#brain that wants to avoid spoilers and read the story at my own pace vs brain that is soso obsessed with eggheads aesthetics. guess who won
1pcii · 9 months
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S-Hawk in the astro boy 2003 school fit 😮!!
(no reposts please but reblogs are greatly appreciated!)
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yaboylevi · 5 years
What about this chapter did you not like? love your art btw ❤️
Sorry for the wait, I wanted to read the official chapter and wait for a bit to see if my feelings changed (spoiler: they didn't).
It would be way faster to list the few things I enjoyed but alas.
VERY negative opinions under the cut. Seriously, if you liked the chapter, don't read this, I don't want to spoil your fun or upset you. I didn't bother to write this in a respectful tone, it's not an analysis, it's just me venting. That being said, if you guys read this ignoring my warning and get upset, it'll be your fault and responsibility, yeah.
The Annie's father stuff was okay, though I hope it's gonna be explained why he was the only one in Liberio running against the flow of the screaming crowd.
Then we get Reiner being pathetic once again, I am so tired of this. What's his purpose in the story aside from killing people, being a nuisance and or dead weight to others and feeling sorry for himself? I would've appreciated if he had had some introspection on how his rushed plan was partially the cause for Porco's death and Falco's transformation (and all the other deaths bc Zeke would've never screamed in Shiganshina if Reiner hadn't pushed for another attack there). But anyway if he'd had introspection, it would've been about self-pity and NEVER growth because he seems unable to have that, so I would've disliked it anyway. 
If I wasn't already rolling my eyes this hard at Reiner, then I would've started at Gabi. She's all over the place and I guess it's understandable since she is a kid and also deeply shocked and in pain. I understand it. But I don't like how Isayama made her go from despair, to murder instinct, to calm and collected in 2 pages. It's just ???? Then we have the Eren parallel and I groaned out loud. Whatever its meaning is. It's just forced.
One of the things I hated this chapter for and that I'm becoming so annoyed at in general lately, is that EVERYTHING parallels something that has already happened, and I don't understand if Isayama thinks he's being smart or if it has some deeper meaning like "oh see, history repeats itself!! wow!! a concept that is not being repeated ad nauseam in the series, not at all!! /s". I don't need it to be shoved into my face.
Idk. Also Reiner, of course, being safe in a house amongst titan territory...of...course...
Then the 104th scene. Ugh. Jean's delusion is so annoying. One moment he's rational, the other is like "muuuuu ereh is doing this for us!!! we couldn't do anything!!!", then he's rational again. Maybe if they had paid attention to Eren, and didn't only take into consideration stupid ideas that would've never worked for 4 years, maaaybe yeah, this wouldn't be happening. Who knows. I'm just tired of the 104th whining about their situation. I understand where they're coming from, their feelings, etc, I understand it's a crazy and emotional situation and all, but we already have SO MANY CHAPTERS about it, it's time to move on at least with the plot. It's just so pathetic and annoying. It makes me angry how he's basically trying to avoid responsibility or rationalize genocide like all the Eren goat stans in the fandom. I hate this mentality so much. "if they disappear, so will all the hatred! Do we really have to stop him?" JESUS CHRIST JEAN..............yikes
And then of course they (and Isayama) had to ruin chapter 108.
Then Jean also had the guts to say they should kill a kid so they can revive a commander, just bc he's too scared to take the reins of the situation. Again, I understand the struggle, it's the same as Hange afterall, it's just very, very ugly how he didn't even waver. Connie's been acting irrational, and he's been swept up by his anger for a while now, so I understand his development. Plus I find it more relatable to wanting to make a big sacrifice for someone you love, rather than someone you (think you) need. But Jean???? wtf. He doesn't even think back on the sin he was willing to commit, he isn't ashamed.
Armin as well doesn't even care that it's a kid they're talking about, he's only strategizing. And here's another annoying point: he's able to make these calculations now but when it comes to Eren his brain freezes and he becomes a delusional kid. Where were his brains when he had to think up of ways to negotiate with the world? Anyway, I get it, it's because Eren's his childhood friend and family. I am just so tired of seeing this again and again, and again. We've been stuck on this for over a year... Nothing has changed, they're just dejectedly going back and forth on their opinions and feelings. Really goes to show that Eren was the real heart of their group...
