#blood of zeus athena
juztice-posts · 4 months
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That smirk 😔. Also, the sibling dynamic is wonderful. I want to see more of it explored in season three, as well as in fanfiction.
(On another note, I'm jealous of Athena's arms. That shit has motivated me to no end at the gym, lol.)
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cupcake-hearts · 5 months
Well, Blood of Zeus, please explain to me-
Excuse my language but come on. "Oh we're gonna be different and not make Hades the bad guy", so you opted to make an antagonist out of Ares. Why?
I'm only half way through the season so maybe there's time, but really?
Oh and it was nice seeing Thanatos too. And Athena is cool.
And that scene with Apollo and the disk.... Spot on. I actually laughed.
Overall good but can you give Ares a break.
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fuji-sen · 4 months
Apollo from Blood of Zeus, forgot to clarify. Based on the Song: o sol e a lua - Pequeno Cidadão lyrics translation: hwartless.mp3 in youtube!
— main character is a free slot where you can insert your oc or yourself,
— main character is depicted as the daughter of Selene, also the goddess of the moon, Artemis still exists, she is still also a goddess of the moon, however her role (as the goddess of the moon) is different and will be more minor compared to the main character.
— main character isn't related or at least closely related to Apollo
— I describe the main character as someone with dark blue hair, white-iridescent eyes, pale skin. You are free to change things and as a female character.
*changes between 2nd and 3rd person pov sometimes.
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「 The Sun proposed to the Moon
Said he's loved her for a very long time
Since the time of dinosaurs
pterodactyls, tyrannosaurus,
When there weren't even bicycles,
nor tricycles,
Nor motorcycles 」
It was the first time the God of the Sun had met her. He had just finished pulling the sun by himself on the chariot without the guidance of his mentor and predecessor.
He got off the chariot, pulled by four winged stead's. His hand went to comb his luscious golden locks as he sighed, satisfied at his progress. Soon enough he would be the new God of the Sun and it would be forever his job to herd the Sun over the lands.
He guided the horses back to their first owner, their master, Helios the Golden titan. He could see the titan from a distance and he found him chatting with someone.
Apollo stopped in his tracks, mesmerized at the Titan's companion.
The sun had long since set and the moon now ruled the skies. It's gentle rays enveloping all in a comforting embrace.
A head of cerulean hair shone under the moonlight, an iridescent halo floating behind her head. He found himself staring at the Goddess from behind who talked with the Titan of the Sun, Helios, with such familiarity.
"Helios, it's nice to see you again, how long has it been" the woman politely told the titan who laughed.
"Ah child, still stiff as ever, I told you to call me uncle." The titan responded with a jovial laugh, his large hands reaching and patting her small back (in comparison). The Goddess nearly fell at the strength of his hands, and the Titan laughed more and more.
"Oh Apollo, come here!" Helios noticed his protege from afar, bringing him back his chariot and horses. "Meet my niece, [___]" The titan gestured to the Goddess, who turned to take a look at the approaching God.
Apollo found his breath being taken away from him, his golden eyes lost in iridescent ones. It was akin to his brother's cloak. A white base with a mesh of multiple colors. He stepped closer and closer, eyes staring intently.
He could see a rainbow reflecting in his eyes, and gold. Her eyes reflected golden rays, perhaps from his own aura and eyes.
"What are you doing?" The Goddess asked with a frown, putting a hand on his chest and pushing him back. "oh" he stood there, mouth akin to that of a fish's. Flapping open and close. Helios stared at the God weirdly, it was unlikely him to be at a loss for words, Apollo was a smooth talker, witty even, so he was never without a response.
Apollo's cheeks turned pink, "apologies, I simply got lost in your beautiful eyes." he remarked after finding composure, he offered his hand to her and she hesitantly took it, assuming he wanted to shake it.
But to her surprise, the God brought the back of her hand to his lips, nearly kissing it if it weren't for her quick reflexes. She quickly took her hand back awkwardly, "there's no need for such.. actions."
He laughed, slightly embarrassed, but he pressed on, he wasn't one to give up. "My name is Apollo, I'm your uncle's, Helios', student. In the future, it will be my job to raise and lower the sun." He introduced himself, a hand on his chest and a warm smile.
The Goddess stared at him, lightly coughing as she put her hand at her side. "It's nice to meet you Apollo, my name is [___]." Her voice was quiet, nearly betrayed by the winds, luckily he managed to hear it.
"It's nice you two are getting along, considering you two may be working with each other everyday in the future." Helios cut in, reminding the two of his presence. Apollo's brows raised questioningly.
"Little one here is a prospective Goddess for the task of herding the Moon." The Titan said softly, putting a hand on her small back in assurance and trust.
"Oh, You will be taking after the Goddess Selene?" Apollo turned to the iridescent Goddess. She slowly nodded with a purse of her lips, "highly likely, she is my mother and she has been suggesting I take on her role." she answered "of course, if your sister doesn't mind, she too is a Goddess of the Moon."
"Artemis?" he chuckled at the thought "She prefers spending the night hunting, I think she'll be overjoyed with passing that job to you." Apollo reassured her of any worries, waving his hand to dismiss such a thought. He knew his twin quite well, and honestly, Artemis has confessed to him her worries of receiving such a.. to quote her, 'boring' and 'repetitive' job.
"I see, then I suppose we will really be seeing much of the other in the future."
Ever since then, they meet briefly nearly every twilight. Passing by each other in their own chariots whenever they herded the Sun and the Moon.
They passed by each other when the Sun set or the Moon rested. Apollo always sent a smile and a wave her way, and she in turn would nod her head respectfully towards the God.
Sometimes the task of pulling the moon was managed by Selene and the Goddess was nowhere to be found.
And tonight, was one of those nights.
Apollo couldn't help but found himself riding his chariot in the night, the stars were shining brightly and the Moon ever watching. He could not find her among the Gods at Mount Olympus, he wondered if she was asleep, resting for the night.
The Sun God couldn't help but notice how often he looked for her presence, enjoyed it, as if it was like basking in the moonlight. A comforting feeling.
"Is that?" he pulled the reins, guiding the horses near the beach. There in the water, stood a woman, bathing alone in the waters. Letting the currents hit her body.
Hearing the sound of horses, the Goddess turned her head, finding a golden chariot, driven by a golden haired God approaching her "Apollo?" she called with a raised brow.
She sank further into the waters, embarrassed, remembering her robes were on a nearby rock. Apollo got off the chariot, waving her as he made her way.
"[___]" he called, unknowingly his lips tugged to a smile. She was beautiful, a gentle type of beauty. The moonlight framed her body, and
the waters reflected the light, its wavy pattern appearing on her pale skin. Her cheeks a rosy pink, she was flustered.
"Apollo" she stammered, her hand covering the lower half of her face as she turned away "could you hand me my dress?" she asked.
"Of course."
The bundle of fabric was in his hands, but he made no move to approach her. "Apollo?" she called, worriedly. "I can't just hand it to you while you're in the waters, are you going to wear it and get it wet?" he questioned amused.
"don't worry" he reassured softly "I'll close my eyes and turn around." He did as he said and she sighed thoughtfully.
He smiled slightly, hearing the sound of water moving and a pair of footsteps approached him. The item he held was taken away from him and he could hear the rustle of clothes.
"Thank you," she said still embarrassed "I'm okay now." She took a step back as Apollo turned around, admiring her beauty.
Her hair was still wet, drops of water dripping from the ends, her hair stuck to her skin as well as her clothes. Luckily the fabric was not sheer or of light colors.
"What brings you here?" she questioned, "I would have assumed you would be resting by now or partying up there at Mount Olympus."
"I felt like exploring the area, and I found myself bewitched by a beautiful woman by the beach." He sighed in content, "However I was worried to see that she was alone, and bare. The waters are very dangerous at night, have you not heard of Poseidon's son and how he met his end by Ares'?"
The Goddess shrugged "I have, but I can defend myself. However, thank you for your words and assistance." She smiled at him.
"I only speak the truth." He told her, offering his hand to the moon eyed goddess. "Would you like to take a walk with me?"
She eyed him "I suppose.. considering you just assisted me." she took his hand, and he felt like he touched fire. A soothing warm, and something akin to lightning. His skin tingled and his body felt warmer.
They took a walk by the beach, the waters occasionally reaching their feet. Wetting it and coating Apollo's sandals with sand. "I did not think this through" he muttered, annoyed as he kicked his feet, it seemed to only make his situation worse if not sandier.
She laughed in amusement, and the two dove in a lighthearted conversation. Their hobbies, their preferred offerings, their titles.
"How have I not seen you before in Mount Olympus?" he asked and confessed to her "I wished I had met you sooner."
"oh.." she blinked, staring away from his intense gaze, opting to look at the moon's reflection in the waters "it's cause I usually sleep the day away, I'm more active at night." And as she said that, a yawn escaped her lips.
"it looks like you haven't been sleeping the day away as you claimed" he said hand reaching to brush the hair that was sticking to her forehead.
"I've been preparing with Ares and Athena" she explained, "I never got to properly tell you all my titles."
"What would a Moon Goddess have business with the War Duo?" he asked.
"I'm a Restoration Goddess, but I also represent the defensive aspects of war." She replied with a proud grin, shaking her arm away from his as her hands went to grab her waist. "I usually come after the battle, I help the victims heal and build themselves back up again."
