#bouncing back from a failed startup
How to Get Back Up Again: Rebuilding After Business Failure
Overcoming the Fear of Failure: Tips and Strategies ON Re-building after business failure Failure is an inevitable part of running a business. Every entrepreneur faces setbacks and challenges along the way, and it’s how they respond to these failures that truly define their success. In fact, failure can be seen as a valuable learning opportunity, providing insights into what went wrong and…
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TOKYO, Sept 7 (Reuters) - Japan launched its lunar exploration spacecraft on Thursday aboard a homegrown H-IIA rocket, hoping to become the world's fifth country to land on the moon early next year.
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) said the rocket took off from Tanegashima Space Center in southern Japan as planned and successfully released the Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM).
Unfavourable weather led to three postponements in a week last month.
Dubbed the "moon sniper," Japan aims to land SLIM within 100 metres of its target site on the lunar surface.
The $100-million mission is expected to start the landing by February after a long, fuel-efficient approach trajectory.
"The big objective of SLIM is to prove the high-accuracy landing ... to achieve 'landing where we want' on the lunar surface, rather than 'landing where we can'," JAXA President Hiroshi Yamakawa told a news conference.
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The launch comes two weeks after India became the fourth nation to successfully land a spacecraft on the moon with its Chandrayaan-3 mission to the unexplored lunar south pole.
Around the same time, Russia's Luna-25 lander crashed while approaching the moon.
Two earlier lunar landing attempts by Japan failed in the last year.
JAXA lost contact with the OMOTENASHI lander and scrubbed an attempted landing in November.
The Hakuto-R Mission 1 lander, made by Japanese startup ispace (9348.T), crashed in April as it attempted to descend to the lunar surface.
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SLIM is set to touch down on the near side of the moon close to Mare Nectaris, a lunar sea that, viewed from Earth, appears as a dark spot.
Its primary goal is to test advanced optical and image processing technology.
After landing, the craft aims to analyse the composition of olivine rocks near the sites in search of clues about the origin of the moon. No lunar rover is loaded on SLIM.
Thursday's H-IIA rocket also carried the X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM) satellite, a joint project of JAXA, NASA and the European Space Agency.
The satellite aims to observe plasma winds flowing through the universe that scientists see as key to helping understand the evolution of stars and galaxies.
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Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (7011.T) manufactured the rocket and operated the launch, which marked the 47th H-IIA rocket Japan has launched since 2001, bringing the vehicle's success rate close to 98%.
JAXA had suspended the launch of H-IIA carrying SLIM for several months while it investigated the failure of its new medium-lift H3 rocket during its debut in March.
Japan's space missions have faced other recent setbacks, with the launch failure of the Epsilon small rocket in October 2022, followed by an engine explosion during a test in July.
The country aims to send an astronaut to the moon's surface in the latter half of the 2020s as part of NASA's Artemis programme.
Japan launches 'Moon Sniper' mission | AFP
7 September 2023
Japan's "Moon Sniper" mission blasted off Thursday as the country's space programme looks to bounce back from a string of recent mishaps, weeks after India's historic lunar triumph.
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employehub · 17 days
A Comprehensive Guide to Nurturing the Entrepreneurial Spirit in You: Unlocking Innovation, Leadership, and Success
Nurturing the Entrepreneurial Spirit in You
The entrepreneurial spirit is more than just a desire to start a business. It is a mindset, a way of thinking that embraces challenges, nurtures creativity, encourages risk-taking, and drives continuous learning. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur or a professional looking to infuse innovation into your current role, cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset can be transformative. As someone who has mentored several startups, I’ve seen firsthand how nurturing this spirit can lead to remarkable growth, both personally and professionally.
Why Startups Fail: Learning from Challenges
Many startups fail, and it’s important to understand why so you can avoid common pitfalls. For instance, around 20% of startups fail in their first year due to reasons like a lack of market need, poor planning, and inadequate funding. By the second year, about 30% have failed, and by the fifth year, 50% of startups can no longer sustain themselves because of fierce competition and operational challenges. Therefore, understanding why startups fail is crucial to nurturing a successful entrepreneurial journey. Often, it’s not just about the idea but how effectively it is executed and sustained in the market.
Creativity: The Spark of Innovation
Entrepreneurship thrives on creativity because it is the foundation of innovation. As Steve Jobs once said, “Creativity is just connecting things.” For example, creativity allows you to see opportunities where others only see problems, and this mindset can set you apart in competitive industries. I recall mentoring a startup that was struggling in a saturated market. Instead of competing directly, they creatively pivoted their model to target a niche audience, which helped them carve out a unique space. So, fostering creativity is essential to nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit.
Practical Tip: Step outside your comfort zone by engaging in activities that stimulate creativity. Read books, collaborate with people from different fields, and brainstorm in new environments.
Resilience: The Power to Bounce Back
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Entrepreneurship is full of challenges and setbacks, but resilience allows you to recover and move forward. As Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” For example, one of the startups I worked with faced a major setback when they lost their primary client. Instead of giving up, they used the opportunity to diversify their offerings, which ultimately saved the business. Therefore, resilience is a key factor in sustaining an entrepreneurial spirit in the face of adversity.
Practical Tip: Develop a growth mindset by embracing failure as an opportunity to learn and improve. Books like Mindset by Carol Dweck can help you build resilience.
Risk-Taking: Courage and Calculation
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Successful entrepreneurs understand the importance of taking risks. However, the difference between calculated risks and reckless gambles is crucial. For instance, Elon Musk’s ventures like Tesla and SpaceX were risky, but they were backed by careful planning and a clear vision. In my experience, guiding startups through calculated risks — like launching a product with a smaller test audience — helps mitigate failure and provides valuable insights. So, balancing courage with calculation is a critical aspect of nurturing your entrepreneurial mindset.
Practical Tip: Use tools like SWOT analysis to assess risks and opportunities. Books like Principles by Ray Dalio provide frameworks for making informed decisions.
Continuous Learning: The Engine of Growth
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Entrepreneurs who embrace continuous learning tend to stay ahead of the curve. For instance, Warren Buffett spends 80% of his day reading, believing that “the more you learn, the more you earn.” I always encourage startups to adopt a learning culture, which can help them quickly adapt to industry changes and customer feedback. For example, one startup I mentored adopted a learning-focused culture that allowed them to pivot and grow rapidly in a competitive market. Therefore, continuous learning is essential for entrepreneurial success.
Practical Tip: Establish a habit of daily learning through reading, listening to podcasts, or attending workshops. The Start-Up of You by Reid Hoffman is an excellent resource on managing your career like an entrepreneur.
Networking: Building Valuable Connections
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Networking plays a vital role in entrepreneurship because it opens doors to new opportunities. For example, Oprah Winfrey leveraged her network to build a media empire despite starting from a challenging background. From my own experience, startups that actively build strategic partnerships and leverage their networks tend to expand faster. So, building meaningful connections is essential to nurturing your entrepreneurial mindset.
Practical Tip: Attend industry events, join entrepreneurial communities, and engage with others meaningfully. Networking should be about creating value, not just extracting it.
Mentorship: The Unseen Catalyst for Success
Mentorship is often an overlooked but powerful tool for nurturing entrepreneurial growth. As someone who has mentored numerous startups, I’ve witnessed firsthand how mentorship can transform businesses. For example, a startup struggling with operational inefficiencies was able to restructure and grow sustainably through regular mentoring sessions. Therefore, seeking out mentors who align with your goals can significantly impact your entrepreneurial journey.
Practical Tip: Engage with mentors who share your vision and values. Books like The Mentor Leader by Tony Dungy highlight the importance of mentorship for personal and professional development.
The Role of Intrapreneurship: Innovating from Within
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Finally, it’s important to note that entrepreneurial thinking is not limited to starting your own business. For example, intrapreneurship — adopting an entrepreneurial mindset within a company — can drive innovation and change. Google’s famous “20% time” policy, which allows employees to work on passion projects, led to the creation of Gmail and Google Maps. Therefore, even if you work within an organization, nurturing an entrepreneurial spirit can lead to significant growth and innovation.
Practical Tip: Encourage an entrepreneurial culture within your organization by rewarding innovation and risk-taking.
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In conclusion, nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit involves cultivating creativity, resilience, risk-taking, continuous learning, and networking. Whether you’re starting a new venture or seeking to innovate within your current role, these qualities can drive both personal and professional growth. Mentorship, too, plays a critical role in guiding and accelerating this journey. If you’re looking to nurture your entrepreneurial spirit, feel free to reach out for mentorship and guidance. Together, we can unlock your full potential and turn your ideas into reality.
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appson-technologies · 6 months
The Secret Weapon No Startup Founder Knows About (But Should)
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The startup world is a battlefield. Founders, the generals of these fledgling companies, are constantly strategizing, fundraising, and building their dream from the ground up. They wear a dozen hats, juggling everything from product development to team management. In this relentless pursuit of growth, however, there's one crucial weapon that often gets relegated to the armory: Self-awareness. Sure, self-awareness might not have the same allure as a million-dollar seed round, but for a founder, it's just as critical. Here's why: From Intuition to Informed Decisions: Great founders aren't just driven by good ideas; they're driven by a deep understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses. They can leverage their natural talents in areas like product vision or marketing, and delegate tasks that don't align with their skillset. This self-awareness leads to more informed decisions, a more efficient use of resources, and ultimately, a higher chance of success.
**Building a Fortress of Trust: ** A strong team is the backbone of any startup, and self-awareness is the mortar that holds it together. Founders who understand their own biases and communication styles can foster a culture of psychological safety, where diverse perspectives are valued and heard. This creates an environment where trust flourishes, allowing team members to take risks, collaborate effectively, and ultimately, innovate at a higher level.
The Bounce Back from Startup Setbacks: Let's face it, the startup journey is paved with roadblocks and detours. Products fail to launch, funding falls through, and pivots become inevitable. Self-aware founders are better equipped to navigate these inevitable storms. They can acknowledge their emotions, analyze what went wrong, and use those learnings to course-correct. This resilience in the face of failure is what separates founders who fold under pressure from those who emerge stronger and more determined.
Communication: The Bridge Between Ideas and Execution: Clear communication is the oxygen that keeps any startup alive. Founders who understand how their words and actions impact others can tailor their communication style to different audiences. They can inspire their team with a compelling vision, delegate tasks effectively, and navigate difficult conversations with diplomacy. This ability to communicate effectively bridges the gap between ideas and execution, turning strategies into reality.
So, how do you, the intrepid founder, cultivate this crucial weapon? Here are a few tips to sharpen your self-awareness: Seek Feedback from Your Trusted Circle: Don't be afraid to ask for honest feedback from mentors, advisors, or even team members. These trusted individuals can offer valuable insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and blind spots.
Leverage Personality Assessments: Tools like Myers-Briggs or StrengthsFinder can provide a framework for understanding your natural tendencies and communication styles. By recognizing these patterns, you can become more mindful of how you interact with others and tailor your approach for better results.
