#brazil sugar export data
henrywilson123 · 25 days
Brazil dominates global sugar production and exportation, vital for worldwide food supply chains. Alongside major producers like China, Thailand, India, and the United States, it contributes over 75% of the world's sugar. This blog explores Brazil's sugar industry motivations, current trends, and future prospects.
Visit Blog: https://medium.com/@seair.exim/brazil-sugar-exports-trends-shaping-the-future-market-d5eed3970182
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seairexim · 20 days
The Sweet Success of Brazil Sugar Export Industry
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In terms of exporting sugar, Brazil leads agricultural manufacturing worldwide, without question. Usually constructed from sugarcane, sugar is a staple of human food and is vital for international meal delivery structures. Together with different major producers, inclusive of China, Thailand, India, and the US, Brazil accounts for greater than 75% of world sugar manufacturing. Brazil might still be the pinnacle sugar manufacturer and exporter inside the world by 2022. This article looks at the motives for Brazil sugar export industry, gift tendencies, and destiny possibilities.
What Brazil's Sugar Exports Mean
One important factor in the economy of Brazil is the Brazil sugar export market. Brazil's rich terrain and temperate temperature make it a perfect place to grow sugarcane, which sustains millions of people's lives and generates significant income. Being the largest sugar exporter in the world, Brazil is essential to the worldwide supply chain.
Current Developments in the Sugar Industry of Brazil Rising Export Volumes
Brazil has always exported a lot of sugar, frequently more than 30 million tonnes a year. The constant output highlights Brazil's leading position in the world market. With rising investments in production capacity, the sugar export market in Brazil exhibits flexibility and resilience.
Export Destinations Diversification
Among Brazil's export targets are China, India, and the European Union. By diversifying, one lowers the risk of depending too much on one market. Sugar exporters in Brazil are aggressively looking for fresh chances to guarantee steady expansion and market presence.
World Sugar Demand is Rising in Developing Nations
Rising sugar consumption in developing countries is being driven by urbanisation and industrialization. As their food and beverage industries grow, nations like China and India are seeing notable increases in demand. Countries like Brazil, which export directly, gain from this growing demand.
News on Health and Sugar Substitutes
A slow move towards alternatives is being caused by the increasing attention given to the health consequences of sugar, despite the increasing calls. This trend has affected sugar exports from Brazil and future calls for styles.
Technological Progress
Technology Advancements in Agriculture
Brazilian farmers are adopting cutting-edge techniques to increase outputs and cut expenses, such as genetically modified crops and precision farming. Higher volumes of sugar exported from Brazil are also greatly aided by better irrigation methods.
Industry Automation
Processing plant automation raises production and efficiency. Brazil remains the world's top sugar exporter because of technologies like automated harvesting, which guarantees high-quality production at lower costs.
Agriculture Sustainability
Organic Agriculture Methods
The awareness of sustainability is rising, and Brazil leads the way in environmentally friendly farming methods. Major initiatives are to improve soil fitness and use fewer pesticides. These procedures help to sustain the high standards that Brazilian sugar exporters had anticipated.
Creation of Bioenergy
With two uses in the production of sugar and ethanol, sugarcane is a valuable crop in sustainable power solutions. Similarly increasing the significance of Brazilian sugar exports is ethanol produced from sugarcane, a major renewable biofuel.
Issues in the Market
Effects of Climate Change
The exchange of climate is a huge task because different weather patterns have an impact on sugarcane harvests. The whole supply chain is impacted by these interruptions, as is the dependability of Brazil's sugar exports.
Economic ups and downs
Sugar prices are subject to changes in the world economy. Brazilian sugar exporters may find themselves in difficult circumstances as a result of changes in exchange rates and economic downturns in importing countries.
Future Trend Predictions Sustaining Market Growth The food industry is growing, and the world population is rising; hence, sugar demand is predicted to rise. Brazil is positioned to continue to dominate among sugar exporting countries.
Trend Towards Organic Sugar Demand for less processed and organic sugar is being driven by health-conscious consumers. Brazil might have to change its production techniques to meet this market niche and guarantee steady sugar exports from the country.
Effect of Trade Agreements Lowering Trade Barriers
Brazil is aggressively seeking trade deals to lower tariffs and improve market access, therefore fortifying its competitive position as the world's largest sugar exporter.
Regional Development
New trade agreements can increase Brazil's export potential and solidify its position among the world's top sugar exporters by opening up hitherto unexplored markets, especially in Asia and Africa.
Economic Aspects of Revenue Generation in Brazil
Exports of sugar bring in a lot of money and help several economic sectors, including logistics and agriculture. The strong Brazilian sugar export sector guarantees steady economic expansion.