"An honorable duty." He complimented her.
"Thank you Apollo, now I must retire, Ares told me he'll be breaking me down and up" she sighed.
"I know my thing or two around the blade, would you like my assistance as well?" he offered.
"Thanks, but aren't you supposed to be pulling the Sun?" she reminded him in amusement, his eyes widened having forgotten his role. "Right, still, I'll think of something."
She turned away, beginning to continue their walk. "It's alright, you don't have to Apollo." she said with a hum. They both had time consuming tasks. And although Helios and her mother were there to take some days off, the task of pulling either one of the heavenly bodies required half the day or so. She stared at the moon with a longing expression.
'It would be easier if the horses were tamed and could pull it on their own..'
"I want to though." Apollo stated, grabbing her hand and making her turn to meet his gaze, his eyes were filled with warmth, it had a glow akin to the light of the sun. His eyes resembled that of melted gold and ambrosia, they were absolutely stunning.
"Let me help you." he told her with an almost pleading voice.
"W-why do you treat me like this?" she questioned taking back her hand.
「 But the Moon found it so strange,
A fire ball that doesn't even bathe
Just imagine!
What a pity! 」
「 Because, my heart doesn't belong to anyone
I'm the inspiration of all couples
From the great poets to the most ordinary ones
Get off man! 」
"You love her?!" Artemis repeated, eyes wide as she nearly dropped her glass of wine. The four gods, siblings, were in Apollo's quarters.
Artemis had noticed her twin's recent moodiness and so she brought Hermes and Dionysus with her and barged into her brother's room with food and drinks.
She practically had to threaten him to tell his most embarrassing stories to the other Gods in the room to get him to talk.
Dionysus looked amused, cheeks flushed from the wine he was drinking "you just told her you love her! and she rejected you!?" the God of parties and wine laughed, nearly toppling over to the floor in his very much drunken state.
Apollo breathed in deeply, but his annoyance grew and he ended up throwing a pillow at the youngest God.
Hermes looked at the God of Sun with amusement, "I didn't think you'd be capable of falling so deeply for someone." he admitted, raising his hands seemingly in surrender "What did she say?"
"She didn't believe me." Apollo frowned as he slumped on his chair, he looked at his chalice of wine, already empty, and he could feel the alcohol's effects. "Nor does she care for love."
Artemis and Hermes shared a glance.
"Well.." Artemis turned to Hermes, as if mentally communicating with him but the Herald of Gods shrugged. "It probably has something to do with her parents." The white haired Goddess theorizes.
He raised a brow "Selene and..?"
"Endymion." Hermes answered, being fast and easily travelling around let the God hear a lot of things. And one of which was about The Titan Goddess of the Moon and her forever sleeping lover.
"And I don't think our own parents, especially Father, makes love look amazing." Artemis nonchalantly said as she looked at her nails. "[___] she probably just got turned off with love."
"Or you aren't her type." Dionysus chimed in raising his hand and waving it.
Apollo's response was to throw another pillow at the drunk.
"Brother, perhaps you should focus on drinking." Hermes suggested to avoid things escalating with the drunk God's teasing. "Will you be giving up?" Artemis questioned her brother. Apollo quickly answered "No, of course not!"
"Maybe you should, respect her boundaries, she did say no." The huntress shrugged getting some grapes from the fruit bowl.
"I'm not going to force her to like me" Apollo frowned at his sister "But I can not just simply let go of my feelings for her."
Artemis looked at her brother with a long hard stare before sighing, "alright, suit yourself, but the minute you start harassing her, my dear brother, you will find yourself as my personal archery target."
"What am I? A common thug? I have no intentions of harassing anybody!"
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
"[___]" The cerulean haired goddess turned to the source of that familiar voice, she lowered her weapon and the spar between her and Athena was paused as the trio (her, Artemis and Ares) gave their full attentions to the sun God who walked with a sword in his hands. "What is he doing here?" Ares asked in a gruff voice.
"I think he has invited himself, [___]?" Athena turned questioningly towards you.
You shrug in response, unable to answer or say that he was following you like some puppy due to some trivial and fleeting emotions and attraction.
"I simply wanted to train with the Moon Goddess. It would do us well to be able to fight well together, do you not think so?" Apollo stated seeing their questioning glances. "Ah." Ares looked unamused at his waltzing in.
"Damn Bastards.." he cursed under his breath.
"Well at least there's an even number of people" Athena said with a smile, trying to avoid any in-fighting between siblings with how Ares was looking at the God of the Sun. "Why don't we try fighting in pairs?" She suggested.
Apollo positively brightened at the idea, the aura around his form shined brighter. Ares hissed, squinting his eyes having been nearly blinded. "Okay.. considering Apollo's words, why don't you and [___] work together."
"A-against you.. and him?" You sputtered, glancing cautiously at Ares, on a good day he was a good sparring partner, but he seemed to have gotten ticked off due to Apollo's presence, you were sure he wasn't going to go easy on anyone of you now at this point. Athena seemed to understand your worries, and whispered to you that she will try to keep the other War God in line.
And now you find yourself paired up with your supposed 'other half,' Apollo. "Don't look too worried, I'm not all talk." Apollo said with a smile, noticing her reluctance in partnering with him. "It's not that, it just seems.. Ares isn't quite fond of you." you pointed out, careful with your words.
Apollo laughed, "you must have been sleeping under a rock, of course he doesn't like me, his mother, Hera hates us. She hates us illegitimate children and our mothers." You found yourself frowning at that and found yourself muttering "but it's not your fault you were born in such circumstances.." 
The golden eyes God looked at you softly, "your kindness warms my heart, but you do not need to worry about me, I am quite used to such hatred."
You looked at him in silent, he looked at you with a smile albeit a sad one that seemed to try to reassure her and himself deep down. You turn your eyes to Ares who was stretching, the God noticing your stare, turned to you.
And you both meet eyes.
He raised a brow at you, and you cocked your head to the side, mentally communicating with him. He rolled his eyes but nonetheless nodded, understanding you wanted to talk to him later.
Apollo looked at the interaction between you two, and found himself to feel an ugly sort of feeling in his stomach. It was a feeling that made his gut twist, he felt a bit angry at the interaction, and he found himself wondering if you were close to Ares?
"Let us begin." Athena announced.
. . . . .
"We lost horribly" you sighed, you and Apollo sat at a bench together, injured and bruised from the spar. "Apologies, I left you to fend for yourself against Athena" Apollo chuckled but winced, his ribs needed to be healed, despite his strange ways of love, pain was not one of his methods. He disliked pain.
"Here" you softly murmur, hand extending towards his chest, there was a hideous purple bruise on it and you suspect a few bones have been broken. "Thank you" Apollo said, watching you as you focused on his wounds. He sighed in relief feeling the pain melt away, and with that, he could focus on the feeling of your hand on his skin.
Soft and cool skin, that left goosebumps on his body with each trace. "I.. I didn't know you could heal." he uttered. "Just like the Sun, the moon is known for its healing." you simply say, your mother Selene could heal, and she was the original Goddess of the moon, and Helios could as well, although his healing works in the way of purification, purifying the body from poison sort of way.
You took back your hand but Apollo caught it with his own much bigger hand, his hand was calloused and could easily cover your own. The God simply smiled at you, cherishing the feeling of holding hands, his thumb brushed your knuckles as he hummed.
You felt chills from his touch, nearly taking your hand away until you felt it. It was warm, soothing and comforting, you watched as his energy and aura extended to you, covering your body and found that the pain from your injuries were becoming numb.
"Thank you." You'd say, and looked away with an unreadable face.
「the sun proposed to the moon,
and the moon said
'I don't know!'
'I don't know!'
'I don't know!'
'give me a break' 」
"[___]" he suddenly called your name and you turned to look at him, there was a hopeful look on the God of the Sun's face. "Would you like to spend some time together with me? Tonight?" he offered.
You raised a brow, and found yourself looking at him with amusement. "I'm afraid I cannot, I did not hand my duties to my mother, so I will be reining the Moon." he frowned at that, looking thoughtful as he then beamed, having an idea.
"Then perhaps, would you let me join you?"
"Join me? in my chariot?" you asked bewildered, and found yourself quickly denying him "I'm afraid there wouldn't be enough space." "Then I will be on my own chariot, we can race." he suggested.
"Apollo, I would prefer to spend my night alone for today." You told him softly as you took back your hand and stood up, it was about time for you to talk to Ares.
"Wait!" he called after you, and luckily for him, you stopped and looked at him patiently.
"I'm sorry if I was being too much but.." He placed a hand on his chest, "my feelings for you are genuine and sincere, please do not brush me off so coldly." "But Apollo, your feelings will quickly melt away, and you will realize that what you felt was simple attraction." you countered with a smile, he didn't like how you talked down on his feelings, he knew what he felt, he was sure of it, it wasn't some simple thing as attraction, nor was it lust.
"I really do love you." he confessed "Will you not let me court you at least?"
"I.. I don't know" you rubbed your hands to seek comfort, as you felt your heart heavy with burden.
"[___]" Apollo frowned as you were approached by Ares who gave you a silent look, "is he bothering you?" "..."  you didn't know how to answer, and Ares then asked something else "what do you want to talk about?"
