#bpo meaning with example
gerneralife · 1 year
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get-your-dreams · 1 year
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xybermeth · 1 year
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lest reality may gaslight me...........
i admit there's this growing jealousy of mine when she talks about her escapades in coding. it kinda reminded me how little i know, when in fact i should know this.
now the semester's coming (yep i got enrolled, thank god) i did what most people do when they're dunno what the heck things would do: ask their nearest person
"so, honest question, do you think we're work-ready?" "i dont think so. why's that?" "if beginners nowadays can code RISC-V like it was nothing, what's left to us? sure we can say we studied this course for like 4 years but... isnt that a waste?" "i mean... yeah? i mean even the webdevs of our course were really cocky. no one even taught us AI. heck, our classmates are working on BPO. nothing wrong about it but it's such a waste of skill" (some context on the text above: the mate's specializing in AI. also some of us know webdev. at least we can deploy XAMPP and call it a day. others feel fancy with their javascripts. the second person also has a knack of wanting to make a RISC on their own. welp) and i'm still here being jealous with even seeing double colons on code, or even a simple coding example. i just cant do this anymore. it's filled with spite and i dunno where to channel that frustration: i need to learn this. but i cant. and i'm demotivated.
then she started planning on making a compiler.
we never had that kind of stuff in my course. so in confusion, i asked my mates who were studying outside of my cooleg
"hey y'all made compilers in your course?" "yeah." and idk what to say. i just wasted 4 years of my life. just. gone
"why didnt you take a course that has a license? i mean, with that entrance exam score you're set to every course" because i liked it here. but now it's just a lie.
and i wasted 4 years of my life here.
i remembered the Cult Leader (my prof, not really a cult leader but their messianic complex is HARD) said to us: "what's the use of learning low level? everything's done in web these days" as my mates and i were doing system calls on our devices.
and the worst of it all was the fact that my bff told me a real cold hard truth accidentally:
"hey did you know? your course is just a minor on this other engineering course"
lol i have no pride left in my what is essentially me, my hobby, my joy, my life. not only im dumb, but i know nothing
so, there are two options left for me:
just cry about it.
accept that everything is mediocre and you need to walk on your own, spite and all
while eating my lunch today, i told to myself i need a focused learning of all the things i wanna learn to. no i wont speak it beacause im afraid it wouldnt come to fruition
i wanna apologise to her tbh. not only she didnt know, i just dunno what she talks about 80% of the time. i like it when she's around, and i like it when she's eager on something. sorry ><
kinda disappointing that i'll go back on 4th year instead of 1st year. i definitely need that introductory class.
all i got in the end was... please dont tell your hobbies, because if you do you'll feel insecure about it when you find you dont hobbied hard enough
or maybe stuck myself reading philosophy books, whatever.
so i asked myself wtf are we geared upon??? and welp it was obvious in hindsight, and in that one startup i worky on: it's all about building systems, the macro scale. hell we have prereqs for software engineering and another one for the Master's course
sorta like the disconnect between businessmen talking about their plans 10 years (they always talk about this) vs friends planning a vacation 12 hours in advance. the first one dont need that much mental flex, only daydreaming.
...probably this is why the trend seems to be microservices, where they all struggle to keep their modularity in check. and now they removed the ethics board. they wanna think about futures, but not the present. may they rot in peace.
ok if you ask me what i wanna learn, it'll be HDL (verilog?) on the mondays, C/Rust on the tuesdays (cant decide. fuck it PSP time), RISC-V on the wednesdays, MIPS on the thursdays (fuck it PSP time), and friday's just Cebuano. saturday and sundays are for dumb time. cant decide how to tho. you can prolly do algorithms on any of those but that would be silly unless it's higher level i seriously wanna learn like functional languages, or languages near the theoretical side of things. we dont have the math touch in our hands and in fact we only have like 2 semesters of calculus.
this isnt prolly gonna be in fruition considering i laze around and dont have the will for anything than breathing and living
im kinda excited what shits will do in our embedded systems class. they said it's all arduino and stuff, why not go nuts? i guess.
there's 2 days of Neural Networks. no we wont build exotic stuff like GANs or something.
sigh. even with all this, i'm still dumb.
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cyctems · 1 month
The Rise of Niche Outsourcing: Specialized Services for Specific Industries
Once upon a time, we had conventional BPO companies that offered a broad range of basic services to industries like data entry, accounting, HR, and customer care. However, this one-size-fits-all approach has become outdated.
Companies nowadays are looking for service providers who are willing to go the extra mile to help their clients do business better by taking over critical tasks. They are increasingly seeking outsourcing firms that possess deep domain expertise in specific industries.
Needless to say, outsourcing firms have gauged this paradigm shift and are happily obliging to these shifting market demands. Today, service providers offer customized solutions to cater to the special needs of specific industries, leading to the emergence of a trend called niche outsourcing.
The beauty of niche outsourcing is that it doesn’t just offload generic tasks but taps into a rich vein of specialized knowledge, tailoring services to an industry’s unique requirements. This post explains the basics of niche outsourcing including the factors driving its growth.
What is Niche Outsourcing? Niche outsourcing refers to the collaboration between a company and an offshore outsourcing firm that offers customized and specialized services catering to the niche requirements of a specific industry vertical.
Niche outsourcing focuses on offering services that demand sound knowledge of a particular industry, as opposed to typical outsourcing of generalized services, which may encompass operations like payroll, customer service, or IT support.
