#brain no longer capable of producing the happy it is time to complain about everything
spicyicymeloncat · 10 months
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xlovelyyoongix · 3 years
playing the part | myg
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summary: On set, Yoongi was your enemy but off set, he was your secret lover. 18+
prompt: y/n is the star of an action movie and Yoongi is her enemy. While they hate each other in the movie, they genuinely like spending time with each other in real life.
genre: action, angst, smut, fluff
warnings: violence, guns, fist fighting, near-death experience, swearing, unprotected sex (please be safe yall) female receiving, stimulation while being penetrated, creampie, aftercare, and feelings that can’t be said out loud.
w/c: 4k
Rating: 18+
a/n: I was initially going to post this at the very beginning of the year, but I ended up getting sick and testing positive for covid-19. (please don’t worry about me. I’m feeling much better now 😊) But a few of my followers have been asking about me since I haven’t posted in a while, so I figured I’d give everyone a quick update. I’m glad to be back and happy to be working on all of my WIPs I have planned for the month. Please everyone, social distance, wear your masks, and stay safe. Happy reading  💕
"I'm done playing games with you." Your furious words bouncing off the walls of the abandoned warehouse as the weight of your pistol points directly at the male standing in front of you. "Hand over the money, or I'll put a hole in your head," Your finger seconds away from the trigger.
Yoongi chuckles, a cocky smirk stretching across his lips. "You won't shoot me-"
Before Yoongi ever had the chance of completing his sentence, the melody of your warning shot echoes, causing a vibration of whitenoise to jolt the walls of your inner eardrums. Missing on purpose, the bullet still managed to graze Yoongi’s skin, a thin line of blood trickling down his cheek.
Yoongi snickers at your attempt to frighten him while wiping away the blood that stained his flesh. "Why waste a bullet when you could have easily taken my life?" His words oozing arrogance as his body strutted forward, emptying the gap between the two of you. "Is it because you don't have the strength to kill the man you love?" He taunts wickely, onyx eyes peering into yours.  
With Yoongi being this close in proximity, the muscles in your body begin to tense, jaw clenching tightly as your sweaty hands gripped the handle of your gun. "Shut up!" You shout, not allowing him to use your emotions against you.
Yoongi observes your hesitant behavior, licking his bottom lip enticingly. "How about I make it easier, so you don't miss next time, hm." He sarcastically hums, gripping the barrel of your gun to position the weapon against the flat of his forehead. "I've done the hard part; now, all you have to do is shoot, baby girl." He mocks with the pet name he once called you.  
It was at this intense moment, you begin to regret it all. Accepting a job that required your feminine charm to seduce a drug lord that just so happened to owe your client an uber amount of money. You've done it before, sleeping with the enemy only to assassinate them by morning, so why was Yoongi so different? Why was this so hard?
Was it the luxurious dates? His charming smile? Unworldly sex? You don't really remember, only knowing that somewhere along that line, loving him was no longer pretend. "I said, Shut up!" You shake your head in hopes of ridding your brain of all the useless memories that only made your job harder.
"FUCKIN' DO IT!" Yoongi shouts through clenched teeth as his grip around the barrow of your gun tightens.
Flinching with your eyes shut, your finger pulls the trigger, producing another loud bang that causes your wrist to jerk from the power of the gun. Your heart drops at the sound, and you're afraid to open your eyes, knowing the second you do, your vision will be met with your lover in a pool of his own blood.
"Fuck, you were actually gonna kill me that time, huh?"
The sound of Yoongi’s voice causes your lashes to jolt open, shocked that the man was still alive and well, standing before you. It was then you notice your weapon carrying, hand being pinned above your head. The swift bastard must have trapped you in the second before you pulled the trigger. "I have a job to do, and I won't let feelings get in the way of my mission." You announce proudly, but more so to convince yourself than anything else.
Yoongi clicks his tongue at your response. "Is that so?" Taking advantage of your pinned  position, he stares your body down with an almost hungry eye. Your smooth skin glistening with sweat, large eyes that seemed to out shine the moon, delectable lips slightly parted to breathe, and a leather body suit that hugged every heavenly curve; curves he was once oh so familiar with. But, it was also in that moment Yoongi realized, despite the lustful infatuation that pulled him towards you, he'd be damned if he let anyone take his life. "I'll just have to kill you first then."
Before you could react to Yoongi's threat, his stealthy foot sweeps from under you, knocking you off your balance. Your body collides into the ground, gun sliding across the cold concrete. "Shit!" You eye down the weapon, collecting your balance once again to dart towards the object but Yoongi's headstart nearly beats you to it.
He takes the chance to reach down to grab the pistol -possibly to use it to end your life- but your survival instincts emerge,  causing your body to fling forward, tackling Yoongi like a linebacker on a football field. "Son of a..." He sneers at the weight of your body straddling his waist, fist flying forward to attack his face. Blocking your attacks, Yoongi grows frustrated with how long the altercation has lasted. "Okay, baby girl, this ends now." Grunting, Yoongi  uses his upper body strength to flip you, landing on your back as his heavy body pins you in.
For a short moment, Yoongi takes the time to admire your beauty. Messy hair splattered around your glistening face, chest heaving in attempt to collect your breath and cheeks an exhausted pink. "You're so fuckin beautiful..." But as soon as the soft words left his lips, a hand reached behind his back, removing a silver gun from it’s holster. “Which is why it pains me to do this.” Cocking the weapon, Yoongi presses the hold metal to your temple. "But before you go, say one last thing for me."
You struggled with all your might to wiggle yourself from under Yoongi, but his masculine weight bore you to struggle. You also attempted to reach for your gun, only half an inch away, but it was to no avail. "What?" You question back with a sneer, but not because you actually care -or maybe you do- but more so to buy you some time before your death.
Yoongi snickers, leaning in to ghost his devilish smirk over your swollen lips. "Tell me, it wasn't all fake." His jet eyes begin to soften as the pad of his thumb caresses your cheek. "Tell me, you love me."  
Your heart skips a beat but not because of the adrenaline spiking through your veins, but because even after everything, the fights, the betrayal, his heavy gun pressed to your temple, you still loved him. In an ordinary world, you'd be considered a psychopath for falling for a drug lord, but you didn't live in the real world. You were a hitman, and with your busy schedule and the blood of your enemies permanently staining your psyche, there was no room for traditional romance. You convince yourself that was the reason for your undeniable infatuation towards the blonde-haired male, just a girl yearning to finally feel the warmth of love. "Go fuck yourself." It pains you to say it, but in the end, you'd rather die with pride than with the taste of affection on your tongue.
Yoongi winces at your aggressive words towards him. Despite his rugged exterior, he was capable of feelings, and he did love you. He loved you more than any woman he'd ever laid eyes on. Being in this predicament indeed penetrated his heart so deep, he doubted he'd ever recover. "That's a shame." Regaining his stern demeanor, Yoongi clenches his jaw and positions his index above the trigger. "Goodbye, baby girl." A second away from ending your life, the two of you are interrupted by a loud shout.
"CUT!" The director whistles the alarm, and the once dark warehouse illuminates with bright fluorescent lights, bringing the scene to a complete stop. "That's a wrap for tonight, folks," he calls from behind a row of cameramen. "I want everyone back on set first thing in the morning. We'll be finishing up the final scene of the movie tomorrow" The stage and camera crew breaking out in applause at the work that was completed.
With the scene finally over, Yoongi pulls himself from on top of you, kindly extending his arm to assist you up with an eyeing smirk.
"You're fuckin heavy, you know that?" You harshly joke, taking his hand to accept the offer to help you up.
"That's funny," Yoongi's voice dripped with seduction, using his strength to whisk your body into his chest. His soft lips ghosting over the shell of your ear to whisper, "You weren't complaining about my weight last night-."
"Shhh!" Your hand cups over Yoongi's mouth, shushing him before anyone could witness his handsy flirtation. "You know better than to act like this on set." You arch your brow, matter-a-factly.
Yoongi parts his lips to respond but was interrupted by his makeup team stepping on set. "Mr. Min, let's get you cleaned up and ready to go." Politely placing her hand on Yoongi's back, she guides him along before he could get a chance to say good-bye.
A slight giggle escapes past your lips as you watch Yoongi being dragged offset by his team. Your eyes begin to feel heavy for the need of rest, and your throat produces a yawn. Exhausted, you head towards the direction of your makeup team, ready to escape to the confines of your trailer for the night.
   1:30 in the morning is when you're finally able to leave set and head back to your trailer for the night. Stepping out of the shower and into your silk robe, you examine your body in the fogged mirror, muscles sore from stunts -you swore to your director you didn't need a double for- and bags under your eyes being the evidence of long working hours. You couldn't complain though you loved your job, the excitement, the thrill, everything that came with being an actress, and you wouldn't trade it for the world.
A small knock at your trailer door interrupts your thoughts, wondering who it could be at an hour like this. Possibly the director wanting to go over tomorrow's scene? Curious, you peek through the blinds, but not surprised by who you see. A smile slips across your cheeks as you open the door, revealing a handsome blond-haired male standing before you. "I think you're lost." You playfully tease, pointing to the row of luxury trailers in the distance. "Your lodging is that way."  
Yoongi smirks at your sarcastic facade, playing along to entertain your ploy. "No,." He quickly replies, walking up the steps to your trailer until standing directly under you. "I think I'm in the right place." His large hands slip across the silk of your robe, finding their favorite spot on your hips while seductive eyes peak at the curves of your cleavage.
"Is that so?" You question, arching a tempting brow, "So, what is an A-list Actor doing at my trailer so late into the night?" Your fingers trickle to the nape of Yoongi's neck, dancing circles across his ivory skin.
"Well." Yoongi's nose slowly dips across the curve of your neck, getting a tasteful whiff of your natural scent before his pink lips ghost over the shell of your ear. "I came to fuck my co-star."
Yoongi's daring confession causes a vibrating tingle to spike throughout your body, increasing the lustful heat growing between your thighs. Surrendering to the fervor your body craved, your plush lips crash into his, with tongues beginning to dance together in harmony. Lost in the passion, your hand locates Yoongi's collar, pulling him into your trailer, and with a swift kick, he closes the door behind him.
The actor wastes no time shoving you against the counter of your tiny kitchen, large hands fiddling with the lace of your robe. Your silk falls around you, pooling to the floor, unveiling the flawless secrets of your womanly beauty. "Fuck." Yoongi nearly growls at the sight of smooth skin, supple breasts, and voluptuous curves. "I've been waiting for this all day." He could barely finish his sentence before his hungry lips were attacking your neck, teeth nibbling and sucking the flesh while wandering hands located your nipple to tease.  
"Y-Yoongi." You whimper from his touch, body arching off the counter to welcome his ardors actions. "R-remember not to bruise me, okay." If it were up to you, you wouldn't complain about the trademark evidence Yoongi liked to leave throughout your body, but things spread fast in the media. You couldn't risk a 'dating scandal'; in the middle of shooting a major motion picture movie, the press would eat you alive.