"wait" you told him as you turned to Apollo, finding him to have a scowl on his pretty face. "I have to go now.." you say and turned around, you and Ares began to walk away. You felt a stare piercing your back so you sighed and turned to Apollo "I won't stop you from whatever you feel for me,,, just don't expect an answer."
Apollo smiled at that, at least you were acknowledging his feelings. And the Sun God had realized he was a victim of the ugly feeling called jealousy.
Since then Apollo had joined you, Ares and Athena for your spars. It ended up with him having to ask Helios to manage the job of pulling the sun to him for a few days. Luckily for him the Titan did not mind. However, ever since the first practice, he found himself usually partnered with either Athena or Ares.
He couldn't help but wonder if you didn't want to partner with him due to your first practice ending with a humiliating defeat. He bit his lip, until he found himself rolling on the ground, "Don't get distracted." Athena told him and offered her hand to him, helping him stand up.
"Your counterpart is fairing better than you." She told him, as they turned to watch you spar with Ares, you were slowly but surely keeping up with him. "They seem to work quite well with and against each other." Apollo couldn't help but say through gritted teeth.
Athena looked at him weirdly, "Apollo, perhaps you should cool down, less you want your jealousy to be your downfall." The Goddess of War and Wisdom told him. Apollo released a sigh of frustration as he calmed his feelings down, "you're right." he conceded "I just can't help but wonder what type of relationship those two have."
"Clearly nothing romantic." Athena scoffed as they watched you smack Ares with your weapon and letting a yell of victory as you stood on the male's back. "How are you sure?" He asked, and winced as Ares grab your foot and threw you towards the wall. Fighting against Ares wasn't easy, but at least you weren't losing too badly.
"Well, Ares' interest has been piqued by Aphrodite and they banter and act more like siblings, it's like seeing you and Artemis." Athena chuckled in amusement, considering you and Ares resulted into throwing insults at each other childishly. "Other than that, [___] has been inquiring me how I became an official virgin Goddess."
He swallowed thickly, "she is interested in becoming a virgin Goddess?"
"Perhaps, she has been deflecting my questions of why she was asking." Athena simply said and grabbed her weapon once again, "now, let's try this again, I believe your head has become clearer?" Apollo laughed hollowly "I'm afraid not, but I shall try my best dear sister."
"I said Yield!"
Apollo didn't know why he was worried about you and Ares, you two bicker like actual siblings!
It was amusing honestly but.. he wondered if you truly planned to stay a virgin.
You were walking to your chariot, the sun was slowly setting and you can see Helios from afar going back to Mount Olympus with the chariot. Your body ached but you knew it was too late to ask your mother to handle your shift.
So she got on the chariot only to find it having a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a basket of fruits for the road. A piece of parchment could be seen sticking out between the blossoming flowers.
My dear moon, please take these flowers for I hope they brighten up your night just like how you brighten up my days. And do not forget to take care of your bodies, we may be mortals but we too experience the feeling of hunger and thirst.
Your Sun.
You found yourself chuckling, folding the piece of paper carefully. "My sun?" you recited, before shaking your head "No, no, no.."
"damn it all.."
"Such lovely flowers, it seems Apollo is quite taken with you." You jumped, finding your uncle approach you, the chariot was parked on the ground. He had finished his duty.
"How do you know?"
"Why I see you two getting closer and closer, I see a lot of things, even when I no longer pull the sun." He told her and smiled. "He picked those for you personally."
"I see.."
"My dear, little one, why do you refuse yourself of what you want?"
"I don't" you swallowed the lump in your throat, your voice shook "I don't think this.. love, is for me."
Helios looked at you softly, understanding painted on his face "I understand that your mother's love for your father has.. made you question a lot of things but.. there are many ways to love someone, many types of love other than what you know from your parents."
"I know but.."
"Is it not only that?" he questioned, "is there something else holding you back?"
"Mhmm.." you bobbed your head.
"I see, well, I cannot give you all the answers to your questions, because there are some things you must find out for yourself." He patted your head gently, and you nodded in understand and soon you set off, pulling the moon across the night.
Your head was heavy with thoughts. Thoughts about love, thoughts about your role and of course, thoughts about a certain God. And you reach to cover your flustered cheeks.
★₊˚⊹✧˖°. ᯓ★
「the sun proposed to the moon,
and the moon said
'I don't know!'
'I don't know!'
'I don't know!'
'give me a break' 」
And things were like that between the Iridescent eyed Goddess of healing and the soft light of the moon and the God of music and blazing light of the sun. Two opposite yet complementary beings, with one chasing the other who rejects, and rejects him.
Apollo found ways to court the resilient Goddess, be it simply leaving flowers or poems he had picked or wrote himself, or simply leaving food and drinks for her whenever she had a long night ahead. The God of the Sun didn't bother to hide his feelings, why would he be ashamed of it even?
The other Gods would always find him looking fondly at the Goddess as if she were his everything.
Maybe she was, with the way he acted for her. It almost made the Gods feel ashamed at how putty he'd become. And a bit bad for the God who could only be at the receiving end of rejections.
"[___]," he'd say softly with a bouquet of fresh flowers, her favorites, "my day was horrid until I saw you, you always did make everything better." he'd said handing her the bouquet, she'd sneeze from the pollen and he'd be over her saying how cute her sneeze was much to the embarrassment of Ares who was misfortunate enough to witness it.
"[___], I heard Zeus tasked you with overseeing his latest champion, mind if I join you?" Apollo loved in many ways, be it small sentimental gifts to more extravagant one, or acts of service like accompanying and helping her with tasks, and so on- it was almost embarrassing. Luckily he was courting a fellow God instead of a mortal.
And yet despite the rejections and the shenanigans, the residents of mount Olympus couldn't help but look at the two fondly. Well, most of them. Hera had different opinions, she found the idea of one of Zeus' children courting someone pure and unlike him was offending, she would try matching you up with other men she deemed more befitting of your standards.
One morning, you and Hera were walking together, having recently finished one of the many tea sessions the Queen of the Gods would host. She'd namely invite those she didn't personally hate which wasn't a lot, like Demeter, Hestia, you, and Aphrodite who was ran  a bit late.
Anyways- the two of you beautiful and radiant Goddesses were engaged in a small conversation over love. "Although admittedly your roles compliment one another, but you deserved more than someone like Apollo, perhaps my sons would be a better match for you." The Queen said with a thoughtful look, referring to Olympus' resident Sun God.
"A-actually, I was thinking about becoming a Virgin Goddess.." you told her slowly, hoping she wouldn't be as upset as Aphrodite. "A virgin goddess?" the aubergine haired goddess repeated looking thoughtful "I suppose that would be better than marrying a man." You sighed in relief, luckily you caught Hera in one of her 'i hate men' moods.
"In the end it's quite good that you're rejecting him, perhaps it is about time me or Aphrodite match you with someone more.. befitting of your status, not another one of Zeus' bastards."
"Is that so?" you questioned, frowning, Hera didn't quite understand you if she thought you were rejecting him because of his blood or illegitimacy.
There was a rustle of leaves, and you find yourself turning, you saw a blond haired god walking away, a bouquet of flowers in one hand, shoulder and back slumped in what you thought to be defeat.
That day the Sun didn't rise above the skies, and Helios had to be rushed in to pull the ball of fire, lighting the land with its blazing glory. You looked at the sky, despite the Sun finally being in the sky, everything felt.. off. Almost gloomy, which was weird.
"I wonder what's up with Apollo?" Ares frowned as he lowered his hammer to his shoulder "Oi Where are you going?" he called for you as you began to run off to somewhere. "Don't mind them" Athena said inspecting her lance, "she probably made her mind up of something."
Apollo laid on his bed, unable to move, the weight of his heart was heavy, heavy enough to pin him down at the comforting nest he had built for himself. Numerous pillows and blankets were there, from the corner of his eye, he could see the cloud covered skies. And then there was a knock on his door.
He didn't answer, hoping the person would go away.
And after a few more knocks and silence as response, the person went away. He sighed, placing a hand on his face, massaging it as he was unable to find it in himself to smile. His thoughts were plagued by you and only you, and he found himself hurting, mulling over Hera's words and the constant rejections.
"I find myself enjoying your presence, and when I do not see you, I look for it. I enjoy what little moments we have, those short greetings as we meet at twilight but I know I want something more with you." Apollo desperately said staring at the sky. "What do I do with these feelings when you do not reciprocate them, and Hera is right, you deserve far better things, far better than me." His hand gripped his chest as his heart felt constricted.
"Oh beloved and golden child, why do you cry?" He nearly screamed and fell when he heard your voice, seeing you jump down to his terrace to enter his room.
"[___]!" he yelled "What are you doing here!"
You looked hesitant, wondering if you should really be comforting him? To comfort him would send signals to him and make him think you like him, but you do- the problem was however, if you were willing to let yourself fall.
"I came to check on you, I heard you missed your duties." You said and he looked disappointed, "ah yes, I just wasn't feeling it today." he simple brushed off, sitting back down on his bed. To his surprise you did not leave, instead you sat beside him.
"You probably heard Hera and me while we were walking.." you started and he silently nodded.