This type of outsourcing brings a level of precision and accuracy that can greatly improve a business's operations. Let’s take a pharmaceutical company as an example.
Now, instead of outsourcing general IT services, the company might feel it better to join hands with an offshore IT firm that specializes in the development of core pharmaceutical IT systems. Doing so will bestow the company with several benefits.
First of all, the outsourcing partner can get the nuances of the stringent regulatory requirements, ensuring that the software complies with the same. Secondly, they will be able to harness special development tools meant specifically for the development of such software.
Factors Driving the Growth of Niche Outsourcing
Several factors are driving the popularity of niche outsourcing but we have enlisted only the major ones which are described below.
Core Expertise
A niche within the niche. This means that almost every business sector today has multidisciplinary services giving rise to niche business segments. The healthcare industry’s vastness serves as a great example.
From managing simple records of physicians and patients, this industry now involves a great number of things including EHRs, drug information, disease-wise categorization, and whatnot.
In this case, outsourcing does demand experts who are skilled in dealing with the complex regulations of this industry while providing efficient services and solutions simultaneously.
Personalized Services
Gone are the days of cookie-cutter approach. Instead of going for one-size-fits-all services, companies actively seek customized solutions or better yet personalized services. Niche outsourcing gives them access to those specialized services, helping them improve both productivity and outcomes.
Digital marketing will be a fitting example here. A decade ago, digital marketing outsourcing typically involved website SEO, PPC ads, and article writing. But today, it’s a whole different scenario.
A fashion business, for example, might look for an agency that specializes in social media marketing (SMM) instead of going for a digital marketing agency where SMM is a part of their many services. Going for such niche solutions improves the company’s chances of having better outcomes as the agency will have exclusive social media experts.
Better Focus on Core Competencies Outsourcing niche services enables businesses to focus on their core expertise. This strategic approach to business development promotes sustainable growth along with enhanced efficiency.
By freeing their staff of trivial administrative chores, businesses can plan proper resource allocation and expand their core offerings, which can prove pivotal in staying a step ahead of the competition.
For example, a tech startup that focuses on the development of innovative software solutions may contract with a tech law firm to handle its legal and compliance requirements. This allows the owners to concentrate on quality product development while the legal professionals manage the legalities and other digital regulations.
Cost Effective
Initially, niche outsourcing might seem more expensive to some people, but given its long-term benefits like compliance with industry regulations, risk mitigation, and access to a wider talent pool, one eventually realizes its potential to bring significant cost savings.
Access to Advanced Technologies
Be it infrastructure, data security, or automation software, niche outsourcing service providers often invest in the latest technologies and tools required to upgrade their services. Partnering with such outsourcing firms helps companies leverage advanced technologies without any heavy investments.
Final Thoughts
Businesses today require a more nuanced approach to services. The generalist approach doesn’t work anymore because while it may yield cost savings, it fails to provide the deep domain knowledge needed for specialized tasks.
To stay competitive, modern businesses are turning to niche outsourcing providers that offer a more specialized, tailored approach. Niche outsourcing allows companies to access top-tier domain experts without the constraints of budget or geography, fostering excellent team chemistry and superior outcomes.
Niche outsourcing providers bring deep, specialized expertise and a strong connection to their domain. By relying on a dedicated specialist team, companies can access the latest industry insights and cutting-edge solutions, without the risk of diluted capabilities across too many generalists.
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kalpavrikshaacademy · 1 month
BPO Full form | Full form of BPO with Meaning, Types & Advantages
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BPO full form stands for Business Process Outsourcing, which is a third-party contract for many business processes. It can include anything from customer service, technical support to all finance and accounting-related tasks. This will give a chance to the companies to remain focused on the core activities by availing specialized expertise and cost efficiencies.
BPO helps businesses in smoothing the operation cycle and reduces overhead costs. For example, outsourcing customer service to a professional third-party provider will improve service quality and achievement in customer satisfaction but at the same time, not burden the company with huge in-house resources.
Similarly, outsourcing financial operations will help companies improve accuracy and compliance, enable them to use advanced technologies and the best practices of the industry.
In this respect, Kalpavriksha Academy is one of the best institutions, with special training programs in courses on digital marketing and content creation.
Though the institution has specialized in these two areas of expertise, understanding the aspect of BPO and its necessity would help any professional. A good education should help a person manage BPO service providers or collaborate with them.
It becomes very instrumental in seeking an education to understand how BPO might work in business operations or to make a change with career opportunities. The courses at Kalpavriksha Academy aims at arming learners with skills relevant to the job market in today's times, including the dynamics of outsourcing and its place in the modern business strategy.
BPO plays quite a vital role in modern business practices, especially promoting benefits like cost reduction and improvement in the efficiencies of operations.
For those looking to pursue the avenues of information and career possibilities in these areas, academic institutions like Kalpavriksha Academy provide resources and training to help you through and occupy a fitting place in a modern, dynamic business environment.
Ready to transform your career? Enroll in our comprehensive BPO course today and gain the skills you need to excel in the modern business landscape!
Visit our BPO Course in Gurgaon
Call - +91 9818703454
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dnccontactcenter · 7 months
New Illegal Compliance Practice Uncovered – Is Your Vendor Legal?
The rules and regulations for calling can often be confusing, and that’s why businesses tend to look to the experts. Many of our readers have an entire business model built around that – BPOs help enterprises manage customer outreach, dialers provide customers the right technology to streamline customer contacts, attorneys help businesses evaluate and build best in class compliance strategies, and so on. While vetting practices for vendors is commonly exercised, it usually only goes as far as evaluating technological or financial stability. Evaluating the accuracy and legality of their product, however, is often a much larger task.