Career Options
Millions of people have jobs thanks to the sugar business, which advances the socioeconomic growth of the nation. A vital part of maintaining employment and economic stability in Brazil is played by sugar exporters.
Brazil Against Other Sugar Exporters Competitive Edge
Large-scale farms, Brazil's climate, and sophisticated technology set it apart from other suppliers including India and Thailand. This benefit enables Brazil to keep the rank of the biggest exporter of sugar worldwide.
Economic Share
Keeping a sizable market share, Brazil keeps exceeding rivals in terms of volume and quality of sugar exported. This supremacy helps to explain its ranking among the top sugar exporting nations.
Consumer Preferences and Changes in the Market Health-conscious consumers
Growing health concerns drive consumers towards natural, less processed sugars. Brazil is adjusting to changing tastes by pushing organic sugar products, therefore guaranteeing ongoing demand for Brazilian sugar exports.
Specialty Sugar Demand
Speciality sugars, including raw and unprocessed forms, are in increasing demand. By expanding its product line to fit these specific markets, Brazil is confirming its leadership in sugar exports.
The function of Government Policies Promoting Exports
Brazil's sugar sector is sustained by government policies, subsidies, and infrastructural expenditures, which help it remain the world's top sugar exporter.
Standards & Regulations
Strict rules guarantee that Brazilian sugar satisfies international standards, which increases its attractiveness to purchasers worldwide and guarantees a steady supply from Brazilian sugar exporters.
Within the international sugar trade, Brazil's sugar export market is quite important. Brazil is well-positioned to keep leading the way because of its cutting-edge technology, environmentally friendly practices, and strategic trade deals. The outlooks and tendencies for this important sector will change along with the world. You can, however, also use a variety of websites, such as Eximpedia and Seair Exim Solutions, to obtain import and export data reports, including extensive analysis.
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Brazil: Cachaça exports hit record figures in 2022
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Exports of Brazil's traditional alcoholic beverage cachaça have bounced back following a drop due to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, it was reported. A rum made of sugar cane juice and one of the key ingredients of caipirinha, cachaça is currently sold to 72 countries.
Cachaça exports so far in 2022 amounted to US$ 18.47 million, the highest value in the last 12 years and 54.74% higher than in 2021, according to a survey from Comex Stat, the federal government's foreign trade data system with input from the Brazilian Institute of Cachaça (Ibrac) with information collected between January and November.
These figures stem from a period immediately after the worst part of the COVID-19 pandemic and yet they show an improvement from before the global health crisis, with a 30.38% increase in the volumes exported (8.6 million liters).
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palmoilnews · 5 days
TOP NEWS Agricultural Commodities > GRAINS-Wheat extends climb on Russian weather outlook; corn eases > COLUMN-Russia, South America under scrutiny in Wednesday USDA report -Braun > EXCLUSIVE-Paraguay soy exports pick up pace as prices bounce, data show > Coceral raises 2024 EU plus UK wheat crop forecast, cuts barley and rapeseed > Egypt's GASC buys 400,000 metric tons of wheat in tender > Brazil's coffee exports soar 90% in May, industry group says > COLUMN-US corn and soybean crop in best shape since 2018 -Braun > Brazil 'sugar mix' watched for signs of a possibly smaller crop > Brazil annuls rice auction amid doubts over winners' financial capability > VEGOILS-Palm oil ticks up on lower rapeseed projections > Swiss farmers use drones to find sheltering fawns, to save them from equipment > EU ill-prepared to implement its own deforestation law, says grain trade
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importexport-data · 11 days
How to Export Honey from India
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Honey has been an integral part of Indian culture for centuries, featuring prominently in traditional remedies, Ayurveda, and daily consumption. Not only is it cherished in Indian households, but it also holds significant religious importance, being one of the five foods offered to Hindu devotees as per Sanatana Dharma. This deep-rooted tradition, combined with the global demand for natural and health-conscious products, positions India as a major player in the honey export market.
As of 2020–21, India's honey exports were valued at US$96.77 million, reflecting the burgeoning potential of this sector. This comprehensive blog explores the opportunities for honey export from India, the leading exporters, and the updated honey HS codes.
Why Start the Honey Export Business in 2024?
India's agricultural heritage and the global demand for honey make starting a honey export business in 2024 a lucrative opportunity. The trend towards natural sweeteners over sugar and artificial substitutes is driving the demand for honey worldwide. Consumers are increasingly health-conscious, and willing to pay a premium for high-quality, natural products like honey.
India, being the world's sixth-largest honey exporter, stands to benefit significantly from these global trends. The unique qualities of Indian honey, coupled with rising international demand, make 2024 an opportune year to enter the honey export business. However, success in this venture requires careful preparation, market research, and an understanding of export data.
How Much Honey is Exported from India?