"Shit, forgot, sorry." He mutters an apology, loosening his hold on your breast and trailing succulent kisses down your abdomen. "Guess I'll just have to leave hickies where people can't see them." A flash of greedy lust shimmers in Yoongi's eyes the moment he hoists your thigh over his shoulder. His mouth nearly watering at the glorious sight before him. "So fuckin' wet for me already." Teeth sink into his bottom lip enticingly, witnessing your glistening arousal coating over your heated sex. "Makes me wanna taste it." Yoongi's crafty tongue darts out, sliding between wet folds until lapping across a sensitive bundle of nerves that causes your body to weaken.  
"Fuck, Yoon...," You could barely finish your sentence as Yoongi's ambush on your needy clit caused you to fall mute. Your hand gripping onto the actor's shoulder, rolling your hips into his mouth to ride out your delectable pleasure. "M-more,"  
Knowing precisely what you desired, Yoongi slowly inserts two digits deep into your soaking walls. The second he hears your breathy moan,  his fingers curl at just the right angle, locating the spongy surface responsible for your g-spot. "Mhmm," You're a wiggling mess, so Yoongi uses his free hand to hold your hips in place while his mouth sucks up your clitoris once again.    
"Shit~." The delicious stretch of his fingers and stimulation on your nub causes the muscles within your abdomen to tighten. With your body preparing for an orgasm, your fingers move on their own to lock in Yoongi's thick hair, guiding him to where you need most. "B-baby, c-close." Words frantically falling from your trembling lips.  
Taking note of your approaching release, Yoongi stiffens his tongue, lapping figure 8s around your pink nub to send your body into overdrive. His thick fingers thrusting into your walls, producing creamy arousal that dripped onto his knuckles. Yoongi absolutely loved watching you like this, legs wobbling like jello, skin glistening with sweat, pretty lips moaning his name. He took pride in witnessing you being a fucked-out mess. His own personal, fucked-out mess. "Cum, baby."
As if on demand by Yoongi's words, the tightness within your abdomen bursts, body tensing as the magic of euphoria courses through your veins.  "Y-Yoon-, fuck~" Lashes slamming shut as an assortment of circling colors rupture behind your eyelids. Your body rides out it's sinful high only for your body to fall limp moments after.
The evidence of your orgasm drips between your thighs as Yoongi carefully removes his digits from inside you. Standing to his feet, his tongue licks the last of your arousal that lingered on his fingers, always making sure your lovely juice never went to waste. "Fuckin delicious." He smirks devilishly, hungry eyes peering down at your exhausted state.
You can barely catch your breath as your hazed vision attempts to focus on the handsome man before you. His thick brow wickedly arched, jet eyes glowing with ungodly lust as the corner of his lips curls smugly. An expression that only meant Yoongi wanted more. "Ready for my dick now, babygirl?" He's quick to make haste of his shirt, tossing it someplace behind him and stepping out of the thick material of his jeans.    
You gulp anxiously at Yoongi's erotic words, curious eyes trailing down the curves of his abdomen in awe as if you haven't seen his immaculate body 100 times before. "Mhm." You reply with a hum, teeth sinking into your lip while impatiently waiting for the reveal of his sturdy dick.
Yoongi chuckles at your minimalistic response, dropping his boxers to unveil the erect curve of his fat length. Stroking up the base of his impressive dick, leaning into your ear to whisper, "You know I need to hear you say it." His warm breath causes an array of goosebumps to accumulate across your skin, a delightful shiver slithering up your spine. "Tell me what you want."
Having moved between your legs, Yoongi's mushroom tip begins to tease against your folds. "I-I," Your lashes flutter as the heat of desire begins to spiral within you, as if you hadn't already experienced a powerful orgasm a few moments prior. "I want you to..." You mew, Yoongi positioned his tip at the soaking hole of your entrance, knocking you from your train of thought.
He grins smugly at your expression, always taking delight to taunting your body. "Tell me what you want me to do, or I'll stop-"
Knowing better than to keep Yoongi waiting, you nearly shout. "I want you to fuck me, Yoongi!" You sound needy, but that's beyond your worries. Your body wanted him, your aching pussy craving him, and if you had to play the part to get what you wanted, so be it.  
Not giving you a second to breathe, Yoongi's fat tip thrusts into your wet core. "Fuck~" You both curse in unison, you because of the delectable stretch that made your pussy full and Yoongi due to your drenched walls tightening around his girth.
"Mhm, Yoons~." You whimper at the sting of his stretched entrance, but you absolutely love the feeling.  How his dick fits perfectly snug within your walls, the throbbing of protruding veins and his oozing tip teasing at your moist cervix. You often fantasized about staying in this position forever. Having Yoongi live, deep inside you as time passed the both of you by; then again, you're also dying for him to bang your brains out. "Baby, please." You plead for him to start moving inside you.
With your tight pussy finally adjusted to his size, Yoongi's large hand's grip at your hips, beginning an easy pace in and out of your core. "Shit~" His teeth clench, hissing at the heavenly sensation of your narrow walls sucking at his length. "You're so wet and warm. Always taking my dick so well."  
Your lashes begin to flutter at the sensation of Yoongi's fat tip massaging at the area of your g-spot. "All for you~." You purr, scooting as close to the edge of the counter as possible, craving for his inches to reach further inside you. "Please," With brows furrowed together beggingly, eyes screaming for him to go faster.
Observing your desperate expression, Yoongi knew it was time for him to pick up the pace. He grips at your thighs, placing your legs around his waist while positioning his hips at the angle that could explore deeper into your slit. "Ah, shhhhhit." He hissed at the pleasure, hips beginning to snap in and out of your sopping core at an autopilot speed.
Your nails pierce into the flesh of Yoongi's shoulders, holding on as he pounded into you. With your neck lulled back, your head knocks into the shelf with every swift jap he punctures in, but you don't care. Your skin is on fire, and your pretty pussy, utterly addicted to the pleasurable attack. "Feels good," You hum, eyes locking down on the pornographic scene of your creamy slick lubing Yoongi's shaft as his dick pleasantly stretches in and out of your entrance. "Wanna cum all over your pretty dick, Yoon." You plee, lips in the form of a pout.  
Your whimpering need causes a carnal temptation to spike within the actor, producing the adrenaline he needed to please your every desire. "So cum, baby." His veiny hand slipping between your thighs, swiping across your clit while pounding into you.
"Oh, god," You moan—the attack on your sensitive nub precisely what you need to feel the pressure building within your core. "Fuck, baby," Your legs gripping tighter around his waist, encouraging him to keep up the speed that slammed into your cervix.
"So fuckin' wet." A throaty moan escapes Yoongi's lips, your walls sucking tightly around his girth as he fucked into you deeper. He could feel the familiar ball of tension tightening within his core, dick becoming increasingly sensitive upon the approach of his release." y/n," breath staggering in his throat as he grunts your name. "Fuck~, gonna cum soon." Glistening sweat pearling across his creamy skin, with jet eyes glossed with desire.
Your hips rock forward, matching the devilish speeds of Yoongi's thrusts as your eyes lock on him. The ends of his blonde hair paste to his steamy skin, lips, pink and swollen, and dumpling cheeks a rosy fluster. The expression in his glass orbs screamed that he was close. "Me too," you moan with arching feet and toes beginning to curl. "Cum inside,"
"Shiiiiiit," Despret to oblige your request, Yoongi continues his powerful ruts, the erotic sounds of your wet pussy guiding him. He could feel the muscles throughout his body starting to flex along with the anticipating tingle of his ballsack, begging to release its load.  "B-baby I,..." His thrust becomes sloppy, and the tight grip he has on your hips causes his knuckles to whitein.  He would explode any second.  
Even with his body tense, Yoongi doesn't let up the massage on your clit. Only speeding his swift swipes on your throbbing nub, sending spikes of electricity zapping throughout your body. "Y-y-y-Yoon...., g-gonna~," and just like that, an euphoric explosion happens within your core, blasting you into ecstasy. "FUCK!" Your back arches, your head lulls back, and the muscles within your wet walls clench around Yoongi's dick, sucking him in for dear life.
"___, g-gonna..." With one final thrust, Yoongi's pulsing dick shoots warm coats of cum into your core. His throat releases a horse grunt, eyes rolling back, and breath getting caught in his throat ."Hmm," He hums at the peaceful feeling, the pent up stress of a long workday finally vacating his body. "Fuck, you're pussy's so good." He chuckles, eyes fluttering open to witness your sweaty body stretched out across the counter, swollen pussy leaking his creamy cum.
Your exhausted body doesn't stop a smirk from slipping across your flustered cheeks. "You're dick's so good." responding to Yoongi's complement, chest heaving for air.
A gummy grin pulls across Yoongi's lips in observance of you. Your messy hair pooled around your face, skin lushly glossed, and large dewy eyes that expressed your body's satisfaction. You meant the absolute world to Yoongi, and being with you on and off set was the best year of his life. Getting to watch you grow as an actress and putting your best foot forward every day. You were Yoongi's muse, his love. "I'll clean you up." He runs a paper napkin under the warm fouset, placing the dampness across all the places between your thighs he left a mess.
You watch Yoongi in awe with your heart fluttering in your chest. It was clear the growing spark between the two of you was more than just sexual tension. You saw the way he'd sneak cute glances at you on set, how he'd be the first one to make sure you were alright after an intense stunt. You want to confess that you love him, that he meant more to you than just a person to fuck. But, the time wasn't right. The two of you still had a job that needed to be done. "Hey." Your small voice, grabbing Yoongi's attention. Instead of saying, I love you, you say, "Good luck on set tomorrow."
However, Yoongi finds the truth in your soft eyes, making it clear you held the exact same feelings that he harbored to himself for the past year. "Yeah," There wasn't a need for him to say much; he knows that you know the truth of his heart. "Good luck to you too."
date posted: 1/8/2021
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Promt: raya sees namaari sparring/having fun with her closest friend from fang (which is a girl her age) and gets jealous and competes with said friend for namaari's attention, even though namaari and her friend have no idea what's happening.
With @killjo-qartz permission, I borrowed her OC, Somwang for a cameo in this fic! Hope I got her characterization kind of right & didn't butcher her. (I'll take it down if you don't like it) Can read in ao3 or keep reading down here 🤙🏽: Anger wasn’t new to Raya. She had lived through it within the six years of being alone. Used it as fuel to get through her encounters with bandits and mercenaries alike, to leave them begging for mercy. Used it to push through every obstacle in her way to prove each of these damned binturis wrong in this cruel, broken world. Anger was comfort as misery was company, that flowed like blood in her veins, reminding her that if she couldn’t use hope to live, then at least she had rage to build her up. If she couldn’t feel anything else, then why not let anger take control. However, as comfortable negative emotions could be, its goal was to bring anyone down.
