dandyshorts · 1 year
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roughridingrednecks · 3 months
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Brey, a fugitive in California
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amabilis-art · 1 year
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This picture is so cute, so I gotta colour it.
Scan source
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Drei Epochen in einem Bild: im Vordergrund ALDI in Brey, auf der anderen Rheinseite die Marksburg mit den dahinterliegenden Schornsteinen der ehemaligen Blei- und Silberhütte Braubach. (2018)
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koelzow · 2 years
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xephia · 11 months
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loganslowdown4 · 3 months
This sweater, I’ve just realized—
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The dark blue part that represents Logan has constellations 🌌
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And it took me a bit of research but I figured out that they are
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the Big Dipper (Ursa Major)
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Lyra 🐰
(Lol makes sense that @breigrace who designed the emblem would have a little RWR Easter egg in there 💙)
Plus I love the stickers 😁
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amour393 · 1 year
consider: cole being a ghost is able to see jay and nya’s skybound scars when no one else can
Three weeks after Jay and Nya start dating again, Cole notices something...strange.
Well, another strange thing, he supposes. Jay and Nya have been acting off for weeks- calling out of training early, sneaking up to the roof at unholy hours to whisper, sharing looks no one else understands that seem to mean more than words ever could.
Everyone has noticed their behavior, but has had little success in understanding it. Zane had done his scans and both seemed to be in perfect health, no different from before, but no matter how much Kai asked Nya or Cole asked Jay, the two vehemently claimed that nothing was wrong.
The first time Cole notices something off, it’s a training-free day. Jay comes out of his room in a long sleeve shirt (which in itself was out of the ordinary- Jay grew up in the desert; Cole’s pretty sure he hadn’t owned a long sleeve shirt before Wu had recruited him) and jeans instead of his gi, and Cole has to do a double take as his heart stutters and he takes in a sharp gasp of breath.
The faint green imprint of a large hand wraps around Jay's throat, bright enough that Cole can easily tell what it was, yet dim enough he can't tell if it’s actually there or not. Cole freezes, his spoon halfway to his mouth as he stares. Kai raises an eyebrow at his look, and makes some remark that Cole doesn’t hear.
Then Jay looks over, panic running across his face, and he promptly leaves the kitchen two seconds later, claiming he had promised to help Nya with something.
During sparring the next day, Jay swears that he’s fine and had just suddenly remembered his commitment as he feigns left and jabs right, not meeting Cole's eyes. Nya confirms the story later, swiping a nonexistent lock of hair behind her left ear.
Cole knows they’re lying.
He’s pretty sure they know he knows.
Four days later, the team has finally trained enough to earn themselves a day trip, so they all pack up and head out to the west coast.
Jay wears long sleeves again, swearing he just doesn’t want to get sunburned. He runs his hands up and down his arms, shivering despite the warm sun.
Nya wraps her arms around his waist, muttering something in his ear. His shoulders ease, tension dissolving as a small smile grows on his face.
“Hey Lloyd,” he says, starting to grin. “Race you to the water!” He sprints away.
“Hey!” Lloyd calls, scrambling up and dashing to the tide. “No fair! You had a head start!”
Nya grins too. “Wait for me!”
She tears off the hoodie she wears over her swimsuit, throwing it at her brother as she runs to the water to join the others.
Cole stumbles back, trying to blink the image of ugly green acid marring her collarbone away from his swimming vision.
“Are you alright, Cole?” Zane asks, peering up at him, concerned.
Cole doesn’t have the heart to reply.
Cole knows Jay. He knows Nya. He knows them almost as well as he knows himself. He knows their favorite foods, the name of their childhood best friend, their love languages and their favorite candies.
He knows how they lie.
Sure, he wasn’t always totally sure when they were lying, but there was always a subtle sign from either of them that they were. He was almost always right.
But Cole has never been more sure they were lying than in this moment.
If Cole had a dime for every time he's barged into Jay's room, he'd have enough money to last a whole month's worth of city repairs. In all that time, in all the years, Cole had never once seen anything he shouldn't have.
Until today.
It's not like he's never seen Jay shirtless before.
It is, however, the first time he's seen it since Jay started acting strange, and now Cole things he knows why.
Ghostly green marks litter his best friend's back, his shoulders, his arms. Slash marks that look like they were from a katana slide from the top of his left shoulder blade to his right hip, though other lines and marks glow softly across his skin. A vivid green line rips across his side, torn like a knife was taken to his ribs and missed. Faint patches of skin glow a dim green, reminiscent of the marks on his neck, sickly bruises haunting his arms and back. Curved gashes press into his left shoulder, almost in the shape of a hook, and the same mark wraps around his head. Vibrant ghost green loops around his wrists, almost as bright as the neon coil around his right ankle.
