#brad vickers headcanons
chetchad · 5 months
Brad Vickers headcanons
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I can see him being a great cook.
Like, sometimes he doesn't even try and still tastes amazing.
And he subconsciously talks like he's on a cooking show, talking about all the ingredients and what they do to the flavor of the dish.
He's allergic to dogs, cats, rabbits-- basically anything with dander that isn't humans; he's allergic to.
But that doesn't stop him. If he's given the opportunity to pet or hold any animal that won't bite him: he's taking the opportunity. No hesitation.
Brad does have a couple guppies and a newt that he loves very much.
He enjoys gardening. He has a cute little garden every summer, and has flowers as much as he can.
He does have a house and not just an apartment, I only say this cause it's a cute thought of him having an adorable little house.
Now, I'm projecting on his car. He has a little '97 Honda Civic EX. A white one to be specific.
He has a very low alcohol tolerance. He's a lightweight. Just a couple sips of a beer and he's already giggling.
He likes fruity cocktails. Like, sex on the beaches(? Is that the plural?), apple martinis, strawberry daiquiris, stuff like that.
This may sound weird, but he 10/10 has a little schoolgirl crush on Marvin. He gets all blushy and giggly when they talk, he'll most likely stutter over his words a lot.
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phonkscribes · 1 year
Like a shadow.
You’re enigmatic, even to Captain Wesker. There isn’t much that people know about you, aside from your job and how well you’re able to perform it. As Alpha team’s reconnaissance specialist, you have quite the knack for traveling undetected, your presence being perfectly… which has some problems of its own some times.
Headcanons for a sneaky S.T.A.R.S agent. Part 1
You find his reactions to discovering you’re there and waiting to be the most entertaining.
He screams, jumps, and tries to act like you didn’t scare the life out of him.
“(Y/N)! Didn’t see ya there… haha..”
“Most don’t before it’s too late”
Your smile after saying something like that unnerves him a little.
You remind him of Batman, especially when you disappear after looking away for two seconds.
The longer you work with Brad, the more used to it he becomes so he doesn’t shriek when seeing you in spots he would’ve normally not expected to see you in.
Everyone else might get startled still, so he’s proud being one of the few that have stopped jolting when you make yourself known.
If he spots you before you can surprise him, he’s super proud of himself. Not that you’re doing it intentionally anymore
When he’s alone, he knows that he’s never really because he thinks that you might be there, looking out for him
He’s started to talk aloud on his lunch breaks if he’s not eating with Jill or Chris and the others.
Some might find it weird, but that’s because they don’t know you’re there.
You don’t have to say anything, you just being there is enough. Though when you do approach, he knows that his secrets and fears are safe with you.
He’s really curious about you, given that you’re a little too good at what you do and your vague answers piss him off.
As the Omni man of Alpha team, he kind of uses you as a point to strengthen his senses so that he doesn’t get snuck up on.
This fails because he’s constantly anticipating you to appear, so he’s a little peeved when you don’t.
Finally when he lowers his guard is when you happen to strike, a little bit on purpose and because you had to deliver papers from your captain to him.
“Frost. Got somethin’ for ya”, there’s a cheeky smile on your face, as small as it is, but it still manages to piss him off.
“GAH! How the hell do you do that anyways?! God, it’s friggin’ creepy man…”
“I could teach ya… after you get these assignments done”
He’d brighten up at that, but still be pouting at your sudden appearance when he didn’t expect you to approach him from wherever you did.
You were serious about it, and so after hours, you give him the artful guide to sneaking around like a ninja. It’s all in the weight of your feet and breathing through the nose.
Of course, he’s not the most patient man in the world, just a jack of all trades. So when he tries to pull his pranks on Chris or Brad from what you’ve shown him, he can’t help but get the feeling that you lied somehow.
“It’s what I’m good at. Like how you’re good at handling dangerous things and doing magic”
“Yeah but… how’d you get so good at it? What’d you do before coming here?”
“Legally I’m not allowed to tell you”, and it has him wringing the red bandana around his head.
You weren’t being fair at all, but… that’s what made you so interesting. He just had to know more.
The weapon specialist is the only person who knew of you prior to joining S.T.A.R.S.
