#brf going up in flames
dayas · 2 years
Give me all the Harry and Meghan docs, films, books, interviews, podcasts, etc!!!!!
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sassyfrassboss · 2 years
The fact they think they have any room to make demands is hysterical to me if I was the palace I would tell them straight. You're lucky you were invited, now sit down and shut up and make sure you have the first flight back to the US booked or better yet don't flaming come. The hubris of these people honestly sassy, after all the trouble they caused Her Majesty in her final years they think us Brits want to pander to them?? I hope they get booed everywhere they go and if Charles gives in I hope he's the first monarch to get booed at his own Coronation as well. It's enough now.
They are acting like they are doing the BRF the favor of gracing them with their presence.
So I read something a while back saying that the booing was one of the reasons that Meghan rode with Sophie during the funeral. I don't think that is true because I think they had the car setups in place way beforehand...
However, the coronation is different and I don't see Catherine moving over in the car to make room for Meghan to prevent people from booing...
So I think that is a concern of Charles. More than likely they are going to make someone ride with Meghan and Harry so no one boo's. The best way would stick them on the bus with the rest of the minor royals so they walk in and out with a crowd.
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celticcrossanon · 2 years
Dear Celta, I don’t know why people are losing their rag about the supposed appearance of the Harkles at the Jubilee. Everyone is upset at the money shot of Lilibet and HMTQ. In reality it exposes the Harkles for the hypocrites and grifters they are. This is not gonna up their cache and increase their value with the royal connections. It further exposes their deceit and lies. Even less or no industry people are going to want any association. This is their brand now, lies and hypocrisy. It’s further evidence of their grandiose delusions for them to think otherwise.
I’d like to draw your attention to a YouTuber named Lilac Lantern Tarot, she normally does politics and current affairs. She sometimes does Royal Tea Time on random Thursdays. On May 5th it was a doozy. In the past she was very pro Meghan, especially after Oprah, but there’s been a switch. She uses her pendulum (she’s very gifted), and she predicts a couple of things. Duchess Catherine will have a fourth child, a girl in 2023, Harry will divorce Meghan in 2025 and get full custody of the kids. He will remarry and adopt more children. Meghan will marry a rich Saudi (it’s all about the money) and live in the UK, but her profile will be very low. All her business ventures will fail.
I’ll attach the video if you post this ask. I don’t want to switch screens in case I lose this page.
Hi AnonymousRetired,
I agree that the Harkles' acceptance of the Jubilee invitation has shown them in a very bad light and shot their 'evil, racist BRF' narrative down in flames while exposing their hypocrisy, their thirst for publicity, and their desperate need for a royal connection. It has also shown that Harry in a very bad light re his recent polo commitments, as now he will have to pull out of some of the games to attend the Jubilee, after saying he would play in them all.
With respect to the money shots, the Harkles have already lost one as they will not be appearing on the balcony. That is the shot that would make them 'really truly royal' imo. All Her Majesty's photographs with her great-grandchildren have always been group shots as far as I remember, so I would be very surprised to see one of just her and Lili. If a photograph is taken and sold to the media, then I would think that the photograph would remind people that Lili was named after Her Majesty without her permission, an act of disrespect that surely even the Harkles would not want to bring up again (I may be over rating their intelligence here).
If you want to attach the video then I would be happy to watch it. Thank you for the recommendation. :)
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“I think the oprah interview could work IF they don’t say 1 negative thing about the press & the BRF. Not 1 bad thing. If they focus on how theyre happy in LA, the "charity” work they’ve done, building a strong family and their fresh start, I think it could work. But I highly doubt they will do that. Theyre too bitter.“
"They are going to snark. They can’t help themselves.”
They were up at 4 am so they could snark at the BRF within four minutes. They won’t be able to contain themselves for 90 minutes, esp not with cameras trained on them and Oprah fanning the drama flames. 
They will not be able to help themselves. 
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skippyv20 · 5 years
Meghan didn' t spontaneously combust!!
