sweetkpopmusings · 2 years
vernon boyfriend headcanons <3
a/n: i wasn't planning on posting his so soon, but i had a wonderfully cute dream of vernon the night before last, so i couldn't resist !! i carry a keychain with pictures of vernon in it. the keychain also includes charms that spell out "sweet boy" because that's what he is. a sweet boy <;3333333 pics not mine !
content: fluff | wc: 1.3k | warnings: none! | pairing: boyfriend!vernon x gn!reader | requests: open
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vernon ! hansol ! love of my life ! light of my world ! sweet baby boy ! no words are enough for you but i will write over a thousand here to showcase just how lovely you are <33333
alrighty folks we've got a silly little guy on our hands!!! who also loves so deeply it takes your breath away
he reminds me of the first flutters of butterflies in your stomach
or the first time you feel lightning bolts in your fingertips as you accidentally brush against someone you're starting to feel something more towards
he is the king of small shy smiles
before you two get together, you are the one who smiles shyly at everything he does because he's so gentle, so sweet, and so lighthearted
he's never trying to hide that he likes you, and it almost goes entirely unsaid because he simply makes you feel so wonderful you just know there's something there between you too
after you two are together, this boy almost always replies to your compliments, looks, and touches with a small, shy smile
and probably a lil chuckle too because he just doesn't know how to process how cute you are and how wonderful you make him feel !!!
he is so earnest with you
even when he's joking around with you, every word he says is full of love and care
if he's sending you funny pictures and memes, you can feel the thought behind it all because it's just so you, so vernon
like he's curating everything he gives you to what he knows and loves about you
he's so thoughtful that knowing you becomes pure instinct to him
you almost never have to explain yourself to him
because he gets it
my chest is bursting at the thought of this so i gotta switch to more cutesy stuff
he absolutely adores casual cuddling
one of his favorite cuddles is having your legs draped over his lap, your arm slung behind his neck, and your head resting against his shoulder while you watch tv
he also loves to be in that position on your lap when he's sleepy because he can doze off against your shoulder and tuck his head in the crook of your neck if the lights are too bright even after he shuts his eyes :-(
vernon's also obsessed with lying his head on your chest when you're in bed so he can listen to your heartbeat
that is his absolute FAVORITE position to take naps in. he also gets extremely soft when you lie with your head on his chest
inside he is trying to calm his heartbeat down so it's actually relaxing for you because no matter how long you've been together his heart races whenever you're near him because he loves you so much
little does he know that you absolutely love his heartbeat and feel so safe and warm even when it's racing because it's so cute that he's still excited whenever you're around
another top cuddling style in bed for vernon is when y'all are spooning (he's happy to be the big or little spoon <3) and you're softly wrapped around each other while scrolling on your phones or sleepily chatting
sharing music is one of his love languages, so he finds it so intimate to lie on the living room floor together, pillows or couch cushions under your heads, and listening to music
he has a playlist specifically for that and he's always adding to it because he's always thinking of music he wants to share and experience with you
despite being so overwhelmed with how much he loves you, he's also so clueless
he can do the hottest thing in the world and you're blushing and entirely stunned and he's just looks at you with a furrowed brow and a tilted head
he's standing there like ???? you good ???? meanwhile you're standing there like *dial-up noises*
he will also do the SWEETEST things
like you'll be talking about your day while eating food and then he'll mention something you said months ago and say "i was thinking about that story you told me about your favorite childhood toy, and it actually matches who you are so well, even now because..." and he'll explain himself by connecting little things he notices about you now that relate to that toy
you've completely stopped eating, your jaw is on the floor, and you can't believe that he not only remembered something you talked about briefly months ago but thought about it on his own in such depth that he had a whole tedtalk about it
once again he has unintentionally broken your brain but has no idea why you're reacting like that because he's just acting in a way that comes naturally to him
another thing that comes naturally to him is sharing clothes
he always takes pieces of your style and incorporates it into his fashion because he likes being reminded of you wherever he goes
sometimes he'll ask you if he can borrow a pair of sunglasses you have, or he'll ask you where you got a pair of pants
at first you don't realize what he's doing, but one day he shows up in an outfit you've worn before and you joke about him turning into you
he smiles and says "i like it when my clothes remind me of you"
heart = melted
that's how you both start combining your wardrobes and tastes
even if they're entirely opposite each other, there will always be things you exchange to blend together your styles
vernon loves this because it reflects how you two have blended your lives together <3
eventually you have matching couple outfits, but it's entirely unintentional LOL
sometimes vernon will have a strange outfit on, but seventeen knows better than to make fun of anything he wears of yours / in your style
the one time seungkwan made fun of a hat vernon borrowed from you, vernon gave seungkwan a look that had him begging for his life
no one knew vernon could be so scary but that's just how fiercely he adores you and your individuality <3
he is such a fierce supporter of you living the life you want and in the way you want
he thinks any dreams or goals you have are attainable and he will support you in every way possible
he also will validate you constantly. if you're feeling insecure, he will listen to you and tell you that he understands what it feels like to have those thoughts. he then follows that by reminding you of everything he loves about you and how he truly thinks you are the most interesting and amazing person in the world
he may be scared to show his deepest fears/insecurities, but, with you, it's different
when he gets to know your mind so deeply, he wants you to know his in the same way
he cherishes that kind of emotional and intellectual intimacy between you two like nothing else
in less serious ways, he shows this by creating a world for just the two of you
you've got your own languages of facial expressions, gestures, phrases, and even pictures/gifs/emojis
not only can you two communicate with the slightest of facial expressions, you become so in tune with each other's body languages that you know how the other is feeling immediately
if he sees you get uncomfortable by the slightest of shifts in your body/energy, he'll give you a reassuring look that tells you he's ready to leave if you are
i see him as the type of guy to communicate through hand squeezes too :,-)
if you're in a group and he thinks something you said is super funny, he'll laugh really hard and then lightly squeeze your hand to tell you just how tickled pink he is
he will do the same thing if he needs you for something
if he's anxious or overwhelmed, he will naturally search for your hand and you'll know by the feel of it that he needs to be held in some way
so you just intertwine your fingers and give him a tight squeeze that says i'm here
and he feels completely safe again :-(
i'm screaming into my pillow goodbye i love vernon so much
truly vernon loves you so so genuinely and authentically that you can never doubt it. he thinks you are a precious gift in his life and he cherishes you beyond belief
i hope everyone gets the vernon they deserve <3
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holdinbacksecrets · 1 year
bf texts from maknae line when they’re on tour
thank you for requesting!