Connie flying away from the battlefield, effectively splitting again the povs we need to follow is...big yikes.
Parallel to Trost, parallel to Serumbowl. Yeah wow so interesting.
Nile dying so quick like that was also underwhelming. And it was unnecessarily cruel, imo, that as a titan he tried to kill children when as a person he was so sweet with kids (except with Eren, of course...).
The Gabi-Sasha parallel left me a bit confused. On the one hand, I don't like the killer being paralleled to the murdered. But on the other hand, I understand why that is [/inserts meta that i don't care about writing]. The Kaya-Gabi moments were also cute + Nicolo's little speech was nice, though a bit awkward, imo. I bitterly laughed at Gabi finally admitting that she mindlessly killed people just to be praised. At least she can better herself from now on! If only her cousin could take his self-pity and do something to change himself with it, but no, he just wants to change others or run away (and this is why i don't like reiner anymore).
Shadis saving these ungrateful kids was pretty cool.
I felt bad for Yelena, I want to see more of her (and maybe Mikasa+Louise), but instead, we have Jean vs Floch angst and I'm already sleeping, because I care so little about both of them.
Isayama painting Jean as a cool leader is just embarrassing when moments before he was pathetically whining and trying to kill a child (to which there was no setup, especially comparing it to the setup for Connie's plot thread. The last we saw of Jean with a kid was him wondering if he hesitated in killing the Cart because of Falco 15 chapters ago...and that was a compelling doubt but I guess he hadn't hesitated at the time, after all lol). The pages dedicated to the killing of the titans were boring, occupying space for nothing imo. Glossing over them would've sufficed, there could've just been the Pixis stuff, and it would've been fine. Which, btw, made me laugh a little in retrospect, because Armin is once again involved in the death of a Commander. Oh well.
I also didn't like that mini-flashback with Eren&Pixis. I guess Isayama wants to ruin every single nice moment Eren had with other people, because Eren is soooo so so bad now uwu, for no good reason, and it's only his fault right? people were nice to him and look at how he repaid them uwu. Big yikes for me.
I expected more from that Louise panel because it made me go [EYES EMOJI], but I guess I'll have to wait.
It's also unbelievable that NO ONE IN THE WHOLE STORY has thought of stopping Floch, when last time they arrested him, so technically why would they even leave him running around NOW? It's beyond me. Do they have a brain?
As for the basement conversation with Gabi, I hope that "I won't give up on Falco" panel + Armin looking at Gabi thoughtfully will start a "We can't give up on Eren" mindset for the 104th, but I doubt it's gonna be handled in a non-pathetic way, considering how's been done as of late.
Gabi screaming to talk to Eren was also very embarrassing from a reader pov (well, my pov). Because she was RIGHT THERE when EMA talked last time, and she should know that would most likely not work (I guess she's talking out of desperation but still...ppl be like "yeah!! they should talk to ErEn!1 why didn't they think of it!?!?!" and I mean it's probably gonna come down to that if the final audio is of any indication...I just find the presentation of this concept awkward and forced). 
I really disliked most of Gabi's part, even though she's a character I have learned to enjoy. I guess what shined through in this chapter is exactly what I don't like about how Isayama uses Gabi's character: it seems like she's just there as a fast-paced mini representation of the story themes, so she's just an instrument to the story. Sometimes I feel like she's a real character, sometimes I feel she's just a tool for the story and the themes.
Armin's reaction to hearing about Annie is...I don't know. aruani has been one of my first ships and I used to be obsessed, but this is just awkward and forced, just like the previous aruani scene that made me angry at Armin. I don't even understand if Armin's shocked, scared or happy. All of these don't make sense to me, because I have no clue what he even expects from her.
Annie's release from the crystal happened in an unexpected way which i appreciated, though I would've liked it more if she had decided to get out on her own. But it depends on if she was stuck in there or if she was still willingly escaping from reality. If she was stuck, I will love this a lot more, because basically Eren set her free.
Also, Eren's radio podcast was longer I guess ("Eren said he would undo all the hardening"), and I wonder why we couldn't hear it all. Sigh.