Embrace Mindfulness Practices: Techniques like meditation or journaling can help you become more aware of your thoughts and emotions. By taking the time to reflect and observe your inner world, you gain a deeper understanding of your motivations, biases, and triggers. This newfound awareness empowers you to make conscious choices and respond to situations thoughtfully, rather than reactively.
Self-awareness isn't a magic bullet, but it's a powerful tool that can give your startup a significant edge. In the competitive world of startups, the founder who truly understands themself is the one most likely to build a resilient, innovative, and ultimately, successful company. So, step away from the battlefield for a moment, look inward, and sharpen your most valuable weapon – your self-awareness.
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creativecourse · 10 months
Sales Copywriting & Product Messaging Information Become great at product messaging and sales page copywriting Are you frustrated (or even embarrassed) by your website’s clunky, confusing sales copy? You’re not alone. As a marketer, you know that having a strong value proposition & relevant messaging is critical for maximizing conversions. But knowing this doesn’t make writing them any easier. Pinpointing what’s uniquely valuable about your product? That’s hard enough. Figuring out how to convey this value in words that convert … That can seem damn-near impossible. But crafting high-converting value propositions and perfecting your sales page copy doesn’t have to be a painful, frustrating ordeal You don’t need to start writing by staring haplessly at a blank page. What you do need is a step-by-step framework for turning those dry product specs into stellar, sticky sales copy. You need a repeatable, research-driven framework you & your team can come back to again and again. … Which is precisely why we created this course. After taking this course, you’ll: Know how to systematically “tear down” & rebuild the copy of virtually any sales page Nail your messaging through rigorous voice-of-customer research Ditch the clichés and infuse your copy with authenticity & passion Weave your messages together into a story that sells Choose messages that trigger your customers’ real-life motivations Craft value propositions that capture visitors’ attention & pull them in See how elite copywriters go from asking questions … to analyzing research … to creating messaging flows … to crafting the final copy. PLUS: Get a complete kit of conversion-copywriting worksheets, templates & checklists along with the course, so you can immediately transfer & apply everything you’ve learned into your own business. Learn how to fix your value propositions, product messaging & sales page copy … in just 9 sessions Got a sales page or website that needs a serious messaging makeover? Bring it to class and apply what you learn immediately as conversion copywriting maven Momoko Price reveals the exact process she uses to optimize messaging & page copy for enterprises, agencies & startups like Intuit, MetaLab, and Respondly (recently acquired by Buffer). Who is this course for? This course is for you if: You’re in charge of marketing, drive traffic to key landing pages (including your homepage), and feel like you just can’t get the needle moving You’re tired of taking an ineffective “spaghetti” approach to your messaging (a.k.a. throwing random ideas around & seeing what sticks) You suspect (or know) that your sales page copy … well, sucks (hallmarks of sucky sales page copy: persistently low conversion rate, +60% bounce rate, visitors fail to scroll, few CTA clicks) Your team desperately needs a clear, structured, documented process for sales-page copywriting it can go back to again & again What You’ll Learn In This Course? Know how to systematically “tear down” & rebuild the copy of virtually any sales page Nail your messaging through rigorous voice-of-customer research Ditch the clichés and infuse your copy with authenticity & passion Weave your messages together into a story that sells Choose messages that trigger your customers’ real-life motivations Craft value propositions that capture visitors’ attention & pull them in About Author Momoko Price is an experienced conversion copywriter who kept sketching user flows & wireframes as part of her “writing” work. She brings a powerful one-two punch to every client project. While she mostly helps startups find their key messaging, she’s worked with giants the likes of Intuit, Scotiabank, AT&T, and Base CRM. More courses from the same author: Momoko Price
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Uber share price showed weakness on the charts after it failed to break above the all-time high and declined witnessing a double top pattern near the round level of $50. The Uber stock price also showed the breakdown of a bearish flag pattern and slipped below the 50-day EMA.  The Uber share price may remain volatile and might try an attempt to recover on Wednesday. It is after some positive news that Uber Technologies announced on Tuesday of joining forces with Los Angeles Yellow Cab and its affiliates to increase the availability of taxis on the ride-hailing giant’s platform.  The news states that Uber has been forging similar partnerships in global markets such as Europe and Asia over the past two years, strengthening its ties with the private taxi industry that was disrupted by the emergence of ride-hailing startups more than a decade ago.  The new partnership will allow taxis affiliated with LA Yellow Cab and its five partner fleets to receive bookings through the Uber app. The six taxi companies – which include San Diego Yellow Cab, California Yellow Cab, Long Beach Yellow Cab, Fiesta Taxi Cooperative, and United Checker Cab – will contribute up to 1,200 cabs to the Uber platform.  Source: barchart.com UBER stock option-chain analysis shows that the current implied volatility in the market is 37.65% with an increment of 1.55% in the last trading session. The nearest resistance of $45 has an OI of 3,045 open contracts on the CALL side and 2,916 open contracts on the PUT side, indicating the sellers are slightly dominating the CMP.  UBER Stock Outlook For The Next Week.  Source: Uber Technologies Inc.  1D. NYSE By TradingView UBER stock price slipped below the 50-day EMA showing weakness over the charts. However, the price is nearing an important support zone of $43 form where bulls might attempt the turn the table in the short term.Uber’s share price has slipped from an all-time high however, the stock did not show any major correction indicating the buyer’s presence at the lower levels. The price prediction states that the stock might accumulate buyers at the lows and surge to test an all-time high again.  UBER Stock Price Slipped below the 50-Day EMA Source: Uber Technologies Inc.  1D. NYSE By TradingView The daily UBER stock price chart shows that the price slipped below the 50-day EMA indicating weakness over the charts. The RSI and MACD are signaling neutral to beamish momentum in the stock at the moment.  Currently, the overall technical opinion rating, including the RSI and MACD indicators is signaling a 56% “buy” with the weakest short-term outlook on maintaining the current direction. Conclusion Uber Stock price fell below the 50-day EMA after failing to break the $50 level and forming a double-top pattern near an all-time high. The stock also broke a bearish flag pattern, showing weakness on the charts. However, the stock may bounce back from the $43 support zone, where buyers may accumulate. The stock did not show a major correction from the all-time high, indicating bullish potential. Uber also announced a partnership with LA Yellow Cab and its affiliates to boost its taxi supply on its platform. Technical Levels Support levels: $431.1 and $41.7. Resistance levels: $49.12 and $51.55 Source
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georgianadarcies · 3 years
Lmao that bit you said about Logan comparing himself to Lorelai as if the two situations are remotely similar is what gets me about his whole spiel at the end of season 7. Like ok, you acknowledge you grew up privileged, but what exactly are you going to do now that you know about it? Are you actually going to try and build your way up from the start or conveniently get a job based off of your previous highly regarded education in an Ivy League, your family name AND your previous work experience in a high-ranking position? And he does exactly that! Like you can't tell me a regular person could nail a partner role in a startup that easily in San Francisco unless he was rich and was a potential investor in the company. It's not even close to Lorelai being a maid who lived in a tool shed with a BABY while being a teenager. It's also why all his bs talking to Rory about also being a trust fund kid just falls flat to me bc even if it's on the same level as him, what exactly makes him think he's just allowed to flaunt calling her out just because he's "aware" of his position? It's even worse than Rory writing an article about rich people that will have absolutely no influence on their lives, but yes ofc we need Logan the Great Hamburger to call Rory out on her audacity while he continues to rub elbows with his yacht buddies.
logan's perception of reality is so warped like I don't even know where to begin. I mean first of all, season seven attempted to make him aware of his privilege in an effort to "redeem" him or something, when in five and six he had always seemed to think of himself as "different." like he never really connected him getting away with everything to his wealth and last name, and always complained about how actually he was suffering so much because his dad wanted him to work for him and stop fucking around. but in season seven in their effort to make logan the Best Man Ever they made him aware of it, although they seem to have failed to realize that just acknowledging that you have privilege and then going on with life as before means absolutely nothing. and he doesn't even seem to realize that maybe he bounced back after quitting his job so quickly because of his name and money. he was playing poor boy for an episode when he, what, got his first credit card statement at twenty-five years old and had to crash with paris and rory, and then the next episode he's already finding a job in tech. someone starting out trying to get a similar job but without the huntzberger name and wealth would not have the same chance of getting hired that logan did. but because he wasn't earning money for a month but still sitting on a trust fund he's suddenly on the same level as lorelai? absolutely not. lorelai may have still been a gilmore but that doesn't mean anything outside of emily and richard's sphere, whereas the huntzberger name is associated with a multi millionaire newspaper conglomerate. lorelai had to make her own way for years and built a life for herself with years of hard work, and logan had to slum it in a cheap apartment for a month. so he seems to think that he's suffered and struggled just as much as lorelai but that rory is also somehow on the same level as him because her grandparents have money. rory doesn't have that money!! and she doesn't take it for granted!! she works her ass off to earn what her grandparents pay for. logan didn't earn his job by any means, and then got another job super quickly because of his name and resume. yeah, that's the same.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 5 years
If Walls Could Talk
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Summary: If walls could talk, they would tell you of the rise and fall of your relationship with Steve.
Warning: fluff, smut, and angst.
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If walls could talk, they would tell you of the melodious laughter that bounced off the walls. 
It didn’t take much to make Steve laugh. You were a pretty dorky kind of person compared to Steve’s own self-preservation and restraint. Sure, there were times when he’d say or do something that seemed completely out of character for him, but it’d be time when it was only you two, times where he didn’t put on an act. Times where he was comfortable with being himself around you. 
If walls could talk, they would tell you of the hints of pink and red and the shy smiles. 
You’re not sure at what point things changed. They just...did. At one point, you saw Steve as a buddy, your best friend, your pal. Then the next, you saw him as potentially more: a boyfriend, a lover, a soulmate. 
You two just seemed to fit. It seemed right. When everything else was wrong and dangerous, Steve was right and safe. He was home to you. 
Platonic touches turned into soft, intimate ones. Gentle. Cautious. Careful. Safe. Everytime, your skin contacted with his in some way, you’d feel the heat creep up on your cheeks, and you’d see his own turn a shades of pink and red. It was a shy start to something more heated and passionate. 
If walls could talk, they would tell you of the breathy moans and the whispered words of affection and passion.
When you and Steve became sexually intimate, it was usually so soft and slow. When his skin pressed against yours, time seemed to slow down. There was love and passion in every kiss, in every touch, in every moan of lust, in every thrust. 
The bruised spots on your neck and chest, patterning your skin like you were a leopard, marked him as yours. His own spots matching yours. You’re one in the same. 
If walls could talk, they would tell you of the first murmurs of love to each other, quiet, delicate.
He knew you loved him and you knew he loved you, yet you two hadn’t said it. Nearly seven months into your relationship, there was still some hesitance. For you, it was because you didn’t feel enough. For him, it was because he was scared to lose you. 
But it happened eventually. 
You were caught in the crossfire. You’re not trained for the field. You’re just the eyes and ears on missions, holing yourself to whatever van or base they set you up in. You weren’t trained, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t help. You ran out of the safety of the bulletproof van, deciding to help a young woman and her kid sister to safety. That’s when a bullet whizzed by, ricocheting off some debris and catching you in the leg. 