maknae line: boyfriend texts while they’re on tour
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bluewhitehues · 6 months
Oneshot | Texts with bf vernon
Boyfriend vernon × fem reader
Genre: humour,funny,texts,fluff
You: Broo
Babeee😚🫠: sigh...another day of my girlfriend calling me bro 👍
You: you dramaqueen.. you literally call me *bro dude man* all the time, but also in between us i feel it's very romantic 😚💋
Babeee😚🫠: ok bro wassup
You: I miss you 🥺🥺
Babeee😚🫠: want me to send you a selfie? I miss you too btw
You: Nah I don't want to see your blank ass face in a selfie..come home it's better
Babeee😚🫠: Dude??? Ouch or whatever you're never getting a selfie from me again don't even ask for it ever😑
You: baby 😭😭I was joking your selfies are so adorable just like you..I just meant I wanna see you in person I miss you so bad just come home I need to see your pretty face🥺🥺
Babeee😚🫠: nah idk now I was just about to sit in the car now imma go back 💔💔
Babeee😚🫠: ok open the door
You: wtf? You serious?
Babeee😚🫠: hehe no I was kidding, be there in 30 ✌️ couldn't help I missed your stupid pretty face too 🫶
You: 🖕🖕you just added that 'pretty' so you wouldn't get in trouble
Babeee😚🫠: please as if I'd ever call your face stupid ..your face is pretty Babe..(it's you who's stupid❤️) Face card, face bank, face economy my y/nnnnn❤️
You: oh you're so asking for it, just wait as soon as you step in the house I'm gonna kill you (with the tightest hug ever😭)
Babeee😚🫠: can't waittt ..love you ❤️
He laughs and gets off the car to get you your favourite food.
After arriving home, you keep your promise to give him the tightest hug,while he's also hugging you back with the same intensity..his laugh vibrates from his chest to your ears and now finally you feel home after seeing him laughing in your arms.
You pull back taking his face in your eyes.
You look up pouting at him,"You called me stupid"
He smiles softly looking down at you,"No I didn't I know how smart my baby is" He says holding your chin in his fingers nudging it a little.
You loop your arms in his neck and he leans down to peck your lips a few times and then pulling you in a proper kiss.
A/n : trying to lighten my mood with this one and like who's better than vernon to make you laugh💘
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Be My Valentine | Ch- 1 "No"
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pairing: Vernon x reader
genre: fluff, angst, slight crack, friends to lovers, non-idol!au, college au
summary: College was hard enough and the thought of spending Valentine’s Day alone and sad was not your style. And the best solution was to go on a platonic date with your best friend Vernon. It goes so well that it becomes a tradition until it gets messy… nothing ever goes wrong by pretend-dating your best friend right?
status: ongoing
a/n: first time trying something like this cuz I saw too many edits on Vernon’s Fire verse! Please tell me your feedback!
pictures from Pinterest!
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As if the sheer cold of the dying February winter was not enough to make life miserable, it also had to be dubbed the month of love. You weren’t a cynic but you knew enough to understand that Valentine’s Day and the gala around it is all nothing but a big capitalistic scheme. As the happy couples invest in the meaningless gifts and expressions of their extravagant love, the lonely saps drown their sorrows in the name of self-love. But your biggest complaint against this whole bonanza is the forced self-hate, even though it usually felt perfectly normal to be single and you even enjoyed it, this time of the year it always felt worse.
Maybe you were just another miserable single sap.
This year was going to be different. You were determined. But also you didn’t want to go through the painful process of pretending to be interested in a guy who, like all the other ones, would either turn out to be misogynist, homophobe or a transphobe- which constitutes 90% of the available population in your uni.
