet so overwhelming with timely references that I ended up reinventing the characters and some reinventions don’t match with the popular fanon, which is both based on the musical and the Brick. (And like it’s good, the fanon is interesting and a collective rebuilding of the characters and again I love some elements of it so much! Like Musichetta/Lesgle/Joly = Poly yay!)
So, rereading the book, I ended up with something like a Breakfast Club archetype list: Enjolras, mega charismatic cold leader; Combeferre, intellectual; Prouvaire,  Cinnamon Roll, dreamer; Courfeyrac, charming, sassy (he has “de l’esprit” it means sass); Lesgle and Joly,  the fun eccentric ones, work as a duet; Bahorel, bad boy who knows the real shit; Feuilly, good boy who knows the real shit; Grantaire, sassy intoxicated unreliable bad-boyish one with a heart. I already talked about the writing of Grantaire here. I replaced booze with weed. That’s the main difference. He was easy to modernize. It was more complex for Enjolras, I talk about it here.)
Courfeyrac, nonchalant! Charming? but overall sassy/salty
… And then I had to make this work with a vlog/fanfic format, to avoid the repetition of characters, to update them and to make new political agendas carried out by my activist friends fit in. But I kept some things: Courfeyrac, Combeferre and Prouvaire are very close to my original ideas of them and Lesgle and Bê (who replaced Joly) are a duet with eccentric sass (although, I’m afraid Grantaire took a lot of the eccentric).
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The eccentric sassy duet Lesgle and Bê
Now… would I say that the characters I got out of the book are more accurate than the depictions I see in the fanon? Nope… but I tried to get things from the book, in my own way. And the fact that it’s divergent from common fan-readings could prove… my cluelessness and ignorance (well if I may? I don’t think so lol. I’m French and I’ve studied Hugo a bit… and scholars don’t agree on the dude’s writing goals), but also simply the fact that the dear Totor… wasn’t so “precise” in his descriptions of the ABC, which is more of a collective that he mostly fails to present as a sum of individuals because… he gives too many details about them. I really think an efficient character description, especially if there are MANY characters, is to give key elements that can structure a coherent type and Hugo… didn’t have that goal (because he was thinking of people he knew and yadi yada and it’s a respectable goal as well). Hence, diverse interpretation and that is really interesting!
Combeferre the intellectual who wants to work together!
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eirenical · 5 years
Maurice please? (Or Les Mis?)
(Oh gosh, I want to do Maurice for you, but I haven’t finished the book yet and I’ve been holding off on rewatching the movie until I’m done with the book.  -.-;;;  I will try to remember to come back to that one, though!)
[If anyone else wants to send me fandoms, feel free!]
Les Miserables
How I first got into it:
I first saw the musical when I was pretty young.  Like... I’m pretty sure I saw Colm Wilkinson as Valjean on Broadway.  I saw it again with French Club in 7th grade and again when my sister had an exchange student from France. This was all during the initial Broadway run.  I remember liking it but not LIKING it.  There was too much time spent on the Cosette x Marius romance, I thought, and that bored me to tears (don’t know if that was because I was just too young or because I was a bb aro/ace in the making, but either way, they could have cut that whole subplot and I wouldn’t have missed it).  Cue 25 years later when the 2012 movie came out... and I was GONE.  I don’t know why, and there was actually a several month lag between the movie and when I properly got into the fandom, but THAT WAS ALL SHE WROTE AND I NEVER LOOKED BACK.  XD
And this got very, VERY long, so the rest is going under a cut.  ;D
Everything I ship:
...it would be easier to list the things I DON’T ship.  XD
I’m probably going to miss a few, but here we go: Combeferre x Courfeyrac, Enjolras x Combeferre x Courfeyrac, Courfeyrac x Marius, Enjolras x Courfeyrac, Enjolras x Feuilly, Courfeyrac x Feuilly, Bahorel x Jehan, Bahorel x Jehan x Feuilly, Joly x Bossuet, Joly x Bossuet x Musichetta, Cosette x Eponine, Cosette x Marius, Cosette x Marius x Eponine, Cosette x Marius x Courfeyrac, Combeferre x Joly, Feuilly x Jehan, Combeferre x Jehan, and in very very VERY rare cases, Bahorel x Feuilly and Enjolras x Grantaire.  But I have gotten very, VERY picky about those last two, in particular, so I don’t read them often.
