#bottom of the hill san francisco
earlycuntsets · 4 months
nobody noticed my cursed gerard pic
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photographed by dannyensele from sacramentomusicarchive.com
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disposableshell · 2 years
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Frank Iero in the crowd during “Joyriding” at Bottom of the Hill in San Francisco, CA (Mar 12th, 2015)
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greendayauthority · 5 months
Green Day on this day: 17 April 2024
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"Who's from the West Bay? I bet you people don't even know you're in the WEST Bay. Did you even know there WAS a Bay?" — Mike Dirnt at Bottom of the Hill, 1998
“I have so much gratitude and so much love getting to play music in front of people for so many years.” — Billie Joe Armstrong at Thee Parkside, 2018
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frerardingitup · 6 months
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callmeblake · 1 year
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The pictures that have Frank in them from here.
My Chemical Romance - Bottom of the Hill, San Francisco, CA. 1/23/2003
Photo Credit: Danny Ensele
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slaxton · 2 years
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bandcampsnoop · 2 years
Aluminum are yet another San Francisco/Bay Area band. "Windowpane EP" was released late last year by Dandy Boy Records (Oakland, CA). This label has built an impressive catalogue in a relatively short amount of time.
Aluminum is made up of music veterans from other bands. Most notably, members played in Wild Moth and Marbled Eye. This has a shoegaze/math rock/pop sound. It reminds me of Barcelona, My Bloody Valentine and Bailter Space.
In fact, Aluminum will be opening for Bailter Space and Terry Gross (former members of Trans Am) on April 21st at the Bottom of the Hill in San Francisco.
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chrisgraue · 2 years
Turning San Francisco into Dancesylvania on Friday March 3. Get tickets for me, Top Secret Robot Alliance, and Super Cassette now! http://www.bottomofthehill.com/20230303.html#.Y8lvIqSIYzT
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slovenlyrecordings · 1 year
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Can’t make it to Virginia City to catch Subsonics with Billy Childish and Th' Losin Streaks? Well you have two more very rare opportunities to witness this peerless ATL powerhouse with shows in Oakland at Thee Stork Club (July 15) and San Francisco at Bottom of the Hill (July 16), and we couldn’t be more gassed to bring their haywire boom-shang-a-lang to the Bay Area.
Subsonics self-titled album from 1991 and 2nd album “Good Violence” get their first every vinyl treatments this fall on Slovenly Recordings. Come out and help us celebrate this landmark occasion in advance of release!
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batteredshoes · 4 months
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Bottom of the Hill, San Francisco | Jo Babcock
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ereardon · 1 year
One Night in Tokyo [Jake Seresin x Reader]
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Summary: Calling off your wedding three days before wasn’t part of the plan. Neither was going to Tokyo alone on what was supposed to be your honeymoon. That’s how you ended up at the bar of The Shangri-La, drinking martinis. That’s how Jake Seresin found you. 
Pairing: Jake Seresin x Reader 
Warnings: Cursing, SMUT, called off wedding, alcohol. This is filth, y’all
WC: 6.2K
You knocked on the door, fingers shaking. Maybe it was the nerves. Or the gin. Or both. You waited, shifting subtly from side to side, letting your weight sink into the balls of your feet as your stilettos dug into the carpet of the hotel hallway. 
Finally, just as you were wondering if you should knock again or leave, the door swung open. 
You stuttered. His green eyes roamed over your body, starting at your feet, working their way over your short dress, up to your cleavage, rolling over your collarbones, finally meeting your own. 
He smiled. You smiled back, timidly. He stepped to the side, leaving a gap in the doorway. You looked beyond where he stood. The glittering lights of Tokyo flickered beyond the floor to ceiling windows of the hotel suite. 
“Coming in, baby?” he asked. 
You looked up at Jake Seresin before nodding, stepping over the threshold, letting Jake’s hand fall to the small of your back as he closed the door, locking the two of you inside, sealing your decision. 
**One Hour Before**
You were tired. But you were also stubborn. They say to fight the jet lag by staying up until an appropriate time in wherever location you have landed. But it had been two days and you were still struggling to stay awake past seven o’clock. Sitting in your hotel room wasn’t doing any good, so you wandered down to the bar, ordering a gin martini, nursing it slowly, people watching. 
Shangri-La Hotel Tokyo. The nicest hotel in the city. That’s what you’re supposed to stay in for your honeymoon, right? The fanciest hotel. Have the best time. The best sex. A place you’ll want to revisit in the future when your marriage has taken a few turns, tumbled down a few hills. When your husband’s snoring means you have to sleep in two different beds and your kid’s soccer practice schedule leaves you so worn out at the end of the day that you can barely brush your teeth let alone shave your legs and when the ten year anniversary comes around you’re clinging to the memories of sweaty hotel sex with no set alarms and no responsibilities, the way it was on your honeymoon to cancel out the feelings of inadequacy that have piled up in your marriage. 