The teacup Cole holds shatters as it slips from his grip.
Jay whips around with all the speed of the lightning ninja, freezing when he sees Cole.
For a moment, they stand there, horrified ghostly eyes meeting startled bright blue.
Cole can pinpoint the moment panic seizes Jay.
He pulls the rest of his shirt on remarkably quick, forcing a miserably fake laugh. His gaze darts to the shattered teacup, then back up to Cole.
"First Master, Cole, you scared the living daylights outta me." He forces another laugh, carefully walking over the teacup and hurrying past Cole and out of his room. “I-I was just on my way out, Nya asked me to help her figure out this glitch in the Roto Jet, so we should-”
He pauses when he sees that Cole hasn’t moved an inch.
In fact, Cole’s feet may as well be glued to the floor, for all he would even be able to move. No, he can’t- not with that image seared in his head, the cuts and the bruises and the wounds and the scars and the-
Jay lays a hand on his shoulder, forcing Cole out of his frozen state.
Cole flinches, spinning around to face his best friend.
Jay’s eyes shine with concern, gazing up at him. He retracts his hand, hovering next to him. 
“Cole, are you okay?”
It takes Cole three tries to form coherent words.
“I...I’m...” He stares at Jay, ghostly handprint still rippling across his neck. 
Jay blinks patiently.
“Jay, what happened to you?”
Jay inhales sharply, rubbing his hands around his wrists nervously.
Jay swallows. “Don’t what?”
“Don’t say that you’re fine.”
Jay shuts his mouth firmly, eyeing the floor.
“Don’t think you can lie to me. I know you too well.”
Jay’s gaze shoots up at him, eyes wide. He inhales again, biting his lip. Then e glances around, and shuffles back into his room, and closing the door behind him.
Cole’s heart starts to beat faster, the gravity of the situation weighing in his gut. “Jay?”
Jay slides down against the wall, pulling his knees up to his chest. “It’s-” His voice shakes. He bites his quivering lip, furrowing his brows. “It-” he tries again, shuddering to a stop all the same.
Cole slides down next to him.
“Jay,” he says gently, “you don’t have to tell me.”
Taking a measured breath, Jay speaks again. “It’s not that I don’t want to tell you,” he voices slowly. “I just- I-” 
Tears shine in the young ninja’s eyes, and Cole’s heart breaks in two.
“You just?”
Jay rubs his wrists. Rubs the green rings on his wrists. “I...I don’t know if you’ll believe me. It sounds so ridiculous, and I-”
“Jay,” Cole interrupts softly. “You know you can tell me anything, right? You’re my best friend, I’ll always believe you. If you want to tell me, you can tell me.”
Jay sniffles. “You mean it?”
“Every word.”
“It might...it might take a while. It’s kind of...” He blows out a long breath. “It’s kind of hard to talk about.”
Cole keeps his gaze locked on Jay, who glances up from the floor with shining eyes.
“It’s okay,” he says gently. “I’m here to stay.”
Jay bites his lip again, and then he tells.
Cole listens.
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I just remembered you had stede making ed matzo brei outside of pesach.... do you.... eat matzo brei all year long? that was always a passover-only breakfast treat at my house. then again my nana eats matzah all year.
Yep, matzo brei's my favorite breakfast year-round! My bubbe absolutely adored it and always made it for us for breakfast when we stayed over at her house, I can remember getting SO huffy at the seders as a little kid because I was like "you know this would taste so much better if we fry it with some scrambled eggs right????"
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dandyshorts · 11 months
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satin-carmin · 2 months
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Split, dir. Iris Brey, 2023
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anonymousdandelion · 1 year
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dittydipity · 1 year
the flowers in mp100 op3
come get your free ammunition, hanahaki writers
(i tried to get most of these flower meanings from hanakotoba but also added in some interpretations from other cultures if they all seemed to share a common theme)
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red dahlia: perseverance, resilience, dignity red carnation: admiration and love + red rose: love white daisy: hope, peace, innocence white buttercup: joy, youth, friendship, purity
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cherry blossom: spirituality, transience, (mortality, self-sacrifice) cape/normal daisies: humility, loyalty white gardenia: trust, hope, protection pink hydrangea: pride, gratitude, (pink: sincerity)
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magiaveneno · 2 months
es un hijo de re mil puta mascherano quiere llevarse a todos los pibes de boca a los juegos olimpicos, nos va a dejar con ramirez y campuzano en el medio campo
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marbled-polecat · 6 months
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I liked the crop more, but the full image is on ao3 along with a 2nd chapter drabble.
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gingerbravecookie · 1 year
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semi old doodle dump i forgot to share wahoo (i can draw pizzelle better now i swear)
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