In general, the "theme thread" of the chapter (adults & kids) felt really pushed in our face. I appreciate when things are a bit more subtle, this just came off as...boring, because every scene made me go "well, of fucking course this scene would end like this...". The only tense moment was the Connie part, let's be real.
And yeah, my perception may be also partially because I am so tired of no Eren pov and "eren is the evil, evil villain" rhetoric, so maybe I will appreciate this chapter more once we get his pov at the end of the story (bc i have no illusions left that this won't happen anytime before the finishing line). For now, I'm just frustrated because I didn't care about ANY of the things that went down in this chapter. Like, okay, let's move on, ffs.
Everything felt forced and contrived, like, Isayama must know that nobody cares about this stuff that much and everyone would prefer to see literally anything else amongst Eren, Historia, Levi&Hange, the Colossals. Hell, imagine if this chapter didn't have Annie at the end. That was the only thing that made this chapter barely worth the read for me. I hope the next one will at least follow Connie and Annie, if I can't get any of the other things that interest me.
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To go against the Church.
---------------------------------------------- Requested by the lovely @rachelcarroll1819
I changed it up a little, I hope you don't mind. I got lost halfway through writing this, so keep that in mind.  
Hey guys. So, this is a short little story. I've been really bad with my depression and Anxiety recently, I feel like it's just getting worse. I did want to get this request out, but as of right now I'm not going to accept anymore. I just have 0 motivation to use my brain to come up with anything, all I want to do is play the sims and just lay around, no thinking required. I do hope you enjoy this, even though I know it's not my finest work, but the struggle is real. Thank you so much for Reading, You're all amazing <3<3 There's spoilers, so if you haven't seen the movie, I'm so sorry.
You're in an unstable  relationship with Black hat, but are the Sister of Hicks and Best friend Of Lucy. ----------------------------------------------
The Priest's gave their everything to protect us, but once the war had ended, they faded out of existence. That is, until one day the vampires returned with a new leader that no one saw coming.
Walking through town was depressing at times, the church overpowering every decision made by everyone. Confessions constantly forced, if the rules were not reinforced, punishment would would come. Because, to go against the church, is to go against god. We weren't supposed to talk to the Priest's, or to socialize with them. Yeah, my confession was that I had once been in Love with a Priest. When the war hit, he was taken and killed by the Vampires. But of course, Nobody new about us, because it was forbidden for them to be with anyone. Also, I was never told what had happened to him, so I always  wondered. I let out a sigh, looking through the newspaper. Suddenly pulled into the alleyway, "What?... Hicks!" I exclaimed pulling him into a hug. "Hey sis, thought I'd find you here..." He stated looking worried, "What are you doing here?" I questioned seriously. "It's Lucy, she's been taken... By vampires" he stated seriously, I furrowed my eyebrows "What? Are you sure?". He nodded "Her dad's hurt bad, mom didn't make it... I'm going after her", my brows rose slightly "When do we leave?". Hicks sighed deeply "I can't ask you to do that, you can't risk you're own life to help me", "Hey, she's the only friend I have. We were raised by the same dad remember, I’m just as good with a gun as you are" I stated with a slight smirk on my face. He sighed while nodding his head "We're going to be needing help, her Uncle's a Priest. Do you know where they usually are?" , I nodded while pulling him in the direction I knew Lucy's Uncle Lived. Once we reached the building we headed up, the priest could sense our presence from the moment we arrived. "Who are you?" He asked Harshly, clearly worried he was being tracked. "Hicks, I'm the Sheriff of a small town near here. This is My sister Y/N. We're here because you're niece Lucy was taken by a pack of vampires, you're brothers been hurt bad" Hicks stated quickly, "And Shannon?" the priest asked. Only to have Hicks shake his head, after explaining the rest of the story to him, we headed out, hoping the priest would change his mind and Help us after all, but if not. We were planning to take it on alone.