Or at least, that’s how it should have gone. Before the wedding got called off. Less than three days before the ceremony. 
By then, most of your family had already flown into San Francisco. Your sister was the one who showed up at your door, her face tight and pale, her phone glued to her palm as she started to make the calls. 
“Aunt June? It’s Gwen. Listen, about the wedding…” 
You went into the bedroom and laid down, let the searing sun glare across your closed eyelids. San Francisco was cloudy every fucking day except the day your life turned upside down. Then it had the audacity to sparkle, sun shining from every corner of its asshole.  
Michael had come home and bared his soul. He didn’t love you. He maybe never had. But he had done what he thought was right. Met a girl, asked her to marry him. Planned a wedding. 
What he hadn’t anticipated was that you would throw an antique clock at his head, nicking the bottom of his ear, creating a gouge in the wall of the one bedroom apartment the two of you shared in Presidio Heights. He didn’t even have time to get his things. You simply opened the window and tossed them out onto Laurel Street. Including his fucking Xbox, which smashed into a million pieces as he shrieked from three stories below. It was the first time you smiled all day. 
That was how you ended up alone in Tokyo on what should have been your honeymoon, sipping a gin drink, something called Lavender Moon, that was fuzzy on your tongue, followed by two gin martinis with a twist. 
That was how Jake Seresin found you.  
You didn’t even notice him at first. He was smooth and slick, like a jungle cat, perched in a chair on the other side of the square bar, face partially hidden by the dim light. But when you left for the bathroom and returned, he had made his way to a seat directly next to yours. You climbed onto the chair you had recently vacated and noticed a new drink in front of you. 
“Hendrick’s martini with a twist. Dry.” His voice was silky but you frowned anyway. 
“Did I ask?”
He grinned, revealing a set of brilliant white teeth. “Looked like you needed a refill.” 
You shook your head. “You expect me to drink something that just magically appeared at my spot at the bar when I was in the bathroom. No thanks.” 
He leaned back, one arm against the sleek bar. He smelled like expensive cologne, the kind that doesn’t overpower but instead glides under the radar until it’s consuming you. He wore a perfectly fitted button down that showed off his sculpted arms, and a pair of tailored pants, belt cinched tight with a fancy Italian leather belt. 
You raised an eyebrow. “So you can go.” 
He made no move to vacate his chair. “You here alone?” 
You narrowed your eyes. “And you think I would tell you if I were? So you could come murder me later tonight? I’m good, but thanks for checking.” 
He flagged down the bartender. “Another martini for me, extra dry. And my girlfriend will have the same.” 
“Was this martini no good, sir?” the bartender asked. 
He smiled at you. “It was poisoned is all.” 
The bartender frowned, but cleared it. The bar stranger turned to you, his entire body shifting and opening up toward yours. 
“Jake Seresin,” he said, holding out one hand. “Think we should be on a first name basis as you’re my girlfriend and all.” 
You laughed. “You’re smooth, I’ll give you that.” 
“There’s more where that came from…?” He waited. 
You gave in. “Y/N.”
“Y/N,” Jake repeated. The way he said your name sounded better than it ever had when Michael said it. “What are you doing here, alone, Y/N?”
You could make up any variety of lie. You could say you were an insurance salesman. That you were a stripper waiting until the clubs opened. That you owned the hotel. 
So why did you tell him the truth?
“I’m drinking alone,” you said, “because my fiancé decided he didn’t love me anymore and I threw a clock at his head. And before he could explain why I was on a flight to what was supposed to be our honeymoon. But now apparently it's just an excuse to get sloppy drunk and flirt with ridiculous men.” 
Jake was silent. You expected a joke or maybe even an apology or some kind of reaction. But he simply took a sip of his martini, taking his time before setting it down without spilling a drop. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a slim billfold, sliding a black card across the bar toward the bartender. “All of the drinks on here, please,” he said. The bartender nodded, picking up the card and walking away. Jake looked back at you, pulling out a second card, placing it directly in front of your drink. “Sun suite. Thirty-seventh floor.”
You put your fingertips on the card. “What makes you think I’ll sleep with you after knowing you for approximately forty seconds?” 
Jake signed the bill, sliding his credit card back into his wallet before standing up. He was hovering so close to where you sat you could practically feel him hugging to every curve. Jake bent down, his breath warm against your neck and ear. “For once in your life,” he murmured, “do something exciting. I’ll see you soon, baby.” 