Just like him, you’re ex-military, which he was able to vouch to Wesker when he had asked about you from what little your file spoke of you.
He’s had the pleasure of sparring with you a couple of times, impressed by how quickly you were able to move around on the mat.
Agile like a snake, crouched and waiting for an opening, he could hardly say he wasn’t stunned when he found his ass on the floor with you standing over him.
At the very least, he wouldn’t have to look after you like he felt he had to with Chris sometimes. You were very capable, and the rumors he’d heard floating around you only seemed to be nothing but the truth.
The second time you startled him, he nearly had a heart attack and warned you not to do that again
Him and Captain Wesker are spared from your silent approach, which he’s glad that you weren’t troublesome like a few of your other peers.
You seek him out for custom weapons since you know he’s pals with the gun shop owner downtown, since you know that he knows he’ll hook you up.
You don’t ask for much else, but he wouldn’t mind if you wanted to share a beer or something.
He wants to know who you are when you aren’t creeping around or doing recon work.
When you decline, he isn’t too surprised, but he won’t give up on you yet.
“Maybe some other time, Burton”, you reply with a shrug, he insists that you call him Barry.
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serrennedyanonwriter · 4 months
Guess who’s doing the hc thing? Me!
1 | 2 | 3
Anyways, this is part one of ??? I honestly don’t know how many there will be since I’m not only doing certain characters and leaving many out. Please don’t be homophobic/transphobic/etc. If you really hate this, then just scroll. Thank you!
Rebecca Chambers
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I’m going to be honest when I say I hc a lot of characters as aroace and polyamorous as I myself am aroace and polyamorous, and I crave representation.
Anyway, I don’t see her dating a man. She hates them /hj
As for being nonbinary, she gives off the vibes, I don’t know how to explain it.
Continuing on, she’s also aroace as she isn’t really interested in anyone in either way. Like, it takes a lot for her to actually fall in love.
Also, she’s polyamorous because I said so, fight me /hj
Billy Coen
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Straight Ally
Going to be honest when I say I’m biased when it comes to him.
I don’t really like his character, not to say no one can. Like, he has a good backstory, just don’t like the stuff he says to Rebecca, who may I remind you is 18, and judging by the fact the game takes place in July, she recently graduated, and he’s like 26.
He gives me the ick, I’m sorry, and for that reason, I don’t see him as anything but a straight-cisgendered man.
While I can attempt to ignore it as the writers being weird, I can’t do it since then I’d be biased as I’ve not done it for any other creep in the series, and I’m not going to start now.
Albert Wesker
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I mainly hc him as pansexual because of his VA seeing him as such, so it’s kind of semi-canon.
Plus, he hates everyone equally, and I find that to be an amazing reason to be pansexual.
Trans because my boyfriend made me realize how funny it’d be for Wesker to know of Jake’s existence, just ignores it.
Aroace as I don’t see him typically being attracted to anyone in anyway.
And polyamorous because I love shipping him with Krauser and William, so why not make him have both at the same time? /hj
William Birkin
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Remember how I said I like shipping Wesker with him? Yeah, that’s why he’s polyamorous. He has a wife AND a boyfriend.
Bisexual as he’s a men and women kisser /hj
Chris Redfield
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I meant it when I said I’m headcanoning a lot of bitches to be polyamorous for I crave representation.
I know a lot of people see him as a mlm gay, and before I get jumped for seeing him as bisexual, I’m also a mlm gay.
If anything, he’s more attracted to men because come on, we all seen how he looks at Leon in Vendetta, that’s not how you look at a friend-
Demisexual because vibes. I don’t see him sleeping with those he’s not particularly close with.
Polyamorous because I crave representation /hj
Jill Valentine
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Unlike Chris, she’s more attracted to women. She’s always thought she was a lesbian, but eventually, came to the terms she is attracted to men, just rarely does she ever do.
Trans as I view a lot of RE characters to be trans, and I’m not sorry.
Aroace and polyamorous as again, I crave representation + she doesn’t seem to be really interested in anyone throughout the series.
Barry Burton
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Straight Ally
Unlike Billy, I’m not biased for him, I really don’t see him being attracted to men, just his lovely wife.
He is okay with any pronouns as well since he doesn’t really mind a they/them, she/her, xe/xem, it/its, etc. used on him, but he is cisgender.