Hopefully by now, most readers have mastered their KYC practices. Some red flags are easier to spot than others when acquiring new business. For example, years ago I worked for a contact center platform/dialer, and, on a sales call, my team was asked questions from a prospect, “So, how many of those calls can I get away with? What’s the penalty if I DON’T scrub that lead? How many of these calls do I have to make before I need to worry about hearing from the FTC?” With that line of questioning, the only response I felt comfortable giving my sales team was to instruct the prospect to ask another dialer company because I would NOT do business with them. It is only a matter of time before they face a Civil Investigative Demand from the FTC.
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Let’s look at the inverse, though. Let’s suppose that we had told the prospect, “The FTC is nothing to worry about; just throw together some policies that ‘say’ you do the right things, and I’m sure that, IF they come to your door (which they won’t), you can easily brush them off with some documentation and an apology.” How inclined would that prospect have been to sign with us? We told them what they wanted to hear, we helped them save money on compliance technology while, essentially, giving them more leads by allowing them to use my platform to call people they should not. And, hey, we were the experts, so why shouldn’t they take our advice?
I believe the private right of action behind the FCC’s TCPA has created a myopic view of regulatory requirements - perhaps at times so much so that callers ignore the FTC’s TSR. If you followed the news last year, you may have seen Operation Stop SCAM Calls, which clearly demonstrates that the FTC means business. Some of their other actions may have had a little less spot lite, such as the FTC’s lawsuit against XCAST Labs, a prominent provider of call center solutions, voice services, and hosted PBX. In their summary of allegations, the FTC stated, “This case involves billions of illegal robocalls delivered to American consumers using services provided by Defendant XCast Labs”. As a part of settlement proposed last month, XCAST labs would agree to improve its compliance adherence when it comes to telemarketing companies, with a heavy emphasis on a strangely contested topic of Do Not Call usage.
In the proposed order, which you can read here, page 9, section V(A)(2) states “Defendant must immediately terminate or refrain from entering into a relationship with a Customer if a review under Section IV reveals that the Customer: 1) Engages in Telemarketing without a Subscription Account Number for accessing the National Do Not Call Registry;”. The Subscription Account Number (SAN) is something of VERY important note, and 20 years after the creation of the Federal Do Not Call List, continues to shock me when telemarketers have no idea what this is. Without a doubt, “What is a SAN?” is the number one question my sales team receives when they are qualifying new scrub clients. If you, too, are unfamiliar with this term, the simplest way to explain it is that it is a business’s seller registration with the FTC, and it is REQUIRED for scrubbing with the Do Not Call Registry. Every seller needs a SAN for the area codes they call into, and, unfortunately, there are quite often costs around obtaining one. Outside of very limited outsourcing engagements, SAN numbers cannot be shared, and anyone scrubbing without a SAN number is very likely violating federal law.
This isn’t new; the TSR has remained largely unchanged on this topic for quite some time. The FTC has also been clear on this topic in their FAQs, stating “Sellers and telemarketers (on behalf of sellers) must purchase access to the relevant Do Not Call data from the National Registry database. The TSR prohibits participating in any arrangement to share the cost of accessing the National Registry database. A telemarketer may not divide the costs to access the National Registry database among various client sellers; access for each client seller must be purchased separately. Similarly, a telemarketer may not access the National Registry to obtain Do Not Call data and transfer the data to or share it with another telemarketer.”
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thecorporatehelp · 11 months
Reconciliation is the fourth sub-process from our list, let's understand this process-
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Reconciliation is a concept, which can be described and should be learned from different perspectives. English dictionaries say: 'reconciliation'is 'the act of reconciling' It means to re-establish a close relationship, to settle or resolve, to bring (oneself) to accept, to make compatible or consistent. A very simple example is when you adjust your watch to a lime signal; you are reconciling the watch to a Standard Time.
In accounting, reconciliation refers to a process that compares two sets of records (usually the balances of two accounts) to make sure they are in agreement. Reconciliation is used to ensure that the money leaving an account matches the actual money spent.
In BPO organizations, various accounting records are usually maintained by different persons at different levels at a given point in time, the related transactions or events recorded at different levels must be tally. However, sometimes it so happens that their records do not tally.
In such a situation, there is a need for reconciliation to find out the reasons for the discrepancy. This is done by making sure the balances match at the end of a particular accounting period.
#r2r #reconciliation #recordtoreport #subprocess #thecorporatehelp
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bestarion · 1 year
All You Need to Know about Offshore Staffing for Accounting Firms
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Financial and accounting services are critical components of any firm. Thus, accounting companies and staff are responsible for carrying out their duties with the highest care and attention. After realizing the importance of accounting work, some CPA firms (accounting firms) in the US are implementing an alternative solution in hiring: offshore staffing for accounting firms.
But what exactly is offshore staffing in accounting, and how is it different from outsourcing? Let’s dive in!
What is Offshore Staffing in Accounting?
First and foremost, you must distinguish between offshore staffing and outsourcing as two distinct hiring models.
Offshoring means relocating business operations from one country to another for better growth and productivity.
On the contrary, outsourcing means contracting a particular job to an external global company.
Most US CPA firms are looking forward to offshore staffing solutions because, despite being vital work, accounting is still not a core operation for various businesses. For example, accounting will not be a key task for a company that manufactures socks, but it will still be crucial. As a result, these organizations hire a CPA firm to handle their job.