Watching the Royal Albert Hall Festival of Remembrance, have never seen before so finding it interesting and moving….was waiting for MM to go up in flames when the spiritual/religious aspect began as there is nothing even remotely God-ly about her….and wouldn’t have been surprised if PH had choked when the minister’s prayer included praying for “harmony within the family…"  if ANYBODY needs harmony within their family more than ever, it’s the BRF….
Isn’t that the truth.....the BRF are strong....😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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laurasroyalblog · 5 years
Laura’s Thoughts: The Royal Foundation Split
So I’m finally sitting down and collecting my thoughts.  I wrote this long list of points that I sent to Heaven so I’m basically just going to take that and rework it.
At a high level though, whether or not you think the split was even a good idea, it’s pretty obvious to me that the way this whole thing has been handled was atrocious.  It seems designed to make people talk about the feud even more.  I would say I’m surprised, but this is far too common when it comes to BRF/KP PR.
My thesis is this: the split isn’t a good idea or an idea keeping in line with their previously stated ethos AND it was handled incredibly poorly.
I have a lot more detail to expand on this thesis, but you know me....it’s long AF.  So if you want to read it, it’s after the cut.
1. To me the most egregious thing is the about face on “making a difference together.” That phrase is littered all over their site.  In their annual report where they knew a split was coming, they still talked about it.  Richard Palmer, in a Twitter thread that I think is quite good, laid out several different times and ways the importance of the RF itself being a collaboration and collaboration in the charity sector.  If this is to be believed and if the reason for the split given is to be believed, then honestly the PR of this have set the 4 up to look selfish.  Because they are saying that they can’t find a way to make this work together given the different paths they are on and making this work for the 4 of them is more important than the collaboration they touted as being so essential.  I’m not saying they *are* selfish, but the way they’ve handled this has set them up to *look* selfish.
2. I think “split” is a terrible way to label this.  Why couldn’t they keep all the initiatives they currently have under the RF umbrella but then have Meghan and Harry launch something new on their own with a different focus? Then when it’s time to launch it they can control the press and say that the RF isn’t splitting but Harry and Meghan wanted to explore another avenue to pursue their own charitable interests in addition to the RF.  Practically, they’d still be “splitting” but it wouldn’t look so much like a split.  And then in the future if there are programs they’d like to collaborate on there won’t be those headlines about “Harry and Meghan REUNITE with William and Kate” or other such dramatic headlines.
3. Piggybacking on 2, a split isn’t free.  Separating out funding and the different initiatives costs time which is money.  That’s a principle in business.  Even if you have a salaried employee who you pay no matter what, the activities you have her on cost that portion of her salary it took.  Because of course, doing one thing means the opportunity cost of not being able to do another.  In addition, they might need extra help and extra costs incurred to make this happen.  All for something that still hasn’t been proven to me that isn’t necessary. Again, read Richard’s tweets.  He lays out a great case how the “restrictive nature” of William and Kate’s role isn’t as restrictive as they’d have us believe, that a lot of the things it seems like Harry or Meghan want to do Charles has already done so surely that doesn’t necessitate a RF split.
4. I think routinely there hasn’t been foresight.  They haven’t been teasing this split well at all.  It was very sudden when the reports came out and then a few months later it was announced.  I think before the wedding would’ve been a good time to sit down and think things over.  For instance, is it possible that they could still have the Royal Foundation but two divisions one for the Cambridges and one for the Sussexes? So it’s effectively two independent subsidiaries of the same foundation.  If they had done this from the beginning I think it would’ve been a nice gradual thing with a simpler explanation. Plus then we could’ve prevented one of the most obnoxiously long names ever, The Royal Foundation of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
5. Even if items 1 - 4 don’t matter to you, this was handled poorly.  The first few months of the marriage and even during the engagement KP was pushing the “Fab Four”.  They had the “annual” (lol) Royal Foundation Forum and did other things to promote the work they would do together.
6. They keep reiterating that William and Harry are “on divergent paths” and that this is a way of “future proofing” their charitable paths.  Were they not “on divergent paths” months and years (and since birth really)?  That’s not new and therefore isn’t really a convincing reason why this change was necessary.
