#brc devil theory
dragonmarquise · 5 months
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I like to think I have gotten better about making gifs that are small enough in size to be post to social media, without tanking the quality at the same time. So yeah, made more dancing gifs!
I already uploaded these to the BRC wiki (I'm in the process of getting that place cleaned up), but I figured I could share these here too.
Also, not sure if anyone wants to use these, but I might as well say: You are free to save these and use them for stimboards and other stuff! All I ask is for credit, at minimum just linking back to this post. I mean, I can't force anyone to credit me of course, but it'd be nice. :P
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klayfruit · 9 months
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look at my art boy
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marquisegallery · 1 month
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Behold! The two art pieces I did for @cypher-zine's Cypher Zine Vol. 2! One for Devil Theory and the other for Rave. It was fun working on these, especially for my first fan zine. :D
Check out the zine if you have a chance! Lots of awesome art to see. :>
Also just a note: I'm posting this from my art blog, and here's my main blog! I post about my BRC headcanons from time to time, so feel free to check that out if it interests you.
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theonixie · 1 year
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hello gamers this game is consuming my brain
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soul-of-the-creator · 11 months
Felix had it coming, he slept with the Devil Theory crew behind my back knowing that they're my boyfriends
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iambuggy · 11 months
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doodles doodles doodles
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Headcanon Directory >>
> As we know, their turf is Pyramid Island, which is a shipping port and research facility
> they're hideout is made of a bunch of old shipping containers they hooked together. It's located in that maze of shipping containers, so good luck finding it unless you know one of them
> the group has 4 members: Hades, Pluto, Beezlebub, and their leader Osiris
> why the devil themeing? Because it looks cool! Simple as that
> they're surprisingly protective and helpful to the employees at Pyramid Island. They very much play into their self appointed role as security guards.
> You won't SEE them being helpful though, they only do so outta sight/when no one is looking. They have a reputation to uphold after all.
> As such, the workers rarely call the cops on Devil Theory. It's an unspoken agreement between the groups.
> They have a couple of pet crabs!
> said crabs are often depicted in their graffiti
> While they're extremely rough to outsiders, they're absolute bros to each other
> Pluto may or may not have a crush on one of the DOT EXE members
> the group are all high school friends who suffered from figures of authority always telling them to "man up" when regarding their feelings. As such, they now live by the motto of letting yourself feel your emotions, and they express a lot of it through their art
> They don't follow the rules of the streets, and as such are prone to getting into violent out breaks with out gangs. It's best to steer clear of them unless you want to fight.
> the only rule they don't break is that they won't kill
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witlacosh · 1 month
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Sadly I won't be connected tomorrow so this is an early celebration post for the 1st anniversary of BRC.
I made these circular designs based on each crew
Thank u Bomb Rush for being a really cool game based on my childhood fav games, it inspires me to draw and create things like this!
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kremechihihi · 11 months
dress up with 8-Ball <3
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On Wednesday’s, Dot Exe wears Juicy Couture! <3
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Serving you Felt Fashion, here’s him as Snowman from [redacted] <3
ok that’s all i got here’s him nakey now. genuinely had fun designing his hypothetical body design, and i did have ball-joint dolls as one of my references.
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ask-faux · 6 months
Have you ever heard of the phrase "Speak of the devil and he doth appear"? Might want to watch who you're mentioning, especially if you're trying to put on a brave face.
... On a totally unrelated note, our tech guy says you forgot to turn off Share Location on whatever device you're using to post from down there. Too late now, I'm afraid.
See you soon, Pretty Boy!~
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so we have more the the AU!! Now you can see how they all kinda look now!! Also if you want to know more about anyone go ahead and ask away! I'm willing to answer anything on the Au!!
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dragonmarquise · 4 months
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Happy Pride Month, and a reminder that Bomb Rush Cyberfunk said gay rights and trans rights!!
A bit after the game came out, people found out there was a store in-game called Love Spectrum that had the gay and trans flags around it. Very cool!!
But then I remember a few people complained it didn't count as "real" representation because the store was located in a red light district. Which is stupid reasoning imo, but besides that, these gifs are examples of the gay and trans flags showing up outside of that particular area anyways.
So yeah, gay and trans rights!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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duskgryphon · 4 months
oh i haven't mentioned it on here yet but i've finally started on a brc animation i've been thinking about for a while
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marquisegallery · 6 days
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Faux and the Devil Theory Dudes shall learn the power of friendship and become better people together, or die trying! Or, at this rate at least one of them will probably die. Wonder who it will be? :P
Also this is with like, Generic DT instead of my DT OCs specifically. I'll probably do a few more drawings here and there with the generic guys. The easiest way to tell is just by checking if they all have the same hair shape. :u
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crystalmonk5579 · 2 months
A BRC question for you this time! Continuing from the zombie apocalypse post, there's one thing a giant found family could do together: potluck block party!! I guess to celebrate the quick end of the apocalypse maybe, lol. Which crew/character is bring what to the party? :D
Ahhh! Sure thing bro!!! But uh, bad news good news!! I've never been to a potluck before- GOOD NEWS IS THAT I KNOW A LOT OF FOOD!!!
The franks: casseroles, cause. Like HAVE YOU SEEN CASSEROLES??? They're literally a fucking mish mash of different foods combined together and then baked in a dish, Frankensteins food.
Eclipse: honestly, fruit salad, some people don't like it, but I just don't get why!!! It's so good fr-
Dot.exe: games as well as soda and candy! But like really really sour STUFF- I mean I may just be projecting but honestly sour candy is one of my favs!!! I love it sm!! And I feel like they'd love it too!! They'd also probably bring either really cool games, specifically card games! Or corn hole!
Devil theory: chips!!! You always need a good chip supplier!!!(I swear I have more stuff for them-)
Futurism: honestly, movies, like, it would be so cool to go to a potluck and then see a movie after it!!! They won't make any promises that there will be a huge bias for back to the future 1 and 2, or literally any sci-fi movie to ever exist.
UAAAA this was my first time making BRC HCS, I hope I did well and I didn't disappoint youuu
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iambuggy · 11 months
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i worked from home and i used my time wisely between emails
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