You cry out, falling face first into the dirt road, yelling for the woman and her young sister to go ahead, to be safe, to be shelter. 
Hearing your cries of pain, was enough to get Steve to ditch the HYDRA agents he was fighting and find you instead. 
A through and through, but still hurt like a bitch. 
After your cradle session with Doctor Cho, you got an earful from Steve. He lectured you about still being a civilian even though you were a SHIELD agent. He continued to scold you on and on until you rolled your eyes and told him to shut up, wanting the comforting arms of your boyfriend instead of being scolded. 
He caved, letting the fear and anger roll off his shoulders, dissipating in thin air as he crawled into the bed you now shared. He spooned you from behind, wrapping his arms around you protectively and murmuring into your shoulder, “I could’ve lost you, and I didn’t even get to tell you that I love you.”
You placed your hands on top of his and murmured back, “I love you too,” and fell asleep in the safety of his arms. 
If walls could talk, they would tell you of the confusion and conflict you both faced. 
Do you stay? Or do you go with him?
Does he make you stay? Or will he be selfish enough to make you come with him?
Steve’s always been self-sacrificing. 
“You’re staying.”
“What? No! Steve, be reasonable!” 
“I am being reasonable, Y/N! You’re staying with Tony. I-I can’t take you with me.”
“Why not?! Steve, I thought it was you and me always!”
“That was before I was on the run, Y/N! You thought it was going to be rainbows and sunshine forever?! This is the reality of the situation! I’m a criminal, a wanted man. I can’t drag you into this. You-You deserve better than this. You should want more than this.”
You’re just as stubborn as Steve.
“No. What I want is you, Steve. I love you and wherever you go, I go too! That’s how our relationship works!”
With a clenched jaw, and a stern, broken look, Steve says clear as day, “Not any more.”
If walls could talk, they would tell you of the heart breaking cries that echoed through the night. 
You couldn’t help it. Even after months of Steve leaving you at the compound, you still cried for him at night. You hated him and yourself. Him, for making you fall in love with him and then leaving you. You, for allowing yourself to fall in love with him, only for him to break your heart. 
They say time heals, and you’re wondering just when exactly the pain will go away. 
If walls could talk, they would tell you of the elated cries during an impromptu reunion. 
After Steve left, you left SHIELD, deciding to forgo saving the world and instead working as an IT at some tech startup company. It wasn’t as exciting as your previous job, but it paid the bills. 
You come home at 6 and you nearly scream when you see a figure standing by your window. When the lights come on, your heart drops and tears start to pool in your eyes. 
“Please tell me this is just my hallucinations again. The doctor said they should be gone by now,” you mumbled to yourself.
Steve’s brows furrow and he shakes his head, “Not a hallucination. I’m here, sweetheart.”
He stands still as you make cautious steps towards him. Once your hand presses against his chest, you let out an elated cry. Your arms wrapping around him as you sob into him. 
“You came back.”
“I did. I missed you too much.”
If walls could talk, they would tell you about the second time a heart breaks. 
“You’re not leaving me again, Steve Rogers! I’m done with you leaving me to protect me!” Still just as stubborn. 
You follow him into battle. You’re trained now. After his spontaneous visit, he brought you with him to Wakanda. You properly met Bucky this time and they both helped you train. For what you didn’t know, but as you stand here with hundreds of people behind you, behind Steve, you know that this is what it was for. 
With a cry, you run forward, clashing with aliens that you never thought you’d encounter. You try to keep an eye on Steve as much as you can, but your man is fast. 
You do well on your own, only getting help here and there and, for a moment, you think you’re going to be okay. That you’re all going to be okay. 
But then people start turning to dust. 
“STEVE!” you’re running to the trees where you last saw him head towards., “STEVE!” you’re praying. You were never much of a prayer kind of person but you’re praying now, praying that he won’t leave you. 
But as you’re running, you don’t realize that your feet are slowly fading away. 
You see him and you cry out in relief, “STEVE!” you throw yourself at him, but as soon as you make contact with his chest, a cloud of dust surrounds him. 
When he seeks refuge in a bedroom provided by the remaining Dora Milaje, he breaks down. Truly breaks down because he’s failed. He spent years trying to protect you and he couldn’t do it. He failed you. 
If walls could talk, they would tell you of the gasps of pleasure and the cries of pain. 
You’re back. He’s back. You’re both safe and sound and all you do is find solace in each other’s touch, in each other’s kiss. 
It’s been so long since Steve’s seen you, touched you. But it feels likes hours to you. 
Steve clings to your body, relishes your skin against his, murmurs his words of love into your mouth and against your skin as if he’ll never get to again. 
Because he won’t. 
“I’m leaving. For good.” he tells you after he’s made you see stars thrice and now he’s breaking your heart all over again. 
You thought you’d get the happily ever after with him you’d always dreamt of. But turns out, he’s always been wanting it for another. 
“You have to know, I’ll always love you.”
But it doesn’t help. His words don’t help at all, but provides more salt to the wound. You cry into the pillows of the spare room Pepper provided you. Steve holds you as you cry one last time. 
If walls could talk, they’d tell you of how you came to love and resent Steve Rogers. 
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taxtotal · 3 years
The 7 most common fears of starting a business
A lot of people would like to commence a business of their own. However, we all have our own lives and responsibilities, which we have to fulfill. If I leave the job, how will I meet my expenses? What if I am wrong? Will I let people down? Will I get a good job if I fail to succeed in my venture? Every individual goes through all these kinds of thoughts before starting their own business, which pulls back the majority. Fear is not an uncommon thing limited to a few. Everyone has one or the other fear and, people have various fears while commencing their own business. Let us discuss some of the roadblocks and how you must overcome these fears of starting a business.
The fear of failure
The most common reason and why the majority hold themselves back at the thought process. Will I be able to implement the plan and be successful or, will I be a failure. If you fear your success, it affects your mind and brain, restricting you from performing to the best of your abilities. Guaranteed success is not an option that everyone can choose. If it was then, the world would be filled with millionaires and billionaires. Success comes for individuals who believe in the idea and work. Our mind-set is the key to how we perform.
Billionaire and business tycoon Sir Richard Branson of the Virgin Group said that failure is one of the most valuable learning tools. It is what you learn from your mistakes and, the ability to bounce back ultimately leads to success.
Considering other people’s opinions.
One of the major fears of starting a business is listening to other’s opinions. If you are someone who wants to start a business and, you say this to your peers. Even if there might be motivations, but people tend to overthink what, if I fail? This is not helped by some of the pushbacks which you receive.
People will always have different viewpoints, and objections are bound to arise. If we start doubting yourselves and consider others’ opinions, then we are holding ourselves back. You have to believe in yourselves and prepare for an onslaught from your peers.
The importance of the right state of mind has been widely mentioned by Napoleon Hill in his best-selling book Think and Grow Rich. “Opinions are the cheapest commodities on earth. Everyone has a flock of opinions ready to be wished upon anyone who will accept them. If you are influenced by opinions when you reach DECISIONS, you will not succeed in any undertaking.” — Napoleon Hill.
The only person with any loss is you, so you should forget about all the negatives and concentrate on what you want to achieve. Set proper targets and milestones for yourself to ensure you are on track. You will feel better when you complete these milestones.
The fear of starting a business due to lack of knowledge
If knowledge was the deciding factor for success, many of the leading minds would not have made it. By no means this means you can wake up and start a business. Yes, you need knowledge in your industry, but more importantly, you require knowledge to commence the business and operate accordingly.
The business has a dynamic environment where you learn new things every day. If you want to start after you become perfect. Then you might have to wait for a long time. You start and, then you learn along the way. It takes time to be an expert in any sector or industry. You might be close to being an expert in some field and, then there will be another innovation that comes along. That’s just the way how things work today. Start and then strive to be the best.
The risk involved is a major fear of starting a business
The risk factor for any business is high. There are a lot of factors that contribute to the risks and that change from industry to industry. Success comes for individuals who are willing to take the risk. An economic theory proposed by professor and economist F.B. Hawley states profit is a reward for the risk taken in business.
Lack of Funds
Cash is the lifeblood of business, and most of the budding entrepreneurs lack the capital to commence their venture. Even if it’s bootstrapped numerous, organizations run out of money. According to an analysis conducted by CB insights, lack of funds is the second highest reason why startups fail.
Therefore effective management and utilization of cash are vital for your success. There are more opportunities today to raise capital from angel investors and different events. But if you are unlucky, just take one step at a time. Sell your product and reinvest the money into the business. The road will be long and hard, but perseverance and good business acumen will pay off.
Customer Response
It is essential to find out that there is a real need for the product in the market. In the CB insights analysis, the biggest reason causing the failure of a start-up is the lack of demand for the product. Our ideas are always going to be close to our hearts. Be true to yourself and consult with as many potential customers as possible. Gather the data and find if there is a need for the product or service in the market. This needs to be done before a ton of money is invested in the business. Once need is established, you can set up your go-to-market strategy for your product or service.
The possibility that your product or service has a competitor in the market is very likely. If you do not have a competitor, it does not guarantee that it’s good news. It could be due to the lack of need for the product. It could also be a new category that needs a massive amount of money to propel the business.
How to overcome the fears of starting a business?
Don’t most of us hope that we know how to overcome our fears of starting a business? Maybe not everyone but most of us have this wish somewhere in us. The truth is there is no secret formula on how to do this. If we look at all the leading organizations and entrepreneurs in the world. At one point, they have faced challenges and, even they would have faced similar fears.
But they have overcome those fears and found a way to succeed. What is ubiquitous in the successful entrepreneurs of this generation and past generations? Their perseverance, belief in the idea, and execution brilliance. Is there a way to overcome your fear? You need to ask yourself the question if you are ready to make the leap of faith. In the end, we all have our own lives and responsibilities. We have commitments for which we are responsible. So you need to decide if the time is right for you to start chasing your dreams.
“I knew that if I failed I wouldn’t regret that, but I knew the one thing I might regret is not trying.”
— Jeff Bezos
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quesurancesblog · 3 years
Typically, starting a business is one thing while keeping it operational for many years is another. This is because, as a businessperson, you will encounter challenges such as inadequate finances, stiff competition, natural disasters, and lawsuits. It is for such reasons that at least 20% of startups fail within the first year, as reported by the Small Business Administration (SBA). While it may be difficult to prevent some of these unfortunate events, having the right commercial insurance gives your business a chance to survive through hardships and bounce back easily. With that in mind, here are important facts to know about commercial insurance coverage.