Hence why you find yourself walking with purpose toward the university library with the sole motive of hunting down you’re too smart for his own good best friend of a year and a half, Vernon.
You still remember meeting that shy little boy on the first day of your undergrad, looking lost in the crowd of the class and hoping you would let him sit with you. All it took was an awkward introduction for both of you to build your solid friendship. It was a perfect match- him, a hardworking genius with very minimal social skills and you, an almost genius with the concentration skills of a goldfish.
Vernon might be top of the class, a computer nerd with the face of a young Leo DiCaprio but even he was prone to the February blues and having seen how miserable he was during the previous year Valentines Day, especially as he watched his high school ex go gallivanting about with his then-roommate, you were determined to make this year a good memory for both you.
Also, he is the only guy in the university that you trust and is capable of handling you at the height of your drunkenness.
Looking at your watch you realise that only 10 minutes are left before he leaves his sanctuary at the library and goes to his Virtual Reality class. Of course, you knew his schedule, and he knew yours. He also knew that you hated being left on read and yet chose to do the exact same thing when you had texted the previous night about your genius plan.
Wheezing you finally reach the third floor of the big library that hosted all varieties of nerds and unfortunately, couples (they're everywhere this month, ugh). Walking across rows of shelves interspersed with group tables filled with students seeking refuge from the harsh winter cold or simply biding time, you finally reach the semi-private cabins.
Counting down five from the cabin to your right, you march toward the one you knew Vernon would be in. And surely enough, when you peek your head through the partition separating the hooded figure on the chair, with headphones and his laptop, from the rest of the library.
His head is bent as if he was peering into the laptop through the screen and as you move closer to his chair to reprimand him you realise he is sleeping. Gently moving inside the cabin, standing near the table, facing him, you can see that he had slept while coding. It doesn’t even surprise you anymore.
“Hey douchebag”, you say as you tap lightly on his shoulders. He jerks awake and blinks a couple of times before you see the understanding of reality dawn on his face. Removing his headphones, he moves his chair lightly behind and ruffles his fluffy hair.
“What do YOU want?” He sounds like his usual annoyed self. If you didn’t know he truly did like you as a friend you'd be offended.
But you don’t mind the grumpiness one bit as you settle down on the little space on the table smiling lazily as he gets more annoyed by the disturbance to his ecosystem of peace.
“I want a lot of things, for instance, I want a big mansion on top of a hill just to relax in the summer. I want to know why dolphins were made to be sea creatures if they can’t even breathe in water. I want to know why my skin breaks out in hives due to stress ONLY on my left side. I want to know why I get horny when-“ “Please shut the fuck up.”
He cuts you off with his palms reaching up to cover your mouth mid-sentence. You try mumbling against his palm for a second before which he grips tighter effectively stopping any attempt on your side.
He slowly lifts his eyebrows to warn you against trying to babble again and you nod in affirmative to the same. His eyes thin as he considers your sincerity of shutting up and seemingly convinced releases his grip on your face.
“Why do you talk so much all the time!” He growls as he rubs his eyes while settling back on his chair and lets out a yawn. He looks so much like the freshman kid you met and less like the overworked junior that he is.
You shrug nonchalantly (or so you hope).
“Someone needs to balance your entire lack of energy.” He sighs and slumps back on his chair. “Yeah yeah, I’m not arguing with you anymore… I’ve learned it’s best to just agree with you.” You give him a sarcastic smile as you say, “They don’t call you smart without a reason.”
He responds with an incoherent dismissive grunt and after a moment begins to lean forward as he tilts his chair towards you with both his palms placed on either side of your thigh.
“No.” That’s all he says, his brown eyes twinkling, mouth pressed into a straight line looking right at your eye. You're sitting on the inclination of the table and he's on the chair looking up at you, yet he looks so intimidating. Not that you are going to let him bother you.
Two can play this game.
You lean forward and meet his face, a good few inches apart, bring out the good old puppy dog eyes and whisper, “What is the ‘no’ for Hansol”. You purposefully use his Korean name knowing he gets annoyed when you say it (Not sure what that is about till now).
You can see him grinding his teeth beneath that calmness and a smirk naturally plays up your face.
“Quit it, y/n. I saw the text and I’m not going to do it. Get lost.” The words fall out of his mouth in a hurry as he continues to grit his teeth together and not lose eye contact.
“Oh, so you did leave me on read by purpose.” You fake a heartache with your left palm pressed on your chest and your right palm on your forehead. He sees you dramatically pretending to have a heart attack and headache at the same time for a good minute before he decides to end this charade. Just as he moves to get up from the chair you hold him down with your hands on his which were at the side of your thighs.
“Pleaseee”, this time the puppy dog eyes come out naturally. He looks at you for a second before sighing.
“Ugh! You’re impossible but alright.”
“Wait really?!” You squeal a little too loud in excitement and earn a dozen “shh”s in response from the general crowd in the library. Looking around apologetically and back at Vernon, you hold his hands in yours (they’re somehow always warm even in the depths of winter).
“Is that a yes?” Cue more puppy eyes. Another sigh. “I don’t have a choice do I!” Grinning wide, you say “Not really.”