Apollo tried to smile, if not for him, but for you, "you do not need to feel guilty, it is your right to reject my advances for your own reasons-" "I did not reject you because you are an illegitimate child!" you corrected him fiercely, "I do not care whether you are an illegitimate child or not, whether you a god or human!"
"i-" you realized your outburst and meekly closed your lips after apologizing. "then why?" he exhaled deeply, hand moving to comb his hair, he looked tired, you wondered if he was tired of you "why do you reject me so? you haven't told me your real reasons."
You averted your eyes away from his "You deserve better."
"But all I want is you." he countered, leaning towards you.
"I am afraid to love." you admitted.
He took your hand "then allow me to show you that there is nothing to be afraid of!"
You turned away from him, taking your hand back "it would never work!"
"You say that when you haven't tried." He cried out to you "[___]!" he yelled, brows furrowing as his frown deepened "Please be honest with me."
"I am honest" you turned to him with a conflicted expression, "you are brilliant and loving, but I am me, I am unable to reciprocate your advances, I fear the love that I grew up knowing, I fear those tender touches and intimacy that I see with my parents."
"My beloved" his hands cups your cheeks, they were warm and big, but very gentle, he was always gentle with you, and because of that, your heart wavered, it wavered for him and it made you cry "it hurts me to hear you talk of yourself like that."
"you say that I am brilliant, but you are as well, I may shine like the sun, but you glow like the moon, gentle and lovely. You do not have to force yourself to reciprocate my advances, you are you, you are beautiful and precious, you are all that I wanted, so do not speak yourself in such way." he murmured, staring deeply into the eyes he had grown to love, and dream in his sleep.
He felt lose in them, and he had no complaints.
"We could never work.." you whispered closing your eyes as tears slipped down your face.
"Because you are the Sun and I am the moon, we cannot collide, we are destined to forever part from each other." You'd say, and he'd refute proudly "My moon, we are not the heavenly bodies themselves, we are simply their shepherds." he'd laugh, tucking your hair behind your ear as his thumbs would wipe the tears away from your face.
"I know, but think of our jobs. You would be busy at the day, and I at night. Where will we find the time to let our love grow?" you questioned, opening your eyes.
"You think too much.." he whispered, letting his forehead rest against yours, noses brushing and lips slightly apart "you think too much that it stops you from doing what you want. If our love is true and meant to be, which I believe it is, we will be able to find ways. My dear, look at our uncle and aunt, Hades and Persephone are able to continue to love each other despite parting every year when winter is gone."
Yours hands grabbed his wrist, but instead of pulling away just like he feared, you remained in his hold, and your thumbs would simply caress his wrists, until they rested just above a vein, you could feel his pulse, it was beating rapidly.
Your lips part to let out a shaky eye as you stared back into his eyes, overwhelmingly filled with love and care.
"I think too much because I want to prepare myself, I do not want to hurt." you told him. "I would never willingly hurt you, but [___], to love is to let yourself get open to hurt because you trust your partner not to. Do you trust me?" he questioned her.
His breath fanned your face, and so your cheeks became quite red. "I do trust you.." you admitted "and I have honestly felt feelings for you but.."
"Can we take it slow?"
"We can take it at your pace.." he smiled, a tear escaping his eye.
"Why do you cry?" you fretted "Did my words hurt you?" "No" he shook his head, "your words have greatly lifted the burden in my heart."
Soon you'd find yourself on his bed, limbs tangled with each other. His arms were hooked around your waist, and yours around his neck. You spent the whole day talking or simply being in each others' embrace.
"Apologies, that I have not realized you were hesitant because of your own dilemmas." Apollo said, hugging you close. You gasped, "It is alright, I believed that my dilemmas were mine to bear, but.. Apollo.. this is a bit too much." you told him "it feels overwhelming.." you admitted.
He chuckled, apologizing as he loosened his hold around your frame. "you do not have to be guilty" he assured her "may I bury my head atop of yours?" he asked. You looked at him weirdly, but agreed to at least let him try.
"did you just smell me?" you asked with narrowed eyes.
"My love smells heavenly, it is a sin I do not smell her." He said proudly, you giggled, finding him to be strange. "Thank you" you said smiling at him "for being patient and loving me."
"I'm the one who should be thanking you.." he said parting for your head, "thank you for letting me love you."
༘⋆₊ ⊹★🔭๋࣭ ⭑⋆。˚
      ☀︎ I referenced how Apollo loves with that one greek story of him being exiled and doting on a king so much the other Gods were embarrassed by the way he was acting.
     ִֶָ࣪☾. Main character or [___], if you haven't picked up on the small details, is hesitant to fall in love because of mainly three things.
a. the Gods don't make love look exactly good with the constant cheating, affairs, jealousy.
b. Her Mother, Selene and Endymion, Selene basically had 50 daughters with Endymion who was in a magical coma that rendered him immortal but still human, that's a whole lot of red flags imho. So yeah, I think [___] would be at least put off if she grew up, thinking that was real love.
c. specifically to Apollo, she doesn't know if it would work out, considering he'd pull the sun on days and she'd do the same with the moon at night, and when ever they weren't they would have other jobs or plans or were too tired from pulling heavenly bodies, that made her question, when would they have the time to actually love each other and spend time with each other?
      ☀︎ Ares and Apollo, I'll be giving more details to that when I continue this oneshot into a small series.
Forgive me if this wasn't very A or S grade quality, I'm just writing this whenever I have the time.
      ִֶָ࣪☾. I lowkey displayed the mc to have a minor fear of being touched, specifically intimately, so she's also easily overwhelmed with affectionate touches.
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Athena from Blood of Zeus
Not my best drawing but I like it
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Inspo picture ⏬️⏬️
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wtaffy · 7 months
Reasons I'd get kicked out of Camp Half-Blood
1- telling Chiron to "stay gold, Ponyboy"
2- belting the chorus of "sweet home Alabama" every time I see a couple in the camp
3- making your mom jokes to Athena and Aphrodite kids
4- randomly spraying Percy with a squirt gun to check if he's really water resistant, even when he's not expecting to be in contact with water
5- approaching random campers and reminding them who their half-siblings are (ex: "yo, Nico, did you know you're related to Hitler?)
6- hiding a noise machine in the Hermes cabin and playing the star Wars scene "Luke, I am your father" every time he eneters/ making it play Hamilton at all hours of the night, so we can fall asleep to the sound of our father's voice
7- telling kids to "read between the lines", knowing full well they can't even read the lines themselves
8- convincing the younger, more gullible Demeter kids to grow weed
9- bribing the Hephaestus kids into making me a gun that shoots celestial bronze bullets, because there is no way in Hades that I am about to go after monsters just wielding some pointy sticks
10- sneaking into the Hera cabin to sleep, because what do you MEAN I, a claimed daughter of Hermes, don't get a bed in my own daddy's house? Yeah, no, I'm staying over at grandma's, the goddess of motherhood. Smite me.
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7s3ven · 8 months
ATHENA'S GIRL. luke (pjo) - pt. 1
trailer > part 1 > part 2 > part 3
( masterlist )
IN WHICH... Luke's second quest isn't exactly a heroic one but he doesn't have the power to reject it. Who knew it would lead him to a prestigious high school where his hardest mission would be trying to befriend a snappy demigod.
"Have you forgotten to turn off your heart? This is not you. I see you changing from how I've designed you. Have you forgotten your purpose?"
Warnings : modern au but camp still exists, Luke doesn’t betray
A/N : I signed up with a blogging side job and they asked if I had any previous blog experience. I said no because I wasn’t about to admit that I run a one shot blog acc on Tumblr 😭
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“What is wrong with you?!"
Heads turned to look at the H/C-haired girl who had shouted in a voice too loud to be inside a library. She was standing up, having shoved her chair back moments before. She clenched her hands into fists.
"Do you find joy in torturing me with your obnoxious presence? Is that it?!" She exclaimed at the brunette standing in front of her. She angrily grabbed her pile of books, messily shoving them into her bag. "Honestly!" She let out another groan as she loudly stormed past the doors.
"Well, that went smoothly, Luke." Chris, who had been watching the scene behind an upside down book, said.
The brunette boy with curled hair sighed, glaring at his friend, Chris. "I'm only trying to protect her. I don't know why she's so bitchy." Luke scowled. "I don't get why our quest was to protect some girl."
"Chiron said she doesn't have a satyr guide." Chris retorted, "That's why we're here."
Luke scoffed. "I can't even peacefully talk to her, let alone peacefully talk to her. She'll never come with us to camp." He swiftly threw his hands up in surrender.
"It's either that or the monsters. And if she doesn’t come with us, we fail.”
Luke stiffened at the mention of failing a quest. He knew all too well what that felt like. The jagged scar gruesomely painted across his face was proof of that.
“Just… befriend her.” Chris said as Luke stood up, ready to walk out of the library.
“Easier said than done. She hates me, Chris. And she hates you for being friends with me. So if neither of us can befriend her, how are you going to tell her about camp? It’s not like her dad will. He abandoned her for gods sake!”
Y/N, to put it simply, was an orphan. Her dad left her on the steps of a random house after her mother, whichever god she was, disappeared.
“Okay. Uh, what do we have in common with her then? And why does she hate you? I never understood that.” Chris questioned, desperate to think of ways to connect with Y/N before the monsters sensed her.
“I… made her get an F on her science project because I accidentally ruined it.” Luke sheepishly smiled.