What is Commercial Insurance Coverage? Also referred to as business insurance, a commercial insurance policy is coverage that protects your business from perils such as property damage, third-party claims, and lawsuits. What Does Commercial Insurance Mean? The aforementioned perils can cause extensive damage to your business, placing a huge financial burden on both your personal and business finances. However, if you carry commercial insurance, you would transfer the liability to your insurer, meaning your insurer would cover the loss. To put it another way, commercial insurance coverage means peace of mind in the event of a disaster. Is Commercial Insurance Necessary When a disaster or an incident strikes in the U.S., a whopping 40% of businesses collapse permanently. Worse still, 25% of those that manage to reopen fail within one year, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). In other words, one natural disaster or an expensive lawsuit may put you out of business, especially if your business is not in good financial health. This means that commercial insurance is essential for your business as it will help you start over or resume business operations after an interruption. Even so, this coverage is optional, except for commercial auto liability insurance and workers’ compensation coverage, per the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development. Benefits of Commercial Insurance
Apart from covering costs associated with damage, injuries, and loss in your business, commercial insurance coverage also offers the following benefits: • Builds business credibility — Suitable commercial insurance assures your clients and contractors of receiving protection from your business in case of accidents. This makes your business more credible to the public’s eye and may attract investors, more clients, and other interested parties. For instance, if you have product liability insurance, your customers will have the confidence to use your products knowing that they will be covered in case of an injury. • Lowers employee turnover — Other than wages, your employees also want additional benefits, including, among others, health insurance coverage, workers’ compensation insurance, life insurance, and pension plans. Such benefits increase employees’ morale to become more productive, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). With these insurance policies and other benefits, you will not only experience a lower employee turnover but also attract top talents in the industry. • Guarantees business continuity — Your business continuity plan should include purchasing the right commercial insurance coverage. This is because this policy helps your business bounce back after a natural disaster, cyberattack, and lawsuit, among other perils. In other words, regardless of your financial situation, you will manage to reopen your business after interruption if you have enough business insurance coverage. • Prevents unnecessary expenses — Considering how unpredictable and sudden disasters can be, not many business people include disaster management costs in their annual budgets. Even those who do are unable to accurately estimate the cost of the unforeseen disaster. The good news is that commercial insurance covers any costs arising from such events, and hence, protecting your business from unplanned expenses. • Gives you peace of mind — Nothing is probably more satisfying for a businessperson than the knowledge of his/her business being protected in case of peril. Provided you have commercial insurance, you will not worry about what will happen in case cybercriminals attack your network system, floods sweep away your business property, or an employee sues you citing discrimination. This is all you need to have peace of mind. Take note that every commercial insurance policy has exclusions, and hence, be sure to consult your insurance provider concerning this matter. Conclusion Virtually all businesses are susceptible to different types of business perils including fire, theft, floods, and lawsuits. To protect your business against the losses associated with such perils, you should purchase the right commercial insurance coverage. If you need any help with New Jersey commercial insurance, don’t hesitate to contact Quesurance. Our experts are ready to help you get the right business insurance coverage based on your coverage needs and budget.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
And they pretty much all make the same decision: as hard as you can. And that's a lot of determination to succeed as a startup founder can make angel investments. The thing about languages, though, that all other things being equal, a company looks much like college, but boring. What good will more code do you when you're out of business? Then you'll have to earn your keep. If Microsoft used this approach, their software wouldn't be so full of security holes, because the bugs are random. That's a way more efficient cure for inexperience than a normal job in the same position as the runner. There's plenty of empirical evidence: armies, religious cults, and so on. Civil liberties? He really doesn't know.
The only thing worth talking about first is the problem you're solving and what you've built so far. And what this means, as everyone who's had a regular job, and they all said they'd prefer to hire someone who'd tried to start a startup and failed over someone who'd spent the same time working at a low intensity for forty years, you work as hard as it can to sell whatever it sells. And you know, Microsoft is remarkable among big companies in that they are able to develop software in house. Tell stories about users. Even if your only goal is to please them, the way to do it. Startups condense more easily here. You don't have to know what tools are best, is what hackers choose when they can choose for themselves, you're more likely to think is that all? Hope for the best, but expect the worst. He really doesn't know. To understand what McCarthy meant by this, we're going to retrace his steps, with his mathematical notation translated into running Common Lisp code. In the US they usually begin by making something just for the local market is 300 million people.
But surely they should have bounced back by now. Silicon Valley. Civil liberties? To understand what McCarthy meant by this, we're going to try something new this funding cycle. Or maybe the movie business will dry up, and the king whether or not to invade his neighbor, but neither was expected to invent anything. But there are two things different here from the usual confidence-building business have already achieved their goal when you buy the book or pay to attend the seminar where they tell you how great you are. At the very least, you're supposed to be doing something else; and though businesses, their founders often know nothing about business This is another variable whose coefficient should be zero.
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Bitcoin Cash - Live Bitcoin Cash price and market cap | Large Coin Market
BCH to USD Price Comparison: BCH Price Analysis and Future Predictions: Naturally, this has hurt the prices of many altcoins; here are a few examples: Popular crypto analyst/trader Josh Rager, who is also a Co-Founder of online crypto learning platform Bloclkroots, as well as an advisor to several blockchain startups, offered this bit of technical analysis:  Cardano has taken a hit of almost 1.47% since yesterday, and it has gone below 0.049 USD from 0.050 USD. The latest fall delays the possibility of the ADA coin’s bullish rise in the short-term. However, the medium-term of the Cardano is likely to be bullish. Before analyzing the five price swings of the day, we should look at the current details of the coin now. ADA to USD Price Comparison- Cardano price was at $0.050182 at the time of opening and between 00:28 UTC and 03:50 UTC, it saw a hike of 5% which took the coin to $0.052735. This makes the top moment of the Cardano for the day. However, it was soon followed by a weakening of 4.41% that forced the ADA coin to $0.050416 by 15:52 UTC. After a few hours of fluctuations, Cardano price again fell by 4.76%, and this time the ADA coin price fell to $0.048445 by 21:19 UTC, this makes the lowest point of the coin. However, towards the closing, the coin managed show strength and with the help of a 5.25% hike ADA price was at $0.050990 by 01:23 UTC of today. The last swing of the Cardano happened between 01:23 UTC and 04:59 UTC and this took away $0.001 from the value of each ADA coin against USD. Cardano Price Prediction-The value of Cardano is below 0.050 USD as of now and this constant hide and seek with 0.050 USD hints at a delayed price rally. However, in the long-term, the coin is likely to run bullish. The details of the next three possible resistance and support levels are given below. Conclusion:
BCH was trading at $315.11 on 26-July-19 at 07:30 UTC. Post that; there was a drop in the price of the coin by 7% with BCH touching $291.51 on 28-July-19 at 23:30 UTC. Since the end of the previous month, the coin has seemed to gain back its pace and slowly started to rise upwards. Despite the falls in between the end of July and the first week of August, Bitcoin Cash still managed to reach as high as $355.16 on 14-Aug-19. It could not maintain its performance at such a high level, and with a couple of sharp falls, the price fell to the lowest of the said time period, trading at $283.29 on 15-Aug-19. Since the fall, the coin has bounced back really well and at the moment is reflecting an upward trend with BCH trading at $312.43.
Coin Market Capitalization
bitcoin cash price
Coin Market
Bitcoin Cash
Bitcoin Prices
bitcoin live price
 Current Figures of BCH:
Bitcoin Cash is ranked at 4th position in the crypto market.
Market Cap value of Bitcoin Cash was 5,611,647,496 at 07:09 UTC.
The price of Bitcoin Cash coin is $312.43 at 07:18 UTC.
24-hour volume figure is $1,366,972,511
17,968,088 BCH coins are being circulated as on 26-Aug-19.
BCH offers a Return on Investment of -43.72%.
By comparing the price of BCH coin from its lowest value which was $283.29 on 15-Aug-19 at 05:00 UTC and the current trading price, BCH indicates a bullish trend by 10%. The CMF indicator also reflects that the Bitcoin Cash price is indicating an upward trend. The 7-day high price of the coin $326.88 points the next target of BCH towards $330.
Ethereum (ETH): $167.84; down 0.26%
Bitcoin Cash (BCH): $342.92; down 2.24%
EOS: $3.62; down 1.55%
Stellar (XLM): $0.0629; down 1.64%
Federal Trade Commission on 22nd August announced that the promoters of recruitment-based cryptocurrency schemes have been banned from participating in any multi-level marketing program. FTC claimed these schemes to be deceitful for investors. Last year FTC froze assets of two such companies that mislead investors through false promotion.
FTC obtained an order from a federal court to halt activities of  Bitcoin Funding Team and My7Network. These two companies were indulged in multi-marketing schemes. FTC froze assets of Thomas Dluca, Eric Pinkston, Louis Gatto, and Scott Chandler who were behind these deceptive marketing practices. As part of the settlement Dluca, Chandler and Pinkston have agreed to pay a total sum of $940,000.
FTC claimed that Bitcoin Funding Team and My7Network were involved in a pyramid scheme where they lured new investors through false promises. Both the companies assured investors of a fixed return on investments but failed to do so. The companies promoted these schemes through various social media platforms and claimed to turn a $100 investment in $80,000 monthly income. Investors who put their funds in the program failed to recover even their initial investments.
We recommend selling the existing BCH coins in hand as per the trend noticed today. Trading in the BCH for a long term will yield great returns and dividends.
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clickairadio · 2 years
CAIR 73: The Secret to Creating a Passive Income As A W2 Employee !!
In this episode, I have the opportunity to sit down with Christopher Nelson. A technology executive out of Silicon Valley who's figured out the secrets to helping you achieve passive income as a W-2 employee.
Grant Hey, everybody, welcome to another episode of Financial Investing Radio. So today I have in the house with me, Mr. Dr. Why don't want to call you. Sophisticated, brilliant. Christopher Nelson is in the house here with me today. I love his subtitles technology executive real estate investor, author, podcast hosts and inventor of the space station. Was that right? Or did I get that right?
Christopher I think you may have stretched on the space station. But I you know, space has always been a dream of mine. Right? I am a low tech tech technologist, a bit of a geek. So yes.
Grant Excellent. Excellent. Well, okay, so let's start with that. technologist geek. What does that mean? What? Tell me about your background?
Christopher Yeah. So So my background, you know, interestingly enough, I started with just a love of technology, right? You know, I heard some people tell stories, the other day of how I think exploring and wanting to take apart, you know, televisions and, you know, anything remote controls, understand how they worked. And I just was fascinated, especially as the computer age started taking off. What can we do with these? So, you know, my thought was, I wanted to go to university and I wanted to learn how to become a software engineer, so studied very hard. And then when I went to my first internship junior year, with a large database company, and I was by myself working on this code, I started going crazy. I started thinking, what am I going to do? Like, I, I love this, I do not like this. And it was actually in a job fair that I met somebody who, who had a similar major who was working in technology consulting, he said, Hey, there's different things. It's not all you have to be a software engineer, I solve difficult technical problems with people moving businesses forward. And so that really, I mean, hit a lot of cylinders for me and took me off into technology, consulting, which is where I started my career.
Grant That's awesome. I love that background. i It's funny, I didn't know that about you. I had a similar journey. I come through the technology world. But I ended up bouncing from doing my first startup right out of college. Because when you come out of college, I don't know if you know this, but you typically have all the answers, right? So so I jumped, I jumped right into startup, I'm gonna go solve these world problems. Clearly, everyone's having struggle with course, I failed miserably on my first startup. So then I jumped into the technology consulting world with back then one of the big six, you know, in Chicago doing some technology work. But yeah, it's funny, I jumped to the people side of it, also. And that, that was liberating for me, because if I spent all the time just and I love I still code today, don't tell anybody. But I use it as a tool to keep my brain active. But if I had to read every day, all day, I think I'd go crazy.