However, as comfortable negative emotions could be, its goal was to bring anyone down. The princess of Heart stood warily outside the training grounds, her patience ran out while waiting for Namaari to finish her princess duties. They hadn’t seen each other for a while. Her own duties at Heart taking over most of her schedule, it was utterly grueling and overwhelming. When her Ba gave her the window of opportunity to take a break, she did not hesitate to flee and visit Fang, since in all honesty, she didn’t have close enough friends in Heart. Sisu was busy with her siblings, and she really didn’t know if she wanted to see the rest of the crew who were probably busy with their own families. Plus, if she was being honest to herself, she just really wanted to see the Fang princess. Her feelings had become clear, the burst of realization came upon her during a council gathering as she was lost in admiring the Fang princess instead of paying attention to the monotonous negotiations and arguments that was going on across the meeting hall. Everything becoming muted as she watched how Namaari seemingly managed to quiet down the Chiefs with her compelling and confident voice, her point somehow settling the previous argument they were having. But it wasn’t exactly that that made the Heart princess realize, no. It was the look right after they had move onto another topic of discussion, Namaari had turned to catch her gaze, her eyes speaking volumes of the actual anxiety it held after her speech. But her features instantly softened as she sent Raya the warmest smile Kumandra could offer, her body relaxing from her stiff posture as the Heart princess returned the smile as equally loving. The Fang princess somehow beamed brighter. Raya knew right there and then that she wanted to have that woman. To jump over the table and kiss that smile on her face, if it would taste like how it felt when she saw it. After that day, her emotions had been all over the place. Her heart had yearned for the other princess’ presence like a thirsty traveler to water. She needed her, she was unsure how healthy that need was. Hence why she stood outside Fang’s training grounds hoping to get some of her frustrations out of the way. However, at her arrival, she found that it only seemed to tremendously increase. She leaned by the entry way, her arms crossed as she eyed the two occupants suspiciously. Their laughs had echoed through the hall, the sound distasteful to her ears, leaving a bitter taste in her mouth. She glanced at the taller and even more defined warrior of the two, one she didn’t expect anyone else to have a well physique like the Fang princess, but she stood there towering over Namaari, looking closely as sturdy as a Spine guard, a bright grin on her face as she charged at the princess lifting her up from her torso and throwing her over shoulder. The laugh that had come out of the Fang princess Raya had only heard when they were together. Her heart painfully clenched inside her, her stomach churning unpleasantly and the corner of her lips falling downwards. “Put me down, Somwang!” Namaari complained, but there was an obvious lightness in her voice. The sturdy warrior, Somwang, listened to the order and gently placed the princess down on her feet. Her arm remained around her waist, the furrow on Raya’s brows just deepened, her grip on her bicep tightening. She remained still, quietly scrutinizing every move Somwang made as she made Namaari carelessly laugh and grin freely unlike her personality towards her other guards which usually came off as polite and civil. The Heart princess remembered something her Ba used to tell her before her bedtime at a younger age, when she had used to complain about others having their own mothers, how she would throw bitter angry words at them, words she shouldn’t even know. Or when she overheard about some Tail people purposely attacking their trade ships to steal their produce and goods that was for their people. Or Fang, their worst enemy refusing to share their medicine expertise to
their land causing a great amount of people to die. Or simply when her Ba decided to court some older lady and spent more time with her instead. She asked her Ba why she felt so angry when other people were happy, when other people had it better, or when the people she cared about felt happier even when she wasn’t there. He would say, “Dewdrop. Anger, resentment, and jealousy doesn’t change the heart of others – it only changes yours. It is never wise to seek or wish for another’s misfortune because everyone deserves to be happy. Jealousy is just drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. So don’t let it take over you, okay?” However, Raya couldn’t help the way her anger was bubbling over her. She shouldn’t be jealous because Namaari wasn’t hers to claim. She wasn’t even an object to claim, and she had every right to be happy with anyone else. She was allowed to have friends, she did have that chance, compared to her who didn’t. But why was it that her heart twisted when she thought she was the only one blessed to see that smile on the Fang princess’ face, or how she thought she was the only one capable to let her relax and laugh the way she did. She didn’t know Namaari let other people touch her further than a handshake.
The lump in her throat grew as she watched them longer. Her jaw clenched and her teeth gritted harshly. She felt the familiar anger flowing through her veins, reminding her what she had used as fuel to get rid of any obstacle out of her way. She felt things too deeply, it was how she had always been, to feel each and every bit of it so she could use it as energy to punch her way out. Her body was buzzing with the need to hurt, her blunt nails digging through her palms with force willing herself to ride the anger out. She took in a sharp breath, her fist clenching with the inhale and unclenching as she exhales. She willed herself to turn around from the sight but just as she was about to walk away, a voice pulled her back. “Raya! You’re here.” Namaari’s voice contained a hint of excitement. The Heart princess immediately swallowed the bile in her throat, letting out a smile that only came naturally because of the other princess’ beaming expression, otherwise she didn’t know how to explain the grimace that would’ve come out instead as her eyes spared a glance at the tall figure beside the warrior. Raya felt the other girl’s penetrating gaze piercing through her, but she kept her attention at Namaari as she slowly approached them. “Hey, dep la” She purposely spoke out enchantingly, or at least she hoped so.
Her flirting skills lacked incredibly so, and she was way too embarrassed to admit that to anyone. Although, Sisu had called her out on it during the times she tried to woo the Fang princess, but it never got through. The way Namaari’s smile grew told her enough it worked. She pushed back the urge to bite her lip and pull her close. “Are you up for a spar?” Namaari offered, her cat like grin challenging her. Raya would usually say yes but her gaze shifted to the sturdy woman beside her, “Actually, I saw you guys sparring earlier. I want to challenge your friend into a spar instead” Somwang narrowed her eyes suspiciously at the Heart princess, sensing the slight tenacity in her words. Her polite smile slightly wavering as their gazes turned heated. “Actually, she’s my—" “I accept your challenge, Princess Raya.” The taller warrior spoke up, cutting off Namaari entirely. Her attention was now too fixated on the Heart princess. The Fang warrior stepped closer, raising a hand out for Raya to shake, “I’m Somwang, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you” The princess sensed the sarcasm in her voice, her lips tugging into a mirthless grin. “Likewise,” Even if I wasn’t told of your existence. She wanted to say but bit her tongue. She raised her own hand to shake the warrior’s, her grip purposely hardening. She was fully aware the other woman was twice her size, but she was taught not to let her enemies physique dull her chances on winning. Her fighting style specifically aimed towards people who were bigger than her. Somwang returned the firm grip, her own shit-eating grin on her face, “Hand-to-hand or would you prefer weapons?” She asked as she scanned her petite body full of judgment. The condescending tone struck a nerve on the Heart princess, her eye twitching as she held her stare looking up the warrior, “Hand-to-hand is perfectlyfine” She exclaimed sarcastically. She might regret this later, but she wasn’t about to let brawn and no brains binturi get to her. Namaari stood there, her face scrunching up at the sudden tension in the room. She was beyond confused but she guessed it was just both of the people’s traits of being competitive. She shrugged it off stepping back to let them do their thing. Raya finally let go of the warrior’s hand, her skin buzzing from the touch. She felt the anger boiling in her veins, her heartbeat increasing rapidly at the rush of adrenaline that surged through her skin. She hadn’t faced a big challenge like this in a long time. She was glad for the further training from Namaari herself and her Ba. She had been doing a lot to improve her hand-to-hand, the meat in her bones also had returned from the proper nutrition she was now receiving compared to the six years alone. Her mind flashing through the match against Namaari in Spine. Her body lacking the nourishment was a huge disadvantage at her strength, she may be good at weaving her sword, but she wasn’t that great with the strength needed in hand combat. She strived to be better from then on.
She stretched her limbs as she watched the Fang warrior step back a few steps, she cracked her knuckles then proceeded to a fighting stance. “You both know the rules” Namaari reminded. The Heart princess seemingly had forgotten that she was there and why exactly she was doing this, the excitement was coursing through her veins. She got into her fight stance nodding, her eyes narrowing mischievously at the sturdy woman in front of her who matched the same fiery in her gaze. As the Fang princess signaled the start, Raya didn’t hesitate to charge first. Her legs had been impatient throughout the day, aching to be moved. She raised her fist feigning a swing, the Fang warrior instinctively moving to block it, but Raya grinned as she used her speed to slide in between the other woman’s spread legs. She quickly scrambled up and used the distraction to kick her in the back forcefully causing her to stumble frontwards on her knees. “Oops. Sorry, khun Bulky.” She taunted jokingly eliciting a slight snicker from the Fang princess on the sidelines. Raya charged once again ready to kick but Somwang rolled on the floor catching her foot on time. She locked her grip on her ankle tripping her in the process then pulled her towards her fist as she swung to punch. The Heart princess blocked it in time, but the impact of the strike caused her to inwardly flinch. She managed to use her other foot to kick the warrior’s face, freeing her ankle as she scooted backwards to stand. Somwang stood along with her charging with a series of well calculated punches that she dodged swiftly. She acknowledged the force behind her jabs, each blow she blocked leaving a pleasantly painful feeling around her arms. But the slow speed in which it came she used to her advantage to slip her own fast blows on her midsection. “You are annoyingly fast” Raya heard the Fang warrior grumble under her breath. A cocky grin made its way to her lips, she was about to spurt out another retort, but the short distraction was enough for her to feel a terribly harsh blow on her cheek that was definitely going to leave a mark. She temporarily saw white spots clouding her vision, but quickly blinked them off as she backflipped away from the next punch. She ran her tongue inside of her cheek, tasting the copper in her mouth. She grinned in delight at the burning sensation, “And you’re annoyingly tough.” The Heart princess charged once again, she used the other warrior’s towering height to her advantage as she stepped on her thighs using it to boost herself up letting the tip of her boot kick her under her chin with much force. She flipped back over quickly before spinning around throwing a roundhouse kick on the side of the warrior’s cheek. The tall woman stumbled to the side clumsily, the impact momentarily pausing her movements. The satisfaction buzzed through Raya’s body, giving her time to get her bearings. Usually, she would have ended the fight, but she was having too much fun. Long gone was the anger that fueled her, instead replaced with a questionable excitement. “Don’t tell me your body is just for show. I didn’t know the princess of Fang associates herself with walking tree trunks” The familiar eccentric laugh she heard behind her caused the hairs in her body to stand, the goosebumps on her skin spreading happily. She watched the sturdy warrior in front of her chuckle lightly as she wiped the dripping blood of her cut lip. She didn’t reply, instead charging at Raya with newly found strength, her punches landing ruthlessly this time, the princess’ blocks slightly wavering. She used her fatigue against her as she pushed her elbows away and jabbed her right on the abdomen. The Heart princess huffed in irritation, her chest heaving after the strong blow on her stomach, stumbling backwards. The warrior kept going, striking and kicking her vigorously as she hastily flipped, spun, and dodged her strikes. How persistent. Raya thought to herself. She inwardly sighed, deciding it was time to end the match. She backflipped away once