India's honey exports have shown a steady increase in recent years. In the fiscal year 2022-23, India exported 79,929.17 metric tonnes (MT) of honey, valued at over US$203 million. This marked an increase from the previous year, where 74,413.05 MT of natural honey worth $163.77 million were exported. The export value further rose to $190.06 million by February 2023.
India ranks as the seventh largest producer and exporter of honey globally. In 2021-22, an estimated 133,200 metric tons of honey were produced in India. The domestic honey market was valued at Rs 23.3 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at an 8.4% CAGR, reaching Rs 38.8 billion by 2028.
Honey Export from India: Top Export Destinations
Indian honey enjoys significant demand in several international markets. The top destinations for Indian honey exports are:
United States: The US is the largest importer of Indian honey, accounting for nearly 80% of exports in some years. The demand for high-quality honey varieties is growing rapidly in the US market.
Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia is another key market, with a preference for lighter-colored honey.
United Arab Emirates: The UAE is a rising market for Indian honey, driven by factors such as a growing population and increasing disposable income.
Bangladesh: Indian honey is in high demand in Bangladesh due to its low price and perceived health benefits.
Canada: With a rising preference for honey, Canada represents a developed market where Indian honey can meet the demand.
These markets highlight the thriving export potential for Indian honey, with the United States leading by a significant margin. In the fiscal year 2020-21, 59,999 metric tonnes of natural honey worth Rs. 716 crore (US$96.77 million) were exported from India, with 44,881 MT going to the United States alone.
Top Honey Exporting Countries in 2023
The global honey export market is dominated by a few key players. In 2023, the top honey exporting countries were:
China: $176 billion
New Zealand: $38.99 billion
Argentina: $37.11 billion
Ukraine: $36.57 billion
Spain: $34 billion
Germany: $27 billion
Brazil: $19.7 billion
Belgium: $13.8 billion
Australia: $11.6 billion
Hungary: $11 billion
China emerged as the leading honey exporter, capturing a significant share of the global market. The total value of honey exports in 2023 was $2.68 billion.
How to Export Honey from India?
Establishing an export honey from India involves several key steps and documentation requirements. Here is a detailed guide to get started:
Business Registration: The first step is to register your business with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). Choose the appropriate business structure and comply with the necessary legal requirements, including tax registrations such as GST and FSSAI.
Market Research: Conduct thorough market research to understand the demand, competition, and regulatory requirements in target markets. Platforms like ExportImportData.in can provide valuable insights and data to help analyze market trends and opportunities.
Identify Top Exporters: Some top honey exporters in India include Royal Bee Honey, Dabur Honey, FOREVER Bee Honey, Himalaya Honey, Patanjali Honey, Zandu Honey, Apis Honey, and Nature's Gift Honey. Knowing the key players can help in benchmarking and strategizing.
Find Buyers and Distributors: Identifying potential buyers or distributors is crucial. Utilize market research websites and data-driven platforms like ExportImportData.in to find reliable trading partners and obtain updated statistics.
Documentation and Compliance: Ensure you have all necessary documents, including an export license, certificate of origin, FSSAI food license, and any other relevant certifications. Compliance with the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) and other regulatory bodies is essential.
Final Thoughts
The honey export sector in India is poised for significant growth in 2024, with major markets like the United States, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bangladesh, and Canada driving demand. Successful entry into this market requires meticulous planning, adherence to regulatory requirements, and comprehensive market research.
By leveraging updated market insights and data, Indian honey exporters can tap into the burgeoning global market and elevate their businesses. For further information and detailed analysis, platforms like ExportImportData.in offer invaluable resources to help navigate the complexities of the honey export industry.
In conclusion, the potential for honey export from India is immense. With the right strategies and a deep understanding of market dynamics, entrepreneurs can capitalize on this growing sector and achieve significant success in 2024 and beyond.
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aimarketresearch · 3 months
Natural Sugar Substitute Market Size, Share, Trends, Key Drivers, Growth, Challenges and Opportunity Forecast
Global Natural Sugar Substitute Market report puts light on analysis of prime manufacturers, trends, opportunities, marketing strategies analysis, market effect factor analysis and consumer needs by major regions, types, and applications globally.
Market research analysis and insights covered in the comprehensive Natural Sugar Substitute market report are very considerate for the businesses to make better decisions, to develop better strategies about production, marketing, sales and promotion of a particular product and thereby extending their reach towards the success. This market research report studies key opportunities in the market and influencing factors which is valuable for the businesses. It also becomes easy for businesses to accomplish unparalleled and comprehensive insights along with the best acquaintance of the emerging market opportunities with Natural Sugar Substitute market research report.