Hicks and I arrived at the Pace's small house that was located in the middle of nowhere, finding the priest already inside. "Are you sure you two are up for this?" The priest stated glancing at me, "Oh please, I'm an expert at tracking and a better shot than my bro over here" I stated while rolling my eyes. "Good, you're going to need it" he stated, before the three of us climbed onto out motor bikes and took off towards the town my brother was the sheriff in. "Your name is familiar, I had a friend and a fellow priest who talked about a Y/N. The way he spoke was forbidden at times, but if he was allowed to love, I'm sure he would've picked her" the priest said, making Hicks glance at me, but I avoided all eye contact. "What happened to him?" I asked, "Not sure, our team entered a hive, we thought we had found the queen, but it was only a trap. He was taken and I couldn't save him" the priest sighed while carving crosses into a bunch of bullets. Then he eyed my reaction carefully, perhaps I was the Y/N from the story. At dawn we road towards a known hive, after being tipped off that Lucy was being taken west. I let out a deep sigh as we entered, but ended up running into a second priest. "Who the hell are you?" Hicks and I questioned at the same time, but she was a priestess. Who ended up helping kill the hive protector and the four of us to find out that there was a new army of vampires bred. And we were in for another war. The town of Jericho was taken down first, three priests strung up dead and the rest of the residence killed or taken. "What kind of vampire could kill three priests?" Hicks asked, "A very powerful one" the priest stated while looking at he priestess. 
Fast forward to when we figured out that Lucy was being transported on a train, run by a man with the name of Black hat. And when we ended up on that said train, shit went down. Hicks went searching for Lucy quickly, leaving me behind. Before the priest saw Black hat, my eyes laid upon him. "I was hoping you'd come along on this journey Y/N" Black hat stated with a slight smirk, I furrowed my brows in confusion "You knew we'd come for her". "Well, I knew her father would come for her and her little boyfriend, who just also happened to be your brother. So yeah, I planned for it" Black hat stated with yet another smirk, "Why don't you take a seat, I'm sure you'll be staying for a while". I sighed deeply, this was no longer the man I loved and admired, he was but a stranger. I pulled my gun out of the holster and pointed it at him, "You won't shoot me, you and I, we love each other remember" he stated with a slight chuckle. I shook my head "I clearly was mistaken in your character", still with the gun pointed at him, I never broke eye contact. A banging came from the roof of the train, Black hat smiled "That's my cue, I've got to go take care of something. Stay here, I'll be back for you and then we can finally be together at least". He then ran quickly towards the train door, locking me inside. "Shit" I sighed, banging on the door. "Y/N?" Hicks called from the other side before somehow getting the door opened. "What happened?" he asked, causing me to sigh "Ran into someone I thought I knew, but turns out he's a monster". "You're the Y/N from the priests story, Y/N how could you fall in love with someone you knew was not allowed to love" Hicks stated, "We have more important things to worry about then my love life alright, let's find Lucy and get the fuck off this train" I sighed. He nodded and we headed off further into the train.
Pounding came from the roof of the train, which made me think that it was a Priest vs Black hat smack down coming from the roof. Things went so quick after we finally found Lucy, Hicks was thrown off the train. Lucy and I stood next to each other as Black hat and the Priest kept fighting. I didn't understand what this was all for, power? "As much as I'd like to stay and have a chat, it's time to get serious. Join me Y/N, I can take you to the queen, you can become like me and we can rule this forsaken earth" Black hat stated, but as I looked behind him and saw the priest hanging on the wall, I made my decision. "Never" I stated as I grabbed my gun, shooting three times at him, before black hat grabbed Lucy and jumping through the whole in the roof. Then I was thrown off the train by one of the Vampire slaves, through the same hole my brother went out. As I collided with the ground I let out a hard moan, letting my eyes drift shut, losing the world around me to darkness. I don't know how long I was out for, but when I came to, my eyes opened slowly as I groaned deeply. Hicks and Lucy were standing in front on, worried looks on their faces. The priest and priestess looking at me, "Did we win" I questioned with another groan, causing the group to chuckle. "We have for now, but the war has just begun" the priest stated as he helped me up, I sighed deeply while giving both Lucy and my Brother a tight hug. In the end, the Priest and Priestess rode off into the sunset in search for the other priests, because the war had just begun. I ended up going back to the town where Hicks was the sheriff of, I was no longer in search for that man I thought I loved. He was gone and it was time for me to move on, spend time with my brother and Lucy. I was ready for the fight though, To go against the church was to go against god. So, I guess anyone who fought in this war, were going against god.
