#both jacob and gilderoy lockhart would be dragons
carewyncromwell · 7 months
Okay, I blame @maleliddell for making me think about this, but...this Lunar New Year marks the year of the Dragon, right? And the thought occurred to me that Charlie would be so disappointed if it turned out he was not born in the year of the Dragon, so I looked it up. And when I did, I found out something that just cracks me up.
Charlie was born in 1972...year of the Rat. As in Percy's-pet-Scabbers Rat.
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So yeah, definitely sad Charlie, knowing he wasn't born in year of the Dragon. But to rub some salt into the wound, you want to know which Weasley was born in the year of the Dragon?
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Yes. The least outdoorsy, hot-tempered, and wild of all of the Weasleys was born in 1976, a year associated with Charlie's favorite magical creature. Sorry, I just find that absolutely hysterical. 😂
(The other Weasleys' Chinese zodiac signs under the cut, just for kicks!)
Arthur ~ 1950 ~ Year of the Tiger
confident, brave, magnetic, idealistic, thrill-seeking, arrogant, selfish; symbolizes bravery
Molly ~ 1949 ~ Year of the Ox
diligent, gentle, hardworking, reliable, patient, materialistic, stubborn; symbolizes diligence
Bill ~ 1970 ~ Year of the Dog
helpful, honest, trustworthy, unselfish, pessimistic, anxious, timid; symbolizes protection
Charlie ~ 1972 ~ Year of the Rat
ambitious, charming, talkative, resourceful, private, frugal, critical; symbolizes wisdom
Percy ~ 1976 ~ Year of the Dragon
outspoken, energetic, generous, intelligent, perfectionistic, egocentric, impatient; symbolizes authority and good fortune
Fred and George ~ 1978 ~ Year of the Horse
amusing, enthusiastic, independent, persuasive, irresponsible, moody, opportunistic; symbolizes indomitable spirit
Ron ~ 1980 ~ Year of the Monkey
entertaining, intelligent, optimistic, sociable, fickle, secretive, unpredictable; symbolizes cunning
Ginny ~ 1981 ~ Year of the Rooster
adventurous, charitable, funny, loyal, argumentative, boastful, self-involved; symbolizes punctuality and fidelity
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imagitory · 5 years
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Just thought I’d share a little of my progress in the game Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery! Right now I’ve just started year 5, and yeah, while the game definitely isn’t perfect, I’m having fun! If you want to read more about my character, I put in a cut! (Sorry about my character holding hands with your character Alana’s bae, @weasleyismyking540​ -- if I could’ve picked Chiara as Carewyn’s other half instead, I would have!)
My character, Carewyn “Cursebreaker” Cromwell, although she resembles me quite a bit visually, isn’t exactly like me, but one thing that she and I do share is a love of fashion! She changes outfits all the time depending on what she’s doing, from wearing all black when she was tailing Rakepick to wearing the Weasley sweater she got from Bill when she was trying to become Prefect. The outfit she’s wearing in her screenshots and in the biggest sketch I did is her usual “adventure” outfit, though she will break out the black version when she needs to be stealthy, like when she sneaked into the Forbidden Forest in fourth year. She also managed to become a Prefect, despite her disregard for the rules! In my head, I imagine it’s largely due to her maternal streak, rather than any astounding respect for rules and regulations: even if she’s a Slytherin, she likes protecting and looking after other people, especially social outcasts, since she herself has had to deal with a decent amount of people misjudging her. 
Backstory -- Carewyn is the second child and only daughter of the half-blood Cromwell family. Her father, Evan Bach, was a Muggle who left his family when his son Jacob received his Hogwarts letter and his wife, Lane, revealed her magical ancestry to him. After that, both Jacob and Carewyn took on their mother’s maiden name, Cromwell. Carewyn was a late-in-life surprise for her parents, being born only two years before Jacob started at Hogwarts. Jacob disappeared when Carewyn was eight years old, and ever since, Carewyn has been starved for news about her lost brother. Part of her worries that Jacob -- a Ravenclaw who was kind of obsessed with learning and achieving every single thing he could -- has gotten roped in with some bad people or, worse, that he might not even want to be found, so as to not shame her or their mother or to keep them from harm. Whatever his reason is, though, Carewyn knows she has to find out what happened to Jacob and remove the shadow of the Cursed Vaults looming over her if she has any hope of living her life the way she wants. Carewyn is close with her mother, Lane, but has greatly downplayed her involvement with the Cursed Vaults so as not to worry her.