The natural sugar substitute market is expected to reach at USD 21.99 billion in 2028 growing with a CAGR of 4.30% in the forecast period of 2021 to 2028. Increasing demand for low calorie food and beverages along with growing awareness regarding health issues caused by sugar consumption are likely to serve as driving factors in the forecast period 2021-2028 for the natural sugar substitute market.
Natural sugars are found in various fruits as a fructose whereas in dairy products as a lactose. Added sugars have been associated with much serious illness such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease and cancer. Thus, consumers are more looking for natural sugar alternatives rather using refinery sugar. Natural sugar alternatives are bringing sustained benefits for human health.
Access Full 350 Pages PDF Report @
A high quality Natural Sugar Substitute market research report is a definitive solution for the success of business at local, regional as well as international level. All the market factors are described in the report as required to define the topic and provide maximum information for better decision making. Several other factors such as import, export, gross margin, price, cost, and consumption are also analyzed under the section of production, supply, sales and market status. An excellent Natural Sugar Substitute market report comprises of comprehensive and thorough insights which are based on business intelligence.
Part 01: Executive Summary
Part 02: Scope of the Report
Part 03: Research Methodology
Part 04: Market Landscape
Part 05: Pipeline Analysis
Part 06: Market Sizing
Part 07: Five Forces Analysis
Part 08: Market Segmentation
Part 09: Customer Landscape
Part 10: Regional Landscape
Part 11: Decision Framework
Part 12: Drivers and Challenges
Part 13: Market Trends
Part 14: Vendor Landscape
Part 15: Vendor Analysis
Part 16: Appendix
Countries Studied:
North America (Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, United States, Rest of Americas)
Europe (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Rest of Europe)
Middle-East and Africa (Egypt, Israel, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, Rest of MEA)
Asia-Pacific (Australia, Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Taiwan, Rest of Asia-Pacific)
Core Objective of Natural Sugar Substitute Market:
Every firm in the Natural Sugar Substitute Market has objectives but this market research report focus on the crucial objectives, so you can analysis about competition, future market, new products, and informative data that can raise your sales volume exponentially.
Size of the Natural Sugar Substitute Market and growth rate factors.
Important changes in the future Natural Sugar Substitute Market.
Top worldwide competitors of the Market.
Scope and product outlook of Natural Sugar Substitute Market.
Developing regions with potential growth in the future.
Tough Challenges and risk faced in Market.
Global Natural Sugar Substitute top manufacturers profile and sales statistics.
The major players covered in the natural sugar substitute report are Tate & Lyle, Cargill, Incorporated, Archer Daniels Midland Company, The NutraSweet Company, E. I. DuPont De Nemours, Ingredion Incorporated, Roquette, Ajinomoto Co., Inc., JK Sucralose Inc. and PureCircle among other domestic and global players. Market share data is available for global, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America separately. DBMR analysts understand competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.
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ama2024 · 5 months
Advance Market Analytics released a new market study on Global Lemonade Drinks Market Research report which presents a complete assessment of the Market and contains a future trend, current growth factors, attentive opinions, facts, and industry validated market data. The research study provides estimates for Global Lemonade Drinks Forecast till 2029*.
Lemonade drink is a nutritive non-alcoholic beverage which is a combination of lemon juice, sucrose, acidity regulators and preservatives. It is a new design beverage of traditional lemon juice. The growing demand for healthy and convenient foods urges the industry to design innovative products. The players are continuously working on innovative new flavor and functional properties, by which lemonade can be enriched with natural herbs including ginger, Linden or mint. The lemonade drinks get more attention especially during the summertime because of high nutritional properties.
Key Players included in the Research Coverage of Lemonade Drinks Market are:
Britvic (United Kingdom), The Coca-Cola Company (United States), Dr Pepper Snapple (United States), Odwalla (United States), Me & the Bees Lemonade (United States), Minute Maid (United States), Country Time (United States), PepsiCo (United States), AriZona Beverages (United States), Bisleri (India),
What's Trending in Market: Increase Demand for Low Sugar Rate Beverages
Challenges: Costly Skilled Manpower
Opportunities: Growing Number of Beverages Production Companies in Emerging Countries
Strong Export Markets
Market Growth Drivers: Increasing Consumer Demands towards Natural Beverages
Easy Manufacturing and Affordable Cost
Increase in Freezing and Storage Capacity. Therefore, Increasing Ability of Industry to Adapt To Changes in Supply And Demand
The Global Lemonade Drinks Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Type (Cloudy Lemonade, Clear Lemonade, Other Varieties), Distribution Channel (Online Stores, Hypermarket/Supermarket, Retail Stores, Specialty Stores), Packaging (Plastic Bottle, Glass Bottle, Aseptic Packages, Metal Containers, Bag in Box System)
Get inside Scoop of the report, request for free sample @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/97696-global-lemonade-drinks-market
To comprehend Global Lemonade Drinks market dynamics in the world mainly, the worldwide Lemonade Drinks market is analyzed across major global regions. AMA also provides customized specific regional and country-level reports for the following areas.
