#brb entering my clove cigarettes and crüxshadows era
zinzinina · 2 years
For the ask game: I assume you prefer quietness and solitude, but that also under the right circumstances you really enjoy a loud club or similar (especially if it’s a gothy place that’ll play Dead Can Dance or Cocteau Twins or Nick Cave a mdr the like)
Oh God I love that this is something you thought about me fkdnd and like…kind of? You’re right about the quietness and solitude, but I’ve never been a clubbing girl, goth or otherwise. I used to really love loud live music and going to shows, and growing up I’d try to see a band every weekend even if it was just friends playing (which is why I now have tinnitus RIP 🥲) but—and I’m sure this is a universal thing that everyone gets—since COVID I’ve definitely become weirder and more jittery around crowds which is a huge shame (and I feel like things haven’t really come back the same yet anyway, like touring and festival-wise etc at least not where I live) x
make an assumption about me and i’ll confirm or deny
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