We’ll get to Moira eventually, but I see her as trans, and Barry was very accepting of her.
Brad Vickers
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He’s questioning as I’d like to think he’s unsure where he falls sexuality-wise. He’s well-aware that he’s not straight, but he doesn’t know fully what he is.
Asexual as I see him not being attracted to anyone like that.
Leon Kennedy
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Bisexual in the way that if he hasn’t canonly flirted with women, I would’ve made him gay /hj
Trans because have you seen him? He sounds and looks like he’s just started taking testosterone in the RE2R.
Demisexual because I can see him wanting to get close before he does anything like that.
Polyamorous as I hc/joke about him having a lot of boyfriends (Luis, Carlos, Chris, Sasha, and Ethan).
Luis makes jokes that everyone else (except Carlos since they’re dating too) is a boyfriend-in-law to him /hj
Claire Redfield
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Bisexual/Trans-Feminine (yes, I’m aware I put the wrong flag, shh, I didn’t realize until now)/Asexual/Greyromantic/Polyamorous
Bisexual as I can see her being with both men and women.
Trans as I find it funny to think that Chris is surrounded by trans people.
Asexual as she dislikes anything to do with sex.
Greyromantic as I see her rarely falling in love.
Polyamorous as once again, I crave representation.
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piers-wifey · 2 years
Thanksgiving is around the corner..... So 👀... Stars Thanksgiving. Who's bringing what dishes? Where's it being held? Would you help them cook? Lots of potential chaos or family moments 🥺
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I'm really sorry if this isn't good. I don't celebrate Thanksgiving where I live, so, I'm not sure if it's done accurately or not. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. Also, I want to thank you and @aroseybearinlove for the inspiration and ideas. I wish y'all a happy Thanksgiving! <3
• Since Barry has the biggest house and lots of space to accommodate so many people, the decision quickly fell on him
• Joseph, Chris and Forest are the first to show up at Barry's house, wearing matching sweaters and turkey hats. They refer to each other as Turkey#1, Turkey#2 and Turkey#3
• Moira and Polly love their silly hats and especially Forest's hilariously accurate impression of a turkey
• Chris claims that his impression is much more accurate than Forest's, resulting in them competing with each other for the best turkey impression
• Edward and Claire are helping Kathy in the kitchen with preparing the turkey and the desserts, as well as with cleaning up the dirty dishes afterwards
• Ed, being the softie he is, gives Moira and Polly some mini slices of Kenneth's homemade pumpkin pie and even lets them clean out the bowls
• Meanwhile Joseph, Forest and Chris try to sneak some bites, but Edward always catches them red handed and threatens to knock them out while swinging a spatula. Truly a terrifying sight, especially since that bear of a man is dressed in a pink apron with frills and flowers on it (He rocks the look tho)
• Because of that, Joseph calls him "The pink threat", a name that'll stick with him for the rest of eternity
• Kevin is put in charge of guarding the kitchen and keep the three out. At some point; however, Joseph almost managed to get him join him, Chris and Forest
• Unfortunately for them, Wesker caught wind of that and made them do a hundred push-ups, followed by fifty jumping jacks and another hundred sit-ups to teach them some self-control (And yes, they wore those turkey hats the entire time. Enjoy the mental picture)
• In the meantime Barry and Enrico set up the second table Enrico brought, while Kenneth and Richard set up the fireplace in the backyard to roast marshmallows and make s'mores later; something Richard is particularly looking forward to, hence why he and Bridgette brought all the needed ingredients
• You, Jill, Bridgette and Rebecca decorate the house and table and occasionally check on Edward, Claire and Kathy
• Brad, being one of the more responsible S.T.A.R.S. members and also surprisingly good with children, offered to take the girls to the playground for an hour or two, while the others get everything ready
• After everything's set and settled, everyone gathers at the dinner table, waiting for the turkey to be served. And while they're waiting, Chris, Joseph and Forest sing a little song they composed themselves, which the others gradually join in with
• Except for Wesker. But hey, at least he's not commenting on the improved lyrics that don't really make any sense, or the fact that none of them can actually sing
• When Kathy finally brings in the turkey, she is greeted by joyful cheers
• After dinner, everyone's sitting in the living room, either chatting with each other or playing board/card games. Moira and Polly will play some Mario Kart on Brad's SNES, or watch the little magic show Joseph has prepared for them, with Forest and Chris as his trusty assistants