The CPA firms spend most of their time filtering the books and less on the higher profit-yielding activities. However, CPA firms are not supposed to focus on particular services because of the tight schedules and engagement in bookkeeping and accounting services. The special services that must be focused on are tax consultancy, advisory, etc.
After realizing this, some CPA firms in the US are implementing an alternative hiring model with numerous benefits — offshore staffing — to outsource specific tasks to BPO companies in cost-saving countries.
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The Shortage of Accountants in the US
The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimates that 136,400 accountant and auditor vacancies will be created annually over the next decade.
This might lead to a competitive job market for top talent, and the longer the scarcity persists, the more significant the impact.
A lack of accountants may result in a decrease in business responsibility and honesty. This could lead to more fraud and compliance issues. Minor accounting errors can cause a company’s stock price to decline, resulting in additional financial difficulties.
Here are some specific examples of how a shortage of accountants can harm businesses:
Delayed financial reporting: Businesses may have difficulty finding qualified accountants to prepare their financial statements, which could lead to delays in reporting. This could make it difficult for businesses to obtain loans or make strategic decisions.
Increased compliance risks: Businesses may only be able to comply with all applicable regulations if they have enough qualified accountants. This could lead to fines or other penalties.
Fraud: The shortage of accountants could make it easier for businesses to commit fraud. This is because there may be fewer people to detect and investigate fraudulent activity.
Stock price volatility: Even minor accounting errors can cause a company’s stock price to drop. This is because investors are concerned about the accuracy of a company’s financial statements. If there are too many accounting errors, investors may lose confidence in the company and sell their shares, which could further cause the stock price to drop.
The accountant shortage is a significant issue that could substantially impact firms. Businesses must address the problem by giving competitive pay and perks to attract qualified accountants. They should also invest in training and development initiatives to assist current staff in developing the skills required for accounting success.
Read more: How Bookkeeping Services Can Help CPA Firms Improve Productivity
6 Benefits of Offshore Staffing for Accounting Firms in the US
CPA businesses must maximize their revenues as soon as possible because the accounting market is competitive. Profit is one of the most essential variables in the growth and expansion of accounting organizations.
Working with an outsourcing partner in a nation with lower labor costs, such as India, the Philippines, or Vietnam, is one of the most successful techniques for accounting businesses to attain profitability.
However, cost-effectiveness is a relatively restricted benefit of remote hiring for accounting companies since various other unknown benefits lurk beneath the recruiting approach for US-based offshore staffing organizations.
Avoid Losing Potential Clients
The best part about offshore staffing is having a committed, qualified, and competent offshore team at your disposal. As a result, your ability to handle bookkeeping and accounting duties multiplies threefold.
Furthermore, if you engage offshore accounting services from various time zones, such as Vietnam and the United States, where there is a 12-hour time difference, you can give services around the clock.
So, if you receive an urgent contact from a client, you can immediately begin working on their project because you have a backup crew to assist you. This will eventually boost a new accounting firm’s profit and reputation among clients.
Read more: Tax Outsourcing Helps Retain and Acquire New Clients in Tax Season
No Need to Fear Losing Employees
If you’ve been in the accounting profession for a while, you’re probably aware of how tough it is to find and maintain qualified personnel in this competitive field. Companies must sometimes face a significant loss if their accountant resigns. This damage will be exacerbated for small and medium-sized businesses, which will be forced to engage new accountants quickly and pay a premium.
However, if you have an offshore accounting team, you won’t lose your work even if your in-house personnel quits without warning. This is because many accounting professionals and tax experts support offshore accounting firms.
High-end Quality Assurance
Accounting is delicate; a single incorrect entry or computation can cause many problems. Business organizations rely on professional accounting firms only because they are frustrated with the number of errors and reviews required in the work of their in-house accountants. However, when professional accounting businesses overload their in-house workers, they cannot pay the required attention to work, gradually increasing the number of errors.
However, because you may be more demanding with your service provider and require quality and efficient work that was mutually agreed upon, offshore staffing for accounting firms can alleviate this problem. Accounting firms might even improve their operational efficiency with this solution.
Extra Value for Your Clients
Suppose you want to expand your accounting firm and provide more services to your clients, such as auditing, tax preparation, payroll, etc. In that case, you may encounter obstacles such as a lack of time, a limited budget, a shortage of expertise, and various other problems.
However, you can learn to deliver additional services to your consumers through progeny. For example, suppose you wish to offer tax preparation services to your clients during tax season. In that case, you can offshore the service for a limited period and offer entire financial solutions under one roof.
Read more: 5 Tips for CPAs to Improve Peak Tax Season Productivity
Increased Profitability without Extra Efforts
The primary goal of offshore staffing for accounting businesses is to make more money by cutting expenses while maintaining workflow and putting in more effort. In this hiring technique, you first save costs by eliminating overheads such as part-time pay and other departmental overheads.
This allows accounting firm owners to use their spare time to develop marketing ideas to advertise their company. Accounting firms can boost their business profits in a variety of ways by offshore work.
Hire Additional Staff Suiting Your Business Cycle
Accounting and bookkeeping tasks are typically assigned to firms for a set period based on their business cycles, ultimately determined by their corporate structure. Banking and finance businesses, for example, have a tremendous accounting workload towards the end of the fiscal year because they must conclude all accounts.
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9 Things to consider when choosing an Offshore Staffing for Accounting Firms
When choosing offshore staffing for accounting firms, consider these key factors to ensure they select the right offshore partner.