And then he was disappearing out of the silk screened doors and you turned back to the bar with shock written across your face. 
Who the fuck was Jake Seresin? And why did he have you dripping wet beneath your cocktail dress in a matter of minutes? 
There was a stillness to the room. As soon as the door shut, a flood of panic zipped through your veins. Was this a mistake? He was a stranger. A good looking, smooth stranger. 
Serial killer material. 
“I don’t plan on murdering you if that’s what you’re thinking,” Jake said from across the room, a smirk spread along his beautiful face. He had a glass of scotch in one hand, long legs leaning up against the back of a silk couch. You frowned and he chuckled. “You’re easier to read than you think, sweetheart.” 
“So you do this often, huh?” you asked, stepping closer, running one hand over the marble counter of the bar set up in one end of the living room. 
Jake approached gently from behind, grabbing a bottle of champagne from a bucket of ice, peeling off the foil wrapping at the top before popping it gently in one hand. “Yes,” he admitted. “Since my divorce.” 
“How long?” 
“Two years.” 
“Shame,” you replied as he poured you a glass of champagne, taking the delicate crystal stem in one hand. 
Jake shrugged. “It’s my fault. I was gone all the time and she got tired of waiting around. I don’t blame her.” 
You looked up at him. He was even more chiseled than you had originally thought. Short stubble over the bottom half of his face, piercing green eyes, slightly too long hair swept back with a practiced hand gesture. Who wouldn’t wait for him? 
Jake shook his head. “Anyway, you don’t want to hear about that. That’s not why you’re here.” 
“Maybe I do,” you said quietly, turning back around to look at him before facing forward, eyes scanning the cityscape outside the large windows. “Maybe I want to know you before we do this.” 
You shivered as Jake’s hand skimmed your waist, and you could feel the heat from his body as he stepped in closer, hovering only inches from you, his hips level with yours, his breath on your neck. “Y/N,” he murmured. “It can just be a drink if that’s what you want. Nothing more.” 
You swiveled around until you and Jake were face-to-face, your ass pressed up against the glass. “I want more,” you whispered. “I’m just…” You trailed off. 
He nodded. “I know.” Jake took the glass out of your hand and put it down on the coffee table near the silk couch. When he stepped back toward you, his hand smoothed over your waist again. Large. Warm. Thrilling. When was the last time you had been touched by someone since Michael? “We’ll take things slow.” 
“Is that what you tell all the girls after you spike their drinks?” 
He laughed. It was a nice laugh. Better than nice. It hugged you like a good pair of leggings. A warm scarf on a cold autumn day. It radiated a warmth you hadn’t seen in your almost-husband in a long time. Jake smiled down at you. “Why did you come here tonight?” he asked. 
“You told me to.” 
“But you don’t seem like the kind of woman who does things because someone told her to,” he replied. Jake let his fingers slide up slightly, thumb brushing beneath the curve of your breast in your tight black dress. You swallowed a gasp. “You seem like the kind of woman who likes to be in charge.” 
“Maybe being the boss is exhausting,” you whispered as Jake slid his thumb up over your breast, toward your nipple. You could feel your pulse between your thighs. “Maybe for once I want someone else in the driver’s seat.” 
He leaned in, second hand grabbing your waist, tugging you up against him tightly, the hand on your breast now palming you entirely, squeezing you until you groaned lightly. “Say the word, baby, and I’m all yours. I’ll take care of you, I promise.” 
You looked up at Jake. “And then what?” you asked. “I leave and we never see each other again? Just disappear into a city of fourteen million people?” 
His lips curled up. “Why not? It’s one night, Y/N. You look like you could use a good fuck. And trust me when I say, I’m good.” 
You rolled your eyes and he chuckled. “Oh fuck it,” you muttered, reaching your hands up and winding them around Jake’s neck, dragging his head down to yours, pressing your lips to his. You whimpered as Jake’s hands gripped your waist tightly, walking you backward until you were pressed against the floor-to-ceiling window, his tongue padding yours gently, his knee nudging your legs wider until your core was pressed down against his trousers, lighting up your clit. 
Jake pulled his lips from yours, sliding down and kissing along your neck, sucking behind your ear, one hand cupping your ass, pulling you forward against his thigh, forcing a moan out of your mouth. “Do you want to tell me what you want?” Jake whispered gruffly. “Or do you just want me to guess?” 
“Fuck me until I can’t walk,” you replied and he groaned, burying his face in your chest, fingertips dragging down the top of your dress until your breasts were spilling out and Jake’s mouth was on your nipple, hot and wet, and when he sucked harshly you let out a gasp. “Oh, shit!” 