...I think that’s everyone?  -.-;;;
My favourite platonic relationship(s):
But in all seriousness, if I have to pick a favorite, it’s Enjolras and Courfeyrac.  Their friendship means SO fucking much to me, and I’m not even sure I can explain why.  But also, pretty much every ship listed in the previous question could be relisted down here and I’d love it equally as much.  So.  ^_^
Top 3 Characters:
Courfeyrac, Feuilly, and (WOW it’s hard to pick between the rest of them, but I think I’ll go with...) Joly.
One of my favourite scenes:
*snerts*  I think I’m going to have to go with either “I have come to sleep with you” (Marius, you UTTER AND COMPLETE DORK XD), or the pants scene.  YOU KNOW THE ONE.
Links to three fan works I like:
OK, well, please with the understanding that I would list like... a thousand of them here given a choice and narrowing it down even this much was super painful... but here are some of the ones I come back and re-read over and over again.
fair game by @myrmidryad (Because ace!Courfeyrac and this fic still means SO unbelievably much to me that I don’t have the words to properly express it; rating: NR) and its companion fic Slam Night at the Musain.
A Passion for the Absolute by @amarguerite (canon era Enjolras x Courfeyrac and possibly my gold standard for all canon era fic; rating: T)
Ampelos in Paris by @et-in-arkadia (Canon era Courfeyrac x Grantaire PWP, and just... *fans self*  YEAH. rating: E)
We’ll be Counting Stars and better than you had it by @kiyala (Honestly, pretty much everything C/C that kiyala has ever written, but these two are my favorites; both are rating: E.)
Bring a Torch (rating: T) and Carry On (rating: G) by @takethewatch (Modern era Les Amis origin stories; the first they meet in college while staying in the mostly-abandoned dorms over winter break, the second is Feuilly-focused and if you want to know how I feel about it, HERE YOU GO.)
The Peace of Wild Things by @ariadneslostthread (The best kind of purely self-indulgent ECC sick!fic and hurt/comfort you could EVER ASK FOR. *_* rating: G, modern era.)
we’re gonna rattle this ghost town by lepidopteran (Modern era, rating: E, Marius gets adopted into a communal squat run by Les Amis, Courfeyrac x Marius)
Beautiful Music Together by @theladyragnell (Modern era, rating: E, Courfeyrac, Cosette, and Marius are all music majors in college, Cosette and Marius are having uh... difficulties with the practical side of how sex works and Courfeyrac ends up helping them out... and falling in love with them both in the process.)
a gentle hug​ (because it STILL makes me cry, DAMN IT, modern era, rating: G, Enjolras is a ghost and helps Feuilly out around the apartment and JUST WANTS A HUG AND I AM CRY) and Trading Faces (Canon Era; rating: G, Enjolras x Feuilly, Enjolras and Grantaire end up in each other’s bodies and Grantaire learns a few things about Enjolras... and Enjolras and Feuilly, in the bargain.) by @fixaidea
Then Burn the Ashes by @kvothes (Modern era, Enjolras x Feuilly, rating: T, just... omg, such SOFT SWEET LOVING BOYS AND I HAVE TOO MANY FEELS.  TT^TT  Enjolras comes home after having been arrested to find Feuilly there.  Many feels ensue.)
Special Mention to Ve’s ( @thecoffeetragedy ) entire Country House ‘Verse because it is still my absolute happiest of happy places AND because it holds the distinction of being pretty much the only Bahorel x Feuilly fic I will read. (Modern era; rating: G; trans!Feuilly, Bahorel x Feuilly)
Favourite Fandom meme/inside joke:
Valjean carrying the entire Barricade away and presenting it to Cosette.
Wolverine vs. Gladiator FIGHT-O!
Combeferre’s endless arsenal of weaponry.
The chillest barricade ever (”Look down, look down, I lost my contact lens.”  ;D)
“G-d it’s high~~~~~~~, bring it down~~~~~~~”
Aaronjolras, always in character vs. Aaron Tveit: *holding Starbucks* “We just built a barricade!”, “there’s a cow!”, “war, man... battle...”
I’m sure I’m missing some, but these were the big ones that popped into my head.  ^_^
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Random Favourite Sentences of Les Amis’ Introductions Because I have Feelings
Enjolras: “On eût dit, à voir la réverbération pensive de son regard, qu’il avait déjà, dans quelque existence précédente, traversé l’apocalypse révolutionnaire. Il en avait la tradition comme un témoin. Il savait tous les petits détails de la grande chose.” (well, and “Il était angéliquement beau”. And “Devant tout ce qui n’était pas la République, il baissait chastement les yeux.” AND i know it’s been used so much it’s a tag on fics i always don’t agree a lot with but: “Enjolras était un jeune homme charmant, capable d’être terrible.”) 