The amount of savings that can be achieved with offshore staffing will vary depending on several factors, such as the size and type of business, the specific roles being outsourced, the location of the offshore staff, and the level of experience and skill required for the job. However, it is estimated that businesses can save up to 70% on labor costs by outsourcing jobs to countries with lower labor costs.
In general, offshore staffing can save costs in several areas, including labor costs, taxes, benefits, and overhead expenses. For example, businesses can hire skilled workers in countries with lower labor costs and pay them lower salaries than they would for equivalent positions in their home country. Additionally, offshore staff may not require the same benefits or insurance coverage as domestic staff, reducing costs.
Read more: The Cost of Outsourced Bookkeeping Services for Your CPA Firm
Quality of service
The quality of the service provided by an offshore staffing provider is essential. You should ensure the provider has a good track record of delivering high-quality work. You should also check the provider’s references and ask for samples of their work.
You must ensure the offshore staffing provider is flexible enough to meet your needs. You should be able to scale up or down your workforce as needed. You should also be able to change the type of work that you outsource as your needs change.
The offshore staffing provider should be reliable and responsive. You should be able to reach them when needed, and they should be able to deliver on their promises.
The offshore staffing provider should have robust security measures to protect your data. You should ensure that the provider has a secure infrastructure and follows best practices for data security.
Time zone difference
If you are in a different time zone than the offshore staffing provider, you need to ensure that the time difference will not be a problem. You should be able to communicate with the provider during your working hours, and they should be able to deliver on their promises on time.
Language barrier
If you are not fluent in the language of the offshore staffing provider, you need to make sure there is a way to communicate effectively. You should be able to communicate with the provider in your language or have access to a translator.
Cultural differences
There may be cultural differences between you and the offshore staffing provider. You need to make sure that these differences do not create any problems. You should be aware of the cultural norms of the provider’s country, and you should be respectful of these norms.
Legal implications
You need to ensure there are no legal implications to outsourcing your work to an offshore staffing provider. You should check with your lawyer to ensure that you comply with all applicable laws.
By considering these points, businesses can select an offshore staffing provider that meets their needs and helps them achieve their goals.
Offshore Staffing for Accounting Firms: Conclusion
Outsourcing accounting tasks to a trusted partner can open up a box of benefits for accounting firms by which they can increase their profit, flexibility, and productivity without putting in the extra effort.
Now, whether you want to hire offshore accountants to handle the work of your accounting department or some specific accounting tasks, you can contact Bestarion and get a deep briefing from our managers. Feel free to contact us via email at [email protected] or call this number (+84) 349 600 819
Why Bestarion?
Bestarion will be a back-office support provider without direct contact with your clients. Your CPA firm works directly with the client; all communication and reports are in your name. As a result, the client is unaware of Bestarion’s function as a strategic partner. We have two models, including Fixed-price and Hourly rate.
Highest Security Levels: We are an ISO 9001:2015, 27001:2013, and GDPR-certified company that can cater to all the requirements for Accounting services such as Bookkeeping, Payroll, and Tax Preparation. We invest in robust security systems and applications, provide adequate security training to employees and ensure that our client’s data is always protected.
Cost & Time Saving: We can help you to reduce operating costs by eliminating costs of taxes, office space, and equipment. It frees up your time to focus on core business activities.
Timely Financial Reporting: We ensure accurate, prompt, and reliable financial reporting within prescribed deadlines. Allowing your organization can enhance transparency, facilitate effective decision-making, and maintain compliance with regulatory standards.
Technology-driven Approach: We leverage the latest cloud-based finance and accounting software to automate tasks, record transactions, generate orders and reports. This technology-driven approach allows us to enhance efficiency and streamline financial processes effectively.
Read more: How Accounting Outsourcing To Viet Nam Benefits USA Accounting Firms?
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gerneralife · 1 year
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get-your-dreams · 1 year
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mygoalseekj · 1 year
Common Myths with Offshore Outsourcing
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Although working in a big IT company is not an easy task for an employee. The work becomes more complex when you are the head of any department in the company. You cannot do everything by yourself. You cannot trust everyone in your staff who can handle the work nicely. You must need an offshore outsourcing company to lighten the burden of work from other regions. This leads to focus on the company’s main task or goal-oriented process.
As we know, all good things in the world have some myths also. Offshore Outsourcing also has many myths that need to be cleared. Before moving further, you must know what offshore outsourcing is and how it works.
What is offshore outsourcing?
The practice of hiring a third-party organization or another company in another nation to carry out certain business operations is known as offshore outsourcing. Simply said, the company that offers offshore outsourcing services offers services to customers worldwide.
Software development and IT services are typically outsourced. When businesses find it impossible to handle the growing workload, they hire a foreign company to do the task and use it to serve their clients. For example, the businesses may contract operations, product and software development, manufacturing, and other tasks.
For services like mobile app and web development, UX/UI design, digital marketing, ORM, etc., businesses also use offshore outsourcing firms. The main outsourcing locations for IT-related services are nations like China and India.
Myths of offshore outsourcing:
● Offshore outsourcing is new:
Since its inception in the manufacturing sector in 1970, businesses have outsourced less crucial labour to other vendors. These days, manufacturers outsource between 70 and 80 percent of the parts of final goods.
● Offshore outsourcing is only for IT companies:
It may be the ideal option for new businesses because they may obtain a small company with a professional team expansion, which enables businesses to improve their competence affordably.
● A job outsourced is a job loss:
By using lower-cost inputs to produce more end output, outsourcing helps all businesses and households in a nation to enjoy cheaper costs. Lower prices result in greater living standards and more jobs in an expanding economy.