Jake pulled off of your nipple with a groan, spinning you around until you were facing the city, your hands pressed high on the glass. He adjusted the front of your dress so your breasts were covered once again before sliding his body over yours from behind. You could feel how hard he was in his trousers as he rubbed himself over your ass, his lips trailing over your left shoulder. Gently, he moved the hair from your neck, kissing you until a crop of goosebumps arose on your arms. 
He slid his hands down over your sides, letting one hand dip down below your ass in between your legs, brushing lightly over your soaked core. 
He grunted. “Fuck, you’re wet.” His hand moved down, trailing along your inner thigh before he nudged your legs apart, widening your stance, stepping in closer, pressing himself flush with your back. One hand came up and held you across your abdomen, and the other wrapped around and slithered up your thigh, crossing over to the apex between your legs, his fingers slipping beneath the lacy fabric of your panties, thick fingertips brushing over your wet folds. “Holy shit,” he murmured, resting his chin on your shoulder. 
Jake’s fingers slid down past your clit and folds as you wobbled in his arms, until his middle finger was circling your entrance. You were practically bucking against his hand, his large palm flattened against your clit, and he pressed a kiss to your bare shoulder as his finger slipped inside of you, spreading you open while you whined in his arms. “Oh my God!” 
“You like that, hmm?” He thrust his finger into you until he was met with the spongy part of your walls, fingertip curling and brushing against your inner wall as you shook in his arms. The next time Jake pulled his finger out he added a second one and you hitched forward, leaning your forehead against the glass, breath fogging and blurring the cityscape below. 
“Shit, yes, yes.” 
Jake buried his fingers into your cunt as you dripped on his knuckles, his free hand holding you up as your legs started to shake. Then, in an instant, he pulled his fingers out and you frowned. Before you could protest, Jake had turned you back around and he was on his knees. “Come here,” he demanded and you stepped forward, letting Jake’s hand slide up your bare leg, one finger hooking into the lacy fabric of your thong, pulling it down your legs slowly until you stepped out of it. He made sure it didn’t catch on your stilettos as he pressed your feet open wider, hands sliding back up the outsides of your thighs, bunching the black tight dress up around your waist so your dripping core was laid bare for him. Jake pulled himself to eye level with your wet pussy and groaned audibly. “Fuck,” he muttered, bending forward, licking a stripe up your folds as your hands shot out, reaching for his shoulders to steady you. 
His fingers dug into your thighs as his sharp tongue spread you open, licking around your entrance, nose buried deep against your puffy clit as you rocked back and forth across his face, barely able to contain yourself. Jake’s hands kept you just close enough that you were practically shaking as you grinded against him, letting his tongue work you into a frenzy. 
And just as you were starting to build the heat in your lower abdomen, he pulled back, pink lips glistening. You pouted, hands still digging into his shoulders. 
“Not yet,” he whispered huskily, standing up and wiping at his wet face with a towel from the bar. 
“So is that how this works?” you asked, yanking down the hem of your dress as Jake leaned against the bar, sipping on his drink. “You go down on me for five seconds and then ask me to suck your cock?” 
“Is that what you want?” he asked, putting down his drink, inching closer, one hand on your throat, thumb over your pulse point, your neck turned up toward him, his green eyes shimmering. “My cock filling your mouth? Not sure how it’ll fit with all that sass you’ve got going on.” 
“Well you probably have a micropenis, so I’m sure it’ll fit with room to spare.” 
He laughed, taking your hand and sliding it down his chest and abdomen, your fingers tracing along his rock hard body, over his belt buckle, down to the impressive tent in his pants. He was massive, you could tell even over his pants. “Micro?” he asked. 
You shrugged, fingers still hot over the bulge beneath his belt. “I’m guessing two, three inches tops.” 
Jake grinned, undoing his belt, opening the first button of his fly and grabbing your much smaller hand, thrusting it down the front of his pants until you were met with the hot, pulsing length of his cock against your fingertips. You wrapped your fingers around it the best you could but he was thick and veiny and there was barely any room in his underwear to get a good grip. “More than three?” he asked. 
You looked up into his eyes. “Three and a half.” 
Jake’s smile turned into an open mouth moan as his eyes rolled back into his head when you used your other hand to push down his boxer briefs and the waistband of his pants, freeing his hard cock. It was hot in your hand as you rubbed your thumb over the tip, drawing the precum over the fat head of his cock and down his length, wrapping your fist around him the best you could, slowly pumping him a few times, letting his balls drag across the sides of your fingers when you pressed against his base. 
He opened his eyes and you smirked. “Not so bossy now, are you?” you asked. 