• North America: United States, Canada, and Mexico.
• South & Central America: Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Brazil.
• Middle East & Africa: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Turkey, Egypt and South Africa.
• Europe: United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands and Russia.
• Asia-Pacific: India, China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia.
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eximpedia-app · 1 year
Netherlands and Brazil become Top Export Destination of India
According to an official study, the Netherlands and Brazil have moved up from their prior spots on India's top export destinations list in the current fiscal year. According to the recent news, the Netherlands is currently India's third-largest export market, using India Trade Data from the department of commerce. Brazil, which is currently eighth, will be India's 20th-most popular export destination from April to October 2021. Still in the lead are the US and the UAE. In this post we will discuss whether the Netherlands and Brazil become Top Export Destinations of India.
Also, Exports to Tanzania have surged by three times to $2.4 billion so far in the current fiscal year. Nearly 80% of India's exports are made up of a rise in the amount of gasoline and diesel delivered to the African nation. India's overall exports rose by 12.5% to more than $263 billion, although exports of oil products increased by about 70%.
Additionally, there are a number of nations that reduce their reliance on Russia-refined oil products. India, which has seen a dramatic increase in the import of Russian crude, is known to process it and export it to other nations, particularly in Europe.
Further, the government-released Export Import Trade Data shows that India's exports barely increased by 0.6 percent to USD 32 billion in November. In November of last year, the country's exports were estimated to be worth $31.8 billion.
Netherland and Brazil Export Trade Data
Between January and August of the current fiscal year, India's exports to the Netherlands surged by 238% and reached $3.67 billion. Chemical and pharmaceutical supplies alone totaled $513 million and $219 million, respectively.
The Indonesia Trade Data shows that during this time, exports to Indonesia rise by 43% to $4.8 billion. The majority of the supply to this ASEAN country were petroleum products, which saw a 144% increase in annual growth up to August of the current fiscal year to reach $1.8 billion. The other significant goods included cereals, sugar, and chemicals.
Further, the value of shipping to Brazil during the first five months of the current fiscal year climbed by 70.9% to $4.7 billion. The exports were significantly driven by the supply of petroleum products, which climbed by 299% to $2.3 billion, followed by the supply of certain chemicals ($684 million) and autos, auto parts, and related commodities ($233 million). If you require any relevant information about the Export Import Data or Indian Trade data EximPedia professionals are here to assist you. Contact [email protected] right away to gain structured, reliable, and well-organized data.
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Netherlands and Brazil become Top Export Destination of India
According to an official study, the Netherlands and Brazil have moved up from their prior spots on India's top export destinations list in the current fiscal year. According to the recent news, the Netherlands is currently India's third-largest export market, using India Trade Data from the department of commerce. Brazil, which is currently eighth, will be India's 20th-most popular export destination from April to October 2021. Still in the lead are the US and the UAE. In this post we will discuss whether the Netherlands and Brazil become Top Export Destinations of India.
Also, Exports to Tanzania have surged by three times to $2.4 billion so far in the current fiscal year. Nearly 80% of India's exports are made up of a rise in the amount of gasoline and diesel delivered to the African nation. India's overall exports rose by 12.5% to more than $263 billion, although exports of oil products increased by about 70%.
Additionally, there are a number of nations that reduce their reliance on Russia-refined oil products. India, which has seen a dramatic increase in the import of Russian crude, is known to process it and export it to other nations, particularly in Europe.
Further, the government-released Export Import Trade Data shows that India's exports barely increased by 0.6 percent to USD 32 billion in November. In November of last year, the country's exports were estimated to be worth $31.8 billion.
Netherland and Brazil Export Trade Data
Between January and August of the current fiscal year, India's exports to the Netherlands surged by 238% and reached $3.67 billion. Chemical and pharmaceutical supplies alone totaled $513 million and $219 million, respectively.
The Indonesia Trade Data shows that during this time, exports to Indonesia rise by 43% to $4.8 billion. The majority of the supply to this ASEAN country were petroleum products, which saw a 144% increase in annual growth up to August of the current fiscal year to reach $1.8 billion. The other significant goods included cereals, sugar, and chemicals.
Further, the value of shipping to Brazil during the first five months of the current fiscal year climbed by 70.9% to $4.7 billion. The exports were significantly driven by the supply of petroleum products, which climbed by 299% to $2.3 billion, followed by the supply of certain chemicals ($684 million) and autos, auto parts, and related commodities ($233 million). If you require any relevant information about the Export Import Trade Data or Indian Trade data EximPedia professionals are here to assist you. Contact [email protected] right away to gain structured, reliable, and well-organized data.