Combeferre: “Un incendie peut faire une aurore sans doute, mais pourquoi ne pas attendre le lever du jour? Un volcan éclaire, mais l’aube éclaire encore mieux. Combeferre préférait peut-être la blancheur du beau au flamboiement du sublime. Une clarté troublée par de la fumée, un progrès acheté par de la violence, ne satisfaisaient qu’à demi ce tendre et sérieux esprit.” (and also: “ n’affirmait rien, pas même les miracles;  ne niait rien, pas même les revenants” )
Jehan: “Jean Prouvaire était amoureux, cultivait un pot de fleurs, jouait de la flûte, faisait des vers, aimait le peuple, plaignait la femme, pleurait sur l’enfant, confondait dans la même confiance l’avenir et Dieu, et blâmait la révolution d’avoir fait tomber une tête royale, celle d’André Chénier.” (and also: “Il parlait doucement, penchait la tête, baissait les yeux, souriait avec embarras, se mettait mal, avait l’air gauche, rougissait de rien, était fort timide. Du reste, intrépide.”) 
Feuilly: “Tout ce qu’il savait, il l’avait appris seul. Feuilly était un généreux cœur. Il avait l’embrassement immense. Cet orphelin avait adopté les peuples. Sa mère lui manquant, il avait médité sur la patrie. (but also: “ Il avait appris l’histoire exprès pour s’indigner en connaissance de cause.” and “Il avait pour spécialité la Grèce, la Pologne, la Hongrie, la Roumanie, l’Italie. Il prononçait ces noms-là sans cesse, à propos et hors de propos, avec la ténacité du droit.”)
Courfeyrac: “Enjolras était le chef, Combeferre était le guide, Courfeyrac était le centre. Les autres donnaient plus de lumière, lui il donnait plus de calorique; le fait est qu’il avait toutes les qualités d’un centre, la rondeur et le rayonnement.” (but also, OF COURSE, because i still think it’s unfair everybody has such long introduction and Courfeyrac has to share his with Tholomyes: “Seulement Courfeyrac était un brave garçon. [...] Il y avait dans Tholomyès un procureur et dans Courfeyrac un paladin.”)
Bahorel:  “ayant des gilets téméraires et des opinions écarlates; tapageur en grand, c’est-à-dire n’aimant rien tant qu’une querelle, si ce n’est une émeute, et rien tant qu’une émeute, si ce n’est une révolution;” ( but also, obviously: “Chaque fois qu’il passait devant l’école de droit, ce qui lui arrivait rarement, il boutonnait sa redingote, le paletot n’était pas encore inventé, et il prenait des précautions hygiéniques.” because it’s hilarious AND: “ Au fond, esprit pénétrant, et penseur plus qu’il ne semblait.”)
Bossuet: “ Bossuet était un garçon gai qui avait du malheur. Sa spécialité était de ne réussir à rien. Par contre, il riait de tout.” (But also: “Ces persécutions du sort l’avaient fait inventif. Il était plein de ressources. Il n’avait point d’argent, mais il trouvait moyen de faire, quand bon lui semblait, « des dépenses effrénées ».”)
Joly: “Du reste, le plus gai de tous. Toutes ces incohérences, jeune, maniaque, malingre, joyeux, faisaient bon ménage ensemble, et il en résultait un être excentrique et agréable que ses camarades, prodigues de consonnes ailées, appelaient Jolllly.” (but also: “Joly avait l’habitude de se toucher le nez avec le bout de sa canne, ce qui est l’indice d’un esprit sagace.”)
Grantaire: “Grantaire, vrai satellite d’Enjolras, habitait ce cercle de jeunes gens; il y vivait; il ne se plaisait que là; il les suivait partout. Sa joie était de voir aller et venir ces silhouettes dans les fumées du vin.” (and also, cause listen, i’m me: “ Grantaire admirait, aimait et vénérait Enjolras.” and “Son esprit se passait de croyance et son cœur ne pouvait se passer d’amitié. Contradiction profonde; car une affection est une conviction. Sa nature était ainsi.”)
Now let it be clear I like every word written in this chapter. But yeah. that was my random highlight. 
