alex-albatross · 4 years
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#Repost @thekevingarcia • • • • • • Whether you believe in a literal resurrection of the body of Jesus, the story of Jesus’ life and death and resurrection is the story of all of us. . When we are true to our calling, when we follow our path unto its end, when we answer the call of Christ to become Christ to the world, we lose something. . We lose our families when we come out. We lose our churches when we choose to be ourselves. We lose access to homes and places and spaces that once we called home. We face deaths of so many kind. . But what good is it for us to get everything in this life if our fullest self never gets to enjoy it? If we hide our light, even in part, we can’t see the way forward. . The story of resurrection is the story of you. Though the world tries to snuff you out, though the empire would crucify you for merely speaking truth that a better way is possible, you rise. And the fears that have tried to destroy you melt away. And you realize that God will not be stopped. Love cannot be held back. Your Glory shines through your tears and washes many clean of their own illusions of separateness. . Rise today, beloved. Rise and know that as our brother Jesus showed us the way. For when we lose it all that is false, it is then that we truly gain the one thing that is True. . Christ rises every time you move from fear back to love. Christ rises every time you take a deep breath and feel the earth under your feet, every time you are there for your loved ones, every time you do the hard thing of staying in and keeping the world safe, every time you show up for protests, every time you cry for a loved one, every time you realize that we do not mourn like those without hope. . You are the Christ of you so chose to be. You are the healing you’ve been waiting for. You are the medicine the world needs. It is your birthright and your calling. . Happy Easter. Christ is risen. ☀️ . . . . . . #godlovesyou #selflove #breakthesilenceofaddiction #mindfulness #spiritualquotes #sobriety #faith #lawofattractioncoach #abrahamhicks #lawofattraction #spirituality #positivity #love #quotesdaily #spiritual #acourseinmiracles #meditation #quotetoliveby #awakening #meditate https://www.instagram.com/p/B-5B2mChhmG/?igshid=1xica2uzi90n1
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