7. With the reason they give so laughably easy to see as unconvincing and with some of the tabloid reports out there it stokes the feud flames.  Whatever they intended, anyone with half a brain could look at the way this was handled and know it would lead to more of the tabloid, reality show headlines about them.  No competent PR person (lol) would want that to be the lead story from the split.  And it was avoidable.
8. Even if they were caught unprepared, there would still be a better way to handle this.  Leave the RF as is for now and spend the next months working on getting Harry and Meghan’s foundation planned and have the concepts of the missions and initiatives.  Then the announcement of the split doesn’t come with a vague promise of future endeavors but with actual tangible news on them.  Of course, the foundation split will still generate feud headlines but they have another place to focus attention on that is good PR.  Richard Palmer had some VERY interesting analysis on the timing of the RF split.  He said “The fact that Harry and Meghan don’t have a name for their foundation or seemingly any clear idea about what it will focus on might be seen by some a clue as to who has been driving this split.” That argument (as a reason William and Kate were the driving forces of the split) makes logical sense to me.  Obviously, we don’t know for sure if it’s true or not.  But if it’s true, then a major tsk tsk to the Cambridges.
I think that covers most of the points I wanted to end with this.  it’s important to reiterate that I don’t blame one couple and not another.  They made this mess together, and they have to lie in the criticisms together (after all they preached togetherness to us for so long right).  And the horrible handling of the PR of this falls on all of them too as that is a common theme in the BRF, and the responsibility should lie with the royals to demand more.
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Her reaching out to Piers Morgan, hiring a PR consultant to up her profile in the UK, dumping her chef boyfriend when she was set up on a “blind date” with Harry, her trashing her time on Deal or No Deal, denying knowing anything about Diana or the BRF etc. I’m sure they love each other, but let’s not pretend this is not about her upping her profile. She’s not Waity Katy b/c she met Harry in her 30s, that’s the only reason. I’m so tired of them rewriting her history b/c they hate Duchess Kate.
I don’t really want to fan the flames of Kate vs. Meghan debate, even though it is sometimes unavoidable. But it is pretty clear to me that Meghan is ambitious ( nothing wrong with that), and she played the game like a pro. Some people refuse to admit it because they want to believe that it is a real life Cinderella story. Only in real life things don’t happen like in fairy tales. In real life people make their own destiny. It is a good lesson to learn early on. And not waste years waiting for a “prince”. You go and get your prince, if you want him.
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snarkytiara · 6 years
A couple of thoughts on yesterday before I’m ready to move on to the tour: 
Prince Andrew is an asshole. As a member of the BRF, he should’ve known better than to feed the flames of comparison. When everybody else is already going to do that anyway, there’s no need for him to even bring up Harry and Meghan. Reeks of his own insecurity because the real truth, in my opinion, is that he’s jealous that he’s not the heir.. 
Will Meghan ever be able to step out without pregnancy speculation? I’m thinking that only when she’s actually pregnant, will people stop speculating that she is! Sure, she herself chose to wear a coat with a loose fit, but that doesn’t mean she’s pregnant or, as I’ve read, trying to look pregnant on purpose to take away from Princess Eugenie’s day. I’m also seeing a shift of some people saying she’s pregnant as an insult almost, when describing how Meghan looks and I’m not here for it. 
I also cannot at the media trying to say Harry and Meghan had a ‘moment of conflict’ in the church. 
Harry starts to talk to her and she performs a subtle eye-dart to her left, a bit like a mother whose kid is trying to interrupt her grown up conversation. 
'Harry rubs his face, chews his lips and leans into the side of his seat like a child that has just been told to sit still.' 