Vernon looks to the side as if to consider something important before turning to you, looking down at your still-connected hands, and then your face.
“I’ll do it but it’s gotta be strictly platonic-“ you’re violently shaking your head in positive because of course that doesn’t need to be said.
“-andddd….”, he’s got a mischievous glint in his eyes which stinks of trouble for you. This is the same glint he had when you ended up eating a pizza with ice cream AND a steak.
“And?” You prod, curiosity up to the brim of your head. “I want you to formally ask me… now.” The grin has turned into an almost full bright smile. “What does formally mean?”
“I’ll leave the details to you…” he shrugs and removes his hands from yours and pushes the chair all the way back to the wall and folds his hand.
“I can wait all day”, he sounds way too proud, sitting there in his hoodie and that smirk(I swear he looks like an actual young Leo).
“No, you can’t. You have a class in-“, you make an ordeal of checking your watch, ”-exactly 9 mins.” He shrugs, “This is worth missing it.”
This bitch.
"Are you really cashing in your bet right now?" You ask referring to the advantage he got after you lost your bet in a UNO game six months back.
He just nods casually and stretches on the chair before settling in a lazy and proud position, again.
You groan knowing he won't give up and get down from the table and get on one knee facing him.
“Chwe Hansol Ve-“ “Nope. Redo.”
This actual bitch.
Giving him your best glare you adjust on your knee, clearing your throat, you try again.
“Vernon…”, you look at him for approval and he nods. Ugh.
“… will you be m-“
“Louder, I can’t hear you.” His grin has transformed into one of his signature all-teeth-visible smiles and his entire face is lit up in amusement and joy.
Clearing your throat a little too loudly, you try… for the third time. Humiliation and anger heat up your entire face.
“Vernon, will you be my platonic Valentine?”
Your voice echoes in the near-silent library halls and the minute you’re done at least another 20 “shhs” are once again thrown your way.
People are assholes.
Vernon looks positively thrilled. He is full-on laughing, shoulders jerking, all 32 of his teeth in display and eyes disappearing behind the light of his smile.
If only he didn’t look so wholesome and adorable when he humiliates you.
He straightens up after a couple seconds and rubs his index finger against in chin, in fake thought.
Oh god, he is planning something... shit
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vcrnons · 1 year
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V E R N O N —  Ima -Even if the world ends tomorrow- Official MV
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ryuwonieebae · 1 year
Cuddling with vernon👀
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𝐄𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐭𝐡
𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐎𝐍 (최한솔)
Imagines, One-shot
ɢᴇɴʀᴇ : ғʟᴜғғ
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ : ᴠᴇʀɴᴏɴ x ɢɴ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
𝑪𝒖𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑽𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒐𝒏 𝒂𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓...
It's been 3 hours and you're still sitting on the couch waiting for your boyfriend Vernon. His group just had a comeback and since then he has been so busy. He never really had enough time for you but you didn't complain about it as you know how much he kissed his fans. He may seem to be energetic on stage but the reality is the opposite. Since the choreography of their new song was hard, he trained day and night just for it. It bothered you because you were worried sick about him. Not before long, you heard the front door opening. You quickly got up and went towards the front door only to see Vernon with his shuffling steps that scuff the floor. Just by his haggard appearance, you understood that he was drained because of work. Walking up to him, you gave him a warm hug which he eventually gave you back. You both stayed in that position for a few minutes feeling each other's warmth before breaking it slowly. "Love, go take a bath and let's eat dinner afterwards. I made your favorite food, ok?", as you told him, he nodded with an infectious smile which you gladly returned. He then gave you a small peck on your forehead and left. You went into the kitchen and prepared the food. Soon after, he came downstairs and sat at the table. As he saw his favorite food on the table, his face brightened up. You giggled looking at his face whilst serving him the food.
You were now washing the dishes when someone back-hugged you making you flinch a bit. You calmed down as you realized that it was Vernon. "Hun, you still didn't sleep yet? It's already late", you asked him softly. "I can't sleep without you. Can we cuddle?", he asked you with his sleepy eyes. "Sure but go to bed now. I will be there in a few minutes", He just nodded and went to his room upstairs. After a while, you entered the room to see Vernon laying on the bed, scrolling something on his phone. As soon as he saw you, he simply tossed his phone and opened his arms wide waiting for you to hug him. You chuckled and went toward him. You snuggled up against him, chest to chest, your heartbeats slowly catching up to his as if your bodies reacted simultaneously to your warm hug. "Love, I'm sorry. I'm too busy nowadays that I couldn't even talk to you properly", you heard Vernon apologizing. "No, it's okay love. I understand", You sincerely reassured him with a sweet smile. Before he could open his mouth again to speak, you cut him off with a gentle kiss. The kiss was slow and quick but filled with warmth and enough sparkle that made your tummy do some weird flips even after years of dating. Both of you guys finally broke the kiss out of breath. "I know what you're going through dear. No need to apologize, okay? I love you", you said while cupping his warm cheeks with your palms. "Thank you love. I love you too", He said embracing you tightly, slowly drifting off to his dreamland.