Christopher Right? And, you know, it's, I actually tried to now actually take that message to people, kids graduating from college is the fact that you can actually be involved with technology. And it doesn't have to be this one way like we see, you know, again, media, movies presents this one view, but there's a lot of other things that you can do. And I found that it was great start to my career, to really get me launched. Give me a ton of skills. Give me a great background, because I did I went to work for Accenture, right that came out of one of the you know, the big six became the big four. Yeah, it was, you know, one of the big four back in the day. Well, well, we're constant names. 
Grant Yeah, I did. KPMG. So there you go. Yeah, technology. There we go. Wow. Okay, which office were you located? Where were you?
Christopher At San Francisco. I mean, I felt like that was a great opportunity because I while I was doing the tech consulting thing I did want to work for high tech, like I wanted to work for companies that were really, you know, moving the needle. And that's actually set me up. So about eight, nine years into my career, I realized that I had this great experience. And this is what I call in my book, Your career capital, which is a combination of your education, your experience and results. And I realized I could actually go trade this for equity in startup companies, because like you said, I've been working for these tech consulting companies, I got that figured out, right? Well, I went to work for my first startup, abject failure, right, I found myself and then a year nursing and Ulster having a bad boss. And I didn't know how I got there. But taking a step back, and I think a lot of us figure out pass through failure. And so I don't think we should fear that. And I realized I did not look like I did not think like an investor with my time. Like I'd been, you know, in the in the stock market investing since, you know, the 90s. But I had not thought like an investor with my time. So went back, put together a due diligence criteria started work in my network, what did people recommend? The next company I chose employee for 17, at a company called Splunk, in 2011, and up IPO in 2012, and it turned out to be a big win for my family.
Grant Yeah, that's absolutely cool. Yeah, Splunk, boy, they have done a great thing for the industry. It's funny, united, similar routes, I, after I did my KPMG route for a number of years, I had this itch to get out to Silicon Valley. And so I was chatting with this startup company out there. And, and I said, my wife, you know, I'm just gonna fly out, you know, we're in Chicago, the time's gonna fly I just checked, probably won't do this, right. Uh, probably, but I just gotta go check them out. And of course, I get in there. I'm talking with them. And after several hours of whiteboarding and brain, brain exciting things, they go, do you want to, you know, come join us? And I'm like, Oh, I think the answer is yes. You know, and I remember being on the phone in the little conference. You know, maybe my mind's changed. You know, I think we're switching. We're moving out here. Yeah, I did several startups out there as well. And those course weren't much different. So you know, you need to have that first one that kicks you in the teeth, right? And it's like, okay, wait a minute. You do, you do?
Christopher And I think sometimes, right? It is, you know, those those learnings that help like anything else, right? I mean, this is where I'm trying to now build this thesis and conversation around, it's an investment of your time. So sometimes you go, you get skin in the game, and it's not the right thing. But then does that mean you stop investing altogether? No, you go and adjust your lens and you you go, and you get feedback, and then you go, and you do it again. And maybe this time you say, I'm just gonna, in my head, I may sign a four year contract, maybe let me just do two years, see what's there and track it as they go along. You're going to also be looking at those quarterly meetings, when they're giving readouts a lot differently, you're going to look at the market a lot differently and say, What can I do with my time?
Grant So I think that's one of the cool things that I noticed about you when I was reviewing your profile. And it was this, it was not just let me go after doing this startup. But it was to leverage what I'm getting out of this either equity opportunities, but to move it into some passive opportunities. And I think that was, for me a real Aha, like, you know, earlier in my career, I wasn't even thinking that right? I'm doing the various startup companies. I'm like, go, go, go, go go. And you think you've got all this endless energy. And at some point, you think that way, but what I love is a year connecting the dots from take that energy and translate it into this passive mechanism that's going to benefit you. So I don't want to steal your thunder. But talk more about...
Christopher Well, well, what led me to that is it was actually that first IPO. So all of a sudden, you know, I'll never forget that day was you know, April 18 2012. Phenomenal day. And but the most memorable moment wasn't this big party, the fact that it went out double what we thought it was, was when I went home that night, my pregnant wife is sitting there, she asked me two questions. She says, When can we get the money and when can we buy the house? And I had no answers. And I literally went into the next room and started emotionally, you know, falling apart a little What I didn't realize is I was experiencing what's called a sudden wealth event, which is sudden wealth syndrome, which is a psychological syndrome that when you have these things you feel lonely, depressed, stressed out. If you're not prepared. You're not and I wasn't like I'd fought so hard to get there like most of us do. I wasn't prepared aired in so what I found grant is that many people aren't prepared like they like and I literally have been interviewing a lot of people from my book a lot of technology in place. And they will. I heard Mark Cuban say like you have to work for equity if you want to get ahead or, you know, I heard Gary Vee or somebody, Robert Kiyosaki gives them the idea that they want to be an owner. They go get it, and then that's it. They stop. And so my experience was okay, now we got this. I was okay. How do we now start getting this? You know, because I was tired during the six month lockout period, over 90% of your wealth and a single stock. I'm telling you, man, like I ate a ton of Tom's during that time, like you do. Yeah. Yeah. So it was really been this plan of, you know, how do we start moving it into something passive? How do we get it to that, you know, Kiyosaki goal. And so as we were doing that, as we were, you know, scouring the earth in the Bay Area, trying to understand it, we started getting exposed to real estate syndications, we started getting exposed to crowdfunding. And we realized that we had to get sharp on the math, we need to really understand how to do diligence, how to, how to invest. And, you know, we went on a journey of where we figured out how to start getting some skin in the game that, you know, was something that we could afford that we could afford to lose, and start really understanding those types of investments. And as we started seeing more and more success, other people started raising their hands, because we were very excited, we would talk about what we're doing. We always feel, you know, with our children with our friends, we should talk about careers and money. Like we should just have the conversation in an appropriate way. Not in a braggadocious way. But in a What are you doing? What are we doing? Because if we don't talk about it, you know, like you do here? Yeah, we don't do anything is people who sit on it. Yeah. Yeah.
Grant You do, you do sit on it. Absolutely. So. So tell me about I think I saw something that you wrote. "From No Dough to IPO". I love that.
Christopher Yeah. And so this is, this is the first book that I'm writing. And it's really going to be a playbook on how to tech employees think like an investor when trading their time and talent for equity. Right. And I want it you know, you said it grant like, nobody gave us the playbook. Right, we had to go in there. And we had a trip over our own shoelaces, you know, get beat up, figure this thing out. I you know, I have interviewed people in my network who have done three or four IPOs serially, I've interviewed people that have never done anything pre they've all been in post companies, and they get these companies public, and they take them from, you know, 500 million to a couple billion dollars. And they've gotten tremendous wealth, already liquid the whole time. And I've turned it around and put it into a framework so that w two employees can really be time investors and say, you know, for myself, I had lost a small business. That was my side hustle, I was broke in, I realized I had to go and work for startup companies if I wanted to get ahead. And I think many people are trying to figure out, how do they leverage their skills, their time and their talent to do that? I wanted to put it out into a book that says, here's how you actually set yourself up. Here's how you negotiate for the equity. And then once you get it, what do you do you need to plan protect, and then you need to start producing passive income.
Grant So that framework that you've alluded to, and obviously it's in your book and what it is that you provide in terms of services to others? Sure. In that framework, how far does your organization get involved in terms of taking people through that and applying it as a good go all the way through into the real estate piece itself? Or tell me more about that?
Christopher Well, so I mean, the book is really launching the education platform. So right now the book is really the key anchor, we are looking to follow with some online training that people can do. And we're considering some coaching programs. But yeah, I mean, getting back to the origin story is that this this endeavor started from us doing done for you investments for technology employees, my wife and I who were actively investing in, you know, multifamily in ATMs and mobile home parks. We were asked by our friends to help start creating some vehicles for them because they wanted the success they didn't want to go put it together. So that's how Welford capital was born five years ago was in in an effort to help technology employees and you know, we're the lead investor, we're leading with our families dollars, we're creating a model portfolio that's based on where we've taken our tech equity and how now we've put it to work in real estate with our my wife and I shared goal the goal of getting to $300,000 of passive income a year.
Grant Yeah, that's awesome to get to that. Point, what's the trajectory? Like? And I? I'm sure part of the answer is how much you're putting into it financially. But in order to in order for someone to get to some, I guess what I would call, in fact, I was watching on your YouTube channel use an interesting phrase I'm looking at right here. It was something like, yeah, you wanted to get to a point where your passive income could overcome your W two income, you made that video. So I realized that's gonna vary by person. But yeah, sure range like, Is it A, is that a two year or five year journey? What does that look like?
Christopher Well, I think to your point, Grant, it depends on, you know, how much you can deploy, I really think that it is a five year plus journey. For most people, I think that if you have if you're sitting on a ton of dry powder, right, if you've had, you know, a couple of exits, you know, still it's gonna take time to deploy that capital. Right. And this is what I tell people is, if you walked in, you know, with $10 million, you would not want to put that into a single real estate investment, because then you're going to have the same thing you should if you're sitting in the single tech stock, you're gonna be not diversified. Right? So I think on average, it's, it's, it's a five year journey to really start making some impact. And this is why, you know, I want to go upstream to people earlier in their careers thinking about it, because my honest belief is that if I can free technology employees from having to work for a W two, many of them still want to make an impact. And this is the conversation I love having is if you didn't have to work for money, what would you do? You know, eight out of 10 tech employees don't say I'm gonna go travel the world, they'd be like, I want to solve this problem, or I want to fix that problem. And that, to me, is is really powerful in our community, right, as a technology employees is how can we unleash that power, and allow people to do the impact work and not be focusing just on the survival work?
Grant So I have a fundamental question for you, when I saw that your focus was on the tech space employee. I'm assuming this could apply to any sort of w two employee? Or is there something about what you're doing that says, This is really relevant to a tech space employee?
Christopher Well, so the reality is, is, you know, I want to be able to speak into my people, my focus, my niche is focused on technology employees that I really understand, I understand, you know, their concerns, I understand, you know, you know, how it is, it's a very high paced, fast paced lifestyle. And so, in. So that's where, like, my writing my books, and everything is very much focused on how do I help these people and try and pay it forward, if you will. Now, on the real estate side, it's interesting that I've been very focused on technology and plays in helping them however, different people relate to the story, right? I mean, I have people that come in and say, Oh, I've I've gotten equity, it hasn't been in tech. Can I invest with you? Of course, you can, you know, or, interestingly enough, I had a jockey that reached out and wanted to get a call and said, I actually won this big stakes race. That was my big one. And I went through the sudden wealth event, I really related to what you were talking about that, can I invest with you? And so of course, I'm open to everyone participating in our investments, but I just feel really nobody feels sorry for somebody who goes through the sudden wealth event, right, you know, works in an IPO, all of a sudden, you get a multiple seven figure, payday, nobody feels sorry for them. But those people still struggle. A lot of us, myself included, didn't come from money, had no idea what to do with it. Yeah. Right. And so it's really, you know, in my mind that I want to really help and lean back into my community, because as I mentioned before, like I think that that community, financially independent will actually then turn around and bring some huge benefits to to everybody.