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jerseydeanne · 7 years
stuff/ read this tumblrs
The breakup narrative, could be “how it all went wrong”. and “here’s what we know”. There will prob. be pap pics with her mother. It won’t include blaming Tumblr/social media-bullies-online because that would lead people to Tumblr which would expose her. Most of it should include scheduling, travel and Megans “independence”. Independence should lead to a pap stroll with another man or rumors(false) about Megans “new man”. A lot of hinting. They could use a costar or guest-star. Always be aware of any NBCU connections. Her instagram will be very active with quotes like “if he doesn’t show you off then tell him to fuck off”, photos of books about loving oneself, and perhaps a girls eat pray love trip. Very typical celeb bs. Then when this usual celeb pr breakup strategy fails to gain traction, she will go a-wall. She will.
I know people believe she does not want the brf/press to ‘bring her down’, so to speak, but she doesn’t care. She thinks she can best them at every turn. A tirade, crazy shenanigans, more outlandish behavior, and indirectly slandering Harry & co will give her the attention she seeks. If she indirectly leaks about their sex life to the press or sells private photos or something of that nature, it would give her a major pr push (legal or not). I don’t see her passing that up, especially with her narcissism. When their pr plan fails, she won’t be able to resist creating an attention grabbing headline. Some people believe there is no such thing as bad press. On top of that Megan won’t have anything else acceptable to sell. We know by looking at the Bigfoot pics, if she has nothing else she’ll even resort to making herself look bad. Given her behavior from these last months, we know this is inevitable.
indirectly = “sources say………”
-All opinions are welcome.                                                                                             
I got chills reading this, omg that was good. They are already bringing the mom forward, we aren’t going for it. We will continue to fight on, we’re supporting  Harry and that is the bottom line! Keep the faith as this fame ho goes down in flames
thanks anon
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sassyfrassboss · 3 years
I keep saying that the RF has boxed themselves in. They covered up for Meg to the detriment of their staff. Clarence House refused to address the bullying allegations when it was made, so anyone expecting the investigations to be made public is wasting time. At this stage, ANYTHING and I emphasize it, that the RF says against Meghan won't be believed, that's why the best way she can be exposed is through the courts. The RF doesn't want the case to go to trial but it fails to realize that it's the only way to bring her down in a way that no one can accuse them of racism. Just see the way her credibility took a dip just at the last hearing. Imagine if Jason's text messages and emails were leaked to the media and not presented in court statements, the entire US media would have been up in arms against the RF. But as it stands, only a court case can do her in.
They 100% need her to go down in flames during a trial and prove that she and Harry are both pathological liars.
You are right...the BRF need to stop protecting her and let the courts system take her down.
Imagine one of her victims, let's say the one she threw tea at, watched this BBC program tonight. Meghan just called this person a liar. This person suffered to the point that they were terrified of going into work and now they are being called on liar in a documentary.
What would you do?
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celticcrossanon · 3 years
BRF Reading - 13th of April, 2021
This is speculation only
Cards drawn 13th of April, 2021
Question: Will Catherine attend Prince Philip's funeral?
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Interpretation: Catherine wants to go to the funeral, but it may not be wise. The final decision is what HM the Queen wants.
Card One: The Ace of Wands. Aces are new beginnings, and the Ace of Wand represents a new rush of creative energy, a new inspiration, which can take the from of a new PR narrative (Wands can be PR). This is especially important when you consider the next card, a card of conflicting PRs. The funeral is the first public appearance at a formal royal event of the seven working royals of the BRF (The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, the Earl and Countess of Wessex, The Princess Royal, and The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge). It is crucial for the future of the group that this appearance goes without a hitch, to give reassurance and confidence in the group going forwards.
The Ace of Wands, as a card of new beginnings, is also the card of a baby. The image on the card always looks very phallic to me, with Zeus (king of the gods, known for not being able to keep it in his pants) holding a wand that is spurting fire (the seed of life) everywhere. In these cards, the BRF is frequently represented by the gods and goddesses (both the highest in the land), so the presence of Zeus on the card reinforces that this is a baby in the BRF. The world that Zeus shows indicates that this is a baby that will have the interest of the world. Wands are ideas, so this is the idea of a baby, and the PR involved in presenting a royal pregnancy (the idea of a new baby) to the world. Is a funeral the place to announce or hint at a new royal baby? Absolutely not. So the new royal baby is posing a bit of a problem.