• Those who don't have to drive will enjoy a glass or two or more of the whiskey Forest has brought, while the others either stick to coffee or lemonade
• Tipsy due to the alcohol and thanks to Claire's excellent taste in music - which comes in the form of music cassettes - the living room and kitchen soon become a dance floor. If you can even call Chris and Brad's wild jumping around "dancing"
• Edward and Claire show them how it's done right, and even Forest, who isn't sober himself, shows more talent at dancing than those two. Even though his dance partner Kevin is quite a klutz
• Wesker watches both teams with raised eyebrows, wondering how he ended up with such a chaotic bunch as subordinates and why he actually finds watching them go about their business so carelessly amusing and almost endearing
• Barry notices Wesker's slight smile and even manages to preserve it in a picture along with many other wonderful memories he will fondly remember
Tag list: @mirandawesker @albertweskerxchrisredfield @ravenrune @dagrans @eviltothecore13 @silvevia @redcloversinaflowerfield @aurorapink10 @sassiest-captain @sevythebeanqueen
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emmy024 · 5 months
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My old self would've been so excited to see this glow up. My present self is pleased with this result
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cannonfullofcanons · 6 months
Brad Vickers Headcanon - Lost Companion
Unlike some of his compatriots in STARS, Brad actively spent time helping others in the station in his down time, rather than spending it relaxing or catching up on sleep. He did tech support in both the east and west offices, went on coffee runs for Marvin, and was often seen helping Elliot and David move boxes of files or other casework across the station. Despite often expressing a fear of bigger dogs, he even helped out in the kennels. He worked occasionally with K-9 handler Tony O'Dell, helping to train some of the newer Dobermans between 1995 and 1998, and eventually formed a bond with one of the dogs, named Buddy. Buddy garnered the nickname Bundy by several of the officers for a deformation in his jaw, one which made the canine always appear to have a twisted sneer, and unsettled some of the officers in the precinct. Brad took a liking to him, seeing the dog as a fellow outcast, as Brad had been growing up. Brad did most of the training for Buddy until the outbreak in 1998, in which Buddy, along with all of the K-9 units in the Raccoon City Police Department, were infected through their drinking water.
Between 1997 and 1998, Brad made visits to the kennels to work with Buddy twice a week, be it for training or just to bring him a little treat when he had time. For a man who would ramble near-endlessly about technical jargon and his lizards, and was known to avoid dogs outside of the station, he truly loved that animal. Brad was even written up on two occasions for trying to give Buddy a hot dog, both of which led to an argument with Tony over the dog's dietary needs. Needless to say, Tony won both arguments.
Brad encountered Buddy during the outbreak, after the canine had been deployed with a SWAT team in a residential neighborhood. The dog, already infected and beginning to turn, didn't recognize Brad, and Brad barely recognized the dog himself. It looked to Brad that he was going to go the same way as Joseph, but the dog did recognize his voice when he yelled, as it clamped its jaws down on his right leg. Somewhere, in what was left of its ailing, rapidly fading mind, it held a flicker of recognition, a memory of a life already lost, and it was just enough to halt its attack. It left him there, subverting the T-Virus and its own insatiable hunger to spare its best friend. Brad escaped with a wounded leg, but not infected. This attack led to him enduring a bad limp through the rest of the outbreak in Raccoon City, and made evading the Nemesis just that much more difficult.
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labcampkill · 1 year
I like the idea that Wesker sponsored Brad! I'd like to hear more about that.
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OOC : So in my head Wesker sponsored him to the team. Why? Two reasons... #1 Brad is a really good pilot, they needed a pilot and Wesker is nothing if not pragmatic. #2 Brad seemed eager to please and so he seemed like he would be easy to manipulate (Which isn't totally wrong but even if Wesker had managed to get out of Arklay without blowing his cover Brad might not have been as malleable as Wesker thought.) Wesker betraying the team... That was a huge blow to Brad... he questioned everything about why he was even on the STARS team... There was a bit of friction just after Arklay, the survivors of that incident were already upset with him freaking out and flying away... And he's pretty sure Chris and Barry dug through his past with a fine toothcomb because Wesker had chosen him for the team... They eventually realized he had been just as fooled as the rest of them... but it still really messed with his head... Jill was the one who had his back during the whole thing... Which he didn't deserve but was eternally grateful for...