Carewyn’s biggest flaw is her pride. Although she’s made a lot of friends at Hogwarts, she has difficulty showing vulnerability and tries to be perfect in absolutely everything she does. If she doesn’t think she can do something, Carewyn tends to ignore it and/or pretend it doesn’t matter. To complicate matters, when she started at Hogwarts, she actually dreamed of doing all of the normal things Hogwarts students do, like joining clubs, the Quidditch team, and the Frog Choir, but because of her brother Jacob and the Cursed Vaults, she’s had to basically put all of her more selfish ambitions on the back burner. After writing to her mother for advice, Carewyn selflessly gave up her spot in the Frog Choir -- something she really, really wanted -- to Merula with the thought that since she earned the spot once, she could always get it back the following year when there would be room for both her and Merula, but even that ended up having to be put off because of her quest to find the Cursed Vaults. Carewyn enjoys watching and playing Quidditch, but is reluctant to commit to the Slytherin team because she’s afraid of letting them down. Carewyn is actually kind of a stick in the mud too! Unlike her brother Jacob, Carewyn is a meticulous organizer and planner who believes everything has its place, and despite liking Tonks and Tulip quite a bit personality-wise, she can’t stand the idea of most pranks, thinking they end up really mean-spirited and kind of stupid rather than anything funny. (This of course only makes her a fantastic target for pranks among her friends, who think she needs to lighten up!) Appropriate to a Slytherin, though, Carewyn can also be a little manipulative -- despite having a very strong moral compass, she isn’t above putting on an innocent face, playing mind games, or out right lying if it’ll help her reach her goals. She likes to look her best around everyone, both in her fashion sense and in how she behaves, and she hates it when her more negative impulses or insecurities peek through. Her biggest insecurity is her lack of control about her own life. Because she feels like she’s the one with the most drive to find the Cursed Vaults and break their enchantments, Carewyn has subconsciously assumed all responsibility for the fall-out and blames herself if anyone else is put in danger because of her search for her brother or because of the Vaults. She wants to control absolutely everything in her life, but the most she can control nearly all of the time is her attitude, her workspace, and how she presents herself, so she does so. Her greatest fear would be a threat she’d have no hope of controlling or overcoming -- namely, Voldemort.
Relationship-wise, Carewyn’s closest friends are Chiara, Bill, Talbott, Charlie, and Barnaby. She also really respects the eccentric Captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, Orion, and fancies Ravenclaw’s own “Style Wizard,” Andre Egwu, who shares her love of Quidditch and fashion. The thing Carewyn likes best about Andre is how passionate he is about his interests and therefore how much fun their conversations are. Fortunately Carewyn’s interest is reciprocated -- Andre and Carewyn attended the Celestial Ball together and have now been on two dates, one at Madame Puddifoot’s and one in one of the Hogwarts Greenhouses after a Valentine’s party hosted by Gilderoy Lockhart that neither of them remember very well. (META NOTE: As mentioned, I probably would’ve paired Carewyn with Chiara if ANY of the dating events would’ve let me, but I really like Andre too. And after choosing him for the Celestial Ball, it only felt right for Carewyn to stick with him, as I see her as a very monogamous sort, relationship-wise.)
Carewyn latched onto Chiara very quickly because of her “outcasted” status as a werewolf, and since then, she’s sort of become Chiara’s own personal Sirius Black, using her hawk Animagus form to keep Chiara company when she transforms. The Weasley family (Bill especially) sort of filled the hole that Jacob left in Carewyn’s life, but because Carewyn loves magical creatures, she really enjoys talking about dragons with Charlie and everything else with Barnaby. (Barnaby really enjoys whenever Carewyn sings to the creatures she’s working with to try to calm them down.) Carewyn was also pleasantly surprised to find out that Talbott enjoys poetry, given that she loves the arts (music especially), so she encourages him wholeheartedly in his writing, even if her enthusiasm kind of weirds Talbott out a bit. (He likes it, though.) Carewyn clashes most with Tulip (largely because of Carewyn’s aforementioned dislike of mischief), Ismelda (her sadistic streak turns Carewyn off big time), Skye (Carewyn was really upset when Skye started telling rumors about Erika Rath without any proof!), and Professor Rakepick (who Carewyn at present doesn’t trust at all, but will be play nicely with if it’ll help her find out what happened to her brother). (META NOTE: I also adore that Carewyn and Rakepick have some physical similarities, even though that wasn’t on purpose -- it just makes for great visual symbolism, considering that Rakepick is clearly trying to groom Carewyn as one of her apprentices!) Carewyn is also pretty protective of Ben and now Penny, since her younger sister Bea has gotten trapped in a portrait thanks to the Vaults’ most recent curse.