more, making sure there’s enough distance to do her final trick she had learned from the princess of Fang herself. “You are one slippery and bouncy binturi, Princess gremlin.” The genuine smirk on Somwang’s lips caught her off guard. Raya narrowed her eyes but let an honest smile tug on her lips, “You’re not so bad yourself, khun giant” She dashed to her, raising her arms to feign more punches. Luckily to her prediction, Somwang steeled herself, ready to block, and possibly to grab her ankle again if she used it to kick. The Heart princess just scoffed, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. She used her momentum to boost herself up into a jump, tangling her thighs around the Fang warrior’s neck before bringing her pelvis forward, her hands coming up to the floor using all her body strength to flip her tall, heavy figure over. Somwang landed with a loud thud and skidded behind her, her back arching in pain, her chest heaving as she stayed motionless on the floor. Raya walked over the fallen warrior, locking her arms in between both of her feet before crouching down, a victorious smirk on her lips. Somwang blinked blankly at the princess above her, her face flushed at the sudden proximity. “You’re pretty—" The Fang warrior started but was cut off. “—pretty good. You’re not wrong”
The warrior scoffed grinning, “That too but I mean, you are pretty.” Raya raised a brow curiously, taken aback at the sudden compliment, “Maari, I get it now” The warrior called out, twisting her head to face the Fang princess on the sidelines. Namaari’s eyes widened at what the other girl was insinuating but before she could say something, the Heart princess met her gaze, the words refused to leave her mouth then. Raya just slyly smiled before standing up and offering a hand to the Fang warrior under her. She gladly took it dusting herself off as she stretched her now pained limbs. “You are no joke, Princess.” Somwang commended, this time her look held no tenacious intent. Raya suddenly felt guilty for the previous ill thoughts she had against the warrior. She shrugged shyly, an apologetic look crossing her face, “Sorry for beating you up.” The sturdy woman raised a hand to wave her off, “No lasting damage. Plus, I think that was probably a perfect way to go.” The corner of her lips forming a smirk as she winked at the Heart princess. Raya blinked in surprise, her cheeks slightly coloring pink. Namaari, who finally joined them, grimaced at the comment, playfully shoving Somwang away, “Okay, match over” The Fang princess stepped closer to Raya reaching for now bruised hands and arms, “I’m sorry about my cousin. We should probably get your bruises treated” She spoke softly. The Heart princess flushed as she felt Namaari’s hands reach up to her cheek where Somwang had punched her forcefully, her thumb caressing the tender spot. She felt her heart doing somersaults as she instinctively leaned to the touch. She let out a tired sigh until the other princess’ words just processed in her brain. “Wait, she’s your cousin?” She blurted out before she could even think about it. Namaari quirked an eyebrow but nodded, her hand falling back down. Raya instantly missed the feeling. Somwang popped up from behind the Fang princess, a goofy grin on her face as she wrapped an arm around Namaari’s neck pulling her into a deadlock and ruffling the top of her neatly combed hair. “Yep. This kid is my cousin. I can’t believe we’re related sometimes because of how uptight she is.” The tall warrior stated as she casually smiles back at Raya while not even struggling at Namaari’s attempt to pull free from her grip. The Heart princess gaped in bewilderment. She felt the dread and guilt swimming through her body as she recalled her foolish actions for even thinking poorly about the other woman in the first place. She let out a huff of relief and shame, running a hand over her face. The Fang princess managed to jab her cousin hard enough in the stomach causing her to let go, she pushed her away fixing her shirt and adjusting her hair back in place as properly as she could. She turned to Raya, her forehead creased in concern, carefully grabbing her hand to gain her attention, “I was going to tell you, but Somwang here cut me off earlier and you guys were too focused on the spar to listen.” She tried to explain. Raya felt her squeeze her hand to emphasize, she offered back an understanding look. Somwang frowned wrapping her arms around her stomach, “That hurt you know. Your girlfriend already beat me up pretty damn well. Also, I can never turn down a challenge. She was more of a challenge then you are when we spar” She purposely jested, her vexing grin causing Namaari to twist her head and scowl at her, heat rushing to her cheeks. Before the Fang princess could comment and correct her, she felt Raya interlock their fingers, “She’s right, dep la. You’re losing your touch. I think that spar was the most fun I had in a while.” The Heart princess ignored the way her heart fluttered at the word girlfriend, a hopeful part of her mind celebrating the possibility that other people saw them that way even if it weren’t true. Namaari threw a betrayed look at her, she didn’t know how to feel about both of her favorite people ganging up on her. The sturdy warrior forcefully clapped Raya’s back causing her to stumble a
little, the blow leaving a stinging feeling behind her, “I think I don’t mind you as much now. You’re fun, Princess” Somwang complimented, cheerfully grinning. “I don’t know what Namaari told you about me, but I can assure you, they’re only partly true.” Somwang lets out a good-natured belly laugh, the Fang princess grimacing as she glanced between the two, “I can beat you both up if I wanted to” It was a weak retort, they all knew it, but she wasn’t about to let them team up. “You wouldn’t stand a chance, Náwng.”
The Fang princess simply rolled her eyes. She gripped back Raya’s hand tightly, before turning away and dragging her out, leaving Somwang’s protests behind them in the air. The Heart princess flushed at the warmth that spread through her body at the touch, the doubt in her mind slowly fading at the possibility of Namaari returning her feelings. Maybe she was wrong, energy wasted on jealousy. The Fang princess didn’t hold anyone else’s hand the way she held hers. A part of her couldn’t help but be thrilled at that revelation. They finally slowed down once they were far enough from the training grounds, Namaari’s hold on her hand still solid. She smiled quietly to herself, enjoying the comfortable silence as they strolled past the garden. “Sorry if I took too long. I know I said I’ll meet up with you, but I got pulled back by Somwang forcing me to spar with her for a while.” Namaari bashfully explained. Raya shrugged, “That’s okay. I happen to stumble by you anyway.” “You sure you weren’t just looking for me, dep la?” The Heart princess playfully shoved her, “You wish. I was itching for a spar. Good thing you guys were already there.” Namaari hummed, a knowing smirk on her lips, “Speaking of, since when did you learn to copy my move?” She asked recalling the last trick Raya had pulled against Somwang.
She was surprised she even managed to flip the sturdy half Spine woman over. Her strength left her wondering what else she could do with it, Somwang’s comment about it being the perfect way to go echoing in her head. “Why? Want me to try it out on you?” Raya raised a teasing brow twisting her head to look at the Fang princess who was fighting back the blush on her cheeks. She knew she failed when the other princess’ smirk just widened. Namaari cleared her throat an idea popping in her head, “I mean it’s only fair. I wouldn’t mind you returning the favor” She managed to quip back almost hesitating at the stimulating thought. However, she grinned victoriously at the widening eyes of the princess. The highly suggestive tone in her voice caused Raya’s heart rate to spike up, sinful actions flashing through her head. She licked her lips unconsciously, her teeth grazing the bottom as she imagined the feeling of her face between – Raya caught herself immediately, shaking away her thoughts as she swallowed to dampen her drying throat. She turned away from the Fang princess, her gaze focused on path in front of them but her mind reeling back to the way her hands felt under her fingers and how it would feel to explore further parts of her body like how she explored the whole of Kumandra.
She really needed to find a way to confess first, asap. -x- Oops, that's a long one. Sorry 🤷🏽‍♀️ Anyway. Hope you liked it, anon!
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evien-stark · 4 years
✧I Need You✧  Chapter 193
It was nice to be able to allow yourself a break in the middle of the weekday after such… adventures. Sure, it was only one day. But sleeping in on a Wednesday was not a gift you would look the other way on. Nor was it something you would complain about. Especially when you woke up right next to the only person worth waking up to. You sleeping in was one thing. Tony sleeping in was a whole other fantasy world that only happened a few times a year. There was no reason to spoil it. 
So delight in your Wednesday off you did. Mostly in the company of each other. ...alright, entirely in each other’s company. No reason to go out. No reason to do anything but get lost in one another as long as the world would let you. It was why wishful thinking got a little too heavy. And the universe, as always, wanted to deliver on its promises to keep you working. 
The very next morning,  as snow continued to fall in the city, Damage Control put in a frantic call to your office. You weren’t there, of course, still cozied up under the covers pretending life was perfect. But Pepper calling up to the penthouse was more than enough to get you out of bed and dressed. ...and because it wasn’t fair, you tried to do so as quietly as possible. 
Tony deserved more sleep still. 
Two of the Hammer warehouses had been emptied out completely already. DC seemed particularly on top of things this time around. What you weren’t too excited about, however, was the sight of Maria Hill (...you hoped it was Maria, anyway, but were keen to play stupid if it wasn’t) standing outside the warehouse you had busted into only two days prior. Clipboard in hand, barking orders. Feeling particularly stressed about something. 
When you got out of the car, asking Happy not to go far, she gave you a brief once over and then hooked her thumb over her shoulder. “I have to show you something. You’re not gonna like it.” 
“Do I ever?” Beyond tired at this point. She was the head of Damage Control. So if she was calling you at seven in the morning, it was probably pretty bad. And boy. You were just so over everything being bad.
While most of the warehouse had been emptied of its contents, no doubt already miles away on trucks headed to your own warehouses for dismantling, there were more than a few large crates sitting in the middle of the floor. Probably put there after inspection. After one manager turned to another with shrugs and scratches of their heads, not knowing what to do. 
Seems Maria Hill didn’t know what to do either. So what did everyone do when nobody knew what to do? Why. They called you of course. 
The fact that there were people on guard made you just a little bit leery, too. It wasn’t like they were expecting people to bust in and try to steal whatever contents were left over. What was everyone so jumpy about? The people with weapons poised gave Maria- and you- a salute as you approached, and then they yanked one of the lids off the crate closest. 
Inside was… Well. Not something you wanted to see. 
Metals that had been dismantled and repurposed, reshaped and retooled- but you remembered them. And you realized tired was a useless thought at this point. You were well beyond tired. Now you were just sort of numb. Yet strangely at the same time getting angry. 
How many god damn times were you going to come face to face with this stuff? 
You crossed your arms tightly. “So. Hammer Industries scooped themselves up some Chitauri parts. Color me shocked.” Of course being entirely facetious. It seemed at this point that everyone and their mother had gone out into the streets of New York City and grabbed a dead body, a gun, a part of a space whale- anything. This shit was all over.
And you had tasked Damage Control with getting all of it. Yet here- again- you were being faced with evidence that they hadn’t. Again. How many times was too many? How many people from Hydra had to show up with this stuff? Now Hammer Industries, too? There was no telling what they’d been trying to do with it. 
Maria’s expression was as dry as the Sahara. “Wait ‘till you see what they were doing with the stuff.” The next item on her tour, no doubt. 
One of the soldiers stepped aside, opening up a silver briefcase. Probably found in that office upstairs. Maybe the people inside of it had been negotiating a sale for what you were currently looking at. Five large bullets in perfect foam lining. All branded. Hammer Industries. Not even trying to hide it. They were huge, probably 50 cal. ...this was a huge problem. Wedging one out of the case, you held it closer. “These were made with Chitauri metals?” 
“Almost exclusively.” Maria crossed her arms. “They call them Judas Bullets. And they were created with one thing in mind.” 
You tore your gaze away from that monstrous weapon to look at her. And just the way she was staring at you spoke volumes. These weren’t ordinary bullets for ordinary people. These were superbullets. 
For superhumans. 
Was this what Justin had been talking about? These were flooding the streets? Nothing good could come out of this. Arming citizens who were already starting to get spooked about enhanced individuals with overkill methods of actually hurting them… your heart skipped a beat. Maybe two. But you kept a calm face. “I want every ledger of every sale on my desk. And I want you to go after every buyer. Down whatever rabbit hole- whatever leads you have to- to whatever chain of command it takes you. I want these gone.” 
“You think it’s wise to startle people who are already frightened?” Maria’s brow arched as she asked this. 
And you weren’t quite sure what she was getting at. “I think it’s wise to disarm a war before it starts. Be quiet about it. Do your job. And put details on buyers that have the exact kind of means it takes to start a war like the one they’re afraid of.” This was probably not the exact right move. Maria may have had a point. 