"𝙸𝚏 𝙸 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚜, 𝚒𝚝 𝚒𝚜 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞, 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠"
~The End~
A/n : This imagine is purely based on my imagination only. I tried my best to write this and it's also my first time. I hope this is good enough to make you guys happy. Thank you for requesting too. It means a lot for me.. Thanks to my bestie too for supporting me..Pls check out her amazing stories too... @the-therapist-needs-therapy
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seventeen as aesthetic boyfriends
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maknae line edition :
Morning kisses, cuddling on couches, laying on laps, lazy dates at home, running hand through hair strands, funny conversations, kisses on cheeks, matching items
Home-cooked meals, back hugs, random make out sessions on the kitchen counter, cuddling, warm hugs, shy pecks on cheeks, picnic dates, baking cakes, chocolates on valentine's
Horror movie dates, paintings around the house along with love letters in Chinese, Matching rings and necklaces, sharing flannels, savage replies, forehead kisses
Voicemails, voice recording messages, amusement park dates, tucking hair strands, short yet fluttering notes, song dedication, lots of romantic lyrics, playlists for each other, karaoke dates, matching items
Shy kisses, sharing earphones, lending beanies and hoodies, visits to cat cafes, trying to cook, book recommendations, playlists for each other, holding hands inside jacket pockets
Cute and mature conversations, kisses on foreheads, dance dates, making out in practice rooms, letters under the door, shy talks
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3raaaachachacha · 2 years
8:39 pm
Lee Chan x female reader / 613 words / angst
Warnings: break up, loss of interest
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Your relationship happened so fast, in fact quite subtly that you didn't notice the signs to begin with. At first, everything was blossoming in your relationship, meaning the honeymoon phase, but it seemed to end earlier than expected. It had only been around 3 months, yet whenever you tried to invite Chan out for lunch, over to your place or out with friends to the club, he'd always have a reason as to why he couldn't come. You never questioned it since you knew his group had crazy schedules, but you always figured when those schedules died down, he'd have more time for you.
Before the two of you became a couple, you had been friends for quite some time, so you knew he wouldn't intentionally blow you off. You began to question it after seeing him posting pictures of his members or with some others from his company when he told you he was busy with schedules. His responses and phone calls started getting shorter and most of the time, he sounded annoyed or as if he didn't have the energy to talk to you.
You weren’t sure what you had done to make him angry or annoyed at you, but you weren't going to sit around and do nothing, you were going to get to the bottom of it. You laid in bed, FaceTiming him to discuss the topic.
"Hey," He said, sounding as if he’d rather be doing anything but talking to you right now. You pursed your lips and took in a breath.
“Can you just tell me what I did to upset or annoy you? Then I can apologize and we can move on? We’ve barely had a real conversation or seen each other lately so I don’t know how I could have made you mad. But can we just fix this, please Chan? It's driving me so crazy and I miss you.”
He stared at you for a moment through the screen and then rubbed his hands over his face before gaining the courage to speak up, “I’m not mad or upset, Y/N, I’m just less interested now and didn't know how to tell you without upsetting you."
You didn't say anything at first, instead opted to stare at Chan through the screen of your phone in confusion. When did this start? Why didn't he say anything?
"Of course I'm going to be upset, Chan," You muttered, "The past few weeks you've made me feel like an idiot when you could have told me you weren't interested anymore."
Chan felt his heart drop at the way your voice cracked and saw the tears in your eyes well up, "I know and I'm an idiot for it. I knew it was wrong of me, but I've been thinking about it and with the schedule and the boys, I've got no time for you and it's just not going to work.
"That's a conversation you're meant to talk to me about," You explained, wiping your tears that fell on your cheeks, "I understand how you feel, but can you make time for me so we can talk? I respect your wishes if you no longer want this relationship, but we should meet in person, but give me a few days to think, okay? This has been a lot for me too."
Nodding in understanding and bidding you a goodbye, you placed your phone on your bed and covered yourself in your blankets as you cried and cried for hours until you eventually fell asleep. You didn't know what to do or how to feel, all you knew was that your first love was now no longer interested in you.
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- Admin 🌶️
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hoeforcheol · 2 years
Black Eye is everything Emo Girl wanted to be
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holdinbacksecrets · 1 year
Hhu forgetting dates and then groweling for forgiveness???
thank you for requesting! i wouldn’t say these are all oozing groveling, but i hope you still like them 🖤
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jeonride · 1 year
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wonwoo reading list / fic recs part 3 !