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importglobals03 · 2 years
Global Food Import/Export Brazil Data- October 2022-23
As per the latest Custom Import Export Data Brazil imported USD 166 billion and exported USD 209 billion of goods, making the country among the world’s 30 largest exporters and importers. The country’s main trade partners are China, United States, Argentina, Germany, the Netherlands, Canada, South Korea, Mercosur and the EU.
As per the Brazil Import Data the main food imports of the country are wheat, fresh and processed vegetables, dairy products, fresh and processed fruit, corn, and vegetable oils. The main import partners are United States, Argentina, Chile, Netherlands and Italy.
Brazil is the small producer of food ingredients which makes the country highly dependent on imports of food ingredients. China and some European countries are the major exporters of intermediate products to Brazil intended to be used in the food and feed industries. Brazil also imports an important ingredients and additives from the United States of America.
Brazil is the 13th largest US export market for consumer oriented food products in Latin America. The total US consumer food exports to Brazil dropped 2% to US $212.7 million in the year 2021, representing nearly 29% of the agricultural total.
Brazil imported US$ 206.6 million in processed foods from US in 2021, ranking 10th in the region and an increase of 8%. The top processed food exports to Brazil in 2021 from USA are food preparations and ingredients, alcoholic beverages, fats and oils, syrups and sweeteners, condiments, sauces, jams and jellies, snack foods, processed and prepared dairy products and chocolate and confectionery.
As per Brazil Export Data the country exported soybean, soybean meal, sugar, beef, poultry, corn, cotton, pork, coffee, and citrus. The value of agricultural exports of Brazil in the year 2021 reached $ 125 billion.
The country has made remarkable transformation from being an exporter of tropical agricultural products like coffee, sugar, cacao in the 1960s and 1970s to becoming a major global supplier of soybeans, soybean products, corn, cotton, sugar, coffee, orange juice, meat, and ethanol since the early 21st century.
As per the Shipment data, the agricultural exports of the country hit a record of US$ 120.6 billion in the year 2021. This means a surplus of US$ 105.1 billion in the agricultural trade balance. In the December 2021, the agricultural exports reached US$ 9.9 billion. The main export destinations of Brazil’s agricultural products are China, European Union, the United States, South Korea, Japan, Chile, Iran, and Turkey.
Global Food Import/Export USA data – October 2022-23
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henrywilson123 · 27 days
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Brazil leads global sugar production, supplying around 80% of the world's sugar from sugarcane. In 2022, production rose 3.4% to 36.3 million metric tons. Let's explore industry trends, forecasts, export data, and key players in Brazil's sugar export industry.
Visit: https://www.seair.co.in/blog/brazil-sugar-export.aspx
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data-bridge · 2 years
Nutritional Beverages Market Applications, Products, Share, Growth, Insights and Forecasts Report 2029
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Industry Analysis
Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the nutritional beverages market was valued at USD 5.2 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 10.06 billion by 2029, registering a CAGR of 8.60% during the forecast period of 2022 to 2029. The market report curated by the Data Bridge Market Research team includes in-depth expert analysis, import/export analysis, pricing analysis, production consumption analysis, patent analysis and consumer behaviour.     
Additionally, the credible Nutritional Beverages Market report helps the manufacturer in finding out the effectiveness of the existing channels of distribution, advertising programs, or media, selling methods and the best way of distributing the goods to the eventual consumers. Taking up such market research report is all the time beneficial for any company whether it is a small scale or large scale, for marketing of products or services. It makes effortless for Food and Beverage industry to visualize what is already available in the market, what market anticipates, the competitive environment, and what should be done to surpass the competitor.
Get a Free Sample of The Report: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-nutritional-beverages-market
Market Insights and Scope            
Non-alcoholic beverages that aid in the maintenance of one's body and provide the benefits of a balanced diet are referred to as nutritious drinks. These potent beverages can help prevent or treat health problems in people of all ages. Herbs, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other fruits and vegetables are among the strengthening constituents.
An international Nutritional Beverages Market research report examines competitive companies and manufacturers in the global market. Competitive analysis carried out in this market report puts forth the moves of the key players in the Food and Beverage industry such as new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, and recent acquisitions. This market report puts light on various aspects of marketing research that range from important industry trends, market size, market share estimates, sales volume, emerging trends, product consumption, customer preferences, historic data along with future forecast and key player analysis. It studies market by product type, applications and growth factors.
Get full access to the report: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-nutritional-beverages-market
Industry Segmentation
The nutritional beverages market is segmented on the basis of parameter, product type, objective and application. The growth amongst these segments will help you analyse meagre growth segments in the industries and provide the users with a valuable market overview and market insights to help them make strategic decisions for identifying core market applications.