Card Two: The Seven of Wands. This is usually a card of conflict, showing the battle between the supporters of Jason of the Golden Fleece, the rightful King, and the supporters of the usurper king. This time, my eyes are drawn the the number seven and the bright flames on the torches, so there are two messages from this card.
The first message is one of conflict, of competing PRs (Wands can be the suit of PR). The rightful King, the BRF, want everything done at the funeral in accordance with protocol, with the focus being on Prince Philip and his life. Anything that distracts from this focus is being avoided. The rival PR, that of the usurper king (Prince Harry and Meghan), is trying to make the funeral all about them. The BRF is trying not to feed the flames of Meghan and Harry's PR, but instead to hold a funeral that follows protocol and focuses on Prince Philip and only Prince Philip.
The second message is also one of PR. This is the PR of the future monarchy. We have seen that earlier this year, when the seven working members of the BRF and HM the Queen were presented to the world, represented here by the number seven on the card. Catherine is one of those seven working royals and as such she should be attending the funeral.
The third message from this card comes when you take it in combination with the first card. We have a new royal baby on the way for the BRF. The usurper king, Harry, has a 'heavily pregnant' wife, Meghan. The last thing the BRF wants is for the funeral to turn into a PR battle over the two babies. Meghan is using her current pregnancy as an excuse for not attending the funeral. To have Catherine appear at the funeral looking pregnant will ignite a PR war and give the opportunity for comparisons that will be twisted to advantage in the victim narrative of King and Queen of Montecito.
Card Three: The Hierophant. This is the card of institutions, and in this spread it represents the BRF. It is the first of three major arcana cards in the spread, and hence one of the major energies in the spread. Lying directly above the underlying energy card representing HM the Queen, it amplifies and reinforces that energy. The main concern of the funeral is to do everything according to protocol, to make a royal funeral fit for a royal consort, and everything else comes second to that.
As a lesser point, coming directly after the Seven of Wands, this says that the BRF will win the PR war over Prince Philip's funeral in the eyes of the general public.
Card Four: The Fool. This is the second major arcana card in the spread, and so the second main energy in the spread. The Fool is a card of new beginnings, especially those that are unexpected and surprising. It is beginning a journey into and across territory that we know nothing about. It is a card of children, of innocence, and of naivete. It is also a warning against appearing or acting foolish, to look before you go plunging over that cliff edge.
This card is a further indicator or pregnancy as the issue in this question, as it represents a child or children. It aptly sums up the dilemma facing the BRF. This is an unusual situation, to have a Royal Ceremonial funeral and an unannounced royal pregnancy at the same time, and no one is quite sure what to do.
Announcing the pregnancy at the moment is out of the question. Do they let Catherine attend and hope that no one spots the signs of pregnancy? If the signs of pregnancy are spotted, do they announce it? If so, what would be the appropriate time for such an announcement? No one wants the BRF to look foolish, or to make an unconsidered move (that would send them 'over the cliff'), so this unusual situation must be considered with care for the image of the BRF, the focus of the funeral on Prince Philip, and the health of the mother and child.
If Catherine does stay at home, the needs of her current children may be put forward as a reason for why she did not attend the funeral, although that also brings PR issues. The best course may be to announce her non attendance and say nothing else, as any reasons for the nonattendance that are possible to give would look foolish.
Card Five: The Star. The Star is the last major arcana card in the spread, and the last main energy in the spread. The picture shows Pandora opening the forbidden box and letting out all of the evils within to plague the world, as well as the figure of hope. This sums up the situation around Catherine. A pregnancy is usually taken as a sign of hope. It would be nice to have a pregnant Catherine at the funeral, and for people to see the pregnancy as a sign of hope, However, if she does appear and is seen as being pregnant, this will unleash the 'evils' of a PR war with Meghan and the nastiness of the press in general, as well as being the evil of taking the focus away from Prince Philip.
This card tells me that Catherine wants to go to the funeral and hopes that she will attend, but she is well aware of the potential evils arising from her attendance and she has no wish to have the attention focused on herself instead of on Prince Philip and HM the Queen (the underlying energy of the reading). Taken with the prior card, she is aware that this would be a foolish act that would damage the reputation of the BRF.