So, I know this was bad. I had no clue what to write but because it was requested, I felt I needed to come up with something. I wrote this and I'm posting it within the same day, which is a first for me. Hopefully, someone will enjoy it. Thank you all so much for reading, you're all Amazing and I hope you have an amazing day <3<3
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shadowsong26x · 7 years
TLJ Reaction Post!
Putting everything behind a cut just in case, to avoid spoilers. Also, any TLJ-related posts I either write or reblog will be tagged as listed here.
Feel free to reply/reblog/ask/whatever if you want to discuss!
So, that was an experience.
First, quick reaction--while I was watching it, it was overall engaging/good. I had some issues even in the moment, but most of what I’m going to write up here was of the fridge logic variety?
Things I liked:
- Leia getting a STRAIGHT-UP ACTUAL JEDI MOMENT. Yes, I am talking about her flying through space like Mary Poppins and yes it was ridiculous but again it was a Jedi Moment sooooooooo there it is.
- All of the combat scenes/lightsaber duels in particular were really well put together. The throne room duel (which I’ll talk about that whole scene in some detail later), Finn vs. Phasma, Astral Projection Luke vs Kylo Ren (side note: I had seen a poster or clip or something before this, and I was Very Annoyed that Luke’s lightsaber was blue pretty much for the same reason I get irrationally irritated when Padme is tagged/drawn in the Gothic Peacock dress and the fact that elbows don’t grow back oh my god--minor continuity details that make a difference but don’t really matter in the long run; but the fact that Luke chose to project himself with the Heirloom Lightsaber(tm) that blew up ten minutes ago made that make sense and was delightful in hindsight) the space combat--the red dust on Crait, though, so cool the way it did visual things.
- Pretty much everything to do with Finn and Rose’s plotline (except I was sad that there was no Lando cameo at Canto Bight)
- Most of the stuff with Amilyn I liked a lot too. Especially her flipping badass Last Stand. (I also liked the fact that the bulk of high command was women, and they made a point of showing off all the lady piliots)
- Luke and Leia’s reunion moment made me bawl in a very good way. (Side note: I’m pretty sure she knew all along he was Astral Projection Luke. In part because how else could he have gotten there, in part because, as my friend who I went to see it with pointed out, he projected himself exactly as he would have been the last time she saw him. Also the much shorter and darker hair which I feel is very impractical to manage in an X-wing cockpit)
- That little kid on Canto Bight. Oh, that little kid on Canto Bight, who reminded me so much of TPM!Anakin I can’t even. (There’s a whole potential Thing here, that my friend pointed out to me, re: Light/Dark/Balance a la Daughter/Son/Father from Mortis where we might be going for Kylo as Dark, Rey as Balance, Tiny as Light? I’m not sure if I actually want the story to go there or not but it’s at least interesting as a vague concept!)
- I love Poe. Just...Poe was delightful in this film, as he figures out exactly how Being In Command works, his relationship with Leia, his back-and-forth with Amilyn...
- I liked that the bridge/whatever between Rey and Kylo was clearly set up to parallel Luke and Leia, rather than anything romantic--to the point where Luke and Leia had a Twin Moment that then immediately cut to one of the shared dreams and that can’t have been an accident.
- There was a lot of really great dialogue in this film. Just in general. “Do you think you got him.” “I don’t think they like me very much.”/”I can’t imagine why.” “What are you looking at me for? Follow him!” Leia and Amilyn’s goodbye (which, side note--I read the Leia novel, and I definitely thought she and Amilyn had more chemistry than she and Kier did, also there’s a...something percolating in the back of my brain about Kier and Lando and the similar choices they made when their people were in danger and they felt their backs were against the wall, and what that might mean in terms of added context for Leia’s choices/actions in ESB, but that is a topic for a different post)
- While this was not the Force Ghost(s) I was looking for, I enjoyed Yoda’s appearance a whole heck of a lot.
- Rey and Poe finally actually met! And it was a very nice meeting!
