#brad’s like “I give mobius a week tops”
hopelessfandomfreak · 8 months
I like the idea that lokius’s gay pining is pathetically obvious to everyone in the tva except themselves.
like after mobius jumps brad during the first interrogation in episode 2, they leave brad and b-15 behind, and brad just goes, “they’re definitely fucking, right?” and b-15 tells him all of the tva workers have a running bet for how long it will take one of them to confess and who it will be.
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forevertrueblue · 7 months
Like a lot of Marvel fans, I’m still reeling from last week’s Loki Season 2 finale. While a lot of questions were answered, others were left open. (For instance, I’m still wondering what exactly Sylvie’s arc was supposed to be this season.) But at least it avoided one particular fate for Mobius.
While Loki’s fear of being alone sadly came true in the end, I do take solace in one of my own fears about the finale being avoided. Season 2 put a heavy emphasis on the TVA workers all having lives on the timeline from before they were taken and brainwashed into serving what was essentially a fascist cult committing multiversal genocide. Season 1 may have been when this truth was exposed to them, but it wasn’t until Season 2 we really got to see them reckon with this revelation.
Some, like Hunter X5 (a.k.a. Brad Wolfe) decided to leave in order to live on the timeline, while others, like Mobius, didn’t even want to see what life was like before being captured by the TVA. But of course, it was obvious Mobius—and us as the audience—who would end up finding out what his old life was like before Season 2 came to a close.
And when we finally found out in Episode 5 that he was a single dad to two chaotic boys, we also got a lot of focus on how much Loki really didn’t want to lose his friends, Mobius (and Sylvie) in particular. He wanted to give them a choice, and seemed pretty convinced Mobius would choose to stay at the TVA, as he said he would earlier in the season.
All of this made it really seem like we were heading toward an ending of Mobius deciding to return to his old life. And I’m not gonna lie, my mind was working overtime to prepare myself for that seemingly inevitable conclusion that I desperately did not want to see come to pass. Of course, part of this was coming from how much I love Mobius and want to see more of him in the MCU, but there were also tons of logistical problems with the idea of him going back. Most notably, it would have been a case of him stealing someone else’s life.
You can read the rest here. (Seriously, though, imagine if he did get the Steve Rogers ending? We'd be having Endgame discourse yet AGAIN on top of everything else we're left reckoning with.)
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