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hyponell3 · 2 years
I am currently thinking up the rest of the STARS members' possible animals for my little Resident-Crossing thing!!
I have a few in mind, though I am undecisive as always!!
Richard: OK, I'm debating on either Anteater, Squirrel, or Bird for him. Honestly, I REALLY want to make him an Anteater, I think he would be so adorable as one-
Joseph: He gives me SO MUCH monkey vibes, super energetic, little bastard that's super curious and social. Also mf is definitely the prankster of STARS along with Chris, you can't tell me otherwise.
Forest: God, this was tough, but I want to make him something COOL looking, with the Eagle and Lion being the coolest to me. I think the Lion would fit with his LUCIOUS HAIR and just swagger looks. Though a Wolf also seems fitting???? Lion though-
Enrico: Like Barry, he gives me Bear vibes, very beeg man and honestly, he just gives me those vibes. The big papa bears of their groups, yknow
Edward: TBH, I sometimes forget about him, and I feel bad yall- I think maybe a Tiger could fit him well.
Kenneth: My mannnn, I was thinking one of the bigger animals, like the Rhino or Elephant. Maybe a Rhino more though.
Brad: Chicken. I know, I know its the basic go to. BUT, I drew him as one in my doodle dump and now I love it too much. ChickenHeart through and through.
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noonegetsleftbehind · 2 years
NSFW headcanon: OSHA edition. Chris scolding rookies for trying to reach something using a rolling chair.
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//Accepted and bestie approved
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Brad has a complicated relationship with all the Weskers.. The killers especially.. He never directly saw Wesker do evil things he only had Chris, Barry, Jill, and Rebecca's word on it.. And he died before Wesker revealed he was alive still... So there's a disconnect in his brain between the man who chases him in the Trials and the man who actually sponsered him for S.T.A.R.S. He really looked up to Wesker before the mansion incident.. So theres a part of him that wants there to be a good person in there.. He's not sure that the Killer versions of him have any of that in there though.
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chrisredfield-re · 2 years
Chris was talking to Brad's desk, thinking he was alone.
"I saw a version of you in this realm, I'm conflicted if I should be happy you're not here and he is, or be sad that you're not here and he is...Unsurprisingly he is just as handsome as you. Maybe a little less dense? Everything about him reminds me of you, though I guess that's because he...is you..?"
He sighs carefully touching the desk, "I'll try to talk to him more, care for him as I'd care for you. I know you both wouldn't trust me now and you shouldn't but I desperately want to make amends, with someone."
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chetchad · 4 months
Bunny!Brad Vickers Headcanons
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Bunny!brad lives to make sure you know that he loves you.
Whether it's cooking(burning) a simple meal, or humping your leg. It's a couple of his many ways of showing his love.
He follows you to the bathroom. If you close the door before he can get in, he'll just sit outside the door and sniffle, wondering why you hated him now.
If he makes it in time, good luck having a piss or shit with him staring into your soul.
He gets hard by the simplest things.
Still a little wet from your shower?
You'll have to take another because he just painted your thigh white with spunk.
Almost every surface in the house has cum stains on it.
Brad's heats get a little...out of hand. He's usually teary eyed and whiney the whole time. Cock hard and leaky.
Like, he's humped all your pillows and clothes.
Most of your panties have been thrown out because he's gnawed little holes in them from nibbling on them.
But you can't stay mad when you see his cute bottom in the air and his little cottontail twitching, while he nears his peak and humps your pillow with a pair of panties shoved in his mouth.
Brad has a very weak bladder and pisses himself a lot when he's excited.
You just got home? He already formed a cute little lake around his feet from excitement for you to clean.
Overstimulated and spent? You try to rub just one more load out of him, you're getting liquid gold and not seed.
The list goes on. To cut it short, Brad has a hard time controlling his bodily fluids.
Bunny!Brad is the best pet hybrid you could ask for though, his cute little tail and ears melt your heart, and make you look past any of his horny faults.