- The fact that, once again, the last intelligible dialogue in the film went to Leia (because Tiny was speaking in another language)
Things I am neutral about but I feel bear mentioning:
- The reveal(?) about Rey’s parentage--I’m not sure whether or not Kylo Ren was lying, but I’m honestly okay with it either way. I mean, I’ve been on team Rey Kenobi, so to speak, from the beginning [partly because I think it makes a more interesting narrative than Rey Skywalker; partly because Obi-Wan’s line of descent, if he has one (and, whether it comes from Korkie and Satine or not, I think it could be credibly written that he does)...it makes much more sense that it would be lost the way Rey’s backstory establishes than either of Luke or Leia’s children being lost. And the potential alternatives (i.e., Shmi having had a child before Anakin and they were sold separately or something, or Anakin’s DNA being used to sire another child because Reasons, would require a lot more setup than we’ve got); also I kind of like the idea of Finn Skywalker though that ship has probably sailed]. Where was I...anyway, while I prefer that story, I don’t actually dislike any of the potential theories (except the reincarnation one). And Rey Nobody (I think is what it was called?) has its own appeal, definitely. So...I guess my reaction to that is a nonreaction? Especially since I can’t make up my mind whether or not it’s true...
- I wasn’t super invested in any shipping in this trilogy, but honestly as far as I’m concerned we now have a third possible endgame pairing for Finn and I like all three. (I’d rather not discuss this particular point in overmuch detail, because as I said I’m not super invested in any ST ships and I know a lot of people are and I’d rather not get argued at on the subject).
- I have no idea how I feel about the Heirloom Lightsaber(tm) being destroyed? But the crystal seemed to be intact sooooooo we’ll see.
- Snoke’s ridiculous golden bathrobe???????
Things I liked less:
- I’m not thrilled with how Luke was written. Like...I can make it make sense. I can draw the roadmap in my brain of how we got from the Luke I know and love to the Luke we saw in this movie (including in the flashback) but it takes a lot of backhacking, so to speak. Honestly, if I ever get this far in a canon-aligned fic timeline, I would definitely go in a different direction (frex, if Masks ever comes back off hiatus and I get to Martyrs, which is the third part of that AU and is set in this timeframe, it would no longer be an In Spite Of A Nail AU from here).
(This sort of ties into...look, if I was going to assign a cardinal narrative sin to each of the trilogies (looking only at how the story is structured here), the PT has pacing issues, the OT was made up as it went along and it shows in several points; but the ST? The ST relies way too much on It’s All There In The Manual. I’ve read some of the Manual, but not all of it, because I mostly hang out in the PT corner of the fandom, but it was an issue in TFA and it was an issue again in TLJ. Amilyn and Leia, I think, suffered from this the most, but Luke’s headspace probably did, too.)
- I’m not super thrilled with the fact that we got introduced to a lot of interesting new characters, and almost all of them just...died. And I kept looking for familiar faces from TFA in the background of the Resistance and...yeah, they weren’t there.
- This is...this is maybe not going to come off as super articulate when I try to explain myself, but it actually bothers me a lot. And that’s that...there’s...there’s no...
Look. To me, above all things, Star Wars is about Redemption. It is about finding the spark of light in the darkness, and fanning it into a flame. And I say this even as someone who primarily hangs out in the PT part of fandom, which is in some ways structured as the opposite (i.e., find the speck of darkness in the light and feed it until it consumes all). Because it’s still there at the end. We still have that spark--in the twins, and in their guardians--and we are nurturing it until it is ready to burst into a proper flame and it also set up Anakin’s motivations in a way that led to/added to the credibility/impact of the eventual redemption arc. (Like I said, I’m not sure I can articulate this well, but it’s a Thing, okay?) And, yes, I get that the ST is coming at this find-the-light-in-the-dark theme from a different angle which is fine, I guess, I just...I just...
There is no antagonist (who has been at all developed) who is redeemable at this point.
Like--I didn’t really care about Kylo Ren as Kylo Ren. I cared about his (potential and now thwarted) redemption arc because see above about how that’s what Star Wars is to me. And where we left off at the end of TFA, he could still credibly be redeemed. And now, even without all the explicit ROTJ parallels (up to and including straight-up quoted dialogue), that door is closed. A redemption arc for him from here would not be credible.