● Offshoring International Outsourcing hurts domestic companies:
Businesses must constantly seek ways to improve performance to survive in today’s cutthroat business environment. This can be done by obtaining the best supplier services, which promote growth and, in turn, benefit the economy.
● Offshore Outsourcing means poor quality outputs:
According to Deloitte’s Global Outsourcing Surveys, concerns about subpar service quality have significantly decreased from 2014 to 2016. This demonstrates faith in how the BPO sector has demonstrated innovation and progress in terms of service quality.
● Several time zones slow project work:
Different time zones, on the other hand, different time zones guarantee that work is done even while you sleep. Consider the type of project you want to work on when selecting an outsourcing partner and decide whether or not the time difference will be advantageous to you.
● Offshore Outsourcing is not a long-term solution:
Strategic services like enterprise resource planning, supply chain management, and customer service are also provided by outsourcing businesses. To secure sources of income and cash flow, BPOs seek out long-term clientele. BPOs may provide clients with solutions that are in line with their demands by getting to know the business objectives, plans, and vision of their clients.
Conclusion: Offshore outsourcing is the only way to remove the burden on your IT firm. It provided many benefits like cost control, employment, improved focus, etc. If you are also thinking of bringing Offshore outsourcing to your firm, then you can trust this article.
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angelacortez · 1 year
CHAPTER 3 : 04/05/2023 ~ Time or Money
It's better to waste money than time. Why? You can always get more money.
There's a lot of going on in this world as of the moment. It's like, everyday, there's something new.
And all we can do is ignore and focus on our goals.
But there's a question today that I read:
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Would you rather have more time or money?
For me, in my opinion.
Time is important but money is much more important.
You can buy others time so you, yourself can have more time.
But if you don't have that money, someone, somewhere, will buy your time.
Do you realized that?
For example, you need money, because basically you don't have one in reality. So you will sell your 8hrs of time and effort daily and have the money you need.
That's called having a job.
In this case, they need more people to work for them so they can expand there finances.
Their finances make them afford everything they want, go somewhere they want and have the best time they want.
We need money, to buy time.
Technology itself, make everything easier so people can save money and time, right?
Because both are important.
But for me, money is very important. Why? Because I wanna help everyone I can and it does need more money than I thought.
I wanna help old people. When I'm working in the BPO company, where I receive calls. Most of old people in America are alone. How do I say that? Because when they call, they are asking for a technical help, of course, that's my job, I'm a tech support expert, of course I needed to be more helpful when it comes to technology even if google is part of my job, they can't understand my terms so I asked them if anyone is with them at the moment. They say no and that made me sad. Some of them can't even memorize their children's phone number or doesn't know how to dial so they call 611 to ask for help. I needed to be more professional even though deep inside me is breaking. I really have the heart for old people. If I ever had all the money I need, I will make a shelter where all old people can enjoy their time and give the help they need. This idea will also create a living for people who also have a heart for old people.
I also have the heart for animals, they melt my heart 100 times and it's breaking me when I see dogs or thin cats who are asking for food nicely. I wanna make a farm or a shelter for all the dogs and cats out there and I am the one who will take care for all of them. I love them so much.
Also one of my goals is to create a company that will protect Filipinos from online attacks, like scams, fraud, bullying etc. Also a company that will teach onliners to create a good environment in social media. I wanna create a good environment for social media enthusiast before 2030 hits and this is going to be a huge thing. It's more of like an FBI, but more transparent and goal driven. We cannot just trust government to protect us when they are the people who let this bad things happen to us. This will give a lot of jobs for fresh graduates who wants to have a good job after graduating. I know how hard it is to get a job and experience and I experienced that.
(all of these ideas are already planned from top to bottom and has a business plan, floor plan and financial plan ready to be executed anytime as soon as my financial stability hits)
I really really have the heart to help, I am the happiest whenever I helped someone or someone thanks me for helping them and I don't wanna see these things as taking advantage of me so I really need to get rich and waste my time helping people, if it's consider wasting time at all.
I also wanna have a meaningful life. What's life for if you don't know what's the meaning of it?
Your dreams and goals will give meaning to your life, fella.
Catch it while you can.
If you have money, you decide what you do for the day.
This is very true.
Everything needs money, even fixing things need money. Having a source of water needs money, electricity, wifi and roof over your head does need money.
If you have money for those things, the next thing you will need is your emergency money that will be there in case something happens to you or to your money.
Telling me that you don't need that is insanity.
You didn't work and buy important stuffs for them to be sold because you can't afford medicines.
You didn't afford your kids school fees, just for them to drop out because you can't afford their tuition fees anymore after getting terminated at work for being sick.
You didn't buy a house, just to sell it again because you have a huge loan for your hospital bills.
It's very selfish that people say and think that money is not important so they waste it for the materials that they don't even need.
Investment is important, you will only learn that if you listen to a person who's willing to teach you on how to get ready for your retirement.
Having a retirement plan, as early as now will save you from forced retirement and early retirement. This will save your savings, assets and liabilities.
I hope everyone learned that it might not be important to you right now, but in the future, it will hit differently.
I wish you don't experience the biggest regrets a lot of people like you currently have.
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bookmytalent · 2 years
Will Outsourcing QA in Software Testing Help Your Company?
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The market is crowded with competitors, giving customers numerous options for purchasing their desired products. But one thing that makes you different from your rival is the quality of your product. And, in order to stay competitive, businesses are increasingly relying on outsourcing Quality Assurance. But the question here arises is, will outsourcing QA actually help your business? 