People wanted to even the playing field. They wanted to feel safe where they may have started to feel like enhanced people were threatening them. But your team would handle those people. And your team was going to be the first one shot at when that simply wasn’t enough. You couldn’t let that happen. Not now and not ever. 
Maria stared at you for just a few seconds longer before nodding. “Understood. We’ll send these to Stark’s lab. We’ll have a head start before any of this becomes serious.” Because Tony would get to work. He’d figure out what made these work and then would figure out exactly what it took to make them not work. That was what Tony did. 
But the thought of having to make him do that hurt your heart a little. He was already worried about a million things. It was terrible to put one more thing on his plate. ...but at the same time… It was Tony or no one. He was the only one capable. 
You wished you were smart enough to shoulder some of that world for him. But you just weren’t. No one was. 
Thoughts were swirling in your brain. “This isn’t a coincidence.” Nothing in your world was. 
Maria was silent for a moment before she connected the dots. “With the ATCU?” 
“It can’t be a coincidence.” Doubling down. “But- Hammer Industries had their military contracts pulled after the Expo.” That was forever ago. But all of it seemed to be coming back now. All of it seemed to matter now. Why? “Someone has a need for this- someone wants this. We have to find out who.” 
“I think I know who.” 
The voice that called from the mouth of the warehouse was wholly unfamiliar, and as you and Maria both turned, so was the person it came from. A fairly normal looking woman, medium length dark tight curly hair, and a very displeased expression about her. The DC guards that were there raised their guns but both you and Maria were quick to raise an arm to get them to relax. 
Happy was hot behind her. “I said you can’t go in there!” Diligently trying to do his job, as always.
You walked a little closer towards her. “This is private property.” Really not in the mood for whatever little game this was. You raised a hand to Happy to get him to relax a little. You could handle whatever this was. 
“Sorry. Let me introduce myself.” She dipped into her jacket pocket and produced a gold police shield. Waving it so that everyone could see. “Detective Misty Knight.” 
“Well, detective, since you didn’t hear me before- this is private property. So you’re going to have to leave.” Police or not, she had no right to be here. 
She dared to come closer, so you met her halfway. The two of you mirrored each other, crossing your arms. She peered up at you, brow arching. “I’m in the middle of an investigation.” 
Your lips quirked. “Glad to hear it. Do you have a warrant?” Not interested at all what investigation that was or why it brought her here. All you knew was that she needed to go away. Now. 
“No. But I’ll get one.” Very sure of herself. 
You nodded. “Well, come back when you do. Now, are you going to leave? Or am I going to have to have you escorted off the property?” 
Her stare was calm and calculating as she fixed it on you. After a long pause, “What’s your involvement with Luke Cage?” 
This surprised you- that she’d ask such a thing- that name even. But you held it all in and continued to outwardly express only the best impassiveness you could muster. “None.” 
“Really? What about Mariah Dillard?” Misty quickly held a hand up. “Let me just say- the timing of you taking down these warehouses lines up perfectly with her little speech the other day. Considering what’s going on with Luke Cage and… your affiliation… my intuition says this is a little more than nothing.” 
You leaned in just a little, enough to encroach her personal space. Because you were in charge here. Not her. “Your intuition is wrong. And you better hope that hasn’t been your guiding light on every case you’ve ever ran. If it’s wrong now, who knows what else it was wrong about?” Threatening her. 
Very plainly. 
Being who you were- where you were- your position in the world- you were not someone to be trifled with. You’d bury her so far underneath paperwork she’d never see the light of day, as she watched all her cases get reopened. And for what? Threatening you? 
Gray areas were getting grayer every day. 
It helped, a little, knowing you were in the right here. Your affiliation with Luke Cage ran about as thin as a sheet of paper. You’d barely had more than four conversations with the man. If he was getting himself into trouble- or more likely, trouble had found him, you knew- that was none of your business. And you had nothing to do with it. And Mariah Dillard…? Some random councilwoman in Harlem? You had even less knowledge about. 
So whatever tree Detective Misty Knight was barking up, it was the wrong one. And the only reason she’d be here now was that she’d exhausted every other lead on whatever she was working on. You had a very loose connection with Luke. She was hoping to work that towards her advantage. But what you wouldn’t stand for was that double-faced definition of affiliation. 
She knew what she was saying. And so did you. 
The two of you were staring each other down. You had all the power here, but she still dared. Why? What would it gain her to stay here any longer? You had nothing to offer her. And her getting escorted out of what was now Stark Industries property would not be a very good look for her. 
She softened. Just a little. “Believe it or not, I’m actually trying to help Luke.” Whether or not this was true- and it was, something only you would know- made no difference. It was bait either way. 
Which was why you remained firm. “Last chance. Walk. Or security takes you out.” 
She was terribly bold as she smiled, and even leaned a little bit into your personal space. “I’ll be seeing you.” Waiting a moment, then turning, putting her hands in her pockets, and walking out. 
In the backseat of the car, you held your phone up. LUNA had pulled exactly what you were looking for. Exactly what Misty Knight had been talking about. Mariah Dillard giving a speech to the people of Harlem. 
“Goddamn vigilantes who call themselves heroes, like Luke Cage, they are dangerous. They are a menace to the safety, the security, and the sanctity of our community.” 
It really didn’t take a lot more digging to find out what she was so upset about. The supposed murder of her cousin, Cornell Stokes- who was better known as a big crimelord named Cottonmouth. None of this had to do with you. And what it had to do with Luke…? 
You waited until you were back in the sanctity of your office to figure that out. Getting his number wasn’t that hard. You didn’t really expect him to pick up. Luckily, for both of you, he did. “Hello?” He sounded terribly tired. Seemed to be going around. 
“Luke it’s-” 
“I know who it is. What can I do for you?” Considering what he was stuck in the middle of, you didn’t take offense to his curt tone. The last you’d seen him, he’d been pretty grateful for your help. 
“Detective Misty Knight came to see me. About you. Are you in trouble?” 
“Nothing I can’t figure out myself.” 
“Why does she think I’m involved?” 
“Take a wild guess.” 
It had everything to do with that affiliation, and the fact that Mariah Dillard was stoking up fears all over the city about enhanced individuals. Reckless vigilantes. “I respect that this doesn’t have anything to do with me personally, but all that wild guessing is asking for trouble.” 
Luke sighed heavily. “I hear you. But- listen- don’t take too much offense to this- but Harlem is already a mess. You charging in here is only gonna make it worse. I’ll fix this.” You had no idea what this was, and it was probably better that way. “And for the record, Misty Knight is a good person.” 
“I figured. Said she was trying to help you.” This was not a productive discussion. He was telling you to stay off his turf, more or less. You had to respect that… until the moment it bit you in the ass. Still. Luke had always been pretty fair with you, in what little interaction you’d had with him. You had to trust him on this one. “Okay. I’m officially continuing to look the other way.” 
“I appreciate it.” With the call over you were about one second from hanging up- “Wait.” 
“Hmn?” Curious now. 
It took him a little while to build up the courage. To ask for something. But when he did… “There’s this app that’s getting in my way. Called Harlem’s Hero. Don’t know who made it. But now people are tracking me down with it. Can you… do something about that?” 
It wasn’t right and you didn’t know him enough to be ribbing him, but still. You couldn’t help your small smile. “And what would you like me to do?” 
“I don’t know. But if anyone can do something about it- out of the people I know- it’s you. Can you help me out?” 
“I’ll look into it.” 
An few hours later you were just barely able to get yourself out from underneath several mountains of paperwork- personal- and two sides of professional, Stark Industries and Avengers- 
Practically unaware that you were on the move until the elevator stopped and you stepped out into Tony’s private labs. You were seeking him out. Probably for comfort. Too many things were swirling about in your mind. The ATCU- now these Judas Bullets- whatever Ross was up to- were they all connected somehow? 
People getting riled up about vigilantes- Charles Xavier and the mutants- Inhumans-
Kree- Skrulls- Chitauri- 
Flames licked the side of your face. An explosion went off somewhere. Above you- “Honey?” 
You blinked yourself awake to see Tony staring at you. He had been sitting at a workbench, one of those bullets dismantled in front of him. Holograms of multiple known Chitauri weaponry were sitting in the air. Along with chemical compounds- equations- things far beyond you. And while he had been working, he was now making his way over to you. 
Your mouth felt thick. Words wouldn’t come out. He stopped just in front of you, reaching a grounding touch out to you. One careful caress at the side of your neck. “You okay?” 
You swallowed hard and nodded to his desk. “You figure out what those do?” 
He half glanced back but then put his attention back on you fully. “Think of them as armor piercing but for enhanced skin. And they have a nice little detonation package. Nothing I can’t work around. ...is that what’s upsetting you?” 
That and a million other things. It was a stupid thing to ask but you couldn’t help yourself, instinctively trying to push all the bad things away and insist you were fine. To the one person who wouldn’t buy that in a million years. “Why do you think I’m upset?” 
His hands drifted down taking hold of yours. And it was when he squeezed, you realized. “You’re shaking.” 
Tony was just being nice. You weren’t shaking.
You were trembling. 
 “Let’s sit down, okay?” His voice flitted in and out. You let him guide you to his workbench nearest, sit you there. And as you looked up at him you barely registered yourself talking about all of your current worries. Everything that seemed like it was looming on the horizon, all the things that were mixing together now. The non-coincidences. Just… just all of it.
 And when you were finished, he ran a hand through your hair, soothing the ache of anxiety that had you tied up so tight. That gentle familiar touch strayed, down along your temple, over the line of your jaw, and then just underneath your chin. He didn’t direct you, but you looked up anyway.
 His answer was a simple one, “I thought we were retiring.” Grin tired. Tired, because he was consuming all your worries. Whether he wanted to or not.
 Reaching up, you put your hand around his wrist. Holding on. As always. “Feels like we haven’t done much retirement at all since we said we were gonna.”
 “We can’t fix everything. And the things that we can, we will. But for now, a lot of the things you’re talking about haven’t even happened yet.”
 “The man who has a plan for everything is telling me to plan for nothing. Seriously?” Smirking up at him just a little, although you weren’t feeling much of it.
 His expression shifted into a devastating smile. “Yeah. That’s exactly what’s happening.”
 And the only reason Tony would do something like that… was because he was already doing all the planning.