Although the so-called “Most Powerful Witch at Hogwarts,” Merula Snyde, would love it if she were Carewyn’s main rival at school, Carewyn’s kind of gotten tired of the old song and dance Merula’s done with her these last five years and now tends to just ignore her terrible behavior. When Merula is willing to play nice, Carewyn’s glad for her help, but she honestly just isn’t interested in indulging Merula when she’s being awful anymore (which is often). And as much as Carewyn may think of Merula as immature and irritating, she knows that Merula had it rough growing up and that the two of them have a few things in common, like their love of music, and her mother (who was a Ravenclaw like her brother) would counsel her to choose the more peaceful route over active hostility. Carewyn wouldn’t call Merula a friend exactly, but she’s more of an ally of an enemy purely out of necessity, and for that, Carewyn shows Merula the base level of compassion and respect, but nothing more.
Carewyn’s favorite professors are Flitwick -- who taught her about Wizard Dueling and teaches her favorite class, Charms -- and McGonagall -- the one teacher who she respects above all others and would never have the heart to lie to. Being a Slytherin, Carewyn also trusts Snape’s judgement, even if she gets little of the standard favoritism from him: she was all too eager to try to help him spy on Rakepick. She also adores Care of Magical Creatures and probably would enjoy History of Magic more if Professor Binns didn’t teach the class, since her mother Lane works as a magical historian.
Carewyn’s love of magical creatures has prompted her to adopt several pets and magical creatures on the Hogwarts grounds. Her most constant companion is her orange tabby cat Mimi (named for the halfhearted “meows” she gives), but Tulip also gave Carewyn a toad she named Sir Robin the Brave, or “Robin” for short (kudos to anyone who gets the reference!!). At the magical creature preserve, Carewyn has trained a Niffler named Wicket, a Fairy named Belle, a Welsh Green Dragon named Esmeralda, a Porlock named Tumnus, and an Abraxan Winged Horse named Arjuna. Carewyn’s connection with her Abraxan is also beautifully reflected in her Patronus, which is also a Winged Horse.
I’m looking forward to seeing where my curse-breaking baby goes from here! For those of you who have advanced further in the game than me, I can’t wait to catch up with you!
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montdiarts · 5 years
HPHM Character Profile
Thanks for tagging me @persephone-chen @phyl-the-gryffinclaw ❤💕
-General Information:
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Name: Uriel Nightclaw
Age: 16
Gender: Female
White dragon
Cursed child
Lady Uriel
Curse breaker
Dragon warrior
Date of birth : 11th November 1972
Astrological/ Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Ethnicity: British
Nationality: British
Species: Witch, Animagi, Obscurial,legilimens
Blood Type: AB
Blood-Status: Pureblood
Height: 6'1" (by the end of year 7 she is 6'3" tall)
Weight: 60 kg 90kg (this sounds more realistic)
Complexion (skin tone/ conditions): fair skin with many scars on her back and arms. She has two big ones on her abdomen
Hair Color/ Style: white and short with an undercut
Eye Color: Aqua blue with a shade of royal blue
Xavier Nightclaw
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He is the current head of the Nightclaw family and Max, Jacob and Uriels father. Xavier is a man of few words and very serious. But he cares for his children and wife deeply. Like every Nightclaw he, too, is very loyal and Fearless and has inhuman strength. Xavier is a honest man, who takes responsibility for his actions and decisions. But he is unable to empathize with others beside his family, which could make him come over as rude and callous.
Xavier is someone, who takes traditions and rules seriously. He is proud about their history of knighthood. He was the one, who gave Uriel dragon blood to save her from a serious illness, when she was an infant. But in the process he turned her into the next dragon warrior, without knowing it. He only found it out when her hair turned white the moment she took the blood.
He taught Uriel how to wield a sword and is always the one who believes in Uriel and supports her in everything she does. Because he knows that his daughter would do the right thing.
As a wizard, he is considered as extremely strong and powerful. Xavier has a keen eye and has great analytical skills. In term of intelligence he isn't lacking either. But his look makes him appear to others as scary and constantly angry, which isn't the case.
Side fact: He's actually very affectionate and clingy. Also he has a habit of spending money on his children. Therefore, his wife is managing the money. Xavier is a legilimens.