don't forget to like + reblog fics that you like to support the authors <3
FICS ! ✧*。
A Winter Interlude (fluff, light angst, children's book illustrator!wonwoo) by @/ wondernus
Introduce Me A Good Person (fluff, angst, friends to lover, doctor!wonwoo) by @taeyegu
The Peephole (smut, roommate!wonwoo, obsessive tho) by @rubyreduji
Work Husband (fluff, smut, slice of life, coworker!wonwoo) by @bitchlessdino
I Found Love in Your Smile The Series (fluff, angst, doctor!wonwoo x lawyer fem!reader) by @wonlouvre
Bloodily Safe (smut, psychopath!wonwoo) by @starlightxsvt
Pretty Boy (fluff with smut, gamer!wonwoo) by @/fvllingflower
The Other Woman (implied smut, angst, fluff) by @idyllic-ghost
Silk (smut, established relationship) by @angelwoozi
Underlying Pretense (smut) by @lovelyhan
The Bore Next Door (smut) by @ncteez
Blown Up Love (fluff, gamer!woo, university au) by @starsstuddedsky
With Wonwoo (ceo!wonwoo x ceo!reader, fluff) by @wonlouvre
Nameless (fluff, some angst, firebender!wonwoo) by @twogyuu
Until It Feels Like You're in Heaven (smut, fluff) by @odetojeons
Sweet Chaos (angst, light fluff, assassin!wonwoo) by @viastro
One for The Tales (fluff, royal au) by @leejungchans
X + Y = You and I (smut, rivals to lovers, college au) by @angelwonie
Bookworm (fluff, highschool au) by @viastro
Your Mess (smut, angst, fluff) by @onlymingyus
Rich Girl (smut) by @blushnote
Jeon's Anatomy The Series (neurosurgeon!wonwoo x pediatric!reader, Grey's Anatomy au) by @hansols-yoda-boxers
A Moon Without Stars (angst, smut) by @chocosvt
Pomegranates (angst, royal au) by @idyllic-ghost
Knuckles to Ink (fluff, humor, literature agent!wonwoo) by @dropsofletters
Ten Questions (angst, contains blood, violence, guns) by @chocosvt
Off Limits (fluff, angst, smut) by @hinaaspanda
Campus Crush (fluff, tutor!wonwoo) by @starlightxsvt
Play Again (romance, fluff, mild angst) by @shuarush
Loving Him Was Red (fluff, angst, sugar daddy/ceo!wonwoo) by @boowanie
25c Magic (all flufffff!!!) by @thepixelelf
Matters of The Heart and Capri Sun (fluff, angst, strangers to lovers) by @twogyuu
You Mean The World To Me (fluff, angst) by @svtskneecaps
A Boyfriend for Christmas (fluff, friends to lovers) by @junkissed
Game On (smut, established relationship) by @ahloveisboo
Wonwoo : Protector [Tales from The Pack] (mentions of smut, angst, werewolf!wonwoo) by @gamerwoo
Love Sonnet (fluff, established relationship) by @ann-non
Danced Around an Impossibility (fluff, angst, humor) by @dropsofletters
Sweet As Peach (romance, friends to lovers) by @xddaengx
Players (smut, slowburn) by @smileysuh
the way wonwoo kiss (fluffy and soft!) by @/gyuslcve
yin and yang (all fluff!) by @/boosari
drabbles below are made by @/pepperonidk
In this Life and The Next (fluff)
loving moments with wonwoo (all flufff!! <3)
the drabbles below are made by @hansols-yoda-boxers (wc. above 1k)
day (smut)
night (smut)
how to spice up a lecture (smut)
"bite me." "if you insist." (smut)
this sofa costs fifteen thousand dollars, don't you dare to ruin it (smut)
wonwoo x nipple play (smut) by @/sluttyminghao
andante, andante (smut, 3.1k words) by @sluttywonwoo
lazy days with bf!wonwoo (fluff, smut) by @/ressonancee
just as we are now and will always be (fluff, dad!wonwoo) by @februaryflowers
valentine's day event (fluff, kinda humor tho) by @etherealyoungk
and they were newlyweds (fluff, husband!wonwoo) by @viastro
wonwoo + pda (fluff) by @jeonhwang
별로 not enough (fluff) by @cheolsblackgf
in deep shit (fluff, college au) by @yjncty
late night (fluff) by @idyllic-ghost
wonwoo as synaesthesia (this is so beautiful please you have to read this) by @fairyhaos
tickling tendencies (fluff) by @heavenshoon
wasted (fluff) by @leejihoonownsmyheart
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Be My Valentine
Vernon Mini-Series | Completed | Fandom: Seventeen
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pairing: Vernon x reader
genre: fluff, angst, slight crack, friends to lovers, non-idol!au, college au
summary: College was hard enough and the thought of spending Valentine's Day alone and sad was not your style. And the best solution was to go on a platonic date with your best friend Vernon. It goes so well that it becomes a tradition until it gets messy... nothing ever goes wrong by pretend-dating your best friend right?
status: complete
a/n: first time trying something like this cuz I saw too many edits on Vernon's Fire verse! Please tell me your feedback!
pictures from Pinterest!
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ch 1 - No
ch 2 - It's a Success!
ch 3 - Turbulent Traditions
ch 4 - Uh Oh
ch 5 - My Forever Valentine...
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odxrilove · 4 months
pairing: vernon (hansol) x f!reader
warnings: established relationship, cursing, sexual jokes, more?
a/n: & BOOM!!! hiphop unit done :3
back to masterlist!