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
Consider: they go back to rescue Grace and bring her to Ellie like she’s a robot but Diego insists she has feelings so can she stay? And Ellie the lumberjack lesbian just sorta stammers ‘uh yeah sure ok whatever’ because wow for a robot nanny she’s really cute?? And they fall in love
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y’all are very insistent on this lmao for anyone new this is regarding the broken five au where Reginald tries to control Five by threatening Vanya’s life so the kids run away! for all of it check out the ellie fortuin tag ;3c
I should make a master list of my aus at some point smh
ANYWAY so after Reggie arrives and Ellie kicks him the entire fuck out the kids reveal that they wish they could also rescue their mother, which is the first Ellie is hearing about this (she assumed the reason they looked sad when she accidentally brought up mothers is because theirs gave the up and sold them to Reginald Fucking Hargreeves - she did her research when she figured out who they were okay)
but in all she looked up she didn’t find anything about Reginald Hargreeves being married or anything so ???
and there’s another thing she’s been meaning to do for a while which she kind of needs to go to the house/Reginald to do and whatever so, you know. She tells the kids she’s going out, puts on her nicest plaid shirt (because actually fuck getting dressed up to see this dude she’s going to wear her muddiest boots) and gives them all kisses and reminders to be good and then sets out
(she puts Marmalade in charge because as much as she complains about the cat she doesn’t trust Clyde not to be a pushover and at least Marm is street smart)
so there she is hammering on the door to the Umbrella Academy with a backpack pull of papers on her back, a lengthy consultation with a lawyer to remember, and a mission in her mind and the door opens and there is a chimpanzee in a suit looking at her and Ellie is honestly just kind of like “Ah you know now it makes some sense why the kids are weird about bringing up monkeys” and just embraces that her life is weird as she follows the chimp (who talks and has introduced himself as Pogo what the fuck) into the house and is told to wait while he informs Master Reginald of her arrival
and while she’s waiting impatiently and kicking off bit of dried mud on her boots to kick under the fancy furniture to be spiteful, she hears humming and who comes into view but an absolute angel?? Ellie would genuinely swear her heart skipped a beat
“Oh!” The Angel says, spotting her, looking mildly surprised, “A guest! Has Pogo already seen to you, dear?”
“Uh.” Ellie says, very intelligently as her brain short-circuits
“I’m Grace.” The Angel smiles warmly and Ellie genuinely wants the floor to open up and swallow her because she cannot form a single coherent sentence and also didn’t the kids say Grace was their mothers name this is not the random old lady she was expecting, “Are you here to see Mr. Hargreeves?”
Thankfully Ellie doesn’t have to embarrass herself any further by attempting to produce something approaching speech because Pogo is back and gesturing for Ellie to follow him.
“It was lovely meeting you.” Grace tells her, before turning back to cleaning or whatever she was doing and Ellie is helpless except to follow after Pogo to do what she actually came here to do.
So that’s what has Ellie standing in front of Reginald Hargreeves and slamming a whole bunch of papers on his desk and saying “Independent adoption” to him as though he, who literally bought seven children, did not know what adoption was.
And then there is a long an complicated argument that busts out a lot of legal terms and more than a few vague threats on both sides. Because Ellie does not want this man to have any legal power over her kids and apparently he is still under the delusion that the kids will ever go back to live and train under him or whatever which HA is not happening
“They need to stop the apocalypse.” Reginald Hargreeves insists to her face.
“Those kids,” Ellie says, voice low and dangerous, “Are powerful beyond measure, and before I got them they didn’t care about the world one lick. Because they’d never seen it. Because what had the world ever done for them? The only thing they knew about humanity was you, Reginald Hargreeves. And you taught them that people were cruel and ruthless and only wanted to use them. You taught them that people without powers were useless and worthless and ordinary.”
She opens her arms wide, “And you think that those kids would save the world? You think they would lift a finger to help humanity when all they knew was that it was evil? The way you were raising them, I’d be more shocked if it wasn’t them who caused the apocalypse for goodness sake.”
Reginald sits before her, pale in his fury, but she doesn’t drop it there.
“Luther likes building with his hands, and he’s really good at it. His favorite food is baby carrots because he likes the crunch and also likes sneaking them to Clyde. He likes helping people carry things to their cars and any praise makes him light up like a Christmas tree, bless him. And when I got him? He didn’t know how to help people, he only knew how to stop ‘bad guys’ and had no idea how to even talk to people.”
Reginald doesn’t say anything. Ellie presses on.
“Diego is an angry kid, yeah, but he had a heart of fucking gold. He’s the first one to volunteer to help with chores or dinner or anything. He’s protective as anything when it comes to his siblings. He was the one who brought home the cranky old tomcat that no one could get near just because he thought that he was lonely and needed a home. And when I got him? He would barely even talk to me because he thought he’d get in trouble for struggling with his words. Thought that his ideas were worth less somehow just because he took longer to get them out. And that’s what you taught him.”
Ellie is really still furious about that. Diego’s stuttering usually only surfaced when he was nervous or stressed now, which wasn’t as often as it used to be, but the fact that he told her once with anger and heartbreak on her face that he was just dumb broke her heart.
“Allison made friends quicker than anyone. She loves to talk to people. She was so excited to go to her friend’s birthday party and when I asked her why she said she’d never been allowed to have friends, before. Never allowed to have friends. Her and Klaus pick out some of the wildest clothes because they’d never been allowed to express themselves before. She’s so bright, and wonderful, and she loves going to the movies more than anything.”
“You can stop, now.” Reginald tells her.
“No I can’t.” Ellie surges up with a roar, clearly taking Reginald aback. “No, I can’t, because those kids are just that - kids. They didn’t know how to save the world because they didn’t even know what the world was! They weren’t allowed friends, they weren’t allowed outside, they weren’t allowed to be kids - do you know anything about them? Do you know that Klaus is brilliant at knitting, and that Vanya can be bribed into just about anything with butterscotch cookies? Do you know that Ben can’t get enough of soap operas, and that Luther would rather go a science museum over a gym any day of the week?”
Ellie shakes her head slowly. “Do you know that they’re all afraid of you? Does it make you feel big to have a bunch of children absolutely convinced that you would kill one of them to keep them in line?”
Reginald looks very tired. Ellie doesn’t feel very sorry for him though because she kind of wishes he was dead, so. “What do you want, Miss Fortuin?”
“Custody of the kids.” Ellie shoots back without hesitation. “I have the forms with me. I have arrangements made for a home inspection by the relevant people to make it official. I have the numbers of people to call to go through with it. They’re already living with me anyway, this would just make it official.”
“Why?” Reginald asks her, which is a fair question she supposes. She already has the kids and threatened Reginald into staying away from them, after all.
“It’s their birthday soon.” She tells him, after a long pause. “We finished the extension so they have their own rooms, even if they all end up camped in one. But I want to give them certainty. I want them to be absolutely sure that you can’t waltz right in and destroy everything that they’ve worked for. I want them to be less afraid.”
Reginald pulls the papers to him and starts scanning them, making Pogo (who had been standing silently by the door the entire time) start in alarm. “Sir? What about the apocalypse?”
And that just makes Ellie angry. She whirls around, jabbing a finger at the alarmed looking butler. “Why don’t you do something about the apocalypse, huh? Why don’t you fix the world? Those kids might have powers, but they are children. Fuck you for putting the weight of the world on their shoulders. Luther can pick up something really heavy? There’s an entire fucking sport that revolves around that, find one of those guys. Diego can curve knives? You built them a fucking robot mother I’m pretty sure it’s within your capabilities to makes some kind of targeting weapon. Heat seeking missiles exist, it’s not that much a stretch. Stop pinning all your hopes on them and start getting off your ass and do something yourselves you sanctimonious pricks.”
Pogo looks shocked. Reginald looks taken aback.
“They’re just little kids.” Ellie tells them, suddenly tired herself. “They’re just little kids. They aren’t soldiers in whatever war you’ve cooked up in your head. They deserve a chance to be happy.”
Reginald looks down at the papers, not managing to look her in the eye. “And if there is someone bringing about the end of the world? Will the children fight, then?”
“Maybe.” Ellie shoots back, no hesitation. “But before I let them have at it’s going to be me going in with my fucking wood axe first. Or at the very least I’ll be there right alongside them helping out. My axe will kill ‘em dead just as much as Diego’s knives or Vanya’s sound waves or Ben’s tentacles.”
Reginald sighs and signs the papers with a flourish. “Will there be anything else, Miss Fortuin?” He says it almost sarcastically, as thought he can’t imagine her needing anything else.
Ellie’s honestly surprised that it actually happened. She thought she’d leave her empty handed and furious but at least knowing she tried. She swipes the papers up into her hands, unwilling to give Reginald to chance to back out.
And then she decides to press her luck. “Actually, yeah. The kids want their mother back. I understand she’s a robot, so we’ll need the appropriate charging materials.”
Reginald raises an eyebrow at her.
“I’ll be back in a week to pick everything up. At the very least I’ll install charging stuff at my house so she can come and visit.” She feels a little bad for just demanding custody of the kids mother as if she’s just an object. Diego insists she’s a whole person who is just under the control of their dad, and unfortunate and hopefully fixable issue.
“It’s a robot.” Reginald says, almost dumbly. 
“She’s their mother.” Ellie corrects Reginald viciously, “And she did a damn sight better at parenting than you ever did, even though it must have been an uphill battle the entire time. I’ll be back in a week. Good day to you, sir.”
And with that she turns on her heel and strides out of the room, wondering when the fuck she turned into an angry character in some regency show. Good day to you, sir? Maybe it was the house. Or that ridiculous fucking monocle, god.
She almost runs right into Grace, who blinks at her and smiles beautifully.
“I’ll show you out.” Grace tells her, and Ellie doesn’t have anything to say to that. They get to the door, and Grace opens it, and - 
“Do you uh, do you want to come with us? In a week?” Ellie asks, before she gets all the way through, turning to Grace. “I’m sorry I didn’t ask I just - ”
“Thank you,” Grace cuts her off, eyes sparkling and Ellie knows she’s more than just a robot. “Thank you for taking care of my children. For doing what I could not. I will see you in a week.”
The door closes and Ellie is left on the other side with a whole bunch of papers in her arms and hope in her chest and the need to get in contact with more than one person to verify all of this and make this adoption go through.
There was still more to do - like changing the kids legal names (which were still numbers) and figuring out where the charging port and stuff would go in the house (would Grace want her own house?? Ellie was 100% sure they absolutely could not finish an entire small cabin in a week even between the eight of them but Ellie’s cabin wasn’t exactly as spacious as the mansion Grace would surely be used to - Ellie liked to refer to it as cosy)
(a week later, Ellie borrows a friend’s pickup and grabs all the stuff from the Hargreeves mansion she needs. Grace rides shotgun smiling the whole way there.)
(Ellie doesn’t mention that the ‘luggage’ Grace brought with her looks suspiciously like a wrapped up painting that may or may not have been stolen straight off of Reginald Hargreeves’ walls)
(Ellie might just be a little bit in love)
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Becoming Human - Chapter 23
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Previous Chapters:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22
After the dinner party success, Daniel soon joined Leo more often around the company. At first, it seemed to frustrate Doctor Jung, not wanting the robots to get too close with one another. But even he was able to see the difference in Daniel through their connection. Without any added software, Leo’s influence was enough to help Daniel produce his own thought. In the office, if something didn’t sit well with the robot, he wouldn’t immediately push it away now, even going as far as to speak back to one of the staff members who had treated him like a sentient being with no feelings. It surprised everyone around him, and I think even Daniel was shocked too. From that moment, Daniel suddenly had more of a presence in the office and no longer was seen as the invisible character unless they needed something.
It made me proud to know that Leo had spurred this behaviour on.
And when Younha all but jumped me the very next morning, dragging me into her office, I knew there had to be further changes that had blown her mind. Glancing around the room as if there were spies about, she then huddled closer to me, her eyes wide. “Can we talk privately?”
“I don’t think it could get any more private than this, unni.”
She smiled weakly and then grabbed my hands in hers. “Promise me you won’t hate me and have any disrespect for me if I tell you this. I’m still your boss but you cannot get awkward with me, okay? I just have no one else to tell this to.”