Underlying Energy: The King of Pentacles. This is an earth sign person, particularly a Taurus. In this reading the card comes across as a person, not the qualities of the King of Pentacles (although the person may embody those qualities). That person is HM the Queen, a sun sign Taurus. What will happen at the funeral and who will attend is being decided in accordance with the wishes of HM the Queen. Everything is being decided with the utmost consideration for her and her wishes.
Major Arcana cards: Three out of the six cards in the spread are major arcana cards, so this quite a serious consideration that has implications on the world stage. The energies of the major arcana cards are that of the BRF (The Hierophant), a child/not wanting to appear foolish/naive (The Fool), and of hope (The Star). These are the major energies of the spread, set against a backdrop of competing PR narratives and supported by the concern and consideration for HM the Queen and her personal wishes at this time.
Conclusion: Catherine wants to go to the funeral, and as a member of the seven working royals who now represent the BRF, she should attend. Unfortunately, her pregnancy is against this. Showing up with an pregnant body will ignite a new and fierce PR war with Meghan, who is already battling to make the funeral all about herself. It will damage the first public appearance of the BRF's new group of seven working royals, and it will take the focus of the funeral away from Prince Philip, something that no member of the BRF wants to happen. The BRF does not want to do anything foolish or naive that will start a PR war, and it is concerned for the well-being of the child and its mother. As much as Catherine wants to attend the funeral, she is well aware of the consequences of her attendance, and she will be guided by the wishes of HM the Queen and what is best for the BRF as a whole.
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sassyfrassboss · 4 years
Speaking about the Oprah interview which was filmed in California, the source close the couple told the Times: ‘Having an institutional voice within the royal family wasn’t enough [for Meghan]. This interview will be the loudest way she’ll get her voice back.’
'When they first started dating Meghan felt she had lost her voice. She had had a platform as a moderately successful actress, and when she was told to stop using her social media and be careful what she said, I could tell that loss of voice and independence pained her.’
Wait a minute. She was ACTIVELY dropping hints about being JH’s gf on her IG back then, but social media is toxic and evil now (welp just like the BRF, according to her) and I think she has renewed some stuffs for The Tig. The countless pap walks and false drama about photographers breaking in to her house in Toronto. Who can forget the cringe Vanity Fair interview copying Diana’s header after she delivered JH? After joining the BRF she spoke about certain sensitive matters in public (e.g the abortion issue in Ireland) and sulked that she also has a voice during the first ever Fab Four (🤮) appearance where the tension was already so darn obvious. TQ told her that she can be a non working royal but this brat refused her offer and wants to start running apparently. But now it’s all The Palace’s fault?
Funny how that works isn’t it?
She was WARNED repeatedly by many friends, which she admitted in her African doc, that being in a relationship with Harry was not going to be easy. She tries to blame it on the British press being harsh on her but that had nothing to do with this. 
Harry said in the engagement interview he warned her. 
Let’s look at is this way. 
A 36 year old woman, who had a C-List career in Hollywood, was a main character on a TV series that ran for years, was previously married, ran in the upper echelons of Toronto society, grew up in the Hollywood culture, and who claims to a strong feminist is crying about have to delete her social media accounts because they gave her a voice? 
This grown woman, not a YOUNG woman, but a GROWN woman, of her own mental capacities and by her own choice got into a relationship with a raking member of the BRF. 
She continued this relationship, knowing that if it went towards marriage she would have to give up certain aspects of her life. Harry told us he told her that and she agreed he did! 
So she was warned in ADVANCE. She was also given the choice, by THE QUEEN, to be a private citizen and continue her acting career and Harry would be a member of the BRF but no longer a working Royal. Meghan DECLINED this option. 
Again, Meghan CHOSE to marry Harry and to become a working royal. I don’t recall anyone walking behind her with a gun to her head. 