Job:  Auror/ department of mysteries
Age: 49 (born 1939)
Gender: Male
Height: 6'5"
Ethnicity: British
Nationality: British
Bloodstatus: Pureblood
House: Hogwarts / Gryffindor
Patronus: Dun Stallion
("The dun stallion Patronus relates to a serious, responsible, down-to-earth person. It symbolizes stability, structure, and support. The strength of this Patronus rests in the sense of belonging and is therefore more powerful when used in defense of loved ones than in personal defense.")
Wand wood: Acacia
Wand Core: Thunderbird tail Feather
Briar Nightclaw (née Moonfall)
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She is the wife of Xavier and mother of Max, Jacob and Uriel. In terms of personality she is the complete opposite of Xavier. Briar is more outgoing and sociable than her husband. She is an understanding person and doesn't shy away in showing her love to her family. This trait is seen by outsiders sometimes as intrusive but Xavier and Uriel are thankful for her bubbly personality because they both aren't very expressive. Her body is fragile and weak, but she has great magical power, so as a witch she is considered strong. The Moonfall family is known for their eternal beauty (Briar is nearly 50 but looks like she is in her late 20s) and their ability to cast non verbal spells without effort. That's why this particular family only use Alder wood for their wands. Briar is always overprotective of Uriel, eventhough she knows that her daughter is extremely strong. She puts family over everything else and she will protect them with her live.
Side fact: She is a fan of Gilderoy Lockhart and friends with Newt Scammender's son. She's also a fencing master.
Job: Housewife
Age: 49 (born 1939)
Height: 5'7"
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: British
Nationality: British
Bloodstatus: Pureblood
House: Hogwarts/ Ravenclaw
Patronus: Black swan
("Thought to have been rarer than a unicorn when first discovered, black swans represent loyalty, monogamous love, and caring for loved ones. They may have a wild youth but remain monogamous later in life. Black swans represent the healing power of love and romance. Have you ever been on the receiving end of a protective mother swan? Dementors will be chased away by a whirling dervish!")
Wand wood: Alder
Wand Core: White river monster spine
Max Nightclaw
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He is the oldest son and the brother of Jacob and Uriel. Max attended Hogwarts at the same time with James Potter and his best friend Severus Snape. Like every Nightclaw, he has the ability to cast powerful spells without effort and has inhuman strength. He also inherited his mother's ability to cast non verbal spells without practicing. He is the only one of the three siblings, that inherited the chartreuse green eyes of their father and the bubbly personality of their mother. That makes him the most expressive one out of the trio. Like it's common for fist borns he is good at leading others and takes responsibility, especially for his siblings. Like his mother he's very emotional and wants to help everyone. He cries easily and eventhough he looks like he knows everything about love, max never had a relationship before, because he always put his whole attention towards his family. Especially after Uriel became an obscurial and Jacob vanished. Even now he travels a lot in hope of finding some information about Jacob and to find a cure for Uriel. As cool headed as Max can be in a difficult situation, if someone insults his siblings or his friend, he will see red in front of his eyes and go ravage without blinking twice. No matter how good of a person he is, Max can't deny that he's also manipulative and has a slight inferior complex, always trying becoming first at everything.
Side fact: He was the chaser of the slytherin team and led a strong rivalry with the fellow chaser of the opposite team, James Potter. Like his mother his wearing his claw like an earring. Max is bisexual.
Job:  Professional Photographer
Age: 28 (born 1960)
Height: 6'4"
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: British
Nationality: British
Bloodstatus: Pureblood
House: Hogwarts / Slytherin
Patronus: Dolphin
("Intelligence and sociability are among the main attributes of the dolphin. Also known for their playfulness and loyalty, dolphins live and work together in groups to aid the sick and injured and to defend each other from predators. Its incredible intelligence is put to good use in the form of solving complex problems and other such challenges. The dolphin does not enjoy dull, routine activities, so keeping busy with interesting tasks is a must!")