Chances are, the same product as yours has already been introduced elsewhere, if not in your own city or country. And if your products are not able to appeal to your target audience, then what are you even doing?
Here, to make sure the product quality is top-notch, like every other company you also need to outsource quality assurance. Now you must be wondering why to outsource when your in-house team can do the same.
This blog is going to address the same question, as well as several others that frequently baffle people. So, put everything else aside and focus your attention entirely on this. Because after reading this all your confusion and questions will fade away. You will have a clear understanding of whether your company should consider software testing outsourcing or not.
Let’s start by answering a very basic question.
What Is the Meaning of Outsourcing?
Outsourcing is a business practice in which a third party replaces an in-house team to perform a task. In other words, outsourcing is the hiring or subcontracting of one company or an individual by another company to perform specific tasks. This encompasses both IT outsourcing and business process outsourcing(BPO).
IT outsourcing handles the day-to-day management and operation of IT assets and processes. In contrast, BPO involves the ownership, administration, and management of specific business processes or support functions.
What Is Quality Assurance Outsourcing in Software Testing?
Quality assurance in software testing is the process by which a company has the quality of its software tested. It is critical in providing customers with high-quality, flawlessly functioning software and web applications.
Why Is Outsourcing Quality Assurance Beneficial for Your Company?
Quality assurance is all about making the top-quality product available for your customers. QA & testing teams are difficult to build from scratch even for companies that have internal IT departments.
Here is where outsourcing quality assurance comes to the rescue. And, of course, it has a slew of advantages that we are going to discuss below:
Outsourced quality assurance helps businesses save time and money:
Hiring someone new to join your company is time taking and costly task. Conducting interviews, selecting and hiring a candidate, and getting that QA tester acquainted with your office culture, workflow, etc costs a lot of time and money.
Instead, it is preferable for companies to outsource the experienced QA tester from a trusted third party and get their work done.
Citta solutions, for example, is an organization that helps businesses outsource quality assurance cost-effectively.
Outsourcing helps your company get access to the best QA engineers:
Due to a large number of experienced QA engineers across the globe, finding the best QA engineers for a project can be quite challenging. Here the companies can take the help of the QA outsourcing agencies to get the right candidate for the project whenever needed.
Quality assurance outsourcing helps you focus on your core business functions:
You keep your internal team free by outsourcing quality assurance. By doing this, you along with your in-house team can concentrate on key business operations, enhancing the caliber and effectiveness of your company.
Putting money into quality assurance gives your customers more confidence in you:
Your customers feel more confident using your product when you make the necessary investments to ensure the highest possible quality. They are aware of the value you place on them. And is particularly crucial if you want to foster long-lasting business partnerships and increase client loyalty.
You will have a team of highly qualified and talented testers:
Getting testers outsourced helps you build a team of global testers that are extremely talented and experienced in their field. They will be approachable at all times and adaptable enough to work in various time zones.
They will have access to extremely cutting-edge tools enabling them to thoroughly test your code and ultimately produce something of which you will always be proud.
When Should You Consider Outsourced QA Testing Services?
Here are some situations and particular factors that force businesses to outsource QA:
There is a lack of resources and skills in the internal team:
Even if you have a large staff of specialists working for you, they may not all be experts in all areas. It is especially beneficial for startups to utilize the abilities and assets of seasoned QA testing teams.
They are familiar with the methodologies, techniques, and best practices for testing required to get the most from the QA process. The outsourcing company provides you with experts who guarantee a successful launch of your software. 
You need to complete a project and the deadline is near:
Think about how diligently your DevOps team toiled for weeks on a new CRM application. The app must be made available as soon as possible because testing is about to begin. The team does not have the necessary skills, but you cannot delay the launch due to investor expectations.
You can obtain quick results with outsourced QA without sacrificing quality. So, in order to meet the deadline, you look for a QA testing team’s help. Due to their knowledge and effective workflow, they can provide quality testing in a short amount of time, allowing you to meet even the tightest deadlines.
Sometimes what your business needs is an outsider’s perspective:
Often, working on the same project for weeks and months fog up your brain thus not letting you spot even the smallest flaw. Having a fresh perspective now is very helpful, and outsourcing can help with that.
It is a result of the QA team’s absence from the development process. They are able to identify usability and functionality gaps as a result. To look for any bugs the application might have, they also take into account the unpredictable aspect of user behavior.
When a project is short-term, outsourcing QA can be advantageous:
The best software development tools and the necessary expertise can be acquired more affordably through QA outsourcing. This is even more beneficial for urgent tasks. You don’t have to build a team of QA testers from scratch that you won’t use in the long run if you outsource.
Employing Remote QA Testers Is a Cost-Effective Outsourcing Strategy
Given the numerous advantages that outsourcing QA services offer, it is understandable why more and more companies are choosing this option over establishing an internal quality assurance team.
You can cut costs and time while hiring the top talent on the market by outsourcing your testing work to remote QA testers.
With a remote team of skilled QA testers at their disposal, BMT, your top offshore QA outsourcing partner, is always prepared to help.
Our experts are skilled at testing products using cutting-edge equipment, and they make sure that each resource is assigned to send daily reports to the client.
We offer 24-hour customer support to ensure that the client and team can communicate clearly despite being in different time zones.
All you have to do is visit our official website, go on the find talent page, apply filters and search for your candidate.
