#boz season 2
demigoddessqueens · 24 days
In another life….
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I would have loved doing laundry and taxes with you
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sethmp3 · 17 days
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mrsdulac · 22 days
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Hestia and the Eleusinian Stone
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code1r15 · 12 days
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Stopping at this rough sketch cause I didn't like where it was going, will surely start another Seraphim fanart soon until I like the result.
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roseeycreates-blog · 20 days
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Poseidon spitting FACTS!
I love her so much~ I am not fond of Poseidon for some reason but I agree with him here... :D
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herasqueen · 23 days
after watching blood of zeus season 2? I’m even more team hades than I was before. I’ve seen people say they supported him till what he did at the end but consider this: you’re in a place you didn’t want to be, your wife is taken from you for half a year every year because her mother couldn’t accept her choice to be with you, and your children cry because they have to be without their mother. you don’t have to agree with his actions but damn, his desires aren’t even unreasonable.
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palesublimeduck · 21 days
Seraphim trying to "repent" & Hades "trying to be the father he never had" :
We all know how that went 💀
They're just trying their best :')
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beautifulsnake2162020 · 2 months
This is probably not going to come true but I'm just putting it out there:
I think an interesting take for Blood of Zeus to make both Hades and Persephone have gripes with Olympus is to take on the Zagreus story rather than simply both of them being angry and frustrated that they are forced to separate every year.
Imagine Hades and Persephone being so happy that they finally have a child whom they named Zagreus. But then the Fates tells Zeus and Hera that this child will be responsible for the downfall of Olympus. So under Hera's orders Zagreus was killed - and was killed in a way that neither Hades or Persephone could do anything to stop it.
They both grieve, they both bond over the death of their son. The last straw for their anger and frustrations over Olympus ruling their lives. And so together they wait for the opportunity to finally take Olympus for themselves as Hera forms a civil war among the Olympians.
And now that Zeus is dead and there is a power vaccum on Olympus, they finally take their chance.
And as the Fates predicted - their child Zagreus was responsible for the downfall of Olympus.
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freakaz-0-id · 24 days
my all time favorite moment of boz season 2 was the apollo disc scene they did that so well
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wish-i-was-milena · 19 days
hot take incoming 🚨🚨🚨
Seraphim is loosely evil!Percy Jackson
like imagine a morally grey but mostly villainous Percy Jackson, who could've been a god (like seraphim could've been a king) but having that fate ripped away from him and while Percy wants to do good because of his trauma, Seraphim is kinda just done with the gods and wants them to just leave him alone (almost like Percy in PJO)
(sidenote- I think I'm in love with seraphim)
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demigoddessqueens · 24 days
Help why was he so cute this season ??
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just-1ce · 1 day
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I just feel like we should talk about her more.
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firstofthenewguard · 22 days
Blood of Zeus Season 2 thoughts (There's alot of them)
I watched Blood of Zeus when it first came out in 2020 and the pandemic kept us trapped in our caves. I really liked the first season, mainly because it’s one of the few media outlets for Greek Mythology that isn’t wildly inaccurate, awkward, or just plain bad. It also set up a lot of interesting possible plotlines, and when the trailer for season 2 came out last month my hopes for those stories could not have been higher. I watched season 2 twice and… I have some notes (unfortunately)
First of All things I liked:
The entirety of episode 3
Hades and Persephone NOT being villains
Hades and Persephone being the only successful and functional couple in this show
The look of Hades’ Palace
The fact that Typhon is on a “He-who-shall-not-be-named” level and this time it actually has consequences
Other gods actually getting lines instead of just being backround characters on Olympus!
Hades using shadow teleportation, and using his bident like Mjolnir, only cooler
Other races in Hellas being acknowledged
More monsters; the Hydra being an ocean species is a very interesting take
Seraphim getting more development
Gaia and Hecate looked amazing
Problems with the Season:
Okay, a gripe I had with season 2 was Hades motive, and let me be clear I love the idea of Hades wanting to ascend the throne so Persephone wouldn't have to leave for 6 months, but to have him hate being in the Underworld seems like a stretch. In the myths, Hades knew the responsibility of ruling the dead and he did it with pride. It would have made more sense to have him hate being alone in the Underworld. They could've tied into the fact that Hades was the first to be swallowed by Kronos and was in his stomach alone for who knows how long.
Along with that, the season felt disjointed, like they were focusing on the wrong things, at the wrong time, for WAY too long. There were just some scenes that took up big chunks of the episodes and they didn't need to be that long, especially scenes with Heron. I know he's "The Main Character" but if you're going to make him that then please try to make his writing interesting enough for that much time to be devoted to his plot. I know that he's lost so much but his writing honestly felt clunky, it felt like he needed different scenes to make his choices more believeable. His dialouge also seemed stiff and I don't think his voice actor helped either.
We could've had a scene where Hades is talking to or doing something with Zag and/or Meli, showing how he's a better dad than Zeus, but we never got that.
If your going to give Hera a redemption arc GIVE HER A SCENE/EPISODE WHERE SHE CHANGES! Instead, the second she shows back up she's already redeemed? Really?
So, The Demon problem is just over? I don't remember them burning the giant flesh, and on that note where did Seraphim and the Demons move the giant flesh?
Ok, let me get this straight, they could've imprisioned the Giants' bodies in Tartarus the whole time?!
Also the giant problem felt like it was resolved way too early.
They didn't really focus on the open throne idea, yes the 3 trials were to decide the next king, but they needed scenes showing who the other Olympians thought should be in charge, show that scene about Ares rallying others to his side, maybe apollo did the same, or there could’ve still some loyal to Hera.
Minor: I loved Hestia but she looked WAY too young
Minor: Why are Horses just always the ones pulling the Gods' chariots, that's boring! I know most divine chariots are pulled horses in the myths, but for the love of mike be creative!
Minor: The giants guarding the hidden realm looked way to human.
Minor: They kept using the forest backround when they were in Tartarus, isn't the whole place on fire? I wanted to see some lava.
Minor: The other races that showed up for the funeral should've had varying respones to Zeus' death, like Hephaestus said.
The whole Eluesian Stone plotline seemed rushed and felt like it just came out of knowhere. The show said that Zeus drawing the stone from 3 others was how he became ruler of the Heavens, but wasn't the reason in season 1 being because he married Hera who was already queen of the Heavens?
Evios and Kofi didn't really get enough scenes for their characters to really do anything.
Alexia had the same problem she kind of just went along with Heron's whole thing this season, she didn't really do much except (sorta) talk to him.
They really should've brought all of Zeus' misdeeds to the trial, Prometheus especially.
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mrsdulac · 7 days
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ʜᴇʀᴏɴ & ꜱᴇʀᴀᴘʜɪᴍ ꜱᴀᴠɪɴɢ ᴇᴀᴄʜ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ • Blood of Zeus
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code1r15 · 23 days
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roseeycreates-blog · 21 days
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✨Queen Hera [Blood of Zeus S2]✨
My forever Queen~ Love her so much! 😍💖
oh and the last pic. 😍😭
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