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fremedon · 3 years
Brickclub 3.4.5, “Broadening Horizons”
Oh Marius. A little while ago when he met Bossuet, he actually read the room for the first and maybe the only time in his life. Today, he...doesn’t.
I do love "Bahorel was just striking a favorite pose in countering Bossuet. He abandoned it to listen.” It’s such a personal detail; it feels like this must be something Petrus did.
I’m not going to do better than @shitpostingfromthebarricade​ in summing up Marius’s arguments here, so, again, jumping straight into the details:
--“So where’s your fervour? And what are you doing with it? Whom do you admire if you don’t admire the emperor?” Whatever they’re doing in 1828, Marius isn’t aware of most of it. Marius might be permitted into the back room of the Musain, but the group has good enough opsec that if they’re involved in anything illegal beyond the gatherings themselves, Marius doesn’t know about it. Which, good for them! But also, I can see how a Marius who is still Not Quite Clear On The Concept, politically--and not able to pick up dog whistles--would come away with the sense that they’re all talk.
--Combeferre’s song is a filk of this song,  which according to Donougher is sung by Alceste in The Misanthrope, though it goes back even further. There’s a second verse; the whole text can be found here.
So, a) More fodder for my possibly-not-actually-crack theory that Combeferre and Grantaire are mirrors of each other: we see them both filking well-known folk songs about Henri IV.
and b) The second verse is. Um.
Or le roi n'm'a pas donné Paris sa grand' ville Mais il m'a fallu quitter L'amour de ma mie Et j'ai dit au roi Henri Laissez-moi mourir ici J'ai perdu ma mie, Ô gué J'ai perdu ma mie.
But the king did not give me Paris, his grand city And I had to leave The love of my girl And I said to King Henri, Let me die here I have lost my girl, oh! I have lost my girl.
That’s...the plot. Of the barricade. And that’s Grantaire’s line, almost.
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akallabeth-joie · 6 years
Brickclub 3.4.1
Hey, look who’s arrived in the narrative! Now is the dawning of the Time of Puns.
[The English version I’m using here is Hapgood.]
Unconnected thoughts:
*“...people adored both Napoleon and liberty. We are making history here. These were the mirages of that period.“ Hugo starts strong by throwing some major shade on Napoleon.
*”Et rien n'est tel que le rêve pour engendrer l'avenir.“ Words to live by...and to do the opposite by. I’m not crying. Not yet.
* All adapters take note of two very important bits of characterization: “A society which had for its object apparently the education of children, in reality the elevation of man”, and “puns are sometimes serious factors.“ You really can’t go wrong by remembering these critical pieces of information.
*”...l'ombre d'une aventure tragique” Still not crying. Really.
*Enjolras as the reincarnation of St. Just is the straightforward reading here. Also, I’m pretty sure Hugo just gave us permission to write all the Enjolras reincarnation AUs we want.
* “ If it had been granted to these two young men to attain to history, the one would have been the just, the other the wise man.” :’(
*Combeferre is the philosphy of the revolution, but also has philosophy and natural philosophy(thus, basically everything) as his hobbies. I still like the idea that “denied nothing, not even ghosts” is an intentional Hamlet call out.
*Jehan is a treasure. And after that lovely introduction to his hobbies, interests, and sentiments, “above all, he was good“ just slays me.
*Feuilly ”had but one thought, to deliver the world .“ :’( I love them all so much.
*Courf gets a little neglected here, but we do get see more of him being funny, generous, and helpful on-page later.
*Bahorel is fabulous, though I think he’d be exhausting to know in real life. “ Ayant des gilets téméraires et des opinions écarlates “ is just beautifully written, and the sort of light-heartedness I need at this point.  Also: “...toujours prêt à casser un carreau, puis à dépaver une rue, puis à démolir un gouvernement, pour voir l'effet.“
*Bossuet’s inexhaustible good humor. :) [Explanations of Bossuet’s really elaborate word play and another layer of the pun].
*Joly, “eccentric and agreeable”. These guys are the best.
*Grantaire has so much going on here. Might need to do a separate “feelings on the Grantaire as Enjolras’s opposite” post.
*And in a neat closeing gesture, we cycle back to Enjolras, first and last. Not that this foreshadows anything. :’(
[This chapter title always--understandably--makes me think of AMargeurite’s fic, with its happier take on why the group only became “Nearly Historic”. Requires AO3 log-in.]
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