Life is about choices. You either make them and deal with the consequences. You do not however, blame YOUR CHOICES on others because YOU couldn’t hack the job you were given and were warned about multiple times from multiple different people. 
If 100 people tell me that if I put my hand over an open flame I am going to get burned and I ignore them anyways and do it...who is to blame? The flame? The match that lit the flame? The person who created the match? The 100 people who warned me? Or myself? 
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I think no matter what the British press has on Meghan, it will be extremely hard to convince the American press. The NY Times has had multiple articles each day about how she was driven out by racism and that the British press was ruthless in their coverage of her. Kier Simmons is saying the same things on the Today Show on NBC.
That’s what Bradby means when he talks about the impact on the international brand. 
But the brf isn’t the only one with a vulnerable global brand and Meghan is not the only one with ammo. The royals allegedly have videotape of Meghan abusing an aide in Australia, and audio tape of Meghan abusing other aides. They supposedly have evidence of escorting and numbers nudes and a sex tape. They likely have drug use evidence too. They definitely have ALL THAT SHIT on Harry.
If that stuff gets out, forget Disney. All her dreams go up in flames.
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Hi Plant -is there a prominent-ish royal, not necessarily British, but ok if British, whose dress style you like. I'm not mad about Kate's but I bet if you and I got to decide how she should dress/style herself the outcomes would be totally opposite, so I'm just curious! :)
I like most of Kate’s styles, particularly the more traditional coat dresses and suits. I generally like her gala and banquet outfits even thought they’ve been heading into prom territory lately. I like that she’s confident enough to experiment even if I sometimes hate the results. I’m not a fan of the headbands, although I tolerate them. I don’t tolerate the Erdem, though. It has to be burnt. All of it. I’m going to have a blog party the day Erdem goes out of business.
I like a lot of Letizia’s outfits but she sometimes heads into tacky territory with leather skirts and plastic shoes and I hate that. I don’t hate Kate’s experiments but I absolutely detest some of Letizia’s more eccentric looks (that bubble ponytail!) Whenever I see the leather skirt it’s flames...flames...on the side of my face.
I don’t necessarily like Maxima’s style but I respect it. She owns it. She needs a better hairdresser though.
I’m a big Maria Teresa fan, but I feel her love of chunky necklaces sometimes gets out of control. Cool it with the baubles, girl.
I usually like what Sofia wears but sometimes she goes too sexy (like the yellow satin dress she wore to a daytime wedding, ugh). Generally, I think she has struck a nice balance between looking like a royal (gowns and modest dresses) and having an independent identity (bold colors, that trademark tooth gap and middle part, and a little sexiness).
I think Rania dresses well, but it feels kind of generic sometimes. I think Mary is elegant, but I don’t find her style compelling (her Japanese tour, however, I loved). It’s fine.
I sometimes like what Victoria wears, but it’s not a common occurrence. Her style is too modern for me. She carries it well, though. It suits her.
I like Madeline’s style. She knows what looks good on her.
I probably shouldn’t mention this, but I actually liked Meghan’s style during the Irish tour that Jess styled (barring the stupid tuxedo). I was expecting a total train wreck, but it was generally nice, with sharp silhouettes that suited her figure, strong colors, neat buns and good accessories (I even liked the obviously merched Dior bag that was still in the wrapper). Yes, there were missteps (like the the tuxedo, the bag wrapper and the visible bra lines), but I felt like that was the Royal Rachel Zane look the brf expected when she joined, and it worked. She looked elegant, professional, competent, and put-together. It was a look that signaled “I’m going to take this job seriously,” and I was totally depressed for a couple of days because I thought she would really be able to pull off this con. Thank god it didn’t last and she showed up to the Hamilton premiere in a messy bun and a slutty minidress.
I know I bitch on Kate’s outfits a lot, but she is actually my favorite royal, style wise, even if I don’t care for some of her outfits. I really, really adore her traditional looks. Like I said I’m not a huge fan of her experiments, but I like that she feels confident enough to try them out. That was the big fashion message from her this summer, imo. Her public, personal and family position is absolutely rock solid and she can wear sailor pants and shorts if she wants.
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