educationcouncil · 1 year
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jvpiterstears · 4 months
vent-ish.. content warnings: system dormancy / trauma talk / tacomic & paco (mentioned)
note to self. apparently, alters can and will force themselves into dormancy if/when they feel too stressed about things. including alters who have important roles.
including the host.
i’m sorry, taco. i’m sorry you felt so unwanted by the world. that you felt like no one would ever accept you… you deserved to feel safe and comfortable. you shouldn’t have had to force yourself into dormancy because of what people have said about your source self— you aren’t her, even if you’re still source attached.
i know it was stressful to hear so many horrible things about you. to hear people call you an abuser, say you deserve to die, saying you shouldn’t be allowed to live a normal life, so much hate and pressure was pushed onto you… i know you were hurting. i know what terrifying things you remembered happening in your childhood and i feel so terrible for you. no child should ever be put through so much just to get blamed for their natural response to the trauma… you weren’t even 13 when your family was doing horrible horrible things to you. physically and mentally, it’s not a surprise you turned out how you did.
and i know you loved pickle. you loved mic, too. and you thought you could never find anyone who would accept you for that, but trust when i say there are so many people out there who support who you were.
you were from a world where everyone hated you and even in this world had to feel like that was the case… i know i’m saying this a lot but i really am sorry. i’m so, so, so sorry and i hope you come back soon.
because we’re falling apart without you in charge.
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end-of--the-line · 4 months
im Eating zinc Like a fuckign Magnet to Iron. Im eating zinc like a goat and Salt licks . im eating zinc like a motherfucking Revacholian suzerain addicted to purple fucking cocaine . I am going to die,
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kutyaharapas · 5 months
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can anyone put this . guy inmy. roum
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ocasprivateltd · 9 months
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When you move to another country for various purposes or higher education, employment, etc. You must attest to your educational certificate attestation services in Odisha to prove their legitimacy.For more details call us at: +91-8280198550 or visit our website: -https://ocas.co.in/
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alilweirddragon · 1 year
My hair is getting so fucking annoying I want a hair cut wjdnnsnd
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examsprep · 1 year
Why Is Making the Most of Your Material Biju Patnaik university of technology Important?
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neptunks · 3 months
More doodles
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uuuuuhhh I was so nervous to bput this here but
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oooooough gift(s)@.? for @silvixxen (srry for mention :[) ive wanted to draw beep for the longest she’s so cute than.k you IM SORRY if I messed up on siemthing😭
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skyethewolfwizard · 4 months
hows you
How bput u :3
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loverainline · 6 months
How the Weasleys lost a son for the first time (Part 2)
The voices of cheerful conversations reached his ears. He quitly closed the door behind him and heard his mother greet him from the kitchen. „Percy! Youre home early!“ she exclaimed excitedly and hugged him once he had entered the kitchen himself. „Hello Mother!“ he answered, noticing that his father was allready home too.
He sat at the kitchen table with most of his siblings and was playing cards with Fred and George. „Hello, my son.“ he said smiling. „Hey Pearce! Anything new at work? Did they finally bought the new parchement paper, that you wanted?“ Fred asked, for witch he earned laughter from Ron and a kick from George. „Shut up!“ George said, „Or do you want to listen to an hour long speech about the importance of parchement and different types of ink?!“ he added in an exaggerated display of horror. Ginny laughed and Fred smiled.
„Actually...“ began Percy, with a smile of his own. „...I bear good, no fantastic news!“ Fred and George continued with their card game, as if they had not heard him, but his father, bless him,bput his cards on the table and looked at him curiously. „What good news, Percy?“ he asked. Ron was looking at him expectangly and his mother had a kind smile on her face. „ I got promoted!“ Percy exclaimed. „Oh Percy, that is wonderfull! Arthur, did you hear?“ his mother asked, her hands touching her chest in pure bliss. „Of course, dear. What kind of promotion, my boy?“ asked his father carefully.
Percy began happily to explain to his family what happened just a few hours ago at his office in great detail. When he was finished, nobody said anything.