Vitamin Profile
Mineral Profile
Fat Profile
Total Dietary Fibre
Sugar Profile
Product Type
Bakery and Confectionery
Meat and Poultry
Dairy and Desserts
Fruits and Vegetables
Edible Fats and Oils
Baby Food
Health and Fitness
Product Labelling
New Product Development
Regulation Compliance
Market Country Level Analysis
The countries covered in the nutritional beverages market report are
U.S., Canada, Mexico in North America, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Denmark, Italy, U.K., France, Spain, Netherland, Belgium, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe in Europe, Japan, China, India, South Korea, New Zealand, Vietnam, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in Asia-Pacific (APAC), Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America as a part of South America, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa(MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA).
An influential Nutritional Beverages Market research report displays an absolute outline of the market that considers various aspects such as product definition, customary vendor landscape, and market segmentation. Currently, businesses are relying on the diverse segments covered in the market research report to a great extent which gives them better insights to drive the business on the right track. The competitive analysis brings into light a clear insight about the market share analysis and actions of the key industry players. With this info, businesses can successfully make decisions about business strategies to accomplish maximum return on investment (ROI).
Industry Share Analysis
Some of the major players operating in the nutritional beverages market are:
Chr Hansen Holding A/S (Denmark)
SGS S.A. (Switzerland)
Intertek Group PLC (UK)
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Crunch time for Brazil ports as coffee flow hit, sugar faces delays
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Brazil's commodities export hubs are strained with record volumes of soy, corn and sugar to be moved at a time of the year when rains start to increase in southern ports, according to traders, analysts and shipping data.
Exporters are reporting delays in coffee shipments due to a tight availability of trucks and containers, while loading waiting times for vessels have jumped, resulting in additional costs for traders and delays for the commodities to reach destinations.
Brazil ports have been dealing with high volumes this year, but rains in the south, the largest ever delivery of sugar on the expiration of the October contract in New York and the diversion of cargoes from northern ports to Santos port as a drought cut the Amazon River's water levels added pressure to the system.
"We are having trouble with container availability," said the chief trader of a large coffee exporter said on condition of anonymity, adding that the situation slowed exports in September.
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palmoilnews · 11 days
TOP NEWS Agricultural Commodities > GRAINS-Wheat recovers from 4-week low, US harvest keeps lid on prices > Person with bird flu died in Mexico, WHO says > COLUMN-New-crop soybeans notch rare losing streak to start US growing season > Russia federal emergency expected to boost farmers, not block exports > Turkey told Beijing it wants to boost agricultural and food exports to China, > Global green coffee exports jumped 15% in April > Japan to seek 65,000 tons of feed wheat and 25,000 tons barley via tender > SOFTS-Raw sugar rises to 3-week peak, robusta coffee near all-time high > Egypt has procured 3.2 mln tons of wheat in local harvest so far > Fire at ADM's plant in Iowa contained by firefighters > Prolonged drought worsens Ukraine crop-growing conditions > China's Sinograin to expand wheat stockpiles as global supplies fall > Brazil food exporter lobbies blast government's new tax credit rule > River Rhine in south Germany remains closed to shipping after rain > VEGOILS-Palm oil erases early gains to close lower; monthly data in focus
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aimarketresearch · 3 months
Malt Ingredients Market Size, Share, Trends, Demand, Growth and Competitive Outlook
Global Malt Ingredients Market document focuses on the efforts toward professional marketers, providing much-needed market research methodologies to the overall marketing processes. This market research report endows with all the crucial information regarding the market which helps to give guidance to a new user to grasp the market intensely. By keeping end users at the centre point, a team of researchers, forecasters, analysts and industry experts work exhaustively to formulate Malt Ingredients market research report. It is the most appropriate, rational and admirable market research report provided with a devotion and comprehension of business needs.
The analysis of market trends and dynamics is based on several factors in the credible Malt Ingredients report. These factors can be listed as; supply and demand, current trends/opportunities/challenges, market segments and sub-segments, technological breakthroughs, market size, value chain and stakeholder analysis, competitive landscape. The research and analysis performed in this industry report assists clients to forecast investment in an emerging market, expansion of market share or success of a new product. Global Malt Ingredients market research report provides a comprehensive study on production capacity, consumption, import and export for all major regions across the world.
The malt ingredients market is expected to gain market growth in the forecast period of 2022 to 2029. Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the malt ingredients market will project a CAGR of 5.53% for the forecast period of 2022-2029.