Wand wood: Rowan
Wand Core: Thunderbird tail Feather
(For @persephone-chen 🌼
What he smells like to others:
-Sea breeze, Lemon, Pepper mint)
Jacob Nightclaw
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He's the 2nd child of the family and the one that disappeared at the end of his last year at Hogwarts. He's your typical tsundere boy. Cold to everyone at first, but as soon as he warms up to you he'll become all lovely and affectionate. When someone compliments him, he starts to blush and his confidence would shoot up. Jacob has a huge interest in fashion and flowers. He would always style up his clothes and add something self made. Compared to his siblings he didn't inherit the strength of a Nightclaw but instead he got his mother's great magical power. He's also a legilimens like his father. Out of the three he's the most intelligent one and the smallest. Well, with his 5'11" he isn't exactly small but if you look at Max, who is 6'4" tall and Uriel, who is 6'1" and is still growing, Jacob would be considered as small. He is kind and caring to animals and plants. Jacob was one of professors flitwick's most gifted students, which shows how clever and talented he is. Jacob was a quiet person, who would hide in the library to read the whole day. But he was considered as a troublemaker because he was researching the cursed vaults.
He's very caring towards Uriel. Jacob is always dotting on her because she is his only sister. In comparison to their relationship, he would always bicker with Max. But it's not like he hates him. Actually he looks up to him like a little brother would do. But with Jacob's personality he would rather die than admit it. In general Jacob has a good relationship with his whole family but he hates the relatives who wants to use Uriel to gain power and those who are out to kill her because they see her as a future danger.
Like his whole family he is also a strong wizard with massive amounts of magical power.
Side fact: He has a tendency to click his tongue when he's irritated. Jacob is gay and he's favourite book is 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them'.
Job:  Florist (after Uriel has found him)
Age: 24 (born 1964)
Height: 5'11"
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: British
Nationality: British
Bloodstatus: Pureblood
House: Hogwarts / Ravenclaw
Patronus: Thestral
("Thestrals get a bad reputation as unlucky omens, probably due to their spooky appearance and association with death. The reality is that these intriguing creatures, which are only visible to people who have witnessed death and accepted its significance, are gentle and kind. Thestrals can fly at incredibly fast speeds and have a keen sense of direction. If the herd that lives in the Forbidden Forest is any indication, Thestrals can be extremely loyal to their human friends and will fiercely attack their enemies. This makes the Thestral an intimidating and powerful Patronus.")
Wand wood: Chestnut
Wand core: Phoenix Feather
-Nightclaw Family History  :
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The Nightclaw family, formerly Whiteclaw, is a prestigious and powerful family with an outstanding history record, which dates back to the 9th century. They are a noble family and one of the largest, oldest and wealthiest pure blooded wizarding families in Britain. Every Nightclaw served the wizardry world as knights and later as Aurors. Many wizarding families in Britain are distantly related to the Nightclaw family.
They are best known for their inhuman strength and their powerful spells. The Nightclaws were commonly described as having "the look of a warrior and the fierce eyes of an animal" and a strong, fearful presence that made everyone tremble in fear.
The traditional look for the majority of the Nightclaw family is dark hair and brightly colored eyes, though there were some exceptions: Taranis Nightclaw and his two sons, Gareth and Cáel, had blond hair. Also Ulric Xalvador Whiteclaw had white hair, because of the dragon blood he took. Which is also the reason why Uriel Nightclaw has white hair. Despite these differences, each and every member of the Nightclaw family were still noted to be a beauty in their own right, being of tall and muscular stature, with attractive features. It's common for a Nightclaw to be taller than 6'0" and have one or more piercings. Every member wears a claw on their body, be it as an earring or a necklace, to show their affiliation towards the family. The Nightclaw family, as with many other pure blood wizarding families like the Malfoys, the Blacks and the Potter family, is considered to be very wealthy. Despite this, they never acted highly or arrogant. They were and are still very modest about their status and don't like to brag or show off. Such behavior was considered to be impolite and indecent.
The Nightclaws were a rather open minded family, who valued equality and fought against discrimination. One of the reasons why they never forcefully employ house elves. They let them decide if they want to stay with them or not and that as a free house elf. This is why many creatures and servants are really devoted and loyal towards this family, because they repay them with kindness and respect.
(Of course there were some exceptions *cough* Uriel's grandparents *cough*)
There were times when they went against the king's order because of their good natured beliefs, but they were strong allies of the land so they were forgiven. One of the most known facts about the Nightclaw family is that they only mate once. The reason is unknown but every Nightclaw, be it male or female, only falls in love once. If they found a partner they will stay with them until death part them away, but even after their partner died they won't search for another lover. This also applies to the spouse of every Nightclaw. They say that there's no better lover than a Nightclaw and therefore they don't want to marry again. Thus they stay with the family. Nightclaws are known for their loyalty towards people, who earned their trust but also about their nonchalant killing of enemies. They're respected by many people but also feared and are called something like 'those born to kill' or 'the death reapers '. There was a time, when some Nightclaw members turned over to the dark side and followed Grindelwald. Eventhough it was only a small amount of people, their reputation nevertheless fell.