Grant I can relate with that, I grew up milking cows and hauling hay. So yeah, that was that was that was the foundation of that. So I'm interested in your thoughts around because one of the cool things I saw that you did was you're helping people think through their career paths, and with everything that's taken place with COVID and the impact to the workforce and and even what people are expecting from their jobs today and how that changed. The mindsets changed. How is that impacting the things that you're doing?
Christopher Well, I think it's creating more opportunities, right? I think coming post COVID I mean, it was in the middle of COVID. I ended up going back to work for another technology company. I had a very interesting offer. And it was for an all remote company that was built all remote they came it was developed all remote in 2011. And it had an An amazing trajectory and amazing story. And it was important for me to really experienced that because I think that the future of technology employment, while I know a lot of people are being brought back into the office, I think it will truly, ultimately become hybrid, that where you're going to have office time to connect, you're going to have a lot of home time. What this allows for, you know, I think certain roles, certain specialized roles is the ability to make tech money and live in the low cost, you know, income or a low cost of living areas. Yeah, that wouldn't change. It is in this to me provides opportunity to what to save more to invest more, right? There's this whole concept of people talk about lifestyle by design, well, what if you designed your lifestyle to invest more, and I mean, this is what, you know, really motivated us to leave the Bay Area, come to Austin, Texas, in 2017, where, at that point, we got in here at a much lower price point, we are able to sell our house in the Bay Area, get some single family homes and this home, so we're able to now more passive income, right, but lower our overall cost of living so that then we can invest more, I think there's going to be more of that type of opportunity. I think that, you know, there, people are going to be able to have much more flexibility in that geography, which I think creates more overall opportunities.
Grant Yeah, definitely see the the change there with that. And in fact, having so many people shift and move around the country right now you see this sort of exodus from some of the coasts, you know, coming in to the Central part, companies, large companies that we've seen, of course, moved out of places like California and such, you've talked about in your material that I reviewed, on your YouTube channel, some of the reasons to invest in real estate, and why you picked that as an avenue for doing this. There's obviously lots of places certainly crypto which has, of course, been kicked in the teeth, you know, recently, but, but why why real estate, he touched on that.
Christopher I would say the most compelling reason right now, to be investing in real estate is the income by like, a lot of, you know, asset classes do not provide, you know, to me, there's there's the construct of a investment that says I made for income. Income to me is not a growth vehicle that says I'm going to take your money and expand it know, an income vehicle, like real estate, or like what we used to have in the bond market, you know, pre 2008 is, I am going to preserve your capital, potentially increase that, and I'm going to give you returns on top of that. I think that real estate is the place where then you have a hard asset behind it, that again, gives you you know, those those multiple benefits, I know that, you know, four ways to make money in real estate, right, there's the cashflow, there's the appreciation, there's the equity pay down, and then guess what the tax benefits as well, right? We know that we need a lot less real estate money to duplicate w two or where we want to be with w two income because of the fact that we don't need as much because you get a lot of the depreciation, you really get, you know, good tax planner going there. You know, you can you can reduce that. But this is where, you know, I don't see any other vehicle right now that's going toe to toe that can preserve capital and put cash in your pocket.
Grant Yeah. What are your thoughts about current trajectory, you know, around interest rates and potential soft landings of the real estate market? Is that create any concerns for you?
Christopher I mean, it definitely creates concerns. I mean, I think that a lot of the the increase in interest rates has slowed down a lot of the transactions on the real estate front. I know that for, you know, multifamily, you know, partners that we have here in Central Texas, you know, there's just a real long pause, like, where's this going to land? And I know, a lot of, you know, investments that were in process, you know, now have have stopped because, I mean, just negotiations because the rates are moving so quickly. I do believe that, you know, this increase in interest rates will do what, you know, the government is looking to, which is going to slow down, cool it off, prices are going to have to start ratcheting down to excuse me move the market forward. But however, in real estate, there are opportunities to buy I know that I'm very bullish right now in the mobile home market. I know also in the self storage market, there still are a lot of opportunities because the fact that those industries have not been standardized, let's say like multifamily, or a lot of you know of some other commercial properties as well, there still are real buying opportunities there. And so I think if you stick to the fundamentals of Buy low, get something that's cash flowing very well, there, then is the opportunity to still make money.
Grant Is there a particular asset class real estate that you enjoy more than the others and mobile homes? Is the multifamily? Do you? Is there a particular place people should start, you know, when they think about this?
Christopher Well, I mean, I think everybody should start with with the fundamentals. So there's a, a book that I recommend to everybody, it's what every real estate investor needs to know about cash flow by Frank gallon le, and it's a math book, and it gives you the fundamentals. And you go online, you get a spreadsheet, and you understand the math, not complicated, but that's where everyone should start. And it gives you a breadth of asset classes. For me right now, I am bullish, and my partners and I are acquiring in the mobile home park space because of the fact that it's a scarce asset class, scarce meaning that's in high demand. And for the demand, they're not making any more. So that means that if you look at, you know, I have a chart that I share with people that the net operating income of mobile home parks has been steady up into the right since before the year 2000, because of this whole thing that, you know, when you have a scarce asset class, that is going to force appreciation. The other thing is, you know, there's there's a lot of inefficiencies, and a lot of, you know, mom and pops that are baby boomers that are looking to get out right now. So, you know, with a good operations team, there's, there's a buying opportunity. And I do want to I think one of my partner said the other day, and I love this piece of advice to say when when times are good, you want to be in affordable housing, when times are bad, you really want to be in affordable housing. Well said, yeah, right. I like that. I literally wrote it down. As soon as it says, I go, that's gold, that isn't that is good.
Grant I picked up that wealth word is a verb. That's one of the things that I discovered in reviewing what you're doing. Tell me more about this verb. And what I mean by that is, I'm trying to relate it to those that are listening, where they may or may not be in the tech space. But let's say you're in the tech space, and they're early in their careers, and they're thinking, How do I get started? What do I do next? What's the verb? Right? What's the action that I should do? What I start doing differently?
Christopher Well, and so the whole concept is always be moving towards wealth. And this is always just having your eyes and I do have spec. So you know, having your investor lens on. And so I think that, if it's in your W-2 job, you know, it really is then how can you work for equity? How can you get a piece of ownership and this, you know, I call it Kiyosaki is bridge, like he doesn't call it out in his book, because he sort of has, you're the employee and the owner over here, there's this gap. But equity when you're able to get, you know, again, can that be in technology companies? Sure, could you, you know, I know people work in private equity companies, they get staked there, you know, and other public companies, you can too. But if you're working for equity, and you have salary, you know, a bonus, and you have this equity, what I always tell people, then you can live on your salary, you can party with your bonus, and you invest all your equity, you know, that then gives you this additional capacity to be able to start investing. And then, you know, as you and I both know, on the investing front, it's how do you stay diversified? How do you have a portfolio that's fit for your lifestyle, and you have goals, and you're working on it? And to me, you know, in my wife and I created this word, you know, sitting around and trying to think of how can we create this word that really encourages people to just be thinking about moving towards wealth, which could be your health, right? You want to be taking care of your health, you want to be taking care of your mind, you know, because wealth to us is an abundance of resources. And that can be you know, energy, it can be, you know, a network, right networking with people is moving towards wealth. So, that was really the spirit behind it.
Grant That's awesome. I love that now if someone wanted to learn more about you and your organization, what you're providing where do they go? How do they find this?
Christopher Well, they can go to Wealthward.com. That is my core website where they can go learn more about what we do and get time on my calendar. They want to understand what we're doing in the mobile home park space, that is ThriveCommunity.fund. There they can go see a free webinar of you know, really how we're, we're, we're really doing something very really interesting in that space and have this blue ocean concept. And then tech careers and money talk. That is my podcast I'm recording episodes gonna be launching in September. But that's tech careers and money talk where, you know, like yourself, I'm facilitating this conversation in the corner of tech careers, you know, and really, there'll be a Tuesday episode. That's all about how you build and grow your career. How do you go from individual contributor to manager, there's going to be a lot of strategy, there's going to be a lot of interviews and use cases, then Thursday's money day, right? We want to bring in stock options, lawyers, what do you need to be looking for when you're negotiating for equity? How do you generate passive income? How do you buy houses in high cost of living areas? Right? We want to really speak into all the problems and challenges that people have and in hear from people who've been successful.
Grant What a fun journey. I look forward to listening to what you're doing on your podcast. That's really awesome.
Christopher Well, yeah, and I mean, it sounds like, it sounds like you're gonna be a guest too, because little did I know about your secret tech background. Like I think we got some, some stuff to talk about.
Grant Oh, yeah. Like I said, at the beginning, three in Silicon Valley sold them all IBM acquired one of them. So I spent some time as an executive, they're definitely bounced out of that world.
Christopher Yeah, I'm ready. Yeah, I'll be on the other side of the mic. I'll be asking the questions. There you go.
Grant That's right. Good stuff. Christopher, this has been a pleasure. Any last comments you'd like to share with our listeners?
Christopher Well, I think, you know, what I always like to share with everybody is just the fact that, you know, if you ensure that you are taking time, energy capacity to focus on this building your wealth, I think there's a true opportunity to, you know, live a life that is sustainable, and you can actually design it yourself. So that's my encouragement.
Grant Why don't they teach this in school?
Christopher Well, they may soon enough, I'm I'm working on that curriculum to say.
Grant I think you're the one to put that curriculum together.  So that's right. Yes. Hey, thanks for joining everybody. Thanks for listening to this episode of Financial Investing radio and until next time, reach out to Christopher Nelson.
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FIR 154: The Secret to Creating Passive Income As A W2 Employee !!
In this episode, I have the opportunity to sit down with Christopher Nelson. A technology executive out of Silicon Valley who's figured out the secrets to helping you achieve passive income as a W-2 employee.
Grant Hey, everybody, welcome to another episode of Financial Investing Radio. So today I have in the house with me, Mr. Dr. Why don't want to call you. Sophisticated, brilliant. Christopher Nelson is in the house here with me today. I love his subtitles technology executive real estate investor, author, podcast hosts and inventor of the space station. Was that right? Or did I get that right?
Christopher I think you may have stretched on the space station. But I you know, space has always been a dream of mine. Right? I am a low tech tech technologist, a bit of a geek. So yes.
Grant Excellent. Excellent. Well, okay, so let's start with that. technologist geek. What does that mean? What? Tell me about your background?