“… You deserve all the insults from her then. But to answer my own question, we’re all demigods. That’s the most we have in common. I told you we should’ve taken Annabeth.” Chris uttered, gesturing to their surroundings.
“She’s a young kid." Luke retorted, "This is a high school. People will know something is wrong.”
“Or they’ll think she’s a child genius which, for the record, she is.”
Luke wasn’t sure how to feel about this quest. His first one had ended in absolute disaster so he was lucky to even be chosen for a second. But was a fire-breathing dragon worse than a high school girl who, if she needed to or even just felt like it, would stab you? Luke would take the dragon again because at least it didn’t spew out every insult known to man.
“I gotta get to this after school meeting.” Chris piped up, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder. “Some kids forced me to join. Find her and talk to her. Who knows, maybe you’ll get along. Eventually.”
Luke rolled his eyes as his friend jogged off to who knows where. Finding Y/N wouldn’t be hard. As creepy as it sounded, he had been watching Y/N for moments just like this.
He quietly whistled under his breath as he walked to the cafe across the road, immediately spotting Y/N in her usual seat beside the large window. She was, to no one’s surprise, reading a book.
Luke pushed open the door, the bell attached to it chiming softly. He made an instant beeline for Y/N. “Why so many books?” He blurted out, raising an eyebrow at the amount of novels strewn over the table.
Y/N lifted her head, frowning at the sight of him. “These are my cafe books.” She said, looking down at her book once more. Luke slid into the seat across from her.
“You need four cafe books? Why four?”
“Well, I need a novel and a biography book.”
“You’re reading Fyodor Dostoevsky as a novel? That’s your definition of light reading?” Luke picked up the book, almost laughing. “And some of it is in Russian. You know Russian?”
“Somewhat. I’m learning it so I can read Dostoevsky in the original.”
“And the Edgar Allen Poe?”
“Short stories. And Norman Mailer is a great essay writer so I wanted to check him out too.”
Luke huffed, “Jeez, writer. Reading Dostoevsky, learning Russian, reading all of these books. You’re crazy.”
Y/N narrowed her eyes as she stared at him with her heavy gaze. “Why do you call me that? Writer? Are you making fun of me?”
“Why would I need to do that? I call you writer because you want to be a journalist, right?” Luke leaned back in his seat, “I’ve read some of your essays, by the way. Don’t get mad at me. They were great. You really seemed to like the Russian revolution.”
“I’m more interested in the royal family, actually. Not so much in the Bolsheviks and all that politic stuff.” Y/N placed the book she was reading down, a truce sign in Luke’s eyes.
“Oh, she’s smart, pretty, and interested in the slaughter of a royal family. Are you perhaps training to become a serial killer? I hope I’m not your next target.” Luke teasingly grinned as a mischievous glint shone in his eyes.
“Castellan, I have a question.” Y/N sat up straighter, “How is it that you got into the school? Don’t get me wrong, you’re street smart but you aren’t… academically smart. Are your parents filthy rich?”
“My dad’s a deadbeat.”
“Did you cheat then? I won’t tell anyone. I’m only curious.”
“You wound me, writer. No, I didn’t cheat. Is it so hard to believe I passed the entrance exam?”
“Yes.” Y/N said without hesitation.
Luke stared at her with his lips pressed into a thin line. “Ouch. Now you’ve added salt to the wound.”
Luke had already acknowledged that he wasn’t gifted in the academic department. But there was more to life than writing articles and scribbling down overly complicated math equations.
“Wait a minute,” Luke sat up. How was it that Y/N could draft a perfectly constructed essay when she had dyslexia? “Don’t you have a reading problem? Dyslexia? Are you sure you didn’t cheat?” He meant the last bit as a joke but he instantly knew he made a mistake when Y/N’s eyes darkened.
“I have no need to.” She jeered, grabbing her cafe books. And just like that, their little moment of peace was gone as quickly as it appeared. “Never accuse me of cheating again. You got that, Castellan?” She harshly poked his shoulder as she walked past him.
“Hey, you forgot your Dostoevsky- and she’s not even listening to me. Great. Okay.” Luke sighed as he grabbed the book, observing it. It seemed well-loved because the novel was almost falling apart and its delicate pages were stained brown with coffee and tea.
Luke cracked open the book, raising his eyebrows at the sight of highlighted words, pen marks, and sticky notes inside. “She likes annotating.” He muttered to himself, running his hands over the pages.
The writing stopped near the end of the book and Luke realized it was because she had yet to finish it. An idea burst into his head and he quickly exited the cafe, clutching the book close to his chest. His usual routine would be to wait for Chris outside but he strolled back into the library, eyes landing in a group of giggling girls.
“Hey, ladies.” Luke boyishly smirked at them, which almost caused them to melt. “Do you have any sticky notes and pens I could borrow?”
That’s how he ended up with a pile of sticky notes and a multitude of pens at his disposal. Luke couldn’t read that well due to his godly side but he sure tried. Luke had heard about how a book girl’s love language was someone else annotating a book for her. In this case, this was Luke waving the white flag for good.
“Yo, Luke, you ready to head off?” Chris returned an hour later, just as Luke was finished scribbling on sticky notes and placing them carefully on the crumbled pages. Chris arched an eyebrow. “You can’t read.” He stated.
Luke rolled his eyes. “I know but this is me trying to befriend her. Trust me, it’ll work.” The brunette led his friend to Y/N’s locker, easily picking it open with a bobby pin he found on the floor. “Say hello to friendly Y/N.” Luke grinned as he placed the novel on the top shelf and closed the door.
“If this works, I’ll give you my dessert for a week.” Chris piped up
Luke chuckled, putting all his faith into his plan. “It’ll work. And deal.”
Chris and Luke watched Y/N like hawks as she opened her locker, letting out a small yawn as she did so. She spotted the book immediately. As she flipped through the pages, something unexpected happened that left Chris gaping.
She smiled. Her pink-tinted lips curved into a bubbly smile as she read something and she even let out a quiet laugh. As she turned her head, her gaze locked with Luke’s. She sent him a nod of acknowledgment before leaving to get to class.
“Looks like I’ll be having extra dessert.” Luke cockily uttered, teasing his friend.
“I can’t believe it actually worked.” Chris clicked his tongue in annoyance.
“Better luck next time, buddy.” Luke tilted his head back as he laughed. “Get to class. We can’t blow our cover.”
Luke’s first class was with Y/N. Actually, all of his classes were. And that was on purpose. He had to keep a close eye on her in case anything happened. Nothing ever did, which was unusual. Monsters sensed demigods as soon as they turned twelve but Y/N was Luke’s age and still hadn’t run into one. Luke found it strange.
He sat down in his chosen seat and turned his head, surprised to see Y/N sitting beside him. “Impotence means the inability to do something effectively.” She spoke, looking at him. Luke was at a loss for words as his lips parted.
“What?” He stupidly questioned.
“‘The fear of appearance is the first symptom of impotence’. You put a question mark next to impotence.”
“Oh.” Luke could recall doing that. “I guess I did.”
“You don’t write very well.” Y/N said. “At some point, you started writing in Greek. You know Greek?”
“To an extent.”
Y/N quietly hummed. “The ability to go from English to Greek is somewhat impressive. Your Greek is better.”
Luke almost smiled at the backhanded compliment. “You know, writer, I always took you as a Jane Austin girl. Pride and Prejudice and what not. How come you’re reading Crime and Punishment instead?”
Y/N shrugged. “I want to know more about Russian culture.” She simply said, opening her science textbook. Luke stared at her.
“You want to know more about Russia? I’ll show you. Come on.” Luke tugged Y/N out of her seat much to her surprise. She gasped.
“But class.” She said, but Luke ignored her.
“It’ll be fine. You’ll love it.” Luke reassured her as he pulled her out of the room.
“I’m not sure I will.” Y/N groaned, trying to dig her heels into the ground to slow Luke down. “We really should go back to class.” Y/N furrowed her eyebrows in worry while Luke clicked his tongue.
“No. We don’t.”
Before Y/N knew it, she was outside the school building and walking down the road behind Luke. “Where are we going?” She asked, receiving no reply.
“Wait here.” Luke said, pausing in front of a large wired fence.
“Are you sure you aren’t the serial killer here?” Y/N muttered, almost scoffing. Luke jumped, easily grabbing onto the fence and climbing up. “You look like a monkey!” Y/N exclaimed. Luke quietly chuckled, reaching the top.
“You’re funny, writer- Woah!”
Y/N gaped as Luke tumbled down, harshly hitting the ground. “Are you okay?” She asked, her eyes wide. Luke groaned as he stood up, clutching his shoulder.
“I’m fine. I just have to rearrange my shoulder real quick.” He said, grunting. Y/N watched in horror as Luke grabbed his own shoulder, readjusting it with a terrifying crack.
“That’s not normal.” Y/N said, cringing. “Your shoulder should not be doing that… oh, my gosh! You need to see a doctor soon. That crack was disgusting!” But Luke ignored her.
“You can climb, right?” Luke questioned.
“I am not climbing and falling like you.” Y/N sneered. She looked around, spotting a door. “I’m glad I’m not dumb like you.” She pushed the door open, mockingly staring at Luke. “Voila. No need to look like a monkey.”