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phonkscribes · 2 years
Brad being the guy everyone pins the blame on when there's little accidents around the office like: Someone spilled coffee all over the floor? Brad did it, 100% and the poor man comes in through the door like "Hey guys, what'd I miss?" and Wesker gets on his ass. And he replies with that whine that little kids have when they're being blamed for something they did/didn't do.
"What?! It wasn't me! Honest!", but he ends up cleaning up the mess anyways.
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nestsurvived · 2 years
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while in the orphanage, adrian has made numerous attempts to run away, to the point that his name ( and ‘shenanigans’ ) became somewhat infamous in the rpd. he kicked one of the stars members, brad vickers, in the shin when adrian attempted to get away from one of the officers.
not many people know about adrian’s psychic abilities, in fact, there was only one person that he told willingly and that’s sherry ( @virus-borne ). the other ones that know ( or would eventually know ) only found out due to certain circumstances.
adrian is ambidextrous, though he tends to favor his right hand.
though he tends to crave it, adrian is also reluctant to be touched by anyone, at least at first. there are very few people in his life that he allows to touch him ( such as hugging or even holding his hand ) without the need to ask for permission. 
he is also reluctant to go into romantic relationships, instead just satisfying his urges through one night stands or through solo means. adrian feels it’s easier this way and doesn’t feel like he’s ready for anything more.
was able to officially change his name after joining the BSAA, picking the last name ‘winchester’ as it was his mother’s maiden name and taking her given name as his middle to honor her memory and to be absolutely petty against his father.
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piers-wifey · 2 years
Now that it is officially spooky season, I've gotta ask who you think in stars love fall? Or how the stars members feel about fall? What fall activities do they like to do? Certain beverages or treats they eat? I must know 👀
You ask and shall receive. S.T.A.R.S. fall headcanons for you peeps.
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—Albert Wesker—
He absolutely loathes fall. But not because it's raining or getting cold, no, the real reason he hates it is, because some jerk thinks it's funny to bury his car under tons of leaves, forcing him to literally dig it out at least once a week. He's still waiting to catch that idiot red handed. Wesker doesn't really like candies or sweet beverages, but he does enjoy some good pumpkin soup from time to time. His favourite activity would be daydreaming about throttling the idiot reading a novel in front of a fireplace, while enjoying a nice cup of coffee. Or tea, if he feels like it.
—Chris Redfield—
Chris is pretty neutral towards it. It's not the worst season, (that would be summer) but he actually prefers spring. He does; however, love Halloween. It's his favourite holiday and he gets so excited when he sees Halloween decorations in the stores. He really has to restrain himself from buying them all. His favourite activities are pumpkin carving and going to corn mazes with his special someone. He'd also die for Edward's pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. They're definitely his favourite treat and go great with a cup of hot chocolate.
—Jill Valentine—
Jill loves fall. It's the best season in her opinion and she won't hear anything else. She has a whole collection of cozy, fall themed sweaters and matching fuzzy socks. Her whole closet is full of these sweaters and yet she still buys at least two new ones when she's out shopping. Just like Chris, she'd die for Edward's pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and often fights him for the last one. Her favourite beverage is a cinnamon and plum flavoured tea and her favourite activity is watching Halloween themed horror movies.
—Joseph Frost—
Joey isn't a big fan of fall. He doesn't like the cold, damp weather, because he gets cold easily and tends to get sick a lot more often than during spring for example. He always wears two sweaters and two pair of socks when he leaves the house. Even when it's to just bring out the trash. (He's a bit dramatic) Joey's a sweet tooth and not at all picky when it comes to treats. But his all time favourites are his mom's caramel filled almond thalers which he usually enjoys with a cup of hot cocoa. Favourite activity would be cuddling and having stay at home dates with movies, cooking, etc.
—Brad Vickers—
Fall season is cuddle season. At least, that's what Brad calls it and he totally lives up to that motto. He's already a very affectionate and cuddly boy, but he gets like ten times cuddlier during this time. There will be lots of hand holding and stay at home dates with cozy sweaters, delicious teas and all kinds of pastries. Cinnamon buns, apple/pumpkin pies, you name it. But Brad's absolutely favourite treat will always be candied pecans. He makes them himself and will gladly share them with you.