Jake raised his eyebrows. “You want to forget about your piece of shit fiancé?” 
“Ex-fiancé,” you corrected him. 
He nodded. “You want to forget about him?” 
“Then get on your knees, sugar. Show daddy what you’re made of so I can treat you after.” 
“Do I look like I’m kidding?” He did not. You let out a sigh, slowly sinking to your knees in front of Jake. He leaned over, grabbing a pillow from the silk couch. “Wait. Kneel on this.” He dropped the cushion on the ground and you knelt down, hands at your sides. “Come on, sweetheart. Take my cock in your mouth like a good girl. And then I’ll make you come.” 
He slid his pants and underwear down to the ground, stepping out of them and you leaned in, running one hand over his outer thigh, his thick cock staring you in the face. 
Jake threaded one hand into your hair as you lowered your mouth onto his tip, tongue brushing the underside of his cock as he groaned. “Oh, fuck, yeah, that’s good.” You slid his cock across your tongue until the tip hit the back of your throat as you gagged around his length. Pitching forward, placing both hands on his thighs, you bobbed up and down on his cock, letting spit pool in your mouth as you suctioned onto him, tasting his salty skin as Jake pulled you in, your nose brushing along his perfectly kept pubic hair. 
“Shit,” you muttered as you popped off of him for a second, eyes tearing up, before diving back in, sucking hard, pulling a moan from Jake’s mouth as he closed his eyes above you. 
“Fuck, God, shit come here.” Jake tugged at your hair, pulling you off of him, and you looked up, spit dripping from your mouth. “Come here,” he repeated, bending down, helping you to stand, pressing his mouth to yours, tasting himself on you. He walked you backward against the far wall of the room, his wet cock pressing against you and Jake’s large hands reached down, yanking up your dress, pulling it over your head. 
You were standing in front of him bare except for a pair of stilettos and he grabbed your thighs, lifting you up seamlessly, his lips landing on yours again as his cock nudged against your folds, your legs winding around his waist. He brushed against your core, the hot, pulsing tip of his cock threatening to split you apart, and you moaned into his mouth. 
Jake slid his lips down to your neck, sucking below your ear as you grinded your hips the best you could, trapped between him and the wall, desperate for more. “Greedy girl,” he whispered in your ear, biting your earlobe gently. “You want this cock, huh? Want me to fuck you against the wall until you’re creaming on me. Is that what you want?” 
“Yes,” you begged. “Please?” 
He was still wearing his shirt and you fumbled for the buttons, undoing them hastily, pushing it apart to reveal his perfectly chiseled chest. Jake carefully let you slip one arm out and then the other, never putting you down, until your chests were pressed together, your breasts molded onto him. 
“Jake,” you whined. 
“Such a fucking needy girl,” he muttered, rutting himself against you, pressing you further against the wall, his cock slipping over your folds, nudging at your clit. You yelped. “Knew the second I saw you that you’d like it fucking dirty. You would have let me fuck you right there at the bar, wouldn’t you?” 
“No,” you gasped as he reached down, spreading you apart with his fingers, placing the head of his cock at your entrance. 
“No?” He stopped moving, leaning back to look at you. 
You shook your head, breathless. “You were a serial killer, remember?” 
Jake laughed, sliding himself inside of you. 
You gasped, mouth falling open as Jake’s thick cock split you in two, filling every single inch of you, pressing you further up the wall as his hands held your waist tightly. 
He pushed in further, eliciting pants of pleasure from you as he held back from slamming against your cervix. “Fuck,” he muttered, his green eyes locked on you. “You’re so fucking tight.” 
“Oh, fuck.” 
“Hey, look at me,” he said gruffly and you lowered your chin, looking him square in the eye. He was all of the way inside of you and you had never felt so stuffed in your life. You hadn’t even known there was that much room inside of you until Jake had taken up residence inside your cunt. “You come when I say,” he commanded and you found yourself nodding. “This pussy belongs to me now.” 
And then he pulled back, slamming inside of you as you cried out in his arms, his fingertips digging into your waist and ass, holding you up as he fucked you against the wall, your back slamming against the ornate silk wallpaper as his cock brushed against the furthest recesses of your walls. “Fuck! Jake!” 
“Tell me when you’re going to come,” he grunted. 
You whimpered as Jake pulled you into his arms, yanking you from against the wall, crossing the room while still using his hands to pull your hips up and down against his cock, laying you down on the fluffy bed as he stood against the side, your feet now resting on his shoulders as he bent you over further, driving his cock deeper inside of you while you sobbed in pleasure. “Jake! I—” 
He pulled out of you in an instant and your eyes flew open, outraged. 