And no one else in the First Order is developed enough for it, except maybe Hux, who also has credibility issues (to draw a comparison, that would be like trying to write a redemption arc for Tarkin, aka essentially impossible without an AU breakpoint when he was like twelve or younger at which point it’s not a redemption arc it’s a completely different story.) Phasma (assuming she isn’t actually dead, which I think she’s not but ehhh she might be) isn’t developed enough. No one else in the First Order who’s still alive has an on-screen not-All-There-In-The-Manual name, so it wouldn’t have the necessary emotional/narrative payoff.
And that’s...that’s...I don’t like it. I really don’t like it. I mean...it actually weirdly bothers me less than I thought it would, when I was trying to talk about this a year or so ago? I have no idea why, because like I thought that would be something that would make me completely break away at least from the ST era/corner of the fandom. And yet it’s not. But it’s still...Star Wars has always sold itself as straight up Good Vs Evil, but has had that...coming home. Or something? Like I said, not sure I’m too articulate about it. But I don’t like that this happened the way it did.
And also, just...like, think about what it would have been if they had just gone ahead and played the ROTJ aspects straight. If Ben Solo had come home, the way Anakin Skywalker did--without dying. We would get the story we never got with Vaderkin, of clawing his way back and atoning and making amends. We barely even got it with Ventress (side note: there’s a Thing in the back of my head that I’m not sure I can get out in any articulate way about the parallels between Anakin and Ventress because man.) (Also I think there might be a plot like this in Rebels, but I haven’t seen it yet so IDK for sure.)
Sigh. I don’t know. I think we’re going to get an interesting story about the way things did go, which may be part of why I’m less upset than I thought I would be. But I am upset.
(Side note: I do think that Snoke’s death was really well-put-together/well-played. I genuinely didn’t see it coming until the Heirloom Lightsaber started turning. Like...I pretty much figured that it wasn’t going to go how either Rey or Kylo saw it, because (even before Snoke said he made the bridge between them) I pretty much figured they’d both seen what they wanted to see/their ideal ending for the confrontation, so I knew it would be some kind of third option, but I did not expect the one we got and the way it was presented/approached was extremely effective; I just have serious, serious issues with where it went from there).
- I wish there had been more Leia. And Maz. And Phasma.
- I wish it had done more to expand on/develop the relationships/answer the questions/etc. established by TFA. In some ways, it feels more like “this is a series of events that happened in the wake of that,” rather than a continuation? This was mostly a problem with Poe’s storyline--Rey’s did okay at that, though if the backstory reveal was true it was a little disappointingly presented and if it’s not it didn’t resolve enough; and Finn’s did reasonably well. (Also, there were supposed to be Knights of Ren???? Were these the students that Kylo Ren left with after burning Luke’s Temple? What happened to them? Were those the people he and Rey killed in the throne room?????)
- On a much pettier note--what the fuck even was up with the timeline???? HOW SHORT ARE THE DAYS ON AHCH-TO? WHAT ABOUT FREAKING TRAVEL TIME--FTL TRAVEL IN THIS UNIVERSE IS NOT INSTANTANEOUS AND THAT IS EXPLICITLY REFERENCED IN THIS VERY FILM. Congratulations, Star Wars, you now have a film with a timeline that makes even less sense than ESB. [ROTS doesn’t, either, although that one’s more a question of ‘exactly how long is it between the Invisible Hand and Utapau because I don’t buy the ‘less than two weeks’ from the novel, but beyond that it could be anywhere from like a month to like three or four...but that makes sense, it’s just unclear.)
And, because I like to end on a positive note--there’s a lot I do genuinely enjoy/like/even love about this movie. Is it my favorite? Probably not; I don’t know exactly where I’d rank it, but probably in the Bottom Tier (I have sort of three tiers in terms of ‘Which Of These Puppies Licking My Face Am I Most Likely To Take Home If I Can Only Have One’ and they fluctuate a fair amount other than ESB, AOTC, and ROTS are consistently in the top tier). But there’s enough about it that I liked that I’m going to see it again, and while the things I disliked were for the most part serious issues, they weren’t enough to make me want to avoid the film itself. I’m hoping the next movie answers some more things, I’m hoping Phasma and Baby Canto Bight Jedi come back, I’m looking forward to Force Ghost Luke (and maybe the others fingers crossed).
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