Some tried afterwards to restore their reputation by using Uriel Nightclaw, who is the descendant of Sir Ulric Xalvador Whiteclaw and the next Dragon warrior. Like Ulric she can control and understand the dragons and she can emit fire from her body. Because of this she was chosen as the next heiress, eventhough her brother Max should have become the next heir, if it went according birth order.
The female line had become extinct compared to the male line. For unknown reasons, it happens really rarely that a girl is born in this family. Even Uriel is the first born female member after 10 decades.
Affiliation(s)/ Organization(s):
Hogwarts school
Frog choir
Nightclaw family
Ravenclaw house
Chen family
Ministry of magic
Occupation(s): Cafe shop owner/ Auror (special member of the ministry of magic. She would help them from time to time, if they need her help. Also as the heiress of the Nightclaw family she has to attend meetings and discussions or go to trials as a representative. )
-Magical Characteristics:
Form of Boggart: 
Voldemort (until 3rd year)
Her grandparents (until 4th year)
Dead tonks and fred blaming her for arriving late to the battle and for their death
Form of Riddikulus: 
Voldemort--- clown ver. of him
Her grandparents--- she couldn't perform a successful Riddikulus on them, because she feared them too much
Tonks and Fred--- the two laughing and behaving like their usual mischievous self
Form of Patronus: dragon
("One of the most powerful and formidable creatures of the magical world, dragons are ambitious and dominant. With the ability to breathe fire, they quickly assert themselves, garnering both fear and respect from those around them. They are unafraid to take risks and prefer to live by their own set of rules. They are quick to lead and do not back down from a challenge. Dragons are strong in their convictions and will stand for what they believe is right. Those with a dragon for a Patronus are sure to be fierce fighters, and the Dementors better be ready for a challenge!")
What do they see in the mirror of Erised?: 
Herself with her natural red hair and her family being happy. Deep down she thinks her life would have been better if she had not been the dragon warrior. But in year 5 she accepts herself and she moves on. After her coronation Ulric's soul vanished completely from Uriel's body and she wasn't able to see him anymore. When she looked at the mirror of erised for a last time before leaving Hogwarts, she saw Ulric standing in front of her and she understood that she longs to see him. Which isn't possible anymore.
Animagus: white tigress
1st wand
-Wood: Blackthorn
-Core: Unicorn tail hair
-Length: 11"
-Flexibility: unbending and stiff
2nd wand
-Wood: Laurel
-Core: Phoenix Feather
-Length: 12"
-Flexibility: hard and solid
3rd Wand
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-Wood: Elder
-Core: Phoenix Feather
-Length: 16"
-Flexibility: pliant and unbending
•What She smells like to others: 
- Vetiver
- Coffee
•What She smell: 
- Penny Haywood
- fresh Herbs
- Rose oil
-Hogwarts Information:
Worst class(es): Potion, History of magic
Best class(es): Charms, DADA, Flying
Least favorite teacher(s): Rakepick
Most favorite teacher(s): Flitwick, Snape, Mcgonagall
Quidditch: Seeker (in year 4 as a substitute and since year 5 she is the official Seeker of the Ravenclaw team)
Favorite spell(s): Avis, Expecto Patronum
Trivia (random facts about them, future job, face claim, theme song, etc.):
Uriel is the first recorded heiress and female knight in the whole history of Nightclaws
Due to her vast amount of magical power she can cast spells without her wand, which is said to be quite difficult
Uriel can also cast non verbal spells, like her mother and Max
She is a legilimens like her father but she is not so good like Jacob
Uriel was weak and sickly as an infant. Her father gave her the dragon blood to save her otherwise she would have died
Her natural hair color is red but due to the dragon's blood it turned white. The same thing happened to Ulric. His hair is actually black. This explains why Dwyn has black hair and not white.
Uriel was abused by her grandparents, when she refused to use her magic and listen to them
She turned into an Obscurial when she was 7. Thanks to Ulric, who suppressed the obscurus in her, she didn't die at the age of 12. Uriel was officially healed, when she turned 18 years old.