He noticed, how his fathers face turned into a frown and how his mother turned worridly towards him. „But, dear...“ she began carefully, but was interrupted by Arthur, who said slowly: „Percy, that can't be. You are to young. The ministry of magic would not choose someone so... inexperienced for such a position.“ Percy felt something cold climb into his bones.
What was going on? Was his family not proud, not happy for him? „What do you mean?“ he asked in a small voice. He noticed, that Fred and George had turned towards their conversation as well and how Ginny and Ron glanced meaningfull at each other.
„Well...“ sighed Arthur, as if he had the difficult task before him to explain Arithmancy to a troll. „...if the ministry picks someone so young, like you for this position, they must have a very good reason to do so.“ Hope welled in Percys chest, this he could understand. „Yes father, I know! Isn't it great, that they want to reward my hard work by entrusting me with such a position?“ His father looked striken, before he carefully, answered: „Percy, please think for a moment. Do you really think the ministry would offer you this position without an ulterior motive?“
„Why wouldn't they?!“ answered Percy more heated than he had wanted to. Did his father also thought so little of his talents? „Percy...“ his father began, as if talking to a little kid. „...it is very clear to me, that the ministry offered you this position, because they want... well something like a spy. Soneone close to Harry.“ Percy was speechles.
That could not be! The ministry did not want to use him, they trusted him, that was all! He could hear Fred and George giggle, while his parents starred pitily at him. And in this moment, the couldness in him was replaced with a burning rage, so intently that he was a little bit scared of it himself.
„What do you know!“ He yelled at his father, who looked shocked at his outburst. „All you ever did was the bare minimum! That is why the ministry never entrusted you with a good position. That is why we were always so poor!“ He could her Ron make a choking sound but carried on. „Maybe you are just jealous, that your son got a better position than you? Well, maybe that is because unlike you, unlike ALL of you, I actually worked hard for my carreer!“ „What career?!“ yelled Arthur angrily. „You just started your work at the ministry! You know nothing, can't you see that they are just using you as a pawn in theire fight against Dumbledore?!“ „I don't care about Dumbledore! I will find my own way!“ replied Percy heatetly. „You are acting like a child.“ replied his father quietly.
Maybe it was the disapointment in his fathers voice, that made the all blindind rage inside him disapear. But all what Percy felt now, was a cold more intencly than ever. He hold his fathers gase for a while, not knowing what to say. He felt everybodys eyes on him. A mixture of judgement and disapointment. He heard his mother crying, his siblings whispering, the clicking of the clock on the wall near him, the clatter of dishes in the sink, the animals outside.
This was not another day, it was exactly like any other, but worse, because he had said thinks, that he would usually only have dared to think. Things he could not take back, maybe did not wanted to.
The anxiety inside him became stromger, the longer he held his fathers gase and Percy knew he could not handle it any longer. „Fine.“ he replied. „Fine... if I am acting indeed as childish as you say, maybe I should finally become an adult, yes? Not living under my parents roof, but beeing my own men!“ and with these words and one last worried glance at his mother he turned around and left the house, that had been his home all his life.
„Nooo! Percy! Come back, please!“ his mother yelled. He did not turned arround. He hurridly walked down the path he had come from. And disapparated into thin air. The last thing he saw, where the blurry figures off his family, who looked after him outside the house.
When his feed touched solid ground again, he was in London. Many people walked past him, not taking any notice. His father was wrong about him, he had to be! Percy thought. He would show him, show them all what he was capable of! He wanted to proof to them, that all theire insults and critisism where wrong! But mostly he wanted to proof that to himself.
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ghommytommytime · 1 year
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autistic-ranpo · 2 months
got bput in rb jain at 11:59 pm like GIRL you accomplished nothing
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straydogsys · 6 months
I don't have NPD but all the attention I've been getting today has bput me on a high like. Yes I am God's specialist puppy. Praise me.
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tacogrande · 1 year
I am amazed that your sketch was actually closer to what Jack's gear would look like than mine.
your concept wwas great tho!! so much thought bput into iT!
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thatonegaybastard · 2 years
I always bput reiki and taira through the horrors b it in different ways. for taira in canon he just gets fucked over like fifty times but for reiki whenever I want to draw viplence my go to is them
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turnways · 1 month
Now that I'm thinking about it I know more about bput Mexico than Canada lmao
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