Malt is basically manufactured by procedure under which germinated cereal grains such as barley or wheat among others are processed and afterwards the malt is obtained in dry or liquid form. They are highly nutritious as they contain low fats, fiber, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, and natural sugar constituents, which make it a nutritious food and beverage ingredient and are widely used in brewing, distilling, or food manufacturing process.
Access Full 350 Pages PDF Report @
Countries Studied:
North America (Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, United States, Rest of Americas)
Europe (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Rest of Europe)
Middle-East and Africa (Egypt, Israel, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, Rest of MEA)
Asia-Pacific (Australia, Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Taiwan, Rest of Asia-Pacific)
Objectives of the Report
To carefully analyze and forecast the size of the Malt Ingredients market by value and volume.
To estimate the market shares of major segments of the Malt Ingredients
To showcase the development of the Malt Ingredients market in different parts of the world.
To analyze and study micro-markets in terms of their contributions to the Malt Ingredients market, their prospects, and individual growth trends.
To offer precise and useful details about factors affecting the growth of the Malt Ingredients
To provide a meticulous assessment of crucial business strategies used by leading companies operating in the Malt Ingredients market, which include research and development, collaborations, agreements, partnerships, acquisitions, mergers, new developments, and product launches.
Key questions answered
How feasible is Malt Ingredients Market for long-term investment?
What are influencing factors driving the demand for Malt Ingredients near future?
What is the impact analysis of various factors in the Global Malt Ingredients market growth?
What are the recent trends in the regional market and how successful they are?
Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America
Some of the major players operating in the malt ingredients market report are BOORTMALT, Cargill, Incorporated., GrainCorp., Malteurop, The Soufflet Group, Barmalt., Briess Malt & Ingredients, Country Malt Group., Crisp Malt, EDME, IREKS GmbH, AGRARIA, COFCO International, BSG CraftBrewing., Polttimo., Döhler Group, Malt Products Corporation., Muntons plc, Pure Malt Products Ltd, Rahr Corporation., Axéréal, Bairds Malt Limited, Simpsons, and VIVESCIA among others.
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About Data Bridge Market Research:
Data Bridge set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge endeavors to provide appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.
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eximpedia1 · 2 years
Ban on Sugar Exports is a Government Measure to reduce rising food prices
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To keep an eye on domestic prices and availability, the Centre Government has prolonged the restriction on sugar exports by one year, until October 31, 2023. The action is viewed as a step towards containing the rising price of food. After the price of sugar had risen rapidly, the government restricted its exports in May of this year, with the prohibition taking effect from June 1 to October 31, 2022. In this article, we will discuss the latest notification on sugar exports ban to reduce rising food prices.
Central Government Ban Sugar Exports to Reduce Rising Prices
The Centre Government has extended the ban on sugar exports by one year, to October 31, 2023, in order to monitor domestic pricing and supply. The action is seen as a move to slow the increase in food prices. In May of this year, the government imposed export restrictions on sugar after the commodity's price had increased significantly. The restriction will be in place from June 1 until October 31, 2022.
India is about to impose a ban on sugar exports as a preventative move to secure its own food supplies, continuing its protectionism after a little over a week ago barring wheat sales.
According to a person with knowledge of the situation, the administration intends to set a limit on sugar exports at 10 million tonnes for the marketing year that goes through September. The insider, who asked to remain anonymous because the information is private, stated that the goal is to make sure there are sufficient stockpiles before the next sugar season begins in October.
According to the source, the decision might be announced soon. India, which has Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Dubai among its main clients, was the second-largest sugar exporter in the world after Brazil last year.
A request for comment was not immediately answered by a spokeswoman for the trade or food ministries. Up to 1% was added to London-traded sugar futures. Balrampur Chini Mills Ltd. fell 10%, and Shree Renuka Sugars Ltd. fell 14% among Indian producers.
The globe was caught off guard earlier this month when India restricted wheat exports after a heatwave devastated some crops, pushing up benchmark prices. In recent weeks, as a result of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which caused an increase in already skyrocketing global food prices, governments have taken increasingly aggressive measures to outlaw sales overseas, notably in Asia.
Other recent actions by Asian nations include Malaysia's suspension of poultry exports and Indonesia's restriction on palm oil exports. Also Known USA importers data.
An international trading company dealer in Mumbai stated, "The limit of 10 million tonnes is fairly big, and both mills and the government will be delighted with this." In accordance with the rules of his employer, he declined to give his name.
After exporting 10 million tonnes, India would have 6 million tonnes of sugar on hand when the 2022–23 season started, which would be enough to meet the demand for the country's festival season in the third quarter of the year, according to the dealer. At EximPedia, you can obtain useful market analysis and trading reports around the world. We provide reliable USA Import Data, US customs import data, and Import Export Trade Data etc. If you have any query related to Import Export, our professionals will assist you and help to grow your business worldwide. 
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