botwheadcanons · 2 years
Hi, I'd like a matchup, but not the kind you usually do. This is more of a platonic thing. Hear me out.
Say I'm on the battlefield, staring down something big, dark, and ugly. Who do you recommend for me as a battle partner (old and/or new Champions)? In a fight, my preferred plan of attack is to go in fast and strike the weak points, which is probably my best option since I'm physically unimpressive. Which Champion do you think would give me the best support?
(I understand this may be a bit unorthodox, but what can I say? I like shaking things up every now and then)
I am cracking my knuckles with hype to respond to this. My first thought was that Revali was strong and fast, but a bit of further thinking had me reflect that he might be a bit too pompous to happily provide backup or support. [ See how he felt about Link] So instead I'm saying Teba. He's a father and a husband. He has love and care built into the workings of being a good dad; as such I could see him on the battlefield being a brilliant help to another who differs from his own strength. He has the speed, strength, and forethought to provide help exactly where it is needed for another on the battlefield. ~Mod Zelda
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alphaweeb · 11 months
I go by Azalie. I exist here solely to get mental psychic damage and sow general chaos. I would say I have a punk/anarchist type beat going on. I also tend to be very contradictory in my sense of style.
My other blogs:
@hornyonmainfics - I am a shameless self shipper. This blog started as an nsfw fic archive and quickly turned into an all type archive of reader inserts. I'm currently working on getting everything tagged properly so that MAYBE yall can just look up by character.
@botwheadcanons - Proud momma of this headcannon blog. I'm so incredibly grateful for the others who help me run this monster of a blog. It wouldn't be as big as it has become without them.
@alphaaesthetic - This is where I'm trying to catalog a sense of identity. Anything I see that's something I'd like to eventually present irl. Aesthetic posts mostly.
@legalizeranch - Ranch memes because I'm that nasty ranch bitch that dips everything in ranch. People honestly don't meme about ranch enough, and I'm about to have to start making my own. Smh, gotta do everything around here.
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going-fancognito · 4 years
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Your boi Revali wants to make sure you know that you have his support❤️
@all other Revali/BOTW lovers😁
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rosesilverpenrp · 7 years
A message from the mun:
You wanna know someone who is amazing and makes my day every time I see them on my dash?
Look down. Seriously. Look down at yourself. Or look in a mirror.
Congrats! You found them!
You guys rock.
And to the people I follow who I don’t know if they’re following me... this post applies to you, too. So I’m gonna tag a bunch of you:
@kimveee @knightbusdriver @the-redwaller (hello DA here) @dibbunsagainstbedtime @dailyrowlet @shelgon @shinycaterpie @scriptautistic @underimagines @potoincorrectquotes @managersoftheday @incorrectpokemonquotes @incorrectredwallquotes @bechnokid @textsfromtheopera @tamashiihiroka @theredwallrecorder @botwheadcanons (smol anon with all the Beedle-related asks here hello hi)
there are others I’m sure.
screw it.
love you all.
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Okay so I'm kind of new to the Legend of Zelda fandom. I found your blog like two days ago and I love your headcanons! Any chance I could bother you to name some other botwheadcanon blogs, please (and thank you)? -AJ
Hoo boy here we go- I don’t follow every blog, but here’s what I have!
I follow these people on my main;
@lesserfandomappreciation (they do more than botw, but it’s certainly become a huge thing on their blog rip-and I’d like to thank them for the shoutout!)
And I follow @imaginationsofthebreathofthewild on this blog!
I believe that most blogs are closed for requests at the moment, so if you happen to want to send things in you might want to check first, but they all have good content and I’m always excited to see them show up!
Also, some blogs do take NSFW requests, so do be careful if you follow them!!
A little bonus for some silly things with the guardians; @bad-guardian-ideas
Sorry if you’ve already seen these!!