Uriel is Demisexual
She has skillful hands
She's seen by others as a monster and is called like that
"The inhuman strength of the Nightclaws and the sheer magical power of the Moonfalls. It's like they created a monster in form of a girl." - Patricia Rakepick to Dumbledore
She's a fighting prodigy
Uriel once participated in a fencing lesson and won against everyone there. Even the teachers, who earned many gold medals, lost to her. Her mother was told that she learned all forms and moves just from watching her peers once.
Something similar happened when Xavier taught Uriel how to handle a sword and some family movements passed down from each generation. During a sword fight Uriel used some moves, that Xavier had still not taught her. It was like she had already fought before. Which wasn't the case. For some reasons, her body remembered these movements and her body naturally followed them.
" It's as if the skills of all her predecessors and their knowledge are flowing through her veins and integrated into her body. " - Xavier Nightclaw
There were many foiled assassination attempts on Uriel
As of 1991 Uriel is officially the Dragon warrior and heiress of the Nightclaw family. She's also declared as one of the strongest beings alive
It is only half true that Uriel is human. After taking the dragon's blood, she got some dragon traits that appeared over time, such as her slitted pupils, fang teeth or her highly resistant skin.
Uriel has PTSD
She has Hypersomnia
Uriel had Hallucinations of her grandparents until the end of year 4
Uriel can see Thestrals. She saw how an old man, she was friends with, got killed by death eaters
Uriel made a blood pact with Chen Jing
Her dragon is the same as Ulric's, Dragoon
Nightclaw family
The wand of every Nightclaw is so altered that it can transform into their swords, to make battles easier for them
The Nightclaw family was founded by putting the surnames of Ulric and Eleanor together.
There's a high possibility that the Moonfall family is related to the Nightmoon family
Every dead Nightclaw either died of a natural death, a curse or while they protected their family
915: Arciel Xavier Whiteclaw was beheaded by the enemy because he refused to reveal to them the whereabouts of his brother Ulric
930: Ulric Xalvador Whiteclaw died of a curse he got instead of his son
946: there was an assassination attempt on the 2 year old Emrys Nightclaw, which was foiled by Esmé Nightclaw, who protected his nephew with his body
1819: Bellona Nightclaw (one badass queen) chose death over betrayal and died by the hand of the White Order. She also refused to reveal to them where the family tower lies, that holds secrets and treasures
She was also the last born female Nightclaw before Uriel
Jacob is the smallest male Nightclaw with his 5'11"
Every Nightclaw mansion have some kind of creatures or animals. Uriel's family has two gigantic lions, that can speak
The house elves of the Nightclaws serve the family out of their free will
The official flower of the Nightclaw family is a blue Rose (It was the favorite flower of Arciel)
And their official color is dark blue. This could be due to their excessive use of this color in their clothes.
Dragoon should have died when Ulric was dead but because his soul was bound to this world due to the curse, Dragoon stayed alive. He fell into a deep slumber until Uriel was born.
He is more than 1000 years old
Finally done🌼 there are actually more facts but this is enough for now
I will tag @kas-voton @zuulosdovah @jadeowl19 and everyone who wants to do it 💁🏼‍♀️
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
I would LOVE to hear about your version of jacob - lottelight
@lottelight Thou wouldst like to know more about my book-smart, people-dumb spaceman? *giggles like an idiot*
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1) Being an absolute disaster bi, poor Jacob Cromwell has never been very good at expressing his feelings to any subject of his affection, largely because it takes him a while to even acknowledge his feelings are romantic to begin with. (I pity his boy best friend Duncan Ashe SO much, I truly do.) He’ll frequently try to do stupid things or show off around people he finds attractive like a child acting out to get attention, sometimes consciously and sometimes not. One such example was when Jacob tried to impress a cute server at an Indian restaurant by ordering the hottest curry on the menu and then dousing it with the hottest red sauce they had available. All that, and the girl still didn’t give Jacob her number. D’oh!
2) Jacob may be an eccentric, daredevil scholar with a sloppy, “slacker” sense of dress, but contrary to his rebellious, devil-may-care image, his music taste is decidedly bubblegum. His favorite band and ultimate guilty pleasure is ABBA (sure-fire way to make this guy smile, sing, and/or dance: put on “Mamma Mia!” “Take a Chance on Me,” or “Dancing Queen”), but he also enjoys artists like Barbara Streisand, Don McLean, and the Osmonds.