“What the?” 
His hand came out and slapped your puffy pussy lips. You looked up, stunned. “Get on the bed,” Jake demanded and you let your heels fall off, crawling back onto the middle of the bed, looking up in surprise. “Now come here.” 
Jake crawled until he was positioned over you, beautiful face looming only a few inches above you. 
“You’re going to make me come,” he whispered, “and then you get to come. Understand, princess?” 
You had two failed orgasms under your belt and you felt heat creeping up across your collarbones and onto your neck. Desperation clung to you as hard as you tried to shake it off. “Yes, daddy.” 
Jake’s eyes flashed. Was it power? Was it passion? Either way, he smoothed his hand over your breasts, down your stomach, thumb pressing down on your clit as you groaned. “Spread your legs.” 
You did as you were told and Jake lined himself up with your soaking entrance, pushing into you with one long thrust as your breath broke, your fingers reaching out and wrapping around his biceps. He pushed further into you, grunting lightly, picking up his pace, his cock brushing against your walls as you climbed toward an orgasm, writhing beneath him, whimpering. 
A scream started to build in your throat until it couldn’t be kept down any longer and you found yourself wailing, body vibrating as you teetered on the edge when Jake sat up, pulling your hips up over his thighs, fucking into you hard, his thumb pressing against your clit in tight circles. 
“Oh, oh God!” you shouted as you started to flex around him. “I’m going to come! Jake!” 
“Don’t come,” he demanded, pulling his thumb away, fingers tightening on your waist as he drove his cock further into you, feeling the warmth of your walls hugging him in tightly. “Fuck.” 
He dropped you down, pulling out and shooting hot, sticky cum across your bare tits as you whimpered below him, a series of loud grunts leaving his mouth as he fisted his cock, milking himself over you. 
Jake rolled over onto his back before getting up, grabbing a towel from the bar, handing it to you. You sat up, wiping at your bare chest. 
“Alright,” you said softly. “My turn?” 
He smirked. “Desperate, are we?” 
“No.” It was a lie and you both knew it. Jake leaned against the headboard, both hands behind his head, cock spent but already hard again, taunting you. 
You straddled his hips, your aching core hovering over him. “Say please.” 
“Please.” It was a thin, wretched whisper. You couldn’t believe you were begging a near-stranger to let you orgasm. In five years Michael had never put you in a position like this. 
“That’s my girl,” Jake whispered and a shudder of excitement ran down your spine. “Come here.” 
He watched as you sank onto his hard cock, letting out a sharp cry as he filled you again. You pitched forward, hands on his pecs, grinding yourself against him, bouncing up and down on him, using him. Jake gripped your waist, eyes trained on you as you tossed your head back in a moan. “Shit.” 
“Fuck, you’re sexy,” he whispered and your eyes snapped open, catching his. Jake smiled. “You gonna come for me, sweetheart? Hmm?” 
You nodded frantically, jaw dropping open when Jake’s hand skimmed down, thumb pressing against your clit as you leaned back. He circled your swollen bud, watching his cock disappear into you. “Jake, please, please, let me come, oh fuck it feels so good.” 
“Come on my cock,” he demanded, pressing down harder against your clit and you burst, letting out a loud cry, falling forward into Jake’s waiting arms as he thrust his hips up into you while you rode out your orgasm, your mouth biting against his shoulder as his hands stroked your bare back, pulling you down hard against him. 
Finally, he stilled and you pressed yourself back, arms shaky. Jake tucked a section of hair behind your ear. 
“You’re fucking beautiful,” he said and you blushed, suddenly incredibly aware that he was still inside of your throbbing cunt, his other hand holding your waist like it was the most natural thing in the world. Your left hand was conspicuously bare, fingers digging into the flesh of his pec. 
“You’re just saying that so I blow you again,” you murmured, trying to roll off of him but Jake caught you, grounding you above him. 
“No,” he said, shaking his head, green eyes hard and demanding. “It’s the truth. I don’t make a habit of lying to one night stands for no reason.” His eyes grazed over your body. Covered in a thin sheen of sweat and semen and tears. You felt more alive than you had in years. Finally, he lifted you slowly off of his cock and you grunted as he slid out of you, your pussy aching and sore. Jake set you down gently on the bed next to him, standing up and crossing the room toward the bathroom, turning on the shower. “Join me?” 
You followed him into the marble bathroom. The shower was enormous, with no obvious door, just two half walls on either side of glass, with built-in seats on either side, a large silver shower head directly above you with a steady stream of water trickling down. Jake stepped in and held out a hand. You took it, letting him pull you in, the hot water falling over your face, letting Jake rub soap over your chest, down your stomach, between your legs. He turned you around, one hand on the wall, as he scrubbed over your back, pressing a kiss to the top of your ass, pushing himself against you until you could feel how hard he was. 