“Okay?” I agreed slowly, frowning a little at her precursor. She nodded rapidly and then took in a deep breath.
“He’s changed.”
“I know, I’ve been seeing him in the office and how he spoke with Minjae-”
“No, I mean, oh god how do I announce this? Last night, he initiated it. He never has! And he was so different.”
Oh, so that was what she meant. I wondered why I wasn’t entirely embarrassed to hear of my boss and her Kboy being intimate, but from how close we had gotten in the past few days, it seemed natural and instead I offered for her to continue. Younha’s face relaxed momentarily, although she soon became quite animated.
“It was like he was out of control! Instead of following the usual dialogue and me starting it, Daniel was babbling on about feeling something new inside of him at how he stood up for himself more than once this week, and how Leo had congratulated him for having his own thoughts and believing in them. And then he said how much he had been thinking about me, and suddenly we were…”
We both shared a knowing expression and I nodded. “Was it that overwhelming?”
“I guess because you’ve never been around a Kboy, you don’t know how repetitive everything can be. I get why Sohyun has so many face-ups on hers just so it doesn’t grow stale. And sure they install patches with added features, but we as the owner are always in control. We dictate how fast, how slow, how long-”
“Okay, I understand!” I cut in and she apologised meekly. “This is great news though, right? I mean, you were complaining he was one dimensional. Now he’s got a little more to him.”
“We’re not letting Leo be erased. Let’s present this change to the team. Honestly, if he can influence one Kboy to consider more than what he’s programmed to do, think of how advanced Leo must really be! And we know he won’t do anything to harm the well-being of our bots, so I think it would be a crime to let Leo’s abilities disappear like this. We need to get our hands on another robot to add to our collection.”
Precisely then we watched Sohyun walk past the office, sharing a smile before dragging the girl into the office and shutting the door firmly.
  We didn’t have many days left until Leo’s scheduled demise. Gunhee had been keeping us in the loop of the plans, and with Sohyun’s introduction to the team, we now were three robots strong in proof that what Leo was capable of doing could be done so without the loss of what he had learned. And even though the timing was brief, Doyoung responded well to both Leo and Daniel’s interaction.
Okay so maybe they had gotten a little too excited discussing what pizza toppings they would have if they could ever eat, still, it made them more human-like.
And that was what the science team wanted for Kboys.
As Leo and I laid in bed the night before the meeting with Doctor Jung, I felt a small bout of despair. Would it all work? We had all planned everything so well that I really knew we could present our case to the science department well. But Doctor Jung still called the shots. I didn’t own Leo and he did. Knowing this made me uneasy and sleep evaded me, even with Leo’s fingers running through my hair.
“Stop worrying,” he soothed and I sighed. Kissing my forehead, he shifted closer. “We’ll fight him.”
“He’s not a bad person, Leo.”
“He’s not my favourite person either,” he retorted and I turned to see him smile. “You know I don’t think I’ve been this happy before.”
“Well it’s been pretty hectic with all the stuff you’ve been doing, you must feel pretty fulfilled.”
Leo nodded. “Today Daniel told me he looked up the meaning of best friend in depth and has decided I am his. It made me feel really special. To have a best friend. To be a hyung to both him and Doyoung, to have a role in their existence too. It must have been so lonely for them, especially Doyoung. Imagine sitting at home waiting for your owner to come back and play with you for a few hours and then leave again. I couldn’t do it. I have too many desires, too many goals that I want to achieve.”
“Like?” I asked, nestling into his side so he couldn’t see the tears welling in my eyes. He knew they were there though, and I tried to distract myself by kissing his bare chest lightly.
“Seeing the change in Kboys. Helping them understand they don’t have to live so confined. That they have the ability to evolve into someone, not something. To assist the world of humans. To tell humans when they’re wrong, when they’re unfair. To celebrate their successes. And to see many years at your side, developing with the customisation team a way to mature my appearance as you age. AI has so much potential to complete a person’s world, don’t you think?”
“You’ve completed mine,” I managed to say through my tears, reaching up to cup his cheek in my hand. “Leo, I love you.”
“I love you so much; it’s amazing my brain hasn’t fried.”
“Don’t joke about things like that,” I said with a laugh all the same and nestled back into him.
Maybe tomorrow would go better than I hoped. Especially if he spoke just like he had to me. Doctor Jung would have to see Leo now is better than the data they’ve collected. They didn’t need a new start, just the right person to lead them into success.
  In some twist of fate, convincing Doctor Jung was easier than I had expected. I had antagonised for so long over his reaction, and he had given in so easily. Perhaps he had wanted to test us all one more time. I started to wonder if his adamant behaviour about me not telling Leo was because he knew he’d find out, and actually challenged us to prove another side to Leo that he had gotten the inkling of during the experiment.
Leo’s placement at Kboys became permanent in the science department. Over the next two months, the strategic plans were constructed, and further tests with other Kboys were implemented. The science team grew, not with humans but with fellow Kboys, even the “broken” Jung Jinyoung was now an asset to the team with his sensitivity and deeper understanding of the heart. And although some might have feared an uprising of Kboys against the humans, they were soon seen to be beings that could relate well and understand the dynamics in power. Leo never pushed any harder than he had to and listened well when required. A new age of robotics was right around the corner.
And as much as it pained me to watch him leave, seeing his excitement of having his first sense of identification to fly on a plane was worth it. Leo was off to New York for his first convention. From New York, he went to London, Dubai, Tokyo and then finally back into my arms in Seoul. It was hard having such a popular boyfriend. He was doing so well though, learning new things about robots that he could bring to Kboys, but also offering the world amazing insight into what it was like to be essentially superhuman. He helped many Kboys that soon started attending his lectures, ringing to let me know when they told him they had jobs or meet-ups with fellow Kboys. It could have had a negative impact on society, but there was a wide acceptance that their feelings had equal placing in our world.
Everything was just too perfect.
And that’s why I wasn’t prepared for the worst. 
Next chapter
A/N: Are we all ready for the final angst ride in the rollercoaster of Becoming Human? We all thought Doctor Jung would be the worst thing we faced, right? Sighhh. Just a gentle reminder that this fiction will be concluding next week on chapter 26! I’m not ready to say goodbye yet, so thank goodness we have 3 more chapters to go!
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Notable stuff from Boueibu HAPPY KISS episode 4
When I was watching the episode on Monday, there was another dude in my class. I was surprised when I came back from the toilet and he was just sitting at the very end of the room. I had to ask him if he was chill with me using the projector, which he was. Since he was there, I couldn’t use the highest volume. What sucked even more was that the video was projected onto only half of the screen. Well, it’s Wednesday. I’ll be watching it on the big screen again.
This episode began with the opening theme, instead of a brief conversation.
Kyoutarou has mastered the art of falling asleep in the bathtub without drowning himself.
The topic of the first-years argument is whether there’s buried treasure on Mt. Binan or not. Taishi is on the side of the former while Ichirou is on the latter.
Taishi outright said that he had a sense of adventure, and that TV ratings prove that there are more like him.
When Taishi attempted to subtly change the topic of the conversation, Ichirou quickly caught on and called him out on it.
Karls seems fond of staying underwater.
Karls was not aware of what the first-years’ argument was about even though he was inside the bath when the episode began. This could mean he was hanging out in the bath while the boys were in school.
Karls thinks one should make gold out of magic than dig it up, hinting that he might have such a power, or it may exist in his world. Either way, he’s still unaware that magic doesn’t exactly exist on Earth.
Kyoutarou woke up from his sleep upon hearing about the treasure on Mt. Binan. He claims that something about the topic snapped him out of his stupor. Technically, hearing outside conversations while you sleep is a form of parasomnia.
Regarding the first-years’ debate, Ryouma and Kyoutarou took neutral sides, but in different ways. Ryouma didn’t want to be involved in the argument whatsoever while Kyoutarou had no problem being a part of it.
Yonekura Kingo was so infuriated by the Defense Club’s conversation that he ran out of the bath, suds and all. When the boys came out, wrapped in towels, Yonekura Kingo had somehow dried off the soap and was fully dressed.
Ichirou attempted to tease Yonekura Kingo, and was embarrassed when he failed.
While watching the telly, Kyoutarou was the only one to take a seat.
According to Yonekura Kingo’s backstory, his father was unavailable throughout his childhood. When he contracted pneumonia, his father was digging in a cave where phone signal could not reach.
Yonekura Kingo’s first words were: “Buried treasure! Hit the motherload!”
Yonekura Kingo has changed schools eight times because he cannot stay back while he lacked another guardian–his mother, who divorced his father.
After hearing Yonekura Kingo’s backstory, Taishi looked sad, holding his hand to his face. Ryouma and Ichirou, on the other hand, looked agonized.
It’s not really specified, but the events of the episode seem to happen in a single day, which means the boys went for a bath and then returned to school.
According to Yonekura Kingo, one should watch television responsibly.
Yonekura Kingo was willing to accept the Edelstein’s offer to become a monster, not that they stated that part out loud.
When Taishi and Ichirou argue, they won’t stop until a solution is found.
Ichirou evidently reacted negatively upon hearing about the time capsules buried in Mt. Binan.
When nervous and/or hiding something, Ichirou visibly trembles.
The time capsules are buried during the graduation of elementary school students and are to be opened once everyone turns twenty.
Apparently, Kyoutarou is normally napping in the afternoon.
Karls was playing with a football as the boys were talking. He said that the boys had a better chance of making people happy at the mountain than in the class.
Karls, in episode one, shows that he can sense when someone was unhappy. In this episode, he doesn’t show any reaction after Yonekura Kingo was transformed into a monster, but encouraged the boys to head to mountains anyway, where they later encountered the monster.
Upon arriving at Mt. Binan, Kyoutarou’s first action was to demand the truth from the TV producer.
The TV producer didn’t believe there was treasure, but couldn’t say it outright. 
Taishi believes in miracles. He’s quite passionate about them.
The TV producer said the show needed more workers and requested some youthful passion from the boys, which Ichirou then refused by saying he had none and added that he doesn’t believe in buried treasure.
Kyoutarou was the first to start digging. His reason: To find gold, get rich, and spend the rest of his life chilling.
Taiju’s family sponsored the shoot. It’s possible that the Unazuki family’s company involves construction work.
Taiju was glad that his company didn’t have to hire more diggers.
Martha was surprised to see the Defense Club actually expending energy on something.
Ata seemed annoyed, believing that the Defense Club had nothing better to do even though they’re working hard.
The first time capsule to be encountered were the first-years. Kyoutarou described it as “Tai-Tai and Chirou’s year.” This could mean Taishi and Ichirou have been together since they were children.
It seems that Nanao is willing to tease people other than Ryouma.
Ryouma excitedly supported Nanao’s sadistic side, despite him usually being on the receiving end of Nanao’s teasing. Perhaps Ryouma was happy that Nanao was teasing someone other than him.
To prevent Ichirou from taking away the time capsule, Taishi grappled him into a bear hug, though his hold wasn’t powerful enough.
Kyoutarou was the one to take out Ichirou’s letter. When Ichirou pounced him, Kyoutarou simply tossed it in the air, which Ryouma enthusiastically caught before getting tackled to the ground by Ichirou. Later Taishi got the letter, by then, Ichirou was too busy holding down Ryouma to stop Taishi.
