#both the clones and the epic doctor seem ripe for a Weird Gay Thing but of course the genre forbids this. tragic
mithridacy · 1 year
read We are Legion (We are Bob) on recommendation from my family. it is hard to explain how much i felt this book sucked on every possible level
this is a book about meeting ur clone and yet fundamentally it fails to ask any interesting question about that proposition. Like 'how would different experiences change u' (they are ~quantumly~ different at birth so ones the sad one and ones the homebody one from 1s after creation, no experience needed) (characters do not grow and change). or even 'would you fuck your clone'!!!
bob software is at a nerd convention which is how we know we like him (but he ISN'T SMELLY and he ISNT WEIRD LIKE COSPLAYERS). he signs up to get cryogenic'd, talks to his family in the worst dialog of all time. then gets hit by a truck
he wakes up in the 2100s oh nooo the USA is gone the religious fascists took over. but not EPIC DOCTOR iforgethisname who watches star trek. anyways dr epic is like "yeah buddy we bought ur brain scanned it and we wanna make u a slavedroid. u don't have personhood but we can still be fwiends right. im secretly an atheist so u know im cool". anyways he does the minihungergames which involves controlling robots and whoever uses them best gets to live yayy. he does it because he can code. isn't that cool. dear reader can u code?? doesn't that make u better than ur friends? <- author
It tries to do a The Martian where yk, science helps somebody do cool sci fi shit. but the author is a software engineer who cannot imagine a discipline that couldn't be solved by a better App so fundamentally all the "science" is "i wrote a simulation" or "i wrote swarm-robot code and the robots built x".
It's transhumanism without the trans and without the humanism. this is a "humanist" tract that is fundamentally calvanist in its beliefs about the human capacity to change and grow. Brazilians are treated as a sinful inferior race with no possibility of redemption im not even fuckin kidding. the book sucks its dick off about pacifism and then says but maybe a racial cleansing of the rabid Brazilian is in order....
there is no sense of structure of climax. the last chapter arrives without fanfare being exactly as dull as all the other. was genuinely surprised when it was over
for an ostensibly hard sci fi book that is constantly fellatiating itself and the reader for how scientific they are, the space combat scenes demonstrate a shockingly nonexistent grasp of things like 'momentum'. in one chapter our heros are doing a strafing run at 0.2c. A conventional missile accelerates from a standstill to be right on their trails, at which point the heros do dogfighting shit in space, buzz the tower several times. then the book goes right back to sucking itself off by talking about how long it'd take to decelerate to orbital velocity
(response to unrecommend a book ask game)
sdjkfsjdf yeah this sounds like a very frustrating read, and the brazil part absolutely bizarre and gross ??. wrt to the "hard scifi" part, does it at least do anything interesting w the software stuff that the author does know? i mean it seems like no given the Apps.
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