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botwheadcanons · 2 years
Smol Beedle Anon, I just had this thought of. What if the New Champions were on the Divine Beasts when Link conquered them? Teba was wounded, what if Link brought him to the Divine Beast? And the New Champions heard the old ones speaking to Link and whatnot. And Sidon saw his sister again!
this makes me emotional just to think about to be honest. My gosh.  Thinking of price. thinking of emotional reunions. Just. thinking of one last chance to be able to see them. i kind of wish they would have been included too instead of being --- battering rams and basically cars. Well, transport. Even if it wasn’t necessarily a helper-dungeon like wind Waker just a little ~ interaction ~ extra story beats and conversations. Maybe providing like a guide [they should have learned a little bit about the beasts right? Or maybe even just in there - unable to help but present due to injury or otherwise. SOMETHING
~mod zelda
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botwheadcanons · 5 years
Ok, let's say the 4 new Champs have to go out and do Link things for plot reasons and they come across the great fairies. How do each of them react to getting a kiss from a Great Fairy?
SHi there! This is CUTE AS HECK ! ♥
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I feel like Riju would be the type to try to be all….. stoic about it. But she’s only small, only little - a child. So she’d probably [blhehfhegh] over being kissed. Being typical kiddie. But maybe also it’d make her feel kinda loved and safe, like the old ‘forehead kiss is protective tenderness’ which we gotta figure these faires reckon.. you know, enhancing armor and such. ☻
Ooh Yunobo - you know how sometimes young men are alarmed easily. I imagine he’d be the bashful baffled typed. Like “ AAA WHY” Of course he’d let it happen because plot and such but it would likely make him a f r e t , her first smooch might make him flair his guard and she’d be bonked back at first for him to compose himself.♣
Teba would DEFINITELY not be on board with this nonsense! No kisses for married stern! Still, he has no choice and would probably be turning his beak, hoping it’s over quickly and he can get a quick move on!♠
Sidon is such a golden baby sweetie shark prince. He’d be proper and probably friendly and bubbly about it. “Thank you for your cooperation!” “You’re the best!” And the great fairy would probably swoon over him a little too.~Mod Zelda
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botwheadcanons · 4 years
How about the original champions plus Zelda getting a kiss from a Great Fairy?
Hello! ♥ Now this, This is fun. Revali; Ooh, this spunky spunky bird would likely be ready for *anything* that could improve him ; though, he would also want to play the game if “I don’t need this. Or you.” Because of his soreness in himself.. he’d still be hyped inside to get the support!Urbosa; Oh this beautiful, strong woman would be solemn. Appreciative, and glad to receive this blessing from the fairy. The Rupees' payment would be fine and dandy worth it. And she would likely bow, respectful of the fairy.Mipha; This delicate lass would be quiet, shy but excited for the upgrade. All as well she would find it a gift to get to meet such a powerful, beautiful being. She is small, they are large, powerful, and so kind. Daruk; This wouldn’t be much of much anything to Daruk, it is what it is. Though he might crack a joke or two or ten to the fairy, and the party as he must be given the gift of a kiss for upgrade.Zelda; This would be a big thing for her, it would feel like a time of her being able to see the things she’s supposed to, it would be a brilliant help for power. For guard. For help in her line, it’s also a time to happily be out with no problem. 
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~Mod Zelda
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botwheadcanons · 5 years
How abouts HCs for Sidon and Link (separately) dating an extremely short reader? I’m 4’ 11” and it’s a struggle sometimes ^^’ Thanks!!
Hi Hi!
You’re the same height as Darkrai, in case you needed that info.-----
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Look, he’s TOLL MAN and he will pick you up
Seriously. He’s gonna HOIST and show his tiny love off.
He’s super proud of you. But they are small and light and HE! cAN! H O L D
He’s a touch extra protective. He’s a prince, and unlike his late sister his fighting isn’t superb beyond all reason. It just wasn’t him. Yet, he is still great. His flourishes and skillful showings would be a quiet announcement to everyone to not mess with him. His people. Or you.