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The Call Center Outsourcing
Deals and promoting are fundamental business works that at last decide an organization's prosperity. Normally, organizations take extraordinary measures to draw in new clients and hold existing clients. Internet promoting and long range interpersonal communication have become new roads to arrive at clients. Selling administrations and client support keep on being the essential channels through which brand mindfulness is made due. These center abilities are every now and again dealt with through call centre in Philippines. Most call habitats can give both inbound and outbound selling and client care administrations. Contest is wild, and organizations should adjust to a quickly changing worldwide commercial center. Subsequently, seaward call places are turning into an additional well known implies by which organizations can further develop administration and oversee costs. Call centre in Philippines can assist your business with working on its efficiency, and give day in and day out selling and client care for a portion of the expense expected to locally deal with these administrations.
Most outbound call place specialist organizations handle tedious errands like recruiting phone salespeople and client care delegates. This permits your organization to zero in on its center skills. Outbound call habitats take the time and assets to play out the recruiting system so you don't need to. Phone salespeople go through intensive testing, preparing, and practice earlier joining your re-appropriating effort. BPO in healthcare for the most part expect phone salespeople to have a higher education and earlier selling and client support insight preceding being employed. Contact focus specialists likewise get continuous preparation through web meetings and discussions with other experienced telesales delegates. This permits your selling office to furnish your organization with just profoundly qualified client care associates. Inland call habitats seldom have such elevated expectations for their representatives. It is a lot harder to find school taught phone salespeople in nations like the US, Britain, and Australia, than it is in the Philippines and India. Besides, organizations which draw in outbound or inbound call community organizations are urged to communicate with their seaward specialists as frequently as they feel important to acclimate them with their items or administrations. This is significant in light of the fact that whether you recruit phone salespeople or client care administrators, specialists should comprehend your item or administration to genuinely bring your organization esteem. There are a huge number of studies and reviews that show that preparing phone salespeople preceding sending off a re-appropriating or outbound selling effort is one of the best strategies for expanding deals.
When your outbound or inbound selling effort is ready to go, it means a lot to know what's in store. Selling call focus specialists can be entrusted with goals, for example, arrangement setting, lead age, request taking, or deals selling. Make certain to speak with the BPO in healthcare you select to characterize your objectives and assumptions. Selling organizations will ordinarily be glad to direct your organization through the cycle. Outbound selling requires accuracy, and objectives should be obviously characterized and process cleaned to be basically as productive and compelling as could really be expected. Assuming that your organization and call focus specialist co-op can consummate the cycle, you ought to see the outcomes and results you want. As a rule, this implies further developed lead age, extra arrangements being set, and more deals.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3736607
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orbitcareerhub · 2 years
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Have you been taking calls for days, months, or years and yet you are still confused about what is the industry you are working with does? 🤔 Here is a comprehensive guide to what Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) companies do & how they help businesses succeed.
What does a BPO company do?
BPO stands for Business Process Outsourcing. It is a method of subcontracting various business-related operations to third-party vendors.
Although BPO was first only used by manufacturing companies, such as soft drink manufacturers, who outsourced large portions of their supply chains, it is today used for the outsourcing of many different goods and services.
Also, a BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) company is an organization a business hires to perform certain process tasks to make the business operate successfully.
Some of the services that can be "outsourced" include accounting, payroll, human resources, IT services, data recording, telemarketing, social media marketing, or even a particular production process, among many others.
BPO fills the supplementary business functions with services that could be technical or non-technical.
A better understanding of Business Process Outsourcing…
Many businesses, be they startups or large companies, opt to outsource processes as new and innovative services are rapidly becoming available in today's ever-changing, highly competitive business climate.
Contrarily, front-office BPO tasks commonly involve customer-related functions like tech support, sales, and marketing.
What is the goal of BPO and what are its types?
BPO is the abbreviation for "business process outsourcing," which refers to when companies outsource business processes to a third-party (external) company. One of the primary goals is to cut costs, free up time, and focus on the core aspects of the business.
There are two types of BPO: front-office and back-office.
Back-office BPO entails the internal aspects of a business, such as a payroll, inventory purchasing, and billing. It is also known as “internal business functions”. These are the functions that are aimed at the stakeholders within the organization. Most times, back-office functions are processes that will require an entire department, budget, and a large number of personnel to do; While front-office BPO focuses on activities external to the company, such as marketing and customer service. It is also known as “external business functions”. Front-office functions include customer relations services, marketing, and sales. It is all about finding new customers for business and satisfying the needs of existing customers.
What are the types of BPO companies?
There are three primary types of BPO companies: These are local outsourcing, offshore outsourcing, and nearshore outsourcing.
Local outsourcing - is done by a company that is in the same country as your business. Offshore outsourcing - is a company that is in another country; And nearshore outsourcing - is a company that is in a country that is not too far from your country.
What is a BPO Call Center?
On behalf of other businesses, a BPO call center handles outsourced incoming and outgoing customer calls. Many BPO call centers will have agents who can handle customer complaints or inquiries for a variety of different companies, often within a specific specialty. For example, one call center agent may be able to field technical support phone calls for a variety of vendors or manufacturers.
Business process outsourcing (BPO) utilizes third-party specialists to carry out some part of a business process or operation (as opposed to outsourcing the entire production). BPO can lower a company's costs, increase efficiency, and provide flexibility. At the same time, the BPO industry is rapidly growing, which means that in our increasingly global economy, process outsourcing is not going anywhere. Sooner or later, this industry will get to the top. As technology evolves, it also arises.
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