Christopher Yeah. So So my background, you know, interestingly enough, I started with just a love of technology, right? You know, I heard some people tell stories, the other day of how I think exploring and wanting to take apart, you know, televisions and, you know, anything remote controls, understand how they worked. And I just was fascinated, especially as the computer age started taking off. What can we do with these? So, you know, my thought was, I wanted to go to university and I wanted to learn how to become a software engineer, so studied very hard. And then when I went to my first internship junior year, with a large database company, and I was by myself working on this code, I started going crazy. I started thinking, what am I going to do? Like, I, I love this, I do not like this. And it was actually in a job fair that I met somebody who, who had a similar major who was working in technology consulting, he said, Hey, there's different things. It's not all you have to be a software engineer, I solve difficult technical problems with people moving businesses forward. And so that really, I mean, hit a lot of cylinders for me and took me off into technology, consulting, which is where I started my career.
Grant That's awesome. I love that background. i It's funny, I didn't know that about you. I had a similar journey. I come through the technology world. But I ended up bouncing from doing my first startup right out of college. Because when you come out of college, I don't know if you know this, but you typically have all the answers, right? So so I jumped, I jumped right into startup, I'm gonna go solve these world problems. Clearly, everyone's having struggle with course, I failed miserably on my first startup. So then I jumped into the technology consulting world with back then one of the big six, you know, in Chicago doing some technology work. But yeah, it's funny, I jumped to the people side of it, also. And that, that was liberating for me, because if I spent all the time just and I love I still code today, don't tell anybody. But I use it as a tool to keep my brain active. But if I had to read every day, all day, I think I'd go crazy.
Christopher Right? And, you know, it's, I actually tried to now actually take that message to people, kids graduating from college is the fact that you can actually be involved with technology. And it doesn't have to be this one way like we see, you know, again, media, movies presents this one view, but there's a lot of other things that you can do. And I found that it was great start to my career, to really get me launched. Give me a ton of skills. Give me a great background, because I did I went to work for Accenture, right that came out of one of the you know, the big six became the big four. Yeah, it was, you know, one of the big four back in the day. Well, well, we're constant names. 
Grant Yeah, I did. KPMG. So there you go. Yeah, technology. There we go. Wow. Okay, which office were you located? Where were you?
Christopher At San Francisco. I mean, I felt like that was a great opportunity because I while I was doing the tech consulting thing I did want to work for high tech, like I wanted to work for companies that were really, you know, moving the needle. And that's actually set me up. So about eight, nine years into my career, I realized that I had this great experience. And this is what I call in my book, Your career capital, which is a combination of your education, your experience and results. And I realized I could actually go trade this for equity in startup companies, because like you said, I've been working for these tech consulting companies, I got that figured out, right? Well, I went to work for my first startup, abject failure, right, I found myself and then a year nursing and Ulster having a bad boss. And I didn't know how I got there. But taking a step back, and I think a lot of us figure out pass through failure. And so I don't think we should fear that. And I realized I did not look like I did not think like an investor with my time. Like I'd been, you know, in the in the stock market investing since, you know, the 90s. But I had not thought like an investor with my time. So went back, put together a due diligence criteria started work in my network, what did people recommend? The next company I chose employee for 17, at a company called Splunk, in 2011, and up IPO in 2012, and it turned out to be a big win for my family.
Grant Yeah, that's absolutely cool. Yeah, Splunk, boy, they have done a great thing for the industry. It's funny, united, similar routes, I, after I did my KPMG route for a number of years, I had this itch to get out to Silicon Valley. And so I was chatting with this startup company out there. And, and I said, my wife, you know, I'm just gonna fly out, you know, we're in Chicago, the time's gonna fly I just checked, probably won't do this, right. Uh, probably, but I just gotta go check them out. And of course, I get in there. I'm talking with them. And after several hours of whiteboarding and brain, brain exciting things, they go, do you want to, you know, come join us? And I'm like, Oh, I think the answer is yes. You know, and I remember being on the phone in the little conference. You know, maybe my mind's changed. You know, I think we're switching. We're moving out here. Yeah, I did several startups out there as well. And those course weren't much different. So you know, you need to have that first one that kicks you in the teeth, right? And it's like, okay, wait a minute. You do, you do?
Christopher And I think sometimes, right? It is, you know, those those learnings that help like anything else, right? I mean, this is where I'm trying to now build this thesis and conversation around, it's an investment of your time. So sometimes you go, you get skin in the game, and it's not the right thing. But then does that mean you stop investing altogether? No, you go and adjust your lens and you you go, and you get feedback, and then you go, and you do it again. And maybe this time you say, I'm just gonna, in my head, I may sign a four year contract, maybe let me just do two years, see what's there and track it as they go along. You're going to also be looking at those quarterly meetings, when they're giving readouts a lot differently, you're going to look at the market a lot differently and say, What can I do with my time?
Grant So I think that's one of the cool things that I noticed about you when I was reviewing your profile. And it was this, it was not just let me go after doing this startup. But it was to leverage what I'm getting out of this either equity opportunities, but to move it into some passive opportunities. And I think that was, for me a real Aha, like, you know, earlier in my career, I wasn't even thinking that right? I'm doing the various startup companies. I'm like, go, go, go, go go. And you think you've got all this endless energy. And at some point, you think that way, but what I love is a year connecting the dots from take that energy and translate it into this passive mechanism that's going to benefit you. So I don't want to steal your thunder. But talk more about...
Christopher Well, well, what led me to that is it was actually that first IPO. So all of a sudden, you know, I'll never forget that day was you know, April 18 2012. Phenomenal day. And but the most memorable moment wasn't this big party, the fact that it went out double what we thought it was, was when I went home that night, my pregnant wife is sitting there, she asked me two questions. She says, When can we get the money and when can we buy the house? And I had no answers. And I literally went into the next room and started emotionally, you know, falling apart a little What I didn't realize is I was experiencing what's called a sudden wealth event, which is sudden wealth syndrome, which is a psychological syndrome that when you have these things you feel lonely, depressed, stressed out. If you're not prepared. You're not and I wasn't like I'd fought so hard to get there like most of us do. I wasn't prepared aired in so what I found grant is that many people aren't prepared like they like and I literally have been interviewing a lot of people from my book a lot of technology in place. And they will. I heard Mark Cuban say like you have to work for equity if you want to get ahead or, you know, I heard Gary Vee or somebody, Robert Kiyosaki gives them the idea that they want to be an owner. They go get it, and then that's it. They stop. And so my experience was okay, now we got this. I was okay. How do we now start getting this? You know, because I was tired during the six month lockout period, over 90% of your wealth and a single stock. I'm telling you, man, like I ate a ton of Tom's during that time, like you do. Yeah. Yeah. So it was really been this plan of, you know, how do we start moving it into something passive? How do we get it to that, you know, Kiyosaki goal. And so as we were doing that, as we were, you know, scouring the earth in the Bay Area, trying to understand it, we started getting exposed to real estate syndications, we started getting exposed to crowdfunding. And we realized that we had to get sharp on the math, we need to really understand how to do diligence, how to, how to invest. And, you know, we went on a journey of where we figured out how to start getting some skin in the game that, you know, was something that we could afford that we could afford to lose, and start really understanding those types of investments. And as we started seeing more and more success, other people started raising their hands, because we were very excited, we would talk about what we're doing. We always feel, you know, with our children with our friends, we should talk about careers and money. Like we should just have the conversation in an appropriate way. Not in a braggadocious way. But in a What are you doing? What are we doing? Because if we don't talk about it, you know, like you do here? Yeah, we don't do anything is people who sit on it. Yeah. Yeah.
Grant You do, you do sit on it. Absolutely. So. So tell me about I think I saw something that you wrote. "From No Dough to IPO". I love that.
Christopher Yeah. And so this is, this is the first book that I'm writing. And it's really going to be a playbook on how to tech employees think like an investor when trading their time and talent for equity. Right. And I want it you know, you said it grant like, nobody gave us the playbook. Right, we had to go in there. And we had a trip over our own shoelaces, you know, get beat up, figure this thing out. I you know, I have interviewed people in my network who have done three or four IPOs serially, I've interviewed people that have never done anything pre they've all been in post companies, and they get these companies public, and they take them from, you know, 500 million to a couple billion dollars. And they've gotten tremendous wealth, already liquid the whole time. And I've turned it around and put it into a framework so that w two employees can really be time investors and say, you know, for myself, I had lost a small business. That was my side hustle, I was broke in, I realized I had to go and work for startup companies if I wanted to get ahead. And I think many people are trying to figure out, how do they leverage their skills, their time and their talent to do that? I wanted to put it out into a book that says, here's how you actually set yourself up. Here's how you negotiate for the equity. And then once you get it, what do you do you need to plan protect, and then you need to start producing passive income.
Grant So that framework that you've alluded to, and obviously it's in your book and what it is that you provide in terms of services to others? Sure. In that framework, how far does your organization get involved in terms of taking people through that and applying it as a good go all the way through into the real estate piece itself? Or tell me more about that?
Christopher Well, so I mean, the book is really launching the education platform. So right now the book is really the key anchor, we are looking to follow with some online training that people can do. And we're considering some coaching programs. But yeah, I mean, getting back to the origin story is that this this endeavor started from us doing done for you investments for technology employees, my wife and I who were actively investing in, you know, multifamily in ATMs and mobile home parks. We were asked by our friends to help start creating some vehicles for them because they wanted the success they didn't want to go put it together. So that's how Welford capital was born five years ago was in in an effort to help technology employees and you know, we're the lead investor, we're leading with our families dollars, we're creating a model portfolio that's based on where we've taken our tech equity and how now we've put it to work in real estate with our my wife and I shared goal the goal of getting to $300,000 of passive income a year.
Grant Yeah, that's awesome to get to that. Point, what's the trajectory? Like? And I? I'm sure part of the answer is how much you're putting into it financially. But in order to in order for someone to get to some, I guess what I would call, in fact, I was watching on your YouTube channel use an interesting phrase I'm looking at right here. It was something like, yeah, you wanted to get to a point where your passive income could overcome your W two income, you made that video. So I realized that's gonna vary by person. But yeah, sure range like, Is it A, is that a two year or five year journey? What does that look like?
Christopher Well, I think to your point, Grant, it depends on, you know, how much you can deploy, I really think that it is a five year plus journey. For most people, I think that if you have if you're sitting on a ton of dry powder, right, if you've had, you know, a couple of exits, you know, still it's gonna take time to deploy that capital. Right. And this is what I tell people is, if you walked in, you know, with $10 million, you would not want to put that into a single real estate investment, because then you're going to have the same thing you should if you're sitting in the single tech stock, you're gonna be not diversified. Right? So I think on average, it's, it's, it's a five year journey to really start making some impact. And this is why, you know, I want to go upstream to people earlier in their careers thinking about it, because my honest belief is that if I can free technology employees from having to work for a W two, many of them still want to make an impact. And this is the conversation I love having is if you didn't have to work for money, what would you do? You know, eight out of 10 tech employees don't say I'm gonna go travel the world, they'd be like, I want to solve this problem, or I want to fix that problem. And that, to me, is is really powerful in our community, right, as a technology employees is how can we unleash that power, and allow people to do the impact work and not be focusing just on the survival work?