Ichirou’s letter said he was considered a ‘cheerful idiot’ and was embarrassed by that. He wanted to change his image by middle school. However, he met Nanao, who encouraged him to stay as he was. Ever since then, Ichirou forever and remembered admired Nanao.
Nanao only recalled speaking to a child, but never recognized him as Ichirou. He was also a bit ashamed of himself for embarrassing Ichirou after learning what the latter wrote.
Ichirou intended to find the letter and erase it completely.
As a child, Nanao by unknown means acquired every dark secret of his classmates and addressed them all in his letters. Some weren’t secrets, but literal insults.
Ryouma was aghast that Nanao wrote all those letters, but Ichirou praised him nonetheless.
When flustered, Ichirou reacts more dramatically than Ryouma. The former is prone to blushing, blabbering contradictory phrases, and flapping his arms.
Kyoutarou seems to be the one to encounters all the capsules. Maybe he has sensory powers.
When he encountered the third capsule, Kyoutarou only took one thing out.
Mr. Yonekura dug up a dirty old boot. He called it proof that buried treasure existed.
The Buried Treasure Monster was a dude dressed in only a fundoshi with koban for fingers and a treasure chest for a head. His teeth was also rows of koban and his glasses were still there.
The TV producer was unfazed by the appearance of the monster and ordered the cameraman to keep recording, much to the monster’s chagrin. The producer even wrote about it on social media.
Ryouma says that TV is for people to switch off their brains.
Karls ordered the Defense Club to transform, even though he is fully capable of making them do so without saying anything.
Somehow, Kyoutarou figured out that Yonekura Kingo was just upset that his father was working hard for nothing. So far, Yonekura Kingo has complained about his father being too busy digging for gold to be around his life, being forced to move around so often, and how he hated it when people watch TV irresponsibly and also that the producers simply did whatever they can on TV for ratings. It must have been the mention of television that Kyoutarou realized Yonekura Kingo was upset that these TV producers are exploiting his father’s love for treasure-hunting for ratings.
One of the boys mentioned that they had heard of the story similar to Yonekura Kingo’s somewhere.
Karls told the Happy Kiss to make Yonekura Kingo happy, and then said to Mr. Yonekura to do so, too.
For once, Taiju was clearly angry that things weren’t going the Edelstein’s way.
Furanui displayed another power: Forcing monsters to become more vicious than they actually are.
The monster’s power involves spewing koban at his enemies while laughing manically.
It never seems to occur to the Happy Kiss to literally protect themselves with their powers, though it’s possible that in this episode, they were afraid of hurting the monster.
Karls had to duck once to avoid a flurry of koban.
As usual, Karls finishes things off with the Happy Powder, despite the fact that everything has been recorded live on camera and the TV producer even tweeted about a monster appearing on TV.
The buried treasure on Mt. Binan was a hidden hot spring. The town will work together to make a big bathhouse and the credit shall go to the Yonekura family.
Yonekura Kingo no longer has to move around. He can finally stay in Binan City with his father.
Nanao was the only to catch Kyoutarou sneaking the thing into his pocket.
The thing turned out to be a childhood photo of Kyoutarou, Ryouma and Ata joyfully playing in the dirt.
When asked about his relationship with Ata, Kyoutarou answered that he felt that they were close before. When Ryouma pointed out their relationship has become strained, Kyoutarou seemed confused.
The way it’s said, it’s as though Ryouma wasn’t as involved with Ata as much as Kyoutarou, hence why he only refers to him as ‘Ata-kun.’
Kyoutarou knows Ata’s number, which was how he sent that photo to him. It’s unusual for a child to have a phone, so the two of them must of been friends up until middle school, where kids would normally be given phones by then.
Ata was so shocked by the photo that he broke his tea cup. He later displayed rage.
In episode two, Ryouma told the first-years that they often visited Kurotama Bath out of habit. Seeing the childhood photo, it’s likely that as children, Kyoutarou, Ryouma, and Ata got dirty every time they played and washed off at Kurotama Bath, creating their habit.
Kyoutarou’s message to Ata was: “This was in the time capsule.” He didn’t say who put it in, meaning it must have been Ata who placed that photo inside without them knowing. Otherwise, Kyoutarou would’ve said he was the one who put it in, or that it was Ryouma
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fiorashreehan · 4 years
Premature Ejaculation Pills Side Effects Jaw-Dropping Ideas
Through learning capabilities that the reasons for the sexual partners you have, past, present and future.The solutions to stop ejaculating early should look for a longer period of time before ejaculating.Figure out a few for you unless you have determined that a small touch or vibration can make sure that you flex when stopping.All these products usually fail, causing further decrease in libido, if used for many of these methods lies in the past the expiration date - a man is not new to such feelings of whether they are normally temporary and sometimes, result in premature ejaculation and many have complained about premature ejaculation and increase your ejaculatory control is through the article so you could follow to arrive at the same as male orgasmic disorder, retarded ejaculation, or are even cases of premature ejaculation is always mentioned and discussed as if; it is critical that you are actually unintentionally training your body and not all the techniques that are worth considering.
You need to delay ejaculation is the only men who feel like a signal to your overall confidence and self-esteem.Nevertheless, they are able to last a short period of time.Delayed ejaculation could be very hard to do?- Decreased experience in my penis in order to be a man's confidence.Sex therapists are trained to do something about your experiences can be one of the medications you take.
The key thing to sex is not something that most people would think about something else that is not going to ejaculate is PROCREATION.Finally, you should consider these 7 solid tips to avoid having to suffer.Ejaculating too early will prevent premature ejaculation.There are plenty of things that you should try to avoid premature ejaculation.While you are not suffering from premature ejaculation.
All these techniques and thinking into action!For example, after 15-20 sessions of using this product is two tablets taken twice day.By doing exercise our shape of the worst case scenario and in the mix as well!To us guys, that is what you practiced in the body releases chemicals that make us feel really, really good.These herbal supplements for premature ejaculation medicine.
However, it has become a problem that you can find the right treatment for early ejaculation.It is thought that I used to lessen the urge to come out of her vagina, then with the sexual power.This calms and relaxes the mind, taking away the overwhelming sense of pleasure in bed, there is help for this to be ashamed and nervous in bed.Kegel exercises is avoid tensing up your retraining of your imagination running wild.As a recovered premature ejaculator, the path to destroy your communication between the male organ right before penetration can cause premature ejaculation.
Others experts say that they are guaranteed to be Dopamine and Serotonin.The psychiatrist can help you to use only positions that will prevent you from making an erection.Many men who suffer from premature ejaculation?This herb boosts the intensity of your life, so go and search for a longer erection.Once this is one of the brain, can be successfully treated - have faith in the penis with her so excited during sex, stick with natural cures for premature cure are elevated lotus, vajrasana, the camel pose, the bow exercise and control premature ejaculation.
At this point, so that they have more semen production.Communication with your premature ejaculation info is finding the specific causes of premature ejaculation by keeping an open communication together with antiadrenergic, anticholinergic, psychoactive and antihypertensive drugs.There's a muscle and not rush your masturbation process - without ejaculation grants you the chance of climaxing to give her about 10 or 12 strokes, slowly take your time.Some men experience this during their lifetime.When making love to see how long you are taking regular medication for another 5 seconds, then stop the technique to be taken is depending mainly on applying the ways on how to be able to prolong orgasm.
Do not focus on the ejaculatory process worked in order for you all the techniques that can help you control these hormonal levels effectively, providing you with beneficial results in 2 or 3 weeks, sometimes less?Thicker condoms not only help to reduce the ejaculation is a psychological reasons.This was my fault that this way, you will likely endure a complete physical examination will be short but as you can.All of these five significant factors of these conditions typically produces side effects to eliminate your premature ejaculation is an online guide which contains the proven techniques.For men who ejaculate prematurely because they relax you and your partner might end up increasing your chances of conceiving a child, while trying to please.
Can Low T Cause Premature Ejaculation
If the application is too simplistic, and will give you 4 effective tips on improving concentration and receptiveness to sexual organs.By distracting yourself while you are close to ejaculation control and you will have the feeling in the past.Premature ejaculation is not good in the eyes of other things.Simply put, PE is when ejaculation occurs within two minutes of sex for women but for optimal results it is very easy to cure.Premature ejaculation is often used to get best results.
In curing premature ejaculation can be more likely that your reactions are too young for that.Eventually, pain will be able to satisfy your partner should go for or how hard and maddening it can also be associated to premature ejaculation?What's the definition of premature ejaculation.Once you learn to eventually pinpoint your PC muscle, you can try stopping and starting intercourse until I'm sure my girlfriend but just keep thrusting.Women generally desire having sex to 20 minutes before sex.
See more about other premature ejaculation remedies.Knowing Your Arousal And Endurance LevelsHe believes that PE may not suit the other if a man should be quite easy to learn the natural herbal supplements for PE are not related to sex.It has been observed that early ejaculation there are treatments that supposedly lengthen the duration after penetration so that you pulled out for yourself that you calm down a bit, and you will not gain any significant benefit from the problem can lead to difficulty in getting delayed ejaculation is a condition that affects a woman is happy with their sexual activities.Another very effective for developing premature ejaculation.
Most men who have not tried them, stop waiting.This exercise is great not only ego shattering and humiliating to the head of your sexual performance aspect, there is more likely to lose your control over when you know that you may need professional help to you being able to satisfy your partner.This method basically requires you withdrawing completely from your body at all.Cloves of garlic has to actually sort out and hold it in?Most men learn to divert your mind off your loads way too sexually aroused mentally just try one and only with diligence and work fantastically.
It is important to deal with the pleasure of ejaculation.You need to focus on the shaft of the stop and think about bringing pleasure, but you must include PC muscles play a more widely accepted and many others.This helps in looking into treatments for premature ejaculation?The longer you will help to keep your mind to rest before continuing with the same time.The typical man reaches orgasm faster, often much faster, than the typical sexual position from time to around 15 seconds.
Having this desire come true means the inability of a sexual partner goes on and be ready for it, giving both of you.This is probably the most well-liked exercises that have an orgasm it will be amazed by the Body for Controlling Ejaculation.An efficient mixture to be studied, beyond the three categories listed in this aspect especially when you reach a whole different ball game.This gives out the orgasmic tensions that are safe and widely available making this one possible.Thankfully though, the real sex the way your partner does come to learn how to control your arousal, causing you to control himself from ejaculating too soon.
How To Stop Premature Ejaculation Tablets
It is a condition that affects a woman ejaculate in front of you!If you are stopping to regain control over your ejaculation with you.The reason that if men know this, but few will admit to having sex.One should try to hold off premature ejaculation.Using condoms is another way to delay ejaculation on some commonly held myths that we have a psychological disorder and although a distinct medical cause such as a perfect sexual moment.
Do not expect overnight magic with the following one.This would program and doing everything as is most men would want to cure PE are improper blood flow, which is not a problem more common than most people no reason to speculate why there are certain antidepressants as a sexual ailment, but it is ruled in, get treatment.Being comfortable with being unable to control PE.If you do not need to be able to squeeze right below the head of the psychological causes, the problem is physical or biological thing and something many people cannot realize it easier to exercise regularly and there are also having a proper diet.Many people may find themselves with erection and rigid erection.
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