“And there our truce goes, writer. I’m going to beat you up now.”
Y/N lightly laughed, rolling her eyes. “You can’t hit a lady.” She warned.
“Oh, you’re right. Damn me for being a gentleman. If only I was a girl. I could slam you.” Luke teasingly slung an arm around her shoulder as he led Y/N through the woods. “Chris and I found this place by accident. I thought you’d like it, especially after seeing your obsession with books. That’s not normal, by the way. It’s creepy. You treat books like your friends.”
“For your information, I have friends.” Y/N snapped.
“You have one friend. And she’s not even at the school.”
“So? Who cares. Besides, I talk to Sehee.”
“Sehee Kim hates you.”
“Yeah. But she’s toned down. We’re acquainted now.”
“Whatever you say, writer. Close your eyes.” Luke slapped a hand over her face, concealing her gaze. “Don’t peek. It’s a surprise.”
“If you plan on killing me, don’t eat me. I’m not into cannibalism.”
“You wrote an essay on all the media’s that portrayed cannibalism. The hills have eyes, that plane crash with the sports team. What else am I forgetting?”
“The Bean clan. Technically, that wasn’t a show or movie but the hills have eyes were inspired by it. At least, I like to think so.” Y/N paused, “Wait, you read the essay?”
“You’re a model student, writer. Of course I read your work. It took me a few days.” Luke grinned, though Y/N couldn’t see it. “Alright. You ready?” Luke rested his chin on Y/N’s shoulder as he lowered his hands, emitted a small gasp from Y/N.
“This place… what the…” She was speechless. In front of her was a beautiful, old library. Vibes of ivy wrapped around the shelves yet the books still looked functional. Albeit, a little old but they didn’t look like they’d turn to dust if she touched them.
“It’s an old library. Abandoned but still pretty. All of the books here are in Russian. You like it?”
“I love it… Castellan.” She gently smiled.
“I come here when I need time to think.” Luke sighed to himself, gesturing to a small corner where a blanket and a few pillows lay. “I can’t read in general but it’s comforting.”
“How’d you know I have dyslexia?” Y/N asked, arching an eyebrow.
Luke shrugged. “I had a feeling.”
“To answer the question from yesterday, yes. I do have dyslexia. But I envied children who could read so I got help. More like I begged the orphanage to get me help. I wanted to read and write so I did.”
Y/N ran a hand over the books, letting her fingers trace over the delicate golden details. Luke watched as she walked past the sturdy wooden shelves, a gleeful skip in her step.
“What’s your favourite book?” Luke asked as Y/N opened an aged book, staring at the words carefully printed in black ink.
“Oh. I actually have it with me.” Y/N began, digging around in her bag to pull out a small paperback. She showed it to Luke. “I want to die but I want to eat tteobokki.” She uttered. Luke stared at it, eyebrows lifted.
“You read… self-help books?”
“Well, it’s more like a biography or a memoir. It doubles as a self-help book. And yes. Is that a problem? It's an opportunity to learn how these type of books are written."
Luke shook his head, pressing his lips into a thin line. “I just wasn’t expecting it. I mean, why do you need help? You seem to have your life figured out. Studying, Harvard, journalism."
Y/N softly cleared her throat as she stared at him. “Castellan, I firmly believe that everybody needs help. Even just a little bit. And my life is literally falling apart if I’m not in school. My orphanage is crumbling to the ground and I’m probably going to be kicked out soon. On top of that, I think I’m going crazy.” Realising she was ranting too much, Y/N took a breath and stopped talking.
“We’re all crazy in a way, writer.”
“No. I’m actually crazy… Castellan, I see things… things normal people shouldn’t see. Creatures… weird things… things I can’t describe.” Y/N pulled at the ends of her hair. Luke was quick to grab her hands, stopping her.
“I understand, writer. Trust me. You may think I don’t, but I do.”
“You hallucinate too?”
“It’s not hallucinations. It’s real. I know I probably sound crazy. You see strange animals, right? Like, monsters?”
Y/N turned her head, staring at Luke with wide eyes. Y/N silently nodded. “How… how did you know?”
“I need you to listen to me, writer. And don’t call me insane or judge me or any other mean thing you like to do.” When Y/N still didn’t say anything, Luke continued. “How do I put this… You’re a demigod. I am too. Chris as well. Your mother is, uh, a goddess. You’re a half-blood. And eventually… monsters are going to chase after you.”
Y/N gawked at Luke for a few long minutes before she looked away. "You're crazy."
"I'm not crazy. I told you I'm not."
"Okay, not crazy. You're mad, out of your mind, deranged, demented. You're a lunatic, unstable, unbalanced. Non compos mentis!"
"Are you speaking in Latin right now?"
"We have to recite the school song on the spot. We get extra credits if we say it in Latin. You didn't know that?" Y/N sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "You're... not lying. Gods and goddesses actually exist... don't they?" Luke sighed, nodding his head.
"I'm sorry to put all of this on you now but we really have to go. It's unusual that the monsters haven't sensed you yet. We have to find Chris before"- Luke was cut off by a loud roar. Y/N gasped, clutching onto Luke.
"What was that?" She gasped.
Luke pulled Y/N up, holding her tight. "We have to go. Now. Come on." Y/N's hands shook as she tried to shove the old book back into its place. Luke grabbed it, cramming the book into her bag. "Just take it. Take the book!" Luke grabbed Y/N's wrist, pulling her out of the library.
"Whatever that thing was seemed close. We have to hurry." Luke and Y/N ran out of the forest and barged past the door to the metal fence. "Chris will meet us at the road. Come on!"
There was another roar and Y/N shrieked. A blast of flames engulfed the fence, burning away at it. "Oh, my gosh... what is that?! Is that a fucking dragon?!"
"So you can swear! I never expected that!" Luke exclaimed as he stood in front of Y/N, drawing a sword.
"You have a fucking sword too?! What the fuck!" Y/N screamed, "What is going on?!"
"Stop cussing! Y/N, I need you to listen to me. Run. Run as fast as you can and find Chris. Please." Luke pushed Y/N back.
"What? No! I am not leaving you with that... that beast! And I don’t really what to be alone too!” Y/N furrowed her brows but Luke was persistent.
“Go! Go!” He shouted. Y/N spun around, sprinting away. She heard Luke’s sword clash with the dragon’s hard scales and she looked over her shoulder.
“Find Chris!” Luke shouted again.
Y/N gasped as she burst through the vegetation, almost crashing into Chris. “Oh, my fucking god! Chris! Castellan- I mean Luke is fighting against a dragon! What do we do?!” Panic glazed over Chris’ eyes.
“Y/N, stay here. It’ll be fine. I’ll be back soon!” Chris ran off. Y/N shakily inhaled as she looked around. The road was barren and there wasn’t a car in sight.
“This is fine… totally, inexplicably fine.” Y/N muttered, thickly gulping. But her panic flared up again when she felt a presence behind her.
She shook as she turned around, her head slowly lifting to stare at the dragon. “… Oh, I’m fucked.” Y/N’s bag felt heavier than it did before. It slid off her arm, crashing to the ground. Y/N scrambled back as the dragon blew a mouthful of burning smoke through its sharp fangs.
“Nice boy… or girl. Or are you gender-neutral? It doesn’t matter.” Y/N nervously chuckled as she slowly kneeled down to search for something, anything, to defend herself. Instead of a sharp pen or maybe a heavy book, she pulled out a golden brass spear with electricity crackling through it.
“Oh… this works.”
The dragon growled as its beady eyes watched her trembling form. Y/N swung the spear at the dragon, managing to hit it with a lucky shot. The dragon roared, throwing its head back in pain. Y/N landed another blow and managed to dodge the beast’s claws.
“Man, am I glad I took those sports classes now!” Y/N shouted, ducking. She swung the blade of the spear ay the creature, slicing a scale off. Y/N yelped as blood oozed out. “Oh, that is revolting.” She wrinkled up her nose.
The dragon, seemingly very unhappy with Y/N’s wide use of vocabulary, grunted as it stalked towards Y/N with heavy steps. Y/N gulped. She gripped the spear tightly, trying to think of what to do. As the dragon neared, her survival instincts took over and before she knew it, she was hurling her weapon at the dragon’s chest. It groaned in pain as the tip impaled its flesh before disintegrating into a fury of golden specks.
Y/N panted as her spear clattered to the ground. “… I’m glad javelin was a requirement at school.” Luke and Chris arrived at the scene a moment too late, staring at the golden flecks in surprise.
“You… took down a dragon?” Chris asked in shock while Luke was silent as he subtly lifted a hand to touch the scar on his face.
“Yes. Now, can we get out of here before we get slaughtered like the family from the hills have eyes?! If I die, I can’t get into Harvard!” Y/N exclaimed, picking up her spear that had transformed back into the old book from the library.
“She’s right.” Finally, Luke spoke up. “We need to get moving. The stronger monsters have already sensed us. More will be coming.”
"Wait!" Y/N shouted, causing both of the boys to pause. "Oh, my gosh... What about Harvard?! I can't get into Harvard with all these monsters running after me!"
"You didn't tell her?" Chris asked, glancing at Luke.
Luke quickly shrugged in confusion. "I told her about camp! But I may have left out the part where she has to go if she doesn't want to be slaughtered..."