3) If Jacob was confronted with his worst memories the way MC is in the Sunken Vault in-game (which, FYI, is very different to how I see the Sunken Vault), one memory would be his father, Evan Bach, losing his temper and saying that all Jacob ever does is cause everyone else trouble. Jacob was very, very shaped by that particular exchange, as well as what led up to it, more than he’d likely ever admit. As a kid, because of his temperamental childhood magic that was labeled as active misbehavior and Jacob plugging out from his classes and teachers in response to their unjust punishments, Jacob was seen as a no-good punk by just about everyone. When he received his letter and learned the truth about his magic, Jacob finally understood why he was so different from everyone else and was excited about the prospect of learning more about what he could do and reinventing himself into someone who could be a “winner” instead of the screw-up he’d been before. One of Jacob’s greatest insecurities is how much of a failure he feels he’s always been -- it makes it very difficult for him to acknowledge he’s unable to do something or put aside his own pride for the sake of the greater good.
4) Speaking of Evan, Jacob raised his younger sister Carewyn more than he ever did, since Evan dropped out of Carewyn’s life from an emotional standpoint when she was born and then abandoned his family when Carewyn was a toddler. When Carewyn was first learning how to talk, Jacob greatly enjoyed having passionate, spirited debates with her completely in baby talk.
5) Jacob has a long list of enemies, but one of the people who irritates him the most on that list is his old dormmate, Gilderoy Lockhart. Lockhart was always the most popular with the ladies out of the Ravenclaws in their year, and his arrogance, laziness, and vanity drove Jacob up the wall, particularly when Jacob easily ran intellectual circles around Lockhart in just about ever subject and yet Lockhart still acted like he was the most talented wizard in their year and in the whole school. Add on top of that that Lockhart was several inches taller than Jacob, who is akin to Edward Elric about his modest height of 5′7″...and yeaaaaah, one can imagine that Jacob loathed old Gilderoy. He never finds out that Lockhart modified Carewyn’s memory once, but rest assured if he ever did, there’d likely be an attempted murder. When Lockhart ends up in St. Mungo’s, devoid of any memory of who he is, Jacob takes vindictive pleasure in making fun of his old dormmate behind his back, referring to any time where someone forgets something important as them having a “Lockhart moment.”
6) After the Cursed Vaults and R are dealt with, Jacob becomes something of a vagabond wizard, traveling the world as a magical researcher and part-time Cursebreaker. His travels result in him crossing paths with Ellie Hopper’s grandfather Lugh @that-ravenpuff-witch, who ends up becoming something of a surrogate father figure for Jacob. As an ex-Gryffindor with a bold, adventurous spirit himself, Lugh takes great amusement from Jacob’s “daredevil scholar” attitude and frequently lets Jacob trip all the traps he can in whatever tombs they work on together, as he knows full well the younger man will probably get super excited studying how all of them work. Lugh and Jacob also both end up fighting in the Battle of Hogwarts at the end of the Second Wizarding War. When Lugh dies while fighting four Death Eaters at once, Jacob Cromwell takes violent revenge, blasting Dark curses at all of the Death Eaters in the vicinity with his two wands. It takes Jacob a long while to calm down afterwards so that he can properly grieve Lugh’s loss.
7) Jacob Cromwell is close friends with Sarahi Silvers’s brother, also named Jacob @dat-silvers-girl. Dynamic-wise Akemi and I have compared their relationship to that of Captain Jack Sparrow and Will Turner, with Jacob Cromwell being the more eccentric free spirit and Jacob Silvers being more down-to-earth and loyal. Jacob Cromwell is always the person to encourage and help out with Jacob Silvers’s more, er...“interesting” inventions.
8) After the Cursed Vaults are dealt with and Duncan is finally able to rest in peace, Jacob remains good friends with Olivia Green. He writes to her almost as much as he does his sister Carewyn.
9) Jacob is BIG on the King Arthur mythos. One of his favorite book series is The Once and Future King by T.H. White, and his favorite Disney movie is The Sword in the Stone.
10) Jacob’s wand is Aspen and dragon heartstring, 13 inches, pliable. Dragon heartstring as a core tends to learn new magics quickly, create powerful, flamboyant spells, and be somewhat more susceptible to the Dark Arts than unicorn hair or phoenix feather, all of which perfectly suits intellectual, but aggressive Jacob. Aspen wands have a reputation of belonging to talented magical duelists, and Jacob fits that image perfectly as well. As an adult, Jacob even studies under a Navajo wizard in America who teaches him how to duel with two wands simultaneously. From that point on, Jacob duels with both his Aspen wand and a second wand made of Blackthorn and Wampus cat hair.
10 Facts!
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