Grant So I have a fundamental question for you, when I saw that your focus was on the tech space employee. I'm assuming this could apply to any sort of w two employee? Or is there something about what you're doing that says, This is really relevant to a tech space employee?
Christopher Well, so the reality is, is, you know, I want to be able to speak into my people, my focus, my niche is focused on technology employees that I really understand, I understand, you know, their concerns, I understand, you know, you know, how it is, it's a very high paced, fast paced lifestyle. And so, in. So that's where, like, my writing my books, and everything is very much focused on how do I help these people and try and pay it forward, if you will. Now, on the real estate side, it's interesting that I've been very focused on technology and plays in helping them however, different people relate to the story, right? I mean, I have people that come in and say, Oh, I've I've gotten equity, it hasn't been in tech. Can I invest with you? Of course, you can, you know, or, interestingly enough, I had a jockey that reached out and wanted to get a call and said, I actually won this big stakes race. That was my big one. And I went through the sudden wealth event, I really related to what you were talking about that, can I invest with you? And so of course, I'm open to everyone participating in our investments, but I just feel really nobody feels sorry for somebody who goes through the sudden wealth event, right, you know, works in an IPO, all of a sudden, you get a multiple seven figure, payday, nobody feels sorry for them. But those people still struggle. A lot of us, myself included, didn't come from money, had no idea what to do with it. Yeah. Right. And so it's really, you know, in my mind that I want to really help and lean back into my community, because as I mentioned before, like I think that that community, financially independent will actually then turn around and bring some huge benefits to to everybody.
Grant I can relate with that, I grew up milking cows and hauling hay. So yeah, that was that was that was the foundation of that. So I'm interested in your thoughts around because one of the cool things I saw that you did was you're helping people think through their career paths, and with everything that's taken place with COVID and the impact to the workforce and and even what people are expecting from their jobs today and how that changed. The mindsets changed. How is that impacting the things that you're doing?
Christopher Well, I think it's creating more opportunities, right? I think coming post COVID I mean, it was in the middle of COVID. I ended up going back to work for another technology company. I had a very interesting offer. And it was for an all remote company that was built all remote they came it was developed all remote in 2011. And it had an An amazing trajectory and amazing story. And it was important for me to really experienced that because I think that the future of technology employment, while I know a lot of people are being brought back into the office, I think it will truly, ultimately become hybrid, that where you're going to have office time to connect, you're going to have a lot of home time. What this allows for, you know, I think certain roles, certain specialized roles is the ability to make tech money and live in the low cost, you know, income or a low cost of living areas. Yeah, that wouldn't change. It is in this to me provides opportunity to what to save more to invest more, right? There's this whole concept of people talk about lifestyle by design, well, what if you designed your lifestyle to invest more, and I mean, this is what, you know, really motivated us to leave the Bay Area, come to Austin, Texas, in 2017, where, at that point, we got in here at a much lower price point, we are able to sell our house in the Bay Area, get some single family homes and this home, so we're able to now more passive income, right, but lower our overall cost of living so that then we can invest more, I think there's going to be more of that type of opportunity. I think that, you know, there, people are going to be able to have much more flexibility in that geography, which I think creates more overall opportunities.
Grant Yeah, definitely see the the change there with that. And in fact, having so many people shift and move around the country right now you see this sort of exodus from some of the coasts, you know, coming in to the Central part, companies, large companies that we've seen, of course, moved out of places like California and such, you've talked about in your material that I reviewed, on your YouTube channel, some of the reasons to invest in real estate, and why you picked that as an avenue for doing this. There's obviously lots of places certainly crypto which has, of course, been kicked in the teeth, you know, recently, but, but why why real estate, he touched on that.
Christopher I would say the most compelling reason right now, to be investing in real estate is the income by like, a lot of, you know, asset classes do not provide, you know, to me, there's there's the construct of a investment that says I made for income. Income to me is not a growth vehicle that says I'm going to take your money and expand it know, an income vehicle, like real estate, or like what we used to have in the bond market, you know, pre 2008 is, I am going to preserve your capital, potentially increase that, and I'm going to give you returns on top of that. I think that real estate is the place where then you have a hard asset behind it, that again, gives you you know, those those multiple benefits, I know that, you know, four ways to make money in real estate, right, there's the cashflow, there's the appreciation, there's the equity pay down, and then guess what the tax benefits as well, right? We know that we need a lot less real estate money to duplicate w two or where we want to be with w two income because of the fact that we don't need as much because you get a lot of the depreciation, you really get, you know, good tax planner going there. You know, you can you can reduce that. But this is where, you know, I don't see any other vehicle right now that's going toe to toe that can preserve capital and put cash in your pocket.
Grant Yeah. What are your thoughts about current trajectory, you know, around interest rates and potential soft landings of the real estate market? Is that create any concerns for you?
Christopher I mean, it definitely creates concerns. I mean, I think that a lot of the the increase in interest rates has slowed down a lot of the transactions on the real estate front. I know that for, you know, multifamily, you know, partners that we have here in Central Texas, you know, there's just a real long pause, like, where's this going to land? And I know, a lot of, you know, investments that were in process, you know, now have have stopped because, I mean, just negotiations because the rates are moving so quickly. I do believe that, you know, this increase in interest rates will do what, you know, the government is looking to, which is going to slow down, cool it off, prices are going to have to start ratcheting down to excuse me move the market forward. But however, in real estate, there are opportunities to buy I know that I'm very bullish right now in the mobile home market. I know also in the self storage market, there still are a lot of opportunities because the fact that those industries have not been standardized, let's say like multifamily, or a lot of you know of some other commercial properties as well, there still are real buying opportunities there. And so I think if you stick to the fundamentals of Buy low, get something that's cash flowing very well, there, then is the opportunity to still make money.
Grant Is there a particular asset class real estate that you enjoy more than the others and mobile homes? Is the multifamily? Do you? Is there a particular place people should start, you know, when they think about this?
Christopher Well, I mean, I think everybody should start with with the fundamentals. So there's a, a book that I recommend to everybody, it's what every real estate investor needs to know about cash flow by Frank gallon le, and it's a math book, and it gives you the fundamentals. And you go online, you get a spreadsheet, and you understand the math, not complicated, but that's where everyone should start. And it gives you a breadth of asset classes. For me right now, I am bullish, and my partners and I are acquiring in the mobile home park space because of the fact that it's a scarce asset class, scarce meaning that's in high demand. And for the demand, they're not making any more. So that means that if you look at, you know, I have a chart that I share with people that the net operating income of mobile home parks has been steady up into the right since before the year 2000, because of this whole thing that, you know, when you have a scarce asset class, that is going to force appreciation. The other thing is, you know, there's there's a lot of inefficiencies, and a lot of, you know, mom and pops that are baby boomers that are looking to get out right now. So, you know, with a good operations team, there's, there's a buying opportunity. And I do want to I think one of my partner said the other day, and I love this piece of advice to say when when times are good, you want to be in affordable housing, when times are bad, you really want to be in affordable housing. Well said, yeah, right. I like that. I literally wrote it down. As soon as it says, I go, that's gold, that isn't that is good.
Grant I picked up that wealth word is a verb. That's one of the things that I discovered in reviewing what you're doing. Tell me more about this verb. And what I mean by that is, I'm trying to relate it to those that are listening, where they may or may not be in the tech space. But let's say you're in the tech space, and they're early in their careers, and they're thinking, How do I get started? What do I do next? What's the verb? Right? What's the action that I should do? What I start doing differently?
Christopher Well, and so the whole concept is always be moving towards wealth. And this is always just having your eyes and I do have spec. So you know, having your investor lens on. And so I think that, if it's in your W-2 job, you know, it really is then how can you work for equity? How can you get a piece of ownership and this, you know, I call it Kiyosaki is bridge, like he doesn't call it out in his book, because he sort of has, you're the employee and the owner over here, there's this gap. But equity when you're able to get, you know, again, can that be in technology companies? Sure, could you, you know, I know people work in private equity companies, they get staked there, you know, and other public companies, you can too. But if you're working for equity, and you have salary, you know, a bonus, and you have this equity, what I always tell people, then you can live on your salary, you can party with your bonus, and you invest all your equity, you know, that then gives you this additional capacity to be able to start investing. And then, you know, as you and I both know, on the investing front, it's how do you stay diversified? How do you have a portfolio that's fit for your lifestyle, and you have goals, and you're working on it? And to me, you know, in my wife and I created this word, you know, sitting around and trying to think of how can we create this word that really encourages people to just be thinking about moving towards wealth, which could be your health, right? You want to be taking care of your health, you want to be taking care of your mind, you know, because wealth to us is an abundance of resources. And that can be you know, energy, it can be, you know, a network, right networking with people is moving towards wealth. So, that was really the spirit behind it.
Grant That's awesome. I love that now if someone wanted to learn more about you and your organization, what you're providing where do they go? How do they find this?
Christopher Well, they can go to Wealthward.com. That is my core website where they can go learn more about what we do and get time on my calendar. They want to understand what we're doing in the mobile home park space, that is ThriveCommunity.fund. There they can go see a free webinar of you know, really how we're, we're, we're really doing something very really interesting in that space and have this blue ocean concept. And then tech careers and money talk. That is my podcast I'm recording episodes gonna be launching in September. But that's tech careers and money talk where, you know, like yourself, I'm facilitating this conversation in the corner of tech careers, you know, and really, there'll be a Tuesday episode. That's all about how you build and grow your career. How do you go from individual contributor to manager, there's going to be a lot of strategy, there's going to be a lot of interviews and use cases, then Thursday's money day, right? We want to bring in stock options, lawyers, what do you need to be looking for when you're negotiating for equity? How do you generate passive income? How do you buy houses in high cost of living areas? Right? We want to really speak into all the problems and challenges that people have and in hear from people who've been successful.
Grant What a fun journey. I look forward to listening to what you're doing on your podcast. That's really awesome.
Christopher Well, yeah, and I mean, it sounds like, it sounds like you're gonna be a guest too, because little did I know about your secret tech background. Like I think we got some, some stuff to talk about.
Grant Oh, yeah. Like I said, at the beginning, three in Silicon Valley sold them all IBM acquired one of them. So I spent some time as an executive, they're definitely bounced out of that world.
Christopher Yeah, I'm ready. Yeah, I'll be on the other side of the mic. I'll be asking the questions. There you go.
Grant That's right. Good stuff. Christopher, this has been a pleasure. Any last comments you'd like to share with our listeners?
Christopher Well, I think, you know, what I always like to share with everybody is just the fact that, you know, if you ensure that you are taking time, energy capacity to focus on this building your wealth, I think there's a true opportunity to, you know, live a life that is sustainable, and you can actually design it yourself. So that's my encouragement.
Grant Why don't they teach this in school?
Christopher Well, they may soon enough, I'm I'm working on that curriculum to say.
Grant I think you're the one to put that curriculum together.  So that's right. Yes. Hey, thanks for joining everybody. Thanks for listening to this episode of Financial Investing radio and until next time, reach out to Christopher Nelson.
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