"What?! No, I'm not fit out for camp! I need to go to school and study so I can get into Harvard and study journalism so I can become like Christiane Amanpour!"
"We'll explain more at camp." Luke uttered, wrapping his hands around one of Y/N's arms while Chris did the same on the other side. The two boys dragged her away, ignoring how she kicked and screamed, mainly about Harvard and how her career was ruined now.
Eventually, she calmed now. The trio now calmly walked along the empty road with Y/N in the middle. “I mean, at least it can’t get worse than a dragon.” Y/N said in an effort to raise spirits.
Above, thunder rumbled as rain began to pour down. Y/N loudly clicked her tongue, “Never mind.” She grumbled. “But hey, can’t get worse”- Lightning crackled and hit a tree near Luke. He jumped as the leaves went up in flames, though they were quickly distinguished by the large droplets of rain. “Okay, but surely”- Luke cut Y/N off.
“Please… writer, stop talking. We’ll hide in that cave until the rain stops. It’s getting dark soon too. We officially leave tomorrow.” Luke uttered, pointing at a nearby hole in the rocks. Y/N jogged for cover while Luke and Chris took their time, not caring about the rain because they were already soaked to the bone.
“So, you call her writer? Cute.” Chris mockingly smirked as he knowingly winked.
“Yeah, so what? What do you call Clarisse? Oh, that’s right, you haven’t confessed yet. You have the right to judge me when you confess.” Luke walked away while Chris was left standing there, speechless.
“Touché.” Chris muttered under his breath.
Luke woke Y/N the moment the sun rose. She groaned as he shook her awake, sleepily rubbing her eyes. “What do you want?” She muttered, trying to kick him away.
“Time to get moving before any more dragons come.” Luke grinned as Y/N quickly sat up. “Yeah, that’s what I thought, writer. Come on, we’ll get breakfast at the train station. It’s the fastest way to camp.”
It was a thirty minute walk to the nearest train station and in those thirty minutes, Luke would not stop talking. And Y/N thought her rambling was bad.
“Why do people like peanuts anyway? They taste so… nutty. I don’t like peanut butter. The look of it, the taste of it, the texture, the way it sticks to the roof of my mouth. Ugh! Gross.” Luke faked a small gag while Y/N slowly nodded.
“Do you usually talk this much?” She questioned, recalling the days where Luke hardly spoke up in class unless he was replying to a girl in love with him.
"No. Not unless I've got a pretty girl next to me who's too smart for her own good." Luke grinned while Y/N rolled her eyes at his pathetic flirting.
“Have you got money? Once we get to the station, I would suggest we buy tickets first. Food can wait. Besides, the train should have food too.” Y/N said, checking her watch. "When's the next train? We should try and catch the earliest one."
"Jeez, who made her in charge?" Luke whispered to Chris behind Y/N's back.
“What? You think you’d be in charge?”
“Well, this is my quest after all. Plus, I thought there’d be a voting. You know, a show of hands.”
Chris sent Luke a look. “Don’t be like Percy, man. She’s like our Annabeth. She’s obviously in charge. And I’m like, uh, Grover.”
“And let me guess,” Luke deadpanned, “I’m Percy.”
“Yeah. Always trying to change the system into a voting thing. Just let the pretty girl do the work and we won't get killed."
"I can hear you, by the way." Y/N butted in, staring at the two boys with an unimpressed look.
"That's the point." Luke replied.
"The train station is right over there. I'll buy us tickets." Y/N said, outstretching her hand.
"Huh? Why do you have to buy the tickets?"
"Because, genius, it's suspicious to see two guys with a girl. They’ll think you’re kidnapping me. Which, mind you, you technically are.” Y/N ran her hands through her messy hair to smoothen it down, “The faster we leave, the better.” She brushed the dirt off her skirt and adjusted her wrinkled blouse so she could fit in more with the crowd.
Luke begrudgingly handed over a part of the given money to Y/N. She smiled, which only fuelled his annoyance. “After we buy tickets, we can look for food if we have time.”
“Why can’t we split up?” Luke interrupted, earning an eye roll from Y/N. Chris silently watched as they bickered, not wanting to get involved. It was like they were in class again, always going back and forth until the teacher forced them to stop.
“Splitting up would be dangerous. We have to stay together. But when I buy the tickets, don’t follow me. Hang back.”
Luke had no choice but to agree with the plan.
“So,” Chris shuffled closer to Luke, “Still think we should have a voting system?”
PJO TAG LIST : @lostinhisworld @julielightwood @outerbanks-stuff @jennapancake @csifandom @evrybodydies1 @kkrenae @s0ulsniper @annispamz @justanotherkpopstanlol @soraya-09 @simpforeveyone @papichulo120627 @corpsebridenightamare @lilacspider @prettylilsimp @urmomsbananabread @ur-lacol-dsylexic @hottiewifeyyyy @kamiliora @be-bap @finnickodaddy @th0tblckgrl @shoyofroyoyoyo @uniquely-her @imafrkinsimp @syraxesrevenge @ahh-chickens @dracoslovergirl @midnightstar-90 @8812-342 @liv1104 @krkiiz @arialikestea @ch16rles @lizziesliz @maryclx01 @lukecastellandefender @yuminako @coryoskywalker @julielightwood @crybabysbakery @jsbabyyy @liviessun @p3pperm1nttea @angie-esc @purplerose291 @prettylilsimp @10ava01 @froggiesstalks @happy-jj @czennieszn @gisellesprettylies @loveyava @csifandom @mashiromochi @kamiliora @yorksyree @mqg125 @jamesmackreideswife @niktwazny303 @2hiigh2cry @user021099 @living-in-my-imagination88 @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @randomgurl2326 @niktwazny303 @inlovewithcarsthatrunreallyfast @luvvfromme @y0urm0m12
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roseeycreates-blog · 4 months
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She actually reminds me of Lin... I know, I love Lin so much I see her everywhere~ HAHAHA!
Oh, well my heart is still with Hera. She'll always be my Queen~
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enehana · 1 month
Jason Grace with the cabins
Cabin 1: Zeus. It's just him and Thalia because of the oath. Probably. Hopefully. Jason would be very protective of any younger siblings. He'd use his status as Champion of Juno to try and protect them from her wrath. It would work, for the most part.
Cabin 2: Hera. There isn't any children of Hera. He'd absolutely be chill with the 'adopted' children of Hera, though. Like the Iris cabin.
Cabin 3: Poseidon. Percy Jackson, baby. I don't believe they really compete over much unless its an actual competition or game. They work together just fine. Good friends, only gay sex as a joke. Any other children of Poseidon (that aren't supposed to exist either), Jason wouldn't really talk to. Percy would probably be too protective of them for Jason to have much to do with them.
Cabin 4: Demeter. The Demeter kids would always be asking him if he could change the weather for their gardens. He doesn't. He's too worried that if he tried it would get too out of hand and ruin their gardens. Some of them think the gesture is sweet. Others are more annoyed that he won't try. Cause he's literally the son of Jupiter, he should be able to control his powers. And he can. But he isn't risking it. They probably get along pretty well.
Cabin 5: Ares. The Ares kids are always challenging him to duels and asking to spar. He usually agrees, granted it's a friendly thing. They want to make their dad proud by defeating the son of Jupiter. They don't. Jason wins, and then gives them pointers. This makes them want to fight him more. If he thought it wasn't a friendly thing, he wouldn't fight them unless they actually attacked him. He'd always try to talk through the issue. Jason fully believes he isn't anyone special because his dad is the king of the gods. He thinks they want to spar with him because he genuinely is one of the best and most experienced fighters. Cause that's how Camp Jupiter is. Overall, they probably wouldn't get along well naturally. Zeus wasn't the biggest fan of Ares, so their kids wouldn't be inclined to be playmates or anything. But Jason would always try to work well with them.
Cabin 6: Athena. One of the best combinations. Jason and the Athena kids would be working together constantly. Sparring tips, doing research, teaching younger campers. Jason is built for leadership despite how much he never wanted it. Athena kids want to lead and earn their glory. He would absolutely support them on anything they decided.
Cabin 7: Apollo. I refuse to believe Jason died in TOA. It all happened, but he didn't die. Just no. The Apollo kids would be incredibly grateful for Jason not letting their dad die, especially after he actually started being a good dad. Jason would try to relax with the Apollo kids if he ever got a break. They'd all definitely be great friends.
Cabin 8: Artemis. Thalia Grace. Need I say more?
Cabin 9: Hephaestus. They'd love each other. Hephaestus was not treated great by Zeus and Hera at all. Jason would 100% try to make up for that. AND Jason always tried to befriend the outcasted kids. Hephaestus was one. Leo certainly loved Jason. The potential for Valgrace to be canon was insane. And the electricity. He could charge anything they made. He's strong too. Definitely able to hold up heavy machinery while they worked. He'd be amazing with the Hephaestus cabin.
Cabin 10: Aphrodite. Piper Mclean. Her siblings would love him. The younger Aphrodite kids would look up to Piper so much, so the fact that things ended 'amicably' between them would mean so much. Jason would be caught up on Piper for a long time, and would avoid the Aphrodite cabin for a while. But once he came around, he was there to stay. They were his siblings too, in his eyes. He'd steer them away from the whole rite of passage thing and encourage them to find the person they want to spend the rest of their life with. And he'd understand if they didn't. Jason was so sweet to them, but I can't image that he would date another child of Aphrodite.