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taglist: @0x1lovebot @fairybinie @cherriespopsicle @odetoyeonjun @sensitively-taken @pockyandme @soobin-chois @lolalee24 @junityy @kaimal @laylasbunbunny @jaeyunverse @enhacolor @honglynights @starry-mins @bibinnieposts @yoonzin0 @raevyng @hoeforcheol @pearlygraysky @4xiaojun @viscade @kikohao @enluv @smilehui @starshuas @instabull @notseiu @dokyeomkyeom
please do not copy, repost or steal any of my work. all content belongs to @odxrilove
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cxffecoupx · 4 months
hyper/calm dynamics
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seventeen × gn reader silly ot13, absolutely unserious warnings: none, only goofy svt word count: 413 author's notes: this was a very unserious thought that came to my mind😭 may or may not have been thought of while watching business proposal videos... might just end up making a 'silly svt series' where i do more of such stuff. also, although i mention the term 'gf' here, it's just for the presentation; i've tried my best to make it gn!! i hope you like it :)
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hyper gf, calm bf seungcheol, wonwoo, woozi
aka sunshine and sunshine protector. this is such a funny thought in my head like i can see their partner being so bubbly and bouncy and the boys just stand by, smiling awkwardly. they're probably like, holding a leash thats connected to their s/o in order to keep them within sight. dont join in on their s/o's antics, but very supportive from the sidelines, probably silently cheering them up. they may not match their partner's energies, but never question their love for them.
calm gf, hyper bf junhui, seokmin, mingyu, chan
literally the opposite. the boys giving absolute second hand embarrassment while their s/o's just there like 'baby i'm not even here'. boyfriend who? but, during rare occasions, the partners might just match the boys' energies; it's hard to not have them rub off on you. the inverse of the previous sunshine and sunshine protector. partner looks at their bf like he hung up the stars and moon and the whole universe.
calm gf, calm bf jeonghan, minghao, hansol
they just exude this peaceful vibe yk. you could join them at any moment and just... exist. tea party vibes fr like some tea, sweet cookies, gentle gossiping. dont have much energy for extraordinary stuff. they're both just happy to be there, with each other. others might find them too underwhelming, but they understand each other well enough. their love language is gentle loving.
hyper gf, hyper bf soonyoung
CHAOS personified. trouble, trouble and trouble yet again. if you think you can control this couple, you're WRONG. horanghae and horanghae enthusiast. match each other's energy to a level that is genuinely concerning (and lowkey terrifying). they're so chaotic it even drains the energy out of others with them. the calm ones are just purely afraid of them. not to worry tho, they do it out of love and love only. hold so much love for each other and everyone else its cute🤧
option d: all of the above jisoo, seungkwan
cant really pinpoint what they'd be cause their energy is all over the place. one thing for sure though, their partners definitely match their freak. i can just see it. if they're calm, they're calm together. if they're chaotic, they rain hellfire on everyone else. everyone prays they remain peaceful because it's hard to manage them otherwise. but no one can say for sure. they could wake up one day and collectively choose violence.
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emocheol · 4 months
taking pictures
finding out about your boyfriends sweet secret
contains: vernon x gn!reader, fluff, reader eating, established relationship
a/n: mostly based on vn telling sk that he looks at him more than he thinks, loosely based on taking pictures of you by the kooks (i just love that song)
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“that’s going in the scrapbook,” vernon says casually, phone in hand as he shakes his head over a photo he just took.
his words snap you out of your one track demolishing-this-plate-of-food mind and you drop your fork with a groan. you try to reach over the table and snatch his phone while simultaneously using your other hand to wipe your mouth to prevent embarrassing yourself any further.
“you better delete that!” you threatened, though vernon didn’t take it as a threat as he continued to laugh and shake his head.
“give the phone to me right now!” you tried to sound intimidating and it only made him laugh even harder.
“babe, you look so good! so in love… with that plate of food,” he teases, clearing his throat as he looks at the picture again, “like damn you’re tearing that shit up,” he continues, knowing how to tease you just the right amount.
“hansol vernon chwe, delete that picture now!” you muster your best ‘i’m upset with you voice’, though you can’t seem to make it too hard hitting since you find it endearing when he laughs so much over something.
he slipped his phone into his back pocket and gave an exaggerated gasp, “my full name? low blow, babe,” he said, feigning disappointment.
“how come you only take embarrassing pictures of me?” you sighed, going back to eating as you knew you wouldn’t be able to snatch his phone now.
“not true, i have a whole album of the prettiest photos of you,” he said casually, as if it was common knowledge.
you looked at him with a raised eyebrow, not believing him for a second since you only ever caught him taking, what you thought were, horrible pictures of you.
“show it to me,” you motioned, holding your palm out for his phone.
he shrugged at this and dropped his phone in your hand after he opened his photos and clicked on the album titled ‘mine’.
“don’t delete anything, please,” he said in complete seriousness, those really were his favorite pictures of you.
you nodded in agreement, you wanted to see this alleged album more than anything so you wouldn’t be taking any chances at him snatching the phone back.
you took his phone and saw that the album had over 500 photos of you in it. some posed, some where you’re looking at the camera, some where you’re smiling at the person behind the camera, but most were completely candid.
most pictures in that album you had no knowledge of. you had no idea that he took so many photos, especially photos of you.
“when do you even take these? i never notice you taking photos of me like this,” you said slowly, scrolling through the photos.