He grunted. “Fuck. I need you.” “Again?” you asked. Michael has been able to go once, maybe twice in a night. Jake was insatiable.
He nodded, chin dragging against your shoulder. “Go dry off.” 
You did as he said, sitting on the edge of the bed wearing only a towel wrapped around your waist, wet hair dripping down your back. Jake emerged a few minutes later, dropping the towel he had been using to dry his hair, perfect body glistening with water from the shower and on full display. He had chiseled abs that looked like they were carved out of stone and he grinned when you opened your legs wide, the edge of the towel not nearly long enough to cover your pussy. “How do you want me?” 
Jake stepped up to where you sat on the bed, reaching out and flicking at the knot in the towel, sending it flying on either side of you, leaving you bare in front of him. He fisted his cock, already hard, a few times before lining himself up with your entrance, pushing himself into your tired, swollen pussy as you laid back with a groan. 
“Oh, fuck!” 
Jake pulled out before slamming back into you, watching as his cock disappeared into your tight pussy. He put one hand on your lower stomach, groaning loudly as he felt his cock stretching you, creating a bulge where his hand was pressed against your skin. “Fucking Christ,” he muttered as you grabbed your own tits, whining below him, luxuriating in the delicious stretch of his cock inside of you. “You like that, don’t you?” he asked, sliding his other hand below your thigh, angling you back until he was thrusting deeper into you as you cried out. “Want me to break your fucking pussy in half, do you?” 
“Go on then,” he said. “Come on my cock. Show me how much you love it.” 
You let your head roll back, whiny sighs tumbling out of your mouth as Jake grabbed your waist, fucking you slow and deep, his pelvic bone brushing over your sensitive clit with every drag of his cock against your walls until you were shivering against him. “Fuck, I think I’m gonna come. Oh shit, Jake, now!” 
He leaned over, cock descending deeper into you, his voice rough as his lips brushed near your ear. “That’s it, baby girl. Show me how much you want me.” You let yourself fall over the edge, crying out his name on repeat, tears falling from the corners of your eyes as you felt Jake’s cock slide against your contracting walls, overstimulating you until you were whimpering and writhing beneath him. 
He leaned back, pulling out of you. “Come here.” 
You squinted, trying to let the spots fade from your vision, and watched as Jake stepped over toward the floor-to-ceiling window, his cock dripping wet. 
“Come on, sweetheart,” he said. “Make daddy happy.” 
You found yourself kneeling on the ground at his feet, both of Jake’s hands on the window, your bare ass pressed against the cold glass as your fingers found his waist, his cock thrust into your mouth. You could taste your own juices on him and he groaned immediately when you took him into your mouth, the mushroom tip of his cock bruising the back of your throat as he started to face fuck you. 
“Fuck, oh God, Y/N, just like that!” 
You gagged around his length, using your hands on his waist to pull him closer, letting saliva drip out of the corners of your mouth as tears streamed down your face, your mouth full as you attempted to suck along his veiny cock. He pulled back enough for you to take a deep breath, thrusting your tongue on the underside of his cock, making Jake’s hips jump, forcing his cock even deeper into your throat. 
“Fuck, baby, want to come in your mouth,” he whispered huskily. “Make you forget what it’s like not to have my cock in your mouth.” 
Your fingers tugged him closer and Jake leaned forward, crying out as his hips thrust forward, propelling his cock against your tongue and throat, hot, salty cum spilling into you. He fucked your mouth a few last times, his cries filling the room as his cock filled your mouth, and you let it drip down the sides of your mouth and into your neck and tits until he pulled out, resting his head against the cold glass window as you swallowed below him, your pussy wet where it was pressed against the wooden floor. 
“Fuck,” Jake muttered, finally opening his eyes. The sight of you below him, covered in his cum, chest heaving from exertion, a wet patch on the ground from where you had dripped your excitement onto the floor, practically sent him into a fit. He leaned down, pulling you up, dragging his thumb over your lip, collecting his cum from your face before feeding it between your lips. You sucked on him eagerly, swallowing as your eyes stayed glued on his. His cock, despite being spent, twitched in excitement. “Let’s get you cleaned up.” You let Jake use your towel to wipe the cum off of your tits and neck and face. 
Somehow, despite the fact that he was a stranger, it felt normal to slip under the sheets next to him, the lights of the city glittering below you from outside the window. Jake leaned over, pressing one large hand to your abdomen, skimming the bottom curve of your breast. “Still think I’m a serial killer?” he asked softly.