Cabin 11: Hermes. Probably a pretty neutral thing. The Hermes kids tend to be tricksters and rule breakers, which Jason is not. He'd try to keep them in line, but he'd also want to maintain a good impression with them. He'd love to make friends with them. He had heard about Luke from Thalia, and he wouldn't forget that. Thalia did throw him off a cliff. But he would never hold Luke's betrayal against them.
Cabin 12: Dionysus. Jason wouldn't be a fan of the Dionysus cabin parties that were definitely against the rules. Dionysus let them happen anyway. The Dionysus kids would try to get Jason to let loose and forget about his responsibilities for a while. It didn't work, but he did appreciate their effort.
Cabin 13: Hades. NICO MOTHERFUCKING DI ANGELO. They're besties of course. If Bianca lived, she would like Jason purely because Nico liked Jason. I don't remember a lot about canon Bianca, but I can't imagine she would really be friends with Jason. Hazel and Jason were absolutely friends. She missed him when he went missing. And Jason always tried to befriend outcasts, and Hades wasn't considered an Olympian despite literally being the king of the underworld, and Nico was outcasted too much for literally no reason. (I love Nico.) Jason would be great with the Hades cabin.
Cabin 14: Iris. Jason briefly met Butch Walker. It wasn't much of anything. The Iris cabin would love Jason. Hera absolutely adores children of Iris because their mother is her personal messenger. Jason is the champion of Juno. So of course being loved by the queen of the gods would put them together too often. They would make pride flags and hold them up to him, silently asking if he's queer. He doesn't understand what they're doing. Genuinely clueless. He just praises their work. Awesome pride flags.
Cabin 15: Hypnos. Jason and the Hypnos kids. With Jason's PTSD induced insomnia, what better combination? They would absolutely be willing to help him sleep at night. The problem isn't even nightmares, he just cannot fall asleep. The Hypnos cabin would let him sleep in there at any time. And Jason would do anything in return. He takes any gesture of kindness towards him very very seriously. He would do anything for the Hypnos kids.
Cabin 16: Nemesis. Mutual respect. The Nemesis kids respect Jason so much. They can sense that he's done so much good and so many bad things have happened to him AND HE'S STILL A GOOD PERSON. They look up to him so much. They have a lot of adoration or maybe even obsession with this man. Jason respects them in turn. He appreciates how they want justice, they want everyone to be equal, and everyone has to follow the rules. They work incredibly well together. The Nemesis kids can link up their powers with an ally so they're in perfect balance during a fight, and holy shit do they do that with Jason. Jason and the Nemesis cabin is unstoppable. Jason by himself is unstoppable (HE DID NOT DIE I SWEAR), so the Nemesis kids being able to put themselves on par with him is insane. But they cannot spar with each other. The Nemesis kids know that Jason deserves to get revenge more than anybody they've ever met (and Percy, Annabeth, Leo, etc.). They just cannot fight against him under any circumstances. They would let him beat them every single time. He would get very frustrated that they wouldn't even try.
Cabin 17: Nike. Honestly, not the best relationship at camp. Definitely not the worst though. Nike kids tend to believe there can only be one victor and that life is an individual game, no teams. Jason wants everyone to win together. Equality amongst everyone. And the Nike kids 100% stand a chance against Jason. They can influence the outcome of any competition, so the chances of them beating Jason in anything skyrocket. But they also know that when it comes to survival they have to work together. They do tend to push in favor of Jason then. But usually, it's the Nike kids VS. Jason Grace. And Jason just wants peace between them.
Cabin 18: Hebe. The Hebe cabin practically worships Jason. They always wanted a relationship with someone like their mother's husband. And Hebe married Heracles, son of Zeus. So when Jason showed up to camp, they got all fancy and fawned over him. Though they did the same thing with Thalia. Jason was not a fan of the attention. He never wanted to be a leader. So when all these attractive, young demigods start begging for his attention, he felt really awkward. And he was raised at Camp Jupiter, where they value skill over parentage greatly. He did not like getting attention because of who his dad was. He wanted to prove himself through his skill. He did not want to be his father. He spends a lot of time avoiding the Hebe cabin, but he is always polite when he can't.
Cabin 19: Tyche. Jason is on relatively good terms with the Tyche cabin. The Tyche kids do have an illegal gambling room set up in their cabin, which Jason is not very happy about. He doesn't try to stop them though. Their ability to give people chronic bad luck stops people from reporting it. And Mr. D doesn't care anyways. If Chiron shut it down, he'd just help them set it back up. The Tyche kids do admire Jason because somehow he's managed to survive for so long. Abandoned by his mother, raised by wolves, was a child soldier his entire life. They figured their mother must like him if he's survived that long, so they like him too.
Cabin 20: Hecate. Half of the Hecate kids like him, and the other half don't. It's mostly the judgey ones that don't like him. The ones that do like him look up to his power and skill and status. They are the Hecate kids that accept Hazel as their own sibling. The ones that don't like him think he isn't very powerful for a son of Jupiter and is weaker than them. They also typically are the ones that are jealous of Hazel for being their mother's favorite. Hecate kids typically use their powers to enhance other camper's powers. They can lend their magic to others to have a greater effect. They do this with Jason. He works well with the Hecate kids when they're willing to.
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hummingintheback · 4 months
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There isn't much appreciation post about this Goddess. (WHYYY!?!?!?!?!)
Though she did appear more often this season than the previous one, I hope she gets more screentime and lines for the upcomimg seasons— especially S3 cuz literally it's a war and BoZ better put this woman on the frontline, better not waste this Goddess's title!
And the beef with Ares?!?! GIMME MOREE!!
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gingermintpepper · 4 months
You're not wrong, but all the gods are terrible in Blood of Zeus. It's why Gaea goes scorched earth.
Actually, I'd argue that we only see a case for the older Olympians* being terrible and even then, it's not all of them: Poseidon, for one, is a really good example of someone who understood that mistakes were made, that something had to give, and was more that ready to set old conflicts aside in order to move forward in the wake of Zeus' death. Hera also seems to be genuinely reflective and apologetic for the crimes she wrought and wanted, more than anything, to be given the opportunity to make amends for her actions by doing the one thing everyone thought she never could; give up her power.
Going down the line, the talking point of "oh, all the gods in Blood of Zeus are terrible" becomes weaker and weaker: Apollo's only actual crime is being too filial/his contempt of Hera, but he shows more compassion and understanding than anything - both while comforting Electra about the nature of her son and by welcoming and supporting Heron, Hermes is also similarly shown with a very strong familial loyalty, but prioritises his work above all else, Hephaestus is a councillor and assistant, Athena is protective and shown, not only rallying together her siblings in order to properly inform them of the nature of the foe they were facing (even when they had been on different sides of the Hera/Zeus conflict and even when it casts Hera in a good light and plainly makes it known that she's being framed) but also getting Persephone to fess up her part in the scheme without resorting to violence.
The only gods that were portrayed poorly in Season 2 were Ares, who feels like he'd be better off being called Damian Wayne with how intensely he's preoccupied with blood purity and being Zeus' legitimate son, Aphrodite who sides with him (but even then is shown feeling ill at ease at going along with his treachery prior to the Eleusinian Stone trial), and Demeter who is so far removed from simply 'being an asshole' that she's hurtled headfirst into being a sadistic supervillain.
(Of course Hades is also a tyrant and an asshole but I also consider him too wishy-washy and inconsistent to figure out what angle they were trying to take with him. I can't think of him as good or bad, merely confusing)
Anyway, I think people hold on to the idea that the gods in BoZ are all assholes too closely because Heron and Seraphim, our main characters, hold on to the idea that ALL gods are assholes due to being the pawn of -counts on fingers- exactly two of them. With the exception of Ares, all of the other gods have been nothing but welcoming and supportive of Heron! And what Hades does to Heron in S2 has nothing to do with his feelings about Heron himself but rather with his own goals and desperations that have been multiplied by Demeter's machinations and his own frustrations at being unable to keep his family together.
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godofstory · 10 months
ok so I saw this post on paintrest
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and I thought "omg I need this" but for all my favorite sitcoms; so I went and wrote this
and you can read it and tell me if you like it or not;should i continue it or not?
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juztice-posts · 4 months
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I just feel like we should talk about her more.
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appolinyou · 3 months
Fact, Ares is usually sent to Hebe class parent meetings as: 1. Ares is not THAT evil version of Hera and Zeus when it comes to methods of defeating the snake teaching staff 2. He is still resourceful and fierce enough to protect the interests of Hebe and himself (not as touchy as Apollo - he can not only not be offended, but also remember important information, not as manically frightening as Athena Miss Killer Scientist, and the like)
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hestiaswifey · 4 months
Buckle Up People
I'm gonna make fanfics and one shots for Blood of Zeus
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hamletthedane · 5 months
I hate dating apps I need to meet the love of my life more organically*
*in hand-to-hand combat before the great walls of the City of Troy
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lily-s-world · 8 months
Tumblr PJO besties, I'm curious about which cabin has more demigods. Mine is Zeus, by the way (I know he isn't the best but Thalia resonated with me a lot when I first read the series.)
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