“c’mon, babe, i look at you more often than you think. you’re so beautiful i have to take a picture to savor the memory,” he said casually, as if it wasn’t the most romantic thing you’d heard. and he decided to drop that information on you at a random fast food lunch stop.
you looked at him and jutted your lip out, your eyes slowly getting glassy.
“don’t you dare cry on me,” he said quickly, knowing the signs all too well, “there’s nothing to cry about.”
“i won’t,” you sniffled, your lip still quivering.
you both paused for a second before he spoke up again.
“yeah you will,” he stated, a slow nod of acceptance.
“yeah i will,” you echoed with a nod, standing up from your seat and sitting down next to vernon instead of across from him.
you loosely hugged your arms around his midsection while you fought tears. while he had no idea what was going on, he held you with a look of confusion on his face, wondering if the photos really upset you that much.
“it’s just some photos, baby, you want me to delete them? i will if it upsets you.” he said quickly, wanting to do everything he could to make you feel better.
“these are tears of happiness, nonie, that’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done,” you said, resting your head on his shoulder as you dabbed your few tears with a napkin.
now he looked at you with a raised eyebrow and rubbed your shoulder. “really? i just took some pictures…” he said slowly, trying to understand where you were coming from.
he didn’t get why it was so sweet because it was natural for him. why wouldn’t he take pictures of his favorite person? why wouldn’t he want to cherish your memories together and your beauty?
you knew you couldn’t explain it so you settled on telling him how much you loved him over and over again. that was until he had to grab your, now forgotten, plate of food and make you eat it so you’d stop professing your love to him in the middle of a fast food restaurant.
vernon was a quiet lover, but his quiet love spoke loud volumes.
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mingtinys · 5 months
" i am so proud of you "
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pairing : hansol chwe x gn!reader
"13 ways to say "i love you" with seventeen"
warnings : language
word count : 0.6 k
a/n : got a little carried away with this one , something about writing for vernon is just so fun
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"I was thinking, why don't we go out tomorrow to that restaurant you really like? To celebrate and all."
"I'd really like that." You call back, glancing over at your boyfriend who is still busy washing dishes at the kitchen sink. Though he isn't looking directly at you, you can just make out the excited look in his eyes and the toothy grin gracing his lips. He's been like that since you told him about your promotion at work. Honestly, you didn't expect him to make such a fuss over it. It was a relatively small promotion, just a raise and a slightly higher title. But that sunny expression on his face could make someone think you'd hit CEO status.
"I'll make reservations after I finish up here." His words are barely audible over the running water. You're about to thank him when your phone buzzes to life beside you.
Incoming call from Boo Seungkwan.
Seungkwan? You think, narrowing your eyes at the screen. Why on earth could he be calling you and not Hansol?
"Y/N!" His excited voice comes through the speaker. "You're not busy right?"
"Not really, no. Why, what's up?"
"I— well we all wanted to call and congratulate you on your promotion!" A chorus of voices flood your phone and you take it you're on speaker with the rest of the members.
"That's very sweet of you all, thank you." It's nice, having so many people in your corner cheering you on. "But how'd you know? I only just found out about it a couple hours ago."
"You're joking right?" It sounds like Chan. "Hansol won't shut up about it in the group chat."
"He talks about me?" You ask no one in particular
"Yeah, like an annoying amount." That's definitely Mingyu.
There's a short altercation on the other side of the call, probably Seungkwan trying to wrestle his phone back from various members. But you don't pay much mind, the warm feeling in your chest taking over all other senses. You let your gaze drift back to Hansol, who is now on his laptop, nodding along to whatever song is currently playing in his head.
"Just, give it here—! Sorry about that," Seungkwan's voice jolts you from a daze. "Anyways, we just wanted to give you our compliments. We'll let you get back to your night."
Good, because tears are already welling up at your lashes and you're not sure how much longer you can hold back the stitch in your throat. "I appreciate it, tell everyone I said thank you."
You hang up before Seungkwan can respond and promptly make your way to the kitchen. Hansol's nose is still buried in his laptop, eyes squinted as his fingers peck at the keys. "Okay," He says upon the realization of your presence. He hits the enter key rather dramatically. "Reservations are made and you're . . ." His words teeter off when he looks up, met with your tear-filled gaze.
He takes a beat. Brows furrowed and head cocked to the side. "–You're crying. Shit, wait— why are you crying?" Hansol panics. He rushes to you, taking your face between his warm hands. Holding you the way one would hold fine China. Carefully, his thumb comes to swipe a stray tear from your cheek.
"You tell your members about me?" You sniffle. Hansol's eyes go wide and his mouth opens and closes like a fish before he conjures up an answer. "Was I not supposed to?"
The pure concerned cluelessness in his voice makes you giggle and he seems to relax when he realizes he's not in trouble. "I just didn't know you bragged about me like that, it's sweet."
"I am so proud of you,"  Hansol speaks with unashamed sincerity. "Why wouldn't I brag about your accomplishments?"
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taglist: @matchahyuck @dontwannaexsist @minnieminshi @myfavoritedelusion @tanya596carat
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