—Barry Burton—
Barry loves to go apple picking with his family. It's moments like these that bring him inner peace and happiness. Plus, his daughters can get rid of their excess energy. But quality time with his family isn't the only reason he takes them apple picking. Fall also means that his wife will make her infamous apple pie, which happens to be Barry's favourite treat. But, aside from his love for his family and his wife's apple pie, Barry's not really into sweet things, that's why his choice of beverage is rather plain. Just give him a cup of freshly brewed coffee or earl grey and he's happy.
—Enrico Marini—
There are not many things he and Wesker agree on; however, they both share a mutual dislike for fall; although Enrico's reasons aren't nearly as funny as Wesker's. Enrico simply can't stand the damp weather. This and the fact that his neighbour's birch tree loses the majority of its leaves on his side of the fence are enough to get him in a very cranky mood, because he's the one who has to remove them. He drinks a lot of herbal teas to calm his nerves during that time. The only thing that keeps him from entirely hating fall are the roasted chestnuts of which he buys a five pound bag every week.
—Forest Speyer—
Forest loves fall more than anything. He's a warm boy by nature and fall has the perfect temperatures for this human heating pad. In fact, he's so warm that he still walks around in sleeveless shirts while others need two pairs of sweaters and are still freezing their butt off. Forest is a child at heart and not ashamed to show that. So, it's no surprise that he loves to romp around in the leaf piles like he did when he was a little boy. Big fan of homemade spicy pumpkin soup and apple cider.
—Richard Aiken—
Richie is a sucker for anything fall related. Drinks, treats, movies, you name it. He loves going out on walks and jumping into the leaf piles like a child with you. You want to go shopping for Halloween decorations and decorating the whole apartment? Count him in! Is a huge fan of anything with pumpkin spice in it. Pumpkin spice tea, pumpkin spice hot chocolate, basically anything that can be made with pumpkin spice will be consumed by him. His favourite treats are s'mores. Always has been and always will be.
—Kevin Dooley—
Kevin doesn't really have a favourite season, but seeing you getting all excited for fall does make him a little more excited for it as well. He's a huge horror fan and will take this as an opportunity to rant about his favourite horror movies and games as well as drag you to all kinds of haunted house attractions. Only if you're up for it of course. Also a huge fan of wearing matching sweaters. Would kill for his grandma's apple pie and is a little obsessed with pumpkin spice Moscow mule.
—Kenneth Sullivan—
Two words. Fall gardening. He loves it and gets so unbelievably excited as soon as he sees the first leaves turn orange and will spend hours working in his backyard. And though he loves a neat looking yard, he always leaves a small leaf pile for the hedgehogs. Kenny also enjoys cooking fall themed dishes with the vegetables he grew in his vegetable patch. His favourite treats are his self-made spicy pumpkin chips and his favourite drink is the apple cinnamon tea that's based on his great-grandmother's recipe.
—Edward Dewey—
Edward is a lover of everything cozy, whether it be sweaters, scented candles, cuddling with his s/o or baking. And fall is the ideal season for him to do all that, that's why it's his favourite season. Speaking of baking: His pumpkin spice chocolate chip cookies are an absolute must at the S.T.A.R.S. office. The can is usually empty within the first two hours. Although Edward is a fairly good cook/baker, nothing beats his mother's pumpkin hazelnut pie. Now add a cup of apple cinnamon tea to that and he feels like a child again.
—Rebecca Chambers—
Rebecca is probably the most excited of them all. She loves fall so much, especially Halloween and spends weeks making the perfect costume for you and her. And when she's not working on costumes, she spends her free time making leaf piles for the hedgehogs and putting food outside for them and the birds. She knows how difficult it is for them to find something and above that, too much of a sweetheart not to help them. She has a weakness for pumpkin cinnamon buns and warm vanilla milk.
Tag list: @mirandawesker @dagrans @eviltothecore13 @ravenrune @silvevia @sassiest-captain @aurorapink10 @albertweskerxchrisredfield @main-character-vamp @sevythebeanqueen
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emmy024 · 1 year
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Just a little and ✨fun✨ render I made a few days (maybe a week) ago. I can’t remember, all I can think of is that I’m behind lectures, texts and classes just two weeks after starting a new quarter 🥴
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