“Maybe,” you replied. “But at least you’re a good lay.” 
Jake chuckled, lying back and settling in. You rolled onto your side away from him and closed your eyes. 
When you opened them, it was light out. You reached out and Jake’s half of the bed was empty. Your dress from the night before was lying perfectly across the couch, panties folded on top, shoes set up neatly on the floor. You sat up, rubbing at your eyes, before spotting a piece of white cardstock on the writing desk against the wall. 
Hotel bar, 8pm. And this time, you get to come first. 
Tag list [using my list from The Off-Season since it's my most up-to-date Jake list but if you're not interested in these types of fics just let me know!):
@double-j @topguncultleader @momc95 @hangmandruigandmav
@teacupsandtopgun @xomrsalliej4787xo @xoxabs88xox @blue-aconite @seresinhangmanjake @eminyourjeans @shawnsblue @babyminghao @sadpetalsstuff @angelbabyange @taytaylala12 @wkndwlff @mygyn @oneelleandaneye @averyhotchner @rosiahills22 @djs8891 @rxmtoon @valkyrja-siren-blog @horseshoegirl @abaker74 @clancycucumber230 @theharddeck @redbarn1995 @shanimallina87
@memeorydotcom @joaquinwhorres @bobfloydsbabe @gretagerwigsmuse
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earlycuntsets · 5 months
bottom of the hill, san francisco, ca 1/25/2003
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oh yeah and here's some cursed gerard
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photographed by dannyensele from sacramentomusicarchive.com
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junkienet · 2 months
✱ LEATHER KISSES ? king caesar.
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fluff ⌇ missing a partner undertone ⸻ ﹙ 𝒜lt ﹒ universe ﹚ established relationships. 𝒻.ᐟreader
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the gleam of the bonfire clatters twice , three times. you , with pummeled hands and a mottled nose , rub your buttocks in the gore of wood bound to the muddy lot. the colony of the seditious apes of san francisco , dwelling on the hill south of the muir woods grove , was splashed and sullen. you scan your periphery , zigzagging. up , down; clouds of gloom in the aspect of frond and earthly fields rubricated by gorilla tracks. left , right; wall of stalks and brush , jungle grotto toward the thundering creek.
yawning , you wait for caesar.
panted hoo's and thorax bumps percuss above your skull , the committee's agglomeration is perennial. you wheeze , your chin lands your palm. you lick the blueberry sapidity of your bottom lip , conquering a flimsy sprig. with the apex pointed towards the space between the appendage of your shoes , you tattoo the mud. you sketch a house, with a beaked roof and quadriform windows. then, without effort, you draw a heart. you indolently grope to compose it captivating by attaching bird—y propellers. with your head warped , you doodle a pair of ocelli eyes similar to a grassy meadow and twinkling suns , worn and human. the bonfire clatters four , five times. you , with troubled legs and eager fingers , miss caesar.
you hammer the denouement with the branch among your digits , with each roll the din of the council members disengage to their huts with wobbles on their haunches and shoulders. your orbs pirouette above the circumference of your larynx , running a folded lip , pinched nose and exhausted eyes.
of grassy meadows and twinkling suns.
you impel the twig to the fire , the flare zapping in sumptuousness. the aloque bubbling that scorched your cheek is cornered behind the indigo and avid glow. your feet wiggle squiggly between earth and vegetation , and the ape king sways donnishly in your midnight collision. he grunts and exhales, steepening his head downward. his leathery forehead kisses the sweaty skin amidst your brow.
the bonfire clatters six, seven times. caesar, pompous—chested and cheeks fluffed in erudition, had missed you too.
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themcrarchive · 2 years
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1/25/2003: My Chemical Romance play at Bottom of the Hill in San Francisco, CA 🦇
Photos via Danny Ensele
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tyforthevnm · 2 years
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My Chemical Romance at Bottom of the Hill, San Francisco, CA on January 23, 2003 | Danny Ensele for Sacramento Music Archive
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jennyfromthebes · 18 days
2004-05-26 at Bottom of the Hill, San Francisco CA, taped by Timotah40
I'm really fond of basically every show from the span between WSABH and The Sunset Tree, setlists from that timeframe are pretty consistently fantastic and this one's no exception. This The Mess Inside is honestly a definitive version of the song for me - I've heard and loved full-band and solo performances of it alike, but this one really stands out to me.
The Mountain Goats collection on the Live Music Archive has 450+ live recordings and spans from 1992 to present day! Live Tapes Tuesday is a weekly post aiming to bring attention to the diligent taping efforts of the tMG community by spotlighting a different tape every week. // What’s the Live Music Archive?
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