Ride his shoulder
Ride him through water
Sitting in his lap, talking, humming. Feeling the coolness of him. Sharing soft words, or quietly singing. Gentle, sweet loving. Safe.
C U D D L E S 
Link isn’t tall himself.
There would be quite an odd sort of pride in being quite taller than you.
Doesn’t get to happen often with him
Now. You are his arm rest
He feels insanely at ease with you, it’s a beautiful thing really.
Link is protective. He’s even more protective of you. You’re small, he needs you safe. He needs you safe for him.
It doesn’t matter how much a spitfire you are. He will NEED to protecc. and cuddle. and love.
~Mod Zelda
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botwheadcanons · 4 years
If a moblin lady tried to get into Gerudo town, would they let her in?
Absolutely. A lady is a lady. ~Mod ZeldaI also like to be in the school of thought that the monsters aren’t really all that bad if not for Ganon
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botwheadcanons · 6 years
Okay so, Calamity Ganon is PURE malice. Just absolute evil. It is Ganon having discarded a human form to instead JUST be purely evil. And so, I just can’t help but imagine Gerudo Ganondorf, separated from the *evil within* from that STRONG urge to be *bad* and go against Link/Zelda is able to rationalize and see and think. And question and wonder. And, just - possibly even regret and have remorse. He’s a king who has just wanted the best for his people, and without the malice within his heart... He is just a King. A man. ~Mod Zelda
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botwheadcanons · 6 years
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I’ve been taking more pictures in botw and uploading them so I can share with you all <3 But.. THIS! Is an announcement to throw headcanons @ us. <3 To drabble on about, or your own thoughts. ~Mod Zelda
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botwheadcanons · 5 years
A headcanon I have is that the only people who have heard Link's voice, or rather, TALKING voice and not just grunts are his family and those close to him at heart (Zelda, for example.)
This warms my heart and I enjoy it.
People he feels he can be true and feels safe with. 
I imagine that doesn’t get to happen very often. ~Mod Zelda
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botwheadcanons · 6 years
Hc: now that the Blood Moon no longer revives all ‘monsters’, all of the especially violent monsters that regularly hunted people and such will swiftly die out, leaving the more... peaceful? Mild? ‘Monsters’ to continue living in hyrule with the potential to develop past the reputation for mindless violence. Lynel and Lizalfos in particular have proven their intelligence through metallurgy. Communication may be possible.
Hmmmm.Hylian Children going to school with Lizalfos. Rito befriending young Lynels.Zora and Lizalfos Swimming.Hylians being able to convince lanky leg stage Lynels to let them ride them a little.[Probably making their parents angry]Lynels are angry dads[mums?] #confirmed xDGive a lizzy a snack and they will be your friend forever.~Mod Zelda
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botwheadcanons · 5 years
it definitely accounts for all timelines, which would probably give link frequent headaches. and whenever he's in a familiar area, he has to take a moment to remember what hes actually supposed to be doing. "No, saria is...long gone. im supposed to be looking for the master sword, and she isnt in the temple anymore." and sometimes he just has weird skills, like sumo wrestling daruk off a mountain.
Somehow, this made it get sadder.
Memories of friends long gone.
Of.. Fi, of Navi.... OW MY HEART. Ilia, Midna..... The Greak Deku Tree. 
--- The Sea! Oh, the sea. 
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~Mod Zelda
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botwheadcanons · 6 years
~Mod Zelda
Some random ramblings on the horses of Hyrule ; 
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Sturdy Sturdy strong
the horses of Hyrule are of a draft variety, but with better speed than a usual draft
Even at their ‘lower abilities’ quite great with stamina - able to keep up their second speed gallop for quite long // the canter sort//
Hardy and don’t need to eat as much as normal horses
Strong Stomachs 
Variety and randomness doesn’t cause them harm
Very friendly even at their ‘wildles’
For some reason they all seem to love Link
I assume that their coats are super nice too, good and warm but also breathable in order to deal with a great manner of temperatures without falling to issues.
~ Mod Zelda
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